Grade Level: 3
Date of Board Approval: 2024
Curriculum Writing Committee: Casey Markowitz, Elizabeth McLane,
and Cassandra Zegarski
Marking Period Course Grade Weighting
Chapter Level Tests
Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
This course will provide a deep exploration of major concepts of mathematical areas
including numbers and operations (in base ten and fractions), operations and algebraic
thinking, geometry, and measurement and data.
All units pre-others and his course will allow students to develop mathematical fluency
through the engagement and development of mathematical reasoning skills, solving
one-and two-step problems, constructing viable arguments and responding to those
arguments of others, and using mathematical tools to model mathematics strategically.
Students will build upon previously learned skills to master new skills through engaging
lessons and resources.
Time/Credit for the Course: 1 full year
1. Marking Period One: Over a 45-day period of time, students will aim to
Unit 0: Numbers in Base Ten: Place Value
Place value through thousands.
Values in digits through thousands
Standard form of numbers
Expanded form of numbers
Converting between forms
Skip counting
Unit 1: Numbers in Base Ten: Addition and Subtraction
Addition with three-digit numbers
Addition with and without regrouping
Subtraction three-digit numbers
Subtraction with and without regrouping
Subtraction across zeros
Rounding to the nearest ten
Rounding to the nearest hundred
Ordering numbers
Unit 2: Measurement and Data: Perimeter
Calculating perimeter of a polygon by counting units
Estimating perimeter of rectangles
Measuring perimeter of rectangles
Using a formula to find perimeter
Comparing perimeters of rectangles
Finding the unknown side length with known perimeter
Unit 3: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Multiplication
Using equal groups to find how many in all
Relationship between multiplication to addition
Number lines and multiplication.
Arrays as models of multiplication
Commutative Property of Multiplication
Associative Property of Multiplication
Finding an unknown factor or product on the multiplication table
Solving two-step equations
Arithmetic patterns
Creating and matching a number sentences with symbols and numbers
Identifying missing symbols that make a number sentence true
2. Marking Period Two: Over a 45-day period of time, students will aim to
Unit 4: Measurement and Data: Area
Counting unit squares to find area
Using addition and multiplication to find area
Solving problems with area
Unit 5: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Division
Representing division
Division as size of equal groups
Division as number of equal groups
Division as bar models
Relationship of subtraction and division
Representing division with arrays
Relationship of multiplication and division
Related facts with multiplication and division
Division rules for 1 and 0
Using arrays or multiplication table to find unknown factor or product
Using arrays to solve division problems
Unit 6: Numbers and Operations: Fractions
Partitioning shapes into equal parts
Importance of numerators and denominators
Unit fractions
Representing fractions to name part of a whole and of a set
Using number lines to represent fractions
Relationship of fractions to numbers greater than one
Comparing fractions
Equivalent fractions
3. Marking Period Three: Over a 45-day period of time, students will aim to
Unit 7: Geometry: Shapes and Their Attributes
Lines, rays, points, line segments, and angles
Angles in shapes
Sides of shapes
Quadrilaterals and their characteristics
Unit 8: Measurement and Data: Time
Differences in analog and digital clocks
A.M. and P.M. times
Time in timelines and schedules
Multiple ways of stating time
Elapsed time
Unit 9: Measurement and Data: Measurement
Customary measurement of capacity and weight
Metric measurement of volume and mass
Real world measurement problems
4. Marking Period Four: Over a 45-day period of time, students will aim to
Unit 10: Measurement and Data: Money
Counting coins and bills
Comparison of coins/bills combinations
Making change
Rounding money amounts
Unit 11: Measurement and Data: Graphing
Tally and frequency tables
Bar graphs
Line plots
Unit 12: Getting Ready for Fourth Grade
Metric conversions
Compare fractions with like numerators
Equivalent fractions
One-digit by two-digit multiplication
Two step multiplication and division problems
Big Ideas
Big Idea #1: Mathematical relationships among numbers can be presented, compared, and
Big Idea #2: Mathematical relationships can be represented as expressions, equations, and
inequalities in mathematical situations.
Big Idea #3: Patterns exhibit relationships that can be extended, described, and generalized.
Big Idea #4: Mathematical relations and functions can be modeled through multiple
representatives and analyzed to raise and answer questions.
Big Idea #5: Data can be modeled and used to make inferences.
Big Idea #6: Geometric relationships can be described, analyzed, and classified based on spatial
reasoning and/or visualization.
Big Idea #7: Numerical quantities, calculations, and measurements can be estimated or analyzed
by using appropriate strategies and tools.
Big Idea #8: Measurement attributes can be quantified and estimated using customary and non-
customary units of measure.
Big Idea #9: Mathematical relations and functions can be modeled through multiple
representatives and analyzed to raise and answer questions.
Textbook and Supplementary Resources
Name of Textbook: Go Math: Grade 3
Textbook ISBN:
Textbook Publisher & Year of Publication: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2023
Supplemental Resources: Go Math: Grade 3 HMH Ed/Waggle, IXL, Khan Academy,
Generation Genius, teacher created materials
Curriculum Map
Marking Period 1
Unit 0: Numbers in Base Ten: (9 days)
CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to
perform multi-digit arithmetic.
M03.A-T.1 - Use place-value understanding and properties of operations to
perform multi-digit arithmetic.
Eligible Content:
M03.A-T.1.1.4 - Order a set of whole numbers from least to greatest or greatest to
least (up through 9,999, and limit sets to no more than four numbers).
Unit 1: Numbers in Base Ten (14 days)
CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to
perform multi-digit arithmetic.
M03.A-T.1 - Use place-value understanding and properties of operations to
perform multi-digit arithmetic.
Eligible Content:
M03.A-T.1.1.1 Round two- and three-digit whole numbers to the nearest ten or
hundred, respectively.
M03.A-T.1.1.2 Add two- and three-digit whole numbers (limit sums from 100
through 1,000) and/or subtract two- and three-digit numbers from three-digit
whole numbers.
M03.A-T.1.1.4 Order a set of whole numbers from least to greatest or greatest to
least (up through 9,999, and limit sets to no more than four numbers).
Unit 2: Measurement and Data: Perimeter (8 days)
CC.2.4.3.A.6 - Solve problems involving perimeters of polygons and distinguish
between linear and area measures.
