School of Engineering and Applied Science
Effective Academic Year 2020-2021
Spring 2020 Edition
(includes Class of 2020)
This booklet supersedes all others and applies to the Classes of 2021 through 2024 and
This booklet describes the undergraduate academic program of the MAE Department in more
detail than that available in the Undergraduate Announcement. It provides information both to
prospective concentrators and to undergraduates already enrolled in the Department. For
specific course descriptions see the Undergraduate Announcement or the Graduate School
Announcement as appropriate.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Web Site:
Howard A. Stone
Director of Undergraduate
Michael G. Littman
Undergraduate Administrator
Jo Ann Love
Undergraduate Program
Theresa Russo
Atrium 31
Director of Graduate Studies
Effective July 1, 2020
Michael Mueller
Graduate Administrator
Jill Ray
Department Manager
Jennifer Widdis
Business Manager
Mala Vora
I. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
II. REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................................. 4
INTRODUCTORY COURSES .................................................................................................................................. 4
UPPERCLASS COURSES ........................................................................................................................................ 5
DEPARTMENTAL COURSES .................................................................................................................................. 6
GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................... 8
III. RECOMMENDED SAMPLE CURRICULA ................................................................................................... 10
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 10
STANDARD SOPHOMORE CURRICULUM ............................................................................................................ 14
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ............................................................................................................................ 15
AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ............................................................................................................................... 18
ENGINEERING PHYSICS PROGRAM ................................................................................................................... 19
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PROGRAM ...................................................................................... 21
INTERDEPARTMENTAL PROGRAMS .................................................................................................................. 23
IV. DEPARTMENTAL PRIZES ............................................................................................................................. 25
V. INDEPENDENT WORK AND PUBLISHED PAPERS ................................................................................... 26
VI. POST-GRADUATION PLANS ......................................................................................................................... 35
VII. FACULTY RESEARCH INTERESTS........................................................................................................... 36
VIII. WHO TO SEE FOR MORE INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 41
PPERCLASS ADVISORS ......................................................................................................................................... 41
TUDENT DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE AND OTHER STUDENT COMMITTEES .................................................... 43
NTERDEPARTMENTAL PROGRAMS ....................................................................................................................... 44
TUDY ABROAD AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE .......................................................................................................... 45
APPENDIX I: REQUIREMENT SHEETS…………………………………………………………………….....47
EROSPACE ENGINEERING .................................................................................................................................... 48
ECHANICAL ENGINEERING ............................................................................................................ 50
AEROSPACE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ..................................................................................................... 52
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is concerned with the engineering
science and technologies associated with ground, air, water, and space transportation, including
control and dynamics of vehicles and systems, energy conversion and use, environmental effects,
fluids, materials, and applied physics. To accommodate this breadth of interest, the Department
offers two programs of study: Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering. Either
program may be completed individually or, through careful planning and selection of technical
electives, the requirements of both the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering programs may
be satisfied simultaneously. (See the Director of Undergraduate Studies for further information).
Departmental students may also participate in the SEAS Engineering Physics Program, or
other SEAS certificate programs such as Engineering and Management Systems, Engineering
Biology, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Robotics and Intelligent Systems,
Materials Science in Engineering, Sustainable Energy, and the Program in Applications of
Both the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering programs draw on courses in the underlying
fundamental sciences and mathematics during the first year and introductory engineering science
courses during the second year. Students are shown the creative application of knowledge for
the solution of technical problems. Various aspects of engineering design, the process of
devising a system to meet a need, are introduced to the student through the laboratories in the
second year and continue through the upper class years. Normally, during the third year all
students take a two semester design sequence and additional engineering science courses,
performing analyses and studying applications in the areas of energy, power systems, structures,
and the dynamics of machines and their control. The courses in design offered during the third
year, combined with further depth in engineering science, enable students to undertake realistic
design projects during their senior year. The programs are designed to prepare the graduate for
an engineering career and the ability to grow professionally.
The Department recognizes that students have a wide variety of career objectives. Some may
intend to enter industry directly in an engineering capacity, or to continue studies in the graduate
school in engineering or applied science. Others may wish to take an engineering program in
preparation for careers in business, law, or medicine. Sufficient flexibility is provided within the
undergraduate program in the Department to permit meeting these and other varied objectives
while acquiring a foundation in the engineering disciplines and associated problem solving skills.
Independent work is an important complement to formal course work, and affords students the
opportunity to collaborate closely with faculty and graduate students while working on real
engineering problems. Support for student projects is available through the John Marshall II
Memorial Prize, awarded annually to one or more seniors to support their experimental projects,
with preference given to projects in aeronautics. Additionally, the Morgan W. McKinzie ’93
Senior Thesis Fund provides financial support for independent work or senior thesis with
preference given to projects in aircraft design and propulsion. The selection is based on
proposals submitted by students in the fall of the senior year for both awards. Excellence in
independent work is recognized by the Department through the Donald Janssen Dike Award
for Excellence in Undergraduate Research, and outstanding senior thesis is recognized
through the Morgan W. McKinzie ‘93 Senior Thesis Prize, both prizes are awarded on Class
Departmental requirements are described in Section II. Sample curricula are presented in
Section III. Titles of recent independent projects undertaken by undergraduates in the
Department appear in Section V. Plans after graduation for the last five classes are summarized
in Section VI and a brief description of the faculty research interests is found in Section VII.
Section VIII lists "Who to See" among the faculty and students to obtain additional information.
The undergraduate programs in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering are accredited by the
Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, .
Program(s) Educational Objectives
Aerospace Engineering:
Objective No. 1
Our graduates will think critically and creatively and excel in applying the fundamentals of
aerospace engineering.
Objective No. 2
Our graduates will pursue a life of curiosity with a desire for learning and have the ability and
self-confidence to adapt to rapid and major changes.
Objective No. 3
Our graduates will advance toward leadership in shaping the social, intellectual, business and
technical worlds and by excelling in diverse careers.
Mechanical Engineering:
Objective No. 1
Our graduates will think critically and creatively and excel in applying the fundamentals of
mechanical engineering.
Objective No. 2
Our graduates will pursue a life of curiosity with a desire for learning, and have the ability and
self-confidence to adapt to rapid and major changes.
Objective No. 3
Our graduates will advance toward leadership in shaping the social, intellectual, business and
technical worlds and by excelling in diverse careers.
II. REQUIREMENTS (See Individual Forms, Appendix I.)
Some of the requirements may be satisfied by equivalent courses. No courses taken to satisfy
Mechanical or Aerospace program requirements may be taken on a pass/fail or audit basis
with the exception of courses taken in spring semester 2020. Students entering the Department
are expected to meet the requirements for the 1
year established by the School of Engineering
and Applied Science.
A. Introductory Courses (Sophomore Year)
The required introductory courses that are prerequisites for the Departmental upper class courses,
normally completed by the end of the sophomore year, are:
1. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
MAE 206 Introduction to Engineering Dynamics
MAE 221 Thermodynamics
MAE 222 Mechanics of Fluids
MAE 223 Modern Solid Mechanics
MAE 224 Integrated Laboratory
The Sophomore Laboratory provides experiments associated with Thermodynamics (MAE 221),
Mechanics of Fluids (MAE 222) and Electronics. (Some of these courses may be satisfied by
Advanced Placement Credit).
2. Mathematics
MAT 201/202 Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra
MAT 203/204 Advanced Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra
3. Computer Programming (School of Engineering & Applied Science requirement)
All BSE students must take COS 126 to satisfy the BSE computing requirement.
CEE205 is an acceptable substitute for MAE 223 for those students interested in structures
B. Upperclass Courses (Junior and Senior Year).
To graduate, all Departmental students must satisfactorily complete the following requirements:
1. Applications of Mathematics
The following course is required for both Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers.
MAE 305 (MAT 301) Mathematics in Engineering I
In addition, all Mechanical Engineers must take a mathematics elective usually selected
from the following list:
MAE 306 (MAT 392) Mathematics in Engineering II (strongly
recommended for those planning graduate work in engineering or applied
ORF 245 Fundamentals of Engineering Statistics
ORF 307 Optimization
ORF 309 Probability and Stochastic Systems (MAT 380/ELE 380)
ORF 363 Computing and Optimization for the Physical and Social Sciences (COS
COS 302 Mathematics for Numerical Computing and Machine Learning
COS 340 Reasoning About Computation
MAT 330 Complex Analysis with Applications
MAT 393 Mathematical Programming
PHY 403 Mathematical Methods of Physics
(Alternatives not on this list must be approved by the Departmental Representative in
C. Departmental Courses
A minimum of eight upper level Departmental courses are required for the Mechanical
Program and a minimum of nine upper level Departmental courses are required for the
Aerospace Program, These courses must be distributed in the following manner:
1. Engineering Science CoursesIn the Aerospace Program six courses are required and
in the Mechanical Program five courses are required from Sections (a) (b) and (c). Core
requirements for both programs are footnoted.
(a) Dynamics and Control
MAE 331 Aircraft Flight Dynamics
MAE 341 Space Flight
MAE 345 Introduction to Robotics
MAE 433 Automatic Control Systems
MAE 434 Modern Control
(b) Fluid Mechanics/Thermal Sciences
MAE 328 Energy for a Greenhouse-Constrained World
MAE 335 Fluid Dynamics
MAE 336 Viscous Flows
or MAE 552 Viscous Flows and
Boundary Layers
MAE 423 Heat Transfer
MAE 426 Rocket and Air-Breathing Propulsion Technology
MAE 427 Energy Conversion and the Environment: Transportation Applications
CBE 341 Mass, Momentum, and Energy Transport
(c) Materials/Structures
MAE 323 Aerospace Structures
MAE 324 Structure and Properties of Materials
MSE 301 Materials Science and Engineering
CEE 312 Statics of Structures
CEE 361/MAE 325 Structural Analysis and Intro to Finite Element Methods
CEE 362 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
CEE 364 Materials in Civil Engineering
MAE 331 or 341 required for Aerospace Engineers.
