Marijuana Retailer Application
Form Instructions
Marijuana Retailer Application Instructions (Page 1 of 1) Revised 20230616
What is this form?
This document collects most of the necessary information that is required as part of your OLCC Retailer license
application. Read each page carefully. If you have already submitted your application in the online licensing system, send
the completed form to OLCC staff when it is requested. If you have not yet submitted an application in the online licensing
system, upload the completed packet as a supporting document to your recreational marijuana application online at:
In addition to the information included in this packet, you will also be required to provide the following documents as
uploads into the online licensing system:
A copy of a
Land Use Compatibility Statement from the city or county that authorizes land use in t
city or county in which your proposed premises is located.
A map or sketch of the premises proposed for licensure, including the defined boundaries of the premises, the
ocation of any primary residence located on the same tax lot as the licensed premises, and a scaled floor or plot
plan sketch of all enclosed areas. See the Premises Map Instructions for detailed information about what t
Information on the structure of the business proposed to be licensed:
A Marijuana Applicant Questionnaire containing a complete list of individuals and legal entities who
qualify as applicants for the license.
An Individual History form for each individual.
hat if I am buying an existing licensed business?
If you are buying an existing licensed business, you will still submit all the information listed above. Once you have
submitted your application, the current licensee will need to submit a Change of Ownership request.
Remember, you cannot begin operating the business until your license has been approved and issued by OLCC.
With the passage of House Bill 4016 (2022), the Commission is required to inactivate
applications for new recreational marijuana Producer, Processor, Retailer, or Wholesaler
licenses submitted on or after January 2, 2022, and until March 31, 2024. Unless you are
submitting this application as part of a Change of Ownership, other change to an existing
licensed premises, or as requested specifically by OLCC staff, your application will be
inactivated and a refund may not be issued for your application fee.
Marijuana Retailer Application
[FORM MJ 17-5020] mj_app_ret_packet (rev 20230616) Page 1 of 3
Section 1 Business Information
Licensee Name:
Premises Address:
City: State:
Section 2 Premises Information
☐ ☐
Is the proposed premises on any federal or public land?
☐ ☐
Is the proposed premises fully enclosed by permanent walls and doors?
☐ ☐
Is the proposed premises at the same address or physical location as a business with a liquor license or pending
application for a liquor license?
☐ ☐
Is the proposed premises on any reservation or tribal trust land of a federally recognized Indian tribe?
☐ ☐
Are there any recreational marijuana licenses at this premises or other license applications pending
for this premises?
☐ ☐
Is the proposed premises at the same address or physical location as a medical marijuana grow site, medical
marijuana processing site, or medical marijuana dispensary?
☐ ☐
Is the proposed premises at the same address or physical location as a business with a psilocybin product
manufacturer or service center license or pending application for a psilocybin manufacture or service center license?
☐ ☐
Have you ever had an ODA Hemp Grower registration or license?
Section 3 Additional Privileges
A retailer may request the following additional privileges. Licensees are responsible for knowing and following all rules
applicable to their license, including the rules for any additional privileges they are granted. Please answer the following:
I am seeking a Medical Purposes Registration (OAR 845-025-2900) in order to sell medical-grade cannabinoid
products (subject to concentrations of THC as described in OAR 333-007-0220) to OMMP cardholders or
designated primary caregivers, to allow OMMP cardholders age 18-20 on their premises, or to provide
marijuana to an OMMP cardholder or designated primary caregiver free of charge or at a discounted price.
I am seeking a
Home Delivery
Registration (OAR 845-025-2880) to deliver marijuana items to a customer at
that customer’s place of residence.
Section 4 – Required Documents
Section 4.1 – Right to Occupy the Premises
☐ ☐
I have a legal right to occupy the proposed licensed premises and have uploaded a copy of my proof of legal
access to my license dashboard. I understand, at all times I must retain control of, or the right of access to all
or any part of the licensed premises. Except as provided in OAR 845-025-1160, failure to retain such control or
right of access is a Category III violation and may be grounds for immediate suspension or cancellation of the
f there is no direct access to the property where the premises is located from a public right-of-way, this
means that I must have an easement to allow licensee representatives and Commission staff to access
the property. I understand that without such an easement, the property owner who is entitled to control
access to the premises has an ownership interest as described in OAR 845-025-1045 and must be a
applicant of the license.
