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Indicators for the Number of Females Choosing STEM Majors Indicators for the Number of Females Choosing STEM Majors
Olga Graves
John Carroll University
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Graves, Olga, "Indicators for the Number of Females Choosing STEM Majors" (2014).
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Indicators for the Number of Females
Choosing STEM Majors
Olga Graves, Undergraduate; Dr. Andrew Welki,
Economics & Finance (Advisor)
Economics Capstone Paper
Senior Honors Project
EC 410 Paper
This paper explores the different variables which may motivate females to choose STEM
(science, technology, engineering, and math) majors. Historically, women have been greatly
underrepresented in STEM fields for a number of different cultural and economic reasons.
However, in order to fully compete in the global economy, the United States must find a way to
bolster female participation in these fields. The motivators chosen to explore in this paper are:
female faculty numbers, federal financial obligations, early concentration in math, SAT math
scores, appropriations through the Women’s Educational Equity Act, average salary for STEM
occupations, and female unemployment rates. The study found that all variables except federal
financial obligations and the female unemployment rate had the expected sign and were
statistically significant. The paper proposes that in order to create a more complete model for
predicting the number of female STEM majors, cultural trends and attitudes should be an
On June 23, 1972 Title IX was signed into law by President Richard Nixon. This was
one of the first federal laws which acknowledged the fact that women were underrepresented in
education, but helped to specifically highlight the gender gap in science, technology,
engineering, and math (STEM). This underrepresentation of women in STEM fields, though it
has improved, has persisted throughout the years and still exists today. Women constitute a
dramatically smaller portion of certain STEM-heavy fields than men. In 2009 the Department of
Commerce found that, though women constitute close to half of the overall workforce, they hold
less than 25 percent of STEM jobs (Beede 1). And in 2011 the Bureau of Labor Statistics cited
that women make up 81.7 percent of elementary and middle school teachers, but only 33.9
percent of computer systems analysts and, even more astonishingly, only 4.3 percent of flight
With an increasing dependence on technology in the workforce, female participation in
STEM fields is an essential step towards leadership equality between genders in the workforce.
Gaining more women in STEM fields would also increase innovation and accelerate the United
States’ ability to compete globally in many markets.
The fact that fewer women are receiving bachelor degrees in STEM fields has been cited
as a good indicator as to why there are fewer women in STEM occupations because one of the
strongest indicators for occupation selection is a person’s undergraduate degree (Griffith 1). A
study was done by the National Academy of Sciences which found that “education at the
undergraduate level is vital to developing a workforce that will allow the United States to remain
the leader in the 21
century global economy.” This means that in order to remain competitive
and productive, we must gain more participation in STEM majors so as to bolster participation in
STEM occupations (S. 3475).
In order to explore this dilemma of motivating women to join STEM majors, this paper
will look at the different indicators which influence an individual to choose a specific major.
The general indicators, chosen from previous academic research on the subject, will be applied to
the problem of how to more specifically motivate females to choose STEM majors. It may be
helpful to better understand these specific variables so that steps can be taken to further bolster
female participation in STEM occupations later in life.
Literature Review:
One factor that is supported by research to have an effect on choice of major by women
and which may encourage women to attain degrees in STEM fields is the prevalence of female
faculty in those fields. In a study on the effect that having female professors whom students see
as role models has on women pursuing science majors, Young and her associates found that
“women with a female professor showed a stronger implicit science identity to the extent they
viewed her as a positive role model” (Young 288). Similar research has been done in other fields
such as mathematics which points to the fact that women and girls who are taught by female
instructors identify more with mathematics, earn higher grades in mathematics, and thus have
more confidence in the field (Stout 260). Therefore, it will be crucial to explore the change in
the number of female faculty members across time in order to determine if an increase in female
faculty members in STEM departments had an effect on female STEM graduates.
One variable that will be explored, but which did not have substantial academic literature
was the degree to which federal financial obligations to universities for STEM education
determines recruitment or retention of women in STEM fields. Because the vast majority of
federal initiatives being taken to induce women to join STEM fields are monetarily based in
grants, the effects of such grants will be interesting to pursue.
Another factor which greatly affects women’s participation in STEM programs during
their postsecondary education is the level of interest which they have in those fields when
entering college. A person is much more likely to explore a major and furthermore a career in a
subject in which they have experience. This theory proves to be especially true for females in
quantitative subjects. In their study on expressed interest in STEM fields upon graduation of
high school, Amy Bergerson and her colleagues found that early intervention was key to creating
interest in quantitative fields in high school females, most specifically in engineering (Bergerson
611). Therefore, studying the effect of concentration on and performance in mathematics in
elementary school will be crucial to determining if early intervention helps create more interest
in females in STEM degrees.
Another factor which was explored in this same study was the idea that “strong past
achievement is likely to be associated with strong positive self-efficacy beliefs, which, according
to the literature, are potent determinants of behavioral initiation and persistence” (Bergerson
611). This means that students who do well in a specific subject tend to choose to further their
participation in that subject. Another study which echoes this idea that students become more
interested in subjects in which they excel was a study done by Lindsay Calkins and Andrew
Welki in which they explored the factors which help students decide to major in economics. In
their study they found that “positive reinforcement” supplied through the achievement of good
grades is a strong motivator for persisting in a major (Calkins 6). By comparing the trend of
SAT scores for females on the math portion of the exam, this paper will attempt to determine the
effect that higher scores in STEM subjects incentivize women to major in STEM fields while in
In a study during which researchers surveyed students to find their expected earnings
after graduation with a particular major, economists found that expected earnings do have an
effect on college major choice (Arcidiacono 25). They found that students were more likely to
choose a major in which the average student is expected to earn more than in other majors
(Arcidiacono 25). Additionally, in separate research, economists from Georgetown University
found that “majors with high technical, business and healthcare content tend to earn the most
among both recent and experienced college graduates” (Carnevale 6). Both of these studies point
to the idea that because STEM majors tend to earn higher salaries than other majors, more
students may choose STEM degrees. Therefore, the variable of average salary for STEM
occupations will be utilized in this paper.
