Judicial Discipline Decision Index
2024 Through June
Steinbuch v. Pulaski County Circuit Court, 689 S.W.3d 56 (Arkansas 2024) (purporng to stay
supreme court mandate, disparaging remarks” about decision) (6/24)
In the Matter Concerning Kreis, Decision and Order (California Commission on Judicial
Performance May 28, 2024) (failing to disclose relationships with 7 attorneys; sexual
misconduct with female acquaintance; disregarding fathers fundamental rights and engaging in
ex parte communicaons; abusing authority, disregarding fathers fundamental rights,
threatening to report fathers aorney to bar, making a ruling out of pique, and making sarcasc
and gratuitous comments; making undignied, sarcasc, and gratuitous comments in 5
proceedings; inappropriate comments in courtroom about another aorney before he became
judge; statement that would reasonably be interpreted as threat to report aorney to State Bar
in retaliaon for moon to disqualify; providing legal opons to friend about family law
quesons that arose at school where she was employed; during judicial candidate debate,
falsely stang that he had never been disciplined by the Commission; using his chambers to
parcipate in online candidate debate and lm videos for campaign) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Mallery, Decision and order (California Commission on Judicial Performance
May 2, 2024) (using an internal investigation to retaliate against employees who cooperated
with the Commission; making statements he knew to be false to the Commission; making
negative statements to courts chief executive officer about court employees and attorney who
cooperated with the Commission and suggesting retaliation was appropriate; attempting to
persuade attorney to withdraw peremptory challenge and wrongly denying timely peremptory
challenges in 2 cases; retaliating against, and making improper comments to and about,
attorneys for filing statements of disqualification and peremptory challenges against him;
retaliating against attorney for filing statements of disqualification against him and improperly
taking actions while statements of disqualification were pending; comments to other judges
about case from which he was disqualified; ex parte attempt to induce attorney who filed
peremptory challenge to withdraw petition seeking review; on 5 instances, stating to criminal
attorneys that he intended to evaluate proposed plea agreements based on factors such as
whether the agreement would be perceived negatively by the community, subject him or the
court to criticism, or render him or the elected district attorney politically vulnerable; in 2 cases,
usurping prosecuting agency’s authority to control the institution of proceedings; calling court
employee “Queen Latifah,“Hawaiian princess,” or “Hawaiian warrior” and referring to her
working “tribal magic” or “Hawaiian mojo;” conduct toward 3 court employees that would
reasonably be perceived as bias, prejudice, or harassment based on sex or gender; 5 instances
of poor demeanor toward court staff; disparaging remarks about his colleague and the courts
CEO on 7 occasions; participating in and supporting 3 events for a nonprofit organization that
assists victims of domestic violence; failing to disclose his longtime affiliation with the
organization or disqualify himself in cases involving the organization; and failing to disclose his
close personal relationships with 3 individuals in leadership positions with the organization)
In re Adrian, Order (Illinois Courts Commission February 23, 2024) (reversing guilty finding to
circumvent law requiring mandatory prison sentence; false and misleading testimony about the
reason for his reversal; ordering prosecutor to leave courtroom because he had “liked” a post
on social media that criticized the judge) (2/24)
Public Admonion of Kepner (Indiana Commission on Judicial Qualicaons May 17, 2024)
(providing money defendant needed to pay judgment) (6/24)
In the Maer of Clark, Public reprimand and condions (Minnesota Board of Judicial Standards
May 17, 2024) (aggressive demeanor and failure to perform judicial and administrave dues,
failing to remain imparal, inappropriately interrupng the quesoning of witnesses on
numerous occasions, and appearing angry on the bench, and ignoring melines and failing to
follow the law in Child in Need of Protecon or Services cases) (6/24)
In the Maer of Ballou, Spulaon and order (Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline June
11, 2024) (Instagram post about 8:30 a.m. calendar; photograph on Facebook in hot tub with 2
public defenders, 2 statements about police and black people during court proceedings) (6/24)
In the Maer of White, Determinaon (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct May 13,
2024) (courtroom moment of silence for vicms of violence; parcipang in public
demonstraon against violence near shoong; video on Facebook with legal advice to
individuals involved in trac stops and reference to police as “pack of wolves”) (6/24)
Skahan, Public reprimand (Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct February 14, 2024) (in post-
conviction proceeding, making injudicious comments about the former district attorney general
and judge who initially handled the case, ex parte conversation with district attorney’s office,
and comments suggesting she had predetermined the outcome and directed the parties’
actions) (2/24)
Anderson, Public reprimand (Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct February 6, 2024) (raising
voice at police sergeant and being sarcastic about warrant; expressing animosity toward bail
system at county commission meeting) (2/24)
Public Admonition of Morefield (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct May 3, 2024)
(comments about dismissal of public corruption case) (6/24)
In the Maer of Brown, Spulaon, agreement, and order (Washington State Commission on
Judicial Conduct April 19, 2024) (cricizing and demeaning African-American defendant) (4/24)
In re the Maer of Cruz, Spulaon, agreement, and order (Washington State Commission on
