52 Ideas for
Fun and educational ways to explore
Kinderlogo with children ages 5-8.
by Kinderlogo author,
Dorothy M. Fitch
© 2014 ~ www.kinderlogo.com
This booklet is designed to give teachers (or parents at home) many ideas
for using Kinderlogo with their children. This is, of course, not a
comprehensive list of ideas, just some projects to get you started.
Some of the ideas make use of the ready-made Kinderlogo activities, and
others are inventions of my own. There are many activities at Level 1, as
that is where all students start. There are easy activities for Kindergarten
students, and more complicated ones for older children. You can advance
them to higher levels as you see fit. Use the information in the
Kinderlogo manual as a guide.
Of course, you will want to give your students plenty of opportunities to
play with the turtle on their own, and not be tasked with a particular
project. However, those who like more structure can follow these
There are plenty of activities here to keep your students occupied for
years. They won’t do all the activities in one year. They can also come
back to their favorite activities.
There are actually two sets of activities. The first set is aimed at the
teacher, with helpful tips on using the activities. The second set of
activity pages are designed for the student, with minimal text to read.
Use them if you like. At the end is a checklist, which allows each student
to keep a record of the activities he or she has done.
Please e-mail me pictures that your students create using Kinderlogo! I’d
love to add them to the Gallery pages at www.kinderlogo.com.
Thank you to my wonderful and creative students at Sahuarita Primary
School in Sahuarita, AZ, who created most of these pictures. They never
ceased to amaze me with what they did with Kinderlogo. We also did
other activities in the computer lab, but when they were given free choice
of any activity (typically just before their vacations), a great many of
them did Kinderlogo activities!
Enjoy your Kinderlogo adventures!
Dorothy Fitch, doroth[email protected]
1. MeettheTurtle
2. ExploringwiththeTurtle
3. BalloonGame
4. Mazes
5. BuildingaSquare
6. MakingOtherShapes
7. KinderlogoAlphabet
8. MakeaStar
9. SquareCornerDay
10. TurtleDance
11. BuildaHouse
12. ColorGrid:Explore
13. Hearts!
14. Stairs
15. TowerofBoxes
16. Spirals
17. Perimeters
18. StencilLetters
19. SnakyCurves
20. PatternswithSquares
21. MakeaVehicle
22. PatternswithCircles
23. BackwardsMaze
24. ColorGrid:Holidays
25. StickFigures
26. FlowerPatterns
27. FiveSquares
28. Beads
29. HalfandHalf
30. Quarters
31. AVillage
32. LetterDots
33. Hello,MyNameIs…
34. PatternsEverywhere!
35. Animals
36. FreeTime
37. TargetGame
38. TicTacToe
39. ColoredLines
40. ColoredShapes
41. Multiplication&Area
42. FlagsoftheWorld
43. Mirror
44. TurtleTime
45. ColorGrid:GraphPaper
46. Lollipops!
47. Symmetry
48. Sizes
49. TeachtheTurtle
50. PicturePairs
51. LogicGame
52. Snowflakes
Level 1
Level 1 is the place for all children to start, regardless of their age
or grade. They need to explore with the turtle with a minimum of
commands to learn how to control it.
Here are the Level 1 commands.
F Forward Move the turtle straight ahead 10 steps.
R Right Rotate the turtle 30 degrees to the right.
L Left Rotate the turtle 30 degrees to the left.
X Erase Erase the last command typed.
The Backspace key has the same effect.
N New Start a new picture (confirm with Y).
Use Ctrl+U to quickly save the screen image to the KL Pictures
Start with the KL1 activity so that students can try out the new
Unless otherwise noted, you will use KL1 for all the activities in
the Level 1 section,
1 Meet the Turtle
Let’s play turtle! What can a turtle do? Choose a child to be the
turtle and have them stand in the middle of the room.
Can someone tell this turtle [the child] something to do?
Can it go straight ahead? Can it turn?
