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The Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953
Act 50 of 1953
Administrator, Contribution, Employee, Employer, Labour
1. Short title, extent and commencement
2A. Omitted.
3. Welfare Fund
5. Disqualifications and removal
6. Resignation of office by member and filling up casual vacancies
6AA. Power to appoint committees
6A. Unpaid accumulations and claims thereto
6BB. Contributions
6B. Interest on unpaid accumulations of fines after notice demand
7. Vesting and application of Fund
8. Power of 6oard to borrow
9. Investment of Fund (11 of 1882)
10. Directions by Administrator to Board
11. Appointment and power of Welfare Commissioner
12. Appointment of Inspectors, Delhi Act (7 of 1954)
13. Absorption of the existing staff under Commissioner Labour
14. Appointment of clerical and other staff by Board
15. Power of Administrator to remove any person on staff of Board
16. Power of Administrator or authorised officer to call records, etc.
17. Mode of recovery of sums payable to Board, etc.
17 A. Penalty for obstructing inspection in discharge of inspect duties or failure to produce documents,
17B. Provisions relating to jurisdiction
18. Supersession of Board
20. Members of Board Welfare Commissioner, Inspectors and all It,' officers and servants of Board to
be public servants " (XL V of 1960)
21. Protection to person acting in good faith
22. Exemptions
23. Amendment of section 8 of Act IV of 1936 (IV of 1.936)
1. Short title, extent and commencement
2. Definitions
3. Payment of fines and unpaid accumulations of employer
4. Notice for Payment of fines and unpaid accumulations by Welfare Commissioner
5. Particulars of unpaid accumulations to be published under section 6-3(A)
6. Remission of penalty
7. Maintenance and audit of accounts
8. Budget of Board
9. Additional Expenditure
10. Application for grant from fund
11. Mode of payment
12. Constitution of Board
13. Allowance of the members of the Board
14. Allowances of members of Committee
15. Meetings of Board
16. Quorum
17. Chairman to preside
18. Adjournments of meetings
19. All questions to be decided by the majority
20. Mode of exercising votes
21. Minutes of the meetings
22. Recruitment and conditions of services of Welfare Commissioner
23. Delegation of powers and functions of the Board
24. Additional powers of Inspectors
25. Maximum Limit of expenses on staff
26. Publication of Annual Report of the Board.
27. Maintenance of registers by employers
I. Modifications In The Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953 (Bombay Act XL of 1953)
II. Constitution of the Labour Welfare Fund for the N.C.T. of Delhi
As Extended to The Union Territory of Delhi
An Act to provide for the constitution of a Fund for the financing of activities to promote welfare of
labour in the State of Maharashtra for conducting such activities and for certain other purposes.
Whereas it is expedient to constitute a Fund for the financing of activities to promote, welfare of labour
in the State of Maharashtra for conducting such activities and for certain other purposes. It is hereby
enacted as follows:-
1. Short title, extent and commencement
(1) This Act may be called the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953.
(2) It extends to the whole of the Union territory of Delhi.
(3) It shall come into force on such date
as the Administrator may, by notification in the Delhi
Gazette, appoint in this behalf.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:-
(1) "Administrator" means the Administrator of the Union territory of Delhi appointed by the President
under article 239 of the Constitution.
(1A) "Board" means for Delhi Labour Welfare Board constituted under section 4;
(1AA) "contribution" means the sum of money payable to the Board in accordance with the provisions
of section 6BB;
(2) "employee" means any person who is employed for hire or reward to do any work, skilled or
unskilled, manual, clerical, supervisory, or technical in an establishment but does not include any
(a) who is employed mainly in a managerial capacity, or
(b) who, being employed in a supervisory capacity draw as wages exceeding one
thousand and six hundred rupees per mensem or exercises, either by the nature of
the duties attached to the office, or by reason of the powers vested in him, functions
mainly of a managerial nature;
(3) "employer" means any person who employs either directly or through another person either on
behalf of himself or any other person, one or more employees in an establishment and includes-
1. Vide GSR 1286(E) dt. 15.12.1986 as published in GOI Part II 3(i) (E) d t. 15.12.1987.
2. In exercise 6f the powers conferred by sub-rule (3) of rule 1 of the Delhi Labour Welfare Fund
Rules, 1997 the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to notify August
15th, 1998 as the date on which the Delhi Labour Welfare Fund Rues, 1997 shall come into force
vide notification No. F. 9(1) /89-DLC (W)/LC/ (i) /677dt. 14.8.98.
(i) in a factory, any person named under section 7(1)(f) of the Factories-Act, 1948 (LXIII
of 1948) as the manager;
(ii) in any establishment, any person responsible to the owner for the supervision and
control of the employees or for the payment of wages;
(4) "establishment" means-
(i) a factory;
(ii) a tramway or motor omni bus service or a motor transport undertaking to which the
Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 applies; and .
(iii) any establishment within the meaning of the Delhi Shops and Establishments Act,
1954, which employs, or on any working day during the preceding twelve months,
employed five or more persons:
Provided that any such establishment shall continue to be an establishment for the purposes
of this Act notwithstanding a reduction in the number of persons to less than five at any
subsequent time:
Provided further that, where for a continuos period of not less than three months the number
of parsons employed therein has been less than such establishment shall cease to be an
establishment for the purposes of this Act with- effect from the beginning of the month
following the expiry of the said period of three months, but the employer shall within one-
month from the date of such cessation, intimate by registered post the fact thereof to such
authority as the Administrator may specify in this behalf:
Explanation. -For the removal of doubt, it is hereby declared that where an establishment has
different branches or departments, all such branches or departments whether situated in the
same premises or different premises, shall be treated as parts of the same establishment;
(5) "Factory" means a factory as defined in section 2(m) of the Factories Act, 1948, (LXIII of 1948)
and includes any place wherein five or more persons are employed or working, and-
(i) where in any manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of power or is
ordinarily so carried on;
(ii) which is deemed to be a factory under section 85 of the said Act;
(6) "Fund" means the Labour Welfare Fund constituted under section 3;
(7) "independent member" means a member of the Board who is not connected with the
management of any establishment or who is not an employee and includes an officer of
Government nominated as a members;
(8) "Inspector" means an Inspector appointed under section 12;
(9) "Prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(10) "unpaid accumulation" means all payments due to the employees but not made to them within a
period of three years from the date on which they became the whether before or after the
commencement of this Act including the wages, and gratuity legally payable but not including the
amount of contribution, if any, paid by an employer to a provident fund established under the
Employees' Provident Funds Act, 1952 (XIV of 1952);
(11) "wages" means wages as defined in section 2(vi) of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (4 of 1936)
and includes bonus payment under the Payment-of Bonus Act, 1965 (21 of 1965);
(12) "Welfare Commissioner" means the Welfare Commissioner appointed under section 11.
