Revised May 4th, 2021
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the University of Central Florida (UCF) Panhellenic Association.
Article II. Object
The object of the Panhellenic Association shall be to develop and maintain women’s sorority life and
interfraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and in so doing to:
A. Consider the goals and ideals of member organizations as applicable to campus and personal life.
B. Promote superior scholarship and intellectual development.
C. Cooperate with member women’s sororities and the university/college administration to maintain
high social and moral standards.
D. Act in accordance with National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Unanimous Agreements, policies and
best practices.
E. Act in accordance with such rules established by the Panhellenic Council as to not violate the
sovereignty, rights and privileges of member sororities.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Membership Classes
There shall be three classes of membership: regular, provisional and associate.
A. Regular membership. The regular membership of the UCF Panhellenic Association shall be
composed of all chapters in good standing of NPC sororities at UCF. Regular members of the College
Panhellenic Association shall pay dues as determined by the Panhellenic Council. Each regular
member shall have voice and one vote on all matters.
B. Provisional membership. The provisional membership of the UCF Panhellenic Association shall be
composed of all colonies in good standing of NPC sororities at UCF. Provisional members shall pay
no dues and shall have voice but no vote on all matters. A provisional member shall automatically
become a regular member upon being installed as a chapter of an NPC sorority.
C. Associate membership. Local sororities or inter/national or regional non-NPC member organizations
may apply for associate membership of the UCF Panhellenic Association. The membership eligibility
requirements and the process for submitting an application and approval of the application shall be
determined by the Panhellenic Council. Associate members shall pay dues as determined by the
Panhellenic Council. An associate member shall have voice and one vote on all matters except
extension-related matters. If they are not participating in the primary recruitment process, they shall
not have a vote on recruitment rules and establishment or modification of Panhellenic total. An
associate member may be expelled for cause by a majority vote of the Panhellenic Council. An
associate member shall not be entitled to vote on the question of its expulsion.
Note: For chapters to be in good standing with Panhellenic, they must be in good standing with the
University of Central Florida. Chapters on Interim Suspension and chapters that have been suspended by
their inter/national organization or the university are not considered in good standing with Panhellenic,
and thus lose their voting rights for the duration of their suspension.
Section 2. Privileges and Responsibilities of Membership
Duty of compliance. All members, without regard to membership class, shall comply with all NPC
Unanimous Agreements and be subject to these UCF Panhellenic Association bylaws, code of ethics
University rules, UCF Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life policies, UCF Greek Council rules, and any
additional rules this Panhellenic Association may adopt, unless otherwise prescribed in these bylaws.
Any rules adopted by this Panhellenic Association in conflict with the NPC Unanimous Agreements shall
be void.
Article IV. Officers and Duties
Section 1. Officers
The officers of the UCF Panhellenic Association shall be President, Executive Vice President, Vice
President of Internal Recruitment, Vice President of External Recruitment, Vice President of Risk
Management, Vice President of Public Relations, Vice President of Community Involvement, Vice
President of Leadership and Academic Development, Vice President of Recruitment Guides, and Vice
President of Administration.
Section 2. Eligibility
A. Eligibility to serve as an officer shall depend on the class of membership:
a. Regular membership. Members from women’s sororities holding regular membership in the
UCF Panhellenic Association shall be eligible to serve as any officer.
b. Provisional membership. Members from women’s sororities holding provisional membership
in the UCF Panhellenic Association shall not be eligible to serve as an officer.
c. Associate membership. Members from women’s sororities holding associate membership in
the UCF Panhellenic Association shall not be eligible to serve as an officer.
B. Candidates must be in good standing with their chapter, maintain a 2.75 overall GPA, and be free of
University holds.
C. Candidates must have recruited for their chapter internally during the primary recruitment process.
Section 3. Selection of Officers
A. Officers will be elected at least one week prior to the last Panhellenic meeting of the fall semester.
B. All candidates must submit an application form consisting of an on-campus/Greek involvement
resume, along with the completed application. Resumes and platform points will be copied for each
chapter. The Panhellenic Advisor and the Panhellenic President are responsible for releasing the
Panhellenic Executive Board application and organizing the election process. The Panhellenic
President shall preside as the Chair during the election proceedings.
a. Candidates may apply for an unlimited number of positions, but if willing, could be elected to
any position on the Executive Board.
b. There is no limit to the number of candidates.
c. Applications will be turned into the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life or electronically as
dictated by the Panhellenic Advisor and the Panhellenic President. The applications will be
checked to ensure that candidates are eligible to hold office.
