Benedict Clements, David Coady,
and Sanjeev Gupta
The Economics of Public
Health Care Reform in Advanced
and Emerging Economies
Excerpt: The Economics of Public Health Care
Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies
With this book, the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department has done a tremendous global
service. Through case studies and cross-national comparisons, we learn the pub-
lic policies that work to reduce health care cost growth and improve efficiency.
This book is a must read for anyone interested in understanding the extent of the
global health crisis, and—more importantly—what nations can do about it.
—Dana P. Goldman
Professor and Norman Topping Chair in Medicine
and Public Policy, University of Southern California
This volume includes projections of future trends in health care costs for coun-
tries at widely varying stages of development and extensive evaluations of their
past experiences with health reforms. The range of coverage is unprecedented,
and the lessons drawn from those efforts provide useful guidance for future
policy—what might work, and what will not.
—Barry P. Bosworth
Senior Fellow and Robert V. Roosa Chair, Brookings Institution
In this book many leading economists review the experience of advanced and
emerging economies in addressing health care cost growth and distill lessons
that are aimed at both Ministries of Finance and Ministries of Health. The book
is an excellent compendium of current thinking.
—Joseph P. Newhouse
John D. MacArthur Professor of Health Policy and Management, Harvard University
There is a surprising lack of evidence on how best to manage the macroeco-
nomic and fiscal challenges posed by a burgeoning public health sector. This
important book brings together evidence from many of the world’s leading
experts to present reform experience from a wide range of settings, and draw
lessons for future policy.
—Peter C. Smith
Professor of Health Policy, Imperial College London
The appropriate way to balance the goals of equality, efficiency, and afford-
ability is a subject of intense debate. This volume steps into this arena with rea-
soned analysis and clear, cogent analytics. A major accomplishment.
—David M. Cutler
Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics, Harvard University
Note to Readers
This is an excerpt from The Economics of Public Health Care Reform in
Advanced and Emerging Economies. Health care reform will be a key fiscal
policy challenge in both advanced and emerging economies in coming
years. In advanced economies, the health sector has been one of the main
drivers of government expenditure, accounting for about half of the rise in
total spending over the past forty years. These spending increases will come
at a time when countries need to undertake fiscal consolidation to reduce
public debt ratios in the wake of the global financial crisis. In emerging
economies, health care reform is also a key issue, given substantial lags in
health indicators and limited fiscal resources. For these economies, the chal-
lenge will be to expand public coverage without undermining fiscal sustain-
ability. This book provides new insights into these challenges and potential
policy responses, with cross-country analysis and case studies.
The Table of Contents, Foreword, and Chapter 1 are included in this excerpt.
Please check quotations and attributions against the published version
of the book.
The Economics of Public Health Care Reform in Advanced and
Emerging Economies
edited by Benedict Clements, David Coady, and Sanjeev Gupta
ISBN: 978-1-61635-244-8
Publication date: April 2012
Format: Paperback, 6x9 in, 380 pages
Price: US$45.00
For additional information on this book, please contact:
International Monetary Fund, IMF Publications
P.O. Box 92780, Washington, DC 20090, U.S.A.
Tel: (202) 623-7430 Fax: (202) 623-7201
The Economics of
Public Health Care
Reform in Advanced
and Emerging Economies
Benedict Clements, David Coady,
and Sanjeev Gupta
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© 2012 International Monetary Fund
Cover design: IMF Multimedia Services Division
Cover illustration: Design Army
Typesetting: Maryland Composition, Inc.
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The economics of public health care reform in advanced and emerging economies / editors,
Benedict Clements, David Coady, and Sanjeev Gupta. – Washington, D.C. :
International Monetary Fund, 2012.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-61635-244-8
1. Health care reform. 2. Health care reform—Developed countries. 3. Health care
reform—Developing countries. 4. Health care reform—Case studies. I. Clements,
Benedict J. II. Coady, David. III. Gupta, Sanjeev. IV. International Monetary Fund.
RA384 .E26 2012
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this book are those of the authors and should not be
reported as or attributed to the International Monetary Fund, its Executive Board, or the
governments of any of its members.
Please send orders to:
International Monetary Fund, Publication Services
P.O. Box 92780, Washington, DC 20090, U.S.A.
Tel. (202) 623-7430 Fax: (202) 623-7201
34489_IMF_FM.indd ii34489_IMF_FM.indd ii 3/25/12 10:58 AM3/25/12 10:58 AM
Foreword v
Carlo Cottarelli
Acknowledgments vii
Abbreviations ix
1 The Challenge of Health Care Reform in Advanced
and Emerging Economies .......................................................................................... 3
Sanjeev Gupta, Benedict Clements, and David Coady
Public Health Care Spending: Past Trends .........................................................23
David Coady and Kenichiro Kashiwase
New Projections of Public Health Spending, 2010–50 ..................................37
Mauricio Soto, Baoping Shang, and David Coady
4 The Future of Public and Private Health Care Insurance in Asia ................55
Ludwig Kanzler and Alexander Ng
Perspective on the Appropriate Role of the Private Sector in
Meeting Health Care Needs .....................................................................................69
Tsung-Mei Cheng and Uwe E. Reinhardt
6 Containing Public Health Spending: Lessons from Experiences
of Advanced Economies ........................................................................................ 101
Justin Tyson, Kenichiro Kashiwase, Mauricio Soto, and
Benedict Clements
Health Reform Lessons from Experiences of Emerging Economies ............. 125
Eva Jenkner, Baoping Shang, and Benedict Clements
Health Financing Systems in East Asia and the Pacific:
Early Successes and Current Challenges.......................................................... 133
John C. Langenbrunner and Ajay Tandon
Measuring the Health Effects of Health Care Reform ................................. 157
Jonathan Skinner and Catherine Suarez
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iv Contents
10 Public Health Expenditure Reforms in Canada, Finland, Italy,
the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the
United States .............................................................................................................. 177
Justin Tyson and Izabela Karpowicz
Challenges in Reforming the Japanese Health Care System.................... 209
Masako Ii
Coverage Expansion and Cost Containment
in the Republic of Korea ......................................................................................... 221
Soonman Kwon
Containing Public Health Spending through Market-Based
Health Reform in Germany ................................................................................... 233
Michael Stolpe
Taiwan Province of Chinas Experience with Universal
Health Care Coverage ............................................................................................. 253
Tsung-Mei Cheng
15 Health Care Financing Reform in Indias Decentralized
Health Care System .................................................................................................. 283
M. Govinda Rao and Mita Choudhury
Evidence-Based Health Financing Reform in Thailand ............................... 307
Pongpisut Jongudomsuk, Supon Limwattananon, Phusit Prakongsai,
Samrit Srithamrongsawat, Kumaree Pachanee, Adun Mohara,
Walaiporn Patcharanarumol, and Viroj Tangcharoensathien
The Challenge of Health Care Reform in Estonia, Hungary, China,
Chile, and Mexico ..................................................................................................... 327
Baoping Shang and Eva Jenkner
Contributors ............................................................................................................................ 347
Index ...........................................................................................................................................349
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The mandate of the International Monetary Fund is primarily focused on macro-
economic stability. While recognizing that the issue of health care reform has much
broader implications, in this volume we look at health care reform through the lens
of our mandate, focusing primarily on macroeconomic stability and—of special
importance to us in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department—on fiscal stability.
