Fair Work Act 2009
s.185—Enterprise agreement
The Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales Limited
Educational services
Application for approval of the Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-
Enterprise Agreement 2021.
[1] An application has been made for approval of a multi-enterprise agreement known as
the Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
(the Agreement). The application was made pursuant to s.185 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the
Act). It has been made by The Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales
[2] I am satisfied that each of the requirements of ss 186, 187 and 188 as are relevant to
this application for approval have been met.
[3] The Independent Education Union of Australia, being a bargaining representative for
the Agreement, has given notice under s 183 of the Act that it wants the Agreement to cover
it. In accordance with s 201(2), the Commission notes that the Agreement covers this
[4] The Agreement is approved and, in accordance with s.54 of the Act, will operate from
11 March 2022. The nominal expiry date of the Agreement is 31 January 2025.
[2022] FWCA 794
[2022] FWCA 794
Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer
<AE515238 PR739043>
Independent Schools NSW
Teachers (Hybrid Model)
Multi-Enterprise Agreement
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 2
PART A Application and Operation
1. Title
This Agreement shall be known as the Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model)
Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021.
2. Arrangement
This Agreement is arranged as follows:
1. Title
2. Arrangement
3. Definitions
4. Scope and Parties Bound
5. Commencement Date of Agreement and Period of Operation
6. Salary Scales
7. Remuneration Package
8. Promotions Positions
9. Terms of Engagement
10. Pro Rata Payment for Non-Term Time
11. Annual Leave Loading
12. Leave Entitlements
12.1 Personal/Carers Leave
12.2 Parental Leave
12.3 Long Service Leave
12.4 Compassionate Leave
12.5 Unpaid Compassionate Leave Casual Teachers
12.6 Military Reserve Leave
12.7 Examination/Study Leave
12.8 Jury Service
12.9 Family and Domestic Violence Leave
12.10 Paid Natural Disaster Leave
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 3
13. Teacher Skill Development
14. Disputes Procedure
15. Superannuation
16. Suspension
17. No Extra Claims
18. Union Representatives
19. Flexibility Clause
20. Requests for Flexible Working Arrangements
PART B Monetary Rates
Attachment A : Teacher Classifications
Attachment B: Consultation and Redundancy
Attachment C: Particular Conditions for Teachers employed in Preschools and other
Early Childhood Services
Attachment D: Legal Entities and Schools covered by this Agreement
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 4
3. Definitions
For the purpose of this Agreement:
(a) Act means the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).
(b) Agreement means Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-
Enterprise Agreement 2021.
(c) Award means the Educational Services (Teachers) Award 2020.
(d) Casual Teacher means a Teacher who is engaged as a casual employee (as defined
in the Act) for a period not exceeding four weeks. Provided that such casual
engagement may continue beyond four weeks for a further four weeks where the
Casual Teacher is replacing a Teacher absent for a period which extends beyond four
weeks (and such longer absence was not anticipated when the Casual Teacher was
(e) Conditionally Accredited Teacher means a Teacher who is conditionally accredited
under the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004 (NSW).
(f) Degree Course means a course of study at a recognised higher education institution
of at least three years full-time duration, or its part-time equivalent.
(g) Deputy Principal means a Teacher appointed as such in a primary or secondary
department, who assists the Principal in his/her responsibility for the conduct and
organisation of the school.
(h) Employer means an Employer covered by this Agreement.
(i) Equivalent qualifications or equivalent course means qualification or a course
which is specified by Attachment A of this Agreement as being equivalent to a
particular qualification or course prescribed by this Agreement, which the school and
the Teacher agree as being equivalent to the qualification or course prescribed by the
clause in question in this Agreement or which the Fair Work Commission determines
as being so equivalent.
(j) Experienced Teacher means a Teacher who is accredited at Proficient Teacher level
under the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004 (NSW) or the ACT Teacher Quality Institute
Act 2010 (ACT) and has maintained that level of accreditation for at least five full time
equivalent years in NSW and four full time equivalent years in the ACT, and has been
assessed by ISTAA as meeting the ISTAA Experienced Teacher Standards (as
agreed between the Union and the Association of Independent Schools of NSW),
subject to the provisions of clauses 6.2 and 6.3.
(k) Five Years Trained Teacher means a Teacher who is:
(i) A Teacher who has obtained a degree from a recognised higher education
institution which requires a minimum of four years full-time study and who has,
in addition, satisfactorily completed at least a one year full-time course in
teacher education including a Diploma in Education from a recognised higher
education institution; or
(ii) A Teacher who is a graduate and who in addition:
(A) obtains by study a Master’s Degree or Doctorate, from a recognised
higher education institution and satisfactorily completes at least a one
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 5
year full-time course in teacher education including a Diploma in
Education from a recognised higher education institution, or
(B) satisfactorily completes a two year full-time equivalent Master of
Teaching degree; or
(iii) A Teacher who is a graduate in Education [five year course]; or
(iv) Teacher who has obtained other equivalent qualifications as defined in
paragraph (i) above.
(l) Four Years Trained Teacher means:
(i) A Teacher who is a graduate in Education [four year course]; or
(ii) A Teacher who is a graduate who holds a Diploma in Education from a
recognised higher education institution; or
(iii) A Teacher who is a graduate who has satisfactorily completed at least a one
year full-time course in teacher education at a recognised higher education
institution, or who has acquired other equivalent qualifications; or
(iv) A Teacher who has acquired other equivalent qualifications as defined in
paragraph (i) above; or
(v) A Teacher who is not otherwise classified.
(m) Full-Time Teacher means any Teacher other than a Casual or Part-Time Teacher.
(n) Graduate Teacher in NSW means a Teacher who holds a degree from a higher
education institution or has acquired other equivalent qualifications as defined in
paragraph (i) above. Graduate Teacher in the ACT means a Teacher who has been
awarded Provisional Registration by the ACT Teacher Quality Institute.
(o) Head of School means a Teacher, senior to a Deputy Principal, appointed to manage
a campus of a multi-campus school, such campus being geographically or
organisationally distinct from the main campus of the school provided that the position
of Head of School is remunerated at a rate at least 20% above the maximum salary
and allowance payable from time to time pursuant to this Agreement.
(p) Highly Accomplished Teacher means a Teacher who has been classified as such
by NESA or TQI.
(q) ISTAA means the Independent Schools Teachers Accreditation Authority.
(r) NES means the National Employment Standards set out in Part 2-2 of the Fair Work
(s) NESA means the New South Wales Education Standards Authority.
(t) Part-Time Teacher means a Teacher who is engaged to work regularly, but for less
than a full school week and not more than 0.8 of the normal hours which a Full-Time
Teacher at the School is required to teach.
Provided that a Part-Time Teacher may work more than 0.8 of the normal full-time
load where an agreement has been reached by the parties. Such agreement shall be
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 6
in writing and shall include the length of the term of the arrangement and the
scheduling of time.
(u) Permit to Teach means a permit issued to a Teacher in the ACT pursuant to the ACT
Teacher Quality Institute Act 2010 (ACT).
(v) Positions of Special Responsibility:
(i) Co-ordinator 1 means a Teacher appointed as such in a primary or secondary
department who is:
(A) responsible for the co-ordination of a programme of work in an area of
instruction or other activity; or
(B) required to assist a Co-ordinator 2 in the performance of his/her duties;
(C) required to perform other duties, as determined by the Principal.
(ii) Co-ordinator 2 means a Teacher appointed as such in a primary or secondary
department who is responsible to the Principal for the co-ordination of a
programme of work in an area of instruction or other activity.
(iii) Co-ordinator 3 means a Teacher appointed as such in a primary or secondary
department who is responsible to the Principal for:
(A) the supervision of Co-ordinators 1 and 2, and Senior Teacher Level 2;
(B) the co-ordination and supervision of the academic programme of the
school in the secondary or primary departments or both; and/or
(C) the professional development of Teachers at the school; and/or
(D) other duties as required by the Principal.
(w) Primary Department means that section or division of the school which provides a
primary education [including infants], even if the school provides primary education
(x) Proficient Teacher means a Teacher who has been accredited as a Proficient
Teacher as required by NESA in NSW or who has full registration as required by TQI
in the ACT. Proficient Teacher shall be deemed to include a Teacher who has more
than two years of service and was not required by NESA or TQI to obtain Proficient
Teacher accreditation or registration because he or she was an existing teacher in
NSW in 2004 or in the ACT in 2011.
(y) Provisionally Accredited Teacher means in NSW a Teacher who is provisionally
accredited under the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004 (NSW). Provisionally
Accredited Teacher in the ACT means a Teacher who is provisionally registered
under the ACT Teacher Quality Institute Act 2010 (ACT).
(z) Recognised Higher Education Institution means an Australian university
recognised by the relevant Australian tertiary education authority from time to time or
a former college of advanced education recognised by the Tertiary Education
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 7
(aa) Recognised School means a school registered under the provisions of the Education
Act 1990 (NSW) or the Education Act 2004 (ACT) or any registered special school
within the meaning of either Act or school for students with a disability.
(bb) School Service Date means the usual commencement date of employment at the
School for Teachers who are to commence teaching on the first day of the first term.
The School will notify the Teacher in writing upon commencement of the School
Service Date that will apply to their employment.
(cc) Secondary Department means that section or division of the school which is not a
primary department, even if the school provides secondary education only.
(dd) Senior Teacher 1 means a Four Years or Five Years Trained Teacher who has
completed at least 12 months full-time service or its part-time equivalent on Step 13
and who has been awarded the classification by an employing authority.
(ee) Senior Teacher 2 means a Teacher appointed as such in a primary or secondary
department, who is responsible for developing and implementing outstanding
teaching practice and leadership with particular reference to the performance and
quality of Teachers in the school, or who is required to perform other duties of
comparable level (including in the area of pastoral care) requiring a high level of
professional expertise.
(ff) Teacher means a person employed as such to assist the Principal in the work of the
(gg) Temporary Teacher means a Teacher employed to work Full-Time or Part-Time for
a specified period which is at least four weeks but not more than a full school year.
Teachers may be engaged on a temporary basis for the following reasons:
(i) to undertake a funded project, initiative or specified task that is not expected to
continue beyond a full school year;
(ii) to replace a Teacher who is on leave or performing other duties temporarily; or
(iii) to replace a Teacher whose employment terminated after the commencement
of the school year.
Provided that where the replacement arrangement pursuant to subclause (gg)(ii)
extends beyond one full school year, the Teacher may be employed for a specific
period in excess of a full school year but not more than two full school years where
the Teacher is replacing a Teacher on leave for a specific period in excess of a full
school year.
A Teacher shall not be employed on a temporary basis unless any advertisement for
the position stated the position was temporary and the Teacher is advised in writing
at the point he or she is offered the position that it is temporary, the reason the
engagement is temporary and the length of engagement. A Teacher shall not be
engaged on a temporary basis for the purpose of probation.
(hh) TQI means the ACT Teacher Quality Institute established by the ACT Government
under the ACT Teacher Quality Institute Act 2010 (ACT).
(ii) Union means the Independent Education Union of Australia.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 8
4. Scope and Parties Bound
4.1 Parties Bound
Subject to clause 4.2, this Agreement shall cover:
(a) Employers listed in Attachment D Legal Entities and Schools Covered by this
Agreement in respect of schools listed in Attachment D; and
(b) Teachers as defined in clause 3(ff) employed at the schools in Attachment D Legal
Entities and Schools Covered by this Agreement, including at any preschool or
other early childhood service attached to or operated by the school.
4.2 Exclusions
This Agreement shall not apply to:
(a) persons appointed as Heads of School and Principals; and
(b) persons instructing students of the School in the areas of music or other individual
arts and engaged on an individual fee basis; and
(c) sports coaches and trainers (unless appointed as Teachers); and
(d) foreign language or LOTE Teachers engaged to instruct students on an individual
basis (e.g. conversation or other individual tuition); and
(e) persons employed as teacher’s aides, helpers, assistants or supervisors in or in
connection with child care, child minding centres, Before and After Care and Vacation
Care services; and
(f) psychologists or counsellors (unless appointed as Teachers); and
(g) teachers employed to work in early intervention services run by Aspect, and
(h) employees who are engaged for the purpose of religious instruction or supervision of
prayers or to undertake other religious duties of a non-teaching nature.
Except where such persons are employed specifically to teach classes of students in the
NESA Curriculum or other education programme or are degree qualified early childhood
Teachers; and
Provided further this Agreement shall not apply to Teachers employed in the Columba
Cottage Early Learning Centre and the Columba Collage Early Learning Centre OSHC
owned and operated by St Columba Anglican School Council Inc.
5. Commencement Date of Agreement and Period of Operation
(a) This Agreement commences on and from 1 February 2022 or seven days after the
date of approval by the Fair Work Commission, whichever is the later. The nominal
expiry date of this Agreement is 31 January 2025.
(b) This Agreement does not exclude the NES and the NES will continue to apply to the
extent that the Agreement is detrimental, in any respect, when compared to the NES.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 9
(c) The salaries, allowances and rates contained in Part B - Monetary Rates of this
Agreement do not commence until the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2022.
For the period between 1 February 2022 and the first full pay period on or after 1
February 2022, each Teacher covered by this Agreement shall be paid the relevant
rate of pay applicable from 1 February 2020 as set out in the Tables in Part B -
Monetary Rates.
(d) If the Agreement commences after the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2022,
the difference between the actual rate of pay received by a Teacher and the amounts
set out in this Agreement shall be paid to the Teacher as soon as practicable after
commencement of the Agreement.
6. Salary Scales
6.1 Salaries
The minimum annual rate of salary payable to Full-Time Teachers shall be as set out in Table
1A Salaries of Part B, Monetary Rates. Weekly salaries shall be ascertained by dividing
the annual salaries in Table 1A Salaries of Part B - Monetary Rates, by 52
6.2 Classifications
(a) A Teacher’s classification will be determined by the Teacher’s qualifications (a Four or Five
Years Trained Teacher), years of teaching service as defined in clause 6.3 and the
Teacher’s accreditation (the applicable Band) in accordance with the following table and
as determined in accordance with this clause.
Band Step Accreditation (or Equivalent) Status
Provisionally and Conditionally Accredited
Teachers in NSW and Graduate or
Provisionally Registered Teachers in the ACT
or Teachers who hold a permit to Teach in the
(who have not yet attained Proficient
Teacher as required by NESA or TQI).
