Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
UCF Fraternity and Sorority Life Chapter ............................................................................................................ 3
Levels of Standing .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Good Standing ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Prohibitive Standing ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Bad Standing ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Member’s Ability to Hold Elected Office .............................................................................................................. 4
Required Registration Information ........................................................................................................................ 4
Packet 1 (Semesterly) - Due the Second Monday of Classes (Regardless of Holidays) ............... 4
Packet 2 (Semesterly) - Due the Last Friday of Classes (Regardless of Holidays) ......................... 4
Chapter President Meetings .................................................................................................................................. 4
Roster Changes ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Certificate of Insurance Compliance (Annually) ........................................................................................... 5
Community Development Plan ............................................................................................................................ 5
Monthly Chapter Reports (Monthly) ................................................................................................................... 5
Standards of Excellence (Annually) .................................................................................................................... 5
Educational Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Officer Trainings .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Risk Management Education ................................................................................................................................ 6
Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Training ........................................................................................................... 6
Bystander Intervention (Green Dot Training) ................................................................................................ 6
DGC/NPHC Risk Management Retreat.............................................................................................................. 6
Fraternal U/Greek Leadership Institute ............................................................................................................ 6
Panhellenic Risk Prevention Day ........................................................................................................................ 6
Greek Leadership Challenge ................................................................................................................................. 7
Emerging Leaders Retreat ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Presidents Academy ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Attendance Requirements & Policies .................................................................................................................... 7
Fine Policies & Schedule .............................................................................................................................................. 7
New Member/Membership Polices ........................................................................................................................ 7
Greek Account for Materials, Management and Administration (G.A.M.M.A) Dues ..................... 7
General New Member Education Policies ....................................................................................................... 7
Overnight Events/Retreats ..................................................................................................................................... 8
New Member Presentation Guidelines (if applicable)................................................................................ 8
Guidelines for those who host New Member Presentations or “Shows” .......................................... 8
Violation(s) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
UCF Hazing Policy .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Hazing Reporting .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Events ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Event Registration.................................................................................................................................................... 10
Social Event Registration Form (SERF) Policies ...................................................................................... 10
Safety Action For Event (SAFE) Policies ..................................................................................................... 11
Collaboration Events ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Alcohol (Wet) Events............................................................................................................................................... 11
Philanthropic Events ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Wet Event Guidelines (Events with Alcohol) ................................................................................................ 11
Overnight Events, Overnight Formals, & Wet Events Further than 40 Miles from Campus... 12
Briefing and Debriefing ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Travel Notification from National or International Office ....................................................................... 13
Events at Third Party Vendors ............................................................................................................................ 13
House Parties ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Tailgating Policies .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Lake Claire Tailgating Policies ............................................................................................................................ 14
The Fraternity and Sorority Life Handbook was created to consolidate various policies related to
Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of Central Florida into one location. The policies are
reflective of standing office policies and policies established by The Way Forward and The Way
Forward 2.0. The premise of the policies is to evolve the five target areas of safety for the UCF
Fraternity and Sorority Life community: Building Community, Community Development,
Community Transparency, Alcohol & Event Management, and New Member Education and
Development. Please note, that although this Handbook is designed to consolidate the various
policies related to Fraternity and Sorority Life, this handbook is not all-encompassing of all policies
and the policies are subject to change at the discretion of Fraternity and Sorority Life staff.
UCF Fraternity and Sorority Life Chapter
In order for a social fraternity or sorority to be deemed a member of the community, they must
register with the University, only after the Vice President for Student Development and
Enrollment Services has granted a formal invitation. In order to receive a formal invitation, the
petitioning organization must meet all the documentation and certification requirements, as set
forth by the expansion policy. An expansion committee will review the documents and make a
recommendation. The Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life will review all recommendations and
provide the final recommendation to the Vice President for Student Development and
Enrollment Services. At the discretion of the Vice President for Student Development and
Enrollment Services, approval may be given.
In order to remain a member of the community, the University of Central Florida including
respective departments and the National Office of the fraternity or sorority, must agree
collectively or independently that it is in the best interest of the students to remain in the
Levels of Standing
Good Standing
Chapter is current on all required registration paperwork, has no outstanding fines, and has
met all other obligations. Additionally, the chapter is not on a restrictive status of any kind
through the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, the Office of Student Conduct, or their
governing council, and/or does not have any overdue educational sanctions.