M03.D-M.4 Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane
figures and distinguish between linear and area measures
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.4.1.1 - Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving
perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths,
finding an unknown side length, exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter
and different areas, and exhibiting rectangles with the same area and different
perimeters. Use the same units throughout the problem.
Unit 3: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Multiplication (14 days)
CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Apply place-value understanding and properties of operations to
perform multi-digit arithmetic.
CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and
CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship
between multiplication and division.
CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.
CC.2.2.3.A.4 Solve problems involving the four operations and explain patterns
in arithmetic.
M03.A-T.1 Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform
multi-digit arithmetic.
M03.B-O.1 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.
M03.B-O.2 Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between
multiplication and division.
M03.B-O.3 Solve problems involving the four operations and identify and explain
patterns in arithmetic.
Eligible Content:
M03.A-T.1.1.3 - Multiply one-digit numbers by two-digit multiples of 10.
M03.B-O.1.1.1 - Interpret and/or describe products of whole numbers (up to and
including 10 × 10). Example 1: Interpret 35 as the total number of objects in 5
groups, each containing 7 objects. Example 2: Describe a context in which a total
number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.
M03.B-O.1.2.1 - Use multiplication (up to and including 10 × 10) and/or division
(limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors and quotients through 10) to solve
word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and/or measurement
M03.B-O.1.2.2 - Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication (up to
and including 10 × 10) or division (limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors
and quotients through 10) equation relating three whole numbers. Example:
Determine the unknown number that makes an equation true.
M03.B-O.2.1.1 - Apply the commutative property of multiplication (not
identification or definition of the property).
M03.B-O.2.1.2 - Apply the associative property of multiplication (not
identification or definition of the property).
M03.B-O.3.1.1 -Solve two-step word problems using the four operations
(expressions are not explicitly stated). Limit to problems with whole numbers
and having whole number answers.
M03.B-O.3.1.2 - Represent two-step word problems using equations with a
symbol standing for the unknown quantity. Limit to problems with the whole
numbers and have whole number answers.
M03.B-O3.1.3 - Assess the reasonableness of answers. Limit problems posed with
whole numbers and having whole number answers.
M03.B-O.3.1.4 - Solve two-step equations using order of operations (equation is
explicitly stated with no grouping symbols).
M03.B-O.3.1.5 - Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition or
multiplication table) and/or explain them using properties of operations.
M03.B-O.3.1.6 - Create or match a story to a given combination of symbols.
M03.B-O.3.1.7 - Identify the missing symbol that makes a number sentence true.
Total Days: 45
Marking Period 2
Unit 4: Measurement and Data: Area (10 days)
CC.2.4.3.A..5 - Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to
multiplication and addition.
M03.D-M.3 - Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate
area to multiplication and to addition.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.3.1.1 - Measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m,
square in., square ft, and non-standard square units.)
M03.D-M.3.1.2 - Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-
number side lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical
problems and represent whole-number products as rectangular area in
mathematical reasoning.
Unit 5: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Division (15 days)
CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and
CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship
between multiplication and division.
CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.
M03.B-O.1 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.
M03.B-O.2 Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between
multiplication and division.
Eligible Content:
M03.B-O.1.1.1 - Interpret and/or describe products of whole numbers (up to and
including 10 × 10). Example 1: Interpret 35 as the total number of objects in 5
groups, each containing 7 objects. Example 2: Describe a context in which a total
number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.
M03.B-O.1.1.2 - Interpret and/or describe whole-number quotients of whole
numbers (limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors and quotients through 10.)
M03.B-O.1.2.1 - Use multiplication (up to and including 10 × 10) and/or division
(limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors and quotients through 10) to solve
word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and/or measurement
M03.B-O.1.2.2 - Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication (up to
and including 10 × 10) or division (limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors
and quotients through 10) equation relating three whole numbers. Example:
Determine the unknown number that makes an equation true.
M03.B-O.2.1.1 - Apply the commutative property of multiplication (not
identification or definition of the property).
M03.B-O.2.2.1 - Interpret and/or model division as a multiplication equation
with an unknown factor.
Unit 6: Numbers and Operations: Fractions (20 days)
CC.2.1.3.C.1 - Explore and develop an understanding of fractions as numbers.
M03.A-F.1 - Develop and understanding of fractions as numbers.
Eligible Content:
M03.A-F.1.1.1 Demonstrate that when a whole or set is partitioned into y equal
parts, the fraction 1/y represents 1 part of the whole and/or the fraction x/y
represents x equal parts of the whole (limit denominators to 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8; limit
numerators to whole numbers less than the denominator; and no simplification
M03.A-F.1.1.2 Represent fractions on a number line (limit denominators to 2, 3,
4, 6, and 8; limit numerators to whole numbers less than the denominator; and no
simplification necessary).
M03.A-F.1.1.3 Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions (limit the
denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 and limit numerators to whole numbers less
than the denominator). Example 1: 1/2 = 2/4 Example 2: 4/6 = ⅔
M03.A-F.1.1.4 Express whole numbers as fractions, and/or generate fractions that
are equivalent to whole numbers (limit denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8).
Example 1: Express 3 in the form 3 = 3/1. Example 2: Recognize that 6/1 = 6.
M03.A-F.1.1.5 Compare two fractions with the same denominator (limit
denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8), using the symbols >, =, or <, and/or justify
the conclusions.
Total Days: 45
Marking Period 3
Unit 7: Geometry: Shapes and their Attributes (15 days)
CC.2.3.3.A.1 - Identify, compare, and classify shapes and their attributes
CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts
with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fractions of the
M03.C-G.1 - Reason with shapes and their attributes.
Eligible Content:
M03.C-G.1.1.1 - Explain that shapes in different categories may share attributes
and that the shared attributes can define a larger category.
M03.C.-G.1.1.2 - Recognize rhombi, rectangles, and squares as examples of
quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.
M03.C-G.1.1.3 - Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of
each part as a unit fraction of the whole.
Unit 8: Measurement and Data: Time (15 days)
CC.2.4.3.A.2 - Tell and write time to the nearest minute and solve problems by
calculating time intervals.