C. Each candidate will give a two minute speech. If a candidate runs for more than one position, they
will only give a speech pertaining to their top choice position. Following the two minute speech each
chapter has the opportunity to ask one question. Following the first round of questions, if a chapter
has additional questions, a three minute time period will be given. During this three minute period
questioning is open for any chapter within the time frame. Each chapter is allowed a minimum of two
and a maximum of five representatives during the election process.
D. Following all candidate speeches, the representatives will move into an open debate for the candidates
in order of positions listed on the application. At the discretion of the chapter representatives, a
motion to move into pro-con-con-pro can be made at any time during debate. The current Panhellenic
Executive Board may participate in debate if they have worked directly with a candidate in another
leadership role. The Panhellenic Executive Board will not have a vote in the election. Following
debate, voting will take place. Each chapter will have ONE vote per position. Ballots will be counted
and tabulated by the current Panhellenic President and the Panhellenic Advisor. After the ballots are
tabulated, the forum will reconvene and run-off elections will take place if necessary.
Section 4. Office-holding limitations
No more than two (2) members from the same women’s sorority shall hold office during the same term.
Section 5. Term
The officers shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are selected. The term of office
will begin upon officer installation.
Section 6. Removal
Any officer may be removed for cause by a vote of two-thirds of the Panhellenic Council.
Section 7. Vacancies
Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner of selection as provided in Section 3 of this article.
Section 8. Duties of Officers
A. The President shall:
1) Have the overall responsibility of UCF’s Panhellenic Association’s operations.
2) Call and preside at all Panhellenic Association’s Executive Board meetings, Panhellenic presidents’
meetings, and special meetings of the University of Central Florida’s Panhellenic Association.
3) Serve as ex-officio of all Panhellenic Association committees with voice but no vote.
4) Report as required by the National Panhellenic Conference Area Advisor.
5) Have the authority to appoint with the approval of the Executive Board ad hoc committee chairs and
various other appointed positions.
6) Maintain a complete and up-to-date President’s file with all pertinent materials.
7) Attend All-Presidents meetings and report on behalf of the Panhellenic Association.
8) Attend Greek Council meetings and report on behalf of the Panhellenic Association.
9) Preside over all of the Recruitment Team meetings.
B. The Executive Vice President shall:
1) Perform the duties of the President in her absence, inability to serve, or at her call.
2) Oversee the Panhellenic Judicial Board, the Interfraternity Council Chair, the National Pan-Hellenic
Chair and the Diversified Greek Council Chair.
3) Revise the UCF Panhellenic Bylaws and Recruitment Rules annually with the assistance of the
Panhellenic Executive Council.
4) Receive all infractions and coordinate mediations and Judicial Board hearings.
5) Host semesterly Judicial Board trainings.
C. The Vice President of Internal Recruitment shall:
1) Oversee all logistical planning for the Primary Recruitment process.
2) Help in the selection process of the Rho Gammas.
3) Reserve all on campus room assignments, golf carts, tents, and radios for recruitment.
4) Host all Recruitment Chair workshops and serve as a liaison to the chapters.
5) Facilitate the selection of the Panhellenic Recruitment Team.
6) Facilitate the planning and execution of the recruitment contracts.
7) Educate the Panhellenic Community on Values Based Recruitment.
8) The Vice President of Internal Recruitment must have served as a Rho Gamma or member of the
Panhellenic Recruitment Team prior to entering the position.
D. The Vice President of External Recruitment shall:
1) Oversee all marketing efforts for the recruitment process.
2) Help in the selection process of the Rho Gammas.
3) Approve all publications, advertisements, banners, and signage promoting sorority recruitment.
4) Select the Primary Recruitment theme by the fourth week of the spring semester.
5) Oversee the purchasing of all promotional items and recruitment attire.
6) Serve as a liaison between potential new members and the Panhellenic Community.
E. The Vice President of Risk Management shall:
1) Act as a liaison between the other councils and UCF for National Hazing Prevention Week.
2) Organize and facilitate meetings with each chapter’s Risk Management chairs once a month.
3) Provide workshops on various Risk Management issues throughout the semester.
4) Plan and execute programs concerning women’s issues in the Greek community.
5) Secure police reservations for the week of Primary Recruitment.
F. The Vice President of Public Relations shall:
1) Publicize all major events promoted by the University of Central Florida’s Panhellenic Association.
2) Be in charge of all external correspondence pertaining to the Panhellenic community.
3) Oversee all social media outlets pertaining to Panhellenic, including but not limited to, Facebook and
Twitter, Instagram, and the Panhellenic website.
4) Plan and execute a Panhellenic Pride Week and National Panhellenic Badge Day programming.
5) Implement a positive and extensive Public Relations program for the Panhellenic Association.
6) Work with the Vice President of External Recruitment to oversee all social media sites to promote
and advertise Primary Recruitment.
