If you require reasonable accommodations for this meeting,
call Park District Headquarters at 951-955-4398 at least 72 hours before the meeting.
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3.0 Roll Call
4.0 Approval of Minutes Action
4.1 Job Code 2024-01
Approval of Minutes of November 2, 2023.
5.0 Special Recognition
5.1 Introductions
5.1.1. Lynda Ramos, Sr. Park Planner
6.0 Public Comments
A three-minute limitation will apply to each member of the public who wishes to address the
Commission on a matter not on the agenda. No member of the public is allowed to “share” his/her
three minutes with any other member of the public. (Usually, any items received under this heading
are referred to staff for further study, research, completion and/or future Commission action.) Any
person wishing to address the Commission on any matter, whether or not it appears on this agenda,
is requested to complete a Request to Speak form available from the Recording Secretary. The
completed form is to be submitted to the Secretary prior to an individual being heard. Whenever
possible, lengthy testimony should be presented to the Commission in writing and only pertinent
points presented orally.
7.0 Fish and Game Related Business
7.1 Fish & Game Trust Fund Informational
The Park District will give a financial update on the Fish & Game Trust Fund.
7.2 Fish & Game Report Informational
Park District
4600 Crestmore Road
Jurupa Valley, CA 92509
Riverside County
Regional Park & Open-Space
District Advisory Commission Meeting
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Meeting Location:
Gilman Ranch
1901 West Wilson Street
Banning, CA 92220
Crestmore Manor, Riverfront Room
4600 Crestmore Road
Jurupa Valley, CA 92509
If you require reasonable accommodations for this meeting,
call Park District Headquarters at 951-955-4398 at least 72 hours before the meeting.
8.0 Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation (OHVR) Related Business
9.0 Old Business
9.1 CIP Trails Update Informational
Gaby Adame, Bureau Chief
9.2 Lake Cahuilla Veterans Regional Park Update Informational
Kyla Brown, General Manager
10.0 New Business
10.1 22/23 Fiscal Year-End Final Results Receive & File
Job Code: 2024-02
Michael Alferez, Fiscal Manager
10.2 SART Project Update Informational
Gaby Adame, Bureau Chief
BC Adame will give a brief update on various SART projects.
10.3 Brown Act/Roles Workshop for Commissioners Discussion
Kyla Brown, General Manager
GM Brown will discuss protentional options for workshop.
10.4 2023 Comprehensive Parks, Resources and Recreation Service Plan Action
Job Code: 2024-03
Gaby Adame, Bureau Chief
The Commission will be asked to approve the 2023 Comprehensive Parks, Resources and
Recreation Service Plan.
10.5 Strategic Plan Update Action
Job Code: 2024-04
Kyla Brown, General Manager
The Commission will be asked to approve the update to the District’s Strategic Plan.
10.6 Request for Fish & Game Funds - District Fishing Derbies Action
Job Code: 2024-05
Robert Williams, Bureau Chief
The Commission will be asked to approve the requested use of Fish & Game Trust funds.
11.0 Tentative Future Agenda Items
11.1 OHV Feasibility Study update
11.2 Workshops at various Park locations
11.3 Lake Cahuilla Update
12.0 Commissioners Report Informational
13.0 Park District Status Reports Informational
13.1 Miscellaneous Items of Interest
Kyla Brown, General Manager
If you require reasonable accommodations for this meeting,
call Park District Headquarters at 951-955-4398 at least 72 hours before the meeting.
14.0 Next Meeting
March 7, 2024, 10:00 a.m. at Mayflower Park, Maintenance Building 4980 Colorado River Road;
Blythe, CA 92225 (date and/or location subject to change).
15.0 Adjournment
Agenda Item No. 9.1
Date: 1/4/2024
Prepared by: Gaby Adame, Bureau Chief
For: District Advisory Commission
Subject: CIP Trails Updates
Recommendation: Informational
Project Description: Project consists of an approximately 16-mile multi-use trail that runs through
three different jurisdictions the City of Hemet, City of Menifee, and unincorporated Winchester in
Riverside County.
