April 2024
Professor Anthony Saunders
Department of Finance
Kaufman Management Center
Stern School of Business, New York University
44 West 4
St., Rm. 9-91
New York, N.Y. 10012
(212) 998-0711 (office)
(212) 998-0312 (office/secretary)
(212) 995-4232 (fax)
Website: http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~asaunder
SSRN Author Page is:
Primary Areas of Interest
Financial institutions, international finance/banking and financial economics.
London School of Economics, 1968-71, BS, 1971, Monetary Economics
London School of Economics, 1971-72, MS, 1972, Money and Finance
London School of Economics, 1976-81, Ph.D., 1981, Thesis title:
“The Behavior and Performance of the London Clearing Banks, 1965-1977”
Current Position
Stern School of Business, New York University
John M. Schiff, Professor of Finance
Management Committee, Department of Finance
Previous Positions
Chairman of the Department of Finance (1995-96 and 97-2007)
Stern School of Business, New York University
Assistant Professor of Finance (1978-1982)
Associate Professor of Finance (1982-1987)
Professor of Finance (1987- )
Professor of International Business and Finance (1988- )
Director of Undergraduate Studies in Finance (1983-1985)
Acting Director of the Salomon Brothers Center for the Study of Financial Institutions
(September 1984-85)
Associate Director of the Salomon Brothers Center for the Study of Financial Institutions (1985-)
Courses taught: Money and Banking: BS
Risk Management in Financial Institutions: MBA
Seminar in Banking: Ph.D.
Introduction to Finance: MBA
Credit Risk: EMBA
NYU Executive Programs on Risk Management
Current Advisory Positions
President Financial Management Association (2011)
Nobel Prize in Economics, Nomination Committee (2000- )
Investment Advisory Board, Zurich Financial Services (2003-2017)
Visiting Positions Non-Academic
Comptroller of Currency
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Federal Reserve Board of Philadelphia
Federal Reserve Board of New York
Visiting Positions Academic
Pembroke Visiting Chaired Professor of International Finance, University of Cambridge
Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden)
INSEAD (France)
City University (London)
University of Melbourne (Australia)
ISEAS (Singapore)
University of Bocconi (Italy)
University of Otago (New Zealand)
HKUST (Hong Kong)
University of St. Andres (Argentina)
ALBA (Greece)
London School of Economics
Consulting Experience (selected)
2024 Quinn Emanuel
2024 BPI/Gibson Dunn
2023 Lovell etal
2022 Lovell etal
Iraqi Telecom vs. IBL Bank, Lebanon
(Expert Witness)
Critique of Fed Proposal for Basel 3
Implementation in the US.
Manipulation of the Oil Futures Price by
Vega traders (expert witness)
Fixing of the Australian Bank Rate
(expert witness)
2018 Quinn Emanuel
2018 Levi and Korsinsky
2018 Scott and Scott
2017 Hogan Lovells
2017 Quinn Emanuel
2016 Quinn Emanuel
2016 Bryan Cave
2016 Bartlitt-Beck, et al.
2016 Korein Tillery, et al.
2015 Quinn Emanuel, LLP
2014 U.S. Dept. of Justice
2014 Wolf Haldenstein et al.
2014 Quinn Emanuel, LLP
2014 Levi and Korsinsky
2013 Levi and Korsinsky
2012 Leiff Cabraser Heimann and
2012 Internal Revenue Service
Apr vs. General Electric(expert witness).
Libor Fixing
Refinancing Corp., Mortgage Servicing Claims
(expert witness).
Altisource Residential Corp.
Pricing fixing in Odd Lots, SSA Securities,
Fannie and Freddie Securities (Consultant).
Market for Second Lien Mortgages (Consultant).
HEMT vs DLJ/SPS (expert witness).
FHFA v. RBS. (deposition testimony).
Citizens Central Bancorp vs FDIC (Consultant).
MassMutual vs Credit Suisse et al. (expert witness).
(expert witness).
MassMutual vs Countrywide, MassMutual vs DB
DB Structured Products (Deposition testimony).
Starr Int’l Co. v. US (Fed. C1.) (Deposition and
Trial testimony).
Zelouf vs Zelouf (NY Sup Ct.) (Trial testimony).
FHFA v. Goldman, Sachs & Co. et al. (S.D.N.Y)
FHFA v. Nomura Inc. (S.D.N.Y) (deposition
Ausikaitis v. Kiani, et al. (D. Del.) (deposition
OCZ Technology Inc. (expert witness).
LIBOR Manipulation (consultant).
Bank of New York Mellon Corp. v. IRS (U.S. Tax
Ct. NY).
Structured Finance transactions by BONY (expert
2020 Bartlitt Beck
2018 Leiff Cabraser
witness) (deposition & trial testimony).