Prohibitive Standing
Chapter is not current with all required registration paperwork, has an outstanding fine, did
not meet another obligation, or has overdue educational sanctions. Chapters may be
permitted, at the discretion of OFSL, to have basic operations such as chapter meetings,
community service, and recruitment, but are not permitted to host social events, philanthropic
events, etc.
Bad Standing
Chapter is on an interim suspension, suspension, or expulsion status. No chapter operations
may occur. Select operations may be approved at the discretion of the Office of Student
Conduct and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and at the request of the National Office.
Member’s Ability to Hold Elected Office
In order to hold an elected position in the Fraternity and Sorority Life community the individuals
must be a degree seeking student currently taking a minimum of 6 credit hours at UCF. The
student must be an active member of the community and be in good standing with their
Fraternity or Sorority, the council and institution. All members must have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA.
In order to run for a council leadership position, including a recruitment guide, individuals must
be a degree seeking student currently taking a minimum of 6 credit hours at UCF. The student
must be an active member of the community and be in good standing with their fraternity or
sorority, the council, and institution. The member must have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Presidents of
the councils are not permitted to hold two elected positions at UCF simultaneously. No member
will be permitted to run for a leadership position unless the member and chapter is currently in
good standing; this includes interim suspension.
Required Registration Information
At the start of each semester all chapter presidents will be added to a Fraternity and Sorority Life
WebCourse. All required registration information can be found via the WebCourse. Failure to
submit any required documents on-time will result in the chapter being placed in prohibitive
standing and may result in a fine. Documents carrying a fine for late submission can be found
Packet 1 (Semesterly) - Due the Second Monday of Classes (Regardless of Holidays)
- Roster Edit 1
- Hazing Compliance Form
- New Member Education Plan
- Chapter Plan
- RSO Update Form
- Academic Plan
Packet 2 (Semesterly) - Due the Last Friday of Classes (Regardless of Holidays)
- Roster Edit 2
- Community Service/Philanthropy Report
- Officer Update Form
Chapter President Meetings
Chapter Presidents or an agreed upon executive member are required to attend regular
meetings with their OFSL advisor.
Failure to meet for three consecutive meetings can result in chapter being placed on
prohibitive standings until meetings are made up or advisor approves.
Roster Changes
All roster changes (potential new member, eliminated member, inactive member, etc.) that
occur within the chapter should be made within 48 hours on Greek Roll. However,
chapters should not move graduated members to graduated status until Roster Edit 1 the
semester following graduation and New Members will automatically become Members
once the new semester begins. (
Failure to update roster can result in a chapter hold on all operations and/or result in being
placed on bad standings.
Certificate of Insurance Compliance (Annually)
Each year, every organization is required to produce verification of General Liability
Insurance. As per UCF Regulation 4.0292 Potentially Hazardous Events, Section 6
Insurance Requirements and the terms of the sub-lease, it is mandatory that all Greek
organizations provide their current Certificate of Insurance. The certificate should indicate
a minimum General Liability coverage of $1 million per occurrence, naming UCF Board of
Trustees as “Additional Insured” and UCF Risk Management as “Certificate Holder”.
Moreover, organizations must provide an Additional Insured Endorsement (AIE) naming
the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees.
Failure to comply with these policies may result in the following:
- Risk Management denying events and Safety Action for Event (SAFE) requests.
- For Housed organizations, a breach of sub-lease obligations may lead to the eviction
of the chapter house.
The certificate of Insurance can be submitted to the Coordinator of Risk Prevention in the
Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
Community Development Plan
Each Chapter is responsible for working with their governing council and the Greek
Council President on the Continuous Improvement Plan found in the Way Forward 2.0
Monthly Chapter Reports (Monthly)
On the 20
of each month, chapter presidents are required to submit their chapter’s
monthly report via the President’s WebCourse. This report is a brief summary of chapter
operations for the previous month. The template of the report can be found on the
Failure to complete may result in the chapter being placed on “Prohibitive Standing” until
Standards of Excellence (Annually)
Each year, chapters are required to complete the Standards of Excellence submission,
which is a summary of all chapter operations each year. Additionally, chapters are required
to make a presentation to a panel of judges and their peers about the various efforts their
chapter has made. Failure to complete the submission on time can result in a fine and the
chapter being placed on prohibitive standing until this document is submitted. Copies of
the packet and how to submit it can be found on the OFSL website and through the
- Late or failure to submit may result in a fine for chapters over 30 members of $500;
for chapters under 30 members $250.
