Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
LCB File No. R093-01
General Rules
2070.001 Uniform Application Of Rules.
All of the eligibility Rules and Regulations of the NIAA set forth in this section
shall apply to all students who attend and represent a NIAA member or affiliate
school in any sport sanctioned by the NIAA.
2070.002 Definitions
The following definitions shall apply to the words and/or phrases below with
respect to interpretation of Regulation 2070 and all other Regulations in which
the word or phrase is used:
a. “Affiliate School” means a school in a neighboring state to the
State of Nevada, which has been recommended for membership by one
of the member schools of the NIAA and has complied with all NIAA
requirements pertaining to affiliate school status.
b. “Executive Director” means the Executive Director of the NIAA.
c. “Game, Contest or Meet” means any competition regularly
scheduled by a member or affiliate school for any of its teams or
individuals competing in a NIAA sanctioned sport.
d. “Legal Guardian” means an individual who has complied with
the laws of the State of Nevada pertaining to creation of a guardianship
as described and limited in Regulation 2070.061(a)(2).
e. "Magnet School" means a school established by a local school
district for the purpose of creating special programs to attract students
within the local school district.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
f. “Member School” means a school whose Board of Trustees or
Governing Board has adopted the Regulations of the NIAA as its code
governing interscholastic activities, has paid annual dues established by
the NIAA, and agrees to accept and abide by the Policies and
Regulations of the NIAA to bind students and faculty members in
interscholastic athletics.
g. “Participation” means to be a student involved in a sport
sanctioned by the NIAA who becomes a participant on the first official
day of practice determined by the NIAA activities calendar for that
particular year.
h. "Recruiting or Recruitment" means the use of undue influence
(2070.206) and/or special inducement (2070.207) by anyone associated
with a school in an attempt to encourage a prospective student to attend
or remain at that school for the purpose of participating in
interscholastic athletics.
i. “Sanctioned” means a sport approved by the NIAA for
interscholastic competition.
j. “School Shopping” is the process by which a student or the
parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of a student attempts to circumvent any
NIAA Regulation pertaining to eligibility, or solicits or seeks enrollment
in a member or affiliate school for the purpose of participating in
interscholastic athletics in return for favorable conditions or treatment.
k. “Sport” means athletic competition, which has been sanctioned
by the NIAA.
l. “Sport season” begins with the first official day of practice and
ends with the state championship event in each sport as set forth in the
NIAA Reference Manual.
m. “Territory Served” means the region established by the Board of
Trustees for public schools or other governing board for private schools.
n. “Unit of Credit” means a unit of credit as defined by the Nevada
State Board of Education and the Northwest Association of secondary
and higher schools.
Registration of Students
2070.010 General Rules Applicable To Registration Of Student Athletes
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
The following shall apply to all member and affiliate schools with respect to
registration of student athletes.
2070.011 Minimum Standards; Adoption Of Stricter Eligibility Regulations
The eligibility rules set forth below are minimum requirements for eligibility
imposed by the NIAA on member and affiliate schools, coaches and their
student athletes. Any school district having jurisdiction over a member or
affiliate school or schools may adopt stricter regulations or standards then
those set forth below, provided that the school district complies with the
a. A school district proposing to adopt stricter standards or
regulations shall submit a copy of the proposed standards or regulations
to the Executive Director 30 days prior to the next regularly scheduled
meeting of the NIAA Board of Control.
b. The proposed stricter standards or regulations shall reference by
number and section the NIAA Handbook provisions the school district is
proposing to modify.
c. The NIAA Board of Control shall review the proposed
regulations at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
d. The NIAA Board of Control shall advise the school district
proposing the modification to rules and regulations as to its approval,
rejection or modification of the proposed changes within 30 days
following its review of the same.
2070.012 Responsibility of Member Schools
It shall be the responsibility of the administration at each member or affiliate
school to educate students attending the school as to the rules and regulations
governing participation in NIAA sanctioned sports.
2070.013 Registration With Executive Director.
All students who intend to participate in any NIAA sanctioned sport shall
comply with the following regulations regarding participation:
a. Before a student may participate in any NIAA sanctioned sport
the student shall be registered with the Executive Director of the NIAA.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
b. Registration of students in any NIAA sanctioned sport is the
responsibility of the administration of the member or affiliate school the
student attends. Registration shall be completed on forms provided in
the NIAA Reference Manual, or similar forms approved by the
Executive Director.
c. Students shall be separately registered for each sport the student
participates in each school year, subject to the limitations set forth at
Regulation 2070.030 and 2070.084.
d. All initial rosters must be addressed and mailed or telefaxed to
the attention of the Executive Director of the NIAA and must be
postmarked or telefax dated on or before the date competition begins.
Additions to initial rosters must be received by the Executive Director
before the student becomes eligible for competition.
(1) Competition begins for any sport on the day of the first
sanctioned game, meet or contest authorized for the particular
sport by the NIAA.
(2) The first sanctioned game, meet or contest shall not be
scheduled until the eleventh day after tryouts for the sport to
ensure compliance with Regulations 2070.080 and 2070.081.
(3) Failure to comply with Regulation 2070.013(d) shall
result in a $100.00 fine imposed against the offending member or
affiliate school.
General Rules Regarding Eligibility
2070.020 Eligibility Of Student To Participate In NIAA Sport
A student is presumed eligible to compete or practice in a NIAA sport subject to
all of the other rules governing eligibility, if the following basic criteria are met:
a. The student is enrolled in the ninth, tenth, eleventh or twelfth
grade of a member or affiliate school; and
b. The student resides within the boundaries served by the member
or affiliate school as specifically set forth in Regulation 2070.050; and
c. The student has complied with all eligibility rules and regulations
of the NIAA, the member or affiliate school, and the school district
having jurisdiction over the member or affiliate school the student
attends; and
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
d. The student has not graduated from high school or received a
general education development certificate (GED); and
e. The pupil is not enrolled full time in a college, junior college, or
other post secondary institution; and
f. The student has not participated on a college, junior college, or
other post secondary institution athletic team; and
g. The student has not competed as a professional in the sport the
student is seeking to participate in at the NIAA level.
Length of Participation
2070.030 Maximum Period Of Participation
Following enrollment in the ninth grade a student shall be eligible to
participate in a NIAA sport for a period not to exceed 4 consecutive years or 8
consecutive semesters.
a. No student shall be eligible to participate more than 4 seasons in
any one sport.
b. No student shall be eligible to participate in the same sport more
than one time during a school year regardless of where the participation
Age Requirements
2070.040 Age
A student whose twentieth birthday occurs during any sport season as defined
in Regulation 2070.002(l), is ineligible to participate in that particular sport and
all others occurring thereafter.
a. The age of all students participating in a NIAA sport season shall
be verified by official school records on file with the member or affiliate
b. There shall be no appeal from this Regulation.
Revised 2/01;
Residency Requirements
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
2070.050 Residence Eligibility
To be eligible to participate in a NIAA sanctioned sport a student must attend
the school located in the attendance zone or boundary of the student’s parent(s)
or legal guardian(s) physical residence as established by the school district of
the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s)’ physical residence.
a. A student whose parents are divorced or legally separated is
eligible at the school located in the attendance zone of the physical
residence of the parent having primary physical custody as determined
by Court Order or Decree.
b. If the primary physical custody of a student is jointly shared by
the student’s divorced parents pursuant to Court Order or Decree, then
the student shall choose which parent’s residence shall be deemed the
student’s primary physical residence for purposes of establishing
athletic eligibility. Once the student makes a choice of primary physical
residence, the school within the zone or boundary of the parent chosen
by the student becomes the student’s home school for purposes of
application of these Regulations for all matters occurring in the future.
1. Example: Student’s parents have joint custody with
mother’s residence located within the boundaries for School A
and father’s located within the boundaries of School B. Student
chooses mother’s residence for purposes of athletic eligibility and
attends School A. Student is eligible at School A. If student
chooses fathers residence at a later time, and enrolls at School B
after attending School A, Student is ineligible for 180 school days
at School B.
b. A student beginning their ninth grade year attending a private
school serving all students within the area of the student’s parents
physical residence is eligible to participate at the private school.
c. A temporary guardianship granted without court approval
pursuant to NRS 159.205 or NRS 159.215, or any similarly enacted
statute, shall not be recognized by the NIAA as a legal guardianship.
d. A legal guardian of a student must comply with Regulation
2070.061(2) in order for the student to be athletically eligible at the
school located within the attendance zone of the legal guardian’s
2070.051 Guidelines for Determining Place of Residence
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
The following guidelines shall apply to any situation in which the residence of a
student is at issue, including transfers from one school district to another
school district or from one attendance zone to another attendance zone within
the same school district.
a. The burden of proof rests with the student’s parent(s) or legal
guardian(s), or the student if the student has reached age 18 and lives
alone, to prove to the satisfaction of the school district or the Executive
Director, as appropriate, that the student has established a bona fide
residence within the school district or attendance zone.
1. A student who has reached age 18 and lives alone shall
comply with Regulation 2070.061(a)(4), in establishing residence
b. Proof of a bona fide residence shall be established by providing
reliable documentation to the school district or the Executive Director,
as appropriate, of the following:
(1) The student, his parent(s) or legal guardian(s) right to the
use and enjoyment of the new residence, and similar
documentation establishing the student’s, his parent(s) or legal
guardian(s) abandonment of the former residence. Such
evidence may include, but is not limited to, one or more of the
A. Documentation of title to, and sale of, real
B. Lease documents;
C. Utility service (telephone, power, sewer, garbage)
D. Drivers license or vehicle registration establishing
the new address;
E. Change of address on voter registration
documentation; and
F. Any other documentary evidence establishing the
student, his parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are in
fact residing at the new address.
c. A student who is determined to have established eligibility in
accordance with subsection (b), above, and who within one year
following that determination reestablishes residence within the student’s
former school district or attendance zone, shall be ineligible for 180
school days to participate in interscholastic activities at the former
school unless a waiver has been granted pursuant to Regulation
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
2070.060 Presumption of Ineligibility
Any student who transfers from one member or affiliate school to another
member or affiliate school shall be presumed ineligible for 180 school days to
compete in any NIAA sanctioned sport at the school to which the student
a. This presumption shall apply in the following situations:
1. Where the student transfers from one member or affiliate
school to another member or affiliate school within the same
school district which has established and definite regions or
boundaries for attendance of students living within the school
2. Where the student transfers from one school district to
another school district.
