IntelliJ IDEA,
the most intelligent Java IDE
IntelliJ IDEA, JetBrains’ flagship Java IDE,
provides high-class support and productivity
boosts for enterprise, mobile and web devel-
opment in Java, Scala and Groovy, withall
the latest technologies and frameworks sup-
ported out of the box.
How does IntelliJ IDEA
match up against competing tools?
Products versions in comparison
Compatibility with Operating systems
Marketing / Market / Community comparison
Community Comparison
More Information
To learn more about the product, please visit our website at
Every aspect of IntelliJ IDEA isspecifically
designed to maximize developer productiv-
ity. Together, powerful static code analysis
and ergonomic design make development
aproductive and enjoyable experience.
For web and enterprise development
For JVM and Android development
License Commercial Open-source, Apache 2.0?
Java, Kotlin, Groovy, Scala
 ✓  ✓
 ✓  ✓
Maven, Gradle, SBT
 ✓  ✓
Git, SVN, Mercurial, CVS
 ✓  ✓
Detecting Duplicates
Perforce, ClearCase, TFS
JavaScript, TypeScript
Java EE, Spring, GWT, Vaadin,
Play, Grails, Other Frameworks
Database Tools, SQL
After IntelliJ IDEA has indexed your source
code, it oers a blazingly fast and intelligent
coding experience by giving relevant sug-
gestions in every context: instant and clever
code completion, on-the-fly code analysis
andreliable refactoring tools. Mission-critical
tools such as integration withversion con-
trols systems and a wide variety of supported
languages and frameworks areat hand
noplugin hustle included. While IntelliJ
IDEA is an IDE for Java, italso understands
and provides intelligent coding assistance
for a large variety of other languages such
asSQL, JPQL, HTML, JavaScript, and more,
even when thelanguage expression is inject-
ed into aString literal inyour Java code.
IntelliJ IDEA is available in two editions:
Community Edition (free)
Ultimate Edition (paid)
JetBrains has extensively research various
tools to come up with the comparison ta-
ble below. We’ve tried to make it compre-
hensive and as neutral as we possibly can.
Asalltheproducts mentioned in the docu-
ment are being actively developed andtheir
functionality changes on a regular basis,
How does IntelliJ IDEA match up against competing tools?
Products versions in comparison
Product name IntelliJ IDEA Eclipse
Version compared IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 Eclipse Neon
weconsider this comparison valid for specific
releases that are indicated intheheader ofthe
comparison table. This document includes In-
telliJ IDEA 2016.3 comparison with Eclipse.
Ifyou discover any inaccurate items in this ta-
ble, please contact us at
and we’ll update the table assoon as possible.
Features Eclipse IntelliJ IDEA
Window Per workspace Per project
Auto-saving changes Disabled by default
Task-orientation Perspectives Tool windows
Major releases Once a year 3 times a year
Support Issue tracker Issue tracker, 24$/$7 customer support
Plugins compatibility No guarantee Guaranteed by JetBrains for all ocial plugins
Plugin SDK
 ✓  ✓
Full-screen mode
 ✓  ✓
Distraction-free mode
Inline parameter hints
Block selection
 ✓  ✓
Multiple carets Third-party plugins
Scratch files
Completion of static fields and methods
Chain completion
 ✓  ✓
Type-aware completion
Data-flow-aware completion
 ✓  ✓
Completion of super methods/constructors
Compatibility with Operating systems
Features Eclipse IntelliJ IDEA
Complete statement
Negating completion
Word completion
 ✓  ✓
 ✓  ✓
Change signature
 ✓  ✓
 ✓  ✓
Extract variable$/$field$/$constant$/$method
 ✓  ✓
Inline variable$/$field$/$constant$/$method
 ✓  ✓
Push/pull members up$/&down
 ✓  ✓
Encapsulate fields
 ✓  ✓
Find and replace code duplicates
Automatic renaming of variable$/$$field$/
method names and getters$/$setters
Type migration
Invert boolean
Safe delete
String fragments
Inline class
Extract functional parameter
Convert between JVM languages Java$→ Kotlin Groovy$→ Java
Java$→ Scala
Java$→ Kotlin
Features Eclipse IntelliJ IDEA
Convert loops into Java
8’s stream API call chains
Convert Java 8’s stream
API call chains into loops
Detecting duplicated code Third-party plugins
Batch inspections Third-party plugins
Search and navigation
Go to class
 ✓  ✓
Go to file
 ✓  ✓
Go to symbol
Go to folder
Go to related unit test
Go to related file
Find text in project
Instant preview
Search over String literals and comments
 ✓  ✓
 ✓  ✓
Evaluate Expression
 ✓  ✓
 ✓  ✓
Inline debugger
Breakpoints on lambdas
Features Eclipse IntelliJ IDEA
Global problems view Enabled by default Disabled by default
Compiler Eclipse Any
JVM Languages
 ✓  ✓
Groovy Ocial support may cease soon
Scala Ocial support may cease soon
 ✓  ✓
Clojure Third-party plugins Third-party plugins
Ceylon Third-party plugins Third-party plugins
Xtend Third-party plugins Third-party plugins
JPA, Hibernate
 ✓  ✓
 ✓  ✓
Spring Third-party plugins
Third-party plugins. Ocial support
has ceased and doesn’t include Grails 3.
