Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
15(6) 507 –512
© ISFM and AAFP 2012
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DOI: 10.1177/1098612X12470828
Gabapentin was developed originally as an antiepileptic
It has gained substantial attention for its
role in the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain in
Gabapentin binds to the N-type voltage cal-
cium channels in the dorsal root ganglion neurons.
Binding to this receptor may result in a reduction in the
release of excitatory neurotransmitters, such as gluta-
mate and substance P,
and has a modulating effect on
gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors.
An intracellular
effect leading to a delayed expression of voltage-gated
calcium channels at the cell surface resulting in a
decreased calcium influx has also been postulated.
antinociceptive effects seem to occur primarily after
injury and it has been described that gabapentin inter-
acts with N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDA)
involved in the development of central sensitisation.
The relative importance of various actions of gabapentin
remain to be elucidated.
Treating neuropathic pain in cats is a challenge for
veterinary surgeons. The choice of drugs available to
treat maladaptive pain disorders in cats is limited; cats
have a well-recognised limited ability to metabolise
drugs by hepatic glucuronidation and administration of
medication by the owner can be challenging.
to diagnose, reliably assess and score pain in these
patients is difficult.
The following three cases document
long-term analgesic management of cats sustaining mul-
tiple musculoskeletal injuries or presenting for insidious
lameness using gabapentin as part of the pain manage-
ment strategy.
Long-term use of gabapentin for
musculoskeletal disease and trauma
in three cats
Nina D Lorenz
, Eithne J Comerford
and Isabelle Iff
Gabapentin has been widely used in human medicine to control acute and chronic pain. Although the exact
mechanism of action has yet to be determined, its use in veterinary medicine is increasing. The clinical use of
gabapentin for analgesia in cats has been reported in review articles and one case report. Managing chronic
pain, particularly in the feline patient, poses a challenge to veterinary surgeons. This report details the long-term
use of gabapentin for musculoskeletal pain or head trauma in three cats. All cats received gabapentin for several
months at an average dose of 6.5 mg/kg q12h. Clinical signs suggestive of pain, such as aggression, avoiding
human interaction and loss of appetite, were observed to decrease with the administration of gabapentin, used
as part of an analgesia regime or as sole medication. Long-term follow-up with the owners of all cats indicated
that satisfactory pain management was achieved, administration was easy and no obvious side effects during the
period of administration occurred. We conclude that long-term treatment with gabapentin is of potential benefit in
controlling pain in cases of head trauma, as well as musculoskeletal disease. It may provide a valuable adjunct for
the management of chronic pain in cats and should be investigated further for its clinical use and safety.
Accepted: 15 November 2012
Small Animal Teaching Hospital, School of Veterinary Science,
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of Liverpool,
Neston, Wirral, UK
Small Animal Teaching Hospital; Institute of Ageing and Chronic
disease and School of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Health and
Life Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Veterinary Anaesthesia Services, Winterthur, Switzerland
Corresponding author:
Nina Lorenz BVSc (Hons), MACVSc, MRCVS, Small Animal
Teaching Hospital, School of Veterinary Science, Faculty of
Health and Life Sciences, University of Liverpool, Chester High
Road, Neston, Wirral, CH64 7TE, UK
JFM15610.1177/1098612X12470828Journal of Feline Medicine and SurgeryLorenz et al
Case Series
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508 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 15(6)
Case descriptions
Case 1
A 3-year-old female neutered domestic shorthair cat suf-
fered multiple skull fractures following a road traffic
accident. The fractures were repaired surgically, and the
right vertical mandibular ramus and articular process of
the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) were removed by
the referring veterinary surgeon. An oesophageal feed-
ing tube was placed. Upon presentation at the referral
hospital, clinical examination showed malocclusion with
lateral displacement of the right mandible. Under seda-
tion the displaced mandible could be reduced to its nor-
mal position with a normal range of motion. The cat
managed to lick and swallow liquid food and the owners
opted for conservative treatment and oesophagostomy
tube feeding at home. Pain management consisted of
meloxicam (Metacam; Boehringer Ingelheim) 0.05 mg/
kg q24h PO and buprenorphine (Vetergesic; Alstoe Ltd
for Reckitt Benckiser) 0.02 mg/kg subcutaneously (SC)
q8h while hospitalised and a feeding plan was devised.
The cat was discharged after 5 days on a continued
course of meloxicam 0.05 mg/kg q24h PO. At the reas-
sessment visit 2 weeks after the initial presentation the
cat was examined and the following tests were per-
formed: (i) food offered in the consult room — the cat
showed strong interest in eating, but appeared unable to
prehend the food; (ii) when the cat was observed in its
own cage it opened its mouth repeatedly, seemed agi-
tated and shook its head; (iii) manipulation of the man-
dible while the cat was conscious was not possible
because of avoidance behaviour when attempting to
approach the head. These observations were taken as an
indication of pain; however, a component of malocclu-
sion with an avoidance reaction caused by learned
behaviour after the accident cannot be excluded.
