Recommendations and Reports / Vol. 69 / No. 9 September 25, 2020
Meningococcal Vaccination: Recommendations of
the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices,
United States, 2020
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Recommendations and Reports
The MMWR series of publications is published by the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027.
Suggested citation: [Author names; first three, then et al., if more than six.] [Title]. MMWR Recomm Rep 2020;69(No. RR-#):[inclusive page numbers].
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Introduction ............................................................................................................1
Meningococcal Vaccines
Evaluation of Efficacy of Meningococcal Vaccines
.................................... 7
Serogroups A, C, W, and Y Meningococcal Vaccines
Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccines
........................................................ 15
Vaccine Administration
.................................................................................... 20
Recommendations for Use of Meningococcal Vaccines
...................... 20
Future Directions in Meningococcal Vaccination
................................... 23
............................................................................................................. 24
CDC Adoption of ACIP Recommendations for
MMWR Recommendations and Reports, MMWR Policy Notes, and
Immunization Schedules (Child/Adolescent, Adult)
Recommendations for routine use of vaccines for children,
adolescents, and adults are developed by the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). ACIP is
chartered as a federal advisory committee to provide expert
external advice and guidance to the Director of CDC on
use of vaccines and related agents for the control of vaccine-
preventable diseases in the civilian population of the United
States. Recommendations for routine use of vaccines for
children and adolescents are harmonized to the greatest
extent possible with recommendations made by the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Family
Physicians (AAFP), the American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists (ACOG), and the American College of
Nurse-Midwives (ACNM). Recommendations for routine use
of vaccines for adults are harmonized with recommendations
of the American College of Physicians (ACP), AAFP, ACOG,
and ACNM. ACIP recommendations approved by the CDC
Director become agency guidelines on the date published in the
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). Additional
information is available at
Recommendations and Reports
MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9 1
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Meningococcal Vaccination: Recommendations of the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Sarah A. Mbaeyi, MD
; Catherine H. Bozio, PhD
; Jonathan Duffy, MD
; Lorry G. Rubin, MD
; Susan Hariri, PhD
David S. Stephens, MD
; Jessica R. MacNeil, MPH
Division of Bacterial Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC;
Immunization Safety Office,
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, CDC;
Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York, New Hyde Park,
New York, and Hofstra North Shore–LIJ School of Medicine, Hempstead, New York;
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia;
Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC
This report compiles and summarizes all recommendations from CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
(ACIP) for use of meningococcal vaccines in the United States. As a comprehensive summary and update of previously published
recommendations, it replaces all previously published reports and policy notes. This report also contains new recommendations
for administration of booster doses of serogroup B meningococcal (MenB) vaccine for persons at increased risk for serogroup B
meningococcal disease. These guidelines will be updated as needed on the basis of availability of new data or licensure of new
meningococcal vaccines.
ACIP recommends routine vaccination with a quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY) for adolescents
aged 11 or 12 years, with a booster dose at age 16 years. ACIP also recommends routine vaccination with MenACWY for
persons aged ≥2 months at increased risk for meningococcal disease caused by serogroups A, C, W, or Y, including persons who
have persistent complement component deficiencies; persons receiving a complement inhibitor (e.g., eculizumab [Soliris] or
ravulizumab [Ultomiris]); persons who have anatomic or functional asplenia; persons with human immunodeficiency virus
infection; microbiologists routinely exposed to isolates of Neisseria meningitidis; persons identified to be at increased risk because of
a meningococcal disease outbreak caused by serogroups A, C, W, or Y; persons who travel to or live in areas in which meningococcal
disease is hyperendemic or epidemic; unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated first-year college students living in residence halls;
and military recruits. ACIP recommends MenACWY booster doses for previously vaccinated persons who become or remain at
increased risk.
In addition, ACIP recommends routine use of MenB vaccine series among persons aged ≥10 years who are at increased risk for
serogroup B meningococcal disease, including persons who have persistent complement component deficiencies; persons receiving a
complement inhibitor; persons who have anatomic or functional asplenia; microbiologists who are routinely exposed to isolates of
N. meningitidis; and persons identified to be at increased risk because of a meningococcal disease outbreak caused by serogroup B.
ACIP recommends MenB booster doses for previously vaccinated persons who become or remain at increased risk. In addition,
ACIP recommends a MenB series for adolescents and young adults aged 16–23 years on the basis of shared clinical decision-making
to provide short-term protection against disease caused by most strains of serogroup B N. meningitidis.
Meningococcal disease is a serious bacterial infection that
primarily presents as meningitis, bacteremia, or both. Three
quadrivalent (serogroups A, C, W, and Y) meningococcal
conjugate (MenACWY) vaccines and two serogroup B
meningococcal (MenB) vaccines are licensed and available in
the United States and are recommended by CDC’s Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for the
prevention of meningococcal disease caused by these serogroups
(Table 1) (Box 1) (113). Details about groups recommended
to receive meningococcal vaccination, number of vaccine doses,
dosing regimens, contraindications, precautions, and special
circumstances are described elsewhere in this report.
This report compiles and summarizes all previously published
ACIP recommendations for use of meningococcal vaccines
in the United States (Box 2) (115). It also clarifies certain
existing recommendations and contains new recommendations
for administration of booster doses of MenB vaccine among
persons aged ≥10 years at increased risk for serogroup B
meningococcal disease. This report is intended for use by
clinicians and public health providers for guidance regarding
the use of meningococcal vaccines.
Corresponding author: Sarah A. Mbaeyi, MD, Division of Bacterial
Diseases, National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases,
CDC. Telephone: 404-639-3158; E-mail: [email protected].
Recommendations and Reports
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US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ACIP provides recommendations for the prevention and
control of meningococcal disease in the United States. The ACIP
Meningococcal Vaccines Work Group met by teleconference
once per month during 2005–2020, except during brief periods
of hiatus. Work group membership included voting members
of ACIP, representatives of ACIP ex-officio and liaison
organizations, and scientific consultants with expertise in
public health, vaccinology, medical specialties, vaccine research,
and assessments of vaccine efficacy and safety. Work group
discussions included topics such as meningococcal disease
surveillance and epidemiology and meningococcal vaccine
safety, immunogenicity, effectiveness, coverage, program
feasibility, and cost-effectiveness. Presentations were requested
from invited experts, and published and unpublished data were
discussed. These data were summarized by the work group and
presented to ACIP to help establish recommendations. When
evidence was lacking, the recommendations incorporated
expert opinion from ACIP. Meeting minutes and information
on ACIP membership and conflicts of interest are available
on the ACIP website (
This report updates and replaces previously published ACIP
recommendations for meningococcal vaccines (913,16).
Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development
and Evaluation (GRADE) was adopted by ACIP in 2010
(17). Recommendations using the GRADE approach include
the use of MenACWY oligosaccharide diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine (MenACWY-CRM) among children aged
2–23 months at increased risk for meningococcal disease,
use of a MenACWY vaccine among persons infected with
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), all MenB vaccine
recommendations, and use of a MenACWY tetanus toxoid
vaccine (MenACWY-TT) among persons aged ≥2 years
(911,13). GRADE evidence tables for these recommendations
are available (
table-refs.html). In 2018, ACIP adopted the Evidence to
Recommendations (EtR) framework to facilitate the assessment
and ensure transparency of additional factors considered
in developing vaccine recommendations, including target
population values, stakeholder acceptability, and feasibility
of implementation (18). Recommendations for MenB
booster doses among persons aged ≥10 years at increased
risk for meningococcal disease and use of MenACWY-TT
among persons aged ≥2 years were further evaluated using
the EtR framework (19). The EtR frameworks for these
recommendations are available (
acip/recs/grade/etr.html). ACIP did not use GRADE or EtR for
updates of evidence related to recommendations made before
implementation of these approaches.
ACIP votes were held when a new routine or risk-based
recommendation was under consideration, with new age
indications or dosing regimens for a vaccine, or when additional
groups were identified as being at risk for meningococcal
disease. An ACIP vote was not required for use of newly
licensed products (e.g., MenACWY-TT in persons aged
≥2 years) when no changes in recommendations for vaccine
use in terms of dosing and schedules were made.
For this report, a systematic literature search was completed
to review all available evidence on the immunogenicity,
effectiveness, and safety of U.S.-licensed MenACWY and
MenB vaccines among age groups for which the vaccines
were approved, including separate reviews to assess evidence
related to MenB booster doses and MenACWY-TT.
PubMed, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, Scopus, Cochrane
Library, and were searched for clinical
trials or observational studies published during 2000–2018
without language or geographic restrictions. The following
search terms were used: “(quadrivalent meningococcal
conjugate or tetravalent meningococcal conjugate or
meningococcal ACWY or MCV4 or MCV-4 or MenACWY
or MenACWY-D or MenACWY-CRM or Menactra or
Menveo or serogroup B meningococcal or meningococcal
serogroup B or meningococcal B or meningococcal group B
or group B meningococcal or MenB or Bexsero or MenB-4C
or rMenB+OMV NZ or 4CMenB or Trumenba or rLP2086
or MenB-FHbp or FHbp or Factor H binding protein)” and
vaccin*” and “(immunogenicity or efficacy or effectiveness
or impact or safety or adverse event*).” For the review specific
to MenB booster vaccination, the same MenB vaccine
search terms plus the term “booster” were used to capture all
studies related to booster doses. To identify evidence related
to MenACWY-TT, licensed after the original systematic
literature search was conducted, as well as newly available
evidence related to other meningococcal vaccines, search
results were supplemented by data (using updated search
terms to include “MenACWY-TT,” “MenACYW-TT,” and
“MenQuadfi”) published in 2019–2020 or identified by work
group subject matter experts, or unpublished data provided by
the vaccine manufacturers.
To further assess vaccine safety, data were evaluated from the
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and the
Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), two postlicensure surveillance
systems for adverse events. VAERS is a national passive public
health surveillance system operated by CDC and the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) and accepts reports from anyone,
including health care professionals, vaccine manufacturers,
patients, and caregivers (20). Health care providers and patients
are encouraged to report clinically important or unexpected
adverse events, even if unsure whether the event is vaccine
Recommendations and Reports
MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9 3
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
BOX 1. Meningococcal vaccination recommendations — Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
ACIP recommends MenACWY vaccination for the following groups:
Routine vaccination for adolescents aged 11 or 12 years, with a booster dose at age 16 years.
Routine vaccination of persons aged ≥2 months at increased risk for meningococcal disease (dosing schedule varies by age and
indication, and interval for booster dose varies by age at time of previous vaccination):
Persons with certain medical conditions including anatomic or functional asplenia, complement component
deficiencies (e.g., C3, C5-C9, properdin, factor H, or factor D), complement inhibitor (e.g., eculizumab [Soliris] or
ravulizumab [Ultomiris]) use, or human immunodeficiency virus infection.
Microbiologists with routine exposure to Neisseria meningitidis isolates.
Persons at increased risk during an outbreak (e.g., in community or organizational settings, and among men who have
sex with men [MSM]).
Persons who travel to or live in countries in which meningococcal disease is hyperendemic or epidemic.
Unvaccinated or undervaccinated first-year college students living in residence halls.
Military recruits.
Booster doses for previously vaccinated persons who become or remain at increased risk.
ACIP recommends MenB vaccination for the following groups:
Routine vaccination of persons aged ≥10 years at increased risk for meningococcal disease (dosing schedule varies by
vaccine brand; boosters should be administered at 1 year after primary series completion, then every 2–3 years
Persons with certain medical conditions, such as anatomic or functional asplenia, complement component deficiencies, or
complement inhibitor use.
Microbiologists with routine exposure to N. meningitidis isolates.
Persons at increased risk during an outbreak (e.g., in community or organizational settings, and among MSM).
Vaccination of adolescents and young adults aged 16–23 years with a 2-dose MenB series on the basis of shared clinical
decision-making. The preferred age for MenB vaccination is 16–18 years. Booster doses are not recommended unless the
person becomes at increased risk for meningococcal disease.
Booster doses for previously vaccinated persons who become or remain at increased risk.
Abbreviations: ACIP=Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; MenACWY=quadrivalent (serogroups A, C, W, Y) meningococcal conjugate vaccine;
MenB=serogroup B meningococcal vaccine.
related, and to provide medical documentation for reports
of serious adverse events (e.g., death, life-threatening health
event, hospitalization, or lasting disability after vaccination)
(20). VAERS can identify rare adverse events and detect
possible safety problems quickly, generating vaccine safety
hypotheses to be evaluated by other sources; however, VAERS
data cannot be used to determine whether a vaccine caused
an adverse event. VSD is a collaboration between CDC and
eight health care organizations that conducts active public
health surveillance and epidemiologic research about vaccine
safety. VSD collects individual-level data, including medical
and vaccine records, on approximately 10 million persons
annually (approximately 3% of the U.S. population) (21).
This allows for population-based observational studies with
longitudinal follow-up that can be used to calculate rates and
relative risks of vaccine adverse events. Therefore, VSD data
can be used for surveillance to identify vaccine safety signals
or for hypothesis testing to evaluate signals originating from
other sources such as VAERS.
Meningococcal disease includes the spectrum of invasive
infections caused by Neisseria meningitidis, a gram-negative
diplococcus. Meningococcal disease usually presents clinically
as meningitis, bacteremia, or both (22). Meningococcal disease
also can present as other invasive syndromes such as bacteremic
pneumonia, arthritis, and pericarditis. Noninvasive infections
such as pneumonia without bacteremia, conjunctivitis, or
urethritis also might occur. Meningococcal disease develops
rapidly, often among previously healthy persons, and results
in high morbidity and mortality. Even with appropriate
Recommendations and Reports
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BOX 2. Timeline of meningococcal vaccine licensure and recommendations, United States, 2005—2020
2005 FDA licensed MenACWY-D for persons aged 11–55 years. ACIP recommended routine vaccination of
adolescents with a single MenACWY-D dose at age 11–12 years and persons aged 11–55 years at increased risk for
meningococcal disease.
2006 Because of limited vaccine supply, MenACWY-D vaccination was limited to cohorts of adolescents entering high
school and college and persons aged 11–55 years at increased risk for meningococcal disease.
2007 After vaccine supply became sucient, ACIP recommended vaccination for all adolescents aged 11–18 years. FDA
expanded licensure of MenACWY-D to children aged 2–10 years, and ACIP recommended routine vaccination of
children in this age group at increased risk for meningococcal disease.
2010 FDA licensed a second vaccine, MenACWY-CRM, for persons aged 11–55 years. ACIP added a MenACWY
booster dose at age 16 years and recommended a 2-dose primary series be used for certain persons aged 11–55 years
at increased risk for meningococcal disease because of asplenia, persistent complement component deciency, or
human immunodeciency virus (HIV) infection (with another indication for vaccination).
2011 FDA extended licensure of MenACWY-CRM to children aged 2–10 years and of MenACWY-D to those aged
9–23 months. ACIP recommended a 2-dose primary series of MenACWY-D for children aged 9–23 months at
increased risk for meningococcal disease.
2012 FDA licensed Hib-MenCY-TT and ACIP recommended a 4-dose primary series for children aged 2–8 months at
increased risk for meningococcal disease.
2013 FDA extended licensure of MenACWY-CRM to children aged 2–23 months and ACIP recommended a 4-dose
primary series for children in this age group at increased risk for meningococcal disease.
2014 FDA licensed MenB-FHbp as a 3-dose series for persons aged 10–25 years.
2015 FDA licensed MenB-4C as a 2-dose series for persons aged 10–25 years. ACIP recommended persons at increased
risk for serogroup B meningococcal disease receive a MenB series, and persons aged 16–23 years were recommended
to be vaccinated with a MenB series on the basis of shared clinical decision-making.
2016 FDA licensed MenB-FHbp as a 2-dose series for persons aged 10–25 years.
2016 ACIP recommended persons with HIV infection be routinely vaccinated with a 2-dose MenACWY primary series.
2017 ACIP updated its recommendations for use of MenB-FHbp following a change in licensure that allowed both a
2- and 3-dose series. Distribution of MPSV4 and Hib-MenCY-TT was discontinued in the United States.
2019 ACIP recommended that persons with certain medical conditions and microbiologists routinely exposed to Neisseria
meningitidis isolates receive a MenB booster dose 1 year after primary series completion, then every 2–3 years there-
after. During an outbreak, a single MenB booster dose was recommended if it had been ≥1 year since primary series
completion (interval of ≥6 months may be considered if recommended by public health ocials).
2020 FDA licensed MenACWY-TT for persons aged ≥2 years.
Abbreviations: ACIP=Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; FDA=Food and Drug Administration; Hib-MenCY-TT=meningococcal groups C
and Y and Haemophilus influenzae type b tetanus toxoid vaccine (MenHibrix); MenACWY-CRM=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide
diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine (Menveo); MenACWY-D=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine
(Menactra); MenACWY-TT=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine (MenQuadfi); MenB=serogroup B
meningococcal vaccine; MenB-4C=meningococcal group B vaccine (Bexsero); MenB-FHbp=meningococcal group B vaccine (Trumenba); MPSV4=meningococcal
polysaccharide vaccine, groups A, C, Y, and W combined (Menomune – A/C/Y/W-135).
Recommendations and Reports
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antimicrobial therapy, the overall case-fatality ratio in the
United States is 15%, and 10%–20% of survivors have long-
term sequelae such as neurologic disability, limb or digit loss,
or hearing loss (22,23).
N. meningitidis is classified into 12 serogroups according
to the composition of its polysaccharide capsule; serogroups
A, B, C, W, X, and Y cause most of the disease globally (24).
N. meningitidis colonizes mucosal surfaces of the nasopharynx
and is transmitted through direct contact with large-droplet
respiratory tract secretions from patients or asymptomatic
carriers. Nasopharyngeal carriage rates are highest in
adolescents and young adults, who serve as reservoirs for
transmission of N. meningitidis (25). Invasive disease is an
infrequent consequence of nasopharyngeal colonization.