3. Where the student transfers from a public school to a
private school, or from a private school to a public school, or
from a private school to another private school within the
territory served.
b. The presumption of ineligibility may be overcome by the student
and his parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or the student alone, if
emancipated, through compliance with the applicable Regulations set
forth at Regulation 2070.061 through 2070.062, below.
2070.061 Transfer From One Member or Affiliate School To Another Member or
Affiliate School Within The Same School District; Transfers From One School
District To Another School District
A student who transfers from one member or affiliate school to another member or
affiliate school within the same school district or from one school district to another
school district may overcome the presumption of ineligibility set forth in Regulation
2070.060 through proof of the following:
a. The student’s parent(s), or the student’s parent having legal
custody of the student, or the student’s legal guardian(s), is a bona fide
resident of the region or boundaries of the member or affiliate school or
school district to which the student has transferred in accordance with
Regulation 2070.052.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
1. If the student’s parent(s) are both living, but not living
together, the parent with whom the student physically resides
must provide, in addition to the proof required by Regulation
2070.061(a), a certified copy of the Order or Decree from a court
of competent jurisdiction establishing that parent has been
awarded physical custody of the student.
2. If a student is living with a legal guardian, the guardian
must provide, in addition to the proof required by Regulation
2070.061(a), a certified copy of the Order or Decree from a court
of competent jurisdiction appointing that person as guardian of
the student and containing a specific finding by the court of
either (A) or (B), and (C) below:
A. The parent or parents of the student are unfit or
incapable of maintaining or caring for the student;
B. The student is a delinquent who will benefit from
the guardianship; and
C. The guardianship has not been established
pursuant to NRS 159.205 or NRS 159.215.
3. A guardianship established for any other reason must
meet the criteria of a pupil hardship appeal set forth in
Regulation 2090.020. The exception created for guardians in
Regulation 2070.061(a)(2) is intended to apply only to those
situations in which a bona fide guardian has been appointed by a
court of competent jurisdiction for the best interests of the
student. If it is determined that a guardianship has been
established for purposes of avoiding or circumventing the NIAA
transfer rules and regulations, the NIAA may ignore the
guardianship and determine the eligibility of the student as if no
guardianship existed.
4. If the student is less than eighteen (18) years of age and
not residing with a parent or legal guardian the student must
provide, in addition to the proof required by Regulation
2070.061(a), a certified copy of the Decree of Emancipation
entered by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
5. If the student has attained eighteen (18) years of age and
is not residing with a parent or legal guardian, in addition to the
proof required by Regulation 2070.061(a), the student must
establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the student is
emancipated and willingly living separate and apart without
financial support from the student’s parent(s) or legal
b. A student, parent of a student or legal guardian of a student who
establishes by a preponderance of the evidence, at a hearing conducted
pursuant to Regulation 2090, the matters set forth in Regulation
2070.061(a), shall be eligible for participation in any NIAA sanctioned
c. A student who is granted eligibility pursuant to Regulation
2070.061(a), and who within one year thereafter returns to his former
residence or a residence within the boundaries of the member or affiliate
school from which the transfer was made, shall have the eligibility
determination revoked and shall be declared ineligible for a period of
180 school days from the date of revocation.
d. School districts consisting of multiple member schools may
deviate from the provisions of Regulation 2070.061, but only if stricter
Regulations are imposed. See, Regulation 2070.011.
e. School districts consisting of multiple member schools may make
adjustments to the NIAA transfer Rules and Regulations to best fit the
specific needs of the school district. Such adjustments shall apply only
to the year in which a new high school has been opened and shall not
extend to subsequent years.
2070.062 Transfers Between Private and Public Schools and From One Private School to
Another Private School.
a. An eligible student who has attended a member or affiliate
school for at least 180 school days and who then transfers from a public
to a private, a private to a public, or one private school to another private
school within the territory served, is ineligible to compete in any sport in
which the student’s name appeared on a NIAA roster for 180 school
days following the date of the transfer. A student who transfers within
the first 180 days is ineligible for the remainder of that school year in
addition to the above mentioned guidelines.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
b. A student who lives with his parent(s) or legal guardian(s), or
who is emancipated, and who resides in an area effected by a change in
region or zoning boundaries for member or affiliate public schools
which has been approved by the governing board of the school district
for the territory in question, shall be allowed to transfer between a
public and private school, or vice versa, regardless of whether the
change was instituted to establish region boundaries for a new public
school or to effect rezoning of an existing public school.
2070.063 Attendance At Magnet School Contained Within a Member Or Affiliate School
Outside The Region Or Boundaries Of Residence
A student who does not reside within the region or boundaries of a magnet
school which is contained within a member or affiliate school, but who is
approved by waiver to attend the magnet program shall be automatically eligible
to participate in any NIAA sanctioned sport at the member or affiliate school
housing the magnet school.
a. To establish immediate eligibility the student shall:
1. Be accepted and meet all standards for the magnet
program; and
2. Meet all application requirements and deadlines imposed
by the magnet program; and
3. Be and remain eligible to complete the magnet program;
4. Be enrolled in the standard course load for the magnet
program; and
5. Waive at all member or affiliate schools, other then the
member or affiliate school housing the magnet program, any
right the student may otherwise have to participate in NIAA
sanctioned sports offered by the member or affiliate school
housing the magnet program during the time the student is
enrolled in the magnet program.
b. A student approved for a magnet program who fails to comply
with the requirements of subsection (a), above, or who drops out of the
magnet program shall be immediately declared ineligible at the member
or affiliate school housing the magnet program for 180 school days.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
c. A student who is accepted to a magnet program within a member
or affiliate school and who thereafter chooses to return to the student’s
school of residence becomes ineligible for the remainder of the school
year in which the transfer occurs and for an additional 180 school days
in any sport in which the student appeared on a NIAA roster during the
student’s attendance at the magnet school.
2070.064 Stand Alone Magnet Schools
A student who is accepted to, and thereafter attends, a magnet school which
does not offer a comprehensive athletic program may retain eligibility at the
student’s school of residence to participate in any sport not offered at the
magnet school.
a. Examples of stand-alone magnet schools include Advance
Technology Academy, Las Vegas Academy, and Southern Nevada
Vocational/Technical Center.
2070.065 Charter Schools
A student who attends a charter school approved by a local school district may
retain eligibility at the student’s school of residence to participate in any sport
not offered by the charter school.
a. A charter school student who participates in any sport at his
school of residence must maintain the same eligibility standards as are
required by the student’s member school of attendance.
b. Charter school guidelines regarding eligibility must be approved
by the local school district and/or the NIAA.
c. Public schools will assess a $100.00 per sport participation fee to
each charter school student for the purpose of covering the expenses of
officials, field maintenance, etc.
2070.066 Option Zones of Attendance
A student who is assigned to option attendance zones by a school district may
establish eligibility to participate in NIAA sanctioned sports in accordance with
the following:
a. A student who remains at their original school of residence
remains eligible at that school.
1. The student may choose to attend the option-zoned school
at any time, and shall be immediately eligible to participate in
any NIAA sanctioned sport at the option school.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
2. Any transfer between schools involved in an option zone,
after the initial transfer by a student, shall render the student
ineligible for 180 school days.
b. A student who initially chooses to attend the option-zoned school
shall be immediately eligible to participate in any NIAA sanctioned sport
offered by the option school.
1. A student who initially chooses to attend the option zone,
and who thereafter transfers to the student’s school of residence,
shall be ineligible for the remainder of the school year and for
180 school days in any sport in which the student appeared on a
NIAA roster while attending the option zone school.
c. School districts having multiple member or affiliate schools that
choose to rezone boundaries for any reason shall be entitled to waive
NIAA eligibility regulations pertaining to transfers of students affected
by the rezoning during the school year in which the rezoning occurs.
1. The provisions of Regulation 2070.062(b) shall govern
any private school or public school students affected by such
school board decisions.
2. There shall be no appeal to the NIAA for any student
adversely affected by such school board decisions.
2070.067 Community College High Schools
A student who attends a community college high school shall retain eligibility at
the student’s school of residence.
2070.068 Alternative Education
A student who attends a non-traditional high school in which time schedules
and grading is adjusted shall be ineligible to participate in any NIAA
sanctioned sport. Examples of such schools include Washoe High School,
Sunset High School and Horizon High School.
2070.069 Home School Students
Home school students are not regularly enrolled students at a member or
affiliate school and are ineligible for participation in NIAA sanctioned sports.
2070.0691 Sibling Transfers
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
The following applies to situations in which a family has multiple high school
age children who are assigned by school district regulations to different
member high schools.
a. The older sibling is eligible only at the member school to which
that student is assigned by the school district.
b. All younger siblings of high school age at the time the zoning
regulations are adopted, and who qualify for a zone variance, shall be
eligible at their zoned school or the school attended by the older sibling.
1. Any transfer to another school by the sibling following
his/her initial choice of schools shall result in ineligibility for 180
school days.
c. The above-mentioned waiver will be in effect for any family
member that is approved for a zone variance while another sibling
attends the original school. If one family member opts to attend their
school of residence or there comes a time when a family member does
not attend the school of original residence then that family will follow
standard eligibility regulations with no waivers permitted.
2070.0692 Pupils From A Foreign Country
The following regulations shall govern the eligibility of students engaged in
foreign exchange programs and the eligibility of other international students
who enroll in member schools.
a. Generally. The NIAA acknowledges the importance of
permitting students visiting Nevada through a recognized foreign
exchange program to experience the benefits of participation in
interscholastic athletic competition. To this end, the NIAA will permit a
foreign exchange student to participate in interscholastic athletic
competition under the following conditions.
1. The foreign exchange student must be sponsored and
placed within a U.S. host family by a "bona fide" international
student exchange program that has been accepted for listing by
the Counsel on Standards for International Educational Travel
("CSIET") and recognized by the U.S. Department of State. The
foreign exchange program must assign students to host families
by a method that insures that no student, school or other
interested party may influence the assignment for athletic or
other purposes. Neither shall the foreign exchange student be
selected or placed on any basis related to his/her athletic interests
or abilities.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
2. A foreign exchange student is considered placed with a
host family when:
A. The school that the student attends had no input
into the selection or assignment of the student; and
B. The host family placement is approved by the
National Headquarters of the sponsoring organization.