Project Status:
City of Menifee Section:
Feasibility Study for Oasis Segment approved by City of Menifee City Council December 7,
Bradley Bridge Construction
o Re-alignment plans approved by RivCoParks.
Project Description:
The project consists of improvements to a 3-mile section of the Butterfield National Historic Trail in the
western part of the City of Lake Elsinore.
Project Status:
Environmental and engineering continues on trail design.
Project Description:
Construct 12.8-miles of trail that once completed, will provide a direct trail connection through Orange,
Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. SART Phase 2A, 2B, 3A, 6 is being managed by Riverside
County Transportation Commission, segments 4 and 3A by Army Corps of Engineers, and Phase 7 is
being managed by County Transportation.
Project Status:
Phase 2A, 2B, and 3A:
o 65% Construction Documents review completed, and comments submitted by multiple
o Environmental documents being drafted.
Phase 3B:
o Working on 60% Construction Documents.
o Environmental documents being working on. Tentatively scheduled to be 100% with
Environmental by July 2024.
Phase 4:
o 95% complete
o Easement for maintenance being reviewed
o ACOE working on punch list items before being turned over to RivCoParks
Phase 6:
o 65% Construction Documents submitted and RivCoParks provided no major correction
o Environmental documents being drafted.
o Grant application being submitted to Coastal Conservancy for additional funding.
Phase 7:
o This is being proposed as a multi-use trail along Arlington Avenue adjacent to Hidden
Valley Nature Center.
Agenda Item No. 10.1
Date: 1/04/2024
Job Code: 2024-02
Prepared by: Michael Alferez, Fiscal Manager
For: District Advisory Commission
Subject: FY22-23 Independent Auditor’s Report and Financial Results
Recommendation: Receive and File
Background: The Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District (District) is required
to conduct an independent audit at Fiscal Year End. The Auditing firm of Eadie & Payne, LLP,
completed their audit in November 2023. The final report did not include any findings and will be
submitted to the Board of Directors on January 9, 2024. The management letter is included for
reference and the completed audit is available for review by the Commission and general public.
Highlights of the audit report and FY22-23 Financial Results are as follows:
Overall revenue for the District, not including
Operating Transfers, ended $24.9M which is
22.7% more compared to prior year. The
increase was due to higher property tax
revenues ($1.38M), and state grant
revenues ($1.9M)
Core Programs (Regional Parks,
Interpretive, Natural Resources, Business
Services) earned combined 89% of
projected revenue and $3M more than prior
Regional Parks earned 96% of projected
revenue and $420K less than prior year.
Interpretive program collected 99% of their
projected revenues which is $88k more than
prior year. The American Rescue Plan Act
(ARPA) waiver fee program tremendously
helped in bringing students and families to
our interpretive sites. Planning/CIP only received 65% (or $5.6M) of expected revenue and $1.7M
more than prior year. One-time revenue of $997k was from the sale of the Haun Road parcels to
Annual Property Tax Revenues
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY2022 FY2023
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY2022 FY2023
Regional Park Annual Revenues
Blythe Parks Mountain Parks Lake Cahuilla Park Rancho Jurupa Park Lake Skinner Park
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY2022 FY2023
Interpretive & Historic Site Revenues
Gilman Ranch Historic Museum Hidden Valley Nature Center Jensen-Alvarado Ranch/Museum
Idyllwild Nature Center Santa Rosa Plateau Eco Reserve
Overall expenditures for the district,
not including Operating Transfers,
ended at $22M or 75% of budget
projections, which is $3.3M more
than prior year. Payroll is the highest
expenditure at $9.9M which is $1.2M
higher than last year followed by
Supplies & Services at $7.5M and
capital/interfund expenditures at
Core Programs spending has
increased by $1.5M compared to
prior year. The interpretive program
increased spending by $147k due to
more programs and field trips
throughout the year. Natural
Resources also increased spending
by $780K which is directly related to
the newly formed Santa Ana River
Bottom (SARB) operations. Planning
and Construction increased spending by $2M compared to prior year as more projects
progressed such as the Mayflower Sewer project, Gilman Ranch Stop Park, and the Santa Ana
River Trail (SART) project phases.