Health care reform has key implications for fiscal stability. Public spending on
health care has been a key driver of aggregate increases in public spending over
the past 40 years. As discussed in this book, spending is projected to continue
rising as a share of GDP unless reforms are undertaken to help break these trends.
The projected increases in public health spending will take place at a time when
most countries need to undertake large fiscal adjustments to help bring public
debt ratios down to more prudent levels. In this light, public health care spending
is indeed an important macro-fiscal issue. Moderating the growth of age-related
spending, including on health, will have to be a major element of the fiscal con-
solidation strategy in the advanced economies over the coming years. For many
emerging economies, the outlook for health spending is better, and immediate
pressures are expected to be more benign. But it will by no means be easy for
emerging economies to expand access to and improve the quality of health care
services in light of the limited fiscal space to increase public health spending.
Despite the fiscal importance of health care reform, there has been relatively
little systematic work on the macro-fiscal implications of reforms in advanced
economies and emerging markets. Recent work by the Fiscal Affairs Department
has tried to fill that void, both by projecting future health care spending if current
policies were to be maintained and by estimating the potential fiscal impact of
various reform options to contain health spending growth. This book draws on a
recent study on the macro-fiscal implications of health care reforms presented to
the IMF Executive Board in January 2011 and on papers prepared by outside
experts for conferences at the IMF Regional Offices for Europe and Asia and the
Pacific in June 2011 and October 2011, respectively.
An important objective of the IMF’s analytical work in this area—and of our
continued dialogue with health experts—is to improve our understanding of how
feasible it would be to slow down the projected growth of health spending. This,
in turn, has an important bearing on the composition of fiscal consolidation
strategies going forward, since insufficient scope for containing health spending
increases would shift the burden of expenditure cuts to other areas or require
revenues to increase.
Health care reform is a difficult policy issue. It involves complex trade-offs
between policy goals, such as ensuring access to high-quality health care and
keeping public spending at fiscally affordable levels. Preferences regarding the role
of the state in the provision and financing of health care services also vary
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vi Foreword
significantly across countries. Many of these issues go beyond the scope of our
work in this area. However, with a combination of cross-country analyses and case
studies—and not least based on the stimulating debate within and outside the
IMF on these issues—this book identifies potential policy responses to contain
public health spending pressures in an efficient and equitable manner. Of course,
much remains for us to learn, and the IMF will continue to stay abreast of new
developments and insights in this complex area of policy.
Carlo Cottarelli
Fiscal Affairs Department
International Monetary Fund
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We first would like to thank the contributing authors. Without their hard work
and dedication, this book would not have been possible. The book has also
benefited from the comments of staff in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department, staff
in other IMF departments, and seminar participants from the European
Commission, the World Bank, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development. Many of the chapters in this volume were presented as papers
at IMF health conferences in Paris in June 2011 and Tokyo in October 2011. We
would like to thank conference participants for their valuable comments.
We are grateful to Joanne Blake and Michael Harrup of the IMF’s External
Relations Department for managing the production of the book. We are thankful
to Pierre Jean Albert, Jeffrey Pichocki, and Mileva Radisavljevic, staff in the Fiscal
Affairs Department’s Expenditure Policy Division, for their support throughout
the entire process. We are also grateful to Baoping Shang—who worked with us
from the beginning when the book project was conceived—for his written con-
tributions and efforts to ensure that all steps in the production process were fol-
lowed in a timely manner.
Benedict Clements
David Coady
Sanjeev Gupta
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AMNOG Arzneimittelmarktneuordnungsgesetz
(law regulating reimbursement for drugs) (Germany)
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
BNHI Bureau of National Health Insurance (Taiwan Province of China)
CAGR compound annual growth rate
CAPB cyclically adjusted primary balance
CDHC consumer-directed health care
CHIP Childrens Health Insurance Program (United States)
CSMBS Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme (Thailand)
DALY disability-adjusted life-year
DEA data envelopment analysis
DMP disease management program
DRG diagnosis-related group
EAP East Asia and the Pacific
ECG excess cost growth
FDH free disposable hull
G2 NHI Second-Generation National Health Insurance
(Taiwan Province of China)
G-BA Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (Federal Joint Committee)
GP general practitioner
GSDP gross state domestic product (India)
HIF Health Insurance Fund (Hungary)
HISRO Health Insurance System Research Office (Thailand)
HITAP Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program
HMO health maintenance organization
HSA health savings account
HSRI Health Systems Research Institute (Thailand)
IHPP International Health Policy Program (Thailand)
IQWiG Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen
(Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care) (Germany)
LTC long-term care
NCD noncommunicable disease
NHA National Health Account (Thailand)
NHI national health insurance
NHI National Health Insurance (Japan, Taiwan Province of China)
NHIC National Health Insurance Corporation (Republic of Korea)
NHS National Health Service (U.K.)
NRHM National Rural Health Mission (India)
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
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OLS ordinary least squares
OOP out of pocket
PHI Popular Health Insurance (Mexico)
PPP purchasing power parity
QALY quality-adjusted life-year
RSBY Rashtriya Swastya Bima Yojana
(health insurance scheme for those below the poverty line)
SHI statutory health insurance
SHI social health insurance (Thailand)
UHC universal health coverage
WHO World Health Organization
x Abbreviations
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Trends and Outlook for
Public Health Spending
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The Challenge of Health Care
Reform in Advanced and Emerging
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the three fundamental
objectives of a health care system are
improving the health of the population it serves;
providing financial protection against the costs of ill-health; and
responding to peoples expectations.
Improving the health of the population is the primary objective of a health
care system. But because health care can be catastrophically costly and the need
for it unpredictable, mechanisms for sharing risk and providing financial protec-
tion are also important. A third goal—responsiveness to peoples expectations—
reflects the importance of respecting peoples dignity and autonomy and the
confidentiality of information (WHO, 2000). In addition, there is implicitly a
fourth objective: equity. Improving health means not only maximizing the
average health of the population, but also minimizing the differences among
individuals and groups. Thus, the need for health systems to provide financial
protection is also driven by equity concerns.
Significant improvements in health have been achieved around the world in
the past several decades, as evidenced by sizable improvements in life expec-
tancy and access to health care (WHO, 2010a, 2010b). The welfare gains from
these improvements have been tremendous (Murphy and Topel, 2006). In
addition, the microeconomic findings of the impact of health on worker pro-
ductivity, education, and savings imply that improved health leads to improved
economic growth (Bloom and Canning, 2008; Basta, Soekirman, and
Scrimshaw, 1979; Kalemli-Ozcan, Ryder, and Weil, 2000; Bloom, Canning,
and Graham, 2003; Hurd, McFadden, and Gan, 1998; and Alsan, Bloom, and
Canning, 2006). However, the macroeconomic evidence is mixed, with evi-
dence of a large and significant effect in some studies (Bloom and Canning,
2008; Bloom, Canning, and Sevilla, 2004; Sala-i-Martin, Doppelhofer, and
Miller, 2004; and Baldacci and others, 2008) but a small and insignificant
This chapter has benefited from contributions from Eva Jenkner and Baoping Shang.