M03.D-M.1 - Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of
intervals of time, money, liquid volumes, masses, and lengths of objects.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.1.1.1 - Tell, show, and/or write time (analog) to the nearest minute.
M03.D-M.1.1.2 - Calculate elapsed time to the minute in a given situation (total
elapsed time limited to 60 minutes or less.)
Unit 9: Measurement and Data: Measurement (15 days)
CC.2.4.3.A.1 Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of
temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.
M03.D-M.1 - Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of
intervals of time, money, liquid volumes, masses, and lengths of objects.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.1.2.1 - Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects
using standard units (cups, pints, quarts, gallons, ounces, and pounds and metric
units liters, grams, and kilograms.
M03.D-M.1.2.2 - Add, subtract, multiply, and divide to solve one-step word
problems involving masses or liquid volumes that are given in the same units.
M03.D-M.1.2.3. Use a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest quarter inch or
Total Days: 45
Marking Period 4
Unit 10: Measurement and Data: Money (10 days)
CC.2.4.3.A.3 - Solve problems and make change involving money using a
combination of coins and bills.
M03.D-M.1 - Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of
intervals of time, money, liquid volumes, masses, and lengths of objects.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.1.3.1 - Compare total values of combinations of coins (penny, nickel,
dime, and quarter) and/or dollar bills less than $5.00.
M03.D-M.1.3.2 - Make change for an amount up to $5.00 with no more than
$2.00 change given (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar.).
M03.D-M.1.3.3 - Round amounts of money to the nearest dollar.
Unit 11: Measurement and Data: Graphing (10 days)
CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables,
pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.
M03.D-M..2 - Represent and interpret data.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.2.1.1 - Complete a scaled pictograph and a scaled bar graph to
represent a data set with several categories (scaled limited to 1, 2, 5, and 10).
M03.D-M.2.1.2 - Solve one- and two- step problems using information to
interpret data presented in scaled pictographs and scaled bar graphs (scales
limited to 1, 2, 5, and 10).
M03.D-M.2.1.3 - Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using
rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Display the data by making
a line plot, where the horizontal scaled is marked in appropriate units - whole
numbers, halves, or quarters.
M03.D-M.2.1.4 - Translate information from one type of display to another.
Limit to pictographs, tally charts, bar graphs, and tables.
Unit 12: Getting Ready for Fourth Grade (23 days)
Total days: 45
CC.2.4.3.A1 - Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of
temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.
CC.2.1.3.C.1 - Explore and develop an understanding of fractions as numbers.
CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and
CC.2.4.1.A..5 - Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to
multiplication and addition.
CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables,
pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.
M03.D-M.1.2.1- Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects
using standard units (Cups [c],pints [pt], quarts [qt], gallons [gal], ounces [oz],
and pounds [lb]) and metric units (liters [l], grams [g], and kilograms [kg]).
M03.A-F.1 - Develop an understanding of fractions as numbers.
M03.B-O.1 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division..
M03.D-M.3 - Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate
area to multiplication and to addition.
M03.D-M.2 - Represent and interpret data.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.1.2.1 Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using
standard units (cups [c], pints [pt], quarts [qt], gallons [gal], ounces [oz.], and
pounds [lb]) and metric units (liters [l], grams [g], and kilograms [kg]).
M03.A-F.1.1.5 Compare two fractions with the same denominator (limit
denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8), using the symbols >, =, or <, and/or justify
the conclusions.
M03.B-O.1.1.1 - Interpret and/or describe products of whole numbers (up to and
including 10 × 10). Example 1: Interpret 35 as the total number of objects in 5
groups, each containing 7 objects. Example 2: Describe a context in which a total
number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.
M03.D-M.3.1.2 - Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-
number side lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical
problems and represent whole-number products as rectangular area in
mathematical reasoning.
M03.D-M.2.1.1 - Complete a scaled pictograph and a scaled bar graph to
represent a data set with several categories (scaled limited to 1, 2, 5, and 10)
Marking Period 1
Unit 0: Numbers in Base Ten (9 days)
Overview: Use place value concepts to represent amounts of tens, ones, hundreds, and
thousands. Use place value concepts to compare up to four-digit numbers. Use place value
concepts to read, write, and skip count through thousands.
Standards Addressed:
CC.2.1.3.B.1- Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to
perform multi-digit arithmetic.
Anchor: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit
Eligible Content:
M03.A-T.1.1.4 - Order a set of whole numbers from least to greatest or greatest to
least (up through 9,999, and limit sets to no more than four numbers).
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Use and match place value names (up to
9,999). (DOK 1)
Go Math Grade 2
Launch Activity 1: Place Value to
Three digits
TakeOff Grade 2- Unit 8 Place Value
Khan Academy:
Using Place Value Blocks to Show
Numbers within 1000
Identifying values in digits
Teacher Created Materials
Construct conversions to and from a
number, between place values and
between standard and expanded forms
(DOK 2).
Go Math Grade 2
Chapter 1 Lesson 7 Different Forms
of Numbers Reteach and Enrich
Second Grade: L.15 Convert Between
Standard and Expanded Form (DZB)
Third Grade: A.5 Convert Between
Standard and Expanded Form (2GS)
Khan Academy:
Expanded form
Number and word form of a number
Generation Genius
Numbers in Expanded & Word Form
(1,000 and beyond)
Use a number line to skip count (DOK 1)
Go Math
Chapter 2 Lesson 3: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Multiplication on the number line
TakeOff Lesson 2.7- Use number
lines to multiply
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 2,
Lesson 3
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Unit 0 Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
Unit 0 Common Assessment
Unit 1: Numbers in Base Ten (14 days)
Overview: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction up to three digits;
use place values to represent amounts of tens and ones and to compare three-digit numbers, use
place value to order numbers by value, use place value to round numbers to the nearest tens and
hundreds place.
Standards Addressed:
CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to
perform multi-digit arithmetic.
Anchor: M03.A-T.1 - Use place-value understanding and properties of operations to
perform multi-digit arithmetic.
Eligible Content:
M03.A-T.1.1.1 Round two- and three-digit whole numbers to the nearest ten or
hundred, respectively.
M03.A-T.1.1.2 Add two- and three-digit whole numbers (limit sums from 100
through 1,000) and/or subtract two- and three-digit numbers from three-digit
whole numbers.
