UHF Wireless MIDI System
Operating Manual
Congratulations on your purchase of the
UHF wireless MIDI system. The
system is very easy to use, but please take a few moments to read through the manual to avoid any
operational difficulties.
has been designed specifically to address the problems unique to MIDI data transfer. It
combines a high data rate with extremely low latency and low dropout rate. Should dropouts occur due
to going out of range or interference from other sources,
is designed to handle these
events without leaving notes stuck on.
system works in the 868 to 870MHz pan European licence free band. At the present it
is available with one frequency of 869.85MHz which means that you cannot use two
close to one another, however we plan to make other frequencies available in the future to enable
multiple units to be used in the same vicinity.
About the Transmitter Unit
MIDI In socket
Connect your keyboard, wind controller or other MIDI device to this input socket using a standard MIDI
The antenna fitted on the
transmitter is not removable, do not attempt to unscrew it! Try to
ensure that the antenna is straight when operational and if possible is placed away from other solid
objects, particularly metal ones
On/Off switch
When this switch is on, the
transmitter is operational and waiting for MIDI data.
This LED has four functions:
1) The LED will give a steady glow when the
transmitter is on,
2) When MIDI data is received the led will flicker in response to the incoming MIDI signal.
3) If the battery voltage is low (6.5 volts or less), this LED will flash regularly on and off
4) If the unit enters power save state, the led will blink briefly every two seconds
Changing the battery:
When the LED indicates that the battery voltage is low, it is time to change the battery.
Unscrew the knurled knob on the bottom of the unit and open the flap. Turn the unit so that the battery
falls out under it’s own weight, but try to catch it so as not to stress the connecting wires.
If the battery voltage falls below about 4.5 volts the
transmitter will no longer work.
About the Receiver Unit
Power on/off switch
Push this switch
to turn the unit on.
DC IN 9-12V
Plug the supplied power adapter into here. The unit will take an adapter with an output in the range of
9-12V either regulated or unregulated. The socket is a 2.1mm type with centre positive. Do not use an
adaptor with an output voltage higher than 12V, and the
must not share an adaptor with
any other device. Failure to observe this will invalidate your warranty, and will probably damage the
other device, the
and/or the power supply
This output gives a copy of the MIDI data which was sent to the transmitter. Connect a MIDI lead from
here to the MIDI In of your sound module, computer or other MIDI equipment
Antennas A & B
receiver is what is known as a diversity system. This means that it has two complete
receivers, each with their own antenna, plus a system which arbitrates between the two incoming data
streams, so that if one antenna is not receiving the signal from the transmitter, the chances are that the
other one will be.
The antenna connections are via BNC type connectors. To attach the supplied antennas, push them
onto the BNC plugs attached to the
receiver and then turn the knurled outer ring clockwise
until a click is felt. Ensure that when operating the
receiver, the antennas have as much
free space around them as possible, preferably keeping them away from metal objects. It is suggested
that, rather than mounting the
receiver inside a rack system, the receiver is placed on top
of the rack during operation. If the
receiver must be mounted in a rack, then external
be used and placed on top of the rack, or other suitable place away from interference
sources, during operation. Under
circumstances should the antennas be inside the rack, even with
the receiver turned back to front, as reception will still be severely impaired due to reflections from
other metalwork and the general high background noise level typical of a rack.
Status LEDs
has four status LEDs which have the following functions:
ON (Blue) Indicates that power is on. Flashing means
battery is low.
MIDI (Orange) Indicates that MIDI data is being received.
RF-A (Green) Indicates that valid data is being received by Antenna A
RF-B (Green) Indicates that valid data is being received by Antenna B
Ideally both RF-A and RF-B should be constantly lit while the transmitter unit is on. Try to position the
receiver where you get RF-A and B lit constantly in normal operation. Don’t worry too much about the
occasional flicker of one or other, but if both go out at the same time, you have lost your link.
If the transmitter is turned off (or power save is active) then the RF-A and B LEDs will go out.
Getting the best out of the MidiStream system
Optimal placing of the receiver and transmitter
Ideally aim for line-of-sight communication between transmitter and receiver. Try and get the receiver
as high as reasonably possible (put it on top of your rack, not in it) and away from other objects,
particularly metal ones. If you can keep the transmitter away from your body, so much the better,
ideally mount the transmitter on your instrument or carry strap.
system has a range of up to 100 metres in open space or about 30 metres indoors,
although this can be reduced by solid objects in the way. As the receiver uses BNC connectors for the
antennas, you can use external / remote antennas if circumstances require. Speak to Kenton if you
want to do this as we can advise.
Using in a rack system
Don’t mount the
receiver inside a rack unless you use antennas placed outside the rack.
Kenton can advise on suitable antennas for use with a rack mounted receiver. Kenton intend to
produce a rackmount kit for the receiver in the future, which will include suitable external antennas.
Exposure to radio frequency energy and potential harmful effects
The transmitter operates at an extremely low power of 5 milliwatts or less, (somewhat less than a
typical mobile phone) however you should be aware that the effects of radio frequency energy on the
human body are not fully known at this time and exposure should be minimised wherever possible. As
mentioned above, if you can keep the transmitter away from your body, so much the better.
