Bacon Free Library
May 2019
The Bacon Free Library is committed to being a warm and welcoming place for all
community members. To that end, we have a few rules which, when followed by
everyone, will allow all patrons to enjoy the beautiful BFL space. Failure to comply with
the rules of the library may result in expulsion from the library.
Food and drink is allowed in the library, except at the public computer. We ask that,
as a courtesy, you clean up any crumbs created and keep drinks covered. Please
let a staff member know immediately if you need assistance with a spill or mess.
Cell phone use is allowed in the library. We ask that patrons practice discretion
during events and when others are using the library for quiet reading or work -
using the foyer to take/make calls whenever possible. If this is an issue, a
librarian may ask that a patron use their cell phone outside of the library.
NO SMOKING - anywhere on the premises or grounds of the Bacon Free
Library, including e-cigarettes.
If a patron loses a library material, they must pay the full replacement cost of the
item, not replace the item itself.
Library privileges may be limited for the following reasons:
damaging library property;
stealing library materials;
harassing, either verbally or physically, any staff or patron;
and/or inappropriate behavior.
If a patron misses 3 consecutive programs which they registered for and have
limited space, the library reserves the right to revoke their program registration
privileges for 6 months, at the discretion of the Library Director.
Only service animals are permitted into the library. No other pets are allowed,
unless at the discretion of the Library Director or Assistant Director.
Parents are responsible for the behavior and supervision of their children. Library
staff cannot be responsible for unattended children and we ask that all children
under the age of 8 be accompanied by a caregiver when visiting the library.
Shirts and shoes must be worn in the library.
Most library materials circulate for 3 weeks. High demand books circulate for 2
weeks. DVDs circulate for 2 weeks and magazines for 1 week. Most materials
may be renewed three times, unless another library user has requested the item.
Library users can renew materials in person, over the phone, or via the internet.
To encourage prompt return of library materials, late fees are assessed at a rate
of 20¢ per day with a $4 per item maximum charge. The fee for lost or damaged
items is the cost of replacement & processing of that item. There is no fee to
replace lost library cards.
Library cards must be presented at time of check out. Staff may also accept a
valid driver’s license. Staff may use their discretion with longtime patrons in good
standing in terms of checking out items without a library card.
All programs held at, or sponsored by, the Bacon Free Library are free and open
to the public. As space is limited, attendance is on a first come, first served basis
unless otherwise noted.
The BFL generally does not require registration for events, but might request it
for the purpose of having sufficient supplies available for a specified program.
The BFL has discount passes that provide access to several local museums and
organizations, thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Bacon Free Library.
Patrons may reserve the passes by calling or emailing the library. Passes are
available on first come, first served basis.
The BFL does not have a private or guaranteed quiet meeting space. Groups can
have meetings in the library at the discretion of the Library Director. Factors
affecting this decision include time requested, staffing, and programs/events in
the library.
All requests will be given consideration as the BFL prides itself in being a
meeting place for the community.
Dress Code
BFL staff will dress neatly at all times, cognizant of their role as a public
figure in front of patrons and during events.
On a day to day basis, dress can be casual while maintaining neatness.
Patron Interaction
Staff should always be courteous and welcoming to patrons.
Staff is also responsible for the overall atmosphere in the library and, as
such, may speak to patrons (including children) who are not adhering to
the library’s behavior policies.
Mandated Reporters
Library staff are all mandated reporters of suspected child abuse.
If library staff sees something they might consider questionable, they must
report it to the Library Director (with information on the child and caregiver)
who will then assist in reporting to the proper authorities.
If a staff member believes a child is in imminent physical danger, the staff
member is authorized to call the police and, if they can do so safely,
intervene for the protection of the child.
In accordance with the will of BFL benefactor, Oliver Bacon, the goal of collection
development at the Bacon Free Library is to “to provide popular materials and learning
resources for the enjoyment and use of the public, with a special emphasis on
supporting the educational needs of our children.” In addition, materials are selected to
satisfy a broad range of interests and topics.
To this end, our collection will:
represent a variety of viewpoints, in accordance with the ALA Library Bill of
include a variety of formats, as deemed reasonable to meet a variety of user
seek to meet the needs of the residents of the town of Natick;
and respond to trends in popular materials.
Selection Process:
Adult materials are selected by the BFL Library Director in accordance to popular
demand, range of interests and formats in keeping with the allotted budget.