M03.A-T.1.1.4 Order a set of whole numbers from least to greatest or greatest to
least (up through 9,999, and limit sets to no more than four numbers).
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Add three-digit whole numbers (DOK 2)
Go Math Grade 2(Online)
Chapter 10 Lesson 5: Addition
Regroup Ones and Tens Reteach and
Enrich Activity
TakeOff Grade 2
Lesson 3.5- Break Apart Both
Lesson 3.6 Break Apart Both
Addends and Regroup
Lesson 3.9 Add With the
Standard Algorithm
TakeOff Grade 3
Lesson 1.3 Break Apart Both
Numbers to Add
Khan Academy:
Adding with regrouping
Breaking apart 3-digit addition
Addition using groups of 10 and 100
Using place value to add 3-digit
Subtract three-digit whole numbers (DOK
Online Go Math Grade 2
Chapter 10 Lesson 9: Subtraction
Regroup Hundreds and Tens Reteach
and Enrich Activities
Chapter 10 Lesson 10: Regrouping
with Zeros Reteach and Enrich
Takeoff Grade 2
Lesson 4.6 Break Apart Both
Numbers to Subtract
Takeoff Grade 3:
Lesson 1.3 Break Apart A
Number To Add or Subtract
Lesson 1.12 Break Apart Both
Numbers to Subtract
Generation Genius
Add and Subtract within 1,000
Add and Subtract Using the Standard
Round two- and three-digit whole
numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 (DOK
Go Math Grade 3
Chapter 1 Lessons 2-7 (substitute
“compatible numbers” for rounding to
the nearest 10 or 100)
Round to the Nearest Ten or Hundred
Takeoff Grade 3:
Lesson 1.2 Round Using Place
Lesson 1.7 Estimate Sums and
Khan Academy:
Rounding to the nearest 10 on the
number line
Rounding to the nearest 100 on the
number line
Rounding to the nearest 100 and 10
Generation Genius
Rounding (Nearest 10 and 100)
Organize a set of numbers according to
value (least great to greatest/greatest to
least greatest) (DOK 2)
Online Go Math Grade 2:
Chapter 2 Lesson 7 Order Numbers
Reteach and Enrich Activities
Order Numbers (X92)
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Unit 1 Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
Unit 1 Common Assessment
Unit 2: Measurement and Data: Perimeter (8 days)
Overview: Recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures. Solve real-world and
mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons. Find the perimeter given the side
lengths. Find an unknown side length.
Standards Addressed:
CC.2.4.3.A.6 - Solve problems involving perimeters of polygons and distinguish
between linear and area measures.
Anchor: Find and use the perimeters of plane figures.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.4.1.1 - Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving
perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths,
finding an unknown side length, exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter
and different areas, and exhibiting rectangles with the same area and different
perimeters. Use the same units throughout the problem.
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core Activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods
Calculate perimeter of a polygon by counting
units. (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 9 Lesson 1
Perimeter of figures on grids
-IXL Take Off Unit 8
Khan Academy:
Perimeter - Introduction
Perimeter of a shape
Generation Genius:
Intro to Perimeter
Estimate and measure perimeter of
rectangles. (DOK 1-2)
Go Math:
Chapter 9 Lesson 2
IXL Take Off Unit 8
Use a formula to find perimeter. (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 9 Lesson 3
Perimeter of rectangles (ZJT)
Perimeter of polygons (LLY)
Find the perimeter: word problems
Perimeter of rectilinear shapes (65Z)
IXL Take Off Unit 8
Compare areas of rectangles that have the
same perimeter. (DOK 3)
Go Math:
Chapter 9 Lesson 4
Relationship between area and
perimeter: find the area (KNR)
IXL Take Off Unit 8
Compare perimeters of rectangles that have
the same perimeter. (DOK 3)
Go Math:
Chapter 9 Lesson 5
Relationship between area and
perimeter: find the perimeter (ZWF)
IXL Take Off Unit 8
Develop a concise explanation of how to find
the unknown length of a side in a plane
figure when you know its perimeter. (DOK
Go Math:
Chapter 9 Lesson 6
Perimeter of polygons: find the
missing side lengths (5X5)
Find the missing side length of a
rectangle: word problems (DKC)
IXL Take Off Unit 8
Khan Academy:
Find the missing side lengths when
given perimeter
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth Measure
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth Measure
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Unit 2 Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
Unit 2 Common Assessment
Unit 3: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Multiplication (12 days)
Overview: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division; understand
properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division; solve
problems involving the four operations and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.
Standards Addressed:
CC.2.2.3.A.1; CC.2.2.3.A.2; CC.2.2.3.A.4
Anchor: Understand various meanings of multiplication and division
Anchor: Solve Mathematical and real-world problems using multiplication and division,
including determining the missing number in a multiplication and/or division equation.
Eligible Content:
M03.B-O.1.1.1 Interpret and/or describe products of whole numbers (up to and
including 10 x 10)
M03.B-O.1.1.2 Interpret and/or describe whole-number quotients of whole
numbers (limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors and quotients through 10)
M03.B-O.1.2.1 Use multiplication (up to and including 10 x 10) and/or division
(limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors and quotients through 10) to solve
word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and/or measurement
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Use equal groups to find how many in all
(DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 2 Lesson 1: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Equal groups (video) | Khan Academy
TakeOff Lesson 2.1- Understand
Equal Groups
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 2,
Lesson 1
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 2,
Lesson 2
Generation Genius
Intro to Multiplication
Determine how multiplication is
like/different addition (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 2 Lesson 2: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Multiplication as repeated addition
(video) | Khan Academy
Use a number line to skip count (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 2 Lesson 3: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Multiplication on the number line
(video) | Khan Academy
TakeOff Lesson 2.7- Use number
lines to multiply
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 2,
Lesson 3
Use arrays to model multiplication and
find factors (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 2 Lesson 5: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Multiplication with arrays (video) |
Khan Academy
TakeOff Lesson 2.4-Use arrays to
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 2,
Lesson 5
Anchor: Use properties to simplify and solve multiplication problems
Eligible Content:
M03.B-O.2.1.1 Apply the commutative property of multiplication (not
identification or definition of the property).