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY2022 FY2023
Revenues vs. Expenses Annually
As presented in the audit report, the District’s Statement of Net Position includes all of the District’s assets
and liabilities. Net Position is the difference between the District’s assets and deferred outflows of
resources and liabilities and deferred inflows of resources is one way to measure the District’s financial
health, or position. Over time, increases and decreases in the District’s net position are an indicator of
whether its financial position is improving or deteriorating, respectively.
The District’s combined net position on June 30, 2023 increased by $6.0 million from the beginning net
position after prior period adjustment to $84.5 million
Agenda Item No. 10.4
Date: January 4, 2024
Job Code: 2024-03
Prepared by: Gaby Adame, Bureau Chief
For: District Advisory Commission
Subject: 2023 Comprehensive Parks, Resources and Recreation Service Plan
Recommendation: Approve the 2023 Comprehensive Parks, Resources and Recreation
Service Plan
The District began work on its Comprehensive Parks, Resources and Recreation Service Plan
in 2011. The intent of the Comprehensive Park, Resources, and Recreation Service Plan
(Comprehensive Plan) is to build upon the previous District Strategic Plan, and to provide
implementation tools to fulfill the strategic goals and objectives. Anchoring this plan is the
RivCoParks vision and mission.
The Plan is intended to:
1) Examine current recreation Demographics and Trends.
2) Provide a Physical Resources Plan which captures all District owned and
operated physical assets by category.
3) Provide a Recreation Program Services Plan which builds upon the work that
resulted in the District’s recent Strategic Plan. The methodology, demographics,
trends, and assessment were reviewed in order to ensure consistency between
plans. This plan reviews recreation programming and needs based upon the
District vision and mission, recreation trends, facility inventory, and service
provider offerings within the County. The recommendations made are
interconnected with the District Physical Resources Plan.
4) Provide a Preliminary Level of Service Assessment for the District to assist the
District in developing service provision strategies and tactics, a preliminary level
of service assessment of the District assets was conducted.
5) Examine and inventory the District’s Cultural and Historical Resources Plan. This
plan is intended to be used by District facility operators, planners, and decision-
makers to assess potential opportunities and constraints for facility improvements
and changes in uses.
GreenPlay was selected through a competitive request for proposals and finalized the initial Plan
in 2013. An amendment to the Plan was completed and approved in 2018. In an effort to
maintain the Riverside County Regional Parks and Open-Space District’s Plan Update Schedule
District staff has reviewed and updated the 2013 Comprehensive Parks, Resources and
Recreation Service Plan to reflect the 2023 data.
District staff has created a Summary of Changes for the District Advisory Commission’s review,
which can be found attached. At this time, staff are seeking approval of the Comprehensive
Parks, Resources and Recreation Service Plan Update from commission members. An
electronic version of the document is available on the District’s website.
Requested Action: Approve the 2023 Comprehensive Parks, Resources and Recreation
Service Plan
Agenda Item No. 10.5
Date: January 4, 2024
Job Code: 2024-04
Prepared by: Kyla Brown, General Manager
For: District Advisory Commission
Subject: Strategic Plan Update
Recommendation: Approve the update to the District's Strategic Plan
The District completed and adopted a strategic plan in July 2011. The intent of the plan was to
create a comprehensive document that would assist the District in addressing internal
operations and management of the District over the course of five years. Each year, District
staff reviews the plan, prepares tactics to address the goals and objectives, and prepares the
fiscal year budget based upon the priorities developed for the annual work plan.
The new 3-year plan was developed and approved by the District Advisory Commission on
March 9, 2017 (Job Code 2017--6).
The District has gone through a number of significant changes since the 2017 update and, as
such, has reviewed our mission, vision and values, strategic priorities, and balanced scorecard
metrics to ensure we have a current plan which specifically addresses industry best
management practices as provided in the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation
Agencies (CAPRA), standard 2.5 (2019, 6th edition).
