August 2022
Wanda J. Stidom, Principal
August 2022
Locker #:
Copy Your Schedule Below
Room No.
August 2022
Live Oak Ridge Middle School’s Support Team
Wanda J. Stidom, Principal
Andrea Knighton-West, Assistant Principal (students A-K)
Crisanta Tidwell, Counselor (students A-K)
Shauvon Powell, Assistant Principal (students L-Z)
Deborah Fay, Counselor (students L-Z)
Point of Contacts:
Phone Number
Main Office
Tammy Hoffman
Principal’s Secretary
Leslie Mintz
Assistant Principal’s
Eunice Bullecer
Counselor’s Secretary
Kimberly Stedman
Attendance Secretary
Jasmine Jett
Curriculum Specialist
Shuntala Cuthbert
Curriculum Specialist
Jerrilyn Lizama
Special Programs
Flora Chapman
Parent Liaison
Shakia Rogers
Rosalind Harkness
Denene Barnes
Boys & Girls Club
Mr. Caleb
August 2022
Live Oak Ridge Student Handbook
Breakfast 7:30 a.m. 7:55 a.m.
Students enter the building 7:50 a.m.
Morning Announcements 8:54 9:05
(Pledge US/TX Flag...Moment of Silence)
Senate Bill 83 Mandate
Dismissal Bell 3:30 p.m.
Students enrolled in PE need:
PE Uniform consisting of shorts, T-shirt, and tennis shoes (All clothing should be marked with
student name.) If parents are purchasing athletic wear, the colors should be green and grey.
Combination Lock for the locker room (Master Lock brand preferred)
PE teachers will provide guidance on dressing out.
August 2022
8:00 a.m. 8:50 a.m.
8:54 a.m. 9:44 a.m. (Pledges)
9:48 a.m. 10:23a.m. (Lobo Time)
10:27 a.m. - 11:17 a.m.
11:17-11:54 5
11:58-12:48 *6
12:52-1:42 7
1:46 p.m.-2:36 p.m.
2:40 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
*Indicates LUNCH
Required Tutoring Days (3:35 p.m. 4:30 p.m.)
Other days may be offered by teachers
August 2022
August 2022
Through the implementation of a full, innovative, rigorous, comprehensive
education program, Killeen ISD will provide superior learning opportunities so that
upon graduation, students are prepared for success in the workforce and/or in
higher education.
Leading the pack through
Ownership of our future by
Believing in ourselves,
Opening our minds, and
Striving to excel.
KISD Mission is OUR mission
Teach so that students learn to their maximum potential.
1. To improve student achievement.
2. To foster a safe, inviting, and supportive atmosphere that involves home, school, and
Texas Education Code 25.082 Mandatory Moment of Silence and Pledges to U.S. And Texas Flags
Section 25.082 of the Texas Education Code mandates that public school districts (1) require students to recite
the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags during each school day at each school in the district;
and (2) provide for the observance of one minute of silence at each school in the district following the recitation
of the pledges during which students may reflect, pray, meditate or engage in any other silent activity that is not
likely to interfere with or distract other students. Teachers or other employees who are in charge of students during
the minute of silence must “ensure” that each student remains silent and does not act in “a manner that is likely
to interfere with or distract another student.” A student may be excused from the pledge of allegiance (but not
from observing the moment of silence) if the student’s parent or guardian provides a written request.
August 2022
Students are recognized throughout the year for academic achievement. Ways in which we recognize student
achievements are:
Academic Awards
A/B Honor Roll
Grade Level Awards
State law requires that your child be in attendance at school (Compulsory Attendance Requirement 25.085,
25.087, 25.092). If your child is unable to attend due to illness or appointments, please call the school office or
the attendance number 336-2493. You will need to send a note to the school in addition to your telephone call. If
your child is not at school and we have not heard from you, we will contact you (and your emergency contacts)
to check on your child.
Students who are absent from school are REQUIRED, upon their return to school, to turn in a note from their
parent or guardian explaining the absence. When a student’s absence for personal illness exceeds five (5)
consecutive days, the student shall present a statement from a physician or health clinic verifying the illness
or other condition requiring the student’s extended absence from school. The attendance committee may, if
the student has established a questionable pattern of absences, also require a physician’s or clinic’s statement
of illness after a single day’s absence as a condition of classifying the absence as one for which there are
extenuating circumstances. It is up to the discretion of the administrator to declare the absences as
“extenuating circumstances.” After a student has accumulated ten (10) absences at the elementary or middle
school level, or three (3) absences per nine-week grading period at the high school level which have been
excused by parent note(s), documentation from a health care professional will be required for any additional
absences. Only in extenuating circumstances may the school nurse serve as the health care professional.
It is expected that all notes be turned in to the attendance secretary or other appropriate person at the child’s
school within five (5) days of the student’s return to school. Absences will remain UNEXCUSED until
appropriate documentation is provided.
Unexcused Absences-Absences with parental knowledge for reasons such as missing the bus, shopping, baby-
sitting, visiting relatives, vacations, moving, extended holidays, etc. are documented as UNEXCUSED.
Students who miss all or any portion of a school day without the parent’s knowledge will be considered
TRUANT and will be disciplined accordingly. Truancies will count toward unexcused absences. When
students accumulate unexcused absences from school, attempts will be made to notify parents/guardians as a
courtesy. The person discharging the duties of attendance officer of the school may investigate any case in
which an excused absence is requested. Disciplinary action may include mandatory attendance at Saturday
Teachers are expected to contact parents/guardians regarding student’s excessive absences. Teachers must cc
Ms. Jett, the attendance secretary as well as Mrs. Knighton-West, the Assistant Principal, when doing so. The
email will be used as a tool to keep track of the school truancy prevention measures.
Accounting of Absences- All campuses designate their official attendance time at the beginning of each school
year, which cannot be modified and falls within the 2nd instructional hour of the day.
Students NOT in the classroom at this time will be counted absent for the entire day.
Time out of class due to tardies or leaving school early will be accumulated by semester. If time exceeds 3
hours, the time will count as a day’s absence for the purpose of awards for perfect attendance only.
August 2022
Absences due to documented appointments with a health care professional (note from health care professional
required) will not be counted as a day’s absence provided the student attends class for some part of the school
day and completes all work missed during absence. Also included in this provision are absences due to court
appearances, Religious Holy Days, and for the purpose of sounding TAPS for a military funeral in the state
of Texas (grades 6-12 only).
Extracurricular Activity Absences-Extracurricular activities are school sponsored activities that are approved
by the local board of trustees. Participation in extracurricular activities may not result in more than ten days
absence. No more than seven of these absences may occur in one semester. Absences under this category are
defined as exempt absences. It is important to note that student eligibility is based on grades not attendance.
If the student is passing his/her classes with no grade lower than 70, the student is eligible to participate in
extracurricular activities.
Attendance Hearings-Parents/Guardians will be notified by letter when their child has accumulated more than
the allowable unexcused absences and has been denied promotion. If parents /guardians think any of the
absences were due to extenuating circumstances, they should file an appeal petition and documentation with
the attendance committee requesting reinstatement of promotion. Students denied promotion by the
attendance committee may appeal the decision to the Board of Trustees.
If your child’s home address and/or telephone number change during the year, please inform the school
counselor’s office immediately (336-2505). Also, please inform the office if your child’s emergency contact
- 7
Graders wanting to get into Athletics and Pre-Athletics:
LIVE OAK RIDGE has a long history of having an outstanding athletics program. We take pride in opening the
program to all upcoming 6th Graders for Pre-Athletics, 7th and 8th graders wanting to be the best of the best.
Here is how you can become a LOBO…
1. Maintain good grades. Students cannot fail two consecutive or more Nine Week Periods on their report
cards for any subject.
2. Be a leader among your peers. Students cannot be assigned more than six days of In School Suspension
(ISS) and no Out of School Suspension (OSS), or the student will be removed from the program.
3. Never give up. Any student returning from an alternative school setting will be welcomed to join our
athletics program after a Nine-week probationary period with no failing grades or disciplinary issues. They
will be allowed to participate before and after school.
Criteria for removal from athletics:
Athletes are supposed to have grades and behavior above and beyond everyone else and are therefore held to a
higher standard. We have a 3-step process for removal from athletics due to any behavior or academic concerns.
If an athlete receives three steps (write ups) while in the athletics program, they can be removed from athletics on
the Fourth write up. See LORMS Athletics Procedures for Step Process.
Athletes may be removed from the athletics program if they commit the following offenses: fighting or
altercation during a game or failure to pass the UIL drug test, see Athletic Handbook.
Students who ride bicycles to school must dismount the bicycle upon entering school property and “walk” the
bicycle to the bicycle rack. All bikes must be stored in the rack and locked securely to help prevent theft. The
school bike rack is in the back of the school. Live Oak Ridge Middle School is not responsible for lost or stolen
August 2022
The Boys & Girls Club of America provides childcare services here at Live Oak Ridge Middle School FREE of
charge. Students must have an application on file to participate in the program. Applications must be completed
online at The Boys & Girls Club provides mentoring, tutoring, planned activities, snacks, etc., both
before and after school. The hours of operation are 6:30-7:30 a.m., and 3:30-6:30 p.m. Students who participate
in the Boys & Girls Club must use the rear cafeteria entrance to enter & exit from the program daily. If you have
any questions about the program, call 254-251-7420.
Those who want to eat breakfast in our cafeteria will be served from 7:30 a.m. to 7:55 a.m., breakfast is free for
all students. Students who do not eat breakfast at school will remain outside, at the end of their grade level halls
where they are supervised. Students are not to leave grade level common area until dismissed by an adult. On
mornings when it is raining or very cold, all children will be supervised on their grade level hallway until the 7:55
a.m. bell rings.
Means a single significant act or a pattern of acts by one or more students directed at another student that exploits
an imbalance of power and involves engaging in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic
means, or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, or in
a vehicle operated by the district and that:
1. has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or
placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damage to the student’s property;
2. is sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating,
threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student.
Such conduct as described above is considered bullying if that student:
1. materially and substantially disrupts the educational process or the orderly operation of a classroom/school:
2. infringes on the rights of the victim at school; and includes cyberbullying.
Bullying can be reported at
Cell phones must be kept in student lockers and locked. Students may NOT use their cell phone during the school
day, lunches, or throughout the building. This includes SMART watches being used as an electronic device.
Violations of this policy may result in the phone being confiscated and turned into the front office for
parent/guardian pickup in addition to a documented SCOC violation. Students are not required to have
personal electronic devices on campus.
All checks written to Killeen ISD must be imprinted with the name & address of the check writer (no temporary
We will gladly accept your checks when you provide the following information:
1. Texas Driver’s License or Military ID
2. Current Home Address
3. Home Phone Number
4. Work Phone Number
August 2022
By signing your check, you authorize CHECK Redi to electronically draft your account for the check amount
plus the maximum legal returned check fee & tax provided by state law. This procedure will be implemented only
if a check is returned for insufficient funds.