2A. Deleted by Maharashtra Act 36 of (1961)
3. Welfare Fund
(1) The Administrator shall constitute a fund called the Labour Welfare Fund, and notwithstanding
anything contained in any other law for the time being in force or in any contract or instrument; all
unpaid accumulations shall be paid at such intervals as may be prescribed to the Board, which shall
keep a separate account therefor until claims thereto have been decided in the manner provided in
section 6A, and the other sums specified in sub-section (2) shall be paid into 'the Fund.
(2) The Fund shall consist of-
(a) all fines realised from the employees;
(b) unpaid accumulations transferred to the Fund under section 6A;
(bb) any penal interest paid under section 6B;
(bbb) any contribution paid under section 6BB;
(c) any voluntary donations;
(d) any fund transferred under sub-section (5) of section 7;
(e) any sum borrowed under section 8;
(f) any loan, grant-in-aid or subsidy paid by the Government.
(3) The sums specified in sub-section (2) shall be paid, or collected by such agencies, at such
intervals and in such manner and the accounts of the Fund shall be maintained and audited in such
manner as may be prescribed.
4. (1) The Administrator shall, by notification, in the Delhi Gazette constitute the Board for the whole of
the Union territory of Delhi for the purpose of administering the Fund, and to carry on such other
functions assigned to the Board by or under this Act. The Board shall consist to the following
members of exceeding twenty-six in number, namely. -
(a) such number as may be prescribed of representatives of employers and employees to be
nominated by the Administrator:
Provided that both employers and employees shall have equal representation on the Board;
(b) such number of independent members as may be prescribed, nominated by the
Administrator; and
(c) such number of independent members as may 'be prescribed, nominated by the
Administrator to represent women.
(2) The members of the Board shall elect one of its independent members as the Chairman of the
(3) Save as otherwise expressly provided by this Act, the term of office if the members of the Board
shall be three years commencing on the date on which the names are notified in the Delhi Gazette.
(4) The allowances, If any, payable to the members of the Boards shall be such as may be
(5) The Board shall be a body corporate by the name of the 'Delhi Labour Welfare Board having
perpetual succession and a common seal with power to acquire property both moveable and
immovable, and shall by the said name sue and be sued. .
(6) Deleted by Maharashtra Act 36 of 1961.
5. Disqualifications and removal
(1) No person shall be chosen as, or continue to be a member of the Board, who: -
(a) is a salaried official of the Board; or
(b) is or at any time has been adjudged, insolvent or has suspended payment of his debts or
has compounded with his creditors; or
(c) is found to be a lunatic or becomes of unsound mind; or
(d) is or has been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude.
(2) The Administrator may remove from office any member who:-
(a) is or has become subject to any of the disqualifications mentioned in sub-section (1); or
(b) is absent without leave of the Board for more than three consecutive meetings of the
6. Resignation of office by member and filling up casual vacancies
(1) A member ma y resign his office by giving notice thereof in writing, to the Administrator, and on
such resignation being accepted, shall deemed to have vacated his office.
(2) A casual vacancy in the office of a member shall be filled up, as soon as conveniently may be, by
the authority concerned and a member so nominated shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the
term of the office of his predecessor.
(3) No act or proceedings of the Board shall be questioned on the ground merely of the existence of
any vacancy in, or any defect in constitution of the Board.
6AA. Power to appoint Committees
For the purpose of advising the Board in the discharge of it & functions and also for carrying into effect
any of the matters specified in sub-section (2) of section 7, the Board may constitute one or more
Committees, of which at least one on each Committee shall be a member of the Board.
6A. Unpaid accumulations and claims thereto
(1) All unpaid accumulations shall be deemed to be abandoned property.
(2) Any unpaid accumulations paid to the Board in accordance with the provision of section 3 shall on
such payment, discharge an employer of the liability to make payment to an employee in respect
thereof but to the extent only or the amount paid to the Board, and the liability to make payment to the
employee to the extent aforesaid shall subject to the succeeding provisions of this section be deemed
to be transferred to the Board.
(3) As soon as possible after the payment of any unpaid accumulations is made to the Board, the
Board shall by notice (containing such particulars as may be prescribed)-
(a) exhibited on the notice-board of the factory or establishment in which the unpaid
accumulation was earned and
(b) deleted by Maharashtra 22 of 1964
(c) also published in any two newspapers circulating and in the language commonly understood
in the area in which the factory or establishment in which the unpaid accumulation was
earned is situate, or in such other manner as may be prescribed, regard being had to the
amount of the claim, invite claims by employees for any payment due to them. The notice
shall be inserted in the manner aforesaid in June and December of every year, for a period of
three years from the date or the payment of the unpaid accumulation to the Board.
(4) If any question arises whether the notice referred to in sub-section (3) was, given as required by
that sub-section, a certificate of the Board that it' was so given shall be conclusive.
(5) If a claim is received whether in answer to the notices or otherwise, within a period of four years
from the date of first publication of the notice in respect of such claim, the Board shall transfer such
claim to the Authority appointed under section 15 of the payment of Wages Act, 1936 (IV of 1936),
having jurisdiction in the area in which the factory or establishment is situated, and the Authority shall
proceed to adjudicate upon and decide, such claim. In hearing such claim, the Authority shall have the
powers conferred by, and follow the procedure (in so far as it is applicable) for lowed in giving effect to
the provisions of that Act.
