The ECB’s Future
Monetary Policy
Operational Framework
Corridor or Floor?
Luis Brandao-Marques and Lev Ratnovski
IMF Working Papers describe research in
progress by the author(s) and are published to
elicit comments and to encourage debate.
The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board,
or IMF management.
* The author(s) would like to thank Nassira Abbas, Nazim Belhocine, Ashok Bhatia, Damien Capelle, Oya Celasun, Alfred Kammer,
Malhar Nabar, Vina Nguyen, Jerôme Vandebussche, and Romain Veyrune for useful comments and discussions, Morgan Maneely,
Kayla Qin, and Wei Zhao for excellent research assistance, and Zhuohui Chen for sharing data on money market rates and excess
© 2024 International Monetary Fund WP/24/56
MF Working Paper
European Department
he ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework: Corridor or Floor?
Prepared by Luis Brandao-Marques and Lev Ratnovski *
Authorized for distribution by Oya Celasun and Malhar Nabar
March 2024
IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit
comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.
STRACT: This paper reviews the trade-offs involved in the choice of the ECB’s monetary policy operational
framework. As long as the ECB’s supply of reserves remains well in excess of the banks’ demand, the ECB will
likely continue to employ a floor system for implementing the target interest rate in money markets. Once the
supply of reserves declines and approaches the steep part of the reserves demand function, the ECB will face
a choice between a corridor system and some variant of a floor system. There are distinct pros and cons
associated with each option. A corridor would be consistent with a smaller ECB balance sheet size, encourage
banks to manage their liquidity buffers more tightly, and facilitate greater activity in the interbank market. But it
would require relatively more frequent market operations to ensure the money markets rate stays close to the
policy rate and could leave the banking system vulnerable to intermittent liquidity shortages that may have
financial stability implications and impair monetary transmission. The floor, on the other hand, would allow for
more precise control of the overnight rate and a lower risk of liquidity shortages, but it would entail a somewhat
larger ECB balance sheet, weaken the incentives for banks to manage their liquidity buffers, and discourage
interbank market activity. The analysis of tradeoffs suggests that, on balance, in steady state, a hybrid system
that combines the features of the parsimonious floor” (with a minimal volume of reserves) with a lending facility
or frequent short-term full-allotment lending operations priced at or very close to the deposit rate, making it a
“zero (or near-zero) corridor, would be most conducive for achieving the ECB’s monetary policy objective.
JEL Classification Numbers:
E42, E51, E58
Central bank operations; Monetary policy; The ECB
Author’s E-Mail Address:
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy
Operational Framework
Corridor or Floor?
Prepared by Luis Brandao-Marques and Lev Ratnovski
The author(s) would like to thank Nassira Abbas, Nazim Belhocine, Ashok Bhatia, Damien Capelle, Oya Celasun, Alfred Kammer,
Malhar Nabar, Vina Nguyen, Jerôme Vandebussche, and Romain Veyrune for useful comments and discussions, Morgan Maneely,
Kayla Qin, and Wei Zhao for excellent research assistance, and Zhuohui Chen for sharing data on money market rates and excess
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2. A Short Primer on Monetary Policy Operational Frameworks .......................................................... 8
3. Benefits and Costs of Corridor and Floor Systems ......................................................................... 12
Monetary Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Interest Rate Volatility and the Risk of Procyclicality and Divergence of Liquidity Conditions .............. 13
Balance Sheet Tools ............................................................................................................................. 16
Monetary Policy Transmission ............................................................................................................... 17
Financial Sector Footprint, Market Discipline, and Financial Stability .......................................................... 21
The Eurosystem’s Finances ......................................................................................................................... 24
4. Path Forward: From the Floor to a Hybrid System .......................................................................... 25
Near-Term Issues ......................................................................................................................................... 25
A Steady-State Framework .......................................................................................................................... 26
5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Annex I. Nonparametric estimation of the demand for bank reserves in the euro area ............................ 33
References ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
APP Asset Purchase Program
DFR Deposit Facility Rate
ECB European Central Bank
ELB Effective Lower Bound
ESTR Euro Short-Term Rate
GFC Global Financial Crisis
LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio
LTRO Long-Term Lending Operations
MRO Main Refinancing Operations
NFC Nonfinancial Corporations
NSFR Net Stable Funding Ratio
OMO Open Market Operations
OMT Outright Monetary Transactions
PEPP Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program
QE Quantitative Easing
QT Quantitative Tightening
TLTRO Targeted Long-Term Lending Operations
TPI Transmission Protection Instrument
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Executive Summary
Prior to the 2008-09 financial crisis, the European Central Bank (ECB) employed a corridor system
for implementing monetary policy, engineering a structural shortage of bank reserves to a level
where the target policy rate cleared the overnight money market. The corridor was followed, until
January 2015, by an intermediate system that was still a corridor but with money market rates close
to its floor. Subsequently, as the ECB lowered the policy interest rate to the effective lower bound
(ELB) and expanded its balance sheet leading to an abundant supply of reserves, it employed a floor
system with the overnight rate bounded from below using the deposit facility priced at the target
interest rate level. At present, with the policy rate well above its ELB and balance sheet
normalization under way, a key question is whether the ECB should return to a corridor system or
maintain some variant of a floor.
This paper compares corridor and floor-based systems to assess which might be most suitable for
the ECB in the short- and medium term. The key difference is that a corridor system comes with a
reduced central bank balance sheet and encourages banks to manage their liquidity more tightly
with greater reliance on interbank markets, whereas a floor system in which the supply of reserves
systematically exceeds banks’ demand enables more robust control over the policy interest rate and
reduces the risk of unanticipated liquidity shortages that may impair the transmission of monetary
policy. A corridor system would become a de facto floor system should excess reserves remain
abundant, and thus is likely incompatible with large excess reserves induced by quantitative easing
(QE), unsterilized use of the Transmission Protection Instrument (TPI) and Outright Monetary
Transactions (OMT), or large-scale bank liquidity support interventions.
Given the presence of abundant reserves on its balance sheet, the ECB is likely to remain in a floor
system for some time. As it proceeds with quantitative tightening (QT) that shrinks aggregate
reserves, the ECB could transition toward a corridor or a variant of a floor system. Within the floor
systems, the so-called “parsimonious floorsystem is characterized by a minimal quantity of excess
reserves that remains consistent with the floor system in principle but comes with the possibility of
money market rates exceeding the deposit facility rate (DFR) if and when there is a liquidity shortage
in the system. To firmly anchor the short-term interest rate at its target, as a precaution, the deposit
facility in a parsimonious floor can be supplemented with a standing lending facility or frequent full-
allotment lending operations priced at or very close to the DFR to provide a ceiling for money market
interest rates, making it a hybrid system that can also be described as a zero (or near-zero) corridor.
Such hybrid system can deliver robust control over the money market interest ratewhich would sit
at the DFR most of the timewhile reducing the central bank’s balance sheet size. The wider the
corridor, the less the excess supply of reserves should be and the more banks would be encouraged
to manage their liquidity buffers, supporting interbank activity. At the same time, allowing for a wider
corridor in a hybrid system has a higher possibility of intermittent liquidity shortages that may impede
monetary policy transmission. A corridor (or near corridor) system would function more robustly if
coupled with faster progress toward completing the Banking Union that would help ensure such
events do not precipitate wider, systemic banking distress. Learning-by-doing should remain a
guiding principle as the ECB transitions to a steady state operational framework.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
1. Introduction
To achieve the ultimate objectives of monetary policyprice and macroeconomic stability
banks employ one or more intermediate targets (e.g., an inflation forecast, if the central bank uses
an inflation targeting strategy). To operationalize their intermediate targets, most modern central
banks steer the money market overnight interest ratetheoperational target of monetary policy
(Bindseil 2014
The “operational framework” refers to a set of mechanisms and instruments by which the central
bank supplies reserves to implement a target short-term interest rate. Short-term interest rates are
determined by supply and demand in money markets, where banks borrow and lend central bank
reserves (defined as the balances that banks hold on central bank accounts) to cover their reserve
requirements and liquidity and payments-related needs. Central banks control the aggregate supply
of reserves through the use of monetary policy instrumentsthey provide and withdraw reserves
through market operations and lending facilities and can “sterilize” reserves through remunerated
deposit facilities, the issuance of central bank securities, or with minimum reserve requirements. By
varying the supply of reserves, central banks steer the equilibrium short-term interest rate.
The choice of a central bank’s operational monetary policy framework matters first and foremost
because it may affect the effectiveness of monetary policy implementation. Although this
effectiveness is ultimately measured by the strength and speed of the transmission of monetary
policy to inflation and output, it is more immediately gauged by the central bank’s ability to influence
short-term money market interest rates and the pass-through of policy-induced movements in the
latter to broader financial conditions. The degree of control over the overnight money market interest
rateand in the case of a currency union, the uniformity of this control across jurisdictions
(Eisenschmidt et al., 2018
)—as well as the ease with which the central bank can deploy some of its
less conventional tools like quantitative easing (QE) when policy rates are close to the effective
lower bound (ELB) under a given framework are important considerations to assess its
effectiveness. Second, different operational frameworks may imply a different central bank footprint
in financial markets (e.g., some frameworks rest on a well-functioning interbank market to meet
banks’ liquidity needs while others suppress its activity; some may entail more frequent market
operations than others; and some may be associated with a larger central bank balance sheet size
than others), may be more or less robust to financial market turbulence, liquidity shortages, and
bank stress, may increase or reduce the amount of good collateral available to market operators,
and, because they presuppose different sizes and composition for the central bank’s balance sheet,
will have different effects on its profit and loss statement. This means that the choice of the monetary
policy framework will need to consider the pros and cons of each model.