Judicial Conduct April 20, 2024) (profane comment to defendant in court) (4/24)
In the Matter of Loveless, Stipulation and order of consent (Nevada Commission on Judicial
Discipline June 24, 2024) (being intoxicated when contacted for search warrant requests;
driving under the influence) (6/24)
In the Maer Concerning Cole, Decision and order (California Commission on Judicial
Performance May 28, 2024) (ex parte communicaon with prosecutor) (6/24)
In the Matter Concerning Kreis, Decision and Order (California Commission on Judicial
Performance May 28, 2024) (failing to disclose relationships with 7 attorneys; sexual
misconduct with female acquaintance; disregarding fathers fundamental rights and engaging in
ex parte communicaons; abusing authority, disregarding fathers fundamental rights,
threatening to report fathers aorney to bar, making a ruling out of pique, and making sarcasc
and gratuitous comments; making undignied, sarcasc, and gratuitous comments in 5
proceedings; inappropriate comments in courtroom about another aorney before he became
judge; statement that would reasonably be interpreted as threat to report aorney to State Bar
in retaliaon for moon to disqualify; providing legal opons to friend about family law
quesons that arose at school where she was employed; during judicial candidate debate,
falsely stang that he had never been disciplined by the Commission; using his chambers to
parcipate in online candidate debate and lm videos for campaign) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Peterson (Georgia Supreme Court June 25, 2024) (jailing litigant for criminal
contempt without justification and due process, requesting sheriffs deputies to work overnight
and using a panic button to summon deputy, communicating with board members of
neighborhood homeowners association about her lawsuit against board, and allowing staff to
engage in ex parte communications regarding service of petition) (6/24)
In the Matter of Storie, Determination (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct April 3,
2024) (unscheduled discussion about murder case in chambers with defense attorney and
assistant district attorney not assigned to the case; statements that conveyed bias against
defendant, would accept guilty plea even though the defendant appeared “catatonic,” and
would be swayed by public clamor and/or fear of criticism to impose the maximum sentence)
Gilley, Public reprimand (Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct January 4, 2024) (internet search
regarding value of property) (2/24)
Skahan, Public reprimand (Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct February 14, 2024) (in post-
conviction proceeding, making injudicious comments about the former district attorney general
and judge who initially handled the case, ex parte conversation with district attorney’s office,
and comments suggesting she had predetermined the outcome and directed the parties’
actions) (2/24)
Steinbuch v. Pulaski County Circuit Court, 689 S.W.3d 56 (Arkansas 2024) (purporng to stay
supreme court mandate, disparaging remarks” about decision) (6/24)
In the Matter Concerning Kreis, Decision and Order (California Commission on Judicial
Performance May 28, 2024) (failing to disclose relationships with 7 attorneys; sexual
misconduct with female acquaintance; disregarding fathers fundamental rights and engaging in
ex parte communicaons; abusing authority, disregarding fathers fundamental rights,
threatening to report fathers aorney to bar, making a ruling out of pique, and making sarcasc
and gratuitous comments; making undignied, sarcasc, and gratuitous comments in 5
proceedings; inappropriate comments in courtroom about another aorney before he became
judge; statement that would reasonably be interpreted as threat to report aorney to State Bar
in retaliaon for moon to disqualify; providing legal opons to friend about family law
quesons that arose at school where she was employed; during judicial candidate debate,
falsely stang that he had never been disciplined by the Commission; using his chambers to
parcipate in online candidate debate and lm videos for campaign) (6/24)
In re Adrian, Order (Illinois Courts Commission February 23, 2024) (reversing guilty finding to
circumvent law requiring mandatory prison sentence; false and misleading testimony about the
reason for his reversal; ordering prosecutor to leave courtroom because he had “liked” a post
on social media that criticized the judge) (2/24)
In the Maer of the Norrick, 233 N.E.3d 403 (Indiana 2024) (failing to supervise processing of
orders presiding over cases in which he or his son were the aorneys of record; failing to
supervise the processing of criminal cases by his sta, which led to delays; issuing ex parte
change-of-custody order without noce) (6/24)
In the Matter of Quinn, Public reprimand (Minnesota Board on Judicial Standards June 27, 2024)
(restricting defendants’ voting rights contrary to statute he sua sponte held unconstitutional)
In re Inquiry Concerning Cornutt, Opinion (Texas Special Court of Review January 22, 2024)
(entering post-answer default judgment at pretrial hearing and failing to set matter for trial,
contrary to court rules; failing to cooperate with Commission’s investigation) (2/24)
Public Admonishment of Codispoti (West Virginia Judicial Investigation Commission February
12, 2024) (changing terms of plea agreement and over prosecutor’s objection) (2/24)
In the Maer of Vance, Public admonishment (West Virginia Judicial Invesgaon Commission
April 19, 2024) (failing to provide jury trial) (4/24)
Inquiry Concerning Peterson (Georgia Supreme Court June 25, 2024) (jailing litigant for criminal
contempt without justification and due process, requesting sheriffs deputies to work overnight
and using a panic button to summon deputy, communicating with board members of
neighborhood homeowners association about her lawsuit against board, and allowing staff to
engage in ex parte communications regarding service of petition) (6/24)