3. The foreign exchange student must possess a J-1 visa
issued by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service.
4. The foreign exchange student must be in attendance at
the school on the first day of the school year and must be
enrolled in a full-year program rather than a program of shorter
duration such as a six-week, three-month or six-month program,
5. Any subsequent transfer by the student to a different
school during the school year must correspond with a change in
residence by the foreign exchange student and the host family
with whom he/she was placed at the time of enrollment in the
original school. If the transfer of schools occurs as a result of a
move by the foreign exchange student to another host family, the
foreign exchange student will be ineligible at the new school for
the remainder of the school year.
6. The foreign exchange student may be eligible for a
maximum of one year at any school or combination of schools in
this or any other of the United States commencing with his/her
initial date of enrollment in a U.S. school.
7. The foreign exchange student must not have completed
the twelfth grade (terminal grade) or its equivalent in either the
U.S. or his/her home country. Foreign exchange students will
not be eligible once they have completed the twelfth grade or its
equivalent in either the U.S., or their home countries.
8. The foreign exchange student must meet all other
eligibility standards of the NIAA while a student at a member or
affiliate school.
9. If at any time the placement of a student can be traced to
a school or coach, the student will be ruled ineligible and the
coach or school may receive additional penalties.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
b. International Students Not In A Foreign Exchange Program. A
pupil from a foreign country enrolled in a member or affiliate school
who is not in the U.S. on a foreign exchange program that is accepted
for listing by CSIET is considered a transfer student and must establish
a bona fide residence in his/her school district appointed to him/her by a
court of competent jurisdiction to gain eligibility.
2070.0693 One School Per Season
A student shall not participate, practice or play in any particular sport for more
than one member or affiliate school during one particular season.
a. The Executive Director may waive the provisions of this rule in
situations involving the moving of a student with his parent(s) or legal
guardian(s) from the boundaries of one member or affiliate school to
another member or affiliate school during a season. See, Regulation
b. Both schools involved with a student who moves from the
boundaries of one member or affiliate school to another member or
affiliate school during a sport season must approve the Executive
Director’s waiver.
c. A waiver by the Executive Director is valid if it complies with
subsection (b), above, and meets the following criteria:
1. The transfer is completed before the season is half over;
2. The student transferring participates at the sub-varsity
level; and
3. The student transferring was not cut, dismissed or
otherwise rendered ineligible for any reason from the team of the
member or affiliate school from which the student is
2070.0694 Reestablishing Eligibility Following Transfer
A student may reestablish eligibility for participation in any NIAA sanctioned
sport by complying with subsection (a) or (b), and (c) below:
a. Serving 180 continuous days of ineligibility at the school to
which the student transferred.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
b. Obtaining a favorable ruling from an appeals panel pursuant to
Regulation 2090.
c. Complying with all other Regulations set forth in Regulation
2070 regarding eligibility for participation in NIAA sanctioned sports.
2070.0695 Registration of Transfer Pupils
A student who has transferred to a member or affiliate school, and who has
been granted eligibility for participation in NIAA sports in accordance with all
the applicable provisions of Regulation 2070, shall not be eligible to participate
in competition until the principal of the member or affiliate school to which the
student has transferred has in his possession the official scholastic record of the
student attested to by the appropriate administrator of the member or affiliate
school from which the student transferred.
a. The principal of the member or affiliate school to which the
student transfers must provide a copy of the student’s official transcript
to the Executive Director before the student will be eligible to compete.
b. The principal of the member or affiliate school shall provide the
Executive Director copies of all court orders or decrees affecting the
student before the student is eligible to participate.
2070.0696 One Time Transfer Waiver
A student who attends a public school who has complied with the Board
Policies and Regulations of the student’s school district concerning approval of
a zone variance, and who has completed and received approval from the NIAA
of the One Time Transfer Waiver Form set forth in the NIAA Reference
Manual, shall be entitled to transfer with sub-varsity athletic eligibility only.
a. Students who transfer from a public school to a private school, or
a private school to a public school, or a private school to another private
school within the territory served, are not required to obtain a zone
variance before completing the One Time Transfer Waiver Form.
b. A student who has been denied a One Time Transfer Waiver by
the NIAA shall have the right to appeal that decision pursuant to
Regulation 2090.
c. A student who has been granted a One Time Transfer Waiver
who at any time thereafter transfers to another school, including the
student’s zoned school, shall be athletically ineligible for 180 school
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
1. There shall be no appeal from a student requesting a
second transfer.
d. A One Time Transfer Waiver which is approved shall only
become effective at the beginning of a new semester and must meet all
other Regulations of the NIAA including, but not limited to, the one
school per sport season. See, Regulation 2070.0693.
e. Any student, parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of a student who
submits a One Time Transfer Waiver Form, which is subsequently
determined to contain false information, shall be declared athletically
ineligible for two (2) full school years.
Academic Eligibility
2070.070 Academic Eligibility
A student must meet the following minimum academic criteria set forth in
Regulations 2070.071 through 2070.0791, to be eligible for NIAA sanctioned
interscholastic activities. A member or affiliate school may impose more
stringent academic criteria for its students.
2070.071 First Semester Ninth Grade Students
A first semester ninth grade student is presumed academically eligible to
participate in any NIAA sanctioned sport upon enrollment at a member or
affiliate school.
2070.072 Minimum Units of Credit
A student must be enrolled in at least two units of semester credit and must be
in regular attendance at a member or affiliate school for each semester the
student participates in any NIAA sport. A student must pass a minimum of two
units of credit the previous semester. Students failing to do so shall be
ineligible for one semester unless they are passing two units of credit at the
nine-week grading period, at which time they will be placed on weekly
probation. If at any time during the probationary period, the student receives a
failing grade, the student shall become ineligible for the remainder of the
semester without further recourse.
a. “Unit of credit” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in
Regulation 2070.002(n).
b. A unit of credit includes any unit of credit granted by a high
school, including credit for religion courses, so long as the unit of credit
meets the requirements of subsection (a), above.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
c. A student may enroll for one unit of credit per semester in post-
secondary, summer school, night school or correspondence course work
and receive credit for the satisfactory completion of that course work
toward satisfaction of academic eligibility requirements if the principal
of the member or affiliate school in which the student is enrolled has
provided written approval that the course will be accepted by the member
or affiliate school toward the student’s graduation requirements.
1. The course work referenced in Regulation 2070.072(c),
above, becomes part of the student’s academic record and counts
toward eligibility standards once the grade is posted on the
student’s transcript.
2. Member or affiliate schools are responsible for insuring
the classes referenced in Regulation 2070.072(c) are periodically
checked for purposes of deter-mining academic eligibility.
2070.073 Options for Determining Academic Eligibility
Each school district having a member or affiliate school must adopt, prior to
commencement of the school year, one of the options set forth in Regulations
2070.074 to 2070.077, inclusive, for determining the academic eligibility of its
students who participate in any NIAA sanctioned sport. The member or
affiliate school must continually monitor the academic progress of such
students in accordance with the chosen option during all times the student is
participating in a NIAA sanctioned sport. The four options available for
determining academic eligibility include:
a. Passing academic grades in all courses during the sport season
with progress checked a minimum of once every three weeks (Regulation
b. A 2.0 minimum academic grade point average during the prior
semester (Regulation 2070.075);
c. A combination of (A) and (B), above (Regulation 2070.076); or
d. Either passing academic grades in all courses during the sports
season with progress checked a minimum of once every three weeks
(Regulation 2070.074), or a 2.0 minimum academic grade point average
during the prior semester (Regulation 2070.075).
2070.074 Passing Grades In All Courses; Three-Week Grade Checks
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
Pursuant to this option any student who participates in a NIAA sport must
maintain passing grades in academics throughout the duration of the sport.
a. The student’s progress in all academic courses must be checked a
minimum of once every three weeks.
1. All classes in which the student is enrolled, including
classes outside the member or affiliate school in vocational,
magnet, college or night courses, must be checked by the member
or affiliate school.
b. Dates for three week progress checks shall be set by the school
district based on its academic calendar and shall be calculated by
starting at the end of the first semester and counting back toward the
beginning of the school year in three week increments, and from the
beginning of the second semester and counting forward towards the end
of the school year in three week increments.
c. The first official grade check shall not occur until after the first
date games can be scheduled for that sport season as determined by the
NIAA’s activities calendar. See Regulation 2070.002(g).
d. The three-week check shall reflect the student’s academic status
from the beginning of the semester to and including the date of the
grade check, and shall be calculated according to local school district
regulations and/or guidelines. These may include cumulative semester
grades, nine-week grades or any combination thereof. It is the
responsibility of each local school district to declare student’s eligible or
ineligible based on the school district’s philosophy.
e. A student who receives a failing grade in an academic course at
any three week grade check shall be placed on probationary status for
one week.
1. A student on probationary status remains eligible to
participate in the sport during the probationary week, but is
subject to a mandatory grade check on the Friday of the
probationary week.
2. If a student on probationary status continues to have a
failing grade at the grade check made on the Friday of the
probationary week, then the student shall be declared ineligible
the following Monday through Saturday.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
3. A student who has been declared ineligible following the
probationary week shall have grades checked weekly until the
student becomes eligible even if this period of time goes beyond
the next three-week grade check. Once declared eligible, the
student shall be checked again at the regular three-week grade
check and would be entitled to another probationary week.
f. If a three-week eligibility grade check is set to occur on the day
prior to a recognized holiday or vacation, the following shall apply:
1. A student with a failing grade at that grade check shall be
placed on probationary status beginning on the first school day
following the vacation. If the student is declared ineligible one
or two weeks before a vacation, the student remains ineligible
until he/she no longer has a failing grade.
2. A student on probationary status prior to a holiday or
vacation is academically eligible if his grades are determined to
be passing at the regularly scheduled grade check prior to a
holiday or vacation. If the student’s grades are not determined to
be passing at the grade check occurring the day prior to the
holiday or vacation, then the student shall remain academically
ineligible during the holiday or vacation.