MAE 433 required for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers.
MAE 335 or 336 or 423 required for Mechanical Engineers. MAE 335 only required for Aerospace Engineers.
MAE 427 or 426 required for Aerospace Engineers (may be used as additional engineering science elective
(technical elective) in the Mechanical Program.
CBE 341 is an acceptable substitute for MAE 423 for Mechanical Engineers.
MAE 324 or MSE 301 required for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers.
MAE 323 or CEE 312 or CEE 361 required for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers.
CEE 362 or CEE 364 may be considered as substitutes for the materials requirement. Requires the approval of the
Director of Undergraduate Studies.
2. Engineering Design Courses There are three design requirements in each program. Two
are satisfied by completing courses appropriate to the program (core course requirements for
each program are footnoted below). The third is satisfied by completing Senior Independent
Work, Senior Thesis, or Senior Project (see Section C.3). If you are completing both the
Mechanical and Aerospace Programs your design requirements would be MAE 321
Engineering Design, a Mechanical Design course (MAE 412 or MAE 322 or CEE 477) and
an Aerospace Design course (MAE 332 or MAE 342). You will still need to complete
Senior Independent Work, Senior Thesis, or Senior Project.
MAE 321 Engineering Design
MAE 322 Mechanical Design
MAE 332 Aircraft Design
MAE 342 Space System Design
MAE 412 Microprocessors for Measurement and Control
CEE 477 Engineering Design for Sustainable Development
3. Senior Independent work - is the culminating experience for the mechanical and aerospace
engineering programs. All seniors are required to participate in a research or engineering
project. All projects must include elements of engineering design (engineering design is the
process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs). The following
courses satisfy this requirement: MAE 439 Senior Independent Work (one semester, fall);
MAE 440 Senior Independent Work (one semester, spring); MAE 442 Senior Thesis (year-
long); MAE 444 Senior Project (year-long). Students are strongly encouraged to select
the year-long project or thesis option. Senior projects are intended for teams or groups
while senior thesis is intended for individuals. For senior project or thesis, work begins in
the fall but enrollment is only in spring term when a double grade is awarded. Please note:
If a student has selected to participate in a year-long project or thesis and is enrolled in only
three courses during the fall semester, it is required that they will enroll in Senior Project or
Thesis during the spring semester. For these students, it will NOT be possible to drop-down
to a one-semester course of Independent Work without incurring a failure for Independent
Work in the fall term. In Spring term you must enroll in three taught courses plus senior
thesis or senior project (senior thesis and senior project count as two courses). Therefore
your senior year course load will be 3 in fall and 5 in spring as opposed to 4 in fall and 4 in
spring. There are NO exceptions to this rule even if your total number of courses will exceed
MAE 439/440 (Fall/Spring)
MAE 442 Senior Thesis (Spring)
MAE 444 Senior Project (Spring)
Required for Mechanical Engineers and Aerospace Engineers.
MAE 322 or MAE 412 required for Mechanical Engineers.
MAE 332 or MAE 342 required for Aerospace Engineers.
CEE 477 is an acceptable substitute only for Mechanical Engineers who are pursuing the Sustainable Energy
Certificate Program
Year-long project with enrollment in spring semester only
None of the Department requirements can be taken on a pass/fail or audit basis. All
requests for substitution, other than those listed under the Engineering Physics Program
(Section E), must be approved by the Departmental Representative in advance.
4. The Engineering School requirements in the humanities and social sciences must also be
met (a minimum of seven courses covering four distinct areas from the seven areas offered).
See the Undergraduate Announcement for full description and distribution areas. In addition
a one semester writing course is required. This course is typically completed in the 1
D. General Information
Students are encouraged to elect more than the one required semester of independent work as
part of their plan of study, and to participate in the extensive research programs of the
Additional technical courses (which may include both undergraduate and graduate courses) can
be used to pursue a specialty within the Department in greater depth.
It is also possible to participate in a variety of interdepartmental programs or expand one's
studies in the humanities or social sciences beyond the seven courses required by the School of
Engineering and Applied Science.
Professional Ethics
Professional ethics is an important topic for all engineers. Honor code, adherence to University
Regulations and adherence to rules in individual courses and laboratories are all part of our
student’s exposure to professional ethical matters. In addition, aspects of engineering ethics are
considered in engineering courses through examples and case studies. Given that mechanical
and aerospace engineering works have impact on society, the concepts of economical and safe
design are foundations of ethical conduct of practitioners in the field. Students are urged to
understand ethical guidelines further in the mechanical and aerospace fields as defined by the
engineering societies:
ASME ( )
Scroll to Policy 15.7 Ethics (available in PDF or Word format)
Grading Guidelines
Course work in the MAE Department involves analysis and quantitative thinking. Student
performance is usually evaluated by problem sets and examinations, and sometimes by other
mechanisms such as laboratory reports, group projects, class participation, or term papers.
Instructors are expected, at the beginning of the semester, to specify which types of assessment
will be used in determining the final course grade, and the fraction by which each component
will be weighted. Instructors should specify expectations for all assigned work, and the grades
should reflect the degree to which students have met these expectations. An instructor may use a
curve to help distribute final course grades. However, instructors should not use quotas, such as
the number or percentage of A grades.
Following the Princeton University grading policy, guidelines for the assignment of each grade
are given below:
Grading Definitions
Significantly exceeds the highest expectations for
undergraduate work
Meets the highest standards for the assignment or course
Meets very high standards for the assignment or course
Very good
Meets high standards for the assignment or course
Meets most of the assignment or course
More than adequate
More than adequate; shows some reasonable command of
the material
Meets basic standards for the assignment or course
Meets some of the basic standards for the assignment or
While acceptable, falls short of meeting basic standards in
several ways
Acceptable Lowest passing grade
Very poor performance
Office of the Dean of the College Grading Guidelines:
The determination of honors upon graduation is made by the faculty of the Department based
primarily on the grade average achieved during junior and senior year in both required and
elective technical courses. The student’s overall academic record and performance in
independent work is also considered.
The completion of all the Departmental requirements, together with an average of 2.0* or better
in the Departmental courses will lead to a Departmental recommendation that the student
graduate. The decision to deny a recommendation for graduation, to any student failing to meet
the criteria above, will be made by the Departmental faculty on the basis of a full review of the
student's record.
*The grade average will be computed on the basis of equal weighing of the grades in the
Departmental courses within the following numerical equivalents: A+ = 4.0, A = 4.0, A- = 3.7,
B+ = 3.3, B = 3.0, B- = 2.7, C+ = 2.3, C = 2.0, C- = 1.7, D = 1.0, F = 0.0
Each student's program is planned individually in consultation with their advisor or the
Departmental Representative. Sample curricula for the major options within the Department are
presented later in this booklet. These sample curricula should be used as recommendations only.
Individual variations are possible (and encouraged) as long as the Departmental requirements are
A. Course Descriptions
Descriptions of the courses offered appear in the Undergraduate Announcement or the Graduate
School Announcement, as appropriate. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the
instructor in charge. The list below summarizes information on prerequisites and other
background for each of the undergraduate upper level courses in the Department. The
following information is intended to assist the student in the selection of courses in the upper
class years.
228 Energy Solutions for the Next Century (Fall) – MAE 228 is an optional core
requirement in the Sustainable Energy Certificate Program recommended for AB
students. This course is open to Engineering and Liberal Arts Majors. Course
will not serve as a Technical Elective. Note: MAE 228 will be offered in spring
‘21 during AY 20-21.
305 Mathematics in Engineering I (Fall/Spring) (Ordinary Differential Equations) -
requires MAT 201 and MAT 202 as prerequisites with the possibility that MAT
202 may be taken concurrently. This course should be taken as early as possible
in the student's program. Required for all Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering majors.
306 Mathematics in Engineering II (Spring) (Partial Differential Equations and
Complex Variables) - requires MAE 305 as an absolute prerequisite. This course
satisfies the second mathematics requirement in the department and in the
Engineering Physics Program and is recommended for those planning to go to
graduate school in engineering or applied science.
321/322 Engineering Design (AY 20-21 Fall/Spring)/Mechanical Design (AY 20-21 Fall)
MAE 321 is required for all Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
students. Either MAE 322 or MAE 412 is required for all Mechanical
Engineering students. Note: MAE 322 will be offered in Fall during AY 20-21
and MAE 412 will remain in Spring AY 20-21).
323 Aerospace Structures (Fall) – requires only sophomore Modern Solid Mechanics
(MAE 223). Either MAE 323 or CEE 361 or CEE 312 is required of all
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering students.
324 Structure and Properties of Materials (Fall). SEAS 1
year requirements of
chemistry, physics, and math are prerequisites. Either MAE 324 or MSE 301 is
required for all Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering majors.
[CEE 361]
Structural Analysis and Intro to Finite Element Methods (Fall) requires only
sophomore Modern Solid Mechanics (MAE 223). Either CEE 361 or CEE 312
or MAE 323 is required of all Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
328 Energy for a Greenhouse-Constrained World (Spring) – Recommended for
students interested in energy production and its influence on the environment.
Requires MAE 221/222 as prerequisites.
331/332 Aircraft Flight Dynamics/Aircraft Design (Fall/Spring) - Requires the sophomore
curriculum. Simultaneous enrollment in Fluid Dynamics (MAE 335) is desirable,
although it is not required. Required for Aerospace Engineering majors.
Optionally, MAE 341/342 may be taken to satisfy this requirement. (MAE
331/332 and MAE 341/342 are offered in alternate years.)
335 Fluid Dynamics (Fall) - requires only the sophomore curriculum as a prerequisite
and Mathematics in Engineering I (MAE 305) as a co-requisite. Required for
Aerospace Engineering majors. Either MAE 335 or MAE 336 or MAE 423 is
required for all Mechanical Engineering students.
336 Viscous Flows (Spring) - requires only the sophomore curriculum and
Mathematics in Engineering I (MAE 305) as a prerequisite. Either MAE 336 or
MAE 335 or MAE 423 is required for all Mechanical Engineering students.