Can it get to the door?
Have students take turns telling the “turtle” what to do by giving
Load KL1 (in the Level 1 folder).
There’s a turtle we can play with.
How do you think we get this turtle to do something?
Here’s a hint. We can give it commands by typing letters on the
keyboard. We won’t use the arrow keys, but the keys with letters
on them.
Which letter might tell it to go straight ahead? Can the children
think of the F key for Forward?
Which letter might tell it to turn in one direction, and which letter
to turn the other way? How about R for Right and L for Left?
What if you make a mistake? That’s OK. Just press X and your last
letter will be erased.
Practice moving and turning the turtle.
2 Exploring with the Turtle
The first pictures that the children will draw will be very
exploratory and experimental. They are seeing what happens when
they move the turtle around the screen, even off the edge of the
screen. (The turtle wraps around to the other side, where it
Their pictures will be big and likely not recognizable. Resist the
temptation to ask them to “draw something.” Smaller, more
representation pictures will come in time after they finish
When a child first holds a crayon, she doesn’t draw a nice picture.
She first scribbles to see what the crayon can do. The same thing
happens with the turtle.
3 Balloon Game
After the children have a good sense of how to get the turtle to go
where they want it to, have them try the Balloon game. This
activity is in the Level 1 folder.
When the activity starts, a colorful circle (the balloon) appears
somewhere on the screen. The goal is to move the turtle to the
center of the balloon to “pop” it.
When the balloon “pops,” you’ll hear a tune.
After the child pops a balloon, another one appears. After a half
dozen or so balloons are popped, ask the children what is changing
about each new balloon.
They will first tell you that its color changes, which is true.
Eventually, one of them will notice that the balloons are getting
smaller and smaller! The last ones are quite tricky to pop!
4 Mazes
Another way to practice maneuvering the turtle is to use the Level
1 Mazes. There are three mazes, each one slightly more difficult.
Maze 1 is an exploratory maze. There is no “end” to reach. Have
the students try to move the turtle on every white road in the maze.
In Maze 2, the turtle starts at the left edge. Children move it to the
right edge, where a tune plays when they reach it.
In Maze 3, students move the turtle to the red target (circle).
If they touch a red wall, their turtle gets sent back to the beginning,
so they have to “drive” the turtle extra carefully in this maze!
5 Building a Square
Have the children spent lots of time drawing designs, scribbles,
and pictures. Soon they will be ready to make some shapes.
All your students, regardless of their grade, will start at Level 1.
The older ones will soon be ready to draw a square.
Challenge your students to draw a square. They will generally turn
the right angles correctly, but not be as careful counting turtle steps
on each side of the square. Many will draw rectangles.
Make sure they understand that a square has the same number of
turtle steps on each side. After they draw what they think is a
square, count the number of turtle steps on each side with them.
For example, here is the number of turtle steps on each side of a
student’s “square”:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5....R R R…1 2 3 4…R R R…1 2 3 4 5…RRR…1 2 3 4.
Hmmm. Is that a square? (Many will still say it is.) Is 5 the same as
Have them start again and make a true square, with the same
number of steps on each side. Many will notice a pattern in the
1, 2, 3, 4....R R R…1 2 3 4…R R R…1 2 3 4…RRR…1 2 3 4
Now, can they draw a larger square? What is the tiniest square they
can draw? Can they draw a square going to the left?
6 Making Other Shapes
Now that the children can conquered the square, have them try
other shapes.
You can draw a picture of each shape they make on a file card with
their name on it to take home.
What pattern makes a triangle?
A circle?
A rectangle?
They might learn some new shapes, such as a
a parallelogram
a hexagon
or a diamond
or a trapezoid.
7 Kinderlogo Alphabet
Now the children are ready to make an alphabet. Ask them to draw
a letter. The rule might be that the letter has to fit inside the screen,
to avoid lines that wrap around. You will probably get a lot of
letter T’s and L’s at the beginning.
