*Dr. Ashadevi, B. and Muthamil Selvi, P.
Computer Science, M.V. Muthaiah Govt. Arts College for Women Dindigul – 01, India
Academic writing, individual or collaborative, is an essential skill for today's graduates.
Unfortunately, managing, writing activities and providing feedback to students is very labor
intensive and academics often opt out of including such learning experiences in their teaching.
Successful integration of educational technology is a complicated process that is influenced by
multiple factors (Levin & Wadmany, 2008; Valcke et al., 2007). Recently, both within and across
schools, educators have been searching for cloud-based solutions to address the challenges of
integrating educational technology into their school systems assessing whether these programs
are affordable, accessible, and well-suited to improve learning. While the popularity of cloud-
based applications among educational institutions and students is rapidly increasing due to their
enhanced sharing features, accessibility, and cost-efficiency, there have been few efforts to
investigate the impacts of these cloud-based applications in educational settings. The Internet
giant offers a suite of Web-based productivity applications under the name Google Docs (GoDs).
Google Docs is the ability to share and collaborate with others in “real time.” Each user saves
information to the cloud system, he or she can access the same file from anywhere. In online
collaboration, multiple users can make edits to the same files at the same time. The objective of
this paper is to highlight the various collaborative tools and the importance in doing the academic
activities collaboratively.
*Corresponding author
Copyright ©2017, Ashadevi and Muthamil Selvi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Although it's a relatively young industry, many companies
offer cloud computing services. One of those companies is
Google. The Internet giant offers a suite of Web-based
productivity applications under the name Google Docs. While
these applications aren't as complex or comprehensive as the
leading desktop counterparts, they have other advantages over
traditional software. The most obvious of these advantages is
that the applications aren't tied to a specific computer. There's
no need to download and install software on a particular
machine. Any computer connected to the Internet can access
Google Docs. Because each user saves information to the
cloud system, he or she can access the same file from
anywhere. Users don't have to worry about which version of a
document is the most current -- it will always be saved in the
Google cloud. Another advantage is that multiple users can
make edits to the same files at the same time.
This is called online collaboration, and it could streamline
teamwork over the Web. Because Google Docs preserves
earlier versions of documents, there's no reason to worry about
irrevocably changing a file. Collaborating on files might mean
changing the way we think about document management. But
it might also mean project managers can save time and effort.
Google Docs is a free Web-based application in which
documents and spreadsheets can be created, edited and stored
online. Files can be accessed from any computer with an
Internet connection and a full-featured Web browser. Google
Docs is a part of a comprehensive package of online
applications offered by and associated with Google. Users of
Google Docs can import, create, edit and update documents
and spreadsheets in various fonts and file formats, combining
text with formulas, lists, tables and images. Google Docs is
compatible with most presentation software and word
processor applications. Work can be published as a Web page
or as a print-ready manuscript. Users can control who sees
ISSN: 2230-9926
International Journal of Development Research
Vol. 07, Issue, 08, pp.14626-14633, August,
Article History:
Received 10
May, 2017
Received in revised form
June, 2017
Accepted 22
July, 2017
Published online 30
August, 2017
Available online at http://www.journalijdr.com
Citation: Dr. Ashadevi, B. and MuthamilSelvi, P. , 2017.
“Google Docs: An Effective Collaborative Tool for Graduates to Perform Academic Activities
in the Cloud”, International Journal of Development Research, 7, (08), 14626-14633.
Collaborative writing,
Collaborative tools,
Google Docs,
Google Sheets,
Google Presentations,
Google Drive.
their work. Google Docs is ideal for publishing within an
enterprise, maintaining blogs or composing work for viewing
by the general public. Google Docs lends itself to collaborative
projects in which multiple authors work together in real time
from geographically diverse locations. All participants can see
who made specific document changes and when those
alterations were done. Because documents are stored online
and can also be stored on users' computers, there is no risk of
total data loss as a result of a localized catastrophe. However,
the Internet-based nature of Google Docs has given rise to
concerns among some authors that their work may not be
private or secure. This section will elaborate on the
introduction to the study which is writing on the cloud: the use
of Google documents with Schoology to assist students in
improving their academic writing. Writing academic essays in
a tertiary education setting can be a rather daunting task for
many students. This is particularly applicable in the context of
this study where the respondents of this study are facing
difficulties when writing critical texts. However, this can be
done by introducing the students to cloud based collaborative
writing programs. Such programs are readily available online,
such as Wikispaces and Google documents.