Third-party plugins.
Ocial support may cease soon
GWT Third-party plugins
Third-party plugins.
Ocial support has ceased.
Features Eclipse IntelliJ IDEA
Build Tools
 ✓  ✓
 ✓  ✓
Gradle Third-party plugins
SBT Third-party plugins
Built-in tools
 ✓  ✓
Coverage Third-party plugins
 ✓  ✓
Remote access (FTP, SSH)
 ✓  ✓
Task management
 ✓  ✓
Docker Third-party plugins
Application servers
 ✓  ✓
 ✓  ✓
Google App Engine Third-party plugins
 ✓  ✓
JBoss, WildFly Third-party plugins
 ✓  ✓
WebSphere, Liberty
 ✓  ✓
 ✓  ✓
Features Eclipse IntelliJ IDEA
Staging changes Git Index. Supports partial changes. Change lists. Supports entire files only.
Nested repositories
 ✓  ✓
 ✓  ✓
Pull, Push, Merge, Rebase,
Commit, Reset, Cherry pick, Di
 ✓  ✓
Amend commit
 ✓  ✓
Stashes, Patches
 ✓  ✓
Interactive rebase
 ✓  ✓
GitHub Pull requests
Synchronous branch control
Other version controls
Subversion Third-party plugins
Mercurial Third-party plugins
Perforce Third-party plugins
CVS Third-party plugins
Marketing / Market / Community comparison
Community Comparison
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate USD 499 in the 1st year
USD 399 in the 2nd year
USD 299 per year afterwards
Support from JetBrains is included
Note: IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition is also available for free (with partial functionality)
Eclipse Free under Eclipse Public License. Comes with no support.
Indicator Eclipse IntelliJ IDEA
StackOverflow Answers 103,284 19,605
Twitter followers 18,000 43,200
Data collected on 29/12/2016
JetBrains IDEs are built on top of a single
IntelliJ Platform developed by JetBrains.
This shared platform helps ease the learning
curve by providing a familiar development
environment across tools, languages and
When the out-of-the-box functionality is not
enough, IntelliJ IDEA plugin repository con-
tains more than 2,000 downloadable plugins
of all kinds, including those that provide
support for various frameworks, additional
version control systems, integrations with
various tools, and editor enhancements.
Should you require integration with any solu-
tions, services or technologies you use in the
company, you can always take advantage of
the extensibility of IntelliJ Platform for cus-
tom development. A powerful and rich API
is available for you to extend the platform
based on your needs.
Extending IntelliJ Platform significantly lowers custom development costs and eorts thanks to:
One-time plugin development work need-
ed for all IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs (instead
ofdeveloping a dedicated plugin for each
ofthe tools, a single plugin can be devel-
oped and made compatible with all IntelliJ
IDEA-based IDEs at once).
Plugins can be developed using a single
language, be it Java or Kotlin, allowing de-
velopers to leverage the platform to target
Custom plugins can be developed for any
language and for any of the IDEs taking ad-
vantage of a single SDK (with a single con-
sistent API to that SDK) for plugin/extension
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is a polyglot IDE which
includes the functionality of many other Jet-
Brains IDEs (such as WebStorm, PhpStorm,
RubyMine, PyCharm, DataGrip, etc.) either
out of the box or with corresponding plugins
Polyglot Experience
available from the plugin repository free
ofcharge. Please refer to their dedicated
comparison documents or JetBrains website
for more information.
Features IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 Sublime Text 3
Visual Studio
Code 1.8
Atom 1.12.7
with Nuclide 0.188
Eclipse Neon
for JavaScript
JavaScript and
$Partially Partially Partially Partially
 ✓  ✓
with additional
 ✓  ✓
with additional
with additional
HTML support
 ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓
CSS support
 ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓
More Information
We tried to make this comparison as compre-
hensive and neutral as we possibly can. If you
discover any inaccurate items in this table,
please contact us at and
we’ll update the document as soon as possible.
If you need assistance with managing your li-
censes, selecting a licensing option, request-
ing assistance with a JetBrains oer, or any
special request or suggestion for JetBrains
tools, please do not hesitate to contact us.