2012 Horwitz, Horwitz, and Paradis Bank of America’s acquisition of Merrill Lynch
(expert witness; Bank of America shareholder
derivative action).
2012 Securities and SEC vs. Directors of Indymac (C.D. Cal.) (expert
Exchange Commission witness) (deposition testimony).
2011 Gardant Communications Takeover of Bank of Moscow (consulting report).
2011- Burg Simpson Pursuit Partners vs. UBS (Conn. Super. Ct.)
2014 (expert witness synthetic MBS value triggers)
(deposition & trial testimony).
2011 Stephenson Harwood (UK) BTA vs. Republic of Kazakhstan
(International arbitration expert witness bank
2011 Quinn, Emmanuel, et al. ADIA vs. Citicorp
(Consultant; price paid for Citicorp shares).
2011 White and Case Calyon vs. Black Diamond
(Expert witness; rights of majority owners in a
syndicated loan liquidation).
2011 Patterson Belknap Ambac vs. Bata (expert witness, value of swaps).
2011 Herbert Smith (Hong Kong) New Cotai vs. East Asia Satellite Television
(expert witness, conditions in the loan
syndication market during the crisis).
2010 Australian Government Australian Tax Authority vs. G.E. (expert witness,
parent debt guarantee fees).
2009- Boise, Schiller and Flexner Lehman vs. Barclays (Bank. S.D.N.Y.).
2010 (expert witness, solvency of Lehman)
(deposition testimony).
2009 Black and Fine, et al. New Mexico Pension Fund cases on MBS
and 2013 (expert witness, value of mortgage backed
2009 Bass, Berry and Sims and Regions Bank Class Action (expert witness, the
Sullivan and Cromwell performance of Morgan Keegan Bond Funds
during the Current Credit Crisis).
2008 Donovan and Associates Sovereign Bank vs. Santander (Pennsylvania)
(expert witness, Merger premium paid for
Sovereign Bank by Santander during the crisis),
(trial testimony).
2008 Czech Republic Bank Foreign Bank Acquisition of Domestic (Czech)
(Int’l Ct. Arb. London), (expert witness,
International arbitration).
2008 Canada Customs and Revenue GE Capital Canada vs. Canada Customs and
Agency Revenue) (Toronto, Canada) (expert witness,
regarding payment of debt guarantee fees to GEC
by GEC Canada) (trial testimony).
2008- Morrison and Foerster Olympus Capital vs. Loan Star (Int’l Ct. Arb.
2011 Singapore) (expert witness, international
arbitration over purchase of shares in a credit card
company) (arbitration testimony).
2007 Boies, Schiller & Flexner Genesco vs. Finish Line (UBS) (Tenn. Ch. Ct.)
(expert witness Credit Market conditions and
loan commitments during the crisis) (trial
2007 Andrews Kurth Mirant (MCAR) Bankruptcy Trustees vs Trustees
vs. Southern Company (expert witness, solvency
of Mirant) (deposition testimony).
2007 Bernstein, Leibhard UGCOM vs. LMI
Minority share purchase (expert witness, value of
Minority share purchase) (deposition testimony).
2007 Mark Krishner/Refco Thomas Lee, et al. and others (consultant on
(Bankruptcy solvency issues).
Tweed et al.
2007 Parker Freedland et al. Class action vs. Iridium, (expert witness; fraud
on the Market), (deposition testimony).
2007 Hogan and Hartson CSFB vs. Calyon Bank Loans and Securitization
2006 Black and Fine Class action vs. JP Morgan (expert witness, Copper
Prices and structured finance), (deposition
2006 Crotchett, Pitre, Simon and Silvercreek vs. Salomon, Smith, Barney et al.
McCarthy (expert witness).
2006 Greer, Herz, and Adams Structured Finance Products, Texas Pension
Funds, Enron and Banks (expert witness)
(deposition testimony).
2006 Milberg Weiss PMA class action (expert witness).
2006 Grant and Eisenhofer Structured Finance Products, Ohio Pension
Funds, Enron and Banks (expert witness)
(deposition testimony).
2006 Pepe and Hazard Structured Finance Products, CRRA, Enron and
Banks (expert witness).
2006 Pepe and Hazard Enron’s Creditworthiness (expert witness)
(deposition testimony).
2006- Government of New Structured Finance Products, Sovereign
2011 Zealand (IRD) Insurance, Westpac, Deutsche Bank and BNZ
multiple cases (expert witness).
2005 Debevoise Plimpton Valuation of Life Insurance Contracts (consultant).
2005 Pepe and Hazard Enron and the rating agencies (consultant).
2005- King and Spalding Reports on restructuring of Hynix
2006 (expert witness).
2005 Department of Justice Goodwill and FIRREA, Carteret Savings Bank
and Ambase (Fed. Cl.) (expert witness)
(deposition & trial testimony).