Staff recommends approval of the Strategic Plan Update (2023).
Agenda Item No. 10.6
Date: January 4, 2024
Job Code: 2024-05
Prepared by: Robert Williams, Chief - Business Operations
For: District Advisory Commission
Subject: Request for Fish & Game Funds - District Fishing Derbies
Recommendation: Approve requested use of Fish & Game Trust funds.
District staff has been working regional partners to plan fishing derbies at Lake Cahuilla
Veteran's Regional Park and Rancho Jurupa Regional Park. Our intent is to foster an important
connection for people with the outdoors through sport fishing and invest in Riverside County
resident and visitor enjoyment of fish and wildlife resources. These events will also increase
community awareness of Park District sites and amenities. We anticipate approximately 300-
500 anglers will attend each event. As part of the derby experience, the District aims to provide
fishing poles to those that need them and offer fishing poles, tackle boxes, mini bait boxes, etc.,
as prizes for event attendees.
The District is requesting $1,000 to be utilized to purchase fishing poles and related items as
prize giveaways for the derbies planned in 2024:
[Rancho Jurupa Regional Park - January 20, 2024
Lake Cahuilla Veterans Regional Park - February 17, 2024
Lake Skinner Recreation Area - March 9, 2024]
This request supports a larger partnership and is consistent with previous requests for funding
of outdoor education and recreation efforts.
Financial Considerations: $1,000 from the Fish and Game Trust
Page 1 of 2
Agenda Item No. 13.1
Date: 01/04/2024
Prepared by: Kyla Brown, General Manager
For: District Advisory Commission
Subject: General Managers Report
Miscellaneous Information
1. Homelessness SAR Collaboration and coordination continues to take place with bi-monthly
meetings. The most recent meeting took place on December 14, 2023.
2. Lake Cahuilla RivCoParks has applied for a new lease with US Bureau of Reclamation. The
renewal of the CVWD Lease will be considered for approval by our respective
boards. A community event will be planned to celebrate the new lease(s) once
executed and to share the planned improvements to the park in the near future.
3. CPRS GM Brown will be installed as the CPRS State Board President during the annual
conference in February in Palm Springs. She will serve as the president for the
2024/25 year.
4. Salton Sea GM Brown and Chief Adame participated in the Salton Sea Roundtable (District
4) to discuss the potential for development and economic opportunities for the
Board of Supervisors/Directors Actions
11/28/23 13.1 Approve and Execute the Professional Services Agreement with Jess Ranch
Development Company, Inc for Live Triploid Rainbow Trout Stocking Services for
Lake Skinner, Lake Cahuilla, and Ranch Jurupa Regional Parks between the
Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District; Districts 2, 3, and 4,
CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15323 [Total
aggregate amount, $515,625 up to $103,125 in additional compensation, Park
Maintenance and Operation Fund-25400 70%, Lake Skinner Fund-25620 30%]
(Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
13.2 Approval of Neighborhood Revitalization Projects; Districts 2 and 4. [$7,500,000
Total Cost - 100% American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds]
12/04/23 13.1 Approval of the First Amended and Restated Professional Services Agreement
with Infrastructure Engineering Corporation, dba Ardurra Group, for the Lake
Page 2 of 2
Skinner Boat Launch Project; Nothing Further Required under CEQA; District 3;
13.2 Adoption of Resolutions 2023-11 and 2023-12 Authorizing Submittal of Grant
Applications for the Outdoor Equity Program and Habitat Conservation Fund; All
Districts; [$0]
13.3 Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-013 Authorizing the Application for California
Coastal Commission Whale Tail Grant Funds; District 2; [$0]
12/12/23 13.1 Request the Purchase and Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue Purchase
Orders for the purchase of five (5) vehicles for the Regional Park and Open-
Space District (District) and Approval of Budget Adjustment for the vehicles to
replace aging fleet for FY23/24. All Districts [$484,000 Total Cost - Department
Budget 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
Calendar of Park District Events:
January 20, 2024 Fishing Clinic (Rancho Jurupa Park)
January 27, 2024 Wonders of the Watershed (Hidden Valley Nature Center)
February 10, 2024 Fishing Clinic (Lake Cahuilla)
February 13, 2024 Employee/Volunteer luncheon (Lake Cahuilla)
February 17, 2024 Veterans Fishing Derby (Lake Cahuilla)
February 24, 2024 Dickens Festival (Jensen Alvarado
February 25, 2024 Wedding Expo (Crestmore Manor)
March 7, 2024 Employee/Volunteer luncheon (Mayflower)
March 9, 2024 Fishing Clinic (Lake Skinner)
March 28, 2024 Employee/Volunteer luncheon (Idyllwild)
April 11, 2024 Employee/Volunteer luncheon (Lake Skinner)
May 16, 2024 Employee/Volunteer luncheon (Park Headquarters)
PK-9742 Stagecoach Stop Park at Gilman Ranch
$6.05 million
Funding: State of California, Regional Park Program, Prop 68 State of California
Project: The grant-funded project will result in the development of a new community
center, parking, lighting, ADA paths, among other amenities at at Gilman Historic
Ranch and Wagon Museum
Consultant: RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc.