(6) If the Authority aforesaid is satisfied that any such claim is valid so that the right to receive
payment is established, it shall decide that the unpaid accumulation in relation to which the claim is
made shall cease to be deemed to be abandoned property, 'and shall order the Board to pay the
whole of the dues claimed, or such part thereof as the Authority decides are properly due; to the'.
employees; and the Board shall make payment accordingly:
Provided that, the Board shall not be liable to pay any sum in excess of that paid under sub-section
(1) of section 3 to the Board as unpaid accumulations, in; respect of the claim
(7) If a claim for payment is refused, the employee shall have a right of appeal to the District Court,
and the Board shall comply with any order made in appeal. An appeal shall lie within sixty days of the
decision of the Authority.
(8) The decision of the Authority, subject to appeal aforesaid, and the decision in appeal of the District
Court, shall be final and conclusive as to the right to receive payment, the liability of the Board to pay
and also as to the amount, if any
(9) If no claim is made within the time specified in sub-section (5), or a claims has been duly refused
aforesaid by the Authority, or on appeal by the Court, then the unpaid accumulations in respect of
such claim shall accrue to, and vest in, the State as bona vacantia and shall thereafter, without further
assurance be deemed to be transferred to, form part of, the Fund.
6BB. Contributions
(1) The contribution payable under this Act in respect of an employee in an establishment shall
comprise contribution, payable by the employers (here-in-after referred to as 'the employers
contributionā€™) contribution payable by such employee (here-in-after referred to as 'the employee's
contributionā€™) and the contribution payable by the Administrator and shall be paid to the Board and
form part of the Fund.
(2) The amount of contribution payable every six months in respect of every employee shall be 75
paise, only if the name of such employee stands on the register of an establishment on 30th June and
31st December, respectively; and in respect of an employer for each such employee shall be 225
paise payab1e every six months.
(3) Every employer shall pay to the Board both the employerā€™s contribution of 225 paise and the
employee's contribution of 75 paise, before the 15
day of July and 15thday of January,
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other enactment but subject to the provisions of this Act
and any rules, the employer shall in the case of any such employee be entitled to recover from the
employee that employeeā€™s contribution by deduction from his wages, and not otherwise; and such
deduction shall be deemed to be a deduction 'authorised by or under the Payment of Wages Act,
1936 (4 of 1936),
Provided that, no such deduction shall be made in excess of the amount of the contribution payable
by such employee, not shall be made from any wages other than the wages for the months of June
and December
Provided further that, if through inadvertance or otherwise, no deduction has been made from the
wages of an employee for the months aforesaid, such deduction may be made from the wages of
such employee for any subsequent months or months with the permission in writing of the Inspector
appointed under this Act,
(5) Notwithstanding any contract to the contrary, no employer shall deduct the employer's contribution
from any wages payable to an employee or otherwise recover it from the employee,
(6) Any sum duly deducted by an employer from the wages of an employee under this section shall be
deemed to have been entrusted to him by the employee for the purpose of paying the contribution in
respect of which it was deducted.
(7) An employer shall may the employer's and the employee's contribution to the Board by check,
money order or in cash, and he shall bear the expenses of remitting to the Board such contributions.
(8) The Welfare Commissioner shall submit to the Administrator as soon as possible after the end of
July and January every year in the prescribed form a statement showing the total amount of the
employee's contribution and the employees' contribution in respect of employees in each
establishment. On receipt of the statement from the Welfare Commissioner the Administrator shall
pay to the Board, a contribution of an amount equal to twice the employees contribution in respect of
that establishment,
6B. Interest on unpaid accumulations or fines after notice of demand
(1) If an employer does not pay to the Board any amount of unpaid accumulations, or fines realised
from the employees or the amount of the employer's and employee's contributions under section 6BB
within the time he is required by or under the provisions of this Act to pay it, the Welfare Com-
missioner may cause to be served a notice on Such employer to pay the amount within the period
specified therein, which shall not be less than thirty days from the date of service of such notice.
(2) If the employer fails, without sufficient cause, to pay any such amount within the period specified in
the notice, he shall, in addition to that amount, pay in the Board simple interest-
(a) in the case of a failure to pay any amount of unpaid accumulations or fines realised from
the employees:-
(i) for the first three months, at one per cent, of the said amount for each
completed months, after the last date by which he should have paid it
according to the notice; and
(ii) thereafter;, at one and a half per cent of that amount for each completed
month, during the time he continues to make default in the payment of that
(b) in the case of a failure to pay any amount of the employer's and employees' contributions
under section 6BB,-
(i) for the first three months, at one per cent of the said amount for .each completed
month,. after the last date by which he should have paid it in accordance with the
provisions of sub-section (3) of section 6BB; and
(ii) thereafter, at one and a half percent of that amount for each completed month,
during the time he continues to make default in the payment of that amount;
Provided that, the Welfare Commissioner may, subject to such conditions as may
be prescribed, remit the whole or any part of the penalty in respect of any period.
7. Vesting and application of fund
(1) The fund shall vest in and be held and applied by the Board as Trustees subject to the provisions
and for the purpose of this Act. The moneys therein shall be utilized by the Board to defray the cost of
carrying out measures which may be specified by the Administrator from time to time to promote the
welfare of labour and of their dependents.
(2) Without prejudice to the generally of sub-section (1) the moneys in the Fund may be utilized by the
Board to defray expenditure on the following:
(a) community, and social education centre including reading rooms and libraries;
(b) community necessities;
(c) games and sports;
(d) excursions, tours and holiday home;
(e) entertainment and other forms of recreations;
(f) home industries and subsidiary occupations for women and unemployed persons;
(g) corporate activities of a social nature;
(h) cost of administering the Act including the salaries and allowances pension, provident
fund and gratuity and any other fringe benefits of the staff appointed for the purposes of
the Act; and .
(i) such other object as would in the opinion of the Administrator improve the standard of
living and ameliorate the social conditions of labour;
Provided that the Fund shall not be utilised in financing any measure which the employer is required
under any law for the time being in force to carry out;
Provided further that, unpaid accumulations and fines shall be paid to the Board and be expended by
it under this Act not withstanding anything contained in the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (4 of 1936),
or the other law for the time being in force.
(3) The Board may, with the approval of the Administrator, make a grant of the Fund to any employer,
any local authority or any other body in aid of any activity for the welfare of labour approved by the
(4) If any question arises whether any particular expenditure is or is not debitable to the Fund, the
matter shall be referred to the Administrator and the decision given by the Administrator shall be final.