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4 The Challenge of Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies
effect in others (Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson, 2003; Acemoglu and
Johnson, 2007). Nevertheless, the incomplete access to health care in many
countries, high and rising health care costs, and inefficiencies in spending have
made health reform an urgent priority in both advanced and emerging market
Incomplete Coverage
Universal insurance coverage is essential to achieve the objectives of a health
care system. Health insurance, by design, pools risk and provides financial pro-
tection from the cost of illness. It improves health by providing access to
services that would otherwise be unaffordable for a significant share of the
population (WHO, 2010b; Card, Dobkin, and Maestas, 2009). Most advanced
economies have achieved universal insurance coverage, with the exception of
the United States, which passed landmark legislation to achieve near-universal
coverage in 2010.
The picture is uneven for emerging market economies. Most of emerging
Europe and some emerging countries in Asia and Latin America have achieved
universal coverage. In the other emerging economies, however, universal coverage
is still in progress. A key issue facing these countries is how to provide this at an
affordable cost. Universal coverage can be achieved through a tax-financed sys-
tem, a social insurance system, private insurance, or a mixed system. Each system
has its advantages and disadvantages (Gottret and Schieber, 2006). The most
important barrier to universal coverage in many countries is the insufficient avail-
ability of resources (WHO, 2010b). Political stability, a strong institutional and
policy environment, and a well-educated population can facilitate achievement of
universal coverage. However, also important is a political commitment to allocate
health spending to the provision of basic services for the entire population, rather
than concentrating resources on curative services benefiting middle- or upper-
income groups.
Health Inequalities
Despite progress in improving health indicators in many countries, inequalities in
health status—both between and within countries—remain large (CSDH, 2008;
European Commission, 2010). Inequalities are largely driven by socioeconomic
factors, such as income, education, and occupation, and thus are determined
outside the health care sector (Joumard, Andre, and Nicq, 2010). There is no
evidence of a trade-off between raising the average health status of the population
and improving equity, suggesting it is possible to simultaneously achieve both
equity and efficiency goals. Some features of health care systems, however, con-
tribute to inequalities in health outcomes. For example, informal payments for
health care services, which are prevalent in many emerging economies, dispropor-
tionately burden the poor (Jakab, 2007).
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Gupta, Clements, and Coady 5
Escalating Cost
Health care costs have been growing rapidly in the past several decades. Since
1970, total real per capita health spending has increased fourfold, while
spending as a share of GDP has increased from 6 percent to 12 percent in
advanced economies. In emerging economies, total health spending has
increased from below 3 percent of GDP to 5 percent. These increases have put
great fiscal pressure on governments and financial pressure on households and
The primary drivers of growth in health spending include rising income,
population aging, and technological advancements. Additional factors include
the Baumol effect,
health insurance coverage, and health policies (Newhouse,
1992; European Commission, 2010; CBO, 2010; Smith, Newhouse, and
Freeland, 2009; Finkelstein, 2007). These factors often interact with each
other (Weisbrod, 1991; Smith, Newhouse, and Freeland, 2009), and the
separate effects of each are difficult to identify. Looking forward, these factors
are expected to continue being important catalysts for health spending
An additional factor that will drive spending is the change in disease pro-
files and associated risk factors. Most advanced economies and some emerg-
ing economies have finished the transition from primarily having to address
communicable diseases (CDs) to primarily addressing noncommunicable
diseases (NCDs). Other emerging economies are still making this transition.
NCDs are the leading causes of death globally, killing more people each year
than all other causes combined and nearly 80 percent of NCD deaths occur
in low- and middle-income countries (WHO, 2010c). The economic impact
of NCDs is also large, as national health care budgets are being increasingly
allocated to treatment of NCDs (WHO, 2010c). NCDs are caused, to a
large extent, by lifestyle risk factors—tobacco use, unhealthy diets, insuffi-
cient physical activity, and the harmful use of alcohol—and are often pre-
ventable. For example, tobacco and alcohol tax increases, tobacco control
measures, and salt reduction have proven to be effective in improving health
(WHO, 2010c).
It has been well established in the literature that inefficiencies in health spend-
ing are large (Gupta and Verhoeven, 2001; Hauner, 2007; Mattina and
Gunnarsson, 2007; Verhoeven, Gunnarsson, and Carcillo, 2007; Gupta and
others, 2008; and Joumard, Andre, and Nicq, 2010). This includes both
The Baumol effect refers to the rising unit labor costs in sectors where it is difficult to achieve pro-
ductivity gains, usually in services. Because salaries rise in these sectors in line with economy-wide
averages, while productivity does not, unit labor costs rise in relative terms. For evidence of the
Baumol effect in health spending, see Pomp and Vujic (2008).
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6 The Challenge of Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies
allocative inefficiencies and productive inefficiencies (Garber and Skinner,
2008). Because of inefficiencies, many countries could achieve the same level of
health outcomes with a lower level of spending. A study by the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) suggests that reducing
inefficiencies in health systems by half in the OECD would raise life expec-
tancy at birth, on average, by more than one year (Joumard, Andre, and Nicq,
2010). By comparison, a 10 percent increase in health care spending per capita
would increase life expectancy by only three to four months. The WHO esti-
mates that 20 to 40 percent of resources spent on health are wasted. The most
common causes of inefficiency include inappropriate and ineffective use of
medicines, medical errors, suboptimal quality of care, waste, corruption, and
fraud (WHO, 2010b).
Because of the potential trade-offs between health care reform objectives—such
as preserving continued progress in improving health outcomes and controlling
costs—health care reform is intrinsically complex.
An important question confronting all countries is the appropriate level of
health care spending (Savedoff, 2007). This is further complicated by the fact that
in addition to health spending, other factors, including lifestyle factors (see
above), as well as education, pollution, and income, also play important roles
(Joumard, Andre, and Nicq, 2010). Although health care spending is one of the
most important determinants of health status, health spending may be too high
in high- spending countries (Weisbrod, 1991; Docteur and Oxley, 2003). Given
the large inefficiencies of health care systems, attacking these inefficiencies—as
discussed above—may be the best route to improve health outcomes, rather than
raising spending.
The imperfections in the health care market imply that governments must
play an important role. However, there is no single model that delivers the best
results across all countries. The pervasiveness of market failures and a desire to
ensure that access to basic health care reflects need and not ability to pay have
motivated extensive government involvement in this sector in advanced and
emerging economies (Musgrove, 1996). The nature of government intervention
(e.g., mandates, regulations, provision, and financing) has varied substantially
across countries and over time, as has the level of public health spending. These
differing approaches to providing and financing health care, and the resulting
differences in the level of public health spending across countries, reflect differ-
ences in country preferences and constraints. Therefore, there is no unique
optimal” level of public health spending that can provide a benchmark for com-
paring countries. Countries may place different weights on equality of access,
face differing fiscal constraints, or attach different weights to health spending as
opposed to other uses of public funds. Yet there is a need to ensure that what-
ever “model” for health care is adopted, public health care services are provided
in an efficient way.
