As the green flag descends,
43 cars emblazoned with
multicolored decals acceler-
ate to race speed amid the
deafening roar of thousands
of fans. The smell of rubber
permeates the air as the dri-
vers immediately jockey for position. Only one driver will
emerge victorious when the checkered flag lowers a
few hours and several hundred miles later.
Welcome to NASCAR—the uniquely Ameri-
can sport. NASCAR stands for the National
Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, and it
began in 1947. NASCAR has exploded in pop-
ularity in recent years. It is a dangerous and
exhilarating sport. The cars are loud and
fast. The drivers are as popular as movie
stars. And underneath the hood of every
car, chemical reactions are occurring
at a furious pace.
The drivers and mechanics
who work daily with these cars
thoroughly understand the
science behind them. And to
make things even more chal-
lenging, the rules change con-
stantly, sometimes weekly.
These constant rule changes
force race teams to modify their
cars accordingly. And on top of
that, each NASCAR track is dif-
ferent, creating the need for
adjustments to be made to the car, depending on the challenges of
each particular track.
The skeleton of every NASCAR car is the frame. The frame is tubu-
lar and is purchased prefabricated from the manufacturer. It is made of
steel tubing—some round and some square. The thickness can vary,
but the thickest part surrounds the driver and comprises the roll cage,
which protects the driver in case of a collision. The front and rear tubing
the thinnest and designed to crush in case of a collision. This protects
the driver, as the collapsible frame absorbs the bulk of the energy of a
collision, as opposed to the driver. The frame is also designed to force
the engine downward and onto the ground in case of a severe collision,
and not into the driver.
Every NASCAR car has a few stock parts—hence the name stock
car—but these are strictly cosmetic. A stock part is a part that is made
in an assembly line by the manufacturer. The only stock parts are the
hood, roof, trunk lid, and front grill. The rest of the car is custom made.
Each NASCAR car must use stock parts exclusively from one of the fol-
lowing: Chevrolet Monte Carlo, Ford Fusion, Pontiac Grand Prix, or
Dodge Charger. Beyond that, the cars bear little resemblance to their
A NASCAR car contains no glass, no doors, no back or passenger
seats, no headlights, no brake lights, no speedometer, no gas gauge,
no muffler, no stereo, no air conditioning, no glove compartment, no
horn, and no air bags! Instead of headlights, stickers are affixed to the
front of the car to resemble its parent stock car. The steering wheel is
detachable, making it easier to enter and exit the car. You do not need
a key to start a NASCAR race car—you simply flip a switch and the
engine roars to life.
Playing it safe
Safety is paramount in the construction of every feature of a
NASCAR automobile. The windshield is made of Lexan, a very soft but
4 ChemMatters, FEBRUARY 2007
The Science of NASCAR
t your
t your
By Brian Rohrig
ChemMatters, FEBRUARY 2007 5
durable material. It is so soft that it can
be easily dented or scratched, but it will not
shatter. It is covered with layers of thin adhe-
sive transparent film to prevent it from being
damaged during a race. If a layer of film
becomes scratched or dirty during the race,
it can be quickly peeled off during a pit stop.
Lexan is made from a thermoplastic polymer
known as polycarbonate. Thermoplastics
soften upon heating. Lexan is also used to
make iPods, CDs, and DVDs, and the sturdy
water bottles used by hikers. It is so strong
that it is the chief component of bulletproof
On the driver’s side is nylon webbing in
place of a window, which is designed to keep
the driver’s hands and arms inside the car
during a collision. It is equipped with a quick-
release mechanism in case a quick exit from
the car is required.
All drivers
must wear a helmet,
which is specially
designed for them,
and is designed to
protect their head in
case of an accident.
Racing helmets are made
of three main parts. The
hard outer shell is
coated with a composite
of carbon, glass and
Kevlar. Kevlar is an extremely
tough polymer that is also used
in bulletproof vests. A foam liner
made either of polystyrene or polypropy-
lene is underneath this layer, and is found in
the crown of the helmet. The form-fitting inner
liner is composed of either nylon or Nomex, a
fire-resistant material. Nomex is also used in
firefighters’ gear and will not burn even if
soaked in gasoline! The chinstraps are made
of Kevlar, and the visor is made from Lexan.
All helmets are designed to withstand 300 Gs
of force.
Drivers are held in place with a five-point
harness, similar to that found in a child’s car
seat. The seats hug the body and are custom
made for each driver. They protect the driver’s
rib cage during an accident. Some seats wrap
around a driver’s shoulders as well.
After the tragic death of legendary driver
Dale Earnhardt in the 2001 Daytona 500,
NASCAR mandated the use of a head and
neck support (HANS) device to further protect
the driver. Earnhardt died due to a fracture at
the base of the skull after a 180 mph head-on
collision into the wall during the last lap of
the race. Earnhardt’s death could possibly
have been prevented if he had been wearing
such a device.