Epidemiology of Meningococcal Disease
in the United States
Since the late 1990s, the incidence of meningococcal
disease has steadily decreased in the United States, from
1.2 cases per 100,000 population in 1996 to an historic
low of 0.1 cases per 100,000 population in 2018. During
2015–2018, approximately 360 cases occurred annually in
the United States, representing an average annual incidence of
0.11 cases per 100,000 population (26). Incidence is highest
among infants aged <1 year, followed by children aged 1 year
and adolescents and young adults aged 16–20 years (23).
During 2015–2018, the primary serogroups that caused
disease were B and C, causing 42% and 26% of cases in
which serogroup was known, respectively; serogroups W
and Y and nongroupable strains each caused 9%–14% of
cases (26). Decreases in meningococcal disease incidence
began before the introduction of MenACWY and MenB
vaccines and have been observed across all age groups and
for the predominant disease-causing serogroups in the
United States (23). Outbreaks account for approximately
5% of meningococcal disease cases across age groups in
the United States (27). In recent years, several outbreaks of
serogroup B meningococcal disease among university students
and serogroup C meningococcal disease among men who have
sex with men (MSM) have been reported (28,29).
Groups at Increased Risk for
Meningococcal Disease
Risk factors for meningococcal disease include antecedent
viral infection, household crowding, and smoking (3034). In
addition, certain groups are at increased risk for meningococcal
disease, including the following:
Persons with persistent complement component
deficiencies: Persons who have persistent (e.g., genetic)
deficiencies in the complement pathway (e.g., C3, C5–C9,
properdin, factor D, or factor H) have up to a 10,000-fold
increased risk for meningococcal disease (35). Persons with
complement deficiencies might experience recurrent
disease and inherited disorders might affect additional
family members; therefore, testing for complement
deficiency should be considered for patients with
meningococcal disease (3638).
Persons who use complement inhibitors: Use of
complement inhibitors (e.g., the currently licensed
eculizumab [Soliris] and its long-acting derivative
ravulizumab [Ultomiris] monoclonal antibody therapies
that block C5) is associated with a substantially increased
risk for meningococcal disease (39,40). Eculizumab use is
associated with an approximately 2,000-fold increased
incidence of meningococcal disease (41). Complement
inhibitor recipients remain at risk for meningococcal
disease even after meningococcal vaccination; therefore,
CDC guidance indicates that providers could consider
treating patients with antimicrobial prophylaxis for the
duration of complement inhibitor treatment (42).
Persons with anatomic or functional asplenia: Persons
with anatomic or functional asplenia (including sickle cell
disease) appear to be at increased risk for meningococcal
disease and, compared with healthy persons, have a higher
mortality rate (40%–70%) from the disease (4345).
Persons living with HIV infection: In studies from the
United States, United Kingdom, and South Africa, persons
living with HIV infection or acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome have an elevenfold to twenty-four-fold increased
risk for meningococcal disease (4650). Among persons
living with HIV infection, low CD4 count or high viral
load are associated with greater risk (48). Most
meningococcal cases reported among persons living with
HIV infection in the United States are caused by
serogroups C, W, or Y (47).
Microbiologists routinely exposed to N. meningitidis
isolates: The annual attack rate of laboratory-acquired
meningococcal infection among microbiologists who
routinely work with N. meningitidis isolates has historically
been estimated to be 13 per 100,000 persons, which is
manyfold higher than the rate for adults among the general
population (51). This increased risk is likely related to
mechanical manipulation of isolates that generates droplets
or aerosols; increased risk was not observed among
laboratory workers who handle clinical specimens but not
isolates (51).
Recommendations and Reports
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Persons at increased risk during an outbreak of
meningococcal disease: Approximately 5% of U.S. cases
are outbreak related (27). Outbreaks can occur in
community or organizational settings (52). During
outbreaks, the median attack rate is up to 1,400-fold
higher than in the nonoutbreak setting (27).
Travelers to countries where meningococcal disease is
hyperendemic or epidemic: Travelers to countries where
meningococcal disease is hyperendemic or epidemic, such
as the meningitis belt of sub-Saharan Africa, are at
increased risk for exposure, and thus, disease. Historically,
serogroup A was the predominant meningococcal
pathogen in the meningitis belt. However, after the
implementation of a meningococcal serogroup A conjugate
vaccine (MenAfriVac), serogroup A disease has been nearly
eliminated in the meningitis belt (53). Endemic
meningococcal disease and outbreaks are now most
commonly caused by serogroups C, W, and X (54).
College students: Historically, college freshman living in
residence halls were identified as being at increased risk
for meningococcal disease (55). With improved control
of serogroups C, W, and Y disease after widespread use of
MenACWY vaccine among adolescents, the risk for
meningococcal disease among college students is greatest
for serogroup B, with a relative risk of 3.5 compared with
persons not attending college, although serogroup B
disease incidence among this population is low (0.17 cases
per 100,000 population) (56). Risk factors for serogroup B
meningococcal disease among undergraduate college
students include age 18–20 years, attendance at a 4-year
college, freshman class year, and on-campus residence
(56,57). Although not assessed outside of outbreak
settings, participation in a fraternity or sorority is an
additional risk factor during serogroup B meningococcal
disease outbreaks (57).
Military recruits: Historically, new military recruits were
identified as being at increased risk for meningococcal
disease and outbreaks, most likely related to the crowded
living conditions among persons originating from
different geographic areas carrying diverse N. meningitidis
strains (58,59).
Men who have sex with men: Several outbreaks of
serogroup C meningococcal disease have been reported
among MSM in the United States (28). MSM have also
been shown to be at increased risk for meningococcal
disease outside of outbreaks, although the incidence of
disease remains low. HIV infection might be an important
factor for this increased risk in the United States,
particularly in nonoutbreak settings (60).
Clinical and Public Health Management of
Meningococcal Disease
Early recognition of meningococcal disease is important
for prompt diagnosis and initiation of antimicrobial therapy.
Symptoms of meningitis include sudden onset of high fever,
headache, nuchal rigidity, altered mental status, photophobia,
nausea, and vomiting. Meningococcemia might present as fever;
malaise; cold hands and feet; leg or other body pain; vomiting;
diarrhea; and maculopapular, petechial, or purpuric rash (61).
The diagnosis of confirmed meningococcal disease is made
either through isolation of N. meningitidis or detection of N.
meningitidis–specific nucleic acid in a specimen obtained from
a normally sterile body site (e.g., blood or cerebrospinal fluid)
(62). Culture is the preferred confirmatory test because it allows
for further characterization of the strain; however, serogroup-
specific polymerase chain reaction testing using a validated assay
is a sensitive method for identifying N. meningitidis, particularly
in situations in which antimicrobial therapy was initiated before
specimen collection (63). Because N. meningitidis infections
typically are severe, antibiotics should be started immediately
for a patient with suspected meningococcal disease without
waiting for laboratory confirmation. Several antibiotics are
available for the treatment of meningococcal disease, including
ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, and, when the diagnosis is confirmed,
penicillin (64).
Antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis of close contacts of a
patient with meningococcal disease is important to prevent
secondary cases. Several antibiotics are recommended for
chemoprophylaxis, including ciprofloxacin, rifampin, and
ceftriaxone; azithromycin can be used in areas with sustained
ciprofloxacin resistance (currently rare in the United States).
Additional information on identification of close contacts and
administration of chemoprophylaxis is available in CDC’s
Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (65).
The investigation of and response to meningococcal disease
outbreaks rely on comprehensive epidemiologic and laboratory
investigation of cases, identification of persons at increased risk
for meningococcal disease as a result of the outbreak and, in
certain situations, implementation of vaccination campaigns
and use of expanded antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis.
Additional information is available in CDC’s Guidance for
the Evaluation and Public Health Management of Suspected
Outbreaks of Meningococcal Disease (52).
Meningococcal Vaccines
Three quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY)
vaccines are currently licensed and available in the United
States: 1) meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide
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diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine (MenACWY-D)
(Menactra); 2) meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y
oligosaccharide diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine
(MenACWY-CRM) (Menveo); and 3) meningococcal groups
A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate
vaccine (MenACWY-TT) (MenQuadfi) (Table 1). Additional
information is available in the package inserts (6668).
In addition, two serogroup B meningococcal (MenB)
vaccines are licensed and available in the United States:
1) MenB-FHbp (Trumenba) and 2) MenB-4C (Bexsero)
(Table 1). MenB-FHbp consists of two purified recombinant
lipidated FHbp antigens, one from each FHbp subfamily
(A and B). MenB-4C consists of three recombinant proteins
(neisserial adhesin A [NadA], factor H binding protein [FHbp]
fusion protein from subfamily B, and neisserial heparin binding
antigen [NhbA] fusion protein) and outer membrane vesicles
(OMVs) containing outer membrane protein porin A (PorA)
serosubtype P1.4. Additional information on MenB vaccines
is available in the package inserts (69,70).
Two additional licensed meningococcal vaccines are no
longer available in the United States: 1) a quadrivalent
(serogroups A, C, W, and Y) meningococcal polysaccharide
vaccine (MPSV4) (Menomune – A/C/Y/W-135) and 2) a
combined Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningococcal
serogroups C and Y conjugate vaccine (Hib-MenCY-TT)
(MenHibrix) (71,72).
Evaluation of Efficacy of
Meningococcal Vaccines
Because of the low incidence of meningococcal disease in
the United States, vaccine efficacy estimates supporting U.S.
licensure of the current meningococcal vaccines are based on
demonstration of specific immune responses (e.g., immune
correlate of protection through serum bactericidal activity
[SBA]) and not direct evidence of clinical effectiveness).
Protection against invasive meningococcal disease is mediated
by bactericidal antibodies to meningococcal capsular
polysaccharides or protein antigens in the presence of
complement. This complement-dependent bactericidal activity
is measured by use of an SBA assay with a human (hSBA) or
baby rabbit (rSBA) complement source (73). SBA activity
has been demonstrated to correlate with immunity against
meningococcal disease and thus is accepted as the correlate
of protection (74). Because meningococci have greater
susceptibility to lysis by rabbit complement, antibody titers
measured by an rSBA assay are elevated compared with those
from an hSBA assay; thus, antibody titers measured by these
two assays are not directly comparable (74). An hSBA titer ≥1:4
(although a threshold of ≥1:8 also has been used to account for
assay variability) or an rSBA titer ≥1:8 and/or a fourfold rise in
rSBA or hSBA titers have been used to infer vaccine-mediated
immunologic protection against meningococcal disease (73).
For the purposes of U.S. licensure, immunogenicity was
assessed as the proportion of persons who achieved an SBA titer
above a predefined threshold or fourfold rise in SBA titers for
serogroups A, C, W, and Y and serogroup B strains tested. For
MenACWY vaccines, efficacy was inferred using either rSBA or
hSBA. For MenB vaccines, efficacy was inferred using hSBA.
MenB vaccines are not expected to protect against all strains of
serogroup B N. meningitidis because their mechanism of action
is against subcapsular proteins and not the polysaccharide
capsule (75,76). Because laboratory evaluation of vaccine
efficacy against all serogroup B meningococcal strains would
be impossible because of their antigenic and genetic diversity,
efficacy of MenB vaccines was inferred using hSBA titers
against selected strains (77).
Because MenB vaccines do not protect against all strains of
serogroup B N. meningitidis, assays have been developed to
provide additional insight into breadth of strain coverage. For
MenB-FHbp, a flow cytometric meningococcal antigen surface
expression (MEASURE) assay was developed to quantify the
level of FHbp expressed in serogroup B strains through mean
fluorescence intensity. On the basis of this assay, 91% of U.S.
and European serogroup B strains expressed sufficient FHbp
to be susceptible to MenB-FHbp–mediated bactericidal killing
(75). The meningococcal antigen typing system (MATS) was
developed to predict MenB-4C strain coverage using genotyping
for PorA and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for FHbp,
NhbA, and NadA. Using MATS, 91% of U.S. serogroup B
meningococcal disease strains are predicted to be covered by
MenB-4C, with FHbp and NhbA the greatest contributors
to U.S. strain coverage (76). A complementary strain coverage
prediction method using genotyping (gMATS) also has been
developed (78), as has the Bexsero antigen sequence type (BAST)
scheme to facilitate genomic surveillance of MenB-4C antigen
variants in invasive meningococcal disease isolates (79).
Serogroups A, C, W, and Y
Meningococcal Vaccines
MenACWY-D (Menactra)
MenACWY-D was first licensed in the United States in
2005. Clinical trials have demonstrated immunogenicity
of MenACWY-D among persons aged 9 months–55 years,
although antibody waning is observed during the 3–5 years
after primary vaccination (67,80104). Booster vaccination
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elicits a robust immune response, and data in adolescents
demonstrate persistence for at least 4 years after a booster dose
(105,106). Clinical trials have demonstrated an acceptable
safety profile, with injection site pain and erythema as the
most common local reactions; irritability and drowsiness are
the most common systemic adverse events among infants and
children, and myalgia, headache, and fatigue are the most
common systemic adverse events among adolescents and adults
(67,80,81,85,8790,9296,98103). Most adverse events are
mild to moderate and resolve within 3 days. Early postlicensure
surveillance raised the concern of a potential risk for Guillain-
Barré syndrome (GBS), but subsequent evaluations have not
identified an increased risk for GBS after MenACWY-D
vaccination (107110). No other vaccine safety concerns have
been identified in postlicensure surveillance (111114).
MenACWY-D Immunogenicity
Infants and Children
In clinical trials among infants who received MenACWY-D
as a 2-dose series at ages 9 and 12 months, 89%–96% achieved
an hSBA titer ≥1:8 against serogroup A, ≥98% against
serogroup C, 81%–92% against serogroup W, and 95%–97%
against serogroup Y 1 month after completion of the series
(80,98). Administration of MenACWY-D simultaneously with
routine vaccines did not result in reduced immune responses to
meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, or Y or measles, mumps,
rubella, or varicella antigens; however, when MenACWY-D was
administered simultaneously with seven-valent pneumococcal
conjugate vaccine (PCV7) (Prevnar), noninferiority criteria
were not met for three of seven pneumococcal serotypes
(98). By 3 years after primary series completion, substantial
MenACWY-D waning occurred, with 13%–46% of recipients
having an hSBA titer ≥1:8 across serogroups, although this
proportion increased to ≥98% 1 month after a single booster
dose (80).
Among toddlers receiving a 2-dose primary series at ages
12 and 15 months, 85% achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:8 against
serogroup A and ≥96% against serogroups C, W, and Y at
1 month after the primary series (80). In another study in which
MenACWY-D was administered at ages 12 and 18 months,
≥96% achieved rSBA titers ≥1:8 for all serogroups (95). In this
study, administration of MenACWY-D simultaneously with
routine vaccines did not result in reduced immune responses to
meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, or Y or tetanus, diphtheria,
pertussis, poliovirus, or H. influenzae type b antigens.
Among children aged 2–10 years, the rate of seroresponse
(defined as a greater than fourfold rise in hSBA or a titer ≥1:8
among persons with baseline titers <4) was highest for
serogroup A (80%) and lower for serogroups C, W, and Y
(42%–57%) at 1 month after a single dose (88). Studies
using rSBA demonstrated a higher proportion of seroresponse
across serogroups (≥86%) using different thresholds (either
a greater than fourfold rise in titers among persons with
baseline titers <1:8 or a titer ≥1:8) (91,93,96,104). Among
children aged 4–6 years, administration of MenACWY-D
simultaneously with routine vaccines did not result in reduced
immune response to meningococcal serogroups A, C, or W
or diphtheria, tetanus, or poliovirus antigens; however, the
noninferiority criteria were not met for serogroup Y and one
pertussis antigen (anti-fimbriae) (67). Because no clinical
correlates of protection are available for pertussis antigens,
the clinical significance of this finding is unknown. When
MenACWY-D was administered 30 days after diphtheria
and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine
(DAPTACEL), significantly lower geometric mean titers
(GMTs) were observed for all meningococcal serogroups (67).
Among children aged 4–6 years vaccinated previously at age
2–3 years, the proportions maintaining an rSBA titer ≥1:128
were 75%, 52%, 61%, and 90% for serogroups A, C, W, and Y,
respectively (97).
Adolescents and Adults
Among adolescents and adults aged 10–55 years, 64%–71%
achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:8 against serogroup A, 72%–99%
against serogroup C, 64%–90% against serogroup W, and
39%–82% against serogroup Y at 1 month after vaccination
with a single dose (81,87,89,99). In studies assessing
immunogenicity using rSBA, ≥80% and ≥88% achieved
seroprotection across serogroups when the thresholds of
≥1:128 and ≥1:8 were used, respectively (85,90,92,102,104).
Administration of MenACWY-D simultaneously with routine
vaccines did not result in reduced immune responses to
meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, or Y or tetanus, diphtheria,
pertussis, human papillomavirus (HPV), MenB-FHbp, or
typhoid antigens (67,94,100103).
Persistence studies conducted among adolescents and adults
demonstrated antibody waning after primary vaccination;
however, serogroup-specific degree of waning varied between
the studies. In one study, antibody waning was observed
for all serogroups, particularly serogroup A, by 22 months
postvaccination and titers remained stable thereafter at 3 and
5 years postvaccination; 21%–34% of recipients achieved an
hSBA titer ≥1:8 for serogroup A, 58%–62% for serogroup C,
71%–74% for serogroup W, and 53%–54% for serogroup Y
between 22 months and 5 years postvaccination (83,84,86).
In another study, antibody waning was observed by 4–6 years
postvaccination but was more marked for serogroups C and Y
(44% and 39% achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:8, respectively)
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compared with serogroups A and W (65% and 69%,
respectively) (105). In a separate study, serogroup A waning
was most pronounced, although for the other serogroups the
proportion of recipients with hSBA titers ≥1:8 was higher
than that observed in previously mentioned studies and was
stable at 1, 3, and 5 years postvaccination with 32%–44%
seroprotected against serogroup A, 73%–81% against
serogroup C, 76%–85% against serogroup W, and 87%–91%
against serogroup Y (82). Thus, although antibody waning after
primary vaccination of adolescents and adults was observed
across studies, time points assessed and patterns of waning by
serogroup were not consistent. In a study of adolescents who
received a booster dose of MenACWY-D, ≥99% achieved hSBA
titers ≥1:8 against all serogroups at 1 month postvaccination;
this proportion remained ≥90% 4 years later (105,106).
