Updated 01/25/21
Updated 01/25/21
TRAVEL GUIDE ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
I. PRIOR AUTHORIZATION (Travel Pre-Approval) .................................................................................. 4
A. In-State Travel ............................................................................................................................................... 4
B. Out-of-State Travel ........................................................................................................................................ 4
C. International Travel ....................................................................................................................................... 4
D. Travel at No Cost to the University ............................................................................................................... 4
II. PURCHASE OF TICKET ............................................................................................................................. 4
A. Procedure Travel Agencies: ........................................................................................................................... 4
B. Procedure Internet: ........................................................................................................................................ 5
C. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON INTERNET TICKETING: .................................................................... 5
D. TICKET PROBLEMS AND EMERGENCIES ............................................................................................... 5
III. CHOOSING A TRANSPORTATION METHOD ....................................................................................... 6
A. Commercial Airlines: In-State and Out-of-State ............................................................................................. 6
B. Commercial Airlines: International Travel ...................................................................................................... 6
C. State-Owned Aircraft ..................................................................................................................................... 6
D. Leased Aircraft .............................................................................................................................................. 6
E. Employee-Owned Private Aircraft ................................................................................................................ 6
F. State Automobiles ......................................................................................................................................... 6
G. Privately Owned Automobiles ....................................................................................................................... 7
H. Rental or Leased Car ..................................................................................................................................... 8
IV. REGISTRATION FEES ................................................................................................................................ 8
V. ADVANCES .................................................................................................................................................... 9
A. Travel Advance Agreement .............................................................................................................................. 9
VI. POST TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS (Final Travel Expense Report) ................................................ 10
A. Meal Reimbursements: .................................................................................................................................... 11
B. Domestic Lodging and Meal Allowance Rates: ............................................................................................. 11
C. Allowable incidental expenses: ...................................................................................................................... 12
D. Disallowed Expenses: ..................................................................................................................................... 13
VII. TRAVEL COSTS REIMBURSED BY A NON-STATE ENTITY ........................................................... 13
VIII. University Supervised and Unsupervised Student Travel ........................................................................ 14
A. University Supervised Student Travel ......................................................................................................... 14
B. University Unsupervised Student Travel ..................................................................................................... 14
C. Student use of state autos ............................................................................................................................. 15
D. Advance payments and travel advances for students: ..................................................................................... 15
IX. STUDY ABROAD TRAVEL ....................................................................................................................... 15
X. INVITEE TRAVEL AND CONSULTANT TRAVEL .............................................................................. 16
A. Employee travel with an invitee/guest ......................................................................................................... 16
B. Invitee travel for non-MSU Denver employees - ........................................................................................... 16
C. Travel for Consultants ................................................................................................................................. 16
XI. CORPORATE CARD .................................................................................................................................. 16
A. Policy .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
B. Procedures ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Updated 01/25/21
(TRAVEL AGENTS) .................................................................................................................................................. 18
APPENDIX D: MSU Denver Travel Checklist .......................................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX E: Insurance Coverage While Traveling .............................................................................................. 22
APPENDIX F: Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 23
RULE: From MSU Denver Fiscal Rules, Rule 5-1
Travel charged to the University, regardless of the funding source, shall be for the benefit of the
University and completed using the most economical means available that will satisfactorily accomplish
the University’s business.
The traveler shall determine those expenses incurred for the benefit of the University and request
reimbursement for only those expenses. The Approving Authority shall review the expenses claimed by
the traveler and authorize reimbursement only for those expenses incurred for the benefit of the
Updated 01/25/21
I. PRIOR AUTHORIZATION (Travel Pre-Approval)
For the Purpose of this guide, the term “Approving Authority” refers to the traveler’s supervisor. When
the traveler is the head of a department/area, approval must be obtained from the appropriate Dean,
Director or Vice President. An alternate signer for the source of funds cannot approve the travel unless
they are the traveler’s immediate supervisor. Preapproval from the appropriate Vice President is required
for all travel outside of the U.S.
You are on Travel Status anytime your travel plans require airfare or an overnight stay. Any travel that
includes travel status requires Pre-Approval through the University’s online travel management system
with all required approving authorities, and the status must show “approved”. Submitting your Pre-
Approval at least 30 days prior to your trip allows time for the approving authorities to review and
approve your travel prior to incurring expenses. Check with your department for any additional
requirements for employee travel.
A. In-State Travel
Prior authorization by the approving authority is required for in-state travel when on travel status
(overnight stay or airfare). A Travel Pre-Approval Request must be submitted and approved prior
to travel. Travel status may begin one day before the approved itinerary. If expenses are only
being reimbursed for mileage and parking, please submit a Non-Travel Mileage and Parking
B. Out-of-State Travel
Prior authorization is required for all out-of-state travel. A Travel Pre-Approval Request must be
submitted and approved prior to travel. Travel status may begin one day before the approved
C. International Travel
Prior authorization by the appropriate Vice President is required for all international travel
(international travel applies to all countries/islands outside the US, including Mexico, Canada, and
US Territories). A Travel Pre-Approval Request must be submitted and approved prior to travel.
Travel status may begin two days before the approved itinerary due to time change.
D. Travel at No Cost to the University
Prior authorization by the approving authority is required for any official University business travel.
A Travel Pre-Approval Request must be submitted and approved prior to travel.
Air travel may be reserved and processed through one of MSU Denver’s approved travel agencies
(Appendix A) or purchased through any other agent or website. Travel must be for state business and you
must find the lowest reasonable fare that will satisfactorily accomplish your University business. First
class travel is not allowed.
A. Procedure Travel Agencies:
1. Travel agents who have State Awards may be found in Appendix A.
2. Provide the Travel Agent with your Corporate Card information in order to pay for your
3. If you use a travel agent, make sure to code the Agent Fee portion (only) to account code
7098 when reallocating your Corporate Card. Do not charge the entire airfare to this
account code. The actual air ticket should be charged to the appropriate travel account
code by selecting the appropriate Travel Type and Travel Location.
Updated 01/25/21
B. Procedure Internet:
1. Search the Internet for a low fare. See below for important considerations when using
Internet ticketing.