339/340 Junior Independent Work - Students may wish to complete a one term
independent work project during their junior year. Students develop a topic of
their own or select from a list of topics prepared by the faculty. They develop a
work plan and select an adviser and a second reader. Registration for the course
is accomplished at normal course selection time, while topic and advisor can be
selected at any time prior to the end of the first two weeks of the appropriate
semester. These courses do not satisfy the senior independent work requirement
of the department.
339D/340D Junior Independent Work with Design - Independent work with design is intended
for juniors who wish to complete a one term project. Similar to 339/340, with the
principal difference that the project must incorporate aspects and principles of
design in a system, product, vehicle, device, apparatus, or other design element.
Registration for the course is accomplished at normal course selection time, while
topic and advisor can be selected at any time prior to the end of the first two
weeks of the appropriate semester. These courses do not satisfy the senior
independent work requirement of the department.
341/342 Space Flight/Space System Design (Fall/Spring) – MAE 341 requires Calculus
and MAE 305 or permission of instructor. MAE 342 requires MAE 305 and
MAE 341 is recommended. Required for Aerospace Engineering majors.
Optionally, MAE 331/332 may be taken to satisfy this requirement. (MAE
331/332 and MAE 341/342 are offered in alternate years.)
344 Biomechanics and Biomaterials: From Cells to Organisms [Spring] – MAE 344
requires MAT 103, MAT 104, PHY 103 and PHY 104 or permission of instructor.
345 Introduction to Robotics [Fall] – MAE 345 is an optional core requirement of the
Robotics and Intelligent Systems Certificate Program. This course requires MAT
201 or 203, MAT 202 or 204, COS 126. Recommended: an introductory course in
probability (ORF 309 or similar), and an introductory course in differential
equations (MAE 305 or similar).
354 Unmaking the Bomb: Science and Technology of Nuclear Nonproliferation,
Disarmament, and Verification [Spring] – MAE 354 is an optional technical
elective in the Mechanical Program. This course requires PHY 101 or PHY 102
or PHY 103 or PHY 104. MAE 305 or permission of instructor.
412 Microprocessors for Measurement and Control (Spring) - requires MAE 221 and
MAE 224, or introductory knowledge of analog and digital electronics. Either
MAE 322 or MAE 412 is required for all Mechanical Engineering students.
423 Heat Transfer (Fall) - requires the standard sophomore curriculum and MAE 305
as a co-requisite. Either MAE 423 or MAE 335 or MAE 336 is required for
all Mechanical Engineering students.
426 Rocket and Air-Breathing Propulsion Technology (Spring) – Prerequisites: MAE
221 and MAE 222. Either MAE 426 or MAE 427 is required for all
Aerospace Engineering students.
427 Energy Conversion and the Environment: Transportation Applications (Spring) -
requires only the sophomore prerequisites. Either MAE 427 or MAE 426 is
required for all Aerospace Engineering students.
433 Automatic Control Systems (Fall) - Mathematics in Engineering I (MAE 305) in
addition to sophomore curriculum is a prerequisite. Required of all Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering students.
434 Modern Control (Spring) - A useful complement to MAE 433, treating more
advanced topics in control system design. MAE 433 is a prerequisite.
439/440 Senior Independent Work (Fall/Spring) – Senior independent work is intended for
seniors who choose to complete a one term project. The independent work must
incorporate aspects and principles of design, whether for a system, product,
vehicle, device, software, or apparatus. Students develop a topic of their own or
select from a list of topics prepared by the faculty. They develop a work plan and
select an adviser. Either of these courses will satisfy the department’s senior
independent work requirement.
442 Senior Thesis (Spring) - The senior thesis is an independent study for individual
students. The thesis must incorporate aspects and principles of design, whether
for a system, product, vehicle, device, software, or apparatus. Work begins in the
fall, but enrollment is only in spring term when a double grade is awarded.
Students develop their own topic or select a topic from a list of topics prepared by
the faculty. Students develop a work plan and select an advisor for their work.
This course will satisfy the department’s senior independent work requirement.
444 Senior Project (Spring) - The senior project is a year long independent study
intended for students who choose to work in teams of two or more. The team or
group project must incorporate aspects and principles of design, whether for a
system, product, vehicle, device, software, or apparatus. Work begins in the fall,
but enrollment is only in spring term when a double grade is awarded. Groups
develop their own topic or select a topic from a list of topics prepared by the
faculty. Groups develop a work plan and select an advisor for their work. This
course will satisfy the department’s senior independent work requirement.
463 Instabilities in Fluids: Linear and Non-linear Analysis of Waves and Patterns in
the Environment (Spring) - MAE 463 is an optional technical elective in the
Mechanical Program. This course requires 1
year Physics, 1
year Mathematics
and MAE 305. (MAE 305 may be taken concurrently with the Instructor’s
B. Standard Sophomore Curriculum
The recommended sophomore curriculum is common to all Departmental students, except
Engineering Physics students who are allowed certain substitutions (see Section E).
(T.E. = Technical Elective)
(N.T.E. = Non Technical Elective)
MAE 223 Modern Solids Mechanics
MAE 221 Thermodynamics
N.T.E. or Materials
MAE 206 Introduction to Engineering
MAE 222 Mechanics of Fluids
MAE 224 Laboratory
The School of Engineering and Applied Science computer programming requirement must be
satisfied by the end of the Sophomore Year.
Some sample programs are presented to indicate the major options within the Department
*Note that the course load for this recommended curriculum is heavier in the fall than in the
spring. MAE 221 has a laboratory whereas MAE 222 does not. Instead, the laboratory in the
spring is listed as a separate course, MAE 224. The time commitment for MAE 224 is about
one-half of a regular course. Therefore, the course load in the fall is about 5 ½ courses whereas
the course load in the spring is about 4 ½ courses. The course grade in MAE 224 is determined
from the laboratory course work from both the fall and spring terms.
C. Mechanical Engineering
Students desiring an emphasis on analysis of the dynamics and control of engineering devices
can follow the Dynamics Systems Option. Students desiring an emphasis on power generation
and conversion can elect to follow the Energy Sciences Option. Students desiring an emphasis
on design can follow the Design Option. It is however not necessary to rigidly follow either of
these options as long as the requirements in Section II are satisfied.
1. Dynamic Systems (Typical program)
MAE 433 Automatic Control Systems
MAE 321 Engineering Design (AY 2021-
2022 moves to Spring)
MAE 324 Structure and Properties of
Materials or MAE 423 Heat Transfer
Mathematics Elective
T.E. or MSE 301 Materials Science and
CEE 312 Statics of Structures
Senior Independent Work or Senior Thesis
or Senior Project
MAE 345 Introduction to Robotics
MAE 322 Mechanical Design (or MAE
412 Trains - Spring)
Senior Independent Work or Senior Thesis
or Senior Project
MAE 412 Microprocessors for
Measurement and Control (or MAE 322 -
2. Energy Sciences (Typical Program)
MAE 433 Automatic Control Systems
MAE 321 Engineering Design (AY 21-22
moves to Spring)
MAE 335 Fluid Dynamics
Mathematics Elective
CEE 312 Statics of Structures
MSE 301 Materials Science and
MAE 427 Energy Conversion and the
Environment: Transportation Applications
MAE 322 Mechanical Design (or MAE
412 Trains – Spring)
Senior Independent Work or Senior Thesis
or Senior Project
MAE 423 Heat Transfer
MAE 328 Energy for a Greenhouse-
Constrained World
Senior Independent Work or Senior Thesis
or Senior Project
MAE 412 Microprocessors for
Measurement and Control (or MAE 322 –
MAE 527 Physics of Gases I
MAE 331 Aircraft Flight Dynamics
MAE 341 Space Flight
MAE 322 Mechanical Design
MAE 426 Rockets and Air-Breathing
Propulsion Technology
MAE 531 Combustion
MAE 332 Aircraft Design
MAE 342 Space System Design
ECO 100 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECO 101 Introduction to Macroeconomics
3. Design (Typical program)
MAE 433 Automatic Control Systems
MAE 321 Engineering Design (AY 21-22
moves to Spring)
MAE 324 Structure and Properties of
Materials or MAE 423 Heat Transfer
Mathematics Elective
T.E. or MSE 301 Materials Science and
CEE 312 Statics of Structures
MAE 340D Independent Work with
Senior Independent Work or Senior Thesis
or Senior Project
MAE 345 Introduction to Robotics
MAE 322 Mechanical Design
Senior Independent Work or Senior Thesis
or Senior Project
MAE 412 Microprocessors for
Measurement and Control
*MAE 340D will satisfy the Additional Engineering Science Requirement in the Mechanical
4. General Mechanical Engineering
Students not wishing to specialize in any one of the areas above (1, 2, or 3) can select any mix of
the three sample curricula, provided they meet the requirements stated in Section II.
D. Aerospace Engineering
Students wishing to concentrate their study on vehicles in air and space follow the curriculum in
Aerospace Engineering (see Section II for required courses). A typical program is listed below:
MAE 433 Automatic Control Systems
MAE 3X1 Flight Dynamics*
MAE 321 Engineering Design (AY 21-22
will move to Spring)
CEE 361 Matrix Structural Analysis and
Intro to Finite Element Methods
*(Note: Either MAE 331 Aircraft Flight Dynamics
-or- MAE 341 Space FlightAircraft or Space
Flight must be completed in their respective
sequence for credit. If MAE 331 is elected MAE
335 should be taken concurrently and prior to MAE
MAE 3X2 Design*
MSE 301 Materials Science and
MAE 412 Microprocessors for
Measurement and Control
*(Note: Either MAE 332 Aircraft Design
-or- MAE 342 Space System Design - Aircraft or
Space Flight must be completed in their respective
sequence for credit)
Senior Independent Work or Senior Thesis
or Senior Project
MAE 335 Fluid Dynamics
MAE 434 (or see list of technical electives
MAE 427 Energy Conversion and the
Environment: Transportation Applications
or MAE 426 Rocket and Air-Breathing
Propulsion Technology
Senior Independent Work or Senior Thesis
or Senior Project
MSE 302 Laboratory Techniques in Materials
Science and Engineering
COS 217 Introduction to Programmi
ng Systems
ELE 201 Information and Signals
ELE 203 Electronic Circuit Analysis, Design
and Implementation
MAE 434 Modern Controls
MAE 546 Optimal Control and Estimation
MAE 412 Microprocessors for Measurement
and Control
E. Engineering Physics Program
Students with a strong interest in applied science and plans for graduate study may wish to
participate in the Engineering Physics Program. Students should contact the Engineering Physics
Program Director when they join the Department. The program requirements include six Physics
courses beyond the 1
year level (the sequence Physics 208, 305 is required), and two upperclass
mathematics courses (300 and 400 level).