(5) It shall be lawful for the Board to continue any activity financed from the labour welfare fund of any
establishment, if the said fund is duly transferred to the Board.
8. Power of Board to borrow.
The Board may from time to time with the previous sanction of the Administrator and subject to the
provisions of this Act and to such conditions as may be specified in this behalf borrow any sum
required for the purpose of this Act.
9. Investment of Fund (11 of 1882)
Where the Fund or any portion thereof cannot be applied at any early date for fulfilling the objects of
the Act, the Board shall invest the same in any of the securities specified in clauses (a) to (d) and (f)
of section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882.
10. Directions by Administrator to Board
The Administrator may give the Board such directions as in his opinion are necessary or expedient in
connection with expenditure from the Fund or for carrying out the other purposes of the Act. It shall be
the duty of the Board to comply with such directions.
11. Appointment and power of Welfare Commissioner
(i) The Welfare Commissioner shall be appointed by the Board with the previous
approval of the Administrator;
(ii) The Welfare Commissioner shall be the principal executive officer of the Board;
(iii) It shall be the duty of the Welfare Commissioner to ensure that the provisions of this
Act and the rules made thereunder are duly carried out and for this purpose he is
shall have the power to issue such orders not inconsistent with the provisions of the
Act and rules made thereunder as he deems fit including, my order implementing the
decisions taken by the Board under the Act or rules made thereunder.
(2) Delete by Maharashtra Act 36 of 1961.
(1) The Administrator may appoint inspectors to il1Spect records in connection with the sums payable
into the Fund. Inspectors appointed under the Delhi Shops and Establishments Act, 1954, in relation
to any area, shall be deemed to be also Inspectors for the purposes of this Act, in respect of
establishments to which this Act applies, and the local limits within which such Inspector shall
exercise his functions under this Act shall be the area for which he is appointed under the said Act.
(2) Any Inspector may-
(a) with such assistance, if any as he thinks fit, enter at any reasonable time any premises for
carrying out the purposes of this Act;
(b) exercise such other powers as may be prescribed.
13. Absorption of the existing staff under Commissioner of Labour
(1) The Board shall take over and employ such of the existing staff under the control of the Labour
Commissioner, Delhi, as the Administrator may direct and every person so taken over and employed
shall be subject to the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder: -
Provided that ā€“
(a) during the period of such employment all matters relating to pay, leave, retirement,
allowances, pensions, provident fund and other conditions of service of the said staff shall be
regulated by the rules for the time being applicable to persons employed in connection with
the affairs of the Union territory of Delhi or such other rules as may be from time to time be
made by the Administrator;
(b) every such member shall have a right of appeal to the Administrator against any order of
reduction, dismissal or removal from service, .fine or any other punishment:
Provided further that person so taken over may elect within the prescribed period that he desires to be
governed by the rules made under this Act in respect of conditions of service of the staff appointed by
the Board under this Act and on his electing to do so the provisions of the first proviso shall cease to
apply to him.
(2) Omitted.
14. Appointment of clerical and other staff by Board
(1) The Board shall have power to appoint the necessary clerical and executive staff to carry out and
supervise the activities financed from the Fund:
Provided that the expenses of the staff thus appointed and other administrative expenses shall not
exceed a prescribed percentage of the annual income of the Fund.
(2) The Board shall, with the approval of the Administrator, make regulations regarding the method of
recruitment, pay and allowances, and other conditions of service of the members of its staff (other
than the Welfare Commissioner and the Inspectors):
Provided that, until the regulations are so made, the conditions of service of such staff shall be
governed by the rules made by the Administrator in this behalf.
15. Power of Administrator to remove any person on staff of Board
The Administrator shall have the power to remove any person whom he may deem unsuitable, from
the service of the Board and to make an appointment in respect of whom more than one-third of the
members of the Board have not agreed.
16. Power of Administrator or authorised officer to call for records, etc.
The Administrator or any officer authorised by the Administrator may call for the records of the Board,
inspect the same and may supervise the working of the Board.
17. Mode of recovery of sums payable to Board, etc.
Any sum payable to the Board or into the Fund under this Act shall, without prejudice to any other
made of recovery, be recoverable on behalf of the Board as an arrear of land revenue.
17 A. Penalty for obstructing inspection in discharge of inspector's duties or failure to produce
documents, etc.
Any person who wilfully obstructs an Inspector in the exercise of his powers or discharge of his duties
under this Act or fails to produce for inspection on demand by an inspector any registers, records or
other documents maintained in pursuance of the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder
or to supply to him on demand true copies of any such documents, shall, on conviction, be punished.
(a) for the first offence, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or with
fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both; and
(b) for a second or subsequent offences, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six
months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both;
Provided that, in the absence of special and adequate reasons to the contrary to be mentioned in the
judgement of the Court, in any case where the offender is sentenced to a fine only, the amount of fine
shall not be less than fifty rupees.
17B, Provisions relating to jurisdiction
(1) No Court inferior to that of a Metropolitan shall try any offence punishable under section 17A.
(2) No prosecution for such offence shall be instituted, except by an inspector with the previous
sanction of the Welfare Commissioner.
(3) No Court shall take cognizance of such offence, unless, complaint thereof is made within six
months of the date on which the offence is alleged to have been committed.
18, Supersession of Board
(1) If the Administrator is satisfied that the Board has made default in performing any duties imposed
on it by or under this Act or has abused its power, the Administrator may by notification in the Delhi
Gazette supersede and reconstitute the Board in the manner prescribed for constitution of the Board:
Provided that before issuing the notification under this sub-section, the Administrator will give a
reasonable opportunity to the Board to show cause why it should not be superseded and shall
consider the explanations and, objections, if any, of the Board.
(2) After the supersession of the Board and until it is reconstituted the powers, duties and functions of
the Board under this Act shall be exercised or performed by the Board or by such officer or officers as
the Administrator may appoint for this purpose.