- Chapters may be placed on prohibitive standing until completed.
- Any organization within the bottom 10% of the community Standings or below a
chapter average GPA of 2.5 for any semester may be placed on a values-driven
semester plan. The plan will focus on leadership, academics, service, and positive
relations. Chapters that are not maintaining satisfactory SOE scores or GPA will be
supported to grow and develop in the areas listed above as needed. A reduction (or
exclusion) of programs considered purely social for the following semester may
occur at the discretion of the office advisor.
Educational Requirements
The following programs have required attendance for chapters. Please note that programs are
funding based and are subject to cancellation by the office.
Officer Trainings
Officer Trainings will be offered each semester and will be required for first-semester
officers. Trainings are offered for various positions. The training schedule can be found on
the OFSL Semester Calendar found under Resources on the OFSL website and at the
Failure to complete all trainings by the end of an executive boards first semester will result
in the chapter being placed on “Prohibitive Standing” until completed.
Risk Management Education
Education will be offered each semester and will be required for first-semester officers.
Trainings are offered for various positions noted below. The training schedule can be found
on the OFSL Semester Calendar found under Resources on the OFSL website and at the
Failure to complete all trainings by the end of an executive boards first semester may result
in the chapter being placed on “Prohibitive Standing” until completed.
Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Training
Required for all first-semester Presidents, Vice Presidents, Risk Managers, Social Chairs,
New Member Educators, and Standards Chairs who have not completed the training
Bystander Intervention (Green Dot Training)
Required for all first-semester Presidents, Vice Presidents, Risk Managers, Social Chairs,
New Member Educators, and Standards Chairs who have not completed the training
previously. Overviews will be provided to all councils.
Each chapter is responsible for providing resources and actively educating members on
interpersonal and sexual assault violence.
DGC/NPHC Risk Management Retreat
Required for all neophytes of the Diversified Greek Council (DGC) and the National Pan-
Hellenic Council (NPHC). There may be required trainings for prophytes on select topics.
Fraternal U/Greek Leadership Institute
Required for all new members of the Interfraternity Council (IFC).
Panhellenic Risk Prevention Day
Required for all potential new members going through Panhellenic Formal Recruitment.
Greek Leadership Challenge
If offered, chapters are required to send two-chapter members to a weekend leadership
retreat, Greek Leadership Challenge.
A reimbursement of $250 per member at minimum will be mandated for every member of
a chapter that does not attend entire retreat or is sent home for disciplinary reasons.
Emerging Leaders Retreat
If offered, chapters are required to send two emerging leaders, defined as members who
have not yet held a position of leadership in the chapter or are in their first role.
A reimbursement of $200 per member at minimum will be mandated for every member of
a chapter that does not attend entire retreat or is sent home for disciplinary reasons.
Presidents Academy
If offered, chapters are required to send Presidents, to a day-long or weekend leadership
retreat where they are educated on community policies, standards, and given tools to
A reimbursement of $200 per member at minimum will be mandated for every member of
a chapter that does not attend entire retreat or is sent home for disciplinary reasons.
Attendance Requirements & Policies
Failure to send adequate representation to all required programs, meetings, and events, found on
the OFSL Semester Calendar on the OFSL website or via email, may result in the chapter being
placed on prohibitive status, and may result in a fine.
Fine Policies & Schedule
Fines will be assessed as a result of failure to attend meetings/programs, failure to turn-in
paperwork on time, and/or breaking certain policies that carry a fine. All fines administrated by
the office will go directly towards community and educational programming overseen by the
Presidents’ Council and/or Greek Council.
New Member/Membership Polices
Greek Account for Materials, Management and Administration (G.A.M.M.A) Dues
Each active member will be assessed membership dues to be determined by the
Presidents Council. G.A.M.M.A. Dues are used to provide programming, scholarship,
leadership, and other opportunities deemed beneficial to the success and sustainability of
the Fraternity and Sorority Life community. The Greek Council President and Director of
Fraternity and Sorority Life will oversee the usage of funds.