PHY 205 Classical Mechanics B
PHY 208 Principles of Quantum
PHY 207 Mechanics and Waves
MAE 222 Mechanics of Fluids
MAE 221 Thermodynamics
MAE 224 Integrated Engineering Science
Physics 205/207 usually substitutes for MAE 206. The Departmental requirement of MAE 223
is normally met by taking MAE 325 (CEE 361) or CEE 312, or MAE 332 or MAE 342 during
the Junior Year (see below).
PHY 301 Thermal Physics
MAE 321 Engineering Design
MAE 433 Automatic Control Systems
PHY 304 Advanced Electromagnetism
MSE 301 Materials Science and
CEE 312 Statics of Structures
PHY 305 Introduction to the Quantum
MAE 335 Fluid Dynamics
Begin Senior Thesis
PHY 408 Modern Classical Dynamics
MAE 442 Senior Thesis
MAE 412 Microprocessors for
Measurement and Control.
If PHY 301 is completed, this course can be used to satisfy one of the engineering science
MAE 511 Experimental Methods
MAE 521 Optics and Lasers
MAE 523 Electric Propulsion
MAE 527 Physics of Gases
PHY 406 Modern Physics II
MAE 328 Energy for a Greenhouse
Constrained World
MAE 555 Nonequilibrium Gas Dynamics
PHY 312 Experimental Physics
PHY 405 Modern Physics I
MAE 434 Modern Control
MAE 427 Energy Conversion and the
Environment: Transportation
Note: This sample Engineering Physics program is in coordination with the Mechanical
Engineering program. The Aerospace program may also be followed. The Undergraduate
Office can provide Requirement Forms, such as those located in the back of this booklet, for
students pursuing Engineering Physics and the Mechanical Engineering Program or
Engineering Physics and the Aerospace Engineering Program.
F. Materials Science in Engineering Program
Students wishing to concentrate in materials engineering may choose courses that satisfy both
the Departmental course requirements for mechanical or aerospace engineering, and the
Certificate in Materials Science and Engineering. The certificate program requires:
1. One core course in materials (MAE 324, MSE 301, or CEE 364);
2. One materials experimental methods course (MSE 302, MSE 505, CHM 371 or ELE
3. Three additional approved courses from the materials elective list, and;
4. A two semester senior thesis on a materials topic approved by the certificate committee.
The Departmental program(s) require:
For the Mechanical Program only: Five engineering science courses (including one materials
course), mathematics elective, and three design courses (two taught design courses and one
semester of senior independent work or two semesters of senior thesis). Senior independent
work or senior thesis will satisfy the third design requirement. Specified materials science
technical electives will qualify as engineering science technical electives in the Mechanical
program. See list of engineering science courses on page 6 of this booklet.
A typical course sequence following the Mechanical Engineering Program and Materials
Certificate Program is as follows:
MAE 221 Thermodynamics
MAE 324 Structure and Properties of
MAE 223 Modern Solid Mechanics
MAE 206 Intro to Engineering Dynamics
MAE 222 Fluid Mechanics
MAE 224 Integrated Engineering Science
Mathematics Elective
MAE 412 Microprocessors for
Measurement and Control
MAE 321 Engineering Design (in AY
2021-2022 will move to Spring)
MSE 302 Materials Lab
CEE 312 Statics of Structures
Materials T.E.
MAE 322 Mechanical DesignF20
Begin Senior Thesis
MAE 442 Senior Thesis
CBE 415 Polymers
MAE 433 Automatic Control Systems
MAE 423 Heat Transfer
Materials T.E.
NOTE: Those students wishing to follow the Aerospace Engineering Program should consult with their
Academic Advisor or Departmental Representative for careful selection of technical electives. For the
Aerospace Program MAE 331/332 Flight Dynamics and Aircraft Design –or- MAE 341/342 Space Flight and
Space Craft Design are required as well as MAE 427 Energy Conversion and the Environment: Transportation
Applications or MAE 426 Rocket and Air-Breathing Propulsion Technology. MAE 335 Fluid Dynamics must
be taken in a fall semester in lieu of MAE 423 Heat Transfer.
For students completing both the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Programs three taught design courses
are required (MAE 321 Engineering Design, a Mechanical Design Course, and an Aerospace Design course) as
well as senior independent work or senior thesis.
One of the attractive features of the program is the opportunity to choose a focus in a particular
area of materials science and engineering that is of special interest to the student. For example,
students may choose electives in the areas of: micro- and nano-scale materials science and
engineering; biomedical materials and bioengineering; materials modeling, or structural
Other areas of concentration may also be developed, depending on student interest. The technical
electives may be selected from the list of courses shown below. Students may also consider to
take graduate level courses for technical electives.
Approved Undergraduate Courses in Materials Science and Engineering:
CHM 303/304 Organic Chemistry
CHM 305/306 Physical Chemistry
CHM 406 Advanced Physical Chemistry
CHM 407/408 Inorganic Chemistry
CBE 415 Polymers
CBE 421 Catalytic Chemistry
ELE 341 Solid-State Devices
ELE 342 Principles of Quantum Engineering
ELE 351 Electromagnetic Field Theory and Physical Optics
ELE 352 Physical Optics
ELE 441/442 Solid-State Physics I, II
ELE 453 Optical Electronics
MAE 324 Structure and Properties of Materials
MAE 344 Biomechanics and Biomaterials: From Cells to Organisms
PHY 304 Advanced Electromagnetism
PHY 305 Introduction to Quantum Theory
PHY 405 Modern Physics I: Condensed Matter Physics
G. Interdepartmental Programs
1. Program in Applications of Computing
Students with interests in computer science may use upper class electives to satisfy the
requirements of this program. Students should contact the PAC program Director for specific
details, see Section VIII.
2. Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics
Students with interests in applied mathematics may use upper class electives to satisfy program
requirements in Applied and Computational Mathematics. Students should contact PACM
Program Director for further details, see Section VIII.
3. Program in Engineering Biology
Students interested in engineering biology may use upper class electives to satisfy the
requirements of this program. Students should contact the EB Program Director for specific
details, see Section VIII.
4. Program in Engineering and Management Systems
Students with a strong interest in the systems and management aspect of an engineering career
may combine Departmental courses with the requirements of the Program in Engineering and
Management Systems. Those wishing to pursue this program should see the EMS Program
Director (see Section VIII) early in their academic career. A number of the program
requirements satisfy Departmental requirements as well.
5. Program in Engineering Physics
Students interested in engineering physics may use upper class electives to satisfy the
requirements of this program. There are also pre-approved substitutions in the sophomore level
MAE requirements for students participating in this program (see page 18). Students should
contact the EP Program Director for specific details of the program, see Section VIII.
6. Program in Materials Science and Engineering
Students interested in materials science and engineering may use upper class electives to satisfy
the requirements of this program. Students should contact the MSE Program Director for specific
details, see Section VIII.
7. Program in Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Students interested in robotics and intelligent systems may use upper class electives to satisfy the
requirements of this program. Students should contact the RIS Program Director for specific
details, see Section VIII.
8. Program in Sustainable Energy
Students interested in sustainable energy may use upper class electives to satisfy the
requirements of this program. Students should contact the PSE Program Director for specific
details, see Section VIII.
Sufficient flexibility is present in the Department Program to permit students to participate in
other certificate programs such as the one offered by the Woodrow Wilson School.
Six Departmental prizes are awarded each year at Class Day.
THE GEORGE BIENKOWSKI PRIZE: This is a financial award given in honor of George
Bienkowski, former Professor and Undergraduate Representative. This award is given to a
senior student(s) of sound academic standing and who has contributed to the department and
engineering through their service during their career at Princeton.
THE JOHN MARSHALL II MEMORIAL PRIZE: This prize provides financial support for
undergraduate independent work with preference given to projects in aerospace engineering.
The prize is given in memory John Marshall II, '72. Prize winners are selected by the
Undergraduate Faculty Committee based on written proposals submitted early in the fall.
Additionally, a prize will be awarded in spring.
RESEARCH: In memory of Donald Janssen (D.J.) Dike, '51. This financial award is presented
to a senior(s) who in the opinion of the faculty have excelled in independent work.
Established by a donation from Professor Sau-Hai Lam, an emeritus faculty member, to the
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, this prize was established to recognize
graduating seniors and possibly juniors for their outstanding academic achievement.
In memory of Morgan W. McKinzie ’93. The Senior Thesis fund provides financial support for
independent work with preference given to projects in aircraft design and propulsion. The
Senior Thesis prize is a financial award for the best Senior Thesis in the MAE Department as
determined by the faculty.
This prize, established in memory of faculty emeritus Enoch J. Durbin, is awarded to a senior in
the Department where independent work or thesis has shown special interest and aptitude in
engineering innovation.