2005 Milberg Weiss Asia Pulp and Paper class action (expert witness)
(deposition testimony).
2004 Department of Justice ENRON: Bayly et al., Nigerian Barges criminal
case (S.D. Tex.) (expert witness) (trial testimony).
2003- Department of Justice Goodwill and FIRREA, Perpetual Savings Bank
2004 (Fed. Cl.) (expert witness) (deposition testimony).
2004 Milberg Weiss Nortel class action (expert witness) (deposition
Hynix dumping of DRAMS (expert witness).
Losses Related to the Goodwill Provisions
of the Financial Institutions, Reform and
Recovery, 5
, and D and N Banks (Fed. Cl.)
(expert wit
ness) (deposition & trial testimony).
2003 Hale and Dorr
2001- Department of
Justice 2006
Ranked No. 2 over the last 75 years in publishing in the top 10 finance journals. K. Chung et al.,
"Conservatism and Representative Heuristic in Peer Reviews: Evidence from he Finance
Literature" )SSRN WP August 2023).
Ranked No.1 as the “Most Prolific Author” in 16 core Finance Journals over 50 years…see, P.L.
Cooley and J.L. Heck, “Prolific Authors in the Finance Literature: A Half Century of
Contributions”, Journal of Finance Literature, Vol 1, Winter 2005, pp. 46-69 and the most prolific
author in the Finance Literatures top seven journals for 1959-2008 in Jean L. Heck and Philip L.
Cooley, “Most Prolific Authors in the Finance Literature: 1959-2008,
(http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1355675). Top researcher of Formal
Collaboration in Financial Economics, 1998-2008 in George and Rose “Mirror Mirror on the
Wall who is the Most Central of them All”, ERSA working paper, January 2016.
(i) Journals
“What’s in the Spread? The Predictive Power of Loan verses Bond Spreads” (with
Steffen, Sprina and Streitz), Review of Financial Studies (forthcoming).
"Do Corporate Depositors Risk Everything for Nothing", (with Imbierowicz and Steffen). Journal
of Money, Credit, and Banking. (forthcoming)
"The Real Economic Costs of the Bank Tax" (with Borsuk et al.), Journal of Financial Stability
"Private Information Dissemination in the Secondary Loan Market" (with Shao et al.), Journal of
Financial Markets 2024.
"Cross Sectional Dispersion of Corporate Earnings and Bank Performance", Journal of Banking
and Finance, 2022.
"Explicit Deposit Insurance Design: International Effects on Bank Lending during the Global
Financial Crisis" (with Hasan et al.), Journal of Financial Intermediation 2022.
“Underwriting as Certification of Bank Bonds (with Carbo-Valverde and Rodriguez),
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2022.
“The Wolves of Wall Street: Managerial Attributes and Bank Business Models”
(with Hagendorff et al.), Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2022.
“Is Bailout Insurance and Tall Risk Priced in Bank Equities? (with Del Viva et al.), Journal of
Financial Stability, 2022.
“International Lending: The Role of Lender’s Home Country” (with Dai and Beyhaghi), Journal
of Money Credit and Banking 2021.
“U.S. Government TARP Bailout and Bank Lottery Behavior” (with Viva et al.), Journal of
Corporate Finance. 2021
“Brexit and the Contraction of Syndicated Lending” (with Berg et al.), Journal of Financial
Economics. 2021
“Bank Relationship Loss: The Moderating Effect of Information Opacity”, Journal of Banking
and Finance. 2020
“Big Banks, Low Margins: What is the Future of Banking?”,
Journal of Financial Markets and
Institutions, 2020.
“Trends in Corporate Borrowing” (With Berg and Steffen), Annual Review of Financial
Economics (forthcoming).
“Macroeconomics News and Acquirer Returns in M and A’s: The Impact of Investor
Alertness” (with Barbopoulos), Journal of Corporate Finance, 2020.
“Non-core Banking. Performance and Risk” (With Schmid and Walter), Journal of Financial
Stability, 2020.
“The Impact of Monetary Policy on M&A Outcomes” (with Barbopoulos), Journal of
Finance, 2020.
“Do Hedge Funds Trade on Private Information” (with Klein et al.), Journal of Portfolio
Management, 2019.
“Bank Monitoring and CEO Risk-Taking Incentives”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2018.
“Syndication, Interconnectedness and Systemic Risk” (with Steffen et al.), Journal of Financial
Stability, 2019.
“Hedge Funds in M and A: Is there Exploitation of Private Information?” (with Massoud et al.),
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2018.
“Covenant Violations and Dynamic Loan Contracting” (with Imbierowicz, et al.), Journal of
Corporate Finance, 2017.
“Why and How Do Banks Lay Off Credit Risk?” (with Beyhaghi and Massoud), Journal of
Corporate Finance, 2017.