This project usually takes more than one session at the computer.
On the second day, tell the children which letters you need to
finish the whole alphabet. They will eventually make all the letters.
You’ll want to hang their work on the wall!
8 Make a Star
The children love to draw all kinds of shapes. Here are some stars!
If they aren’t sure how to start, give them a piece of paper and
pencil and show them how to draw one. Then they can attempt a
star in with the turtle.
9 Square Corner Day
Challenge your students to draw a picture using only square
corners. Talk about what a square corner is: it needs to have 3
turns, either to the right or to the left.
Count with them – 1, 2, 3 – as you draw a sample square corner
picture. Then see what they come up with!
10 Turtle Dance
Using Turtle Dance, your children can draw in different colors
with 5 turtles that move and turn together. They will often call it
the “Rainbow” activity.
They can press D to have the turtles repeat their dance. (This
works the same as the X command, but doesn’t erase the last line.)
11 Build a House
Challenge your students to draw a house using KL1 commands.
(Later they can build a more complicated house at higher levels.)
A cute bird house!
12 Color Grid: Explore
Even though Color Grid is a Level 4 activity, it can be used much
earlier. It doesn’t standard turtle commands. Children press a
number to choose color, then click in a grid to fill in a square. They
love it!
13 Hearts!
Hearts are tricky because of the curves. Don’t be alarmed if the
hearts your students make are rather pointy! In many cases, the
will not set out to draw a heart. A shape will occur that reminds
them of a heart and then, there it is.
14 Stairs
Challenge your children to draw a set of stairs. How tall can they
make it? Can they figure out the pattern to make the steps? I
wonder why all the stairs they draw go in the same direction?
15 Tower of Boxes
Challenge your children to draw a tower of boxes. How high will
their tower be?
They have to plan carefully to make each larger box 2 extra turtle
steps on each side to line them up like this!
16 Spirals
Challenge your children to create a spiral.
17 Perimeters
Teach your students what a perimeter is. In the case of the turtle, it
is the number of steps around the shape.
A square that is 4 steps on each side has a perimeter of 16.
Challenge your students to draw a shape with these perimeters.
Draw a square with a perimeter of 20.
Draw a hexagon with a perimeter of 18.
Draw a triangle with a perimeter of 3.
Draw a circle with a perimeter of 24.
You don’t normally think of a circle as having a perimeter, or
number of steps around it, but in Kinderlogo, that’s how the turtle
draws a circle. (It is actually a dodecagon, a term that you can
share with your students, if you like.)
18 Stencil Letters
Some children will love drawing letters. For an additional
challenge, have them draw outlines of letters, or stencils. Here are
some examples.
19 Snaky Curves
What kind of design would a snake draw when it moves? Rather
curvy, probably. Can your students create some curvy, snake-like
Level 2
Now that the children have figured out how to draw squares and
circles with the turtle, the Level 2 commands offer quick letter
commands for these shapes. They will draw some amazing patterns
with them, as you will see.
Now the turtle can also move backwards and turn the opposite
way, a handy shortcut.
Here are the new commands at Level 2:
B Back Move the turtle backwards 10 steps.
O Opposite Turn the turtle the opposite way.
S Square Draw a square that is 40 steps on a side.
C Circle Draw a small circle.
Start with the KL2 activity so that students can try out the new
20 Patterns with Squares
Here are some patterns that children can draw using squares. Can
they match the lists of commands to the pictures?
S R S R … S F F F S F F F …
S F S F … S R R S R R … S R R R S R R R…
21 Make a Vehicle
What can your students do with these square and circle
commands? Challenge them to draw a vehicle! First talk about
which vehicles have wheels and which don’t. You’ll be amazed at
what they will come up with!
22 Patterns with Circles
Here are some patterns that children can draw using circles. Can
they match the lists of commands to the pictures?