The use of cloud based collaborative writing programs are not
a miracle drug for the students to immediately have their
writing skills improved. However, it could be used as a
catalyst to guide them in improving their academic writing
skills. This is especially true with regards to the use of certain
cloud computing platforms to provide collaborative support
and feedback to the students (Kafer and Center, 2013). In the
context of this study, google documents may be deemed as
effective when used as a collaborative writing software,
however it lacks any particular place for the lecturer to provide
any form of feedback. Calvo, O'Rourke, Jones, Yacef, &
Reimann (2011) mentioned of the same issue in his study.
However, Calvo et.al took a different approach where a new
software was developed to cater to the collaborative writing in
that study’s context. This study supplemented the feedback
element with an online learning management system (LMS)
known as Schoology. The use of Schoology can compensate
for the provision of feedback and can be used in tandem with
google documents. This can be done when Schoology was
used to post the feedback for the students on it to tell students
what are their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to their
Furthermore, the use of Schoology as a document archive is
good as the students will be able to keep all their previous
work as well as the feedback given to the students. Studies
such as the one conducted by Manning, Brooks, Crotteau,
Diedrich, Moser & Zwiefelhofer (2011) pointed out such
benefits that the use of Schoology provides in terms of
accessibility where the students are able to access their
feedback with ease via Schoology. In addition, according
Kafer and Center (2013) also mentioned of the use of
Schoology as an avenue which provided a place where
students could get feedback and support from. This could
either be from the lecturer or the students. This is useful as
students will not have to be in class to receive feedback as they
will be able to acquire such feedback from outside the
classroom. Therefore, based on the introduction, the use of
Google documents can be conducted together as they both
have the potential to help students in improving their writing
A. Why use Google Docs ?
Work off-site: Prepare for meetings, trainings, and work on
Collaborate: work easily with others by sharing the same
document, e.g., prepare conference presentation, write articles,
plan projects.
Control versions: no need for flash drivers, e-mailing etc.
pull up actual document from homes and other remotes
Simultaneous editing: collaborators can edit documents while
talking on the phone and know where the latest version is.
B. Why use Google Sheets?
Price: The entire suite of Google Apps is free.
Cloud storage and Portability: automatically saved in the
cloud, attached to google account, and accessible from any
computer with a browser. No need to worry about another
computer having the same version of Excel.
Better cross-platform support: it will work on different
C. Why use Google Presentations?
Compatibility in google presentations: import and export
graphics, text formats, PDFs and even Powerpoint
presentations without a hassle. They can also publish their
creations to the Internet quickly and easily.
Cloud based presentation creation: several different
colleagues can access and modify a presentation as it is being
The concept of cloud computing has many definitions, Sultan
(2010) stated that cloud computing is a platform that can be
directly accessed via the internet and does not require any
form of software installation. An example that Sultan (2010)
gave would be that of Google apps, which consists of Google
documents. Garner (2010) provides a discussion of how
technologies like GD can support collaboration around
information and personal knowledge management. Chu,
Kennedy, and Mak assessed stu-dents’ perception on the
effectiveness of MediaWiki and GD in report-writing
processes, and ana-lyzed usage experience, severity of
potential problems and knowledge management (Chu & Ken-
nedy, 2011; Chu, Kennedy, & Mak, 2009). They reported on
undergraduate students in the In-formation Management
Program, who found both MediaWiki and GD to be effective
and enjoy-able online collaboration and management tools. In
a study with a total of 1002 students on technologies that may
be suited to challenge the combination of Word and email in
solving a non-face-to-face collaborative writing and editing
task in three-person groups and distributed in time and space,
Dishaw et al. (2013) found that GD achieved high scores,
much higher than TWiki, both due to its perceived usefulness
and ease, and its support for collaboration (real-time up-date
editing; email, real-time chat and threaded comments available
14627 Ashadevi and Muthamil Selvi, Google docs: An effective collaborative tool for graduates to perform academic
activities in the cloud
within the tool) and the clarity of the collaboration process.