3. A student who has been declared academically ineligible
one or two weeks prior to the vacation remains ineligible until
the student no longer has a failing grade as determined by weekly
grade checks.
g. A student who either withdraws from a class with a failing grade
or is excluded from class with a failing grade at any time during a
semester shall be declared academically ineligible for one week
beginning the following Monday and continuing through the following
Saturday. This one time per class penalty should be administered
immediately after the records become available; however, the student
must still comply with the minimum two (2) units of credit requirement.
See, Regulation 2070.072.
2070.075 2.0 Minimum Grade Point Average
A student must maintain a 2.0 grade point average (“GPA”) during the prior
semester, based on a 4.0 grading system. A student who fails to meet this
minimum requirement shall be ineligible until grades are checked at the next
nine-week period.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
a. For purposes of this Regulation a student’s academic eligibility
status shall be determined on the day immediately following distribution
of semester grades.
b. A student who is below a 2.0 GPA at the end of a semester and
remains below a 2.0 GPA at a nine-week progress check remains
ineligible for the remainder of the semester.
c. A student who receives an incomplete grade at the end of a
semester shall have three weeks to make up the grade. To be eligible a
student must have passed 2 units of credit and accumulated a GPA of
2.0 even if the student has an incomplete grade.
1. Discretion shall be given to the student’s teacher in
deciding upon the appropriate amount of time to accept make up
work, but this discretion shall not exceed three weeks from the
date grades are posted for the grading period.
2. Within three weeks after grades are posted for a
particular grading period a permanent grade shall be issued and
used to calculate the student’s GPA.
3. An incomplete grade shall not be computed in the
student’s GPA for purposes of determining academic ineligibility
until the student’s permanent grade has been posted.
d. If a student repeats a class during summer school, grades shall
be computed in accordance with the regulations of the specific school
district. The summer school grade may be used as it best benefits the
student in the previous or current semester. Grades may only be used
one time for this purpose.
2070.076 Combination
A student must maintain both passing grades during the sport and a 2.0 GPA
the prior semester as outlined in Regulations 2070.074 and 2070.075, above.
2070.077 Alternative
A student must maintain either passing grades in all classes or a 2.0 GPA as
outlined in Regulations 2070.074 and 2070.075, above.
2070.078 Special Education Students
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
A student who qualifies for special education services pursuant to the
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1400, et seq.
(“IDEA”), or Nevada law, NRS 388.450, et. seq. and NAC Chapter 388, must
meet the same minimum academic criteria as non-disabled regular education
a. Any exception to the NIAA’s minimum academic criteria for
athletic eligibility which is set forth in the Individual Education Plan
(“IEP”) of a special education student may be considered by the NIAA
pursuant to the student hardship appeal procedure set forth in
Regulation 2090 if the exception is based on the student’s disability.
b. An exception to the NIAA’s minimum academic criteria for
athletic eligibility set forth in the IEP of a special education student after
the student has been declared academically ineligible will not be subject
to challenge pursuant to Regulation 2090 until the commencement of
the next progress report period.
2070.079 Home School Students
A home school student who enrolls at a member or affiliate school must
establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the student successfully
passed two units of semester credit and maintained a 2.0 GPA the previous
semester to be academically eligible at the member school.
2070.0791 General Exceptional Circumstances
The following Regulations apply to assist member or affiliate schools with the
interpretation and application of the academic eligibility rules.
a. If a teacher has made a mistake in calculating a student’s grade
thereby rendering the student academically ineligible, the student shall
become immediately eligible following discovery of the mistake. The
principal of the member or affiliate school involved, or his designee,
shall be responsible for making this decision.
b. A student who has been academically ineligible during a
semester and who has practiced with the team after first receiving
approval from the principal of the member or affiliate school to do so,
becomes academically eligible the day grades are officially submitted to
the member or affiliate school’s computer system if the student is
academically eligible in accordance with the above regulations at that
2070.0792 NIAA Assistance
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
The NIAA office is available to assist any member or affiliate school with the
interpretation of the NIAA’s academic eligibility rules.
Minimum Practice And Maximum Participation
2070.080 Ten Day Practice Rule
A student who participates in any sport is required to have completed ten (10)
days of practice under the direct supervision of the member or affiliate school
coaching staff for that particular sport before the student shall be eligible to
participate in any NIAA sanctioned game, contest or meet.
a. Each calendar day, excluding Sundays, counts as one practice
regardless of whether multiple practices are held on a given day.
b. A student who participated individually or on a team that
qualified for regional playoff or state competition during the prior
season that overlaps the beginning of the next season in question must
complete a minimum of five (5) days practice to be eligible for
competition in the next sport. A student cannot practice and compete in
interscholastic competition on the same day.
c. Any student who participates in baseball is prohibited from
pitching until he has completed ten (10) days of practice.
2070.081 Minimum Team Practices
A team that competes in any sport must complete ten (10) days of organized
practice under the direct supervision of the coaching staff for that particular
sport before participating in any interschool game, contest or meet.
2070.082 Golf and Bowling
The minimum practice requirements for individuals and teams, set forth in
Regulations 2070.080 and 2070.081 do not apply to students or teams
participating in boys or girls golf or bowling.
2070.083 Sundays
a. Practices on Sundays are prohibited.
b. Any game, contest or meet sponsored or sanctioned by the NIAA,
or any of its member or affiliate schools, shall not be scheduled on a
Sunday, except for boys and girls skiing.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
c. Participation of individual students or teams of member or
affiliate schools in out-of-state competitions held on a Sunday may be
granted if approval is first obtained from the Executive Director.
2070.084 One Sport Per Season Per Year
A student may only participate in one sport during any sport season, and in one
sport during one year.
a. “Sport” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Regulation
2070.002(k), and “sport season” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in
Regulation 2070.002(l).
b. A student may transfer to another sport during the same sport
season offered by the student’s member school if:
1. The transfer occurs prior to the first scheduled game,
contest or meet for both sports; and
2. The transfer has been approved by the principal and both
coaches of the member or affiliate school; and
3. Approval of the transfer has been granted by the
Executive Director.
c. No student shall be eligible to participate in the same sport more
than one time during a school year regardless of where the participation
2070.085 Gender Limitations
Member or affiliate schools shall designate the gender of students allowed to
participate on the member or affiliate school’s team for any sport in accordance
with the following:
a. If only a boy’s team is offered, girls shall be allowed to compete
and qualify for the boy’s team.
b. If only a girls team is offered, boys are prohibited from
competing and qualifying for the girls team unless the opportunities for
boys to participate in all sports at the member or affiliate school have
been limited in comparison to opportunities offered to girls for
participation in sports at the member or affiliate school.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
1. A request by a boy to compete or qualify for a girls team
must be submitted in writing to the principal of the member or
affiliate school, and must set forth, in detail, the reasons for the
2. If the principal approves the request, it must be submitted
to the Executive Director for approval fifteen (15) days prior to
the start of the season.
c. If both a boys and girls team is offered by the member or affiliate
school, a student is limited to participation on the team of his/her
Physical Examination and Medical Release Requirement
2070.090 Physical Examination
A student who, for the first time, wishes to compete in any sport is required to
complete a physical examination in accordance with the NIAA Pre-
Participation Physical Evaluation Form, and be approved for interscholastic
competition by a licensed health care professional authorized to perform the
NIAA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation in accordance with the Nevada
Revised Statutes and Nevada Administrative Code governing the practice for the
licensed health care professional.
a. A student who has previously complied with the provisions of
Regulation 2070.090, must complete the NIAA Health
Questionnaire/Interim Form each subsequent year the student competes
in any sanctioned sport.
1. Any affirmative response to a question on the NIAA
Health Questionnaire/Interim Form shall require the student to
submit to a complete physical examination as provided in
Regulation 2070.090, before the student is eligible for
b. Both the NIAA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form and
the NIAA Health Questionnaire/ Interim Form must be kept on file by
the member or affiliate school and reviewed each season the student
participates by the athletic director, athletic trainer and/or the school
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
c. If the religious beliefs of a student prohibit submission to a
physical examination, the student, the student’s parent(s) or legal
guardian(s) shall execute a release which includes indemnification and
hold harmless language relieving the member or affiliate school, school
district, conference and the NIAA from all liability which may arise as a
result of the student’s participation in that particular sport.
d. Sample forms for the release referenced in Regulation
2070.090(c) can be found in the NIAA Reference Manual.
2070.091 Medical Release
Any student injured in a sport who seeks treatment from a licensed health care
provider shall not be allowed to resume participation in the sport until the
health care provider submits a written and signed document addressed to the
principal of the member or affiliate school clearing the student for
participation. All such documents must be kept by the member or affiliate
school as part of the student’s records.
Prohibited Conduct And Penalties
2070.100 Participation of Ineligible Student In Game, Contest or Meet
A student who is declared ineligible for participation in any NIAA sanctioned
sport pursuant to NIAA Regulations is prohibited from appearing in any game,
contest or meet.
2070.101 Practice
A student who is declared ineligible for participation in any NIAA sport during
a particular season may practice if the coach and principal of the member or
affiliate school grant approval.
a. Any ineligible student is prohibited from participating in any
interscholastic competition including, but not limited to, scrimmages,
exhibitions, etc.
2070.102 Continuance of Ineligibility Following Transfer
Any student declared ineligible for participation in interscholastic athletics,
whether pursuant to the policies, rules or regulations of the NIAA, a member or
affiliate school, a school district having a member or affiliate school in the
NIAA, or any other state high school athletic association, member or affiliate
member thereof, may not transfer and thereby obtain eligibility at any NIAA
member or affiliate school.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
a. Any such student shall remain ineligible for participation in any
NIAA sanctioned sport for the period of ineligibility originally imposed.
b. Any such student shall be subject to a determination of eligibility
following expiration of the period of ineligibility in accordance with the
policies, rules and regulations of the NIAA.
