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Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies
Strategies and Methods Used by Information Technology Security Strategies and Methods Used by Information Technology Security
Professionals to Secure Cloud Access Infrastructure Professionals to Secure Cloud Access Infrastructure
Oliver Fontem
Walden University
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Walden University
College of Management and Human Potential
This is to certify that the doctoral study by
Oliver Fontem
has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects,
and that any and all revisions required by
the review committee have been made.
Review Committee
Dr. Ayegbeni Igonor, Committee Chairperson, Information Technology Faculty
Dr. Patrick Mensah, Committee Member, Information Technology Faculty
Chief Academic Officer and Provost
Sue Subocz, Ph.D.
Walden University
Strategies and Methods Used by Information Technology Security Professionals to
Secure Cloud Access Infrastructure
Oliver Fontem
MS, Catholic University of America, 2006
BS, University of Calabar, 1993
Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Information Technology
Walden University
June 2024
Cloud computing provides data storage and access services to end users and enterprises
but requires effective access controls to protect privileged information from unauthorized
and malicious users. Enterprises adopt and integrate cloud computing into their business
operations due to its cost-effective and on-demand delivery of computing resources over
remote networks but face the challenge of adequate strategies and policies to implement
identity and access management securely. Grounded in the Unified Theory of Acceptance
and Use of Technology, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore
strategies used by information technology cybersecurity professionals to improve identity
and access management in the cloud. The participants were 10 IT cybersecurity
professionals, each with at least 3 years of experience in managing and implementing
cloud security strategies and employed within the contiguous United States. Data were
collected using semi-structured interviews and a review of publicly available information
and analyzed using methodological triangulation. The results identified seven primary
themes: (a) data protection, (b) authentication and authorization, (c) input and output
handling, (d) error handling and logging, (e) configuration and operations, (f) session
management, and (g) access control methods. A key recommendation is for enterprises to
manage the human factor which can be unintentional human error or a disgruntled
employee. The implications for positive social change include the potential to provide
cloud service providers with strategies to secure their infrastructures and protect the
private information of users and society from cyber criminals.
Strategies and Methods Used by Information Technology Security Professionals to
Secure Cloud Access Infrastructure
Oliver Fontem
MS, Catholic University of America, 2006
BS, University of Calabar, 1993
Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Information Technology
Walden University
June 2024
To him who is able to keep me from falling, and to present me faultless before the
presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and
majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
I express my sincere thanks to the entire team at Walden University, particularly
my committee members, Drs. Igonor and Mensah, whose guidance and insights enabled
me to complete this program.
The members of Next Generation Cyber Engineers group who, despite their busy
schedules, took the time to respond to surveys and follow-up interviews, without whom I
would have had no content for my dissertation.
My colleagues at work, especially my supervisor, Tawanda Johnson, who
supported and put up with my stresses during this study.
And my biggest thanks to my family for all the support. For my kids, sorry for
being even grumpier than usual during this lengthy program. And for my wife, Miranda,
thanks for all your support. To my dear sister, Ankwetta Fotabong Defang (Fontem
Beatrice), thank you immensely for your moral support and for writing the checks for this
program. You have been amazing. To my loving mother, who tilled the soil and remained
stoic throughout the years to keep me in school and alive. To my brother, Denis
Nkengafac, thank you for being so inspiring during your short span on earth with your
eternal love.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Foundation of the Study ......................................................................................1
Background of the Problem ...........................................................................................2
Problem Statement .........................................................................................................4
Purpose Statement ..........................................................................................................5
Nature of the Study ........................................................................................................6
Research Question .........................................................................................................7
Interview Questions .......................................................................................................7
Conceptual Framework ..................................................................................................9
Definitions of Terms ....................................................................................................10
Assumptions and Limitations ......................................................................................12
Assumptions .......................................................................................................... 12
Limitations .............................................................................................................12
Significance of the Study .............................................................................................13
Contribution to Information Technology Practice ................................................ 13
Implications for Social Change ............................................................................. 15
A Review of the Professional and Academic Literature ..............................................16
UTAUT ........................................................................................................................17
UTAUT2 and Its Extensions ................................................................................. 21
Applications: UTAUT and UTAUT2 Used in the Literature ............................... 23
Limitations ...................................................................................................................25
Transition and Summary ..............................................................................................26
Cloud Security ...................................................................................................... 26
Cloud Security Risks............................................................................................. 34
Why Cloud Security Is Important ......................................................................... 36
Cloud Security Awareness .................................................................................... 39
Cloud Security Governance .................................................................................. 42
Cloud Security Laws and Regulations .................................................................. 45
Laws and Regulations in Effect in the United States ............................................ 47
The European Union ....................................................................................................48
The United Kingdom ............................................................................................ 48
Australia ................................................................................................................ 48
Cybersecurity Legislation Trends ......................................................................... 48
United Kingdom.................................................................................................... 49
Cloud Authentication and Authorization .....................................................................49
Section 2: The Project ........................................................................................................53
Purpose Statement ........................................................................................................53
Role of the Researcher .................................................................................................55
Participants ...................................................................................................................58
Research Method and Design ......................................................................................59
Research Method .................................................................................................. 60
Research Design.................................................................................................... 60
Population and Sampling .............................................................................................62
Ethical Research...........................................................................................................64
Data Collection ............................................................................................................66
Instruments ............................................................................................................ 66
Data Collection Technique ................................................................................... 69
Data Organization Techniques .............................................................................. 71
Data Analysis Technique .............................................................................................72
Reliability and Validity ................................................................................................74
Reliability .............................................................................................................. 74
Validity ................................................................................................................. 75
Dependability ........................................................................................................ 76
Transferability ....................................................................................................... 77
Confirmability ....................................................................................................... 78
Section 3: Application to Professional Practice and Implications for Change ..................80
Overview of the Study .................................................................................................80
Presentation of the Findings.........................................................................................81
NIST Cyber Security Framework ....................................................................... 102
NIST Cloud Security Best Practices ................................................................... 103
NIST Benefits ..................................................................................................... 103
Applications to Professional Practice ........................................................................104
Implications for Social Change ..................................................................................110
Recommendations for Action ....................................................................................111
Recommendations for Further Study .........................................................................113
Summary and Study Conclusions ..............................................................................114
References …………………………………………………………………. ………116
Appendix A: Interview Protocol …………………………………………………... 146
Appendix B: Letter of Invitation …………………………………………………...147
Section 1: Foundation of the Study
Cloud computing, a ubiquitous web-based technology service that provides data
storage and access services to end users and enterprises, requires access controls to
protect privileged information from unauthorized and malicious users (Jalili et al., 2019).
Any enterprise that adopts and integrates cloud computing into business operations must
adjust its information technology policies and practices to ensure the confidentiality,
integrity, and authenticity of stored and accessed information. Though enterprises are
unique in institutional culture, they face the same cybersecurity risks and challenges
when adopting the cloud and need customized strategies and policies to protect privileged
information. Kang and Hovav (2020) stated that it is essential for organizations to
benchmark their information security policies because every organization has a unique
policy that if pooled together can become an operational library of the standards,
baselines, and best practices of information to a particular industry or market. Such a
cumulative knowledge repository of benchmarks can pave a way for the design and
implementation of more efficient information security policy guidelines, procedures, and
standards. Because of increasing cyber threats and breaches, service providers need to
guide and protect their networks preventively and proactively. Jeyaraj et al. (2021) stated
that an organization’s response to a cybersecurity event or incident refers to those actions
taken to prevent, monitor, detect, mitigate, and manage cybersecurity threats and to
recover from a breach.
Cybersecurity research has increased exponentially within the last decade due to
increasing threats from threat actors. However, few studies have focused on the strategies
and policies needed to manage access controls. The COVID-19 pandemic forced
companies to resort to remote work, and with this trend continuing unabated, the need for
secure and reliable access controls has become a sine qua non. Tasheva (2021) stated that
in 2020, there was an exponential increase in the scale and magnitude of cyberattack here
threat actors exploited public health crisis fears and sent fake and alarming COVID-19
informational messages using social engineering tactics such as phishing to steal personal
and corporate information or install malware on the device in use.
Background of the Problem
Cloud computing is a revolutionary opportunity for economic growth and social
change for institutions of all sizes, private or public entities, and the general community.
A significant benefit of cloud technology is that institutions use the cloud instead of
investing in costly in-house data center solutions because the cloud’s flexible
infrastructure provides a combination of modernized computing, networking, and storage
services (Harmon, 2018) Salat et al. (2023) stated that businesses have integrated cloud
services into their operations due to the cloud’s cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and
scalability, which has witnessed continuous growth in the last decade. Matar et al. (2020)
stated that organizations use information technology to provide better communication and
automation for business procedures and processes. Though the cost of implementing
information technology solutions is enormous, organizations that invest in cloud
solutions experience increased value (Golightly et al., 2022). Jin and Bai (2022) used the
difference-in-differences estimator to prove that cloud adoption results in about 6.9%
improved sales, which is large-scale firm-level evidence on firm performance because of
cloud technologies with statistically significant positive short- and long-term effects.
Wallis and Dorey (2023) stated that those who provide and manage critical infrastructure
are responsible for mitigating the impact of cybersecurity events in their environments,
including essential services they provide. Bhatti et al. (2021) stated that though
outsourcing is the core of cloud computing and is vastly popular, it has a high failure rate,
requiring research to understand the reasons behind such failures.
As service providers struggle to manage eminent risks from cloud computing
services, it is essential to implement a reliable service delivery system that can be trusted
by entities that are the service buyers and end users. Alshabib and Martins (2022) stated
that in recent years, rates of cybercrime and cyber threats have increased exponentially,
threatening the security and economic performance of governments, corporations, and the
general global society. Loishyn et al. (2021) stated that to implement and manage a
cybersecurity platform successfully, there is a need for research to capture cyber events,
study them, and analyze the development and root causes for their occurrence to design
effective countermeasures. Solms et al. (2011) stated that information security
governance has emerged as a big problem in strategic management because it is critical in
protecting a businesss information assets. A correctly implemented information security
governance framework should facilitate implementing and complying with strategic-level
management directives.
Though cybersecurity is still in its infancy, research on information technology
technological advancement, information technology infrastructures, governance, and
implementation strategies abound. However, research on cloud security is limited and has
varied on cloud security implementation. Li et al. (2021) stated that some of the
consequences of security incidents to organizations and their stakeholders are that
security incidents incur costs in the form of damage control and information technology
security-related investments because such investment decisions demand an evaluation of
the system, risk factors, and the effectiveness of hardware and software. A global
shortage of almost 3 million cybersecurity professionals was estimated in 2022 as
organizations faced difficulties with the global health crisis. information technology
curriculum should be in sync with business and industry needs to prepare information
technology graduates with competencies and capacity-building skills to meet the
demands of cybersecurity careers (Towhidi & Pridmore, 2023). The current study
examined cloud security practices and policies used to secure cloud computing and the
problems cloud security professionals face when protecting cloud stored information.
Problem Statement
The general information technology problem that prompted a literature search on
this topic was that businesses that migrate to the cloud with critical business missions
face the challenge of adequate strategies and policies to secure identity and access
management in the cloud. Information technology security professionals need effective
strategies to implement system access controls to improve cloud security. The literature
indicated that the cloud infrastructure and its accompanying services provide access
services and resources for many organizations and improve societys living standards.
However, threat actors have breached and continue to pose security concerns for users.
Cloud infrastructures come with access vulnerabilities that require access controls to
safeguard data. Arroyabe et al. (2023), in a 2018-2019 survey of 4,163 UK organizations,
examined how cyber threats and attacks force corporate bodies to invest to protect their
information systems and concluded that strategic cybersecurity investment is proven by
both its role in organizational performance and the decision-making influences or factors.
The current study examined cloud security practices and policies used to secure cloud
computing and the problems cloud security professionals face when protecting cloud
stored information.
Purpose Statement
This qualitative case study explored information technology cybersecurity
professionals strategies to secure access controls in the form of identity and access
management in the cloud. The population under study was information technology
professionals who manage and implement strategies and policies to secure access and
protect data on the cloud infrastructure. The study population was composed of security
information technology professionals employed by IT services with a minimum of 5
years of experience and expertise in managing identity and access policies and controls in
the cloud and were employed by state or private sectors in contiguous United States. The
findings from this study may contribute to social change by providing online shoppers,
social media users, and the everyday internet user with strategies to secure their private
information from cybercriminals. Using recommendations on identity and access
management policies and best practices from this study may enable cybersecurity
professionals to provide secure and protected cloud services for a better society.
Nature of the Study
A qualitative method was appropriate to obtain detailed information from
information technology professionals using one-on-one open-ended interview questions
about their experiences and practices in managing cloud security. The qualitative method
was a good fit for this study because although the quantitative method is probability and
statistics based, the qualitative method is used to gain an understanding of the thoughts
and beliefs of participants and recognize the meaning that people attribute to their
experiences (Batyashe & Iyamu, 2021). The quantitative approach typically requires an
original hypothesis along with a plan for using numerical data. Because the current study
was not designed to confirm or refute a hypothesis, the quantitative method was deemed
inappropriate for this study. The qualitative method allows researchers to interact with
participants through face-to-face interviews or focus groups in person, virtually, or via
telephone (Segun, 2022). Case study research is a detailed investigation that requires a
substantial period to conduct the study and often with empirical material collected from a
well-defined case to analyze the context and processes involved in the phenomenon
(Chowdhury & Shil, 2021). The case study method is a good fit for information
technology research, considering that studying information systems as a discipline has
shifted to organizational rather than technical issues (Rashid et al., 2019).
The qualitative method was appropriate for this study because I sought to collect
data from current information technology professionals on the strategies they use to
secure cloud platforms. An organizations information technology strategies on cloud
computing and connected cloud network should have value, visibility, accessibility,
dimensions, and suitability (Li et al., 2021). The quantitative method was not feasible
because its focus is on the probability and statistical components of the data gathered (see
Goertz & Mahoney, 2013). I used multiple case studies to perform research on multiple
cloud security professionals employed at two medium-size businesses using one-on-one
interview questions.
Research Question
What strategies do cloud information technology professionals use to implement
secure access methods to protect data in their cloud infrastructure?
Interview Questions
1. Tell me something about yourself, your company, and your background in
2. How much experience do you have managing cloud security in general and
cloud identity and access management in particular?
3. What challenges have you experienced since you migrated to the cloud?
a. Can you describe some specific incidents you have encountered since
4. How do you protect your system against unauthorized access?
a. What factors do you consider when developing strategies and policies to
protect your system against unauthorized access?