C R C R … C F F C F F …
C F C F … C R R C R R … C R R R C R R R…
23 Backwards Maze
In Backmaze, the turtle can only go backwards. The F key doesn’t
work! The children will have to figure out which way to turn to
move the turtle backwards through the maze. A tune plays when
they get to the left edge of the screen.
24 Color Grid: Holidays
As you saw in Activity 12, Color Grid is a fun activity for
children of all ages. This time, challenge them to create a picture
with a holiday theme.
An Easter Rabbit
Veterans Day or Memorial Day
Christmas Magic
25 Stick Figures
Your children can have fun drawing stick figures.
26 Flower Patterns
Turn those patterns that use squares and circles into flowers!
27 Five Squares
In how many ways can you draw five squares that connect at one
or more points or sides? Here are some examples.
28 Beads
In the Beads activity, students Copy, Finish, and Create patterns
using virtual beads. They can type S for a square, C for a circle,
and T for a triangle. After the pattern of 12 beads is complete, a
tune plays, with a different tone for each shape bead. Thus they can
both hear and see the patterns they make.
The student would type: TSTSTSTSTSTS to make this pattern.
The student would type: TCTCTCTCTCT to finish this pattern.
The student would type: SSTCSSTCSSTC to create this pattern.
29 Half and Half
Can students make a design and then cut it in half? The shape or
design will be symmetrical, either side-to-side or top-to-bottom.
Or, how many ways can they find to color in approximately half
the squares in Color Grid (in the Level 4 folder)? There are 187
squares in all, so they can’t color in exactly half of them! This is
also a great off-line activity to do with crayons and graph paper.
30 Quarters
Next, the students can try dividing their shapes or designs into
quarters. Now the shape or design is symmetrical in both
directions. Here are some examples using KL2 and Color Grid.
If there are 187 squares in all, how many would they fill in for a
quarter of them?
This activity is a great introduction to the Symmetry and Mirror
activities, which they will meet in Level 4.
31 A Village
Can your students make a village, or a building you would find in a
Every village needs a schoolhouse!
32 Letter Dots
In Letter Dots, students connect the dots to form a letter, then type
the letter they drew. Remind them that they can use B to back up
and O to turn the turtle the opposite way.
Some letters are easy, such as this L.
What the student sees when she begins. Finished letter.
Other letters are more complex, such as this R.
Level 3
At Level 3, students can pick up the turtle’s pen so that it can move
without drawing a line. Then they can put the pen back down to
continue drawing. This powerful pair of commands opens up all
types of possibilities for amazing pictures!
They can also hide and show the turtle. This allows them to see
their picture without the turtle, or to check if two lines meet the
way they want. They can still draw with their invisible turtle!
The H command is a quick way to send the turtle back to its home
in the center of the screen, point straight up.
Here are the new commands at Level 3.
U Up Picks up the turtle’s pen so it cannot draw.
D Down Puts the turtle’s pen back down so it can draw.
T Turtle Hides or shows the turtle.
H Home Moves the turtle to its Home, in the middle of
the screen.
Start with the KL3 activity so that students can try out the new
33 Hello, My Name Is…
Now that the children can move the turtle without drawing a line,
the turtle can draw their names! They have to plan ahead to make
all the letters fit on the screen. For very long names, they can just
draw their initials.
34 Patterns Everywhere!
Children will always return to drawing their favorite patterns from
Level 2. Now, at Level 3, they can put them in different parts of
the screen!
35 Animals
Animals, a perennial favorite for children to draw, are a bit tricky
in Kinderlogo. But here are some amazing examples!
36 Free Time
Give students free time to create whatever they want. Here are
examples of some complex pictures they might come up with!
37 Target Game
The Target game is similar to Balloon (at Level 1), except that in
this Level 3 activity, the turtle is invisible! Can the students picture
in their minds which way the turtle is pointing, and how much each
R or L command will turn it? The turtle will point in a random
direction at the start of each turn.