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Gupta, Clements, and Coady 7
Health care reform will be a key fiscal challenge in coming years. In the advanced
economies, public health spending has risen by about 4 percentage points of GDP
since 1970, about half the overall increase in noninterest public spending.
Thesespending pressures are expected to intensify over the next two decades, par-
ticularly if technological advances and other nondemographic factors continue to
drive up costs. Over the longer term, the challenge is even more severe. Based on the
projections presented in this book, the net present value of these spending increases
over 2011–50 is close to 100 percent of todays GDP. In the emerging economies,
health care reform is also important, given their substantially lower health indica-
tors, relative to the advanced economies, and their limited fiscal resources.
The increases in health costs will occur at a time when countries need to
undertake large fiscal adjustments to reduce public debt ratios in the wake of the
global financial crisis. One common gauge of how much fiscal adjustment would
be needed is the change in the primary balance (that is, fiscal balance net of inter-
est payments) needed to bring the public-debt-to-GDP ratio back to the precrisis
median of about 60 percent of GDP. Based on the estimates published in the
IMF’s Fiscal Monitor (IMF, 2011), this needed change in the primary balance
would average about 8 percentage points of GDP.
Fiscal consolidation will require both revenue increases and expenditure reduc-
tions in the advanced economies. On the expenditure side, stabilizing age-related-
spending-to-GDP ratios, including by containing the growth of health spending,
could constitute an important pillar of fiscal adjustment strategies in the advanced
economies. In some emerging economies, there is fiscal space to increase health
spending. For emerging economies with room to expand, such as many of those
in Asia and Latin America, the challenge is to expand basic coverage to a larger
share of the population in a fiscally sustainable manner while avoiding the inef-
ficiencies and resulting high costs of the health systems of advanced economies.
In others, where coverage is already extensive—as is the case in much of emerging
Europe—the challenge is to enhance the efficiency of public spending and limit
its increase as a share of GDP.
Country experiences in containing public health spending vary widely, as does
the quality and efficiency of public health services across countries. Several impor-
tant questions remain for policymakers seeking guidance on health care reform,
including the following:
What are the trends in spending in different time periods and country
groups? What has influenced these trends? How much does population
aging account for the increase in spending?
What is the outlook for public health spending over the next 20 years?
Given differing degrees of success in controlling the growth of public health
spending, which countries face the largest public health spending pressures?
What reforms could advanced economies consider to control the growth of
public health spending in an efficient and equitable manner? What are the
potential savings that could be realized with different reforms? What needs
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8 The Challenge of Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies
to be done to ensure that health reforms do not conflict with goals for ensur-
ing equitable access to health care?
How can emerging markets expand health coverage and improve health
outcomes without incurring high fiscal costs?
This book addresses these questions and makes several contributions to the lit-
erature. It provides an analysis of the developments in public health spending over
the past 40 years, as well as projections of public health spending for
50 advanced economies and emerging markets over the years 2011 to 2050. The
projections for advanced economies improve upon existing studies by using
country-specific estimates. The book presents an analysis that quantifies the effects
of specific health reforms on the growth of public health spending by drawing on a
range of analytical approaches, including country case studies. This analysis high-
lights the reforms advanced economies could consider to control the growth of
public health spending in an efficient and equitable manner. The book likewise
explains how selected emerging economies have successfully expanded health cover-
age and improved health outcomes without incurring high fiscal costs, and analyzes
in detail the reform experiences and outstanding challenges for some of the largest
emerging economies in Asia and Latin America. It includes specific case studies
prepared by experts on Japan, the Republic of Korea, Germany, India, Taiwan
Province of China, Thailand, and the Asian region as a whole. Finally, the book
discusses the issue of public and private insurance, the appropriate role of the pri-
vate sector in health care, and the effects on health indicators of health care reforms.
This book is organized into five parts. The chapters in Part I provide an analysis
of trends in public health spending and projections for these expenditures for
advanced and emerging economies. Part II focuses specifically on the role of the
private sector in the financing and provision of health care. Part III comprises
cross-country studies of health care reforms and discusses the potential lessons for
future reforms. Parts IV and V consist of country case studies of health reforms
in advanced and emerging economies, respectively.
Part I: Trends and Outlook for Public Health Spending
Understanding past trends in public health spending and the projected increases
under unchanged policies is critical for assessing the magnitude of the health
reform challenge across countries. Two important methodological issues for
research in this area have been the following:
to what extent past trends will continue into the future, and whether spend-
ing growth—which has been rapid in the past—will at some point slow
down and converge to a rate closer to the growth of GDP; and
whether or not country-specific trends should be used in projections for
individual countries.
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Gupta, Clements, and Coady 9
Obtaining reliable econometric estimates for the country-specific drivers of
health care spending has been particularly vexing for the health care literature.
The effect of population aging per se on spending is well understood, given the
availability of reliable data on how spending differs across different cohorts of the
population and projections for the aging of the population. What is less well
understood is how nondemographic drivers of health spending, such as techno-
logical improvements in medical care, will evolve in the future. The growth of
spending attributed to these nondemographics has been coined “excess cost
growth (ECG).” Assumptions regarding ECG are the most important factor
behind health care projections, given that the effect of aging on spending increas-
es is believed to be moderate (European Commission, 2009; Smith, Newhouse,
and Freeland,2009).
The conservative estimates for ECG in some cross-country studies imply
that health care spending will grow at a slower pace in the future than in the
past. The reference scenario for health care spending projections in the
European Commissions 2009 Ageing Report (EC and EPC, 2009), for example,
assumes that the growth in health care spending, beyond that caused by an
aging population, would be no more than 0.2 percent per year. This is a much
lower rate than observed in the past and risks understating the fiscal challenge
posed by health spending.
Some research has tried to blend assumptions regarding the high spending
growth of the past with assumptions regarding a future slowdown in health
spending (OECD, 2006; CBO, 2010). This has been motivated by the view that
health spending cannot continue increasing at the rate observed in the past, lest
it rise to a ratio of output that is fiscally unsustainable or, over the long run, to a
ratio exceeding 100 percent of GDP. However, the assumptions made about con-
vergence can be arbitrary and implicitly suppose a change in policies that would
help achieve such a slowdown in spending. Thus, it appears preferable to avoid
imposing such assumptions, especially when projecting spending pressures over
the next 20 to 40 years.
