Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.
via its Registered Agent
Corporation Service Company
E. 7
Street, Suite 620
Austin, Texas 78701
Via CMRRR: 7011 2000 0001 8543 7614
Via F
irst Class Mail
Return Date:
April 17, 2024
Re: The Office of the Attorney General’s Investigation of Spirit AeroSystems
Holdings, Inc.
The Office of the Attorney General, as the representative of the public’s interest, has
authority to investigate the organization, conduct, and management of any filing entity or foreign
filing entity within the meaning of the Texas Business Organizations Code in order to evaluate if
the entity has been or is engaged in acts or conduct that violate its governing documents or any
laws of this state. Tex. Bus. Org. Code § 12.153.
Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. (“Spirit”), is a foreign filing entity within the meaning
of the Texas Business Organizations Code. Pursuant to this office’s specific authority under Texas
law, including Texas Business and Organizations Code Section 12.151, et seq., the Office of the
Attorney General is undertaking an investigation into the organization, conduct, and management
of Spirit.
In addition, the Office of the Attorney General is issuing this Request to Examine (RTE)
under Tex. Bus. Org. Code §§ 12.151-152, requesting that Spirit produce the documents set forth
in Attachment “A.” You are to make available the documentary material described in Exhibit “A
to the undersigned Assistant Attorney General or other authorized agent(s) identified by the
Consumer Protection Division (“Division”). This documentary material may be sent electronically
or by certified mail to the Office of the Attorney General, 300 W. 15th. Street, 9th Floor, Austin,
TX 78701, and is due on April 17, 2024. If providing documents electronically, please provide
them to Ryan Hanlan at [email protected]. Please contact one of the persons listed
below upon receipt in order to discuss and the logistics of producing the requested documents
to the Consumer Protection Division.
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Duty to Supplement
Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. and its board and officers are given notice that this RTE
remains effective until the Office of the Attorney General’s investigation is complete, and that
Spirit has a continuing duty to supplement its responses and to continue to produce documents and
records that are within the scope of these requests. Additionally, as the investigation progresses,
the Attorney General may request additional documents pursuant to one or more Supplemental
Requests to Examine.
TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to Sections 12.155-12.156 of the Tex. Bus. & Org. Code, a foreign
filing entity or filing entity that fails or refuses to permit the Attorney General to examine or make
copies of a record, without regard to whether the record is located in this state, forfeits the right of
the entity to do business in this state, and the entity’s registration or certificate of formation shall be
revoked or terminated.
Further, a managerial official or other individual having the authority to manage the affairs of a
filing entity or foreign filing entity commits an offense if the official or individual fails or refuses to
permit the Attorney General to make an investigation of the entity or to examine or to make copies
of a record of the entity. An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
ISSUED THIS 28th day of March 2024.
/s/ Scott Froman
Scott Froman, Assistant Attorney General
Consumer Protection Division
Office of the Attorney General
(512) 463-1264 (phone)
(512) 370-9125 (fax) (email)
Other Authorized Agents:
Ryan Hanlan, Investigator
Consumer Protection Division
Office of the Attorney General
(512) 936-3354 (phone)
(512) 370-9125 (fax)
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1. Read These Instructions/Definitions Carefully. Your production must comply with these
instructions and definitions.
2. Duty to Preserve Documents. All documents and/or other data which relate to the subject
matter or requests of this RTE must be preserved. Any ongoing, scheduled, or other process of
document or data destruction involving such documents or data must cease even if it is your
normal or routine course of business for you to delete or destroy such documents or data and
even if you believe such documents or data are protected from discovery by privilege or
otherwise. Failure to preserve such documents or data may result in legal action and may be
regarded as spoliation of evidence under applicable law.
3. Relevant Dates. Unless otherwise noted, the requests in this RTE require production of
documents from January 1, 2022, to the date of the production of documents in response to this
RTE, herein called “the relevant time period.”