7) Make an updated calendar to be posted on the council website with all philanthropic events large
scale or small.
G. The Vice President of Community Involvement shall:
1) Organize and conduct meetings with the service chairs from every chapter once a month.
2) Establish and organize the involvement of Panhellenic members in monthly community service
events as well as one large-scale philanthropy event each year.
3) Plan an event supporting the National Panhellenic Philanthropy, Circle of Sisterhood.
4) Encourage involvement in campus-wide service events
H. The Vice President of Leadership and Academic Development shall:
1) Monitor the academic standing of the Panhellenic community to ensure that is does not fall below the
all-women’s average at the University of Central Florida.
2) Coordinate events and programs pertaining to leadership and/or academic development.
3) Facilitate meeting with the Panhellenic Chapter’s academic chairs.
4) Keep chapters informed of special programs and scholastic deadlines.
5) Submit academic statistic reports to the National Panhellenic Conference, upon request.
6) Award academic scholarships to Panhellenic Women with high academic achievement.
7) Apply for regional and National Panhellenic Conference awards pertaining to academic excellence
and programming.
8) Coordinate all Junior Panhellenic Delegate meetings and programming.
I. The Vice President of Recruitment Guides shall:
1) Oversee the selection process of the Rho Gammas and the disassociation process.
2) Facilitate the educational process for the Rho Gammas including all Rho Gamma meetings, Rho
Gamma retreat, and any additional programming.
3) Conduct all educational programming and Rho Gamma curriculum during Spirit Week.
4) The Vice President of Recruitment Guides must have served as a Rho Gamma or member of the
Panhellenic Recruitment Team prior to entering the position.
J. The Vice President of Administration shall:
1) Be responsible for the general supervision of the University of Central Florida Panhellenic
Association’s finances.
2) Receive all payments due to the Panhellenic Association, collect all dues and give receipts.
3) Be responsible for the prompt payments of all bills of the University of Central Florida Panhellenic
4) Maintain a complete and up-to-date minutes of the University of Central Florida’s Panhellenic
Association meetings and Executive Board meetings.
5) Serve as the liaison between the Panhellenic Council and the chapter Panhellenic Delegates.
6) Submit the NPC annual report and conference awards applications.
K. Director of Diversity and Inclusion Duties
1). Promote inclusion within member chapters in order to make the Panhellenic community more
welcoming and inclusive to individuals from diverse backgrounds.
2). Co-coordinate diversity and inclusion programming for chapter members.
3). Collaborate with the Director of Public Relations to create content on Diversity and Inclusion. This
entails ensuring diverse representation and accessibility with marketing materials.
4). Collect and distribute information about campus diversity and inclusion programming and resources.
5). Provide referral and support to member chapter’s recruitment officers, new member education officers
and programming officers regarding diversity and inclusion education.
6). Research each month’s holidays and history that celebrate Diversity and Inclusion. (i.e. National
Hispanic Heritage Month September, Jewish American Heritage Month – May, Pride Month – June,
Black History Month – February.
7). Manage the coordination of the Panhellenic Diversity and Inclusion strategic plan.
(Effective for the 2022 calendar year)
Article V. The Panhellenic Council
Section 1. Authority
The governing body of the UCF Panhellenic Association shall be the Panhellenic Council. It shall be the
duty of the Panhellenic Council to conduct all business related to the overall welfare of the UCF
Panhellenic Association including, but not limited to: every regular academic term review the parameters
as adopted in the recruitment rules for the automatic adjustment of total, annually determine dues,
approve the annual budget, consider extension, set a calendar of events, determine programming and
establish recruitment rules and recruitment style. The Panhellenic Council shall also have the authority to
adopt rules governing the Panhellenic Association that do not violate the sovereignty, rights and
privileges of member women’s sororities.
Section 2. Composition and Privileges
The UCF Panhellenic Council shall be composed of one delegate and one alternate delegate from each
regular, provisional and associate member organization at UCF as identified in Article III. The delegates
shall be the voting members of the Panhellenic Council except as otherwise provided in Article III of
these bylaws. The alternate delegates shall have voice but no vote. The alternate delegate shall act and
vote in the place of the delegate when the delegate is absent. If both delegate and alternate are absent, the
vote may be cast by a member of the sorority, providing her credentials have been presented to the
Association president. The notice for this situation must be submitted a week before the vote is scheduled.
Section 3. Selection of Delegates and Alternates
Delegates and alternates to the Panhellenic Council shall be selected by their respective women’s sorority
chapters to serve for a term of one year commencing upon selection by the chapter.