5. What techniques have you found most effective in designing and
implementing adequate access controls?
a. Briefly, what is the most critical issue you want to address concerning access
control, and what techniques do you intend to apply?
b. Why is the technique you have chosen more likely to succeed than other
c. Have you already done a feasibility test of this technique?
d. Why does this technique give you a competitive edge in the industry? How do
you see this change impacting the field?
6. What are the challenges relative to the strategies used in designing and
implementing access control policies?
a. How do you handle user access complaints?
b. What are the most common access complaints you receive from users?
7. What types of training do you offer to staff and system users on access control
best practices, especially password complexity?
a. For training and compliance to succeed, you have to be keen to develop
collaborations between departments. What opportunities for interdepartmental
cooperation exist?
b. How do you fit in with the existing organizational structure? Who are your
collaborators or people you expect to collaborate with within your
environment? Why do you want to collaborate with them?
8. How does the general shortage of cloud security professionals or experts
affect your business model?
a. What is the management position on training and grooming in-house staff to
fill these vacancies?
b. With staff shortage, how do you balance your time? How would you prioritize
if several challenges came up simultaneously (upgrade/patch management
deadlines, zero-day incidents, corporate meetings, teaching commitments)?
9. Is funding a barrier to hiring and retaining talented and experienced cyber
engineers? If so, how do you intend to solve this problem?
a. How do you convince management to accept to fund your project instead of
other departmental priorities?
10. What additional information about your experiences protecting your system
against unauthorized access would you like to share?
a. What would you do differently if you were starting your job again today?
b. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years? What are your professional goals
in the next 5 to 10 years?
Conceptual Framework
Venkatesh et al. (2003) introduced the unified theory of acceptance and use of
technology (UTAUT) under the User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a
Unified View developed from eight renowned technology acceptance modes. Dwivedi et
al. (2017) stated that the UTAUT was modified in 2012 and renamed the extending
unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) with the constructs of
performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence, which are factors that
measure the behaviors and intentions of users and facilitate conditions that directly
influence user behavior with gender, age, experience, and voluntariness as moderating
variables. Valerie et al. (2021) used the extended UTAUT2 framework to study the
acceptance of the Bukalapak e-commerce system, while Dwivedi et al. tested the revised
model using data from 1,600 observations involving 21 relationships from 162 research
studies on IS/IT acceptance and use and concluded that the model was meaningful for
understanding IS/IT acceptance and use. The UTAUT was a valid instrument to
determine how access controls and policy strategies are accepted and used.
Definitions of Terms
Authentication: To verify and confirm that a user is who they say they are based
on information provided by the user. Authentication is an indispensable process that asks
the customer to go through a manual process of generating shared keys that ensure the
functioning and secure communication between the user and server to ensure that
something or someone is who they claim to be (Li et al., 2021).
Authorization: A process and level of privilege to ensure that correctly
authenticated users can access only the resources the owner has approved (Bruzgiene &
Jurgilas, 2021).
Cloud computing: Functionality in which the internet is used to deliver virtual
services and storage facilities, databases, networking, software, and analytics in the cloud
to users. According to Park et al. (2022), the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) defined cloud computing as a rapid resource delivery service that is
also convenient and comprises the computer systems, such as networks, servers, storage
devices, computer applications, and related service that are automated.
Information security: Measures and strategies to protect information services and
information systems from user abuse practices such as unauthorized access and
disclosure and service disruption aimed to maintain integrity, confidentiality, and
availability (Bhatti et al., 2021; NIST, 2020; U.S. Government, 2017).
Information security policy: Procedures, policies, and strategies designed to
provide direction and guidance to manage information security risk (Kang, 2022).
Implementation strategy: Methods, actions, and processes implemented to
overcome information security barriers, increase performance and implementation
effectiveness, and sustain interventions over time to secure a cloud infrastructure
(Szczepaniuk & Szczepaniuk, 2021).
Perceived ease of use: The ease with which a user believes that a piece of
technology is easy or difficult to use and how that technology is expected to reduce
effort. Perceived ease of use of a given technology increases with the intention to use the
technology (Chatti & Hadoussa, 2021).
Perceived usefulness: How much a particular technology is expected to increase
and improve job performance (Chatti & Hadoussa, 2021).
Security awareness: How a user is aware or familiar with an institution’s mission,
users, and employees (Bauer et al., 2017).
Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): This theory is used
to determine a person’s intention to use technology and to show the associated
relationships between effort expectancy, performance expectancy, behavioral intention,
facilitating conditions, and social influence (Popova & Zagitova, 2022)
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations
Research has three main assumptions: epistemological assumptions define what
can be known, axiological assumptions define what is essential and valuable in research,
and methodological assumptions define what methods and procedures are acceptable
within the paradigm (Cherry, 2023). I assumed that the information pertaining to
breaches and attempted breaches gathered by organizations participating in this study had
been accurately detected, documented, and stored. Additionally, I expected that interview
participants would respond truthfully to questions without any fear or bias influencing
their answers.
Limitations are factors that may hinder or weaken a study (Cunha & Miller,
2014). Because I relied on participant self-report methods for data collection, the study
was faced with the challenge of a respondent responding to questions honestly. I expected
that some interviewees may provide answers to please me instead of answers that were
based on experiential learning. I also knew that interviewees may provide inaccurate or
false answers to protect institutional reputation. The sample size was based on businesses
in the contiguous United States that use cloud technology, which limits the studys ability
to be duplicated in global geographic locations.
Significance of the Study
Contribution to Information Technology Practice
With technological advancement, the convenience of cloud-based computing with
always-on connectivity has changed the manner in which traditional information
technology security has been implemented and practiced. However, this functionality
creates new loopholes and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by threat actors, which
requires new measures to secure the cloud platform. Technological advancement has also
enabled the creation and growth of digital tools whereby new releases of software and
hardware, and the emergence of internet of things that has digitized home and social
services and has effectively forced social change in the manner in which the society
manages sedentary lifestyles, has led to increased need for cybersecurity in which the
detection of known or existing vulnerabilities and zero-day attacks becomes a challenge
for cybersecurity professionals (Peppes et al., 2023). Many global businesses are small
and medium-size institutions that need research-based knowledge and solutions to
understand the costs and reputational impact possible cyberattacks on their businesses
and assets (Alharbi et al., 2021). Cyberattacks and security events have enormous
consequences for businesses and related stakeholders, which cause increases in
investments in information security. Information technology security investments
decision making is usually based on a careful evaluation of risk factors, the effectiveness
of existing solutions, and evidence-based practices (Li et al., 2021). The literature
indicated the need for a balance between security and ease of use using best practices to
design and provide solutions that feature both security or usability, but existing solutions
tend to focus on either security or usability and not both (Faily & Flechais, 2011).
Some technology advancements have changed and benefited society including the
health care sector, such as the emergence and use of the electronic health record (EHR) to
reduce health care costs, improve the quality of care and the real-time delivery of health
care services (Bhuyan et al., 2020). The EHR enables the use of sensor data and push
notifications to detect fall incidents and provide real-time virtual care (M. Chen 2022).
The introduction of the EHR has led to increased interconnectivity and interoperability of
medical device information using the cloud platform but has also introduced security
risks that pose a threat to the health care industry (Jones et al., 2022):
Data storage: Traditional information technology models are designed
based on costly and inflexible onsite data storage in contrast to cloud-
based solutions that are more cost-effective in system development,
reduced user control, and maintenance.
Scaling speed: Cloud-based solutions are modular and can easily be
commissioned and adapted to the unique organizational mission but pose
security problems.
End-user interfacing: Cloud platforms are interconnected with networks and
services that must be secured. Risks range from unsecured end-user devices to
software and network-level vulnerabilities to setup misconfigurations and user
Proximity to other networked data and systems: Cloud platforms are
connectivity based between cloud providers and users; therefore, any
defective device or wrong setup can be exploited, and privilege can be
escalated to the entire system.
Implications for Social Change
Cybersecurity risks lead to consumer trust. A 2022 Consumer Reports survey of
2,103 U.S. adults reported that the last 3 years have seen significant changes to user
cybersecurity practices due to a 44% increase in consumer online spending within 1 year.
A breach will severely expose users information, punish brands, and cause social
mistrust. When people cannot afford fuel to automate their vehicles or learn that their
bank accounts have been breached and their personal data found on the dark web, they
experience firsthand the impact cyberattacks can have on their personal lives (Vijayan,
Data breaches come with psychological effects such as the WannaCry
ransomware attack that led to disruption of critical infrastructure and critically impacted
the U.K.s National Health Service, particularly scheduled procedures. WannaCry’s
impact included disruption of critical systems, affected individuals, and created real-time
awareness risks for many (Akbanov & Vassilakis, 2019). The WannaCry ransomware
attack demonstrated how basic vulnerabilities in basic infrastructure could bring social
Cyber breaches cause service disruptions and depending on the nature of the
breach, may be spread across a network, or limited to a local infrastructure, but are
frustrating to individuals directly affected. A 2019 ransomware attack on a software
vendor affected 22 Texas towns. The cybercriminals demanded $2.5 million to restore
administrative services, and effectively prevented residents from accessing records or
paying utility bills (Bleiberg & Tucker, 2021). The current study was conducted to
identify best practices that may mitigate the increasing number of breaches.
A Review of the Professional and Academic Literature
The objective of this literature review was to provide evidence on the topic under
investigation through the identification and understanding of available cybersecurity
research using online search strategies that uncovered systematic research that was
relevant to my study. This rigorous literature review addressed a field of knowledge that
has seen exponential growth. Clim et al. (2022) conducted a literature review of
cybersecurity problems with a focus on smart cities and concluded that cities are using
both existing and emerging technologies to implement cybersecurity solutions. This
literature has been relevant in helping information technology managers and
professionals develop strategies to identify, evaluate, and analyze some of the issues that
have been raised in conceptual and empirical discussions.
The current literature review was conducted using a systematic approach to
collect extensive published works from various authors and to assess topics that need
considerable analysis to understand. Alomari et al. (2021), in a systematic review of
online published literature, identified peer-reviewed works on artificial intelligence (AI)
and IAM and concluded that there is need to identify a service that can manage identity
governance and access control. Bhatti et al. (2021) analyzed 63 papers published between
1994 and 2020 on research that addressed outsourcing information security risk
management and found that most studies used conceptual models or provided
commentary as a popular research methodology while other researchers collected
secondary data instead of primary data directly from industry, and most did not
investigate a specific industry or an information technology outsourcing client or service
The current review of the existing literature was conducted to identify gaps in the
research, to build a theoretical foundation for the topic under investigation, and to justify
a need for the research and its contribution towards cybersecurity as an emerging field of
study. Thoreau and Sage databases were searched using keywords and Boolean logic.
Most of the articles came from the Walden University repository and some from Google
Scholar. All articles were published in English, spanned global locations and
internationally peer-reviewed journals, and were published within 5 years of the current
study’s completion date (2024). A critical evaluation of the titles, keywords, and abstracts
eliminated results not relevant to this study. The review includes journals and book
chapters but not conferences papers. After careful sorting, only 121 scientific studies
were chosen and reviewed.
UTAUT is a theoretical model to determine the use of technology as a behavioral
intention. UTAUT has four constructs (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social
influence, and facilitating conditions) that help to determine the perceived likelihood of
adopting the technology. These predictor variables moderate experience, voluntariness of
use, age, and gender (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
Performance expectancy is the measure of an individuals belief in the extent to
which a piece of technology can help attain gains in job performance (Venkatesh et al.,
2003) derived from technology acceptance model constructs (TAM), TAM2, model of
PC utilization (MPCU), social cognitive theory, motivational model, innovation diffusion
theory (IDT), and theory of planned behavior (CTAMTPB). Performance expectancy is a
proven indicator of intention to use and is reliable in voluntary and mandatory
environments (Venkatesh et al., 2016; Zhou et al., 2010). Effort expectancy is the
measure of ease of use of any piece of technology (Venkatesh et al., 2003) derived as a
construct from perceived ease of use and complexity from TAM, MPCU, and IDT. Over
time, this construct becomes less effective and less significant due to familiarity with
extended technology use (Chauhan & Jaiswal, 2018; Gupta et al., 2008).
Social influence is the measure of the value an individual perceives that other
people believe they should adopt a new technology (Venkatesh et al., 2003). This
construct is associated with the subjective norms, social factors, and image constructs
used in TRA, TAM2, TPB, CTAMTPB, MPCU, and IDT because it indicates that people
change their behavioral intentions and act according to the perception of others about
them and how they believe others want them to behave. Social influence is the use of
technology to comply with organizational mandates and not due to personal preference
(Venkatesh et al., 2003). The constructs inconsistent effect was also confirmed by other
studies that validated the model (Chauhan & Jaiswal, 2016; Zhou et al., 2010).
Facilitating conditions measure the extent to which a person perceives that an
organization and its technical resources have the organizational culture and support
structure to encourage technology use (Venkatesh et al., 2003). This construct derives
from compatibility, perceived behavioral control, and facilitating conditions constructs
from TPB, CTAMTPB, MPCU, and IDT. This construct positively influences the
intention to use, though over time familiarity makes the effect less significant. Age,
gender, experience, and voluntariness of use are predictors of intention because they exert
a moderating influence. Age moderates the effect of all four predictors. Gender
moderates the social influence, and experience moderates the relationships between effort
expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Voluntariness of use has a
moderating effect on the social influence and behavioral intention relationship only
(Venkatesh et al., 2003).
The UTAUT model has contributed to the literature and has been used by
researchers to provide empirical evidence for technology acceptance and to compare and
contrast technology acceptance theories, such as to prove that proposed factors account
for 70% of the variance in use intention (Venkatesh et al., 2003). The UTAUT model has
been found to have better prediction compared to other models that have been tested on
technology acceptance (Davis, 1993; Sheppard et al., 1988). With recent technological
advances in the medical service field, the evolution of several varieties of ICT-based
health information services has enabled real-time and intelligent customized services and
has led to innovation in the medical service field across the world; however, its
acceptance of use in low-income countries is still limited. Bramo et al. (2022) also
validated and used the UTAUT to sample opinions and attitudes in the primary health
care industry in Ethiopia and concluded that although health care providers accepted ICT-
based health information services consistent with the UTAUT, they experienced burnout
due to additional clerical duties of data input, which is time-consuming and complex, and
organizational culture such as leadership commitment. Chatti and Hadoussa (2021)
researched Saudi university students’ intention to use digital technologies during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The UTAUT was validated using a combined factorial analysis
and linear regression analysis; results indicated that five key factors had significant and
positive effects on students intent to use digital technology. These four factors included
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, teacher influence, university management
commitment, and availability of student technical assistance.
