Citizens’ Resource Guide
Project Neighborhood
Participation Program
for Land Use Actions
Prepared by the
New Orleans City Planning Commission
1300 Perdido Street, 7th Floor, City Hall
Revised: March2019
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Steps for Land Use Applications
including the Project NPP Process
Meeting with CPC sta to discuss and clarify
the Project NPP process
Step 1
Step 5
Step 4
Step 3
Step 2
Plan your meeting and choose a meeting site
Prepare a typed letter for the NPP meeting
NPP meeting invitation delivery
Hold a neighborhood meeting(s)
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Prepare a NPP summary report
Submit your land use application
Place signage on subject site and provide
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It is critical that all steps on the NPP process be done properly. An application with an
incomplete NPP will not be accepted. An improperly performed NPP will need to be repeated
correctly before application acceptance.
Step 1: Meet with the City Planning Commission sta to become familiar with the process and
Provide sta with a site plan of your proposal to accurately determine your request.
Provide the size of your site and/or the floor area of any existing or planned structures.
The sta will verify the square footage and provide the NPP contact list information and
Step 2: Plan your meeting and choose a meeting site. See the page on “Holding a Neighborhood
Participation Program Meeting” for the CPC’s guidance. If needed, consult the Neighborhood
Engagement Oce at (504) 658-4980 for help finding a location and planning your neighborhood
The NPP meeting must be held no less than 14 and no more than 30 days after the date
that notice of the meeting is provided to the contact list.
Choose a meeting location convenient to the invited parties, preferably within one (1)
mile from the subject property. The CPC strongly advises choosing a meeting location
in the neighborhood or close to the site that is the subject of your application. An
inconvenient location will be poorly received by the neighbors. In no case shall the
meeting be held outside of Orleans Parish. If a suitable location is not available within
the one (1) mile radius, the applicant may request that the meeting be held at a site
outside of the radius, subject to the written approval of the site by the Executive Director
of the City Planning Commission.
Make sure the meeting location is ADA accessible, indoors, climate controlled, and with
adequate seating for attendees.
Choose a time that may maximize participation in the NPP meeting. Setting a very
early or very late hour or a date that is a holiday does not show good faith with the
community. Many neighbors prefer a meeting time in the early evening on a weekday or
a Saturday morning.
Step 3: Prepare a typed letter notifying those on the contact list of the NPP meeting.
Type a NPP meeting notice that includes:
Date, time, and location of the NPP meeting.
Type of land use application: zoning change, conditional use, planned development,
variance, or Master Plan Future Land Use Map amendment
Step 4: NPP Meeting Invitation Delivery: mail and email to the NPP contact list
Send draft version of the NPP invitation letter to CPC sta for review prior to sending
out (please provide at least 48 hours for review). You may work directly with the sta
member who emailed the NPP contact list to you.
Ensure delivery of the NPP meeting notice to the property owners and residents/tenants
on the NPP contact list at least 14 days but no more than 30 days before the meeting.
Hand delivery to the residents/tenants is acceptable, but you are prohibited by law from
placing the notice in a mailbox.
Source: Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Article 4, Sections 4.2.D.2, 4.3.D.2, 4.4.E.2, and 4.6.D.2.
Project NPP Checklist for Applicants
(To Be Submitted with Application)
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Project NPP Checklist (To Be Submitted with Application)
Step 4 (cont’d): NPP Meeting Invitation Delivery: mail and email to the NPP contact list
Mail and Email the NPP meeting notice to the neighborhood association(s) on the
NPP contact at least 14 days but no more than 30 days before the meeting. The
neighborhood association will likely forward the meeting notice to its membership.
Email or mail the NPP meeting notice to the District City Councilmember on the NPP
contact list at least 14 days but no more than 30 days before the meeting. This is not a
legal requirement, but it is highly advisable to keep the Councilmember informed.
Email or mail the NPP meeting notice to the CPC sta at at least
14 days but no more than 30 days before the meeting. This is required and important
because many neighbors receive notice through the City’s NoticeMe program. City
Planning advises emailing the notice, so that you have an electronic record.
Step 5: Hold a Neighborhood Meeting(s)
Provide a sign-in sheet which includes space for a name, address, and contact
information. (Sign-in sheet provided as an attachment of this guide)
Follow the sample agenda provided by the City Planning Commission. Explain the
proposal and allow for time for questions and answers.