Young Adult and Children’s materials are selected by the Assistant
Director/Children’s Librarian in accordance with popular demand, educational
requirements of our patrons, a variety of formats and interest levels in keeping
with the allotted budget.
Selection Criteria:
Importance of subject
Reputable print and online reviews
Timeliness of material
Prominence of author
Award winners
Top holds according to Minuteman Library Network
Staff recommendations
Patron requests and/or interest
Types of Materials:
The Bacon Free Library is committed to having the most popular materials
available which meet the needs of our patrons of all ages and interests. This
includes, but is not limited to:
hardcover and paperback fiction and non-fiction;
books on CD;
electronic databases and journals;
electronic resources through Overdrive and Boston Public Library;
music CDs;
children’s DVDs;
information on local history;
and additional materials as requested by patrons.
Objections to Library Materials:
All objections of library materials should be brought to the attention of library staff.
Library staff will provide the patron with a Material Challenge Form, if desired. The
Material Challenge Form will then be submitted to the Library Director, who will evaluate
the original reasons for the purchase of the material. The Library Director will then
respond to the person making the objection in writing. Should objections remain, they
will be forwarded to and addressed by the Board of Library Trustees. Library materials
are not rejected or removed from the collection because some content is considered
offensive by some readers. They are judged on overall quality and value as dictated by
the Selection Process & Criteria sections of the Collection Development Policy.
In order to provide easy access to relevant and in-demand materials and information,
deselection of library materials (also known as weeding) is frequent and thorough,
keeping collections current, trimmed and useful. The Bacon Free Library does not have
the space or the mandate to keep materials that do not circulate regularly.
Materials may be withdrawn from library collections for any of the following reasons:
when the information in the materials becomes outdated or obsolete;
when the materials are no longer of interest or in demand;
and/or when the condition of the damaged material is not worth the cost of
Materials in need of mending will be reviewed by trained staff who will then make the
professional decision to mend, discard, or replace using the following criteria:
number of copies in Minuteman Library Network
Definition of Social Media:
The Bacon Free Library uses social media to maintain a welcoming online space where
the public can learn about, share, and discuss library events and library-related topics.
For the purpose of this policy, the library defines social media as any online space to
which the library posts content, including but not limited to the library website, social
networking websites, media sharing websites, and business directory websites.
Responsibility for Content:
In many cases, the public may post public comments to library social media. We respect
diverse viewpoints and encourage thoughtful discussion. The library is not responsible
for the content of public comments and has no obligation to remove objectionable
comments. The library reserves the right to remove content that is not topically related
to the library or its services. Additionally, the library reserves the right to remove any of
the following:
content that promotes discrimination;
content that constitutes or encourages illegal activity;
commercial solicitations;
profane language;
sexual content or links to sexual content;
content that violates another party’s intellectual property rights;
private information about an individual shared without that individual’s consent;
content that compromises safety or security;
content regarding political campaigns and ballot measures;
or libel.
The library evaluates information that it posts online, but sharing or linking to content
online does not mean that the library endorses or is affiliated with the content or content
Photographs taken by staff of library events and posted to our social media outlets may
be reproduced with the Library Director’s permission. However, the Bacon Free
Library’s first priority is the privacy and security of our patrons, especially those below
the age of 18. Verbal permission will be requested for using photos on the library’s
social media outlets. Written permission will be requested if the library would like to use
photos beyond our immediate social media outlets.
The Bacon Free Library currently has one computer available for patron use and also
provides free wireless access for patrons bringing in their own equipment to the library.
The expectations are as follows:
Viewing of certain text and/or images in the library may infringe the rights of other
patrons to a public space free from the display of materials that may constitute
sexual harassment. Library staff reserves the right to prohibit the public display of
images and/or text, even though those images and/or text may not be offensive
to an individual patron.
It is not permitted nor acceptable to:
alter, tamper with, repair, circumvent, remove, or damage configurations,
software, or hardware on the library computer;
use library computer or Internet access for illegal, fraudulent, harmful,
obscene or abusive purposes;
send any virus or harmful code to any third party;
and/or attempt to or to actually break into or violate the security of any
computer file, database, or network, or violate another person’s privacy or
access, alter, steal, corrupt or destroy any data.
The library assumes no liability for any damage to the user’s data or equipment,
loss of the user’s privacy sustained while using library equipment or any
damages, direct or indirect, arising from its connections to the Internet.
The library can make no guarantees with respect to the quality or content of the
information available on the Internet. Not all the information on the Internet is
accurate, current, or complete. Users are encouraged to evaluate the validity of
information accessed via the Internet. Users are also encouraged to work with a
librarian to ascertain the authenticity of an online resource as well as searching
out reliable sources.