We have a full-time registered nurse in the clinic. Students are sent to the clinic when sick, injured, or for personal
CLINIC. Students MAY NOT REPORT TO THE CLINIC BETWEEN CLASSES without first going to their
assigned class for a clinic pass. The nurse will give the student a time/dated pass when he/she leaves. Emergencies
that occur before school, during lunch, or after school must be reported immediately to the school nurse.
Community service may be assigned as a consequence in conjunction with any other KISD disciplinary
KISD is committed to ensuring all facilities are cleaned and sanitized properly and often to provide a learning
environment conducive to reducing the spread of COVID-19. KISD has increased custodial teams to ensure
August 2022
high touch surfaces are being properly sanitized with hospital-grade disinfectant. Each classroom teacher has
also been given cleaning products to help mitigate the spread of the virus.
Students and employees will be encouraged to regularly wash or sanitize their hands and receive proper hand
washing training. Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms and common areas such as the cafeteria,
library, and front reception area.
Students and staff will be asked to self-screen and assess their temperature before entering any KISD facilities.
Social distancing will be encouraged on campuses and during extracurricular activities to the greatest extent
possible. Students and staff will be allowed to wear their own face covering, provided they are not a distraction
and within the dress code.
A COVID-19 Safety plan has been posted online which outlines the processes put in place
to help mitigate the spread of the virus. Killeen ISD will comply with all health and safety recommendations
established by the Governor, the health department, and the Texas Education Agency. Safety and health
measures may be adjusted based on the most current guidelines and conditions.
Engages in bullying that is done through the use of any electronic communication device, including through the
use of a cellular or other type of telephone, a computer, a camera, electronic mail, instant messaging, text
messaging, a social media application, an Internet website, or any other Internet-based communication tool. (TEC
Student conduct and discipline are governed by school board and campus policies in the interest of providing a
safe school environment that is conducive to learning. EVERY CHILD ENROLLED is expected to abide by the
school rules. Appropriate action will be taken when there are violations. It is the intent of the Campus Discipline
Management Plan to enhance the implementation of the KISD Student Code of Conduct, which may be found
online at under Students and Parents Link.
1. Students show self-discipline by keeping hands and feet to themselves.
2. Students use appropriate manners in speech and actions toward other students and all KISD personnel.
3. Students dress appropriately and remove hats and head coverings while in the building. Hats must be stored
away and not worn on belt loop.
4. Students must leave inappropriate items at home see p.10 for ITEMS NOT ALLOWED section and the SCOC
5. Students are in regular attendance and bring a written excuse for absences (see ATTENDANCE section).
6. Students remain on campus once they arrive and leave promptly when dismissed.
7. Students demonstrate an awareness of safety procedures within the building and on the campus.
8. Students practice respect for personal belongings and the property of others. If you find an item, please turn
it in to the front office.
August 2022
9. Students demonstrate good citizenship in the classroom, hallway, bus, cafeteria, field trips, and school-related
events and on campus.
10. Students are on time for class (see TARDINESS section).
11. Students do not eat, drink, or chew gum in the classrooms or hallways. No food should be consumed outside
of the cafeteria. This is a gum free campus.
12. Students bring appropriate materials to class to include notebooks, books, handouts, and supplies.
1. The dance at Live Oak Ridge Middle School is for LORMS students only. No guests allowed.
2. Students are required to place all items in their lockers. They will be allowed to go to their lockers after
the dance where they will exit their grade level door. THE GATE WILL BE DOWN TO PROHIBIT
3. When: Once students enter the dance, they may not leave before (5:15 p.m. 6
graders), (5:20 p.m. 7
graders) and (5:30 p.m. 8
graders) unless accompanied by a parent. Students should have rides planned
prior to the dance and will exit the dance through their grade level hallway. Parents /guardians are welcome
to stop in at any time. Students are allowed to use the Gym bathroom only and the rest of the school is off
limits. A School ID should always be worn.
4. How Much: $2.00 per student.
5. Students that are suspended or in ISS cannot attend the school dance (A list will be used to verify).
6. Students are encouraged to dance (in socially appropriate ways), chat with friends, enjoy the music and
enjoy snacks from the concession stand.
7. Appropriate Dancing: Students shall dance in a manner that does not create inappropriate body contact
with another student. Students may not dance or have contact with another student from behind.
Students shall face the student(s) they are dancing with or dance independently. A visible gap of space
between individuals dancing is always required. Dancing suggestively, grinding, having lively hands, or
any type of dancing that appears sexually explicit will not be tolerated. Students dancing inappropriately
or in any kind of explicit-based manner will be immediately removed from the dance and parents
/guardians will be contacted.
8. Horseplay, running, and wrestling are not permitted. Violators will be asked to call their parents /guardians
for a ride home.
9. Students are expected to adhere to the school dress code AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE policy. Violators
will be asked to call their parents /guardians for a ride home.
A Final Note: All school rules and expectations apply at the dance…have fun, dance appropriately, and contribute
positively to the event so everyone can enjoy the activity.
August 2022
*ALL referrals should be signed by the student, teacher, and the administrator*
For violations of the Student Code of Conduct not considered serious infractions:
1. Teachers will document a “Warning” during a restorative talk with student, teacher may assign a further
2. Parent(s) will be contacted via phone, email, person, or certified letter.
a. Teachers must receive verbal or visual confirmation of contact.
b. Teachers must retain documentation to be used if necessary for STEP 3 meeting.
3. Enter Step 1 in the system.
Note: Teacher will document the STEP in the STEP System -1 School Day after the event.
1. The teacher will issue the student a teacher consequence; a restorative talk will be held with the student.
2. Parent(s) will be contacted via phone, email, person, or certified letter.
a. Teachers must receive verbal or visual confirmation of contact.
b. Teachers must retain documentation to be used for STEP 3 Restorative Conference.
3. Document Step 2.
Note: The teacher will notify Mr. Storms, the At-Risk Counselor, once STEP 2 is documented.
1. The teacher will contact the parent(s) via phone, email, person, or certified letter to inform them of the
Step 3 and that a Restorative Conference will be scheduled.
2. The student’s Step 3 will be documented.
3. The teacher will contact the student’s counselor, the At-Risk counselor, and the student’s AP to inform
of scheduled conference.
4. A Restorative Conference will be held with the student, parent(s), and the staff listed above.
a. An SSP for behavior will be created for the student.
5. After the Restorative Conference, future disciplinary actions may be placed on a referral to the Assistant
Principals’ Office.
After STEP 3:
Continue with the RTI (RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION) process and documentation in the Behavior SSP.
Students that have not completed their assignment to ISS or their out of school suspension may not be
allowed to attend any extra-curricular activities during the school day or after school. This may include
athletic events and fine arts performances.
August 2022
Students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that is clean and neat and that will not present a health or
safety hazard to themselves or others. Clothing will be worn as it is designed to be worn. All dress code issues
will be subject to the campus administrator’s judgment.
Students who are in violation of the dress code shall be advised by the campus administrator and shall be given
an opportunity to comply. The opportunity to comply may take a variety of forms. In most cases the student will
be allowed to call parents /guardians for a change of clothes. While awaiting the change of clothes, the student
may be required to (a) wait in the office; (b) attend ISS; (c) go to class (if not a severe violation); or (d) any other
option deemed necessary or appropriate by the administrator. Those who then fail to comply or who repeatedly
violate the code shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Exceptions to the dress code include students who wear principal approved uniforms on designated dates and who
participate as members of official school groups or organizations. Certain elective courses or extra-curricular
activities may require more stringent dress or appearance standards than for the general student body.
The district prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that:
Are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene.
Advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverage, drugs, or any other prohibited substance.
Contain derogatory remarks concerning any identifiable race, color, creed, national origin, religion, age,
gender, or disability.
The following standards of dress and grooming apply except as noted:
1. Pants, slacks, and jeans are acceptable attire. Spandex pants or shorts, boxer shorts, and shorts or pants with
holes any higher than 6” above the knee are not permitted: (Grades 6-12). Pants or shorts shall not be more
than one size too large and must be worn at the natural waist with a belt or some type of support device, with
no “sagging.” Shirts and blouses shall be appropriately sized and may not be worn in any way that reflects
gang affiliation or may conceal contraband. Shirts may not extend beyond the student's fingertips when worn
outside the pants or a skirt.
2. “Sagging” (wearing pants below the waistline or showing underwear) is not permitted.
3. As a general guideline, dress/skirt length and shorts should be no shorter than 6 inches above the top of the
knee, and must allow students to walk, stoop, kneel, and sit with modesty.
4. Apparel designed for recreation, such as tank tops, fishnet (mesh) shirts, etc., is unacceptable.
ELEMENTARY ONLY: Shorts, and skirts can be no more than 4” above the knee. Tank tops and similar
apparel may be worn by students in grades Pre-K-2, especially in hot weather.
5. Apparel designed as underwear or night wear may not be visible or worn as outer garments.
6. Tight and/or revealing clothing or accessories that may draw undue attention to the student is prohibited.
Clothing which is of transparent and/or see-through material should not be worn. Students must wear tops
that cover the upper body (ex. no halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, etc.) and shoulders, and extend
beyond the midriff leaving no skin exposed in the normal activities associated with school.
7. Head coverings, bandanas (in any manner), hoods/hoodies, and sweatbands (any form i.e., Nike, Under
Armour, and Jordan) may not be worn inside the building. The campus administrator must approve any
exceptions to this policy for religious or medical reasons.
8. Students must wear footwear which is appropriate for school. Examples of inappropriate footwear, although
not inclusive, are the following: house slippers, shoe skates, water shoes, sock shoes, slides with no heel or
heel strap and shoes with metal spikes.
August 2022
9. Hair must be neat, clean, and well groomed. Facial hair, if worn, must be neat and well-trimmed. Types of
apparel, including jewelry, trench coats, emblems, badges, symbols, signs, or other items or manner of
grooming which, by virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or any other attribute indicates or
implies gang membership or affiliation, or would substantially disrupt, distract, or materially interfere with
the school environment, activity, and/or educational objectives, are prohibited on school grounds, or at any
school-related activity, regardless of time or location.
10. Photo ID cards will be issued to all secondary (grades 6-12) students, except those assigned to the Gateway
MS or HS. They will always be required to be worn, visible from the front (at the waist or above) while at
school or at school functions, and while riding to and from school on district transportation.
Students who attend schools where a standard dress policy has been approved may have additional dress code
provisions. The additional dress code requirements will be disseminated to students by the campus personnel.
Shower shoes are not permitted in school or school related events. (Slides or Thin thongs)
Shoes must have a heel or a heel strap for safety. Students should not wear shoes that exceed 3” in
Stuffed animals, pillows and blankets are not permitted.
Administration has discretion to determine what is appropriate or distracting to the learning
Students who are chronically accumulating minor violations may receive a consequence from a
classroom teacher.
Replacement IDs can be purchased for $5.00 if lost, stolen, or damaged.