A good indication of the interest of students in the MAE Department is the independent work
they have chosen. Topics for the Class of 2019 are given below:
Aero/Astro Engineering
Billy Andrews, Aerodynamic Analysis and Simulation of Drag Racing Motorcycle Bodywork
(Adviser Martinelli)
William England (Oxford), Investigating the Effect of Separation of Row Aligned Wind Turbines
on Power Production (Adviser – Martinelli)
Teresa Irigoyen-Lopez, Vertical Axis Wind Turbines: Analysis of Experimental Data at Full
Dynamics Similarity (Adviser Hultmark)
Coleman Merchant, Princeton SpaceShot: Analysis, Design & Construction of a High
Performance Two-Stage Sounding Rocket (Adviser Martinelli)
Beni Snow, Design, Simulation, and Testing of an ABS/GOX Hybrid Rocket Engine (Adviser
Ashley Barnes, Adele Dimitui, & William Kittler, Fixed-Wing UAV Autonomous Deployment for
Search and Rescue Applications (Adviser: Majumdar)
Will Hess &Alexander Hsia, Parameter Identification and Adaptive Control of a Fixed-Wing
UAV in the Longitudinal Mode (Adviser Rowley)
Whitney Huang & Ramesh Gayatri/ELE, Controlling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in High Wind
Speeds using Nano-Scale Thermal Anemometry Probes (Hultmark & Majumdar)
Energy and Environment
Daniel Chao, Investigation into Computational Performance of a Multi-Modal Turbulent
Combustion Model (Adviser - Mueller)
Katherine Denner, Identification of Lithium Deposition and Characterization of State of Charge
and State of Health in Extreme Fast Charge Cells using Ultrasonic Methods (Adviser -
Nicholas Nelsonwood, One-Axis Tracking for Roof-Mounted Residential Solar (Adviser –
Nicolas Viglucci, Design and Construction of an Energy-Efficient Living Space (Adviser
Michael Whitmore, Analysis and Closure of Dissipation Rates in a Physically Derived Reduced-
Order Manifold for Turbulent Combustion (Adviser Mueller)
Emily Achterkirch, Analysis of Hockey Skate Blade Holders: An Investigation into Broken
Skates by Reverse Engineering (Adviser Kosmrlj)
Dylan Baroody, Analysis of Soft Phononic Crystals: Using Machine Learning to Predict
Compression using Transmission Data (Adviser Kosmrlj)
Suren Jamiyanna, Phosphor Crystal Materials: A Design of an Anti-Counterfeiting Feature
(Adviser Nosenchuck)
Tammy Benjapibal & Victoria Ou, One Light Touch: A Simulation of the Sensory Cell Network
in the Finger (Adviser – Stengel)
Diego Fierros, A New Method for Inducing Strain in Living Tissue (Adviser – Cohen)
Hemani Kalucha, Detecting Life on Mars - Analysis of Deep UV Raman Spectrometer with
Organics in Martian Soil Matrix (Adviser Onstott/GEO)
Bartek Kaczmarski, Mechanical Behavior of Pressurized Rods: 3D Shape Transformations of
Rod Networks via Local Curvature Control (Adviser Kosmrlj & Brun/CBE)
Tanner Kliewer, EMITD3D: A Laser Diode Array Approach to Metal Additive Manufacturing
(Adviser – Arnold)
Jacob Lisner, Development of an Economical Device to Perform Automated Venipuncture
(Adviser – Arnold)
Mrudhula Baskaran, A Study of Flow Separation in Micro and Milli-Channels (Adviser – Stone
& Rowley)
Sami Belkadi, AgriFlow: The Application of Elastic Filament Velocimetry to Water Flow
Measurement and Control in Hydroponic Vertical Farms (Adviser- Hultmark)
Applied Physics/Plasma Physics/Lasers & Optics
William Kelly, Gene Ark Design (Adviser – Choueiri)
Kendall Ratter, TAG Lens Laser Experimentation (Adviser – Arnold)
Humans, Machines, Components, and Controls
Nora Bradley, Injection Molding: Process and Design Principles for 3D Printed Molds (Adviser
Lydon Kersting, xPLOR: An Expandable Pack for Lightweight Outdoor Refuge (Adviser
Larry Loprete, Two Degree of Freedom Motion Simulator Design, Fabrication, and Analysis
(Adviser Littman)
Jackie Macharashvili, Measuring the Acoustics of the Interior of a Tesla 3 Automobile (Adviser
Caleb Owens, Reconstructing the Past: Analysis, Design and Assembly of Arago's Disk (Adviser
Jorge Reyes, An Affordable Navigation and Weed Detection System for Farming Robot (Adviser
– Nosenchuck)
Nikita Turley, ElectroMagnetic Intake Valve Actuation Using a Subwoofer (Adviser
David Wu, Intelligent Audio Beam Locking for Source-Listener Isolation (one-semester)
(Adviser – Choueiri)
Robert Buline, Robbie Cohen, & Fred Zheng, reOcean: An Active System for Removing Waste
from the Oceans (Adviser – Nosenchuck)
Spencer Kyrczka, Connor Roettig, Joshua Teves, & Max Veronneau, Hybrid Performance Golf
Cart: Examining the Feasibility of Low-Budget Hybrid Engines (Adviser: Nosenchuck)
Mario Liu & Nadir Noordin, Autonomous Quadcopter Navigation using Depth Camera and
Real-Time Kinematic GPS (Adviser: Kolemen)
Curtis Merrill, Joseph Puryear, & Serg Zhelezniak, Dynamic Thrust and Vector Control of a
Small Scale Turbojet Engine (Adviser: Kolemen)
Jeremy Spiezio & Matias Supervielle, The Sound of Silence: A Preliminary Investigation into the
Effects of Blade Row Spacing in Counter-Rotating Propellers on the Sound Intensity in the Near-
Field (Adviser: Nosenchuck)
Merchant (Machining and Booster Rev. 2)
Barnes, Dimitui, Kittler (Indoor and Outdoor Testing)
Snow (Engine)
Huang and Ramesh (Custom Built Drone)
Nelsonwood (Test Stand)
Baroody (Porosity Triangular Mold
Under 3 Pressure States)
Fierros (Final Device)
Kliewer (Finished Machine)
Lisner Device
Kersting (Flexible Backpack and Opened as Shelter)
Kelly (Final Design)
Loprete (Completed Motion Simulator)
Reyes (Experimental Weed
Detection Set-Up)
Kryczka, Roettig, Teves,
Veronneau (Final Cart Design)
Buline, Cohen, Zheng (Full System Retrieving Garbage)
Merrill, Puryear, Zhelezniak (Final Experimental Assembly)
Independent Work Projects or Senior Thesis research may result in a published paper with
the student’s advisor. Here are some examples of student published papers:
On Robustness and Leadership in Markov Switching Consensus Networks, (S.H. Cen, V.
Srivastava and N.E. Leonard) Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne,
Australia, 2017
ALD-Grown SEE Layer Studies for Microchannel Plates for Photodetection, (O. Shende, A.
Mane, and J. Elam) 2017 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting.
Fabrication of High Performance Flexible Silver Zinc Wire Battery, (D. Steingart, M. Wang)
Advanced Electronic Materials, 2016.
Design and Construction of a 76m Long-Travle Laser Enclosure for a Space Occulter
Testbed, (N.J. Kasdin, D. Echeverri, et. al.) Proc. SPIE, Volume 9912, 2016.
Swimming Speed has Little Impact on Fish-like Swimming Performance, (A. Smits, N. Wei,
et. al.) presented at the 69th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid
Dynamics, Portland, OR, November, 2016.
Passive Boundary Layer Separation Control on a NACA2415 Airfoil at High Reynolds
Numbers, (A. Parikh) presented at the 69
Annual American Physical Society Division of
Fluid Dynamics Meeting, Portland, OR, November, 2016.
Technology Progress of a Ferrofluid Deformable Mirror with Tunable Nominal Optical
Power for High-contrasting Imaging, (N.J. Kasdin, D. Echeverri, I.R. Cleff, et. al.), Proc.
SPIE, Volume 9605, 2015.
In Operando Electrochemical-Acoustic Time-of-Flight Analysis of Zinc Electroplating, (D.
Steingart, M. Wang, et. al.) presented at the Materials Research Society Fall 2015 Meeting in
Boston, MA.
Evolution of ion-induced nanoparticle arrays on GaAs surfaces with O. Shende, M. Kang, I.
Beskin, A. A. Al-Heji, S. Huang, S. Jeon, and R. S. Goldman. In Applied Physics Letters
104. 2014.
Direct Fusion Drive for a Human Mars Orbital Mission, M. Paluszek, K. Griffin,
International Astronautical Congress, IAC-12, C4, 7-C3.5,10. Toronto, Canada, 2014.
Community Charging Stations in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: Commercial Success, Positive
Externalities, and Growing Supply Chains, Energy for Sustainable Development, in Energy
for Sustainable Development, December 2014 (N. Schiavone, P. Kemeny, P.G. Munro, G.
Van Der Horst, and S. Williams)
Modeling Unsteady Forces and Pressures on a Rapidly Pitching Airfoil, APS Division of
Fluid Dynamics, November 2014 (N. Schiavone, S. Dawson, C. Rowley, and D. Williams)
Virtual Gamma-ray Spectrometry for Template-Matching Nuclear Warhead Verification, 56
Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, July 2014 (J. Schirm, A.
Development of a Mars Ascent Vehicle Using In-Situ Propellant Production, 2014 AIAA
Space Ops Conference, May 2014, Pasadena, CA (L. Paxton, D. Vaughan)
Propagation of Orbital-Angular-Momentum Carrying Beams Through a Pertubing Medium,
Journal of Optics, September 13 (A. Chaibi, C. Mafusire, A. Forbes)
In The Dance Studio: Analysis of Human Flocking, 2012 American Control Conference,
Montreal (N. Leonard, G. Young, K. Hockgraf, D. Swain, A. Trippe, W. Chen, and S.
Experimental Characterization of Three-Dimensional Corner Flows at Low Reynolds
Numbers, J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 707, September 2012, pp 37-52 (J. Sznitman, L.
Guglielmini, D. Clifton, D. Scobee, H.A. Stone, and A.J. Smits)
Localized Microwave Plasma Grid by Laser-Designation, AIAA-2011-4000, 42
Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference in conjunction with the 18
Conference on MHD Energy Conversion (ICMHD), Honolulu, Hawaii (M.R. Edwards et al.)