Patrons can print, copy and fax at the BFL for 10¢ per page, whether in black &
white or color.
All library volunteers must have a CORI on file with the town of Natick.
All requests to volunteer at the Bacon Free Library must be reviewed and
approved by the Library Director and/or the Assistant Director.
Due to privacy issues, library volunteers are prohibited from working the desk
with patrons. Only staff may assist patrons with checking materials in/out of the
We encourage local artists to display their work on our walls. The artwork must
be 2-dimensional, framed and ready to hang with wire. We have a professional
hanging system to secure the work and offer physical help and advice during the
hanging process. Note: the paintings hang fairly high on the walls, so larger work
is encouraged. Depending upon the size of the art, 10-15 pieces are needed to
fill the space.
The artist shall be responsible for hanging the artwork using only the wall display
system provided for that purpose or otherwise if agreeable to the Library Director,
provided that nothing is used to mar the walls or woodwork surfaces of the library
building. The artist shall remove all artwork promptly (within 48 hours) following
conclusion of the agreed display period. Art property not removed after notice to
the artist may be disposed of without liability.
Although the library will endeavor to secure the art property being displayed,
there shall be no responsibility of liability by the Bacon Free Library, the Friends
of the Bacon Free Library or any individual representing them for any damages,
misplacement or theft of art property for any cause.
All artwork is to be framed (no glass-only frames are acceptable) and in good
condition. The artist should provide label cards for the artwork being displayed.
The Library’s Art Display Coordinator shall have the right to make final decisions
about displaying artwork that could be considered controversial, not appropriate
for all visitors or otherwise deemed unacceptable.
One month prior to the display period, the artist should provide biographical
information to the Coordinator that may be used for press releases or other
announcements to local media of various forms.
If the artwork is available to purchase, a price list should be provided. It is
requested that a contribution of at least 10% of the sale price be donated to the
Bacon Free Library or the Friends of the Bacon Free Library if any artwork is sold
as a result of being displayed in the library.
Any flyers, invitations or announcements prepared by the artist that will be
distributed to the public are to be reviewed by the Coordinator before printing.
The Bacon Free Library adheres to the guidelines set down by the American Library
Association in terms of The Library Bill of Rights. These rights relate to issues of:
library users First Amendment rights;
access to information;
and intellectual freedom.
To see the complete ALA Library Bill of Rights, click HERE
Library FAQ’s
Can I pick up books on reserve for a family member or friend?
If your family member or friend gives you their permission and their library card,
you may pick up their library items.
Without the library card, we can only release reserved items being held for
someone else with the following:
A copy of the emailed “Ready for Pickup” notification (valid only for
the item or items listed.)
A phone call of permission from the cardholder (Library card
number required at the time of the call.)
Can I pay fines for a family member or friend?
Fines can always be paid on overdue items being returned at the desk. Without
the library card, however, no information from the account can be disclosed
(such as previously incurred fines or items still checked out.)
Fines can be paid for family members without their cards, but we cannot issue an
itemized receipt for fines paid or disclose the titles of fined items.
I am returning these library materials for my family member or friend. Can you tell
me what is still checked out on the account?
No. Without the library card, we cannot disclose any information about the
Can you access my account over the phone to renew items, change a pin
number, place requests, check on the status of requested items or inquire about
my due dates?
We are happy to help you manage your account over the phone with your
account number. We do not access an account without the number, except to
report a card lost or stolen.
We can renew an item with the item barcode number (found on the item or the
date due receipt). We can place requests over the phone without your card
number, but require your name, PIN number, and the address and phone
numbers listed in your library account.
How long do I have to pick up an item I placed on reserve?
You will receive an email or call when the item is available to pick up. All items
placed on reserve must be picked up from the library within 7 days of notification,
otherwise they are returned to the lending library.
Library accounts can be managed online with a library card number and PIN
(personal identification number.) If you do not have a PIN, you can set one
online, get one at the library (library card or photo ID required,) or over the phone
(library card number required.)
Accessing your account online allows you to renew items, check due dates, pay
for fines or lost materials by credit card, update your email address, place
requests, etc.
Minuteman also has a library app through which, once you are logged in, you can
access your account, the catalog, databases and your library card!
If you give your library card to a family member or friend to pick up materials for
you, we must assume that permission to access account information and to use
the account has been granted.