MenACWY-D Safety
Clinical Trials
Among infants vaccinated at ages 9 and 12 months and
toddlers vaccinated at ages 12 months and 15 or 18 months,
the most commonly reported local reactions after either of the
doses were injection site pain (35%–59%) and erythema (23%–
43%) (80,95,98). The most commonly reported systemic
adverse events were irritability (49%–72%) and drowsiness
(27%–44%); fever was reported in 11%–50% of recipients.
Adverse events among infants were similar when MenACWY-D
was administered alone or simultaneously with other vaccines
(98). After receipt of a booster dose 3 years after vaccination
as an infant, rates of local and systemic adverse events were
similar to those observed for the primary series (115). Similar
adverse events were observed among children aged 2–10 years
after a single dose, although typically at a slightly lower rate;
injection site pain (32%–48%), induration (11%–22%), and
erythema (10%–30%) were the most commonly reported local
reactions, and drowsiness (9%–26%), irritability (7%–35%),
and fever (2%–11%) were the most common systemic adverse
events (67,88,93,96).
Among adolescents and adults aged 11–55 years who
received a single dose, injection site pain (31%–69%) was
the most common local reaction, followed by induration
(9%–20%), erythema (3%–20%), and swelling (1%–14%)
(81,85,87,89,90,92,99,102). Myalgia (15%–26%), headache
(11%–45%), fatigue or malaise (10%–28%), and diarrhea
or other gastrointestinal symptoms (11%–17%) were the
most commonly reported systemic adverse events; fever was
observed in <8%. Similar types and rates of adverse events
were observed after a booster dose administered 4 years later
(105). In general, MenACWY-D administered simultaneously
with HPV vaccine, tetanus and reduced diphtheria toxoids
and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap), MenB-FHbp, or
typhoid vaccines was well tolerated, although rates of some
adverse events (e.g., headache and fatigue) were slightly
higher with simultaneous administration compared with
MenACWY-D administered alone (67,94,100103). Across
age groups, whether MenACWY-D was administered alone or
simultaneously with other vaccines, adverse events were mild
to moderate and typically resolved within 3 days.
Postlicensure Safety Monitoring
After licensure of the vaccine in 2005, several cases of GBS
after MenACWY-D vaccination were reported to VAERS
(116). ACIP reviewed the available data and determined
that the benefits of meningococcal vaccination outweighed
the small potential increased risk for GBS (107). By 2010,
two retrospective evaluations had been conducted in which
no GBS cases were observed in the 6 weeks after 2.3 million
doses of MenACWY-D were administered (108,110). The
excess risk for GBS after vaccination, if it exists, is estimated to
be <0.66 cases per 1 million adolescents vaccinated (110). In
2010, ACIP voted to remove the precaution for persons with
a history of GBS from the ACIP recommendations, although
it continues to be listed as a precaution in the package insert
,67). Evaluations of VSD data through 2014 and VAERS
data through 2016 have since been conducted, identifying no
new GBS-related concerns (CDC, unpublished data, 2020).
In addition to assessing risk for GBS, data from VAERS
and VSD have been evaluated to assess for other potential
postvaccination adverse events. In a comprehensive review of
VAERS reports received from 2005 through June 2016, during
which approximately 70 million MenACWY-D doses were
distributed, no new safety concerns were identified (CDC,
unpublished data, 2020). A total of 13,075 adverse events
related to MenACWY-D were reported, of which 846 (6.5%)
were serious. Reports predominantly related to adolescents aged
11–18 years simultaneously vaccinated with MenACWY-D
and other vaccines. The most commonly reported events were
injection site erythema, fever, and headache, consistent with
findings from clinical trials.
An analysis of VSD during 2005–2014, when 1.4 million
doses, including 245,000 booster doses, were administered,
was conducted to evaluate prespecified outcomes (CDC,
unpublished data, 2020). Although rates of syncope and
medically attended fever increased after MenACWY-D
vaccination, no new safety concerns were identified.
Furthermore, tree-temporal scan data mining through VSD
of primary doses administered to 1.2 million adolescents aged
11–18 years during the same period identified no new or
unexpected adverse events within 42 days after MenACWY-D
administration (114). Several smaller studies, including
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VSD- and manufacturer-sponsored studies conducted
during 2005–2014, similarly did not identify any additional
safety concerns for MenACWY-D among infants, children,
adolescents, or adults (111113).
MenACWY-CRM (Menveo)
MenACWY-CRM was first licensed in the United States
in 2010. MenACWY-CRM has been demonstrated to be
immunogenic among persons aged 2 months–55 years
(88,89,99,117130). Antibody waning occurs by 3–5 years after
primary vaccination, and booster vaccination elicits a robust
immune response (83,84,131133). No consistent or clinically
relevant concerns about MenACWY-CRM administered
simultaneously with other vaccines have been identified
(134136). Clinical trials have demonstrated an acceptable
safety profile, with injection site pain and erythema as the
most common local reactions (88,118124,126,127,129,137).
Irritability and sleepiness were the most commonly reported
systemic adverse events among infants and toddlers. Among
children, irritability, myalgia, headache, and sleepiness were
the most commonly reported systemic adverse events, whereas
myalgia, headache, and fatigue were the most commonly
reported systemic adverse events among adolescents and
adults. Most adverse events were mild to moderate and
resolved within 3 days. One study observed an increased risk
for Bell’s palsy among adolescents after MenACWY-CRM
vaccination, although this was based on a small number of
cases and the importance of this finding is uncertain (138). No
additional safety concerns have been identified in postlicensure
surveillance, although administration errors appear more
common than with other vaccines, predominantly because
of the need to reconstitute the vaccine using lyophilized and
liquid components (139,140).
MenACWY-CRM Immunogenicity
Infants and Children
Among infants vaccinated at ages 2, 4, and 6 months with
MenACWY-CRM and routine vaccines, 76%–89% achieved
an hSBA titer ≥1:8 for serogroup A and ≥94% for serogroups C,
W, and Y 1 month after the third dose (119,124,128,130,141).
Antibody titers waned by age 12 months, particularly for
serogroup A. Following the fourth dose in the infant series at
age 12–17 months, the proportions of infants with an hSBA
titer ≥1:8 were 89%–96% for serogroup A and ≥95% for
serogroups C, W, and Y. Administration of MenACWY-CRM
simultaneously with routine vaccines did not result in reduced
immune responses to meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, or Y
or diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, poliovirus, measles, mumps,
rubella, varicella, H. influenzae type b, or most pneumococcal
antigens (136). For the few pneumococcal serotypes for which
noninferiority criteria were not met, results were not consistent
across studies and age of administration (136). Noninferiority
was not consistently met for pertussis antigens across studies
when MenACWY-CRM was administered with routine
vaccines; however, the clinical relevance is unclear because
of the lack of clinical correlates of protection for pertussis
antigens. By age 2 years, or 1 year after completion of a 4-dose
MenACWY-CRM series, 88%–89% achieved an hSBA titer
≥1:8 for serogroups W and Y, 61% for serogroup C, and 39%
for serogroup A (141). By age 40 months, most children still
had an hSBA titer ≥1:8 for serogroups W and Y (76% and
67%, respectively), although this proportion was only 34%
for serogroup C and 10% for serogroup A. By age 60 months,
similar but slightly lower proportions were observed; following
a single booster dose, ≥96% of recipients achieved hSBA titers
≥1:8 across all serogroups.
After a 2-dose series among older infants and toddlers at
either ages 7–9 months and 12 months or 12 and 15 months,
the proportions who achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:8 1 month
after the second dose were 88%–97% for serogroup A and
≥96% for serogroups C, W, and Y (125
,130). Administration
of MenACWY-CRM simultaneously with routine vaccines
did not result in reduced immune responses to meningococcal
serogroups A, C, W, or Y or measles, mumps, rubella, or
varicella antigens (136). Among children who received
the 2-dose primary series at ages 12–13 and 15 months,
serogroup-specific antibody waning patterns similar to those
among infants also were observed; however, the proportion of
recipients with an hSBA titer ≥1:8 was higher at age 40 months
(85%, 79%, 55%, and 31% for serogroups W, Y, C, and A,
respectively) among this group (131). Similar results were
observed by age 60 months; after a single booster, all subjects
achieved hSBA titers ≥1:8 for all serogroups (131).
Among children who received a single dose at age 2–10 years,
the proportions who achieved hSBA titers ≥1:8 (≥1:4 in
one study) were 72%–89% for serogroup A, 68%–94% for
serogroup C, 90%–96% for serogroup W, and 65%–91%
for serogroup Y (88,118,120,121,123,126). No data are
available on MenACWY-CRM administered simultaneously
with routine vaccines among this age group. Twelve months
after the primary dose, the proportion with seroprotective
titers declined, particularly for serogroups A and C (118,123).
Five years after a primary dose administered at age 2–10 years,
14%–22% of recipients remained seroprotected against
serogroup A, 32%–56% against serogroup C, 74%–80%
against serogroup W, and 48%–53% against serogroup Y;
these proportions were lower among those vaccinated at age
2–5 years compared with age 6–10 years. One month after a
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single booster dose, all recipients achieved hSBA titers ≥1:8
for all serogroups (132).
Adolescents and Adults
One month after a single MenACWY-CRM dose among
adolescents and adults aged 11–75 years, 66%–92% of recipients
achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:8 for serogroup A, 79%–98% for
serogroup C, 84%–99% for serogroup W, and 79%–96%
for serogroup Y (89,99,117,120122,126,127,129). In one
study that reported immunogenicity separately for adults aged
≥55 years, those aged 56–65 years had results similar to those
aged 19–55 years (129). Administration of MenACWY-CRM
simultaneously with other vaccines did not result in reduced
immune responses to meningococcal serogroups A, C, W,
or Y or tetanus, diphtheria, HPV, hepatitis A, hepatitis B,
typhoid, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, or rabies antigens
(117,135,142146). After simultaneous administration of
MenACWY-CRM and MenB-4C, a robust immune response
to meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, and Y and to select
meningococcal serogroup B strains was observed, although
the majority of persons had high prevaccine hSBA titers across
serogroups (134). Noninferiority criteria were not met for two
pertussis antigens (i.e., pertussis toxoid and pertactin) when
MenACWY-CRM and Tdap were administered simultaneously,
although the clinical relevance of this is unclear (135).
By 12–22 months postvaccination, substantial antibody
waning was observed for serogroup A, though the majority of
recipients remained seroprotected for serogroups C, W, and
Y (86,122). After this initial decline, hSBA titers remained
relatively stable at 3 and 5 years postvaccination, with 28%–32%
of recipients having an hSBA titer ≥1:8 against serogroup A,
59%–76% against serogroup C, 72%–82% against serogroup W,
and 64%–76% against serogroup Y (83,133). One month after a
single MenACWY-CRM booster dose administered at 3–6 years
after the primary dose, ≥94% of subjects achieved an hSBA titer
≥1:8 across all serogroups. Booster vaccination elicited a robust
immune response whether MenACWY-CRM or MenACWY-D
was used for the primary dose (83,147). By 2 years after the
booster dose, the proportion of recipients with an hSBA titer
≥1:8 decreased to 79% for serogroup A but remained at ≥95%
for serogroups C, W, and Y (84).
MenACWY-CRM Safety
Clinical Trials
Among infants and toddlers vaccinated with a MenACWY-
CRM series (4-dose and 2-dose series, respectively) administered
with routine vaccines, injection site pain (19%–39%) and
erythema (12%–22%) were the most common local reactions
after the third or fourth infant doses and second toddler
dose (119,124,137,141). Irritability (36%–50%), sleepiness
(22%–31%), and decreased appetite (15%–20%) were the
most common systemic adverse events; fever was reported
in 5%–9% of recipients. Reactogenicity among infants and
toddlers vaccinated with a 4- or 2-dose series, respectively,
did not increase with subsequent MenACWY-CRM doses.
Among children aged 2–10 years vaccinated with a single dose,
injection site pain (<40%) and erythema (<32%) were the most
commonly reported local reactions (88,118,120,121,123,126).
Irritability was reported in 7%–26%, myalgia in <29%,
headache in <21%, and fatigue in <21%. Adverse events were
similar whether vaccination was administered at ages 2–5 or
6–10 years. Adverse events were similar after a booster dose
administered 5 years after primary vaccination (132).
Among adolescents and adults aged 11–75 years who
received a single MenACWY-CRM dose, injection site pain
occurred in 8%–54%, erythema in <39%, and induration in
<24%. Commonly reported systemic adverse events include
headache (8%–41%), myalgia (<43%), and fatigue (3%–23%)
(99,120122,126,127,129,148). When MenACWY-CRM
was administered simultaneously with HPV and Tdap vaccines,
headache, malaise, myalgia, and arthralgia occurred more often
than when MenACWY-CRM was administered alone (117).
In addition, adverse events after a booster dose administered
4–6 years after primary vaccination were similar to those among
persons receiving a first dose. Across age groups, whether
MenACWY-CRM was administered alone or simultaneously
with other vaccines, adverse events were mild to moderate and
typically resolved within 3 days.
Postlicensure Safety Monitoring
In a manufacturer-sponsored cohort study of approximately
49,000 vaccinated adolescents aged 11–21 years with a
self-controlled case series analysis, a statistically significant
increased risk for Bells palsy during the 84 days after
vaccination was observed when MenACWY-CRM was
administered simultaneously with other vaccines but not when
MenACWY-CRM was administered alone (138). However,
this finding was based on only eight patients, most of whom
received simultaneous vaccine administration, and several were
noted to have had conditions or infections that might precede
Bell’s palsy. Thus, the importance of this finding remains
uncertain. No other safety signals were observed among the
other predefined events of interest in this evaluation (138). No
increased risk for Bells palsy or any other new safety concerns
were observed in smaller studies conducted in the same health
system among children aged 2 months–10 years (140,149).
Recommendations and Reports
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A comprehensive review of VAERS reports from 2010 through
2015, during which 8.2 million MenACWY-CRM doses were
distributed, was conducted with no new safety concerns identified
(139). A total of 2,614 reports about MenACWY-CRM were
received, primarily related to adolescents aged 11–18 years in
whom MenACWY-CRM was administered simultaneously
with other vaccines. Reported adverse events were consistent
with the findings from prelicensure studies. The reporting rate
of GBS or Bell’s palsy was proportionate to the rate reported for
other vaccines. However, administration errors were reported
more commonly for MenACWY-CRM, predominantly because
of administration of only one component (most commonly
the liquid component) rather than reconstituting the vaccine
by mixing the liquid and lyophilized components together
before administration.
MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi)
MenACWY-TT was first licensed in the United States in
2020 for the prevention of meningococcal disease caused by
serogroups A, C, W, and Y in persons aged ≥2 years (68). As
a result, relatively limited data on MenACWY-TT safety and
immunogenicity are available compared with other licensed
meningococcal conjugate vaccines. MenACWY-TT has been
administered to nearly 5,000 persons aged ≥2 years to date
through clinical trials, with demonstrated immunogenicity
in this age group and elicitation of a boost response among
adolescents vaccinated with MenACWY-TT who previously
received MenACWY-D or MenACWY-CRM (68,150155).
No clinically relevant concerns about MenACWY-TT
administered simultaneously with HPV or Tdap vaccines
among adolescents have been identified (151). Clinical trials
have demonstrated an acceptable safety profile, with injection
site pain as the most common local adverse event, and myalgia,
headache, and malaise as the most commonly reported systemic
adverse events across age groups (68,150155). Most adverse
events were mild to moderate (68,150155).
MenACWY-TT Immunogenicity
Infants and Children
Because MenACWY-TT is currently only licensed for
persons aged ≥2 years in the United States, immunogenicity
and safety data for children aged <2 years are not presented
in this report. Among children who received a single dose at
age 2–9 years, the proportions who achieved hSBA titers ≥1:8
1 month after vaccination were 86% for serogroup A, 98% for
serogroup C, 95% for serogroup W, and 99% for serogroup Y
(155). MenACWY-TT seroresponse rates were demonstrated
to be noninferior to those observed for MenACWY-CRM
(155). No data are available on MenACWY-TT administered
simultaneously with routine vaccines or on persistence of the
immune response to MenACWY-TT among this age group;
data will be reviewed as they become available to inform
vaccine recommendations.
Adolescents and Adults
One month after a single MenACWY-TT dose among
adolescents and adults aged 10–55 years, the proportions who
achieved hSBA titers ≥1:8 were 94%–96% for serogroup A,
94%–99% for serogroup C, 95%–99% for serogroup W, and
97%–99% for serogroup Y (151,154). Among adults aged
≥56 years, these proportions were 89%–94%, 75%–90%,
77%–80%, and 81%–92% for serogroups A, C, W,
and Y, respectively (152,153). Across these age groups,
MenACWY-TT seroresponse rates were noninferior to those
of the comparator meningococcal vaccines (68,151,153).
MenACWY-TT administered simultaneously with HPV and
Tdap vaccines in adolescents did not result in reduced immune
responses to meningococcal serogroups or tetanus, diphtheria,
or HPV antigens (151). Noninferiority criteria were not met for
three pertussis antigens when MenACWY-TT and Tdap were
administered simultaneously, although the clinical relevance
of this is unclear. No data are available on persistence of the
immune response to MenACWY-TT. When available, data
will be reviewed to inform booster dose recommendations
for persons primed with MenACWY-TT. Among adolescents
and adults aged ≥15 years primed with MenACWY-D or
MenACWY-CRM 4–10 years previously, >99% achieved an
hSBA titer ≥1:8 across all serogroups at 1 month after booster
vaccination with MenACWY-TT (150).