Brodahl et al. (2011) highlight the importance of GD and EP
claiming that properties and characteristics of the tools provide
opportunities for multiple users to work on the same document
and afford meta-communication. Oguilve et al. (2012) found
that use of GD increased motivation in writing tasks for
academic purposes depending on how efficiently students used
the tool. Blau and Caspi (2009a) did research on education and
psychology students sharing their written assignment for
suggestions or editing via GD. “They found differences in
psychological owner-ship, perceived quality of the document,
but not in [students’] perceived learning, and believe that a
collaboratively written document might have higher quality
than a document written alone” (Brodahl et al., 2011, p. 79).
They conclude that relation between perceived ownership and
per-ceived learning is mediated by perceived quality of the
written product (Caspi, & Blau, 2011) and improvement
suggestions preferred over editing one another’s writing (Blau,
& Caspi, 2009a, 2009b).
Another study by Al-Zoube (2009) defined cloud computing
as a tool for educational institutions that may not possess any
technical knowledge in computing to successfully implement
these tools smoothly. Sultan’s (2010) and Al-zoube’s (2009)
elaboration of course is derived from a more technical point of
view, on the other hand, other definitions are more
contextualized to the context of a language classroom. This is
seen in Al-zoube’s (2009) further elaboration of cloud
computing where Al-Zoube (2009) specifies that cloud
computing consists of several tools or applications that can be
used in a classroom to share, edit as well as collaborate to
produce content. Aside from that, Al- Zoube (2009) adds that
these tools are low-cost, web-based and easily accessible by
the students as long as there is a constant internet connection
via a variety of mobile devices and computers. This is
concurred by Johnson, Levine, Smith & Smythe (2009) who
defines the use of cloud computing as an application that can
be used in the classroom situation for collaborative work as
well as store data. On the other hand, Johnson, Levine, smith
and Smythe (2009) also further elaborates that the use of cloud
computing is gradually seeing its feasibility in several
classroom situations. Based on the aforementioned studies,
cloud computing in education share certain features with both
Google documents and Schoology. For example, Google
documents and Schoology both are web based software that do
not require any form of installation.
In addition, both Google documents and Schoology can be
accessed via a variety of mobile devices which includes
laptops and smartphones as concurred by the aforementioned
studies above. Finally, a similar feature that Google documents
and Schoology share that is similar to most cloud computing
software that is used in education would be that it is used to
collaborate, share and edit the work of the students. Cloud
computing’s feasibility in education has been investigated in
several studies. Wood (2011) investigated the use of cloud
computing in the classroom where students collaborated to
produce a report. According to Blue & Tirotta (2011) the use
of cloud computing has become more and more widely used in
the classroom environment due to its efficiency in the creation
of materials and facilitating work amongst students. Blue &
Tirotta’s (2011) sample were a group of teacher trainees and
thus they deduced that teacher trainers and trainees become
more accustomed to such tools, they can be implemented in
future classrooms more efficiently, especially when the teacher
trainees have their own classes in the future. Furthermore,
Schneckenberg, Ehlers & Adelsberger (2011) conducted a
study using cloud computing in the class to facilitate
publishing of reflections on wikis, collaborative brainstorming
activities as well as peer evaluation. Schneckenberg et.al took
an approach where constructivism was incorporated into the
cloud computing class. Since students are required to construct
knowledge from what they know or they will need to have
adequate prior knowledge in order for the students to construct
the necessary knowledge for the lesson. Schneckenberg et.al
(2011) mentioned of the convenience of cloud computing
where the students were able to access and find out about the
necessary prior knowledge Schneckenberg et.al (2011) also
reported a positive feedback from the students, in favor of the
use of the use of cloud computing as part of the class. Based
on the studies by Schneckenberg et al. (2011), Wood (2011)
and by Blue & Tirotta (2011), the effectiveness of cloud
computing as a learning tool to guide the students in learning
is undeniable especially since it facilitates collaboration,
constructivism as well as its efficiency in creating materials.