In re Inquiry Concerning Foster, 898 S.E.2d 269 (North Carolina 2024) (using judicial tle to
inquire about the custody status of her son, yelling at magistrate, and demanding bond
reducon based upon inaccurate and incomplete informaon; demanding that courtroom be
vacated for her own use) (4/24)
Public Admonishment of Codispoti (West Virginia Judicial Investigation Commission February
12, 2024) (changing terms of plea agreement and over prosecutor’s objection) (2/24)
In re Complaint of Judicial Misconduct (Benitez), Order (U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9
Judicial Council May 1, 2024) (ordering marshal to handcu 13-year-old daughter of defendant)
In the Matter Concerning Kreis, Decision and Order (California Commission on Judicial
Performance May 28, 2024) (failing to disclose relationships with 7 attorneys; sexual
misconduct with female acquaintance; disregarding fathers fundamental rights and engaging in
ex parte communicaons; abusing authority, disregarding fathers fundamental rights,
threatening to report fathers aorney to bar, making a ruling out of pique, and making sarcasc
and gratuitous comments; making undignied, sarcasc, and gratuitous comments in 5
proceedings; inappropriate comments in courtroom about another aorney before he became
judge; statement that would reasonably be interpreted as threat to report aorney to State Bar
in retaliaon for moon to disqualify; providing legal opons to friend about family law
quesons that arose at school where she was employed; during judicial candidate debate,
falsely stang that he had never been disciplined by the Commission; using his chambers to
parcipate in online candidate debate and lm videos for campaign) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Mallery, Decision and order (California Commission on Judicial Performance
May 2, 2024) (using an internal investigation to retaliate against employees who cooperated
with the Commission; making statements he knew to be false to the Commission; making
negative statements to courts chief executive officer about court employees and an attorney
who cooperated with the Commission and suggesting retaliation was appropriate; attempting to
persuade attorney to withdraw peremptory challenge and wrongly denying timely peremptory
challenges in 2 cases; retaliating against, and making improper comments to and about,
attorneys for filing statements of disqualification and peremptory challenges against him;
retaliating against attorney for filing statements of disqualification against him and improperly
taking actions while statements of disqualification were pending; comments to other judges
about case from which he was disqualified; ex parte attempt to induce attorney who filed
peremptory challenge to withdraw petition seeking review; on 5 instances, stating to criminal
attorneys that he intended to evaluate proposed plea agreements based on factors such as
whether the agreement would be perceived negatively by the community, subject him or the
court to criticism, or render him or the elected district attorney politically vulnerable; in 2 cases,
usurping prosecuting agency’s authority to control the institution of proceedings; calling court
employee “Queen Latifah,“Hawaiian princess,” or “Hawaiian warrior” and referring to her
working “tribal magic” or “Hawaiian mojo;” conduct toward 3 court employees that would
reasonably be perceived as bias, prejudice, or harassment based on sex or gender; 5 instances
of poor demeanor toward court staff; disparaging remarks about his colleague and the courts
CEO on 7 occasions; participating in and supporting 3 events for a nonprofit organization that
assists victims of domestic violence; failing to disclose his longtime affiliation with the
organization or disqualify himself in cases involving the organization; and failing to disclose his
close personal relationships with 3 individuals in leadership positions with the organization)
Inquiry Concerning Schmidt, Order (Kansas Commission on Judicial Conduct April 10, 2024)
(granting temporary protection from stalking order when he had romantic relationship with
party or had interest in pursuing a relationship; response to Commission lacked candor) (4/24)
In the Maer of Grisan, Determinaon (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct April
22, 2024) (public, profanity-laced, and physical confrontaon with neighbors; shoving police
ocer; profane comments to police personnel; and invoking family es and relaonship with
the mayor; taking judicial acon in 8 cases involving aorney making installment payments to
him; failing to accurately report income from sale of law pracce) (4/24)
In the Matter of Nevers, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
June 13, 2024) (closed case; unprepared for and unnecessarily delayed eviction matter;
dismissed traffic ticket issued to relative of his co-judge; did not disqualify notwithstanding
longstanding friendship with defendant and family; unable to perform duties) (6/24)
In the Disciplinary Maer Involving Fallon, 544 P.3d 626 (Alaska 2024) (delay; execung 3 pay
adavits) (4/24)
Gentry, Order (Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct May 29, 2024) (delay) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Beamer (Florida Supreme Court May 9, 2024) (delays) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Kirby, No. 2805, Findings of fact, conclusions of law, and disposition (Kansas
Commission on Judicial Conduct January 12, 2024) (failed to file order on motion regarding
minor child expenses) (2/24)
Inquiry Concerning Kirby, No. 2864, Findings of fact, conclusions of law, and disposition (Kansas
Commission on Judicial Conduct January 12, 2024) (B failed to timely file order on a motion
regarding child support and parenting time in a paternity case) (2/24)
In the Maer of Clark, Public reprimand and condions (Minnesota Board of Judicial Standards
May 17, 2024) (aggressive demeanor and failure to perform judicial and administrave dues,
failing to remain imparal, inappropriately interrupng the quesoning of witnesses on