Design and Analysis of a Single-Stage Hypersonic Concept for Ultra-Rapid Global Travel,
AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies
Conference, April 2008, Dayton, Ohio, Paper No. AIAA 2008-2521, (J.B. Glass, A.
Mackowski, S. Plucinski, S. Sherman, C.A. Teichner and A. Van Hoek, D. Cummins, T.
Conbeer, R. Mellish, B. Vigil, J. Vogel, Z. Xia, and K. Bowcutt)
Eddy Hunting in Compressible Boundary Layers using DNS Data, 59
APS Division of
Fluid Dynamics Meeting, November 2006, Tampa, Richdale, (G.C. Richdale, M.P. Martin,
and D. Silver)
Leo Constellation Design Using the Lunar L1 Point, 14
AAS/AIAA Space Flight
Mechanics Conference, February 2004, Maui, Hawaii, Paper No. AAS 04-248, (J. Chase, N.
Chow, E. Gralla, N.J. Kasdin)
Hovercraft Satellite Simulation Test-Bed, 14
AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics
Conference, February 2004, Maui, Hawaii, Paper No. AAS 04-300, (B. Essenberg, J.
Sarokhan, N.J. Kasdin)
Integrated Robotic Team for Martian Water Collection, 2002 RASC-AL Student Design
Competition, Cocoa Beach, FL, November 2002, (K. Alemany, K. Bethke, N. Bhatt, B.
Bollman, J. Viventi, D. Nosenchuck, S. Lyon, M. Littman)
Control of Optical Phase and Amplitude in a Coronagraph using a Michelson
Interfermometer, August 2002, SPIE Conference on Future EUV-UV and Visible Space
Astrophysics Missions and Instrumentation, Proceedings (Vol. 4854), (M. Littman, M. Carr,
J. Leighton, E. Burke, D. Spergel, N.J. Kasdin)
An indication of the career plans of the graduates of the Department obtained from the
immediate post graduation plans of the Classes of 2015 through 2019 are charted below.
Craig B. Arnold
Research in the general area of materials synthesis and processing with
interests in energy storage and conversion, additive and 3D
manufacturing, microfluidics, and laser processing. Current projects
include laser-induced microfluidic jetting, 3D and additive
manufacturing of metal alloys, mechanics of batteries, electrochemical
energy harvesting, and advanced optics for real-time 3D imaging.
Research includes a mix of both experimental and theoretical projects
ranging from fundamental science through product commercialization.
Edgar Y. Choueiri
Spacecraft propulsion, plasma dynamics, astronautics, space plasma
physics, acoustics, 3D audio, sound perception and localization.
Daniel J. Cohen
We do a variety of bioengineering, biomechanics, and biomaterials
research with living tissues and engineered micro-devices. Cells are
easy and fun to work with and we will teach you what you need to
know! Current projects include micro-patterning of tissues, studying the
swarm behaviors of hundreds of thousands of cells as they heal injuries,
building tools to apply forces and electric fields to cells, and more. Our
work is highly interdisciplinary and there will be many opportunities for
independent projects. Learn more about our work and projects at
Luc Deike
Research focuses on multi-phase turbulent systems, involving waves,
drops and bubbles in turbulent environment. We develop laboratory and
numerical experiments to explore the physics at play and build simple
models. Our work is motivated by environmental and industrial
applications, as diverse as the statistics of waves in the ocean, wave
impact on structures, floating ice sheet, gas transfer by surface breaking
waves in the ocean, spray dynamics and cloud formation in the
Lamyaa El-Gabry Research interests are in gas turbine aerodynamics and heat transfer.
Experimental research has focused on the aerothermal performance of
film cooling flows through detailed measurements of velocity,
turbulence, temperature, and heat transfer. Ongoing studies include
experimental/computational fluid dynamics modeling of film cooled
nozzle guide vanes and development of cooling geometry to improve
film effectiveness.
Alexander Glaser Research focuses on the technical aspects of nuclear-energy use and
related fuel-cycle technologies, and specifically on questions related
to the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Analyses are supported by
computer simulations of reactors. Additional projects on nuclear
nonproliferation and disarmament, including nuclear forensics and
nuclear archaeology. Web:
Mikko Haataja
Research focuses on theoretical and computational materials science and
physical biology. Current work includes studies of microstructure
formation during solid-solid phase transformations, dislocation
dynamics, mechanics of bulk metallic glasses, and evolving
microstructures in biology.
Marcus Hultmark
Research interests are in experimental and theoretical fluid mechanics.
Problems involving heat, mass and momentum transfer are being
studied, including atmospheric flows, wind energy and bio inspired
flows. Most work involves water or wind tunnels and some involve
unique instrumentation.
Jesse Jenkins
Energy systems engineer with a focus on the rapidly evolving electricity
sector, including the transition to zero-carbon resources, the
proliferation of distributed energy resources, and the role of electricity
in economy-wide decarbonization. Jesse’s research focuses on
improving and applying optimization-based energy systems models to
evaluate low-carbon energy technologies, policy options, and robust
decisions under deep uncertainty.
Yiguang Ju
Energy conversion by using alternative fuels. Engine knock and
detonation. Non-equilibrium plasma assisted combustion for propulsion
and fuel reforming. Advanced laser diagnostics and imaging of
combustion processes. Multi-scale modeling of combustion in
propulsion systems. Synthesis of functional nanomaterials for energy
storage and optical imaging.
Egemen Kolemen
Research focuses on the application of dynamics and control theory to
experimental plasma physics, primarily to address the challenges of
fusion reactor design. I analyze the dynamics of complex plasma
phenomena using applied mathematics and control theory with the aim
of designing and implementing novel control techniques, which I then
use to build real-time control systems from the ground up. Current
research includes reduction of the heat flux to the fusion reactor vessel
using advanced magnetic divertor configuration, detachment, and
radiation control; and disruption avoidance against instabilities such as
Neoclassical Tearing Modes and Resistive Wall Modes.
Andrej Kosmrlj
Research combines elements of mechanics, physics and biology.
Research projects include design and mechanics of metamaterials with
unusual mechanical properties; biomechanics; mechanics in
morphogenesis during embryo development; statistical mechanics of
microscopic structures in the presence of thermal fluctuations
and disorder, with potential applications for flexible electronics,
sensitive force sensors or micro-actuators.
Chung King Law
Research interests include droplet and spray combustion, formulation of
synthetic and high-energy fuels, flame structure studies, ignition and
extinction phenomena, soot formation in flames, climatic issues
including hydrogen combustion and safety, combustion synthesis of
materials, laser diagnostics and numerical simulation of flames.
Naomi E. Leonard
Control and dynamics with application to movement and decision-
making of techno
logical systems, such as autonomous vehicles and
robotic systems, and to natural systems, such as animals. Biology
inspired, coordinated control of multi
-vehicle networks. Mobile sensor
networks and environmental monitoring. Modeling and analysis of
tive motion and collective decision-making in animal groups such
as fish schools, honeybee swarms, and zebra herds.
Decision dynamics
of mixed teams of humans and robots.
Michael G. Littman
Two main activities: (1) Modern manufacturing tools (3D printers, laser
cutters, CNC mills) for use in STEM education and (2) the Terrestrial
Planet Finder.
The NSF-funded STEM work is connected to Prof.
Littman's history of engineering interests. It involves developing
devices and activities for secondary school st
udents to re-create historic
inventions such as Joseph Henry's electric motor or Alexander Bell's
telephone using modern manufacturing tools.
Students are then
challenged to develop their own inventions based on concepts learned
through re
-creation. The TPF work involves the use of adaptive optics
to correct for errors in telescope mirror shape and reflectivity.
objective is to minimize the effect of diffraction to improve visibility of
faint astronomical objects including earth
-like planets around nearby
Prof. Littman also supervises student projects for improving
laboratory experiments and lecture demonstrations for his courses on
microcomputer control, history of engineering, and motorcycle design.
Anirudha Majumbar
My research interests lie in developing algorithmic tools that push
highly agile robotic systems to the brink of their hardware limits while
ensuring that they operate in a provably safe manner despite uncertainty
in their environment and dynamics.
Luigi Martinelli
Computational Fluid Dynamics for high Reynolds number flow on
complex domains: theory, software implementation on HPC systems,
and utilization. Aerodynamic shape optimization for aeronautical and
marine applications. Applied Aero/Hydro dynamics for aircraft, ships,
cars and wind/tidal turbines.
Julia Mikhailova
Attosecond science, generation of attosecond pulses, light-matter
interaction; ultrafast optics, generation and applications of ultrashort
light pulses with the controlled carrier-envelope phase; optical
parametric chirped pulse amplification; high-field physics, relativistic
laser-plasma interaction, relativistic high-harmonic generation, laser-
driven particle acceleration, quantum optics, entanglement of quantum
states, biphoton states in spontaneous parametric scattering of light,
fllamentation of light packets in air and solids; waveguides, nonlinear
fiber optics, photonic-crystal fibers; nanowaveguide sensors.
Michael E. Mueller
Computational modeling and simulation of turbulent reacting flows.
Specific interests include multi-modal turbulent combustion, pollutant
emissions, and combustion-affected turbulence. Uncertainty
quantification for turbulent reacting flow simulations. Numerical
methods for complex geometries and algorithms for heterogeneous
high-performance parallel computing. Applications to reciprocating
engines, aircraft engines, and stationary gas turbines.
Daniel M. Nosenchuck
Experimental/computational fluid mechanics and instrumentation.
Active control of boundary layer instabilities and turbulence. Product
design and manufacture, rapid prototyping; entrepreneurship.
Clarence Rowley
Dynamical systems modeling of fluids, both to better understand the
physics of complex flows, and to control these flows. Model reduction
and symmetry reduction for bifurcation analysis and control. Numerical
methods, and applications of geometric methods in fluid mechanics.