Aziz et al. (2022) used a UTAUT model questionnaire to investigate a sample of
321 Malaysian research university facultys ethical, intentional, and behavioral patterns
in adopting online educational technologies and concluded that ease of use, social
influence, and ethical considerations significantly influenced behavioral intention and
facilitating conditions had positive relationships with use behavior. Wang et al. (2021)
reviewed 1,694 peer-reviewed articles from 2003 to 2021 that used the UTAUT and also
tracked the evolution and characteristics of the UTAUT and concluded that it was
essential for researchers to provide users with a better experience through information
technology to understand the topical research evolution related to the UTAUT model.
Performance expectancy is the measure of an individuals belief that there will be gains
in job performance if the system is used, which researchers have indicated has a positive
relationship with behavioral intention (Popova & Zagulova, 2022).
UTAUT2 and Its Extensions
The original UTAUT framework was designed with a focus on the acceptance of
technology in an organizational environment (Venkatesh et al., 2003) but was later
applied in nonorganizational environments (Venkatesh et al., 2012; Venkatesh et al.,
2018). UTAUT has been used in the literature in a broad context, thereby enhancing its
generalizability as a theory (Venkatesh et al., 2012). Also, the discipline of information
communication technologies and technological advancement has seen researchers
adapting the UTAUT to other contexts and improving its predictability (Venkatesh et al.,
2012). Though these adaptations helped to expand the knowledge base and made the
UTAUT more understandable, research was generally focused on organizational
environments (Chang, 2012). There was a need for further research to provide evidence
to support a user behavioral model for the use of technology in noncorporate
environments, such as consumers or the general community. The emergence of the
Internet of Things, e-commerce, and social media platforms has caused an exponential
increase in the use of technology by the public. Research has suggested that there is a
significant difference in the determinants of technology acceptance in organizational and
nonorganizational contexts because there is a variance of context between predictive
factors such as costs and benefits of behavior (Brown & Venkatesh, 2005).
As a result of these limitations, Venkatesh et al. (2012) proposed an extension of
UTAUT. The new model, named UTAUT2, added three constructs, changed some
relationships, and removed voluntariness from the original model to make it adaptable to
a consumer technology use environment, which helped to advance the technology
acceptance literature (Venkatesh et al., 2012) and provided broader generalizability to
private user environments. The three new constructs were hedonic motive, cost/perceived
value, and habit moderated by age, gender, and experience. Hedonic motivation measures
the enjoyment of use and acceptance of technology and has proven to be a reliable
indicator (Venkatesh et al., 2012). Information science and marketing research has
provided literary warrant to justify the perceived hedonic nature of the outcome, such as
perceived enjoyment, to be a significant predictor of consumer technology use (Brown &
Venkatesh, 2005). The construct of cost/value was justified based on the concept of
consumer product use in organizational environments because it was shown that workers
who use an organization’s technology assets do not feel responsible for its cost or value
because the employee does not feel burdened by any direct financial implications
(Venkatesh et al., 2012). Price value measures the value of a users perceived benefits of
using technology and the related monetary value (Venkatesh et al., 2012). Habit measures
the extent to which a user exhibits spontaneous behaviors (Venkatesh et al., 2012). This
construct had evidence from prior research because it was used in a hypothesis to affect
use directly and indirectly through behavioral intention (Venkatesh et al., 2012).
Dwivedi et al. (2020) studied the selection of an appropriate theoretical model to
assess the acceptance and use of technology using the UTAUT and, based on the
synthesis and review of 162 studies, developed a modified version (meta-UTAUT).
Findings suggested that a growing number of studies have cited the relationships, and
researchers have reviewed it alongside other alternative models while analyzing
acceptance and use of technology. Dwivedi et al. stated that they used qualitative
methodology to determine cybersecurity use and acceptance, which further validated and
provided literary warrant for the application of the UTAUT as a theory model.
Applications: UTAUT and UTAUT2 Used in the Literature
The generalizability of UTAUT and UTAUT2 has been tested within varied
cultures and geographic environments to understand and provide evidence of the role of
culture and geography in technology adoption (Gupta et al., 2008; Im et al., 2011;
Venkatesh et al., 2012). Most studies found that the role of UTAUT constructs was
significant across cultural settings. The model was used to compare the rate of technology
acceptance between culturally and geographically diverse countries, the United States
and China, and the results demonstrated an effective predictive measure of the model
across cultures but accounted for a more significant variance in the behavioral intention
when fewer moderators were tested (Venkatesh et al., 2012). A similar study using
UTAUT comparing Korean and U.S. contexts found that the effectiveness of associated
relationships slightly varied with an unvaried significance (Im et al., 2011). In another
study using the UTAUT model to test cross-cultural influences in individualistic versus
collectivistic societies, the model was proven viable across both cultures but with
different relationship effectiveness, indicating a robust moderating role of culture (Udo et
al., 2016).
UTAUT2 has also been tested and validated across geographic boundaries with
known cultural differences and economic and technological advancement. Social
influence did not affect technology adoption in the banking industry in Jordan (Alalwan
et al., 2017), but a comparative cross-national study of Korea, Japan, and the United
States on the adoption of educational technology found variations across samples in the
predictive power of the relationships and the significance of the effects (Jung & Lee,
2020). The intention to use e-learning correlated with the habit construct, while perceived
efficacy was more predictive of Korean users. In contrast, Japanese users were affected
by habit in behavioral intention, price value, and social influence, while U.S. users were
affected by habit and price values. Effort expectancy was not significant across all three
countries, though a reason may be that the tested technology was easy to use.
UTAUT and UTAUT2 models have been well researched and validated in various
environments to examine technology acceptance, such as the health care sector (Chang et
al., 2007), e-government (Chan et al., 2010; Gupta et al., 2008), mobile wireless networks
(Venkatesh et al., 2012), enterprise systems (Chauhan & Jaiswal, 2018) and mobile
banking and apps (Mütterlein et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2010). Research has reported a
UTAUT dependency of behavioral intention on the perception factors of perceived
performance and perceived ease of use (Chang et al., 2007). The technology acceptance
framework was applied to measure the acceptance of pharmacokinetics-based clinical
decision support systems. Except for the facilitating conditions, whose influence was
found only on the actual use of the technology, all other constructs had significant effects
on the intention to use. A study to understand the adoption of e-government by public
employees in a developing country found a significant influence of all UTAUT variables
moderated by gender (Gupta et al., 2008). However, performance and effort expectancy
had more significant effects. Its application to measure the degree of acceptance of ERP
software training indicated that three of the four predictors of use intention were
significant, where effort expectancy, performance expectancy, and facilitating conditions
significantly predicted employees intention to adopt ERP tools, but social influence had
no significant effect (Chauhan & Jaiswal, 2016). Chauhan and Jaiswal (2016) suggested
that the findings may have been influenced by the instrumental nature of ERP software
and the high contingency due to compliance factors that interfered with the users
intentional decision making. UTAUT2 has produced mixed results in behavioral
determinants significance and predictive value across cases.
UTAUT2, when applied to investigate mobile app adoption, found significant
effects in performance expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, and habit
(Mütterlein et al., 2019), though two studies that used UTAUT2 to investigate its
adoption in the mobile banking sector could not confirm the role of social Influence
(Ajzen, 2011; Baptista & Oliveira, 2015). The most significant effects were noted in the
performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, and habit constructs (Baptista & Oliveira,
2015). UTAUT has tested validity for understanding the acceptance and successful usage
of ICT-based services in low-income countries and is considered a validated and used
model in technology acceptance research in the healthcare field (Bramo, 2022).
The UTAUT is a proven holistic tool to measure the use and acceptance of
technology (Venkatesh et al., 2003; Venkatesh et al., 2007). However, UTAUT suffers
from some theoretical and methodological limitations that need further studies to research
and validate (Venkatesh et al., 2003; Venkatesh et al., 2007). Research evidenced
concern regarding the broad application of UTAUT (Dwivedi et al.), who demonstrated
that most information systems researchers cite the original UTAUT paper without using
the model, resulting in overrated citations and doubts over its robustness (Dwivedi et al.,
2019). As a result, an analysis of MASEM (Combined meta-analysis and structural
equation modeling) proposed a revision of UTAUT to include attitude construct as a
partial mediator of the effects of exogenous constructs on behavioral intentions (Dwivedi
et al., 2019). UTAUT2 uses a self-reported scale to measure intention to use (Venkatesh
et al., 2012), and a self-reported scale lacks accuracy and validity in addition to the threat
of standard method variance (Straub & Burton-Jones, 2007; Sharma et al., 2009).
Different methodological approaches have been recommended to reduce the potential of
common method bias such as using experimental settings that can make manipulation
checks possible.
Transition and Summary
Cloud Security
Cloud security is an emerging field in cybersecurity aimed at educating, training,
and researching methods and strategies to secure cloud services that include data privacy,
cloud infrastructure, cloud applications and platforms. Cybersecurity is the policies and
procedures used by an organization to protect its interconnected systems exposed to
cyber-threats. In practice, cybersecurity individuals and enterprises work in harmony to
protect personal and corporate information, data centers, networked services, and critical
infrastructure from unauthorized access by internal and external threat actors (Alazab et
al., 2022). Profit driven economic motivation in addition to industry and state regulatory
mandates have caused companies to increasingly make cybersecurity a pivotal part of
their strategic management and to take strategic measures to protect their information and
infrastructural assets (Mirtsch et al., 2021). These systems and platforms are critical
infrastructure assets of national interest, thus securing them requires the coordinated
efforts of cloud providers and users, such as an individual, a business entity or
government agency. Since the business mission of cloud providers is to provide host-
based services to its clients, the success of a provider’s business depends on customer
trust. Trust means the cloud provider needs effective and reliable cloud security standards
and strategies to protect and secure client data to ensure client trust by providing privacy
and safety to stored data. However, the client and the user are also responsible for cloud
security. Understanding cloud security from both ends is pivotal. Organizations must
adopt standards, implement security controls, enforce compliance, and align
technologies, processes, and people to conform to industry standards, local and national
laws, and regulations to provide a cloud security solution that works. The effect of
noncompliance on both individuals and organizations is hard to measure but in general
the cost has risen sharply in recent years to an average of $14.82 million per organization
in 2017 (Chen, 2022). 2020 witnessed an exponential surge in the number of cyber-
attacks where malicious actors benefited from the public’s COVID-19 health crisis fears
to use phishing engineering techniques to send misleading COVID-19 information and
urgent messages which enabled them to penetrate and access user information and, in
some case, escalated privilege or installed malware on their devices (Tasheva, 2021).
Organizations need to and should implement continuous and persistent efforts to improve
information security management by adopting researched and evidenced-based measures
and approaches with proven effectiveness to secure and enhance information security and
to sustain an organization's competitive advantage (Ghahramani et al., 2022). Upper
Echelons Theory states that the characteristics of decision-makers partially determine an
organization's performance, consequently, senior management team composition may
play a decisive role in a firm's strategic policies and outcomes (Georg-Schaffner & Prinz,
Cloud security is categorized into:
legal compliance
identity and access management (IAM)
business continuity and data retention
information security
Cloud security integrates technology, protocols, and evidence-based practices to secure
and protect cloud environments including applications, and stored data. To successfully
manage a cloud environment, it is essential to understand what must be secured and the
administrative practices, procedures, policies, standards, and strategies to manage and
secure it. Processes that manage security vulnerabilities in the backend are the
responsibility of cloud service providers, and clients are responsible for adopting and
implementing safe use behaviors and proper configuration of end-user hardware and
software. The scope of cloud security seeks to secure:
physical networks: climate control, routers, cabling, and energy
data storage: hardware and software
servers: networks, hardware, and software
virtualization machines and frameworks
operating systems (OS), API management and runtime environments
data: information at rest, in transit, modified, or accessed
applications: software and related applications
end-user hardware: computers, (IoT) devices, and mobile devices
Cloud computing is an emerging field where the definition of ownership over
each component, the scope of the provider and client security responsibilities remain
fuzzy. Since responsibility may depend on the degree of authority and control legally
granted over each component, it is essential to understand how it is compartmentalized.
Enterprise cybersecurity posture is the totality of all possible computing and networked
security risks that result from staff risks behaviors and practices such as carelessness,
mistakes, inexperience, insider threats, and vulnerabilities from social engineering
(Alqahtani, 2022). Focusing only on interoperability and not paying sufficient attention to
threat adversaries in a hostile environment is a mistake that cybersecurity professionals
need to understand considering that so many networks are insecure. (Sobel & Vetter,
2022). A system is only as secure as it is configured with effective polices and controls
because garbage-in spits out garbage. Data generated from a system mirrors data inputs,
thus it is difficult to use collected systems data to figure out the inner workings of that
system. Good and reliable data is very valuable, and the increasing value of data has
made big data a critical target for cyber-criminals (Rawat et al). Realizing a research
topic is evidenced by the need to collect data from cyber-attacks, study and analyze the
root causes for their occurrence and propose countermeasures (Loishyn et al., 2021).
Since cloud security has witnessed continuous growth in software and infrastructure in
the last decade, it has been embedded within businesses because it provides cost-
effective, flexible, and scalable environments (Salat et al., 2023). Evidence shows that the
negative economic impact experienced by breached firms spills over to a bystander firm
in the same industry, a phenomenon known as industry contagion effect (Kelton &
Pennington, 2020). A critical argument between developed and developing countries in
their varying threat landscapes is that economic instability, high unemployment, and low
wages are factors in developing countries that may induce individuals to engage in cyber-
criminal activities. This makes it essential for cybersecurity decision makers to take in
consideration the economic and political influences that may be a motivation to cyber
threats and how this contributes to understanding specific issues that need to be factored
into cybersecurity solutions (Hurel, 2022).
Cloud security is implemented in two ways. First, cloud service type modules
create the cloud environment managed by third-party providers where each professional
may have responsibility and exercise limited control over certain components of a service
comprising the network infrastructure, storage facilities, servers, and virtualization. These
services are provided to clients through the cloud and accessed remotely. Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS) is provider-hosted applications in the cloud. SaaS services to clients are
data, runtime, middleware, and operating systems such as Google Drive, Cisco Webex,
and Microsoft 365.
Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) are provider-hosted platforms for clients to develop
their applications. PaaS runs on provider servers where the provider manages the runtime,
middleware, and operating system from which the client can develop its applications
within a client's environment. Client’s responsibility is to manage applications, data, end-
user access, networks and devices such as Windows Azure and Google App Engine.