M03.B-O.2.1.2 Apply the associative property of multiplication (not identification
or definition of the property).
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Use the Commutative Property of
Multiplication to find products (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 2 Lesson 6: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Commutative property of
multiplication (video) | Khan
Takeoff Lesson 2.5- Commutative
Property of Multiplication
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 2,
Lesson 6
Use the Associative Property of
Multiplication to find products (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 3 Lesson 6 : Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Associative property of multiplication
(video) | Khan Academy
TakeOff Lesson 3.9-
Multiply Three
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 3,
Lesson 6
Generation Genius
Multiplication Properties
Anchor: Relate division to a missing number multiplication equation
Anchor: Solve Mathematical and real-world problems using multiplication and division,
including determining the missing number in a multiplication and/or division equation.
Eligible Content:
M03.B-O. 2.2.1 Interpret and/or model division as a multiplication equation with
an unknown factor.
M03.B-O.1.2.2 Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication (up to
and including 10 x 10) or division (limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors
and quotients through 10) equation relating three whole numbers.
M03.B-O.3.1.1 Solve two step word problems using the four operations
(expressions are not explicitly stated). Limit to problems with whole numbers and
having whole-number answers.
M03.B-O.3.1.2 Represent two-step word problems using equations with a symbol
standing for the unknown quantity. Limit to problems with whole numbers and
having whole-number answers.
M03.B-O.3.1.3 Assess the reasonableness of answers. Limit to problems with
whole numbers and having whole-number answers.
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Students will use an array or a
multiplication table to find an unknown
factor or product (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 7 Lesson 5: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Letters and symbols in
multiplication and division
equations (video)
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 7,
Lesson 5
Anchor: Use operations, patterns, and estimation strategies to solve problems (may include word
Eligible Content:
M03.B-O.3.1.4 Solve two-step equations using order of operations (equation is
explicitly stated with no regrouping symbols)
M03.B-O.3.1.5 Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition
table or multiplication table) and/or explain them using properties of operations.
M03.B-O.3.1.6 Create or match a story to a given combination of symbols (+, -,
x, ÷, <, >, and =) and numbers.
M03.B-O.3.1.7 Identify the missing symbol (+, -, x, ÷, <, >, and =) that makes a
number sentence true.
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Students will solve two-step equations
using order or operations. (DOK 2)
Two Step mixed Operations Word
Khan Academy:
Order of operations (2-step
Multiplication word problem: soda
Division word problem: blueberries
Students will identify arithmetic patterns
(DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 7 Lesson 2: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Finding patterns in numbers
TakeOff Lesson 7.1- Real World
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 7,
Lesson 2
Students will create and match a number
sentence with a given combination of
symbols and numbers (DOK 4)
Khan Academy:
Finding patterns in numbers
TakeOff Lesson 7.3- Multiplication
Patterns and Properties
Students will identify missing symbols
that make a number sentence true (DOK
TakeOff Lesson 7.4 Represent
unknown numbers with letters
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Core program corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Unit 3 Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
Unit 3 Common Assessment
Marking Period 2
Unit 4: Measurement and Data: Area (10 days)
Overview: Measure area by counting unit squares and by multiplying the side lengths of
rectangles. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the area of polygons. Find
unknown lengths of sides.
Standards Addressed:
CC.2.4.1.A..5 Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to multiplication,
and addition.
M03.D-M.3 - Geometric measurement: understand concepts of are and relate
area to multiplication and to addition.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.3.1.1 - Measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m,
square in., square ft, and non-standard square units.)
M03.D-M.3.1.2 - Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-
number side lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical
problems and represent whole-number products as rectangular area in
mathematical reasoning.
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Identify the number of unit squares to
find the area of a figure (DOK1)
Go Math:
Chapter 8 - Lesson 1 Understand Area
Chapter 8 - Lesson 2 Measure Area
By Counting Unit Squares
Area of figures on grids J93
Create figures with a given area Z2H
Find the area of figures made of unit
squares FLQ
Tile a rectangle and find the area EKK
TakeOff: 4.1-4.2
Khan Academy:
Intro to area and unit squares
Generation Genius:
Intro to Finding Area
Relate multiplication and addition to find
the area of area models (DOK2)
Go Math:
Chapter 8 - Lesson 3: Relate Area to
Addition and Multiplication
Chapter 8 - Lesson 4: Solve Problems
with Area
Multiply to find the area of a rectangle
made of unit squares (S7G)
Create rectangles with a given area
Find the area of rectangles and
squares (8KJ)
Find the area of rectangles: word
problems (5HA)
TakeOff: 4.3, 4.5-4.6
Khan Academy:
Counting unit squares to find area
formula (video) | Khan Academy
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Core program enrichment
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Unit 3 Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
Unit 4 Common Assessment
Unit 5 : Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Division (15 days)
Overview: Describe and interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers. Use division to
solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities.
Determine the unknown number in a division equation relating three whole numbers. Model
division as a multiplication equation with an unknown factor.
M03.B-O.1 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division..
M03.B-O.2 Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between
multiplication and division.
Eligible Content:
M03.B-O.1.1.1 - Interpret and/or describe products of whole numbers (up to and
including 10 × 10). Example 1: Interpret 35 as the total number of objects in 5
groups, each containing 7 objects. Example 2: Describe a context in which a total
number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.
M03.B-O.1.1.2 - Interpret and/or describe whole-number quotients of whole
numbers (limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors and quotients through 10.)
M03.B-O.1.2.1 - Use multiplication (up to and including 10 × 10) and/or division
(limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors and quotients through 10) to solve
word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and/or measurement
M03.B-O.1.2.2 - Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication (up to
and including 10 × 10) or division (limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors
and quotients through 10) equation relating three whole numbers. Example:
Determine the unknown number that makes an equation true.
M03.B-O.2.1.1 - Apply the commutative property of multiplication (not
identification or definition of the property).
M03.B-O.2.2.1 - Interpret and/or model division as a multiplication equation
with an unknown factor.