Changes in diet were advised and surgical intervention
was planned should the cat not improve. In addition to
the meloxicam, gabapentin 6.5 mg/kg (Nova Labora-
tories) q12h was administered through the feeding tube.
The oesophageal feeding tube had been removed by the
referring veterinary surgeon and the meloxicam discon-
tinued after about 6 weeks. Four months after discharge
the cat was doing well on continued administration of
gabapentin as the only analgesic medication provided
(Figure 1). The cat was given approximately 6.5 mg/kg
of gabapentin every q12h by sprinkling specially formu-
lated 25 mg capsules (Nova Laboratories Ltd UK) over
the food. The owner reported no further episodes of pain
and the cat was tolerating soft food, despite the presence
of a persistently displaced mandible and malocclusion.
After this, the cat was lost to follow-up.
Case 2
An 8-year-old male neutered Burmese cat was presented
with pneumothorax and multiple skull fractures follow-
ing a road traffic accident 72 h earlier. The referring vet-
erinarian provided emergency treatment, including
buprenorphine 0.02 mg/kg intravenously (IV) and an
unknown dose of dexamethasone (Dexadreson
Intervet). On presentation the cat had misalignment of
the right mandible to the right with crepitus.
Buprenorphine 0.02 mg/kg IV and fluid therapy was
continued overnight. A computed tomography (CT)
scan under general anaesthesia demonstrated multiple
fractures of the mandible and maxilla with small dis-
placement of the fragments and a dislocated TMJ. An
oesophageal feeding tube was placed to allow for nutri-
tional support. The mandibular symphyseal fracture
was stabilised and a tape muzzle was applied to prevent
re-luxation of the TMJ. Owing to partial occlusion of the
nasal passages by haemorrhage the tape muzzle was not
tolerated. Meloxicam (Metacam; Boehringer Ingelheim)
0.2 mg/kg IV was administered once and continued at
0.05 mg/kg q24h PO. The cat underwent surgery for
placement of an external skeletal fixator to stabilise the
mouth in a semi-open position. Perioperative analgesia
was provided using medetomidine (Domitor; Pfizer),
methadone (Physeptone; Martindale Pharmaceuticals),
meloxicam and fentanyl (Fentanyl; Martindale Pharma-
ceuticals). Post-surgical analgesia included 4-hourly
methadone 0.3 mg/kg IV q4h and meloxicam 0.05 mg/
kg q24h PO. Methadone was substituted with buprenor-
phine 0.02 mg/kg IV every 8 h after 24 h. The cat was
depressed, facing the back wall of the cage and growling
Figure 1 Chronological order and duration of administered analgesic treatment in case 1
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Lorenz et al 509
when being handled. The administration interval of
buprenorphine was changed to q6h, which resolved the
‘growling when handled’. However, the other signs peri-
odically recurred and gabapentin 6.5 mg/kg q12h was
added via the feeding tube to provide additional pain
relief. The cat improved within 24 h with changes in
demeanour, purring when being stroked and interacting
with the carer. The buprenorphine was reduced to q8h
and stopped after an additional week. The cat was dis-
charged 3 weeks after the surgery on meloxicam 0.05
mg/kg q24h and gabapentin 6.5 mg/kg dispensed as
specially formulated 25 mg capsules q12h PO, and the
owner was given instructions on how to use the feeding
tube. After 5 days inadvertent removal of the oesophago-
stomy tube at home occurred and the cat was hospital-
ised for 3 weeks. During this time analgesia was provided
using gabapentin 6.5 mg/kg every 12 h, meloxicam 0.05
mg/kg q12h via a new feeding tube and buprenorphine
0.02 mg/kg SC q8h (Figure 2). After a CT scan demon-
strating adequate callus formation the external skeletal
fixator was removed. The cat showed malocclusion, but
was able to eat soft food well and the oesophageal tube
was removed. The cat was discharged on gabapentin 6.5
mg/kg q12h PO for 2 weeks. After 1 month the cat was
revaluated and, despite the malocclusion, showed no
signs of oral laceration and was able to eat soft food. The
owner reported episodes where the cat was pawing at
his mouth and seemed distressed within the last weeks;
these signs were thought to be related to intermittent
facial pain. Gabapentin was resumed at 6.5 mg/kg q12h
PO with instructions to increase the dose to 13 mg/kg
q12h PO should the signs not resolve. On further follow-
up the owner reported having administered gabapentin
6.5 mg/kg q12h PO intermittently for 2 months follow-
ing this visit.