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is a provider-hosted cloud-based hardware and
operating system offered to clients who have remote access. The cloud provider manages
core services in the cloud. The client is responsible for securing all stacks atop an
operating system, such as the OS, middleware, applications, data, runtimes, and end-user
devices, networks, and access. IaaS includes Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Engine
(GCE), and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Second, cloud environments are the different deployment options that host cloud
services that end-users use to create a system and organizations, share management roles,
and define the security responsibilities of clients and providers. Critical infrastructure is
physical or virtual systems and assets that are vital and any failure through destruction or
damage would severely impact the United States security, public health or safety,
economic security, or a combination (USA Patriot Act, 2001). These cloud environments
1. Public cloud is multi-tenant cloud platforms that host multiple clients on a
single provider's server. The provider runs these third-party services, and the
client is provided access through the web.
2. Private third-party cloud is a single-tenant service where clients exclusively
own and manage their cloud platform.
3. Private in-house cloud is a single-tenant service where servers are operated
from a client’s private data center and run by the client who has complete
control over its configuration and setup.
4. Multi-cloud environments combine cloud services from different providers to
form a hybrid of public/private services.
5. Hybrid environments combine third-party and onsite private cloud data
The goals of all cloud security measures are to achieve the following:
prevent data loss through data recovery solutions,
protect data in storage and related networks against malicious acts,
prevent insider threats, human negligence to safeguard data breaches,
reduce the attack surface, mitigate impact of a breach, and rapidly respond to
data or system disaster,
Data security as a field is concerned with how to technically secure data or
prevent threats incidences from occurring. Technological advancements have provided
clients and providers with tools and technologies to enact walls that separate internal and
external networks and applications to control access sensitive data and protect data in
transit such as encryption and virtual private networks (VPNs) that are also encrypted.
Identity and access management (IAM) is a tool that authenticates and authorizes
user accounts and grants access to authorized or legitimate users based on the principle of
least privilege. Access controls are policies that are needed to control access to legitimate
users and threat actors from accessing and compromising critical systems and privileged
data. Some access control best practices are password management and multi-factor
Governance is a group of policies used in managing a system or network to
detect, prevent and mitigate threats such as safe user behavior policies, access control
policies, and user awareness training. Business continuity (BC) and data retention (DR)
planning are entity-specific technical disaster recovery readiness plans intended to be
implemented in case of data loss such as data redundancy through backups, systems
redundancy to ensure availability, frameworks for testing and validating that controls and
policies are doing what they were designed to do and employee recovery guidelines.
Legal compliance, such as HIPAA to ensure user privacy is a federal government
law and industry specific standards such as SCALA standards designed which mandates
that entities must explain why they need to collect a user's information, why it needs to be
stored, and for how long and under what protective measures, such as data masking
obscuring identity within data using encryption methods. Systems such as SCALA are
based on the principle that a change from individual compliance to group mandates based
on industry specific best practices is a preferable standard. Such standards see groups
working together in a coordinated manner where the individuals' combined beliefs and
collective effort can produce desired information security performance goals and
assessment effects (Yoo et al., 2020).
Cloud Security Risks
Knowing and understanding security issues in the cloud is essential because
protecting what one does not know is nearly impossible. Privately owned critical
infrastructures such as the financial networks, pipelines, and power grid managed through
the cloud and open to cyber-attacks have in the last two decades been open to
vulnerabilities, and the US has responded with several sector specific partnerships with
private owner-operators of critical systems using varying degrees of regulations (Atkins
& Lawson, 2021). The occurrence of data breaches today is no longer a question of if but
a matter of when. Considering that the costs of an occurrence is huge and continues to
increase, it is critical to plan and implement protective and preventative measures that can
proactively respond to general and specific threats (Walton et al., 2021). Common cloud
security threats include:
Incompatible legacy systems and third-party service interruptions.
Insider threats or system misconfiguration errors.
External threats that include threat actors using malware, phishing, or DDoS
Threat surface. Traditional measures aim to secure the perimeter, but with
interconnected cloud environments and insecure APIs, account hijacks
become a significant security risk. Cybersecurity professionals must shift to a
data-centric approach to effectively counter cloud security risks.
Privilege escalation: Network interconnectivity means malicious actors can
breach a network through compromised or weak credentials and use vertical
or horizontal mobility to gain unauthorized access to critical information.
Third-party data storage implies that client access to the client owned data may be
at risk if those services are interrupted which could result long-term repercussions. Cloud
giant Amazon's cloud data facility servers recently incurred damage when it experienced
a power outage and some of its clients suffered enormous data loss. This is why local
backups of data and applications are redundant but necessary.
Telecommuting has increased exponentially due to COVID-19 health crisis
government strictures. These increases in telecommuting have expanded the attack
surface where remote access, videoconferencing software, personal devices and private
Wi-Fi networks have opened new exploitable loopholes (Slapničar et al., 2022).
Telecommuting, online shopping and social interaction have caused the digital economy
to grow exponentially annually, thus making it imperative to conceptualize cybersecurity
as a supply chain whose economic impact affects a more significant number of
stakeholders within the supply chain (Farahbod et al., 2020). Attacks such as the Mirai
Botnet or cardiac device vulnerabilities expose impact of having vulnerable or insecure
cloud systems. There is therefore a critical need for risk assessment mechanism to
evaluate the resilience of cloud infrastructure, cost of security risk to business and
individuals, prioritize and rank IT assets and measure them with standardized baselines
(Shaikh & Siponen, 2023).
Why Cloud Security Is Important
The exponential increase in and the evolution of cybercrimes and the increasing
cyber risks to the society has caused cybersecurity to become a hard to solve problem and
a critical issue for both private and public decisions makers (Kianpour, 2022). Threat
actors continue to target sizeable multi-organizational data centers, most are highly
centralized and cause immense data breaches with financial and reputational
consequences. As cloud computing services become increasingly popular in use, it
increases the attack surface that will result technology leaks due the nature of cloud
computing services as virtual resource for sharing and virtualization. Since cloud services
are exposed to many emerging cyber-threats, current and would be adopters’ companies
become hesitant in embracing the cloud (Park et al. 2022). There is therefore a research
need to investigate and develop effective solutions to mitigate such reliabilities. Threat
actors have realized the value of cloud-based resources and are rapidly exploiting them.
The emergence of advanced solutions that can help to identify and understand the impact
of cyber-threats on organizations shall enable decision-makers to better prioritize and
resolve threat incidents and events (Zadeh et al., 2020). The advancement of cloud
technology makes it a sine qua non to reevaluate cyber security. Cloud stored data and
applications flow from their stored locations to local users using remote capabilities
which are always internet accessible. This makes protecting cloud stored data more
problematic than when it was traditionally stored just on premise. There is need for a
structured assessment approach to facilitate the identification of causes and develop
possible mitigation measures (Emer, 2021).
A comprehensive evaluation of a cloud infrastructure to measure resilience
requires a particular security control and standards set to meet specified security
requirements (NIST, 2023). Estimating the global state of a networked system is an
essential problem in many application domains, but the current solution has been the
periodic observation method, which has proven ineffective (Liu et al., 2021). It is for this
reason that the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) was created to measure individual
country’s commitment to cybersecurity globally and to raise cybersecurity awareness
(Bruggemann et al., 2022). The aim of information security risk management is to
analyze and prioritize primary data to identify possible risk factors (Yang, 2022). The
measure of the efficiency of a single security control can be seen its ability to mitigate the
vulnerability of a system (Sawik & Sawik, 2022). Analyzing cybersecurity risks helps to
identify potential vulnerabilities and threats that proactive measures can be implemented
to secure the infrastructure and prevent potential attacks (Bouzidi et al., 2023). Real-time
situational assessments of security events generated by network devices and applications
and uploaded to a new generation of SIEMs built with automated response functionalities
that select and deploy countermeasures are welcome, but they do not perform impact
analysis and provide real-time responses to attacks (Gonzalez-Granadillo et al., 2021).
Managing cloud security today mandates that cloud security professionals change some
previous IT practices. The UK's Kaspersky anti-virus software, the US's Android
operating system, the war in Ukraine, and China's bellicose attitude towards Taiwan have
exposed how essential the domesticity of digital products and the importance of
establishing the origin of digital products for national cybersecurity have become
(Ozdemir et al., 2022). Data transfer and interpersonal communication in business and
social environments are interconnected online transactions that use publicly available
infrastructure that is vulnerable and susceptible to and exposed to risks from external and
internal threat actors or system failures that may result in workflow and critical
infrastructures disruption (Turk et al., 2022). Internet usage witnessed a surge during the
COVID-19 pandemic where stay at home government mandates saw even non-internet
users relying on interconnected networks to communicate, shop and work and attacked
by cybercriminals (Barik et al., 2022). Cloud computing is growing exponentially as the
workplace and individual users increasingly rely on it for critical business functions and
daily routines. Innovation leading to technological advancement is automating society at
a geometric rate and much faster while the implementation of industry security standards
and government regulations lack behind, leaving IT professionals with the responsibility
to manage the risks of cloud accessibility where the development and stability of global
information flow are threatened by ineffective cybersecurity strategies (Kianpour, 2022).
This problem is further exacerbated by the global shortage of cybersecurity professionals,
in which the gap between the demand for and supply of cybersecurity experts has
increased by more than 50% from 2015 to 2021, where 62% of employers have reported
a lack of cybersecurity talent (ISACA, 2020) (Towhidi & Pridmore, 2023). The evolving
cybersecurity environment requires strategies to reduce risks and increase the resiliency
of IT systems. The federal agency National Institute of Standards and Technology's
(NIST) Cybersecurity Framework seeks to address this need and offers guidance for
improving risk management in critical infrastructures relevant to the government and the
private sectors (Krutilla et al., 2021). IT professionals are bugged down by numerous
challenges such as the uncertainty over the definition of such concepts as the
cybersecurity concept itself and risk, ambiguity over the problem of specifying, building,
and managing enterprise level security systems or managing security for devices of social
significance such as Internet of Things (Villalón-Fonseca, 2022).
Cloud Security Awareness
Cloud security awareness should be integral to any organization's policy to protect
its data and assets from cyber threats. Cloud security awareness training can help avoid
costly data breaches by enhancing the knowledge base, skills, and professional behavior
in the cloud environment. Online commerce is facing several inhibiting factors, such as
the lack of security perception because the product is sold online (Cordente-Rodriguez et
al.). Cloud security awareness education aims to increase an understanding of the risks,
challenges, and best practices of cloud security comprising computing models, service
providers, security standards, security controls, threats, and incident response.
Cybersecurity outcomes are interconnected and predicated on the contributions and
choices of disparate parties with user a never aware of how his or her immediate online
actions, reactions and behaviors effects the planned controls and policies of IT
professionals who defend the network or the disparate actions of other users (Dykstra,
2022). Even within IT professionals and particularly large departmental units at
institutions such as colleges and universities, IT managers who lack interaction with other
departments do employ security strategies that are often ignored by other departments
(Chapman &Reithel, 2021). Constraining factors at the personal and individual level such
as cybersecurity knowledge, beliefs, cultural values, job attachment and satisfaction and
organizational culture do impact an employee’s compliance with an institution’s
information security policy (Nord et al., 2022). Information security policies are the
ultimate strategies to protect an organization’s assets, but organizational compliance is
crucial for reducing information security incidents, and though information security
managers have implemented information security awareness programs to ensure
cybersecurity security information flow systematically and continuously to a target
audience, more still needs to be done (Bauer et al., 2017).
There is need for professional development skills that should build competencies
and capabilities to identify and avoid common cloud security pitfalls, such as
misconfiguration, weak authentication, and unauthorized access, geared towards
preventing, detecting, and responding to cloud security incidents. Cloud security
professionals shall also gain confidence in using cloud services and tools securely and
efficiently to develop a proactive attitude towards cloud security and data protection,
foster a culture of collaboration among colleagues and stakeholders, and demonstrate a
commitment and compliance to cloud security standards and regulations. Many studies
recognize that the weakest link in a cybersecurity environment is the human factor
(Szczepaniuk & Szczepaniuk, 2022). There is research evidence that learning from
information security incidents and resolving root causes is a best practice, however, there
is research evidence that many organizations do not learn from incidents but focus
attention instead on resolving the direct causes of incidents (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology et al., 2021). Remote workers have witnessed an exponential rise in social-
engineering attacks where they have been manipulated to open malicious social media
links where awareness training can help update on the need to be alert to emerging types
of cyber-attacks and to protect their organizations from possible financial, personal, and
reputation loss (Hijji & Alam, 2022).
Cloud security awareness can assist the professional in selecting the right cloud
service provider and cloud service model, configuring, and managing cloud resources
with least privilege, applying encryption, backup, and recovery methods to cloud data
and applications, monitoring and auditing cloud activities for any anomalies or suspicious
events, and reporting any security incidents or vulnerabilities to the appropriate
authorities. When employees consciously or unconsciously engage in risky cybersecurity
behaviors, the direct or indirect negative impact from such behaviors is more often
disastrous (Ifinedo, 2023). Cloud security awareness can help an organization reduce the
risk of cloud security breaches and data loss, improve the performance of cloud
operations and projects, increase customer and partner trust and satisfaction, save money
on remediation and recovery costs, and reinforce organizational cloud security posture
and reputation. Employee negligence and insider breaches sometimes threaten a
company's information security efforts (Chen et al. 2012). If public opinion affects the
credibility of threat responses, then there is need for an understanding of the opinions of
the public on cyber-threats (Leal & Musgrave, 2023). Considering the current skills gap
and demand for cybersecurity professionals, an analysis of the current cybersecurity job
requirements would be beneficial to inform higher education and training programs on
necessary and required skills to build capacity and competencies for a cybersecurity
workforce that meets the qualification demands of the industry (Ramezan, 2023).
Cloud Security Governance
Information security governance has emerged as an essential component of
strategic management because of its role in safeguarding critical information assets, and
an adequately implemented and compliant governance framework can enable the
implementation of and compliance with strategic management directives (Solms et al.,
2023). The essence of information security policies as guidelines to specific work tasks or
specific technology is in defining acceptable compliant procedures for end users since
their noncompliance has emerged as a problem large enough to harm revenue streams,
reputation, and trust (Karlsson et al., 2022). The internationally accepted ISO/IEC 27001
standard, which provides common standards for implementing an information security
management system has not been widely applied since its publication more than a decade
ago (Mirtsch et al., 2021). The UK's Security of Network & Information Systems (NIS
Regulations) and Europe's European NIS Directive require individual organizations to be
responsible for cybersecurity requirements, but interdependence from connected services
utilize components, products, and services from multiple supply chains (Wallis & Dorey,
2023). The EU has developed a cybersecurity policy to govern its online infrastructure
and services (Farrand & Carrapico, 2022).