MenACWY-TT Safety
Clinical Trials
Among children aged 2–9 years vaccinated with a single
MenACWY-TT dose, injection site pain occurred in 39%,
erythema in 23%, and swelling in 14%; systemic adverse
events included malaise in 21%, myalgia in 20%, headache in
13%, and fever in 2% within 7 days of vaccine administration
(68). Among adolescents and adults aged 10–55 years, the
most common local adverse event was injection site pain
(35%–45%); erythema and swelling occurred in 5% and
4%–5%, respectively (68,151). Systemic adverse events
included myalgia (27%–36%), headache (27%–30%), and
malaise (19%–26%); fever occurred in 1% (68,151). Rates
of local and systemic adverse events were typically similar
in adults aged ≥56 years compared with other age groups:
injection site pain (26%–31%), erythema (5%–12%), swelling
(5%–8%), myalgia (22%–35%), headache (19%–24%),
malaise (15%–22%), and fever (2%). When MenACWY-TT
Recommendations and Reports
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was administered simultaneously with HPV and Tdap vaccines
in adolescents, rates of local and systemic adverse events
were typically similar to those when MenACWY-TT was
administered alone, although myalgia occurred more frequently
(151). In addition, adverse events after a MenACWY-TT
booster dose administered 4–10 years after primary vaccination
with either MenACWY-D or MenACWY-CRM were similar
to those among persons receiving a first MenACWY-TT
dose (150). Across age groups, whether MenACWY-TT was
administered alone or simultaneously with other vaccines,
adverse events were mild to moderate (68,150155).
Postlicensure Safety Monitoring
Given the recent licensure of MenACWY-TT, no
postlicensure data were available at the time of publication of
this report. Data from VAERS and VSD will be monitored
as part of postlicensure safety monitoring. (See Reporting of
Vaccine Adverse Events for information on how to report
MenACWY-TT adverse events to VAERS.)
MenACWY Vaccine Immunogenicity and
Safety in Persons with Underlying
Medical Conditions
Complement-mediated bactericidal activity is important for
protection against meningococcal disease; opsonophagocytic
killing elicited by meningococcal antibodies is another defense
against infection and is the presumed primary mechanism for
vaccine-induced protection against meningococcal disease
among persons with complement deficiency (35,156). No data
about immunogenicity of U.S.-licensed MenACWY vaccines
(MenACWY-D, MenACWY-CRM, or MenACWY-TT) are
available for persons with complement deficiency. Antibody
titers after vaccination with MPSV4, a vaccine that is no
longer available in the United States, are similar among persons
with late complement deficiency compared with healthy
persons and the antibodies produced are capable of eliciting
opsonophagocytosis; however, antibody titers might wane
more rapidly among persons with complement deficiency and
higher antibody levels might be needed for opsonophagocytosis
to function (35,157160). Data are lacking to establish the
efficacy of meningococcal conjugate vaccines among persons
with complement deficiency. Thus, persons with complement
deficiency are at increased risk for meningococcal disease even
if they develop antibodies postvaccination (6668).
Limited data are available about efficacy of meningococcal
vaccines among persons taking complement inhibitors.
However, some studies suggest that opsonophagocytic killing
of meningococci in the presence of eculizumab in sera from
persons vaccinated with MenACWY either does not occur or
is insufficient to prevent meningococcal proliferation (161).
In addition, reports of meningococcal disease despite recent
vaccination among persons taking eculizumab indicate that
meningococcal vaccines do not provide complete protection
among persons taking complement inhibitors, even if
antibodies develop after vaccination (42,6668,161).
Although no data are available for U.S.-licensed
MenACWY vaccines (MenACWY-D, MenACWY-CRM, or
MenACWY-TT), adults with anatomic asplenia had a reduced
immunologic response compared with healthy persons after
1 dose of a serogroup C meningococcal conjugate vaccine;
after a second dose, most persons achieved seroprotection
(162164). Among children and adolescents vaccinated with a
conjugate MenACWY-TT vaccine licensed outside the United
States, similar immune responses were observed in children
with functional or anatomic asplenia compared with healthy
controls after each of 2 doses (165). However, antibodies appear
to wane rapidly after serogroup C meningococcal conjugate
vaccination among children with functional asplenia due to
sickle cell disease, particularly among those who received
primary vaccination at age <2 years (166).
Among adolescents with HIV infection, immunogenicity to
MenACWY-D is reduced compared with adolescents without
HIV infection. By 4 weeks postvaccination with a single dose,
52%–73% of HIV-infected adolescents had a greater than
fourfold increase in rSBA across the meningococcal serogroups.
Lower CD4 percentage, higher viral load, and a more advanced
clinical stage were inversely associated with seroprotection
against serogroup C (167). By 72 weeks subsequent to a
second dose, a significantly greater proportion of adolescents
with a CD4 percentage ≥15% had seroprotective rSBA titers,
although this proportion was lesser for serogroup C than other
serogroups, compared with those with a CD4 percentage of
<15%, among whom seroprotection rates for all serogroups
was reduced (168). Among children aged 2–10 years with HIV
infection and a CD4 percentage ≥25%, antibody titers against
serogroup C waned substantially by 72 weeks after vaccination
(169). Similar trends were observed subsequent to vaccination
of HIV-infected children and adolescents with serogroup C
meningococcal conjugate vaccine (170173).
Although data are limited, vaccination of persons with
asplenia or HIV infection appears to be safe and well tolerated,
with similar types of adverse events as reported among healthy
controls or during clinical trials (165,167,169,171). Among
HIV-infected children and adolescents vaccinated with
MenACWY-D, rates of adverse events typically were lower
than those reported during clinical trials of healthy children
and adolescents, although these lower adverse event rates
were not consistently observed among those vaccinated with
Recommendations and Reports
14 MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9
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a serogroup C meningococcal conjugate vaccine (80,167,169
171). Among children with asplenia who received a conjugate
MenACWY-TT vaccine licensed outside the United States, an
acceptable safety profile was observed among all age groups,
although higher rates of adverse events were reported compared
with healthy controls; however, the small study size limits the
interpretation of this finding (165,170,171).
MenACWY Vaccines in Pregnant Women
Adverse outcomes (e.g., spontaneous abortion or birth
defects) are risks for all pregnancies, occurring in approximately
15%–20% and 3%, respectively, of clinically recognized
pregnancies in the United States (174,175). Although evidence
is limited, rates of these outcomes after MenACWY vaccination
during pregnancy are consistent with the estimated background
rates, and no additional concerning maternal or neonatal safety
patterns have been identified (66,67,112,139,176,177).
No controlled trials have been conducted to specifically
assess the safety of meningococcal vaccination among pregnant
women and birth outcomes of vaccinated women. However,
among approximately 2,000 pregnant Malian women
vaccinated during the third trimester with MenACWY-D
as a control group in an influenza vaccine trial, rates of local
and systemic adverse events were lower than those observed
during MenACWY-D clinical trials of adolescents and adults
and serious obstetric and nonobstetric adverse events were
rare, with similar rates between MenACWY-D and influenza
vaccination groups (176). In the MenACWY-D vaccinated
group, 98% of pregnancies resulted in live births, and among
infants, 0.3% had low birthweight and 0.2% had a congenital
malformation; no differences in these outcomes were observed
among women who received influenza vaccine.
Among approximately 5,000 adolescent or adult females
enrolled in MenACWY clinical trials, pregnancy was reported
in 43 women during the 6 months postvaccination (37 who
received MenACWY-CRM and six who received MenACWY-D)
(66,67). Of these, seven (19%) MenACWY-CRM recipients
reported spontaneous abortion (estimated dates of conception
were 5 days before vaccination for one woman, 6–17 weeks
postvaccination for five women, and 6 months postvaccination
for one woman). Congenital anomaly (hydrocephalus) was
reported in the infant of one MenACWY-D recipient with an
estimated conception date 15 weeks after vaccination.
Although data are limited, no concerning safety signals
have been identified through postlicensure surveillance. In
reviews of VAERS, 127 pregnancy-associated reports were
identified during the periods evaluated: 113 for MenACWY-D
(2005–2011) and 14 for MenACWY-CRM (2010–2015); the
differences in number of reports by vaccine type probably reflect
differences in numbers of doses administered during these
periods (139,177). The majority of vaccine administrations
occurred during the first trimester. Among the 113 pregnant
women who received MenACWY-D, spontaneous abortion
was reported in 17% and congenital anomaly was reported in
<1% of VAERS reports (177). Following MenACWY-CRM
vaccination in pregnancy, only three VAERS reports had
information on birth outcome, with no adverse events reported
(139). Among patients in a large health care organization, one
spontaneous abortion was identified among 18 MenACWY-D
exposures during pregnancy with known outcome (112).
Manufacturers of MenACWY vaccines maintain registries
that monitor pregnancy outcomes of women exposed to
MenACWY during pregnancy. Among 87 pregnant women
exposed to MenACWY-D during 2005–2016 from 30 days
before or at any time during pregnancy who had known
pregnancy outcome and who were enrolled in the registry
before outcome being known, spontaneous abortion was
reported in 7% and major congenital anomalies in 2% (67).
Among 82 pregnant women exposed to MenACWY-CRM
during 2014–2017 from 28 days before or at any time
during pregnancy who had known outcome, spontaneous
abortion was reported in 12% and congenital anomaly in 4%
(GlaxoSmithKline, unpublished data, 2019). No information
is available from the MenACWY-TT pregnancy registry
because of the recent licensure of the vaccine.
Effectiveness of MenACWY Vaccines
Overall vaccine effectiveness of a single dose of MenACWY-D
against meningococcal disease caused by serogroups A, C, W, or Y
among adolescents in the United States is estimated at 69%
(95% confidence interval [CI]: 51%–80%) in the 8 years after
vaccination: 77% (95% CI: 57%–88%) against serogroup C
and 51% (95% CI: 1%–76%) against serogroup Y (178).
Effectiveness was 79% (95% CI: 49%–91%) in the first year
but decreased to 69% (95% CI: 44%–83%) 1 to <3 years
postvaccination and 61% (95% CI: 25%–79%) 3 to <8 years
postvaccination. No data are available on the effectiveness of
Vaccination and Meningococcal Disease
Measuring the association between adolescent MenACWY
vaccination on rates of meningococcal disease has been
challenging because of the low and decreasing incidence
of meningococcal disease among all age groups. However,
from MenACWY introduction through 2017, adolescents
experienced the greatest percentage decreases (>90%) in
meningococcal disease incidence due to serogroups C, W, or
Recommendations and Reports
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Y combined compared with other age groups (179). In the
setting of 85% coverage with at least 1 dose of MenACWY-D
or MenACWY-CRM among U.S. adolescents aged 13–17 years
and 44% coverage with at least 2 doses among adolescents aged
17 years by 2017, a twofold to threefold increase in the rate of
decline in incidence was observed during the postvaccination
period compared with the prevaccination period among
adolescents, suggesting that vaccination with MenACWY-D
or MenACWY-CRM is associated with reductions in disease
rates in adolescents (179,180). No data are available for
Vaccination and Oropharyngeal Carriage
Although vaccination with a serogroup C meningococcal
conjugate vaccine in Europe and a serogroup A meningococcal
conjugate vaccine in sub-Saharan Africa has been associated with
reductions in oropharyngeal carriage of these N. meningitidis
serogroups and resulted in herd immunity in the population
(181183), data are limited for MenACWY vaccines. In
the United States, carriage prevalence of meningococcal
serogroups C, W, or Y combined among college students in
the setting of high MenACWY vaccination coverage is now
extremely low (<1%); however, no direct evidence exists that
this low prevalence is a result of vaccination (184186). In
a small observational study of Polish military recruits, those
vaccinated with a MenACWY vaccine 1–3 years earlier
had lower rates of meningococcal carriage compared with
unvaccinated recruits (187). In a randomized controlled trial
of United Kingdom university students, those who received
MenACWY-CRM had significantly lower carriage prevalence
than controls for serogroup Y (39% carriage reduction) and
serogroups C, W, and Y combined (36% carriage reduction)
at 2 months postvaccination, although no differences in
carriage acquisition rates were observed (188). In contrast, in
a study conducted in a different United Kingdom university
population vaccinated with MenACWY-CRM in response
to rapid expansion of a serogroup W clone in England,
serogroup W carriage of this clone increased despite relatively
high vaccination coverage (189). However, because carriage
acquisition among university students is known to rapidly
increase at the beginning of the academic year (190), the
majority of serogroup W transmissions might have occurred
simultaneously with vaccination activities (i.e., during
Cost-Effectiveness of MenACWY Vaccines
Cost-effectiveness of MenACWY vaccines in the United
States was last assessed in 2010 using Monte Carlo simulation
(191). In this evaluation, cost per quality-adjusted life year
(QALY) of vaccinating at ages 11 and 16 years was similar to
vaccinating at either age 11 or 15 years ($212,000–$256,000),
although the estimated number of cases and deaths averted
among the vaccinated cohort was substantially higher with a
2-dose strategy (184 and 22, respectively) compared with a
single-dose strategy (94–115 and 11–14, respectively) (16).
Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccines
MenB-FHbp (Trumenba)
MenB-FHbp is only licensed for persons aged 10–25 years in
the United States; therefore, immunogenicity and safety data
for children aged <10 years are not presented in this report.
Available data for this age group have recently been summarized
elsewhere (192).
Clinical trials have demonstrated that although vaccination
of adolescents and young adults with either a 2- or 3-dose
schedule of MenB-FHbp is immunogenic, antibody titers
wane substantially by 1 year postvaccination and then remain
stable for up to 4 years (94,193199). Subsequent to booster
vaccination 4 years after primary series completion, a robust
response is observed and persistence at 26 months after the
booster dose is superior to the response at a comparable period
after primary series completion for both 2-dose and 3-dose
primary series recipients (19,200). No clinically relevant
concerns related to MenB-FHbp administered simultaneously
with other vaccines have been identified (94,196,201).
MenB-FHbp is safe and well tolerated, although more
reactogenic than MenACWY (94,194199,201). In clinical
trials, the most common local reactions were injection site pain,
induration, and erythema, and the most common systemic
adverse events were headache, fatigue, and myalgia. Symptoms
typically resolved within 5 days (94,
194199,201). Adverse
events reported through postlicensure safety surveillance
are consistent with the clinical trial data, and no new safety
concerns have been identified (202).
MenB-FHbp Immunogenicity
Clinical trials for MenB-FHbp immunogenicity against four
reference strains, each expressing an FHbp antigen different
from those included in the vaccine, among persons aged
10–25 years were conducted using several dosing schedules,
including the licensed formulations of a 3-dose schedule
(0, 1, and 6 months or 0, 2, and 6 months) and a 2-dose
schedule (0 and 6 months). By 1 month after completion of
either of the 3-dose schedules, the proportion of persons with
hSBA titers ≥1:8 or at or above the lower limit of quantification
(LLOQ) of the assay (LLOQ: ≥1:8 or ≥1:16 depending on
the strain) was 91%–98% for test strain A22, ≥99% for A56,
Recommendations and Reports
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81%–95% for B24, 86%–96% for B44, and 84%–94% for
the composite response (i.e., response against all test strains)
(94,193199). The proportions of persons with seroprotective
hSBA titers were similar between 0-, 1-, and 6-months and
0-, 2-, and 6-months schedules. In the study that assessed
the 2-dose schedule (0 and 6 months), the proportion with
hSBA titers ≥LLOQ was 97% for A22, 99% for A56, 81%
for B24, 78% for B44, and 77% for the composite response
(182,198). Administration of MenB-FHbp simultaneously
with other vaccines did not result in reduced immune response
to MenB-FHbp antigens, meningococcal serogroups A, C, W,
or Y or diphtheria, tetanus, or pertussis antigens (94,201).
Noninferiority criteria were not met for HPV 18 antigen,
although the GMTs were high and for each of the four HPV
types in the quadrivalent HPV vaccine (including type 18),
≥99% of persons seroconverted (197).
By 6 months postcompletion of a 3-dose (0, 2, and 6 months)
schedule among adolescents aged 11–18 years, the proportions
with hSBA titers ≥LLOQ were 60% for A22, 89% for A56,
57% for B24, 37% for B44, and 26% for the composite
response (193). By 12 months postcompletion of any 3-dose
series, the proportion with hSBA titers ≥LLOQ was 41%–54%
for A22, 69%–76% for A56, 41%–55% for B24, 23%–29%
for B44, and 22% for the composite response (193,198). These
proportions remained relatively stable thereafter (at 18, 24,
36, and 48 months postprimary series) (range: 35%–59% for
A22, 47%–73% for A56, 41%–57% for B24, 17%–27% for
B44, and 16%–19% for the composite response) (193,198).
After a 2-dose schedule, the proportion of recipients with
hSBA titers ≥LLOQ was slightly lower than that observed for
the 3-dose series but similarly stable 12–48 months after series
completion (range: 36%–48% for A22, 54%–60% for A56,
31%–37% for B24, 16%–20% for B44, and, by 48 months,
16% for the composite response) (193,198).
One month after a booster dose administered 48 months after
primary series completion, 94%–98% of persons who received
a 2-dose primary series and ≥97% of those who received a
3-dose primary series achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:4 against the
four test strains (19). Twelve months after MenB-FHbp booster
administration, 62%–82% of those who received a 2-dose
primary series and 73%–93% of those who received a 3-dose
primary series achieved hSBA titers ≥1:4 across the test strains
(composite response of 63% for both groups). By 26 months
postbooster, further antibody titer waning was observed among
persons who received a 2-dose series but not among those who
received a 3-dose series: 59%–67% and 71%–90% achieved an
hSBA titer ≥1:4 for the four test strains, respectively, although
decreases were observed in the composite response for both
groups (42% and 46%, respectively).