2070.103 Actions To Circumvent Eligibility
A student who is determined to have circumvented or attempted to circumvent
the eligibility requirements of the NIAA, a member or affiliate school, or any
other state athletic association, shall be declared ineligible for participation in
any NIAA sport for a minimum of 180 school days.
a. If there is reasonable cause to believe a student has transferred
between any NIAA member or affiliate schools or school districts having
NIAA member or affiliate schools, or has transferred to a NIAA member
or affiliate school from outside the state of Nevada with the primary
purpose being to avoid the eligibility requirements of the NIAA, any of
its member or affiliate schools or school districts, or an out of state
school, school district or athletic association, that student shall be
required to prove, in accordance with the appeal procedures set forth in
Regulation 2090, that the transfer was based on a good faith, bona fide
reason unrelated to avoiding the eligibility requirements of the
respective school, school district or athletic association from which the
student transferred.
b. If the student fails to carry the burden of proof required by
Regulation 2090, the Executive Director shall declare the student
ineligible for the remainder of the school year and for 180 school days
c. If it is determined the student, the student’s parent(s) or legal
guardian(s) has falsified any records or information generated as a
result of the transfer or hearing process, the Executive Director shall
declare the student ineligible for participation in all NIAA sanctioned
sports, for two (2) calendar years from the date of the last game, contest
or meet in which the student participated.
2070.104 School Shopping
Any student determined to have engaged in school shopping, as defined in
Regulation 2070.002(j), shall be declared ineligible for participation in any
NIAA sanctioned sport for 180 school days.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
2070.105 Recruiting Prohibited
The recruiting or attempted recruitment of students for athletic purposes, as
defined in Regulation 2070.002(h), regardless of the student’s residence, is a
gross violation of the spirit and philosophy of the bylaws of the NIAA and these
Regulations, and is expressly prohibited.
a. A student who is the subject of a recruiting violation shall be
declared ineligible for a minimum of one semester and a maximum of
one school year.
b. A member or affiliate school which violates this Regulation may
be placed on probation for one year. See, Regulation 2095.010(b).
c. A coach who violates this Regulation may be suspended for a
period of one year. See, Regulation 2095.010(c)
2070.106 Undue Influence
The use of undue influence, which is the use of direct or indirect
communication by anyone associated with a member or affiliate school with a
prospective student athlete in an attempt to solicit or encourage the enrollment
of a prospective student athlete in that school, is prohibited. Additionally, no
person associated with a member or affiliate school may request any third party
to solicit or encourage the enrollment of a prospective student athlete in that
school, for in that case the third party also becomes associated with the member
or affiliate school.
a. Undue influence includes, but is not limited to:
1. Initiating or arranging telephone, telegram or other
written contact such as questionnaires, cards or letters, with a
prospective student athlete or member of his/her family for the
purpose and intent of soliciting or encouraging the enrollment of
the student in a school.
2. Visiting or entertaining a prospective student athlete or
member of his/her family for the purpose and intent of soliciting
or encouraging the enrollment of the student in a school.
3. Providing transportation to a prospective student athlete
or member of his/her family to visit a school or to meet with
anyone associated with a school for the purpose and intent of
soliciting or encouraging the enrollment of the student at that
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
4. Attending grade school, junior high or middle school
games for the purpose of evaluating and recruiting specific
prospective student athletes that are not assigned to their
respective attendance zone.
5. Requesting booster club members, students, or alumni
from a school to discuss the merits of the schools athletic
program with a prospective student athlete or member of his/her
family by phone, in person or through letters or other written
6. Any other contact with a prospective student athlete or
member of his/her family for the purpose and intent of soliciting
or encouraging the enrollment of the student in a school.
b. No member of affiliate school, and no one acting on behalf of
any member or affiliate school, may give any speech or any slide, film or
tape presentation or distribute any written material, including
advertisements in newspapers, magazines or other publications, which
state or imply that a member of affiliate school’s athletic program is
better than the athletic program of any other member of affiliate school
or that it would be more advantageous for any prospective student
athlete to participate in athletics at that member of affiliate school as
opposed to any other member or affiliate school.
1. This Regulation is not intended to prevent a member or
affiliate school from conducting academic recruitment programs
or recruitment programs designed to attracted students based
upon the school’s overall educational and extra-curricular
programs. However, such recruitment programs must be
designed to present the overall educational and extra-curricular
programs of the school and not be used as a subterfuge for
recruiting students for athletic purposes.
c. When a student at a junior high, middle school or other high
school, or the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of that student contacts a
coach about attending the coach’s school, the coach must immediately
refer the student, parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to the principal or other
appropriate school personnel, who have the responsibility of seeking and
processing prospective students.
d. It shall not be considered a violation of this Regulation for a
coach to have normal community contact with a student who attends a
junior high or middle school of the same school district, which is a
feeder school to the high school at which the coach is employed.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
2070.107 Special Inducement
A student athlete may not receive or be offered any remunerations of any kind
or receive or be offered any special inducement of any kind, which is not made
available to all students who enroll in or apply to a member or affiliate school.
a. Special inducements include, but are not limited to, the
1. Offer or acceptance of money or other valuable
consideration such as free or reduced tuition during the regular
school year or summer school by any person associated with a
2. Offer or acceptance of room, board, text books or
clothing, or financial allotment for text books or clothing.
3. Offer or acceptance of pay for work that is not performed
or that is in excess of the amount regularly paid for such service.
4. Offer or acceptance of free transportation by any person
associated with a school.
5. Offer or acceptance of a residence with any person
associated with a school.
6. Offer or acceptance of any privilege not afforded to non-
7. Offer or acceptance of free or reduced rent for parent(s)
or guardian(s) of a student athlete.
8. Offer or acceptance of payment of moving expenses for
parent(s) or guardian(s) of student athletes or assistance with the
moving of parent(s) or guardian(s) of student athletes.
9. Offer or acceptance of employment of parent(s) or
guardian(s) in order to entice the family to move to a certain
community if any person associated with the school makes the
10. Offer or acceptance of help in securing a college athletic
2070.108 Penalties for Using An Ineligible Student
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
The following penalties shall be imposed against a NIAA member or affiliate
school that uses an ineligible student for competition in any game, contest or
meet during the regular season or during post-season play:
a. For team sports including, but not limited to, baseball,
basketball, football, soccer, softball and volleyball:
1. The school shall forfeit all games or contests in which the
ineligible player participated;
2. The team’s place in conference or tournament standings
shall be adjusted to reflect games or contests the team is required
to forfeit;
3. The team shall return to the NIAA all awards given to the
team or any individual member of the team.
b. For individual sports including, but not limited to, cross-country,
golf, swimming and diving, skiing, tennis, track and field, and wrestling:
1. All individual matches, places, points, and scores of the
ineligible student, and all contributions made by the ineligible
student to the team, shall be eliminated;
2. The conference and tournament standing or place of the
team shall be adjusted based on the reduction of points or score
for use of the ineligible student;
3. The ineligible student shall return to the NIAA all awards
given to the ineligible student during the period of ineligibility;
4. The team shall return to the NIAA all awards given to the
team if elimination of points and scores contributed to the team
by the ineligible student results in an adjustment to the team’s
place or standing in conference or tournament event.
c. In addition to the penalties set forth in subsection (b), above, if it
is determined that use of an ineligible student occurred as a result of the
student, the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) falsifying records or
other information provided to the member or affiliate school, the student
shall be declared ineligible to participate in any NIAA sanctioned sport
for two (2) calendar years from the date of the last game, contest or meet
in which the ineligible student participated.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
d. If the use of an ineligible student is discovered during any
tournament, the team or student most recently defeated by the ineligible
team or ineligible student shall replace the ineligible team or ineligible
student for the remainder of the tournament.
e. A member or affiliate school adversely effected by use of an
ineligible student may appeal any forfeiture to the NIAA in accordance
with the procedure for appeal hearings set forth in Regulation 2090.
1. The burden of proof rests with the school filing the appeal
to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the game,
contest or meet would have been won by the school without the
participation of the ineligible student.
2. An ineligible student who starts and/or participates in
over one half of the game, contest or meet in question shall not
have the right to appeal.
3. The opposing school or schools shall have an opportunity
to be heard at any such appeal.
2070.109 Restitution
Any team or individual student which has been disqualified or rendered
ineligible in accordance with the NIAA’s Regulations, which is subsequently
permitted to participate in interscholastic competition based upon a restraining
order, injunction or other directive issued by a court of competent jurisdiction
against a member or affiliate school, school district or the NIAA, or any
combination thereof, and the restraining order, injunction or court directive is
subsequently vacated, stayed, reversed or ultimately determined not to justify the
initial relief granted, shall have the penalties outlined in Regulation
2070.108(a) through (d) imposed as a means of restitution and fairness to the
other member and affiliate schools.
2070.110 Coach to Accompany Team or Student; Ejections; Forfeiture
a. A team or student representing a member or affiliate school in
connection with any NIAA sanctioned sport shall be accompanied by a
coach or a designated member of the school at all times.
b. If a coach is ejected from a game, contest, or meet, and there is
no coach or designated member of the school to supervise the team or
student during the remainder of the game, contest or meet, the team or
student shall forfeit and, if appropriate, be disqualified from the game,
contest or meet.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
Reporting of Violations
2070.200 Generally
All NIAA member and affiliate schools have an ethical obligation and are
obligated to report violations of any NIAA Regulation to the member or affiliate
school allegedly in violation of the Regulation. See, Regulation 2090.010.
a. NIAA member and affiliate schools shall also report any
violations of NIAA member and affiliate schools to the Executive
Director immediately after becoming aware of the alleged violation. See,
Regulation 2090.010.
b. NIAA member and affiliate schools are obligated to self report
violations of NIAA Regulations committed by the school, any of the
school’s teams, or individual students to the Executive Director
immediately after becoming aware of the alleged violation.
2070.201 Cooperation With Investigations
Any NIAA member or affiliate school which is the subject of a NIAA
investigation shall cooperate fully with the Executive Director and all members
of the NIAA involved in the investigation. See, Regulation 2090.010. If it is
determined that a NIAA member or affiliate school has failed to cooperate with
the NIAA during the course of an investigation the member or affiliate school
in violation may be placed on probation or suspended from membership in the
NIAA. See Regulation 2095.010.