38 Tic-Tac-Toe
Teach the children how to play Tic-Tac-Toe, if they don’t already
know. Then they will be ready to play the Kinderlogo version.
The TicTacToe game starts with a blank grid, with the turtle in the
Children take turns marking the squares with a circle (O) or X (X).
They will need to pick up the turtle’s pen (U) before moving it, to
avoid drawing a path to their destination. Then they need to
remember to put the pen back down (D) to draw their mark.
Level 4
At Level 4, students can add color to their drawings. They can
change the pen color and the background color. They can also fill
in circle and square shapes automatically, and other shapes, if they
perform a couple of additional steps.
If they have used Color Grid, then they will be familiar with the
color numbers. Point out that the colors are in rainbow order.
Here are the new commands at Level 4.
Pen Colors:
Type the number to change the color of the turtle’s pen.
0 White 1 Black 2 Red
3 Orange 4 Yellow 5 Green
6 Blue 7 Purple 8 Pink
9 Brown
I Ink on Starts filling squares (S) and circles (C).
(I is the first letter of Ink.)
K Ink off Stops filling squares (S) and circles (C).
(K is the last letter of Ink.)
P Paint Fills in the background of the area around the
Use the P command to fill in the background of the entire window
when you first start KL4. To paint in the inside of an existing
shape, pick up the turtle’s pen (U), move the turtle to the inside of
the shape, put the pen down, type a number to set the pen color,
then press P to fill the shape with color.
Start with the KL4 activity so that students can try out the new
39 Colored Lines
Have fun changing the color of the turtle’s pen and drawing lines.
Students will love recreating their favorite Level 2 patterns, this
time in color.
40 Colored Shapes
Have students try the I and K commands to fill in circles (C) and
squares (S) automatically. I turns “ink” on and K turns it off. They
can also manually fill in other shapes.
41 Multiplication & Area
“My students aren’t ready for multiplication or area,” I hear you
say. They may not be in your grade’s curriculum, but here is a fun
way to sneak in some of these concepts.
Hold up a 3x5 index card. Tell the students it is called a 3x5 index
card. Have them figure out why it is named that. (On the blank
back of the card, draw in 1 inch squares. If they need help, show
them that.) Do the same with a 4x6 index card.
Then ask them how many squares in a 3x5 index card. 15! How
about the 4x6 index card? 24!
Create a word processing or spreadsheet document with places to
record all the different combinations from 1 x 1 to 10 x 10.
Have the students start the Color Grid activity. Challenge them to
color in a rectangle with color, then tell you what the dimensions
are and how many squares are colored in. Fill in your chart with
the number. See how many they can figure out!
42 Flags of the World
Here is a fun activity that combines geography and art.
First have the students open a web browser and type: flags images
They can then click the link named ‘Images for flags’.
Have them look for a flag that they could draw in Kinderlogo,
either using KL4 or Color Grid.
Here are some flags they might want to try to recreate:
Ethiopia Antarctica Sweden
Dominican Republic Gabon France
Some will want to draw the US flag.
Finally, have them search the web for a map that shows where
their country is. They can type, for example, ‘map Gabon’.
43 Mirror
The Level 4 Mirror activity allows students to explore lines of
symmetry. This activity starts with two turtles. The turtles move
together in the same direction when you give an F or B command.
However, when you type R or L, they turn in opposite directions.
All the color commands are available, so students can make
colorful and symmetrical designs.
44 Turtle Time
Can the turtle tell time? Well, not really, but you can draw clock
hands to show times.
Start by choosing an hour. Don’t forget to make the hour hand
short and the minute hand long. Can you tell what time this is?
Next, try a more complicated time. Explain that it is impossible to
draw a half-hour accurately, because the turtle can’t turn a 45º
Remind students that the
H command quickly and easily returns
the turtle to the center of the screen. (Pick up the pen first with U,
or you will draw a line back Home! Don’t forget to put the pen
back down with D.) Hide the turtle with T, if you like.