19, (1) The Administrator may, by notification, in the Delhi Gazette and subject to the condition of
previous publication, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may be
made for all or any of the following matters, namely: -
(a) the intervals at which or the period within which any of the sums referred to in section 3 shall
be paid to the Board or into the Fund, the manner of making such payment and the agency
for and manner of, collection of any such sum;
(b) the manner in which the accounts of the Fund shall be maintained and audited under sub-
section (3) of Section 3;
(c) the procedure for making grants from the Fund under section 7;
(d) the procedure for defraying the expenditure incurred in administering the Fund;
(e) the number of representatives of employers and employees, independent members and
representatives of women on the Board, and the allowances, if any, payable to them, under
section 4;
(f) the manner in which the Board shall conduct their business;
(g) the duties and powers of the inspectors and the conditions of service of the Welfare
Commissioner and Inspectors appointed under this Act;
(ga) the delegation of the powers and functions of the Board to the Welfare Commissioner and the
conditions and limitations subject to which the powers maybe: exercised or functions discharged;
(h) the percentage of the annual income of the Fund beyond which the Board may not spend on the
staff and on other administrative members;
(i) the Registers and records to he maintained and returns to be sent to the Board under this Act;
(j) the publication of the report of the activities financed from the Fund together with a statement of
receipts and expenditures of the Fund and statement of accounts;
(k) any other matter which under this Act is or may be prescribed.
(3) Omitted.
20. Members of Board Welfare Commissioner, Inspectors and all officers and servants of
Board to be public servants (XL V of 1960)
The members of the Board, the Welfare Commissioner, inspectors and all officers and servants of the
Board shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal
21. Protection to person acting in good faith
No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against any person for anything which is in
good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.
22. Exemptions
The Administrator may by notification in the Delhi Gazette exempt any class of establishment from all
or any of the provisions of this Act subject to such conditions as may be specified in the notification.
23. Amendment of section 8 of Act IV of 1936 (IV of 1936)
In section 68 of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 in is application to the Union Territory of Delhi, to
sub-section (8) to the following shall be added, before the explanation, namely: -
" but in the case of any factory or establishment to which the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund
Act, 1953, as extended to the Union territory of Delhi, applies all such realisations shall be
paid into the Fund constituted under the said Act."
Notification No. F. 9(1)/89-DLC (W) LC/590, dt. 18.11.1997. - In exercise of the powers conferred
by Section 19 of the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953 (Bombay Act No., XL of 1953) as
extended to the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of
Delhi, after previous publication, is pleased to make the following rules, namely: -
1. Short title, extent and commencement
(1) These rules may be called the Delhi Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1997,
(2) They extend to the whole of the National Capital Territory of Delhi,
(3) They shall come into force from a date to be notified by the Government of the National Capital
Territory of Delhi,
2. Definitions
In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context: -
(a) "Act" means the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953, (Bombay Act No. XL of 1953) as
extended to National Capital Territory of Delhi.
(b) "establishment register" means in relation to-
(i) a factory, a register of adult workers or a register of child workers maintained under
section 62 or section respectively, of the Factories Act, 1948 (Act No. LXIII of 1948);
(ii) any other establishment, a register of employment maintained under the Delhi Shops
and Establishment rules, 1954.
Provided that where any establishment is not required to maintain such register, any
other register in which names of workers of the establishment employed every day or
every month of the year are ordinarily show.
(c) "Form" means a form appended to these Rules;
(d) "Government" means the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi;
(e) "Lt. Governor" means the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi appointed by the
President under article 239 read with article 239AA of the Constitution;
(f) "section" means a section of the Act;
(g) words and expressions not defined in these Rules shall have the meanings assigned to them
under the Act.
1. As Published in Delhi Gazette Part IV (Extra) dt. 18.11.1997.
3. Payment of fines and unpaid accumulations of employer
(1) Within three months from the date on which the rules shall come into force in the National Capital
Territory of Delhi, every Employer in such Territory shall pay by cheque, money order or cash to the
Welfare Commissioner.
(a) all fines realised from the employees before the said date and remaining unutilised on that
date; and
(b) all unpaid accumulations held by the employer on the aforesaid date;
(2) The employer shall alongwith such payment submit a statement to the Welfare Commissioner
giving full particular of the amounts so paid;
(3) Thereafter all fines realised from the employers and all unpaid accumulations during the quarters
ending the 31st March, the 30th June, the 30
September and the 31st December shall be paid by the
employer in the manner aforesaid to the Welfare Commissioner on or before the 15th of April, the
15th of July, the 15th of October and the 15th of January succeeding such quarter and a statement
giving particular of the amounts so paid shall be submitted by him alongwith such payment to the
Welfare Commissioner.
(4) Every employer shall submit to the Welfare Commissioner on or before the 31st day of July and
31st day of January a statement of employer's contribution and the employees contribution in respect
of employees whose names stand on the establishment register on the 30th June, and the 31st
December, respectively in Form 'A'.
(5) The Welfare Commissioner shall submit to the Lt. Governor not later than the 31st August, and the
28th February respectively, a statement of employers contribution received by him on the 30th June,
and 31st December, respectively, in Form 'B'.
4. Notice for Payment of fines and unpaid accumulations by Welfare Commissioner
The Welfare Commissioner may, after making such enquiries as he may deem fit, and after calling for
a report from the Inspector if necessary serve a notice on any employer to pay any portion of fines
realised from the employees or unpaid accumulations held by him which the employer has not paid in
accordance with rule 3. The employer shall comply with the notice within fourteen days of the receipt
5. Particulars of unpaid accumulations to be published under section 6-3(A)
The notice referred to in sub-section (3) of section 6-A shall contain the following particulars namely; -
(a) Name and addresses of the factory or establishment in which the unpaid accumulations were
(b) Wage period during which the unpaid accumulations were earned;
(c) Amount of the unpaid accumulations;
(d) A declaration that a list containing the names of employees and the amount due to them and paid
to the Board has been pasted on the notice board of the factory or establishment in which the
unpaid accumulations were earned.
6. Remission of penalty
(1) Application for remission of penalty shall be made to the Welfare Commissioner within sixty days
from the date of payment of penalty, and shall clearly specify the grounds on which the remission is
(2) Where the Welfare Commissioner is satisfied that the penalty imposed is likely to cause undue
hardship to the employer concerned or that the employer has suffered financially on account of riots,
war or through natural calamities or that delay caused in the payment of unpaid accumulations or
fines was due to circumstances beyond his control, the Welfare Commissioner may remit in part or
whole the penalty payable under sub-section (2) of section 6-B;
Provided that if the amount of penalty to be remitted exceeds five hundred rupees, the ren1ission
shall not be made without the prior sanction of the Board.
