Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) programs in out-of-school time (OST) are designed
to supplement school work, ignite student interest, and
extend STEM learning. From interactive museum exhibits
to summer-long science camps, opportunities for informal
student engagement in STEM learning abound.
What difference do these programs make, and how can
we improve them? These questions preoccupy educators
and funders alike. OST program developers and provid-
ers can benefit from understanding why evaluation is
critical to the success of STEM OST programs, what data
collection methods are appropriate, and how to effectively
communicate and report findings. In this article, we share
lessons from our experience in each of these areas and
provide examples of how effective practices play out.
Why Evaluate?
OST programs operate under funding constraints, with
tight budgets and ever-increasing calls for accountability.
In the past, the results of evaluations commissioned to
satisfy the accountability requirements of funding agen-
cies or supervisory organizations often went unread and
unused. Now, program staff increasingly understand the
value of incorporating evaluation into program design,
from inception through delivery. Including evaluation
in program planning in early stages allows for adaption
and improvements along the way (Frechtling, 2010). As
described below, “utilization-focused” evaluations (Pat-
ton, 2008) provide planners with valuable information
by Stephanie B. Wilkerson and Carol M. Haden
STEPHANIE B. WILKERSON, Ph.D., is president of Magnolia Consult-
ing ( For 15 years, she has led evaluations
of STEM education programs funded by NASA, the U.S. Department of
Education, National Geographic Learning, the Virginia Museum of
Natural History, and the National Science Foundation. She specializes in
integrating formative and summative evaluation methods into program
development. She co-authored a meta-analysis of OST program effects
on at-risk students in the
Review of Educational Research.
CAROL M. HADEN, Ed.D., is senior evaluator at Magnolia Consulting.
She has extensive experience evaluating formal and informal STEM edu-
cation programs and has conducted evaluations of programs funded by
the National Science Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foun-
dation, Goddard Space Flight Center, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
among others. She has a special interest in supporting exemplary and
equitable science education for traditionally underserved populations.
Effective Practices for
Evaluating STEM Out-of-
School Time Programs
to guide program development: Formative evaluations
can inform program improvements, while summative
evaluations indicate whether programs are meeting
their intended outcomes.
Define Activities and Expected Outcomes
In our experience evaluating STEM programs, we have col-
laborated with scientists, engineers, program developers,
educators, and public outreach providers who bring unique
knowledge, talents, and perspectives to the design and deliv-
ery of OST programs. Invariably, these individuals are united
in their vision: They want to share the excitement of scientif-
ic discovery with the people, young and old, who participate
in their programs. Using evaluation tools early in program
planning enables them to transform that vision into clearly
articulated and attainable outcomes for target audiences.
In the development phase, evaluators work with pro-
gram planners to develop SMART goals: outcomes that are
specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Bodilly
and Beckett’s (2005) meta-analysis of OST programs found
that programs with clearly defined goals and outcomes
had greater success than those whose goals and outcomes
were poorly articulated. Success also depends on aligning
program planning and activities with goals and outcomes
(Huang et al., 2009). This coherence provides a clear line of
sight from program purpose to actualization.
In our experience, common short-term outcomes in-
clude increasing participants’ awareness of and interest in
STEM and STEM careers, knowledge of STEM concepts,
and program-related skills. Common intermediate out-
comes include improving participants’ STEM self-efficacy
and their application of their new or enhanced knowl-
edge and skills, as shown in such behaviors as continued
program participation, enrollment in STEM courses, and
choice of STEM majors. Long-term outcomes often in-
clude increasing academic learning and achievement in
STEM content areas and, ultimately, encouraging STEM
career choices. These outcomes reflect the priorities of
STEM funding agencies such as NASA (National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration, 2011) and the Na-
tional Science Foundation (2011). With well-articulated
outcomes, evaluators can develop an evaluation plan and
data collection methods that align with these outcomes
and corresponding program activities.