Eligibility of Coaches
2070.300 Generally
All newly hired faculty and non-faculty member coaches at any member or
affiliate school shall be required to complete the courses set forth below to be
eligible to coach during the following year:
a. NFICEP Coaching Principles, or equivalent;
b. NFICEP Sport First Aid, or equivalent;
c. CPR certification;
d. It shall be the responsibility of all schools in the State of Nevada
to honor this requirement.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
Section 2070 rewritten June 2001;
General Rule
2080.001 General Philosophy
Athletic activities are an extension of the classroom and the instructional
environment for those activities is not the place for the display of
unsportsmanlike conduct by any of the participants. The fundamental purpose
of interscholastic activities is to instill and develop the character and morals of
the participants involved. Accordingly, the participation of a student, coach or
official in any NIAA sanctioned sport shall always be viewed as a privilege and
not a right, which privilege may be suspended or revoked if abused.
a. A student who represents a school in any NIAA sanctioned sport
must be a credible citizen as judged so by the appropriate school
authorities. Any student whose character or conduct is such as to reflect
discredit upon the student or the students’ school is not considered a
"credible citizen." A student’s conduct shall be satisfactory in
accordance with the standards for good discipline prescribed by the
specific member or affiliate school and school district.
1. Conduct which reflects discredit on the school shall
include, but is not limited to, the following:
A. Violation of school or team training or
disciplinary rules;
B. Use or possession of tobacco, alcoholic beverages
or controlled substances;
C. Stealing, vandalism or any other act which
violates state law or school rules.
b. A coach, administrator, faculty member or any other
representative of a member or affiliate school shall practice and exhibit
the highest principles of sportsmanship and ethics in all NIAA
sanctioned sports.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
c. An official assigned to any contest shall practice the highest
degree of ethics and impartiality in fulfilling that assignment.
d. Any student, coach, administrator, faculty member or other
representative of a member or affiliate school, or any official found in
violation of the general philosophy of the NIAA, set forth in this
Regulation, shall be subject to the penalties set forth below.
Code of Ethics Applicable To Students, Coaches and Officials
2080.010 Generally
The practice of good sportsmanship by all participants in any NIAA sanctioned
sport is expected at all times. The following Codes of Ethics shall apply to
students, coaches, officials, administrators and faculty members of member or
affiliate schools, who participate in or are assigned to any NIAA sanctioned
2080.011 Students
Any student appearing on a NIAA roster for any sport shall conduct
himself/herself in accordance with the following Code of Ethics.
a. Treat opponents with respect; shake hands prior to and after all
b. Respect the judgment of contest officials, abide by the rules of the
games, contest or meet, and display no behavior that might insight fans.
c. Cooperate with officials, coaches and fellow participants to
conduct a fair game, contest or meet.
d. Not make statements to the news media critical of any game
official, the NIAA, or any other school’s team, players, coaches,
administrators or representatives. See, Regulation 2080.024.
e. Accept seriously the responsibility and privilege of representing
your school and community by displaying positive behavior in public at
all times.
f. Live up to the high standards of sportsmanship established and
expected by your coach and school.
2080.012 Coaches
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
All member and affiliate schools of the NIAA entrust their coaches to
contribute to the educational development of their students through athletic
and/or non-athletic activities. In recognition of these expectations, it shall be
the responsibility of a coach to follow the directions provided in the following
Coaches Code of Ethics. Accordingly, all coaches shall:
a. Abide by the spirit and letter of the NIAA’s policies, rules and
regulations as well as those of the National Federation of High Schools.
b. Not make statements to the news media critical of any game
official, the NIAA, or any other school’s team, players, coaches,
administrators or representatives. See, Regulation 2080.024.
c. Cooperate with others in the field of education and within the
athletic department of the school.
d. Exemplify behavior that is a credit to the teaching profession,
your program and school.
e. Exercise patience, tolerance and diplomacy in relations with all
players, coaches, contest officials and spectators.
f. Adhere to high ideals of sportsmanship including cooperation,
courage, unselfishness and self-control, as well as desires for clean,
healthful living and respect for discipline and authority.
g. Support all reasonable actions to improve athletic conditions, to
provide for adequate equipment, and to promote the welfare of all
h. Demonstrate high ideals, good habits and desirable attitudes in
professional behavior, and demand the same standards of your student
2080.013 Officials
The NIAA as well as its member and affiliate schools have entrusted officials to
assist them in the educational development of their students through athletics.
To fulfill this goal, officials must be independent, impartial and responsible to
the people they serve. In recognition of these expectations, it shall be the
responsibility of an official to follow the directives provided in the following
Officials Code of Ethics. Violation of the Official’s Code of Ethics shall
constitute a violation of the NIAA rules and regulations and may result in
sanctions or penalties to the offending party. Accordingly, an official shall:
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
a. Place the welfare of the individual student above all other
b. Maintain confidence and control from start of an assignment to
c. Devote time, thought and study to the rules of the contest and the
mechanics necessary to carry out the rules so that one may render
effective and credible service in a fair and unbiased manner.
d. Work with fellow officials and the NIAA in a spirit of harmony
and cooperation in spite of differences of opinion that may arise from
time to time.
e. Resist every temptation and outside pressure to use one’s position
as an official to benefit oneself or any school, team or student over the
f. Avoid under all circumstances promoting the special interest of
any person or group of persons other than the students served.
g. Constantly uphold the honor and dignity of an official in all
personal conduct and relations with students, coaches, athletic directors,
school administrators, colleagues and the public, and be a worthy
example to the athletes under one’s jurisdiction.
h. Be prepared both physically and mentally, dress according to
expectations, and maintain a proper appearance that is befitting the
importance of the contest.
i. Remember and recognize that it is important to honor contracts
regardless of possible inconvenience or financial loss.
j. Not make any statements to the news media critical of any
member or affiliate school, administrator, team, coach, student or other
contest official of the NIAA. See, Regulation 2080.024.
k. Abstain from the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages or drugs on
or in the vicinity of the playing area on the day of the contest.
l. Act in a manner becoming of a professional person at all times.
The conduct of any official influences the attitude of the public toward
the profession in general as well as toward the official in particular.
2080.014 Administrators and Faculty Members
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
Environment and setting the philosophy that shall permeate the conduct of their
school, students, coaches, teams and representatives in all NIAA sanctioned
sports. Accordingly, school administrators and faculty members shall adopt
and follow the Administrators and Faculty Members Code of Ethics with
respect to all NIAA sanctioned sports sponsored by their school. An
administrator or faculty member shall:
a. Develop a program for teaching and promoting the ideals and
fundamentals of good sportsmanship within the school, the conference,
and the state of Nevada.
b. Provide appropriate supervisory personnel for all NIAA
sanctioned sports hosted by the member or affiliate school.
c. Support students, coaches and fans who teach and display good
d. Recognize exemplary behavior and actively discourage
undesirable conduct by participants, coaches and fans.
e. Attend all NIAA sanctioned sports whenever possible.
f. Not make any statements to the news media critical of any
school, administrator, team, coach, student, official or the NIAA. See,
Regulation 2080.024.
g. Comply with the provisions of Regulation 2080.031.
Unsportsmanlike Behavior And Conduct
2080.020 Sportsmanship
All students, administrators and faculty members, coaches and officials are
expected to follow the Code of Ethics set forth in Regulations 2080.011 through
2080.014, at all times in which they are participating in a NIAA sanctioned
a. Any violation of the provisions of Regulations 2080.011 through
2080.014 may result in the imposition of the sanctions and penalties set
forth in Regulation 2095.010, below.
b. Specific violations of Regulations 2080.021 through 2080.024,
shall carry the penalties specified in each Regulation.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
2080.021 Respect For Officials
Authority vested in the game, contest or meet officials must be respected and
upheld at all times.
a. Any violation of Regulations 2080.011 through 2080.014 by a
student, coach, administrator or faculty member of a member or affiliate
school shall be documented in a written report prepared by the principal
or designated administrator of the member or affiliate school in which
the student is enrolled, or the coach, administrator or faculty member is
1. A copy of the report of the incident shall be provided to
the Executive Director within twenty-four (24) hours of the
occurrence and shall include the names of all persons involved
as well as a statement of the disciplinary action the member or
affiliate school intends to impose against the team, student,
coach, administrator or faculty member involved.
2. The Executive Director shall review the incident report as
soon as is practical, and may impose additional sanctions against
the team, student, coach, administrator or faculty member, as
b. If an act of violence is committed against an official assigned to a
game, contest, or meet by a fan, team, student, administrator or faculty
member enrolled, employed, or affiliated with a member or affiliate
school, the principal or designated administrator of the member or
affiliate school which enrolls, employs, or has the affiliation with the
individual or group involved shall prepare a written report of the
incident and send the report to the Executive Director within twenty-
four (24) hours following the occurrence.
1. An “act of violence” includes, but is not limited to the
unwelcome and intentional touching, hitting or shoving of an
official, as well as any conduct that threatens the safety of the
official in any fashion.
2. The documentation provided to the Executive Director
shall include a statement of the names of all persons involved in
the incident as well as the disciplinary action the member or
affiliate school has or will impose against the group or individual
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
3. The Executive Director shall review the documentation as
soon as is practical and may impose any penalty or sanction
beyond those imposed by the member or affiliate school,
including the penalties set forth at Regulations 2095.010.
2080.022 Ejections
An ejection occurs whenever a coach or student athlete is permanently removed
from a game, contest or meet by an official assigned to the game, contest or
a. Unsportsmanlike conduct, which results in the ejection of a
student athlete or coach from a NIAA sanctioned sport, shall be treated
as follows:
1. If the ejection occurs prior to the last game, contest or
meet of a season, the student or coach shall be immediately
removed from the game, contest, or meet in which the ejection
occurred and shall be rendered ineligible to participate in the
next scheduled game, contest or meet of that season.
2. If the ejection occurs during the last game, contest or
meet of a particular season, the student or coach shall be
immediately removed from the game, contest or meet in which
the ejection occurred, and shall be rendered ineligible for the
first scheduled game, contest or meet set for the following season
in that sport.
3. Ejections occurring during the last game, contest or meet
of a season which involves a student who is a senior shall result
in that student being immediately removed from the game,
contest or meet in which the ejection occurred, and the student
shall be rendered ineligible for the first scheduled game, contest
or meet of the next sport season in which the senior participates.
4. In all cases, if a student or coach has been rendered
ineligible to participate due to an ejection, the student or coach is
prohibited from being on the premises during that game, contest
or meet and any other game, contest or meet from which the
student or coach has been excluded as a result of the ejection.
b. A coach or student who is ejected from a game, contest or meet is
prohibited from being on the premises during the game, contest or meet
from which he/she has been ejected or rendered ineligible as a result of
the ejection, as well as the next regularly scheduled game, contest or
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
1. Premises shall be defined as the total area in which the
game, contest or meet takes place including any area designated
for spectators.