numerous occasions, and appearing angry on the bench, and ignoring melines and failing to
follow the law in Child in Need of Protecon or Services cases) (6/24)
In the Maer of Mercer, Spulaon and order of consent (Nevada Commission on Judicial
Discipline May 30, 2024) (becoming involved in maer handled by another judge on behalf a
former client/friend and failing to enter an order regarding child support and aorney’s fees for
22 months) (6/24)
In the Matter of Nevers, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
June 13, 2024) (closed case; unprepared for and unnecessarily delayed eviction matter;
dismissed traffic ticket issued to relative of his co-judge; did not disqualify notwithstanding
longstanding friendship with defendant and family; unable to perform duties) (6/24)
Public Reprimand of Slaughter (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct February 7, 2024)
(failing to timely rule on motions; failing to cooperate with Commission’s investigation) (2/24)
Public Reprimand of Hall (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct April 15, 2024) (delay)
Public Reprimand (Meienhofer) (Idaho Judicial Council May 1, 2024) (workplace conduct) (6/24)
In the Maer of the Norrick, 233 N.E.3d 403 (Indiana 2024) (failing to supervise processing of
orders presiding over cases in which he or his son were the aorneys of record; failing to
supervise the processing of criminal cases by his sta, which led to delays; issuing ex parte
change-of-custody order without noce) (6/24)
In the Maer of Clark, Public reprimand and condions (Minnesota Board of Judicial Standards
May 17, 2024) (aggressive demeanor and failure to perform judicial and administrave dues,
failing to remain imparal, inappropriately interrupng the quesoning of witnesses on
numerous occasions, and appearing angry on the bench, and ignoring melines and failing to
follow the law in Child in Need of Protecon or Services cases) (6/24)
In the Matter of Goldbaum, Order (New Mexico Supreme Court January 10, 2024) (closed case;
request for retroactive salary increase) (6/24)
In the Maer of Wilbanks, Determinaon (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct April
12, 2024) (failing to report and remit court funds, failing to cooperate with invesgaon) (4/24)
Goodman, Order (Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct May 29, 2024) (closed; violated
numerous employment laws and personnel rules; retaliaon) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Mallery, Decision and order (California Commission on Judicial Performance
May 2, 2024) (using an internal investigation to retaliate against employees who cooperated
with the Commission; making statements he knew to be false to the Commission; making
negative statements to courts chief executive officer about court employees and an attorney
who cooperated with the Commission and suggesting retaliation was appropriate; attempting to
persuade attorney to withdraw peremptory challenge and wrongly denying timely peremptory
challenges in 2 cases; retaliating against, and making improper comments to and about,
attorneys for filing statements of disqualification and peremptory challenges against him;
retaliating against attorney for filing statements of disqualification against him and improperly
taking actions while statements of disqualification were pending; comments to other judges
about case from which he was disqualified; ex parte attempt to induce attorney who filed
peremptory challenge to withdraw petition seeking review; on 5 instances, stating to criminal
attorneys that he intended to evaluate proposed plea agreements based on factors such as
whether the agreement would be perceived negatively by the community, subject him or the
court to criticism, or render him or the elected district attorney politically vulnerable; in 2 cases,
usurping prosecuting agencys authority to control the institution of proceedings; calling court
employee “Queen Latifah,“Hawaiian princess,” or “Hawaiian warrior” and referring to her
working “tribal magic” or “Hawaiian mojo;” conduct toward 3 court employees that would
reasonably be perceived as bias, prejudice, or harassment based on sex or gender; 5 instances
of poor demeanor toward court staff; disparaging remarks about his colleague and the courts
CEO on 7 occasions; participating in and supporting 3 events for a nonprofit organization that
assists victims of domestic violence; failing to disclose his longtime affiliation with the
organization or disqualify himself in cases involving the organization; and failing to disclose his
close personal relationships with 3 individuals in leadership positions with the organization)
Inquiry Concerning Peterson (Georgia Supreme Court June 25, 2024) (jailing litigant for criminal
contempt without justification and due process, requesting sheriffs deputies to work overnight
and using a panic button to summon deputy, communicating with board members of
neighborhood homeowners association about her lawsuit against board, and allowing staff to
engage in ex parte communications regarding service of petition) (6/24)
In the Matter of Kehn, Determination (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct June 21,
2024) (exchanging petty and demeaning emails about the chief clerk with the deputy chief
clerk; raising voice and being rude during multiple confrontations with the chief clerk; and
failing to abide by administrative judge’s directive about addressing issues regarding clerk’s
office) (6/24)
Goodman, Order (Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct May 29, 2024) (closed; violated
numerous employment laws and personnel rules; retaliaon) (6/24)
In the Matter of Scipione, 547 P.3d 1100 (Colorado 2024) (personal relationship with assistant,
referring to a assistant using derogatory term, discussing with assistant and intern “alternative
‘lifestyle’,” asking intern for assistance with Tinder dating application, and pursuing personal
relationship with a former law clerk; failing to disclose intimate relationship on judicial