Estimated Completion: 2027
RHA submitted final conceptual design.
Conceptual design being updated and redesigned by RHA per RivCoParks
PK-9679 Mayflower Sewer Infrastructure Connection
$1.2 million
Funding: Solar funds from District 4; DIF; Prop 68 Per Capita
Project: Connect Mayflower Park with the City of Blythe sewer system
Contractor: AZCA Drilling & Pump, Inc.; Holt Group
Estimated Completion: 2023
Construction approximately 70% complete
Estimated completion April 2024
PK-9750 Trujillo Adobe Restoration Project
$10.4 million
Funding: State of California budget line item
Project: Restore the Trujillo Adobe and acquire land to add to the site
Consultant: Architectural Resources Group
Estimated Completion: 2027
o ARG change order approved by Board of Supervisors Nov. 7, 2023
o Consultant continues to progress on project
District Advisory Commission Planning Project Update
January 4, 2024
PK-7308 Butterfield Trail Stoffer Property Staging Area
Funding: DIF
Project: Environmental and Preliminary Egineering for a staging area and three miles
of trail.
Consultant: UltraSystems
Estimated Completion: 2024
Environmental and engineering continues on trail design.
PK-9727 Lawler Lodge Re-Roofing
Funding: State of Calfironia, Prop 68 Per Capita
Project: Re-roof Lawler Lodge
Contractor: Pending RFB.
Estimated Completion: 2024
RFB on hold until January 2024 due to inability to complete project in winter. Will
aim for construction March/April 2024 when snow melts.
1. Lake Skinner Sewer/Water (PK-ARPA003)
Project Description: The Lake Skinner Water and Sewer Improvement project is to
replace damaged or inoperable water valves in Campground A, B, and C. Work also
includes the addition of water fountains and pet wash station. The current situation is if a
water valve is damaged, the whole campground will lose water to repair the valve.
Project Update: IDS group using subconsultants for the aerial topo and for utility
mark out.
Consultant: IDS group
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo
ARPA Budget: $1.5 million
PS&E Complete: 5%
Construction Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: Winter 2024/25
2. Lake Skinner Repaving Projects (PK-ARPA004)
Project Description: Resurfacing of approximately 8,020 lf (1.5 miles) of Warren
Road from the road split just north of the park entrance check-in booth to the
pedestrian crossing at the park store as you enter the park proper; modifying
cross slope in select areas for better drainage conveyance and resurfacing of
approximately 222,000 sf of asphalt pavement for Lake Skinner Camp Store
Parking Lot.
Project Update: TLMA working on design documents; design docuements are
being updated to include camp store parking lot instead of boat launch no. 1 p
arking lot.
Consultant: TLMA
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo
ARPA Budget: $1.8 million
PS&E Complete: 15%
Construction Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: Winter 2024/25
3. Rancho Jurupa Paving (PK-ARPA005)
Project Description: Resurfacing of approximately 90,900 sqft of the Fishing
Lakes parking lot and installation of approximately 4,300 ft (0.82 mi) of new
roadway pavement for Lakeview Campground located in the west central and
west southern portions the Rancho Jurupa Park.