Central banks often have other ultimate goals like financial stability, financial development, or an efficient payments system, but
these are not met with monetary policy. In particular for financial stability, whenever and wherever possible, central banks should
follow a separation principle in which monetary policy pursues price stability and prudential policies target financial stability (see
Gopinath, 2023
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Some of these considerations for the choice are of an operational framework are of general validity,
while others may be especially important for currency unions, including the euro area. For example,
euro area banks have boosted their liquidity and capital ratios thanks to a wide implementation of
Basel III and have demonstrated their resilience throughout the pandemic shock and during the rapid
tightening of monetary policy in 2022-23. However, long-standing structural differences across
countries in the euro area (e.g., level of public debt and extent of sovereign risk priced in by markets)
as well as the gaps in the financial architecture of the euro area (i.e., the lack of a full banking union
and the consequent heterogeneity of its banks, and, given that the 2021 amendment to the ESM
treaty has not been ratified yet, the still-incomplete bank backstop arrangements) may mean that
liquidity squeezes in the money marketa tail risk scenariomay have disproportionate effects on
the fragmentation of monetary policy transmission in the European monetary union. This
heterogeneity implies a need to ensure stable liquidity conditions for the diverse European financial
sector across the range of possible states of the world, with the purpose of fulfilling the ECB’s
monetary and financial stability objectives.
With these considerations in mind, this paper contrasts options for the ECB’s monetary policy
operational frameworkfalling in the spectrum of a corridor or a floor.
While QT proceeds,
because of abundant reserves, the ECB is likely to remain in a floor system for some time. For the
steady state (i.e., once QT has run its course), based on the analysis of the trade-offs, the paper
argues that the preferred option is a hybrid system that combines the characteristics of a
“parsimonious floor” with a “zero (or near-zero) corridor”.
Under this hybrid system, the central bank supplies reserves at the minimum (parsimonious) volume
consistent with the floor system, and banks can deposit their excess reserves if needed in a
remunerated deposit facility, as they currently do. Because banks’ demand for liquidity is uncertain,
there is some possibility that money market interest rates occasionally shift above the deposit facility
rate. To avert excessive fluctuations in the money market rate, the hybrid system complements the
deposit facility with a standing lending facility or frequent fixed-rate full-allotment lending operations
Before the global financial crisis (GFCC), the ECB employed a corridor system for implementing monetary policy, which
engineered a structural shortage of bank reserves to a level where the target policy rate cleared the overnight money market by
equilibrating the supply and demand for bank reserves. The corridor system lasted until the GFC and was followed by an
intermediate system until January 2015, in which there was a corridor, but money market rates were close to a floor given by the
ECB’s deposit facility rate (DFR). After that, the ECB has implemented a floor system in which an abundant level of excess reserves
has set money market rates very close to the floor.
A parsimonious floor is a floor framework with the smallest central bank balance sheet sizeor structural liquidity surplus
required to operate it (Della Valle, King, and Veyrune, 2022
), with both structural and fine-tuning operations required to offset
autonomous factors and short-term fluctuations on the demand for liquidity (Mæhle and King, 2022). In a zero corridor, the central
bank implements, through a standing lending facility, a price ceiling on reserves and could be implemented with any level of
aggregate reserves as long as there is a deposit facility priced at the same rate as the lending facility.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
priced at or slightly above the deposit facility rate, capping the money market interest rate from
above and thereby making the framework a zero-width or near-zero-width corridor.
Compared to the current floor system with abundant reserves and thus liquidity, a near-zero corridor
would come with significantly less ample reserves and require banks to strengthen their liquidity
management, improve their forecasts of reserve demand over the maintenance period, and rely
more on the interbank market for meeting liquidity needs. This set up also opens the possibility of
intermittent liquidity shortages and the prospect of self-fulfilling liquidity runswhich would call for
faster progress toward completing the banking union for the euro area countries to ensure such
events do not precipitate wider, systemic banking distress. A zero corridor would better stabilize
liquidity conditions but weaken banks’ incentives for liquidity management relative to a near-zero
corridor and leave a smaller role for interbank markets. Having said that, the choice of operational
framework should not be seen as policy tool that seeks to engender changes in bank behavior.
Rather, appropriate liquidity management, risk management, and overall resilience of banks should
be ensured by intensive supervision, adequate financial regulation, and structural measures to
enhance resiliency such as the completion of the Banking Union and a stronger crisis management
and deposit insurance system.
A hybrid parsimonious floor / zero or near-zero corridor system would allow the ECB to control the
overnight money market rate more precisely (relative to a standard corridor system) and would be
consistent with a total amount of euro area bank excess reserves of about 1.3 trillion euros or less,
based on our estimates, compared with 3.5 trillion as of February 2024. Moreover, compared to a
standard corridor system, it would also be more compatible with the use of balance sheet tools if
policy rates were to near the effective lower bound (ELB) again. Finally, it would be more compatible
with the activation of the ECB’s anti-fragmentation tools like the Transmission Protection Instrument
The rest of this paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 gives a brief overview of different types of
operational frameworks. Section 3 discusses economic trade-offs that characterize the choice
between corridor and floor systems. Section 4 explains why the ECB would likely need to maintain
the current floor system until the size of the balance sheet is reduced further via QT and outlines the
considerations for a potential transition to a hybrid parsimonious floor / zero or near-zero corridor
system in a future steady state. Section 5 concludes.
This would also bring the ECB’s operational framework close to what is being envisaged by other large advanced-economy central
banks like the United States Federal Reserve System and the Bank of England, who also have to deal with large and sophisticated
financial systems.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
2. A Short Primer on Monetary Policy
Operational Frameworks
The operational framework of most central banks includes the modalities for open market operations
(OMO; the purchase or sale of securities), standing facilities (lending or deposit), other types of
central bank lending to banks, asset purchase programs, and minimum reserve requirements. The
precise definition and use of these instruments varies by central bank.
Different frameworks rely on
all or only some of these instruments to achieve a level of central bank liquidity consistent with a
target level for a short-term interest rate and an admissible volatility around said target. Regarding
the permissible level of interest rate variation, monetary policy operational frameworks come in three
flavors: a ceiling, a corridor, and a floor.
In a ceiling system, central banks abstain from providing liquidity to the banking system through
open market operations thereby ensuring that the system has a structural liquidity deficit. This deficit
means that banks will systematically be short of central bank reserves to meet reserve requirements
and their needs for reserves for liquidity and payments purposes. Such a deficit will be met by using
the central bank lending or discount facilities priced at the policy interest rate. Since banks will need
to borrow from the central bank at the policy rate and will never choose to borrow from other banks
at a higher rate (absent stigma),
the overnight interbank market rate will be equal to the central
bank’s discount rate, which will therefore be an anchor for short-term interest rates. This operational
framework was common before World War I (Bindseil and Jablecki, 2011
In a corridor system, which was deployed by most advanced economy central banks before the
Global Financial Crisis (GFC), central banks engineer a structural shortage of bank reserves to a
level where the target short-term interest rate clears the money market by equilibrating the supply
and demand for bank reserves.
To ensure that the money market interest rate hits its target, central
banks must correctly anticipate aggregate demand for reserves as a function of the interest rate. A
common mechanism, also used by the ECB pre-global financial crisis (GFC), involves setting target
reserves based on demand schedules formulated by banks themselves ahead of each policy
meeting, fulfilling this declared liquidity demand, and, in order to ensure that banks have incentives
to forecast their liquidity demand correctly, penalizing banks whose average reserves over the
A description of the ECB’s instruments can be found here:
Stigma in the context of monetary policy operational frameworks refers to the reluctance that banks may have in borrowing from
the central bank’s standing lending or discount facility. In the case of stigma, banks prefer to borrow from the money market at a
higher rate for fear of it signaling to markets that they exhausted their ability to borrow in the money market. See
Armentier and
others (2015) for an historical perspective of stigma associated with the United States Federal Reserve’s discount window.
Reserves are scarce in a corridor system in the sense that the central bank tightly controls the amount of reserves held by banks
so that there is an opportunity cost for the latter to hold excess reserves (Borio, 2024
) or too little reserves.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
maintenance period (from one policy meeting to the next) deviate from the target in either direction.
Notwithstanding this mechanism, aggregate shocks in the demand for reserves during the
maintenance period may cause the interest rate to deviate from its target. In this case, a central
bank can adjust the supply of reserves with “fine-tuning” open market operations and/or use
standing deposit and lending facilities priced at a margin around the target interest rate to provide
upper and lower bounds for the money market rate (thus, the ‘corridor’ framework). Traditionally, the
width of the corridor was +/- 100bps around the policy rate in major central banks, including for the
ECB between 1999 and 2013, although some central banks employed narrower +/- 25bps corridors.