However, another aspect of cloud computing that will be
investigated in this study would be the use of a cloud
computing as a form of learning management system.
Google Docs
Collaborative tools can serve as a knowledge platform for a
community of practice where members of the community can
share their knowledge with the group, post information, work
together, and critically discuss issues (Cattafi & Metzner,
2007). The use of col-laborative tools is characterized by some
of the elements fundamental to a community of practice,
including an online presence, a variety of interactions,
communication, partici-pation, relevant content, and
relationships to a broader subject field of interest. Collabora-
tive tools can be used to facilitate computer-supported
collaborative learning, i.e., the de-velopment of collaboration
by means of technology to enhance learning. In addition, col-
laborative tools can enhance peer interaction and group work,
facilitate sharing and dis-tributing knowledge and information
among a community of learners (Lipponen, 2002). Finally, an
essential element of collaborative learning is that learners
should be encour-aged to reflect on their knowledge.
Collaborative tools allow this reflection to be done
collaboratively, moving closer to a fully social constructivist
mode of learning. (Brodahl et al., 2011, p. 77)
A. Google Docs
Google Docs brings documents to life with smart editing and
styling tools to help you easily format text and paragraphs.
Choose from hundreds of fonts, add links, images, and
1. Academic Activities
Annotated Bibliography
By the time a student reaches the later years of high school,
and certainly by the time she’s gotten to college, it’s likely that
she’ll be required to write an annotated bibliography, a list of
resources that not only includes the bibliographical
information of each source, but also a short paragraph
summarizing the resource and reflecting on its usefulness for a
given project. Usually an annotated bibliography is required as
14628 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Issue, 08, pp. 14626-14633, August, 2017
a part of a larger research
paper, but it could stand alone as an
assignment that tasks students with seeking out and evaluating
sources just for the practice of doing so. And the
in Google Docs allow students to locate, read, and cite their
sources all in one place. To learn more, see this guide from
Cornell University Library on
How to Prepare an Annotated
2. Book Review
Instead of a book report, have students write a book review
instead. This is certainly not a new idea, but publishing
work electronically allows students to enhance the final
product with the book’s cover image, a link to the book’s page
on Amazon, and
even links to other titles the author has
written or articles on related topics. For models and
inspiration, elementary and middle school students can read
student-written reviews on sites like S
paghetti Book Club
Older or advanced students might work toward more
sophisticated, nuanced review styles like
book reviews written
on Oprah.com.
3. Collaborative Story
Because Google Docs is cloud-
based, multiple people can
work on a Doc at the same time. So students can work together
on a story, a script for a play, or any other kind of group
writing project. They can use the comments feature to give
each othe
r feedback and make decisions together. And because
students can work from any location with an Internet
connection, collaboration isn’t restricted to school hours; each
group member can work on the project from any location
whenever they have time.
4. Media-Rich Research Paper
Any kind of research paper can be given a big boost when
done in a Google Doc, because students can insert images,
drawings, and links to other relevant resources, like articles
and videos. Using the research tools
built into Docs, students
can research their topics and include in-
text citations with
5. Super Simple Blog
you don’t want to mess with actual blogging platforms, but
want students to be able to experience writing blog posts that
contain images and hyperlinks to other websites, this could be
accomplished easily in a single running Google Doc.
Instead of
creating a job chart yourself, have students build it
from scratch!