The gas tank—fuel cell in NASCAR ter-
minology—generally holds 22 gallons of
gasoline. It is composed of an inner elastic
bladder made of a thermoplastic elastomer
surrounded by an outer layer of steel. The
term elastomer is often used interchangeably
with the term rubber. Elastomer comes from
two terms: elastic (describing the ability of a
material to return to its original shape when a
load is removed) and mer (from polymer, in
which poly means many and mer means
parts). The tank is filled with polyurethane
foam, which prevents the fuel from sloshing
around. In case of an explosion, the foam
would absorb some of the impact. In case a
car does burst into flames, the driver is pro-
tected. All drivers wear fire-retardant long
underwear, as well as a fire-resistant jumpsuit
and gloves made from Nomex.
Most cars are equipped with a cooling
system that blows cool air into the driver’s
helmet and over his body. Sometimes, dry ice
(solid carbon dioxide) is used in the car,
which greatly increases the rate of cooling of
the air flowing over it. This constant stream of
air cools the driver through the endothermic
process of evaporation. Evaporation of water
absorbs energy, so when sweat evaporates, it
removes energy from the skin, creating a
cooling effect. Sweating does not cool you if it
cannot evaporate, explaining why it feels so
uncomfortable during days of high humidity
when little evaporation can occur because the
air is already saturated with water vapor.
Without these cooling systems, temperatures
could easily reach 150 °F (66 °C) within a car
during a race.
The engine
The soul of every NASCAR car is its
engine. NASCAR cars have 8 cylinders, as do
the largest and most powerful passenger vehi-
cles. A cylinder is a space within an engine
where the piston moves up and down. You
can tell how many cylinders an engine has by
the number of spark plugs. Each cylinder con-
tains one spark plug. If the 8 cylinders are
arranged in a “V” pattern, the engine is a V-8
NOMEX meta-aramid[poly(meta-phenyleneisophthalamide)]
Synthesis of NOMEX
Cockpit showing head and neck support device.
6 ChemMatters, FEBRUARY 2007
(which has nothing to do with the vegetable
juice). The V shape is designed to reduce
engine vibration, as the vibrations that the pis-
tons produce are cancelled out through
destructive interference. The V shape maxi-
mizes this destructive interference, thus
reducing engine vibration.
The volume of each cylinder is known as
its displacement. You may recall from your
geometry class that the volume of a cylinder is
found by the formula V = πr
h. By adding up
the total volume of all the cylinders in the car,
the total displacement of the engine is deter-
mined, which is commonly referred to as the
engine size. A typical NASCAR car has an
engine displacement of anywhere from 5735
cc to 5867 cc (350 to 358 cubic inches). That
means each cylinder has a displacement of
717–733 cc—a little smaller than a 1-L bottle.
1 cubic centimeter = 1 cc = 1 cm
= 1 mL
Within each cylinder is a piston, which is
a rounded piece of cylindrical metal specially
fitted to move up and down rapidly within the
cylinder. As the cylinder moves upward, any
gases within the cylinder are compressed. As
the cylinder moves downward, the gases
within the cylinder expand. Boyle’s Law states
that as the pressure on a gas increases, its
volume decreases, and likewise as the pres-
sure on a gas decreases, its volume increases.
Attached to a piston is a connecting rod,
which is attached to the crankshaft. The
crankshaft rotates very quickly. So the up-
and-down motions of the pistons are con-
verted into the rotational motion of the
crankshaft, which is what ultimately
causes the tires to spin. The faster the
pistons move up and down, the faster
the crankshaft rotates. And the faster the
crankshaft rotates, the faster your car
goes. So to get a 3400 lb (1545 kg)
NASCAR race car up to a speed of 200
mph (321 kilometers per hour), those
pistons must be moving up and down
very fast.
Burn, baby burn
What causes the pistons to move up
and down within the cylinders? That’s
where chemistry comes into place. A
mixture of fuel and air within each cylin-
der is ignited by a spark from the spark
plug. As the fuel combusts, it undergoes
a chemical reaction, yielding gaseous
byproducts. Gasoline can only burn if it is
in the vapor state; technically, liquid gaso-
line doesn’t burn, it is the vapor above the liq-
uid that burns. The chemical equation for the
combustion of the octane within gasoline is as
2 C
+ 25 O
16 CO
+ 18 H
The reaction is also highly exothermic,
causing these gases to expand greatly. This
expansion pushes against the piston, causing
it to move downward. Each of the following
eight cylinders will then fire, and once all eight
cylinders fire, the process repeats itself over
again. These cylinders fire hundreds of times
per minute, in rapid succession. NASCAR cars
do not have a muffler, explaining why they are
so loud. If the exhaust has to pass through a
muffler, it takes longer to exit the car, reduc-
ing the amount of power.
Don’t come knocking
What type of fuel do these engines use?
Unlike Indy race cars, which use pure
methanol (CH
OH), NASCAR race cars use
gasoline, but not the same type that your car
uses. They use leaded 110-octane gasoline.