Section 4. Delegate Vacancies
When a delegate vacancy occurs, it shall be the responsibility of the sorority affected to select a
replacement within two (2) weeks and to notify the Panhellenic Vice President of Administration of her
name, email, and telephone number.
Section 5. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Panhellenic Council shall be held at a time and place established at the beginning
of each academic term.
Section 6. Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Panhellenic Council shall be held during the fall semester. The purpose of the
annual meeting shall be for the election of officers and any other business that may properly come before
the delegates.
Section 7. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Panhellenic Council may be called by the Association president when necessary
and shall be called by her upon the written request of no fewer than one-fourth of the member women’s
sororities of the UCF Panhellenic Association. Notice of each special meeting of the Panhellenic Council
shall be sent to each member of the Panhellenic Council at least 24 hours prior to convening the meeting;
however, such notice may be waived, and attendance at such meeting shall constitute waiver of said
Section 8. Quorum
Two-thirds of the delegates from the member sororities of the UCF Panhellenic Association shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 9. Vote Requirements
A. Proposed motions on issues that impact a chapter as a whole must be announced at a previous
meeting to allow opportunity for chapter input before a vote may be taken on the issue.
B. A two-thirds vote of the Panhellenic Council shall be required to approve a recolonization plan and
for all extension-related votes. All other votes, unless specified in these bylaws, shall require a
majority vote for adoption. (See the Article on Amendment of Bylaws for specific voting requirements
for the amendment of these bylaws.)
Article VI. The Executive Board
Section 1. Composition
The composition of the Executive Board shall be the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President
of Internal Recruitment, Vice President of External Recruitment, Vice President of Risk Management,
Vice President of Public Relations, Vice President of Community Involvement, Vice President of
Leadership and Academic Development, Vice President of Recruitment Guides, and Vice President of
Section 2. Duties
The Executive Board shall administer routine business between meetings of the Panhellenic Council and
such other business as has been approved for action by Panhellenic Council vote. At the next regular
meeting of the Panhellenic Council through the Panhellenic Vice President of Administration, the
Executive Board shall also report all action it has taken and record the action in the minutes of that
Section 3. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at a time and place established at the beginning of
each academic term.
Section 4. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the president when necessary and shall be
called by her upon the written request of three members of the Executive Board.
Section 5. Quorum
A majority of Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article VII. The Panhellenic Advisor
Section 1. Appointment
The Panhellenic advisor of the UCF Panhellenic Association shall be appointed by the UCF Office of
Fraternity and Sorority Life.
Section 2. Authority
The Panhellenic advisor shall serve in an advisory capacity to the UCF Panhellenic Association. The
Panhellenic advisor shall have voice but no vote in all meetings of the Panhellenic Council and the
Executive Board.
Article VIII. Committees
Section 1. Standing committees
A. The standing committees of the UCF Panhellenic Association shall be the Judicial Board, Recruitment
Team, and Panhellenic Chairs.
B. Term: The standing committees shall serve during the term of office of the board which appoints them.
C. Eligibility: Individuals who are in good standing and maintain a GPA in accordance with her chapter’s
bylaws are eligible to serve.
Section 2. Appointment of committee membership
The UCF Panhellenic Executive Board shall appoint members and chairmen of all standing and special
committees, except as provided otherwise in these bylaws, and in making these appointments, recognize
fair representation from all member women’s sororities as much as possible. The president shall be an ex-
officio member of all committees except the Judicial Board.
Section 3. Judicial Board
The Judicial Board shall consist of the Executive Vice President as chairman and twelve (12) members
from the College Panhellenic member organizations. The Panhellenic advisor shall serve as a nonvoting,
ex-officio member. The Judicial Board members shall participate in training to be educated about the
purpose of the board, the rules and regulations the Judicial Board will monitor, the procedures to be
followed, proper questioning techniques, the rights of the charged organizations, evaluating evidence, and
deliberations and sanctioning. The Judicial Board shall educate member sororities about the Panhellenic
judicial procedure.
Section 4. Recruitment Team
The Recruitment Team shall consist of members appointed by the consensus of the Vice President of
Internal Recruitment, Vice President of External Recruitment, and Vice President of Recruitment Guides.
To be eligible, members of the Recruitment Team must have full availability for the period of time
between the end of the spring semester and the beginning of the subsequent fall semester. Recruitment
Team members must also be in good standing with their chapter and maintain no less than a 2.75
minimum UCF GPA. Additionally, all officers on the Executive Board are required to serve on
Recruitment Team unless otherwise stipulated by the Panhellenic Vice President of Internal Recruitment.