During program planning, logic models provide a
road map of intended program outcomes so that activities
are coherent, focused, and aligned. A logic model depicts a
program’s theory of change through:
• Inputs: funding, facilities, and resources
• Activities: what and when
• Outputs: numbers of participants, sessions, events,
and materials developed
• Outcomes: short-term, intermediate, and long-term
effects on target audiences (W. K Kellogg Foundation,
Figure 1 shows a simplified logic model based on
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Big Explosions and
Strong Gravity (BESG) program, a one-day event that
engages Girl Scouts in activities with astronomers in the
Washington, DC, area. The BESG’s theory of change posits
that, if Girl Scouts engage with scientists in inquiry-based
activities and conversation, then they will increase their
awareness of and interest in STEM topics and careers.
As they develop the logic model, OST program devel-
opers must clarify processes for program development and
implementation and make cause-and-effect connections
about how the program moves from activities to outputs
and outcomes. Once the theory of change is laid out, evalu-
ators can decide on the best design and methods to answer
questions about program delivery and outcomes (Chen,
1990; Rossi, Lipsey, & Freeman, 2003; Weiss, 1995).
Promote Continuous Learning and Reflection
on Practice
Once programs are underway, evaluation creates a feedback
loop that guides program decisions and improvements,
thereby engaging STEM OST program developers and pro-
• Funding
• Materials
• Meeting space
• Inquiry-based
Scientist interations
• Increased
awareness of and
interest in STEM
• Increased
awareness of
STEM careers
Number of:
• Activities
• Participants
• Events
Figure 1. Logic Model for the BESG Program
12 Afterschool Matters Spring 2014
viders in a continuous learning process, illustrated in Figure
2. At this stage, evaluators have developed or selected data
collection instruments, such as surveys, interview and ob-
servation protocols, and assessment tools, that align with
intended program outcomes. Data collection is ongoing,
with formative data providing timely information to inform
program modifications (Gray, 1993; Reisner, 2005). Real-
time data provide information on program implementation
“from the trenches,” tapping the perspectives of those who
deliver and participate in the STEM program.
For example, Mid-continent Research for Education
and Learning (McREL) collaborated with a team of evalu-
ators to develop the two-week Cosmic Chemistry summer
program, which aims to improve interest and achievement
in chemistry among rising ninth- and tenth-grade students.
During two summers, facilitators implemented hands-on
activities and interactions with scientists focused on the
engaging context of NASA s Genesis mission. To under-
stand how Cosmic Chemistry was implemented and how
well its lessons reflected the intended OST best practices,
we observed the program in action during both weeks of
implementation each summer. Our observations, together
with daily facilitator logs, gave evaluators and program
developers real-time data, which suggested mid-course
modifications to help facilitators implement the program
as intended. For example, based on facilitator feedback
from the first summer, the developers revised the facilita-
tor’s guide to include tips on differentiating instruction and
on sense-making activities. The changes were implemented
and evaluated during the second summer.
Provide Evidence of Impact and Recommend
During the last stage of the continuous learning process
shown in Figure 2, summative evaluation findings pro-
vide information on how well the STEM OST program
has achieved its objectives; the findings also document
any unintended outcomes. Evaluators analyze data,
interpret findings, and work with program planners
to develop actionable recommendations for pro-
gram improvement. Because program developers and
providers sometimes bring specialized STEM content
knowledge to OST programs, they should be involved
in interpreting evaluation findings so that recommen-
dations are relevant, feasible, and specific enough to
guide improvement. Evaluation becomes a critical re-
flective tool for informing the next cycle of program
delivery. Summative evaluations can provide evidence
of effectiveness to justify continued funding or support
proposals for new funding.
STEM OST program
development and
Reflection on
program and
program design
and delivery
• Logic model development
• Goal clarication
• Indicator and outcome
• Data collection
• Information feedback loops
• Data interpretation
• Co-developed recommendations
• Action steps for improvement
• Data-driven decision making
• Access to real-time data
• Ongoing needs identication
Figure 2. Evaluation as a Continuous Learning Process
Effective Practices for Designing STEM OST
Program developers, providers, and evaluators must con-
sider several factors that influence which evaluation designs
and data collection methods will be most appropriate for
particular STEM OST programs. Effective evaluation prac-
tices take into account a program’s intended outcomes,
phase of development, duration, and budget. These consid-
erations are relevant whether the program is small or large,
with evaluation methods being scaled accordingly.