2. No student ejected from a game, contest or meet at a
venue away from the student’s home school shall be left
unsupervised. It shall be the responsibility of the student’s head
coach to ensure proper adult supervision of the student takes
c. A second ejection of a coach or student athlete from a game,
contest or meet during the same season must be reported to the
Executive Director by the principal or designated administrator of the
member or affiliate school employing or enrolling the coach or student,
who shall be vested with authority to impose additional disciplinary
action including the penalties outlined in Regulation 2095.010.
d. A third ejection of a coach or student athlete from a game,
contest or meet during the same season shall result in the coach or
student athlete being suspended from participation in the sport for the
remainder of the season.
e. It shall be the responsibility of the coach to know these
Regulations and to impose the same against himself, his assistant
coaches, and student athletes. The principal, designated administrator
of the member or affiliate school or Executive Director may impose
additional sanctions against the coach or student athlete in accordance
with Regulation 2095.010, if warranted.
f. There shall be no appeal from the decision of a game, contest or
meet official to eject a coach or student athlete from a game, contest or
2080.023 Bench Clearing
A bench clearing incident occurs whenever before, during or after the course of
a NIAA sanctioned sport a student athlete, group of student athletes, team,
coach or coaches leave the bench, sideline or other area outside the designated
playing field or area of play, and enter onto the designated playing field or area
of play in response to an incident, altercation or fight occurring during the
game, contest or meet.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
a. A head coach is responsible for, and shall maintain control over,
his student athletes during any game, contest or meet in which his
student athletes compete. If a coach’s student athletes leave the bench,
sideline or other area outside the designated playing field or area of
play, and enter onto the designated playing field or area of play in
response to a bench clearing incident, the head coach shall be ejected
for the remainder of that game, contest or meet and shall be suspended
for the next scheduled game, contest or meet.
b. Coaches shall develop a plan of action to be implemented by their
coaching staff and student athletes in response to any bench-clearing
incident. The plan of action may include methods by which the coach
and coaching staff assist game, contest or meet officials in preventing or
subduing the bench clearing incident if:
1. Such assistance is designed to prevent student athletes
from entering onto the designated playing field or area of play;
2. Intervention by the coach and coaching staff reasonably
facilitates the separation of student athletes from opposing
student athletes and coaches.
c. Any student athlete who leaves the bench, sideline or other area
outside the designated playing field or area of play, or who leaves a
designated fielding position within the designated playing field or area
of play to which the player has been assigned and, thereafter, enters
onto the designated playing field or area of play in response to a bench
clearing incident occurring before, during or after a game, contest or
meet, is guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct and shall be ejected from the
game, contest or meet.
d. If the majority of a team, or both teams, leave the bench, sideline
or other area outside the designated playing field or area of play and
enter onto the designated playing field or area of play in response to a
bench clearing incident occurring before, during or after a game,
contest or meet, the team or teams commit an unsportsmanlike act
which shall result in a forfeiture or double forfeiture of the game,
contest or meet.
e. Any student athlete identified as being involved in a fight,
altercation or incident which results in a bench clearing incident shall
be ejected from that game, contest or meet, and shall be ineligible for the
next scheduled game, contest or meet.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
f. Any student athlete, coach or team found guilty of fighting two
(2) times in a single season shall be suspended and rendered ineligible
for the remainder of the season.
1. The Executive Director is authorized to impose additional
sanctions if the second fighting incident occurs with two or less
games, contests or meets remaining in the sport season. See,
Regulation 2095.010.
g. The head coach of a team and the principal or designated
administrator of a member or affiliate school shall ensure that their
team and student athletes who comprise the team act in a sportsmanlike
manner at all times.
1. If an unsportsmanlike incident occurs the principal or
designated administrator of the member or affiliate school
involved, or the Executive Director, shall suspend or declare
ineligible the coach, team or student athlete for a period of time
beyond those stated in Regulation 2080.023, if the circumstances
so warrant.
2080.024 Comments To The Media
At no time shall a coach, official, administrator or student athlete make a
derogatory comment to the media regarding any individual, official or school
involved in any game, contest or meet. A violation of this Regulation shall
result in an investigation and if substantiated, a minimum of a one game
suspension shall result.
Revised 7/01;
2080.025 Imposition Of Discipline For Unsportsmanlike Conduct Or Behavior
The disciplinary sanctions set forth in Regulation 2080.021 through 2080.024
may be administered by the game, contest or meet officials, member or affiliate
school administrators, Executive Director, or any combination thereof.
a. Disciplinary sanctions may be imposed immediately during a
game, contest or meet, or following the review of a videotape or written
incident report, regarding the unsportsmanlike conduct or behavior.
b. Any disciplinary sanction imposed by a game, contest or meet
official or an administrator of a member or affiliate school, must be
reported immediately to the Commissioner of Officials who shall
thereafter report the incident to the Executive Director.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
Guidelines For Game, Contest And Event Behavior
2080.030 Generally
Coaches, administrators and faculty members of member and affiliate schools
who are involved with NIAA sanctioned sports are role models for the students
involved in such programs whether in the classroom, on the practice field, or at
games, contests and meets. Accordingly, all coaches, administrators and faculty
members of member and affiliate schools are expected to follow and uphold the
respective Code of Ethics applicable to their positions outlined in Regulation
2080.012 and 2080.014, above.
2080.031 Professional Behavior And Maintenance Of Decorum At NIAA Sanctioned
Sports, Activities And Events
a. All coaches, administrators and faculty members of member and
affiliate schools who are involved or have responsibility for any NIAA
sanctioned sport shall refrain from the following behaviors:
1. The use of alcoholic beverages, drugs or tobacco while in
direct supervision of students during practices, games, contests
and meets.
2. The use of foul or abusive language, insulting gestures,
or abusive physical contact toward any student, official or other
person associated with any practice, game, contest or meet.
3. The taunting of any official, student athlete, team, coach
or spectator at any game, contest or meet.
4. The exercising of any conduct which may insight a fight,
violence or other unsportsmanlike act.
b. Coaches, administrators and faculty members of any member or
affiliate school are responsible for assuring that all games, contests and
meets in which their team or student athletes participate are conducted
in a professional manner with the highest degree of sportsmanship
exhibited by all participants in the game, contest or meet.
1. Any coach, administrator or faculty member involved in,
or responsible for, any NIAA sanctioned game, activity or meet
shall exercise the authority of their position to ensure the game,
contest or meet is conducted with the utmost of good
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
2. Any violations occurring at a game, contest or meet shall
be documented in a written report containing the names of all
persons involved, and sent to the Executive Director for his
review within twenty-four (24) hours following the occurrence.
3. The Executive Director shall review the report as soon as
is practical, and shall be vested with authority to impose any
appropriate sanction against the offending party. See,
Regulation 2095.010.
c. Coaches, administrators and faculty members of any member or
affiliate school are responsible for the conduct of their fans at any game,
contest or meet, shall intervene if any unsportsmanlike conduct occurs
through their fans, and shall administer appropriate sanctions or
discipline against the offending party.
Penalties and Sanctions
2080.040 Generally
The Executive Director is vested with authority to impose any appropriate
sanction or penalty including the penalties and sanctions listed in NIAA
Regulation 2095.010 whenever disciplinary action is necessary to enforce any
NIAA Regulation, or when a NIAA Regulation allows the enforcement of a
penalty or sanction in addition to that provided by the specific NIAA
Section 2080 rewritten June 2001;
General Rules
2090.001 General Rule
All NIAA Rules and Regulations are subject to appeal by an aggrieved student,
or member or affiliate school, unless specifically stated to the contrary. The
procedure for the filing and processing of complaints and appeals from matters
involving NIAA Regulations are set forth below.
2090.002 Definitions
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
The following definitions shall apply to the words and/or phrases below with
respect to interpretation of NIAA Regulation 2090.
a. “Complaint” means a formal charge filed with the NIAA by a principal
of a member or affiliate school, or any person alleging that a student, coach,
official, affiliate or member school has violated a specific NIAA Regulation.
b. “Complainant” means the person, or member or affiliate school that has
submitted a formal complaint.
c. “Hardship” means unusual circumstances that go beyond the normal
control of the student or his family, or both, and which are unrelated to
participation of the student in NIAA competition.
Complaint Procedure
2090.010 Generally
Complaints which charge a member or affiliate school or a student thereof with
misconduct or a violation of a school, school district or NIAA Regulation, or
any combination thereof, shall be made in writing by the complainant with any
documentation supporting the charge attached thereto, and shall be sent or
delivered to the Executive Director or his designee with a copy to the principal
of the member or affiliate school that has allegedly committed the violation or
infraction. If the complaint is lodged by a member or affiliate school, the
Executive Director shall recommend the process begin with a courtesy call from
the complainant to the principal of the member or affiliate school in which the
infraction has allegedly occurred.
a. Following receipt of the written complaint, the principal of the
member or affiliate school, or the principal of the member or affiliate
school which enrolls the student charged, shall provide a written
response, together with any supporting documentation, to the Executive
Director or his designee.
b. Following receipt of the written response referenced in
paragraph (a), above, the Executive Director or his designee shall
conduct an investigation to determine whether the complaint has factual
and legal merit and what, if any, disciplinary action is warranted.
c. Following investigation pursuant to subsection (b) above, the
Executive Director or his designee shall mail his written decision to the
principal of the member or affiliate school charged and to the student
involved, if applicable. The date of receipt of the decision shall be
deemed to be the date stamped on the envelope by the postal service or
the third day following the mailing.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
d. Following receipt of an adverse decision by the Executive
Director, or his designee, the member or affiliate school charged or the
student involved, may appeal the Executive Director’s decision to a
Level II Appeal in accordance with the provisions of NIAA Regulation
Student Hardship Appeals and Procedures
2090.020 General Rule
All NIAA Regulations, which adversely impact a student, are subject to a
hardship appeal by the student unless otherwise stated in the Regulation at
issue. A student shall be deemed to have established the existence of a hardship
by proving through a preponderance of the evidence, the existence of the
following criteria:
a. It is evident that a hardship, as defined in Regulation
2090.002(c), exists; and
b. In situations involving the transfer of a student, there is no
evidence the student was recruited in any way.