Rechargeable batteries
You may find it more economical to use rechargeable batteries in the transmitter. Kenton recommend
that you have two rechargeable batteries, one inside the transmitter, and one on charge. Kenton can
supply high capacity rechargeable batteries and chargers suitable for use with the
The rechargeable batteries we supply have a capacity of 250mAH (most are 150mAH) which means
that you can operate the transmitter for about 5 hours continuously on one charge. Contact us for more
Power save mode
If the system is likely to be used in a situation where there are long idle times between MIDI messages
(many minutes), you can enable power save mode in the transmitter to increase battery life. To control
power save mode, you need to send one of the following SysEx messages to the transmitter :
To enable power save mode and set timeout, send F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00
To disable power save mode (always on), send F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 00 F7
Where the strings given above are in hexadecimal and
is the time in minutes before the unit turns
itself off – values 1 to 127 minutes are valid times until turn off, and 0 means the unit stays on all the
must never be more than 127 decimal (7Fh). For example F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 3C F7 will
set the timeout to 60 minutes (3C is the hexadecimal representation of 60). See the next page for more
examples and a decimal to hex conversion chart. Any setting is stored in non-volatile memory, factory
default value is ‘always on’)
When power save mode is enabled, the transmitter will stop transmitting RF (radio frequency) if no
MIDI message has been received for a pre-determined time (set as
above). You will know that the
transmitter has stopped because the two LEDs, RF-A and RF-B on the receiver, will go out and the led
on the transmitter unit will blink briefly every two seconds. As soon as a new MIDI message is received
the transmitter will turn back on, but be aware that the turn-on and re-synchronisation process takes a
few milliseconds so the first message will be delayed very slightly, although probably not noticeably.
Although the unit uses less power when the transmitter is stopped, it doesn’t reduce power
consumption to zero. Typically power consumption is reduced to one third of normal when the
transmitter RF section is shut down. Power consumption is
reduced when the timeout has
occurred and the RF section has shut down, otherwise power consumption is normal.
For the unit to shut down the transmitter RF section in power save mode, it must receive
messages of any kind
during the timeout period. If your MIDI instrument constantly sends active
sensing messages then the transmitter RF section will never shut down and no power will be saved.
Uses for the MidiStream system
Although the
system was originally designed with instruments such as the AX-1 in mind,
many other uses have been suggested since. The main other instruments are wind controllers such as
the WX-5 and MIDI accordions. As well as those uses,
can be used in theatres or other
venues to couple a front-of-house MIDI sound or lighting desk to slave units on stage.
MIDI throughput
has a very low latency and high MIDI throughput. It handles all MIDI messages including
Clock and SysEx messages, however, try to avoid very large SysEx dumps (1k or more). If you need to
send very large dumps, try to split them up into blocks with a few milliseconds between each block.
MIDIOX can do this. MIDIOX is an extremely useful utility and you can download it for free from
Note hangs & controller updates
has been especially designed to make note hangs extremely unlikely. If you go out of
range of the receiver or the signal gets interrupted, all current notes will be turned off.
When the transmitter is back in range, the current value for major controllers, such as MIDI volume,
modulation wheel, pitch-bend, breath control & program change will be re-synchronised with the most
recent values which were sent to the transmitter. Notes however will not be turned back on again.
More about power save mode
Example strings for a selection of times
5 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 05 F7
10 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 0A F7
15 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 0F F7
20 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 14 F7
25 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 19 F7
30 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 1E F7
40 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 28 F7
50 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 32 F7
60 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 3C F7
70 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 46 F7
80 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 50 F7
90 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 5A F7
100 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 64 F7
110 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 6E F7
120 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 78 F7
127 minutes F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 7F F7 maximum timeout period permissible
Always on F0 00 20 13 0B 00 00 00 F7 never times out
Decimal to Hex conversion chart
Decimal Hex
0 00
1 01
2 02
3 03
4 04
5 05
6 06
7 07
8 08
9 09
10 0A
11 0B
12 0C
13 0D
14 0E
15 0F
16 10 numbers then continues in a similar fashion
17 11 etc.
Details of the MidiStream SysEx messages
SysEx messages exclusive to the
system are made up as follows:
- Begin SysEx command
- Company ident first byte
- Company ident second byte
- Company ident third byte
- Product code –
- Address byte – where address 00 is for setting timeout (no other addresses valid at this time)
- Data byte – where data values of 00 – 7Fh (0 – 127 decimal) are valid values
- End of SysEx
Transmitter Specifications
Power 9 volt battery. PP3 type (also known as 6F22 or MN1604 or S-006P)
Power consumption Typically 55mA in normal use or 17mA when power saving
Battery life 4 – 5 hours with a full battery.
Transmit frequency 869.85MHz
MIDI In only
LED Indicates power on, low battery, power save & MIDI activity
Weight 285 grams
Dimensions 100 x 70 x 30 mm (not including antenna)
Non-volatile memory EEPROM (no back-up battery required)
Receiver Specifications
Power Input 9-12V DC 120mA, 2.1mm plug centre +ve (Mains adaptor supplied)
Receive frequency 869.85MHz
MIDI Out only
Display Four status LEDs indicate Power on (TX low batt), MIDI, RF-A & RF-B
Weight Receiver 850 grams – Power adaptor 300 grams
Dimensions 241 x 115 x 32 mm (not including antennas)
Non-volatile memory EEPROM (no back-up battery required)
comes with a 12 month (from purchase date) back to base warranty, (i.e. customer must
arrange and pay for carriage to and from Kenton Electronics).
Brookfarm House, Station Road, South Wimbledon, London, SW19 2LP, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 8544 9200 Fax: +44 (0)20 8544 9300
e-mail:[email protected] www.kentonuk.com
rev# 1116 e. & o. e.
December 2003