Teachers accredited at the level of Proficient
Teacher by NESA or TQI; or
In NSW, a Teacher employed for the first time
in NSW prior to 1 October 2004 who has
completed 2 years of full-
time equivalent
service but less than 8 years of full-time
equivalent service.
Experienced Teacher accredited as such by
Experienced Teacher in accordance with
clause 6.2(e)(ii) or (iii) or (f)(i).
(b) Four Years Trained Teacher (Band 1 and Band 2)
A Four Years Trained Teacher shall commence on Step 5 of Band 1 and shall
progress according to years of full-time equivalent service to Step 7, provided that the
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 10
Teacher shall immediately progress from any step in Band 1 to Band 2 (Step 8) from
the first full pay period on or after the Teacher achieves Proficient Teacher
accreditation. The Teacher shall then progress according to full-time equivalent years
of service to Step 13.
(c) Five Years Trained Teacher (Band 1 and Band 2)
A Five Years Trained Teacher shall commence on Step 6 of Band 1 and shall progress
after a year of full-time equivalent service to Step 7, provided that the Teacher shall
immediately progress from any step in Band 1 to Band 2 (Step 8) from the first full pay
period on or after the Teacher achieves Proficient Teacher accreditation. The
Teacher shall then progress according to years of full-time equivalent service to Step
(d) Band 3
A Teacher will progress to Band 3 from the first full pay period on or after 1 February
in the year immediately after the Teacher has:
(i) achieved Proficient Teacher accreditation and maintained that level of
accreditation for at least five full-time equivalent years of service by the end of
the year in which the application is assessed in the case of Teachers for whom
such accreditation is required; and
(ii) been assessed by ISTAA as meeting the ISTAA Experienced Teacher
(e) A Teacher shall be advised at the time he or she is offered appointment to the School of
the step level, salary and Band applicable, determined as follows:
(i) A Teacher shall be placed on the step between Step 5 and Step 13 that is not
less than the step based on their existing years of service and accreditation in
accordance with clauses 6.2(b) and (c).
(ii) A Teacher who, immediately prior to their appointment, was employed in a
school covered by a Standards or Hybrid - 3 Band Agreement and was classified
to be an Experienced Teacher (Band 3) in accordance with the provisions of
that agreement, shall be placed on Band 3.
(iii) A Teacher who immediately prior to their appointment was employed at a school
covered by an industrial instrument which did not contain the classification of
Experienced Teacher will be classified as an Experienced Teacher on
appointment if:
(A) they had previously attained the classification of Senior Teacher 1; or
(B) in the case of a Teacher who commences employment on or after 1 January
2022, if the Teacher on appointment has completed 8 or more years of full-
time equivalent service as defined in clause 6.3.
(iv) A Teacher who has more than two years teaching service but does not have
Proficient Teacher status because he or she was an existing teacher in NSW
prior to 1 October 2004 and was not required to attain Proficient Teacher
accreditation, or because he or she has teaching service outside of NSW, will
be deemed to be Proficient Teacher for the purpose of this clause 6.2 only.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 11
(f) Savings Clause (for existing Teachers)
(i) Senior Teacher 1
A Teacher classified as Senior Teacher 1 as at 1 January 2018 will be classified
as Band 3.
(ii) A Teacher employed in a School that was covered by the provisions of the
Independent Schools NSW (Teachers) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2017 or the
Educational Services (Teachers) Modern Award 2020 immediately prior to the
Commencement Date of this Agreement:
(A) who held the classification of Senior Teacher 1 pursuant to the
Independent Schools NSW (Teachers) Multi-Enterprise Agreement
2017 will be classified as Band 3;
(B) who has completed 8 or more years of full-time equivalent service as
defined in clause 6.3, will be classified as Band 3;
(C) will not be paid less after the Commencement Date than they would have
otherwise received immediately prior to the Commencement Date.
(iii) In respect of Teachers employed by a School immediately prior to 30 March
2017, where that School was covered by the Independent Schools NSW
Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2017, the provisions of
clause 6.2(h) Savings Clause will operate as a term of this Agreement, in
respect of such Teachers who continue to be employed by that School.
6.3 Full-Time Equivalent Service
(a) For the purpose of this clause, full-time equivalent service means teaching service
equivalent to full-time teaching service in Recognised Schools or in schools certified
or registered under the appropriate legislation in other States or Territories of the
Commonwealth of Australia. For the purpose of calculating service:
(i) Any employment as a Full-Time Teacher (including employment as a
Temporary Full-Time Teacher), shall be counted as service;
(ii) The amount of service of a Part-Time Teacher (including a Temporary Part-
Time Teacher) shall be calculated by reference to the ratio which the number of
hours taught by the Teacher in any year bears to the normal number of hours
taught by a Full-Time Teacher at the school in the same year;
(iii) Casual Teachers shall be entitled to normal incremental progression on the
basis of one increment for each 204 days of service.
(b) In addition to service set out in clause 6.3(a):
(i) Teaching service of a Teacher in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland,
Canada and New Zealand; and
(ii) Teaching service of a Teacher in other English speaking countries in which the
Teacher Education Qualifications are recognised by NESA or TQI as equivalent
to qualifications from an Australian university, shall be recognised in accordance
with the principles set out in clause 6.3(a)(i) - (iii) and subject to the teaching
service being in a recognised school or equivalent.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 12
(c) If the School recognised on appointment prior teaching service other than as set out
above, such service shall be deemed to be equivalent teaching service with that
6.4 Special Education Allowance
Teachers appointed to teach classes of children with a disability in a registered school shall
be paid in addition to the salaries provided for in clause 6.1, an allowance set out in Item 1
of Table 2 Other Rates and Allowances of Part B - Monetary Rates. A Part-Time
Teacher shall receive the allowance set out in Item 2 of Table 2.
6.5 Payment Fortnightly / Monthly
(a) The salary payable to any Teacher other than a Casual Teacher pursuant to this
clause, shall be payable either fortnightly or, by mutual agreement, monthly provided
that payment must be two weeks in advance where paid monthly.
(b) Where the pay day for a monthly pay period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public
holiday, salaries shall be paid on the day not being a Saturday, Sunday or public
holiday immediately preceding said pay day.
(c) The salary payable to any Teacher, pursuant to this clause, shall be payable at the
election of the school by either cash, cheque or Electronic Funds Transfer into an
account-nominated by the Teacher.
6.6 Payment of Part-Time, Temporary and Casual Teachers
(a) Part-Time Teachers
(i) Subject to clause 6.6(a)(ii), a Part-Time Teacher, including a Temporary Part-
Time Teacher, shall be paid at the same rate as a Full-Time Teacher with the
corresponding classification but in that proportion which the number of hours
which are normal teaching hours bears to the hours which a Full-Time Teacher
at the School is normally required to teach.
(ii) A Part-Time Teacher/Librarian, including a Temporary Part-Time
Teacher/Librarian, shall be paid at the same rates as a full-time
Teacher/Librarian, with the corresponding classification, but in that proportion
which the number of hours which are the normal working hours bears to the
hours a Full-Time Teacher/Librarian at the school is normally required to work.
If there is no Full-Time Teacher/Librarian employed at the school, the proportion
shall be based upon the number of hours which a Full-Time Teacher/Librarian
at the school would be required to work if employed.
(iii) A Part-Time Teacher shall undertake the normal duties of a Full-Time Teacher
proportional to their face-to-face teaching load as required by the school over
the course of the year. The school will attempt to assist a Part-Time Teacher to
meet these requirements by consulting with the Teacher regarding the timing of
such commitments. If a Part-Time Teacher is required to attend duties on a day
that they do not normally attend and that attendance is in addition to their normal
pro rata duties the Teacher shall be paid for such attendance at the casual rate
of pay. In considering pro rata duties, regard will be had as to whether Teachers
at the school normally perform such duties in addition to, or in substitution for,
teaching duties.
(b) A Temporary Full-Time Teacher shall be paid at the same rate as that prescribed for
a Full-Time Teacher with corresponding classification.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 13
(c) Casual Teachers
(i) The salary payable to a Casual Teacher shall be the annual salary paid to a
Teacher on Step 8 Band 2 on the salary table in Table 1A Salaries of Part
B - Monetary Rates divided by 204 in the case of a daily payment and 408 in
the case of a half-day payment, plus 5%. These rates are set out in Part B,
Table 3Casual Rates of Part B - Monetary Rates.
(ii) The casual rates in clause 6.6(c)(i) include compensation for annual leave,
leave loading, paid personal and carer's leave, paid compassionate leave,
redundancy payments, and notice of termination.
6.7 Travelling Expenses
(a) Where the use of a motor vehicle is required in connection with employment, other
than for journeys between home and the place of employment, the Teacher shall be
paid an allowance as set out in Item 3, Table 2 of Part B - Monetary Rates. This
allowance shall be adjusted in line with any adjustments to the corresponding rate in
the Award.
(b) Travelling and other out of pocket expenses reasonably incurred by a Teacher in the
course of duties required by the School, shall be reimbursed by the School.
(c) The School must pay all expenses including registration, running and maintenance
where the School provides a motor vehicle which is used by a Teacher in the
performance of the Teacher's duties.
6.8 Payment for Supervision of Student Teachers
Where supervision of the teaching of a student Teacher is required as a part of duty, the
Teacher shall receive all payments made by the Student Teacher’s Training Institution for
such supervision.
6.9 Overpayments
Where excess payments are made in circumstances which were not apparent or could not
reasonably have been expected to be detected by the Teacher, the relevant parties shall
seek agreement on the matter of the overpayment, including where necessary and
appropriate, discussion between the Teacher’s representative and relevant School
7. Remuneration Package
7.1 This clause shall facilitate the provision by the school of salary and benefit packages to
individual members of staff covered by this Agreement.
7.2 For the purposes of this clause:
(a) ‘Benefits’ means the benefits nominated by the Teacher from the benefits provided
by the school and listed in clause 7.4(c).
(b) ‘Benefit Value’ means the amount specified by the school as the cost to the school
of the Benefit provided including Fringe Benefit Tax, if any.
(c) ‘Fringe Benefit Tax’ means tax imposed by the Fringe Benefits Tax Act 1986 (Cth).
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 14
7.3 Conditions of Employment
Except as provided by this clause, Teachers covered by this Agreement must be employed
at a salary based on a rate of pay, and otherwise on terms and conditions, not less than those
prescribed by this Agreement.
7.4 Salary Packaging
The school may offer to provide and the Teacher may agree in writing to accept:
(a) the Benefits nominated by the Teacher; and
(b) a salary equal to the difference between the Benefit Value and the salary which would
have applied to the Teacher or under clause 7.3, in the absence of an agreement
under this clause, save that a Teacher's salary must not be less than the base salary
that would be payable to the Teacher under the Award if the Award applied to the
(c) The available Benefits are those made available by the school from the following list:
(i) superannuation;
(ii) childcare provided by the school;
(iii) other benefits offered by the school.
(d) The school must advise the Teacher in writing of the Benefit Value before the
agreement is entered into.
7.5 During the Currency of an Agreement under Clause 7.4
(a) Any Teacher who takes paid leave on full pay shall receive the Benefits and salary
referred to in clauses 7.4(a) and (b).
(b) If a Teacher takes leave without pay the Teacher will not be entitled to any Benefits
during the period of leave
(c) If a Teacher takes leave on less than full pay he or she shall receive:
(i) the Benefits; and
(ii) an amount of salary calculated by applying the formula:
A = S x P% - [(100% - P%) x B]
S = the salary determined by clause 7.4(b)
P = the percentage of salary payable during the leave
B = Benefit Value
A = Amount of salary.
(d) Any other payment under this Agreement, calculated by reference to the Teacher's
salary, however described, and payable:
(i) during employment; or
(ii) on termination of employment in respect of untaken paid leave; or
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 15
(iii) on death,
shall be at the rate of pay which would have applied to the Teacher under clause 7.3,
in the absence of an agreement under clauses 7.4(a) and (b).
8. Promotions Positions
8.1 Establishment of Positions
(a) Deputy Principal
The position of Deputy Principal must be established:
(i) where the enrolment of the whole school exceeds 200, or
(ii) if the primary and secondary sections of the school are located at different sites,
and staff and curriculum support is conducted separately, where the enrolment
in a section exceeds 200.
If the school employs a Deputy Principal in a primary department with enrolments
between 101 and 200 and that Deputy Principal is receiving an allowance at the rate
prescribed for a primary department with enrolments between 201 and 250 at the date
of the commencement of this Agreement, the Deputy Principal shall continue to be
paid the allowance prescribed for such a primary department in this Agreement while
continuing to occupy that position. If the school employs such a Deputy Principal, the
school need not appoint a Teacher to hold a Position of Special Responsibility in
accordance with clause 8.1(b).
(b) Positions of Special Responsibility
(i) The school may establish positions to meet its managerial needs and determine
the title of each position.
(ii) Subject to clause 8.1(b)(iii) and (iv) below, the school must create the minimum
number of positions of special responsibility determined by the number of points
applicable to the school as set out in the table in clause 8.1(c) below.
(iii) In a secondary department a Co-ordinator 2 position must be established where
the teaching hours of a programme of work in an area of instruction or activity
as determined by the school (e.g., subject or key learning area) exceeds 2,000
hours per annum, or where the position has other duties (of a comparable level)
as determined by the Principal.
(iv) In determining an area of instruction, the school may aggregate two or more
subjects to comprise an area of instruction provided that the total hours of
aggregated instruction in an area of instruction that involves more than one
subject, shall not exceed 4,000 teaching hours per annum.
(c) Positions of Special Responsibility - Points Tables
Subject to clause 8.5 the points applicable to a department shall be established
according to the following tables:
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 16
Primary Departments
Secondary Departments
For the purpose of this sub-clause, “class means
(i) In a primary department - a standard roll class of pupils. (Note: a two stream
primary school is likely to have 14 classes in K to 6.)
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 17
(ii) In a secondary department - an English class. (This includes all classes of
English instruction).