Students who elect to wear hair of unnatural hair colors such as, but not limited to pink, red, blue,
green, purple, yellow, orange, etc. may be excluded from performing in selected extracurricular
When dropping off students, you may drop off in front (west) of the building (without blocking other cars). Parents
and guardians may NOT enter the bus loop either before or after school (the bus loop is on the south side).
Supervision of students begins at 7:30 a.m. Please do not drop your child off at school before that time. The Boys
and Girls Club is available for early drop-offs starting August 15, 2022.
Please pick your child up at the front of the building or at the front entrance. CARS ARE NOT PERMITTED
IN THE BUS LOOP. You may check your child out through the front office (with picture identification) until
3:20. Students not attending tutoring are supervised until 4:00 p.m. Parents /guardians must pick up their children
before that time. A letter will be mailed to the home of any student on campus repeatedly after that time. A
conference with a building administrator will result with parents /guardians of students regularly on campus after
4:15 p.m., and consequences may be utilized.
It is very important to inform the Counselor’s Office (336-2505) when information on the emergency card
changes, such as phone numbers (home, work, and emergency contact) and who is allowed to take your child
from school. We will not release your child to anyone whose name is not on the card. Picture IDs are required for
student pickup.
August 2022
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, additional protocols have been implemented for traditional in-person
instruction, as the health and safety of students, staff, and the community is the district’s top priority. Students
and staff may wear face coverings.
For students and staff that opt to wear a face covering:
Students and staff may remove face coverings for specific instructional needs, including physical education
activities, as determined by a teacher.
• Students and staff may remove face coverings while participating in athletic activities.
Students and staff may remove their masks to eat.
Fighting is a serious offense and is treated as such. The first time a student fights at school, he/she should expect
a consequence in alignment with SCOC. A citation may be issued by a KISD Police Officer depending on the
severity of the incident. The first fight may result in a due process hearing. The second fight shall result in a due
process hearing for possible placement at the Gateway Middle School.
Please do not tell your child --- “If someone hits you, hit them back.” At Live Oak Ridge, there are always adults
to help your child when assistance is needed. Any child who participates in a fight, regardless of who started the
fight, may be assigned consequences. The outcome of the fight does NOT determine the consequence.
We work hard at getting our students to obey the rules of respecting others. We want Live Oak Ridge to be a safe
and happy place for every child.
Live Oak Ridge Middle School will be providing Friday Detention sessions as needed throughout the school year.
These sessions will be held from 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm, students are encouraged to complete missing assignments
during Friday detention.
Grade Determination for all Regular Courses:
(Per District Policy)
Formative .......................................45%
Summative .....................................55%
Grade Determination for Pre-AP/TAG Courses/High School Credit Courses:
Formative .......................................40%
Summative .....................................60%
Anyone who has a complaint alleging harassment by other student(s) or harassment or abuse by an employee
should request a conference with the principal, the principal’s designee, or the District’s Title IX coordinator. A
conference will be scheduled within five (5) days after receiving the complaint. An investigation will be
coordinated by the principal or Title IX coordinator and should be completed within ten (10) school days. Parents
/guardians will be informed of any delays due to extenuating circumstances. Any complaints should be made in
Student Title IX Coordinator
Jennifer Washington
4100 Zephyr Road
Killeen, Texas 76543
(254) 336-2827
August 2022
Adult Title IX Coordinator
Mike Harper
200 North W. S. Young Drive
Killeen, Texas 76540
(254) 336-0041
Killeen ISD is committed to ensuring that all KISD children in homeless situations have the opportunity to enroll
in, attend, and succeed in school. For more information on services for homeless students, contact the KISD
Liaison for Homeless Children and Youth, Christianne Shinn at 336-0224 or via email at
HOMEWORK CENTER: LORMS will host an in-person and virtual homework center for all students grades
6-8. The center will be in the library from 4-6 p.m. The purpose is to provide the extra assistance needed to
encourage needed to encourage students to complete more homework to gain the essential skills needed to be
successful. Students will enter/exit through the rear of the library. Online assistance is available at Schoology
Group using the following code:4PPX-GHF7-JD22Q.
The Killeen Independent School District endorses the use of homework as a researched-based instructional
strategy that can increase student achievement, foster independence, and responsibility, and serve as a vital link
between school and home.
Homework is defined as any learning activity completed by the student as an extension of classroom instruction,
not including the self-assigned activities voluntarily undertaken by the student. The additional practice and
application of knowledge and skills deepens understanding and proficiency; thereby, increasing student
NOTE: Class work that could have been completed during the class time allowed is not considered homework
even if the student is given the opportunity to complete the assignment at home.
Homework Guidelines
Practice homework will be assigned only when students have had guided practice and are secure enough in those
skills to be able to complete them independently and successfully.
Homework or the threat of additional homework will not be used to enforce discipline in the classroom.
Homework will not be assigned during the following time with an exception made for study/review guides.
1. Group standardized testing, district-approved criterion-referenced tests, and state assessments.
2. Semester exams (grades 9-12)
3. Official school holidays (does not include teacher workday)
NOTE: Items 1, 2, and 3 apply only to those students who are involved in the testing.
NOTE: If long-term assignments are made, it is the responsibility of the teacher to plan those assignments and
periodic progress checks for times that do not compel students to work during holidays (e.g., assignments should
not be made shortly before holidays and be due shortly after holidays).
The recommended amount of time that students spend on homework varies by grade level:
Total not to exceed 90 minutes per day
August 2022
Teachers will consider the cumulative effect of homework assignments (i.e., math + language arts + social
studies, etc.; one-day assignments + prorated time for long-term assignments + study or reading time)
It is anticipated that students will not have homework assignments in every class every day.
Time recommendations are for diligent students taking regular-level classes. Students who work more slowly,
who work with distractions (television, iPods, text messaging, radio, and cell phone interruptions) or who take
honors-level classes (TAG, Pre-AP, and AP) may exceed these estimates.
It is the student’s responsibility to prorate the time needed for long-term assignments. The teacher will provide
Each campus shall define late homework. Teachers shall have a flexible and consistent procedure to address
late homework that is distributed to students and parents /guardians in written form.
1. Homework turned in within 5 days shall be accepted for full credit.
2. Teachers may choose not to accept late homework; however, lowest homework grade(s) will be
3. Make-up work will not count as homework unless the original assignment was homework.
Students shall not engage in behavior that interferes with the safe and purposeful order of a school or which could
result in injury to others even though there was no intent to injure. Horseplay involves physical contact or intended
physical contact that occurs between two or more students and is inappropriate in a school setting but does not
rise to the level of being a serious offense. The consequences will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Consequences can include detention, in school suspension or out of school suspension.
Students will be issued an ID the first week of instruction. IDs must be always worn on KISD property, when
attending KISD events, and on KISD transportation.
Students are encouraged NOT to arrive early, especially on inclement weather days. Students will be allowed to
enter the building at 7:30 AM on inclement weather days through the main entrance. All outside duty teachers
will remain inside to supervise. Students will be asked to go inside and be seated on their grade level hallway.
Students will be allowed to enter breakfast from their grade level hallway.
The school will care for minor injuries which occur at school but are not responsible for the treatment of injuries
that occurred at home. In case of serious injury, the parent/guardian will be called immediately. If a
parent/guardian cannot be contacted in the event of a serious injury, the school will get immediate medical
attention for the child. If the service of an ambulance is necessary, THE PARENT OR GUARDIAN WILL BE
There are certain items that students are prohibited from using, displaying, or possessing at school, on a school
bus, or while attending a school activity on or off school property. Prohibited items include, but are not limited
Dice (for non-educational purposes)
Fidget spinners
Perfumes/Body spray
BB Guns
Hair picks
Laser pointers
August 2022
Opaque bottles/cups with liquids (Water as an exception in clear, re-sealable plastic containers)
Pornographic material
Recreational Games and Sport Items: personal basketball, soccer ball, etc.
Self-defense items: Mace, Tasers, etc.
Skateboards / rollerblades / scooters / heelys
Slides or shoes without a heel or heel-strap
Sunglasses/fake glasses
Trading cards
Weapon/Imitation weapon/Orbeez
Any other item which the administrator deems will be detrimental to the safety, order, and discipline of
the educational environment.
INTERSTATE COMPACT on Educational Opportunity for Military Children Enacted by S.B. 90 State of
The purpose of the Compact is to remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military families
because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents /guardians. Some of the areas in which the Compact
may apply are as follows:
Class/grade placement
Extracurricular activities
Special programs
Power of Attorney/guardianship
Senate Bill 90 may be found on the KISD website at Type in Interstate Compact in the search
Late work may not be accepted for full credit. Deductions from final grade will be -10 points for 1 day late, -20
for 2 days late, and -30 for 3 days late. Any grade lower than 70 a student can redo with a Redo Form signed and
turn-in. Redo form must be turned in within 10 days. The assignment must be completed in tutoring or ZAP
(ZEROES AREN T PERMITTED). Projects, extended assignments, and performances will be governed by the
The LORMS library is staffed by one full-time certified librarian and one full-time aide. Normal hours are
7:30p.m. to 4:00p.m. on regular school days. The library has over 8,000 books and audio/visual items on a variety
of subjects and several computers devoted to research, word processing, and browsing the catalog.
Students come in every two weeks with their Language Arts teachers and can check out two items for two weeks
with their student identification cards. Students are encouraged also to visit the library during class times with
passes or before and after school and during lunch.
Students are required to keep a reading book with them in all their classes. These books are to be read when all
work has been completed within the regular classroom.
August 2022
Students are strongly encouraged to bring in library materials before the due dates and may re-check those items
with which they are not finished. Students who have lost or damaged books or other materials will pay the cost
of the items. Parents /guardians may consult with the librarian to see what other options are available to address
library fines.
Students may checkout laptops- See Librarian.
Each student is responsible for purchasing a combination lock before they can use their locker. Students are
required to remember their locker combination. Students in a PE class will need a 2
combination lock. Keyed
locks are NOT permitted including military grade locks.
Students will be assigned a hall locker to secure all books/supplies and electronics. Students must have a
combination lock. If a student needs a lock removed, they must report to the Counselor’s office. Students must
use their assigned locker. Sharing lockers is prohibited.
If a student loses anything (i.e., clothing, lunch boxes, watches, eyeglasses, etc.), he or she should check with the
classroom teachers and in the lost and found area which is in the front office. All unclaimed items are donated to
various agencies quarterly. Please write your child’s name on all items!
Students absent from school shall have the opportunity to make up all schoolwork assigned during their absence.
Work assigned prior to the student’s absence shall be turned in or completed on the day the student returns to
For any class missed, the teacher may assign the student make-up work based on the instructional objectives
for the subject or course and the needs of the individual student in mastering the essential knowledge and
skills or in meeting subject or course requirements.
A student shall be responsible for obtaining and completing the make-up work in a satisfactory manner and
within the time specified by the teacher.