2090.021 Level I Appeals - Clark and Washoe County School Districts
The Clark and Washoe County School Districts shall establish Level I appeal
procedures applicable to students attending the respective District’s schools.
Such appeals may be conducted by a District level administrator responsible for
interpreting and enforcing NIAA Regulations, a panel of principals from
member or affiliate schools within the District, or any combination thereof.
2090.022 Level I Appeals - Small Counties and Private Schools
Any appeal involving a student enrolled in a member or affiliate school outside
the jurisdiction of the Clark or Washoe County School Districts, or who is
enrolled in a private school, shall initially be made to the Executive Director.
2090.023 Level I Appeal Procedures
A student who is declared ineligible to participate in any NIAA sanctioned sport
shall have a right to appeal that determination to the appropriate individual or
panel described in NIAA Regulations 2090.021 and 2090.022, above.
a. The student’s appeal shall be in writing and must contain, at a
minimum, the following:
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
1. The name of the student and the school attended by the
2. The description of the hardship or circumstance which
prevents the student from complying with the Regulation at issue,
and any other documentation or information supporting the
position of the student regarding the appeal.
b. The district administrator, panel or Executive Director
responsible for the Level I appeal shall review the written information
received from the student pursuant to subsection (a). Following the
review the district administrator, panel or Executive Director may:
1. Grant the appeal;
2. Deny the appeal; or
3. Direct the appeal be heard in accordance with the
procedures set forth for appeals at Level II, in accordance with
Regulation 2090.024.
c. The district administrator, panel or Executive Director shall
notify in writing the student and the schools involved in the appeal after
reaching a decision.
d. A student aggrieved by the decision rendered at Level I shall
have the right to appeal that decision to a Level II appeal hearing
pursuant to Regulation 2090.024.
2090.024 Level II Appeal; Hearing Officer
A student adversely affected by a Level I decision shall have a right to a Level II
appeal. If the district administrator, panel or Executive Director direct a Level
I appeal be initially heard at Level II, the Level I appeal shall be heard in
accordance with the procedures set forth below.
a. The Level II appeal shall be heard by a Hearing Officer
approved by the Board of Control to hear Level II appeals, and
appointed by the Executive Director.
b. A non-refundable fee of $250.00 payable to the NIAA shall be
remitted by the student or the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the
student with the student’s appeal.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
1. The filing fee may be waived if the student qualifies for
the federal school lunch program or if, in the judgment of the
Executive Director, payment of the fee will cause substantial
financial hardship to the student.
c. All Level II appeals shall be heard in either Reno or Las Vegas,
Nevada, unless the Executive Director decides the matter may be heard
at some other location.
d. The Level II appeal shall be conducted as follows:
1. The proceedings shall be closed to the public to protect
the privacy interests of any student under the age of eighteen
A. A student who has reached the age of eighteen
(18) may elect to have the hearing open to the public.
2. The proceedings shall be tape-recorded.
3. The Hearing Officer appointed by the Executive Director
shall conduct the hearing in accordance with the procedures set
forth for administrative hearings in NRS Chapter 233B.
4. The student shall have an opportunity to call witnesses
and present oral and documentary evidence in support of the
student’s position.
5. The NIAA shall be represented by its legal counsel who
may call witnesses and present oral and documentary evidence in
support of the NIAA’s position.
6. The Hearing Officer may examine the student, the
student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s), and any other witness at
the hearing.
7. The student and the NIAA shall have the right to present
closing statements to the Hearing Officer following the taking of
8. At the close of the evidence, and following conclusion of
any closing statements, the Hearing Officer shall declare the
hearing closed.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
9. The Hearing Officer shall, within fourteen (14) days
following the close of the hearing, issue Findings of Fact,
Conclusions of Law and Decision to the student, administrators
of the member or affiliate schools affected by the decision, and
the Executive Director, and NIAA legal counsel.
e. The decision of the Hearing Officer shall be binding and not
subject to further administrative appeal.
f. The office of the Executive Director shall provide administrative
and clerical support to the Hearing Officer, and shall reimburse any per
diem, travel expenses, and fees charged by the Hearing Officer from an
account set up to receive and disburse the fees for appeals.
Member or Affiliate School Appeals From Adverse Determinations
2090.025 Member or Affiliate School Appeals
A member or affiliate school found by the Executive Director to have committed
a violation of school, school district or NIAA Regulations, or any combination
thereof, pursuant to NIAA Regulation 2090.010(c), shall have a right to appeal
that decision in accordance with the procedures set forth in Regulation
Game, Contest or Meet Appeals
2090.030 Official Decision
All decisions of game, contest or meet officials are final and binding unless a
protest procedure exists under the official rulebook of the National Federation
of High Schools for the sport in question. In such cases, the protest procedure
from the official rulebook of the NFHS shall be followed.
Procedures For Applications To Withdraw Or Re-Enter NIAA Membership
2090.040 Procedure For Approval Or Denial Of Application To Withdraw From, Or Re-
Enter, NIAA Membership
The following procedures apply to any member or affiliate school seeking to
withdraw or re-enter from membership within the NIAA.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
a. Upon receipt of a request of a member or affiliate school to
withdraw or re-enter the NIAA, the Board of Control shall require the
requesting school to complete an application form and supply such
information as the Board deems necessary to evaluate the impact of the
withdrawal or re-entry upon the interscholastic activities of the existing
b. Upon the receipt of the application, information and a non-
refundable application fee of $850, the Board of Control shall survey its
membership for comments concerning how the proposed withdrawal or
re-entry effects the interscholastic activities of the existing membership,
including, but not limited to, out-of-state school time, transportation and
per diem costs, length of seasons and competitive factors.
c. The Board shall notify the applicant of the date, time and place
for a public hearing before the Board of Control, at which time,
representatives of the applicant and the existing membership are entitled
to appear and testify before the Board of Control concerning the impact
of the proposed withdrawal or re-entry on the interscholastic activities of
the existing membership.
d. Within thirty (30) days following the close of the public hearing,
the Board of Control shall issue its decision on the application and shall
mail the decision to the applicant. The date of receipt shall be deemed
the date stamped on the envelope by the postal service, or the third (3
day following its mailing.
e. Within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the decision of the
Board of Control, the Executive Director shall notify the Legislative
Commission of the application and the action of the Board of Control.
The application must be placed on the agenda of the next regularly
scheduled meeting of the Legislative Commission. The Legislative
Commission shall mail a notice of the date, time and place of the
meeting to the applicant.
f. At the time fixed by the Legislative Commission, the applicant
and a representative of the Board of Control may appear and present the
position of the applicant and the Board of Control in regard to the
proposed withdrawal or re-entry.
g. Within thirty (30) days following the close of the public hearing,
the Legislative Commission shall issue its decision and mail it to the
applicant and the Board of Control.
h. The decision of the Legislative Commission is final and binding
on both the applicant and the Board of Control.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
i. The office of the Executive Director shall provide administrative,
legal and clerical support to the Legislative Commission and Board of
Control, and shall reimburse any per diem and travel expenses of the
Legislative Commission and Board of Control from an account set up to
receive and disburse the fees for such applications.
Section 2090 rewritten June 2001;
General Rules
2095.001 General Rule
Member and affiliate schools are expected to abide by and uphold all of the
NIAA’s Regulations. A violation, or repeated violations, of any NIAA
Regulation by member or affiliate schools shall be grounds for filing a
complaint against the school committing the violation or violations. Any person
having knowledge of a violation of any NIAA Regulation by a member of
affiliate school may file a complaint with the Executive Director pursuant to
NIAA Regulation 2090.010.
2095.002 Postponement Of Game, Contest or Meet
No member or affiliate school may willfully postpone a game without first
securing approval from the principals of both member and/or affiliate schools
and following the regulations of the class of which the member or affiliate
school belongs regarding postponement.
2095.003 Cancellation And Forfeiture Of Game, Contest Or Meet
No member or affiliate school may willfully cancel a game, contest or meet, or
any games, contests or meets, without the approval of the Executive Director,
who shall determine the validity of the request for the cancellation.
a. A violation of this Regulation may subject the offending school
to suspension from the NIAA.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
b. Member or affiliate schools withdrawing from the NIAA during
season play shall show on their record “no contest” for games played
following withdrawal. Before the activity may be reinstated, the Board
of Control shall evaluate the reasons for the member or affiliate school’s
prior cancellation and establish conditions for reinstatement of the
cancelled activity.
2095.004 Schools With Which Game, Contest or Meet Prohibited
No member or affiliate schools may engage in any game, contest or meet, or
tournament, with any school that has been suspended or expelled from the
recognized athletic association of that school’s state.
Disciplinary Action
2095.010 General Rule
If disciplinary action is deemed necessary for the enforcement of any NIAA
Regulation, such disciplinary action may consist of any of the following, or a
combination thereof:
a. Warning - is official notice that unethical or unsportsmanlike
action has taken place. The action becomes a matter of record with the
NIAA and may not occur again or further disciplinary action up to and
including suspension may be enforced.
b. Probation - a school placed on probation is restricted from
participating in any divisional, league or state championship activities.
A member or affiliate school placed on probation in a sport may be
restricted for a designated period, not to exceed one year. Any repeat
offense will result in suspension.
c. Suspension - prohibits the participation of member or affiliate
schools with any state athletic association affiliated with the National
Federation of State High School Associations during the period of the
suspension. Suspension may not be invoked for more than one calendar
year. Suspension of a coach or other responsible person for a period of
not less than one week or more than one year may also be invoked in
appropriate situations.
d. Fines - member or affiliate schools who have violated NIAA
Regulations may be fined in an amount not to exceed $1000.
Agency Draft of Proposed Regulation R093-01
e. A suspension or fine may be recommended at any level of appeal
involving a member school set forth at NIAA Regulations 2090.010 and
2090.024. The Board of Control must approve any suspension or fine
before it becomes final.
f. In any situation in which penalties or sanctions be imposed
against a member or affiliate school, or any student, the Executive
Director shall, in his sole discretion, be allowed to impose an
appropriate sanction or penalty.
Section 2095 added June 2001;