Section 5. Panhellenic Chairs
The DGC Liaison shall:
a. Serve as the connection between Panhellenic and the DGC Council.
b. Be responsible for attending DGC Council meetings implementing new ways for better
relations between councils
c. Work closely with the DGC Exec to keep both updated on events in both councils
The NPHC Liaison shall:
a. Serve as the connection between Panhellenic and the NPHC Council.
b. Be responsible for attending NPHC Council meetings implementing new ways for better
relations between councils
c. Work closely with the NPHC Exec to keep both updated on events in both councils
The IFC Liaison shall:
a. Serve as the connection between Panhellenic and the IFC Council.
b. Be responsible for attending IFC Council meetings implementing new ways for better relations
between councils
c. Work closely with the IFC Exec to keep both updated on events in both councils
Section 6. Other Committees
Other such committees, standing or special, shall be appointed as deemed necessary by the Panhellenic
Article IX. Finances
Section 1. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the UCF Panhellenic Association shall be from January 1
to December 31
Section 2. Contracts
Dual signatures of the Panhellenic President and Vice President of Administration shall be required to
bind the UCF Panhellenic Association on any contract.
Section 3. Checks
All checks issued on behalf of the UCF Panhellenic Association shall bear dual signatures. The following
shall be authorized to be one of the two required signatures: President, Vice President of Administration.
Section 4. Payments
All payments due to the UCF Panhellenic Association shall be received by Vice President of
Administration, who shall record them. Checks for payments shall be made payable to the UCF
Panhellenic Association.
Section 5. Dues
A. NPC College Panhellenic dues shall be paid yearly as invoiced by the NPC office.
B. Panhellenic Association membership dues shall be an assessment per member and new member.
a. The amount of such dues for the next academic year shall be voted on by the Panhellenic
Council no later than February of that year. A majority vote is needed to approve.
b. The dues of each Panhellenic Association member sorority shall be payable on or before
the second regularly scheduled Panhellenic Council meeting of the fiscal year.
c. If a chapter fails to pay membership dues by the second Panhellenic Council meeting, the
chapter will be assessed a $50.00 fine.
d. If a chapter failed to pay their membership dues by the third Panhellenic Council
meeting, the chapter will be denied vote until their account is fully paid, including fines.
Section 6. Fees and Assessments
The Panhellenic Council shall have the authority to determine fees and assessments as may be considered
Article X. Extension
Section 1. Extension
Extension is the process of adding an NPC women’s sorority. The UCF Panhellenic Association shall
follow all NPC Unanimous Agreements and NPC extension guidelines found on the NPC website and in
the Manual of Information.
Section 2. Voting rights
Only regular members of the Panhellenic Council shall vote on extension matters.
Article XI. Violation Resolution
Section 1. Violation
Chapters shall be held accountable for the conduct of their individual collegiate and alumnae members.
Conduct contrary to the NPC Unanimous Agreements, these bylaws, the Panhellenic code of ethics,
standing rules and/or membership recruitment regulations of the UCF Panhellenic Association shall be
considered a violation.
Section 2. Informal Resolution
Members are encouraged to resolve alleged violations through informal discussion with the involved
Section 3. Judicial process
If informal discussions are unsuccessful, the judicial process will be set in motion by filing a report of the
alleged violation. The UCF Panhellenic Association shall follow all judicial procedures found in NPC
Unanimous Agreement VII.
A. Mediation. Mediation is the first step of the judicial process. The UCF Panhellenic Association shall
follow all NPC Unanimous Agreements concerning the judicial process.
B. Judicial Board hearing. When a violation is not settled informally or through mediation, the Judicial
Board shall resolve the issue in a Judicial Board hearing. The Panhellenic Council shall adopt
procedures in the standing rules for this purpose that are consistent with the NPC Unanimous
C. Appeal of Judicial Board decision. A decision of the Judicial Board may be appealed by any involved
party to the NPC College Panhellenic’s Judicial Appeals Committee. The UCF Panhellenic
Association shall follow all NPC Unanimous Agreements concerning the appeals process.
Article XII. Hazing
Per the Unanimous Agreements, the National Panhellenic Conference supports all efforts to eliminate
hazing. All forms of hazing shall be banned.
Article XIII. Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the UCF
Panhellenic Association when applicable and when they are not inconsistent with the NPC Unanimous
Agreements, these bylaws and any special rules of order the UCF Panhellenic Association may adopt.
Article XIV. Amendment of Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the UCF Panhellenic Council by a
two-thirds vote, provided that the proposed amendment has been announced and submitted in writing at
the previous regular meeting, allowing an opportunity for chapter input.
Article XV. Dissolution
This Association shall be dissolved when only one regular member exists at the University of Central
Florida. In the event of the dissolution, none of the assets of the Association shall be distributed to any
members of the Association, but after payment of all debts, its assets shall be given to the National
Panhellenic Conference.