8.2 Minimum Number of Positions
In establishing the minimum number of positions required to be established under clause
8.1(b)(ii) each position of special responsibility established by the school has a points value
as follows:
Points Value Table
Senior Teacher 2
Co-ordinator 1
Co-ordinator 2
Co-ordinator 3
8.3 Allowances
(a) Subject to clause 8.3(c), a Teacher appointed to the position of Co-ordinator 1 or
Senior Teacher 2 shall be paid the applicable allowance as set out in Table 1B
Allowances for Promotions Positions of Part B - Monetary Rates in addition to
the salary applicable to the appointee (as set out in Table 1A), which shall be no less
than Step 9 Band 2 (secondary) and Step 7 Band 1 (primary).
(b) Subject to clause 8.3(c), a Teacher appointed to the position of Co-ordinator 2, Co-
ordinator 3 or Deputy Principal shall be paid the applicable allowance as set out in
Table 1B Allowances for Promotions Positions of Part B - Monetary Rates in
addition to the appropriate salary as set out in Table 1A, provided that in the case
of a Teacher employed in such a position prior to 1 February 2007, such Teacher
shall be paid the allowance and the salary for a Senior Teacher 1 (as set out in Table
Provided that a Teacher employed in such a position prior to 1 February 2007 who is not
otherwise eligible to be classified as a Band 3 Teacher will only be entitled to be paid the
salary for Band 3 while he or she holds either a Co-ordinator 2, Co-ordinator 3 or Deputy
Principal position.
(c) Where a Part-Time Teacher is appointed to a position of Special Responsibility, the
Teacher may be paid a proportion of the allowance, if:
(i) the Teacher is performing a proportion only of the duties of such position, or
(ii) the Special Responsibility Position and allowance is shared between Teachers.
Note 1: nothing in this clause 8.3 prevents or limits the operation of clause 8.1(b), in respect
of the requirement to establish Positions of Special Responsibility and pay the
relevant allowances for those Positions, provided that the Positions and allowances
of Teachers appointed in accordance with this Clause 8.3 are counted in proportion
to the payment under this Clause 8.3.
Note 2: the proportional payment of the allowance will be not less than the proportional
appointment of the Part-Time Teacher, in accordance with clause 6.6(a).
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 18
8.4 Acting Appointments
If the school appoints a Teacher to act in a position of special responsibility or as a Deputy
Principal for at least ten consecutive school days, the school must pay the Teacher the rate
of allowance prescribed for that position.
8.5 Special Schools
The table below will apply to registered special schools or special assistance schools as
recognised as such by the Minister instead of clause 8.1(c).
Special Schools: Promotions Points
Number of Teachers (FTE) Promotions Points
0 – 3 0
4 – 8 1
9 12 2
13 14 3
15 17 4
18 25 5
26 30 6
31 35 7
36 40 8
41 45 9
9. Terms of Engagement
9.1 Letter of Appointment
The school shall provide a Teacher [other than a Casual Teacher] on appointment with a
letter of appointment stating, inter alia, the classification and rate of salary as at appointment,
the normal teaching load that will be required, requirements to perform extra-curricular duties
and an outline of superannuation benefits available to Teachers at the school.
9.2 Part-Time Teachers
In the case of a Part-Time Teacher, the letter of appointment will also include the Teacher’s
teaching load expressed as a percentage of a full-time load in the school. The School cannot
vary a Part-Time Teacher's teaching load or days of attendance unless:
(a) the Teacher agrees; or
(b) where such a variation is required as a result of a change in funding, enrolment or
curriculum, the School provides 7 weeks' notice in writing in the case of a school
teacher or 4 weeks' notice in the case of an early childhood teacher, or where the
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 19
change would result in a reduction in salary, the salary of the teacher is maintained
for a period of 7 weeks in the case of a school teacher or 4 weeks in the case of an
early childhood teacher; or
(c) in the case of days of attendance at professional development or training, clause
9.8(g) applies.
9.3 Termination of Employment
(a) The employment of any Teacher [other than a Casual Teacher] shall not be
terminated without at least four school term weeks’ notice on either side, or the
payment of, or forfeiture, of four weeks' salary in lieu of notice.
Provided that such four weeks' notice shall expire within the school term during which
it is given and shall expire either:
(i) at the end of the said school term; or
(ii) at least two weeks before the end of the said school term.
The foregoing shall not affect the right of the school to summarily dismiss any Teacher
who is guilty of serious misconduct as defined by the Act or Regulations.
(b) Should a Teacher have more than five years’ service with the School and be over 45
years of age, this clause will apply instead of clause 9.3(a). The School must provide
the Teacher with five school term weeks' notice or make a payment of five weeks'
salary in lieu of notice or give part notice and part payment in lieu of notice equal to
five weeks. Such five school term weeks’ notice shall expire within the School term
during which it is given.
(c) The Employer must give a Full-Time or Part-Time Teacher notice in writing of the date
of termination. The date of termination must not be before the date on which the notice
is given to the Teacher or payment in lieu of notice is made to the Teacher.
9.4 Forfeiture
(a) If a Teacher fails to give notice in accordance with clause 9.3(a), or fails to work out
the notice period, the Teacher may, to the extent permitted by law, specifically
authorise the School to deduct from wages due, an amount equal to the gross
ordinary rate of pay for the notice not worked, or not given, to a maximum of two
weeks' pay. Any outstanding balance becomes a debt due to the School.
(b) Deductions pursuant to a specific authorisation under clause 9.4(a) are made from
the Teacher’s gross salary (i.e. one week’s notice not worked, or not given will be fully
satisfied by the deduction of an amount equal to one week’s salary being withheld by
the School before tax is applied).
(c) Where a Teacher declines to authorise such a deduction under clause 9.4(a), either
in full or in part, the remaining amount outstanding equal to the gross ordinary rate of
pay for the notice not worked, or not given, becomes a debt due that may be pursued
by the School to a maximum of two weeks' pay.
9.5 Statement of Service
(a) Upon the termination of service of a Teacher [other than a Casual Teacher], the
school shall provide a statement of service setting out the length of service, the
number of classes and range of subjects taught (or the age of the children taught in
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 20
the case of a Teacher employed in a preschool), the promotions positions held and
any special and/or additional duties performed by such Teacher.
(b) Upon request, a Casual Teacher shall be supplied with a statement setting out the
number of days of duty undertaken by the Casual Teacher during the period of the
engagement, provided such request is made during or on termination of the casual
9.6 Payment on termination of employment
(a) The School must pay a Teacher no later than 7 days after the day on which the
Teacher's employment terminates:
(i) the Teacher's pay under this Agreement for any complete or incomplete pay
period up to the end of the day of termination; and
(ii) all other amounts that are due to the Teacher under this Agreement and the
(b) The requirement to pay amounts under clause 9.6(a) is subject to any order of the
Fair Work Commission, and the School making deductions authorised by this
Agreement or the Act.
Note 1: see clause 9.3(c) where payment in lieu of notice is made.
Note 2: State and Territory long service leave laws may require a School to pay a Teacher for
accrued long service leave on the day on which the Teacher’s employment terminates
or shortly after.
9.7 Normal Duties
The normal duties of Teachers shall include playground duties, sports duties, and usual extra-
curricular activities and, in relation to Teachers appointed to residential positions, the usual
residential duties.
9.8 Notice of Compulsory Professional Development
(a) The School is committed to providing teaching staff with professional development
courses. Such professional development, should where appropriate, be registered
with NESA or TQI.
(b) Where the School has, in a previous enterprise agreement, specified a number of
professional development days and/or meetings in any calendar year in the week
immediately following the end of a school term or the week immediately preceding the
commencement of the next school term a Teacher will not be required to attend in
excess of those specified days.
(c) Teachers are expected to continue to otherwise prepare or plan for the school year
as required in order to meet the expectations of their role.
(d) The School shall advise Teachers of the term dates for pupils, and teacher attendance
dates, in the preceding year before the end of Term 3.
(e) All other timetabling, or arrangement of any school designated professional
development and/or training and/or meetings throughout the year, which are
scheduled on the attendance dates shall be made with reasonable notice.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 21
(f) Schools will endeavour to give the maximum possible notice of such commitments
and, where practicable, include such commitments in the annual school calendar.
(g) Part-Time Teachers may be required to attend professional development training in
accordance with the provisions of clause 6.6(a)(iii).
(h) Teachers accredited by NESA or TQI are required to participate in professional
development to maintain their accreditation as prescribed by NESA or TQI policy.
9.9 Lunch Break
A Teacher shall be entitled to a minimum of 30 consecutive minutes as a lunch break during
which period a Teacher shall not be required to hold meetings, supervise, teach or coach
sport, team games, cultural or academic activities.
9.10 Redundancy
In conjunction with the other applicable provisions of this Agreement, Attachment B
Consultation and Redundancy shall apply as a minimum entitlement in cases of
9.11 Early Childhood Teachers
The provisions of this Agreement shall apply in relation to Teachers employed in a preschool
or other early childhood service subject to the specific provisions of Attachment C -
Particular Conditions of Teachers in Preschools and other Early Childhood Services.
10. Pro-Rata Payment for Non-Term Time
10.1 Entitlement to Annual Leave
A Teacher (other than a Casual Teacher) is entitled to four weeks’ of paid annual leave each
year, to be given and taken by the Teacher at the commencement of the school summer
vacation period each year.
This clause provides for pro rata payment for non-term time and applies in lieu of, and is
inclusive of, payments in respect of pro rata annual leave pursuant to the Act. Annual leave
provided for in this clause 10.1 does not accrue from year to year as it is taken by the Teacher
at the commencement of the school summer vacation period each year.
10.2 The provisions of this clause shall apply where:
(a) a Teacher's employment ceases;
(b) a Teacher commences employment after the School Service Date;
(c) where a Teacher takes approved leave without pay (including unpaid parental leave);
(d) where the hours which a teacher normally teaches at a school have varied since the
School Service Date ["a Teacher whose hours have varied"].
Payments shall be made to such Teachers by application of the formula prescribed by either
clause 10.3(a) or (b), as appropriate, and, pursuant to the applicable provisions of clauses
10.4, 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 22
10.3 Calculation of Payments
(a) Payments made pursuant to this clause to a Teacher whose hours have varied shall
be calculated in accordance with the following formula:
s x c
- d
P is the payment due.
s is the total salary paid in respect of term weeks, or part thereof, since the
anniversary of employment [or date of employment in circumstances where a
Teacher has been employed by the school for less than one year].
b is the number of term weeks, or part thereof, in the year.
c is the number of non-term weeks, or part thereof, in the year.
d is the salary paid in respect of non-term weeks, or part thereof, that have occurred
since the anniversary of employment [or date of employment in circumstances
where a Teacher has been employed by the school for less than one year].
(b) Payments made otherwise pursuant to this clause shall be calculated in accordance
with the following formula:
P is the payment due.
S is an amount equivalent to a week's salary [including allowances] of the Teacher
at the date of application of the formula.
t is the number of term weeks, or part thereof, worked by the Teacher since the
School Service Date.
b is the number of term weeks, or part thereof, in the year.
c is the number of non-term weeks, or part thereof, in the year.
d is the number of non-term weeks, or part thereof, worked by the Teacher since the
School Service Date.
10.4 Termination of Employment
A Teacher shall be entitled on termination of employment to a payment calculated in
accordance with this clause.
P = S x
t x c
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 23
10.5 Teachers Who Commence Employment after the Commencement of the School Year
(a) A Teacher who commences employment after the usual date of commencement at
the school in any school year, shall be paid from the date the Teacher commences,
provided that at the end of Term IV or final semester in that year, the Teacher shall
be paid an amount calculated pursuant to clause 10.3 and shall receive no salary or
other payment other than payment under this clause until the School Service Date
in the following school year.
(b) In each succeeding year of employment, the School Service Date shall be deemed
to be the anniversary of appointment of the Teacher for the purpose of this clause.
10.6 Teachers Who Take Approved Leave Without Pay
Where a Teacher takes leave without pay with the approval of the school for a period which
[in total] exceeds 20 pupil days in any year, or where a Teacher takes parental leave pursuant
to clause 12.2(b) or clause 12.2(c) the Teacher shall be paid salary calculated in accordance
with this clause as follows:
(a) If the leave without pay commences and concludes in the same school year:
(i) subject to clause 10.6(a)(ii) below, the payment shall be calculated and made
at the conclusion of Term IV of that school year; and
(ii) if the leave without pay commences on the day following the last teaching day
of a term and concludes on the day preceding the first teaching day of a term in
the same year a payment shall be calculated and made:
(A) at the commencement of the leave in respect of that year; and
(B) at the end of Term IV in accordance with clause 10.6(c).
(b) If the leave without pay is to conclude in a school year following the school year in
which the leave commenced:
(i) at the commencement of the leave, a payment shall be calculated and made in
respect of the school year in which the leave commences; and
(ii) at the end of Term IV in the school year in which the leave concludes, a payment
shall be calculated and made in respect of that school year.
(c) The payment to be made to a Teacher at the conclusion of Term IV of a school year:
(i) pursuant to clause 10.6(a)(ii)(B);
(ii) or in circumstances where, with the agreement of the school, a Teacher who
has been paid pursuant to clause 10.6(b)(i) returns from leave during the
school year in which the leave commenced and not withstanding that as a result
did not in total exceed 20 pupil days, shall be determined by:
(A) applying the formula in clause 10.3 as if no payment had been made
to the Teacher pursuant to clause 10.6(a)(ii)(A) or clause 10.6(b)(i);
(B) deducting from that amount the amount paid to the Teacher pursuant
to clause 10.6(a)(ii)(A) or clause 10.6(b)(i).
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 24
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 10.1, a Teacher shall not pursuant to this
clause be paid an amount in respect of a year of employment which is less than the
amount to which the Teacher would otherwise be entitled under the provisions of the
Act, in respect of a year of employment.
10.7 Teachers Whose Hours Have Varied
Where the hours which a Teacher normally teaches at the school have varied since the
School Service Date in any school year and the Teacher's employment is to continue in the
next school year, the Teacher shall be paid at the conclusion of Term IV or final semester of
that year in accordance with the formula provided in clause 10.3(a) and shall receive no
salary or other payment other than payment under this clause until the School Service Date
in the following school year.
11. Annual Leave Loading
11.1 Subject to clause 11.6, where a Teacher other than a Casual Teacher, is given and takes
annual leave commencing at the beginning of the school summer vacation each year, the
Teacher shall be paid an annual leave loading calculated in accordance with this clause.