applications or during the disciplinary proceedings; abusing prestige and ex parte
communications re fathers estate) (6/24)
In the Matter of Nowakowski, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial
Conduct June 13, 2024) (closed case; sexual harassment, retaliaon) (6/24)
Public Warning of Nevarez and Order of Additional Education (Texas State Commission on
Judicial Conduct June 21, 2024) (unwanted, complimentary comments to female associate judge
about her attire and appearance, texting her late into the evening, calling her “babe,” “babes,
“hon,” “baby,” and “beautiful,and telling her that he loves her; providing female attorney with
personal cell phone number, personally messaging the female attorney on Facebook, and telling
her that he would not have conducted a hearing without her if she had contacted him on his
personal cell phone; referring to his female staff and female attorneys from the bench as
“babe,” “babes,” “hon,“baby,” and “beautiful”) (6/24)
In re Complaint of Judicial Misconduct (Kindred), Order and certification (9
Circuit Judicial
Council May 23, 2024) (hostile work environment in chambers; sexually harassing law clerk and
continuing sexualized relationship after clerkship; being dishonest during investigation) (6/24)
In the Maer of Guerrero, Order (Arizona Supreme Court March 15, 2024) (driving under the
inuence; receiving compensaon for weddings; driving county-owned vehicle and using a
county fuel credit card to purchase fuel for personal travel) (4/24)
In the Matter Concerning Kreis, Decision and Order (California Commission on Judicial
Performance May 28, 2024) (failing to disclose relationships with 7 attorneys; sexual
misconduct with female acquaintance; disregarding fathers fundamental rights and engaging in
ex parte communicaons; abusing authority, disregarding fathers fundamental rights,
threatening to report fathers aorney to bar, making a ruling out of pique, and making sarcasc
and gratuitous comments; making undignied, sarcasc, and gratuitous comments in 5
proceedings; inappropriate comments in courtroom about another aorney before he became
judge; statement that would reasonably be interpreted as threat to report aorney to State Bar
in retaliaon for moon to disqualify; providing legal opons to friend about family law
quesons that arose at school where she was employed; during judicial candidate debate,
falsely stang that he had never been disciplined by the Commission; using his chambers to
parcipate in online candidate debate and lm videos for campaign) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Marnez, Findings of fact, conclusions of law, and disposion (Kansas
Commission on Judicial Conduct May 1, 2024) (pictures wearing robe and in courtroom on his
personal and re-elecon Facebook page; endorsing businesses in posts on Facebook; and
making comments about cases in Facebook posts) (6/24)
In the Maer of Ballou, Spulaon and order (Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline June
11, 2024) (Instagram post about 8:30 a.m. calendar; photograph on Facebook in hot tub with 2
public defenders, 2 statements about police and black people during court proceedings) (6/24)
Anderson, Public reprimand (Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct February 6, 2024) (raising
voice at police sergeant and being sarcastic about warrant; expressing animosity toward bail
system at county commission meeting) (2/24)
In the Maer of Kiesnowski (Colorado Supreme Court March 4, 2024) (acng as counsel and
exploing posion to benet brother-in-law) (4/24)
In the Matter of Scipione, 547 P.3d 1100 (Colorado 2024) (personal relationship with assistant,
referring to a assistant using derogatory term, discussing with assistant and intern “alternative
‘lifestyle’,” asking intern for assistance with Tinder dating application, and pursuing personal
relationship with a former law clerk; failing to disclose intimate relationship on judicial
applications or during the disciplinary proceedings; abusing prestige and ex parte
communications re fathers estate) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Marnez, Findings of fact, conclusions of law, and disposion (Kansas
Commission on Judicial Conduct May 1, 2024) (pictures wearing robe and in courtroom on his
personal and re-elecon Facebook page; endorsing businesses in posts on Facebook; and
making comments about cases in Facebook posts) (6/24)
In re Nicholas, Order (Missouri Supreme Court January 30, 2024) (using judicial position to
demand that resources be diverted from more pressing situations to a downed cable line near
his home; becoming irate and using vulgar language to criticize the city, city employees, and the
police chief; using vulgar language to describe the city’s investigation of a former park director)
In the Maer of Mercer, Spulaon and order of consent (Nevada Commission on Judicial
Discipline May 30, 2024) (becoming involved in maer handled by another judge on behalf a
former client/friend and failing to enter an order regarding child support and aorney’s fees for
22 months) (6/24)
In the Matter of Soules, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
May 2, 2024) (closed case; possession and sale of cocaine, invoked office with police) (6/24)
In re Inquiry Concerning Foster, 898 S.E.2d 269 (North Carolina 2024) (using judicial tle to
inquire about the custody status of her son, yelling at magistrate, and demanding bond
reducon based upon inaccurate and incomplete informaon; demanding that courtroom be
vacated for her own use) (4/24)
In the Maer of Grisan, Determinaon (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct April
22, 2024) (public, profanity-laced, and physical confrontaon with neighbors; shoving police
ocer; profane comments to police personnel; and invoking family es and relaonship with
the mayor; taking judicial acon in 8 cases involving aorney making installment payments to
him; failing to accurately report income from sale of law pracce) (4/24)
In the Matter of Robichaud, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial
Conduct May 2, 2024) (closed case; failed to renew aorney registraon and to change email
address so that it does not reect her judicial tle, failed to le 2021 nancial disclosure
statement) (6/24)
In the Maer of Guerrero, Order (Arizona Supreme Court March 15, 2024) (driving under the
inuence; receiving compensaon for weddings; driving county-owned vehicle and using a
county fuel credit card to purchase fuel for personal travel) (4/24)
Public Admonition of Ames (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct June 6, 2024) (failing
to complete judicial education, to cooperate with investigation) (6/24)
Public Admonition of Chavez-Soto (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct June 6, 2024)
(failing to complete judicial education, to cooperate with investigation) (6/24)
Public Warning of Balderrama (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct June 6, 2024)
(failing to complete judicial education, to cooperate with investigation) (6/24)
Public Warning of Salinas (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct June 6, 2024) (failing to
complete judicial education and to cooperate with investigation) (6/24)
In the Matter Concerning Kreis, Decision and Order (California Commission on Judicial
Performance May 28, 2024) (failing to disclose relationships with 7 attorneys; sexual
misconduct with female acquaintance; disregarding fathers fundamental rights and engaging in
ex parte communicaons; abusing authority, disregarding fathers fundamental rights,
threatening to report fathers aorney to bar, making a ruling out of pique, and making sarcasc
and gratuitous comments; making undignied, sarcasc, and gratuitous comments in 5
proceedings; inappropriate comments in courtroom about another aorney before he became
judge; statement that would reasonably be interpreted as threat to report aorney to State Bar
in retaliaon for moon to disqualify; providing legal opons to friend about family law
quesons that arose at school where she was employed; during judicial candidate debate,
falsely stang that he had never been disciplined by the Commission; using his chambers to
parcipate in online candidate debate and lm videos for campaign) (6/24)
In re Nicholas, Order (Missouri Supreme Court January 30, 2024) (using judicial position to
demand that resources be diverted from more pressing situations to a downed cable line near
his home; becoming irate and using vulgar language to criticize the city, city employees, and the
police chief; using vulgar language to describe the city’s investigation of a former park director)
In the Maer of Grisan, Determinaon (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct April
22, 2024) (public, profanity-laced, and physical confrontaon with neighbors; shoving police
ocer; profane comments to police personnel; and invoking family es and relaonship with
the mayor; taking judicial acon in 8 cases involving aorney making installment payments to
him; failing to accurately report income from sale of law pracce) (4/24)
In the Matter of Robichaud, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial
Conduct May 2, 2024) (closed case; failed to renew aorney registraon and to change email
address so that it does not reect her judicial tle, failed to le 2021 nancial disclosure
statement) (6/24)
In the Maer of White, Determinaon (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct May 13,
2024) (courtroom moment of silence for vicms of violence; parcipang in public
demonstraon against violence near shoong; video on Facebook with legal advice to
individuals involved in trac stops and reference to police as “pack of wolves”) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Mallery, Decision and order (California Commission on Judicial Performance
May 2, 2024) (using an internal investigation to retaliate against employees who cooperated
with the Commission; making statements he knew to be false to the Commission; making
negative statements to courts chief executive officer about court employees and an attorney
who cooperated with the Commission and suggesting retaliation was appropriate; attempting to
persuade attorney to withdraw peremptory challenge and wrongly denying timely peremptory
challenges in 2 cases; retaliating against, and making improper comments to and about,
attorneys for filing statements of disqualification and peremptory challenges against him;
retaliating against attorney for filing statements of disqualification against him and improperly
taking actions while statements of disqualification were pending; comments to other judges
about case from which he was disqualified; ex parte attempt to induce attorney who filed
peremptory challenge to withdraw petition seeking review; on 5 instances, stating to criminal
attorneys that he intended to evaluate proposed plea agreements based on factors such as
whether the agreement would be perceived negatively by the community, subject him or the
court to criticism, or render him or the elected district attorney politically vulnerable; in 2 cases,
usurping prosecuting agency’s authority to control the institution of proceedings; calling court
employee “Queen Latifah,“Hawaiian princess,” or “Hawaiian warrior” and referring to her
working “tribal magic” or “Hawaiian mojo;” conduct toward 3 court employees that would
reasonably be perceived as bias, prejudice, or harassment based on sex or gender; 5 instances
of poor demeanor toward court staff; disparaging remarks about his colleague and the courts
CEO on 7 occasions; participating in and supporting 3 events for a nonprofit organization that
assists victims of domestic violence; failing to disclose his longtime affiliation with the
organization or disqualify himself in cases involving the organization; and failing to disclose his
close personal relationships with 3 individuals in leadership positions with the organization)
Public Admonishment of Griffith (West Virginia Judicial Investigation Commission February 16,
2024) (allowing non-profit organization to use image and story to raise funds on Facebook)