4. Custody and Control. In responding to this RTE, you are required to produce not only all
requested documents in your physical possession, but also all requested documents within your
custody and control. A document is in your custody and control if it is in the possession of another
person and you have a right to possess that document that is equal or superior to that other person’s
right of possession. On the rare occasion that you cannot obtain the document, you must provide
an explanation as to why you cannot obtain the document which includes the following
a. the name of each author, sender, creator, and initiator of such document;
b. the name of each recipient, addressee, or party for whom such document was intended;
c. the date the document was created;
d. the date(s) the document was in use;
e. a detailed description of the content of the document;
f. the reason it is no longer in your possession, custody, or control; and
g. the document’s present whereabouts.
If the document is no longer in existence, in addition to providing the information indicated above,
state on whose instructions the document was destroyed or otherwise disposed of, and the date and
manner of the destruction or disposal.
5. Non-identical Copies to be Produced. Any copy of a document that differs in any
manner, including the presence of handwritten notations, different senders or recipients, etc. must
be produced.
6. No Redaction. All unprivileged materials or documents produced in response to this RTE
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shall be produced in complete unabridged, unedited, and unredacted form, even if portions may
contain information not explicitly requested, or might include interim or final editions of a
7. Document Organization. Each document and other tangible thing produced shall be
clearly designated as to which request, and each sub-part of a request, that it satisfies. The
documents produced shall be identified and segregated to correspond with the number and
subsection of the request.
8. Production of Documents. You may submit photocopies (with color photocopies where
necessary to interpret the document) in lieu of original hard-copy documents if the photocopies
provided are true, correct, and complete copies of the original documents. If the requested
information is electronically stored information, it shall be produced in electronic form.
Electronically stored information shall be produced with the accompanying metadata, codes, and
programs necessary for translating it into usable form, or the information shall be produced in a
finished usable form. For any questions related to the production of documents you may consult
with the Office of the Attorney General representatives above.
9. Privilege Log. For each Document and any other requested information that you assert
is privileged or for any other reason excludable from production, please provide a privilege log,
wherein you:
a. Identify that Document and other requested information;
b. State each specific ground for the claim of privilege or other ground for exclusion and
the facts supporting each claim of privilege or other ground for exclusion;
c. State the date of the Document or other requested information; the name, job title, and
address (including city, state and ZIP Code) of the person who prepared it; the name,
address (including city, state, and ZIP Code), and job title of the person to whom it was
addressed or circulated or who saw it; and the name, job title, and address (including
city, state, and ZIP Code) of the person now in possession of it; and
d. Describe the type and subject matter of the Document or other requested information.
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1. “You,” “your,” “the business,” “Spirit AeroSystems” or Spirit means Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings, Inc., their past and present officers, employees, agents and representatives,
parents and predecessors, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, partnerships and joint ventures, and
includes all persons and entities acting or purporting to act under the guidance or on behalf of any
of the above. The terms “subsidiary,” “affiliate,” and “joint venture” refer to any firm in which
there is total or partial ownership (25 percent or more) or control between the company and any
other person or entity.
2. “Boeing” means The Boeing Company, their past and present officers, employees, agents
and representatives, parents and predecessors, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, partnerships and
joint ventures, and includes all persons and entities acting or purporting to act under the guidance
or on behalf of any of the above. The terms “subsidiary,” “affiliate,” and “joint venture” refer to
any firm in which there is total or partial ownership (25 percent or more) or control between the
company and any other person or entity.
3. The words “and” and “or” shall be construed either conjunctively or disjunctively as
required by the context to bring within the scope of the request, any document(s) that might be
deemed outside its scope by another construction.
4. Communication means any conversation, discussion, letter, email, correspondence,
memorandum, meeting, note, or other transmittal of information or message, whether transmitted
in writing, orally, electronically, or by any other means.
5. Complaint” means the Amended Class Action Complaint for Violations of the Federal
Securities Laws, Hang Li, Individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated v. Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings Inc., Tom Gentle III, and Mark J. Suchinski; Case No. 1:23-cv-03722-PAE
in the United States District Court Southern District of New York.
6. Concerningor Relating toor “Related tomeans related to, referring to, pertaining
to, concerning, describing, regarding, evidencing, or constituting.
7. “DEI” means diversity, equity, and inclusion.