As stated earlier, Title IX exists to protect a person from being discriminated against
because of their gender in education programs which receive federal financial assistance (“Title
IX and Sex Discrimination”). After Title IX was enacted in 1972, the Women’s Educational
Equity Act of 1974 was initiated in order to more definitively specify how Title IX would
promote gender equity in education (Heston-Demirel). The WEEA was charged with providing
financial assistance to educational agencies and programs to help meet certain gender equity
requirements laid out in Title IX. Under continued reauthorizations, the WEEA continues to
provide funds for equity programs as well as support technical assistance to implement those
programs (“Subpart 21 - Women’s Educational Equity Act”). Because this is the most
substantial piece of federal legislation which exists to promote and protect equality in education
for all genders, it will be crucial to include its existence for review in the model.
It has been found that nontechnical majors have a higher unemployment rate than
technical majors. For example, in a study done in 2012 on the different unemployment rates
received by different majors, Anthony Carnevale and his colleagues found that “majors… related
to technical occupations tend to have lower unemployment rates than more general majors, like
Humanities and Liberal Arts, where graduates are broadly dispersed across occupations and
industries” (Carnevale 5). They found that because technical degrees such as healthcare and
physical sciences are so specifically tied to certain occupations, they tend to have lower
unemployment rates. Furthermore, in his research on income and degree choices, researcher
Jacopo Mazza found that degrees in the sciences “offer better job security in times of economic
uncertainty” (Mazza). Logically, because science degrees offer more stability, it may be
assumed that students are more likely to choose STEM majors for an added sense of job security
when the unemployment rate is higher. Students wishing to have a stable job after graduation
may be more inclined to choose a more technical major in order to increase their chances of
getting a job. This feeling may be exacerbated during times of high unemployment rates.
Therefore, data for unemployment rates over time will be explored in this paper.
After reviewing the literature on possible factors that can be manipulated in order to
incentivize women to major in STEM fields and thus, work in STEM fields, some possible
indicators to explore have been narrowed down. These determinants are: the number of female
faculty members in STEM fields, the size of federal financial obligations dedicated to university
STEM programs, early concentration in mathematics, math SAT scores, average expected salary,
appropriations through the WEEA, and unemployment rates.
The functional form for the linear regression model for determining female STEM majors
as a percentage of total female bachelor degree recipients is postulated as follows:
FemSTEM = ƒ (FemProf, FedFin, NAEP, SATMath, AvgSal, WEEA, FemUnemp)
Table 1: Variable Definitions and Sources
Variable Definition Data Collected From:
FemSTEM Female STEM majors as a percentage of
total female BA recipients
National Center for Science
and Engineering Statistics
FemProf Number of female professors teaching in
STEM fields
National Science Foundation
FedFin Federal financial obligations designated
for promoting STEM majors
National Science Foundation
NAEP Math score on National Assessment of
Educational Progress exam for fourth
grade female students
National Center for Education
SATMath Average scores for females on SAT math
The College Board
AvgSal Average expected salary for STEM field
National Science Foundation
WEEA Enactment of the Women’s Educational
Equity Act
U.S. Department of Education
FemUnemp National unemployment rate 2013 Economic Report to the
The table below contains the expected affect that each independent variable will have on
the dependent variable. Each expected sign also comes with a brief explanation as to why the
expected sign was chosen.
Table 2: Expected Variable Effects
Variable Expected Sign
FemProf +
FedFin +
SATMath +
AvgSal +
FemUnemp +
The predicted effect of FemProf on FemSTEM is direct. As stated previously, the theory
suggests that women are more likely to choose a major when they are able to visualize
themselves in that role. Having female faculty members in STEM fields will increase the
number of role models for female students, thus increasing the number of female students
choosing to major in STEM fields.
The predicted effect of FedFin on FemSTEM is direct. A higher federal financial
obligation to STEM programs in universities will provide students with better facilities and
training programs and thus a better overall experience in their STEM classes. Included in federal
financial obligations is support for research and development facilities, facilities for instruction,
fellowships and training grants, among other things. These programs are put in place to bolster
the experience of students and encourage further participation in STEM program. I predict that
more investment will likely lead more female students to choose to major in STEM.
The predicted effect of NAEP on FemSTEM is direct. As the theory shows, early
concentration in a subject is key to sustaining and cultivating that interest further later in life.
Early intervention will peak students’ interest and build the platform for further achievement in
STEM subjects. Because achievement in STEM subjects tends to lead to majoring in the field,
more concentration earlier on will lead to more STEM majors. Therefore, I predict that a higher
score on the math portion of the NAEP test given to female fourth graders will lead to more
female STEM majors.
The predicted effect of SATMath on FemSTEM is direct. Achievement in a subject often
leads to concentration in that subject, as supported by theory. Therefore, higher math SAT scores
for women will indicate a higher achievement and preparedness in the subject, suggesting an
increase in STEM majors.
The predicted effect of AvgSal on FemSTEM is direct. One reason for choosing a major,
as found during review of the literature, is the potential earning power of that major. STEM
majors tend to earn a higher salary than other majors, such as the humanities. A high expected
salary may lead more women to major in STEM fields.