Alexander J. Smits
The study of turbulent flows, new surfaces for drag reduction, fish-like
propulsion systems, wind turbines, and the development of new
experimental techniques.
Robert H. Socolow
Carbon management: Reconciling a world dominated by fossil fuels for
another century with the constraints of the atmospheric greenhouse.
Engineering studies of carbon capture during the production of
electricity, hydrogen, and synthetic hydrocarbon fuels from coal and
biomass. Opportunities for carbon dioxide storage. Energy efficiency,
renewable energy, and nuclear power.
Robert F. Stengel
Aerospace dynamics and control, robotics and intelligent systems,
optimal control and estimation, systems biology.
Howard A. Stone Research interests are in fluid dynamics, widely interpreted, and
include a combination of experiment, theory, simulation and
modeling. The studies are oriented towards flow problems where
viscous effects are significant. The Stone group has active projects
involving multiphase flows in microfluidic devices, thin film flows,
high-speed imaging of flow phenomena, investigations in
bioengineering such as cellular-scale hydrodynamics, formation of
biofilms, etc. Many projects occur at the boundaries of traditional
disciplines. Stone is also interested in various industrial applications
and thinking about ways modern communications and advances in
small devices (mechanical, electrical, etc.) can augment and inform
traditional engineering disciplines.
Szymon Suckewer
Prof. Suckewer and his group’s interest and research revolve around
ultra-short pulse lasers and their applications. Especially exciting are the
medical applications of fsec-type lasers (in 100 fsec light travels a
distance equal to1/3 the diameter of a strand of human hair), which due
to their very short pulses they act like very sharp scalpels. Prof.
Suckewer’s group is using such lasers for a new type of eye surgery and
for dermatology treatments. They are also using these types of lasers,
but with extremely high intensity, for the development of X-ray lasers
for applications in X-ray microscopy of biological cells. Besides
applications and development of a new type of lasers they are also
involved in improving the performance of internal combustion and jet
engines by means of development of high volume plasma traveling
spark ignition (TSI).
Barrie S. H. Royce
Present research is concerned with the mechanical properties of
materials on the nanometer length scale. Of particular interest is study
of materials in a biological environment and MEMS structures.
Mechanical testing techniques are being developed to look at elastic and
plastic properties of nano- or micro-structured materials, their resistance
to fatigue environments, and the effects of surface morphology on cell-
material interactions.
Normally, first year students who choose to pursue Engineering in this Department have
their course selections for the Sophomore year approved by the Departmental Representative.
Sophomore Class Advisors for course selections are: Prof. Craig Arnold (A-G); Prof. Dan
Nosenchuck (H-M); Prof. Michael G. Littman (N-S); Prof. Luigi Martinelli (T-Z).
Upperclass students are assigned an academic advisor in the Department according to
their area of interest (Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Interdepartmental
Certificate Programs). The advisor is available throughout the academic year to 1) discuss and
advise students on course selections etc. 2) approve course selection score worksheets and course
change forms. Students should feel free to discuss any questions related to their academic
program with the Departmental Representative.
Departmental Representative: M.G. Littman D-202A E-Quad.
Ext. 8-5198
Undergraduate Administrator: Jo Ann Love D-230 E-Quad
Ext. 8-5169 [email protected]
Academic Program Assistant Theresa Russo Atrium 31, J-Wing, E-Quad
Ext. 8-7972 [email protected]
Upperclass Advisors:
Class of 2022:
Professor Daniel Cohen, 107 Hoyt,
Professor Mikko Haataja, D404C, E-Quad, Ext. 8-9126, m[email protected]u
Professor Marcus Hultmark, D222, E-Quad, Ext. 8-0314,
Professor Yiguang Ju, D330, E-Quad, Ext. 8-5644,
Professor Andrej Kosmrlj, D414, E-Quad, Ext. 8-8613, andre[email protected]
Professor Michael Littman, D202-A, E-Quad, Ext. 8-5169, m[email protected]
Professor Ani Majumdar, D202B, E-Quad, Ext. 0854,
Professor Dan Nosenchuck, D302-B, E-Quad, Ext. 8-5136,
Class of 2021:
Professor Craig Arnold, D410, E-Quad, or Bowen 320, Ext. 8-0250,
Professor Luc Deike, D428, E-Quad, Ext. 8-7920,
Professor Lamyaa El-Gabry, D324, E-Quad, Ext. 8-1916,
Professor Yiguang Ju, D330, E-Quad, Ext. 8-5644,
Professor Michael Littman, D202-A, E-Quad, Ext. 8-5169,
Professor Luigi Martinelli, D302-C, E-Quad, Ext. 8-6652,
Professor Dan Nosenchuck, D302-B, E-Quad, Ext. 8-5136,
Professor Clarence Rowley, D232, E-Quad, Ext. 8-7321,
Engineering Biology:
Professor Michael Littman, D202-A, E-Quad., Ext. 8-5198
Engineering Physics:
Professor Michael Littman, D202-A, E-Quad., Ext. 8-5198
Robotics and Intelligent Systems:
Naomi Leonard (MAE) [email protected]
Thomas Funkhouser (COS) - [email protected]
Naveen Verma (ELE) [email protected]
Sustainable Energy:
Professor Yiguang Ju, D330, E-Quad, Ext. 8-5644
Student Departmental Committee and Other Student Committees:
MAE Undergraduate Student Council/AIAA/ASME: (Current Officers)
Co-Presidents (outgoing AY 19-20): Sam Dale ’20 [email protected]
Alexandra Koskosidis ‘20 [email protected]
President (incoming AY 20-21): Shalaka Madge ‘21 [email protected]
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and
AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) (Faculty Advisers):
Faculty Advisor AIAA: Michael Mueller [email protected]
Faculty Advisor ASME: Mikko Haataja, [email protected]
SAE and Formula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineering): Princeton Racing Electric
Faculty Advisor: Yiguang Ju, [email protected]
Co-Presidents: Michael Hauge ’21
Kevin Tong ’22 [email protected]
Interdepartmental Programs (For Current Academic Year):
Program in Applied & Computational Mathematics
Director: Peter Constantin[email protected]du
205 Fine Hall, Phone: 8-6303
Program in Applications of Computer
Director: Jaswinder P. Singh – [email protected]
423 Computer Science, Phone: 8-5329
Program in Engineering Biology
Director: Celeste Nelson [email protected]
303 Hoyt Chemical Laboratory, Phone 8-8851
Program in Engineering and Management Systems
Director: Amir Ali Ahmadi
Sherrerd Hall 329, Phone: 8-6416
Program in Engineering Physics
Director: Stephen A. Lyon – [email protected]
B-428 E-Quad, Phone: 8-4635
Program in Materials Science & Engineering
Director: Alejandro W. Rodriguez – [email protected]
B318 E-Quad, Phone 8-8962
Program Sandra Lam
Coordinator: Bowen Hall 323, Phone: 8-6704
Program in Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Co-Directors: Thomas Funkhouser (COS) - [email protected]
Naveen Verma (ELE) [email protected]
Naomi Leonard (MAE) [email protected]
Program in Sustainable Energy
Director: Yiguang Ju[email protected]
D-330 E-Quad, Phone: 8-5644
Study Abroad and Foreign Exchange:
Engineering is an international enterprise and American companies undertake projects on all
continents. In addition, the globalization of enterprises frequently distributes the manufacturing
and research activities of a company to several countries. Well-prepared engineers should,
therefore, be familiar with the different cultures in which their expertise may be used. The Study
Abroad program of the University provides an excellent opportunity to begin this process while
obtaining credits from a foreign university that will count towards your degree program.
Because the academic year follows different schedules in different countries and hemispheres,
you will need to explore the most suitable time to enter such a program. It may be possible to
combine a summer program in a country with at least one term of study in your discipline. In
this context, some students with advanced standing have used the spring term of the sophomore
year followed by summer study whereas others have used the fall term of the junior year.
Several foreign universities prefer visiting students to attend for a full academic year as their
courses run through the year and the examinations occur at the end of this period.
The Department encourages students who are interested in this educational opportunity to
discuss it with their advisor; the Department Undergraduate Representative, Professor Michael
G. Littman; Dean Peter Bogucki of the School of Engineering and Applied Science; and Dean
Gisella Gisolo, Office of the Dean of the College, Office of International Programs. You may
also access the Study Abroad home page Planning
should start as early in the academic process as possible so that your degree program can be
designed to accommodate this period of foreign study.
In the past few years, MAE students have studied at the University of Cape Town/South Africa,
the University of Auckland/New Zealand, the University of Melbourne/Australia, the University
of Sydney/Australia, Indian Institute of Technology/India, the University of Edinburgh/Scotland,
University of Manchester/United Kingdom, University of Canterbury/New Zealand, and the
University of Cantabria/Spain.
Foreign Exchange:
The School of Engineering and Princeton University have established two Foreign Exchange
programs. MAE students have recently participated in the Oxford University Exchange Program
in the United Kingdom spending their Junior year abroad. A program has also been established
with Ecole Centrale in Paris which may focus on energy studies followed by a summer
internship in an energy related industry. A strong background in French is encouraged. There is
also a program established with Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and a newly
established program with Tsinghua University in China.
Study Abroad Contact Information:
Professor Michael G. Littman
D202-A, E-Quad
Dean Peter Bogucki
C205, E-Quad
Office of International Programs
Study Abroad
Simpson International Building
Study Abroad Homepage:
Study Abroad Meet with an Advisor:
Aerospace Engineering Program
(total of 7 required in four distinct areas)
Distribution Area Course #
Sem/Yr Ck
Course #
Sem/Yr Ck
Course # Sem/Yr Ck
(EC) Epist & Cogn
(EM) Ethic & Moral
(SA) Social Analysis
(HA) Historical Analysis
(LA) Literature & Arts
(FL) Foreign Language
(CD) Culture & Difference
ENGINEERING SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS (total of 8 courses required or AP credit)
Course Check Semester/Yr Course Check Semester/Yr
MAT 103 PHY 103 or 105*
MAT 104 PHY104 or 106*
MAT 201 or 203* CHM 201 or 203*
MAT 202 or 204 COS 126*
Course Check Semester/Yr Course Check
MAE 223
MAE 221
Upper Level Departmental Requirements:
( ) = Number of Courses Required
Course Semester/Yr
Materials (1) MAE 324 or MSE 301
Design (3)**
MAE 321
MAE 332 or 342
Required Technical
MAE 331 or 341
CEE 361or312orMAE 323
MAE 335
Electives (5)
MAE 433
MAE 426 or 427
Senior IW -or-
MAE 439 MAE 440 One Semester of independent
Senior Thesis -or-
MAE 442 work is required. More than
Senior Project
MAE 444 one suggested.