Collect any filled out comment cards at the end of the meeting. Keep a record of all
the comments and concerns that are discussed at the meeting.
Step 6: Prepare a Summary Report that contains the following:
The dates, times, and locations of all meetings held with interested parties.
The total number of people that participated in the process (the number of people
who attended all meetings, as well as any others who made contact via other means,
as evident from sign-in sheets, emails, etc.).
A list of any concerns, issues, and problems expressed by the participants. A statement
as to how each concern, issue, and problem is addressed and how the applicant
intends to continue to address them.
Step 7: Submit your land use application. A complete application must be submitted within
180 days of the NPP meeting (or most recent meeting if additional meetings were held). The
NPP Summary Report and attachments must be included with the application (including
everything in Step 5). Application information can be found on the City Planning Commission
website at Be sure to prepare all required items for
your application before submitting it to the City Planning Commission sta, including:
NPP Meeting Summary Report
NPP contact list with the names of individuals and entities that were noticed (at a
minimum, this includes everyone on the contact list provided by the CPC sta)
NPP meeting invitation sent to individuals and entities on contact list
NPP comment cards
Meeting sign-in sheet
Neighborhood association and Councilmember email invitations
If applicable, submit letters, emails, adavits, newsletters, publications, petitions, or
other documents received in support of or in opposition to the proposed project, as
well as any other materials pertaining to the notification process.
Source: Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Article 4, Sections 4.2.D.2, 4.3.D.2, 4.4.E.2, and 4.6.D.2.
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Project NPP Checklist (To Be Submitted with Application)
Step 8: Place signage on subject site and provide proof
Place the sign provided by the CPC at the time of application submittal on site at least
15 days before the scheduled public hearing date.
Take a photo of the posted signage and send to the CPC at Be sure
to include the address or location of the subject site.
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February 10, 2016 (must be at least 14 Calendar days before the meeting date)
Dear Neighbor:
My company, Convenience Pharmacy, L.L.C. , owns a building at 123 Commercial Avenue. We would like
to open a new pharmacy at that location. It would operate as a convenience store and pharmacy with a
drive-through window. Hours of operation would be 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.
The site is located in an (insert corresponding zoning classification) HU-MU Neighborhood Mixed-Use
District , where a drive-through window is a Conditional Use, according to (insert corresponding CZO
citation) Article 12, Section 12.2.A (Table 12-1) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance which means we are
required to apply for approval to put in a drive- through. The site is a two-story commercial structure with
a combined square footage of (insert corresponding square footage of site) 25,000 square feet. (Insert
whether or not parking is provided and if any variances are being requested.) On-street parking will be
provided and no variance or waivers are required.
Because you are a nearby neighbor or otherwise interested in the neighborhood, I am inviting you to
a meeting where you can learn more about what we propose, and present questions or concerns. Our
application has to be heard by the City Planning Commission and the City Council and we are required to
do this before we submit our application to the City Planning Commission.
The meeting will take place:
Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 at 7:30 pm
ABC church cafeteria, at 456 Residential Ave.
This letter is being delivered through U.S. Mail and through hand delivery. At the meeting, I’ll provide a
sign-in sheet to obtain email addresses, so that I can keep you updated if there are any changes to the
plans. I’ve enclosed my site plans to give you a better idea of what we’d like to do. The pharmacy would
occupy approximately half of the block on which it would be located, with the front pedestrian entrance
on Residential Street and the drive- through accessed through a parking lot entered on Commercial Street.
The site is now a former fast-food restaurant that we’d renovate. If we receive approval, we plan to start
the construction work within a month of the approval, and estimate that the work should take about three
If you are unable to attend and would like to receive info from the meeting, please feel free to contact
me. If you have any additional questions or comments, here’s how to reach me. I hope to see you at the
meeting on March 1st.
John Smith
NPP Community Meeting Invitation (Conditional Use)
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February 10, 2016 (must be at least 14 Calendar days before the meeting date)
Dear Neighbor:
My company, Sweet Treats, owns a building at 123 Commercial Avenue. We’d like to open a new standard
restaurant. It would be open for breakfast and lunch. Hours of operation would be 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Monday through Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday.
The site is located in an (insert corresponding zoning classification) HU-RD2 Two-Family Residential
District , where a restaurant is not allowed, according to (insert corresponding CZO citation) Article 11,
Section 11.2 (Table 11-1) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Therefore we are applying for a zoning
change to a (insert corresponding zoning classification) HU-B1A Neighborhood Business District in order
to operate a standard restaurant. The site is a single-story residential structure with a combined square
footage of (insert corresponding square footage of site) 5,000 square feet. (Insert whether or not parking
is provided and if any variances are being requested.) On-street parking will be provided and no variance
or waivers are required.