2. You may contact an approved travel agency and ask them to match the fare. (See
Appendix A)
3. If the University approved travel agencies are able to match the internet fare including
fees, you may use the University approved travel agency to book the ticket. If you or
your Department has a University-issued Corporate Card, you should use it to purchase
the ticket.
1. Please use the University-issued Corporate Card rather than your personal credit card.
2. You will not be reimbursed until after the travel has been completed. If internet tickets
are purchased far in advance of the travel, you may accrue interest on your personal
credit card. Interest charges and/or late payment fees will not be reimbursed.
3. Internet tickets are non-refundable and not changeable. If your travel plans change, you
may be personally responsible for the cost of the unused ticket.
4. If there are any problems, you must contact the internet ticketing service, even if the
ticket was purchased through an approved agency. In the case of a lost ticket, the internet
service will determine whether a ticket may be re-issued.
For tickets purchased through a travel agent: It is the traveler’s responsibility to deal with the
selected Travel Agent in the event of a discrepancy, error, or returned ticket. In the case of any
problems or difficulties during the trip, call the travel agency from which the ticket was
purchased. Keep the Travel Agent’s telephone number readily available. Whatever the
circumstances, always call the Travel Agent first. If there is an airline problem, the Travel Agent
can handle it faster and more efficiently than contacting Account Payable or the airline directly.
1. Lost TicketIn the case of a lost ticket, contact the selected Travel Agent or your online
ticket service for assistance.
2. Complaints - In the event of a breakdown in communication or a problem with service
either with the airline or with the Travel Agent please notify Customer Service at the
Travel Agency.
a. A written record will be made of the complaint and an inquiry will begin
b. If the traveler is not satisfied with the outcome of a complaint made to the travel
agency, and a state agency was used, report the incident to:
Department of Personnel and Administration
State Purchasing & Contracts Office
1525 Sherman Street, 3
Denver, CO 80206
State Purchasing: (303) 866.5671
(Nikki Pollack)
For tickets purchased online: You must contact the original ticketing source (Example: Orbitz,
Travelocity, etc.) in case of problems or difficulties during the trip.
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allowed. If only first class is available on the date requested, travelers should investigate alternate
routings or dates of travel. Travel purchased with sponsored project funds may have additional
limitations or requirements. Please contact the Grants Accounting office prior to purchase for
more information.
A. Commercial Airlines: In-State and Out-of-State
1. Air travel should be reserved at the lowest fare available at the time of booking and
arranged as far in advance as possible before the commencement of travel. Whenever
applicable or feasible, travel should be accomplished at Advance Purchase Excursion
(APEX) fares.
2. APEX fares carry penalties for changes or cancellations. Therefore, travelers should, if
possible, complete all trip arrangements before tickets are issued to avoid penalties.
3. Current pricing structure for airfare often itemizes the various options available for the
purchase of an economy ticket. You should find the lowest, reasonable fare which will
satisfactorily accomplish your University business. If your funding source is a Grant, and
you need additional accommodation, please contact Grant & Contract Accounting prior
to making your purchase.
B. Commercial Airlines: International Travel
1. Air travel should be reserved at the lowest fare available at the time of booking and
arranged as far in advance as possible before the commencement of travel. Whenever
applicable or feasible, travel should be accomplished at the most economical fare
possible, including Advance Purchase Excursion (APEX) fares and economy class.
Business class is allowed only when it is the least costly fare available.
2. APEX fares carry penalties for changes or cancellations. Therefore, travelers should, if
possible, complete all trip arrangements before tickets are issued to avoid penalties.
C. State-Owned Aircraft
State-owned aircraft may be used when available and practical. Note that prior written approval is
required for use of state-owned aircraft.
D. Leased Aircraft
No State agency may lease an aircraft without the prior approval of the Colorado State Patrol in the
Department of Public Safety, regardless of the cost or source of funds; including the lease of any
replacement aircraft for those presently operated by State Agencies. Contact Auraria Higher
Education Center (AHEC) Purchasing and MSU Denver Business Services before any aircraft is
E. Employee-Owned Private Aircraft
Employee-owned private aircraft may be used when it is advantageous to the State. Prior
authorization must be received from the approving authority and the Division of Risk Management.
Extra insurance coverage may be required to obtain authorization. Reimbursement will be allowed
at the current rate per nautical mile, as posted on the State website, when on official State business.
No reimbursement will be allowed unless proper authorization and adequate insurance coverage
has been secured prior to travel.
F. State Automobiles
If an employee intends to drive for authorized travel, a State-owned vehicle should be considered.
State vehicles include Colorado state insurance coverage and a gasoline credit card to be used for
Updated 01/25/21
gas, oil, and vehicle expenses whenever possible. All state vehicles must have the gas tanks refilled
before returning the vehicle. When emergency automobile service is needed on a State vehicle,
service may be obtained and the cost billed to the State information on how to obtain service is
included with the car. When an employee of the State pays for emergency automobile service, the
claim for reimbursement must be included on the travel reimbursement voucher with original
receipts attached.
To rent a vehicle from the State, see Appendix C and follow these instructions:
1. Contact the Business Services office at 303-615-0039 or christeb@msudenver.edu
rcheesma@msudenver.edu to request a reservation. Business Services will send a
reservation request form to be filled in by the driver. Have the following information
ready: dates and times of departures and arrivals, driver’s name & license, type of vehicle
desired, and total number of passengers. All drivers must submit a copy of their driver’s
license to prove their current licensed status.
2. Business Services will then submit the Motor Pool reservation form (allow two to three
days for processing). The designated driver will receive the confirmation via email. The
driver will pick the vehicle from the Motor Pool garage at 1555 Sherman Street (alley
entrance). The driver must have their Driver’s License with them at the time of pick up.
a. Only authorized State of Colorado employees and student employees may
operate a motor pool vehicle. The vehicle may only be used for Official State of
Colorado business. No one other than state employees and students on business
or course work may ride in State vehicles.
b. State-owned automobiles may not be used to commute between office and home.
c. The Motor Pool office is open from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except holidays. Vehicles may be picked up from the KIOSK 24/7. The
KIOSK is located in the alley next to the motor pool lot.