11.2 The loading shall be payable in addition to the pay payable to the Teacher for the period of
the school summer vacation.
11.3 The loading shall be calculated:
(a) in relation to such period of a Teacher's annual leave as is equal to the period of
annual leave to which the Teacher is entitled for the time being under the Act at the
end of each year of employment or where relevant.
(b) the period of annual leave calculated under clause 11.6.
11.4 The loading shall be the amount payable for the period specified in clause 11.3 or 11.6 at
the rate of 17.5 per cent of the weekly equivalent of the Teacher's annual salary.
11.5 For the purposes of this clause, “salary” shall mean the salary payable to the Teacher at the
first day of December of the year in which the loading is payable together with, where
applicable, the allowances prescribed by clauses 6.4 and 8.3 and Attachment C
Particular Conditions for Teachers employed in Preschools and Other Early Childhood
Services, but not including any other allowances or amount otherwise payable in addition to
Provided that where clause 11.6 applies, “salary” shall mean the salary [together with
allowances payable as aforesaid] payable immediately prior to the payment made to the
Teacher pursuant to clause 11.3(b).
11.6 Where a Teacher receives a payment pursuant to clause 10 Pro Rata Payment for Non-
Term Time, including the case where a Teacher's employment is terminated by the school
or ceases for any reason, the Teacher shall be entitled to be paid for that part of such fraction
of the annual leave loading he or she would be entitled to for the full school year as is equal
to the fraction which the number of school weeks worked by the Teacher in that year bears
to the number of school weeks he or she would be normally required by the Principal to work
in a full school year.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 25
11.7 The following formula shall be used to determine the entitlement to leave loading for this
clause 11:
17.5% x (weekly salary x 4 weeks annual leave) x number of term weeks worked
number of term weeks in the year
[For example: To calculate the entitlement to leave loading for a Teacher who worked 32
term weeks of the 40 weeks of term time where the Teacher is paid a Step 5 annual
salary of $75,605. The calculation would be:
17.5% x ($75,605/52.14) x 4 weeks x (32/40)
= 17.5% x $1,450.04 x 4 weeks x (32/40)
= $812.04]
12. Leave Entitlements
12.1 Personal/Carers Leave
(a) General Entitlement
(i) Any Full-Time, Temporary or Part-Time Teacher shall be entitled to paid
Personal/Carer’s Leave in accordance with this clause 12.
(ii) A Part-Time Teacher will be entitled to paid Personal/Carer’s Leave on a
proportionate basis. The proportion is calculated by comparing the number of
teaching hours that the Part-Time Teacher teaches in a full school week, with the
number of teaching hours which a Full-Time Teacher teaches at the School in a full
school week.
(iii) A Full Time or Temporary Teacher will be entitled to 15 days Personal/Carers leave
(pro-rata for a Part-Time Teacher) for each year of service. Personal/Carer’s Leave
will accrue progressively during a year of service. Any untaken Personal/Carer’s
Leave will be cumulative from year to year.
(b) Entitlement on Commencement of Employment
A Teacher, other than a Casual Teacher, will receive a one-off entitlement to 15 days
Personal/Carer’s Leave (pro-rata for a Part-Time Teacher) on commencement of
employment. This entitlement is in addition to that provided in clause 12.1(a). Provided
that a Temporary Teacher shall be entitled to Personal/Carer’s Leave in accordance with
the provisions of this clause 12.1(b) in that proportion of 15 days which the period of
appointment of the Teacher bears to the full school year of the School.
(c) Access to Personal/Carer’s Leave
(i) A Teacher may take paid Personal/Carer’s Leave if the leave is taken:
(A) because the Teacher is not fit or able to work due to personal illness
or personal injury, or unexpected personal emergency, or family and
domestic violence affecting the Teacher; or
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 26
(B) to provide care or support to a member of the Teacher’s immediate
family as defined in section 12 of the Act, or a member of the Teacher’s
household, who requires care or support because of:
(I) a personal illness, or personal injury affecting the member; or
(II) an unexpected emergency affecting the member, or
(III) family and domestic violence.
(ii) For the purposes of this clause an ‘unexpected personal emergency’ is a
circumstance that is unplanned, due to circumstances beyond the Teacher’s
control and is of an urgent and serious nature that requires the urgent
attendance of the Teacher. An ‘unexpected emergency’ is a circumstance that
is unplanned, due to circumstances beyond the Teacher’s immediate family or
household member’s control and is of an urgent and serious nature that requires
the urgent attention of the Teacher to attend and provide care or support. The
urgent circumstance must be of such a nature that it cannot be arranged outside
of work time. ‘Family and Domestic Violence’ is as defined by the Act.
(iii) A Teacher is not to take Personal/Carer’s Leave for any period in respect of
which the Teacher is entitled to workers compensation.
(iv) Where applicable, if a public holiday occurs during Personal/Carer’s Leave then
such public holiday will not be counted as Personal/Carer’s Leave.
(d) Notice Requirements
As soon as practicable, and where possible prior to the Teacher commencing such
leave, a Teacher will notify the School of:
(i) the need to take Personal/Carer’s Leave;
(ii) the reason for the leave, being a reason specified in clause 12.1(c);
(iii) the period, or expected period of their leave.
(e) Evidence Supporting Claim
(i) Evidence will not be required for the first three days of Personal/Carer’s Leave
taken by a Teacher in a calendar year. For absences after the first three days,
the following paragraphs apply.
(ii) In respect of any absence of two consecutive days or more due to personal
injury or illness, a Teacher shall, upon request, provide a certificate from a
medical practitioner or other evidence from a registered health practitioner, or
evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person to demonstrate the Teacher’s
eligibility for Personal/Carer’s Leave in accordance with clause 12.1(c).
(iii) In respect of any absence due to unexpected personal emergency or family and
domestic violence, a Teacher shall, upon request, provide documentary
evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person or a statutory declaration,
outlining the nature of the unexpected personal emergency, or the fact of family
and domestic violence, and that such circumstance prevented the Teacher from
attending work.
(iv) In respect of any absence to provide care or support to a member of the
Teacher’s immediate family or household, a Teacher shall, upon request:
(A) provide a certificate from a medical practitioner or other evidence from
a registered health practitioner or statutory declaration or other
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 27
evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person, establishing the
illness or injury of the person concerned and that the illness was such
as to require care by another person, or
(B) produce documentary evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person
or a statutory declaration, establishing the nature of the unexpected
emergency and that such unexpected emergency resulted in the
person concerned requiring care by the Teacher.
(v) Where a Teacher has taken frequent single days of Personal/Carer’s Leave,
that is more than seven single day absences, inclusive of the first three days
referred to in clause 12.1(e)(i), or taken extended Personal/Carer’s Leave such
that the School requires additional information in relation to the Teacher’s
absences, then the School may take action in accordance with this clause
(A) The School may arrange a meeting in order to clarify the position with
the Teacher. The invitation to the Teacher to attend the meeting shall
be in writing (signed by the Principal or the Principal’s delegate) with
sufficient notice for the Teacher to reasonably be able to attend the
meeting. The invitation shall also refer to the provisions of this clause
and shall indicate the grounds for the School’s concern about
Personal/Carer’s Leave taken by the Teacher. The School shall invite
the Teacher to respond verbally at the meeting to the issues raised by
the School. A Teacher shall not unreasonably fail to attend such a
meeting where invited by the School to do so.
(B) After consideration of the Teacher’s response, if any, the School may:
(I) require further evidence that the Teacher’s circumstances are in
accordance with the provisions of clause 12.1(c); and/or
(II) in the case of an extended absence due to the personal illness
or injury of the Teacher, require the Teacher to provide a medical
report from a doctor nominated by the School (at the cost of the
School) in relation to:
- the likely period of absence,
- if relevant, any limitations on the Teacher’s ability to perform the
requirements of their role;
- if relevant, any services or facilities which may be required to
accommodate any such limitations;
- if relevant, whether the Teacher is likely to be able to perform the
requirements of their role in the foreseeable future, or
- to establish eligibility for Personal/Carer’s Leave (and no other
information); and/or
(III) discuss with the Teacher any other action.
(vi) Where a Teacher fails to attend a meeting as requested by the School pursuant
to clause 12.1(e)(v)(A) and does not provide a reasonable explanation for such
failure, or does not provide further evidence of eligibility for Personal/Carer’s
Leave as outlined in clause 12.1(c), then following prior written notice the
School may cease payment of Personal/Carer’s Leave if the School has
reasonable grounds for a belief that the Teacher is not entitled to
Personal/Carer’s Leave for that absence.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 28
(vii) The Teacher may, if a member of the Union, request that any matter pursuant
to this clause be discussed at any stage between the Union and the
representative of the School.
(f) Unpaid Leave for Caring Purposes
(i) A Teacher, including a Casual Teacher, is entitled to take up to two days
unpaid carer’s leave for each occasion that a member of the class of persons
described in clause 12.1(c)(i)(B) requires care or support due to:
(A) a personal illness or injury, affecting the member; or
(B) an unexpected emergency affecting the member, or
(C) family and domestic violence affecting the member.
(ii) A Teacher cannot take unpaid Carer’s Leave under this subclause if the
Teacher could instead take paid Personal/Carer’s Leave.
(iii) A Teacher’s entitlement to take unpaid Carer’s Leave under this subclause is
subject to the Teacher meeting the notice and evidence requirements set out in
clauses 12.1(d) and (e).
(iv) The School must not fail to re-engage a Casual Teacher because the Teacher
accessed the entitlements provided for in this clause. The rights of the School
to engage or not to engage a Casual Teacher are otherwise not affected.
(g) Special Leave
(i) A Teacher, other than a Casual Teacher, is entitled to one day of paid Special
Leave each calendar year. Such leave is non-cumulative and will not be
deducted from Personal/Carer’s Leave accruals.
(ii) Special Leave is available to be used to meet a scheduled family commitment,
where the timing of the commitment is beyond the control of the Teacher and
where the commitment cannot be scheduled outside work time (for example,
the graduation of an immediate family member).
(iii) The Teacher will provide the School with reasonable notice of their intention to
take Special Leave to enable the School to plan for such an absence.
(iv) The School may seek further details regarding the nature of the commitment
and the reasons why the commitment cannot be scheduled outside of work
12.2 Parental Leave
(a) General
(i) A Teacher is entitled to take unpaid parental leave in accordance with the
provisions of the Act, subject to the limitations and conditions contained in that
(ii) A Teacher who takes unpaid maternity leave or adoption leave under the
provisions of section 71 or 72 of the Act must be paid under clause 12.2(b) of
this Agreement in the case of maternity leave and under clause 12.2(c) of this
Agreement in the case of adoption leave, provided that if the leave is concurrent
leave as described in section 72(5) of the Act, then such leave shall be paid in
accordance with clause 12.2(d) of this Agreement.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 29
(b) Maternity Leave
(i) The amount of paid maternity leave for a female Teacher who applies for unpaid
parental leave of at least fourteen weeks under section 71 or 72 of the Act, shall
be fourteen weeks, provided that if the Teacher takes a lesser period of leave,
the Teacher shall be entitled to that lesser amount of paid leave.
(ii) If a Teacher has taken a previous period of maternity leave, the Teacher is not
entitled to the benefit described in this clause 12.2(b) for a consecutive period
of maternity leave unless the Teacher returns to work at the School for a period
of at least six months following the previous period of maternity leave. However,
the Teacher will be entitled to unpaid parental leave in accordance with the Act.
(iii) The Teacher must be paid:
(A) at the rate the Teacher was paid at the time of commencing the leave,
if the Teacher is paid a lump sum in accordance with clause 12.2(b)(iv);
(B) at the rate that would otherwise apply to the Teacher if the Teacher is
paid at the usual times and intervals that other Teachers are paid at the
(iv) The Teacher must be paid:
(A) in a lump sum; or
(B) if the Teacher requests, at the usual times and intervals that other
Teachers are paid at the school.
(v) The School must pay the first or lump sum payments at the pay period
commencing closest to:
(A) six weeks before the anticipated date of birth, or
(B) if the birth occurs before the time referred to clause 12.2(b)(v)(A), the
date of the birth; or
(C) if the Teacher has not commenced maternity leave at the time referred
to in clause 12.2(b)(v)(A), when the Teacher commences leave on or
prior to the date of birth but no later.
The exception to this clause 12.2(b)(v) is if the commencement date of the
leave is during the summer pupil vacation prior to the School Service Date. If
this occurs, the paid leave will commence on the School Service Date.
(vi) If a Teacher's pregnancy is terminated other than by the birth of a living child:
(A) more than 20 weeks before the anticipated date of birth, the Teacher
is not entitled to the payment;
(B) less than 20 weeks before the anticipated date of birth, the Teacher is
entitled to the payment while the Teacher remains on leave.
(vii) The 14 week period of maternity leave will count as a period of service, for the
purpose of annual leave, under this Agreement. The Teacher will be entitled to
pro-rata annual leave which will be calculated as (14 / 52) x 4 = 1.07 weeks of
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 30
annual leave due. Any Teacher taking less than 14 weeks of maternity leave
will have their pro-rata annual leave payment adjusted accordingly. This amount
will be added to any amounts due pursuant to clause 10 Pro-rata Payment for
Non-Term Time.
(viii) A Teacher must give notice of the intention to take maternity leave, and provide
other notice and documentation, as required by section 74 of the Act.
(A) Where possible, parental leave should preferably commence on the day following
the last teaching day of a term and conclude on the day preceding the first teaching
day of a term. However this does not diminish the right of a Teacher to proceed on
leave on the date the Teacher nominates in accordance with the Act.
(B) In order to facilitate the desirable practice referred to in Notation (A) above, the
School is prepared to extend the time of parental leave beyond that maximum
entitlement prescribed by the Act, should the Teacher agree to return from parental
leave at the commencement of the term immediately following the maximum period
of leave required to be afforded by that Act.]
(c) Adoption Leave
(i) A Teacher who takes unpaid adoption leave under the provisions of section 71
or 72 of the Act must be paid under this clause 12.2(c).
(ii) A Teacher shall be entitled to fourteen weeks’ paid leave for the purpose of
adopting any child as defined in the Act provided that if the Teacher takes a
period of adoption leave under the Act which is less than fourteen weeks, the
Teacher shall be entitled to that lesser amount of paid leave.