Project Update: TLMA working on design documents.
Consultant: TLMA
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo
ARPA Budget: $ 3 million
PS&E Complete: 15%
Construction Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: Winter 2024/25
4. OHV Feasibility Study (PK-ARPA006)
Project Description: Project continues on previous 2022 OHV Feasibility Study
where over 30 sites were studied and narrowed down to four. This feasibility study
further dives into the four sites plus an additional two that were added later.The
sites include: Double Butte Site, Banning North Site, Banning South Site,
Coachella South, San Timoteo 2 Site, and Rochelle Site. This feasibility study
requests that a consultant narrow down the best site plus one alternative.
Project Update: Request for Proposal was released November 1, 2024 to
prequalified consultant list. Optional pre-proposal meeting was held November
16, 2023 virtually and we had one consultant attend. Deadline for questions or
clarifications was November 29, 2023 and two consultants submitted questions,
which Staff provided answers to. RFP is scheduled to close December 19, 2023.
Consultant: TBD
Parks PM: Curtis Barton
ARPA Budget: $500,000
Percent Complete: 0%
Estimated Completion: Fall 2025
5. RivCoParks Tourism Project (PK-ARPA007)
Project Description: RivCoParks hosts a number of events each year through
non-profit partnerships and provides nature and history-based education to local
school districts throughout Riverside County. The Tourism Recovery Program
waives fees and funds District-sponsored activities associated with these
services, providing much needed relief to non-profits and school districts (which
were impacted as a result of the pandemic and face economic difficulties arising
therefrom) who host events in Riverside County facilities.
Project Update: Funding anticipated to be completed Summer 2024. Schedule
of events funded by ARPA has been updated and provided to staff for review.
Consultant: N/A
Parks PM: Michael Alferez/Gaby Adame
ARPA Budget: $ 417,468
Percent Complete: 71%
6. D4 Feasibility Study (PK-ARPA008)
Project Description: Feasibility report to identify potential sites for new regional
park in District IV.
Project Update: Staff has completed kick-off meeting with Webb. Staff in
process of collecting data for Webb which includes information of key
Consultant: Webb Associates
Parks PM: Lynda Ramos
ARPA Budget: $250,000
Percent Complete: 2%
Estimated Completion: Fall 2025
7. Santa Ana River Bottom (SARB) Yard (PK-ARPA009)
Project Description: RivCoParks established a Santa Ana River Bottom Ranger
Unit to work collaboratively with other county and municipal agencies to deliver
compassionate and humane services to unsheltered individuals along the river
bottom. This project builds a maintenance shop, office space, and meeting room
for the new team as they conduct their activities.
Project Update: 60% drawings to be delivered to RivCoParks on 12/11/2024.
Cultural Resources survey to be performed on site on 12/13/23.
Consultant: DBA
Parks PM: Anthony MIller
ARPA Budget: $5,000,000
PS&E Percent Complete:30%
Construction Percent Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: Winter 2024/2025
8. Santa Ana River Trail Wayfinding (SART) (PK-ARPA010)
Project Description: Signage program for the Riverside County portion of the
Santa Ana River Trail which extends from San Bernardino County to the beach in
Orange County. Signage will include wayfinding, safety signs, interpretive signs,
and distance markers.
Project Update: Site visit/ going over design on 12/7. Have been working closely
with the City of Riverside, Corona, and Norco to determine best signage
locations and design options.
Consultant: Alta Planning
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo
ARPA Budget: $ 1 million
PS&E Percent Complete: 5%
Construction Percent Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: Winter 2024/25
9. Lake Skinner Boat Launch Repair (PK-ARPA011)
Project Description: ADA upgrades to include a new ADA ramp from the
parking lot to boat launch #1, new ADA restroom with attached office space, new
ADA fish cleaning station, a new drive exit from the boat launch and a new
parking lot configuration to meet ADA compliance.