45 Color Grid: Graph Paper
Give students graph paper and colored pencils or crayons. Have
them draw a black box around a rectangle of boxes that is 17 x 11,
the same size as the Color Grid activity.
Have them draw a picture on the graph paper by filling in the
boxes with color.
When they are done, they can start up the Color Grid activity and
recreate the picture they drew on the graph paper.
46 Lollipops!
How many colorful lollipops can your students draw?
They can use the I command to fill in circles automatically.
Have them explain their picture. What color did they use for the
lollipop stick, and why?
What flavor is each lollipop?
Which one is their favorite?
Can they figure out how to make a black border
around their lollipop?
47 Symmetry
The Level 4 Symmetry activity allows students to explore with 2
lines of symmetry. This activity starts with four turtles. The turtles
move together in the same direction when you give an F or B
command. However, when you type R or L, they turn in opposite
directions. All the color commands are available, so students can
make colorful and symmetrical designs.
Level 5
At Level 5, students utilize the real power of Kinderlogo, and of
programming. They can draw a design with the turtle, store it by
name, then redraw it whenever they want by entering that name.
The names they can use are single letters: A, G, M, and Z. They can
think of the acronym GAMZ to help them remember the letters they
can use. Or they can press the ? key to see a list of the commands.
All the commands from previous levels are also available.
Here are the new commands at Level 5.
A, G, M, or Z Store a set of commands.
E Erase a set of commands stored by a letter.
48 Sizes
Students can explore shapes in different sizes in the Sizes activity.
Which shape will they choose? Can they orient the shape in
different directions? What happens if they enter a size number that
is very large—too large to fit within the limits of the screen size?
They can press any of four letters to draw a shape:
C – circle T – triangle S – square H – hexagon
A dialog box opens where they can enter a number for the size of
the shape.
Here is C 50, C 60, C 70, C 80, C 90, C 100:
If they press O to turn the turtle the
opposite way, they can create the same
set of circles with this result.
Then turn the turtle to point to the right and to the left and repeat.
49 Teach the Turtle
Using the KL5 activity, have students play with drawing a design,
storing it with a letter name (A, G, M, or Z), then drawing it
somewhere else on the screen.
You are likely to again see their favorite patterns from Level 2!
50 Picture Pairs
Using KL5, try to capture the initial design that the student drew
and then named. You can make a wonderful display of “Picture
Pairs.” Can your students match the initial design with the one
where it is repeated multiple times? This can be quite tricky!
51 Logic Game
In the Guess activity, students try to guess the shape that the
computer is thinking of. They press letters to guess the size, color
and shape.
The turtle draws the shape that the student guessed, and displays
any correct answers above it, in this case, the color RED.
They press the space bar to make another guess.
This time, the size is right. Now to find the right shape!
52 Snowflakes
Show your students these snowflake designs. Can they figure out
which parts they could store with a letter name in KL5? Can they
reproduce these snowflakes? Can they create their own snowflake
Erase a letter that stores a design by pressing E. Then type the
letter to erase that set of commands.
When you press N to start something new, you can choose to erase
just the
Picture (keeping your letter designs), All (picture and
letter designs) or cancel with No.
Student Pages
Give the following set of pages to your students, if you like.
Level 1 Commands
Here are the Level 1 commands.
F Forward Move the turtle straight ahead.
R Right Turn the turtle to the right.
L Left Turn the turtle to the left.
X Erase Erase your last command.
N New Start a new picture (press Y).
1 Meet the Turtle
Let’s play with the turtle!
Can you make it walk? Press F.
Can you make it turn? Press R or L.
Have fun!
2 Exploring with the Turtle
What can you draw with the turtle?
Draw anything you want!
Give a name to your picture!
3 Balloon Game
Can you get the turtle to the balloon?
Did you hear the balloon pop?
What happens to the balloon after you play
for a while?
4 Mazes
Try these mazes!
Can you take the turtle on every path?