Greek Rank Resolution
This resolution is extended to the Greek community stating that the University of Central Florida
Panhellenic Council will not condone any site of this nature or any like-minded website. Any chapter who
acts out or is caught using this website will be sentenced to a Panhellenic Judicial Hearing. We
recommend chapters to come up with action plans regarding the use of this website and how it affects our
community. If any member of the Panhellenic Community is proven to be negatively writing about others
in this community, the chapter president should take actions to make sure this does not happen again. We
encourage you all to come with a specific plan or punishment to be taken when events like these may
Panhellenic Pride Week
There shall be no Panhellenic sponsored events during Panhellenic Pride Week, typically held in the fall
semester, so long as the semester calendar comes out within the first two weeks of school by the
Panhellenic Executive Board. This is to allow all Panhellenic women to participate in events put on by the
Vice President of Public Relations with no conflicts provided by any chapter(s) in our council. The only
exception may be sisterhood pairing events on day during the week where no Panhellenic Pride Week
events are schedule.
Philanthropy Restriction
1. Panhellenic organizations are not allowed to host and/or participate in any Greek organization
philanthropy event that has more than four expectations of participating organizations; excluding
Circle of Sisterhood, Pack to Attack Hunger, IFC Executive Board Philanthropies, and UCF
2. Expectations are considered but not limited to events, partial proceeds, banners, signature
campaigns, serenades, fashion shows, carwashes, food events, donation drives, social media
campaigns, decoration competitions, dance competitions, and any additional task imposed on an
organization. Apparel, Registration Fees, Monetary Donation Campaigns, and Event ticket sales
are not considered expectations.
a. Any questions on whether something is considered an expectation should be directed to
the Panhellenic Vice President of Community Involvement.
3. Chapters may not receive wet events as reward for winning a philanthropic event.
4. If organizations are found guilty of breaking this amendment they will be subject to a Judicial
Board Hearing.
Panhellenic Judicial Affairs
1. In accordance with the College Panhellenic Association bylaws and the NPC Unanimous
Agreements, the judicial board is composed of twelve (12) collegians from the College
Panhellenic member organizations, the Panhellenic Executive Board member acting as the Chair
of the Panhellenic Judicial Board, and the fraternity/sorority advisor as a nonvoting ex-officio
member. The name of the judicial body of the Panhellenic Council shall be the Panhellenic
Judicial Board, and shall be hereinafter referred to as the J. Board.
2. Membership of the J. Board:
a. The membership of the J. Board shall consist of the Panhellenic Delegates from each
Panhellenic Chapter and the Executive Vice President, who shall preside as the Chair of
the J. Board.
b. At a hearing of the J. Board there shall be no more than six (6) Panhellenic Delegates
who sit on a hearing at one time. The six (6) Panhellenic Delegates who sit on a hearing
shall be on a rotation excluding the Panhellenic Delegates who are a member of the
chapter that is either the accused or accuser.
c. The attendance of all six (6) Panhellenic Delegates at a hearing shall constitute a quorum.
d. At the first meeting of the J. Board a Vice Chair shall be elected. The Vice Chair of the
J. Board shall be a Panhellenic Delegate elected with a majority vote.
e. Should the case being heard before the J. Board involve the chapter in which the
Panhellenic Executive Vice President is a member, she shall step down as the Chair of
the Panhellenic Judicial Board for the remainder of the case. The Panhellenic President
shall then fill the position of the J. Board Chair. If the Panhellenic President is a member
of a chapter that is either the accused or the accuser, the succession of the Chair position
would then go to the next Panhellenic Executive Board member in the order listed on the
Panhellenic Meeting Agenda.
f. Voting members shall be the six (6) Panhellenic Delegates sitting on the hearing, and in
the case of a tie, the Panhellenic Executive Vice President or Panhellenic Executive
Board member serving as the Chair of the J. Board. Non-voting members shall be the
Panhellenic Advisor or a designee.
g. No sorority may have more than one member on the J. Board, excluding the Executive
Vice President or Panhellenic Executive Board member serving as the Chair.
h. In the event that a Panhellenic Delegate position becomes vacant, the chapter is
responsible for filling the vacancy in a timely manner.