In a floor framework, which has been the norm for large, advanced economies since the GFC,
central banks supply reserves in abundance through OMO, lending to banks, or asset purchase
programs, and provide a floor for the price of reserves (interest rate) through a deposit facility. For
example, the current ECB framework involves the supply of abundant reserves, in excess of reserve
requirements and reasonable additional banks’ reserves demand for liquidity and payments
purposes. Then, the laissez-faire price of reserves (interest rate) could be very low, but the ECB
bounds it from below using the deposit facility priced at the target interest rate level (Figure
1 summarizes the interest rate implementation mechanisms in the corridor and the floor
frameworks). The expansion of bank reserves held at the ECB that took place between 2008 and
2022 was primarily driven by large scale asset purchases and targeted longer-term refinancing
operations (TLTROs) and, during periods of acute market distress, refinancing operations and
emergency asset purchase programs like the pandemic emergency longer-term refinancing
operations (PELTROs) and the pandemic emergency purchase program (PEPP), respectively. Most
of these programs are being wound down, which will lead to a smaller ECB balance sheet. Still, for
the maintenance of a floor system, the ECB and other central banks will likely need to maintain a
nontrivial amount of aggregate reserves backed by a structural bond portfolio (maintained through
OMO) and/or structural longer-term refinancing operations (Lane, 2023c
In the context of the ECB’s operational framework, the main penalty for banks failing to adequately forecast their liquidity needs to
meet reserve requirements comes from having to borrow and the marginal lending facility rate (LFR), which is 100 bps above the
DFR and 50 bps above the main refinancing operations (MRO) rate. The other penalty comes from not meeting reserve
requirements, in which case a 250bps penalty applies. The purpose of averaging over the maintenance period is that requiring more
stringent, daily compliance with target reserves would make money markets illiquid, as banks would be unwilling to lend or borrow
reserves in response to high-frequency idiosyncratic demand shocks. Note that reserve targets, as a tool for forecasting the banks’
demand for reserves, are distinct from reserve requirements that are used for liquidity management (sterilization) and financial
stability purposes.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Figure 1. ECB Corridor and Floor Frameworks
A variant of a floor framework is a “parsimonious floor”, which is a floor system with a minimal supply
of reserves that is just sufficient for the system to function as a floor system. This places the supply
of reserves close to, but somewhat above, the level at which the money market rate starts being
sensitive to the supply of reservesthe steep part of the reserves demand curve. However, the
demand curve for reserves is difficult to estimate with precision, so the money market rate in a
parsimonious floor may be unstable: bounded from below by the deposit facility rate but occasionally
rising above. Hence, to ensure that the interest rate robustly remains at the deposit facility level even
if the demand for reserves proves to be higher than anticipated, the central bank can supplement the
parsimonious floor framework with a standing lending facility or frequent full-allotment lending
operations priced at or slightly above the deposit rate, resulting in a hybrid system that also has the
characteristics of a zero or near-zero corridor,
Unlike in a standard corridor system, in the near-zero corridor, the central bank does not strictly
target the mid-point of the corridor, but rather permits the money market rate to fluctuate between
the deposit and lending facility rates depending on banks’ liquidity demand. While targeting an
interest rate range instead of a point implies less precise monetary policy implementation, when the
spread between the deposit and lending facility rates is small enough (for example, 25 bps), interest
rate volatility within this narrow range may be relatively inconsequential for financial conditions and
macroeconomic outcomes. Moreover, given that the level of excess reserves will be close to where
the demand for reserves become sensitive to the money market rate, this rate will be at the deposit
facility rate most of the time.
Thus, in what follows, when this paper speaks of a corridor system, that
implies a standard corridor system (akin to what the ECB had in place prior to the GFC), whereas
zero and near-zero corridors correspond to the implementation of the hybrid system that combines a
O/N interest rate
CB reserves
LF rate
MRO rate
DF rate
Supply of reserves
in a Corridor system
Minimum supply of
reserves in a Floor system
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
parsimonious floor with a standing lending facility and fixed-rate full allotment lending operations.
Figure 2 summarizes the types of operational frameworks discussed so far.
Figure 2. Types of Operational Frameworks for Monetary Policy
Different operational frameworks are consistent with various levels of central bank excess reserves
provided to the banking system (Figure 3). The corridor system relies on providing the volume of
reserves matching the bank’s demand for reserves. The floor system is implemented using abundant
reserves. As the volume of reserves in the floor system declines, the floor system risks becoming
unstable in case the supply of reserves suddenly becomes binding, inducing the money market rate
to de-anchor from the deposit facility rate. The hybrid system based on zero or near-zero corridor
can, in principle, be implemented with any level of excess reservesbut using the volume of excess
reserves corresponding to the parsimonious floor allows using the minimal volume of reserves
consistent with a policy rate anchored to the deposit facility rate, a framework which
Afonso and
others (2023b) call ample reserves.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Figure 3. Consistency of Excess Reserves with Operational Framework
Note: Green = feasible combinations. Red = infeasible combinations. Orange = an unstable combination.
3. Benefits and Costs of Corridor and Floor
Conceptually, the choice of the operational framework is driven by the central bank’s preferences
regarding overnight interest rate volatility around the policy rate target, the effectiveness of monetary
policy transmission, the size of the balance sheet, the size and frequency of open market operations,
the scope to implement financial stability interventions, and, in the case of the ECB, the need to
preserve unified transmission of monetary policy across different jurisdictions (i.e., to mitigate
fragmentation risks that would impair monetary transmission). All else equal, central banks prefer
low policy rate volatility, small and infrequent open market operations, and a small balance sheet
the latter reflecting both political economy considerations (Afonso and others, 2023b
) and a
preference to avoid a potentially distortionary footprint in financial markets.
These multiple central bank objectives involve trade-offs. For example, achieving lower policy rate
volatility may require frequent and sizeable open market operations in a corridor framework or a
large balance sheet that underlies a floor framework. Therefore, the choice of an operational
framework would depend on the balance and the relative hierarchy of these objectives.
In what follows, we review the benefits and costs of the corridor and floor operating frameworks as
they relate to monetary policy implementation and effectiveness, financial stability, and central bank
No excess
Ample excess
reserves (small
positive amount of
excess reserves)
Abundant excess
Zero or near-zero corridor,
including the hybrid
parsimoiuous floor
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Monetary Policy
Interest Rate Volatility and the Risk of Procyclicality and Divergence of Liquidity Conditions
In a corridor framework, the money market interest rate can fluctuate around its target, possibly
substantially so in stressed periods. While such interest volatility encourages banks to manage their
liquidity buffers more carefully, it may also make monetary policy implementation less precise.
Indeed, the implementation of a corridor framework, in which a central bank provides a quantity of
reserves to hit a target price of reserves (interest rate), hinges on the accurate anticipation of the
aggregate demand schedule for reserves (volume of demand as a function of the interest rate) by
banks and the central bank alike. But the demand for reserves is volatile and hard to predict with
high precision. Consequently, in corridor systems, the money market interest rate tends to fluctuate
around its target, up to the bounds determined by the central bank’s lending and deposit facilities
usually mildly so in normal times, but with potentially large deviations from the target rate during
periods of stress. Figure 4, where the pure corridor system covers the period up to and including
2008, suggests that the corridor bounds were rarely approached before the GFC. However, in the
aftermath of the GFC, rates approached the floor of the system as the ECB increased liquidity
provision to banks through long-term lending operations (LTRO) with expanded collateral eligibility
(Constancio, 2018; Hartmann and Smets, 2018
) and remained volatile during the euro area
sovereign debt crisis.
Figure 4. Volatility of Money Market Interest Rates
By contrast, in a floor framework with excess reserves, the central bank guides short-term interest
rates by a price rather than a quantity mechanism, and target money market interest rates can be
implemented more precisely during all market conditions. Indeed, Figure 4 shows a marked decline
in the volatility of the money market interest rate once the ECB shifted to the floor system in 2015. In
Potter (2016) argues that, with a corridor system, interest rate volatility in the interbank market is for the most part an artifact of
reserve requirements and induced by the central bank.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
fact, the floor system regime implemented after January 2015 had the lowest money market interest
rate volatility since the inception of the Eurosystem.
The volatility of the money market rate around its target has several implications. First, when the
central bank is less able to hit the target interest rate, it may be more difficult to implement a desired
monetary policy stance in a highly precise manner. Conceptually, this imperfection can be mitigated
in systems with a narrower corridor.
But a corollary is that relative to a wide corridor, a narrow
corridor system with no excess reserves may require the central bank to engage in more frequent
fine-tuning open market operations. Moreover, banks may use the lending and deposit facilities more
actively and trade less actively in the interbank market, implying a de-facto larger central bank
presence in financial markets. These effects may be particularly pronounced for the ECB, as
Europe’s financial system is more diverse and complex than that of the jurisdictions that have used a
narrower corridor, which could make the forecasting of the demand for reserves more difficult.
Second, the volatility in money market rates could be procyclical. In anticipating their funding
conditions, banks must account not only for the target interest rate, but also for the risks and risk
premia associated with the fluctuation of the money market interest rate around its target. High risk
premia imply de facto tighter funding conditions than those implied by the target interest rate alone.
In stressed times, the precision with which a central bank can hit the target interest rate is lower, and
thus money market risk premia are higher implying a de-facto pro-cyclical tightening of money
markets, up to the level implied by the corridor’s upper bound. Additionally, as the deviations of
money market rates from the target are a visible indication of money market stress, they may induce
further, self-fulfilling money market tightening (e.g., Hughes, 2023,
describes a recent self-fulfilling
money market tightening episode in the United States). While in principle a central bank could offset
such tightening by loosening the monetary policy stance or providing additional liquidity (reserves) to
the banking system, the response time of such interventions may leave the financial system exposed
to at least temporary and potentially self-fulfilling liquidity tightening episodes in practice.