Align Evaluations with Intended Outcomes
As previously described, a logic model is a tool that helps
program providers clearly define intended outcomes
representing a program’s theory of change. It articulates the
changes that should result if program providers implement
the program as intended. Evaluators use this causal chain
(“If we do x, then y will result”) to design evaluations that
will support program providers in showing that the program
is the cause of any outcomes achieved. Evaluators use logic
models to develop evaluation questions that align with a
program’s intended implementation process and with its
short-term, intermediate, and long-
term outcomes. Taking into account
a program’s phase of development
and duration, the evaluator frames
evaluation questions so they are
feasible to answer. The evaluation
questions then drive the data collection
methods and analytical approach.
STEM OST programs often have
long-term outcomes that cannot
realistically be measured during the
evaluation period. Sometimes they
anticipate outcomes that cannot be
attributed solely to the OST program.
Student outcomes associated with the
school day provide a good example.
Based on a research review of OST
programs, a panel of experts funded by the U.S. Department of
Education recommended that OST programs should address
content and skills that align with school-day instruction
(Beckett et al., 2009). Research suggests that students have
a greater potential for experiencing significant learning
outcomes and achievement when OST programs connect to
school goals (Beckett, 2008; Cooper, Charlton, Valentine, &
Muhlenbruck, 2000; McLaughlin & Phillips, 2008).
In our experience, STEM OST program developers
align much of their content with what students are ex-
pected to know and be able to do as part of their school
learning. For example, focusing on short-term outcomes
such as students’ STEM interest and attitudes is expected
to motivate students to enroll in more STEM courses, ex-
plore science careers with guidance counselors, and engage
in additional learning opportunities. By aligning content
with standards, such as the Common Core State Standards
for mathematics or the Next Generation Science Standards,
OST programs intend for students to apply their learning
to coursework during the school day in order to enhance
academic achievement, a long-term outcome. When feasible
and appropriate, evaluation can serve an important role in
measuring the extent to which short-term student outcomes
from STEM OST programs transfer to the school day.
Consider a Program’s Phase of Development
STEM OST programs that are just beginning will have
different evaluation needs than will well-established
programs. An effective evaluation design supports a pro-
gram’s growth through various phases from development
to refinement to completion (Rossi et al., 2003). Programs
cannot be expected to attain longer-term outcomes dur-
ing development or early implementation.
Before a STEM OST program
is even implemented, a variety of
evaluation practices can help with
program development. During
the development phase, evalua-
tion questions ask, “What do you
want to do, with whom, and to
what end?” Logic models provide
a road map to help ensure that
activities are coherent and align
with program goals (Chen, 1990;
McLaughlin & Jordon, 2005).
While program materials are in
development, program staff might
use evaluation methods such as
focus groups and interviews to get
immediate feedback from target us-
ers. This “proof of concept” activity allows developers to
make design changes before a program is rolled out. The
development phase is also an appropriate time to conduct
an informal or formal needs assessment to ensure that pro-
gram activities will meet the needs of those who stand to
benefit (Davidson, 2005). Once a full version of the program
is developed, evaluators can facilitate expert review or qual-
ity assurance processes by establishing review criteria and
feedback forms. These processes help developers to ensure
that STEM program content is accurate and consistent with
current thinking and practice.
Before a STEM OST
program is even
implemented, a variety of
evaluation practices can help
with program development.
During the development
phase, evaluation questions
ask, “What do you want to
do, with whom, and to
what end?”
14 Afterschool Matters Spring 2014
Effective evaluation practices for relatively new STEM
OST programs involve conducting a pilot study that
measures program implementation, creates information
feedback loops to inform ongoing revisions, and assesses
initial participant reactions and short-term outcomes.