(iii) The payment prescribed in clause 12.2(c)(ii) above shall only be payable in
respect of one adopting parent of a child who will be the primary caregiver and
will commence on the date of placement of the child. The exception to this
clause 12.2(c)(iii) is if the commencement date of the leave is during the
summer pupil vacation prior to the School Service Date. If this occurs, the paid
leave will commence on the School Service Date.
(iv) The 14 week period of adoption leave will count as a period of service, for the
purpose of annual leave, under this Agreement. The Teacher will be entitled to
pro-rata annual leave which will be calculated as (14 / 52) x 4 = 1.07 weeks
annual leave due. Any Teacher taking less than fourteen weeks of adoption
leave will have their pro-rata annual leave payment adjusted accordingly. This
amount will be added to any amounts due pursuant to clause 10 Pro-rata
Payment for Non-Term Time.
(v) A Teacher must give notice of the intention to take adoption leave, and provide
other notice and documentation, as required by section 74 of the Act.
(d) Paid Concurrent Parental Leave
(i) A Teacher who is entitled to take unpaid parental leave pursuant to section 71
or section 72 of the Act and applies to take concurrent parental leave pursuant
to section 72(5) of the Act is entitled to payment pursuant to this clause.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 31
(ii) A Teacher shall be entitled to two weeks' paid leave commencing on the day of
birth of the child or on the day on which the mother of the child leaves hospital,
or in the case of an adoption, from the date of placement of the child.
The exception to this clause 12.2(d)(ii) is if the commencement date of the
leave is during the summer pupil vacation prior to the School Service Date. If
this occurs, the paid leave will commence immediately following the annual
leave period in clause 10.1.
(iii) A Teacher must give notice of the intention to take parental leave, and provide
other notice and documentation, as required by section 74 of the Act.
(iv) The paid concurrent parental leave provided for in this clause 12.2(d) is unpaid
parental leave pursuant to section 71 or section 72 of the Act and so comes out
of the Teacher's entitlement to 12 months of unpaid parental leave under section
70 of the Act.
(v) A period of paid concurrent parental leave will count as a period of service under
this Agreement.
(e) Casual Teachers
(i) A School must not fail to re-engage a regular Casual Teacher because:
(A) the Teacher or Teacher’s spouse or de facto is pregnant; or
(B) the Teacher is or has been immediately absent on parental leave.
(ii) The rights of the School in relation to engagement and re-engagement of
Casual Teachers are not affected, other than in accordance with this clause.
(f) Right to Request
(i) A Teacher entitled to parental leave may request that the School allow the
(A) to extend the period of unpaid parental leave for a further continuous
period of leave not exceeding 12 months; or
(B) to return from a period of parental leave on a part-time basis
for the purpose of assisting the Teacher care for a child.
(ii) The School shall consider the request having regard to the Teacher’s
circumstances and, provided the request is genuinely based on the Teacher’s
parental responsibilities, may only refuse the request on reasonable grounds
related to the effect on the workplace or the School’s business. Such grounds
might include cost, lack of adequate replacement staff, loss of efficiency and the
impact on customer service.
(iii) The Teacher’s request and the School’s decision made under clause 12.2(f)(ii)
must be recorded in writing.
(iv) Where a Teacher wishes to make a request under clause 12.2(f)(i)(B) such a
request must be made as soon as possible before the date on which the
Teacher is due to return to work from parental leave.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 32
(g) Communication During Parental Leave
(i) Where a Teacher is on parental leave and a definite decision has been made
to introduce significant change at the workplace, the School shall take
reasonable steps to:
(A) Make information available in relation to any significant effect the
change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position
the Teacher held before commencing parental leave; and
(B) Provide an opportunity for the Teacher to discuss any significant
effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the
position the Teacher held before commencing parental leave.
(ii) The Teacher shall take reasonable steps to inform the School about any
significant matter that will affect the Teacher’s decision regarding the duration
of parental leave to be taken, whether the Teacher intends to return to work and
whether the Teacher intends to request to return to work on a part-time basis.
(iii) The Teacher shall also notify the School of changes of address or other contact
details which might affect the School’s capacity to comply with clause
12.3 Long Service Leave
(a) General Provisions
(i) Except in so far as expressly varied by the provisions of this clause, the
provisions of the Long Service Leave Act 1955 (NSW) (LSL Act) and the Long
Service Leave Act 1976 (ACT) (LSL Act ACT) shall apply to Teachers
employed by the school under this Agreement.
(ii) For the purpose of this clause 12.3, Long Service Leave, a Teacher shall be
deemed to have completed a year of service if he or she had been employed
for the whole of the term time of that calendar year.
(b) Quantum of Leave
In NSW Schools
Subject to clause 12.3(c) the amount of long service leave to which a Teacher
employed in a NSW School shall be entitled shall:
(i) In the case of a Teacher who has completed at least ten years’ service with the
same school be:
(A) in respect of ten years’ service so completed, 13 weeks; and
(B) in respect of each additional five years’ service with the school since
the Teacher last became entitled to long service leave, 10 weeks; and
(C) on the termination of the Teacher's employment, in respect of
completed service with the school since the Teacher last became
entitled to an amount of long service leave, a proportionate amount on
the basis of two weeks for one year's service.
(ii) In the case of a Teacher who has completed with a school five years’ service,
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 33
and whose services are terminated by the school for any reason other than
misconduct or cease for any other reason (including resignation), be a
proportionate amount on the basis of 13 weeks for ten years’ service [such
service to include service with the school as an adult and otherwise than as
an adult].
In ACT Schools
(iii) Subject to clause 12.3(a) (General Provisions), clause 12.3(c) (Calculations
of entitlement) the amount of long service leave to which a Teacher employed
in an ACT School shall be entitled shall be:
(A) In respect of seven years’ service so completed, 9.1 weeks;
(B) In respect of each additional year of service up to 10 years of service with
the School, 1.3 weeks each year; and
(C) On the termination of the Teacher’s employment, in respect of completed
service with the School since the Teacher last became entitled to an
amount of long Service leave, a proportionate amount on the basis of two
weeks for one year’s service.
(iv) In the case of a Teacher who has completed with the school five years’
service, and whose services are terminated by the School for any reason other
than misconduct or case for any other reason, be a proportionate amount on
the basis of 13 weeks for ten years’ service (such service to include service
with the School as an adult).
(c) Calculation of Entitlement
Teachers employed in a NSW school
In the case of a Teacher employed in a NSW School whose service with the school
began before 1 February 2022, and whose service would entitle the Teacher to long
service leave under this clause, the amount of long service leave to which such
Teacher shall be entitled shall be the sum of the following amounts.
(i) The amount calculated on the basis of the provisions of the LSL Act in respect
of the period of service before 1 August 1985; and
(ii) An amount calculated on the basis of the provisions of clause 12, Long Service
Leave, of the Teachers (Non Government Schools) (State) Award published 10
May 1996 (292 I.G. 651) in respect of the period from 1 August 1985 to 30 April
1995; and
(iii) An amount calculated on the basis of the provisions of clause 12, Long Service
Leave, of the Teachers (Independent Schools) (State) Award effective from 1
May 1995 until 28 January, 2001.
(iv) An amount calculated on the basis of the provisions of clause 12.3(b), Long
Service Leave of this Agreement, for the period from 29 January 2001
(NB: corresponding provisions applied in previous industrial instruments).
(v) The above periods of calculation are listed in the table below:
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 34
Calculation of Entitlement
Teachers employed in a School
Prior to 31 July, 1985 0.866 weeks per year.
1 August, 1985 to 30 April, 1995
1.05 weeks per year up to 10 years of
1.5 weeks per year, or proportion of a year,
after 10 years of service.
1 May, 1995 to 28 January, 2001
1.05 weeks per year up to 10 years of
2 weeks per year, or proportion of a year,
after 10 years of service.
On or after 29 January, 2001
1.3 weeks per year up to 10 years of service
2 weeks per year, or proportion of a year,
after 10 years of service.
Teachers Employed in Preschools and Early Childhood Services
(vi) See Attachment C - Particular Conditions of Teachers employed in
Preschools and Other Early Childhood Services for Teachers whose
service began prior to 1 January 2011. For Teachers employed after 1
January 2011, the above table applies.
Teachers employed in an ACT school
Calculations of Entitlement for Teachers who commenced prior to 1 February
2022 in ACT Schools
(vii) In the case of a Teacher employed in an ACT School whose service with the
School began before 1 February 2022, the terms of the industrial instrument
that applied to them at that time, will continue to apply with respect to accrued
long service leave, up to the commencement of this agreement.
(viii) On and from 1 February 2022, the following scale applies with respect to the
accrual of long service leave;
From 1 February 2022 1.3 weeks per year up to 10 years’ service
2 weeks per year, proportion of a year; after
10 years’ service
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 35
(d) Conditions of Taking Leave
(i) Where a Teacher has become entitled to long service leave in respect of the
Teacher's service with the school, the school shall give to the Teacher and the
Teacher shall take the leave as soon as practicable having regard to the needs
of the school provided always that unless the school otherwise agrees the
Teacher shall give not less than two school terms’ notice of the Teacher's wish
to take leave and further provided that the school shall give the Teacher not
less than two school terms' notice of any requirement that such leave be taken.
(ii) Where long service leave is taken so that it commences on the first day after a
period of pupil vacation, which falls between school terms, and concludes on
the last day prior to a period of pupil vacation which falls between school terms,
such long service leave shall be exclusive of the pupil vacation periods
occurring prior to, within and following the period of long service leave. A period
of long service leave taken wholly within one term shall also be exclusive of
pupil vacation periods adjacent to the period of leave, if the taking of long service
leave of less than one term has been approved by the school.
(iii) Where a Teacher requests and is granted up to one week's leave without pay
to be taken in addition to long service leave such that the total period of leave
is in accordance with clause 12.3(d)(ii) the conditions of that clause shall apply,
provided nothing in this paragraph shall affect the provisions of clause 10.6.
(iv) A Teacher may request to take long service leave at half pay and the School
may approve such request. Where such request is granted, any period of non-
term time falling within the period of leave (but not adjacent to the period of
leave) will be paid at half pay.
Provided however that in the case of the school summer non term time, the
payment shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of clause 10.7
Teachers Whose Hours Have Varied and clause 10.3 Calculation of
Payments, as if the period of leave on half pay were a period of part-time work.
(v) A Teacher may request to take long service leave in a short block of one week
or more and it is up to the School’s discretion whether to approve the leave.
(vi) Where long service leave is not taken in full term periods or in accordance with
clause 12.3(d)(ii) it will be inclusive of pupil vacations, other than the four weeks
of annual leave at the commencement of the school summer vacation.
(vii) Where a Teacher is entitled to an amount of long service leave which is in
excess of a school term the Teacher may elect not to take that part of the long
service leave which is in excess of a term [the deferred leave], until such time
as the Teacher accumulates further entitlements which when taken together
with the deferred leave enables long service leave to be taken for a whole term.
(e) Long Service Leave is exclusive of public holidays.
(f) The service of a Teacher with the school shall be deemed continuous notwithstanding
the service has been interrupted by reason of the Teacher taking maternity leave
(including paid and unpaid leave in accordance with clause 12.2 Parental Leave) or
other approved leave without pay but the period during which the service is so
interrupted shall not be taken into account in calculating the period of service.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 36
(g) Payment in lieu of Long Service Leave
(i) A Teacher employed in a NSW School with 10 years' continuous service with
the School may cash out an amount of additional long service leave
accumulated by the Teacher which is in excess of their entitlements under the
LSL Act. (This means long service leave accrued in excess of 0.866 weeks per
(ii) A Teacher employed in an ACT School with 7 years’ continuous service with
the School may cash out an amount of additional long service leave
accumulated by the Teacher which is in excess of their entitlements under the
LSL Act (ACT) (this means long service leave accrued in excess of 0.866 weeks
per year).
(iii) Subject to the Teacher having 10 years’ service, long service leave may be
cashed out on the following basis:
(A) the Teacher elects to cash out some or all of that portion of their
accrued long service leave which is the leave accrued in excess of
0.866 weeks per year;
(B) the Teacher provides a written election to the School stating that the
Teacher wishes to cash out the accrued long service leave; and
(C) the School, in its discretion, authorises the Teacher to cash out the
accrued long service leave.
(iv) If a Teacher cashes out an amount of accrued long service leave in accordance
with this clause:
(A) the School will, within a reasonable time, give the Teacher the amount
of pay they would have received if they had taken the long service
leave that the Teacher cashed out; and
(B) the Teacher will no longer be entitled to the long service leave they
have cashed out.
(h) Three Band Agreement
If a Three Band Agreement previously applied to the employment of the Teacher with
the School, and pursuant to that agreement the Teacher received additional
superannuation in lieu of long service leave and annual leave loading, then the long
service leave entitlement of the Teacher shall be adjusted accordingly
notwithstanding the provisions of clause 12.3(c) of this Agreement.
12.4 Compassionate Leave
(a) A Teacher will be entitled to paid compassionate leave in accordance with the Act.
(b) Compassionate leave is paid leave taken by the Teacher for the purposes of:
(i) spending time with a person who is a member of the Teacher’s immediate family
(as defined by section 12 of the Act) or a member of the Teacher’s household;
and who has a personal illness, or injury, that poses a serious threat to his or
her life; or
(ii) after the death of a member of the Teacher’s Immediate Family or a member of
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 37
this Teacher’s household; or
(iii) after the stillbirth of a child where the child would have been a member of the
Teacher's Immediate Family or a member of the Teacher's household or
(iv) after the Teacher or their spouse or de facto partner has a miscarriage.
(c) Subject to clauses 12.4(e) and (f), a Full-Time or Part-Time Teacher is entitled to a
period of two days of compassionate leave for each occasion when:
(i) a member of the Teacher’s immediate family or a member of the Teacher’s
household (as defined in clause 12.1(c)(i)(B):
(A) contracts or develops a personal illness that poses a serious threat to
his or her life; or
(B) sustains a personal injury that poses a serious threat to his or her life;
(ii) a child is stillborn, where the child would have been a member of the Teacher's
Immediate Family or a member of the Teacher's household; or
(iii) the Teacher or their spouse or de facto partner has a miscarriage.