Ashadevi and Muthamil Selvi
paper, but it could stand alone as an
assignment that tasks students with seeking out and evaluating
sources just for the practice of doing so. And the
research tools
in Google Docs allow students to locate, read, and cite their
sources all in one place. To learn more, see this guide from
How to Prepare an Annotated
Instead of a book report, have students write a book review
instead. This is certainly not a new idea, but publishing
work electronically allows students to enhance the final
product with the book’s cover image, a link to the book’s page
even links to other titles the author has
written or articles on related topics. For models and
inspiration, elementary and middle school students can read
paghetti Book Club
Older or advanced students might work toward more
book reviews written
based, multiple people can
work on a Doc at the same time. So students can work together
on a story, a script for a play, or any other kind of group
writing project. They can use the comments feature to give
r feedback and make decisions together. And because
students can work from any location with an Internet
connection, collaboration isn’t restricted to school hours; each
group member can work on the project from any location
Any kind of research paper can be given a big boost when
done in a Google Doc, because students can insert images,
drawings, and links to other relevant resources, like articles
built into Docs, students
text citations with
you don’t want to mess with actual blogging platforms, but
want students to be able to experience writing blog posts that
contain images and hyperlinks to other websites, this could be
accomplished easily in a single running Google Doc.
creating a job chart yourself, have students build it
6. Table
Being able to organize information visually is an important
skill, and students who understand how to build
Google Docs will have a skill for
ormation in the future. They can be used as a compare and
contrast exercise, to display data from an experiment, or even
put together a schedule. Yes, you could do these things
yourself, print them, and have students fill them out, but why
not have STUDENTS
practice learn how to
7. Slides : Choose-Your-
Because slides can contain hyperlinks to other slides, students
could build a whole story where the reader chooses different
options at key points in the stor
completely different paths. The reader would consume the
content as a slideshow, clicking on the links themselves as
they go through. This could be a pretty massive undertaking,
but we all know students who would be totally up for the
8. E-book
These could take a variety of forms: mini
books, cookbooks or how-
to manuals, personal art or writing
portfolios, even yearbook-
style memory books. To learn more
about the possibilities, see my post from earlier th
on Student E-Books.
9. Magazine
Along the same lines as an e-
book, students could use a similar
template to create a PDF
magazine or newsletter that is shared
online on a regular
schedule. The possibilities here are endless,
useful for student clubs or sports teams, classroom or grade
level newsletters, or magazines put out by groups of students
who share a common interest, like gaming systems, soccer, or
10. Museum Kiosk
Imagine if we could enhance science fair projects with a
looping video display that provides the audience with vivid
visuals and text about our topic. Or imagine an art show,
where a self-
running informational slideshow could be placed
beside an art displa
y to share the story behind the piece and
photos of the work in progress? This is possible and EASY in
Google Slides: Simply create a slideshow, then
“Publish to the Webfeature to create a slideshow that auto
advances and has no need for a presen
iPad or laptop and you’re all set. This mock
on Coral Reefs shows you what it could look like (click the
image to open in a new window).
11. Short Film
Students can upload their own images and add text boxes to a
eshow to create an animated story, then record the
slideshow with a Google extension called
can either record their own voice as narration, add background
music, or both. There ar
e so many different kinds of films
students could produce: illustrated stories or poems, final
reflections for a
20 Time or Genius Hour
Ashadevi and Muthamil Selvi
Google docs: An effective collaborative tool for graduates to perform academic
activities in the cloud
Being able to organize information visually is an important
skill, and students who understand how to build
a table in
Google Docs will have a skill for
presenting all kinds of
ormation in the future. They can be used as a compare and
contrast exercise, to display data from an experiment, or even
put together a schedule. Yes, you could do these things
yourself, print them, and have students fill them out, but why
practice learn how to
create the tables
-Adventure Story
Because slides can contain hyperlinks to other slides, students
could build a whole story where the reader chooses different
options at key points in the stor
y, leading them down
completely different paths. The reader would consume the
content as a slideshow, clicking on the links themselves as
they go through. This could be a pretty massive undertaking,
but we all know students who would be totally up for the
These could take a variety of forms: mini
-textbooks, children’s
to manuals, personal art or writing
style memory books. To learn more
about the possibilities, see my post from earlier th
is year
book, students could use a similar
magazine or newsletter that is shared
schedule. The possibilities here are endless,
useful for student clubs or sports teams, classroom or grade
level newsletters, or magazines put out by groups of students
who share a common interest, like gaming systems, soccer, or
Imagine if we could enhance science fair projects with a
looping video display that provides the audience with vivid
visuals and text about our topic. Or imagine an art show,
running informational slideshow could be placed
y to share the story behind the piece and
photos of the work in progress? This is possible and EASY in
Google Slides: Simply create a slideshow, then
use the
“Publish to the Webfeature to create a slideshow that auto
advances and has no need for a presen
ter. Pop that up on an
iPad or laptop and you’re all set. This mock
-up of a slideshow
on Coral Reefs shows you what it could look like (click the
image to open in a new window).