G. Privately Owned Automobiles
The use of a privately-owned vehicle may be authorized when the approving authority decides it is
to the benefit of the University. Each mile actually and necessarily traveled while on official MSU
Denver business shall be reimbursed. If traveling out of state, however, the mileage reimbursement
cannot exceed the amount of the lowest airfare quote provided by the traveler for the same trip,
which will be reviewed by Accounts Payable.
1. A traveler is allowed mileage fees at the current rate per mile (as posted on the State
website) for costs incurred while operating a privately-owned car, truck, van, or
motorcycle. Travel by four-wheel drive vehicles will be reimbursed at a higher rate
only if the use of such vehicle is required by the terrain/conditions and pre-
approved by the approving authority; otherwise, mileage will be reimbursed at the
regular rate per mile. Please note: All-wheel-drive vehicles are not considered four-
wheel drive vehicles. If the use of a four-wheel drive vehicle is approved, reimbursement
will be at the current four-wheel drive rate per mile (as posted on the State website).
Approved mileage is calculated from the traveler’s Regular Work Location to and from
the business destination(s). When traveling directly from home to a destination,
reimbursement is calculated as the shortest distance - either from home, or from the
traveler’s Regular Work Location. Travel to and from the airport is calculated from the
traveler’s point of departure (residence or office) to the airport. Please note: you must
attach a map of your travel route when requesting mileage reimbursement.
2. Temporary Work Locations. Travelers shall be reimbursed to the extent the number of
miles between the traveler’s residence and the Temporary Work Location exceeds the
normal commuting miles from the traveler’s residence to the traveler’s regular work
location. If the traveler works at the Temporary Work Location longer than one year,
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then this location becomes the permanent work location, and the traveler will no longer
receive a mileage reimbursement.
3. Actual Miles when Traveler’s residence is the Traveler’s Regular Work LocationThis
only applies if the State employee works permanently and solely from his/her residence
The Traveler’s Residence is considered to be the Traveler’s principal place of business if
the Traveler works permanently and solely from his/her residence. If this applies, the
Traveler shall be reimbursed for actual miles traveled between the Traveler’s
Residence/Work Location and State work locations as long as the Traveler is conducting
State business. The Traveler’s Residence shall not be considered to be the Traveler’s
principal place of business in the following situations:
i. If the Traveler participates in alternative work arrangements, where the Traveler
continues to have a regular place of business other than the Traveler’s Residence,
the Traveler shall be reimbursed for mileage according to §G(1) above.
ii. If the Traveler’s State agency has a policy regarding alternative work
arrangements, and the policy states that the decision to grant workplace
flexibility is a temporary assignment, then the Traveler shall be reimbursed for
mileage according to §G(2) above.
4. When two or more University travelers share the use of a privately-owned vehicle,
reimbursement is allowed to only one traveler.
5. When the traveler elects, for personal preference, to use a privately-owned vehicle,
reimbursement for mileage and related costs may not exceed the amount charged for the
most commonly used public carrier (e.g., airfare), plus applicable ground transportation
expense to the authorized destination. Airfare cost is determined based on airline price
agreements for 21-days advance ticket purchase. If no agreement exists for the
destination, airfare cost will be determined by calling an approved Travel Agent for the
21-days advance fare to the destination. Ground transportation is the taxi/shuttle cost
to/from the airport. Car rental cost can be included when the destination is in a different
city than the airport.
H. Rental or Leased Car
A rental or leased car may be authorized when it is essential and cost effective to conduct University
business. A rental or leased car may be used only if a State-owned or privately-owned vehicle is
not available or practical to use. The approving authority must approve the use of a rental or leased
car in advance. Whenever possible and feasible, persons traveling on University business must
use one of the approved car rental companies. The current list of approved rental car agencies is
shown in Appendix B.
i. Liability and collision insurance must be purchased when renting or leasing
a car, if a State Award vendor is not used. Liability coverage must be
$1,000,000 at minimum.
ii. If possible, use the Corporate Card to rent the vehicle and purchase fuel.
Fill the car with gas prior returning it to the rental agency. Returning the
car without a full tank can incur additional charges from the rental car
Registration fees should be paid directly by MSU Denver for the traveler. If a check is required, a
completed registration form (and vendor set up information) should be routed to
accountspayable@msudenver.edu, along with the Travel Pre-Approval, at least ten (10) working days
before the registration due date in order for MSU Denver to process payment.
Updated 01/25/21
A. If registration is for a local conference and no other travel expenses will be claimed, then the
registration may be paid from a properly signed payment request or a corporate card instead of a
A. Travel Advance Agreement
If a traveler requests and accepts a Travel Advance, they are agreeing to must agree and accept
the terms of this Travel Advance Agreement:
I have completed a Pre-Travel Authorization and I am requesting a Travel Advance (TA) which I
will repay to Metropolitan State University of Denver within thirty (30) days of returning from the
trip for which this advance is being made. This time is calculated based on the last day of travel
indicated on my Travel Pre-Approval.
In the event I do not provide a conference brochure, as well as all applicable receipts and invoices,
with my final Travel Expense Report (TE) and/or if the balance of this loan is not paid within the
thirty (30) days mentioned above, I understand that my final travel will be considered PAST DUE.
If my Post-Travel Authorization becomes ninety (90) days past due, I will no longer be able to
receive travel advances, until my travel documentation is brought up to date and my Travel
Advance loan is brought to a zero balance.
Employees who fail to abide by the above rules, regulations, and departmental guidelines may be
subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
B. MSU Denver employees are encouraged to apply for a University Corporate Card. This card is to
be used only for official University business - No Personal Charges. Authorized expenses incurred
on the Corporate Card will be paid directly by the University, often allowing an exemption from
sales tax. To apply for a Corporate Card contact the Corporate Card Program Administrator at the
Controller’s Office 303-615-0039 or email CorporateCard@MSUDenver.edu. Note: Should you
choose to use your personal credit card, the state is not financially liable for any charges or late fees
resulting from the use of a personal card. Each employee is solely liable for the payment of his/her
personal debts and obligations.