The predicted effect of WEEA on FemSTEM is direct. Providing federal support to the
issue of women in education will increase funding to programs that push women to join
nontraditional educational programs.
The predicted effect of FemUnemp on FemSTEM is direct. It has been proven that the
unemployment rate of recent college graduates differs depending on a student’s major choice.
Technical majors such as those found in STEM have a lower unemployment rate upon
graduation than other majors such as arts and humanities. The national unemployment rate is
often called upon as a figure for assessing the health of the nation’s economy and workforce. By
looking more specifically at the female unemployment rate, we may see an effect on the number
of females joining STEM majors. When the female unemployment rate is high, I hypothesize
that students will allow the desire to be more hirable affect their decision on what to major in. It
is for this reason that I believe that a higher female unemployment rate will cause more women
to turn to STEM majors for job security.
Female STEM Majors
The dependent variable (FemSTEM), Female STEM majors as a percentage of total
female BA recipients, has been calculated from a data set provided by the National Center for
Science and Engineering Statistics. This data is available from 1966 to 2010. Because the
number of women receiving bachelor’s degrees has increased over time due to several different
factors, turning the actual number of female STEM majors into a percentage of the total number
of female degree recipients will help to correct for this general upward trend. In order to
determine that the proposed factors are working, I will thus be looking to see that the proportion
of women who are receiving bachelor’s degrees in STEM fields is increasing in order to
determine an upward trend.
Female Faculty
The number of female faculty members teaching in STEM fields (FemProf) was gathered
from the National Science Foundation and indicates the number of female science, engineering,
and health doctorates who are employed in academia. This data is accountable for women who
have earned their doctorate degrees from an American university only. It is available for every
other year from 1973 to 2010. It is stated in thousands. In order to allow for the inclusion of this
data in the full regression model, the years for which the number of female faculty in STEM
fields is missing have been calculate manually as the mean of the years before and after the year
in question. For example, the data cited for 1974 is calculated as the mean of the values for 1973
and 1975. This data will be used to determine the degree to which having female role models
affects the number of female STEM majors.
Federal Obligations
Federal financial obligations (FedFin) is represented in billions of 2014 dollars by the
total federal obligations for science and engineering to universities and colleges. This data was
collected from the National Science Foundation and is available from 1963 to 2011. It includes
all the aggregated federal obligations, though the data can be split up by activities such as:
research and development, R&D plant, facilities for instruction in science and engineering,
fellowships, traineeships, and training grants, general support for science and engineering, and
other science and engineering activities. For the purpose of this study, I will be using the
aggregate of all of these activities.
Average National Assessment of Educational Progress
The variable EarlyMath will be represented by the mathematics scores for female fourth
graders on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. The data was collected from the
National Center for Education Statistics. It is available sporadically beginning in 1973 through
2012 and is measured in an averaged test score from 0 to 500. Due to the irregularity of the data,
these values will be regressed on their own against the dependent variable rather than including
them in the full regression. Though the data is not included in the full regression model, due to
theoretical support in the literature review process, it will remain in this paper because it is
believed to have a significant effect on female STEM majors.
Furthermore, though the data for the NAEP scores is reported beginning in 1973, each
year’s score will be matched with the dependent variable value of twelve years later. For
example, the 1973 test scores for fourth grade females will be match with the output of 1985
female STEM majors. This is due to the fact that the girls whose tests scores are reported each
year, in this example 1973, will be more appropriately matched with the outcome of females
graduating college and determining their bachelor degree field, in this example during the year
1985. This will be represented in the data table presented for the regression (Table 6). The
NAEP data will be used to test the “early achievement” hypothesis that early focus and
achievement in a subject encourages students to major in them.
SAT Math Scores
The variable SATMath is represented by the average yearly score for women on the
mathematics portion of the SAT exam. This data was collected from The College Board and is
available from 1967 to 2013. Initially this study was going to use data from the ACT test in the
subjects of science and math. Data was collected on both portions of the ACT exam, however a
test of correlation between ACT math and science test scores revealed a correlation of 0.848
between the two meaning that they were highly correlated. Because skills in mathematics and
quantitative knowledge are often required in order to excel in science fields, this paper will omit
the ACT science scores. I have chosen to use SAT math scores instead of ACT math scores as
an indicator of strong past achievement in STEM subjects because SAT scores available for a
larger number of years.
Excepted Salary
The average salary per year for STEM majors, denoted at AvgSal, was collected from a
number of reports cited in the Science and Engineering Indicators report put out by the National
Science Foundation. The data is reported in 2014 dollars and is calculated for some years based
on growth projections of previous years. It is not broken down by gender and thus contains the
average salary for both male and female STEM workers.
Women’s Educational Equity Act
The variable WEEA is a representation of The Women’s Educational Equity Act which
began appropriating funds to support women’s equality in educational fields in which they are
underrepresented in 1976. Though Title IX was enacted in 1972 and the Women’s Educational
Equity Act was first enacted in 1974, actual funding through this act to educational programs did
not begin until the fiscal year of 1976 (U.S. Department of Education). Through reauthorization,
this Act has been continually funded since its inception except for during the year 1996. The
appropriation amount is used for data here and is listed in millions of dollars. From this variable
we will better understand if and to what degree the funding from the WEEA helped motivate
women to join STEM majors.
National Unemployment Rate for Females
The national unemployment rate for females, denoted as FemUnemp, was collected from
the 2013 Economic Report of the President. The statistics were available from 1966-2012 and
were reported as a percentage of civilian labor force in the group specified (in this case the group
was females).