Students can upload their own images and add text boxes to a
eshow to create an animated story, then record the
slideshow with a Google extension called
Screencastify. They
can either record their own voice as narration, add background
e so many different kinds of films
students could produce: illustrated stories or poems, final
20 Time or Genius Hour
project, video
Google docs: An effective collaborative tool for graduates to perform academic
textbooks on content-
related topics, or news
stories of school or community events. In this quick sample, I
added music from
YouTube’s library of royalty
that anyone can use to enhance their recordings:
12. Video Tutorial
Using the same screencasting software mentioned above,
students could also create their own video tutorials by creating
a Slides presentation on their topic (such as “How to Open a
Combination Lock”), then recording the slideshow with
Click the
image above to watch a sample Museum Kiosk in action!
International Journal of Development Research,
related topics, or news
-like feature
stories of school or community events. In this quick sample, I
YouTube’s library of royalty
-free music
that anyone can use to enhance their recordings:
Using the same screencasting software mentioned above,
students could also create their own video tutorials by creating
a Slides presentation on their topic (such as “How to Open a
Combination Lock”), then recording the slideshow with
This would make a nice final product for a unit on
informational writing or a way for students to demonstrate
their learning at the end of a unit in science (“How to Take
Care of Lab Equipment”), social studies
Distance on a Map”), or math (“How to Multiply Fractions”).
made tutorials could even be created to
classroom procedures. And any tutorials students make
could be stored for later, so other students can also benefit
from them.
Learn more about how Screencastify works right
inside Chrome.
image above to watch a sample Museum Kiosk in action!
International Journal of Development Research,
Vol. 07, Issue, 08, pp. 14626-14633,
This would make a nice final product for a unit on
informational writing or a way for students to demonstrate
their learning at the end of a unit in science (“How to Take
Care of Lab Equipment”), social studies
(“How to Measure
Distance on a Map”), or math (“How to Multiply Fractions”).
made tutorials could even be created to
classroom procedures. And any tutorials students make
could be stored for later, so other students can also benefit
Learn more about how Screencastify works right
, 2017
13. Forms: Peer Survey
Whenever students need to gather data to support an
argumentative essay
or speech, let them gather data quickly
and easily by creating a survey with Google Forms. Links to
the survey can be sent out via email,
QR codes
post in a learning management system like Edmodo or Google
Classroom. When results come in, students can use them to
support whatever claim they are trying to make in their
argument, or make adjustments
based on what they discover in
their research.
14. Feedback Form
Have students provide feedback to each other’s presentations,
speeches, even videos using Google Forms. Here’s how it
would work: Each student creates her own form, asking for the
kind of
feedback she wants on the project. As other students
view or the project, they can be sent to a form to offer praise or
constructive criticism, which the creator would then be able to
view privately and use to improve the project. Students could
even use t
heir feedback to write a reflection on their process
after the project is done.
15. Quiz
One great way to learn material is to create a test or quiz over
the content. Have students use Google Forms to create their
own multiple-choice, True/False, fill-in-
ended quizzes on the content they are learning.
16. Visual Representation of Data Sets
Whenever people
enter responses to a Form, Google allows
the form creator to view responses
in charts and graphs. Have
students gain a better understandin
g of how data can be
represented visually by accepting responses (or entering their
own fake ones) into a
Form, then looking at how the numbers
are represented in graphs. This could work well as a series of
math lessons.