In addition to these trials demonstrating immunogenicity
to the four test strains, several evaluations have assessed
immunogenicity against genetically diverse and clinically
relevant strains. In one of the clinical trials, 63%–99% of
persons vaccinated with a 2-dose primary series at 0 and
2 months and 75%–99% vaccinated with a 3-dose primary
series achieved an hSBA titer ≥LLOQ against 10 additional
strains (195). In a manufacturer-sponsored evaluation, hSBA
responses measured against 27 clinically relevant strains
(including strains from four U.S. university outbreaks)
demonstrated that ≥32% of persons vaccinated with 2 doses
and ≥56% vaccinated with 3 doses achieved an hSBA titer
≥1:8 against all test strains (203). The proportion of persons
who achieved seroprotective hSBA titers was greater for strains
expressing the most common FHbp variants in the United
States (B24 and A22) at ≥81% and 88%–95%, respectively,
after the third dose. In another manufacturer-sponsored
study, 1 month after the third MenB-FHbp dose ≥73% of
adolescents achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:4 against eight French
serogroup B outbreak strains (204). In an independent study
among vaccinated U.S. health care workers, ≥93% achieved
an hSBA titer ≥1:4 against 14 serogroup B strains (including
strains from six university outbreaks) by 1 month after the third
dose; by 9–11 months postvaccination, 27%–90% remained
seroprotected against nine strains tested (205).
MenB-FHbp Safety
Clinical Trials and Research Studies
Among adolescents and young adults, injection site pain
(72%–93%), induration (21%–37%), and erythema (10%–
24%) were commonly observed local reactions after any dose
in either a 2- or 3-dose series (94,194197,199). Headache
(27%–67%), fatigue (30%–66%), myalgia (21%–40%), and
arthralgia (11%–33%) were the most commonly reported
systemic adverse events; fever was reported in 2%–23% of
recipients. Reactogenicity did not increase with increasing
number of doses. Rates and types of adverse events subsequent
to a booster dose administered 4 years after primary series
completion were similar to those observed after the primary
series (198). Most adverse events were mild to moderate,
and symptoms typically resolved within 5 days of onset
Because MenB-FHbp contains factor H binding protein, a
theoretical risk exists for development of factor H autoantibodies
(implicated in diseases such as atypical hemolytic uremic
syndrome and C3 glomerulonephropathy) postvaccination
(206,207); however, whether factor H autoantibodies develop
after MenB-FHbp vaccination and, if so, whether they are
clinically significant is not known. Among persons who
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received MenB-FHbp in clinical trials, the proportion with
a newly diagnosed autoimmune disease during the trial or
during the 6-month follow-up period was low (0.14%) and
similar to unvaccinated controls (208). Furthermore, the onset
of symptoms consistent with the diagnosis occurred before the
first vaccination in most of these persons.
Postlicensure Safety Monitoring
In a comprehensive review of VAERS reports from licensure
in 2014 through June 2018, no new safety concerns were
identified (CDC, unpublished data, 2020). A total of 1,719
reports involving MenB-FHbp were identified; among these
reports, the median patient age at vaccination was 17 years,
and 36% involved simultaneous administration with other
vaccines. The most common adverse events reported were fever,
headache, and injection site pain. Reported adverse events
(e.g., headache, fever, chills, and myalgia) are consistent with
those identified in clinical trials. No safety signals related to
autoimmune or renal diseases were detected.
After a MenB-FHbp mass vaccination campaign in
response to a serogroup B meningococcal disease outbreak
on a university campus in which approximately 10,000 doses
were administered, adverse events were solicited via survey
subsequent to each of the 3 doses (202). Among survey
respondents, rates of injection site pain, fatigue, myalgia, fevers,
and chills were similar to those reported during clinical trials,
and no new safety concerns were identified.
MenB-4C (Bexsero)
MenB-4C was first licensed in the United States in 2015.
MenB-4C is licensed for persons aged 10–25 years in the
United States; therefore, immunogenicity and safety data
for children aged <10 years are not presented in this report.
Available data for this age group have been summarized
elsewhere (209).
Among adolescents and young adults, a 2-dose MenB-4C
primary series is immunogenic (148,210213). Although
antibody persistence is difficult to assess because of heterogeneous
results by vaccine antigens (FHbp, NhbA, NadA, and PorA) or
between studies, different points assessed in different studies,
and elevated baseline titers in certain studies, antibody titers
appear to wane by 2 years postvaccination (148,213216).
A robust immune response is demonstrated after either a
MenB-4C or investigational serogroups A, B, C, W, and Y
(MenABCWY) vaccine booster dose administered 2, 4, or
7.5 years after a MenB-4C primary series (215,217). Although
data are limited, persistence after a booster dose likely lasts
for several years based on observed and modeled data (218).
MenB-4C vaccine is safe and well tolerated, although more
reactogenic than MenACWY (188,210213). In clinical trials,
the most common local reactions were injection site pain,
erythema, and swelling and the most common systemic adverse
events were headache, fatigue, and myalgia. In postlicensure
safety surveillance, local and systemic adverse events reported
are consistent with the clinical trial data (219221).
MenB-4C Immunogenicity
Clinical trials were conducted to assess immunogenicity to
four test strains among persons aged 10–25 years using a 2-dose
primary series schedule (0 and 1–2 months), with seroprotection
defined as an hSBA titer ≥1:4 or ≥1:5. One month after the
second dose, ≥98% of recipients achieved seroprotection
against FHbp, ≥97% against NadA, ≥75% against PorA, and
≥68% against NhbA (148,210213). At 5–6 months after the
primary series, ≥82% remained seroprotected against FHbp,
≥93% against NadA, and ≥75% against PorA (NhbA was not
assessed) (148,213). Antibody persistence at further points
was variable between studies. In a study conducted among
United Kingdom college students, in which the proportion
of persons with baseline (prevaccination) titers ≥1:4 ranged
from 57% to 69% for FHbp, NadA, and PorA, 85%–97% of
vaccinated students remained seroprotected for these antigens
at 11 months postcompletion of the primary series (148). In
a study of Chilean adolescents, in whom baseline titers were
also elevated, 75%–93% were seroprotected against FHbp,
NadA, and PorA by 18–23 months after the primary series and
29%–84% had seroprotection at 7.5 years (215,216). However,
the proportion seroprotected at 7.5 years was not significantly
different from baseline for three of the four antigens in the
original study cohort, although higher than an age-matched
unvaccinated population for three of four antigens. Among
participants in two different clinical trials in which most
had low baseline titers, results at 2 years (United States and
Poland) and 4 years (Canada and Australia) postvaccination
were relatively consistent: 30%–34% seroprotection against
FHbp, 84%–94% against NadA, 9%–16% against PorA, and
50%–75% against NhbA (
214,215). In a small clinical trial
of adult laboratory workers, in which most participants had
high baseline hSBA titers to serogroups A, C, W, and Y and
select serogroup B strains, simultaneous administration of
MenACWY-CRM and a 3-dose MenB-4C series resulted in
robust immune responses through 4 months after the second
dose and 1 month after the third dose (134).
In extension studies conducted in Chile, Canada, and
Australia, a MenB-4C booster was administered either
4 or 7.5 years after completion of the primary series (215).
One month after booster administration, ≥93% of persons
achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:4 across the four vaccine antigens.
No data on persistence of the immune response after a booster
Recommendations and Reports
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dose are available for this cohort. However, modeling of the
clinical trial data demonstrates that persistence likely lasts
for several years (218). In an extension of the U.S.-Poland
study, 11 persons previously vaccinated with a MenB-4C
primary series were randomized to receive an investigational
pentavalent (serogroups A, B, C, W, and Y) vaccine, in which
the serogroup B component was identical to the components
of the licensed MenB-4C product, as a booster dose 2 years
postcompletion of the primary series (217). One month
postbooster, ≥91% of persons achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:5
against FHbp, NadA, and NhbA, and 82% achieved an hSBA
titer ≥1:5 against PorA. At 12 months postbooster, all recipients
achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:5 against NadA, 82% against FHbp
and NhbA, and 45% against PorA, although confidence
intervals were wide because of the small study size (217).
In addition to clinical trials, several observational
immunogenicity studies have been undertaken. After a 2013
mass MenB-4C vaccination campaign at a U.S. university in
response to a serogroup B meningococcal disease outbreak
caused by a strain predicted by the MATS assay to be covered
by both the FHbp and NhbA antigens in MenB-4C, 66% of
serosurvey participants achieved an hSBA titer ≥1:4 against
the outbreak strain at 2 months after receipt of the 2-dose
series; immunogenicity against two vaccine antigen reference
strains was high (222). Antibody titers against the outbreak
strain appeared to wane rapidly postvaccination; by 20 months
postvaccination, 24% of recipients remained seroprotected
(223). Antibody titer waning also was observed among students
vaccinated with MenB-4C during a different U.S. university
outbreak. The proportion of students with an hSBA titer ≥1:4
against the outbreak strain and three additional university
outbreak strains ranged from 53% to 93% 1.5–2 months after
completion of the series, and this proportion decreased to
31%–86% at 7 months (224). In another evaluation using sera
from vaccinated adults, hSBA activity against 18 genetically
diverse serogroup B strains (including three reference strains
and six university outbreak strains) demonstrated that at
1 month postvaccination, ≥85% of recipients achieved an
hSBA titer ≥1:4 against most strains; however, this proportion
decreased to 70% for 14 of the strains and 45%–62% for the
remaining four strains (two from outbreaks) by 4–6 months
postvaccination (225).
MenB-4C Safety
Clinical Trials and Research Studies
Among adolescents and adults, injection site pain
(82%–98%), erythema (35%–68%), swelling (26%–47%),
and induration (10%–48%) were commonly reported local
reactions after primary vaccination (188,210213). Headache
(21%–65%), fatigue and malaise (18%–73%), myalgia
(17%–75%), arthralgia (8%–42%), and nausea (8%–35%)
were commonly reported systemic adverse events; fever
was reported in 1%–10% of recipients. In a clinical trial
conducted among laboratory workers in which MenB-4C
was administered simultaneously with MenACWY-CRM,
local injection site adverse reactions were more common in
the arms in which MenB-4C was administered compared
with MenACWY-CRM; nausea and headache were more
frequently reported when the two vaccines were administered
simultaneously compared with MenB-4C administration
alone (134). After a MenB-4C or investigational MenABCWY
booster dose, rates of local or systemic adverse events typically
were similar to those observed among persons who received
doses as part of primary vaccination (215,217).
As with MenB-FHbp, MenB-4C contains components
that include factor H binding protein. Animal models and
an evaluation in humans demonstrated that antibodies
generated after MenB-4C vaccination were cross-reactive
with human factor H (226228). In the human study, a
small proportion of persons vaccinated with MenB-4C had
transient development of factor H autoantibodies, although
factor H function was unaffected (228). Although these
findings do not suggest that factor H autoantibodies from
MenB vaccination are likely to cause factor H–associated
autoimmune conditions, the clinical significance remains
uncertain, and additional postlicensure safety surveillance
will be important. In FDAs review of MenB-4C clinical trial
data, among study participants with an autoimmune disorder
diagnosed during the study follow-up period, the onset of
symptoms consistent with the disorder occurred before the
first vaccination in most trial participants (70).
Postlicensure Safety Monitoring
MenB-4C safety surveillance was conducted as part of
several mass vaccination campaigns in the United States and
Canada (219221). MenB-4C mass vaccination campaigns
were implemented in response to outbreaks at two U.S.
universities (approximately 31,000 doses administered), under
an expanded access investigational new drug protocol before
U.S. licensure of the vaccine, and one university in Canada
(approximately 5,000 doses administered) (220,221). The
most commonly reported adverse events were consistent
with findings from clinical trial data (e.g., fever, injection site
pain, and arm pain), although 0.88 syncopal events per 1,000
persons in the U.S. evaluation were reported. Similarly, safety
surveillance for mass vaccination to control increased incidence
of serogroup B meningococcal disease in a region of Quebec,
Canada, in which nearly 60,000 doses were administered
to persons aged ≤20 years, demonstrated local and systemic
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adverse events consistent with those described in clinical
trials, although adverse event–related absenteeism or medical
consultations were frequent (219). However, four cases of likely
idiopathic nephrotic syndrome were identified in vaccinated
children aged 2–5 years during the 1-year postvaccination
safety monitoring period (229). Because of the small number
of cases and wide confidence intervals of risk estimates, whether
this finding represents a safety signal is unclear.
In a comprehensive review of VAERS reports from licensure
in 2015 through June 2018, no new safety concerns were
identified (CDC, unpublished data, 2020). A total of 1,470
reports involving MenB-4C vaccination were received;
the median patient age was 17 years, and 39% involved
simultaneous administration with other vaccines. The most
commonly reported adverse events were injection site pain,
fever, and headache. Transient decreased mobility of the arm
where the vaccine was injected was disproportionately reported
for MenB-4C compared with other vaccines. Overall, the
reported adverse events were consistent with the findings from
clinical trials. No autoimmune or renal disease–related safety
signals were detected.
MenB Vaccine Immunogenicity and
Safety in Persons with Underlying
Medical Conditions
Immunogenicity of MenB-4C was assessed in children and
adolescents aged 2–17 years with certain underlying conditions
(230). One month postcompletion of a 2-dose primary series,
the proportion of persons with complement deficiency or
complement inhibitor use with hSBA titers ≥1:5 was 87% for
FHbp, 95% for NadA, 68% for PorA, and 73% for NhbA
when exogenous complement was used. Among those with
asplenia, ≥84% had seroprotection against these four antigens,
which was similar to the proportion observed in healthy
control participants. However, among complement-deficient
persons, when endogenous complement was used, only
41%–68% had seroprotection against the four antigens; among
those with terminal component deficiencies or complement
inhibitor use, only 17% demonstrated any bactericidal activity
postvaccination. In addition, a lack of opsonophagocytic
killing of meningococci in the presence of eculizumab in sera
from persons vaccinated with MenB-4C has been observed,
and cases of serogroup or genogroup B meningococcal disease
have been reported despite recent vaccination among persons
using eculizumab (161,231,232). Although data are limited for
MenB-FHbp, similar concerns exist for the lack of complete
protection in vaccinated persons (69). Thus, persons with
complement deficiency or complement inhibitor use might
remain at increased risk for meningococcal disease even if they
develop antibodies postvaccination (69,70,94,201).
The safety profile of MenB-4C among children and
adolescents aged 2–17 years with certain underlying
medical conditions was similar to that observed in healthy
controls (230). In a small Spanish evaluation in adults with
complement deficiency, eculizumab use, asplenia, and history
of meningococcal disease, plus a microbiologist with an
immunodeficiency, the reactogenicity profile of MenB-4C
was similar to that reported in clinical trials in adolescents and
adults except for a slightly higher rate of fever (13%).
Vaccination in general might activate complement. Thus,
patients with complement-mediated diseases, such as those
in whom complement inhibitors are used for treatment
(e.g., paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and atypical
hemolytic uremic syndrome), might experience increased signs
and symptoms of their underlying disease after vaccination.
In a safety review of patients treated with eculizumab in
Canada, an increased risk for anemia or hemolysis was
observed when patients receiving eculizumab were vaccinated
with MenB-4C, particularly in those who received an
eculizumab dose within 2 weeks of vaccination (233).
The Canadian package insert for eculizumab was updated
with the manufacturers recommendation that patients be
vaccinated (with any recommended meningococcal vaccine,
not specifically MenB-4C) before or at the same time as
eculizumab initiation; those receiving eculizumab treatment
are recommended to be vaccinated only when their disease
is controlled and the eculizumab concentration in the blood
is considered to be high (234). No similar safety concerns
have been identified in the United States to date; however,
meningococcal vaccination is likewise recommended at least
2 weeks before complement inhibitor initiation (39,40).
MenB Vaccines in Pregnant Women
Data on safety of MenB vaccines in pregnant women are
limited. No controlled trials have been conducted to specifically
assess the safety of MenB vaccination among pregnant
women and birth outcomes of vaccinated women. Among
approximately 6,000 adolescent or adult females enrolled in
MenB-FHbp clinical trials, pregnancy was reported during
the trial or in the follow-up period in 34 women who had
received at least 1 dose (94,194199,201). Among these,
four (12%) spontaneous abortions were reported. Among
approximately 2,000 adolescent or adult females enrolled
in MenB-4C clinical trials, no pregnancies were reported in
the published literature (188
,210213,215). Evaluation of
VAERS through June 2018 identified three reports related to
MenB-FHbp vaccination during pregnancy, with no maternal
Recommendations and Reports
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or fetal adverse events reported, and four related to MenB-4C,
with one spontaneous abortion reported (CDC, unpublished
data, 2020). Both manufacturers maintain pregnancy registries
to collect information on birth outcomes after maternal
vaccination; however, no data are available (GlaxoSmithKline
and Pfizer, personal communications, 2019).
Effectiveness of MenB Vaccines
After a mass vaccination program among persons aged
2 months–20 years in a region of Canada experiencing increased
incidence of serogroup B meningococcal disease due predominantly
to a single clone, MenB-4C vaccine effectiveness among all target
age groups was estimated at 79% (95% CI: -231% to 99%) in
the 4 years postvaccination, although the wide confidence intervals
encompassing the null effect value limit the interpretation of the
finding (235). No additional data on MenB-4C effectiveness are
available for adolescents and adults. In the United Kingdom,
where infants are vaccinated with MenB-4C at ages 2, 4, and
12 months, vaccine effectiveness among children who completed
the series was estimated at 59.1% (95% CI: -31.1% to 87.2%)
for all serogroup B strains in the 3 years after vaccination (236).
No data are available on MenB-FHbp vaccine effectiveness in
any age group.
Vaccination and Meningococcal Disease
No information is available on the association between
MenB vaccination and meningococcal disease incidence in the
United States. This association cannot be assessed because of
the low incidence of serogroup B meningococcal disease and
low vaccination coverage after the 2015 ACIP recommendation
that adolescents be vaccinated on the basis of shared clinical
decision-making (22% of adolescents aged 17 years received
≥1 MenB dose in 2019) (237).
Vaccination and Oropharyngeal Carriage
Current evidence suggests that MenB vaccines probably
do not have a substantial effect on the prevalence or
acquisition of N. meningitidis oropharyngeal carriage. In a
large randomized controlled trial in Australia, MenB-4C
vaccination of adolescents did not result in a reduction of
carriage with N. meningitidis serogroup B or other disease-
causing N. meningitidis serogroups (238). In a smaller
randomized controlled trial of United Kingdom university
students, no immediate reduction in meningococcal carriage
was observed in the 1 month after MenB-4C vaccination.