Finally, while higher borrowing rates for weaker banks in a corridor framework may encourage them
to improve their liquidity management, and ultimately their fundamentals, these banks could face
stigma that could unduly amplify their financial stress. In the euro area context, this may also imply a
divergence of liquidity conditions across countries, as had occurred in the euro area during the GFC
and the European sovereign debt crisis (see Garcia-De-Andoain and others, 2014
). When banks
The ECB has had three regimes for the operational framework so far. The corridor system lasted until the GFC and was followed
by an intermediate system until January 2015, in which there was a corridor, but money market rates were close to the floor. After
that, the ECB has implemented a floor system. The estimated time-varying volatilities of the first difference of the EONIA/ESTR rate,
according to a GARCH(1,1) process for each regime, are 0.0633, 0.0451, and 0.0067 for the corridor, intermediate, and floor
regimes, respectively, and are all statistically different from each other at the 1 percent level.
For example, pre-Covid, the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Bank of Canada, and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand used a +/- 25
bps width corridor.
Furthermore, as the corridor narrows, it becomes increasingly akin to a zero-corridor implementation of the parsimonious floor
system (Section 4). In these circumstances, a parsimonious floor might be preferrable, as it would have broadly similar properties
but reduce the risk of a lending facility stigma.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
avoid using the central banks’ lending facility, a formally symmetric corridor may become de facto
asymmetric (Lee, 2016
). Then, the effective implementation of the interest rates would require the
central bank to have information not only on the aggregate but also on bank-specific demand for
reserves, a high informational bar (
Bindseil, 2014). The corridor framework therefore requires that
the supervisors closely monitor banks’ financial conditions and liquidity management practices and
induce corrective action where necessary.
Still, unlike for the U.S. Federal Reserve’s discount window, the evidence of stigma when it comes to
euro area banks accessing the marginal lending facility is somewhat inconclusive. On the one hand,
euro money market rates have never surpassed the ECB’s marginal lending facility rate (i.e., euro
area banks have never chosen to avoid borrowing from the ECB and borrow instead from the
interbank market at a higher rate). Although the reasons for a lack of stigma are not totally clear, the
way the ECB communicates about its marginal lending facility (as being just another overnight
facility that banks can tap into instead of only a lender of last resort facility) may have played a role
(Lee and Sarkar, 2018
). On the other hand, there is evidence of stigma in the access to ECB dollar
swap lines by euro area banksmade clear by widening deviations from the covered interest
parityduring the 2010-2012 European debt crisis which lessened their effectiveness in dealing with
stress in the dollar funding market (
Allen and Moessner, 2012).
The volatility of the money market rate also relates in part to the uncertainty surrounding banks’
demand for reserves. Aggregate demand for reserves may be more uncertain at present than in the
past, and data from the pre-GFC corridor framework period may not reflect well the regularities that
apply today (Aberg and others, 2021; Schnabel, 2023
). A key reason is that the regulatory changes
enacted since the GFC now require banks to hold substantial amounts of high-quality liquid assets
(HQLA) to manage liquidity risk. Being subject to liquidity requirements and, more generally, having
more rigorous liquidity risk management has made banks more resilient to liquidity runs compared to
pre-GFC and GFC periods, but has likely substantially increased their demand for reserves and
made it more difficult to predict (
Aberg and others, 2021). Relatedly, in assessing the demand for
reserves, banks and the ECB must consider the effects of financial innovation, including the larger
role of nonbanks in the financial system and their liquidity and payments needs, the effects of a more
digital and effective payments system, and the potential implications for the demand for reserves of
the introduction of the CBDC.
These changes may have made liquidity forecasting potentially less
certain and more costly in terms of central bank analytical resources (Box 1).
Note that, depending on the design of the CBDC, its introduction will likely affect the demand for reserves in a regime of scarce
reserves, but not necessarily in a regime of abundant reserves. When a household transfers funds from a bank deposit account to a
CBDC account, as it would happen with a request for cash, bank reserves are destroyed (either by a reduction in vault cash or a
drawdown of the commercial banks’ deposits with the central bank). Under scarce reserves, the central bank will likely need to
create additional reserves to satisfy the household’s demand and the commercial bank’s demand for liquidity. By contrast, when the
same happens in a regime of ample reserves, a commercial bank can settle this transaction by transferring own excess reserves to
the central bank to credit against the household’s CBDC account, without requiring the central bank to issue more reserves.
Moreover, Abad and others (2024)
show that depending on the take-up of the CBDC, a central bank could follow a floor (low take-
up), or need to follow a corridor (medium take-up) or a ceiling (high take-up) operational framework.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Box 1. Factors Affecting the Demand for Reserves
The state-of-the-art knowledge on the demand for reserves is that the demand curve is nonlinear and
unstable (see Afonso and others, 2023a, for evidence for the United States and a conceptual framework). The
nonlinearity comes from a kinked demand curve around the satiation level of reserves. The instability comes
from horizontal and vertical shifts to demand.
Horizontal shifts to the demand are driven by factors
that shift the demand for reserves at every price
(interest rate) level. These include changes in bank
liquidity regulation (e.g., the LCR requirements) and
structural changes in money market liquidity (e.g.,
liquidity hoarding by banks as the perceived risk
sharing benefits of interbank market activity
decreases). Horizontal shifts in bank reserves can shift
threshold points for the transition between the
regimes of abundant reserves (where the demand curve is flat), ample reserves (where the demand curve is
gently downward sloping), or scarce reserves, making exact thresholds uncertain. While these factors may be
slow moving, they may complicate the transitions from the floor to the corridor framework.
Vertical shifts in the demand for reserves reflect factors that affect banks’ ability to arbitrage the differences
between policy interest rates (e.g., the DFR for the ECB) and interbank or money market rates (e.g., the Euro
Short-Term Rate (ESTR) for the euro area). These factors include changes to banks’ balance sheet costs
which constrain their balance sheet space (i.e., the ability to expand their balance sheets), including those
caused by regulations like limits to the leverage ratio (a lower cap on the leverage ratio would shift down the
demand for reserves). The practical implication of these vertical shifts is that spreads between policy rates
and overnight money market rates may be imprecise or inconsistent over time indicators of the ampleness
of reserves.
Balance Sheet Tools
In a floor system, the size of the balance sheet and the overnight interest rate are disconnected
(Reichlin and others 2021
). In a corridor system, however, the short-term interest rate responds to
changes in the size of the central bank’s balance sheet. Thus, a corridor framework is likely
inconsistent with the use of central bank balance sheet tools to ease financial conditions, because
tapping these tools leads to a sizable increase in reserves, effectively lowering the money market
rate to the floor. Since the GFC, central banks have used balance sheet tools to overcome the zero
lower bound, support financial stability, and mitigate the risk of divergent responses to monetary
policy across the euro area. Since the GFC, the ECB implemented QE through instruments such as
which are now being rolled back as part of QT. Also, the ECB has
created important contingency instrumentsTPI and OMTto limit the risk of fragmentation of
financial conditions in the euro area. Consequently, should the ECB shift to a corridor system, any
future use of balance sheet tools would likely require a de-facto shift back to a floor system.
Full PEPP principal reinvestment is expected to continue until mid-2024, after which the ECB plans to reduce this portfolio by 7.5
billion euros per month, on average (ECB 2023
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
The potential complexity and signaling costs of the repeated transition to a floor framework,
paribus, could make the ECB’s use of contingency toolsTPI/OMTless credible in the eyes of the
market participants, potentially compromising the stability of the euro area financial markets in times
of stress. Theoretically, the additional reserves created by TPI/OMT operations could be sterilized if
the ECB simultaneously sold sovereign bonds of counties not affected by financial fragmentation.
However, as such sterilization would likely require selling bonds of countries that are not targeted by
TPI/OMT, it may: risk unintended market impact due to the market’s potentially limited absorption
capacity especially as the activation of TPI/OMF would likely occur during stressed conditions; be
operationally complex (as relates to dealing with the absorption capacity risks and the potential
capital key constraints), and potentially be politically charged given that the sale of assets involved in
the sterilization would create explicit “winners and losers” from TPI/OMT as relates to sovereign debt
markets. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that hinging the use of TPI/OMT on a simultaneous
sterilization of the created reserves may negatively impact the credibility of the future use of these
Monetary Policy Transmission
From a conceptual perspective, the effects of the corridor and floor frameworks on monetary policy
transmission are mixed (Table 1). On the one hand, because the floor system (or its variations, the
zero- or near-zero corridor systems) can implement target interest rates more precisely at any point
in time, the longer-term interest rates will more precisely reflect the expected path of the target short-
term rates, possibly achieving better pass-through of policy interest rates along the yield curve under
the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates. Similarly, as the floor system is
more consistent with the potential for future QE, central banks can better control long-term rates
near the effective lower bound and ensure more consistent monetary policy transmission across the
euro area (by providing abundant liquidity, if needed, to all banks in the system), thanks to either
actual QE or central bank communication about potential QE. Relatedly, the floor framework, by
allowing the use of central bank balance sheet tools such as TLTRO, allows a more direct impact on
bank liquidity conditions and incentives to lend, which may strengthen monetary policy transmission
over the business cycle.
On the other hand, the corridor framework avoids conditions where banks have access to de-facto
unlimited liquidity in the form of central bank reserves, and some literature suggests that bank
deposits and lending may respond to policy interest rates more forcefully when banks are less liquid
(Kashyap and Stein, 2000).