Ashadevi and Muthamil Selvi
Whenever students need to gather data to support an
or speech, let them gather data quickly
and easily by creating a survey with Google Forms. Links to
QR codes
, or through a
post in a learning management system like Edmodo or Google
Classroom. When results come in, students can use them to
support whatever claim they are trying to make in their
based on what they discover in
Have students provide feedback to each other’s presentations,
speeches, even videos using Google Forms. Here’s how it
would work: Each student creates her own form, asking for the
feedback she wants on the project. As other students
view or the project, they can be sent to a form to offer praise or
constructive criticism, which the creator would then be able to
view privately and use to improve the project. Students could
heir feedback to write a reflection on their process
One great way to learn material is to create a test or quiz over
the content. Have students use Google Forms to create their
-blank, or open-
ended quizzes on the content they are learning.
enter responses to a Form, Google allows
in charts and graphs. Have
g of how data can be
represented visually by accepting responses (or entering their
Form, then looking at how the numbers
are represented in graphs. This could work well as a series of
17. Dictionary
If you’re halfway t
hrough writing a report and realize you
don’t remember the difference between “compose” and
“comprise,” select Dictionary
enter one of the words in the search box. You’ll be supplied
with definitions and synonyms from sources ar
18. Personal
Sometimes the information you need is not out on the Web but
rather buried somewhere in your Google Drive account. In that
case, use this search option. Select
down menu and enter your search term and the research tool
will return results from your Docs, Sheets, and Slides, as well
as images from your Picasa account and posts from your
Google+ stream. Click
Insert Link
to insert the item’s URL and title. Click
a footnote citation with the link (documents only). In the case
of presentations, you can click
to insert into your current presentation.
B. Google Docs : Tools
1. MobiSystems Office
Suite (Android, iOS and Windows)
Suite is a long time favorite for many people. The app
has changed a lot from its early days. Currently, the developers
seem to be transitioning the suite into something closer to
Google Drive or
Microsoft OneDrive. The idea is to have a
cloud storage hub from which to work. Most of the basic
features are available in the free version and that's good news.
The paid version allows for PDF scanning, a font pack that’s
compatible with Microsoft, a spe
document support. It's one of the better run
apps. It is also among the most expensive.
Documents To Go (Android and others)
Docs to Go is an older app that’s been around for quite some
time. However, it's st
ill receiving new features and updates. It
has the basics, such as word processing, spreadsheet editing,
and presentation editing. It does an excellent job of letting you
do these things without too much of a setup. The paid version
unlocks password-locked
files, saving to (and loading from)
cloud storage sites, and file syncing with your desktop. It’s not
great in every situation, but it's one of the more solid office
3. iWork (iOS)
Ashadevi and Muthamil Selvi
, Google docs: An effective collaborative tool for graduates
to perform academic
activities in the cloud
hrough writing a report and realize you
don’t remember the difference between “compose” and
from the drop-down menu and
enter one of the words in the search box. You’ll be supplied
with definitions and synonyms from sources ar
ound the web.
Sometimes the information you need is not out on the Web but
rather buried somewhere in your Google Drive account. In that
case, use this search option. Select
Personal from the drop-
down menu and enter your search term and the research tool
will return results from your Docs, Sheets, and Slides, as well
as images from your Picasa account and posts from your
to glance at the content, and
to insert the item’s URL and title. Click
Cite to add
a footnote citation with the link (documents only). In the case
of presentations, you can click
Import Slides to choose slides
to insert into your current presentation.
Suite (Android, iOS and Windows)
Suite is a long time favorite for many people. The app
has changed a lot from its early days. Currently, the developers
seem to be transitioning the suite into something closer to
Microsoft OneDrive. The idea is to have a
cloud storage hub from which to work. Most of the basic
features are available in the free version and that's good news.
The paid version allows for PDF scanning, a font pack that’s
compatible with Microsoft, a spe
ll checker, and additional
document support. It's one of the better run
-of-the-mill office
apps. It is also among the most expensive.