The lead is in the form of a compound known
as tetraethyl lead (Pb(CH
), which
reduces engine knocking. Knocking is the
loud, metallic clanging that accompanies
preignition of fuel in the cylinders before the
proper time. Under certain conditions, as gas
is compressed in the cylinder, it may ignite
before the spark plug fires. A small amount of
improves the performance of the
gas, preventing it from igniting as it is com-
pressed. Before the 1970s, almost all of the
gas in the United States was leaded, but
is now outlawed in the United
States and many other countries as a gasoline
additive because it is an environmental conta-
minant that has been linked to a wide range of
neurological and other disorders (ChemMat-
ters, 1983 Vol. 1(4)). NASCAR officials have
announced a plan to switch to an unleaded
high octane formulation by 2008.
The octane rating you see posted on a
gas pump such as 93 Octane or 87 Octane is
determined by a formula that represents the
average resistance of the gas to engine knock.
Another way to look at it is the rating tells you
how much the fuel can be compressed before
it will spontaneously ignite. The higher the
octane rating, the more gas can be com-
pressed in the cylinders before ignition. The
Eight-cylinder V8 engine.
An average pit stop involving the changing of all four tires and a full tank of fuel can take between 13
and 15 seconds.
more fuel is compressed, the more fuel is
burned per unit time, which means more
energy is released, and that means more power!
Octane, C
(sometimes called n-
octane or normal octane), is a hydrocarbon
that can be compressed fairly well without
igniting. Isooctane, an isomer of octane, is
even better at being compressed without
igniting, so it is used in regular gasoline and
is given the value of 100 in the octane rating
The other major component of gasoline
is n-heptane, and it is assigned an octane rat-
ing of 0. An octane rating of 87 means the
mixture has the same resistance to preignition
or that it will burn as rapidly as a mixture of
87% isooctane and 13% n-heptane.
Why does isooctane resist preignition
better than octane? Well, isooctane is a more
stable compound than octane, so the com-
bustion of isooctane requires greater activa-
tion energy than for n-octane. Therefore,
isooctane is less likely to ignite due to
increased pressure alone.
So how in the world can race cars use
a fuel with an octane rating of 110? Does
this mean you can have 110% isooctane in
your fuel? That would be impossible! This
high octane rating refers to the performance
of the gasoline compared to 100% octane.
110-octane fuel gives a performance 10%
better than fuel containing 100% octane by
using a high percentage of isooctane and a
combination of other additives, including
tetraethyl lead.
Tires play an integral role in any
NASCAR race. A typical car can go through
40 tires in one race! The tires are very thin—
only about a quarter of an inch thick. If they
were any thicker, they would get too hot due
to friction between the tire and the track and
would melt. Another difference between
these tires and normal passenger tires is that
NASCAR tires have no tread. They are com-
pletely smooth. The smooth surface means
more surface area is in contact with the road,
producing better traction. The tires actually
become so hot that they do melt
slightly, becoming sticky, which
further increases traction.
The tires are often
underinflated when they are
first installed on a car, and
after a few laps, the tires heat
up and the pressure becomes
greater. Tires can experience
an increase in pressure of
10–20 psi (pounds per square
inch) during a race! This is in accordance with
Gay-Lussac’s Law, which states that the pres-
sure of a gas increases as its temperature
increases. As the temperature goes up, the
kinetic energy of the particles increases,
which increases the number of collisions and
thus the pressure. Even when hot, the tires
will generally be under lower pressure than
you will find on a typical passenger car, so as
to increase the surface area of the tire in con-
tact with the road, further increasing its grip.
Because the tires have no tread, a typical
NASCAR race cannot be held in the rain or the
cars would have no traction whatsoever.
Another difference between NASCAR
tires and normal tires is that NASCAR tires are
filled with nitrogen, not normal air (Question
From the Classroom, ChemMatters February
2006). Compressed nitrogen contains less
moisture than normal air. As the tires become
heated during the race, any moisture in the
tire can vaporize and expand, causing a
noticeable increase in tire pressure. Changes
in tire pressure can greatly affect the handling
of a car. Using normal air that has been dried
is another way to reduce moisture content in
the air, but this is more difficult to accomplish
than just using compressed nitrogen. Despite
these precautions, blowouts do occur. To pre-
vent cars from careening out of control during
a blowout, most NASCAR tires contain an
inner liner than allows the car to make a con-
trolled stop.
And the winner is …
When the checkered flag lowers and the
race is over, the winner will invariably thank
his entire team for winning the race. Behind
every driver is a successful crew. The chem-
istry between the driver and his crew is every
bit as important as the chemistry that goes on
under the hood.
ChemMatters, FEBRUARY 2007 7
n-heptane (C
Burt, William. Behind the Scenes of NASCAR
Racing. Motorbooks International: St.
Paul, MN, 2003.
Miller, Timothy and Milton, Steven. NASCAR
Now. Firefly Books, Inc.: Buffalo, NY,
Van Valkenburgh, Paul. Race Car
Engineering and Mechanics. Paul Van
Valkenburgh: Seal Beach, CA, 2000.
Brian Rohrig teaches at Jonathan Alder High
School in Plain City, OH. His most recent
ChemMatters article, “Thermometers,” appeared in
the December 2006 issue.
n-octane (C
) isooctane (C
Average Life: 150 mi Average Life: 50,000 mi