C. All faculty and staff are eligible to receive a travel advance for out-of-state or international
travel. The travel advance is calculated at 90% of the total out-of-pocket expenses. If a
traveler requests and accepts a Travel Advance, they must agree and accept the terms of the
Travel Advance Agreement, as stated in §V.A. The normal, eligible expenses used to calculate
travel advances are: airfare, hotel, registration, ground transportation, incidental expenses, and per
diem. The minimum travel advance allowed is $200. If 90% of the eligible amount is less than
the minimum, an advance will not be issued. Travel advances are not authorized for in-state
travel. The maximum travel advance is $1,500. If the requested advance exceeds $1,500, the
Controller’s approval is required, in addition to the Approving Authority and/or Account
Custodian’s approvals. Requests for advances must be submitted and received in Accounts
Payable at least ten (10) working days prior to the date of departure.
D. Advance requests must be accompanied by the following supporting documentation: (1) a pdf
copy of the approved Pre-Approval, (2) the travel/airfare itinerary, and (3) the summary
conference program (if applicable) and/or business purpose.
Estimated incidental expenses are limited to $100 unless a valid explanation (i.e. team travel,
rental car, etc.) is provided with the Travel Pre-Approval. See list of allowable incidental
expenses and receipt requirements in §VI.
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Advances will be charged directly to the traveler’s departmental budget unless another
FOAPAL is indicated.
Preapprovals are required for all travel where there is an overnight stay or airfare. If
an advance is not required, the department must still submit the preapproval. If a traveler
has a delinquent advance pending, no further travel will be processed until the previous
TE has been finalized and submitted for approval.
VI. POST TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS (Final Travel Expense Report)
Upon returning from the trip, the traveler must complete a post- Travel Expense Report within thirty (30)
days. The amount advanced will be deducted from the final expense reimbursement. In the event that the
advance exceeds the actual expenses, the traveler will need to reimburse the University through our
eMarket at https://commerce.cashnet.com/MSUDenverEM_AS
by selecting Travel Advance
The following documents MUST be attached to the Final Travel Expense Report. Receipts must include
the last four digits of the card charged. If the receipt does not contain the credit card information, provide
a copy of the credit card statement (along with the receipt)
1. Airline ticket, boarding pass and/or flight itinerarymust include price paid.
2. Receipt for registration, even if pre-paid by MSU Denver.
3. Summary brochure for conference including the date and details of the event. DO NOT
ATTACH a large document (exceeding 5 pages).
4. Itemized hotel bill showing a zero balance.
5. Itemized receipts for all incidental expenses. Any expense missing an itemized receipt
is subject to a $25 limitation for reimbursement.
6. Itemized receipts for any other prepaid item, like travel packages, hotel wire payments,
payments to travel agents, etc.
To accommodate actual travel time, the following time frames are used for claiming travel
In State Travel: up to one day before and one day after the Conference, Business Meeting, etc.
Out of State/Domestic Travel: up to one day before and one day after the Conference, Business
Meeting, etc.
International Travel: up to two days before and two days after the Conference, Business
Meeting, etc.
Expense reimbursements may not exceed the total per diem meal allowance plus the actual cost
of lodging and incidental expenses.
If you received Professional Development funds you would like applied, indicate the Professional
Development FOAPAL on your final Travel Expense report and include the Professional
Development award email as well as any other required back up.
Reimbursement will be processed within ten (10) working days provided:
1. A completed final copy of the Travel Expense Report has been approved and forwarded
to Accounts Payable.
2. The report is complete and accurate, including appropriate approvals and ALL supporting
3. All necessary expense reimbursement receipts are attached.
Updated 01/25/21
A. Meal Reimbursements:
Employees who are authorized to travel will be reimbursed for the actual cost of meals, including tax and
reasonable tip - up to the total per diem rate established by the GSA Rates. At MSU Denver, receipts for
meals are not required if the traveler is using the daily per diem rate
. If meals and/or incidentals are paid
with the Corporate Card, all receipts must be submitted. Meal and incidental per diem rates are adjusted
every October and the most current rates may be found through the Per Diem link on the Controller’s
website at https://www.msudenver.edu/controller/accountspayablecorporatecardtravel/travel/.
1. The cost of meals may be reimbursed up to the daily per diem rate, if no meals are furnished.
However, when adequate meals are provided by the conference or program, established rates for
those individual meals must be subtracted from the maximum total daily per diem amount. Tips
paid in conjunction with meals are included in the meal allowance and cannot be claimed
separately. Please note: If a provided Continental Breakfast is not considered an adequate meal,
then the traveler may purchase and claim per diem for breakfast.
2. Per diem is not paid when meals are provided, unless the meal is not adequate or does not meet
the travelers’ dietary requirements. If the traveler is claiming per diem under these
circumstances, they must indicate why the provided meal was not sufficient otherwise the per
diem will be deducted from the reimbursement.
3. When using the daily per diem rate, the traveler must subtract the per diem incidental amount for
any days without an overnight stay in the hotel.
4. When travel extends beyond one calendar day, the traveler may claim the actual cost up to the
established daily per diem allowance for meals and the actual cost of lodging and incidental
5. When travel overlaps parts of two days, the maximum per diem rate during the travel period is
determined by including the allowable cost of all meals within the two days, within the following
time guidelines: An employee must leave home before 5:00am for breakfast allowance and
remain away from home after 8:00 p.m. for dinner allowance (from Fiscal Rule 5-1). For
example, if a traveler leaves at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday and returns at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, they
would be allowed reimbursements for dinner Tuesday and breakfast, lunch, and dinner
6. Allowances for travel wholly within a single day: If travel is wholly within a single day,
reimbursement for lunch is not allowed. If, however, an employee leaves home on official
business prior to 5:00 a.m. and/or remains away from home after 8:00 p.m. and the official business
requires the employee to extend the workday, the approving authority may allow a meal allowance
for breakfast and/or dinner for the traveler. If breakfast and/or dinner are paid for an employee while
traveling in a single day, the amount paid is reportable as income on an employee’s W-2. Single day
meal reimbursements will be included with your payroll information. Requests that are received by
the 5
of the month will be reimbursed on payroll that month. Requests received after the 5
will be
reimbursed the following month.
B. Domestic Lodging and Meal Allowance Rates:
The following shall apply for all travel destinations within the Continental United States.