In Chapter 2, Coady and Kashiwase analyze health care spending trends for
27 advanced and 23 emerging economies over the past four decades. Total health
expenditures have risen sharply during this period, and two-thirds of this increase
is due to greater spending by the public sector (see above). On average, approxi-
mately one-fourth of the increase in public-spending-to-GDP ratios is explained
by aging, and the rest by ECG. In the emerging economies, the increase in total
health spending has been more moderate over the same period (see above), and
public spending on health has increased from around 1½ to 2½ percent of GDP,
about the same as the increase in private spending. This reflects the low priority
given to health spending relative to other spending needs. In advanced economies
there has been some convergence in public health spending ratios over the past
several decades, while in emerging markets the spending shares do not indicate
such a pattern. Looking across countries, higher health spending has not always
been associated with better health outcomes. While raising public outlays can
help improve health outcomes—which vary widely in both advanced and
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10 The Challenge of Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies
emerging economies—improving the efficiency of public health spending could
be even more powerful for achieving this important objective.
In Chapter 3, Soto, Shang, and Coady provide updated projections of public
health spending in advanced and emerging economies, using a methodology that
improves upon earlier studies. Their specific improvement is the use of realistic
and country-specific estimates of ECG to project future spending. The results
indicate that large increases in public health spending are projected in the
advanced economies, rising on average by 3 percentage points of GDP over the
next 20 years and by 6½ percentage points of GDP over the next 40 years.
Around one-third of that increase would be due to the effects of population aging,
and the remaining two-thirds would be due to ECG. The projections suggest that
the outlook is grim not only in the United States but also in Europe. Recent
health care reforms in most countries are unlikely to alter long-term public health
spending trends. In the emerging economies, public health spending is projected
to rise by 1 percentage point of GDP over the next 20 years, one-third of the
increase in the advanced economies. This reflects, in part, the low initial spending
levels in emerging economies. Aging would account for about half of the increase
in expenditure. On average, spending pressures in emerging Europe and Latin
America are expected to be higher than in emerging Asia. The modest projected
increases suggest that rising health spending is unlikely to pose a heavy fiscal
burden in emerging economies over the next 20 years, which is consistent with
the view that the primary challenge for these countries is to improve the effi-
ciency of this spending.
Part II: The Role of the Private Sector in Health Care
Financing and Delivery
Despite the market failures associated with health care, the private sector can still
play an important role in achieving the objectives of a health care system.
However, there is no optimal level of private involvement, and the role of the
private sector in each country should depend on its preferences and constraints.
Kanzler and Ng, in Chapter 4, analyze the potential roles of private insurance
in addressing the challenges facing Asian countries. In Asia, governments often
take the primary responsibility for health care provision and private insurance
only plays a minor role. However, since many Asian countries are facing the
challenges of containing the growth of health care costs or expanding health
insurance coverage in a fiscally sustainable manner, it may be necessary for them
to rethink the role of private insurance. Should private insurance replace public
insurance or work in coordination with public insurance? How would a larger
role for private insurance affect health care costs and quality of care? What regu-
lations are needed to ensure the functioning of the private insurance market?
Could private insurance be involved in other aspects of health care, in addition
to the traditional role of provider reimbursement? The chapter concludes that
the role of private insurance in Asia is not expected to change dramatically,
largely because of social beliefs. If private insurance only served as a supplement
to public coverage, the growth of private insurance could potentially improve
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Gupta, Clements, and Coady 11
quality of care, although for this to materialize would require a strong regulatory
system. Furthermore, there may be scope for private insurance to play a larger
role in care coordination, for example, as disease management facilitators or
provider network managers, which could potentially improve the functioning of
the health care system.
The empirical evidence regarding the appropriate role of the private sector
in the financing and provision of health care has been largely inconclusive, and
the debate has proceeded mainly on the basis of ideology. Cheng and Reinhardt,
in Chapter 5, instead focus on the potential role of the private sector in achiev-
ing the economic functions and goals of a health system. These roles include
those related to financing and delivering health care, protecting individuals and
families from catastrophic risks, and maintaining and enhancing the health of
the population. However, the appropriate role of the private sector depends
heavily on the “distributive social ethic” of the system. The role of the private
sector is also constrained by market imperfections, such as asymmetric infor-
mation, lack of transparency in pricing, and monopoly power. If a country is
willing to let health care be rationed among its citizens by price and ability to
pay, then it can delegate most of the functions to be performed by the health
system to market forces, and use regulation to make private markets function
honestly and efficiently. If a country aspires to a roughly egalitarian health
system, in which the quality of health care is to be roughly the same for every-
one regardless of socioeconomic status, then government inevitably needs to
step in, as well as strictly monitor and regulate the private sector. It is feasible
to combine a distributive social ethic of social solidarity, implemented through
government-run health insurance, with a mixed public-private health care sys-
tem. If social solidarity is important, private health insurers cannot properly
perform the function of collecting premium contributions and risk pooling.
Nevertheless, they can be incorporated into the system to perform purchasing,
claims processing, and quality control, as well as cost control under competitive
Part III: Cross-Country Studies
A good understanding of which reforms worked and which did not work is essen-
tial to design effective health care reform. Cross-country studies are an important
way to assess the impacts of the common elements of reforms that were adopted
by many countries. Country case studies, on the other hand, identify the unique
elements and circumstances of reforms from the experience of individual coun-
tries (Parts IV and V). The impact of health reforms needs to be evaluated in a
comprehensive manner, including the effects on costs, health outcomes, equity,
and financial protection.
In Chapter 6, Tyson, Kashiwase, Soto, and Clements find that the most prom-
ising strategies to contain spending in advanced economies appear to involve a
mix of macro-level instruments to contain costs and micro-level reforms to
improve spending efficiency. Their results are based on econometric analysis,
event studies, and the results of case studies. Among the macro-level instruments,
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12 The Challenge of Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies
budget caps and central oversight are powerful tools for reducing spending
growth. Among micro-level reforms, strengthening market mechanisms—
increasing patient choice of insurers, allowing greater competition between
insurers, relying on a greater degree of private provision, and allowing more com-
petition between providers—are particularly effective in containing costs.
Management and contracting reforms, such as extending the use of managed care
or shifting toward case-based payments, are central to improving the efficiency of
spending. Although used less extensively, demand-side reforms—such as expand-
ing private insurance and increasing the level of cost sharing—have also been
successful in containing the growth of spending. Price controls appear to be
among the less successful approaches for containing health care costs.
The simulation analysis in Chapter 6 indicates that reforms could signifi-
cantly reduce the fiscal burden of health care over the next 20 years. The results
suggest that the introduction of market mechanisms can be powerful, yielding
savings of about ½ percentage point of GDP. Improving public management and
coordination can also reduce spending by only a slightly lower amount. The
analysis also underscores the importance of tighter budget controls and greater
central oversight, which can reduce spending by ¼ percentage point of GDP.
Finally, the simulated impacts of demand-side reforms, such as the use of cost
sharing, are small but not negligible. The relative importance and desirability of
each of these reforms, however, will vary across countries, depending on their
current health care system. While the impact of the simulated reforms is substan-
tial, it may still fall short of what would be needed in some countries to stabilize
age-related-spending-to-GDP ratios at current levels. Therefore, achieving fiscal
adjustment may require even greater revenue and expenditure measures than
previously envisaged.