“Mind the Gap: The Difference between US and European Loan Rates” (with Berg, Steffen and
Strietz), Review of Financial Studies, 2017.
“The Total Cost of Corporate Borrowing: Don’t Forget the Fees” (with Berg and Steffen),
Journal of Finance, 2016.
“Do Transactional Loans Behave Differently from Relationship Loans” (with Li and Shao),
Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 2015.
"Should Short Selling of Stock be Restricted?” (with Massoud, Hassan and Song), Journal of
Banking and Finance, 2015.
“Regulation Fair Disclousure and Credit Markets, (with Li and Shao), Journal of Banking and
Finance, 2015.
“Is Basel Turning Banks Into Public Utilities?”, Journal of Financial Perspectives, 2014.
“The Regulatory Experience in the US and the Lessons for a European Banking Union”,
Journal of Financial Perspectives, 2014.
“Are Banks still Special when there is a Secondary Markey for Bank Loans?” (with A. Gande),
Journal of Finance, 2012.
“The Role of Lending Banks in Forced CEO Turnovers” (with S. Ozelge), Journal of Money,
Credit and Banking, 2012.
“The Role of Banks in Dividend Policy” (with L. Allen, et al.), Financial Management, 2012.
“The Impact of Wealth on Financial Markets: Evidence from Credit Card Non-Payment” (with
N. Massoud and B. Scholnick), Journal of Financial Stability, 2012.
“Financial Architecture, Systemic Risk and Universal Banking” (with I. Walter), Financial
Markets and Portfolio Management, 2012.
“The Costs of Being Private: Evidence from the Loan Market” (with S. Steffen), Review of
Financial Studies, 2011.
“Do Hedge Funds Trade on Private Information? Evidence from Syndicated Lending and Short
Selling” (with N. Massoud, D. Nandy and K. Song), Journal of Financial Economics, 2011
(Second prize for the FAMA-DFA Award for the best paper in Corporate Finance and Asset
Pricing in JFE for 2011).
“Lending Relationships and Loan Contract Terms” (with S. Bharath, S. Dahiya and A.
Srinivasan), Review of Financial Studies, 2011.
“Bank Debt versus Bond Debt: Evidence from Secondary Market Prices” (with E. Altman and
A. Gande), Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 2010.
“Are Initial Returns and Underwriting Spreads Complements or Substitutes?” (with D. Palia and
D. Kim), Financial Management, 2010
“The Cost of Being Late: The Case of Credit Card Penalty Fees” (with N. Massoud and B.
Scholnick), Journal of Financial Stability, 2010.
“Bank Debt and Corporate Governance” (with V. Ivashina, et al.), Review of Financial Studies,
“The Long Run Behavior of Underwriting Spreads” (with D. Palia and D. Kim), Journal
of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2009.
“The Economics of Credit Cards, Debt Cards and ATMs: A Survey and Some New
Evidence” (with N. Massoud and B. Scholnick), J
ournal of Banking and Finance, 2008.
“So What Do I Get? The Bank’s View of Lending Relationships” (with S. Bharath, S.
Dahiya and A. Srinivasan), Journal of Financial Economics, 2007.
“The Impact of Institutional Ownership on Corporate Operating Performance” (with A. Marcus,
M. Cornett and H. Tehranian), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2007.
“The Use of ATMs in Bank Strategy: Is There a Customer Relationship Effect?” (with
N. Massoud and B. Scholnick), Journal of Business, 2006.
Should Banks Be Diversified? Evidence from Individual Bank Loan Portfolios” (with
V. Acharya and I. Hasan), Journal of Business, 2006.
“Bank Borrowers and Loan Sales: New Evidence on the Uniqueness of Bank Loans” (with
S. Dahiya and M. Puri), Journal of Business, 2004.
“Commercial Bank Underwriting of Credit - Enhanced Bonds: Are There Benefits to the Issuer”
(with R. Stover), Journal of International Money and Finance, 2004.
“Incorporating Systematic Influences into Risk Measurement: A Survey of the Literature” (with
L. Allen), Journal of Financial Services Research, 2004.
“The Role of Financial Advisors in Mergers and Acquisitions” (with L. Allen and J.
Jagtiani and S. Peristiani), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2004.
“Financial Distress and Bank Lending Relationships(with S. Dahiya and A. Srinivasan),
Journal of Finance, 2003.
“Issues in the Credit Risk Modeling of Retail Markets (with L. Allen and G. Delong),
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2003.
“The Effects of Cross-Border Bank Mergers on Bank Risk and Value” (with Y. Amihud and
G. DeLong), Journal of International Money and Finance, 2003.
“Are Emerging-Market Equities a Separate Asset Class?(with I. Walter), Journal of
Portfolio Management, Spring 2002.