However, more recent studies suggest that the transmission of
monetary policy to interbank and lending rates, as well as to lending volumes, may be stronger
under a floor system with abundant reserves than under a corridor system with a lean balance sheet
However, there remains disagreement concerning how cumbersome it would be to revert to a floor system from a corridor every
time the central bank needs to deploy unconventional monetary policy with Borio (2023, 2024), for example, arguing it would not be
very much so.
The reason is that monetary policy transmits to banks also through funding liquidity conditions, and changes in funding liquidity
affect the lending capacity of less liquid banks more.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
if interbank markets are not very efficient and interbank rates include a significant liquidity premium
when reserves are scarce (Bianchi and Bigio, 2022).
Table 1. Conceptual Considerations on Transmission in Floor vs. Corridor
Recent analysis in Breyer and others (2024) shows that bank liquidity mattered in the euro area for
transmission of policy rates to bank deposit rates but not to the loan rates during the ECB’s 2022-23
tightening cycle (Box 2). While there is evidence that the transmission of policy interest rates to bank
deposit rates (i.e., pass-through) is weaker when banks’ liquidity positionsas captured by LCR and
NSFRare stronger, excess reserves by themselves (a characteristic of a floor system) do not
correlate with pass-through to deposit rates based on cross country data for all euro area countries
in 2022. The latter finding might reflect the fact that reserves are but one component of overall bank
liquid asset holdings.
Importantly, and more directly related to the transmission of monetary policy
The argument relies on the interaction between liquidity and capital requirements, and the existence of frictions in interbank
markets. Such frictions generate a liquidity premium when reserves are scarce, but not when they are past the point in which banks’
reserves are no longer sensitive to the interest rate. Increasing the deposit facility rate when reserves are scarce can lead to an
expansion in deposit creation (now cheaper) and lending, and an incomplete pass-through to interest rates (because the liquidity
premium is shrinking). However, when reserves are abundant, interest rates move one-to-one with the deposit facility rate (strong
pass-through) and, because capital requirements will always bind with abundant reserves, lending will unambiguously fall.
Moreover, low transmission of policy rates to deposit rates may imply stronger monetary policy transmission to bank lending as it
may, ceteris paribus, reduce the volume of bank deposits and hence bank lending (Drechsler, Savov, and Schnabl, 2017
Floor with abundant reserves Corridor
Zero-corridor Near-zero corridor
Footprint in
money markets
Large with very limited interbank
market activity.
Large with very limited interbank
market activity.
Large with limited interbank market
Limited, depending on width of
corridor. With a narrow corridor,
footprint increases with frequency
and size of OMO.
Footprint in
(other) financial
Large given large central bank bond
holdings. Large excess reserves.
Medium with moderate sized
excess reserves and/or direct
lending to banks.
Medium with moderate sized
excess reserves and/or direct
lending to banks.
Limited, in normal times. With
increased money market volatility,
central bank lending to banks may
increase. Reliance on interbank
market may add financial fragility
and make LOLR more frequent.
Volatility of policy
Zero with possibly better
transmission along yield curve.
Zero with possibly better
transmission along yield curve.
Zero or limited, with possibly better
transmission along yield curve.
Could be high, which adds to lending
rates through higher liquidity
premium (but not clear how big an
issue in normal times).
Transmission to
deposit rates
Low for overnight and demand
deposits, some transmission to
longer term deposits.
Possibly higher than under floor
with abundante reserves but lower
than under a corridor.
Possibly higher than under floor
with abundante reserves but lower
than under a corridor.
Higher than under any floor system.
Transmission to
lending rates
Strong transmission to interbank and
bank loan rates.
Strong transmission to interbank and
bank loan rates.
Strong transmission to interbank and
bank loan rates.
Somewhat weaker transmission if
interbank market is not very
efficient and liquidty premium is
Transmission to
bank credit
Strong, especially if capital
requirements are strict.
Strong, especially if capital
requirements are strict.
Strong, especially if capital
requirements are strict.
Weaker than under floor and
possibly in the wrong direction if
capital requirements are lax and
reserves low.
P&L cycle
Amplified, with strong earnings in
easing phase and high losses in
tightening phase.
Variable depending on how far is the
aggregate supply of reserves to the
right of the point of satiation of
demand for reserves.
Variable depending on how far is the
aggregate supply of reserves to the
right of the point of satiation of
demand for reserves.
Very limited, especially with wide
Parsimonious floor
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
to the real economy, neither the banking system’s liquidity nor the level of excess reserves are
correlated with the transmission of policy rates to nonfinancial corporations (NFCs) or household
loan rates. Relatedly, Lane, 2023
b indicates that the changes in credit volumes in the euro area
appear stronger during the ongoing tightening cycle than during the previous tightening cycles,
alleviating concerns that such transmission may be impeded by high bank liquidity.
Box 2. The (Non-)Impact of Bank Liquidity on Monetary Policy Transmission
Monetary policy transmits to the real economy primarily through its impact on the interest rates
relevant for economic agents (such as bank deposit and loan rates). Those interest rates effect
the real economy via several economic channels, such as the standard neoclassical interest rate
channel, the income channel, the balance sheet channel, and the banking channel (see
and others, 2024 for a description of the channels and Mishkin, 1996, Boivin and others, 2010,
and references therein for a more detailed discussion).
The tightening cycle that the ECB initiated in 2022 represents a real-life case of monetary policy
tightening under high bank liquidity and excess reserves. One can therefore assess whether this
environment was associated with impeded transmission, by comparing the transmission of
monetary policy to interest rates during this cycle to that during the previous (2005) tightening
cycle and by examining cross-country evidence on the association between bank liquidity and
excess reserves vs. the strength of the transmission.
For bank rates, the transmission to deposits rates, particularly for household and corporate
overnight deposits (O-HH and O-NFC, respectively) and term household deposits (T-HH), seems
weaker this cycle. However, the monetary policy transmission to variable-rate loan rates, which
may be more directly related to the effects of monetary policy on the real economy, appears as
strong this cycle as in the previous one.
Using cross-country data for this tightening cycle, we explore the determinants of deposit and
loan betas (Box Figure 2.1), defined as a ratio of the increase in the bank interest rates to the
increase in the policy rate, both measured cumulatively from the beginning of the tightening cycle
to the most recent observations at the time of writing (October 2023). The analysis confirms that
high bank liquidity (as measured by the LCR) may have contributed to low deposit betas but had
no effect on loan betas. Interestingly, even for the effect of bank liquidity on the deposit rates,
banks’ excess reserves per se are insignificant, indicating that excess reserves are but a part of
banks’ overall liquidity.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Box Figure 2.1. Deposit and Loan Rate Betas and Banking System Liquidity Characteristics
Note: Bank deposit and loan betas are defined as a ratio of a change in bank interest rate to a change in the policy rate since the beginning of this
tightening cycle to the most recent observation (Oct 2023). Lower betas indicate weaker transmission of policy rates to bank rates.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Financial Sector Footprint, Market Discipline, and Financial Stability
The corridor system, thanks to a smaller supply of reserves than in a floor system, is associated with
a smaller central bank balance sheet, which may encourage interbank market activity, enhance
market discipline, and support price discovery. In the corridor framework, the central bank supplies
reserves and banks lend and borrow these reserves between themselves to manage their daily
idiosyncratic liquidity needs. Traditionally, such interbank lending was seen as supporting market
discipline by encouraging banks to monitor each other’s conditions (and banks are considered
superior in monitoring each other as they operate in the same industry with similar business models,
Rochet and Tirole, 1996).
Additionally, decentralized markets enabled “price discovery”: bank-
specific interbank rates contained price signals on the borrowers’ financial health, while average
interest rates provided policymakers with information on the banking systems’ overall liquidity
While the corridor system could engender improved liquidity management practices and interbank
ctivity, several recent developments and findings may mean that market discipline and price
discovery in interbank markets could be less effective than previously thought.
First, both before and especially after the GFC, much of the interbank market has moved from
unsecured lending with rates that are sensitive to borrower conditions to secured (repo) lending
where rates depend mostly on the quality of collateral (Lane, 2023a
). M
oreover, the money market
expanded to include many nonbanks. Part of these moves were related to changes in bank
regulation that impose higher capital charges on unsecured than on secured interbank exposures
and are unlikely to be reversed. The move to secured lending undermines lender banks’ incentives
to provide market discipline and focuses price discovery on collateral availability and quality rather
than on reputation or perceived balance sheet strength of borrower banks. Still, even in secured
lending, lending counterparts may exercise a degree of market discipline when they do not wish to
be reputationally connected to a failing borrower even when their financial exposure is protected by
collateral or risk costly failures-to-deliver in subsequent trades.
Second, even though interbank markets may provide some warning ahead of impending stress,
creditor-based market discipline is often overly discrete. Lenders may exhibit complacency in good
times but withdraw funding rapidly during stress in a run-like manner in response to rising
At the conceptual level, a key ingredient of the market discipline hypothesis of money markets is asymmetric information (see
Hoerova and Monnet, 2016). The interaction between banks with liquidity deficits and banks with excess liquidity in unsecured or
secured money markets leads to lower risk taking by the former either through borrowing limits or collateral requirements. However,
market discipline fails in the presence of aggregate liquidity risk and the provision of liquidity by the central bank can improve
A “failure to deliver” or simply “fail” is a situation in repo or securities lending when the counterparty responsible to deliver the
security at the end of the transaction fails to do so. It is common for financial intermediaries to commit to deliver in subsequent
trades the securities that they have temporarily pledged in repos, a phenomenon known as rehypothecation. Secured lending
connections to a failing bank may render a bank unable to retrieve the pledged securities, raising a cascade of contractual and
liquidity issues in the system.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
counterparty risk or due to liquidity hoarding.