The following table contains selected variable statistics:
Table 3: Summary Statistics on Variables
Variable Mean Standard Deviation
26.150 1.597
49.0 27.741
(billions of
2014 dollars)
21.792 8.174
NAEP 226 5
SATMath 487.263 10.246
AvgSal 82,397 2,806.95
(millions of
2014 dollars
8.250 8.972
FemUnemp 6.4 1.473
Estimation Results:
Three regressions were run using the data collected for each variable referenced
throughout this paper. The reasoning behind running three regressions was because of the
unavailability of data for the NAEP test scores as well as limited availability of average salary
data for STEM workers.
The NAEP test scores are only available for sporadic periods of time. Therefore, it was
difficult to run a regression using the NAEP test scores in a model alongside all of the other
variables without losing much of the data for those other variables.
Additionally, salary data was only available for years beginning in 1993 onward.
Because of this, it was decided to run a regression which did not include the salary data, but did
include all the available data for the rest of the variables which stretched back to 1973. When
assessing the model which included the salary data, it was found that the variable AvgSal was
statistically insignificant with a p-value of .346. Additionally, many of the variables such as
FemProf, FedFin, WEEA, FemUnemp became statistically insignificant when regressed in a
model with AvgSal. It is for these reasons that the model run with the salary data will not be
discussed further in this paper
and the variable of average salary will not be included in the
Regression One.
The data table including average salary data is available in Appendix A. The regression results for the regression
run including salary data are included in Appendix C.
Regression One: FemProf, FedFin, SATMath, WEEA, FemUnemp
Table 4: Regression One Data
Year FemSTEM FemProf
1973 23.486% 10.7 $13.031
489 $0.000 6.0
1974 24.223% 12.2 $13.034
488 $0.000 6.7
1975 24.292% 13.6 $12.244
479 $0.000 9.3
1976 24.401% 15.1 $12.212
475 $25.871 8.6
1977 24.468% 16.5 $12.983
474 $28.165 8.2
1978 24.518% 18.0 $14.268
474 $29.113 7.2
1979 24.428% 19.4 $14.446
473 $29.105 6.8
1980 24.536% 21.3 $13.650
473 $28.492 7.4
1981 24.509% 23.1 $13.076
473 $20.985 7.9
1982 24.954% 24.8 $12.601
473 $14.013 9.4
1983 24.773% 26.5 $13.390
474 $13.577 9.2
1984 25.047% 28.8 $14.254
478 $13.015 7.6
1985 25.559% 31.1 $15.836
480 $13.091 7.4
1986 25.617% 32.6 $15.919
479 $12.296 7.1
1987 25.369% 34.0 $17.708
481 $7.233 6.2
1988 24.949% 36.4 $18.135
483 $6.650 5.6
1989 24.600% 38.7 $19.086
482 $5.583 5.4
1990 24.725% 40.3 $18.809
483 $3.768 5.5
1991 24.764% 41.9 $20.526
482 $3.438 6.4
1992 25.531% 44.4 $21.483
484 $0.836 7.0
1993 25.823% 46.9 $20.852
484 $3.223 6.6
1994 26.464% 49.7 $21.968
487 $3.143 6.0
1995 27.349% 52.4 $22.277
490 $3.178 5.6
1996 27.820% 55.8 $21.622
492 $0.000 5.4
1997 28.279% 59.2 $22.082
494 $4.388 5.0
1998 28.254% 61.8 $23.179
496 $4.321 4.6
1999^ 28.110% 64.4 $25.446
495 $4.227 4.3
2000 27.966% 67.5 $27.101
498 $4.090 4.1
2001 28.035% 70.5 $29.833
498 $3.979 4.7
2002 28.050% 74.6 $31.883
500 $3.915 5.6
2003 28.337% 78.7 $34.017
503 $3.802 5.7
2004 28.290% 84.4 $33.978
501 $3.681 5.4
2005 28.209% 87.3 $33.710
504 $3.553 5.1
2006 27.798% 90.1 $32.916
502 $3.408 4.6
2007 27.538% 92.2 $31.911
499 $2.128 4.5
2008 27.514% 94.2 $30.996
499 $2.013 5.4
2009 27.457% 99.7 $39.578
498 $2.615 8.1
2010 27.677% 105.2 $38.037
499 $2.608 8.6
Mean 26.150% 49.0 $21.792
487.263 $8.250 6.4
StdDev 1.5967% 27.7414 $8.174 10.246 $8.972 1.473
in thousands, every other year starting with 1974 is an average
in billions, converted to 2014 dollars
in millions, converted to 2014 dollars
The functional model for this linear regression is stated as follows:
FemSTEM = ƒ (FemProf, FedFin, SATMath, WEEA, FemUnemp)
Table 5: Regression One Estimates (Dependent Variable: FemSTEM)
Coefficient t-statistic P-value
Intercept -0.276
SATMath + 0.00111
WEEA + 0.000369
FemUnemp + -0.000574
Adjusted R
Based on the R
value of this model of .864, this regression is a good fit. Generally
speaking, an R
value of above a .7 can be considered a “good fit.” The R
value of a regression
represents the proportion of the variation in the dependent Y variable explained by the set of
independent X variables. An R
of .864 suggests that 86.4% of the percentage of females in
STEM majors is explained by the set of independent variables used in the model (number of
female professors, federal financial obligations, SAT math scores, WEEA appropriations, and
female unemployment rate).