Students shall receive credit for satisfactory make-up work after an unexcused absence. The highest grade,
however, for satisfactory make-up work after an unexcused absence shall be a grade of 50 percent. [KISD
School Board Policy EIAB Local]
Students may be required to attend a Friday ZAP, or Saturday Detention session to complete any missing work.
Live Head Lice - may return to class after treatment and re-examined by the clinic
Contagious Diseases - students are to be excluded from school and school activities when the possibility of
spreading a disease from person-to-person is high. Some contagious diseases from the State of Texas found
in the TAC (Teacher Access Center) Title 25 Part 1 Chapter 97 “Control of Communicable Diseases” are
listed below with their re-admission criteria.
Amebiasis exclude until treatment has begun.
Camphylobacteriosis exclude until after diarrhea (a watery or loose stool that takes the shape of the
container that holds it) free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea suppressing medications and fever
free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications.
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Chickenpoxexclude until the lesions become dry or if lesions are not vesicular, until 24 hours has passed
with no new lesions occurring.
Common Coldexclude until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications.
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye), bacterial and /or viral-exclude until permission and/or paperwork is issued by
a physician or local health authority or until symptom free.
Fevera temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, exclude until fever free for 24 hours without
the use of fever suppressing medications.
Fifth diseaseexclude until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications.
Gastroenteritis-exclude until diarrhea (a watery or loose stool that takes the shape of the container that
holds it) free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea suppressing medications.
Giardiasis-exclude until diarrhea (a watery or loose stool that takes the shape of the container that holds
it) free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea suppressing medications.
Hepatitis A-exclude until one week after onset of illness.
Infections (wounds, skin, and soft tissue) exclude until drainage from wounds or skin and soft tissue
infections is contained and maintained in a clean dry bandage; restrict from situations that could result in
the infected area becoming exposed, wet, soiled, or otherwise compromised.
Infectious mononucleosis exclude until physician decides or fever free for 24 hours without the use of
fever suppressing medications.
Influenzaexclude until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications.
Measles (Rubella)exclude until four days after rash onset or in the case of an outbreak, unimmunized
children should also be excluded until at least two weeks after the onset of the last rash.
Meningitis Bacterial-exclude until 24 hours after start of effective treatment and approval by health care
Meningitis, Viralexclude until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications.
Meningococcal infections (invasive disease) exclude until 24 hours after start of effective treatment and
approval by health care provider.
Mumpsexclude until 5 days after onset of swelling.
Pertussis (whooping cough)exclude until completion of five days of antibiotic therapy.
Ringworm none, if infected area can be completely covered by clothing or a bandage, otherwise exclude
until treatment has begun.
Rubella (German Measles) exclude until 7 days after rash onset or in the case of an outbreak,
unimmunized children should be excluded until at least 3 weeks after the onset of the last rash.
Salmonellosis exclude until diarrhea (a watery or loose stool that takes the shape of the container that
holds it) free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea suppressing medications and fever free for 24 hours
without the use of fever suppressing medications.
Scabiesexclude until treatment has begun.
Shigellosisexclude until diarrhea (a watery or loose stool that takes the shape of the container that holds
it) free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea suppressing medications and fever free for 24 hours without
the use of fever suppressing medications.
Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever exclude until 24 hours from time antibiotic treatment has
begun and fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications.
Tuberculosis, pulmonary –exclude until antibiotic treatment has begun AND a physician’s certificate or
health permit obtained.
At times, a student may have an illness/condition which does not prevent the student from attending school, but
which does require prescription medication. If a parent and physician deem it essential for a student to take
August 2022
prescription medication during school hours and for school employees to administer such medication, the
following procedures will be followed:
1. Written permission for administering medication must be provided by the parents, legal guardian, or other
person having legal control of the student. A parent permission form may be obtained from the clinic at each
school or on the KISD website.
2. The parent/guardian is responsible for providing an Administration of Medication by School Personnel form
completed and signed by a Physician. Medication that needs to be administered will not be accepted in the
clinic without written permission from the physician and parent/guardian. The only exception being when a
physician orders an antibiotic to be given 4 times a day or a 10 day or less medication where a dose must be
given during school hours, then only written permission from the parent is required. If a treatment/procedure
is needed to administer any requested medication, a completed and signed Physician’s Order for the
treatment/procedure must be provided at the time of the request, in addition to the physician’s and parent’s
written permission for the medication.
3. The medication must be in the original container and with the prescription label containing the student’s name,
name of medication, dose, date, and time(s) for the medication to be administered. Written permission from
the parent/guardian and physician must accompany the medication container. School personnel will not accept
any medication with a typed medication labels altered by hand or any medication not in the original bottle.
4. Medication should be taken to the school clinic, by the parents /guardians, and given to the school nurse or
clinic aide. The school district is not responsible for any medication sent to the school with a student until the
medication is received by the nurse or clinic aide.
5. All prescription medication brought to the school must be administered by school officials according to the
guidelines outlined above. Asthma inhalers and emergency medications (epi-pens) are the only allowable
exceptions. These medications can be self-administered if the following requirements are met. Written
permission from the parent and physician is required and must specify:
The student’s name
The name of the medication
The prescribed dosage
The condition or disease necessitating the medication administration
The time(s) or circumstances under which the medication is to be administered
The student is capable of self-administering the medication
The period for which the medication is prescribed.
The physician’s written permission and a copy of the parent’s written permission will be kept in the school
clinic. The student must have the parent’s written permission in his/her possession along with the medication.
The medication must be in the original container with the prescription label stating the student’s name, name
of the medication, dosage, date, and time(s) or circumstances for administration.
6. Middle school students may self-administer over-the-counter medications, if they possess a note from a
parent/guardian that gives them permission to self-administer a specific over-the-counter medication.
The note must specify:
A. The reason the medication is to be taken
B. The dose
B. The time(s) the medication is to be taken
C. The student’s name
D. Name of medication
E. Date(s) to be taken and date that the note was written
The medication must be:
A. In the original container
B. The student’s name must be on the container.
Parents /guardians shall be solely responsible for the actions of their students with regard to self-administered
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7. Nonprescription medication can be given in the clinic if the medication is in the original bottle and
accompanied by written permission from the parent and physician.
8. Students with diabetes may in accordance with their individual health plan for management of diabetes,
possess and use monitoring and treatment supplies and equipment while at school or at a school-related
activity. See the school nurse for information. [See policy online FFAF (Legal)]
9. Injections such as insulin, even if self-administered, should be administered in the clinic so the needle can be
disposed of properly.
10. Medication dispensed by the clinic can be sent home with the student if the parent provides written
authorization to the clinic staff. Parents /guardians shall be solely responsible for the actions of their student
and the medication once the medication leaves the clinic.
11. Dosage changes must be accompanied by written permission from the parent/legal guardian and physician.
The written permission should include the student’s name, date, dosage, name of the medication, time(s) and
period for which the medication is to be taken.
12. All medication administration forms must be renewed at the beginning of each school year, have a current
school year prescription date, and be signed by the parent and physician.
13. The school principal will appoint a responsible employee to supervise the storage and administration of
14. The employee in charge of administering medications must keep them in a locked place (except for medication
requiring refrigeration) that is not easily accessible either to students or to others in the building.
15. K.I.S.D. Registered Nurses follow the Rules and Regulations of the Texas Nursing Practice Act.
16. School personnel may administer only prescribed medications that are FDA approved.
17. Nonprescription medications (calamine, petroleum jelly, Normal Saline Eye Wash, Benzalkonium chloride
and saltwater gargles) will be provided by the district only on a discretionary basis and must have written
parental consent to be administered.
18. K.I.S.D. bus drivers and monitors will not personally accept any medication for the purpose of transporting it
to the school or the student’s home.
19. If a student is in possession of medication on school property including a district school bus or at a school
related event, the guidelines for self-administration as specified above must be followed.
20. Parents /guardians and students should be familiar with policies which have been adopted by the school board
pertaining to the possession and use of drugs.
Vision: KISD focuses on cohesive partnerships between parents/guardians, students, campuses, district &
community members to make sure a well-rounded comprehensive educational program is in place that honors our
diversity in culture and learning styles while enhancing the students’ academic abilities. Students will be engaged
in superior, meaningful, relevant learning opportunities daily, which prepare them for future success.
Purpose: To build and nurture strong relationships between schools, parents /guardians & community; enhancing
the capacity for strong, meaningful parental engagement and increased student achievement.
KISD Parent Involvement Program Expectations are:
To increase the effectiveness of our parental program by conducting winter & spring evaluations, using
data & technology to identify and develop new strategies that will guide revision of our policy annually.
To ensure coordination and integration of parental engagement strategies and activities with other
programs at the district and campus levels targeted at increasing student achievement.
To provide schools coordination, technical assistance, and planning support in program implementation
resulting in effective parental engagement activities that support increased student academic achievement
in all core subject areas and promotes healthy eating and lifestyle choices.
The Written Parent Engagement Policy is designed around our district’s vision, mission, objectives, and
As a result of these shared ideas:
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KISD, parents /guardians, community & schools will work together as a team to ensure superior academic
achievement for all students.
Schools will provide a friendly, responsive environment in which parents /guardians feel welcome as
partners in the comprehensive, rigorous, educational process built upon integrity, respect, and a caring
KISD will provide technology innovation for classroom support, leadership development, and parent and
community engagement; so that diverse learning styles are honored & students learn to their maximum
District financial accountability which will allow transparency and input from all concerned parties as a
key component to providing maximum efforts focused on educating all students to their full potential for
future success in the endeavors of their choice.
As a result of our stated vision, purpose, expectations, mission, objectives, and values, we pledge to:
Improve home & school communication via websites, newsletters, phone calls, home & campus visits,
voicemail, Home Access Center, on-going conferences, Special Programs, Parenting, parent resources and
other forms of written communications in the language parents /guardians can understand.
Maintain our Volunteer Program, parent learning opportunities, parent sharing of knowledge/skills in
schools, support for at home learning, and increase attendance at district/campus level learning
These are a few examples of the types of activities provided. (Visit Special Programs Department-Parent, Family
& Community Engagement)
Thank you to our District PAC (Parent Advisory Council) for being the parent & community voice in this process!
If you would like to actively participate, see the contact information below.
Call 336-0211/0208 or email: [email protected] with comments, questions, or to serve on PAC
(Parent Advisory Council).
The district has 16 parent liaisons, 4 that are bilingual, and all are housed on Title I and
Bilingual campuses to support their school and parents /guardians. At non-TI schools, Assistant
Principals, Counselors, CISs, and others take on the role of ensuring that the parenting partnerships thrive. The
following are some activities offered at the campus and/or *district wide levels.