There is need for publicprivate partnerships to find multifaceted strategies to
secure information networks has shaped the fundamentals of cybersecurity approaches in
the past decade. The over reliance on critical infrastructures, the ever-increasing risks of
possible cyber-attacks, the possibility of the private sector not being able to meet baseline
security requirements without government support and the increasing opinions that
cybersecurity is a public good makes it very essential for a public-private partnership in
finding the right solutions to secure and safeguard these critical infrastructures (Kianpour
et al., 2022). Though there are benefits of migrating to the cloud, including ease of
deployment, cost effectiveness, increased performance, and the ability to move quickly
and easily, security and compliance challenges abound. Data breaches, system errors,
identity and access management problems, and insider threats are some security
challenges in the cloud environment that enterprises must address. The critical underlying
business issue is the need for effective cloud security governance. Although the research
results show that a multifaceted governance structure has effectively achieved collective
action when confronted by threat incidents, it is essential to develop a harmonized
private/public plan to manage cybersecurity more efficiently as a public good (Kianpour,
2022). Corruption, a societal ill that has hindered adequate institutional quality in the
past, threatens institutional governance and policy implementation (Abbas et al., 2022). A
cybersecurity response describes how an organization monitor threats, deploys
preventative and detective countermeasures, and rapidly reacts to disaster recovery
(Jeyaraj& Zadeh, 2022). Solms et al. (2023) stated that the use of information to aid
business operations has expanded to its use to gain a competitive advantage, thus it is
imperative for organizations when implementing governance practices to include
strategic, tactical, and operational activities at all management levels.
Information security policy is one of the most significant formal controls when
organizations implement information security, thus, there is a need for automated tools to
aid in policy design as most information security managers find policymaking
challenging (Rostami et al., 2020). With interconnectivity and availability, the world has
become a global village where the governance of cybersecurity risks has emerged as a
global issue and not just an issue for corporate board rooms (Huang et al., 2021).
Strategic planning, an organized effort to produce the critical decisions and actions to
manage, guide and steer an organization or entity in the right direction are needed in the
procedures, and tools available to enable IT professional in their daily routines (Alazzawi
& Al-Wasiti, 2021). A governance framework can act as a point of reference inbuilt with
guidelines, standards, and best practices that form a governance model for cloud security.
The government is the entity that promotes cyberspace infrastructure, accepts risks, and
safeguards, and promotes the building of a futuristic community that connects people and
society at home and globally (Yan, 2022). Effective partnerships of collaboration and
cooperation between governments and corporations may seek to develop cyber trade
norms and promote responsible corporate commitment to reduce cybersecurity risks to
safeguard digital trade, assist in shaping the direction of conflicting cyber norms, and
help design strategies to mitigate for transnational cybersecurity risks (Huang et al.,
2021). According to Huang et al. (2021), the diversity of governance practices in
cybersecurity and the government’s mainstream approach to import-related trade policies
implementation gives corporations the opportunities to shape cybersecurity governance.
Risk mitigation should be an integral component to ensure the measurement of the
effectiveness of enterprise key risk indicators and a reduction in risks over time. Efficient
use of resource structures is essential for enterprises to develop and manage cloud
security services such as the definition of due process, roles and responsibilities, and
procedures for using relevant tools to improve performance efficiency and effectiveness.
Persistent monitoring of performance milestones is necessary to measure the enterprise's
progress, value, and risk using Key Performance Indicators and Key Risk Indicators to
show the attainment of desired benchmarks and key goal indicators over time. A State of
Cybersecurity 2021 report by ISACA’s research and global survey of cybersecurity
professionals across industries stated that 61% of respondents said they had a staff
shortage in cybersecurity teams, 44% said it takes 3-6 months to fill cybersecurity
positions (ISACA, 2021). Though many contributing factors lead to these shortages,
frequently mentioned inhibiting factors to cybersecurity job recruitment are qualification
requirements such as education and industry certifications, professional experience, and
technical skills (Markow et al., 2019).
Cloud Security Laws and Regulations
Persistence in the release of emerging technologies have caused the problem of
ambiguity in the definition of existing cybersecurity problems and regulations and in
addition to the fuzziness as to which bureaucratic and legislative bodies have authority
has created and continues to create challenges for the formulation of industrial standards
and piecemeal policy approaches which in turn require coordination (Lewallen, 2021, p.
13). It is difficult to enact and enforce policy, standards, or ethics because since
technology is constantly evolving, cybersecurity ethical problems are subjected to
different social, ethical, and legal guidelines (Dhirani et al., 2023). Cloud service
providers and cybersecurity professionals must stay informed of public laws and
regulations and be competent to comply with digital security statutes that different
countries and regions have enacted to protect and secure their environments. These
legislations and standards vary by country (and states), regions, and specific sectors such
as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) which mandates that
entities that handle and process credit cards must comply with specific security
requirements such as user authentication, encryption and regular software updates,
HIPAA, Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), Cloud Controls Matrix and the Federal Risk and
Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) in the US. In response to the market
demand for cybersecurity professionals, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) developed the NICE project, a framework to help educators design
credible and up to standard cybersecurity curriculum that train and equip graduates with
the capacity, skills, and competencies to meet market job demands. Recent pedagogical
research has confirmed the use of the NICE framework to develop the knowledge, skills,
and abilities needed in cyber-defense (Armstrong et al., 2020).
Cybersecurity regulations enable IT professionals to engage in information
management with an accountable and responsible mindset that should seek to assess and
provide solutions to potential threats, reduce the attack surface, secure data, and ensure
compliance. The first step is to define the applicable laws and regulations unique to the
environment and develop a compliance plan that includes policies and procedures, an
organizational security strategy, implementing adequate security controls, ensuring that
all staff members are trained in the relevant regulations, and implementing continuous
monitoring procedures to audit and verify that security systems and procedures are
Laws and Regulations in Effect in the United States
1. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was
enacted to enforce patient health information protection by agencies that
collect and store such information. All health services providers that host
patient data in the cloud must be HIPAA compliant.
2. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) regulates financial information
collection, storage, and management. All service providers that collect or store
financial data must be GLBA compliant.
3. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) protects and
enforces compliance on any entity that processes credit card payment data.
4. Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity requires federal
agencies to modernize and upgrade their networks to better respond to
cybersecurity threats, improve collaboration, and to ease information sharing
within and between the public and private sectors.
5. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST Cybersecurity
Framework) regulates how governmental agencies generally manage
information technology and cybersecurity in particular. Over the years, the
agency has drawn a series of guidelines and best practices into a regularly
updated framework that provides public and private organizations with a
comprehensive set of best practices for national security defense.
The European Union
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) defines the requirements for
processing personal data (PII) including how that information is collected and stored in
Europe. This legal framework’s goal is to combat cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities
while improving the cybersecurity posture of key economic sectors within member states.
The downside is that the framework failed to target IoT products (Chiara, 2022).
The United Kingdom
1. Data Protection Act (DPA) defines data processing requirements for
organizations that collect, store and process personal data (PII).
2. Cyber Essentials is similar to NIST in the US, but the UK government also
requires contractors bidding on government contracts to be Cyber Essentials
ACSC Essential is the Australian version of Cyber Essentials and the NIST
framework that defines mitigation strategies and controls to protect the country from
cyber threats.
Cybersecurity Legislation Trends
1. American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) is still in its draft form
and currently being debated in the US House of Representatives. Though not
yet promulgated into law, the business community must know its eminent
2. California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a state of California law similar
to the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) that seeks to
protect the personal information of California residents. It shall require service
providers that handle PII and HIPAA to give customers access to and control
over their data when enacted.
United Kingdom
1. Data Protection Bill is designed to impose stricter requirements on businesses
and is still being debated.
2. Network and Information Systems (NIS) is still being expected to be enacted.
Cloud Authentication and Authorization
The integrity, confidentiality, and authentication of cloud-based information is a
significant concern to IT professionals, cloud service providers, and the general private
and public user community regarding security. Vahid et al. (2019) stated that large-scale
biomedical datasets are exponentially being stored on cloud computing platforms due to
the cloud's scalability, adequate backup, high-speed data transfer, and immense storage
capacities, but providing secure access is a significant concern. Data storage solutions
should have complexity with high-speed processing functionality while delivering needed
protections against cyber threats (Emer et al., 2021). Though protocols exist for secure
authentication and authorization, data breaches in cloud-stored information have a
surged. This surge demands that administrative, physical, and logical security controls
solutions should be designed based on the principles of defense in depth and diversity of
defense and least privilege and separation of duties. It should be a careful mixture of
deterrent, preventive, corrective, recovery, detective, and compensating controls that
align with internal standards to serve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
stored data (Bederna et al., 2021). Bruzgiene & Jurgilas (2021) stated that information
systems have become an increasingly common target for cybercriminals as they seek to
exploit known and unknown vulnerabilities for financial or political gains. Authentication
is a process that verifies and confirms the identity of an individual or device as the
authorized user with granted access rights, where the system requests the user to provide
his identity or credentials to prove that he is who he says he is before using the system.
1. Two-factor (2FA) authentication is a protocol to ensure reliability. Bruzgiene
& Jurgilas (2021) stated that the user must provide two different forms of
credentials to identify and verify whom you say you are such as static login
credentials and a token. Villalón-Fonseca (2022) stated that cybersecurity
reports have provided evidence of recurrent problems and an increase in their
frequency of occurrence, without an efficient strategy to solving them and
existing solutions have proven inadequate, thus, managing cloud security
needs a new approach from research and development. It is a best practice to
develop a workable solution that addresses reliability, safety, resilience, and
productivity concerns (Weiss et al., 2022).
2. Role-based access control (RBAC) secures access by assigning user
permissions based on the role played within an organization. RBAC offers a
simple approach for IT professionals to manage cloud access as a group rather
than the individual permissions approach that has witnessed errors. RBAC
role management analyzes users' needs and groups them into roles based on
everyday responsibilities. The IT professional then assigns roles and
permissions to users depending on assigned tasks, need to know, and the
principle of least privilege.
3. Federated identity management (FIM) is a single login multiple access based
on a mutual trust agreement between multiple domains are interconnected
with functionality to enable users to use the same digital credentials to access
related networks within their realm or trust domains such as an organization,
business unit, a subsidiary, or a social community. FIM allows each trust
domain to maintain its interlinked identity management system. Traditional
identity and access management (IAM) systems are focused on enabling
enterprise users to access corporate systems.
With medical data distributed across platforms, access to large-scale cloud-stored
biomedical data is not secure because existing protocols used to secure authentication and
authorization are generally not adopted in bioinformatics and even when used, are
challenging to even technologically savvy users (Jalili et al., 2020). The process of
managing these pillars of IAM is different for every user base because customers would
prefer not to have to remember passwords for every site visited, whereas internal users do
not need to access multiple sites as they only access various applications internal to the
organization and can use single sign-on (SSO) capabilities (Roy, 2020). What is certain is
that while malicious and emerging technologies beneficial to users, there is an urgent
need to address cybersecurity concerns because cyber-threats erode users' trust and
significantly hinder the development of new information and communication technology
devices and services (Matheu et al., 2020).
Section 2: The Project
Section 2 comprises the purpose, role of the researcher, participant characteristics,
research method and design, sampled population, research ethics, data collection methods
and techniques, data instruments, data analysis, and reliability and validity measures of
this study.
Purpose Statement
I used a qualitative single case study approach to analyze data collected from
current information technology security professionals on the practices they use in
managing cloud security and reviewed publicly available information. I sought to explore
access control strategies that information technology professionals implement to secure
and protect data on their cloud infrastructures. To achieve this aim, I conducted one-on-
one telephone interviews with practicing cloud security professionals from the contiguous
United States who had at least 3 years of experience implementing, securing, and
protecting cloud infrastructure using access controls. Insecure cloud infrastructure opens
a network to exploitable vulnerabilities that may lead to a breach of the network.
Cybersecurity breaches lead to loss of customer trust with damaging material costs and
reputational and social impact.
Alharbi et al. (2021) evaluated the impact of security practices and the result of
cybersecurity attacks on small enterprises and found that 14.2% of respondents confirmed
financial damages to their enterprise due to a cybersecurity breach, 20.5% confirmed that
they lost sensitive data due to a cybersecurity breach, 50.3% reported a service
restoration time of days or less, and 9.6% reported that it took months to restore service.
Consumer Reports (2022) surveyed 2,103 U.S. adults and found significant loss of trust
in consumer cybersecurity and privacy practices over 3 years in a period that also
witnessed an exponential increase in consumer online spending by 44% compared to the
previous years. A breach can potentially expose PII and financial information and
damage brand, corporate reputation, and social trust. When cybercriminals disrupt fueling
operations at the gas pump and prevent the everyday citizenry from daily routines or
people wake up to find their leaked bank records on the Dark Web, they personally feel
and experience firsthand the tangible effect of a cybersecurity breach on their lives
(Vijayan, 2023).
The psychological effects and widespread impacts of a data breach include the
WannaCry ransomware incident that critically impacted various organizations in 150
countries globally (CISA, 2018). WannaCry disrupted the U.K.s National Health Service
infrastructure in which scheduled operations and services such as surgeries were
canceled. WannaCry went beyond disrupting economic activities and maliciously and
severely compromised the U.K.s health care technical system, affected everyday
individuals, and made cybersecurity a reality to the everyday citizen (Akbanov &
Vassilakis, 2019). WannaCry demonstrated to the local community that exposed
vulnerabilities in basic infrastructure could increase anxiety and social distress for the
Cyber breaches vary in form and the effect may be wide-ranging or localized and
frustrating for the community directly impacted. In 2019, a ransomware attack on a
software vendor affected the community of a small Texas town when administrative
services were interrupted and prevented residents from accessing records or pay utility
bills (Bleiberg & Tucker, 2021). The cybercriminals demanded $2.5 million to restore
services. The current study was intended to identify best practices that may mitigate the
increasing number of breaches and better protect a society that has become vulnerable
due a convenient reliance on the life-changing role of technology in the global
community. Society’s reliance on technology mandates the need to build a baseline level
of operation from which the consequence of noncompliance can be measured from a
minor incident to a catastrophe (Bederna et al., 2021).