Evaluation questions during the implementation phase in-
clude “How are providers implementing the program? What
additional support do they need? How do participants per-
ceive the quality and utility of the program? What could
be changed to better align the program with the intended
outcomes?” At the beginning, evaluators and providers
focus on building capacity to deliver the program. Data
collection methods such as training feedback forms and
observations provide information on the consistency of
training delivery across multiple sites; whether the train-
ing was delivered as intended; and attendees’ percep-
tions of the quality and utility of the training, their level
of preparation to implement what they learned, and their
recommendations for improvement (Carroll et al., 2007).
From this point, evaluations move into measuring
how providers implement STEM OST programs using
such data collection methods as online implementation
logs, surveys, observations, focus groups, and interviews.
These methods can provide program developers with
continuous descriptive feedback on variations in imple-
mentation, barriers and supports to implementation,
implementation fidelity, additional training needs, and
perceptions of effects on students (Century, Rudnick, &
Freeman, 2010). Student interviews, focus groups, and
surveys can provide formative information on how students
are responding to the program, how it is affecting them, and
what they think would make the program better.
After pilot studies, programs are often revised before scal-
ing up for wider implementation or undergoing another round
of small-scale implementation, sometimes referred to as field
testing. At this point, the emphasis shifts from measuring
implementation to measuring intended outcomes. Evaluation
focuses on collecting baseline and post-participation data re-
lated to short-term, intermediate, and long-term student
outcomes. Implementation measures assess whether
STEM OST programs are implemented with fidelity and
whether students receive the intended dosage.
Once a program shows promising evidence of stu-
dent outcomes and has been finalized, it is ready for more
rigorous evaluation designs that measure differences in
outcomes between students who participate in the STEM
OST program and those who participate in a comparison
program or receive no intervention at all. Evaluation ques-
tions in this phase ask, “Did the program meet its goals?
To what degree, and for which participants?” In assessing
OST outcomes, particularly academic outcomes, measures
must focus on both specific and more general components
(Geiger & Britsch, 2003). For example, the evaluation of the
Cosmic Chemistry summer program during feasibility test-
ing included an assessment of student understanding of the
specific standards addressed in the program. For an out-
come evaluation of Cosmic Chemistry, we would use both
an assessment of standards aligned with the program and a
more general measure of chemistry achievement to under-
stand the program’s broader effects on participant learning.
Select Evaluation Methods Appropriate for the
Program’s Duration
STEM OST developers and providers should clearly define
outcomes that are feasible and appropriate given a pro-
gram’s scope and expected reach. In many respects, these
expectations relate directly to the amount of time intended
audiences spend in the program. For example, the BESG
single-day event for Girl Scouts aims to affect student
awareness of and interest in science and science ca-
reers, whereas the two-week Cosmic Chemistry program
is designed to affect student science interest and academic
learning. More intensive programs, such as a yearlong af-
terschool program, might be designed to affect students’
science understanding and ultimately their achievement
on a state science test.
Figure 3 illustrates the relationship between program
duration and common STEM OST program outcomes. As
program duration increases, so does the likelihood that
the program can achieve longer-term outcomes. Research
on summer school programs shows that programs lasting
60120 hours are more effective at achieving academic
outcomes than programs lasting less than 60 hours (Coo-
per, et al., 2000). A meta-analysis of OST math and read-
ing programs found positive effects on outcomes for pro-
grams ranging from 44 to 210 instructional hours (Lauer
et al., 2003). Obviously, a program that exposes students to
STEM content for 44 hours or more does not alone increase
student achievement unless it also provides high-quality,
engaging, and developmentally appropriate instruction.
However, when deciding which outcomes can reasonably
be expected and measured, evaluators should consider
program duration.
Effective evaluation practices include selecting appropri-
ate data collection methods for the program’s duration and
intended outcomes. The following examples from our own
experience illustrate how effective evaluation practices can
be applied to STEM OST programs of various durations. We
find that, irrespective of duration, program developers and
providers want both formative feedback to guide improve-
ments and summative feedback on outcomes. Accordingly,
we tailor evaluation designs and data collection methods to
yield both types of feedback and take into account how
program duration influences the nature of that feedback.