*Empowered Parents / Guardians Workshops: 2-hour workshop sessions on current topics of interest offered
on the last Wednesday mornings of each month unless there is a conflict. These sessions focus on school/district
information, family dynamics and learning related topics of interest to parents/guardians, family, community
members as well as topics that have an immediate impact on student performance and success. Most of the topics
are identified by parents/guardians and community members participants. During these sessions we address a
broad range of topics to include the challenges, questions and needs of families. A schedule for the 2021-2022
school year will be available on the Parent & Community Engagement website and the Student, Parent, and
Community Relations website or call (254-336-0211/0240).
Computer Skills for Parents & Others: This initiative’s purpose is to assist parents/guardians, grandparents,
and others in becoming more computer literate and proficient. They will become enabled to more effectively
support student learning, increase their own skill level, and discover a new sense of accomplishment, while
remaining technologically in tune to what students are experiencing in school on a daily basis. We invite you to
take the challenge and become a KISD PIP (Plugged in Parent). Check on the parenting website for the 2021-
2022 schedules of sessions.
Early Literacy Clubs: (Names vary by campus- The ELF Club, etc.): This activity is offered by campus-
based parent liaisons/program contacts throughout the school year. Early Literacy Clubs offer content designed
pre-reading, math and science early learning opportunities for young ones not yet enrolled in school (targeted 0-
4 years of age). Age ranges may vary slightly by campus The activities focus on fostering a love of learning,
August 2022
reading, and oral language development, movement & socialization skills and fine & gross motor skill
development while incorporating music to help lay the basic foundation learning skills necessary for student
success. A free healthy snack is provided during each session. For the 2021-2022 school year, early literacy
sessions will be offered at various days and times at specific campuses. Check with your campus parent liaison
or the district office for Parent & Family Engagement at (254)336-0211/0240 for more information.
EL & TxCHSE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: Those wishing to improve or master the English language
can begin to do so by attending our English Language Learners workshops. These are currently offered during
the regular school year on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings-9:00-12:00. Our TxCHSE Learning
Sessions: These sessions are held on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5:00 8:00 p.m. We are able to
provide the ELL & TxCHSE classes thanks to the partnership of CTC & KISD. Call 254-336-0208/0211 for more
information at Jackson Professional Learning Center (JPLC) 902 Rev R.A. Abercrombie Dr. Killeen Call 254-
526-1120 to register.
For Kids’ Sake Seminars: Court mandated, and our attorney recommended a four-hour seminar that is provided
as a service for divorcing parents /guardians or foster care applicant. The seminars are designed to support families
through the difficult challenge and transition of divorce. The focus is on the child and what parents /guardians
should do to support children at each developmental age as they are faced with the stresses and strains of divorce.
The course is held once per month (1st Saturday). The seminar cost is $40.00 per person. Session time is 8:30am-
12:30pm. You may register by phone by calling (254)336-0240/0211. You can call our Parent, Family &
Community Engagement Office for specific dates, additional information, or to request a schedule for the 2021-
2022 school year. Schedule posted on the parenting website.
As a parent or guardian of a student in Killeen ISD, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of
your child’s teachers. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about your child’s
classroom teachers:
Whether the teacher meets the state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grades and subjects he or
she teaches.
Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional status because of special circumstances.
The teacher’s college major, whether the teacher has any advanced degrees, and the field of discipline of
the certification or degree.
Whether paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if so, their qualifications.
If you would like to receive specific information about your child’s teacher or paraprofessional, please feel free
to contact the campus principal.
KISD believes a strong Parent/Teacher relationship is important to support student learning. All teachers have a
scheduled conference period. Parents /guardians who desire a conference should feel free to set up an appointment
with the teacher. This may be done by sending a note to the child’s teacher, logging onto the school’s staff website
or calling the school office. Quarterly parent conferences will be held as an Open House event.
Parties for birthdays, farewells, etc. are not permitted at school. No balloons/flowers can be delivered or
accepted to the campus.
Perfect attendance awards will be given at the end of the year to a student who has no absences or whose absences
are due to documented appointments with a health care professional if that student commences classes or returns
to school on the same day of the appointment.
August 2022
As part of our commitment to provide your child with a safe, pest-free learning environment, the
Killeen Independent School District (KISD) may periodically apply pesticides to help manage insects, weeds, or
pathogens. Pesticide applications are part of our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, which relies largely
on non-chemical forms of pest control. Pesticide applications on KISD property are made only by trained and/or
licensed technicians. Should you have questions about this districts’ pest management program or wish to be
notified in advance of pesticide applications, please submit your request(s) by e-mail or in writing to the district’s
IPM Coordinator, Paul Duerre. His contact information is listed below.
Paul Duerre
Environmental Specialist
110 North W. S. Young Drive
(254) 336-0071
The law requires ALL students (K-7) to participate in physical education classes. Parents /guardians who have a
child who is ill or has physical problems should send a note to the P.E. teacher. The teacher will adjust the class
requirements accordingly. If the child’s condition lasts more than three consecutive days, the principal or
administrative designee may request a doctor’s statement.
Live Oak Ridge offers a variety of programs to meet the needs of ALL students. For questions regarding special
programs, contact the counselor’s office at 336-2505.
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
The purpose behind AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is to advance the “middle student” who
simply needs a little assistance through one or more of the following methods: teacher and/or counselor
encouragement; parental support; note-taking skills; additional tutorials, etc. They frequently are the “B” and/or
“C” students that are not reaching their academic potential. Students must complete an application to be
considered in this course.
The Bilingual Program (K 5) helps students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) to master the state
curriculum and teaches English to all participating students. The Bilingual Program provides access to the
state curriculum, builds knowledge and learning of academic subjects in the first language and English,
and instills self-assurance, confidence, and cultural pride in the participating student.
The ESL Program provides instruction using second language methods in English.
Identified ESL students receive support in academic content areas that is structured to ensure that the
students master the required essential knowledge and skills.
The Migrant Program provides high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migratory
children to help reduce the educational disruptions and other problems that result from repeated moves.
The program ensures that migratory children who move among the States are not penalized in any manner
by disparities among the states in curriculum, graduation requirements, state academic content and student
academic achievement standards.
Inclusion is an instructional arrangement where students with disabilities are included in the general education
classes to the maximum extent possible. Special Education staff members that provide inclusion support monitor
August 2022
students in general education classes and often team teach with a general education teacher providing services in
the general education classroom.
Students can be referred for dyslexia screening by parents /guardians or by school personnel. Once a referral is
requested, a specially trained district assessment team will come to test students. A campus Section 504 or ARD
Committee reviews test results to determine eligibility. Students who are identified as having characteristics of
dyslexia based upon state criteria may be served through Section 504 or IEP modifications. The program provides
multi-sensory reading instruction specifically designed to meet the need of students with dyslexia characteristics.
Skills Unit
KISD offers a self-contained Skills Unit for students ages 5 to 21 with significant physical and/or cognitive
disabilities. A student with a significant cognitive disability requires extensive, repeated, specialized support and
materials beyond the support typical peers require. The student uses modified materials to access information in
alternate ways to acquire, maintain, generalize, demonstrate, and transfer Skills across all settings. A student with
a significant cognitive disability demonstrates adaptive behaviors that are significantly impaired. Students
demonstrate a need for concrete learning experiences to improve functional communication, enable the
acquisition of lifelong social and personal care Skills, and provide an environment with reduced sensory demands.
Behavior Management Unit
Behavior Management Unit (BMU) is a K-12 specialized placement designed to meet the needs of special
education students with serious behavioral/emotional difficulties characterized by behaviors that significantly
interfere with the learning process which may preclude their inclusion in the general education environment. The
placement serves students who may exhibit behaviors such as, but not limited to aggression toward self or others,
significant destruction of property or classroom disruption, significant anxiety related to group size or activity,
overstimulation, social skill, and/or communication deficiencies, or sexualized behaviors. The purpose of the
BMU setting is to provide students a place to develop coping skills, pro-social behaviors, and behavioral strategies
that facilitate academic success in the least restrictive environment.
Resource Setting
Resource Settings provide instructional assistance to students with disabilities in grades K-12. The student
requires more intensive academic support and a modified curriculum to access TEKS-based grade level content.
Students receive content instruction by a certified Special Education teacher in a pullout Special Education setting.
Students typically can participate in general education classes much of the school day. Students who receive
content instruction in the Resource setting are determined by the ARD committee when a student has not been
successful in the general education setting in one or more areas and is found to be 2 3 grade levels behind.
Advanced curricula are founded in a set of content specific strategies designed to prepare students for advanced
courses in high school. Pre-AP builds rigorous curricula, introduces skills, concepts, and assessment methods that
prepare students for success when they take advanced placement and other challenging courses in high school. In
Honors classes’ emphasis is placed on promoting the essential habits of mind necessary for success in the College
Board’s Advanced Placement Program. Students will read more challenging literature and be taught to write more
complex and mature responses.
August 2022
The district’s program for gifted and talented students is designed to serve those who perform or show potential
for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age,
experience, or environment. The identification process begins with a nomination and parent permission to test.
Parents /guardians may contact the campus GT contact for information and GT identification forms. Testing for
students in grades 1-12 occurs throughout the school year. The KISD GT program follows the guidelines of the
Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students.
Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the District has a duty to identify, refer, evaluate and
if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to disabled students. Under Section 504, a student is
considered “disabled” if he or she suffers from a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or
more major life activity. For additional information or answers to any questions you might have about
identification, evaluation, and placement into Section 504 programs, please contact the campus 504 coordinator
@ (254)-336-2532.
Students who experience academic and/or behavioral challenges will be reviewed by campus support team to
determine appropriate strategies and actions needed.
During the third and sixth week of each nine-week grading period, notice of progress must be provided to the
parent or guardian of all students. Parents /guardians are encouraged to schedule a conference with teachers so
that both parent /guardian and teachers might work together to improve the student’s achievement.
Progress reports regarding goals contained in Individualized Education Plans for students receiving Special
Education support will be sent home every 9 weeks in conjunction with report cards.
Balloons, cakes, mums, flowers, etc. are prohibited from being delivered to students.
KISD’s grade 6-8 promotion policy is as follows: To be promoted from one grade level to the next, a student shall
attain an overall average of 70 or above for the year in all courses taken. The overall average shall be derived by
averaging the final numerical score for all courses taken. In addition, students shall attain an average of 70 or
above in each of the four core academic areas: Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Math. Any student
who does not earn a 70 or higher in a core class shall be required to attend Summer School to gain promotion. If
the student fails three or more classes, Summer School be granted, however, a committee may convene to promote
students who did not meet the above criteria.
Path Uniting Learning, Students, and Engagement (P.U.L.S.E) is a parent/guardian and student organization
devoted to engaging in the pulse of learning here at Live Oak. We encourage you to consider joining. Anyone
interested please call the front office on 336-2490 and provide your name/phone number. Parents/guardians will
be notified of dates/times of the P.U.L.S.E meetings and of all fundraisers and volunteer opportunities.