Long-term follow-up at 40 months after initial injury
revealed the cat to be doing well without receiving any
medication. It was eating and drinking normally.
Occasional episodes of clinical signs indicative of orofa-
cial pain were observed with a lower severity and
frequency, which did not warrant continued gabapentin
therapy, according to the owner. The owner reported no
side effects and found it easy to administer gabapentin
to the cat.
Case 3
A 9-year-old domestic shorthair cat presented for
assessment of a chronic left forelimb lameness of 2
months’ duration. The lameness had been localised to
the carpal and elbow region, and was unresponsive to
meloxicam. Clinical examination at the referral hospi-
tal showed increased weight-bearing on the right fore-
limb at stance, but subjective gait analysis was hindered
by the anxious nature of the cat. Adequate muscle mass
and moderate pain of the left carpus and elbow joint
were found on palpation. Blood and urine analysis
revealed mild elevations of urea and creatinine, with a
urine specific gravity of 1.027 and normal urine pro-
tein/creatinine ratio. Radiographs performed on the
next day were indicative of left carpal joint osteoarthri-
tis, which was supported by the absence of infectious
or immune-mediated pathology on synovial fluid
analysis. Given the history of azotaemia the meloxicam
therapy was discontinued and the cat discharged the
next day on gabapentin syrup 40 mg/ml (Nova
Laboratories) at a dose of 6.5 mg/kg q12h PO for 4
weeks. A telephone update was obtained after 4 weeks
and the owners reported that the clinical signs of lame-
ness had decreased, although they were not completely
resolved. Given the positive response it was advised to
continue with gabapentin therapy for the next 4–6
weeks and then as required with further episodes of
lameness. The owners administered gabapentin syrup
(Nova Laboratories) 6.5 mg/kg q12h PO intermittently
for 12 months following discharge during episodes of
noticeable left forelimb lameness (Figure 3). The owner
administered the medication easily and the cat toler-
ated the drug well, as no obvious side effects were
noted. The cat showed no lameness 24 months follow-
ing discharge and was without medication.
Figure 2 Chronological order and duration of administered analgesic treatment in case 2. Note that during the 24 h
administration of methadone postoperatively, the buprenorphine was discontinued (depicted by the blue line on the
buprenorphine bar)
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510 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 15(6)
The purpose was to report that gabapentin may have a
role in the management of chronic pain condition in
cats associated with trauma or insidious musculoskel-
etal pain. In the small number of cases reported here,
there were no obvious side effects observed and the
owners reported no problems with administration of
the drug.
Two of the three cats received other analgesics dur-
ing the initial pain management plan, including, but
not limited to, buprenorphine and meloxicam.
Gabapentin was added at a later stage to provide addi-
tional analgesia, therefore using analgesic drugs which
act at different levels of the pain pathways. Gabapentin
was the sole analgesic administered at home for all
cases. In case three gabapentin was chosen as an alter-
native to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) owing to the presence of azotaemia. A NSAID
was administered in case two despite an unknown dose
of dexamethasone being administered within 48 h of
referral. While there is a possible concern of adminis-
tering a NSAID concurrently with a corticosteroid,
there is presently no information on the simultaneous
use of dexamethasone and meloxicam in the cat.
Nevertheless, the reader is cautioned to use these drugs
concurrently or within short succession of each other
until further data are available.
Gabapentin was administered for 5 (case 1), 3 (case 2)
and one (case 3) month(s) continuously and then inter-
mittently for a further 3, 2 and 12 months, respectively,
without clinical adverse effects. Long-term follow-up at
24–36 months by telephone interview showed that
gabapentin, both in capsule and syrup formation, was
tolerated well by all three cats. There were no obvious
side effects in any of the cats, even with administration
of the drug up to 1 year following discharge, and the
owners reported ease of administration. Although there
are currently no scientific reports on long-term efficacy
of gabapentin in cats, authors of a recent review paper
also comment on its usefulness for the treatment of neu-
ropathic pain in cats.
Gabapentin has been increasingly proposed as an anal-
gesic for treating various conditions, ranging from periop-
erative analgesia to treatment of chronic pain in humans.
In veterinary medicine gabapentin has been used in dogs
and cats anecdotally to treat chronic and perioperative
Gabapentin was found to be analgesic in two cats
with multiple injuries, when used as part of a multidrug
approach to pain management.
Other veterinary studies
describe the pharmacokinetics in cats
and dogs.
In a
study using a thermal threshold model, gabapentin at
doses of 5–30 mg/kg did not prove to have an acute anti-
nociceptive effect in cats.
However, this model, may not
accurately mirror clinical pain, where, commonly, a combi-
nation of inflammatory and neuropathic pain is present.