In order to test further the usefulness of this model, a test was run using the calculated R
value of .864 to calculate the overall F statistic of 40.659
. The critical F value for a model with
a numerator of 5 degrees of freedom and denominator of 32 degrees of freedom is F
: 2.05 at
a significance level of 10 percent. The calculated F value for this model is larger than the critical
F value, meaning that it has statistical significance and the independent variables do have an
effect the dependent variable.
Equation used to find overall F value: (R
In addition to the R
value, the p-values can be used to show the strength of the individual
independent variables on the dependent variable. A p-value that is very small (generally, less
than .05) usually indicates a stronger relationship with the dependent variable. In this regression,
the variables FemProf, FedFin, SATMath, and WEEA have very small p-values and thus can be
seen as having a strong relationship with the Y variable of FemSTEM. The intercept value and
the variable FemUnemp, however, have larger p-values (.129 and .592 respectively) and
therefore can be seen as having weaker relationships with the dependent Y variable.
The estimated coefficient for FemProf is approximately 0.000658 resulting in a positive
relationship between the number of female faculty members in STEM fields and the percentage
of women choosing STEM majors. This coefficient means that an increase in 1,000 female
professors will lead to a 0.000658 percent increase in female STEM majors. This result is
consistent with the model prediction. It supports the theory that more women in faculty roles in
STEM fields allows more female students to see women in these skilled positions, allowing
female students to more easily picture themselves in those roles and causing them to stick with,
or choose, STEM majors more frequently.
The estimated coefficient for FedFin is approximately -0.00160 resulting in a negative
relationship between the amount of federal financial obligations designated for promoting STEM
fields in universities and the percentage of women choosing STEM majors. This result is not
consistent with the model prediction. It was predicted that there would be a positive relationship
between the amount of money provided by the federal government and the number of female
STEM majors. This finding of a negative relationship between FedFin and FemSTEM could be
caused by a number of things. First, the data for FedFin may be regressed against the wrong
values and years for FemSTEM. It may be possible that the money dispensed each year towards
STEM fields does not take effect on female major choices until a year or two later. Therefore, it
may be more statistically correct to attribute the amount of money dispensed one year, on the
FemSTEM percentage outcome of the following year
. A second item that may be throwing off
the sign for FedFin is the large jump in funding from $30.996 in 2008 to $39.578 in 2009. This
is due to the fact that the data used for the regression includes funding dispersed in 2009 that was
designated under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This stimulus
package put forth a total of $1 billion towards education alone, some of which was further
designated specifically for STEM fields, causing the large jump from 2008 to 2009. This is a
small bump in the trend, however, and most likely does not account for the full error in
prediction. Though it does not have the expected sign, because it is statistically significant, it
will remain in the model.
The estimated coefficient for SATMath is approximately 0.00111, resulting in a positive
relationship between the average math SAT scores for females and the percentage of women
choosing STEM majors. This means that a one point increase in the average math score for
females will lead to a .00111 increase in the percent of female STEM majors. This supports the
theory that achievement in a subject will encourage students to focus on that subject. Thus, a
higher score on the math portion of the SATs can lead to a higher percentage of females
choosing STEM majors.
The estimated coefficient for WEEA is approximately 0.000369, resulting in a positive
relationship between the appropriations set for the Women’s Educational Equity Act and the
percentage of women choosing STEM majors. This means that a $1 million increase in WEEA
appropriations will lead to a 0.000369 increase in the percent of female STEM majors. This
For example, the 2008 value for FedFin of $30.996 may be more useful if it were regressed against the 2009 value
for FemSTEM of 27.457%.
coefficient supports the model predictions and the theory that higher appropriations that promote
women specifically in education will lead to more women in STEM fields.
The estimated coefficient for FemUnemp is approximately -0.000574, resulting in a
negative relationship between the female unemployment rate and the percentage of women
choosing STEM majors. This does not correspond with the expected sign. It should also be
noted, however, that the p-value of .592 renders the variable statistically insignificant in this
model. One reason that the predicted sign may be wrong and the variable may be statistically
insignificant could be that the reported annual unemployment rates may not affect actual
behavior until years later. When a person is laid-off it may take some time for them to go back
to school, potentially holding previous years of unemployment responsible for current years
STEM rates
. Because theory strongly suggests that in times of high unemployment people tend
to choose STEM majors for their stability and strong job opportunities, this variable will remain
in the model.
Regression Two: NAEP Scores
Table 6: Regression Two Data
Year for
Year Test
1985 25.559% 1973 220
1990 24.725% 1978 220
1994 26.464% 1982 221
1998 28.254% 1986 222
2002 28.050% 1990 230
2004 28.290% 1992 228
2006 27.798% 1994 230
2008 27.514% 1996 229
This concept is similar to that discussed with FedFin. Some of the females choosing STEM majors in 2010 may be
attributable to female unemployment rates from 2006, for example.
The functional model for this linear regression is stated as follows:
FemSTEM = ƒ (NAEP)
Table 7: Regression Two Estimates (Dependent Variable: FemSTEM)
Coefficient t-statistic P-value
Intercept -0.211
Adjusted R
As stated earlier, due to the fact that the NAEP test has been administered sporadically
for the past thirty years, it was necessary to regress, or correlate, the NAEP math scores alone for
each of the available years to the percentage of females in STEM majors. The NAEP math
scores listed here are the average for females in fourth grade. In Table 6, it can be seen that the
values for FemSTEM in each year are matched with the NAEP math scores for twelve years
prior. This is so that the female students who took the NAEP in fourth grade would be the
traditional age of graduating seniors in college. By regressing the numbers this way the NAEP
scores are more closely attributed to the class that took them.