Short Duration and Single-Day Events
In our experience, most short-duration STEM OST events
focus on increasing participant awareness of and interest in
STEM-related content or careers. Involving participants in
data collection activities can be challenging because of the
limited time. Data collection tools must be easily accessible
and brief. Depending on the purposes of the evaluation,
the methods might include short event surveys or post-
cards, participant exit polls, or event observations.
One short-duration event we evaluated is the Family
Science Night (FSN) series at the Smithsonian’s National
Air and Space Museum, coordinated and presented by the
Universities Space Research Association. FSN invites stu-
dents and their families to attend evening events lasting a
few hours that feature talks by scientists and engineers, an
IMAX movie on space exploration, and an after-hours tour
of the museum. FSNs intended outcomes include increas-
ing participant interest in space science and raising awareness
of space science topics, the work of NASA scientists, and
NASA careers. With a limited budget, our evaluation in-
cluded short, paper-based surveys for students and adults.
The surveys allowed us to collect participants’ demo-
graphic data, their perceptions of the quality of the event,
its effect on their interest and learning, their interest in
related follow-up activities, and, for adults only, their
reason for attending the event. Because the events were
promoted through and supported by schools, we conduct-
ed follow-up telephone interviews with school liaisons to
understand how FSN was integrated into school activities
or curricula and to learn how the liaisons perceived the
program and its effects on students. Combined, the stu-
dent surveys, adult surveys, and telephone interviews gave
program planners useful formative data for improving
the events and relevant summative data on participants’
space science awareness and interest outcomes.
The evaluation of the BESG one-day events, whose
logic model is depicted in Figure 1, involved brief paper-
based student and adult leader surveys, which included
items on awareness and interest outcomes, participant
demographics, the perceived quality of activities, and sug-
gestions for improvement. Underpinning these efforts was
the intention of Goddard Education and Public Outreach
(EPO) providers to transition the program away from con-
ducting local events and toward providing materials so
groups outside the DC area could conduct their own BESG
events with local scientists and resources. As the intent
and reach of the program evolved, the evaluation evolved
Hours of
STEM OST Program Outcomes
knowledge & skills
STEM degree pursuit
STEM careers ( > 60 hrs.)
STEM achievement
STEM learning
STEM course taking
STEM self-efficacy
Short-term Intermediate Long-term
Continued participation
in STEM programs
Figure 3. Relationship Between STEM OST Program Duration and Program Outcomes
16 Afterschool Matters Spring 2014
with it to encompass new questions addressing how well
new BESG facilitators could plan for and conduct their own
events. To understand to what extent BESG was portable, we
created one facilitator survey to measure the effectiveness of
the training and another on event planning and implemen-
tation. We conducted telephone interviews with scientists,
educators, and Girl Scout liaisons to understand how well
the materials provided by the Goddard EPO team helped
them conduct successful events. Over the course of two
years, the evaluation provided useful information to BESG
planners, who modified the schedule and activities based on
evaluation findings. The continuous learning process and a
final report enabled program planners to compare findings
from early events to those from later events, which had been
modified in response to the earlier findings.
Longer Programs
STEM OST programs that engage
students for longer periods of time,
such as afterschool, Saturday, or
summer programs, hold greater
potential for affecting intermediate
and long-term outcomes than do
short-duration programs (Coo-
per et al., 2000). The intensity
or frequency of delivery among
longer-duration programs can
vary: Afterschool delivery is distrib-
uted over weeks or months during
a school year, while summer pro-
grams are condensed into a few
consecutive weeks. Compared to
evaluations of short-duration pro-
grams, evaluations for longer
programs can employ more rigor-
ous designs with a greater variety
of data collection methods. These
methods might include longitudinal student surveys, im-
plementation logs, student journals, case study interviews
and observations, and student achievement measures.
As part of our ongoing work with Goddard EPO, we
conducted an evaluation of the A.C.E. (Astronomical Cos-
mic Exploration) of Space afterschool club for Girl Scouts.