1. Lodging Actual cost of reasonable accommodations. Employees may be required to use
designated lodging facilities in high cost areas to assist the University in controlling the cost
(per fiscal rule 5-1).
2. Per Diem - a per meal allowance which includes meal, tax, and tip.
Maximum allowable per diem rates for CONUS (Continental US) Travel are used when the city
or county can be located on the list, using the city where the hotel or conference is located.
When the city or county is not included on the list, the Standard Rate - LINE 1 - for per diem is
used. An incidental rate of $5.00 per day is included in the daily per diem - for each
Updated 01/25/21
overnight stay - for maid tips, and bellhop tips. On travel days without an overnight stay, this
$5.00 incidental rate is subtracted from the daily per diem rate. Current per diem rates are
available at: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/osc/travel-fiscal-rule
3. Outside the continental U.S.:
The current per diem rate established by the Federal Government, as posted on the State website,
will be allowed for authorized travel outside the continental United States. These per diem rates
apply upon departure from and until return to the United States. (For Puerto Rico, Alaska,
Hawaii, US Possessions Per Diem Rates, see special rates on State website.)
4. Reimbursement claimed for meal allowance:
Employees may be paid for the standard per diem rate or for meal receipts submitted for
reimbursement. An employee may not be reimbursed for more than the standard per diem rate
for their total meal allowance. An employee, at his/her discretion, may claim less than the per
meal allowance provided by this section. Travelers will not be reimbursed for any meals
included in a conference or registration fee whether the traveler attends the meal function
or not. However, travelers can be reimbursed for breakfast, if requested, when only a continental
breakfast is provided.
5. Alternative plan when employees furnish their own lodging and meals:
When an employee furnishes his/her own lodging or meals (such as cabin, travel trailer, camping
equipment owned by the employee, or own food for cooking) together with travel that extends
beyond one calendar day, the following meal allowances will be authorized:
a. Per diem rates will be reimbursed at standard rates.
b. Campsite fees in a commercial campground for actual and reasonable costs will be
reimbursed if an itemized receipt is provided.
C. Allowable incidental expenses:
In addition to meals and lodging, the following actual expenses incurred as a necessary part of
approved travel may be claimed as incidental expenses (if receipts are required by fiscal rules, a note
has been added):
1. Telephone calls, faxes, and internet for official University business (itemized receipts required).
For Internet access, either in room or in flight for University business, receipts are required. Most
hotels will include internet access fees on the traveler’s folio. A valid business purpose must be
provided for internet access reimbursements.
2. Mileage for approved use of a private vehicle. The amount will be limited to the lesser of actual
mileage or approved airfare to destination. Travelers will not be reimbursed for gas when using a
private vehicle. When choosing mileage over airfare, you must submit an airfare quote to the
destination, to show that mileage costs are less than the airfare.
3. Fuel and emergency repairs for State-owned vehicles if they cannot be paid by the card provided
with the car (itemized receipt required).
4. Road toll charges.
5. Rental car fees (Rental Agreement and receipt from approved agency required). A rental car must
be preapproved by the department.
6. Ground transportation to and from airport, meetings and conferences if no free shuttle is provided
(a receipt is required for any single trip over $25). If claiming reimbursement for ground
transportation, the traveler must provide the business purpose on the final travel expense report.
Tips for ground transportation may not exceed 20%.
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7. International travel only REQUIRED pre-travel inoculations and medications, with a receipt
showing date and amount, paid prior to the travel date, will be reimbursed.
8. Laundry FOR REQUIRED UNIFORM(S) ONLY. Provide justification outlining what was
laundered and at what cost. Laundry service for personal daily attire is not permissible.
D. Disallowed Expenses:
The following expenses are not authorized for reimbursement per University fiscal rule 5-1:
1. The University will not reimburse the cost of an employee’s spouse or other person
accompanying the University employee on a business trip. Conversely, the University will not
receive benefit from a lower travel fare resulting from the spouse of a University employee or
other person accompanying the employee on a business trip.
2. Personal expenses such as personal hygiene items, movies, magazines, snacks, alcoholic
beverages, laundry, entertainment, etc.
3. Certain insurance coverage Worker’s Compensation and liability are covered by the University,
but the employee is only covered while engaged in work-related activities. The cost of additional
types of coverage shall not be reimbursed for the following:
Supplemental liability insurance on rental vehicles in excess of $1,000,000.
Supplemental life insurance for airline or common carrier travel
4. Overnight accommodations furnished at no extra cost to the traveler (i.e., room furnished as part
of the registration fee) cannot be reimbursed as part of lodging.
5. Meals included in a registration fee, official function, or provided at no cost to the traveler cannot
be reimbursed as part of traveler’s meal reimbursement.
6. Political expenses
7. Traffic tickets, and/or fines.
8. Airline ticket upgrades, seat upgrades, early boarding, etc. unless necessitated by a medical
condition. A memo is required for this exception; however, the traveler is NOT required to
disclose their medical condition.
9. Late fees for personal credit cards used for University business or travel.
In some cases, University employees are invited to attend committee meetings, seminars, conferences,
etc., for which their travel expenses are reimbursed directly to them by the sponsor. In this instance it is
proper for the employee to accept such travel reimbursement if the following criteria are met:
A. The travel is approved, in writing, by the Approving Authority.
B. It is the policy of the sponsor to reimburse individual attendees for travel expenses.
C. The University is not involved in the reimbursement process in any manner, such as a travel
advance or the purchase of airline tickets.
D. The sponsor will not charge the expenses involved back to the University.
E. The original copy of a Travel Pre-Approval is submitted prior to travel and the final Travel
Expense Report is submitted upon return.
Updated 01/25/21
F. If a traveler is reimbursed directly for University-paid travel, then the traveler must refund this
money to the University.
Otherwise, all employees of the University are to be reimbursed for travel costs according to the
University’s Fiscal Rules and this Travel Guide and are not to receive reimbursements from any other
VIII. University Supervised and Unsupervised Student Travel
NOTE: If this section is silent on any situation occurring with student travel, the travel policies and
procedures for individual employees apply. Please be aware that students are not covered by the
State for liability or health/worker’s compensation insurance. A student must have their own
health insurance to travel.