(d) Subject to clauses 12.4(e) and (f), a Full-Time or Part-Time Teacher is entitled to a
period of three days of compassionate leave for each occasion when a member of
the Teacher’s immediate family or a member of the Teacher’s household (as defined
in clause 12.1(c)(i)(B) dies.
(e) A Teacher may be required to provide the School with satisfactory evidence of such
illness, injury, death, stillbirth or miscarriage.
(f) Subject to clause 12.4(g), a Teacher shall not be entitled to compassionate leave
under this clause during any period in respect of which the Teacher has been granted
other leave.
(g) Compassionate leave may be taken in conjunction with leave available under clause
12.1 Personal/Carer’s Leave. In determining such a request the School will give
consideration to the circumstances of the Teacher and the reasonable operational
requirements of the School.
12.5 Unpaid Compassionate Leave Casual Teachers
(a) Casual Teachers are entitled to not be available to attend work, or to leave work upon
the death of a person prescribed in clause 12.1(c)(i)(B), provided that a Teacher may
be required to provide the School with satisfactory evidence of such death.
(b) The School and the Casual Teacher shall agree on the period for which the Teacher
will be entitled to not be available to attend work. In the absence of agreement, the
Teacher is entitled to not be available to attend work for up to 48 hours (i.e. two days)
per occasion. The Casual Teacher is not entitled to any payment for the period of non-
(c) The School must not fail to re-engage a Casual Teacher because the Teacher
accessed the entitlements provided for in this clause. The rights of the School to
engage or not engage a Casual Teacher are otherwise not affected.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 38
(d) Casual Teachers shall be entitled to unpaid compassionate leave in accordance with
the NES.
12.6 Military Reserve Leave
A Teacher who is a member of the Australian Military Reserve or other Australian military
forces shall be granted unpaid leave for the purpose of attending any compulsory camp or
12.7 Examination/Study Leave
Any Teacher who for the purpose of furthering Teacher training, enrols in any course at a
recognised University or recognised Teacher training institution, shall be granted leave:
(a) with pay on the day of any examination required in the course;
(b) without pay for the purpose of attending any compulsory residential school which is a
part of such course.
12.8 Jury Service
(a) A Full-Time or Part-Time Teacher required to attend for jury service during ordinary
working hours shall be provided with paid leave for this purpose. The Teacher shall
be required to reimburse to the school any monies payable to the Teacher for such
attendance (excluding reimbursement of expenses) which required the Teacher’s
absence from school.
(b) The Teacher shall notify the school as soon as possible of the date upon which he or
she is required to attend for jury service. The Teacher shall provide to the school a
copy of the summons to attend jury duty and a record of payments received as proof
of attendance.
(c) A Teacher’s entitlement to Community Service Leave under the Act is otherwise
12.9 Family and Domestic Violence Leave
In addition to the provisions contained in clause 12.1(c) of this Agreement, a Teacher shall
be entitled to Unpaid Family and Domestic Violence Leave in accordance with the NES.
12.10 Paid Natural Disaster Leave
(a) This clause shall apply when a natural disaster is declared in a local government area
or areas by the NSW or ACT government and the circumstances surrounding the
natural disaster:
(i) prevent the Teacher from attending for work or leaving home;
(ii) pose a genuine threat to the Teacher’s property; or
(iii) pose a genuine threat to the Teacher gaining access to their home (for example,
road closures).
(b) A Teacher (other than a Casual Teacher) is entitled to up to 2 days of paid leave per
annum to attend to such matters as they relate to the natural disaster.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 39
(c) A Casual Teacher shall be entitled to 2 days unpaid leave.
(d) The Teacher must notify the School as soon as practicable, and where possible prior
to the Teacher commencing such leave, of the need to take leave pursuant to this
clause 12.10(a), the reason for the leave, that is, why they are unable to attend work
and the period or expected period of their leave.
(e) The School may request a Statutory Declaration from a Teacher seeking to access
this provision.
(f) Natural Disaster Leave is not cumulative.
(g) For the purpose of this clause, a natural disaster means a flood, severe storm or
snowfall, bushfire or other natural emergency that has been declared as such by the
NSW or ACT Government in a local government area or areas.
(h) If a natural disaster is declared retrospectively and a full-time or part-time Teacher
has already taken other leave because of that declared natural disaster, the Teacher
may apply for that other leave (including unpaid leave) to be converted to leave
pursuant to this subclause, to a maximum of 2 days paid leave per calendar year.
(i) Nothing in this subclause is intended to preclude access to other leave that may be
available to the Teacher, provided that such other leave cannot be taken
simultaneously with paid natural disaster leave.
13. Teacher Skill Development
13.1 Induction
(a) In addition to the support offered to relevant Teachers in clause 13.2, a Teacher in
his or her first year of experience shall participate in an induction process of one year's
duration, provided that in certain circumstances the Teacher and the school may
agree that the Teacher should participate in the induction process for a further year.
(b) The induction process shall be determined by the school or the Principal in
consultation with the Teacher to assist the Teacher's professional development which
shall be reviewed regularly throughout the year.
(c) The school shall provide a written statement to the Teacher not later than four weeks
before the end of the school year outlining the Teacher's progress and development.
Such statement may form part of a Teacher's portfolio pursuant to clause 13.3.
13.2 Support for Accreditation at Proficient Teacher Level
(a) The School will provide appropriate support to Teachers who are working toward
achieving their accreditation at Proficient Teacher level. This support may include
providing a mentor Teacher and will involve regular feedback in relation to the
Teacher’s progress in reaching the Proficient Teacher standard. A Teacher who is
provided with this support will work cooperatively with the School in relation to the
assessment process including participating in classroom observations, feedback
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 40
meetings and adhering to the deadlines set by the School for the provision of
(b) Where a Teacher working towards Proficient Teacher Accreditation is identified by
the School as being at risk of not meeting the required standards by the end of their
second year of teaching the School will advise the Teacher of this at the
commencement of the final term of the Teacher’s second year of teaching. The School
shall identify to the Teacher the specific standard descriptors where further progress
is required and support the Teacher to address any identified issues to assist their
progression towards completing accreditation at Proficient Teacher Level.
13.3 Evidence of Professional Development
A Teacher may request and be given from time to time by the school or the Principal
appropriate documentation as evidence of the Teacher's professional development and
experience. These documents may, if the Teacher wishes, form a portfolio which shall remain
the property of the Teacher.
13.4 The Teacher Development Process
Where the school considers that a problem exists in relation to the Teacher's performance,
the school shall not use any agreed Teacher development process in substitution for, or as
alternative to, in whole or in part, procedures which apply to the handling of such problems.
13.5 Teacher Returning to Teaching after an Absence
A Teacher returning to teaching after an absence of five or more years shall be offered
support through an induction process as provided for in clause 13.1 with appropriate
modification and shall be expected to participate as appropriate.
14. Disputes Procedure
Subject to the provisions of the Act, all grievances, claims or disputes in relation to matters
arising under this Agreement or the NES shall be dealt with in the following manner:
(a) Any grievance or dispute which arises shall, where possible, be settled by discussion
between the Teacher and the Principal or his or her nominee in accordance with any
procedures that have been adopted by the school. The reference to his or her
nominee applies to a Teacher as well as the Principal; Teachers may also be
represented for purposes of this clause 14.
(b) Should the matter not be resolved, it may be referred by either party to the Fair Work
Commission, or any person agreed between the parties, for conciliation.
(c) During the conciliation the Fair Work Commission may:
(i) arrange conferences of the parties or their representatives at which the
Commissioner is present;
(ii) require the attendance of the parties or their representatives;
(iii) arrange for the parties or their representatives to confer among themselves at
conferences at which the Commissioner is not present; and
(iv) if requested by a party, make non-binding recommendations to settle the
dispute. Such recommendation shall not be binding on the parties to the dispute
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 41
and shall not affect any other remedies the parties may have in relation to the
(d) A Teacher who is a party to a dispute must, while the dispute is being resolved:
(i) continue to work in accordance with his or her contract of employment, unless
the Teacher has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her
health or safety; and
(ii) comply with any reasonable direction given by the school to perform other
available work, either at the same workplace or at another workplace.
(e) In directing a Teacher to perform other available work, the school must have regard
(i) the provisions (if any) of the law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory
dealing with occupational health and safety that apply to that teacher or that
other work; and
(ii) whether that work is appropriate for the Teacher to perform.
15. Superannuation
15.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this clause:
(a) “Basic earnings” shall mean:
(i) the minimum annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for the Teacher
by clause 6.1; and
(ii) the amount of any allowance which is prescribed from time to time for the
Teacher by clauses 6.4 and 8.3 and Attachment C; and
(iii) the amount of all payments made to the Teacher pursuant to clause 10 Pro
Rata Payment for Non-Term Time; and
(iv) any other payment that is defined as ‘ordinary time earnings’ (OTE) in the
Superannuation Guarantee Administration Act 1992 (Cth) (‘SGAA’).
(b) “Casual” means a Casual Teacher as defined in clause 3 Definitions.
15.2 Superannuation Fund
The School shall make superannuation contributions for the benefit of Teachers as provided
for in clause 15.3(a) into the Teacher's nominated fund. If the Teacher does not choose a
fund in accordance with superannuation legislation, the School will make contributions into:
(a) the Teacher's stapled fund; or
(b) if the Australian Taxation Office does not identify a stapled fund for the Teacher, to the
School's default fund provided that the School's default fund must offer a MySuper
product as defined in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth).
15.3 Benefits
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 42
(a) Except as provided in clauses 15.3(b), (d), (e) and (f), each school shall, in respect
of each Teacher employed by it, make superannuation contributions of such amount
as required to ensure that the school does not incur any superannuation guarantee
charge ('SGC') under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth)
('SGAA') and the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992 (Cth). A contribution
shall be payable in respect of basic earnings as defined in clause 15.1.
(b) Where a Teacher is absent on leave and only entitled pursuant to the provisions of
this Agreement to receive payment for such leave at half pay, the school’s
contributions pursuant to this Agreement in respect of that Teacher during the period
of such leave shall be reduced to such amount as required to ensure that the school
does not incur any SGC under the SGAA and the Superannuation Guarantee Charge
Act 1992 (Cth) calculated on the half pay to which the Teacher is entitled.
(c) Subject to clause 15.3(f), contributions shall be paid at intervals and in accordance
with the procedures and subject to the requirements prescribed by the relevant fund
or as trustees of the fund may reasonably determine.
(d) The school shall not be required to make contributions pursuant to this Agreement in
respect of a Teacher in respect of a period when that teacher is absent from his or
her employment without pay.
(e) Contributions shall commence to be paid from the commencement of employment.
(f) The school shall make contributions pursuant to this Agreement in respect of:
(i) Casual Teachers who earn in excess of $1,437.00 during their employment with
the school in the course of any year, running from 1 July to the following 30 June
(all such Casual Teachers are hereinafter called “qualified Teachers”); and
(ii) qualified Teachers in each ensuing year of employment with the school.
Such contributions shall be made in respect of all days worked by the Teacher for the
school during that year.
(g) When a new Teacher commences in employment, the school shall advise the Teacher
in writing of the Teacher's entitlements under this Agreement within two weeks of the
date of commencement of employment and also of the provisions of clause 15.3(e)
in the case of a Full-Time teacher and clause 15.3(f) in the case of a Casual Teacher.
16. Suspension
(a) Notwithstanding any of the provisions in this Agreement, the school may suspend a
Teacher with or without pay while considering any matter which in the view of the
school could lead to the Teacher's summary dismissal. Suspension without pay shall
not be implemented by the school without prior discussion with the Teacher and shall
not, except with the Teacher's consent, exceed a period of four weeks.
(b) If a School suspends a Teacher without pay in accordance with clause 16(a), and the
School determines that there are no grounds for summary dismissal, the School will
pay the Teacher their salary for the period of their suspension without consent.
17. No Extra Claims
(a) The parties agree that the wage increases and other improvements in conditions of
employment provided for by this Agreement are in settlement of all existing claims
made by the Teachers for the life of the Agreement.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 43
(b) It is a term of this Agreement that the Teachers will not pursue any extra claims, award
or over award, or any claims made in lieu of a decision handed down by any
commission, court or tribunal, for improvement in wages or other terms and conditions
of employment for the period between 1 February 2022 and 31 January 2025.
18. Union Representatives
(a) The Employer shall permit the union representative in the School to post Union
notices relating to the holding of meetings on a common room noticeboard.
(b) The union representative shall be permitted in working hours [other than timetabled
teaching time] to meet with the Employer or the Principal on union business. Such
meetings shall take place at a time and place convenient to both parties.
(c) Meetings of Union members who are employed at the school may be held on the
School premises at times and places reasonably convenient to both Union members
and the Principal. Provided that the Union representative gives prior notice to the
Principal of the members’ intention to meet.
19. Flexibility Clause
(a) An Employer and a Teacher covered by this Agreement may agree to make an
individual flexibility arrangement to vary the effect of terms of the Agreement if:
(i) the agreement deals with 1 or more of the following matters:
(A) arrangements about when work is performed;
(B) allowances; and
(C) leave loading.
(ii) the arrangement meets the genuine needs of the Employer and the Teacher in
relation to 1 or more of the matters mentioned in paragraph (a); and
(iii) the arrangement is genuinely agreed to by the Employer and the Teacher.
(b) The Employer must ensure that the terms of the individual flexibility arrangement:
(i) are about permitted matters under section 172 of the Act; and
(ii) are not unlawful terms under section 194 of the Act; and
(iii) result in the Teacher being better off overall than the Teacher would be if no
arrangement was made.
(c) The Employer must ensure that the individual flexibility arrangement:
(i) is in writing; and
(ii) includes the name of the Employer and the Teacher; and
(iii) is signed by the Employer and the Teacher and if the Teacher is under 18 years
of age, signed by a parent or guardian of the Teacher; and
(iv) includes details of:
(A) the terms of the Agreement that will be varied by the arrangement; and
(B) how the arrangement will vary the effect of the terms; and
(C) how the Teacher will be better off overall in relation to the terms and
conditions of his or her employment as a result of the arrangement;
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 44
(v) states the day on which the arrangement commences.
(d) The Employer must give the Teacher a copy of the individual flexibility arrangement
within 14 days after it is agreed to.