8. DEI Policy” is meant to be construed in its broadest possible sense to refer to any policy,
memorandum, or other memorialization of the practices described at including, but not limited to, memorialization of how Spirit
“work[s] to build an inclusive culture,” “create[s] an environment where all employees feel
welcomed,” and “[c]ultivat[es] a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion.”
9. “Document” shall be construed in the broadest sense possible and encompasses any
electronically stored information, writings, drawings, graphs, charts, photographs, sound
recordings, images, and other data or data compilationsstored in any medium from which
information can be obtained either directly or, if necessary, after translation by Spirit into a
reasonably usable form. Although it does not limit the scope of this RTE, the definition and
interpretation of “document” under the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure provides a useful reference
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10. Entity means legal or business entity of any kind and includes, without limitation,
corporations, partnerships, joint ventures, associations, governmental bodies, and trusts.
11. “Incentive Compensation Plan” refers to the plan described in paragraph 320 of the
Complaint in the Lawsuit styled Hang Li, Individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly
Situated v. Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc., Tom Gentle III, and Mark J. Suchinski; Case No.
1:23-cv-03722-PAE in the United States District Court Southern District of New York.
12. “Including” means including, but not limited to.
13. Lawsuit” means Hang Li, Individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated v. Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings Inc., Tom Gentle III, and Mark J. Suchinski; Case No. 1:23-cv-03722-
PAE in the United States District Court Southern District of New York.
14. “Mis-drilled Aft Pressure Bulkhead Holes Defect” refers to the defect described in
paragraph 10 of the Complaint in the Lawsuit.
15. “Person means any natural person or any legal entity, including, without limitation, any
corporation, company, limited liability company or corporation, partnership, limited
partnership, association, or firm.
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Requests: Documents to be Produced
In accordance with the requirements set forth in the “Definitions” and “Instructions”
sections of this RTE, you are specifically required produce the following:
By April 17, 2024:
1. Produce Spirit’s Communications to its investors in which it disclosed the issue regarding
the Mis-Drilled Aft Pressure Bulkhead Holes Defect in Spirit’s products.
2. Produce Spirit’s Communications to Boeing where Spirit disclosed or discussed the Mis-
Drilled Aft Pressure Bulkhead Holes Defect.
3. Produce Documents regarding all reports, records, complaints, or investigative reports
regarding the Mis-Drilled Aft Pressure Bulkhead Holes Defect.
4. Produce all Communications written by or to Ryan Clark, Steve Aubuchon, or Scott
Grabon between February 15, 2022 and March 1, 2022.
5. Produce Documents sufficient to show how Spirit’s inspection team changed its procedures
for documenting defects on or around February 22, 2022. This request specifically relates
to the facts contained in Exhibit B of the Complaint.
6. Produce Documents sufficient to identify all corrective measures taken by Spirit to address
or rectify the issues that led to Spirit being placed on probation by Boeing in or around
7. Produce all meeting minutes of Spirit’s Global Diversity & Inclusion Council(s). Meeting
minutes is defined to include any document that memorializes the agenda or discussion of
any meetings held by these groups.
8. Produce any Documents that Spirit relies on to substantiate its claim that a diverse
workplace improves product quality and /or “enhance[s] performance” and/or “helps
[Spirit] . . . make better decisions.”
9. Produce Documents sufficient to identify Spirit’s employee demographics for race,
national origin, sexual orientation, and age before Your DEI Policy was enacted.
10. Produce Documents sufficient to identify Spirit’s employee demographics for race,
national origin, sexual orientation, and age as of January 1, 2024.
11. Produce Documents sufficient to identify the demographic characteristics for all personnel
affected by layoffs by You in 2020. This includes, but is not limited to, the “workforce
reductions of 2,800 employees in Wichita, Kansas and 400 employees in Oklahoma”
referred to at:
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12. Produce Spirit’s procedures, guidelines, and/or details of its Incentive Compensation Plan.
13. Produce Joshua Dean’s personnel file during his employment at Spirit, including any
disciplinary actions and / or termination of employment by Spirit.
14. Produce all Documents and Communications related to Joshua Dean’s termination,
including the decision to terminate.