Creditor runs on an individual bank can be
contagious and precipitate broader interbank market freezes and liquidity squeezes (Liu, 2016
Consequently, signals which arise from money markets, although useful, may come too late for
corrective action by supervisors and, therefore, should not substitute for timely, intensive supervision
and adequate regulation.
Third, the conditions in other markets, notably for bank’s equity and subordinated debt may provide
policymakers with information broadly comparable to that which they could elicit from interbank
market rates (Gorton and Santomero, 1990; Ashcraft, 2008).
Moreover, the use of interbank
market as a monitoring tool of the policymaker requires the existence of stigma in the access to
standing lending facilities or discount windows, which reduces the ability of the operational
framework to manage bank liquidity (
Anbil and Vossmeyer, 2019).
Finally, information revealed in interbank lending may not be very high and interbank markets can be
marked by risk-shifting, segmentation, and a build-up of systemic risk (Upper and Worms, 2004
Elliot and others, 2021).
For instance, under a corridor system like that of the ECB before 2008,
interbank markets tended to be surprisingly segmented with credit limits and reputation
considerations that induced banks with liquidity shortfalls to prefer private settlement of their
accounts instead of openly borrowing in the interbank market so as to not reveal potentially
compromising information (
Gaspar and others, 2008).
Importantly, floor and corridor systems may have different implications for financial stability. On the
one hand, a corridor system may not be very robust to financial market stress. As shown by
and Jablecki (2011), under a conventional corridor and for given transaction costs in the interbank
market, the wider the corridor, the greater the interbank market turnover (as it becomes less likely
that a bank hits either the upper or lower bound of the corridor after a liquidity shock), the smaller the
size of the balance sheet, and the greater the volatility of short-term interest rates. The choice of the
optimal width of the corridor ultimately depends, in their framework, on central banker preferences.
However, with increasing transaction costs, as to be expected in a crisis, either the width of the
Lender complacency in good times that can give way to abrupt “run”-like behavior in periods of stress was analyzed, for example,
in Ratnovski (2013)
. The phenomenon of liquidity hoarding for precautionary motives during financial stress periods is well
documented. For example, Acharya and Merrouche (2013), Ashcraft and others (2011), and Berrospide (2021) find evidence of
hoarding in interbank markets during the GFC and Tran and others (2023) for the Covid crisis. Liquidity hoarding can happen
because of counterparty risk (Heider and others, 2015), rollover risk (Acharya and Skeie, 2011), or asset price volatility (Gale and
Yorulmazer, 2013). Counterparty risk can increase in crisis periods because of adverse selection or because of higher credit risk
which increases banks cost of capital (Afonso, Kovner, and Schoar, 2011). Adverse selection in interbank market occurs interbank
market participants cannot differential weak banks from the rest and lenders require higher rates to participate in that market. From
a theoretical point of view, there is reasonable consensus that the ample provision of reserves by the central bank, by substituting
the private provision of liquidity, solves these problems (e.g., Gale and Yorulmazer, 2013, and
Heider and others, 2015).
Market discipline and price discovery that occur in markets other than the short-term funding markets are beneficial in that they
less likely to lead to disorderly bank failures. As a flip side, however, it may allow weak banks (“zombies”) to persist in the financial
system for longer. In general, this calls for more active regulatory policy intervention to deal with weak banks and overbanking
(ESRB, 2014
Risk-shifting occurs when bank shareholders maximize their returns in states of the world in which their bank and that to which it
lends have high profits, while they see their losses capped at the value of their equity when both banks fail.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
corridor widens (and the allowed interest rate volatility increases, possibly with different implications
for the stability of the financial system as a whole and possibly weakened monetary policy
transmission) or the interbank market volume plumets (with a corresponding increase in the take-up
of the central bank’s standing facilities).
Moreover, the implementation of an operational framework with lean reserves such as a traditional
corridor or ceiling could increase the potential for liquidity squeezes in other short-term funding
markets such as repo and foreign exchange swap markets (Afonso and others, 2022
). This is
because, at least for U.S. banks, there is evidence of strategic complementarities in banks’ behavior
when settling interbank payments: even when reserves are abundant, banks tend to wait for
incoming payments before settling outgoing payments. This is a sign that the level of excess
reserves observed at a given point in time may not be a strong indication of abundant liquidity as
banks still hoard intraday liquidity. Although there could be many reasons for such behavior,
including liquidity regulation, the use of reserves for repo lending and FX swaps is a likely candidate
(see Afonso and others, 2022, and sources therein). Hence, the reduction of the total amount of
excess reserves could increase the chances of those markets becoming impaired.
On the other hand, although a large supply of reserves in a floor system reduces the risk of liquidity
stress in banks, it may also induce collateral shortages that can be destabilizing for nonbank
financial intermediaries (NBFIs). By allowing banks to meet HQLA needs with reserves, a floor
system reduces the risk of bank liquidity shortages and asset fire sales during periods of financial
stress, which could happen should banks need to sell illiquid assets to meet their liquidity needs (see
Afonso and others, 2023b
and references therein). This reduces the need for the activation of
emergency liquidity facilities by the central bank, which may carry stigma. Relatedly, the
intermediation of liquidity via the central bank rather than by interbank markets leads to less financial
interconnectedness between commercial banks, which reduces the scope for potentially
unpredictable contagion in the case of bank stress and failures (
Allen and Gale, 2000; Nier and
others, 2007). At the same time, the central bank bond purchases that underlie the creation of ample
reserves may result in collateral shortages in the repo markets, resulting in liquidity pressures in the
NBFIs, which typically have no direct access to central bank facilities and rely on sourcing liquidity
from commercial banks via secured (repo) money markets. The monitoring of collateral shortage
risks may be complicated by the relative opacity of the NBFI sector, including as relates to its
liquidity needs. A broad enough collateral framework can permit the central bank to tailor asset
purchases in a way that minimizes the effects of reserves creation on collateral availability, as well
as increases the price stability of a broader range of assets by making them eligible central bank
Finally, given the diversity of the European banking system, with weak banks concentrated in some
jurisdictions, a system that relies on an active interbank market to address idiosyncratic liquidity
shocks (i.e., a corridor system with a structural liquidity shortage) may deliver very different bank
An eventual scarcity of collateral could also be remedied if the ECB were to start selling its own bills, as many other central banks
currently do (e.g., Central Bank of Chile and Swiss National Bank).
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
liquidity conditions across euro area counties even outside of crisis periods. This is because the
demand for bank reserves can be different from country to country even with uniform liquidity
regulations and similar fundamentals because, among other factors, the level of trust that exists
among participating banks varies across countries. In particular, in countries with a past of frequent
bank failures and stress, a lower level of trust among banks ensues, which decreases the
participation in interbank markets and increases the reliance on central bank liquidity (
Allen and
others, 2022). Hence, the return to a corridor framework may exacerbate the unequal distribution of
bank reserves across the euro area and raise the risk of liquidity shortages that could be amplified
via self-fulfilling runs into broader systemic distress. Though a floor system would mitigate these
concerns, these fragmentation risks nevertheless underscore the need to make faster progress
toward the banking union as the ECB’s balance sheet winds down with QT and the transition to the
steady state operational framework proceeds. Still, from a financial stability perspective, the choice
between retaining the current floor system (or moving to a parsimonious floor with less abundant
reserves) or moving to a corridor framework with lean reserves should also consider the benefits of
reducing the risks of liquidity runs and of potential fragmentation of financial conditions across
jurisdictions against the cost of, through moral hazard, contributing to structural bank fragilities.
The Eurosystem’s Finances
The choice of the operational framework may have implication for the financial position of a central
bank. Notably, the size of the central bank’s balance sheet, which is partly endogenous to the choice
of the framework, will likely affect the variance of its profit over the monetary policy cycle. The
reason for the cyclicality of a central bank’s profit is that central bank balance sheets exhibit duration
mismatch. Most central bank assets are long term and have a fixed interest rate (e.g., government
bonds and other securities), while the liabilities are short term and have variable interest rates
(predominantly, reserves). Consequently, central banks experience valuation and income losses
when interest rates increase and gains when interest rates decline. When a central bank’s balance
sheet is smaller, the central bank’s losses and gains over the monetary policy cycle would be
smaller in absolute terms, all else equal.
In principle, a central bank’s profitability should be subordinate to its primary objectives of achieving
monetary and financial stability (Belhocine and others, 2023
). Nevertheless, in reality, there is a risk
that central bank losses, even temporary ones, may lead to undesirable political interference or
diminish public confidence in the central bank. Indeed,
Schwartz (2014) cautions that “the financial
weakness of a central bank can, in extremis, affect the effectiveness of monetary policy decisions,
since policy measures can expose central banks to the risk of substantial losses.Furthermore,
empirically, central banks tend to exhibit a preference for making non-negative profits (Gonc
and others, 2023), suggesting concerns about the potential impact of balance sheet losses on
central bank policies and operations.
The corridor system operates under a smaller central bank balance sheet size compared to the floor
system with abundant reserves, and therefore makes central bank profit less affected by fluctuations
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
of the monetary policy stance. Similarly, a floor framework with a smaller volume of excess reserves
(and especially the “parsimonious floor” framework with the minimum volume of excess reserves
consistent with the floor system) would also serve to reduce the volatility of central bank profit
compared to a floor system with more abundant reserves. These considerations could be taken into
account in determining the desired steady state size of the central bank balance sheet where the risk
of political inference is high and cannot be mitigated.