Can you get to the end of this maze?
Can you get the turtle to the green
circle? Be careful! Don’t hit a red wall!
5 Building a Square
Can you draw a square?
Make sure that all the sides have the same
number of steps.
Can you draw a tiny square?
Can you draw a giant square?
6 Making Other Shapes
What other shapes can you draw?
7 Kinderlogo Alphabet
Can you draw letters of the alphabet?
Some are easy and some are hard.
Can you draw the first letter of your name?
8 Make a Star
Can you draw a star? This is a hard one!
9 Square Corner Day
Can you make a picture with just corners
like a square?
How many times do you have to turn the
turtle to make a square corner?
Count carefully when you draw your design!
10 Turtle Dance
Have fun with 5 colorful turtles!
Press D to see them dance again!
11 Build a House
Can you build a house with the turtle?
This is a bird house!
12 Color Grid: Explore
Click in a box to color it in.
Press a number key to change the color!
13 Hearts!
Can you draw a heart?
This is a hard shape to draw.
14 Stairs
Can you draw some stairs?
15 Tower of Boxes
Can you draw a tower of boxes?
16 Spirals
These are spirals. Can you make one?
17 Perimeters
Perimeter is the distance around a shape.
Can you draw a square with
a perimeter of 20?
That means you press F 20 times to draw it.
Can you draw a hexagon with
a perimeter of 18?
Can you draw a triangle with
a perimeter of 3?
Can you draw a circle with
a perimeter of 24?
18 Stencil Letters
Can you draw the outline of a letter?
We call it a stencil letter.
19 Snaky Curves
Can you draw a snaky curve?
Level 2 Commands
Here are the new commands at Level 2:
B Back Move the turtle backwards.
O Opposite Turn the turtle the opposite way.
S Square Draw a square.
C Circle Draw a circle.
20 Patterns with Squares
Can you make some patterns with squares?
S R S R … S F F F S F F F …
S F S F … S R R S R R … S R R R S R R R…
21 Make a Vehicle
What vehicle can you draw with the turtle?
22 Patterns with Circles
Can you patterns with circles?
C R C R … C F F C F F …
C F C F … C R R C R R … C R R R C R R R…
23 Backwards Maze
In this maze, the turtle can only go
The F key doesn’t work!
Good luck!
24 Color Grid: Holidays
Make a holiday design with Color Grid.
An Easter Rabbit
Veterans Day or Memorial Day
Christmas Magic
25 Stick Figures
Can you draw a stick figure?
26 Flower Patterns
Use patterns to make some flowers!
27 Five Squares
How many ways can you connect five
28 Beads
Using Beads, you can Copy, Finish, and
Create patterns.
Type S for a square.
Type C for a circle.
Type T for a triangle.
Hear a tune when you finish each pattern!
29 Half and Half
Draw a shape, then cut it in half.
Can you color in half the squares in Color
Grid? Press a number to set the color.
30 Quarters
Draw a shape, then cut it into quarters.
Color in one quarter of the boxes in Color
31 A Village
Can you make a village, or a building you
would find in a village?
32 Letter Dots
Connect the dots to make a letter.
Then type the letter you drew.
Some are easy!
Some are harder.
Level 3 Commands
U Up Picks up the turtle’s pen so it
cannot draw when it moves.
D Down Puts the turtle’s pen back
down so it can draw again.
T Turtle Hides or shows the turtle.
H Home Moves the turtle to its Home,
in the middle of the screen.
33 Hello, My Name Is…
Can you write your name with the turtle?
Press U to pick up the pen between letters.
Press D when you want to draw again.
34 Patterns Everywhere!
Put your favorite patterns all over the
screen! Press U to pick up the pen between
letters. Press D to draw again.
35 Animals
What animal can you try to draw?
36 Free Time
Just have fun with the turtle. Draw anything
you want!
37 Target Game
Target is like Balloon. But you can’t see the
turtle. It is invisible!