By 3 months postvaccination, significantly lower carriage of
any meningococcal strain and of capsular groups B, C, W,
and Y was observed; however, no specific effect of MenB-4C
on serogroup B carriage was observed (188). No data from
large randomized controlled trials for MenB-FHbp are
available. However, two observational carriage evaluations
after vaccination of U.S. university students primarily with
MenB-FHbp during serogroup B outbreaks demonstrated
stable serogroup B carriage rates before and after vaccination,
suggesting that MenB-FHbp does not have a large or rapid
effect on carriage (185,186).
Cost-Effectiveness of MenB Vaccines
Cost-effectiveness of MenB vaccines among U.S. adolescents
was first assessed in 2015 and most recently evaluated in 2018
(10,239). Vaccination strategies included a MenB primary
series at age 11 years with a booster at age 16 years, a series
at age 16 years, a series at age 18 years, and a series among
college students. Cost per QALY saved for these four strategies
ranged from $9.6 million to $12.7 million, with the number
needed to vaccinate to prevent a case ranging from 152,000
to 305,000 and the number needed to vaccinate to prevent a
death ranging from 1.6 million to 2.8 million (239).
Vaccine Administration
FHbp, and MenB-4C are all administered intramuscularly at a
dose of 0.5 mL. However, for MenACWY-CRM, the lyophilized
MenA component must be reconstituted with the liquid
MenCWY component immediately before administration. If
the liquid MenCWY component is inadvertently administered
alone without the lyophilized MenA component, revaccination
is not necessary for persons who are not planning to travel
internationally because serogroup A meningococcal disease is
rarely reported in the United States. However, revaccination
is necessary if the person plans to travel internationally,
particularly to a region where serogroup A meningococcal
disease is endemic, or where vaccination is required, such as to
the Hajj pilgrimage. In this case, a dose prepared according to
the manufacturers instructions should be administered as soon
as feasible. Additional information on meningococcal vaccine
administration is available in the package inserts (6670).
Recommendations for Use of
Meningococcal Vaccines
Adolescents and Young Adults
ACIP recommends routine administration of a MenACWY
vaccine for all persons aged 11–18 years (Table 2). In addition,
Recommendations and Reports
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ACIP recommends a MenB vaccine series for persons aged
16–23 years on the basis of shared clinical decision-making
to provide short-term protection against most strains of
serogroup B meningococcal disease (Table 2). The preferred
age for MenB vaccination is 16–18 years.
MenACWY Vaccines
ACIP recommends a single dose of MenACWY at age 11 or
12 years followed by a booster dose administered at age 16 years
(Table 2). Children who received MenACWY at age 10 years
do not need an additional dose at age 11–12 years but should
receive the booster dose at age 16 years. Children who received
MenACWY before age 10 years and with no ongoing risk for
meningococcal disease for which boosters are recommended
should still receive MenACWY according to the recommended
adolescent schedule, with the first dose at age 11–12 years and
a booster dose at age 16 years. For example, a healthy child who
received MenACWY at age 9 years because of short-term travel
to a country where meningococcal disease is hyperendemic or
epidemic and who is not otherwise at increased risk should
receive the MenACWY at age 11–12 years according to the
recommended ACIP adolescent vaccination schedule. Children
who received MenACWY before age 10 years and for whom
boosters are recommended because of an ongoing increased
risk for meningococcal disease (e.g., those with complement
deficiency, HIV infection, or asplenia) should follow the
booster schedule for persons at increased risk.
Adolescents who receive their first dose at age 13–15 years
should receive a booster dose at age 16–18 years; the booster
dose can be administered at any time, as long as a minimum
interval of 8 weeks between doses is maintained. Adolescents
who receive a first dose after their 16th birthday do not
need a booster dose unless they become at increased risk
for meningococcal disease. Persons aged 19–21 years who
have not received a dose after their 16th birthday can receive
a single MenACWY dose as part of catch-up vaccination.
MenACWY vaccines are interchangeable; the same vaccine
product is recommended, but not required, for all doses.
MenACWY vaccines can be administered simultaneously
with other vaccines indicated for this age group, but at a
different anatomic site, if feasible. MenACWY-TT, which is
conjugated to tetanus toxoid, is only licensed for the prevention
of meningococcal disease; use of this vaccine does not replace
doses or affect the dosing intervals of routinely recommended
tetanus toxoid–containing vaccines in any age group.
MenB Vaccines
MenB vaccination is not routinely recommended for all
adolescents. Instead, ACIP recommends a MenB series for persons
aged 16–23 years (preferred age 16–18 years) on the basis of shared
clinical decision-making (240) (Table 2). Shared clinical decision-
making refers to an individually based vaccine recommendation
informed by a decision-making process between the health care
provider and the patient or parent/guardian. Considerations for
shared clinical decision-making for vaccine administration and
timing of administration might include
the serious nature of meningococcal infections, with high
rates of death and permanent sequelae in those who
develop invasive disease;
the low number of serogroup B meningococcal disease
cases (average of 34 serogroup B cases annually among
persons aged 16–23 years in the United States during
the increased risk among college students, especially those
who are freshmen, attend a 4-year university, live in
on-campus housing, or participate in sororities and
the protection provided by MenB vaccines against most
strains of serogroup B N. meningitidis;
the estimated relatively short duration of MenB protection
(antibody waning within 1–2 years postcompletion of the
primary series); and
the evidence to date suggesting that MenB vaccination has
no effect on meningococcal carriage (i.e., MenB vaccines
might provide individual protection against serogroup B
disease but herd protection is unlikely).
For adolescents who are not otherwise at increased risk for
meningococcal disease (e.g., due to complement deficiency
or asplenia), a 2-dose series of MenB vaccine should be
administered as follows: 2 doses of MenB-FHbp administered
at 0 and 6 months or 2 doses of MenB-4C administered
at 0 and ≥1 month. If the second dose of MenB-FHbp is
administered earlier than 6 months after the first dose, a third
dose should be administered at least 4 months after the second
dose. Either of the MenB vaccines can be used when indicated;
ACIP does not state a product preference. However, MenB
vaccines are not interchangeable, and the same vaccine product
must be used for all doses. If one MenB dose was received but
the vaccine product is unknown, the series must be restarted
with either product to ensure completion of a 2-dose series
using the same product. If 2 doses were administered using
different MenB products, one product should be selected for
administration of an additional dose at an appropriate interval
to ensure valid completion of a MenB series; the dose from the
product not selected for series completion should be considered
invalid. For situations in which a MenB dose or doses must
be repeated, a minimum interval of 4 weeks should be used
between any 2 doses. MenB vaccines can be administered
simultaneously with other vaccines indicated for this age group,
but at a different anatomic site, if feasible.
Recommendations and Reports
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Persons at Increased Risk for
Meningococcal Disease
Persons at increased risk for meningococcal disease are
recommended to receive routine meningococcal vaccination.
Vaccine product, number of doses, and booster dose
recommendations are based on age and risk factors (Tables 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10). Although evidence suggests that
vaccination might not adequately prevent meningococcal
infections among persons with certain complement deficiencies
or those using a complement inhibitor (6670), these persons
should continue to be vaccinated according to recommendations
because of a possible benefit among persons at high risk for
infection (Table 4). Persons using complement inhibitor should
be vaccinated at least 2 weeks before complement inhibitor
initiation unless the risks for delaying treatment outweigh
the risks for developing meningococcal disease. Among
unvaccinated patients for whom complement inhibitor therapy
cannot be delayed, antimicrobial prophylaxis (e.g., penicillin)
should be administered alongside meningococcal vaccination
and continued for 2 weeks after vaccine administration (39,40).
In addition, providers might consider antimicrobial prophylaxis
for the duration of complement inhibitor therapy. Among
persons undergoing elective splenectomy, meningococcal
vaccines should be administered at least 2 weeks before surgery,
if possible; otherwise, they should be administered after the
procedure as soon as the patients condition is stable (241).
MenACWY Vaccines
Children at increased risk for meningococcal disease
caused by serogroups A, C, W, or Y (Box 1) who received
MenACWY at age <11 years and for whom booster vaccination
is recommended because of an ongoing increased risk should
follow the booster dose schedule (Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9),
not the routine adolescent schedule. For example, a child with
HIV infection who received MenACWY at age 9 years should
receive the next dose at age 14 years. Booster doses administered
to children aged <15 years, repeated booster doses, and booster
doses administered at an interval of <4 years are not licensed
in the United States and are considered off-label (Table 11).
Because of the high risk for invasive pneumococcal disease,
children with functional or anatomic asplenia or HIV infection
should not be vaccinated with MenACWY-D before age 2 years
to avoid interference with the immune response to 13-valent
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13); MenACWY-CRM
should be used in this group. If MenACWY-D is used in
persons of any age with these conditions, it should not be
administered until at least 4 weeks after completion of all
PCV doses.
In addition, MenACWY-D should be administered either
before or at the same time as DTaP to avoid interference of
DTaP with the immune response to meningococcal vaccine
among children at increased risk for meningococcal disease.
If MenACWY-D cannot be given before or at the same time
as DTaP, it should be administered 6 months after DTaP,
unless the child is at increased risk for meningococcal disease
because of travel to an area where disease is hyperendemic or
epidemic or where an outbreak is occurring, in which case
MenACWY-D should be administered regardless of timing of
DTaP receipt. If MenACWY-D is inadvertently administered
in the 6 months after DTaP administration, the dose does not
need to be repeated.
If a healthy person aged ≥2 years previously vaccinated with a
single dose of MenACWY develops an underlying condition for
which meningococcal vaccination is recommended as a 2-dose
primary series, a second dose should be administered as soon as
possible, provided that an 8-week minimum interval between
doses is maintained. For example, a person who received a single
MenACWY dose before travel and then years later developed
asplenia should receive another dose as soon as possible to
complete the 2-dose series recommended for persons with
asplenia; restarting the 2-dose series is not required. Booster
doses should then be administered according to the schedule
(Tables 4, 5, and 6), with the first dose administered either 3
or 5 years after completion of the primary series, depending
on age. MenACWY vaccines are interchangeable; the same
vaccine product is recommended, but not required, for all
doses. Administration of MenACWY-D or MenACWY-CRM
in persons aged ≥56 years, a 2-dose MenACWY primary series
in persons aged ≥2 years at increased risk for meningococcal
disease, administration of >1 booster dose, and administration
of a booster dose in persons aged <15 years or at an interval
of <4 years since the last dose are not licensed in the United
States and are considered off-label ACIP recommendations
(Table 11).
First-year college students living in residence halls should
receive at least 1 dose of MenACWY within 5 years before
college entry. The preferred timing of the most recent dose is
on or after their 16th birthday. If only 1 dose of vaccine was
administered before the 16th birthday, a booster dose should
be administered before enrollment. Adolescents who received
a first dose after their 16th birthday do not need another dose
before college entry unless >5 years have elapsed since the dose.
MenB Vaccines
For persons at increased risk for meningococcal disease
(Box 1), including during serogroup B meningococcal disease
outbreaks, either a 3-dose MenB-FHbp series or 2-dose
MenB-4C primary series should be administered. For persons
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who previously completed a MenB primary series who become
or remain at increased risk for meningococcal disease, booster
vaccination should be administered according to the dosing
schedule (Tables 4, 5, 7, and 8). Primary series vaccination in
persons aged ≥26 years and booster vaccination in persons at
increased risk for meningococcal disease are not licensed in the
United States and are considered off-label (Table 11).
For the MenB-FHbp primary series, the 3-dose series
(at 0, 1–2, and 6 months) should be administered to provide
earlier protection and maximize short-term immunogenicity. If
the second dose is administered at an interval of ≥6 months, a
third dose does not need to be administered. If the third dose
is administered earlier than 4 months after the second dose, a
fourth dose should be repeated at least 4 months after the third
dose. For MenB-4C, doses should be administered at 0 and
≥1 months. The two MenB vaccines are not interchangeable;
the same vaccine product must be used for all doses, including
booster doses. Because efficacy has not been established for
persons receiving MenB vaccines interchangeably, every effort
should be made to determine vaccine product for all received
doses, including booster doses, because receiving mismatched
MenB vaccine products might result in inadequate protection
(see Vaccination of Adolescents and Adults). For situations in
which a dose or doses must be repeated, a minimum interval
of 4 weeks should be used between any 2 doses. MenB vaccines
can be administered simultaneously with other vaccines
indicated for this age group, but at a different anatomic site,
if feasible.
Establishment of Vaccine-Mediated
ACIP does not recommend evaluation of antibody
titers against meningococcal serogroups for the purposes
of establishing immunity or the need for vaccination.
Commercially available immunoglobulin (e.g., IgG) testing
should not be used to infer individual seroprotection against
meningococcal disease.
Precautions and Contraindications
Because postvaccine syncope can occur with all injectable
vaccines, procedures should be in place to prevent falling
injuries and manage syncopal reactions. Vaccine providers,
particularly when vaccinating adolescents, should consider
observing patients (with patients seated or lying down) for
15 minutes after vaccination to decrease the risk for injury
should they faint. If syncope develops, patients should be
observed until symptoms resolve (241). Similarly, anaphylaxis
can occur after any vaccination. Furthermore, because the tip
caps of prefilled MenB-4C syringes contain natural rubber latex
and might cause allergic reactions, latex sensitivity is included
as a precaution for MenB-4C (70). Appropriate medical
treatment must be available should an acute allergic reaction,
including an anaphylactic reaction, occur. In addition, because
apnea after intramuscular vaccination has been observed in
some infants born prematurely, prematurity is a precaution
for MenACWY-CRM vaccination (66). Finally, although
postlicensure data have not established a risk for Guillain-
Barré syndrome after MenACWY-D vaccination, previous
history of Guillain-Barré syndrome is listed as a precaution
for MenACWY-D in the package insert (67).
For all meningococcal vaccines, severe allergic reaction
to a previous dose or any component of the vaccine is a
contraindication to vaccination (6670). For MenACWY-D
and MenACWY-CRM, severe allergic reaction to any
diphtheria toxoid– or CRM
–containing vaccine is also a
contraindication (66,67). For MenACWY-TT, severe allergic
reaction to a tetanus toxoid–containing vaccine is also a
contraindication (68).
Pregnancy and Lactation
Pregnant and lactating women should receive MenACWY
vaccine if indicated. Because limited data are available for
MenB vaccination during pregnancy, vaccination with MenB
should be deferred unless the woman is at increased risk and,
after consultation with her health care provider, the benefits
of vaccination are considered to outweigh the potential risks.
Reporting of Vaccine Adverse Events
Adverse events that occur in a patient following meningococcal
vaccination can be reported to VAERS. Reporting is encouraged
for any clinically significant adverse event even if it is uncertain
whether the vaccine caused the event. Information on how to
submit a report to VAERS is available at
or by calling 1-800-822-7967.
Future Directions in Meningococcal
Although meningococcal disease incidence in the United
States is low and decreasing, continued surveillance and
evaluations are needed to assess the safety and effectiveness
of MenB vaccines, including repeated booster doses among
persons at increased risk for meningococcal disease. In addition
to MenB, continued monitoring of MenACWY use is necessary
to help evaluate the meningococcal vaccination program and
provide information about the need and strategy for additional
Recommendations and Reports
24 MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
meningococcal vaccines, such as investigational serogroups A,
B, C, W, and Y (MenABCWY) vaccines, in the United States
(210,242). Furthermore, efforts are under way to reduce the
global incidence of meningococcal disease and other causes of
meningitis through a strategy that includes optimizing the use
of current vaccines as well as developing additional vaccines,
such as an expanded conjugate vaccine that includes serogroups A,
C, W, Y, and X for use in sub-Saharan Africa (243,244).
Amy Blain, Elizabeth Briere, Doug Campos-Outcalt, James Cope,
Amanda Cohn, Temitope Folaranmi, LeAnne Fox, Andrew Kroger,
Lucy McNamara, Ismael Ortega-Sanchez, Monica Patton, and
Xin Wang, CDC.
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3. CDC. Recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization
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meningococcal disease. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
4. CDC. Updated recommendation from the Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP) for revaccination of persons at prolonged
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Rep 2009;58:1042–3.
5. CDC. Licensure of a meningococcal conjugate vaccine (Menveo) and
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6. CDC. Updated recommendations for use of meningococcal conjugate
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7. CDC. Recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Immunization
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8. CDC. Infant meningococcal vaccination: Advisory Committee on
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9. Folaranmi T, Rubin L, Martin SW, Patel M, MacNeil JR; CDC. Use of
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10. MacNeil JR, Rubin L, Folaranmi T, Ortega-Sanchez IR, Patel M, Martin
SW. Use of serogroup B meningococcal vaccines in adolescents and
young adults: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on
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13. Patton ME, Stephens D, Moore K, MacNeil JR. Updated
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14. CDC. Notice to readers: limited supply of meningococcal conjugate
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15. Food and Drug Administration. Summary Basis for Regulatory
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16. Cohn AC, MacNeil JR, Clark TA, et al; CDC. Prevention and control of
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17. CDC. New framework (GRADE) for development of evidence-based
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18. Lee G, Carr W, Reingold A, et al; ACIP Evidence-Based Recommendations
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19. Bozio C. Evidence to recommendations Framework (EtR) and Grading
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20. Shimabukuro TT, Nguyen M, Martin D, DeStefano F. Safety monitoring
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21. McNeil MM, Gee J, Weintraub ES, et al. The Vaccine Safety Datalink:
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22. Pace D, Pollard AJ. Meningococcal disease: clinical presentation and
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23. MacNeil JR, Blain AE, Wang X, Cohn AC. Current epidemiology and
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24. Borrow R, Alarcón P, Carlos J, et al; Global Meningococcal Initiative.
The Global Meningococcal Initiative: global epidemiology, the impact
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Meningococcal carriage by age: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Epidemiology of meningococcal disease outbreaks in the United States,
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28. Oliver SE, Mbaeyi SA. A review of global epidemiology and response
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US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
94. Muse D, Christensen S, Bhuyan P, et al. A phase 2, randomized, active-
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99. Reisinger KS, Baxter R, Block SL, Shah J, Bedell L, Dull PM.