Role of the Researcher
It is the researcher’s responsibility to collect quality data in an honest and ethical
manner when undertaking a study (OXFAM, 2020). A qualitative case study requires the
researcher to collect relevant information from multiple sources using archived data,
publicly available documentation, observations, and interviews (Yin, 2014). The
researcher should be an objective interviewer considering the complex nature of the
researcher’s role in safeguarding research ethics (Collins & Stockton, 2022). My
responsibility as the primary data collection instrument was to collect credible data
without bias in selecting the persons to be interviewed, choice of questions, interview
environment, or materials. My role as the primary researcher was also to recruit
interviewees, interview participants, and collect and analyze publicly available data. I
was obligated under the IRB ethical code of conduct to ensure that the research process
including research environment, artifacts collected, and participant data were free from
any biases that may affect the information collected and analyzed (see Valkenburg et al.,
2020). It is often challenging to avoid bias and personal viewpoints when acting as the
primary data collection instrument in participant interviews (Roulston & Shelton, 2015).
With more than six years of experience managing cybersecurity risks with specialty in
vulnerability management, I have been able to ensure a secure platform and reliably
protect information systems on several infrastructures. My background in and knowledge
of cybersecurity motivated me to investigate best practices to better protect cloud
infrastructure. I made sure that my work experiences and life experiences did not
interfere with my judgment and analytical objectivity (see Barrett & Twycross, 2018).
I employed due diligence during the interview process to make my study reliable,
credible, and nonbiased by not framing questions in a manner to influence interviewee
responses in any one direction (see Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 2021). Due
diligence helps researchers to foster internal alignment on defined goals and priorities,
increase understanding to support more positive and impactful portfolios, and improve
communication and strengthen relationships (Brett & Woelfel, 2019). The interview
recordings in the current study were transcribed using the NVivo automated transcription
service and analyzed thematically. The information had been presented verbatim and was
verified to ensure that there was no misinterpretation. I used the Belmont Report’s (1979)
ethical guidelines and standards designed to protect human subjects in research as my
terms of reference in handling human subjects. The Belmont Report, which was first
published in the Federal Register in April 1979 by the National Commission for the
Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, sought to address
informed consent, privacy, and anonymity issues and to protect data collected from or
about human research participants.
All current participants were provided informed consent forms, and I verbally
explained the purpose and intention of the form to them that they were voluntarily
participating in the research and could freely opt out at will without prior notice.
Participants’ personal information such as email and phone numbers were collected for
the purpose of interview and interpersonal communication. None of this information was
shared with anyone to protect the participants privacy. Also, I did not used participants
names and personal information in this research report. All information collected from
participants was encrypted and securely stored in a locked folder according to the
strictures of the IRB (Institutional Review Board, 2024). I used an interview protocol to
standardize the interview questions to ensure consistency and repetition among
interviews and employed the funnel technique to conduct the interviews by phone (see
Dunwoodie et al., 2022). The interview protocol (see Appendix A) also provided
guidelines to ensure all interviewees were asked the same questions and received fair
treatment. Qualitative interviews provide rich and detailed information to understand
individual experiences, but an inexperienced researcher may not be able to adequately
perform the interview resulting in the need for a pilot interview to ensure a credible
research process (Majid et al., 2017). The pilot interview is used to guide the interview
and to ensure reliable data (Shakir & Rahman, 2022).
The criteria to recruit participants for this study were based on the requirements of
the IRB and standards that researchers can use to validate the authenticity of information
obtained (see Casteel & Bridier, 2021). I followed recruitment etiquette guidelines to
provide respect for individuals being interviewed. I also ensured self-awareness and used
values of respect, responsibility, compassion, and cultural sensitivity as guiding
principles in the research process. The manner in which a person is approached may
affect that individual’s willingness to participate and their attitude toward the research
(Taherdoost, 2022). The current participants were practicing cloud security professionals
who had implemented strategies to secure and to protect data on their cloud
infrastructure, who were from the contiguous United States, and who had at least 3 years
of experience implementing, securing, and protecting cloud infrastructure using access
controls. The participants were surveyed using one-on-one telephone interviews (see
Rahman, 2023). The rationale for selecting a pool of cloud security professionals as
participants was based on the need to have a knowledgeable and experienced participant
base to ensure that the information collected would be reliable and credible and would
help improve cybersecurity methods to enable business services to be more secure and to
provide the community with a more confident and trusting cloud platform for personal, e-
commerce, and social media use (see Inan et al., 2016).
I used a WhatsApp IT professional group to reach out to potential participants
who manage cloud infrastructure within the contiguous United States. I solicited
voluntary participation from members who provided their contact information such as
email address and phone numbers. I then composed a mailing list of volunteers to whom I
sent emails that explained the nature of the research and to obtain their permission to
conduct individual telephone recorded interviews. After they individually volunteered to
take part in the study, I sent letters of informed consent, which included an outline of the
confidentiality and the letter of approval from the IRB and followed up with a phone call
to explain their rights including the right to withdraw from the research at will without
The investigation was a telephone recorded interview using the funnel technique
to enable me to begin with a broad open-ended question, then gradually introduce narrow
follow-up questions that allowed participants to talk from their comfort zones and
without fear of body language and physical intimidation. Participants provide more in-
depth answers and are more truthful when they feel they are in an environment that is
comfortable (Shakir & Rahman, 2022). It is essential to start an interview with a general
discussion with the interviewee because it increases trust (Patton, 2015).
Research Method and Design
The qualitative research approach was perceived as the best methodology to
explore the strategies that cloud security professionals at U.S. businesses implement to
secure access to and protect their cloud infrastructures. A qualitative method is a valid
technique to explore current concerns in detail and in depth (Jilcha, 2019). Qualitative
research enables the systematic collection, categorization, and analysis of information in
any form or format such as conversation (Khanday & Khanam, 2023).
Research Method
Qualitative researchers explore and provide an in-depth view of real-world
problems. Compared to the collection of numerical data to assess interventions or
recommend treatments, as in the case of quantitative research, the qualitative method is
used to investigate real-world problems by sampling participants experiences,
perceptions, and behaviors to answer how and why questions instead of how many or
how much. Qualitative researchers use open-ended questions to explore the experiences,
attitudes, and patterns of human behavior that are difficult to quantify. The qualitative
method also provides interviewees the latitude to freely explain the how, why, or what of
their thinking, feeling, and experience at a point in time or event of interest. Qualitative
researchers find themes and patterns that are not easily quantified (Tenny et al., 2022).
Information collected from interviews in the current study was organized and
separated based on participant metadata, which had been created and linked to an
interview file. Archived information was categorized by relevance and time stamp. I
collected data from 10 individuals who were employed by 10 different businesses. After
the 10th interview, the answers became repetitive and redundant, and I considered that I
had reached saturation because there was no new information gained from new
Research Design
The qualitative research method was appropriate to obtain detailed information
from IT professionals using one-on-one open-ended interview questions about their
experiences and practices in managing cloud security. The qualitative method was a good
fit for this study because the qualitative method helps researchers gain an understanding
of the thoughts and beliefs of participants and recognize the meaning that people attribute
to their experiences (Batyashe & Iyamu, 2021). Because my study was not designed to
test a hypothesis, the quantitative method was not appropriate for this study. The
qualitative method allows researchers to interact with study participants through face-to-
face interviews or focus groups in-person, virtually, or via telephone, (Segun, 2022).
Case study research is a detailed investigation that requires a substantial period to collect
empirical materials from authenticated sources and cases to analyze the context and
processes involved in the phenomenon (Chowdhury & Shil, 2021). The case study
method is a good fit for information technology research, considering that studying
information systems as a discipline has shifted to organizational rather than technical
issues (Rashid et al., 2019).
The qualitative method was appropriate for the current study because I sought to
collect data from current IT professionals regarding the strategies they use to secure
cloud platforms. An organizations information technology strategies on cloud computing
and connected cloud networks should have value, visibility, accessibility, dimensions,
and suitability (Li et al., 2021). The quantitative method was not feasible because its
focus is on the probability and numerical data to intervene or introduce treatments,
whereas qualitative researchers explore real-world problems to further understand an
issue (Tenny et al., 2022). The current study included multiple case studies to perform
research on multiple cloud security professionals employed at two medium-size
businesses using one-on-one interviews.
Population and Sampling
The first step in participant sampling was to define participant characteristics.
Because the data collection took the form of telephone interviews, the location was broad
to include the contiguous United States. Participant selection was based on the
participants’ ability to provide quality information necessary to answer the research
The sample size in qualitative research depends on the researcher who should
consider the research question, design, and the nature of the qualitative data to decide on
the size to be sampled (Subedi, 2023). I used a non-probability sampling design criterion
to ensure that the selected sample could be generalized to the entire cloud cybersecurity
population. A non-probability sampling criterion for participant selection has been used
in exploratory and qualitative research to help understand a small representative
population. Voluntary response sampling was used to seek volunteer participants in this
research. Considering that some individuals are more likely than others to volunteer, I
considered there could be some bias involved. To mitigate the possibility of bias, a
selection criterion of at least three years of participant experience in managing cloud
cybersecurity access and located within the United States was employed. People were
selected based on the criterion of having had experience in a cloud security work
environment in the USA for at least 3 years (Ellis, 2021).
The sampling criterion in qualitative research is not well defined as participant
selections rely on the researcher’s discretion and the research purpose (Shaheen et al.,
2019). I selected my sample from a pool of potential participants who volunteered and
met the selection criterion to qualify to participate. I initially emailed the intent to
conduct a sensitive survey to give prospective participants time to decide on whether to
volunteer and also provide an opportunity for the prospective participants to reflect on
their responses before the survey. A pilot sampling was then carried to access the
readiness and enthusiasm of prospective participants with the intent was to familiarize
prospective participants with the topic, problem, objectives, and scope of the research
with the intent to have an insight into the target population, estimate the response rate and
test the quality of the responses. Once I decided the survey would attract enough
volunteers with the defined characteristics, I commenced with the interview process. It is
essential to exhibit confidence to build trust and self-respect to establish credibility and
rapport in recruiting and interviewing research participants (Negrinet al., 2022).
Attaining data saturation is necessary to ensure quality and data validity in
research. Data saturation is critical to information collection because it is a measure of
how much information is needed to replicate the study and helps to confirm that no new
information is gained by interviewing more participants (Hennink & Kaiser, 2022). A
qualitative interview research study does not have a fix number of needed participants as
information collection may be completed by meeting a data saturation level (Harmon,
2018). In qualitative research, the researcher has the autonomy to select participants with
the option to choose from one to twenty samples who vary from the depth of information
required and the nature of the study (Subedi, 2021). This study targeted a cloud security
professional’s social network that enabled access to a large enough volunteer pool to
reach data saturation. Using interviews as a survey instrument reached data
saturationthe7th participant (Harmon, 2018). To confirm data saturation, follow-up
interviews were also conducted to ascertain that no new information was left out.
Ethical Research
Ethical norms in scientific research are research ethics that help to guide a
research project to adhere to ethical norms that promote research aims such as
knowledge, truth, and to avoid such error as prohibitions against fake, alter, or mislead
research data (Samuel et al., 2019). Ethical norms also promote such social values as
trust, accountability and interpersonal relationship environments that safeguard
ownership rights, copyright, data sharing policies, and confidentiality rules in peer
review. These rules and frameworks help ascertain that that researcher practitioners are
accountable and adhere to research conduct, avoid conflicts of interest, and protect
human subjects who participate in research. Since most research projects are publicly
funded, there is always a need for public support for research because funders are more
often attracted to research projects if they are sure of the quality and integrity of the
research and also if the research outcome may promote social values and responsibility,
public health and safety and if it demonstrably seeks to avoid ethical lapses that may
cause significant human harm.
I have endeavored to keep information confidential by securing access to any
personal information that I have collected by keeping it safe in a single file. Since the
answers were audio recorded, the recorded files were password protected. I also took
measures to make the information anonymous to protect interview participants’
individual identities though I have reported on aggregated information such as grouped
thematic responses. This study went through Walden University’s ethical approval
process where my approach in managing ethical concerns and research design, process
and procedure was submitted to the Institutional Review Board which approved the
research and provided the go ahead. My role as the researcher mandated that I explain my
study purpose regarding my ethical responsibility, the role of participants and my
responsibility to protect and secure any information collected from interviewees (Benson,
& Brand, 2013). I emailed the consent form (Appendix C) to advise the participants of
any dangers known or unknown, the participants right that as a volunteer he/she could opt
out of the study at will without prior notice, security measures to secure and protect their
stored information, duration of storage and when and how the information would be
discarded (Kahn, 2014). I started each interview by explaining to the interviewee that to
safeguard their information I created separate user accounts for each participant’s
personal data, encrypted it using Microsoft 365s BitLocker service encryption and used a
firewall to secure the computer. Separating user accounts made it easier to protect the
data from being affected by other computer activities. Using Windows, I have a single
administrator account with strong password strength of 14 characters minimum length, a
mixed-case random letters string of numbers and symbols in Microsoft’s OneDrive.
Though syncing files to personal computers could expose sensitive information to
internal threat actors, encrypting computer data and creating independent user accounts
can mitigate this threat and protect interview participant information. Robinson (2014)
stated that financial incentives may motivate a participant to provide wrong information
with the aim of appeasing the researcher. Underhill (2014) stated that monetary or
material compensation could be coercive. I did not offer or provide any incentives to any
participant in this study since information from interview volunteers could be influenced
by monetary or material rewards.
Data Collection
I was the primary information collector where I collected information using
interviews and reviewing publicly available information. Qualitative research case study
methods obtain evidence from several sources including interviews, participant
observations, direct observations, archival records, physical artifacts, and documentation
(Ugwu & Eze, 2023). My chosen data collection method as the primary instrument was
the interviews method and publicly available information and data. Using qualitative
research methodology, I the researcher and the main instrument, has to be a very attentive
listener and avoid bias during the interviews (Khanday& Khanam, 2023). Conducting
telephone interviews means the interviewer cannot visualize body language in response
to interview questions and thus cannot physically influence the responses (Peredaryenko
& Krauss, 2013). Since the interviews were not conducted in physical environments, I
employed active listening and attention to the participants for any type of responses that
enabled me to follow up questions to obtain clarifications. For this study, the questions
were preset semi-structured open-ended interview questions. Conducting research using
telephone interviews makes it possible to target small niche population groups which is
effective in research with professional groups since phone calls enable me to narrow the
list of potential participants’ relevant volunteers, and difficult to access target population.
More so, niche population groups have in past research studies produced better
predictable response rates. Telephone research interviews give clear visibility on the
number of contacts available that face to face interviews do not. Telephone interviews
also improve respondent validation in that it makes it better to ensure the qualification of
each respondent by contacting individuals directly to get their participation and ensure
each individual meets defined criteria. Telephone interview research studies also provide
better qualitative feedback that is difficult to capture through one-way communication
research methods such as online surveys as participants feel included as active
participants. An inclusive research approach empowers participants to participate in
knowledge creation which builds trust and validates the research results (Verhage et al.,
2024). Open-ended questions and qualitative data collection enabled me to delve beyond
an interview’s top-of-mind recall and ask follow-up questions to get a better
understanding of their answers and more elaboration for deeper insights, according to
Jason Anderson, Sr. Fieldwork Manager at The Farnsworth Group. In online surveys, if a
question is poorly worded, or a participant does not fully understand the question, an
opportunity is missed to get real-time follow-up to provide further explanation or clarity.