General New Member Education Policies
In order for a chapter to take in new members, all new member paperwork must be
complete; risk prevention programming must be complete; and the Greek Roll roster must
reflect they are new members. EACH CHAPTER IS REQUIRED TO HAVE NO LESS THAN 12
ORGANIZATION. (Please refer to OSI policies)
- All new member education meeting dates, times, and locations must be denoted in
the New Member Plan.
- New member processes are restricted to 7 weeks unless approved by the Office of
Fraternity and Sorority Life. National Offices may be contacted before approval is
- New membership process will be permitted to take place during the fall and spring
semester only. Exceptions must be made by the Director and be given in written
form for extreme reasons only.
- New member education meetings should occur between 8:00 am and 11:00 pm.
- All ritual ceremonies should have a chapter advisor present.
- Programs developed specifically for new members must not include any alcohol, or
any drugs.
Overnight Events/Retreats
All overnight events or retreats must be acknowledged, in-writing, by the inter/national
These events require a full-risk management plan, in addition to other applicable event
registration requirements listed later in this handbook.
New Member Presentation Guidelines (if applicable)
All organizations must adhere to the following guidelines when presenting new members
to the campus community:
Presentation of new members must take place no more than 15 calendar days after the
members have been initiated into the organization, and/or prior to “Study Day(s)”,
whichever comes first, unless approved in writing by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority
Guidelines for those who host New Member Presentations or “Shows”
- The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life must be notified of the date, time, and
location of the “show” no less than 15 business days prior to the date of the New
Member Presentation. SAFE Forms are required for all on campus New Member
- New Member Presentations are not to be scheduled on the same time as another
New Member Presentation or an OFSL scheduled program.
- No explicit or revealing attire is to be worn by the new members or other “show”
- No excessive use of profanity or sexually suggestive language. This is to include
music and chants.
- No alcoholic beverages or drugs will be permitted. This includes by visiting chapters,
alumni, and/or graduate members.
- No physical abuse will be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to: slapping,
kicking, spitting, punching, pushing, poking, caning, etc. Items such as canes, staffs,
and sticks may be used as a part of the performance but may not be used as a
weapon to harm another individual. If not used as part of the show, items should not
be present.
- The following items are not permitted unless approved by the office: Bats, bricks,
chains, paddles. Please consult with OFSL for all other paraphernalia that is being
- In the event of an altercation during the presentation, those fighting will be
disciplined immediately. If a member of the presenting organization is involved, the
presentation show will be stopped immediately. (See Violations section for further
- No references to hazing and/or other illegal activities, this includes but is not limited
to suggestive themes and items such as non-decorative paddles.
- Disruptions by other attending organizations will not be tolerated. This includes but
is not limited to: walking through the presenters’ show, talking over the presenting
organization, etc.
- If a new member decides that they cannot, or decides not to participate in the show,
a written and signed letter by the new member must be submitted to the Office of
Fraternity and Sorority Life no less than 72 hours before the show explaining why
they cannot or have decided not to participate. If less than 72 hours contact office
advisor immediately for acknowledgement.
- The New Member Presentation MUST start within 30 minutes of scheduled time
advertised. Advertised time should be reflective of the same time noted on the SAFE
and SERF forms. Following the show, members of the presenting organization must
vacate the area within 30 minutes (this will assist with crowd disbursement). The
organization will be responsible for ensuring the site used is left in its original state
after use. (Rollcall is not considered the start of show)
- It is the chapter responsibility to notify visiting and alumni members of all UCF New
Member Presentation rules. (Golden Rule)
- If a New Member Presentation does not occur, new members must be presented in
some formal way (reception, tweet, email, flyer, Instagram, etc.), acknowledging all
new members.
Violations of guidelines can result in consequences including fines, cancellation of show,
probation, and/or suspension.