3. Duties of Members:
a. The Executive Vice President shall:
i. Coordinate training sessions of the Judicial Board members alongside the
Fraternity/Sorority advisor.
ii. Be educated in the process listed in Unanimous Agreement VII, UCF Panhellenic
Association Judicial Procedure, as well as provide involved chapters with a copy
of Unanimous Agreement VII, the Judicial Procedures stated in the bylaws, and
the College Panhellenic Judicial Procedure outline in the Manual of Information.
iii. Preside at all meetings and hearings except for those in which the chapter of her
membership is in question.
iv. Announce final ruling and vote count and keep confidential all matters relating to
the judicial proceedings.
v. Serve as the Chair of the meeting, should refrain from debate and vote only in the
instance of a tie.
vi. Within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of the judicial hearing, she shall
send a copy of the College Panhellenic Judicial Board Hearing Summary Report
to the accused Panhellenic chapter with the minutes attached. She should send
only the copy of the College Panhellenic Judicial Board Hearing Summary
Report to the NPC delegate, Panhellenic Advisor, Inter/National President, and
NPC area advisor.
b. The Vice Chair shall:
i. Take minutes of the proceedings and send them to the Executive Vice
President and the Panhellenic advisor. She shall also maintain a copy of
the minutes for a period of one (1) week after the resolution of a case in
the event of an appeal being filed.
c. Panhellenic Delegates shall:
i. Hear and decide all cases brought before the J. Board.
ii. Attend all functions associated with the office.
iii. Keep confidential all matters relating to the proceedings.
iv. Perform any other tasks as agreed by the J. Board, which will enhance its
performance as a viable body.
4. UCF Panhellenic J. Board duties:
a. Handles all alleged violation of NPC Unanimous Agreements and the College
Panhellenic bylaws, code of ethics, membership recruitment rules/guidelines, standing
rules and any other governing documents that are not settles in the mediation process.
b. Educates member sororities about the Panhellenic J. Board.
c. Participates in training designed to educate J. Board members about the purpose of the
board, the rules and regulations the J. Board monitors, the procedures to follow, proper
questioning techniques, the rights of the charged organizations, evaluating evidence, and
deliberations and sanctioning. These trainings should take place at the beginning of every
d. Conducts a fair hearing with impartial J. Board members following Unanimous
Agreement VII. College Panhellenic Judicial Procedure.
e. Maintains confidentiality throughout the judicial process.
5. Powers of the J. Board:
a. The J. Board shall have the responsibility to adjudicate violations involving the
Panhellenic Council and member chapters. The J. Board shall have jurisdiction over
chapters violating the University of Central Florida Golden Rule, NPC Unanimous
Agreements, College Panhellenic bylaws, College Panhellenic membership recruitment
rules/guidelines, and the College Panhellenic Code of Ethics.
b. The Panhellenic Judicial Board shall hold accountable all parties of a co- sponsored
6. Charges: Any accused party may be charged before the J. Board for any of the following
a. Violation of the UCF Panhellenic Bylaws.
b. Violation of the UCF recruitment regulations and policies.
c. Actions detrimental to the best interests of the Panhellenic community.
d. Any action that has been referred to the J. Board by the Director of Greek Life or his/her
7. Infraction Procedure
a. All NPC judicial forms shall be used to ensure proper documentation and adherence to
the NPC Unanimous Agreements.
b. Sororities are encouraged to resolve alleged infractions as soon as possible through
informal discussion with the involved parties before an infraction is filed.
c. Should the informal mediated discussions (as outlined in the NPC Manual of
Information) be unsuccessful, the judicial process will be set in motion by the filing of a
violation report form for an alleged infraction. An infraction can only be filed against a
chapter and not against any individuals. Violations must be reported on the College
Panhellenic Violation Report form available on the NPC website or from the College
d. Proper Reporting Authority
i. Infractions, excluding recruitment infractions, may only be reported and signed
by one of the following people
1. Chapter President on behalf of her chapter
2. Chapter Executive Officer/Board member on behalf of her chapter
3. Panhellenic Executive Board member
4. Fraternity/Sorority advisor
e. Timing
ii. The College Panhellenic Violation Report shall be completed and presented to
the Panhellenic President in a timely manner, but no more than thirty (30)
calendar days from the date of the alleged infraction (including university
iii. If the Panhellenic President is unavailable or the violation is against her sorority,
the report shall be presented to the Panhellenic advisor.
iv. The Panhellenic President and the Panhellenic advisor shall review the College
Panhellenic Violation Report to ensure that it is filled out completely.
f. Handling of the Infraction
i. The Panhellenic President or the Panhellenic advisor shall retain the College
Panhellenic Violation Report and is made available upon request to the accused
ii. The Panhellenic President or Panhellenic Advisor shall send a copy of the
College Panhellenic Violation Report to the NPC area advisor within seven (7)
iii. The Panhellenic president shall notify the accused sorority in writing by
delivering the College Panhellenic Infraction Notice to that chapter president
within seven (7) days of receiving the College Panhellenic Violation Report.
iv. Upon receipt of the College Panhellenic Infraction Notice, the accused sorority
shall contact the Panhellenic President within seven (7) days to schedule
mediation. Mediation shall be held unless the accused sorority chooses to
proceed directly to a judicial hearing.
v. If a mediation has not taken place within 2 months after the 7 days in which your
chapter has been notified of the infraction your chapter must pay the full amount
of the fine given.