A. University Supervised Student Travel
Team travel occurs when a group of students, having the same travel purpose and travel destination,
travel as a unit. An MSU Denver employee is designated as the adviser. The adviser will coordinate
travel arrangements, including the preparation of the Travel Pre-Approval. One Travel Pre-
Approval should be prepared for the entire group, including the adviser, who must travel with the
group. The TA will be processed in the adviser’s name, with their “90” ID number. The adviser
will attach a roster of the travelers, including the name and “90” ID number of each student
B. University Unsupervised Student Travel
An MSU Denver student may travel alone - without accompaniment by an MSU Denver employee
- when circumstances warrant. However, if the travel is funded by the Student Travel fund, then
unsupervised travel is prohibited, and an adviser must accompany the student.
A Director, Dean or Associate Vice President (AVP) is authorized to approve unsupervised
student travel. A pre-travel authorization form must be in place and submitted to Accounts
Payable with an approval memo attached. The student traveler must be in good standing
academically, with no history of serious or violent conduct, to travel. The sponsoring department
will need to confirm and include the student’s academic status on the memo. The memo should
confirm that the student is currently active and is registered. The memo must come from the
approving authority indicating the business purpose of travel along with the student’s name and
their “90” ID number.
Cash advances are NOT generally allowed for unsupervised student travel. However, if the
approving authority deems that the advance is necessary, they must include in the memo a
justification of the requested travel advance. In no event will the travel advance exceed $200.
If a travel advance is not requested, the approved pre-TA form must be submitted to A/P with the
final travel. If reimbursement is necessary, it will be paid to the student directly.
Example No. 1: A student reporter will travel to Aspen (unsupervised) to cover a sporting event.
The Director approves the student travel and a requested travel advance. The sponsoring office
completes the pre-TE Non-Employee Travel Form under the student’s name with their “90” ID
number. The approval memo from the Director is attached to the pre-TE and submitted to the
Accounts Payable Office, if an advance was approved. After the student completes the travel, the
sponsoring office and student must complete the pre-TE Non-Employee Travel Form post-travel
and submit to the Accounts Payable Office for reimbursement directly to the student.
Example No. 2: A student is invited to St. Louis (unsupervised) to receive an academic award.
This is a two-day and one-night trip. The Dean approves the student travel. The sponsoring
department prepares the pre-TE under the student’s name with their “90” ID number. The
Updated 01/25/21
approval memo from the Dean is attached to the TE and is retained by the department. After
returning from the trip, the student and the sponsoring department must complete the post-travel
TE and submit it to Accounts Payable for reimbursement. Reimbursement is made directly to the
C. Student Use of State Vehicles
Students may be allowed to use state-owned automobiles for departmental or student organization
business under the following conditions:
1. Departmental Business:
a. The use is consistent with the policies of the institution.
b. Use of the state automobile is approved, in writing, by an academic department
head or administrative head of a nonacademic unit.
2. Student Organizations:
a. The organization must be officially recognized by the institution.
b. The organization must be financed in part by mandatory student fees.
c. The use is consistent with the policies of the institution.
d. Funds must be on deposit with the institution to cover costs.
e. The organization is subject to budgetary control and other institutional
f. Student use of State automobiles is in line with the goals of each individual
D. Advance payments and travel advances for students:
1. Advances for students are under strict guidelines. Please see Unsupervised Student
Travel, §VIII B for details.
2. The mentor for team travel may request an advance and will be personally responsible for
the amount received. All travel advances must be reconciled back to the final travel
expenses. All unspent funds must be returned to the University.
3. When possible, the school should pay registration, airfare, and lodging in advance, with a
Corporate Card. If a vendor requires payment by check, the department may submit a
request for payment to Accounts Payable - with proper documentation - at least ten (10)
working days prior to departure.
A. All International Travel must have a Travel Pre-Approval form signed by the appropriate Vice
President of the University PRIOR to taking the trip or paying any expenses
B When sending the Travel Pre-Approval to the vice-president’s office it must be accompanied by:
1. A trip itinerary
2. A list of students traveling
3. A copy of the approved proposal and any other information about the trip
C Once the signed Travel Pre-Approval reaches the Accounts Payable office, you may request
payments for group packages, deposits, etc. However, if you choose to pay these expenses
yourself, you will not be reimbursed until completion of the trip. You must finalize your travel
expense report and attach receipts and documentation, including Travel Pre-Approval, before
reimbursement may be processed.
Updated 01/25/21
A. Employee travel with an invitee/guest
An MSU Denver employee may travel out-of-state on business with a non-University employee
invitee. The invitee could be a business acquaintance, family member, or friend. Management
should be notified in advance of all invitee travelers by listing their names on the employee’s TE
on an attached Memo. The pre-TE must be submitted and approved within the online travel
system at least ten (10) working days prior to departure.
Out-of-state travel involving an invitee may subject the state to additional civil liability should an
accident or mishap occur, because the State’s Governmental Immunity Act limits do not apply
outside the State of Colorado. Additional precautions are necessary to ensure the State’s liability
is minimized.
B. Invitee travel for non-MSU Denver employees -
On occasion, it may be necessary to pay interview-related travel expenses for job applicants in
order to obtain the best-qualified individual for a given position.
1. Such travel expenses will be limited to those job classes for which the State Personnel
Board has waived residency requirements. This is further limited to one trip per person
for any one job.
2. All applicants in similar circumstances must be given the same consideration for
reimbursement of such expense.
3. The reimbursement to the applicant must be consistent with the expenses allowed for
University employees.
C. Travel for Consultants
On occasion, the University may pay the travel expenses for a consultant. The total dollar amount
of travel reimbursement must be incorporated into the terms of the agreement with the consultant.
The reimbursement to the consultant must be consistent with the expenses allowed for University
A. Policy
The Wells Fargo MasterCard is the University Corporate Card. All MSU Denver University
employees who travel on business outside of Colorado once or more per year or within the State
twice or more per year are encouraged to apply for the card and to use it for all travel-related
expenses wherever it is accepted. By using a University Corporate Card, the University is able to
track business travel activities.