Inquiry Concerning Marnez, Findings of fact, conclusions of law, and disposion (Kansas
Commission on Judicial Conduct May 1, 2024) (pictures wearing robe and in courtroom on his
personal and re-elecon Facebook page; endorsing businesses in posts on Facebook; and
making comments about cases in Facebook posts) (6/24)
In the Maer of Ballou, Spulaon and order (Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline June
11, 2024) (Instagram post about 8:30 a.m. calendar; photograph on Facebook in hot tub with 2
public defenders, 2 statements about police and black people during court proceedings) (6/24)
In the Maer of White, Determinaon (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct May 13,
2024) (courtroom moment of silence for vicms of violence; parcipang in public
demonstraon against violence near shoong; video on Facebook with legal advice to
individuals involved in trac stops and reference to police as “pack of wolves”) (6/24)
Public Admonishment of Griffith (West Virginia Judicial Investigation Commission February 16,
2024) (allowing non-profit organization to use image and story to raise funds on Facebook)
In the Matter of Soules, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
May 2, 2024) (closed case; possession and sale of cocaine, invoked office with police) (6/24)
Disciplinary Counsel v. Warner (Ohio Supreme Court February 16, 2024) (convictions for
complicity to leaving the scene of an accident and complicity to tampering with evidence)
In the Maer of Guerrero, Order (Arizona Supreme Court March 15, 2024) (driving under the
inuence; receiving compensaon for weddings; driving county-owned vehicle and using a
county fuel credit card to purchase fuel for personal travel) (4/24)
In re Ghouse, Order (Illinois Courts Commission October 14, 2022) (driving under the influence
of alcohol, striking a parked vehicle) (6/24)
In the Matter of Loveless, Stipulation and order of consent (Nevada Commission on Judicial
Discipline June 24, 2024) (being intoxicated when contacted by telephone by law enforcement
personnel for search warrant requests; driving under the influence) (6/24)
In re Rogers, Order of suspension (Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct March 6, 2024) driving
under the influence) (4/24)
In the Matter Concerning Kreis, Decision and Order (California Commission on Judicial
Performance May 28, 2024) (failing to disclose relationships with 7 attorneys; sexual
misconduct with female acquaintance; disregarding fathers fundamental rights and engaging in
ex parte communicaons; abusing authority, disregarding fathers fundamental rights,
threatening to report fathers aorney to bar, making a ruling out of pique, and making sarcasc
and gratuitous comments; making undignied, sarcasc, and gratuitous comments in 5
proceedings; inappropriate comments in courtroom about another aorney before he became
judge; statement that would reasonably be interpreted as threat to report aorney to State Bar
in retaliaon for moon to disqualify; providing legal opons to friend about family law
quesons that arose at school where she was employed; during judicial candidate debate,
falsely stang that he had never been disciplined by the Commission; using his chambers to
parcipate in online candidate debate and lm videos for campaign) (6/24)
Woolsey, Per curiam (Florida Supreme Court June 20, 2024) (misleading campaign social media
post) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Marnez, Findings of fact, conclusions of law, and disposion (Kansas
Commission on Judicial Conduct May 1, 2024) (pictures wearing robe and in courtroom on his
personal and re-elecon Facebook page; endorsing businesses in posts on Facebook; and
making comments about cases in Facebook posts) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Sichler, Per curiam (New Mexico Supreme Court May 13, 2024) (acng as
campaign treasurer and personally accepng funds on behalf of campaign, failing to remove
someone as her campaign treasurer on the Secretary of State’s Campaign Finance
portal/Campaign Finance Informaon System when his consent was withdrawn, and being sole
contact person for campaign commiee) (6/24)
Goodman, Order (Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct May 29, 2024) (closed; violated
numerous employment laws and personnel rules; retaliaon) (6/24)
Inquiry Concerning Mallery, Decision and order (California Commission on Judicial Performance
May 2, 2024) (using an internal investigation to retaliate against employees who cooperated
with the Commission; making statements he knew to be false to the Commission; making
negative statements to courts chief executive officer about court employees and an attorney
who cooperated with the Commission and suggesting retaliation was appropriate; attempting to
persuade attorney to withdraw peremptory challenge and wrongly denying timely peremptory
challenges in 2 cases; retaliating against, and making improper comments to and about,
attorneys for filing statements of disqualification and peremptory challenges against him;
retaliating against attorney for filing statements of disqualification against him and improperly
taking actions while statements of disqualification were pending; comments to other judges
about case from which he was disqualified; ex parte attempt to induce attorney who filed
peremptory challenge to withdraw petition seeking review; on 5 instances, stating to criminal
attorneys that he intended to evaluate proposed plea agreements based on factors such as
whether the agreement would be perceived negatively by the community, subject him or the
court to criticism, or render him or the elected district attorney politically vulnerable; in 2 cases,
usurping prosecuting agency’s authority to control the institution of proceedings; calling court
employee “Queen Latifah,“Hawaiian princess,” or “Hawaiian warrior” and referring to her
working “tribal magic” or “Hawaiian mojo;” conduct toward 3 court employees that would
reasonably be perceived as bias, prejudice, or harassment based on sex or gender; 5 instances