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Immunogenicity and tolerability of a quadrivalent meningococcal
glycoconjugate vaccine in children 2–10 years of age. Vaccine
Recommendations and Reports
28 MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
119. Block SL, Shepard J, Garfield H, et al. Immunogenicity and safety of
a 3- and 4-dose vaccination series of a meningococcal ACWY conjugate
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. Elam-Evans LD, Yankey D, Singleton JA, et al. National, regional,
state, and selected local area vaccination coverage among adolescents
aged 13–17 years—United States, 2019. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly
Rep 2020;69:1109–16.
. Marshall HS, McMillan M, Koehler AP, et al. Meningococcal B vaccine
and meningococcal carriage in adolescents in Australia. N Engl J Med
. Meyer SA. Epidemiology of meningococcal disease among college
students—United States, 2014–2016. Presented at the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices meeting, Atlanta, GA;
February 22, 2018.
. CDC. ACIP shared clinical decision-making recommendations
[Internet]. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services,
. Ezeanolue EHK, Hunter P, Kroger A, Pellegrini C. General best practice
guidelines for immunization: best practices guidance of the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Atlanta, GA: US
Department of Health and Human Services, CDC. https://www.cdc.
. A trial to describe the immunogenicity and safety
of 2 doses of bivalent rLP2086 (Trumenba) and a pentavalent
meningococcal vaccine in healthy subjects ≥10 to <26 years of age
. Chen WH, Neuzil KM, Boyce CR, et al. Safety and immunogenicity of
a pentavalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine containing serogroups A,
C, Y, W, and X in healthy adults: a phase 1, single-centre, double-blind,
randomised, controlled study. Lancet Infect Dis 2018;18:1088–96.
244. Meningitis Research Foundation. A global vision for meningitis by 2030
and an action plan to get there. West Sussex, UK: Wilton Park; 2017.
Recommendations and Reports
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Disclosure of Relationship and Unlabeled Use
All authors have completed and submitted the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors form for disclosure of
potential conflicts of interest. No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
This report includes discussion of the unlabeled use of meningococcal vaccines in the following situations:
Two-dose primary series of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY) for persons aged ≥2 years at increased
risk for meningococcal disease because of certain underlying medical condition (i.e., persons who have persistent complement
component deficiencies, complement inhibitor use, anatomic or functional asplenia, or HIV infection).
Repeated booster doses of MenACWY for certain persons who remain at increased risk for meningococcal disease for a
prolonged period. MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM are licensed for a single booster dose for persons aged 15–55 years
if at least 4 years have elapsed since the last dose; MenACWY-TT is licensed for a single booster dose for persons aged ≥15 years
if at least 4 years have elapsed since the last dose of MenACWY.
The administration of MenACWY-D or MenACWY-CRM in certain persons aged ≥56 years at increased risk for
meningococcal disease.
The administration of a MenB vaccine in certain persons aged ≥26 years at increased risk for meningococcal disease.
The administration of MenB booster doses for certain persons aged ≥10 years who remain at increased risk for
meningococcal disease.
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
Membership as of June 1, 2020
Chair: Jose Romero, MD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Childrens Hospital, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Executive Secretary: Amanda Cohn, MD, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC, Atlanta, Georgia.
Members: Robert Atmar, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; Kevin Ault, MD, University of Kansans Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas;
Lynn Bahta, RN, Minnesota Department of Health, Saint Paul, Minnesota; Beth Bell, MD, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; Henry Bernstein,
Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Cohen Childrens Medical Center, New Hyde Park, New York; Sharon Frey, MD, Saint Louis University Medical
School, St. Louis, Missouri; Paul Hunter, MD, City of Milwaukee Health Department, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Grace Lee, MD, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital,
Stanford, California; Veronica McNally, JD, Franny Strong Foundation, West Bloomfield, Michigan; José Romero, MD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
and Arkansas Childrens Hospital, Little Rock, Arkansas; Katherine Poehling, MD, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina; Pablo Sánchez,
MD, Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; Peter Szilagyi, MD, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California;
Helen Keipp Talbot, MD, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
Ex Officio Members: Mary Beth Hance, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Baltimore, Maryland; Eric Deussing, MD, U.S. Department of Defense, CDC,
Atlanta, Georgia; Jane Kim, MD, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Durham, North Carolina; Doran Fink, MD, Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda,
Maryland; Thomas Weiser MD, Indian Health Service, Portland, Oregon; John Beigel, MD, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; Tammy Beckham, DVM,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, District of Columbia.
Liaison Representatives: American Academy of Family Physicians, Pamela Rockwell, DO, Ann Arbor, Michigan; American Academy of Pediatrics, David Kimberlin, MD,
Birmingham, Alabama, Bonnie Maldonado MD, Stanford, California; American Academy of Physician Assistants, Marie-Michèle Léger, MPH, Alexandria, Virginia;
American College Health Association, Susan Even, MD, Columbia, Missouri; American College of Nurse Midwives, Carol Hayes, CNM, Atlanta, Georgia; American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Linda O’Neal Eckert, MD, Seattle, Washington; American College of Physicians, Jason Goldman, Boca Raton, Florida;
American Geriatrics Society, Kenneth Schmader, MD, Durham, North Carolina; American Immunization Registry Association, Rebecca Coyle, MSEd, Washington,
DC; American Medical Association, Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, MD, Atlanta, Georgia; American Nurses Association, Charles Rittle, DNP, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;
American Osteopathic Association, Stanley Grogg, DO, Tulsa, Oklahoma; American Pharmacists Association, Stephan Foster, PharmD, Memphis, Tennessee;
Association of Immunization Managers, Christine Finley, RN, Burlington, Vermont; Association for Prevention Teaching and Research, W. Paul McKinney, MD,
Louisville, Kentucky; Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, Nathaniel Smith, MD, Little Rock, Arkansas; Biotechnology Industry Organization,
Phyllis Arthur, MBA, Washington, DC; Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Caroline Quach, MD, Montréal, Canada; Council of State
and Territorial Epidemiologists, Christine Hahn, MD, Boise, Idaho; Infectious Diseases Society of America, Carol Baker, MD, Seattle, Washington; International
Society for Travel Medicine, Elizabeth Barnett, MD, Boston, Massachusetts; National Association of County and City Health Officials, Matthew Zahn, MD, Santa
Ana, California; National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Patricia Stinchfield, RN, St. Paul, Minnesota; National Foundation for Infectious Diseases,
William Schaffner, MD, Nashville, Tennessee; National Immunization Council and Child Health Program, Mexico, Luis Duran, MD, Mexico; National Medical
Association, Patricia Whitley-Williams, MD, New Brunswick, New Jersey; Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, Sean O’Leary, MD, Denver, Colorado; Pharmaceutical
Research and Manufacturers of America, David Johnson, MD, Swiftwater, Pennsylvania; Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Amy Middleman, MD, Houston,
Texas; Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, David Weber, MD, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Recommendations and Reports
34 MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ACIP Meningococcal Vaccines Work Group
Membership as of June 1, 2020
Chair: Veronica McNally, JD, East Lansing, Michigan.
Members: Nina Ahmad, MD, Albany, New York; Oliver Baclic, MD, Ottawa, Canada; Carol Baker, MD, Houston, Texas; Henry Bernstein, MD, New Hyde
Park, New York; Michael Brady, MD, Columbus, Ohio; Ruth Brenner, MD, Falls Church, Virginia; Susan Even, MD, Columbia, Missouri; Kathleen Harriman,
Richmond, California; Mary Healy, Houston, Texas; Rachel Herlihy, Denver, Colorado; Nneka Holder, MD, Jackson, Mississippi; Lucia Lee, MD, Rockville,
Maryland; Martin Luta, MD, Dover, Delaware; Ruth Lynfield, MD, St. Paul, Minnesota; Paul McKinney, MD, Louisville, Kentucky; Cody Meissner, MD, Boston,
Massachusetts; Kelly Moore, MD, Nashville, Tennessee; Paul Offit, MD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Anuja Rastogi, MD, Rockville, Maryland; Lorry Rubin, MD,
New Hyde Park, New York; William Schaffner, MD, Nashville, Tennessee.
CDC contributors: Alison Albert, MPH; Amy Blain, MPH; Douglas Campos-Outcalt, MD; Amanda Cohn, MD; James Cope, PhD; Jonathan Duffy, MD;
LeAnne Fox, MD; Rachel Gorwitz, MD; Susan Hariri, PhD; Angela Jiles, MPH; Andrew Kroger, MD; Jessica MacNeil, MPH; Sarah Mbaeyi, MD; Sara Oliver, MD;
Ismael Ortega-Sanchez, PhD; Xin Wang, PhD; Charnetta Williams, MD.
Secretariat: Lucy McNamara, PhD, CDC, Atlanta, Georgia.
Recommendations and Reports
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TABLE 1. Licensed and available* meningococcal vaccines — United States, 2020
Vaccine product Manufacturer Trade name Age group Year licensed
Conjugate (serogroups A, C, W, and Y)
MenACWY-D Sanofi Pasteur Menactra
9 mos–55 yrs 2005
MenACWY-CRM GlaxoSmithKline Menveo
2 mos–55 yrs 2010
MenACWY-TT Sanofi Pasteur MenQuadfi
≥2 yrs 2020
Protein based (directed at serogroup B)
MenB-FHbp Pfizer Trumenba** 10–25 yrs 2014
MenB-4C GlaxoSmithKline Bexsero
10–25 yrs 2015
Abbreviations: MenACWY-CRM=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-D=meningococcal groups A,
C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-TT=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine;
MenB-4C=four-component meningococcal group B vaccine; MenB-FHbp=meningococcal group B factor H binding protein vaccine.
* Two licensed meningococcal vaccines are no longer available in the United States (Menomune – A/C/Y/W-135 [Source: Menomune – A/C/Y/W-135. Package insert.
Swiftwater, PA: Sanofi Pasteur; 2016.] and MenHibrix [Source: MenHibRix. Package insert. Rixensart, Belgium:
GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals; 2012.]).
Source: Menactra. Package insert. Swiftwater, PA: Sanofi Pasteur; 2018.
Source: Menveo. Package insert. Sovicille, Italy: GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines; 2019.
Source: MenQuadfi. Package insert Swiftwater, PA: Sanofi Pasteur; 2020.
** Source: Trumenba. Package insert. Philadelphia, PA: Pfizer; 2018.
Source: Bexsero. Package insert. Sovicille, Italy: GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines; 2018.
TABLE 2. Recommended meningococcal vaccines and administration schedules for children and adults — Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices, United States, 2020
Age group
Serogroups A, C, W, and Y meningococcal conjugate vaccines
MenACWY-D (Menactra, Sanofi Pasteur) or
MenACWY-CRM (Menveo, GlaxoSmithKline) or
MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi, Sanofi Pasteur)
Serogroup B meningococcal vaccines
MenB-FHbp (Trumenba, Pfizer) or
MenB-4C (Bexsero, GlaxoSmithKline)
2 mos–10 yrs Not routinely recommended
See Table 3 for persons at increased risk
No recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in this population*
11–23 yrs Primary vaccination
: 1 dose at age 11–12 yrs
Booster: 1 dose at age 16 yrs if first dose administered before
16th birthday
Catch-up vaccination: Although routine vaccination is only
recommended for adolescents aged 11–18 yrs, MenACWY may be
administered to persons aged 19–21 yrs who have not received a dose
after their 16th birthday
Note: MenACWY vaccines are interchangeable
Primary vaccination: MenB series at age 16–23 yrs on basis of shared
clinical decision-making (preferred age 16–18 yrs)
• MenB-FHbp
: 2 doses at 0 and 6 mos
• MenB-4C: 2 doses ≥1 mo apart
Booster: Not routinely recommended unless the person becomes at
increased risk for meningococcal disease
Note: MenB-FHbp and MenB-4C are not interchangeable
≥24 yrs Not routinely recommended
See Table 3 for persons at increased risk
Not routinely recommended
See Table 3 for persons at increased risk
Abbreviations: MenACWY-CRM=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-D=meningococcal groups A,
C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-TT=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine;
MenB-4C=four-component meningococcal group B vaccine; MenB-FHbp=meningococcal group B factor H binding protein vaccine.
* MenB vaccines are licensed in the United States only for persons aged 10–25 years.
College freshmen living in residence halls should receive at least 1 dose of MenACWY within 5 years before college entry. The preferred timing of the most recent
dose is on or after their 16th birthday. If only 1 dose of vaccine was administered before the 16th birthday, a booster dose should be administered before enrollment.
Adolescents who received a first dose after their 16th birthday do not need another dose before college entry unless it has been more than 5 years since the dose.
Certain schools, colleges, and universities have policies requiring vaccination against meningococcal disease as a condition of enrollment.
When given to healthy adolescents who are not otherwise at increased risk for meningococcal disease, 2 doses of MenB-FHbp should be administered at 0 and
6 months. For persons at increased risk for meningococcal disease and for use during serogroup B meningococcal disease outbreaks, 3 doses of MenB-FHbp should
be administered at 0, 1–2, and 6 months to provide earlier protection and maximize short-term immunogenicity.
Recommendations and Reports
36 MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
TABLE 3. Recommended meningococcal vaccines for persons at increased risk for meningococcal disease — Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Risk group MenACWY vaccine MenB vaccine Table
Persons with complement component deficiency (e.g., C5–C9, properdin,
factor H, or factor D), including patients using a complement inhibitor
Aged ≥2 mos Aged ≥10 yrs 4
Persons with functional or anatomic asplenia (including sickle cell disease) Aged ≥2 mos Aged ≥10 yrs 5
Persons with HIV infection Aged ≥2 mos No recommendation 6
Microbiologists routinely exposed to Neisseria meningitidis Age appropriate* Age appropriate
Persons exposed during an outbreak of meningococcal disease due to a
vaccine-preventable serogroup
Aged ≥2 mos Aged ≥10 yrs 8
Persons who travel to or live in countries where meningococcal disease is
hyperendemic or epidemic
Aged ≥2 mos No recommendation 9
College freshmen living in residence halls Age appropriate* No recommendation 10
Military recruits Age appropriate* No recommendation 10
Abbreviations: HIV=human immunodeficiency virus; MenACWY=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y; MenB=meningococcal group B.
* Persons aged ≥2 months in these risk groups are recommended to receive MenACWY vaccination.
Persons aged ≥10 years in this risk group are recommended to receive MenB vaccination.
TABLE 4. Recommended vaccination schedule and intervals for persons with persistent complement deficiencies* (including patients using a
complement inhibitor)
— Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Age group
Serogroups A, C, W, and Y meningococcal conjugate vaccines
MenACWY-D (Menactra, Sanofi Pasteur)
MenACWY-CRM (Menveo, GlaxoSmithKline)
MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi, Sanofi Pasteur)**
Serogroup B meningococcal vaccines
MenB-FHbp (Trumenba, Pfizer) or
MenB-4C (Bexsero, GlaxoSmithKline)
2–23 mos Primary vaccination: MenACWY-D (aged ≥9 mos): 2 doses ≥12 wks apart
or MenACWY-CRM if first dose at age
• 2 mos: 4 doses at 2, 4, 6, and 12 mos
• 3–6 mos: See catch-up schedule
• 7–23 mos: 2 doses (second dose ≥12 wks after the first dose and
after the 1st birthday)
No recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in this population
2–9 yrs Primary vaccination
: MenACWY-D***
or MenACWY-TT: 2 doses ≥8 wks apart
Boosters (if person remains at increased risk)
• Aged <7 yrs: Single dose at 3 yrs after primary vaccination and
every 5 yrs thereafter
• Aged ≥7 yrs: Single dose at 5 yrs after primary vaccination and
every 5 yrs thereafter
No recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in this population
≥10 yrs Primary vaccination
or MenACWY-TT: 2 doses ≥8 wks apart
Boosters (if person remains at increased risk)
: Single dose at
5 yrs after primary vaccination and every 5 yrs thereafter
Primary vaccination
: MenB-FHbp: 3 doses at 0, 1–2, and 6 mos
or MenB-4C: 2 doses ≥1 mo apart
Boosters (if person remains at increased risk)
: Single dose at 1 yr after
completion of primary vaccination and every 2–3 yrs thereafter
Note: MenB-FHbp and MenB-4C are not interchangeable
Abbreviations: DTaP = diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine; MenACWY-CRM = meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide
diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-D= meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine;
MenACWY-TT=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenB-4C=four-component meningococcal group B vaccine;
MenB-FHbp=meningococcal group B factor H binding protein vaccine.
* Persistent complement deficiencies include C3, C5–C9, properdin, factor H, or factor D.
Includes eculizumab (Soliris) and ravulizumab (Ultomiris). Meningococcal vaccines should be administered at least 2 weeks before the first dose of complement
inhibitor, unless the risk for delaying complement therapy outweighs the risk for developing meningococcal disease.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 9 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 2 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
** Licensed in the United States only for persons aged ≥2 years.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 10–25 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥26 years is considered off-label.
If MenACWY-CRM is initiated at ages 3–6 months, catch-up vaccination includes doses at intervals of 8 weeks until the infant is aged ≥7 months, at which time an
additional dose is administered at age ≥7 months, followed by a dose at least 12 weeks later and after the 1st birthday.
Primary vaccination licensed as a single dose in persons aged 2–55 years for MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM or ≥2 years for MenACWY-TT. Two-dose primary
series is considered off-label.
*** MenACWY-D should be given either before or at the same time as DTaP to avoid interference with the immune response to meningococcal vaccine in children.
Licensed in the United States only for a single booster dose for persons aged 15–55 years for MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM or aged ≥15 years for MenACWY-TT.
Booster doses administered outside of these ages or administration of >1 booster dose are considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for a primary series. Administration of booster doses is considered off-label.