Though the R
value is .541, this is a suitable number for a regression with only one
variable. The p-value for the NAEP scores is .0376, making it statistically significant.
The estimated coefficient for NAEP is approximately 0.00214, resulting in a positive
relationship between the scores achieved by female students on the math portion of the NAEP
and the percentage of females choosing STEM majors twelve years later. This finding supports
the model prediction that early achievement in math, recorded by higher test scores in the math
NAEP by females, will lead to more females choosing to focus on STEM subjects in college.
Standardized Coefficient Model
Table 8: Standardized Coefficient Estimates
In Table 8, the standardized coefficients for each variable are listed. These new beta
coefficients are helpful for comparing multiple regressors to each other without the confusion of
different units and measurements of the previous models. Instead, each of these coefficients
deals in standard deviations. If the X variable increases by one standard deviation, the Y
variable will increase by the amount of the coefficient (Gujarati 158). A larger coefficient in
comparison to another means that the former contributes more to the explanation of the Y
variable than the latter (Gujarati 158).
It is interesting to compare the relative strength of each variable to the others, especially
considering the wide breadth of measurements (from percentages to dollars) and units (from
decimals to billions) that the variables take on in their unstandardized forms.
When comparing these standardized variables it appears that female professors have the
greatest relative strength. Given the extremely low p-value for FemProf of 0.00126, it makes
sense that it would be a strong regressor when compared to the other variables with slightly
higher p-values. Female unemployment rates have the lowest relative strength. This is not
surprising considering female unemployment rates were found to be statistically insignificant in
Regression One.
Standardized coefficients were found by translating the data into standardized variables using the equation:
and X
. These new data points were regressed to give the standardized betas above.
Possible OLS Assumption Errors
According to the table in Appendix B, there appears to be some multicollinearity amongst
a number of the explanatory variables in the model. Multicollinearity arises when there are
linear relationships among the X variables (Gujarati 321). In order to define two variables as
being highly correlated, the absolute value of their correlation coefficients must be above .7.
Multicollinearity is undesirable in a model because it is difficult to make precise
estimations of the betas when it is present (Gujarati 327). This can lead to the variables
presenting as statistically insignificant and also creating an artificially high goodness of fit
measurement (Gujarati 327).
By examining the table in Appendix B, it is clear that there are a number of relationships
which show multicollinearity. For example, in the correlation coefficients for Regression One,
the variable FemProf is highly correlated with FedFin with a correlation coefficient of .979 and
SATMath with a correlation coefficient of .889. Additionally, FedFin is highly correlated with
SATMath with a correlation coefficient of .900 and WEEA is highly correlated with SATMath
with a correlation coefficient of -.708.
There are a number of reasons that multicollinearity may appear. It may be that there is a
model specification error. This means that the linear model chosen to estimate the dependent
variable in this paper is not the best model to choose for the data set. However, because the data
used in this paper is time series data, it is very likely that multicollinearity is present simply due
to the fact that many of the variables follow similar trends. A number of the variables chosen for
this model have trended upward and thus will appear to be related to one another because they
are moving in the same direction. This may not mean that they have any bearing on each other;
it may simply be that because the data is moving in similar directions, they only appear to be
One reason for developing an economic model is to use it for forecasting and prediction.
The resulting forecast can aid in developing policy and making decisions about the future.
It is important, however, to keep in mind that forecast error can occur for many reasons
when using an estimated model for forecasting. There may have been an error that occurred
when developing the model, leading any predictions formulated by that model to be skewed.
There may also be errors in the values used to represent the X independent variables. It is
difficult to accurately predict what will happen in the future, therefore predicting the exact
correct values for every independent variable in a model can be unlikely.
Another potential problem to consider when using an estimated model for forecasting is
that the potential for forecast error grows the further in the future you try to predict. Because a
model, and especially in this case of a single-equation regression model, is developed using
specific points, using the same model for points outside of the calculated region will naturally
produce some level of forecast error.
With all of this in mind, I will attempt to use the model found in Regression One stated in
the functional form:
FemSTEM = ƒ (FemProf, FedFin, SATMath, WEEA, FemUnemp)
to predict the percentage of females in STEM majors for the years 2011 and 2012. To do this I
found the known and forecasted values for each of the independent variables for the years 2011
and 2012. These values are displayed in Table 9.
Table 9: Forecasted Values for Regression One
2011 110.5* $33.013 500 $2.521 8.5
2012 116* $32.188*
499 $2.470 7.9
in thousands
in billions, converted to 2014 dollars
in millions, converted to 2014 dollars
*these values were speculated using research, all other values are known
The predicted FedFin value for 2012 was formulated through a number of assumptions.
The final funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act were distributed in 2010.
Due to the absence of ARRA funding, a large decrease in funding of about 11 percent from 2010
to 2011 is visible (“Federal Science and Engineering Obligations…”). Prior to this abnormally
large drop in funding, federal obligations towards science and engineering support had been
decreasing at a rate of about 2 to 3 percent every year from 2006 to 2010, not including the large
spike in 2009 explained by the ARRA stimulus. Therefore, the value speculated for 2012
reflects a 2.5 percent decrease in funding from 2011 to follow the general decreasing trend of the
previous years.
The number of female professors has been increasing by varying degrees every year since
1973. The values for FemProf for 2011 and 2012 were calculated by following the trends from
2009 and 2010 of approximately a 5 percent increase.