The card is to be used for:
1. All expenses incurred while the individual is in travel status, whenever possible. These
include lodging, lodging deposits, and transportation.
2. All expenses related to the use and fueling of rental vehicles, including vehicle rental itself,
gasoline, and any necessary maintenance charges during use. It is strongly recommended that
individuals fill their gas tanks before returning their rental vehicle, because rental car
agencies will charge much higher fees than self-service at a gas station.
B. Procedures
1. To obtain a University Corporate Card:
The traveler must take the Corporate Card and Purchasing tests provided online at the
Office of the Controller Website
Updated 01/25/21
2. Use of the Corporate Card:
The traveler should use a Corporate card whenever possible to pay for appropriate travel-
related items. If the corporate card is used to pay for meals, you may not exceed the daily
per diem rate and you must provide itemized receipts. All authorized expenses paid by
the Corporate Card will be paid by the University directly. The Travel Training must be
completed if you will make travel purchases. Any charges to the corporate card that
exceed limits or are not approved must be reimbursed to the University.
Additional Information:
To report a lost card or to report fraudulent charges, please contact Wells Fargo Bank at 1-800-932-0036.
Outside the U.S., call collect 1-612-332-2224.
If you have any questions regarding the University issued Corporate Card, please contact the Corporate
Card Program Administrator at 303-615-0039 or email CorporateCard@msudenver.edu
Updated 01/25/21
MSU Denver does not require travelers to use any specific travel agency; however, State Award
vendors provide discounted booking fees. Vendors and rates are subject to change, depending on
State Awards.
Agency Name:
Boersma Travel Services
Christopherson Andavo Travel
LP dba CB Travel Corp
Frosch Travel
New Horizons Travel
30 Parkland Plaza
8450 E Crescent Parkway, Ste
6070 Greenwood Plaza Blvd
300 Boardwalk Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Lynn Welkenback
M'Liss Hunter
Elliott Stevens
Dale Clarken
CO State Agreement:
Rates on Exhibit B:
Contact Info:
888-281-6558 or 734-424-3989
800-783-9929 / 713-898-3937
800-864-4364 or 970-223-7400
720-200-4131 or 866-916-6661
Reservation Team:
After Hours Team (24/7):
866-376-7241 (Code 1B0Q)
Non-Group Booking Fees:
Via phone/email
Via online
See State Contract for details about rates, group booking rates,
and other information.
Minority Owned
Woman Owned
Small Business
CLOSED 11/19/2021
Updated 01/25/21
Car Rental
National Car Rental
Laura Melish or Jeffrey
Nick Bloemen
Nick Bloemen
Contact Info
MSU Denver CDP:
You MUST use the MSU Denver CDP number (discount code) when making
reservations, to be guaranteed the state rates and to receive the state-required
insurance coverage.
If the State Award vendor is not used, the traveler is responsible for purchasing
liability insurance coverage, in the amount of $1,000,000, through the automobile
rental company the traveler uses.
Updated 01/25/21
Daily Rate
Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle or Battery Electric Vehicle
Sedans: (Non PHEV and BEV)
Four-wheel drive vehicles//SUV
Half-day rentals can be reserved for 60% of the day rate.
One-day rentals accruing 200 or more miles will be charged a two-day minimum charge
State Motor Pool includes all fuel and comprehensive insurance coverage.
State Motor Pool does not charge for late pick up or early-day returns.
A secure parking location is provided for the customer’s personal vehicle whenever possible.
For more information about the State Motor Pool program, including specific policies and
procedures, visit https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/dcs/motor-pool-rental
Use Authorization
Only authorized State of Colorado employees and students may operate a motor pool vehicle. The vehicle
may be used only for Official State of Colorado business. No one, other than state employees and students
on business or course work, may ride in State vehicles. An approved FOAPAL for payment must be
established prior to using a State Motor Pool vehicle. Contact the Office of the Controller to make a
reservation. A Motor Pool Request form must be completed for each driver.
Domestic and non-domestic animals are NOT allowed in the vehicles with the exception of seeing-eye,
hearing-ear, and service dogs. (Please indicate a special vehicle requirement when making the reservation,
of the need to transport one of these dogs.)
Vehicles are not to be used for towing unless so equipped. No objects are to be placed, mounted, or tied to
the outside of any motor pool vehicle. Damage resulting from any of these conditions will be the
responsibility of the requestor's department (or organization). Smoking is strictly prohibited in all
motor pool vehicles.
Requirements of Operator
All drivers of motor pool vehicles must possess a valid U.S. driver's license. For insurance purposes, the
requesting agency is responsible for verifying the validity of said license.
Responsibilities of Operator
The operator of the vehicle has, but is not limited to, the following responsibilities:
Safe operation and security of the vehicle, until it has been returned to the Motor Pool.
Strict adherence to all traffic and parking laws. A practice of road courtesy at all times. YOU are
responsible for all traffic and parking violations. Any citations received by the Motor Pool shall be
forwarded to the department (or organization) that reserved the vehicle.
Safety belts are to be worn by all occupants of the vehicle at all times the vehicle is in motion. The
driver is responsible for ensuring that all occupants comply with this requirement!
Do not abuse this vehicle! Vehicle damage resulting from abuse is subject to payment by the
driver's department (or organization). Turn off wipers prior to starting the vehicle during snowy
conditions to prevent wiper arms from being bent by weight of the snow when ignition key is turned
No repairs are to be incurred without prior approval of the Authorizations Section of State Fleet
Management (800-356-3846). Drivers are required to report any and all mechanical defects upon
return of the vehicle.
Updated 01/25/21
MSU Denver Travel Checklist
To be reimbursed, you must provide documentation for University related business expenses
Before you travel (minimum of 10 days prior to departure)
Submit a Travel Pre-Approval Report (TE) in Chrome River, to obtain approval prior to making purchases
Vice President signature is required for International Travel (approval will route automatically)
Include the business purpose, flight itinerary, conference program, and hotel reservations
If students are traveling with you, you must submit their names and 900 numbers on a Student Roster
While you travel
After You Travel
IMPORT your approved Travel Pre-Approval report into your
final Travel Expense Report in Chrome River.