The Middle School Grading Policy states a student shall be permitted one opportunity to redo any assignment or
retake any test for which the student received a failing grade (below 70%). The teacher will average the original
failing grade with the second attempt grade to create a new grade from the average. The new grade shall not
exceed 70%. The student or parent must request the additional opportunity in writing within 10 days of the
August 2022
grade being posted in the grade book and within the grading period. The redo request form can be found on the
LORMS Website under Students and Parents. Students are NOT permitted to redo Nine-Week, Semester
Exams, or long-term projects.
In accordance with Board Policy EIA (Local) report cards will be issued every 9 weeks. Students are encouraged
to attend tutoring for all courses assigned a 75% or below grade.
Live Oak Ridge Middle School will be providing an in-person Saturday Detention Hall throughout the school
year. These Saturday sessions will not be held following a Friday holiday or before a student holiday. These
sessions will be held from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, while maintaining social distancing. Failure to attend an assigned
detention may result in a referral for insubordination and additional consequences may be assigned. If your student
is unable to attend, please notify their administrator PRIOR to the session at 254-336-2494.
Under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), all enrolled students at Live Oak Ridge will receive FREE
breakfast and lunch. To maintain our eligibility a CEP survey is completed annually.
Throughout the year school safety procedures are implemented for the purpose of ensuring that all students and
staff are prepared in the event of a crisis. Examples of these procedures are as follows:
Fire drills
Shelter in place drills
Hold drills
Intruder drills
Secure drills
Lockdown drills
Drug dogs/Metal Detecting Devices
Metal detectors may be used at large gatherings such as games or concerts.
The district has the right to conduct administrative searches of personal property such as backpacks, clothing
items, purses, and automobiles driven to school by a student and parked on school property when there is
reasonable cause to believe they contain articles or materials prohibited by the district and to protect the safety
and order of the learning environment. The district may also conduct administrative searches in accordance with
board policy. Such searches may include parking lots, classrooms, lockers, and common areas of the school and
may include the use of metal detectors and/or trained detection dogs.
Any student engaging in self-harm or with the intent to harm others (verbal or nonverbal) will receive parent
notification from the counseling office. Students sent home for such may not return to school until they are seen
and cleared by a medical provider. Documentation is required upon return.
The district has implemented a smart check system at each campus. When presented with a picture ID, staff will
swipe the ID through the smart check system and wait for clearance from the system before allowing the person
August 2022
to pick up a student or have access to the building. This is an additional safety precaution for our students and
Under no condition will smoking be allowed inside school facilities regardless of the time or the event. The use
of any other tobacco product is also covered in this policy. The use of any other tobacco/E cigarette product is
also covered in this policy. The use of any THC Vaping Oils is also covered in this policy. The basis for the policy
is an underlying conviction by the administration and the school board that the use of tobacco products and
tobacco smoke creates substantial health risks to students, employees, and the general public.
Students that have not completed their assigned ISS or suspension will not be allowed to attend any extra-
curricular/celebratory activities during the school day or after school. This includes athletic events and fine arts
performances. However, students are permitted to attend tutoring and Boys’ and Girls’ Club.
Each family may request a hard copy of the Killeen Independent School District’s Student Code of Conduct from
the campus. Each campus adopts a discipline plan which is derived from the district Student Code of Conduct.
Parents /guardians should check with the school office if a copy of the campus plan is needed. A Student Code of
Conduct Acknowledgement Card must be signed by the student and parent THEN RETURNED to school. Failure
to return the white card does not exempt the student from complying with guidelines of the SCOC. The KISD
Student Handbook and Code of Conduct may be found online at under Parents and Students.
1. Students must always log in with their student ID. Students should never use generic logins, such as "s050",
to access the network.
2. Student username: student ID proceeded by the letter "s". Example: s123456
3. Student password: minimum of 10 characters long and meeting the following criteria:
4. • Must have at least 1 lowercase character
• Must have at least 1 uppercase character
• Must have at least 1 numeric character
• Must have at least 1 special character
5. Password CANNOT contain:
Your first or last name
Your login ID
Your campus code
Students on district probation will be assigned and meet with mentors monthly. Students that are on district
probation may be referred to the office if they violate the Student Code of Conduct (SCOC). Students may be
sent directly to the office upon their first major violation of the SCOC.
The district strives to assist any student who has been placed in either temporary or permanent conservatorship
(custody) of the state of Texas with the enrollment and registration process, as well as other educational services
throughout the student’s enrollment in the district. Please contact Christianne Shinn, the KISD Foster Care
Liaison, at 336-0224 or via email at with any questions.
August 2022
1. Students may not leave the school grounds once they have arrived on the campus except with a parent,
guardian, or authorized person. Parents/guardians are required to sign their child out through the office.
This is for the protection of all students. Parent and/or any other adult picking up a child will be required
to show identification before a student is released. Early pick up from school ends at 3:10 p.m. on regular
school days and 1:10 pm. on early out days.
Students on campus are given a planner at the beginning of the year (or upon enrollment). Students are to record
in their planners EACH PERIOD of the day their homework assignments, upcoming tests, project deadlines, and
other important class information. There is also a section where students can keep track of their grades in the
different subject areas. The planner is a WONDERFUL communication tool between home and school. Parents
/guardians can write a teacher a note and have it answered. Parents /guardians are encouraged to sign the planner
EVERY DAY. Students can purchase replacement planners for $5.
Falsifying Official Documents
It is against the law to falsify any official document, including school registration forms or birth certificates “…a
person who knowingly falsifies information on a form required for enrollment of a student in a school district is
(financially) liable to the district if the student is not eligible for enrollment in the district but is enrolled on the
basis of the false information. The person is liable, for the period during which the ineligible student is enrolled,
for the greater of: (1) The maximum tuition fee the district may charge…” or (2) The amount the district has
budgeted for each student…” 25.001 (h) TEC
Directory Information
It is important to know that:
Directory information is open to the public and will be released to all who file a written request with the
Superintendent or designee. It includes the following: the student’s name, address, telephone listing, date
and place of birth, photograph, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and
sports, weight, and height of members of athletic teams’ dates of attendance, awards received, the most
recent previous school attended by the student, and other similar information. KISD School Board Policy
FL (Local)
A parent may file a written request with the principal stating that he/she does not want directory
information released. This objection must be made in writing to the campus principal within ten days of
the issuance of this notice. Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S. C. SEC 1232G.
A request to deny the release of information must be submitted within ten (10) days of the student’s
enrollment in school; however, principals may accept a written request at any time special circumstances
The restriction cannot be selective as to which requesters to honor.
The restriction must be requested prior to the school delivering directory information to a requester.
The school takes no responsibility to notify a parent of the request for directory information.
August 2022
Students moving to another school or school district should notify the Counselor’s office by sending a
note or telephoning 336-2505. The office needs at least two days’ notice in order to prepare the records.
Records for in-district transfers will be sent through school mail. Records for out of- district transfers will
be sent upon request from the new school district or may be picked up in the school office to be hand
The district forwards a student’s records on request to a school in which a student seeks or intends
to enroll without the necessity of the parent’s permission
To ensure a smooth withdrawal for students from KISD, parents /guardians should begin the withdrawal
procedure several days prior to the student’s last day of attendance. A general withdrawal form will be
given to students and parents /guardians at the time of withdrawal; this document is usually sufficient for
enrollment in another school. Copies of additional documents such as special education or gifted education
records will be provided with 48 hours notice. The withdrawal process will take place at individual
campuses through third week of June; between fourth week of June and third week of July the withdrawal
process for elementary and middle school students will take place at the Student Services, Killeen
Learning Support Services, 902 North 10th Street, Killeen
A parent has the right to:
Inspect and review the education records of the student unless his/her rights have been removed by a court
order. The parent may request that the information in the records be corrected if he/she believes it is
inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of the student.
A hearing, and to place a statement commenting on the information in the student’s record if the district
refuses to amend the records.
File a complaint with the U.S. Office of Education if he/she believes that the district is not in compliance
with the law regarding student records.
Request a copy of the student’s academic records
Access to student education records is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
(FERPA) and by KISD Board Policy FL. Copies of these documents are in the Central Administrative Office of
the District and in the office of the principal of each school.
The principal is custodian of all records for currently enrolled students. The Superintendent is the custodian of
records for students who have withdrawn or graduated.
The address of the Superintendent’s office is:
200 North W.S. Young Drive
Killeen, Texas 76541
Live Oak Ridge has a duty schedule for its staff to ensure that children are well supervised while at school.
Official student supervision begins at 7:30 a.m., so students are encouraged not to arrive on campus before
7:30 a.m. Students who arrive before 7:30 a.m. must report to Boys & Girls Club located in the cafeteria.
The staff is not required to stay with the students after 4:0) p.m. so students will not be supervised after that
time. All students should leave the campus no later than 4:00 p.m. unless participating in an after-school activity.
August 2022
When school is dismissed, children are expected to leave the campus immediately. If teachers hold an after-school
activity, they are expected to wait with the children until parents /guardians arrive. Children on campus after 4:00
p.m. will be asked to contact parents /guardians and emergency contacts, and a certified letter will be mailed to
the parent when problems persist. A conference with a building administrator will result with parents /guardians
of students regularly on campus after 4:00 p.m. and consequences may be utilized.
Live Oak Ridge students will have the privilege of riding to and from school on a bus. The KISD Transportation
Department is dedicated to safely transporting students to and from school, and to and from various school-related
events. To accomplish this task, the help and cooperation of students, parents /guardians, and drivers is essential.
Students and parents /guardians should read the KISD Transportation Student Rider’s Safety Handbook.
Rider Eligibility
Bus transportation provided by the district is a privilege and not a right, whether to and from school each day or
on school-sponsored trips and should be treated as such.
The Killeen Independent School District provides transportation services for elementary students who reside one
or more miles from the home school, for high school and middle school students who reside two or more miles
from the home school, or in a hazardous area as determined by the district. Special education students requiring
transportation are transported in accordance with their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Special Provisions
Students riding the bus to and from school are under the direct supervision and control of the bus driver. Riding
the bus is a privilege provided by the district and the privilege will be withdrawn if students fail to cooperate in
following the bus rules or authority of the bus driver. Special rules are necessary for the safety and well-being of
everyone on the bus. Failure to abide by these rules creates safety hazards for the student as well as all other
individuals on the bus.
Parents /guardians will plan to have children at the bus stop five minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.
Driver will not wait or honk and will not pick up a student unless he or she is at the designated stop. The
Transportation Services Department uses an atomic clock web site ( to maintain bus route time
schedules. Parents /guardians should instruct their children on procedures to follow if the bus is missed. It is the
responsibility of the parent to provide transportation to school if a child misses the bus. Students will actively
participate in scheduled School Bus Emergency Evacuation Drills. Drivers and school officials are not responsible
for stolen articles or items left on the bus.
The district may use the necessary equipment, resources, and personnel (including a Video/Audio Monitoring
System) to monitor student behavior while providing safe transportation. Only district employees involved with
the specific incident may view the recordings. Based on legal guidelines, parents, guardians, or other non-district
personnel may not view the videos.