In Chapter 7, Jenkner, Shang, and Clements conclude that the challenges
facing emerging economies are different from those in advanced economies and
also vary substantially across this heterogeneous group. In emerging Europe,
spending is relatively high by emerging economy standards, since coverage of
the population is nearly universal and disease patterns mirror those of advanced
economies. However, overall health outcomes remain relatively poor, so the
challenge is to enhance the efficiency of spending to improve lagging health
outcomes and the quality of service delivery. In most emerging economies of
Asia and Latin America, on the other hand, the main challenge remains to
expand basic coverage to a larger share of the population without generating
undue fiscal pressures over the medium term as incomes rise and these systems
expand. In emerging Asia, increased public spending on health could also cata-
lyze growth as precautionary savings are reduced. The fiscal space across emerg-
ing economies to increase public health spending varies greatly. For some
countries, little fiscal adjustment is needed, thus making it easier to accommo-
date a projected rise in health spending (Brazil, Estonia). However, adjustment
needs are high in a number of emerging European economies (Bulgaria, Latvia,
Lithuania, Romania, and Poland), which are projected to have above-average
increases in health spending.
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Gupta, Clements, and Coady 13
While all emerging economies should be targeting improvements in efficiency,
this is especially important for these countries with limited fiscal space. Countries
with high projected economic growth will be in a better position to expand health
spending, owing to its favorable effects on fiscal sustainability, while countries
with more moderate growth prospects will need to take a more gradual approach.
Most of emerging Europe will need to rely on additional micro-level reforms to
improve health outcomes, rather than increasing spending, while emerging
economies in Latin America and Asia will have more scope to expand spending.
In order for emerging economies to maintain fiscal sustainability, it is critical to
restrict the benefit package to the most essential health services, until the capac-
ity to finance higher public health spending increases.
Lagenbrunner and Tandon, in Chapter 8, assess the successes and challenges
of health financing reforms in East Asia and the Pacific (EAP). Countries in the
EAP region have achieved relatively good health indicators with relatively modest
health expenditures. Despite this significant progress, many EAP countries are
still characterized by large and persistent inequalities in health outcomes and
access to care, reflecting deficiencies in the breadth and depth in health insurance
coverage. Another cause of these inequalities is that public health spending in
low- and middle-income countries is typically not pro-poor, with the exception
of some higher-income economies and regions such as China–Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, Malaysia, and Thailand. The financing of health care
from general government revenues and social insurance contributions varies
across countries, as does the level of out-of-pocket (OOP) payments. There is
growing concern that the current level of resources available for health is inade-
quate for meeting emerging health needs and achieving universal coverage. Other
concerns include the high reliance on donor funding in low-income countries,
high OOP financing in low- and middle-income countries, and a perceived lack
of sustainability of current sources of public financing. Many countries also suffer
from an excessive number of small insurance funds and inadequate pooling. This
fragmentation limits the potential for cross-subsidies, increases administrative
costs, and leads to inequities. In terms of health benefits, instead of financing a
small package of essential services for universal coverage and targeting the poor,
health resources are often allocated to tertiary care and urban health facilities.
There are also variations in packages across insurance schemes within a country,
leading to unequal access to health care.
Public health systems in EAP countries often involve significant external con-
tracting with private sector providers. However, there is a need to ensure that
contractors are chosen on the basis of quality, cost control, and performance.
Some countries have also adopted elements of gatekeeping in contracts with pri-
mary care providers. Looking forward, many countries are looking to move
beyond fee for service (FFS) to other types of payment systems such as geograph-
ic caps, hospital global budgets, and case mix adjustments. A perennial issue for
the region is how much it should rely on insurance-based systems—which are
assumed to expand as labor market informality declines—or on general govern-
ment revenue financing to help achieve universal coverage. Several countries have
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14 The Challenge of Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies
begun to use general government revenues to bring in the newly covered. In sev-
eral cases, spending has been well targeted to prioritize coverage for low-income
groups and the poorest. Over the longer term, changes in the demographic and
epidemiological profile of EAP countries are likely to be key determinants of
health care costs and needs.
In addition to health spending, health outcomes should also be taken into
account in designing health reforms; outcomes are discussed in Chapter 9 by
Skinner and Suarez. All countries are struggling with rising health care spend-
ing. It is therefore not surprising that many countries have turned to health care
reforms designed to create sustainable patterns of future growth in health care
costs. This chapter first establishes what is the most challenging aspect of
medical care—the remarkable range in efficiency of different specific treat-
ments—ranging from the use of aspirin for patients after a heart attack and
insecticide-treated bed nets (very high) to stents for stable angina (poor) and
noninvasive surgery for arthritis of the knee (no known benefit). For this rea-
son, there is often only a small (and sometimes even a negative) association
between spending and quality of care, whether across hospitals or across coun-
tries. In practical terms, this means that health care reforms need to be evalu-
ated on the basis of not only their effects on expenditure, but also their effects
on the efficiency of care. Public savings achieved by cutting back on ineffective
treatments are more desirable, for example, than those involving the scaling
back of highly effective insecticide-coated bed nets. Countries need to make
better use of existing data to monitor treatment and outcome data to ensure
that health care reforms that seek to reduce public outlays do not undermine
high-value care.
Part IV: Country Case Studies: Advanced Economies
In Chapter 10, Tyson and Karpowicz assess the reform experiences of seven
advanced economies to highlight specific episodes of success in containing public
health spending over the past 30 years and the reforms that were behind these suc-
cess stories. In each of these episodes, the countries achieved a reduction in the
ratio of public health spending to GDP that was sustained for a period of time, as
well as a moderation in real spending growth rates. The Canadian experience in
the late 1970s and during the 1990s suggests that budget caps and supply con-
straints can be effective tools to limit increases in health care spending. Cost con-
tainment in Finland in the 1990s was achieved through a comprehensive set of
reforms that acted at the macro- and micro-levels and included supply constraints,
budget caps, price controls, and public management and coordination reforms.
The Italian experience of the 1990s demonstrates that control of prices and cost
sharing can be effective tools for cost containment in the short run. Whether or
not these measures yield durable savings, however, is questionable. What appears
to have been crucial to the success of Italys cost containment was the shared rec-
ognition that, in contrast with past experience, the central government would not
bail out regional health systems burdened with large deficits. In the Netherlands,
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Gupta, Clements, and Coady 15
the budgetary reform in the hospital sector in the 1980s seemed to have slowed the
growth of public health expenditures. Greater use of budget caps and pharmaceu-
tical reform in the mid-1990s reduced public health expenditures substantially.
However, the history of reform in the Netherlands indicates that implementing
radical reform of the system is difficult and takes time. The reforms of the 1980s
and the early 1990s in Sweden show that budget caps and public management and
coordination reforms, in particular those related to strengthening accountability
under decentralization, were successful in reining in spending. However, market
mechanisms were needed to counter some negative consequences for supply and
to improve efficiency. The United Kingdom experienced slower or negative spend-
ing growth in the late 1970s and in the 1980s. Consolidating the health system by
eliminating area health authorities and introducing new management practices
appears to have contributed to the containment of expenditure growth. The major
slowdown in health spending in the United States in the 1990s was attributable to
the widespread adoption of managed care, which introduced gatekeeping and
utilization reviews into the system. Negotiated prices for health services between
the managed care plans and providers also contributed to slower growth in health
care costs.