The values from Table 9 were plugged into the equation using the coefficients from
Regression One
. The forecast for the percent of females who choose to major in STEM fields in
2011 is 29.494 percent. The forecast for the percent of females who choose to major in STEM
fields in 2012 is 29.909 percent. Comparing these numbers to the previously known values used
FemSTEM = -.0276 + .000658FemProf – 0.00160FedFin + 0.00111SATMath + 0.000369WEEA –
for the regression equations, the percent of females who will choose to major in STEM fields is
predicted to increase.
In 2011 there is predicted to be a 1.82 percent increase in female STEM majors from
27.677 percent in 2010 to the predicted 29.494 percent in 2011. This is due in part to the
predicted increase of female faculty members in both 2011 and 2012. It may also be due to the
fact that federal funding is expected to continue decreasing and because the relationship found
between FedFin and FemSTEM is negative, the double negative causes a positive increase in
In 2012 there is predicted to be a .41 percent increase in female STEM majors from the
forecasted 29.494 percent in 2011to 29.909 percent in 2012. The small change is due to the fact
that SAT math scores decrease and offset some of the increase gained by the predicted rising
number of female faculty members as well as the further decrease predicted for federal funding.
A decrease in WEEA appropriations also contributes to the low level of increase in female
STEM majors from 2011 to 2012.
Based on the two regressions, it is can be seen that five of the seven variables tested were
statistically significant
when regressed with the percentage of females in STEM majors.
Average salary and female unemployment rates were found to be statistically insignificant to the
explanation of the dependent variable. Additionally federal financial obligations, though
statistically significant, had a negative relationship with the dependent variable which was
opposite of the predicted model.
This model may be useful for policy in the future when legislators are looking for ways to
bolster female participation in STEM fields as a way to boost gender equity and the economy.
Those variables which were statistically significant were: FemProf,FedFin, NAEP, SATMath, and WEEA.
As seen in the section on forecasting, female STEM majors are expected to have increased in
2011 and 2012.
It will be important for legislators to note that federal funding must be timed correctly
and administered to the appropriate sectors in order to make the desired impact. This implication
can be seen in the negative relationship found between the FedFin variable and FemSTEM. The
negative relationship between these two variables indicates that more federal funding towards
STEM fields in universities may actually decrease the number of females choosing STEM
majors. Though this outcome may be due to errors in the regression model, it is still an
interesting and worrisome outcome which should not be taken lightly.
Additionally, policymakers should note that early concentration in mathematics is a
statistically significant indicator of female STEM majors. By building a foundation of
quantitatively-literate female students, the United States may then be able to increase the number
of females in STEM majors and thus in STEM occupations.
If given more time and resources, I would like to improve this study through a number of
methods. First, I would like to find a different, more consistent set of data for the AvgSal
variable. The data available to me for this variable was limited and therefore required that I pull
data points from a number of different reports. This could mean that the different data points
were not measured or collected in the same way and could have resulted in the outcome of
statistical insignificance. With a consistent set of data from one report, there may be a different
regression outcome.
Second, I would like to attempt to rerun Regression One, offsetting the variables of
FedFin and FemUnemp in order to try to correct for the unpredicted sign and statistical
insignificance, respectively. Perhaps by correlating one year’s data to the FemSTEM data of a
number of years later, I would receive the expected results.
Lastly, I would like to explore the effect that cultural trends and attitudes have on the
number of females choosing STEM majors. Historically, there have been cultural pressures for
females to focus on softer subjects such as the humanities and for males to focus on the hard
sciences such as chemistry and mathematics. The lasting effect that these pressures have on
females’ choice of major is difficult to quantify, especially with macro data like the sets that I
was using for this study. Many of the studies that I came across which discussed the social and
cultural factors in choice of major were pursued with data collected from personal surveys rather
than aggregated, impersonal data. If given the time and resources, I would like to attempt to
capture and quantify such variables as public attitude towards genders in specific fields, parental
support for females in STEM subjects, and personal perception of ability to achieve in STEM
subjects among women.
Appendix A
Percentage of Female Stem Majors
Source: National Science Foundation/National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics;
data from Department of Education/National Center for Education Statistics: Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System Completions Survey
Year FemSTEM
1973 23.486%
1974 24.223%
1975 24.292%
1976 24.401%
1977 24.468%
1978 24.518%
1979 24.428%
1980 24.536%
1981 24.509%
1982 24.954%
1983 24.773%
1984 25.047%
1985 25.559%
1986 25.617%
1987 25.369%
1988 24.949%
1989 24.600%
1990 24.725%
1991 24.764%
1992 25.531%
1993 25.823%
1994 26.464%
1995 27.349%
1996 27.820%
1997 28.279%
1998 28.254%
1999 28.110%
2000 27.966%
2001 28.035%
2002 28.050%
2003 28.337%
2004 28.290%
2005 28.209%
2006 27.798%
2007 27.538%
2008 27.514%
2009 27.457%
2010 27.677%
Mean 26.150%
StdDev 1.5967%
Calculated by dividing females receiving bachelor degree in STEM fields by total number of females receiving
bachelor degrees.
Female Professors
Source: National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics,
special tabulations (2013) of the Survey of Doctorate Recipients (various years).