The mechanisms of pain in cases reported here were likely
a combination of inflammatory and neuropathic pain, par-
ticularly with extensive trauma.
This severe acute pain
may have contributed to an up-regulation of pain recep-
tors through central sensitisation.
Most commonly, gabapentin is recommended for use
in persistent chronic pain or neuropathic pain.
Hyperalgesia and allodynia are commonly reported fea-
tures of neuropathic and chronic pain.
It is probable
that some of the signs observed were due to allodynia,
for example, the presence of food in the mouth evoking
a painful reaction in two of the cases reported.
Assessment and diagnosis of pain in cats is chal-
lenging, as their signs of pain are different from dogs.
Pain scoring systems for cats have only recently been
validated for acute pain and chronic pain; however,
these tools were not available at the time of treatment
of the cats reported here.
Measuring heart rate, res-
piration rate, blood pressure, plasma cortisol or
β-endorphin values have been shown to not be reliable
indicators of pain in cats.
Observation of a cat’s
behaviour, as well as interaction with the cat by an
experienced veterinary surgeon, is the current stand-
This pain assessment strategy has been found
most useful in various studies looking at pain assess-
ment in cats.
Other commonly used tools to diag-
nose pain in cats include inferring from human patients
or other species with similar conditions, as well as
analgesic trials.
states that a simple
descriptive score, visual analogue score (VAS) or
dynamic interactive VAS may be used for pain assess-
ment in cats, in addition to monitoring the response to
a test dose of analgesic, particularly if there is uncer-
tainty if the patient is truly painful. These pain assess-
ment strategies were employed successfully in case
two where the cat showed behaviours established to be
indicative of pain. These included growling when
being handled, facing the cage wall, being dull and
inappetent, and the improvement of these behaviours
Figure 3 Chronological order and duration of administered analgesic treatment in case 3
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Lorenz et al 511
with administration of gabapentin. The three cats
reported here all had conditions deemed painful in
humans or other animals, as well as observed signs
suggestive of orofacial or musculoskeletal pain (inap-
petence, inability to prehend food, pawing at the face,
lameness, dullness and staring at the cage wall). In all
cats, pain was ongoing for more than 8 days and reso-
lution or improvement of signs appeared to coincide
with the administration of gabapentin. Although there
were no validated scoring systems available at the time
of treatment of the cats reported here, we were in
agreement with the findings of other studies
felt that these assessment criteria, including the
response to analgesic therapy in all three cases offered
a good and reliable method to provide adequate anal-
gesia. In the future the use of a validated pain scoring
system would be helpful for evaluation of such ani-
mals during hospitalisation, as well as post-discharge,
using a multidimensional composite pain scale and a
numeric rating scale of different behaviours, respec-
A method incorporating scoring a number of
the observed behaviours has been described as Client
Specific Outcome Measures (CSOM) in a study on
chronic pain in dogs,
and may be also useful in scor-
ing chronic pain in cats. Unfortunately, specific owner-
based pain assessment was not systematically carried
out in these cases.
Other potential benefits of gabapentin as a long-term
analgesic include good bioavailability in cats when
given orally, with a reported 88.7% with a half-life of
2.8 h.
However, variation can occur and food was impli-
cated to influence uptake of oral gabapentin.
Cats have
a limited ability for hepatic glucuronidation and thus are
more susceptible to toxic side effects. There may also be
less active drug available if the parent drug requires
metabolising to the active compound by this pathway.
Most commonly observed adverse effects in cats
include ataxia and sedation.
None of these side effects
were observed or reported during hospitalisation or
reported by owners in any of the cases.
Oral administration of medication is another chal-
lenge in cats in general and especially so in animals with
orofacial pain. Although gabapentin was first given via
feeding tube in two of the cats, all cats eventually took
gabapentin formulated either as a powder or syrup over
the food without problems.
Gabapentin was shown to be of conceivable, though
unproven, benefit for analgesic management of these
cases with orofacial or musculoskeletal problems,
which were all characterised by chronic pain. No
adverse events or morbidity were observed in these
animals during the treatment period, suggesting that
gabapentin used at 6–7 mg/kg is a well-tolerated
dose, even for more extended administration. Further,
owners easily manage administration of this drug. As
such, gabapentin may be considered as a long-term
treatment for the management of chronic pain in cats.
However, more research is needed to confirm and
extend these observations, and determine the safety
of gabapentin with long-term administration.
The authors would like to acknowl-
edge the contribution of Nick Macdonald, who was involved
in the primary care of two of the reported cases, the nursing,
anaesthesia and imaging staff at the SATH, as well as the refer-
ring veterinary surgeons.
Funding This research received no specific grant from any
funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
Conflict of interest The authors do not have any potential
conflicts of interest to declare.
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