4. Path Forward: From the Floor to a Hybrid
Near-Term Issues
Until QT advances further and excess reserves have been removed from the system, the ECB will
most likely have to maintain the current floor framework, because a corridor system is not consistent
with excess reserves (see the discussion of balance sheet tools in Section 3). Based on the current
QT pace, the volume of reserves may become binding for the interest rate around 2028-2030 (see
slide 3 in Schnabel, 2023
), although it may start to affect bank and bond market liquidity conditions
as early as 2026 (Altavilla and others, 2023). The corollary of the long lead time is that the economic
conditions that inform the analysis of the trade-offs involved in choosing an ECB operational
framework for the steady state may change by then.
As QT proceeds, there would be benefits from augmenting the floor framework with a “demand-
driven” lending facility or full allotment open market operations priced at or close to the deposit
facility rate,
to ensure robust and consistent transmission of monetary policy. Notwithstanding the
estimates by Schnabel (2023) and Altavilla and others (2023)
, the exact point where the demand for
reserves becomes binding for interest rates may be highly uncertain as past regularities in the
demand for reserves may not hold. A demand-driven lending facility would ensure that when the
supply of reserves during QT under a floor system becomes binding, banks can start tapping the
facility, which would anchor the money market rate at the policy rate and ensure robust transmission
of target policy rates (Box 4). Additionally, given the uneven distribution of excess reserves across
European banks and potential frictions in interbank markets, a demand-driven facility would also
ensure consistent transmission of monetary policy across the euro area during QT. Note that the
introduction of a demand-driven facility effectively transforms a floor system into a hybrid system that
also has the characteristics of a zero corridor or near-zero corridor, depending on whether the
lending facility is priced at or near the DFR.
Relative to other allotment procedures in central bank auctions, a fixed-rate full-allotment auction makes it easier for banks to
know beforehand how much of their net demand for reserves will be met by the central bank (i.e., it makes the supply of reserves
more predictable, thereby removing noise from the money market; see Bindseil 2016). The ECB has been using fixed-rate full
allotment tenders since 2008.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
A demand-driven facility would also have financial stability benefits. The reduction in central bank
balance sheet during QT may have difficult-to-predict effects on the financial system once liquidity
conditions tighten. For example banks that have extended credit or have committed to credit line
increases during central bank balance sheet expansion may be unable to easily unwind such
exposures during balance sheet drawdowns, potentially limiting the banks’ ability to extend new
loans (Acharya and others, 2022
). Another challenge is that withdrawing from banks an important
liquid assetde-facto unlimited central bank reservesrequires adjustments throughout banks’
balance sheets. Banks may need to accumulate other liquid assets and/or switch to more stable
sources of funding, which may be costly and cause market uncertainty. Also, money market desks in
banks may have limited experience in operating under scarce liquidity, raising the risk of liquidity
planning mistakes (cf.
Bouwman and Malmendier, 2015). These challenges can be further
complicated by the fact that the European banking system is large and heterogeneous, and that QT
coincides with other adjustment needs in European banks, including those to higher interest rates
and to a possible increase in NPLs. Moreover, despite a substantial strengthening of capital and
liquidity buffers of European banks thanks to a wide implementation of Basel III and intensified
supervision, the risk of fragmentation of financial conditions across jurisdictions, imperfect
backstops, and the tail risk of sovereign-bank spilloversall amplified by an incomplete Banking
Unionare likely to remain in place for some time. In these circumstances, a demand-driven facility
could provide an automatic and low-stigma backstop to the risk of liquidity shortages in European
banks and give banks time to adjust to structural changes.
Box 4. The Bank of England’s “Demand-Driven Floor” System
The Bank of England (BOE) has in August 2023 introduced a short-term repo facility (STR) to
mitigate the risk of shortages in reserves supply during QT. The stated rationale for the facility is
that although reserves scarcity is probably several years away, banks’ overall demand for
reserves is uncertain and will evolve over time. In this context, according to the BOE’s
Operations Guide, “it is possible that reserves scarcity could arise much sooner than expected.”
The STR allows the BOE counterpart bank to borrow an unlimited quantity of reserves at the
policy rate, which is equal to the deposit facility rate. At the point where the supply of reserves
reaches the level that may become binding for the price (interest rate) during QT, banks will be
able to meet their demand for reserves at the policy rate price through use of the STR. This would
ensure that the control of short-term interest rates in the context of the floor framework is
maintainedthe interest rate will remain anchored at the deposit facility ratewhen reserves
scarcity is reached. Once banks start tapping the STR facility, the volume of reserves will
effectively be determined by banks’ demand, rather than purely by the central banks’ discretionary
reserves supply decisions, hence the “demand-driven” floor.
A Steady-State Framework
Once reserves decline to levels close to the steep segment of the demand curve, the ECB would
face a choice between continuing to maintain a floor systemwhich with the minimum volume of
exchange reserves would become a “parsimonious floor”or shifting to a corridor. The trade-offs
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
discussed in this paper indicate that the choice of a steady-state central bank operational framework
is not clear cut. There are distinct benefits and costs associated with either option.
A corridor would anchor a smaller central bank balance sheet size, encourage banks to manage
their liquidity tightly, and facilitate greater activity in the interbank market. But it could require
relatively more frequent market operations to ensure the overnight rate stays close to the policy rate
and leave the banking system vulnerable to intermittent liquidity shortages that may have financial
stability implications and impair monetary policy transmission.
The parsimonious floor, on the other hand, would allow for more precise control of the overnight rate
and lower the risk of liquidity shortages. But it may open the door to a larger ECB balance sheet size
and could suppress interbank activity. It would also provide fewer incentives for banks to manage
their liquidity and for banks with persistent liquidity shortages to strengthen their balance sheets.
The analysis of tradeoffs suggests that, on balance, in steady state a hybrid system that combines a
parsimonious floor with a lending facility or frequent full-allotment operations priced at or very close
to the deposit rate, corresponding to a zero or near-zero corridor, would be most conducive for
achieving the ECB’s monetary policy objective.
Specifically, the discussion in Section 2 suggests that maintaining such a hybrid system would
combine many of the favorable attributes of the two polar frameworks with likely limited costs. First,
the hybrid system that combines the parsimonious floor with a zero or near-zero corridor would allow
for more robust control over the money market rate in an environment where accurately forecasting
the demand for reserves (as required under a standard corridor) is challenging. Moreover,
implementing the parsimonious floor with a broad-based structured portfolio, complemented by a
broad collateral pool for structural lending operations can expand the pool of safe assets, without
inducing scarcity in the market for highest quality bonds.
The volume of excess reserves in a parsimonious floor is expected to be considerably smaller than
the current level, assuaging potential concerns that excess reserves would impede monetary
transmission (however, as discussed, even under the current floor system, there is no evidence so
far that the excess central bank reserves have interfered with transmission). The lower volume of
reserves would also imply lessened volatility of the Eurosystem’s finances over the monetary policy
cycle—which, in any case, should remain orthogonal to monetary policy decision-making (
and others, 2023)—relative to a standard floor system. Moreover, while associated with a smaller
steady state balance sheet than under the current floor, this hybrid system would still be compatible
with the use of central bank balance sheet tools when the policy rate is close to the ELBwhich may
enhance the ECB’s credibility in dealing with adverse demand shocks.
In fact, a hybrid system with a parsimonious floor (both the zero and the near-zero corridors) would
enable maintaining the central bank balance sheet size at a level that is identical or very close to that
of a corridor system. To see this, consider Figure 5, which is a variation of Figure 1. The two panels
of the Figure depict an identical schedule of banks’ demand for reserves and compare the
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
implementation of the same target interest rate under the two frameworks. In the parsimonious floor,
the target rate is implemented by setting the lending rate at the same level as the deposit rate. Once
the central banks’ discretionary supply of reserves falls short of the demand for reserves at that rate,
banks will tap the short-term lending facility up to a point where their demand for reserves at the
target rate is satisfied. That point is given by the intersection of the policy rate and the demand
schedule. Now, consider the implementation by the ECB of the same target rate in a corridor
framework, in which the same target rate would be implemented as the main refinancing operations
(MRO) rate. The central bank would aim to supply the volume of reserves given by the intersection
of the same target interest rate (even though it is now the MRO rate not the DFR) with the banks’
reserves demand schedule, that is, the same volume of reserves.
To summarize, the parsimonious floor and the corridor systems may in equilibrium operate with the
volume of reserves given by the intersection of the target rate and the banks’ reserves demand
schedule. Deviations between the volumes of reserves may arise if, in a parsimonious floor, banks
would opportunistically borrow at the short-term lending facility more reserves than they need to
satisfy their liquidity demand. As this would result in excess reserves, banks would allocate them
immediately to the deposit facility. However, the incentives of banks to “hoard” liquidity in this
manner should be low if any, as long as the lending facility is always available. Moreover, since the
lending facility is priced at the same or slightly higher rate than the deposit facility, the effects of such
liquidity hoarding on the central bank’s profits-and-losses should be minimal, if any. Maintaining a
near-zero corridor rather than a zero-corridor variant of a parsimonious floor hybrid system would
further reduce such liquidity hoarding incentives (although, as discussed below, might somewhat
increase systemic liquidity risks).