Parents/guardians should discuss the following basic rules with their child:
Students will have the option of wearing a mask while riding the bus.
Students will abide by the district’s rules and regulations concerning bus students, including conduct and
dress code pertaining to respective campuses and grade levels.
August 2022
While on the bus, students are under the authority of the Killeen ISD. Students must follow the instructions
from the drivers as they would a classroom teacher. At no time will a student act toward, or address
comments to a bus driver in a disrespectful manner or refuse to cooperate with the driver.
Students will identify themselves when asked to do so by the driver or other school official.
In order for bus drivers to verify identity, student ID cards will be visibly always worn above the waist
while on the bus (grades 6-12). For proper identification hoods will be removed while boarding the bus.
Provisions of the Student Code of Conduct apply.
Students must board and leave the bus only at the student’s designated stop. In an emergency, approval
for students to embark or disembark at a bus stop other than his or her own will be provided in writing on
campus stationary, signed by the campus principal or assistant principal, and given to the bus driver when
the student boards the bus. Drivers are not permitted to act on notes or letters from students or parents
/guardians regarding a stop change.
Only students who are eligible to ride may be transported and they must ride their assigned bus.
The principal’s jurisdiction extends to the bus stop. Inappropriate student behavior at bus stops will not
be tolerated.
The bus driver is required to assign seats. The student will remain in their assigned seat until instructed
otherwise by the driver.
A student shall not refuse to sit in an assigned seat or deny another student a place to sit.
Students will face forward for the duration of the trip and will keep their feet out of the bus aisle and on
the floor in front of them.
Remain seated while the bus is moving. Each student is expected to remain seated for the duration of the
trip and until the bus door opens for departure.
Normal conversation is permitted (no louder than classroom level); any loud noises may distract the driver
and create an unsafe condition.
In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct handbook, harassment in any form is strictly prohibited.
Scuffling, fighting, and the use of obscene, vulgar, or profane language and gestures are forbidden and
may bring about immediate bus suspension.
Note: The appropriate law enforcement agency may be called in regards to any fight on the bus.
Students will not extend any part of their body or any article out the window whether the bus is in motion
or not.
Do not spit or throw any object inside or outside of the bus.
Safety hazards created when using a cell phone may result in a discipline referral.
Photography is prohibited by everyone on the school bus unless the student has prior, written permission
from the campus principal.
Do not mark, cut, or scratch any part of the bus. Vandalism costs will be paid for by the person responsible.
Students shall never attempt to operate the passenger door or other driver controls except in the case of
extreme emergency.
The emergency door and exit controls will be used by students only during supervised drills or actual
emergencies. Unauthorized use of emergency equipment is prohibited.
Consequences for Bus Rules Violations
Failure to abide by these bus rules creates safety hazards for the student as well as all other students on the bus.
Student behavior while on the bus is governed by School Board policies and the Student Code of Conduct. The
school bus is an extension of the classroom, and as such, all rules that apply in the classroom carry over to the
If any of the above student behavior rules are broken, the bus driver will take appropriate action such as conferring
with the student, recording the student’s name and grade, assigning the student a different seat on the bus, and/or
reporting the student to the appropriate school official.
August 2022
After the bus driver makes a written report of the violation(s) to the campus administrator, appropriate action in
accordance with the Student Code of Conduct will be taken. Consequences for violation of bus rules will be
determined by the campus administrator and may include bus probation or bus suspension for a specified period
of time.
When a student is suspended from riding the bus, parents /guardians are responsible for providing transportation
for the student to attend school. This is not a suspension from class. If the student does not attend school when
suspended from riding the bus, the absence is unexcused and further disciplinary action may result.
Prohibited on School Buses
Weapons, explosives (such as fireworks), knives, tasers or stun guns, chains, water guns, unsheathed
pointed articles, laser light devices, or any other objects that could be considered dangerous or detrimental
to safety, order, and discipline on the bus.
Alcoholic beverages.
Cigarettes, cigars, and any other tobacco products.
Matches or cigarette lighters.
Live animals or insects. Plants in dirt or other growing medium not in an enclosed or sealed container or
Skateboards, rollerblades, Heelys shoes with wheels extended, or other items that may roll around on the
Walkie-Talkies, push-to-talk devices, or paging devices of any kind.
Radios, tapes, MP3 players, IPODs, or any recording or replay device (with or without headphones) may
not be used if a distraction or safety hazard is created.
Students will keep aisles and under the bus seats clear of any obstructions. Loose items may not be
transported on the floor of the bus. Any articles such as projects, large band instruments (tuba, baritone,
baritone saxophone, other large instruments), etc., which are too large to be held in the student’s lap or
which are imposed on other riders will not be allowed on the bus. Musical instruments will not be played
on the bus. Book bags and backpacks must be transported in the student’s lap, not on the seat or floor.
Students with crutches will rest them on the floor and hold them vertically between the legs.
Students will not eat, drink, or chew gum on any route with the school bus. Bottles or cans, whether full
or empty, open, or closed, are not allowed on any route of the school bus. As an exception, water in clear
plastic, re-sealable containers are allowed on the bus.
Glass containers.
Sporting equipment (balls, bats, rackets, etc.) must be in backpacks, cased, or left in the front of the bus.
Multiple or bagged golf clubs are prohibited. Cleats of any type will not be worn on the bus.
ROTC weapons are not permitted beyond the driver’s compartment area.
Students are not permitted to conduct personal grooming (brush/comb hair, apply makeup, use
perfume/cologne, etc.) while on the bus. Hair brushing/combing can contribute to the spreading of lice
and some individuals are allergic to grooming products.
Accidents or Emergencies
Follow the bus driver’s instructions.
If you are told to leave the bus, stay in a group, otherwise stay on the bus.
The following procedures will be used for evacuation in emergencies:
1) The two students nearest the door will open the door and hold it open.
2) Evacuation will start with the seat closest to the door and alternate from side to side.
3) Leave the bus in a single file as quickly and as quietly as possible.
4) When exiting through rear or side doors the “sit and scootmethod will be used; jumping from the
bus is not permitted.
August 2022
5) Once outside the bus, follow the driver’s instructions completely.
In the event of an accident, students are not permitted to leave the area unless cleared to do so by an
appropriate KISD official.
Extracurricular Trips
Bus rider rules apply on all school-sponsored events.
Discipline will be the responsibility of the administrator and the trip sponsor.
Eating and drinking on buses used specifically for activity trips may be approved if requested by the trip
sponsor in advance.
The bus must be cleaned inside when returning from a trip. Students will assist the sponsors of trips by
picking up trash on the bus and disposing of it properly.
Disruption of Transportation
Detaining a school bus is a crime. Please be aware of the provision below from the Texas Education Code:
A person (including students and parents /guardians) commits an offense if the person intentionally disrupts,
prevents, or interferes with the lawful transportation of students to or from school or an activity sponsored by a
school on a vehicle owned or operated by a county or independent school district.
An offense under this section is a Class C Misdemeanor and a fine of $500 may be levied under
§ 37.126 of the Texas Education Code.
The passing time from one class to another is four (4) minutes. Students will take care of their personal needs and
be present in the classroom before being considered tardy. Tardy is defined as not being in the classroom when
the bell finishes sounding with all necessary supplies. Transfer students are to maintain good attendance, including
no tardiness, or the transfer request may be revoked.
A student who violates the dress code or one whose clothing is questionable should be sent to the assistant
principal’s office, PREFERABLY IN FIRST PERIOD. An administrator will determine if the clothing is
Tardy, ID, Dress Code and Electronic Devices Violations will be combined and tracked throughout the semester.
Per KISD Administrative Guidelines, Tardy, ID, Dress Code and Electronic Devices Violations will be tracked
together, and the school will use the following guidelines for these infractions:
Violation #4 (Code 200) Warning Letter
Violation #8 (Code 200) Friday Detention
Violation #12 (Code 200) Saturday Detention
Violation #16 (Code 199) In School Suspension/ Two Saturday Detentions
Violation #20 (Code 109 Serious) In School Suspension AND Campus Probation
Violation #24 (Code 109 Serious) DAEP Hearing
Student textbooks are the property of the State of Texas. Students losing or destroying a textbook will be charged
the purchase price for replacement. Fines may be assessed for minor damage. This policy applies to library books
also. By state law, schools have the right to deny the assignment of textbooks to students until all previous
textbook records have been cleared. Consequently, a textbook for classroom use only may be issued until
August 2022
Textbook Check-Outs: Textbooks are available to all students for their current course enrollment. LORMS will
NOT issue hard back textbooks to students. Any parent desiring their student to be issued this textbook (History)
may contact the APs office at 336-2494. The History textbook must be always covered. ELA, math, and
science will receive a consumable textbook to support the class instruction.
Digital Textbooks: All textbooks are available via on-line access. Access codes for these books will be provided
by teachers of the corresponding course.
Textbook Returns: Students must return textbooks to their campus on the last day of school, or no later than the
Friday in June. Property management will not accept after this date.
Textbook Refunds at campus: Students may receive a refund of lost textbook at their campus up to the 2
Thursday in June.
Textbook Refunds at Property Management: Students may receive a refund of lost textbooks at Property
Management up to the 3rd Thursday in July. Textbook refunds after this date will not be processed.
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) are administered to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders
during the spring semester. Please see the 2022-2023 KISD Calendar for STAAR testing dates.
During testing sessions, students are expected to sit and work quietly until all students in the class have completed
the test. Students who disrupt the testing environment will be subject to disciplinary action through the Assistant
Principals’ office. Parents /guardians may be called in certain circumstances to pick up disruptive students.
After school sessions are offered to reinforce concepts taught in class. Any student who has an average grade
below 70% is REQUIRED to attend tutoring.
Tutorial Schedule: 3:40 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
Monday Science and Electives*
Tuesday Language Arts/Reading
Wednesday History and Electives*
Thursday Math
*Electives teachers will select one of the two days. They will notify your student.
Live Oak Ridge offers additional assistance with course work through the Homework Center, the center operates
Monday through Thursday from 4pm to 6pm.
KISD incorporates many forms of technology into our daily instructional lessons and activities.
Students engaged in KISD classrooms will from time to time have access to numerous forms of technology
resources such as online content offerings and media sites via the internet. With this student access comes student
responsibility. We encourage students and parents /guardians to familiarize themselves with district policies and
procedures addressing this access. A copy of the Student Acceptable Use Policy may be found in the Student
Code of Conduct. A parent/student permission form is included. Violation of the KISD Student Acceptable Use
Policy could result in termination of network access and disciplinary action.
Students are discouraged from utilizing the office phone unless it is an emergency. Students will not be called
from the classroom to receive telephone calls. AFTER 1
period, students will not be allowed to call home for
IDs or any other forgotten items. Students will be allowed to use the office(s) phone after dismissal.
Visitors will be allowed by appointment only during pandemic.