UCF Hazing Policy
UCF-5.008 Rules of Conduct, Section 7 (a) (e)
UCF-5.011 Organizational Rules of Conduct, Section 10 (a) (e)
Hazing The University does not condone hazing in any form and defines hazing to include but
not limited to:
a. Any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical
health and/or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into, or affiliation
with, any organization operating under registration with the University. Hazing may result
in felony charges.
b. Brutality of a physical nature such as whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics,
exposure to the elements; forced consumption of any food, liquid, liquor, drug, or other
substances; or other forced elements; or other forced activity which could adversely affect
the mental or physical health or safety of the individual.
c. Any activity which could subject the individual to mental stress such as sleep deprivation,
forced exclusion from social contact, forced contact which could result in embarrassment,
or any other activity which could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the
d. Forcing or requiring the violation of University policies, federal, state, or local law.
e. Any activity, as described above, upon which the initiation or admission into or affiliation
with a University of Central Florida organization may be directly or indirectly conditioned,
shall be presumed to be a “forced” activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in
such an activity notwithstanding.
Hazing Reporting
To ensure the UCF Creed is maintained to the highest degree, UCF does not condone hazing in
any form. Hazing is an abuse of power and relationships, and its purpose is to demean others.
Hazing has no place at the University of Central Florida. Any acts of hazing by any UCF student or
student group/club/organization /sports/fraternity/sorority /athletic team will not be tolerated.
Hazing is a serious matter and if you feel you, or someone you know has been hazed, you can
report hazing by one of the methods below:
1. Contact the UCF Police Department UCF’s Police Department at (407) 823-5555.
2. File an Incident Report To file a hazing incident report, please use OSC’s Incident
Reporting Form.
3. Call the Anti-Hazing Hotline To report a hazing incident by phone please contact the
hazing hotline 407-823-4518. Calls are answered by a staff member on business days
between the hours of 8am and 5pm. If you call outside of the office hours and leave your
name and contact information, you will receive a phone call during the next business day.
4. Email the Anti-Hazing Account To report a hazing incident by email, please send your
concerns to anti[email protected].
Don’t be a bystander when it comes to hazing. If you feel a matter needs to be addressed
immediately, don’t hesitate to contact the police by dialing 911 or UCF’s Police Department at
(407) 823-5555.
Event Registration
All fraternity and sorority events must be registered and reviewed by the Office of
Fraternity and Sorority Life (OFSL). All events must be registered through the SERF system: Some events may also need to be registered through the SAFE
Social Event Registration Form (SERF) Policies
Submission Deadlines:
- Dry Events: 5 days prior to the event
- Events with Alcohol (wet) : 10 days prior to the event
- Any event registered within the respective window will be acknowledged by
the OFSL.
Any event held, which is not acknowledged by OFSL, could result in disciplinary
action by OFSL, the Office of Student Conduct, and/or Greek Council.
SERF submissions will not be deemed submitted in their entirety until both the
SERF and the Supplemental SERF
( are submitted. The
Supplemental SERF must be submitted by the respective deadlines as well.
- Events with alcohol (wet) submitted within 10 days will not be approved.
- Dry events submitted within 5 days will not be approved or subject to a
o First Offense: $50, Second Offense: $100, Third Offense: Automatic
- Any chapter that sponsors an unregistered event may be assessed a $200
fine and will be placed on “Prohibitive Standing” for the remaining of the
semester. In the event that the program occurred within the last 4 weeks
of the semester, the “Prohibitive Status” will continue for the following
Safety Action For Event (SAFE) Policies
Submission Deadline: The online form and paper SAFE Form with all required
signatures must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the event. Once all required
signatures are collected, the paper copy can be turned into OFSL. NO SAFE FORMS
For events requiring a SAFE Form, the SERF will not be acknowledged until the SAFE
Form is submitted.
For all other policies regarding SAFE Forms, including what types of events they are
necessary for, please visit:
Collaboration Events
If the guest list exceeds 40% attendance by another single organization, the event may be
considered a program sponsored by both organizations. Note: For chapters with less than
12 members, a “collaboration event” will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Alcohol (Wet) Events
During the first two weeks of the semester, mid-term week, and finals week, no events with
alcohol will be approved. These dates will be determined by the institution and the Office
of Fraternity and Sorority Life and posted on the OFSL Semester Calendar.
Philanthropic Events
No philanthropy events will be permitted at venues where the primary source of income is
alcohol sales.