Airline receipt and itinerary (used to set travel per diem
Airline baggage and/or seat fees
Link all relevant Corporate Card transactions for your travel
that posted to your personal Corporate Card.
Airport parking receipt
Provide all receipts and documents listed in the “While You
Travel” section. Receipts are required for all purchases made
with the C-card and/or by the traveler with personal funds.
Ground Transportation (provide all that apply)
Mileage (if driving to location or airport) must use the map
Rental car receipt (if requested on Pre-Approval)
If a personal credit card is used and the last 4 digits of your
card number do not show on the receipt, please provide a copy
of your statement. The statement copy should show the
expense, the bank name, the traveler’s name and last 4 digits
(only) of the credit card number. PLEASE black out the rest of
the information.
Gas receipt for rental car
Parking at Hotel
Parking at meeting location
Parking other (specify types)
Taxi, Uber, Lyft, Train, Rail Passes, and other transportation
Per Diem Rates are calculated based on GSA rates imported into
Chrome River. The Per Diem Wizard calculates the per diem for
travel, based on travel location and travel dates.
Itemized Hotel folio with a $0 balance due
Conference/Meeting/Official Function
Currency Exchange Rates are imported into Chrome River.
Enter your reimbursement amounts in the currency of your
receipt (if not in U.S. Dollars) and Chrome River will calculate the
Conference Registration receipt
Conference Brochure; relevant items showing the schedule
and meals provided. Do NOT attach the entire brochure.
Supply receipts (note business purpose)
The Travel Guide may be found at: https://www.msudenver.edu/controller/accountspayablecorporatecardtravel/travel/
Updated 01/25/21
Insurance Coverage While Traveling
Office of the Controller 303-615-0039
Updated 01/25/21
AgencyAn executive department of the State, office of the Governor, or any subdivision thereof.
Approving AuthorityAn individual who has authority to approve travel for University business and
related matters.
CONUS The 48 continental United States, including District of Columbia, other than In-State Travel,
or within Alaska, Hawaii, or the U.S. Territories.
Corporate Card University issued credit card.
Electronic Signature Any identifier or authentication technique attached to or logically associated with
an electronic record that is intended by the person using it to have the same force and effect as a
manual signature. “Electronic signature” includes digital signatures
Expenses incurred for the benefit of the university - Expenses incurred that enable a University
employee or University official to perform assigned duties or enable the University to carry out
responsibilities required by law and are therefore permitted to be reimbursed or directly charged
based on the permission of the University or by the terms of federally or privately sponsored
International (Foreign) TravelTravel to any out-of-country destination not included within the
definition of In-State Travel or Out-of-State Travel.
In-State TravelTravel within the State of Colorado and to the immediate area outside the State that is a
necessary part of an otherwise “in-state” trip.
Incidental Expenses (non per diem) The allowable expenses; ground transportation (shuttle, train,
subway, taxi, etc.), parking, mileage, baggage fees, car rental, and all other allowable travel
related expenses (See §VI.C for Allowable Incidental Expenses).
Incidental Expenses (per diem) The $5 allowable expense per night while on status which includes:
fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, bellhops, and hotel maids. Incidental Expenses
do not include expenses for laundry, cleaning and pressing of clothing.
LodgingAny commercial accommodations available or offered for use for which a rental schedule has
been established and payment (including lodging taxes) is required.
Metropolitan AreaThe region including a city and the densely populated surrounding areas that are
socially and economically integrated with it. For the State of Colorado, metropolitan area shall be
defined as the 35-mile radius surrounding the Traveler’s Regular Work Location, regardless of
the location of the Traveler’s Residence. See Controller Policy entitled “Mileage
Mileage Rate Mileage rates are set by the State of Colorado each January and may be found on the
State website. There is an increased mileage rate for 4-wheel drive (4WD) vehicles, under certain
qualifying conditions. To qualify for the 4WD rate, the road or weather conditions must require
4WD and the department must approve use of a 4WD vehicle. All-Wheel-Drive vehicles are not
considered 4WD for this purpose.
Original Receipt The original merchant receipt or invoice issued by the supplier or service provider to
document and substantiate the business transaction. A digital image of the original receipt is
allowable provided that it is legible.
Out-of-State Travel Travel within CONUS (The 48 continental United States, including District of
Columbia), other than In-State Travel, or within Alaska, Hawaii, or the U.S. Territories.
Per Diem an allowance determined by the US government to cover meals and incidentals while
Updated 01/25/21
traveling for business purposes. Per diem amounts are published by the General Services
Administration (domestic) and State Department (international) and are specific to major cities.
Political Expenses Expenses incurred in relation to activities that are primarily designed to further the
interests of a candidate, political party, or special interest group.
Reasonable and/or Customary ExpenseReasonable and Customary Expenses generally means those
expenses consistent with the University’s Travel policy and practices applied to employees, or
otherwise approved in advance, in writing, by the Approving Authority.
Regular Work Location Generally, the traveler’s regular work location is the primary location where
the traveler works. For purposes of assessing taxability, Traveler’s Regular Work Location
includes the entire metropolitan area of the traveler’s regular work location.
Reimbursement Request - A request for reimbursement of travel expenses submitted by a Traveler.
Temporary Work Location - A location (outside the metropolitan area) where employment is expected
to continue, and does continue, for one year or less.
Travel Advance The advance of cash funds to a Traveler for approved travel expenses by the
University pursuant to § 5 of the Fiscal Rule.
Traveler An employee or University Official who receives required approvals to travel on University
Traveler’s ResidenceThe location where the Traveler maintains his/her primary family home.
Traveler’s Residence as a Work Location - The Traveler’s Residence is considered to be the Traveler’s
principal place of business if the Traveler works permanently and solely from his/her residence.
Traveling Away from Home A traveler is traveling away from home if: a) the Traveler’s duties require
him or her to be away from the Traveler’s Regular Work Location substantially longer than an
ordinary day’s work, and b) the Traveler needs to sleep or rest to meet the demands of his or her
work while away from home.
Transportation Travel by commercial airline, railroad, bus, taxicab, State owned, leased, or personally
owned automobile or airplane or any other means of conveyance.
University BusinessOfficial University business or other duties undertaken for purposes and for the
benefit of the University.