(e) The Employer or Teacher may terminate the individual flexibility arrangement:
(i) by giving no more than 28 days written notice to the other party to the
arrangement; or
(ii) if the Employer and Teacher agree in writing at any time.
20. Requests for Flexible Working Arrangements
20.1 A Teacher can request flexible working arrangements in accordance with section 65 of the
20.2 Responding to the request
Before responding to a request made under section 65, the School must discuss the request
with the Teacher and genuinely try to reach agreement on a change in working arrangements
that will reasonably accommodate the Teacher’s circumstances having regard to:
(a) the needs of the Teacher arising from their circumstances;
(b) the consequences for the Teacher if changes in working arrangements are not made;
(c) any reasonable business grounds for refusing the request.
The School must give the Teacher a written response to a request within 21 days, stating
whether the School grants or refuses the request.
20.3 What the written response must include if the employer refuses the request
(a) Clause 20.3 applies if the School refuses the request and has not reached an
agreement with the Teacher under clause 20.2.
(b) The written response under section 65(4) must include details of the reasons for the
refusal, including the business ground or grounds for the refusal and how the ground
or grounds apply.
(c) If the School and Teacher could not agree on a change in working arrangements
under clause 20.2, then the written response under section 65(4):
(i) must state whether or not there are any changes in working arrangements that
the employer can offer the Teacher so as to better accommodate the Teacher’s
circumstances; and
(ii) must, if the School can offer the Teacher such changes in working
arrangements, set out those changes in working arrangements; and
(iii) may include an offer to consider alternative options for the parties to consider.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021 45
20.4 What the written response must include if a different change in working arrangements
is agreed:
If the School and the Teacher reached an agreement under clause 20.2 on a change in
working arrangements that differs from that initially requested by the Teacher, then the
School must provide the Teacher with a written response to their request setting out the
agreed change(s) in working arrangements.
20.5 Disputes about whether the School has discussed the request with the Teacher and
responded to the request in the way required by this clause 20, can be dealt with in
accordance with clause 14 Disputes Procedure.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
PART B Monetary Rates
The rates set out below apply if current superannuation legislation continues to mandate an
increase of 0.5% to superannuation in each year of the Agreement. The currently scheduled
increases are:
a superannuation guarantee charge (SGC) of 10.5% on 1 July 2022;
a SGC of 11% on 1 July 2023; and
a SGC of 11.5% on 1 July 2024.
If in any of the years 2022, 2023 or 2024, the superannuation legislation is amended to freeze
the SGC to be applicable on 1 July in that year before the 1 February in that year, the rates
payable from the first pay period on or after 1 February of that year set out below will increase
by 0.22% with effect from that first pay period on or after 1 February of that year.
If in any of the years 2022, 2023 or 2024, the superannuation legislation is amended in the
period between 1 February that year and 1 July that year to freeze the SGC to be applicable
on 1 July in that year, the rates payable from the first pay period on or after 1 February of that
year set out below will increase by 0.22% with effect from the first pay period on or after 1 July
of that year.
This applies to rates of pay contained in Table 1A - Salaries, Table 1B - Allowances for
Promotions Positions, Table 1C - Directors’ Allowances, Items 1 and 2 of Table 2 Other
Rates and Allowances and Table 3 Casual Rates of Part B - Monetary Rates
For example, if in 2022:
before 1 February 2022, the superannuation legislation is amended to freeze the SGC at
10% from 1 July 2022, the salary payable from the first pay period on or after 1 February
2022 set out below will increase by 0.22% effective from that first pay period on or after 1
February 2022;
on 1 April 2022, the superannuation legislation is amended to freeze the SGC at 10% from
1 July 2022, the salary payable from the first pay period on or after 1 February 2022 set
out below will increase by 0.22% effective from the first pay period on or after 1 July 2022.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Table 1A Salaries
1 2 3 4
Band Step
Rates effective
Rates effective
from the first full
pay period on or
Rates effective
from the first full
pay period on or
Rates effective
from the first full
pay period on or
1 February 2020 1 February 2022 1 February 2023 1 February 2024
Band 1
5 75,605 78,085 79,865 81,886
6 79,504 82,112 83,984 86,109
7 83,394 86,129 88,093 90,322
Band 2
8 87,295 90,158 92,214 94,547
9 91,186 94,177 96,324 98,761
95,083 98,202 100,441 102,982
11 98,981 102,228 104,559 107,204
12 102,881 106,255 108,678 111,428
106,774 110,276 112,790 115,644
Band 3 ST1 111,271 114,921 117,541 120,515
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Table 1B - Allowances for Promotions Positions
1 2 3 4
Allowance from
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or after
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or after
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or after
1 February 2020 1 February 2022 1 February 2023 1 February 2024
3.28% 2.28% 2.53%
Senior Teacher
8,834 9,124 9,332 9,568
Level 2
Co-ordinator 1 8,834 9,124 9,332 9,568
Co-ordinator 2 17,673 18,253 18,669 19,141
Co-ordinator 3
26,508 27,377 28,001 28,709
Deputy Principal - Secondary
Allowance from
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or after
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or after
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or after
1 February 2020
1 February 2022
1 February 2023
1 February 2024
$ $ $
3.28% 2.28% 2.53%
31,703 32,743 33,490 34,337
301-600 35,136 36,288 37,115 38,054
601-900 38,563 39,828 40,736 41,767
41,985 43,362 44,351 45,473
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Deputy Principal - Primary
Allowance from
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or
from the
first full pay
period on or
1 February 2020 1 February 2022
1 February
1 February
3.28% 2.28% 2.53%
201-250 25,332 26,163 26,760 27,437
28,440 29,373 30,043 30,803
401-600 31,704 32,744 33,491 34,338
601-800 35,136 36,288 37,115 38,054
38,563 39,828 40,736 41,767
Table 1C - Directors' Allowances
1 2 3 4
Allowance from
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or
from the
first full pay
period on or
1 February 2020 1 February 2022
1 February
1 February
$ $ $
3.28% 2.28% 2.53%
7,110 7,343 7,510 7,700
8,683 8,968 9,172 9,404
10,838 11,193 11,448 11,738
13,538 13,982 14,301 14,663
76 plus Children
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Table 2 - Other Rates and Allowances
1 2 3 4
Item Clause Brief
Allowance from
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or
Allowance from
the first full pay
period on or
No. No. Description 1 February 2020
1 February
1 February
1 February 2024
$ $ $
3.28% 2.28% 2.53%
1 6.2
Teacher -
classes of
in a
3,284 per annum
3, 392 per
3,469 per
3,557 per annum
125.96 per
130.09 per
133.06 per
136.43 per
2 6.2
and Casual
classes of
in a
16.11 16.64 17.02 17.45
per day per day per day per day
3 6.9
Own Car
0.80 0.80
To increase in
line with the
Modern Award*
To increase in line
with the Modern
Where use
by the
per km per km
4 6.9
Where use
required by
the School
0.27 per km 0.27 per km
To increase in
line with the
Modern Award*
To increase in line
with the Modern
*This allowance shall be adjusted in line with any adjustments to the corresponding rate in the
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Table 3 - Casual Rates (Daily, Half Daily, Preschool Only Quarter Day)
Casual Rates Applicable from 1 February 2020
Step 8
Full Day $ Half Day $
449.32 224.66
Casual Rates Applicable from the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2022
Step 8
Full Day $ Half Day $
464.06 232.03
Casual Rates Applicable from the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2023
Step 8
Full Day $ Half Day $
474.64 237.32
Casual Rates Applicable from the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2024
Step 8
Full Day $
Half Day $
486.65 243.32
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
ATTACHMENT A - Teacher Classifications
This Attachment A contains more detail concerning qualifications equivalent to those
specified for classifications in clause 3(j) of this Agreement.
Four Years Trained Teacher includes a Teacher with the following equivalent qualifications:
(i) A Teacher who has satisfactorily completed a four years’ training course at
Sydney Teachers’ College and the New South Wales Conservatorium of Music;
(ii) A Teacher who has satisfactorily completed a four years’ diploma of Art course
that incorporates the equivalent of a one year’s full-time course in Teacher
education at a recognised higher education institution; or
(iii) A Teacher, who in addition to being a graduate, has completed a two-semester
course of training for Teacher/Librarians conducted by a recognised higher
education institution;
(iv) A Teacher, who in addition to being a graduate, is eligible for Associate
(Professional) Membership of the Library Association of Australia.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
ATTACHMENT B – Consultation and Redundancy
1.1 This Attachment shall apply in respect of Full-Time and Part-Time Teachers employed
in the classifications specified by the Agreement. Clauses 2, 3 and 6 of Attachment
B – Consultation and Redundancy only shall also apply in respect of Casual
1.2 The provisions of clauses 4 and 5 of this Attachment shall only apply to the school if
it employs 15 or more employees (including employees other than Teachers)
immediately prior to the termination of employment of Teachers.
1.3 Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Agreement, the provisions of
clauses 4 and 5 of this Attachment shall not apply to Teachers with less than one
year’s continuous service.
1.4 The provisions of clauses 4 and 5 of this Attachment shall not apply where
employment is terminated as a consequence of conduct that justifies instant dismissal,
including malingering, inefficiency or neglect of duty, or in the case of Casual Teachers,
apprentices or teachers engaged for a specific period of time or for a specified task or
tasks or where employment is terminated due to the ordinary and customary turnover
of labour.
2.1 Where the school has made a definite decision to introduce major changes in
production, program, organisation, structure or technology that are likely to have
significant effects on Teachers, the school shall notify its decision to the Teachers who
may be affected by the proposed changes, and the union to which they belong.
2.2 ‘Significant effects’ include termination of employment, major changes in the
composition, operation or size of the schools workforce or in the skills required, the
elimination or diminution of job opportunities, promotion opportunities or job tenure,
the alteration of hours of work, the need for retraining or transfer of Teachers to other
work or locations and the restructuring of jobs.
3.1 The school shall discuss with the Teachers affected by the introduction of such
changes, and the union to which they belong, the introduction of the changes, the likely
effect on the Teachers, and the measures taken to avert or mitigate the adverse effects
of such changes, as soon as is practicable after the school has made the decision
outlined in clause 2.1 of this Attachment.
3.2 The Teachers may appoint a representative for the procedures outlined in this Part. If
a Teacher appoints, or Teachers appoint, a representative for the purposes of
consultation and Teacher or Teachers advise the school of the identity of the
representative, the school must recognise that representative. Where a Teacher is a
member of a union, the union will be that Teacher’s representative unless the Teacher
appoints another person or revokes the union’s status as their representative.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
3.3 For the purposes of those discussions the school shall provide, in writing, to the
Teachers concerned all relevant information about the proposed changes, including
the reasons for, and the nature of, the proposed changes, the number and categories
of Teachers likely to be affected, information about the expected effects of the changes
on the Teachers, and any other matters likely to affect the Teachers. This information
shall be provided as soon as soon as practicable after the school has made the
decision outlined in clause 2.1 of this Attachment, provided that any school shall not
be required to disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information.
3.4 The school must give prompt and genuine consideration to matters raised about the
major changes by the Teachers, and or their representatives.
4.1 This clause sets out the notice provisions to be applied to terminations by the school
for reasons arising from production, program, organisation or structure in accordance
with clause 2 of this Attachment B. The provisions of this clause 4.1 only apply to a
school if it employs 15 or more employees (including employees other than Teachers)
immediately prior to the termination of employment of Teachers.
4.1.1 In order to terminate the employment of a Teacher, the school shall give to the Teacher
notice in accordance with clause 9.3 Termination of Employment.
4.1.2 Payment in lieu of the notice above shall be made if the appropriate notice period is
not given. Provided that employment may be terminated by part of the period of notice
specified and part payment in lieu thereof.
4.2 Time off during the notice period
4.2.1 During the period of notice of termination given by the school a Teacher shall be allowed
up to one day’s time off without loss of pay during each week of notice, to a maximum of
five weeks, for the purposes of seeking other employment.
4.2.2 If the Teacher has been allowed paid leave for more than one day during the notice period
for the purpose of seeking other employment, the Teacher shall, at the request of the
school, be required to produce proof of attendance at an interview or the Teacher shall
not receive payment for the time absent.
4.3 Teacher leaving during the notice period
If the employment of a Teacher is terminated (other than for misconduct) before the
notice period expires, the Teacher shall be entitled to the same benefits and payments
under this part had the Teacher remained with the school until the expiry of such notice.
Provided that in such circumstances the Teacher shall not be entitled to payment in
lieu of notice.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
4.4 Statement of employment
The school shall, upon receipt of a request from a Teacher whose employment has
been terminated, provide to the Teacher a written statement specifying the period of
the Teacher’s employment and the classification of or the type of work performed by
the Teacher.
4.5 Notice to Centrelink
Where a decision has been made to terminate Teachers, the school shall notify
Centrelink thereof as soon as possible giving relevant information including the number
and categories of the Teachers likely to be affected and the period over which the
terminations are intended to be carried out.
4.6 Employment Separation Certificate
The school shall, upon receipt of a request from a Teacher whose employment has
been terminated, provide to the Teacher an ‘Employment Separation Certificate’ in the
form required by Centrelink.
4.7 Transfer to lower paid duties
Where a Teacher is transferred to lower paid duties for reasons set out in clause 2 of
this Attachment, the Teacher shall be entitled to the same period of notice of transfer
as the Teacher would have been entitled to if the Teacher’s employment had been
terminated, and the school may at the school’s option make payment in lieu thereof of
an amount equal to the difference between the former ordinary time rate of pay and
the new ordinary time rate for the number of weeks of notice still owing.