Good luck!
38 Tic-Tac-Toe
Do you know how to play Tic-Tac-Toe?
You can play it with the turtle. Maybe a
friend can play with you.
Press U to pick up the turtle’s pen.
Move the turtle to a box.
D to put the pen back down.
O to mark it with a circle.
Or press
X to mark it with a square.
Level 4 Commands
Pen Colors:
Type the number to change the color of the
turtle’s pen.
0 White 1 Black 2 Red
3 Orange 4 Yellow 5 Green
6 Blue 7 Purple 8 Pink
9 Brown
I Ink on Starts filling squares (S) and
circles (C).
(I is the first letter of Ink.)
K Ink off Stops filling squares (S) and
circles (C).
(K is the last letter of Ink.)
P Paint Fills in the background of the
area around the turtle.
39 Colored Lines
Press a number to set the color of the turtle’s
Then have fun drawing pictures in color!
40 Colored Shapes
Try the I and K commands. I turns “ink” on
and K turns it off. Use these commands to
fill in circles (C) and squares (S).
41 Multiplication & Area
Can you make a rectangle with 24 boxes?
This number is called the area.
It is a 4 x 6 box.
Can you make other rectangles and find
their areas?
How about 3 x 5? 8 x 2? 4 x 1?
How many can you make?
42 Flags of the World
Find pictures of flags from different
Can you draw a flag with the turtle?
Ethiopia Antarctica Sweden
Dominican Republic Gabon France
Find your country on a map of the world.
Learn a fact about the country.
43 Mirror
In Mirror two turtles move together when
you type F or B. But when you type R or L,
they turn in opposite ways. You can add
color, too!
44 Turtle Time
Can the turtle tell time? Well, not really, but
you can draw clock hands to show times.
Start by choosing an hour. Don’t forget to
make the hour hand short and the minute
hand long. Can you tell what time this is?
Next, try a harder time.
Press H to move the turtle to the center of
the screen.
45 Color Grid: Graph Paper
Get a piece of graph paper. Mark off a box
that is 17 boxes across and 11 boxes down.
Now draw a picture on the graph paper by
coloring in the boxes.
When you are done, draw the same picture
in Color Grid.
46 Lollipops!
How many colorful lollipops can you draw?
Use the I command to fill in the circles
What flavor is each lollipop?
Which one is their favorite?
How can you make a black
border around your lollipop?
47 Symmetry
In Symmetry you can explore 2 lines of
symmetry. This time you have four turtles.
They move in the same direction when you
press F or B. But when you type R or L, they
turn in opposite directions. You can use
color, too!
Level 5 Commands
In Level 5, you can teach the turtle how to
draw a picture and then draw it whenever
you want.
Here are the new commands at Level 5.
A, G, M, Save your picture with a
or Z letter name.
E Erase a picture stored by a
Letter name.
48 Sizes
Now you can make shapes any size you
want! Use the Sizes activity.
Press a letter to draw a shape:
C – Circle T – Triangle
S – Square H – Hexagon
Type a number for the size you want and
click OK.
Can you draw this?
Then this?
49 Teach the Turtle
Draw a design, then save. To save it, press
A, G, M, or Z. Then type the same letter
again to draw your picture anywhere you
50 Picture Pairs
Save the draw you drew first. (Ask an adult
for help.) Then make a picture using that
little design and save it, too!
51 Logic Game
In Guess, you will try to guess the shape
that the computer is thinking of. Press letters
to guess the size, color and shape.
Size: Small, Medium, Large
Color: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple
Shape: Triangle, Square, Hexagon,
Octagon, Circle
The turtle will draw the shape you guessed.
It tells you if you were right. Press the space
bar to make another guess.
Can you guess the right shape!
52 Snowflakes
Look at these snowflake designs. Which part
can you teach the turtle how to draw? Can
you make these snowflakes? Make some
snowflakes of your own!
Student Name _____________________
Student Name _____________________