Chapter 11, by Ii, focuses on the Japanese health care system. Japan is often
considered to be an efficient system in light of having the world’s highest life
expectancies and relatively low health care expenditures (Murray, 2011;
Hashimoto and others, 2011). However, health care expenditures in Japan are
underestimated, because expenditures not covered by public insurance are
excluded from total health expenditures. This underestimation could be as large
as one-third of the total expenditures. One of the challenges Japan is facing is to
contain escalating expenditures for the elderly. These outlays receive substantial
subsidies from both central and local governments and transfers from other
insurers, but a sustainable financing mechanism for the elderly is still lacking.
Another concern is the high number of hospital beds per capita and long hospi-
tal stays. One of the reasons for this situation is the lack of an efficient primary
care system, as there is no clear distinction between primary care physicians and
specialists. Low cost sharing and the fee-for-service system may have contributed
to the problem as well. Japans health insurance system also needs reforms. The
responsibility of municipalities as insurers, for example, remains ambiguous.
Furthermore, insurers should act as more than just payers, but also be involved
in improving the efficiency of health care delivery. This could be done by exclud-
ing inefficient providers from their list of service providers to promote competi-
tion, developing clinical standards, and guiding investment decisions for
expensive medical equipment.
In Chapter 12, Kwon assesses several important health care reforms in the
Republic of Korea over the past decade designed to expand coverage, contain costs,
and improve efficiency. These reforms include the merger of health insurance
societies to a single-payer system, which reduced the inequity and inefficiency
associated with fragmented insurance systems, increased risk pooling, and lowered
administrative costs. Other reforms in Korea include the separation of drug
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16 The Challenge of Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies
prescribing from drug dispensing, which reduced the financial incentives for over-
prescribing. Some elements of this reform, however, were diluted in light of
physician opposition. Physician opposition also stopped the nationwide imple-
mentation of diagnosis-related groups (DRG)–based payments. This pushed the
government to increase physician fees to compensate for loss of their incomes
resulting from pharmaceutical reform. Another important reform has been the
establishment of long-term care (LTC) insurance for the elderly, which was a
response to population aging. LTC insurance is financed by a combination of
premium contribution, government subsidies, and copayments. Eligibility for
LTC is based on the age and functional status
of the patient. LTC insurance pro-
vides mostly in-kind benefits; cash benefits are provided only in exceptional cases
where necessary to provide choice and promote competition among formal and
informal caregivers. The challenges facing LTC include financial sustainability and
coordination of care between health care insurance and LTC insurance. The chap-
ter also indicates that the share of private health expenditures in total expenditures
has decreased as a result of the expansion of health insurance. However, the impact
of these reforms was tempered by the rapid increase in the prices of health services
not covered by insurance, which are not regulated by the government. To contain
rapidly growing pharmaceutical spending, the National Health Insurance
Corporation negotiates prices with manufacturers instead of using formula-based
pricing. However, generic prices in Korea are still among the highest in the
OECD. In addition to prices, it is also important to control the volume and mix
of brand name and generic drugs through regulations. In particular, these regula-
tions should target the prescribing behavior of physicians or provide financial
incentives for them to prescribe in a cost-effective way.
Chapter 13, by Stolpe, provides an overview of health care reforms in
Germany since the 1980s. It argues that the increase in health care spending, as a
share of GDP, is attributable to the country’s unification in 1990. A wide variety
of policy approaches and complementary reform elements have been discussed
and introduced in Germany, including budget caps, market mechanisms, and
pecuniary incentives. Many useful lessons can be drawn from the reform experi-
ences of Germany. Budget caps can reduce spending for a short period of time,
but are less effective in keeping spending low in the long run if the underlying
causes of spending growth are not addressed. Market mechanisms, on the other
hand, require the correct alignment of incentives and behaviors.
Germanys experience with different reforms has been mixed. The risk adjust-
ment scheme, which was mainly based on age and sex, did not work well because
of cream skimming by sickness funds. The morbidity-based risk adjustment
scheme, known as Morbi-RSA, has fared better; it has substantially reduced sick-
ness funds’ incentives for risk selection, and even made some chronic diseases
financially attractive for the risk pool. It remains to be seen whether Morbi-RSA
Functional status refers to an individual’s ability to perform normal daily activities required to meet
basic needs, fulfill usual roles, and maintain health and well-being.
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Gupta, Clements, and Coady 17
will provide sufficient flexibility to adjust its payment schedule in response to
new medical technologies that could change the relative costs and benefits of
treating specific diseases. Sickness funds’ collective monopsony power vis-à-vis
Germanys regional physicians’ associations has long been effective in containing
the cost of physician services in statutory health insurance (SHI). More recently,
DRGs have helped to contain the cost of hospital care and triggered important
changes in hospitals’ competitive behaviors and management strategies. In the
pharmaceutical sector, reference prices for generics alone have had ambiguous
effects. Average prices of pharmaceuticals used in SHI began to decline substan-
tially only after sickness funds were given the freedom to negotiate volume
rebates. In sum, despite some setbacks, reforms in Germany have been successful
in containing spending growth while maintaining high quality health care.
In Chapter 14, Cheng describes the health reform experience of Taiwan
Province of China and discusses the lessons learned. Taiwan Province of China
introduced a single-payer, government-run health insurance system in 1995 and
achieved near universal coverage in less than a year. The delivery system, however,
is largely private. The system is financed through a combination of government
revenues, payroll taxes, household premium contributions, and cost sharing. The
premium contributions vary by population groups, with government subsidies for
the disadvantaged. Cost sharing varies by type of service and facility and consti-
tutes around 37 percent of total health care spending. The extensive use of health
information technology helps keep administrative costs low, at 1.3 percent of the
National Health Insurance (NHI) budget. Private insurance plays a minor role,
often in the form of a cash indemnity policy which provides cash benefits when
insured contingency events occur. The system has so far received a high satisfac-
tion rate from the population, with evidence pointing to improvements in health
outcomes. One challenge for the health system in Taiwan Province of China thus
far has been the financial stability of the NHI fund, as it has often been difficult
to raise contribution rates to finance spending increases.
Several important lessons can be learned from the reform experience of Taiwan
Province of China. First, total health care spending can effectively be controlled
through global budgets and the government’s ability to set and control prices in
a single-payer system. Second, a single-payer system provides an excellent plat-
form for achieving equity and adopting a uniform health information system.
Third, a single-payer system can also perform well in terms of promoting choice
when it is combined with private provision. In such a system, high productivity
can be achieved through competing for patients on quality, not on prices. Fourth,
the reform experience of Taiwan Province of China suggests that solid economic
growth before, during, and after implementation of a universal health insurance
scheme is important for the establishment and subsequent funding of the scheme.
Despite the successes of this system, there is scope for further improvement.