Because you are a nearby neighbor or otherwise interested in the neighborhood, I am inviting you to
a meeting where you can learn more about what we propose, and present questions or concerns. Our
application has to be heard by the City Planning Commission and the City Council and we are required to
do this before we submit our application to the City Planning Commission.
The meeting will take place:
Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 at 7:30 pm
ABC church cafeteria, at 456 Residential Ave.
This letter is being delivered through U.S. Mail and through hand delivery. At the meeting, I’ll provide a
sign-in sheet to obtain email addresses, so that I can keep you updated if there are any changes to the
plans. I’ve enclosed my site plans to give you a better idea of what we’d like to do along with a list of
the permitted uses within the HU-B1A. If you are unable to attend and would like to receive info from the
meeting, please feel free to contact me. If you have any additional questions or comments, here’s how to
reach me. I hope to see you at the meeting on March 1st.
If you are unable to attend and would like to receive info from the meeting, please feel free to contact
me. If you have any additional questions or comments, here’s how to reach me. I hope to see you at the
meeting on March 1st.
John Smith
NPP Community Meeting Invitation (Zoning Change)
NPP Community Meeting Invitation (Variance)
February 10, 2016 (must be at least 14 calendar days before the meeting date)
Dear Neighbor:
My company, Clean Teeth Dentistry, L.L.C., owns a building at 123 Commercial Avenue. We would like to open a
new dental clinic at that location. Hours of operation would be 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The site is located in an (insert corresponding zoning classification) HU-MU Neighborhood Mixed-Use District, where a
dental clinic is a permitted use. However, in order to develop the lot in the most efficient manner possible, which
includes off-street parking spaces, we would be unable to meet the required minimum rear yard setback. (Insert
corresponding CZO citation) Article 12, Section 12.3.A.1 (Table 12-2) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance requires
a 15 feet rear yard setback when abutting a residential district. Because our rear yard abuts a residential zoning district,
we are applying for a variance to permit a dental clinic with insufficient minimum rear yard (required: 15 feet, proposed:
7 feet, waiver: 8 feet). If approved, the site would be developed with a single-story commercial structure with a
combined square footage of (insert corresponding square footage of site) 2,500 square feet. (Insert whether or not parking is
provided.) Six (6) off-street parking spaces would be provided.
Because you are a nearby neighbor or otherwise interested in the neighborhood, I am inviting you to a meeting
where you can learn more about what we propose, and present questions or concerns. Our application has to be
heard by the Board of Zoning Adjustments, and we are required to do this before we submit our application.
The meeting will take place:
Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 at 7:30 pm
ABC church cafeteria, at 456 Residential Ave.
This letter is being delivered through U.S. Mail and through hand delivery. At the meeting, I’ll provide a sign-in sheet to
obtain email addresses so that I can keep you updated if there are any changes to the plans. I’ve enclosed my site
plans (include a copy of the site plan) to give you a better idea of what we’d like to do. If we receive approval, we plan to
start the construction work within a month of the approval and estimate that the work should take about three months.
If you are unable to attend and would like to receive information from the meeting, please feel free to contact me. If
you have any additional questions or comments, here’s how to reach me. I hope to see you at the meeting on March
John Smith
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Project NPP Report
(Example - To Be Submitted with Application)
Date of Report: August 12, 2015
Project Name: Convenience Pharmacy
Overview: This report provides results of the implementation of the Project Neighborhood
Participation Program for property located at 1234 Canal Boulevard on the southwest corner of
Read and Venus Streets. The applicant intends to file an application to rezone the property from
HU-RM2 to C-2 to permit a pharmacy with a drive-thru window. This report provides a summary of
contacts with citizens, neighbors, public agencies, and interested parties. Opportunities have been
provided to learn about and comment on the proposed plans and actions. Comments, sign-in lists,
petitions, letters, summary sheets, and other materials are attached.
John Smith
1234 Anyname Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
Neighborhood Meetings: The following dates and locations of all meetings where citizens were
invited to discuss the applicant’s proposal [comments, sign in lists, and other feedback are
1. August 5, 2015 – Holly Green Neighborhood Center, 150 Willow Street, 7pm – 8pm, 45 peo-
ple in attendance.
