UCF-5.0021 Student Government and Registered Student Organizations.
(1) Purpose.
(a) The University of Central Florida encourages its students to actively participate in
Student Government and Registered Student Organizations as a way of
complementing and extending the classroom experience. Participation in Student
Government and Registered Student Organizations is an integral part of the
overall University of Central Florida experience, because it provides opportunities
for students to network, to develop leadership skills, and to pursue social, civic,
recreational, and career interests.
(b) Student Government and Registered Student Organizations provide a valuable
service to the University community by promoting leadership development,
community spirit, activism, community service, and social and cultural
interaction. Student Government and Registered Student Organizations sponsor
conferences, seminars, lectures, debates, cultural and social events, and fine arts
programs. These activities allow UCF students to meet and interact with local,
state, nationally, and internationally renowned scholars, artists, politicians,
academicians, and other professionals. Student Government and Registered
Student Organization members spend countless volunteer hours each academic
year participating in service projects for campus and community efforts.
(2) Student Government.
(a) Student Government is the official representative of the student body of the
University of Central Florida and aims to represent student issues and concerns at
all levels of University decision making. However, Student Government must
operate with the recognition that the ultimate decision making authority for
University affairs rests with the University’s Board of Trustees, President or their
designees. The University exercises general oversight over all Student
Government activities and is involved in the Student Government budget process.
Student Government is subject to the policies, procedures, rules, and regulations
governing or promulgated by the University and/or the Florida Board of
(b) Student Government may not act as an agent for the State of Florida or the
University of Central Florida. Student Government may not enter into agreements
or contracts which purport to bind the University for any purpose.
(c) Student Government may adopt internal procedures, including a constitution,
bylaws, student statutes, and other student legislative acts; may establish
appointed or elected student officer positions; and may recommend University
employment or personnel to carry out its functions. Any internal procedures
adopted by Student Government must be consistent with applicable law, UCF and
Florida Board of Governors’ policies and regulations, and must generally serve
the best interests of the UCF Student body. Internal procedures of Student
Government are not effective unless approved by University administration.
(d) Student Government is authorized to make recommendations to or through the
Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services concerning all
University policies, regulations, and operating procedures which significantly
affect students and further, is authorized to nominate students to serve on
University committees, councils, and boards, which have student membership or
(e) Through its own constitutional procedures and in accordance with Section
1009.24(10)(b), Florida Statutes, Student Government may determine the
allocation and expenditure of that portion of University fees fixed by law and
designated as Activity and Service Fees. The University must review the Activity
and Service Fee budget, and the President may veto any particular line item in the
(f) All Activity and Service Fees shall be maintained in accounts kept by the UCF
Finance and Accounting Office. All contracts and purchases on behalf of Student
Government shall be made in accordance with University rules, regulations, and
policies, and all appointments and payments of personnel shall be made in
accordance with University personnel and payment procedures.
(g) Student Government shall audit all accounts which receive and/or expend Activity
and Service Fees.
(h) At the end of each university fiscal year, unexpended Activity and Service Fees
shall revert to Student Government for reallocation in the subsequent fiscal year.
(3) Registered Student Organizations.
(a) Any student association, group, or organization other than the Student
Government Association is eligible for active registration as a Registered Student
Organization. Registration is contingent upon the review and recommendation of
the Office of Student Involvement, compliance with all registration requirements
(including academic requirements for members) and approval of the Student
Government Association and Associate Vice President for Student Development
and Enrollment Services or designee.
(b) Registration of a student organization by the University does not imply the
University’s support for the purpose, philosophy, or activities of the Registered
Student Organization. Registration of a student organization by the University
does not mean or imply that the Registered Student Organization has been granted
status as an entity or agent of the State of Florida or the University of Central
Florida. The University will not assume any legal liability for any student
organization’s activities. While faculty and staff members of the University serve
in advisory capacities to student organizations, it is presumed that students of
legal adult age are adults and, therefore, make and are accountable for their
decisions and behaviors as individuals and as members of the organization.
(c) To be considered for registration, a student organization must submit in writing to
the Office of Student Involvement a list of UCF student members and their UCF
PID numbers, a list of all officers and their UCF PID numbers, the signature of all
officers and the faculty/staff advisor(s), and the organization’s constitution.
Proposed student organizations must have a minimum of twelve UCF student
members. Student membership exceptions apply to student organizations at
regional campuses, which need a minimum of eight student members, and, on a
case by case basis, to student organizations affiliated with a national governing
body, which need a minimum of four student members. A proposed student
organization with a mission/purpose that appears to duplicate that of an existing
organization may not be recognized. No student organization may be set up so
that any individual benefits monetarily from its existence. In seeking, securing
and maintaining the privilege to be registered, each student organization must
agree in writing to abide by all University policies, procedures, and regulations
and to hold harmless the University for any actions or activities of the
(d) Student Organizations registered by the University may be granted certain
privileges as established by Student Development and Enrollment Services. Such
privileges may include:
1. The privilege to use University facilities depending on availability,
program, and guidelines;
2. The privilege to request that Student Government allocate activity and
service fees to the organization, provided that the student organization
adheres to the internal procedures of Student Government;
3. The privilege to establish dues and sponsor money-raising projects;
4. The privilege to use the University’s name as part of the organization’s
name as per the Organizational Rules of Conduct;
5. The privilege to invite guest speakers to campus;
6. The privilege to grant awards and honors to organization members;
7. The privilege of access to campus for recruiting, fundraising, and
8. The privilege of a free organizational email address and website;
9. The privilege of access to resources provided by University departments
and offices;
10. The privilege to apply for cubicle space on campus;
11. The privilege to program with Student Government Association agencies;
12. The privilege to participate, as a group, in University-sponsored events.
(e) Registered Student Organizations are subject to the Organizational Rules of
Conduct. Registered Student Organizations that violate the Organizational Rules
of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action. Such disciplinary action may
1. Recommendation for Charter Revocation: An official request to a national
office that the local chapter’s charter be revoked.
2. Revocation of UCF Registration: Permanent severance of the
organization’s relationship with UCF.
3. Suspension of UCF Registration: Temporary severance of the
organization’s relationship with UCF for a specific period of time. The
period of time and any requirements that must be satisfied before re-
registration must be specified in the recommendation of the hearing body.
4. Probation: Temporary restrictions of certain activities on the part of the
organization as defined by the hearing body and/or an officially sanctioned
status of the organization whereas further violations of UCF policy could
result in suspension, revocation of registration, etc.
5. Warning: An official warning that the organization’s behavior is in
violation of UCF policies, and that if the organization is subsequently
found in violation of this policy, subsequent action may be more severe.
6. Restitution: Reimbursement for a loss caused by the organization’s
7. Community Service: Assignment to work a specific number of hours at a
community service agency or project.
8. Mediation: Official mediation between the organization and any offended
9. Restrictions: Restriction of some or all of the organization’s activities or
privileges, including, but not limited to, social activities, intramural
competition, organizational competition, Homecoming, etc.
10. Organizational Suspension: Suspension of all organization activities with
the exception of regular business meetings.
11. Required Educational Programs: Alcohol awareness programs, risk
management programs, etc. for a specified percentage of organizational
Authority: BOG Regulations 1.001 and 6.014. HistoryNew 11-8-79, Amended 12-4-83, Formerly
6C7-5.021, Amended 4-23-03, 10-18-05, Formerly 6C7-5.0021, Amended 2-6-09, 7-2-13, 7-28-