“Credit Ratings and the BIS Capital Adequacy Reform Agenda” (with E. Altman), Journal
of Banking and Finance, May 2002.
"Price Formation in the OTC Corporate Bond Markets: A Field Study of the Inter-
Dealer Market" (with A. Srinivasan and I. Walter), Journal of Economics and Business,
January/February 2002.
“An Analysis of Bank Charter Value and Its Risk Constraining Incentives”, Journal of
Financial Services Research, 2001.
“An Analysis and Critique of the BIS Proposal on Capital Adequacy and Ratings", Journal of
Banking and Finance, 2001.
“The Determinants of Bank Interest Margins: An International Study" (with L. Schumacher),
Journal of International Money and Finance, 2000.
“Low Inflation: The Behavior of Financial Markets and Institutions”, Journal of Money, Credit
and Banking, 2000.
“Financial Fragility and Mexico 1994 Peso Crisis: An Event Window Analysis of Market
Valuation Effects” (with B. Wilson and G. Caprio), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
“A Theory of Bank Regulation and Management Compensation” (with K. John and L. Senbet),
Review of Financial Studies, 2000.
“Mexico’s ‘TequilaBank Crisis: Devaluation or Diversification Problems” (with B. Wilson
and G. Caprio), The Economic Journal, 2000.
“Bank Entry Competition and the Market for Corporate Securities Underwriting” (with A.
Gande and M. Puri), Journal of Financial Economics, 1999. (Winner of the Fama - DFA award
for the best paper in Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing in the JFE for 1999).
“Bank Capital Structure: A Comparative Analysis of US, UK, and Canada” (with B. Wilson),
Journal of Banking and Finance, 1999.
“Highly Leveraged Loan Transaction Spreads” (with L. Angbazo and J.P. Mei), Journal
of Banking and Finance, 1998.
“The Effects of Bank Mergers and acquisitions on small business Lending” (with A. Berger,
et al.), Journal of Financial Economics, 1998.
“Credit Risk Measurement: Developments over the last 20 years” (with E. Altman), Journal
of Banking and Finance, 1998.
“Bank Underwriting of Debt Securities: Modern Evidence” (with A. Gande, M. Puri and
I. Walter), Review of Financial Studies, 1997.
“An Investigation of the Performance of the U.S. Property-Casualty Insurance Industry” (with
N.K. Chidambaran and T. Pugel), Journal of Risk and Insurance, 1997.
“Contagious Bank Runs and Panics: Evidence from the 1929-33 Period” (with B. Wilson),
Journal of Financial Intermediation, 1997.
“Excessive Gambling with Unfavorable Odds: Financial Institutions and Real Estate
Investments” (with J.P. Mei), Review of Economics and Statistics, 1997.
“Alternative Models for Clearance and Settlement: The Case of the Single European Capital
Market” (with I. Giddy and I. Walter), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1996.
“Bank Equity Stakes in Borrowing Firms and Financial Distress” (with M. Berlin and
K. John), Review of Financial Studies, 1996.
“If History Could be Re-run: Pricing Deposit Insurance in 1933” (with B. Wilson), Journal
of Financial Intermediation, 1995.
“Bank Risk and Too Big to Fail Guarantees: An Asset Pricing Perspective” (with J.P. Mei),
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1995.
“The Effect of Bank Capital Requirements on Bank Off-Balance Sheet Financial Innovations”
Journal of Banking and Finance, 1995.
“When Does the Prime Rate Change” (with L. Mester), Journal of Banking and Finance,
“Deposit Insurance and Regulatory Forbearance: Are Caps on Insured Deposits
Optimal?” (with J.F. Dreyfus and L. Allen), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
“Universal Banking and Firm Risk Taking” (with K. John and T. John), Journal of
Banking and Finance, 1994.
“Banking and Commerce: An Overview of the Policy Issues” Journal of Banking
and Finance, 1994.
“Time Variation of Risk Premiums for Insurance Companies” (with J.P. Mei), Journal of
Risk and Insurance, 1994.
“Managers, Owners and the Pricing of Risky Debt: An Empirical Analysis” (with E. Bagnani,
N. Milonas, and N. Travlos), Journal of Finance, 1994.
“Banking Sector and Restructuring in Eastern Europe” (with A. Sommariva), Journal
of Banking and Finance, 1993.
“Forbearance and Valuation of Deposit Insurance as a Callable Put” (with L. Allen),
Journal of Banking and Finance, 1993.
“Prime Rate Changes: Is There an Advantage in Being First?” (with P. Nabar and S. Park),
Journal of Business, 1993.
“Bank Window-Dressing: Theory and Evidence” (with L. Allen), Journal of Banking
and Finance, 1992.
“The Pricing of Retail Deposits: Concentration and Information” (with Allen and Udell),
Journal of Financial Intermediation, 1992.