of poor demeanor toward court staff; disparaging remarks about his colleague and the courts
CEO on 7 occasions; participating in and supporting 3 events for a nonprofit organization that
assists victims of domestic violence; failing to disclose his longtime affiliation with the
organization or disqualify himself in cases involving the organization; and failing to disclose his
close personal relationships with 3 individuals in leadership positions with the organization)
In re Adrian, Order (Illinois Courts Commission February 23, 2024) (reversing guilty finding to
circumvent law requiring mandatory prison sentence; false and misleading testimony about the
reason for his reversal; ordering prosecutor to leave courtroom because he had “liked” a post
on social media that criticized the judge) (2/24)
Inquiry Concerning Schmidt, Order (Kansas Commission on Judicial Conduct April 10, 2024)
(granting temporary protection from stalking order when he had romantic relationship with
party or had interest in pursuing a relationship; response to Commission lacked candor) (4/24)
In re Inquiry Concerning Cornutt, Opinion (Texas Special Court of Review January 22, 2024)
(entering post-answer default judgment at pretrial hearing and failing to set matter for trial,
contrary to court rules; failing to cooperate with Commission’s investigation) (2/24)
Public Reprimand of Montemayor (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct February 7,
2024) (failing to respond to letter from Commission) (2/24)
Public Reprimand of Slaughter (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct February 7, 2024)
(failing to timely rule on motions; failing to cooperate with Commission’s investigation) (2/24)
In the Maer of Rock, 900 S.E.2d 57 (West Virginia 2024) (misrepresentaons to disciplinary
authories) (4/24)
In re Complaint No. 23-90015 (Newman), Memorandum of decision (U.S. Judicial Conference
Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability February 7, 2024) (failing to undergo medical
examinations as ordered) (2/24)
In re Complaint of Judicial Misconduct (Kindred), Order and certification (9
Circuit Judicial
Council May 23, 2024) (hostile work environment in chambers; sexually harassing law clerk and
continuing sexualized relationship after clerkship; being dishonest during investigation) (6/24)
Goodman, Order (Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct May 29, 2024) (closed; violated
numerous employment laws and personnel rules; retaliaon) (6/24)
Press release (Williams) (Arkansas Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission March 28, 2024)
Inquiry Concerning Hosford, Notice of dismissal (Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission
February 29, 2024) (inappropriate comments evincing a bias in favor of law enforcement
following Zoom hearing) (2/24)
In the Maer of Madrid, Order (New Mexico Supreme Court February 17, 2023) (4/24)
In the Matter of Goldbaum, Order (New Mexico Supreme Court January 10, 2024) (closed case;
request for retroactive salary increase) (6/24)
In the Matter of Friedmann, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial
Conduct March 14, 2024) (failed to disqualify from criminal case despite being biased against
defense attorney, ex parte communications, dismissed charges without notice to or consent of
the prosecution; bias and a hostile demeanor toward a defense attorney in retaliation for
complaint) (4/24)
In the Matter of Soules, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
May 2, 2024) (closed case; possession and sale of cocaine, invoked office with police) (6/24)
In the Matter of Robichaud, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial
Conduct May 2, 2024) (closed case; failed to renew aorney registraon and to change email
address so that it does not reect her judicial tle, failed to le 2021 nancial disclosure
statement) (6/24)
In the Matter of Nowakowski, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial
Conduct June 13, 2024) (closed case; sexual harassment, retaliaon) (6/24)
In the Matter of Nevers, Decision and order (New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
June 13, 2024) (closed case; unprepared for and unnecessarily delayed eviction matter;
dismissed traffic ticket issued to relative of his co-judge; did not disqualify notwithstanding
longstanding friendship with defendant and family; unable to perform duties) (6/24)
State of Oklahoma ex rel. Kane v. Soderstrom, Final order (Trial Division of the Oklahoma Court
on the Judiciary February 14, 2024) (conduct during a murder trial, including excessive time on
phone and exchanging over 500 text messages with bailiff; having male attorneys pose for
pictures in pink chairs in her chambers and displaying pictures her outer chambers; derogatory
statements and conduct toward the district attorney and his staff; inappropriate posts on
Facebook; refusing to sign or return a probable cause affidavit for over 6 months because she
believed the charges were too harsh; ordering a defendant to sell a vehicle in order to hire an
attorney; conduct during another murder trial when the defendant entered a blind plea after
the state’s presentation of witnesses; during testimony before the Council on Judicial
Complaints, using the “f*** word” 3 times and offering misleading or false statements or
arguments) (2/24)
Public Admonition of Ames (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct June 6, 2024) (failing
to complete judicial education, to cooperate with investigation) (6/24)
Public Admonition of Chavez-Soto (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct June 6, 2024)
(failing to complete judicial education, to cooperate with investigation) (6/24)
Public Warning of Balderrama (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct June 6, 2024)
(failing to complete judicial education, to cooperate with investigation) (6/24)
Public Warning of Salinas (Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct June 6, 2024) (failing to
complete judicial education and to cooperate with investigation) (6/24)