A.C.E. of Space engages girls in hands-on learning op-
portunities, “girl-given” group presentations, “girl-driven”
activities, meetings with successful female scientists and
professionals, and tours of NASA facilities. Because the
program met once a month for an academic year, we were
able to measure changes in girls’ interest in space science
and STEM careers, their vision of themselves as scientists,
and their understanding of STEM topics. Girls completed
a pre- and post-participation interest survey containing 23
items—some ranking statements on a Likert scale and some
open-endedto measure intended program outcomes and
participant perceptions. Additionally, girls kept journals on
their club activities and responded to reflection questions
each month on what they had learned, what they found ex-
citing about the month’s event, how A.C.E of Space activi-
ties related to their own lives, and how interested they were
in space science and space science careers. The surveys and
journal reflections allowed us to examine gains in space sci-
ence interest and skills over an extended period of time.
With a modest budget, the evaluation provided abundant
formative feedback to improve program design and delivery
throughout implementation, as well as summative feedback
on measurable outcomes.
A summer program like Cos-
mic Chemistry also allows for study
of longer-term outcomes, in this case
students’ understanding of chem-
istry and their motivation to study
science. Evaluation team members
at McREL and Magnolia Consulting
assessed Cosmic Chemistry students
with a pre- and post-participation
chemistry assessment aligned with
the standards covered by the pro-
gram. We also administered a survey
of motivation and perceived compe-
tence before and after the program,
and then again during the following
school year, to examine effects on
student interest, motivation, and
self-efficacy in science and chemis-
try. In addition to assessing specific
chemistry content objectives, we
also administered daily facilitator
implementation logs and conducted daily observations to
measure implementation of best OST practices, includ-
ing setting high expectations, motivating students, and
building background knowledge. The condensed pro-
gram delivery—60 hours over a two-week period—allowed
us to increase the intensity of our data collection. Had the
program been delivered in non-consecutive sessions, the
cost of traveling to sites to conduct the same number of
observations would have been prohibitive. Findings from
the pilot study provided formative data to the development
team for program modification, while findings from the
subsequent field test during the second summer provided
summative information on program effects.
Compared to evaluations of
short-duration programs,
evaluations for longer
programs can employ more
rigorous designs with a
greater variety of data
collection methods. These
methods might include
longitudinal student
surveys, implementation
logs, student journals, case
study interviews and
observations, and student
achievement measures.
Provide the Most Rigorous
Designs Possible Under the
Allocated Budget
Taking into account stakeholder in-
formation priorities, intended out-
comes, phase of program develop-
ment, and program duration, evalu-
ators develop evaluation designs
that give STEM OST program provid-
ers the most “bang for the buck.
This is no easy task, as there are
trade-offs between design and bud-
get. Typically, the more rigorous the
evaluation study—that is, the more
the evaluation design allows pro-
viders to make causal claims about
program effectivenessthe more expensive it is. Done
right, providing this level of rigor usually involves costly
randomized control trials or quasi-experimental designs
that include a control group to measure whether differences
between treatment and control group outcomes can be
attributed to the program. This type of design, with its cor-
responding budget, is most appropriate for well-established
STEM OST programs of long duration that have already
used evaluation for planning, feedback, and improve-
ment (Rossi et al., 2003).
More often than not, evaluation budgets for STEM
OST programs are meager at best, yet the programs come
with the same information needs and priorities as pro-
grams with larger evaluation budgets. So how do program
providers get the information they need, given their lim-
ited funds? Using the following recommendations, STEM
OST program providers can become better-informed
consumers, working with evaluators to maximize
evaluation offerings and minimize costs.
• Prioritize which program outcomes are most appro-
priate and important to evaluate based on the phase
of program development and funder information
needs (Stecher & Davis, 1987).
• Create a long-term evaluation plan that identifies how
program outcomes will be measured over time, rather
than all at once. Use logic models to justify prioritizing
short-term outcomes over intermediate or long-term
outcomes (Reisner, 2005).
• Use data collection methods, such as online surveys
and social media, that are less expensive to implement
than site interviews, focus groups, and observations.
Instead of site visits, conduct phone interviews or fo-
cus groups to collect in-depth formative feedback
about user perceptions.
• Keep survey instruments brief.