“Deposit Insurance Reform” (with Berlin, Udell), Journal of Banking and Finance, August
“Additions to Bank Loan-Loss Reserves: Good News or Bad New?” (with T. Grammatikos),
Journal of Monetary Economics, 1990.
“Ownership Control, Regulation and Bank Risk-Taking” (with Strock and Travlos), Journal
of Finance, 1990.
“Are Banks Special: The Separation of Banking from Commerce and Interest Rate Risk”
(with Yourougou), Journal of Economics and Business, 1990.
“The Underpricing of New Issues in Singapore” (with J. Lim), Journal of Banking and Finance,
“Bank Size, Collateral and Net Purchase Behavior in the Federal Funds Market: Empirical
Evidence” (with Allen and Peristiani), Journal of Business, 1989.
“The Effects of Shifts in Monetary Policy and Reserve Accounting Regimes on Bank Reserve
Management in the Federal Funds Market” (with T. Urich), Journal of Banking and Finance,
“The Effects of DIDMCA on the Profitability and Risk of Large Commercial Banks and Thrift
Institutions (with J. Aharony and I. Swary), Journal of Banking and Finance, 1988.
“The Hedging Performance of ECU Futures” (with S. Sienkiewicz), Journal of Futures Markets,
“Intra- and Inter-Industry Effects of Bank Securities Market Activities: The Case of
Discount Brokerage” (with M. Smirlock), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
“New Tests of the Parity Hypothesis and Fiscal Policy Effects” (with J. Merrick), Journal
of Monetary Economics, 1986.
“The Returns and Risks of U.S. Banks’ Foreign Currency Activities” (with T. Grammatikos and
I. Swary), Journal of Finance, 1986.
“The Determinants of Country Risk: A Selective Survey of the Literature” Journal of
Banking and Finance (Supplement), 1986.
“An Examination of the Contagion Effect in the International Loan Market”, Journal of
Banking and Finance (Supplement), 1986.
“The Effects of a Shift in Monetary Policy Regime on the Profitability and Risk of
Commercial Banks” (with J. Aharony and I. Swary), Journal of Monetary Economics, 1986.
“The Large-Small Bank Dichotomy in the Federal Funds Market” (with L. Allen), Journal
of Banking and Finance, 1986.
“Futures Price Variability: A Test of Maturity and Volume Effects” (with T. Grammatikos),
Journal of Business, 1986.
“A Micro-Model of the Federal Funds Market” (with T. Ho), Journal of Finance, 1985.
“The Effects of the International Banking Act on Domestic Bank Profitability and Risk” (with
J. Aharony and I. Swary), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1985.
“Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1985.
“On Constructing the Group Utility Function of a Loan Syndicate” (with D. Gandhi and
R. Hausman), Journal of Banking and Finance, 1985.
“On the Constancy of the International Real Rate of Interest” (with R. Tress), Journal
of Monetary Economics, 1984.
“Fixed Rate Loan Commitments, Takedown Risk and the Dynamics of Hedging with
Futures” (with T. Ho), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 1983.
“Asymmetric Information, Regulatory Lag and the Value of Incentive Contracts” (with K.
John), Journal of Finance, 1983.
“Stability and the Hedging Performance of Foreign Exchange Futures (with T. Grammatikos),
Journal of Futures Markets, 1983.
“The Determinants of Bank Interest Margins: Theory and Empirical Evidence” (with T. Ho),
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, November 1981.
“The Growth of Organizational Forms of Foreign Banks in the U.S.” (with L. Goldberg),
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, August 1981.
“The Investors’ Gains from International Portfolio Investment” (with D. Gandhi, et
al.), Journal of Banking and Finance, June 1981.
“A Catastrophe Model of Bank Failure” (with T. Ho), Journal of Finance, December 1980.
“Determinants of Foreign Bank Activity in the United States” Journal of Banking
and Finance, December 1980.
“The Causes of U.S. Bank Expansion Overseas: The Case of Great Britain” (with
L. Goldberg), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, November 1980.
“A Stochastic Dominance Analysis of Unit Trust Performance” (with R. Woodward and
C. Ward), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, June 1980.
“Bid Behavior and the Determination of Treasury Bill Rates” (with C. Ward), Oxford
Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, August 1979.
“Risk, Regulation and Performance of Clearing Banks, 1965-1975” (with C. Ward), Journal
of Industrial Economics, December 1976.
(ii) Books/Monographs
“201,792 total units sold since 1994. Given used books we estimate that over
1,000,000 students, have learned from your books.”
Email from Charles Synovect, Director, McGraw-Hill regarding sales of my
Financial Institutions Management textbook, 5/11/2018.
Reflections on Financial Institutions: In and Out of Crisis, World Scientific Press, 2011.
Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, (1
edition), 1994 (2
edition), 1996 (3
edition), 1999 (4
edition), 2002 (5
edition), 2005 (6
edition), 2007, (7
edition), 2010. (8
edition), 2014, (9
edition) 2017, (10
edition) 2020, (11th
edition) 2023.
Credit Risk Measurement: Value at Risk and Other New Paradigms, John Wiley and Sons, (1
edition), 1999 (2
edition), 2002, (3
edition) 2010.
Financial Markets and Institutions: A Modern Perspective (with M. Cornett), Irwin/McGraw-
Hill, (1
edition), 2000 (2
edition), 2003, (3
edition) 2006, (4
edition), 2008, (5
edition) 2012,
edition), 2014, (7
edition) 2019, (8th edition) 2021, (9th edition) 2024.
Technology and the Regulation of Financial Markets (with L. White), Lexington Books, 1985
(reprinted by Beard Books, 2003).
Understanding Market, Credit and Operational Risk (with K. Boudoukh and L. Allen)
Blackwell, (1
edition), 2003.
Fundamentals of Financial Institutions Management (with M. Cornett), Irwin/McGraw-Hill,
edition), 1999.
China's Emerging Capital Markets (with A. Kumar, etal), Financial Times Publishing, 1997.
Financial System Design: Universal Banking Considered (with I. Walter), Irwin, 1996.
Universal Banking in the U.S.? (with I. Walter), Oxford University Press, 1994.
The Management and Regulation of Banks: A Book of Reading (with G. Udell and L.
White), Bristlecone Books, 1992.
IPO’s and Venture Capitalists: A Test of the Dynamic Strategy Hypothesis (with J.
Lim), ICFA, 1990.
Off Balance Sheet Activities (with J. Ronen and A. Sondhi), Dow-Jones, 1990.
(iii) Articles in Book (selected)
“Risk Management in Banking” (with L. Allen), in The Oxford Handbook of
Banking by Berger et al (eds.), OUP, 2010 (first ed.), 2015 (2
ed.), 2020 (3
2023 (4th ed).
“A Survey of Cyclical Effects in Credit Risk Models in Credit Ratings” (M. Ong
(ed.)), Risk Books: London, 2003.
“Clearance and Settlement” (with I. Giddy and I. Walter) in The European Equity Markets, B.
Steil (ed), RIIA, London, 1996.
“The Reconfiguration of Banking and Capital Markets in Eastern Europe” (with I. Walter) in
The Transformation of the Socialist Economies, H. Siebert (ed.) J.C.B. Mohr, Tubingen,
Germany, 1992.
“Bank Deregulation and Monetary Policy” and “Discount Brokers” in the New Palgrave
Dictionary of Money and Finance, 1993.
“German Banking and Monetary Policy.” in C. Barfied and M. Perlman (eds.) Capital Markets
and Trade: The U.S. Faces a United Europe, AEI: Washington, D.C. 1992.
“Why Are So Many New Issues Underpriced?” Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Review,
“Forward Foreign Exchange Markets in Developing Countries” in R. O’Brien and T. Datta
(eds.), International Economics and Financial Markets, O.U.P., 1989.
“SESDAQ: The Early Evidence” (with J. Lim) in Chang and Rhee (eds.), Pacific Basin
Capital Markets Research, Elsevier, 1989.
“Bank Holding Companies: Structure, Performance and Reform” in W. Haraf (ed.),
Restructuring the Financial System, AEI: Washington, D.C. 1989.
“LDC Debt Rescheduling” (with M. Subrahmanyam), Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Review, November/December, 1988.
“The Inter Bank-Market, Contagion Effects and Financial Crisis” in Portes and Swaboda (ed.),
Threats to International Financial stability, CEPR and CUP, 1987.
“Seasonality in the Federal Funds Market: The Weekend Game and Other Effect” (with T.
Urich) in E. Dimson (ed.), Evidence on Stock Market Anomalies, North-Holland, 1987.
“Conflicts of Interest: The Case of Securities Activities of Commercial Banks”, Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Review, August/September, 1985.
“An Economic Perspective on Bank Uniqueness and Corporate Securities Activities” in I.
Walter (ed.), Deregulating Wall Street, John Wiley and Sons, 1985.
“Conflicts of Interest: The Case of Commercial Bank and Their Corporate Securities
Underwriting Affiliates” in I. Walter (ed.), Deregulating Wall Street, John Wiley and Sons,
“A Catastrophe Theory in Banking and Finance” (with T. Ho) in G. Szego and A. Cellina (eds.),
New Techniques for Economic Analysis, Academic Press, 1982.
“The Effect of a Dual Exchange Market on Spot and Commodity Prices in the US and UK”
(with D. Emanual), Proceedings of the International Research Seminar on Futures Markets,
Chicago Board of Trade, 1981.
(iv) Working Papers
“The Myth of the Lead Arranger” (with Bickle et al.), Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Journal of Finance (R and R 3rd Round).