Wet Event Guidelines (Events with Alcohol)
All wet events, with the exception of outdoor, on-campus tailgates, must meet the
following criteria:
- Utilize a licensed and insured third-party alcohol vendor and bartender, who is not a
member or the chapter or the UCF Greek community
- Have an in-depth risk management plan, completed through the SERF system,
including but not limited to:
- Itinerary:
- What is the event?
- Where is the event?
- Drop-off and pick-up locations on-campus
- Venue
- Who is attending? (hosting orgs, guests, etc,; different than the guest list)
- What time is the event?
- Check-in
- Departure to venue
- Pick-up at venue
- Arrival on campus
- How are you getting there?
- Alcohol management procedures
- Who is the 3
party vendor?
- Who is managing ID verification, wristbands, X’s, etc.?
- Sober monitors:
- Who are they?
- What are their responsibilities?
- What was their training?
- What is the chain of command for the event?
- What is the procedure in case of an emergency?
- Guest list including the following for each guest (if applicable)
- Name
- PID (if applicable)
- Birthdate
- Affiliation (if applicable)
- Sober Monitors
- Events sponsored by one organization - 10% of guest list must be sober monitors
- Co-sponsored events 10% of each organization’s attendees must be sober
Overnight Events, Overnight Formals, & Wet Events Further than 40 Miles from
All overnight events, overnight formals, and wet events further than 40 miles from campus
must be approved, in-writing, by the inter/national organization.
- These events require a full-risk management plan including all elements listed
previously, as well as the following:
- If alcohol will be made available at any time during the event, all elements for
a wet event must be submitted
- Itinerary
- Travel arrangements
- Validation of extra room for guests needing a break which includes food and
water (Overnight events)
- Event monitors who are different each day
- Events are not BYOB (bring your own alcohol)
- Guestlist must include:
- Name
- PID (if applicable)
- Birthdate
- Affiliation (if applicable)
- Emergency contact name
- Emergency contact phone number
- If members are driving private vehicles, chapter must submit list of drivers and
passengers for each vehicle with risk management plan
Briefing and Debriefing
All large-scale programs, events with alcohol, and events outside of 40 miles from campus
should be proceeded with a briefing meeting to discuss logistics, sober monitors,
requirements, and expectations. Additionally, all chapters must have a debrief (in person, or
over the phone) about the happenings of the program within 5 business days or prior to
the next event requiring a briefing meeting.
Travel Notification from National or International Office
Any chapter hosting an event with alcohol more than 40 miles from the campus must
receive written acknowledgment from the National or International Office stating that the
chapter complies with national or international standards.
Events at Third Party Vendors
If utilizing buses for transportation, pick-up and drop-off location must be on-campus at
the Visual Arts Building, or another acceptable location.
- During pick-up, UCF Police must be contracted to assist with the loading of buses.
- Any person(s) believed to be under the influences of any substances should not be
permitted to load on the bus.
- Venue drop-off and pick-up locations must be the same
House Parties
Chapters with a facility either on or off campus (defined by organizational members
comprising at least 60% of the residents) are permitted to host two signature events in the
facility with alcohol each year, including formals and semi-formals. These chapter events
are limited to one per semester. All events must include 3rd party vendors to serve alcohol.
- One wet event inside chapter facilities (or affiliated location) per semester
(maximum two events per year, including summer)
- Must utilize separate points of entry and exit (one each)
- All private residential areas/bedrooms must be locked and off limits to members and
- Organization must contract licensed third-party security (two security guard
minimum; one per every 100 guests)
- Organization must contract police officers (one officer minimum)
- Must meet all other wet event guidelines
Tailgating Policies
- All tailgates must be held outdoors in designated areas.
- Chapters must designate at least one tailgate captain per tailgate and provide the
following information to their council leadership two business days prior to the
game (e.g. Thursday by 5pm for Saturday game or Tuesday by 5pm for Thursday
- Name
- Phone Number
- Organization
- No alcohol beverages above 15% Alcohol by Volume (ABV)
- No hard alcohol
- No glass containers
- No open-source containers
- No block letters (A-frame letters permitted)
Lake Claire Tailgating Policies
- All policies in the Tailgating Policies must be followed and adhered to.
- All policies in the Lake Claire Tailgating Agreement must be followed and adhered
4100 GREEK PARK DRIVE ORLANDO, FL 32816 | 407.823.2072 | FSL.SDES.UCF.EDU