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Figure 5. Comparison of the Supply of Reserves in a Parsimonious Floor” and in a
Corridor System
1. Parsimonious Floor
2. Corridor System
The implementation of the parsimonious floor may require a judgement on whether the discretionary
supply of reserves should be above or below the parsimonious point, as well as on the mix of asset
purchases and OMO in the discretionary supply of reserves. When the discretionary supply of
reserves is above the parsimonious point, banks would mostly be using the deposit facility, and
when it is below that point, the lending facility. This choice may have implications for financial
conditions, as discretionary reserves obtained by banks via asset purchases represent long-term
O/N interest rate
CB reserves
LF rate
DF rate
Minimum supply of reserves
in a Floor system
(“Parsimonious Floor)
O/N interest rate
CB reserves
LF rate
MRO rate
DF rate
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
liquidity obtained at a fixed interest rate, while reserves obtained via OMO or a lending facility carry a
short-term interest rate. Since bank loans are also long-term, the use of a lending facility may involve
higher interest rate risk for banks. Consequently, higher bank reliance on the OMO or the lending
facility may result in less credit provision and be non-neutral from a monetary policy stance
perspective (Altavilla and others, 2023
Another consideration for the provision of reserves above the parsimonious point may be that the
central bank has better control over the types of assets that it chooses to acquire in asset purchases
than over the types of assets that banks choose to pledge as collateral in the lending facility. This
may potentially offer benefits from the perspective of central bank balance sheet risk management,
while making collateral availability in the market more predictable, potentially reducing or helping to
monitor the risk of collateral shortages.
This paper estimates the volume of excess reserves required to implement a parsimonious floor at
about 15 percent of total overnight deposits at euro area banks, or 1.3 trillion euros (Figure 5). This
number comes from a nonparametric estimation of the demand for excess reserves as a function of
the difference between the money market rate and the main policy rate, and is pinned down by the
slope of the demand curve becoming very close to zero.
This estimate is only somewhat higher
than this paper’s estimate of the level of excess reserves for which their convenience value is zero
(i.e., such that the money market rate equates the interest rate on reserves),
about 12 percent of
total overnight deposits or 1 trillion euros.
It is also very close to the Altavilla and others (2023)
estimate of the level of excess liquidity consistent with the Friedman rule for reserves,
roughly 1.5
trillion euros.
The approach used here follows Chen and others (2023) who use parametric and nonparametric methods to estimate the
demand for reserves for the U.S. Federal Reserve System and the Eurosystem. See Annex I for details.
The convenience yield on reserves is measured by the difference between the money market rate and the interest rate on
reserves, plus some balance sheet cost of holding reserves, possibly driven by regulation which constrains banks’ balance sheet
space (Vissing-Jørgensen, 2023).
For comparison, Vissing-Jørgensen (2023) estimates the convenience yield-minimizing level of Eurosystem reserves at 1.25
trillion euros, provided the ECB’s monetary portfolio is made only of “inconvenient” assets (i.e., assets which do not carry a
convenience yield like ultra-safe sovereign bonds). If the ECB were to hold only government bonds according to the capital key, this
estimate would be cut by about half.
The Friedman rule for reserves implies a supply of reserves to a point in which they are no longer scarce, that is, to a point in
which their convenience yield is zero (Vissing-Jørgensen, 2023).
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Figure 6. Demand for reserves in the Eurosystem
Source: ECB and authors’ estimates. Note: The chart shows the difference between the representative money market
rate for the euro area (EONIA until October 2019 and STR after that) and the ECB’s main policy rate (the MRO until
2015 and the DFR after that) plotted against the level of excess reserves (in percent of total sight deposits at euro
area banks) held at the Eurosystem from January 7, 1999 to August 10, 2023 at the weekly frequency. Excess reserves
are calculated as deposit facility marginal lending facility average reserve requirement + current account. The red
line is a fitted demand curve using nonparametric local-linear kernel regression.
Zero corridor versus near-zero corridor in a hybrid parsimonious floor system
Once having settled on a parsimonious floor hybrid system, the choice of zero corridor vs. a near-
zero corridor involves trade-offs for the central bank. A potential benefit of a near-zero corridor is
that it provides banks with incentives to better forecast their own liquidity demand to minimize the
volume of borrowed reserves, so as to avoid allocating them to the deposit facility at the cost of a
spread between the central bank’s lending and deposit facilities.
A near-zero corridor may also
permit more space for interbank markets, as the presence of a spread between the central banks’
deposit and lending facilities would induce banks with idiosyncratic liquidity shocks to manage their
liquidity in interbank markets (i.e., borrow and lend at market interest rates rather than depositing
borrowed reserves with the central bank). But, as mentioned in Section 3, the additional
informational content on borrowers (and resulting market discipline) may be limited in practice as
activity in short-term money markets is now mostly secured with collateral, while other markets (for
Borrowed reserves are funds borrowed by banks from the central bank to meet minimum reserves. Poor liquidity forecasts by
banks may cause them to borrow above their liquidity needs.
0 .5 1 1.5 2
0 10
Excess liquidity
Money market rate Demand for reserves
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
example, for bank equity and subordinated debt) may provide comparable or more effective market
discipline (Gorton and Santomero, 1990; Ashcraft, 2008
However, a near-zero corridor may also exacerbate certain frictions compared to a zero-corridor. For
example, the higher spread of the central banks’ lending facility over the deposit facility, the higher
the potential risk of stigma associated with the use of the lending facility even during tranquil times
(see Altavilla and others, 2023
). Moreover, intermittent liquidity shortages could materialize under a
near-zero corridor, raising the prospect of self-fulfilling liquidity runs (especially when stigma is
present)which argues for making faster progress toward completing the banking union to ensure
such events don’t precipitate wider, systemic banking distress.
5. Conclusion
This paper has reviewed the trade-offs involved in the choice of the ECB’s monetary policy
operational framework. In the near-term, until the size of the ECB’s balance sheet is reduced to a
level which is closer to the one implied by the banks’ demand for reserves to meet reserve
requirements, payments settlement needs, and to appropriately self-insure against liquidity shocks,
the ECB will likely continue to employ the floor system for implementing the target interest rate in
money markets. Once the supply of reserves declines and approaches the steep part of the reserves
demand function, the ECB will face a choice between a corridor system and a parsimonious (with
minimal volume of reserves) implementation of the floor system. The analysis of the trade-offs
indicates that the parsimonious floor has distinct benefits and likely limited costs compared to a
corridor system. The implementation of the parsimonious floor involves a lending facility or frequent
full-allotment short-term lending operations priced at or very close to the deposit rate. The choice
between the zero-corridor or the very narrow corridor implementations of the parsimonious floor also
involves trade-offs. While European banks are now financially strong, the fragmented nature of the
European financial system will need to be taken into account in the choice of the ECB’s operational
framework until the Banking Union is fully completed. Still, the operational framework should not
contribute, through moral hazard, to build further financial sector fragilities, which stresses the
importance of intrusive bank supervision and of adequate regulation in line with a full implementation
of Basel III.
Some of the core questions relating to the choice of the medium-term framework may not need to be
settled up-front (Altavilla and others, 2023, Lane, 2023c
). A cautious approach focused on delivering
fail-safe management of transition risks relating to the reduction of aggregate reserves is of primary
importance. Learning-by-doing should remain a guiding principle as the ECB transitions to a steady
state operational framework as it provides flexibility to change course should circumstances justify it.
Close monitoring of the evolution of bank funding patterns would help inform the shape and form of
the future steady state balance sheet, including the feasible set of operational frameworks and the
composition of the structural bond portfolio.
The ECB’s Future Monetary Policy Operational Framework
Annex I. Nonparametric estimation of the
demand for bank reserves in the euro area
This annex explains how the estimates for the demand curve for aggregate bank reserves for the euro area
were obtained. The demand curve is estimated using a nonparametric method because there is little to no
guidance concerning its functional form, except that it is important to condition on the level of bank deposits
(Lopez-Salido and Vissing-Jorgensen, 2023
). In this setting, the use of nonparametric regression is ideal
(Henderson and Parmeter, 2015). The results shown in Annex Table A.1 are produced by a nonparametric
local-linear kernel estimator of the following general specification:
= +
in which r
is the difference between the euro money market overnight interest rate and the ECB’s main
monetary policy rate at week t, xres
is the total excess reserves of euro area banks deposited with the
Eurosystem, dep
is total overnight deposits held at euro area banks, m(.) is an everywhere differential
regression function, and
is an error term.
The nonparametric regression estimator uses an Epanechnikov smoothing kernel function, with inference being
performed with a paired bootstrap with 399 replications. The kernel bandwidth parameters for the mean and
derivative of m(.) are set to 1.97, which is optimal in the root-mean squared error for the derivative estimator
but imposes more smoothing than optimal for the mean estimator, which is needed to avoid some local
nonmonotonicity in the fitted demand curve.
Annex Table A.1. Nonparametric estimation of euro area demand for bank reserves
Note: The table shows estimates of the mean and average slope of the difference between the euro area money market rate as a
function of total bank excess reserves normalized by total bank deposits. Standard errors (in parenthesis) are calculated using a
paired bootstrap. Confidence bands come the percentile bootstrap using 399 replications. *, **, *** mean that estimates are
statistically significant at the 10, 5, and 1 percent levels, respectively. Data are from the ECB data warehouse and are at the
weekly frequency, except for total euro area bank deposits for which they are at the monthly frequency and converted to weekly
through linear interpolation.
Mean 0.4196 ***
Derivative -0.1390 ***
R2 0.86
Observations 1,280
95 percent
confidence bands
[0.393 0.444]
[-0.150 -0.128]
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Working Paper No. WP/2024/056