“Market Efficiency in the Age of Machine Learning” (with Dai et al). Yuri Akai Best
Paper Award, Dept. of Finance, NYU, and Journal of Accounting and Economics (R and
R), AFA 2022
“Bank Specialization” (with Bickle et al.), Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Journal of
Finance (R and R), WFA 2024.
"The Real Effects of Fed Information Shocks on the M and A Market" (with
Barbopoulos), Journal of Corporate Finance, (R and R).
"Climate-Related Disclosure Commitment of the Lenders, Credit Rationing and Borrower
Environmental Performance" (with Hasan et al.), SFS Cavalcade (Asia), WFA 2023, AEA
"Corporate Tax Changes and Credit Cards" (with Hasan et al.), Journal of Money Credit
and Banking (R and R).
"Gender of Firm Decision Makers and with Firm Disparity" (with Hasan et al.), AEA 2024.
"The "Hairy Premium"" (with Georgievska ea al.) AFA 2024.
"Covenant-AI- New Insights into Covenant Violations (with Steffen et al.), NBER 2024.
Editorial Positions (Selected)
Editor, Journal of Banking and Finance (1994 - 2007)
Editor, Financial Markets, Instruments and Institutions (1992- )
Editor, Salomon Brothers Center Monograph in Finance and Economics (1984-
Advisory Editor, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2001- )
Associate Editor, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (1995-
Associate Editor, Financial Management (1993 - 2006)
Research Fellowships
Yamaichi Senior Research Fellow in Finance (1988-
Salomon Brothers Center Research Fellow (1986-1987)
Bank and Financial Analysts Research Fellow (1987-
Ph.D. Supervision
V. Ivashina (Chair), C. Harm (Chair), J. Lim (Chair), A. Moskowitz, D. Palia (Chair),
J. Doukas, H. Thomas, M. Puri (Chair), B. Soubra, P. Yourougou (Chair), A. Gande, N. Travlos,
J. Meehan, T. Grammatikos, S. Dahiya (Chair), A. Cebenoyan (Chair), A. Mozumdar, E.
Kraizberg (Chair), G. DeLong (Chair), G. Vasudevan, H. Sim (Chair), J. Rungkasiri, L. Angbazo
(Chair), N. Horrell (Chair), V. Gargalas (Chair), A. Srinivasan (Chair), S. Bharath (Chair),V.
Acharya, T.T. Ram Mohan, J. Sunder, L. Allen (Chair), F. Alvaraz (Chair), D. Ross (Chair), Y.
Lu (Chair), S. Ozelge (Chair), M. Zemel (Chair), K. Waldock (Chair), M. Gopal. E.Nertina
(Tilburg), Sung Lee, A. Bhardwaj, S. Hillenbrand, Q. Fleckenstein, F. Hinzen (Co-chair), and Y.
Keynote Speaker
Sydney Banking Conference (Sydney) 2023.
FEBS Conference, Crete (2023) and distinguished Scholar Award for Outstanding Contributions to
Finance and Banking.
Australian Finance Conference (2023).
1st Sustainable Finance Meeting, Naples (2023).
ADEIMF Conference, Perugia (2020).
World Finance Conference, Santiago (2019).
IRMC Conference, Paris, (2018).
IFMA Conference, Indonesia, (2018).
Annual Corporate Finance Conference U.K., Manchester
Ann Ryde Conference on Financial Intermediation, Lund, (2017).
Altman Annual Lecture on Credit Risk, Warsaw, (2017).
International Conference on Finance and Economic Policy, Poznan
European Banking and Finance Conference, Bologna, (2016).
Conference on Finance, Peking University, Fudan University, UIBE, Tianjin University (2016).
Conference on Syndicated Loans, LBS, London (2015).
Bank of England, FRB and Reserve Bank of Australia, Conference on Systemic Risk
Spanish Finance Association, Spain (2011).
International Conference on Banking and Finance, Cyprus
Northern Finance Association (Toronto), October (2007).
Henry Thornton Lecture (London), October (2007).
Campus for Finance, WHU, Otto Beisheim School of Mgmt, Germany, January (2007), (2013),
Journal of Banking and Finance, 30
Anniversary Conference, Beijing (2006).
Citigroup Distinguished Speaker, University of Edinburgh, November (2006).
Risk Management Conference, Hofstra University, NY (2006).
Italian Quantitative Economics and Finance Association (AMESAS), Italy
Pacific Basin Finance, Accounting and Economics Conference, Taiwan (2003).
Australasian Finance Association, Sydney, Australia (2017, 2012, 2006, 2004, 2003,
Multinational Finance Association, Cyprus (2002).
Symposium on Finance, Banking and Insurance, Karlsruhe, Germany
Spanish Finance Association, Segovia, Spain (2001).