Documents To Go (Android and others)
Docs to Go is an older app that’s been around for quite some
ill receiving new features and updates. It
has the basics, such as word processing, spreadsheet editing,
and presentation editing. It does an excellent job of letting you
do these things without too much of a setup. The paid version
files, saving to (and loading from)
cloud storage sites, and file syncing with your desktop. It’s not
great in every situation, but it's one of the more solid office
to perform academic
iWork is an office suite of applications created by Apple Inc.
for its macOS and iOS operating systems, and also available
cross-platform through the iCloud website. It includes
Keynote, a presentation program; the word processing and
desktop publishing application Pages; and the spreadsheet
application Numbers
4. G Suite
G Suite (formerly Google Apps for Work and Google Apps for
Your Domain) is a brand of cloud computing, productivity and
collaboration tools, software and products developed by
Google, launched on August 28, 2006. G Suite comprises
Gmail, Hangouts, Calendar, and Google+ for communication;
Drive for storage; Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, and Sites for
collaboration; and, depending on the plan, an Admin panel and
Vault for managing users and the services. It also includes the
digital interactive whiteboard Jamboard.
5. Polaris Office
Polaris Office is a lot like OfficeSuite. It used to be a good,
simple office suite. The app isn't simple or small anymore. It
does have a ton of features, including the basics along with
note taking, document searching, encrypted files, and support
for various formats. That includes PDF and Microsoft
documents. The free version is serviceable. You can also get
$3.99 and $5.99 per month subscriptions. That gives you
additional features like the ability to use it on more than three
devices along with extra cloud storage. The subscription
models aren’t great, but the free version is still decent. It's still
one of the better office apps.
6. Office suite
Office Suite is a long time favorite for many people. The app
has changed a lot from its early days. Currently, the developers
seem to be transitioning the suite into something closer to
Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. The idea is to have a
cloud storage hub from which to work. Most of the basic
features are available in the free version and that's good news.
The paid version allows for PDF scanning, a font pack that’s
compatible with Microsoft, a spell checker, and additional
document support. It's one of the better run-of-the-mill office
apps. It is also among the most expensive.
7. Quip
Quip is one of the newer office apps on the list. It's also one of
the few free ones. It has a small, but decent set of features.
That includes the ability to collaborate on documents with
other people. It comes in the form of a chat that you can use to
talk to people while editing documents. You'll also get a
support for spreadsheets, cross-device syncing, offline support,
and various exporting options. It also has cloud storage
support. Quip hasn’t been around as long as other office apps,
but it’s better than many of them.
8. Smart office 2
Smart Office 2 is another one of the rare free office apps. The
app used to cost money. However, at some point, they decided
to let it go for free. It comes with all of the basic features as
you’d expect, including support for word processing,
spreadsheets, and presentations. It also comes with support for
Microsoft Office documents from 2013 and back. You can
also use it to view (and save) PDF files, some image files, and
WMF and EMF file types. The interface is clean and simple.
It's a good option for those who don't need much.
9. Soft maker Office
Softmaker has a lot of office apps. That includes a suite of free
office apps. They also have a suite of paid office apps. Both of
them are pretty good. There are three apps in the suite,
including TextMaker, PlanMaker, and Presentations which are
just funny names for word processor, spreadsheet, and, well,
presentations. Unlike most, the apps are completely free. Their
features include PDF support, TrueType and OpenType fonts,
and support for (most) Microsoft file types. You'll have to buy
the paid versions of the apps separately. On the plus side, you
can only buy what you need. On the negative side, all three
apps costs about $15.
10. WPS Office
WPS Office was once called Kingsoft Office. Despite the
name change, it remains one of the most popular office apps
on Android. With it, you can view and convert PDFs, do the
basic stuff (documents, spreadsheets, presentations), and more.
It also comes with support for wireless printing, support for
Microsoft file types, and support for 46 languages. The app
does have ads. There is no way to pay your way out of seeing
those adverts. That is unfortunate. Otherwise, it's a solid app.
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