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Students will use an array or a
multiplication table to find an unknown
factor or product (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 7 Lesson 5: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Letters and symbols in multiplication
and division equations (video)
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 7,
Lesson 5
Students will use arrays to find the
number of objects in each row or the
number of rows to solve division
problems (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 5 Lesson 6: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Visualizing division with arrays
Division with arrays (practice)
Takeoff Lesson 5.5- Use Arrays to
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 5,
Lesson 6
Students will use bar models and arrays to
relate multiplication and division as
inverse operations (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 5 Lesson 7: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Relating division to multiplication
Relate division to multiplication
Relate multiplication and division
Takeoff Lesson 6.1- Use
Multiplication to Divide
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 5, Lesson
Students will write related multiplication
and division facts (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 5 Lesson 8: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Fact families (practice) | Intro to
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 5,
Lesson 8
Unit 6: Numbers and Operations: Fractions (20 days)
Overview: Describe equal parts of a whole. Represent and name one and more than one part of a
whole divided into equal parts. Represent and locate fractions on number lines. Express
numbers greater than 1 as fractions and whole numbers. Write fractional parts of a set.
CC.2.1.3.C.1 - Explore and develop an understanding of fractions as numbers.
M03.A-F.1 - Develop and understanding of fractions as numbers.
Eligible Content:
M03.A-F.1.1.1 Demonstrate that when a whole or set is partitioned into y equal
parts, the fraction 1/y represents 1 part of the whole and/or the fraction x/y
represents x equal parts of the whole (limit denominators to 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8; limit
numerators to whole numbers less than the denominator; and no simplification
M03.A-F.1.1.2 Represent fractions on a number line (limit denominators to 2, 3,
4, 6, and 8; limit numerators to whole numbers less than the denominator; and no
simplification necessary).
M03.A-F.1.1.3 Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions (limit the
denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 and limit numerators to whole numbers less
than the denominator). Example 1: 1/2 = 2/4 Example 2: 4/6 = ⅔
M03.A-F.1.1.4 Express whole numbers as fractions, and/or generate fractions that
are equivalent to whole numbers (limit denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8).
Example 1: Express 3 in the form 3 = 3/1. Example 2: Recognize that 6/1 = 6.
M03.A-F.1.1.5 Compare two fractions with the same denominator (limit
denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8), using the symbols >, =, or <, and/or justify
the conclusions.
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Students will be able to identify and
partition shapes into equal parts of a
whole (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 11 Lesson 1
Identify equal parts (FHY)
Identify halves, thirds, and fourths
Khan Academy:
Partitioning Fractions Video
Students will be able to distinguish the
difference between numerators and
denominators and what they represent
(DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 11 Lesson 2
Chapter 11 Lesson 3
Chapter 11 Lesson 7
Math unit fractions to models (CPK)
Unit fractions word problems (HM7)
Unit fractions modeling word
problems (UV8)
Write fractions using numbers and
words (7FX)
Understand fractions: area models
Show fractions: area models (NLE)
Fractions of whole: word problems
Match fractions to models (YHL)
Fractions of a whole: modeling word
problems (9PU)
Understand fractions: fraction bars
Show fractions: fraction bars (ZPW)
Fractions of a group (5Z6)
Khan Academy:
Khan Academy | Identifying Unit Fraction
Word Problems Video
Students will be able to represent,
interpret, and locate fractions on a number
line (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 11 Lesson 4
Identify fractions on a number line
Graph fractions less than one on
number lines (HWJ)
Identify unit fractions on number lines
Fractions of number lines (J8M)
Khan Academy:
Compare Fractions On the Number
Generation Genius
Intro to Fractions Using the Number
Students will be able to create equivalent
fractions (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 11 Lesson 5
Decompose fractions into unit
fractions (99A)
Khan Academy:
Equivalent Fractions With Visuals
Students will be able to express fractions
as whole numbers (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 11 Lesson 6
Select fractions equivalent to whole
numbers using models (GKZ)
Graph fractions equivalent to one on
number lines (7BL)
Select fractions equivalent to whole
numbers (42U)
Khan Academy:
Representing 1 As A Fraction Video
Students will be able to compare fractions
with the same denominator (DOK 3)
Go Math:
Chapter 12 Lesson 1
Chapter 12 Lesson 2
Chapter 12 Lesson 4
Chapter 12 Lesson 6
Compare fractions with like
denominators on number lines (63U)
Compare fractions with like
denominators (8SU)
Compare fractions with like
denominators using models (TDE)
Order fractions with like
denominators (HYZ)
Order fractions (GBA)
Compare fractions (78D)
Graph smaller of larger fractions on a
number line (2PH)
Compare fractions using models
Khan Academy:
Comparing Fractions With the Same
Lesson extension:
Go Math:
Chapter 3: Compare Fractions with
the Same Numerator
Compare fractions with like
numerators using models (RGM)
Compare fractions with like
numerators (PCW)
Students will be able to distinguish the
equivalency of fractions (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 12 Lesson 6
Chapter 12 Lesson 7
Find an equivalent fraction using an
area model (GN9)
Find equivalent fractions using
number lines (JL8)
Find equivalent fractions using area
models: two models (ZJ2)
Khan Academy:
Compare Fractions With > and <
Symbols Video
Generation Genius
Equivalent Fractions
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Core program enrichment
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Unit 11 & 12 Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
Units 11 & 12 Common Assessment
Marking Period 3
Unit 7: Geometry: Shapes and Their Attributes (15 days)
Overview: Identify and describe attributes of plane shapes. Describe angles in two dimensional
shapes. Determine lines to be intersecting, perpendicular, or parallel. Classify, compare, and
draw quadrilaterals.
Standards Addressed:
M03.C-G.1 - Reasons with shapes and their attributes.
Eligible Content:
M03.C-G.1.1.1 - Explain that shapes in different categories may share attributes
and that the shared attributes can define a larger category.
M03.C.-G.1.1.2 - Recognize rhombi, rectangles, and squares as examples of
quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.
M03.C-G.1.13 - Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of
each part as a unit fraction of the whole.
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Identify and distinguish attributes of plane
shapes. (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 14 Lesson 1
Points, lines, line segments, and rays
TakeOff: Unit 13
Generation Genius
Lines, Line Segments, and Rays
Describe angles in 2 dimensional shapes.
(DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 14 Lesson 2
Angels greater than, less than, or
equal to a right angle 2YR
TakeOff: Unit 13
Generation Genius
Intro to Angles
Distinguish if lines or line segments are
intersecting, perpendicular, or parallel.
(DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 14 Lesson 3
Parallel, perpendicular, and
intersecting lines 9SX
Parallel sides in quadrilaterals 6E9
TakeOff: Unit 13
Describe, classify, and compare
quadrilaterals based on their sides and
angles. (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 14 Lesson 4
Identify parallelograms V6L
Identify trapezoids 67A
Identify rectangles 47T
Identify rhombuses ZSD
TakeOff: Unit 13
Khan Academy:
Identifying Quadrilaterals
Generation Genius
Intro to Quadrilaterals and their
Draw quadrilaterals. (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 14 Lesson 5
Draw quadrilaterals 5KS
TakeOff: Unit 13
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Core program enrichment
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Unit 14 Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
Units 14 Common Assessment
Unit 8: Measurement: Time (15 days)
Overview: Read, write, and tell time on digital and analog clocks. Use a.m. and p.m.
appropriately. Measure time intervals. Find starting and ending times using an analog clock.
Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of time.
Standards Addressed:
M03.D-M.1 - Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of
intervals of time, money, liquid volumes, masses, and lengths of objects.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.1.1.1 - Tell, show, and/or write time (analog) to the nearest minute.
M03.D-M.1.1.2 - Calculate elapsed time to the minute in a given situation (total
elapsed time limited to 60 minutes or less.)
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Tell and write time to the nearest minute
on analog and digital clocks. (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 10 Lesson 1
Chapter 10 Lesson 2
Read clocks and write times 5ZQ
Write times EQS
Match analog and digital clocks L5U
Match clocks and times LPT
A.M. or P.M. MUC
Reading a timeline LDK
Reading schedules SWU
TakeOff: Unit 9
Khan Academy:
Telling time to the nearest minute
Generation Genius
Telling Time (Nearest Minute)
Calculate elapsed time to the minute in a
given situation. (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 10 Lesson 3
Chapter 10 Lesson 4
Find the elapsed time SCQ
Find the elapsed time: word problems
Find the end time U7B
Find the end time: word problems
Find the start and end times: two step
word problems C95
TakeOff: Unit 9
Khan Academy:
Elapsed time
Generation Genius
Measure Elapsed Time
Draw a diagram to solve problems using
elapsed time. (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 10 Lesson 5
Time word problems: find the start,
end, or elapsed times MNY
TakeOff: Unit 9
Khan Academy:
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Core program enrichment
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Unit 10 Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
Units 10 Common Assessment
Unit 9: Measurement: Measurement (15 days)
Overview: Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of liquid volumes, masses,
and lengths of objects.
M03.D-M.1.2 Use attributes of liquid volume, mass, and length of objects.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.1.2.1- Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects
using standard units (Cups [c],pints [pt], quarts [qt], galloons [gal], ounces [oz],
and pounds [lb]) and metric units (liters [l], grams [g], and kilograms [kg]).
M03.D-M.1.2.2- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide to solve one step word
problems involving masses or liquid volumes that are given in the same units.
M03. D.M.1.2.3- Use a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest quarter inch or
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Students will understand how cups, pints,
quarts, and gallons are related (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 13 Lesson 2: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 13,
Lesson 2
Students will measure liquid volume in
metric units (DOK 1 )
Go Math:
Chapter 13 Lesson 3: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Understanding volume (liters)
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 13,
Lesson 3
Students will estimate and measure
weight with ounces and pounds. (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 13 Lesson 4: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 13,
Lesson 4
Students will estimate and measure mass
in metric units. (DOK 2 )
Go Math:
Chapter 13 Lesson 5: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Understanding mass (grams and
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 13,
Lesson 5
Generation Genius
Measure Mass and Volume (Metric
Students will use models to solve
measurement problems. (DOK 1)
Go Math:
Chapter 13 Lesson 7: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Khan Academy:
Word problems with mass (video) |
Mass |
Word problems with volume (video)
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter 13,
Lesson 7
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Core program enrichment
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Unit 9 Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
Unit 9 Common Assessment
Marking Period 4
Unit 10: Measurement, Data, and Probability: Money (10 days)
Overview: Count collections of coins and bills. Compare monetary amounts. Make change.
Round money amounts.
M03.D-M.1 - Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time,
money, liquid, volumes, and lengths in objects.
Eligible Content
M03.D-M.1.3.1 Compare total values of combinations of coins (penny, nickel,
dime, and quarter) and/or dollar bills less than $5.00.
M03.D-M.1.3.2 Make change for an amount up to $5.00 with no more than $2.00
change given (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar).
M03.D-M.1.3.3 Round amounts of money to the nearest dollar.
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Students will be able to compare total
values of coin/dollar combinations equal
to or less than $5.00 (DOK2)
Purchases: Do you have enough
money? (T7L)
Inequalities with money (QKG)
Put money amounts in order (TB9)
Count money up to $5 (3R8)
Khan Academy:
Counting American Coins
Counting Dollars
Teacher Created Materials
Students will be able to use addition and
subtraction to make change for an amount
up to $5.00 (DOK2)
Add money amounts-word problems
Add and subtract money amounts
Exchanging Money (29V)
Teacher Created Materials
Students will be able to round money
amounts to the nearest dollar (DOK2)
Put money amounts in order (TB9)
Teacher Created Materials
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Core program corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
IXL Quiz
IXL Quiz
Unit 11: Measurement and Data: Graphing (10 days)
Overview: Organize data in tables. Read and interpret data n scaled picture graphs and scaled
bar graphs. Draw scaled bar graphs. Measure with fractions and represent on a line plot. Solve
one- and two- step problems on a lin plot.
M03.D-M..2 - Represent and interpret data.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.2.1.1 - Complete a scaled pictograph and a scaled bar graph to
represent a data set with several categories (scaled limited to 1, 2, 5, and 10).
M03.D-M.2.1.2 - Solve one- and two- step problems using information to
interpret data presented in scaled pictographs and scaled bar graphs (scales
limited to 1, 2, 5, and 10).
M03.D-M.2.1.3 - Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using
rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Display the data by making
a line plot, where the horizontal scaled is marked in appropriate units - whole
numbers, halves, or quarters.