August 2022
All visitors, including parents and guardians, must report to the office and register with our computerized Visitor
Management and Alert System using a personal driver’s license, military or state issued ID card. While visiting
in the school, as a visitor, you must wear a visitor’s badge. This is done as a protective measure for your child
and campus personnel. Parents /guardians are welcome to visit the classroom with principal’s approval; however,
keep in mind that uninterrupted instruction is vital to student learning. Lastly, visitors are not allowed to visit with
students or staff in the cafeteria during the lunch periods, and the recording of staff and students is strictly
Volunteerism is one of the greatest gifts that parents /guardians and community members can give to support
students and our schools. We are excited because the spirit of volunteerism is exhibited by our students as well.
Parents /guardians, students, community members and our military heroes have given thousands of hours of
volunteer service. We encourage you to continue this wonderful effort. If you were not involved as a volunteer in
the past and are interested in volunteering your time, expertise, or talent during the school year, contact your
campus volunteer coordinator, parent liaison, child’s teacher, or the District Parent, Family & Community
Engagement Specialist at (254)336-0211/0208. Thank you for all that you have done and all that you will do.
Students can have clear water bottles with clear liquids.
In an effort to help students achieve, students who have two or more zeroes in any class will be required to attend
ZAP on Fridays from 3:40-4:30 p.m. to complete missing assignments.
The Killeen Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin,
religion, age, gender, or disabilities in the benefits, programs, activities, or services offered by the district.
Title II, Title IX and Section 504 are specific laws that protect you against discrimination.
Should you have any concerns of violation of these rights please contact:
Professional Standards Administrator
Mike Harper
200 North W.S. Young Drive
Killeen, Texas 76541
Should you have any concerns about Section 504 Student Rights, contact:
Content Development
Christina Walker
902 North 10th Street
Killeen, Texas 76541
Should you have any concerns about Title II Rights, contact:
Coordinator State & Federal Funds
Christianne Shinn
902 Rev R A Abercrombie Dr
Killeen, TX 76543
August 2022
Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents /guardians and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”)
certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are:
The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the school
receives a request for access. Submit to the School principal {or appropriate school official} a written
request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for
access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student
believes is inaccurate. Parents /guardians or eligible students may ask the school to amend a record that
they believe is inaccurate. They should write to the school principal; clearly identify the part of the record
they want changed and specify why it is inaccurate. If the school decides not to amend the record as
requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the parent or eligible student of the
decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional
information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when
notified of the right to a hearing.
The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s
education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception,
which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational
interests. A school official is a person employed by Killeen Independent School District as an
administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law
enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the
school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or
therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance
committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a
legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or
her professional responsibility.
The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the
Killeen Independent School District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address
of the office that administers FERPA are:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-8520
Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) PPRA affords parents
/guardians and students who are 18 or emancipated minors (“eligible students”) certain rights regarding our
conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. These
include the right to:
Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following
protected areas (protected information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program
of the U.S. Department of Education (ED)-
1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent;
2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family;
3. Sex behavior or attitudes;
4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
August 2022
6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers;
7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents /guardians; or
8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of
1. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding;
2. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attendance,
administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and
safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or
screening permitted or required under State law;
3. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students
for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others.
Inspect, upon request and before administration or use -
1. Protected information surveys of students;
2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above marketing,
sales, or other distribution purposes; and
3. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum.
Killeen Independent School District will develop and adopt policies, in consultation with parents /guardians,
regarding these rights, as well as arrangements to protect student privacy in the administration of protected
surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution
Killeen Independent School District will directly notify parents /guardians and eligible students of these policies
at least annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. Killeen Independent School
District will also directly notify parents /guardians and eligible students, at least annually at the start of each
school year of the specific or approximate dates of the following activities and provide an opportunity to opt a
student out of participating in:
Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution.
Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by ED.
Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above.
Parents /guardians /eligible students who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-8520
Memo To: Parents /guardians, Staff, Contractual Workers
From: Paul W. Duerre, CIE
KISD Environmental Specialist
Reason: AHERA Notification
As required by the Environmental Protection Agency regulation 40 CFR Part 763.93 and the Texas Asbestos
Health Protection Rules (TAHPR) §295.31- §295.73, hereby notifies staff, contractual workers, and parents,
guardians, managing conservators of students that Killeen ISD has inspected all facilities for the presence of
August 2022
asbestos-containing building material (ACBM). If an asbestos management plan is warranted (required) due its
presence in a facility, it is available for review in the administrative office of that school. Original documentation
may be viewed at Killeen ISD Administration, Facilities Services, Environmental Division, 110 North W.S.
Young Drive, Killeen, Texas 76543-4025. Periodic surveillance is performed by staff personnel, while a 3-year
re-inspection of the asbestos-containing material within a particular school is performed by a state licensed
asbestos inspector.
Please note that during the course of the year maintenance work or abatement may be needed to repair or remove
damaged ACBM. This work will be done by trained asbestos (TDH licensed) personnel. ACBM removal activities
or projects will be performed when students, staff and other workers are not on-site, whenever possible.
No work should be performed on or near known or suspected asbestos-containing material (ACM) until the work
has been approved by either:
Paul Duerre (KISD Asbestos Designated Person) @ (254)336-0071, or
Killeen ISD Construction Services) @ (254)336-0079.
August 2022
Elementary Schools:
1. Alice Douse 700 Rebecca Lynn Drive, Killeen 76542 336-7480
2. Brookhaven 3221 Hilliard Avenue, Killeen 76543 336-1440
3. Cedar Valley 4801 Chantz Drive, Killeen 76542 336-1480
4. Clarke 51612 Comanche Avenue, Fort Hood 76544 336-1510
5. Clear Creek 4800 Washington Boulevard, Fort Hood 76544 336-1550
6. Clifton Park 1801 S. 2
Street Killeen 76541 336 1580
7. Dr. Joseph A. Fowler 4910 Katy Creek, Killeen 76549 336-1760
8. Harker Heights 726 South Ann Boulevard, Harker Heights 76548 336-2050
9. Hay Branch 6101 Westcliff Road, Killeen 76543 336-2080
10. Haynes 3309 West Canadian River Loop, Killeen 76549 336-6750
11. Iduma 4400 Foster Lane, Killeen 76549 336-2590
12. Ira Cross, Jr. 1910 Herndon Drive, Killeen 76543 336-2550
13. Killeen Elementary 1608 E. Rancier Avenue 76542 336 - 1830
14. Maude Moore Wood 6410 Morganite Lane, Killeen 76542 336-1650
15. Maxdale 2600 Westwood Drive, Killeen 76542 336-2460
16. Meadows 423 27th Street, Fort Hood 76544 336-1870
17. Montague Village 84001 Clement Drive, Ft. Hood 76544 336-2230
18. Mountain View 500 Mountain Lion Road, Harker Heights 76548 336-1900
19. Nolanville 901 Old Nolanville Road, Nolanville 76559 336-2180
20. Oveta Culp Hobby 53210 Lost Moccasin, Fort Hood 76544 336-6500
21. Pat Carney 5501 Azura Way Killeen 76459 336-1940
22. Peebles 1800 North WS Young Drive, Killeen 76543 336-2120
23. Pershing Park 1500 West Central Texas Expressway, Killeen 76549 336-1790
24. Reeces Creek 400 West Stan Schlueter Loop, Killeen 76542 336-2150
25. Richard E. Cavazos 1200 North 10th, Nolanville 76559 336-7000
26. Saegert 5600 Schorn Drive, Killeen 76542 336-6660
27. Skipcha 515 Prospector Trail, Harker Heights 76548 336-6690
28. Timber Ridge 5402 White Rock Drive, Killeen 76542 336-6630
29. Trimmier 4400 Success Drive, Killeen 76542 336-2270
30. Venable Village 60160 Venable Road, Fort Hood 76544 336-1980
31. Willow Springs 2501 West Stan Schlueter Loop, Killeen 76549 336-2020
Middle Schools:
1. Audie Murphy 53393 Sun Dance Drive, Fort Hood 76544 336-6530
2. Charles Patterson 8383 West Trimmier Road, Killeen 76542 336-7100
3. Eastern Hills 300 Indian Trail, Harker Heights 76548 336-1100
4. Gateway Middle 1307 Gowen Street, Killeen 76543 336-1690
5. Liberty Hill 4500 Kit Carson Trail, Killeen 76542 336-1370
6. Live Oak Ridge 2600 Robinett Road, Killeen 76549 336-24
7. Manor 1700 South WS Young Drive, Killeen 76543 336-1310
8. Nolan 1600 Warriors Path Harker Heights, Killeen 76541 336-1150
9. Palo Alto 2301 West Elms Drive, Killeen 76549 336-1200
10. Rancier 3301 Hilliard Avenue, Killeen 76543 336-1250
11. Roy J Smith 6000 Bushy Creek Drive, Killeen 76549 336-1050
12. Stem Academy 6000 Bushy Creek Drive, Killeen 76549 336-7836
13. Union Grove 101 East Iowa Drive, Harker Heights 76548 336-6580
High Schools:
1. KISD Career Center 1320 Stagecoach Road, Killeen 76542 336-3800
2. Chaparral 4400 Chaparral Rd, Killeen 76542 336-2447
3. Ellison 909 Elms Road, Killeen 76542 336-0600
4. Harker Heights 1001 FM 2410, Harker Heights 76548 336-0800
5. Gateway High 4100 Zephyr Road, Killeen 76543 336-1700
6. Killeen 500 North 38th Street, Killeen 76543 336-7208
7. Metroplex BHC 2201 S. Clear Creek Rd, Killeen 76549 336-0372
8. Pathways Academic Campus 1322 Stagecoach Road, Killeen 76542 336-7250
9. Shoemaker 3302 South Clear Creek Road, Killeen 76549 336-0900
10. Early College High (9
& 10
Grade Campus) 51000 Tank Destroyer Blvd., Fort Hood 76544 336-0260
11. Early College High (11
Grade Campus) 6200 W Central Texas Expressway, Killeen 76549 336-0260
12. Specialty Campus 4800 E. Rancier Ave, Killeen 76543 618-4268
August 2022
Live Oak Ridge Middle School
I have received and read the contents of the 2022-2023 handbook for LORMS.
Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools
Notification of Rights under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
Notificacn de los derechos bajo FERPA par a las escuelas primarias e intermedias
Notificacn de los derechos bajo la Enmienda de Proteccn de los Derechos del Alumno (PPRA, por sus
siglas en ingles)
Student Name Print Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Students are required to return to the school the 2022-2023 KISD Student Code of Conduct Acknowledgement
Card and this signature page.
The 2022-2023 KISD Student Code of Conduct is available via the internet. It may be found at the KISD web site
( From the web site click on Parents and Students, Student Handbook and Code of Conduct. You
may also choose a more direct route by typing into the address box: and then click on Student Handbook
and Code of Conduct.
If you do not have Internet access, or if you wish to have a hard copy of the Student Code of Conduct OR the
LORMS Student Handbook, you may request one directly from your student’s campus.
PLEASE RETURN this page.