7. Maintenance and audit of accounts
The accounts of the funds shall be prepared and maintained by the Accounts Officers of the Board in
Form 'C' and shall be audited by the Pay and Accounts Officer to be deputed by the Director of Audit,
of the Government once a Year. The Welfare Commissioner shall be responsible for the disposal of
the audit note.
8. Budget of Board
(1) The budget estimates for each financial year shall be prepared and laid before the Board on or
before the 1st day of December of the: previous financial year and, after it is approved by the Board,
shall be forwarded to the Lt. Governor for approval on or before the 15th December. The Lt. Governor
shall approve of the budget before the 15th January after making such amendments and alternations
as he considers necessary.
(2) The budget, thus amended or altered and approved shall constitute the budget of the Board for the
ensuing financial year and shall be issued under the seal of the Board and signed by the Officer or
Officers of the Board duly authorised in this behalf. An authenticated copy of the budget shall be
forwarded to the Lt. Governor, before the 28th February.
9. Additional Expenditure
If during the course of the financial year, it becomes necessary to incur expenditure over and above
the provision made in the budget, the Board shall immediately submit to the Lt. Governor the details of
the proposed expenditure, and specify the manner in which it is proposed to meet the additional
expenditure. The Lt. Governor may either approve the proposed expenditure after making such
modifications as he considers necessary or reject it. A copy of the order passed by the Lt. Governor
on every such proposal to incur additional expenditure shall be communicated to the board and the
auditor, if any, appointment by the Lt. Governor.
10. Application for grant from fund
Any employer, local authority or any other body, may make an application to the Welfare
Commissioner for a grant under section 7(3) of the Act. Such application shall be placed by the
Welfare Commissioner before the Board within a month of its receipt with his remarks, and the
recommendations of the Board shall be forwarded to the Lt. Governor by the Welfare Commissioner
for obtaining the approval of the Lt. Governor.
11. Mode of payment
All payments from the Fund amounting to:
(a) less than five hundred rupees may be made in cash; and
(b) five hundred rupees or more shall be made by cheque issued by the Welfare Commissioner;
Provided that the Board may, in any particular 'case for special reasons, authorise such payment also
in cash.
12. Constitution of Board
The Boards shall consist of 12 members including the Chairman, out of which three shall be the
representatives of employers and employees each, three women representatives and two
representatives shall be independent members.
13. Allowances of the members of the Board
The members of the Board shall hold their offices in an honorary capacity. Such members shall be
eligible for conveyance allowance and to travelling and daily allowances for attending each meeting of
the Board at the rate as admissible to a non-official member as laid down in the Government of India's
orders issued on the subject from time to time.
14. Allowances of members of Committee
The members of the Committee constituted under Section 6-AA shall be eligible to conveyance
allowance and to travelling and daily allowances for attending such meeting of the Board the rate as
admissible to a non-official member as laid down in Government of India's orders issued on the
subject from time to time.
15. Meetings of Board
(1) The Board shall meet at least once every quarter and so often as may be necessary.
(2) All members of the Board shall be given seven clear day's notice of a meeting specifying the date
and time and place of the meeting and business to be transacted thereat;
Provided that seven clear days' notice shall not be necessary where in the opinion of the chairman,
business of an emergent nature has to be-transacted.
16. Quorum
The number of members necessary to constitution a quorum at a meeting of the Board shall be sever
including the Chairman.
17. Chairman to preside.
Every meeting of the Board shall be presided over by the chairman or if the chairman is, for any
reason, unable to attend it, by such one of the members present as may be chosen by the meeting to
be the Chairman for the occasion.
18. Adjournments of meetings
If there is no quorm as laid down in rule 16, the chairman, shall, after waiting for thirteen minutes after'
expiration of the appointed hour, adjourn the meeting to such hour on some other future day as he
may reasonably fix. A notice of such adjourned meeting shall be sent to every member of the Board
and the business which would have been brought before the original meeting, had there been a
quorum thereat, shall be brought before the adjourned meeting and may be disposed off at such
meeting, whether there be quorum or not.
19. All questions to be decided by the majority
All questions coming before the meeting of the Board shall be decided by a majority of the members
present and voting at the meeting. The chairman shall have a second or casting vote in all cases of
equality of votes.
20. Mode of exercising votes
Votes shall be taken by show of hands and the names of person voting in favour and against any
presposition shall be recorded only if any member requests the chairman to do so.
21. Minutes of the meetings
The Board shall keep minutes of the proceedings of each meeting of the Board and shall include
therein the names of the members present. A copy of such minutes shall be submitted by the Board to
the Lt. Governor as soon as they are confirmed by the Board.
22. Recruitment and conditions of services of Welfare Commissioner
(1) Appointment to the post of Welfare Commissioner shall be made by the either: -
(a) by nomination from and amongst the persons-
(i) Who are not less than 35 years and more than 45 years of age;
(ii) Who holds degree in Economics and Sociology of any university recognised by
the Government in this behalf and diploma in Labour Welfare or Social Sciences
of any institute recognised by the Government in this behalf;
(iii) Who have sufficient knowledge of Hindi and are able to speak, read and write in
that language;
(iv) Who have at least ten years experience in responsible capacity in labour social
welfare administration; and
(v) Who have sufficient knowledge and experience of organising physical, cultural
and other recreational activities;
(b) by promotion amongst Deputy Welfare Commissioner who have put in continuous service
of at least three years in that post; or
(c) by deputation of officers from the cadre of Deputy Labour Commissioner or of Assistant
Labour Commissioner-
(i) Who have put in a continuous service of five years in any capacity, not lower in rank
than that of an Assistant Labour Commissioner.
(2) A candidate appointed on deputation shall normally be appointed for a period of 3 years as
provided in Government of India's orders issued from time to time. The period of deputation may be
extended by one year more in exceptional cases.