2. August 10, 2015 – Golden Care Senior Center, 444 St. Xavier Street, 5pm – 6pm, 10 people in
Correspondence and Telephone Calls:
1. July 23, 2015 – letters mailed to contact list, including homes, apartments neighborhood as-
sociations, churches, and schools.
2. July 24, 2015 – fliers distributed within 300 ft. radius of the proposed pharmacy site.
3. August 11, 2015 – discussed proposal with neighbor Mary Smith via phone call.
There were 100 persons/addresses invited to the community meeting. See summary below:
1. Summary of concerns, issues and problems:
•Increased trac in adjacent neighborhood.
•Impact on school students within 200 feet of the site.
•Increased noise.
•Lighting glare on adjacent properties.
2. How concerns, issues and problems will be addressed:
•Trac will be routed to arterials to avoid impact on the neighborhood.
•Parking lot lights will be low glare sodium type positioned away from adjacent properties.
•The pharmacy drive thru window will close by 8pm, reducing noise impacts on the
adjacent properties.
3. Concerns, issues, and problems not addressed and why:
•The pharmacy should not have a negative impact on the nearby school.
Lucky Lane Bowling Neighborhood Participation Meeting
Date: March 1, 2016
Location: Bean Gallery Café
I. Welcome
Introduction of speakers and their relationship to the project
Provide a tour of the space (if at the petitioned site).
Provide at minimum a site plan of the proposed project, if a Conditional Use,
Planned Development or Variance request.
Provide use and area regulations chart handout.
II. Description of the Project
Describe your project proposal in detail.
State the specific citations from the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance that
pertain to your request.
Note the zoning district where the site is located and whether you are requesting
a zoning change.
State the total square footage for the site, the floor area of existing and proposed
structures, number of units and floors.
Clearly state any proposed waivers that may be requested as well.
State how your proposal will impact and benefit the immediate neighborhood.
III. Public Comment
Allow a reasonable amount of time to receive public comment and concerns.
Consider having relevant designers or professionals on hand to answer questions
specific to any site design, traffic impact analysis etc.
Receive the public comment without interrupting the speaker whether you agree
or disagree
IV. Summary
State how the comments and suggestions will be addressed, or If you will need to
get back to attendees with additional information.
V. Next Steps
Let attendees know your timeline for submitting your application (no more than
180 days from the date of the meeting).
Make sure your attendees know how to stay updates on your proposal request.
Provide handouts for interested parties to sign up for NoticeMe updates and
other online tools.
Required NPP Meeting Handout # 1
The City Planning Commission website hosts a number of important documents and tools. CPC meeting
agendas, videos, and staff reports can be viewed on the website as well as regulatory and planning
documents such as the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and the Master Plan.
The entire text of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance can be viewed on this website.
NoticeMe is a personalized notification tool that emails citizens to inform them of opportunities for public
input on proposed land-use changes. This system that offers a way for interested parties to stay informed
for land use proposals in an individually selected area. Once registered, the email address will receive
notices of when a public hearing is scheduled and when a report is ready. You will also be notified of the
action of the City Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Adjustments.
The One Stop App pulls up-to-date information directly from the City's official record. This tool is used
by homeowners, businesses, licensed professionals, developers, contactors, and other interested citizens
Find information about a permit, license, planning project, or violation in progress.
Initiate an application for many types of permits and licenses without coming to City Hall.
Pay with credit cards for permits and licenses online.
Research what has been permitted, licensed, or cited at a particular location or during a user defined
time frame.
The Property Viewer provides zoning and land use information for all properties within the City of New
Orleans. The Property Viewer displays “layers” of information that includes the Master Plan Future Land
Use Map, zoning districts, and the locations of site-specific zoning actions approved by ordinance which
includes Conditional Uses, Exceptional Uses, and Planned Development Districts. Links are provided that
can take the viewer to the applicable section of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Assessor
NPP Meeng Comment Card
Name/Address of Project:____________________________
Contact Informaon (oponal):_______________________________________
Name email
NPP Meeng Comment Card
Name/Address of Project:____________________________
Contact Informaon (oponal):_______________________________________
Name email
NPP Meeting Required Handout #3
NPP Meeting Sign In Sheet
Project Name/Location:
Meeting Date/Time:
Meeting Location:
Name Organization Address City, State, & Zip Phone Number Email Address