Project Update: 60% drawings completed, site visit on 12/7/23 with Electrical
Engineer and IEC.
Consultant: Infrastructure Engineering Corporation (IEC)
Parks PM: Curtis Barton
ARPA Budget: $3,000,000
PS&E Percent Complete: 60%
Construction Percent Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: Winter 2024/25
10. Santa Rosa Plateau Broadband Project (PK-ARPA012)
Project Description: To establish reliable high-speed internet connection at the
Santa Rosa Plateau Visitor’s Center.
Project Update
Zack Principe of The Nature Conservancy reviewed plans and provided
feedback prior to construction start. Danielle Samaniego, Frontier Project
Manager, is updating realigned design plans for final review.
We will be performing mitigation work on affected native plants (fencing,
re-seeding) on approximately 300 sq. Ft of disturbed area between
Clinton Keith Rd. And the gravel driveway.
Millsten Enterprises will construct the sub-surface conduit and install pull
box in parking lot.
Consultant: Frontier Communications
Parks PM: Anthony Miller
ARPA Budget: $100,000
PS&E Percent Complete: 100%
Construction Percent Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: January 2024
11. Lawler Lodge ADA Improvements (PK-ARPA013)
Project Description: ADA updates to Walts Cabin and Scouts Cabin located in
the Lawler Lodge area. Updates include the retrofit of existing cabins to ensure
entryways have appropriate widths, restrooms can provide wheel chair access,
and a community space can be provided for future facility rental.
Project Update:
Conceptual drawings approved by RIvCoParks and congruent with
anticipated results from historical use report.
Percolation tests at desired septic tank location are promising; subsequent
tests are needed per RivCo Department of Environmental Health and are
being scheduled.
Consultant: BOA Architecture primary; Kimley Horn septic; CRM Tech
Parks PM: Anthony MIller
ARPA Budget: $1,500,000
PS&E Percent Complete: Approaching 30% pending septic system update
Construction Percent Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: Winter 2024/2025
12. Kabian Memorial Park Improvements (PK-ARPA014):
Project Description: Project includes utility infrastructure updates, emtryway
enhancements, new restroom, playground ADA upgrades, ADA pathways, and
added signage.
Project Update: Kick-off meeting with Kimley Horn scheduled for December 8,
Consultant: Kimley Horn
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo
ARPA Budget: $1.2 million
PS&E Percent Complete: 0%
Construction Percent Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: Winter 2024/2025
13. Lake Cahuilla Master Plan and Amenities Update (PK-ARPA015)
Project Description: Project includes master plan for park which will be its own
stand-alone RFP, pool repairs and ADA updates, restroom modernization, fishing
area improvements, playground upgrades, slurry and res-stripping of roadways
and parking lots, campground amenity upgrades, basketball and pickleball court,
and enhanced landscaping.
Project Update:
Three consultants attended job walk with PM Miller on 11/21/23 and
showed interest in bidding.
Pool infrastructure diagnosis being performed by PM Miller, Sr. Ranger
Gardner, and Maintenance Supervisor Huggard. We are going to get the
water in the pool circulating, hire a leak detection contractor to identify
location of leaks, and provide that information to awarded consultant to
include with construction documents.
Consultant: TBD. RFP Window closes 12/18/23
Parks PM: Anthony MIller
ARPA Budget: $5,000,000
PS&E Percent Complete: 0%
Construction Percent Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: Winter 2024
14. Hidden Valley Nature Center Proposal (PK-ARPA016):
Project Description: Construct/Install a new prefabricated restroom, construct a
new septic system, reconfigure parking lot for new ADA parking spaces, renovate
the existing entry area, renovate existing multi-use area, construct new concrete
walking paths and construct a new outdoor classroom with shade structure.
Project Update: In the process of scheduling a site walk with CWDG and
moving towards the preparation of bid documentation.
Consultant: Community Works Design Group
Parks PM: Curtis Barton
ARPA Budget: $2,500,000
PS&E Percent Complete: 100%
Construction Percent Complete: 0%
Estimated Construction Start: Fall 2024