M03.D-M.2.1.4 - Translate information from one type of display to another.
Limit to pictographs, tally charts, bar graphs, and tables.
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Organize data by making tables. (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 15 Lesson 1: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter
15, Lesson 1
TakeOff Unit 12
Construct and interpret data on a scaled
pictograph (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 15 Lesson 3:Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter
15, Lesson 3
TakeOff: Unit 12
Khan Academy:
Creating picture and bar graphs
Construct and interpret data on a scaled bar
graph. (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 15 Lesson 5:Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter
15, Lesson 5
TakeOff: Unit 12
Khan Academy: Reading bar graphs:
movies (video) | Khan Academy
Read and interpret data in a scaled picture
graph (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 15 Lesson 2: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter
15, Lesson 2
TakeOff: Unit 12
Khan Academy:Solving problems with
picture graphs (video) | Khan Academy
Read and interpret data in a scaled bar
graph (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 15 Lesson 4: Unlock the
Problem and Share and Show
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter
15, Lesson 4
TakeOff: Unit 12
Khan Academy: Reading bar graphs:
movies (video) | Khan Academy
Solve one- and two-step problems using
data. (DOK 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 15 Lesson 8
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter
15, Lesson 8
TakeOff: Unit 12
Khan Academy: Reading bar graphs:
movies (video) | Khan Academy
Measure length to the nearest half or fourth
inch and represent measurement data on a
line plot (DOK 1 & 2)
Go Math:
Chapter 13 Lesson 1
Go Math 2023 Skill Plan, Chapter
13, Lesson 1
TakeOff: Unit 12
Khan Academy:
Measuring lengths to nearest 1/4
unit (video) | Khan Academy
Graphing data on line plots (video) |
Khan Academy
Interpreting line plots with fractions
(video) | Khan Academy
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Core program corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Unit 9 Lesson Level Quizzes
Performance Tasks
Unit 9 Common Assessment
Unit 12: Preparing for 4th Grade (25 days)
CC.2.4.3.A1 - Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of
temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.
CC.2.1.3.C.1 - Explore and develop an understanding of fractions as numbers.
CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and
CC.2.4.1.A..5 - Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to
multiplication and addition.
CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables,
pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.
M03.D-M.1.2.1- Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects
using standard units (Cups [c],pints [pt], quarts [qt], gallons [gal], ounces [oz],
and pounds [lb]) and metric units (liters [l], grams [g], and kilograms [kg]).
M03.A-F.1 - Develop and understanding of fractions as numbers.
M03.B-O.1 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division..
M03.D-M.3 - Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate
area to multiplication and to addition.
M03.D-M..2 - Represent and interpret data.
Eligible Content:
M03.D-M.1.2.1 Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of
objects using standard units (cups [c], pints [pt], quarts [qt], gallons [gal],
ounces [oz.], and pounds [lb]) and metric units (liters [l], grams [g], and
kilograms [kg]).
M03.A-F.1.1.5 Compare two fractions with the same denominator (limit
denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8), using the symbols >, =, or <, and/or
justify the conclusions.
M03.B-O.1.1.1 - Interpret and/or describe products of whole numbers (up
to and including 10 × 10). Example 1: Interpret 35 as the total number of
objects in 5 groups, each containing 7 objects. Example 2: Describe a
context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.
M03.D-M.3.1.2 - Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with
whole-number side lengths in the context of solving real-world and
mathematical problems, and represent whole-number products as
rectangular area in mathematical reasoning.
M03.D-M.2.1.1 - Complete a scaled pictograph and a scaled bar graph to
represent a data set with several categories (scaled limited to 1, 2, 5, and
Objectives (Students will be able to)
Core activities and Corresponding
Instructional Methods:
Students will be able to measure and
estimate liquid volumes and masses of
objects using standard units (DOK2)
Go Math Waggle:
Mass and Capacity
Which Metric Unit Is Appropriate?
Compare and Convert Metric Units
of Weight (DJF)
Compare and Convert Metric Units
of Volume (9TU)
Compare and Convert Metric Units
of Length (WNV)
Students will be able to compare fractions
with the same numerator or denominator
(DOK 3)
Go Math Waggle:
Compare Fractions With Like
Comparing Fractions With Like
Compare Fractions
Compare fractions with like
numerators using models (RGM)
Compare fractions with like
numerators (PCW)
Graph and Compare Fractions on
Number Lines (6H5)
Find Equivalent Fractions Using
Number Lines (JL8)
Khan Academy:
Compare Fractions With > and < Symbols
Students will solve problems using
Go Math Waggle:
multiplication or division (DOK2)
Understanding Division
Properties of Multiplication and
Thinking About Multiplication and
Solving Multiplication and Division
Multiplication Tables Up To Ten
Multiplication Facts Up to 10:
Sorting (SUJ)
Multiply One Digit Numbers By
Two Digit Numbers Using Area
Models (QXM)
Division Facts Up to 10 (M8T)
Division Facts Up to 10: Sorting
Divisibility Rules For 2,5, and 10
Two Step Multiplication and
Division Word Problems (8FP)
Fact Fluency Practice:
Students will be able to find the area of a
rectangular shape using multiplication
Multiply to Find the Area of a
Rectangle of Unit Squares (S7G)
Create Rectangles With a Given
Area (V73)
Khan Academy:
Counting unit squares to find area
formula (video) | Khan Academy
Students will be able to construct and
interpret data on a scaled pictograph
(DOK 2)
Interpret Pictographs (Y5D)
Create Pictographs (AVG)
Khan Academy:
Creating picture and bar graphs
Students will be able to construct and
interpret data on a scaled bar graph.
(DOK 2)
Use Bar Graphs to Solve
Problems (BCJ)
Create Bar Graphs (RPF)
Khan Academy:
Creating picture and bar graphs
Go Math corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
Core program corrective resources
Xtra Math
Rocket Math
Waggle as based on Growth
IXL Diagnostic Strand Analysis
Skills Recommendations
IXL Snapshot
Go Math Growth Measure
Waggle Skill Quiz:
Measure Capacity
Measure Mass
Compare Fractions With Like
Compare Fractions With Like
Multiply Within 100
Divide Within 100
Common Assessments - Getting
Ready for Fourth Grade