The longer the survey, the more
time is required for data analysis
and reporting, thus increasing
the budget.
• Learn from evaluations of similar
programs (Geiger & Britsch,
2003). Identify existing instru-
ments that align closely with pro-
gram outcomes, such as those pro-
vided through the Harvard Family
Research Project OST Program
Research and Evaluation
Database (Wimer, Bouffard, &
Little, 2008).
• Collect data from small samples
of participants during early phases of program devel-
opment, and then expand to include larger numbers as
the program matures.
• Use informal data reports to give developers access to perti-
nent, timely data for program improvement without having
to expend resources on formal implementation reporting.
Effective Practices for Communicating Results
A utilization-focused approach to evaluation emphasizes
how stakeholders will use the findings (Patton, 2008). Pro-
gram developers and providers, participants, and funders
might each have different needs for information about the
STEM OST program being evaluated; effective evaluation
reporting should address these needs (Torres, Preskill, &
Piontek, 2005). As with curriculum development, evalua-
tors often use a sort of backward-mapping technique that
begins with the end in mind, determining how evaluation
findings will be used, for what purposes, and by whom.
Comprehensive evaluation reports can address the
needs of many stakeholders. Reader-friendly reports
include an executive summary; provide visual repre-
sentations of data, such as charts, graphs, and summary
tables; omit technical jargon; are well-organized and con-
cisely written; include recommendations for improvement;
and append supporting and detailed technical infor-
mation (Torres et al., 2005). However, evaluators can
also provide more tailored information based on specific
stakeholders’ intended use of the results.
Program developers are interested in recommenda-
tions for improvement and data that will drive decision
making. They also want to know if they have achieved
the outcomes they set out to accomplish. Data reports
generated from online surveys and informal debriefs
(in person or by phone) can provide real-time feedback
More often than not,
evaluation budgets for
STEM OST programs are
meager at best, yet the
programs come with the
same information needs
and priorities as programs
with larger evaluation
budgets. So how do
program providers get the
information they need,
given their limited funds?
18 Afterschool Matters Spring 2014
to guide mid-course decisions during implementation
of STEM OST programs. This information not only
provides timely formative feedback, but also can function
as a tool for monitoring student progress toward intended
outcomes. One way to increase the likelihood that program
developers will use evaluation results is to engage them in
interpreting findings and co-developing recommendations
or responding to evaluators’ recommendations (Cousins,
2003; Patton, 2009). Engaging program developers in the
reporting process will help them identify action steps in re-
sponse to recommendations. Verbal presentations of study
results allow for meaningful dialogue about data interpre-
tation, recommendations, and program improvements.
STEM OST practitioners, the ones who deliver the pro-
grams, seek how-to information and methods for ensuring
successful implementation. They want reports that empha-
size lessons learned and implications for future practice.
Additionally, reports that capture the experiences, percep-
tions, and voices of participants can tell a compelling story
about the importance of effective practices. For example,
vignettes or descriptive narratives based on qualitative data
can be an effective way to help facilitators to “see” important
nuances in implementation and instructional pedagogy.
Funders want to know if their investment results
in expected outcomes. Future funders seek evidence
of effectiveness or promising practices that are worth
funding. Various presentations of evaluation findings
can help connect funders to the people who benefit
from their investment. A concise description of evalu-
ation findings, such as an executive summary or oral
presentation, can be an effective way of highlighting
program effects and outcomes. Videos of participants
sharing how their STEM OST experience affected them
are also compelling. Younger participants might show
how a STEM OST experience affected them by draw-
ing, for example, what they understand about plant life
cycles or how they feel about science.
Effective evaluations meet the needs of STEM OST
program stakeholders. They take into account a program’s
intended outcomes and purpose, phase of development,
duration, information priorities, and budget limitations.
The more funders and consumers of STEM OST evalu-
ations understand effective evaluation practices, the more
relevant, timely, and useful the evaluation results will be
in helping programs to achieve their goals. Evaluations
designed with these considerations in mind ensure that
programs operate in an information-rich environment, to
the benefit of all who participate.
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