Telephone person-to-person conversations are more engaging and the interviewer control
the data-collection process to ensure the collection of higher-quality data and to better
explore the ideas that cloud cybersecurity professionals have put in place to reach a point
of securing information on the cloud infrastructure.
Collection, analysis and use of open-source information that is publicly available
and legally accessible from organizations, governments, businesses, and non-
governmental organizations was very useful for a wide range of topics such as security
threats, market research, and competitive intelligence in this research. Cyberattacks,
competitor’s information, industry trends, and consumer behavior research from a variety
of organizations and individuals can be used to inform business strategy and decision-
making on social media use trends, public opinion on cybersecurity threads, and the
effect of cyber threads on economic indicators. Publicly available information for this has
been gathered from a variety of sources, including social media, news articles,
commercial databases, government reports, industry releases and academic papers. This
approach has made it more cost-effective than alternative forms of collection, such as
human intelligence or signal intelligence and does not require specialized equipment or
person accuracy and reliability. I have been able to collect this information manually by
searching for and reviewing sources. I then processed the information to remove
duplicates, irrelevant or inaccurate data filtering and categorizing the information based
on relevance and importance. The processed information was then analyzed to identify
trends, patterns, and relationships using Excel analyzing feature.
Member checking is a participant or respondent validation technique used in
establishing results credibility. During member checking results are reviewed with
participants to check for accuracy and to confirm that the information obtained is in sync
with their experiences. The goal of member checking is to correct errors by giving
participants the opportunity to remove or add information as needed and to provide
credibility and trustworthiness to the data (McKim, 2023). Interview information was
further validated for reliability using member checking to confirm or correct information
obtained from interview for accuracy and establish trust (Candela, 2019). Through
member checking, I used follow-up interviews with participants to review the previously
obtained information to confirm with participants and to ensure that my interview
transcriptions were correct. Member checking provided an opportunity for participants to
review and reflect on their previous answers and to offer corrections or new insights.
Early member checking helps eliminate the possibility of misrepresentation and enables
the researcher to have accurate data to analyze during the data analysis process (Candela,
Data Collection Technique
The qualitative case study method research collects evidence from six sources
interviews, participant observations, direct observations, archival records, physical
artifacts, and documentation (Ugwu & Eze, 2023). I began the research by fulfilling the
conditions of the IRB. After the IRB approval, I contacted a social network pool of cloud
cybersecurity professionals. I sent an email to all members of the social network
explaining that I was seeking to recruit volunteers for a research study. The email
explained the purpose of the research, the role and responsibilities of participants and my
role and responsibilities as the researcher. I initially published the intent to conduct a
sensitive survey to give prospective participants time to decide on whether to volunteer
and also provide an opportunity for the prospective participants to reflect on their
responses before the survey. I conducted a pilot sampling to access the readiness and
enthusiasm of prospective participants and to familiarize prospective participants with the
topic, problem, objectives, and scope of the research, have an insight into the target
population, estimate the response rate and test the quality of the responses. Once I
decided the survey would attract enough volunteers with the defined characteristics, I
commenced with the interview process. For this study, the questions were preset semi-
structured open-ended interview questions. Once I selected and compiled a list of
volunteers including their names, phone numbers and email addresses, I proceeded to
schedule one on one telephone interviews individually (Lindheim, 2022). I emailed
consent forms (Appendix C) to them individually explaining the study and again
informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any time without reason or advance
notice. I also sent reminder emails or text messages depending on their preferences. At
the scheduled time I called the participant and began each interview with a general
conversation to ease the environment. I conducted each interview within an average of 20
minutes. I asked 9 semi-structured questions and follow up questions where necessary.
Each question centered on or was related to the participant’s experience and issues
encountered when managing cloud security. All interviews were audio recorded using my
mobile phone, transferred to my desktop computer and transcript using Excel software
(Elhami & Khoshnevisan, 2022). I then reviewed the transcripts, notes taken during the
interview and the recordings for accuracy and clarity and resolved any conflicting
information. I used member checking as follow-up to further clarify and ascertain the
credibility of information and the collection techniques (McKim, 2023). The member
checking follow-ups provided participants the opportunity to correct, change or add
information. It also enabled me to reach data saturation (Hennink & Kaiser, 2022).
I collected publicly available information from a variety of sources, including
social media, news articles, commercial databases, government reports, industry releases
and academic papers. I manually collect this information by searching and reviewing
several relevant sources. Publicly available information was gathered from a variety of
sources, including social media, news articles, commercial databases, government
reports, industry releases and academic papers. I then processed the information to
remove duplicates, irrelevant or inaccurate data filtering and thematically categorized the
information based on relevance and importance. I then analyzed the information to
identify trends, patterns, and relationships using Excel analyzing feature.
Data Organization Techniques
Information management in research is very essential as it provides a safe and
coherent approach to research and also helps to locate artifacts more easily and securely
control access to confidential information. I used multiple methods both electronic and
manual to store and organize my information in the course of this research study
comprising Zotero reference management software to manage bibliographic data and
related research materials such as PDF and ePUB files, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word,
NVivo’s transcription tool to transcribe and analyzes audio files from recorded phone
interviews, reflective journals, research logs, research trackers, and labeling systems
(Patel, 2020). Participant’s information and recordings were individually separated and
stored personalized encrypted and coded folders on personal computer to preserve
identity and confidentiality of recorded information (Kapiszewski & Karcher, 2021). I
used reflective journals throughout the research process as a written record of my
research including what I did, thought, and felt while analyzing the data and the rationale
behind those thoughts. Self-reflective journals help in information analysis to reflectively
examine personal assumptions and research goals and to clarify individual belief systems
and subjectivities (Brailas, et al., 2023). Reflective journals are a strategy that helped me
acknowledge the values and experiences of the researchers and research that I consulted
rather than attempting to control their values through methods such as talking about the
presuppositions, experiences, and actions and rationales behind them.
Data Analysis Technique
The qualitative data analysis technique that I used included unique identifiers as
themes. As a data analyst I used recorded telephone interviews and document reviews
and artifacts to inductively investigate the data to look for patterns and to develop a
theory to explain the patterns in data. Two main qualitative data analysis techniques used
by data analysts are content analysis and discourse analysis. Another popular method is
narrative analysis, which focuses on stories and experiences shared by a study’s
participants (Crabtree & Miller, 2023). I used content analysis to identify patterns in the
recorded interviews that indicate the purpose, messages, and effect of the content. I first
identified the data sources from books, newspapers, government releases industry
specific standards and social media. I then identified a criterion to determine what will
make a particular text relevant to the study such as a specific topic on cloud security, a
related event and a specified date range or geographic location. I then developed a coding
system for the data. Because qualitative data is not numerical, there was need for me to
codify the data in preparation for measurement. I designed a set of codes to categorize the
data and applied it to specific texts for data examination (Linneberg, & Korsgaard, 2019).
I used the NVivo software to look for patterns and correlations in the data to interpret
results and make conclusions. Considering that a message is not always what it seems,
the ability to determine underlying messages in communication is essential. Since a piece
of communication can have an indirect or underlying message, it can be interpreted
differently by different by diverse individuals and potentially lead to a wrong conclusion.
This stage of data analysis helped provide an understanding of the social and cultural
context of the interview conversations. Considering that an aim of this research was to
investigate the social context of IT professional’s experiences and how they used these
experiences to achieve their aims such as building trust. Using discourse analysis
techniques in verbal and nonverbal cues, the way a speaker pauses on a particular word or
phrase may provide insights into the speaker’s intent or attitude toward a particular issue
or event (Mogashoa, 2014). Discourse analysis helped me to interpret the true meaning
and intent of the IT professional in the interviews and to clarify misunderstandings such
as an analysis of transcripts of the conversations could reveal whether the interviewee
truly understood a question, differentiate whether the content of publicly available
materials was fact, fiction, or propaganda (Suciu, 2023). It was very essential for me to
define the research question to determine the aim of the investigation and provide a clear
purpose to select the content types of the materials used in my investigation such as what
publicly available information to collect and whom and how to conduct interviews and to
analyze the content for words, phrases, sentences, and structure to understand patterns in
the participant’s attitudes, intent and reaction. For this qualitative multiple case study, a
triangulation method was used to increase validity and reliability so that a flaw in one
data source would be counterbalance by strength in the other source to avoid flaws in
data collected (Bans-Akutey, & Tiimub, 2021).
Reliability and Validity
Qualitative researchers are required to articulate evidence of primary criteria to
ensure the trustworthiness of the study’s findings (Birt et al., 2016). A research report is
only valuable when there is a literary warrant that links the research question to research
results to support the claim that captures the readers’ trust. It is crucial for the researcher
to ascertain that the data collected and used is obtained from valid, reliable and
authenticated sources. It was essential to me as the researcher to take necessary steps to
ensure that the data that I collected was both valid and reliable. Considering that a
research project seeks to explore the unknown to increase knowledge on a given topic, it
is critical to undertake a research study void of any fabrication, false analysis, deception
or any falsification of data (Christensen et al., 2011).
During this research study I took data reliability into serious consideration from
the very beginning of research. Reliability helps to ensure that the research approach is
true and that the research can be replicated (Babbie, 2010). Reliability ascertains that the
research process is consistent with the topic under study from the research question to
type and method of data to be collected and intended data analyzes technique. Reliability
in a research study has to ensure that the research method is consistent (Svensson &
Doumas, 2013). Adequate documentation of research information helps to ensure
repeatability of collected data (Turgut, 2014). Reliability was established by ensuring
consistency of the processes because the same interview questions were used throughout
the research process and using publicly available information implies that the information
has been publicly critiqued and vetted (Chauvette, 2019).
The researcher must afford adequate effort to provide validity assurance necessary
in qualitative research. The researcher must adequately prove the scientific nature of the
research to knowledgeably understand the phenomena being studied (Hayashi Jr. et al.,
2019). According to Leung (2015) validity in qualitative research refers to the relevance
of tools, procedures, and data collected that can adequately lead the research question to
achieve the desired outcome, whether the methodology chosen can adequately answer the
research question, whether the research design is valid for the methodology, whether the
sampling and data analysis is adequate, and the results and conclusions align with the
sample and context.
Trustworthiness aligns with validity when information is obtained from trusted
sources. Harmon (2018) used member checks to validate interview responses to confirm
or correct transcript information in follow-up sessions. I used member checking to ensure
that the participants reviewed their previous answers that I transcript and provided each
participant the opportunity to make corrections where necessary to increase data validity.
I have also ensured validity using triangulation to obtain data from multiple sources from
publicly available information on cloud cybersecurity and one-on-one interviews (Rice
&Bailon, 2023). This study also observed research ethics by obtaining IRB approval.
The credibility of data was assured by conducting interviews from multiple
perspectives to ensure data appropriateness. This was achieved through data
triangulation, participant validation through member checks and rigorous data collation
techniques so that the data collected was an accurate representation of the phenomenon
under study. Credibility in research ensures that the data is correct and that the
participant's experiences as narrated in the findings are in congruent reality (Stahl &
King, 2020). This criterion was achieved using member checking as participants had the
opportunity to verify and confirm or correct the information transcripts and also as a
strategy that established and sustained interpersonal communication, built trust and
collective reflection between the participant and myself (Nyirenda et al., 2020). Since the
interviews were recorded, the recordings were preserved for ready reference.
Dependability was achieved by using multiple forms of data obtained from
publicly available data on cloud cybersecurity and data triangulation to comparatively
review data collected from publicly available sources interview transcripts to further
ascertain validity. Data Integrity refers to how consistent, complete, reliable, accurate and
trustworthy collected data is managed in its life cycle which is an essential standard for
effective academic research that demands quality. Research data that lacks integrity may
seriously affect the quality of records and evidence, results, and conclusions. The
researcher is mandated with the responsibility and duty to implement and to ensure that
adequate data governance practices and integrity is maintained (Pharmaceutical
Inspection Convention, 2021).
Triangulation is increasingly used by researchers to generate and test theories to
ensure that the results are reliable, credible, and valid (Noble &Heale, 2019).
Triangulation in some cases use mixed methods to explain how the researcher used
multiple approaches to extract valuable information and to critically analyze the study’s
data to ensure validity and credibility (Bans-Akutey & Tiimub, 2021). I separated each
participant’s interview answers into segmented, encrypted, and locked folders on
personal computer to guard against data contamination. Each participant’s information
was assigned a unique code. I analyzed data using NVivo software and kept detailed
process notes in a journal format to guide as referral and follow-up where and when
necessary. The trustworthiness of data is the core of quality in qualitative research and
the researcher’s neutrality in data evaluation incorporating sampling and data analysis
most be dependable (Stahl & King, 2020). Member checking was used to increase
dependability and creditability because it allowed participants to verify and confirm or
correct interview transcripts to validate data credibility and saturation (McKim, 2023).
Mwita (2022) in a review of the literature on qualitative approaches determined that five
factors consisting of coding system, sample size and themes, resourcefulness of
participants, research method, and time spent on data collection sessions influence data
saturation and concluded that it necessary for researchers to approach qualitative studies
using multiple factors that may affect data saturation to increase the validity.
Transferability refers to the extent to which the results and conclusion can be
transferred to other cybersecurity environments or seeks to determine if the same findings
can be replicated with participants in a different context, setting or geographic region
(Megheirkouni & Moir, 2023). Transferability was achieved by interviewing participants
from multiple and devise firms and by utilizing a broad web of publicly available
resources on the topic to capture rich and knowledgeable information which can be
applied to the entire cybersecurity spectrum. Transferability may consider such sampling
factors as the number of respondents, participant characteristics and the time and
geographic location of data collected (Johnson et al., 2020). I used purposeful sampling
method to enhance transferability (Madondo, 2021). All data and information collected
from participants and publicly available materials can be vetted publicly for accuracy to
provide credibility. The data was recorded and securely preserved so that it can be used
by other researchers to replicate this study or conduct another research.
Confirmability was assured when the data collected was checked and rechecked
during data collection and analysis to ensure repeatability of the findings by others.
Transferability in qualitative research seeks to align the study with as much objective
reality as possible (Stahl & King, 2020). I used a technique called audit trail in the form
of a reflective journal to document the research process and codes and patterns to
uniquely identify individual participants in the analyses. Confirmability was also ensured
using triangulation and member checking of the data to mitigate personal bias. To ensure
confirmability, participants were allowed to review interview transcripts to confirm,
correct or change any information. Confirmability was also ensured using reflective
journals to document all processes from data collection, document analysis to conclusion.