(3) The post of Welfare Commissioner shall carry-
(i) The post scale of Rs. 3000-4500 for the said post or own scale of pay with Rs. 500 p.m. as
deputation allowance;
(ii) a dearness allowance at the rate admissible to an officer of the Govt. of National Capital
Territory of Delhi drawing pay equal to that drawn by the Welfare Commissioner and a special
pay of Rs. 500 p.m.
(iii) a conveyance allowance as may be approved by the Lt. Governor from time to time.
23. Delegation of powers and functions of the Board
The Board may delegate its powers and functions to the Welfare Commissioner in relation to the
following matters subject to the conditions and limitations specified below namely-
I. Under section 7 subject to the provisions of any rule made in this behalf.
(A) to sanction expenditure within the budget grants approved by the Government.
(B) to transfer funds among the following detailed heads of account namely-
(i) Community and social education centres;
(ii) reading rooms at centres;
(iii) libraries at centres;
(iv) circulating libraries;
(v) community necessities;
(vi) games arid sports;
(vii) excursions, tours and holiday homes;
(viii) entertainment and other forms of recreations;
(ix) home industries;
(x) subsidiary occupations for women and unemployed person;
(xi) remunerative employment;
(C) to write off any loss when its value is not more than Rs. 2500/-(I{s. two thousand and five hundred
II. Under section 14-
(A) to appoint the necessary clerical and executive staff to carry out and supervise the activities
financed from the fund, on posts, the basic salary of which is not more than Rs. 1400/- (Rupees
One thousand four hundred) per month.
(B) to exercise powers of administration and taking disciplinary action against such staff as stated
(i) power to transfer, to sanction increment to fix pay; to grant joining time, to depute on
foreign service, sanction of leave and to relax qualifications;
(ii) powers of discharging a person;
(a) on probation during the period of such probation;
(b) to appoint otherwise than under contract to hold a temporary appointment on the
expiration of the period of that appointment or for any other reason;
(c) to engage under contract in accordance with the terms of his contract;
(d) to appoint otherwise than under a contract to hold a permanent appointment on
the abolition .of that post or pay or any other reasons;
(iii) powers of imposing any of the following penalties
(a) censure;
(b) withholding of increment or promotion including stoppage at an efficiency bar;
(c) reduction to a lower post or time scale or to a lower stage in a time scale;
(d) recovery from pay of the whole or part of any loss caused to the Board by
negligence or breach of orders;
(e) fine;
(f) suspension;
(g) removal from the service of the Board, which does not disqualify one from any
future employment;
(h) dismissal from the service of the Board which ordinarily disqualifies from future
(i) any other punishment with the approval of the Board;
Provided that every member of such staff sl1all have aright to appeal to the Board against any order
of reduction, dismissal or removal from service, fine or any other punishment.
24. Additional powers of Inspectors
Every Inspector shall, for carrying out the purposes of the Act, also have the powers to require any
employer to produce any document for his inspection, to supply him a true copy of any such
document to give him a statement in writing.
25. Maximum Limit of expenses on staff
The Board shall ensure that the expenses of the staff including the staff employed for carrying out the
programme of the Board, and other administrative expenses, shall not exceed sixty percent of the
annual income of the Fund.
26. Publication of Annual Report of the Board
The Board shall, within three months of the date of the closing of each financial year, submit to the Lt.
Governor for approval an audited statement of receipts and expenditure together with an annual
report giving its activities in the year.
27. Maintenance of registers by employers
(1) Every employer of an establishment shall maintain and preserve tar a period of ten years-
(a) a register of wages in Form ā€˜Dā€™ except in cases where the employer maintains a muster
roll-cum wage register prescribed under the Delhi Minimum Wages Rules, 1950 and Delhi
Shops and Establishments Rules, 1954; and
(b) a consolidated register of unclaimed wages and fines in Form 'E'.
(2) In cases pending before the Appellate Authority, the record shall be preserved till the cases are
finally disposed off.
(3) The employer shall by the 31st January of every year forward to the Welfare Commissioner a
copy of the extract from the register in Form 'D' pertaining to the previous year.
[See Rule 3(4)]
Statement of employees' and employers' contribution for the six months ending on the 30
June and the 31
December, respectively
1. Name of the establishment
2. Name of the employer
3. Class of establishments (i.e. whether a factory of motor omni bus service, a shop, commercial
establishment, residential hotel, restaurant, eating house, theatre or other place of public
amusement or entertainment).
4. Address of the establishment
5. Total number of employees whose names stands on the establishment register on the 30
June/the 31
6. (a) Employees' contribution at the rate of Rs. ______________
(b) Employers' contribution at the rate of Rs. ______________ Per employee,
7. Total of sub-entries (a) and (b) of entry 6.
8. Weather the contribution has already been paid to the Welfare Commissioner, if so, whether by
cheque, money order or cash and details thereof.
Signature of the employer.
[See Rule 3(5)]
Statement of employers' contribution received by the Welfare Commissioner for six months
ending on 30
June and 31
December respectively in the year ______________
Class of Establishment Number of establishment Amount of employers'
contribution received by the
1 2 3
1. Factories
2. Motor Omni bus Service
3. Shops
4. Commercial establishments
5. Residential hotel
6. Restaurants
7. Eating house
8. Theatres
9. Other place of Public amusement or entertainment __________________
TOTAL _____________________
Signature of the
Welfare Commissioner
I. Modifications in The Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953 (Bombay Act XL of 1953).
No. G.S.R. 1286(E), dt. 15.12.1986- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 2 of the
Union Territories (Laws) Act, 1950 (30 of 1950), the Central Government hereby extends to the Union
territory of Delhi, the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953 (Bombay Act XL of 1953), as in force in
the State of Maharashtra at the date of this notification, subject to the following modifications, namely
1. Throughout the Act,-
(i) for the words "State of Maharashtra", wherever they occur, the words "Union territory
of Delhi" shall be substituted;
(ii) unless otherwise directed, for the words "State Government", wherever they occur,
the word "Administrator" shall be substituted and there shall also be made in any
sentence in which those words occur such changes as the rules of grammar require;
(iii) for the words "Official Gazette", wherever they occur, the words "Delhi Gazette" shall
be substituted;
(iv) for the words "Maharashtra Labour Welfare Board" wherever they occur, the words
"Delhi Labour Welfare Board" shall be substituted;
(v) for the words and figures "the Bombay Shops and Establishments Act, 1948"
wherever they occur, the words and figures "the Delhi Shops and Establishments Act,
1954" shall be substituted.