8. Judicial Board Procedures:
The following shall serve as procedural rules for the operation of the University of Central Florida (UCF)
Panhellenic Judicial Board.
g. The Panhellenic Executive Vice President or Chair of the J. Board should create the
agenda using the Judicial Board hearing – order of events outlined the in Manual of
h. Documentation of all judicial proceedings shall be retained by the Panhellenic Advisor
for a time period of three (3) years.
i. When the decision is read, information regarding the appeals process using the College
Panhellenic Appeal Notice to the accused Panhellenic chapter shall be provided.
Mandatory Meetings
1. Any meeting hosted by a Panhellenic Executive officer must have appropriate chapter
representation in attendance. A mandatory meeting is defined as follows:
a. The Panhellenic officer has given at least two weeks’ notice prior to the date of the
b. The meeting is officer specific, and requires that certain individuals from each chapter are
c. It is a standing meeting that occurs regularly (i.e. Panhellenic Council meetings)
2. Failure to attend a mandatory meeting without an excused absence will result in a $25.00 fine to
the chapter." to "For events deemed as mandatory by the Panhellenic Executive Board, fines will
be issued based on the percentage not in attendance.
(Ex: 20% attendance required, only 18.7% shows up. Round 18.7 to 18%. $25 fine per percentage
point. $50 fine incurred)
a. Absences will be excused at the discretion of the Panhellenic officer conducting the
b. In order to have an absence excused, written notification must be submitted to the
Panhellenic officer hosting the meeting at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting
c. Chapter officers are able to send another authorized chapter representative in their place.
The chapter officer must inform the Panhellenic officer of the alternate chapter
representative 24 hours prior to the beginning of the meeting. If appropriate notification
of the alternate is given, no fine will be assessed.
Sisterhood Pairing
1. Each chapter is assigned a “sister chapter” once a semester in the fall and spring semesters. The
obligation of each paired chapter is to co-host a sisterhood event with each other during the
assigned semester.
a. Evidence of the event must be presented to the council in the form of the Panhellenic
Delegates’ reports at the following Panhellenic meeting and by posting about the event
on social media.
b. The assignments are chosen at random on a rotating basis by the Panhellenic executive
board and are announced at the last Panhellenic meeting of the previous semester.
i. The only exception to randomized pairs may be if an intentional pair is the
outcome of a judicial case or mediation.
c. The Panhellenic Vice President of Community Involvement will oversee this program.
d. If this program is not upheld by each pairing, then the Executive Vice President and
Panhellenic Judicial Board reserve the right to sanction and, or fine, each chapter
Sweetheart Competitions
1. In accordance with the Unanimous Agreement X, Section II, the University of Central Florida
Panhellenic Council renounces the participation in men’s fraternity Sweetheart Competitions.
a. Any chapter accused of having participated in these competitions will face informal
mediation or a hearing with the Judicial Board, according to the Panhellenic Judicial
Affairs section. Chapters are responsible for the actions and involvement of their own
UCF Recruitment Hybrid and Virtual Modalities
In the event that the University of Central Florida Panhellenic Association or the National Panhellenic
Conference foresees the inability for the University to uphold an in-person Fall Primary Recruitment, the
following modes of Fall Primary Recruitment are to be followed respectively:
1. Hybrid Modality: Chapters are able to recruit in a partially virtual, partially in-person setting as
all of the attached criteria are met.
a. University of Central Florida Panhellenic chapters in good and regular standing must
have a previously approved location to host recruitment events.
b. The University of Central Florida permits the Panhellenic Council to hold the entire Fall
Primary Recruitment process, which includes Open House, First Invitational, Second
Invitational, and Preference Rounds.
c. State and national health and safety guidelines are met at all times throughout the Fall
Primary Recruitment process.
d. The day to be held in-person is to be Preference Day, following all state, University, and
national health guidelines.
2. Virtual Modality: Chapters are to recruit in a completely virtual setting, whilst adhering to the
attached criteria.
a. If the Hybrid Modality is not permitted as per state, national, or University guidelines, the
University of Central Florida’s Panhellenic Council will conduct a virtual-based Fall
Primary Recruitment.
b. It is to the current Panhellenic Executive Board’s discretion to choose the virtual platform
to be implemented in the virtual recruitment process.
c. All of UCF Panhellenic’s Recruitment Rules, Bylaws, and the National Panhellenic
Conference’s Unanimous Agreements are to be followed and implemented.