5.1 The provisions of this clause only apply to a school if it employs 15 or more employees
immediately prior to the termination of employment of Teachers. Where a Teacher is
to be terminated pursuant to clause 4 of this Attachment, the school shall pay the
following severance pay in respect of a continuous period of service:
5.1.1 If a Teacher is under 45 years of age, the school shall pay in accordance with the
following scale:
Years of Service
Under 45 Years of Age Entitlement
Less than 1 year
1 year and less than 2 years
4 weeks
2 years and less than 3 years
7 weeks
3 years and less than 4 years
10 weeks
4 years and less than 5 years
12 weeks
5 years and less than 6 years
14 weeks
6 years and over
16 weeks
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
5.1.2 Where a Teacher is 45 years old or over, the entitlement shall be in accordance with
the following scale:
Years of Service
45 Years of Age and Over Entitlement
Less than 1 year
1 year and less than 2 years
5 weeks
2 years and less than 3 years
8.75 weeks
3 years and less than 4 years
12.5 weeks
4 years and less than 5 years
15 weeks
5 years and less than 6 years
17.5 weeks
6 years and over
20 weeks
5.1.3 ‘Week's Pay’ means the all purpose rate of pay for the Teacher concerned at the date
of termination, and shall include, in addition to the ordinary rate of pay, over Agreement
payments, and allowances provided for in the relevant Agreement.
5.2 Incapacity to Pay
5.2.1 Subject to an application by the school and further order of Fair Work Commission, an
school may pay a lesser amount (or no amount) of severance pay than that contained
in clause 5.1 of this Attachment B.
5.2.2 The Fair Work Commission shall have regard to such financial and other resources of
the school concerned as Fair Work Commission thinks relevant, and the probable
effect paying the amount of severance pay in clause 5.1 above will have on the school.
5.3 Alternative Employment
Subject to an application by the school and further order of the Fair Work Commission,
a school may pay a lesser amount (or no amount) of severance pay than that contained
in clause 5.1 above if the school obtains acceptable alternative employment for a
5.4 Part-Time Teachers
If a Part-Time Teacher's hours are reduced, without their agreement, by more than
25%, the Teacher's employment will terminate and they will be entitled to the provisions
of clause 4 and clause 5 of this Attachment B.
6.1 The School will consult with Teachers about a change to their regular roster or ordinary
hours of work.
6.2 For the purposes of this clause 6 the School will:
(a) provide information to the affected Teachers about the change; and
(b) invite affected Teachers to give their views about the impact of the change
(including any impact in relation to their family or caring responsibilities); and
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
(c) consider any views that are given by the Teachers.
6.3 Teachers may be represented for the purposes of consultation under this clause 6.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
ATTACHMENT C Particular Conditions of Teachers employed in
Preschools and Other Early Childhood Services
1. Introduction
If the school operates a preschool or other early childhood service, the conditions of
this Agreement shall apply to Teachers employed in the Preschool or other early
childhood service subject to the modifications contained in this clause.
2. Definitions
(a) “Director” means the Teacher employed in the service who is responsible for
the day to day operation of the service.
(b) “Preschool” means an establishment which provides educational development
programmes, child care or other services for children under school age and
which usually operates during hours and terms which approximate those of a
recognised school. A Preschool may operate on a sessional basis (morning
and/or afternoon sessions) or on a full day basis.
(c) “Early Childhood Services Centre” (ECS Centre) means an establishment
which provides child care and/or educational development programmes or
other services for children under school age and shall include:
(i) “Early Intervention Services” means individual programmes for children
with developmental delays or disabilities, or children at risk of being
developmentally delayed or of having a disability, aged 0 to 6 years,
aimed at providing assistance to the child and its family in the areas of
physical, emotional, social and educational needs.
(ii) “Long Day Care Centre” means a child care establishment which usually
provides services over a period of approximately eight hours or more
each day for approximately 48 weeks or more during the year.
(iii) “Multi-Purpose Centre” means a child care establishment which usually
provides the services of a long day care centre, together with the services
of a full-day care centre and/or a sessional care centre.
(d) Unit” means a group or class of children in a service which does not at any
time exceed 25 children, but which need not necessarily consist of the same
children at all times.
(e) Service” means a preschool or ECS centre.
3. Payment of Casual Teachers
A Casual Teacher in the service shall be paid the appropriate rate in clause 6.1 Salary
Scales in accordance with years of full-time service, divided by 204 in the case of a
daily payment and 408 in the case of a half-day payment or 816 in the case of a
quarterly day payment, plus 5%.
4. Calculation of Service for Early Childhood Teachers
(a) For the purpose of this clause, any Teacher if required by the school to do so,
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
shall upon engagement establish to the satisfaction of the school, the length of
his or her teaching service in any Preschool, Early Childhood Services Centre
(ECS Centre), Multi-Purpose Centre or in early childhood education services
for children up to 8 years of age, or in the Infants Department of Schools
registered or certified under the appropriate legislation in other States or
Territories of the Commonwealth of Australia, and that period so established
shall be taken to be the length of such service for the purpose of that
(i) Any employment as a Full-Time Teacher (including employment as a
Temporary Full-Time teacher shall be counted as service.
(ii) The amount of service of a Part-Time Teacher (including a Temporary
Part-Time Teacher) shall be calculated by reference to the ratio which the
number of hours worked by the Teacher in any year bears to the normal
number of hours worked by a Full-Time Teacher at the preschool in the
same year, provided that a period of part-time service shall count as
service in the proportion that the part-time employment bears to full-time
employment in that occupation.
(iii) The amount of service of a Casual Teacher employed in an ECS Centre
shall be calculated by reference to the ratio which the number of days (or
equivalent) worked by the Teacher in any year bears to the normal
number of days worked by a Full-Time Teacher at the ECS Centre in the
same year.
(b) For the purpose of this clause, a period of service other than service within
paragraph 4(a) of this clause, shall be counted as service in accordance with
the following principles:
(i) A period of service as a lecturer in early childhood education or child
development, as a child development officer, or as a Family Day Care
Co-ordinator or equivalent shall be recognised as service;
(ii) A period of service as a carer in the child care industry, including service
as a Family Day Care carer (as recognised under State Government
Regulations), and a Child Care Certificate worker or equivalent, shall be
recognised as service at the rate of one increment for each completed
three years so engaged to a maximum of four increments.
5. Directors
A Teacher appointed to the position of Director in the service shall be paid the
allowance for the position in accordance with the number of units of the service, as set
out in Table 1C Directors’ Allowances of Part BMonetary Rates in addition to
the salary applicable to the appointee (as set out in Table 1A - Salaries).
6. Long Service Leave - Calculation of Entitlement for Teachers Employed in a
Service in NSW prior to 1 January 2011
This clause applies instead of the provisions of clause 12.3(c) Calculation of
Entitlement in relation to a Teacher whose service with the school began prior to 1
January 2011 and whose service would entitle the Teacher to long service leave. The
amount of long service leave to which a Teacher shall be entitled is as follows:
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Calculation of Entitlement
Prior to 31 December, 1997 0.866 weeks per year.
1 January, 1998 to 31 December, 1998 1.05 weeks per year.
1 January, 1999 to 28 January, 2001 1.05 weeks per year up to 10 years’ service.
1.5 weeks per year, or proportion of a year, after
10 years’ service.
On or after the 29 January, 2001 1.3 weeks per year up to 10 years’ service.
1.5 weeks per year, or proportion of a year, after
10 years’ service.
On or after the 1 January, 2011 1.3 weeks per year up to 10 years’ service.
2 weeks per year, or proportion of a year, after
10 years’ service.
7. Terms of Engagement
(a) Crib Break
Not more than 30 minutes nor less than 20 minutes shall be allowed to
Teachers each day for a midday crib break. Such crib break shall be counted
as time worked.
Provided however that a Teacher may, by agreement with the school, leave the
premises during the crib break. Where such reasonable request has been
made by the Teacher, the school shall give favourable consideration to any
such request. Such time away from the premises shall not count as time
(b) First Aid Certificate
(i) Teachers shall be required to obtain and maintain an approved first aid
(ii) A Teacher employed in the preschool will attend such first aid courses in
the Teacher’s own time.
(c) Part-Time Teachers
NB - also see other relevant provisions of this Agreement.
The days of attendance of a Part-Time Teacher may be varied at the
commencement of each calendar year or by mutual agreement between the
Teacher and the school with four term weeks’ notice. The normal hours of a
Part-Time Teacher shall not be varied without agreement. Agreement will not
be unreasonably withheld.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
8 Rostering
8.1 This clause, clause 8, shall only apply in respect to Employers listed in Attachment
D Legal Entities and Schools Covered by this Agreement, who engage Teachers
to work for 48 weeks or more per year in an early childhood service.
8.2 Rostering arrangements will not occur that would otherwise entitle Teachers to shift
penalties under the Award.
8.3 Teachers will not be rostered to regularly work outside the Award span of hours.
8.4 Teachers will not be regularly required to work overtime.
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Attachment D – Legal Entities and Schools covered by this
Trading Name Legal Name
A.G.B.U. Alexander Primary School
Armenian General Benevolent Union School
Aetaomah School Sun Artistry Ltd
Al Amanah College Al Amanah College Ltd
All Saints Grammar School All Saints Greek Orthodox Grammar School
Amity College Amity College Australia Limited
Aspect Central Coast School Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
Aspect Hunter School Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
Aspect Macarthur School Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
Aspect Riverina School Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
Aspect South Coast School Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
Aspect South East Sydney School Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
Aspect Vern Barnett School Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
Aspect Western Sydney School Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
Aurora Southern Highlands Steiner School
Southern Highlands Company for Steiner
Education Limited
Australian International Academy Sydney
Australian International Academy of
Education Limited
Barrenjoey Montessori School Avalon Montessori Association
Bellfield College Bellfield Group Limited
Biala Special School Biala Support Services Ltd
Bishop Druitt College Bishop Druitt College Council
Blacktown Youth College Incorporated Blacktown Youth College Incorporated
Broughton Anglican College Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council
Byron Community Primary School Byron Community Primary School Inc
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Trading Name Legal Name
Calrossy Anglican School Calrossy Anglican School
Cape Byron Steiner School Cape Byron Rudolf Steiner School Limited
Casuarina Steiner School The Casuarina School Co-operative Ltd
Central West Leadership Academy Central West Leadership Academy Limited
Christadelphian Heritage College Sydney
Christadelphian Heritage College Sydney
Clarence Valley Anglican School Clarence Valley Anglican School
Coogee Boys' Preparatory School Coogee Boys' Preparatory School Pty Ltd
Currambena Primary School Currambena Ltd
Elouera Special School Elouera Association Ltd
Emanuel School Emanuel School
Emmanuel Anglican College Emmanuel Anglican College Council
ET Australia Secondary College Employment and Training Australia Limited
Farmhouse Montessori School Manly Warringah Montessori Society
Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School Limited
Hills Montessori School Hills Montessori Society
Italian Bilingual School CO AS IT Italian Association of Assistance
Kesser Torah College Kesser Torah College Limited
Kindlehill School Kindlehill Ltd
Kinma School Kinma Limited
Korowal School Korowal School Limited
Lakes Grammar - An Anglican School Lakes Grammar An Anglican School
Lindfield Montessori Preschool Lindfield Montessori Society Incorporated
Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School Lindisfarne Anglican School
Linuwel School Linuwel School Ltd
Living School
Living Schools Global Limited
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hy
brid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Trading Name Legal Name
Lorien Novalis School
Lorien-Novalis School for Rudolf Steiner
Education Ltd
Lutheran School Wagga Wagga Lutheran School Wagga Wagga Limited
Manning Valley Anglican College
Manning Valley Anglican College Anglican
Diocese of Newcastle
Margaret Jurd College Margaret Jurd College (NSW) Limited
Masada College Masada College
Medowie Christian School Medowie Christian School Limited
Minimbah Aboriginal Primary School
Minimbah Pre-School, Primary School
Aboriginal Corporation
Moama Anglican Grammar School Moama Anglican Grammar Ltd
Montessori East
Eastern Suburbs Montessori Association
Montgrove College PARED Ltd
Mosman Church of England Preparatory
Mosman Church of England Preparatory
School Limited
Mount Annan Christian College Mount Annan Christian College Ltd
Mount Sinai College Mount Sinai College
Narnia Christian Preschool and Early
Childhood Centres
St Philip's Christian Education Foundation
New England Girls' School NEGS Limited
Northside Montessori School Northside Montessori Society
Orana School
Canberra Rudolf Steiner School Association
Redfield College PARED Ltd
Salamah College Salamah College Limited
Sapphire Coast Anglican College
Sapphire Coast Anglican College
Sathya Sai College Sathya Sai College Limited
Sherwood Hills Christian School Sherwood Hills Christian School Limited
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Trading Name Legal Name
Shire Christian School
The Sutherland Shire Christian School
Association Ltd
Southside Montessori School Southside Montessori Society
St Bishoy Coptic Orthodox College St Bishoy Coptic Orthodox College
St Columba Anglican School
St Columba Anglican School Council
St Dominic Savio School Society of St Pius X Ltd
St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School Assyrian Christian Schools Limited
St John's Lutheran Primary School St John’s Lutheran School Jindera Ltd
St Mark's Coptic Orthodox College Saint Mark’s Coptic Orthodox College
St Mary and St Mina's Coptic Orthodox
St Mary and St Mina's Coptic Orthodox
St Narsai Assyrian Christian College Assyrian Christian Schools Limited
St Paul's College St Paul's College Ltd
St Paul's Lutheran Primary School
St Paul's Lutheran Primary School Henty
St Peter's Anglican College St Peter's Anglican College
St Peter's Anglican Primary School Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council
St Philip's Christian College - Cessnock
St Philip's Christian Education Foundation
St Philip's Christian College - Gosford
St Philip's Christian Education Foundation
St Philip's Christian College - Newcastle
St Philip's Christian Education Foundation
St Philip's Christian College - Port Stephens
St Philip's Christian Education Foundation
St Philip's Christian College DALE
St Philip's Christian Education Foundation
St Philip's Christian College DALE - Young
St Philip's Christian Education Foundation
St Sava College St Sava College Ltd
Independent Schools NSW Teachers (Hybrid Model) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2021
Trading Name Legal Name
St Spyridon College
The Greek Orthodox Parish of South East
St Stanislaus' College St. Stanislaus' College Bathurst
Stella Maris College Stella Maris College
Sydney Japanese International School Sydney Japanese School Limited
Sydney Montessori School Sydney Montessori School Limited
Tallowood Steiner School Tallowood Steiner School Inc
Tangara School for Girls PARED Ltd
The Armidale School The Armidale School
The Central Coast Montessori Primary
The Central Coast Montessori Primary
School Limited
The Joseph Varga School The Joseph Varga School
Vistara Primary School
Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha Ltd
Vistara Primary School
Warrah School Warrah Society
Wollemi College PARED Ltd