Aero Requirements: MAE 321, MAE 331/341 or MAE 332/342, MAE 335, MAE 427/426, MAE 433, Materials,
CEE361 or CEE312 or MAE 323, Sr. IW or Sr. Thesis or Sr. project - satisfies 3rd Design Requirement
Course Semester/Yr Course Semester/Yr Course Semester/Yr
Free Electives/
Additional Courses
(Non-Tech Electives)
Writing Requirement (1)
Total # of Courses Must
Equal 36
Certificate Program(s):
*See back page for approved alternate courses
**Third Design requirement will be satisfied by either Senior Independent Work, Senior Thesis, or Senior Project
Princeton Equivalent
Course #
Name of University
Semester &
Substitutions not requiring Departmental Representative’s Approval:
EGR 192 replaces MAT 201 or MAT 203
PHY 107/108/109 sequence “General Physics” may replace the PHY103/105 or PHY 105/106 sequence
EGR 191 replaces PHY 103 or PHY 105
EGR 193 replaces PHY 104 or PHY 106
CHM 207 Advanced General Chemistry: Materials Chemistry
NOTE: ISC 231, 232 (Fall) and ISC 233, 234 (Spring) replaces PHY 103/104, CHM 201 and COS 126
All other courses substitutions must be approved in writing by the Departmental Representative.
Design Courses:
MAE 321 Engineering Design
MAE 322 Mechanical Design
MAE 332 Aircraft Design
MAE 342 Space System Design
MAE 412 Microprocessors for Measurement and Control
CEE 477 Engineering Design for Sustainable Development (for students participating in the Sustainable Energy
Revised for AY 20-21
Mechanical Engineering
(total of 7 required in four distinct areas)
Distribution Area
Course #
Course #
Ck Course #
(EC) Epist & Cogn
(EM) Ethic & Moral
(SA) Social Analysis
(HA) Historical Analysis
(LA) Literature & Arts
(FL) Foreign Language
(CD) Culture&Difference
ENGINEERING SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS (total of 8 courses required or AP Credit)
Course Check
MAT 103 PHY 103 OR 105*
MAT 104 PHY 104 OR 106*
MAT 201 OR 203*
CHM 201 OR 203*
MAT 202 OR 204*
COS 126*
Course Check
MAE 221
MAE 206
MAE 223
MAE 222
MAE 305
MAE 224 Lab
Upper Level Departmental Requirements: ( ) = Number of Courses Required
Course Semester/Yr Course Semester/Yr Course Semester/Yr
Materials (1) MAE 324 or MSE 301
Design (3) ** MAE 321
MAE 322 or 412 or CEE 477
Math Elective (1)
Required Technical MAE 335 or 336 or 423 CEE 361 or 312 or MAE 323 Tech Elective
Electives (4) MAE 433
Senior IW -or- MAE 439 MAE 440
One semester of independent
Senior Thesis -or- MAE 442
w ork is required. More than one
Senior Project
MAE 444
Mech Requirements:
MAE 321, MAE 322/412, MAE 335/336/423, Math Elective, Tech Elective, MAE 433, Materials,
Checklist CEE 361(MAE325)/CEE312, Sr. IW or Sr. Thesis or Sr. Project - satisfies 3rd Design Requirement
Semester/Yr Course
Course Semester/Yr
Free Electives/
Additional Courses
(Non-Tech Electives)
Writing Requirement (1)
Total # of Courses Must
Certificate Programs
Equal 36
*See back page for approved alternate courses
**Third design requirement will be satisfied by either Senior Independent Work, Senior Thesis, or Senior Project
Princeton Equivalent
Course #
Name of University
Semester &
Substitutions not requiring Departmental Representative’s Approval:
EGR 192 replaces MAT 201 or MAT 203
PHY 107/108/109 sequence “General Physics” may replace the PHY103/105 or PHY 105/106 sequence
EGR 191 replaces PHY 103 or PHY 105
EGR 193 replaces PHY 104 or PHY 106
CHM 207 Advanced General Chemistry: Materials Chemistry
NOTE: ISC 231, 232 (Fall) and ISC 233, 234 (Spring) replaces PHY 103/104, CHM 201 and COS 126
Suggested Second Math Course:
MAE 306 (MAT 392) Mathematics in Engineering II (strongly recommended for those planning graduate work in
engineering or applied science)
ORF 245 Fundamentals of Engineering Statistics
ORF 307 Optimization
ORF 309 Probability and Stochastic Systems (MAT 380/ELE 380)
ORF 363 Computing and Optimization for the Physical and Social Sciences (COS 323)
COS 302 Mathematics for Numerical Computing and Machine Learning
COS 340 Reasoning About Computation
MAT 330 Complex Analysis with Applications
MAT 393 Mathematical Programming
PHY 403 Mathematical Methods of Physics
All other courses substitutions must be approved in writing by the Departmental Representative.
Design Courses:
MAE 321 Engineering Design
MAE 322 Mechanical Design
MAE 332 Aircraft Design
MAE 342 Space System Design
MAE 412 Microprocessors for Measurement and Control
CEE 477 Engineering Design for Sustainable Development (pre-approved as Mech Design for those students enrolled
in the Sustainable Energy Program)
Technical Electives:
CB3 341 Mass, Momentum, and Energy Transport (may replace MAE 423 Heat Transfer)
Updated for AY 20-21
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Programs
Year: Advisor:
(total of 7 required in four distinct areas)
Distribution Area
Course # Sem/Yr Ck Course # Sem/Yr Ck Course # Sem/Yr Ck
(EC) Epist & Cogn
(EM) Ethic & Moral
(SA) Social Analysis
(HA) Historical Analysis
(LA) Literature & Arts
(FL) Foreign Language
(CD) Culture&Difference
ENGINEERING SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS (total of 8 courses required or AP Credit)
Course Check
Semester/Yr Course
Check Semester/Yr
MAT 103 PHY 103 OR 105*
MAT 104 PHY 104 OR 106*
MAT 201 OR 203* CHM 201 OR 203*
MAT 202 OR 204* COS 126*
Course Check
Course Check
MAE 221
MAE 206
MAE 223 MAE 222
MAE 305 MAE 224 Lab
Upper Level Departmental Requirements:
( ) = Number of Courses Required
Course Semester/Yr Course Semester/Yr Course Semester/Yr
Materials (1) MAE 324 (AE/ME) MSE 301 (AE/ME)
Design (3) MAE 321 (AE/ME) MAE 332/342 (AE) MAE 322/412 (ME)*
Math Elective (ME) (1)
Required Technical MAE 331/341 (AE) MAE 335 (AE/ME) MAE 427/426 (AE)
Electives (5) MAE 433 (AE/ME)
CEE361/312orMAE323 (AE/ME)
Senior IW -or- MAE 439 MAE 440 One Semester of independent
Senior Thesis -or- MAE 442 work is required. More than
Senior Project MAE 444 one suggested.
Aero Requirements: MAE 321, MAE 331/341 or MAE 332/342, MAE 335, MAE 427/426, MAE 433, Materials,
Checklist CEE361orCEE312orMAE323, Sr. IW or Sr. Thesis or Sr. Project - satisfies 3rd Design Requirement
Mech Requirements: MAE 321, MAE 322/412, MAE 335/336/423, Math Elective, TE, MAE 433, Materials
Checklist CEE361orCEE312orMAE323, Sr. IW or Sr. Thesis or Sr. Project - satisfies 3rd Design Requirement
Course Semester/Yr Course Semester/Yr Course Semester/Yr
Free Electives/
Additional Courses
(Non-Tech Electives)
Writing Requirement (1)
Total # of Courses Must
Equal 36
Certificate Program(s):
*See back page for approved alternate courses
Revised for AY 20-21
Princeton Equivalent
Course #
Name of University
Semester &
Substitutions not requiring Departmental Representative’s Approval:
EGR 192 replaces MAT 201 or MAT 203
PHY 107/108/109 sequence “General Physics” may replace the PHY103/105 or PHY 105/106 sequence
EGR 191 replaces PHY 103 or PHY 105
EGR 193 replaces PHY 104 or PHY 106
CHM 207 Advanced General Chemistry: Materials Chemistry
NOTE: ISC 231, 232 (Fall) and ISC 233, 234 (Spring) replaces PHY 103/104, CHM 201 and COS 126
Suggested Second Math Course:
MAE 306 (MAT 392) Mathematics in Engineering II (strongly recommended for those planning graduate work in
engineering or applied science)
ORF 245 Fundamentals of Engineering Statistics
ORF 307 Optimization
ORF 309 Probability and Stochastic Systems (MAT 380/ELE 380)
ORF 363 Computing and Optimization for the Physical and Social Sciences (COS 323)
COS 302 Mathematics for numerical Modeling and Machine Learning
COS 340 Reasoning About Computation
MAT 330 Complex Analysis with Applications
MAT 393 Mathematical Programming
PHY 403 Mathematical Methods of Physics
All other courses substitutions must be approved in writing by the Departmental Representative.
Design Courses:
MAE 321 Engineering Design
MAE 322 Mechanical Design
MAE 332 Aircraft Design
MAE 342 Space System Design
MAE 412 Microprocessors for Measurement and Control
CEE 477 Engineering Design for Sustainable Development (pre-approved as Mech Design for those students enrolled in
the Sustainable Energy Program)