The reform agenda should focus on building the capacity for comparative effec-
tiveness analysis and health technology assessments, moving from fee-for-service
payment to capitation payments, and addressing the challenges arising from non-
communicable diseases and long-term care.
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18 The Challenge of Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies
Part V: Country Case Studies: Emerging Economies
In Chapter 15, Rao and Choudhury analyze the Indian health care system, which
has been facing numerous challenges. These include low levels of public spending
on health and poor-quality services, the low health status of the population, an
inadequate focus on preventive care, high out-of-pocket spending, and large dis-
parities across states. Several recent reform initiatives were introduced to address
these challenges. The National Rural Health Mission, a comprehensive program
to improve access to effective health care for the poor in rural areas, would
increase health care spending by 1 to 2 percent of GDP between 2005 and 2012.
However, there are a number of problems with its design and implementation:
(1) the method for allocating spending did not adequately take into account the
needs of states; (2) the requirement for states to match funds to help finance
higher spending was not clear; and (3) there was a failure to execute the planned
increase in spending, which was hampered by states’ inability to make matching
contributions. As a result, the impact of the program on health spending and
outcomes has been negligible. An insurance scheme, Rashtriya Swasthya Bima
Yojana, was introduced by the Union Labor Ministry to provide financial protec-
tion against high out-of-pocket expenditures. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana,
jointly funded by the central government and the states, covers selected hospital-
ization and daycare expenses for the population below poverty line. However,
program participation has been low at less than 50 percent. The limited success
of these programs has largely reflected the fiscal constraints that both the central
government and the states have been facing. In fact, econometric analysis suggests
that states significantly reduced their own health expenditures when they received
transfers from the central government, with an elasticity close to one.
In Chapter 16, Jongudomsuk and colleagues review how institutional capacity
in health policy and health system research was gradually strengthened in
Thailand. They also explain how evidence was translated into policy decisions
and practice and guided health financing reforms, using two policy reforms as
illustrations: the provider payment reform of the Civil Servant Medical Benefit
Scheme and the inclusion of new health interventions in the benefit package for
universal coverage. Factors that were central to Thailand’s success in capacity
building included strong national ownership, local initiative, and reliance on local
resources for conducting policy-driven research. One indication of this success is
the growth in the number of qualified researchers, as a result of collaboration and
resource sharing within Thailand, international collaboration, and consistent sup-
port for capacity building by strategic partners such as the London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Also important were a number of infrastructure
developments, including the creation of national health accounts, studies on the
burden of diseases, and the strengthening of hospital administrative data and
national household survey data sets for monitoring progress. These developments
provided platforms for regular monitoring and informed decision making.
Translating evidence into policy decisions required a systematic, transparent, and
participatory process. An official subcommittee was established to examine the
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Gupta, Clements, and Coady 19
benefit package and has been an effective forum where evidence has informed
policy decisions in a transparent and deliberate manner.
Shang and Jenkner, in Chapter 17, provide case studies for Estonia, Hungary,
China, Chile, and Mexico. Health care systems and reform experiences vary sub-
stantially across these economies, and the case studies illuminate both successes
and remaining weaknesses in these systems. Each case study provides an overview
of the health care system and comparative data on key health indicators relative
to the appropriate comparator group, a description of the experience with health
reforms, remaining challenges, and lessons. After independence, Estonia intro-
duced a compulsory social health insurance system, reformed primary care, and
reduced the size of the hospital sector. Provision is now both public and private,
while funding is predominantly public through mandatory contributions.
Challenges remain, including shortages of health professionals, cost pressures, and
high lifestyle-related risks. However, the Estonian experience illustrates the advan-
tages of global budgets and a single health insurance fund as effective tools in
containing public health spending and exploiting risk pooling. Hungary under-
went similar reforms after its transition to a market economy, and its health sys-
tem today relies largely on public financing and provision. It also faces cost pres-
sures, high lifestyle-related risks, and an inefficient use of health care resources,
reflected in an excessive use of tertiary and specialty care. This demonstrates the
key importance of setting the right incentives for provider payment systems to
ensure efficiency.
China has achieved good health outcomes with relatively low health care
spending during the last 60 years, and it has recently taken major steps to expand
coverage. However, many challenges remain, including high out-of-pocket spend-
ing, wide inequalities, and inefficient use of resources. Chinas reform experience
indicates that an incremental approach can be an effective way to expand coverage
and access to care. It also demonstrates the importance of preventive care and
public health services and the need for payment reforms to improve system effi-
ciency. Chile has achieved almost universal health care coverage through a manda-
tory social security system and explicit health care guarantees, but financing and
provision are both mixed, and the health system is de facto segmented. One major
challenge of the Chilean health care model is the inequity in the quality of care
between the public and private system. Chiles success in extending coverage and
sharply improving health outcomes is the product of strong fiscal and economic
performance, efficient institutions, and a political consensus to provide care to all.
By contrast, in Mexico , universal health care coverage has yet to be achieved. The
health care system was segmented between many public and private insurers and
providers. As a result, high fragmentation, inequality of access, and high admin-
istrative costs are crucial challenges for Mexico. Also of concern is the high level
of OOP spending, which accounts for half of total health outlays. Going forward,
the system of social protection in health has aimed at reducing the fragmentation
of the system and achieving universal coverage based on affordable family insur-
ance, or Seguro Popular.
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Benedict Clements, David Coady,
and Sanjeev Gupta
The Economics of Public
Health Care Reform in Advanced
and Emerging Economies
Excerpt: The Economics of Public Health Care
Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies
With this book, the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department has done a tremendous global
service. Through case studies and cross-national comparisons, we learn the pub-
lic policies that work to reduce health care cost growth and improve efficiency.
This book is a must read for anyone interested in understanding the extent of the
global health crisis, and—more importantly—what nations can do about it.
—Dana P. Goldman
Professor and Norman Topping Chair in Medicine
and Public Policy, University of Southern California
This volume includes projections of future trends in health care costs for coun-
tries at widely varying stages of development and extensive evaluations of their
past experiences with health reforms. The range of coverage is unprecedented,
and the lessons drawn from those efforts provide useful guidance for future
policy—what might work, and what will not.
—Barry P. Bosworth
Senior Fellow and Robert V. Roosa Chair, Brookings Institution
In this book many leading economists review the experience of advanced and
emerging economies in addressing health care cost growth and distill lessons
that are aimed at both Ministries of Finance and Ministries of Health. The book
is an excellent compendium of current thinking.
—Joseph P. Newhouse
John D. MacArthur Professor of Health Policy and Management, Harvard University
There is a surprising lack of evidence on how best to manage the macroeco-
nomic and fiscal challenges posed by a burgeoning public health sector. This
important book brings together evidence from many of the world’s leading
experts to present reform experience from a wide range of settings, and draw
lessons for future policy.
—Peter C. Smith
Professor of Health Policy, Imperial College London
The appropriate way to balance the goals of equality, efficiency, and afford-
ability is a subject of intense debate. This volume steps into this arena with rea-
soned analysis and clear, cogent analytics. A major accomplishment.
—David M. Cutler
Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics, Harvard University