Recommendations and Reports
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US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
TABLE 5. Recommended vaccination schedule and intervals for persons with anatomic and functional asplenia (including sickle cell disease) —
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Age group
Serogroups A, C, W, and Y meningococcal conjugate vaccines
MenACWY-D (Menactra, Sanofi Pasteur)* or
MenACWY-CRM (Menveo, GlaxoSmithKline)
MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi, Sanofi Pasteur)
Serogroup B meningococcal vaccines
MenB-FHbp (Trumenba, Pfizer) or
MenB-4C (Bexsero, GlaxoSmithKline)
2–23 mos Primary vaccination: MenACWY-CRM: If first dose at age
• 2 mos: 4 doses at 2, 4, 6, and 12 mos
• 3–6 mos: See catch-up schedule
• 7–23 mos: 2 doses (second dose ≥12 wks after the first dose and
after the 1st birthday)
No recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in this population**
2–9 yrs Primary vaccination
: 2 doses ≥8 wks apart
and ≥4 wks after completion of PCV13 series
or MenACWY-TT: 2 doses ≥8 wks apart
Boosters (if person remains at increased risk)***:
• Aged <7 yrs: Single dose at 3 yrs after vaccination and
every 5 yrs thereafter
• Aged ≥7 yrs: Single dose at 5 yrs and every 5 yrs thereafter
No recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in this population**
≥10 yrs Primary vaccination
: 2 doses ≥8 wks apart
and ≥4 wks after completion of PCV13 series
or MenACWY-TT: 2 doses ≥8 wks apart
Boosters (if person remains at increased risk)***: Single dose
at 5 yrs after primary vaccination and every 5 yrs thereafter
Primary vaccination**: MenB-FHbp: 3 doses at 0, 1–2, and 6 mos
or MenB-4C: 2 doses ≥1 mo apart
Boosters (if person remains at increased risk)
: Single dose at 1 yr
after completion of primary vaccination and every 2–3 yrs thereafter
Note: MenB-FHbp and MenB-4C are not interchangeable
Abbreviations: DTaP = diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine; MenACWY-CRM = meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide
diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-D= meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine;
MenACWY-TT=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenB-4C=four-component meningococcal group B vaccine;
MenB-FHbp=meningococcal group B factor H binding protein vaccine; PCV=pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
* Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 9 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 2 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged ≥2 years.
If MenACWY-CRM is initiated at ages 3–6 months, catch-up vaccination includes doses at intervals of 8 weeks until the infant is aged ≥7 months, at which time an
additional dose is administered at age ≥7 months, followed by a dose at least 12 weeks later and after the 1st birthday.
** Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 10–25 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥26 years is considered off-label.
Primary vaccination licensed as a single dose in persons aged 2–55 years for MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM or ≥2 years for MenACWY-TT. Two-dose primary
series is considered off-label.
MenACWY-D should be given either before or at the same time as DTaP to avoid interference with the immune response to meningococcal vaccine in children.
Because of the high risk for invasive pneumococcal disease, children with functional or anatomic asplenia or human immunodeficiency virus infection should not
be vaccinated with MenACWY-D (Menactra) before age 2 years to avoid interference with the immune response to PCV. If MenACWY-D is used in a person (of any
age) with these conditions, it should not be administered until at least 4 weeks after completion of all PCV doses.
*** Licensed in the United States only for a single booster dose for persons aged 15–55 years for MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM or aged ≥15 years for MenACWY-TT.
Booster doses administered outside of these ages or administration of >1 booster dose are considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for a primary series. Administration of booster doses is considered off-label.
Recommendations and Reports
38 MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
TABLE 6. Recommended vaccination schedule and intervals for persons with human immunodeficiency virus infection — Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Age group
Serogroups A, C, W, and Y meningococcal conjugate vaccines
MenACWY-D (Menactra, Sanofi Pasteur)* or
MenACWY-CRM (Menveo, GlaxoSmithKline)
MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi, Sanofi Pasteur)
Serogroup B meningococcal vaccines
MenB-FHbp (Trumenba, Pfizer) or
MenB-4C (Bexsero, GlaxoSmithKline)
2–23 mos Primary vaccination: MenACWY-CRM: If first dose at age
• 2 mos: 4 doses at 2, 4, 6, and 12 mos
• 3–6 mos: See catch-up schedule
• 7–23 mos: 2 doses (second dose ≥12 wks after the first dose
and after the 1st birthday)
No recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in these populations unless
otherwise indicated (in persons aged ≥10 yrs)
≥2 yrs Primary vaccination**: MenACWY-D
: 2 doses ≥8 wks apart
and ≥4 wks after completion of PCV13 series
or MenACWY-TT: 2 doses ≥8 wks apart
Boosters (if person remains at increased risk)
• Aged <7 yrs: Single dose at 3 yrs after primary vaccination
and every 5 yrs thereafter
• Aged ≥7 yrs: Single dose at 5 yrs after primary vaccination
and every 5 yrs thereafter
See Table 2 for recommendations in persons aged 16–23 yrs
Abbreviations: DTaP = diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine; MenACWY-CRM = meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide
diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-D= meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine;
MenACWY-TT=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenB-4C=four-component meningococcal group B vaccine;
MenB-FHbp =meningococcal group B factor H binding protein vaccine; PCV=pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; Td = tetanus and diphtheria toxoids vaccine;
Tdap = tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine.
* Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 9 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 2 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged ≥2 years.
If MenACWY-CRM is initiated at ages 3–6 months, catch-up vaccination includes doses at intervals of 8 weeks until the infant is aged ≥7 months, at which time an
additional dose is administered at age ≥7 months, followed by a dose at least 12 weeks later and after the 1st birthday.
** Primary vaccination licensed as a single dose in persons aged 2–55 years for MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM or ≥2 years for MenACWY-TT. Two-dose primary
series is considered off-label.
MenACWY-D should be given either before or at the same time as DTaP to avoid interference with the immune response to meningococcal vaccine in children.
MenACWY-D may be given at any time in relation to Tdap or Td.
Because of the high risk for invasive pneumococcal disease, children with functional or anatomic asplenia or human immunodeficiency virus infection should not
be vaccinated with MenACWY-D (Menactra) before age 2 years to avoid interference with the immune response to PCV. If MenACWY-D is used in a person (of any
age) with functional or anatomic asplenia or HIV infection, it should not be administered until at least 4 weeks after completion of all PCV doses.
Licensed in the United States only for a single booster dose for persons aged 15–55 years for MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM or aged ≥15 years for MenACWY-TT.
Booster doses administered outside of these ages or administration of >1 booster dose are considered off-label.
TABLE 7. Recommended vaccination schedule and intervals for microbiologists routinely exposed to isolates of Neisseria meningitidis — Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Age group
Serogroups A, C, W, and Y meningococcal conjugate vaccines
MenACWY-D (Menactra, Sanofi Pasteur)* or
MenACWY-CRM (Menveo, GlaxoSmithKline)
MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi, Sanofi Pasteur)
Serogroup B meningococcal vaccines
MenB-FHbp (Trumenba, Pfizer) or
MenB-4C (Bexsero, GlaxoSmithKline)
≥10 yrs Primary vaccination: MenACWY-D
or MenACWY-TT: 1 dose
Boosters (if person remains at increased risk)**: Single dose
at 5 yrs after primary vaccination and every 5 yrs thereafter
Primary vaccination
: MenB-FHbp: 3 doses at 0, 1–2, and 6 mos
or MenB-4C: 2 doses ≥1 mo apart
Boosters (if person remains at increased risk)
: Single dose at 1 yr after
completion of primary vaccination and every 2–3 yrs thereafter
Note: MenB-FHbp and MenB-4C are not interchangeable
Abbreviations: MenACWY-CRM=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-D=meningococcal groups A,
C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-TT=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine;
MenB-4C=four-component meningococcal group B vaccine; MenB-FHbp=meningococcal group B factor H binding protein vaccine.
* Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 9 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 2 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged ≥2 years.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 10–25 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥26 years is considered off-label.
** Licensed in the United States only for a single booster dose for persons aged 15–55 years for MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM or aged ≥15 years for MenACWY-TT.
Booster doses administered outside of these ages or administration of >1 booster dose are considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for a primary series. Administration of booster doses is considered off-label.
Recommendations and Reports
MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9 39
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
TABLE 8. Recommended vaccination schedule and intervals for persons who are at risk during an outbreak* attributable to a vaccine serogroup —
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Age group
Serogroups A, C, W, and Y meningococcal conjugate vaccines
MenACWY-D (Menactra, Sanofi Pasteur)
MenACWY-CRM (Menveo, GlaxoSmithKline)
MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi, Sanofi Pasteur)
Serogroup B meningococcal vaccines
MenB-FHbp (Trumenba, Pfizer) or
MenB-4C (Bexsero, GlaxoSmithKline)
2–23 mos Primary vaccination: MenACWY-D (aged ≥9 mos):
2 doses ≥12 wks apart
or MenACWY-CRM: If first dose at age
• 2 mos: 4 doses at 2, 4, 6, and 12 mos
• 3–6 mos: See catch-up schedule
• 7–23 mos: 2 doses (second dose ≥12 wks after the first dose
and after the 1st birthday)
No recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in this population**
2–9 yrs Primary vaccination: MenACWY-D
or MenACWY-CRM or MenACWY-TT: 1 dose
Boosters (if previously vaccinated and identified as
being at increased risk)
• Aged <7 yrs: Single dose if ≥3 yrs since vaccination
• Aged ≥7 yrs: single dose if ≥5 yrs since vaccination
No recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in this population**
≥10 yrs Primary vaccination: MenACWY-D
or MenACWY-TT: 1 dose
Boosters (if person previously vaccinated and identified as
being at increased risk during an outbreak)
• Aged <7 yrs: Single dose if ≥3 yrs since vaccination
• Aged ≥7 yrs: Single dose if ≥5 yrs since vaccination
Primary vaccination: MenB-FHbp: 3 doses at 0, 1–2, and 6 mos
or MenB-4C: 2 doses ≥1 mo apart
Boosters (if person previously vaccinated and identified as
being at increased risk during an outbreak)***: Single dose if ≥1 yr
after MenB primary series completion (≥6 mos interval might also be
considered by public health professionals)
Note: MenB-FHbp and MenB-4C are not interchangeable
Abbreviations: DTaP = diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine; MenACWY-CRM = meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide
diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-D= meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine;
MenACWY-TT=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenB-4C=four-component meningococcal group B vaccine;
MenB-FHbp=meningococcal group B factor H binding protein vaccine.
* Detailed recommendations on outbreak management are available at
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 9 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 2 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged ≥2 years.
** Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 10–25 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥26 years is considered off-label.
If MenACWY-CRM is initiated at ages 3–6 months, catch-up vaccination includes doses at intervals of 8 weeks until the infant is aged ≥7 months, at which time an
additional dose is administered at age ≥7 months, followed by a dose at least 12 weeks later and after the 1st birthday.
MenACWY-D should be given either before or at the same time as DTaP to avoid interference with the immune response to meningococcal vaccine in children.
Licensed in the United States only for a single booster dose for persons aged 15–55 years for MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM or aged ≥15 years for MenACWY-TT.
Booster doses administered outside of these ages or administration of >1 booster dose are considered off-label.
*** Licensed in the United States only for a primary series. Administration of booster doses is considered off-label.
Recommendations and Reports
40 MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
TABLE 9. Recommended vaccination schedule and intervals for persons who travel to or are residents of countries where meningococcal
disease is hyperendemic or epidemic* — Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Age group
Serogroups A, C, W, and Y meningococcal conjugate vaccines
MenACWY-D (Menactra, Sanofi Pasteur)
MenACWY-CRM (Menveo, GlaxoSmithKline)
MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi, Sanofi Pasteur)
Serogroup B meningococcal vaccines
MenB-FHbp (Trumenba, Pfizer) or
MenB-4C (Bexsero, GlaxoSmithKline)
2–23 mos Primary vaccination: MenACWY-D (aged ≥9 mos)**:
2 doses ≥12 wks apart (may be administered as early as
≥8 wks apart in travelers)
or MenACWY-CRM: If first dose at age
• 2 mos: 4 doses at 2, 4, 6, and 12 mos
• 3–6 mos: See catch-up schedule
• 7–23 mos: 2 doses (second dose ≥12 wks after the first dose and
after the 1st birthday)
No recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in this population unless
otherwise indicated
≥2 yrs Primary vaccination: MenACWY-D**
or MenACWY-TT: 1 dose
Boosters (if person remains at increased risk)
• Aged <7 yrs: Single dose at 3 yrs after primary vaccination
and every 5 yrs thereafter
• Aged ≥7 yrs: Single dose at 5 yrs after primary vaccination
and every 5 yrs thereafter
See Table 2 for recommendations in persons aged 1623 yrs
Abbreviations: DTaP = diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine; MenACWY-CRM = meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide
diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-D= meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine;
MenACWY-TT=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenB-4C=four-component meningococcal group B vaccine;
MenB-FHbp=meningococcal group B factor H binding protein vaccine; Td = tetanus and diphtheria toxoids vaccine; Tdap = tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid,
and acellular pertussis vaccine.
* For international travelers, vaccination is recommended for those visiting the parts of sub-Saharan Africa known as the meningitis belt during the dry season
(December–June). Vaccination may also be considered for travelers to countries that contain areas included in the meningitis belt but who travel to areas outside
of the meningitis belt zone. Advisories for travelers to other countries are issued by CDC when epidemics of meningococcal disease caused by vaccine-preventable
serogroups are detected. Travelers health information is available from CDC toll free by calling 1-877-394-8747 (1-877-FYI-TRIP) or at
travel. Additional information about geographic areas for which vaccination is recommended can be obtained from international health clinics for travelers and
state health departments.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 9 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 2 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged ≥2 years.
** MenACWY-D should be given either before or at the same time as DTaP to avoid interference with the immune response to meningococcal vaccine in children.
MenACWY-D may be given at any time in relation to Tdap or Td.
Some countries recommend routine use of MenB vaccines for infants; persons living in these countries might follow the vaccination recommendations of
these countries.
If MenACWY-CRM is initiated at ages 3–6 months, catch-up vaccination includes doses at intervals of 8 weeks until the infant is aged ≥7 months, at which time an
additional dose is administered at age ≥7 months, followed by a dose at least 12 weeks later and after the 1st birthday.
Licensed in the United States only for a single booster dose for persons aged 15–55 years for MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM or aged ≥15 years for MenACWY-TT.
Booster doses administered outside of these ages or administration of >1 booster dose are considered off-label.
*** International travelers should receive a booster dose of MenACWY if the last dose was administered 3–5 or more years previously (depending on the age at most
recent dose received). Vaccination is required by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) for all travelers to Mecca during the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. Travelers
should confirm current vaccination requirements with the KSA embassy.
Recommendations and Reports
MMWR / September 25, 2020 / Vol. 69 / No. 9 41
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
TABLE 10. Recommended vaccination schedule and intervals for college freshmen living in residence halls* and military recruits — Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Age group
Serogroups A, C, W, and Y meningococcal conjugate vaccines
MenACWY-D (Menactra, Sanofi Pasteur)
MenACWY-CRM (Menveo, GlaxoSmithKline)
MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi, Sanofi Pasteur)
Serogroup B meningococcal vaccines
MenB-FHbp (Trumenba, Pfizer) or
MenB-4C (Bexsero, GlaxoSmithKline)
≥10 yrs Primary vaccination: MenACWY-D
or MenACWY-TT: 1 dose
• College freshmen living in residence halls: Not routinely recommended
unless person becomes at increased risk due to another indication
• Military recruits: Every 5 yrs on basis of assignment
No recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in this population
unless otherwise indicated
See Table 2 for recommendations in persons aged 1623 yrs
Abbreviations: MenACWY-CRM=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide diphtheria CRM
conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-D=meningococcal groups A,
C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-TT=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine;
MenB-4C=four-component meningococcal group B vaccine; MenB-FHbp=meningococcal group B factor H binding protein vaccine.
* College freshmen living in residence halls should receive at least 1 dose of MenACWY within 5 years before college entry. The preferred timing of the most recent
dose is on or after their 16th birthday. If only 1 dose of vaccine was administered before the 16th birthday, a booster dose should be administered before enrollment.
Adolescents who received a first dose after their 16th birthday do not need another dose before college entry unless it has been more than 5 years since the dose.
Some schools, colleges, and universities have policies requiring vaccination against meningococcal disease as a condition of enrollment.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 9 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged 2 months–55 years. Vaccination of persons aged ≥56 years is considered off-label.
Licensed in the United States only for persons aged ≥2 years.
Licensed in the United States only for a single booster dose for persons aged 15–55 years for MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM or aged ≥15 years for MenACWY-TT.
Booster doses administered outside of these ages or administration of >1 booster dose are considered off-label.
Vaccination recommendations for military personnel are made by the U.S. Department of Defense on the basis of high-risk travel requirements.
TABLE 11. Off-label meningococcal vaccination recommendations for persons at increased risk for meningococcal disease, by age group and
indication — Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2020
Age group Indication
≥2 yrs Administration of a 2-dose MenACWY primary series in persons at increased risk for serogroups A, C, W, or Y meningococcal disease
Repeated booster doses of MenACWY for certain persons who remain at increased risk for serogroups A, C, W, or Y meningococcal disease
(MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM are licensed for a single booster dose for persons aged 15–55 yrs if at least 4 yrs have elapsed since the last
dose. MenACWY-TT is licensed for a single booster dose for persons aged ≥15 yrs if at least 4 yrs have elapsed since the last dose of MenACWY)
≥10 yrs MenB booster doses in certain persons who remain at increased risk for serogroup B meningococcal disease
≥26 yrs MenB primary series administration in persons at increased risk for serogroup B meningococcal disease
≥56 yrs Administration of MenACWY-D or MenACWY-CRM in persons at increased risk for serogroups A, C, W, or Y meningococcal disease
Abbreviations: MenACWY = quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-CRM=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y oligosaccharide diphtheria
conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-D=meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenACWY-TT=meningococcal
groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine; MenB = serogroup B meningococcal vaccine.
ISSN: 1057-5987 (Print)
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