2. In section 1, sub-section (3), the words "in such area and" shall be omitted.
3. In section 2, clauses (1) and (1A) shall be renumbered as clauses (1A) and (1AA), respectively,
and before the clauses as so renumbered, the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-
(1) "Administrator" means the Administrator of the Union territory of Delhi appointed by the
President under article 239 of the Constitution."
4. In section 3, in sub-section (2), in clause (f), for the words "State Government", the word
"Government" shall be substituted.
5. In section 4 sub-section (6) shall be omitted.
6. In section 6A-
(a) in sub-section (7), the words "in Greater Bombay to the Court of Small Causes and
elsewhere" shall be omitted;
(b) in sub-section (8), the words "the Court of Small Causes, or as the case may be,"
shall be omitted.
7. In section 6BB, in sub-sections (1) and (8) for the words "State Government", wherever,
they occur, the word "Government" shall be substituted;
8. In section 12, in sub-section (1), the words, "whether by a local authority or the State Government"
shall be omitted.
9. In section 13. -
(a) in sub-section (1),-
(i) for the words, "Commissioner of Labour, Bombay", the words "Labour
Commissioner, Delhi" shall be substituted;
(ii) in clause (a) of the proviso, for the words "the Bombay Civil Service Rules", the
words "the rules for the time being applicable: to persons employed in connection
with the affairs of the Union territory of Delhi" shall be substituted;
(b) sub-section (2) shall be omitted.
10. In section 17B, in sub-section (1), for the 2 words "Presidency Magistrate or a Magistrate of
the first Class, the words "Metropolitan Magistrate" shall be substituted.
11. In section 19, sub-section (3) shall be omitted.
12. In section 23-
(a) for the words and figures "the Payment of Wages Act, 1936", the words and figures "the Payment
of Wages Act, 1936, in its application of the Union territory of Delhi" shall be substituted;
(b) In the amendment directed by that section, for words and figures "the Bombay Labour Welfare
Fund Act, 1953" the words and figures "the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953, as extended
to the Union territory of Delhi" shall be substituted.
II. Constitution of the Labour Welfare Fund for the N.C.T. of Delhi.
No. F.9 (1)/89/DLC (W)/100, dt. 13.7.2004. - In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-
section (1) of section 3 of the Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953 as extended to the National
Capital Territory of Delhi, the Lieutenant Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, is pleased
to constitute the Labour Welfare Fund for the National Capital Territory of, Delhi with immediate effect.
2. The Fund shall consist of-
(a) all fines realized from the employees;
(b) unpaid accumulations transferred to the Fund under section 6A of the Act;
(c) any penal interest paid under section 6B of the Act;
(d) any contribution paid under section 6BB of the Act;
(e) any voluntary donations;
(f) any fund transferred under sub-section (5) of section 7;
(g) any sum borrowed under section 8;
(h) any loan, grant-in-aid or subsidy paid by the Government.
3. The sums specified in sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Act shall be paid, or collected by
such agencies, at such intervals and in such manner and the accounts of the Fund shall be
maintained and audited in such manner as prescribed in the Delhi Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1997.
4. As per Section 6BB of the Act, the components of the Labour Welfare Fund shall be
contributions provided therein which are as follows: -
(a) Rs. 0.75 paise every six months per employee as stands on the register of establishment as on
June and 31st December every year respectively, as share of employee;
(b) Rs. 2.25 every six months per employee, as share of employer before the 15th day of July and
15th day of January every year; and
(c) Rs. 1.50 every six months per employee, as share of Govt. of Delhi as matching contribution, an
amount equal to twice the employee's contribution. It will-be paid only on receipt of the statement
in the prescribed format from the Welfare Commissioner of the Delhi Labour Welfare Board
showing the total amount of employee's contribution and employer's contribution in respect of
employees of each establishment.
5. The provisions of the Act shall be restricted to establishments employing five or more persons,
as per section 2(4) of the Act.
1. As Published in Delhi Gazette Part IV (Extra) dt. 13.7.2004.
6. All the employees except those working in the managerial or supervisory capacity and
drawing wages exceeding Rs.2, 500/- (Rs. Two Thousand Five hundred) only per month or / and
those who exercise either by the nature of the duties attached to the office or by reasons of the
powers vested in them, functions mainly of a managerial nature are liable for contribution to the
Labour Welfare Fund. The employee's/employer's share shall be paid directly by the employer to the
Labour Welfare Fund, the share of Govt. of NCT of Delhi shall be released subsequently after getting
the details of the contribution collected as aforesaid. The default in payment by the employers is
recoverable as arrears of land revenue.
7. Further as provided in section 7 of the said Act and rule 23 of the Rules made thereunder,
the Labour Welfare Fund shall be utilized on the following activities:
(a) Community and social education centres including Reading Rooms and Libraries;
(b) Community necessities;
(c) Games & sports;
(d) Excursions, tours and holiday homes;
(e) Entertainment and other forms of recreations;
(f) Home industries and subsidiary occupations unemployed persons;
(g) Corporate activities of social nature;
(h) Cost of administering the Act (including the salaries, allowances, pension, provident fund and
gratuity and any other fringe benefits of the staff) appointed for the purposes of the Act; and
(i) Such other objects as would in the opinion of the State Government improve the standard of living
and ameliorate the social conditions of labour.
8. In accordance with the provisions contained in section 12 at the Act.
(1) the Lieutenant Governor may appoint inspectors to inspect records in connection with
sums payable to the Fund. The inspectors appointed under the Delhi Shops and Establishments Act,
1954 in relation to any area, shall be deemed to be also inspectors for the purposes of the Act, in
respect of establishments to which the Act applies, and the local limit within which such inspector shall
exercise his functions under the Act shall be the area for which he " is appointed under the said Act;
(2) any inspector may-
(a) with such assistance, if any, as he thinks fit, enter at any reasonable time any premises for
carrying out the purposes of the Act;
(b) exercise such other powers as may be prescribed under the Delhi Labour Welfare Fund Rules,