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As required by OAR 845-025-7500, prior to licensure, at least one licensee or applicant has completed or
will complete required CTS training through using their true, legal
name. The designated individual will submit a Certificate of Achievement of completion of the class and
passage of required exam.
Once licensed and for as long as the license remains active, at least one licensee will keep an active CTS
administrator account in their name for the premises. If the licensee designates a licensee representative
to complete training on their behalf, that representative must also keep an active CTS administrator
account in their name for the premises.
Section 4.3 – Premises Map
I have provided OLCC with maps or sketches of the premises that clearly show:
The location of my proposed premises on the property;
The boundaries of my proposed premises;
The boundaries of my limited access area(s) and consumer sales area;
For each indoor area, a scaled floor plan that identifies all walls and all areas of ingress and egress; and
The location of any primary residences on the tax lot, if applicable.
I understand that, if the Commission approves my license, the Commission’s approval relies in part upon the
completeness and accuracy of the information that I provide. If I have not completely and accurately identified my
licensed premises, or if my premises is not located at the address identified in Section 1 of this form and on my signed
Land Use Compatibility Statement, that may constitute grounds to revoke my license.
I understand that I will only be entitled to exercise my license privileges within the boundaries of my licensed
premises. I understand that marijuana may never enter any part of my premises that is not designated as a limited
access area, and that if I have failed to designate my limited access area, I will not have the privilege to allow
marijuana to enter the premises.
I attest that my proposed premises does not include a primary residence.
Section 4.3 – Certificate of Tax Compliance with Department of Revenue
Section 4.2 – Cannabis Tracking System (CTS)
As required for licensure, under OAR 845-025-1030(3)(g), each applicant (natural person(s) and legal entities) for a
retailer license must provide a certificate issued by the Oregon Department of Revenue (DOR) verifying tax
compliance as described in OAR 845-025-1045(3) and (4). The certificate of compliance needs to be issued within 90
days of date the application was submitted. Failure to submit a certificate of compliance for each applicant for this
license will be considered an incomplete application and the OLCC will not process the application.
Will each applicant be able to provide a DOR certificate of tax compliance?
Marijuana Retailer Application
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Section 5 Operating and Security Plan
An Operating Plan and Security Plan are required for all license types. The Commission has set minimum standards for the security of
a licensed recreational marijuana premises. Licensees are responsible for the security of all marijuana items on the premises and those
in transit on behalf of the licensee. Adherence to the minimum requirements does not release a licensee from this responsibility.
OAR 845-025-1405 allows any licensee or applicant to request a waiver of any of the security requirements described in OAR 845-025-
1400 to 845-025-1470. A request for a security waiver must document the specific rule to be waived and document a proposed
alternative method to meet the objective of the rule. Waiver requests are subject to approval by the Commission and may be denied.
Broad requests to waive all of the security requests will be denied.
By signing this form, you agree to comply with all security and operational requirements specified in rule for which you do not have a
waiver specifically approved by the Commission. You can find the full text of the OLCC’s recreational marijuana administrative rules in
the Oregon Secretary of State Oregon Administrative Rule Database: Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 845 Division 25.
Section 5.1 Minor Control Plan
A minor control plan is required for all operations. By signing this form, you agree to comply with the following plan unless you have an
alternate plan explicitly approved by the Commission:
Standard retailer minor control plan:
During non
-business hours, all exterior doors will be locked. During business hours, ID will be checked both when a customer enters the
business and at time of sale. Any person under 21 who does not have a medical mar
ijuana card will be refused access. Any person under 18
will be refused access even if they have a medical marijuana card. If an employee checking ID has any reason to believe the I
D of a customer
is invalid, the customer will be refused service and will b
e asked to leave the premises.
Employee identification will be checked prior to hiring and no person will be employed who is not 21 and who does not have a
valid marijuana
worker permit. Signs will be clearly posted at all entry points indicating that mino
rs are not permitted on any portion of the premises. If a minor
attempts to gain access to the premises, they will be immediately told to leave and if they do not, law enforcement will be c
I understand that if my answers are not true and complete, OLCC may deny my license application.
Section 6 Acknowledgement