Year FemProf
1973 10.7
1974 12.2
1975 13.6
1976 15.1
1977 16.5
1978 18.0
1979 19.4
1980 21.3
1981 23.1
1982 24.8
1983 26.5
1984 28.8
1985 31.1
1986 32.6
1987 34.0
1988 36.4
1989 38.7
1990 40.3
1991 41.9
1992 44.4
1993 46.9
1994 49.7
1995 52.4
1996 55.8
1997 59.2
1998 61.8
1999 64.4
2000 67.5
2001 70.5
2002 74.6
2003 78.7
2004 84.4
2005 87.3
2006 90.1
2007 92.2
2008 94.2
2009 99.7
2010 105.2
Mean 49.0
StdDev 27.7414
In thousands, every other year beginning 1974 is an average
Federal Financial Obligations
Source: National Science Foundation/National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics,
Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit
Year FedFin
1973 $13.031
1974 $13.034
1975 $12.244
1976 $12.212
1977 $12.983
1978 $14.268
1979 $14.446
1980 $13.650
1981 $13.076
1982 $12.601
1983 $13.390
1984 $14.254
1985 $15.836
1986 $15.919
1987 $17.708
1988 $18.135
1989 $19.086
1990 $18.809
1991 $20.526
1992 $21.483
1993 $20.852
1994 $21.968
1995 $22.277
1996 $21.622
1997 $22.082
1998 $23.179
1999 $25.446
2000 $27.101
2001 $29.833
2002 $31.883
2003 $34.017
2004 $33.978
2005 $33.710
2006 $32.916
2007 $31.911
2008 $30.996
2009 $39.578
2010 $38.037
Mean $21.792
StdDev $8.174
In billions, converted to 2014 dollars
Average NAEP Math Scores for Fourth Grade Females
Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), NAEP 2012 Trends in Academic Progress; and
2012 NAEP Long-Term Trend Mathematics Assessment, retrieved August 29, 2013, from Long-
Term Trend NAEP Data Explorer.
Year taken Score
Average SAT Math Scores for Females
Source: College Board: 2013 College-Bound Seniors Total Group Profile Report
Year SATMath
1973 489
1974 488
1975 479
1976 475
1977 474
1978 474
1979 473
1980 473
1981 473
1982 473
1983 474
1984 478
1985 480
1986 479
1987 481
1988 483
1989 482
1990 483
1991 482
1992 484
1993 484
1994 487
1995 490
1996 492
1997 494
1998 496
1999 495
2000 498
2001 498
2002 500
2003 503
2004 501
2005 504
2006 502
2007 499
2008 499
2009 498
2010 499
Mean 487.263
StdDev 10.246
Median Salary for STEM Occupations
Source: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Scientists and
Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT),
In 2014 dollars
Appropriations to Women’s Educational Equity Act
Source: U.S. Department of Education
1973 $0.000
1974 $0.000
1975 $0.000
1976 $25.871
1977 $28.165
1978 $29.113
1979 $29.105
1980 $28.492
1981 $20.985
1982 $14.013
1983 $13.577
1984 $13.015
1985 $13.091
1986 $12.296
1987 $7.233
1988 $6.650
1989 $5.583
1990 $3.768
1991 $3.438
1992 $0.836
1993 $3.223
1994 $3.143
1995 $3.178
1996 $0.000
1997 $4.388
1998 $4.321
1999 $4.227
2000 $4.090
2001 $3.979
2002 $3.915
2003 $3.802
2004 $3.681
2005 $3.553
2006 $3.408
2007 $2.128
2008 $2.013
2009 $2.615
2010 $2.608
Mean $8.250
StdDev $8.972
In millions, in 2014 dollars
Female Unemployment Rates
Source: 2013 Economic Report of the President
Year FemUnemp
1973 6.0
1974 6.7
1975 9.3
1976 8.6
1977 8.2
1978 7.2
1979 6.8
1980 7.4
1981 7.9
1982 9.4
1983 9.2
1984 7.6
1985 7.4
1986 7.1
1987 6.2
1988 5.6
1989 5.4
1990 5.5
1991 6.4
1992 7.0
1993 6.6
1994 6.0
1995 5.6
1996 5.4
1997 5.0
1998 4.6
1999 4.3
2000 4.1
2001 4.7
2002 5.6
2003 5.7
2004 5.4
2005 5.1
2006 4.6
2007 4.5
2008 5.4
2009 8.1
2010 8.6
Mean 6.4
Appendix B
Simple Correlation Coefficients among Variables
Regression One: Correlation coefficients between variables
FemProf FedFin SATMath
WEEA FemUnemp
FemProf 0.885182
FedFin 0.853025
SATMath 0.875535
WEEA -0.50119
Regression Two: Correlation coefficients between variables
STEM 0.735345077
Correlation coefficients including AvgSal
FemProf FedFin SATMath WEEA FemUnemp
FemProf 0.334491
FedFin 0.337673
SATMath 0.759997
WEEA 0.29071
Salary 0.690664
Appendix C
Final Regression Results
SUMMARY OUTPUT: Regression One
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.929438546
R Square 0.863856012
Adjusted R Square 0.842583513
Standard Error 0.006420133
Observations 38
df SS MS F
Regression 5
Residual 32
Total 37
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
FemProf 0.000658454
SATMath 0.001109658
WEEA 0.000369661
SUMMARY OUTPUT: Regression Two
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.735345077
R Square 0.540732382
Adjusted R Square
Standard Error 0.009869705
Observations 8
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1
Residual 6
Total 7
Coefficients Standard Error
t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept -0.2111025
NAEP 0.002141867
SUMMARY OUTPUT: Regression Including Average Salary
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.910342625
R Square 0.828723696
Adjusted R Square 0.735300257
Standard Error 0.003403204
Observations 18
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 6
Residual 11
Total 17
Coefficients Standard Error
t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept -0.72723457
Faculty -3.61839E-05
FedOb -0.001371798
SAT Math 0.001962511
WEEA -0.000221824
FemUnemp 0.002178751
Salary 7.39735E-07
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