By allowing the participants to confirm their interview transcripts and by using publicly
available information that can easily be fact checked, credibility was established from the
participant’s viewpoint, validation methods, and information sources (Megheirkouni &
Moir, 2023). Using information that can easily be fact checked adds validity to the
collected data.
Section 3: Application to Professional Practice and Implications for Change
The goal of this study was to investigate strategies that cloud cybersecurity
professionals implement to secure access to their cloud infrastructures. This third and
final section presents the findings gleaned from professional cybersecurity individuals
and publicly available information. The relevance and need to protect and secure
information stored in the cloud is not only a critical national security issue but also of
immense importance to the many internet users who daily expose their personal and
private information to cybercriminals (Alazzawi &Al-Wasiti, 2021). My intention was to
use deductive reasoning to present best practices in cloud cybersecurity that cloud
security providers can implement to improve, secure, and protect their cloud
infrastructure and environments. The information that led me to these best practices and
standards was sourced from credible and reliable individuals and authoritative
publications (see Sobel & Vetter, 2022). The findings indicated that inadequate
configuration methods, lack of due diligence, business competitors fighting to have
competitive advantage, cybercriminals profit and revenge motivation, and nation state
actors are the main reasons behind the multitude of breaches occurring daily.
Overview of the Study
It is essential to keep security processes simple to benefit and ease the burden on
the common user who in most cases is far from being information technology savvy.
Considering the enormous and irreversible cost of a security breach to a business, the
society, and the individual, security strategy complexity becomes a sine qua non (Krutilla
et al., 2021). User authentication is a necessary first step because it provides users with
access to the cloud infrastructure. Role-based user authentication provides access based
on need to know as a pivotal initial security point (Bruzgiene & Jurgilas, 2021). Internal
threats resulting from improperly granted access rights, negligent or disgruntled
employees, misconfigurations and inadequate controls, and lack of continuous
monitoring are some of the key issues that need urgent attention. Proper and adequate
management of identity and access issues in the cloud is a major challenge for service
providers to resolve (Partida et al., 2021). This may be mitigated with strength-based
authorization and authentication policies that can safeguard not only the information
stored on the cloud but its entire network.
Presentation of the Findings
I sought to answer the following research question: What strategies are used by
cloud security professionals to implement secure access methods to protect data on the
cloud infrastructure? Using coding and thematic analysis, I was able to identify primary
themes: (a) data protection, (b) authentication and authorization, (c) input and output
handling, (d) error handling and logging, (e) configuration and operations, (f) session
management, and (g) access control methods (see Thompson, 2022). The UTAUT was
used to investigate technology acceptance with performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions as predictor variables based on
the interview transcripts and publicly obtained information to determine whether these
variables were significant. The UTAUT had been used in previous studies to determine a
person’s intention to use technology and to show the associated relationships between
effort expectancy, performance expectancy, behavioral intention, facilitating conditions,
and social influence (Popova & Zagitova, 2022). I analyzed the participants’ responses
and publicly available documents to determine the influences of effort expectancy,
performance expectancy, behavioral intention, facilitating conditions, and social
influence on information technology professionals’ cybersecurity practices.
The first interview question was the following: How much experience do you
have managing cloud security in general and cloud identity and access management in
particular? The study a participant’s characteristics is essential because the human factor
in terms of human error, human behavior, human performance, and decision-making
capability. SANS Institute (2024) warned that a review of cybersecurity reports from
CrowdStrike, Verizon Data Breach Incident Report, Gartner, and Thales all confirmed
that human factor remains the weakest link and top driver in cloud breaches because
information technology administrators and developers are not only major targets but have
been found to make mistakes given the complex cloud environment. Hewavitharana et al.
(2021) reviewed 55 journal articles to determine whether human behaviors affect digital
transformation in the construction industry using the UTAUT model and concluded that
there is a need for further studies on the role of human factors and management in digital
transformation and successful cloud security practice. Bayaga and du Plessis (2023)
surveyed 264 respondents from one university in South Africa to correlate the behavioral
intention of tertiary staff with existing findings using the UTAUT model and found that
performance expectancy, effort expectancy, attitude toward using technology, social
influence, self-efficacy, anxiety, and facilitating conditions influence behavioral intention
and have predictive validity.
The characteristics of the information technology professionals interviewed were
varied and in diverse categories. Some worked in information technology operations
where they managed day-to-day activities such as security testing, assets management,
and tech support such as laptop, desktop, phone system, and server. Some were in
information technology governance managing compliance and audits processes that an
organization needs to ensure that systems are operating effectively and according to
regulations. Some respondents were engaged in cloud network and configuration
management activities that ensure a secure and resilient infrastructure. Participants
generally consisted of information technology professionals who build, test, install,
repair, and maintain hardware and software within their organizations with some of them
in-house and the rest working for service providers that range from small to medium-size
businesses. Six of the information technology professionals interviewed had a
background in computer science or information technology, one was home grown, and
three transferred from unrelated fields. All information technology professionals
interviewed had benefited from continuous education and had completed certification
programs because of the evolving nature of technology and systems. All ten information
technology professionals who participated had been managing cloud security for an
average of 4.1 years ranging from 3 to 7 years.
Chapman and Reithel (2021) used the UTAUT to survey135 information
technology managers at U.S. public colleges and universities to determine perceptions of
their cybersecurity readiness including previous cybersecurity experience, their use of
network activity monitoring behaviors, the extent of their involvement to exercise
physical control over computer resources, and the degree to which implemented
preventative controls. Findings indicated no statistically significant direct effect on level
of previous cybersecurity experience and perceived readiness to detect a cyberattack.
This finding can be attributed to the continuing challenges in detecting extant
cybersecurity threats.
The next interview question was the following: What challenges with specific
incidents have you experienced since you migrated to the cloud? From the interviews, the
challenges were not the same for everyone because their environments were unique and
diverse. More than half of the interviewees said configuration and operation issues were
their major challenges, a few said input and output handling was challenging, and all
mentioned data protection as a key challenge. Configuration management was mentioned
multiple times in the documents reviewed. The documents that I reviewed all established
a need for a robust change management process that tests new releases before
deployment and continuously during operations. A critical method to achieve this is to
automate application deployment to ensure a consistent, repeatable work environment.
Public laws and industry-wide standards mandate integrating appropriate security
countermeasures into the design and architecture with continuing risk assessment by
security professionals to identify and preempt risks. This should include security-focused
code reviews using automated tools to identify security bugs to guard against SQL
injection and Cross-Site Scripting. It is also essential to set policies that develop and
implement an incident response process, harden the infrastructure, educate personnel on
security awareness, and ensure consistent testing and continuous monitoring.
Input and Output Handling: Most professionals interviewed said they use a
whitelist blacklist policy to manage access control in the cloud because all user input
fields are configured to validate the input content. The documents reviewed indicated that
using tokens can prevent forged requests by embedding a unique random value of each
request into the HTML to avoid intrusion from unknown to third parties. The evidence
also indicated a need for uploaded files from users to be validated for file size, file type,
file contents, and source of input to make it impossible to override the file destination
path. Findings also indicated using the content-security-policy header with configured
security policy to secure the application and mitigate the risk of known exploited web
security flaws such as cross-site scripting and click-jacking.
Data Protection: Both the documents reviewed and the information technology
professionals interviewed affirmed that using secure protocols such as HTTPS is a sine
qua non for all network data transfers. Data encryption helps to protect the confidentiality
and integrity of data at rest and in transit such as the use of robust TLS configurations.
Data in transit must be configured to support recent versions of TLS, the most robust
cipher suites for Perfect Forward Secrecy, such as Qualys SSL Labs and testssl.sh,
SSLyze, sslscan. Popular user access methods such as usernames and passwords should
use strong, iterative, salted hash, and secured with protected and robust algorithms such
as SHA-512 hashing, bcrypt, or PBKDF2 techniques. Stored keys or credentials must be
protected and accessed based on a need-to-know policy. Most information technology
professionals interviewed reported that leveraging a secret/key management solution such
as Azure Key Vault, Hardware Security Modules (HSM), GCP Cloud Key Management,
AWS KMS and certificates from a reputable certificate authority is good practice.
Browser data caching and login forms that are sensitive input fields should be turned off
so that the auto complete attribute in the HTML form can instruct the browser not to
cache the credentials. The interviews also indicated that reducing the quantity and use of
sensitive stored data should be highly encouraged.
Error Handling and Logging: This theme was mentioned as a pivotal best practice
in securing a cloud infrastructure. Though only half of those interviewed discussed error
handling, peer-vetted materials from publicly available materials consulted for this study
emphasized that it is essential for network protection. The SANS Institute (2024) insisted
that details in error messages should avoid any situation in which the applications
internal state is revealed, such as file system path and stack information or authentication
errors that could reveal the existence of the username. Considering the many languages
and frameworks used in developing web applications, it is essential to configure the
system to handle unforeseen errors and return controlled output to the user without letting
an unhandled exception occur. Because logs can be used to predict signature attacks and
attacks in progress, it is critical to log any authentication and session management
activities as well as all input validation failures and security-related events such as user
privilege level changes and access to sensitive data that is critical to corporations or
meets regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, PCI, or SOX in encrypted form. All logs
must be securely stored and retained to avoid loss of information or tampering. Xue et al.
(2024) conducted a systematic reviewed of 162 SSCI/SCI-E articles from 2008 to 2022 to
analyze the application of the UTAUT model with a focus on higher education students
from Asia and North America and found that performance expectancy has the strongest
influence on behavioral intention.
Evidence from empirical research has shown that human factors remain crucial in
cloud security because information technology professionals must implement and comply
with established rules and regulations, provide user awareness and education about
potential risks, and perform continuous monitoring and audits. Taiwo and Downe (2013)
conducted a meta-analysis of 37 empirical studies based on the UTAUT model and found
an overall strong relationship between performance expectancy and behavioral intention
and weak relationships between effort expectation, social influence, and behavioral
intention. Though cloud security threats can emerge from anywhere, information
technology professionals are guided by many cloud security standards, but understanding
and navigating these cloud security controls is complex and may overwhelm a
professional. The cloud security professional must understand and build capacity
competency skills in implementing the proper cloud security standards that address the
unique critical business mission of the entity. Matar and Al Malahmeh (2020) used the
UTAUT model in a survey of five Jordanian university information technology
professionals to identify factors that affect the behavioral intentions to adopt new
technologies and concluded from the results that there was high behavioral intention to
use cloud services and solutions within their workplace, which were moderated by
facilitating conditions such as the level of support from management.
The next interview question was the following: How do you protect your system
against unauthorized access and what factors do you consider when developing strategies
and policies to manage unauthorized access? This studys aim was to identify strategies
to implement and manage cloud access control. Access control was a critical finding. All
participants to whom I posed this question mentioned the need to adopt the least privilege
policy based on a mandatory access control standard. A thorough review of the
documents also indicated a need for all access control policy decisions to use the
principle of least privilege as a baseline. Williams et al. (2015) conducted a systematic
review of 174 articles that used the UTAUT model and concluded that the most
researched topic areas were general purpose systems and specialized business systems,
and that performance expectancy and behavioral intention were the best predictor
variables. These baselines include but are not limited to performing access control on
static resources, ensuring that static application resources are incorporated into the access
control system including cloud-based static resources, using the same access control logic
on the static resources where possible, and not using invalidated resources. It is a best
practice to conduct adequate authentication checks before linking the user to a given
resource because an invalidated forward and subsequent resource use can result in server-
side request forgery issues.
An inherent aspect of cybersecurity is to manage incidents by implementing
strategies that are effective and produce a secured response. Since cybersecurity strategy
policies are based on decisions influenced by inherent characteristics because the
consequences of security strategies choices are often not certain and laced with action
bias that result in ill rational behaviors, the need for mitigation is often inhibited by lags
and latency until effects are felt. Performance Expectancy (PE) therefore measures an IT
professional’s belief in the extent to which a piece of technology can help attain gains in
job performance (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Valerie et al. (2021) used the UTAUT2
framework to study the acceptance of the Bukalapak e-commerce system, while Dwivedi
et al. (2017) tested the revised model using data from 1600 observations involving 21
relationships from 162 research studies on IS/IT acceptance and use and concluded that
the model was meaningful for understanding IS/IT acceptance and usage. The
exponential increase in the value of e-commerce influenced by innovative advances in
digital technologies such as cloud computing has helped to drive the adoption and use of
emerging technologies by organizations (Verhoef et al., 2021). Considering the impact of
technology adoption on an organization and associated effects on performance and cost-
revenue values, the gap between technology utilization-acceptance continues to be a
major concern (Marikyan & Papagiannidis, 2023).
The next interview question was the following: What techniques have you found
most effective in designing and implementing adequate access control and why does this
technique impact and give you a competitive edge in the industry? User authentication is
the most emphasized strategy mentioned in the access control policy. Password reset
systems were considered the weakest link in user access control methods. Since these
systems are designed to have users answer personal questions to authenticate their
identity, these questions must be hard to guess to avoid a brute-force attack. An
authentication system must be configured to not communicate any information about
whether the account is valid to prevent username harvesting. Account lockout to prevent
brute-force attacks functionality should be designed not to disclose sensitive information
in error messages that indicate that a user ID is valid. Thus, a message saying that the
corresponding password is incorrect would confirm to the attacker that the account does
Since the cloud infrastructure requires network access functionality,
authentication through application-provided credentials is necessary, but securely storing
and safely protecting these credentials is a major security risk that can be addressed by
secrets management solutions that provide on-demand credentials functionality without
the risk of storing them on disk such as AWS Secrets Manager and Hashicorp Vault.
Authentication can best be implemented using the least privilege policy, but human
behavior remains key to effective and successful implementation. Dwivedi et al. (2023)
conducted a meta-analysis of 1600 observations from 162 studies on IS/IT acceptance
and use and 21 coded relationships and concluded that attitude was strongly associated
with behavioral intentions and usage behaviors.
The next interview question was the following: What are the challenges relative to
the strategies used in designing and implementing access control policies, how do you
handle user access complaints, what are the most common access complaints you receive
from users and what types of training do you offer to staff and system users on access
control best practices, especially password complexity? Adequate security policy was a
recurrent theme that frequently appeared from the data analysis. Adequately
implementing secure security policies and ensuring compliance was mentioned and
recommended as the proper method to address and better protect the network.
Cybersecurity professionals’ task with designing and implementing varying security
policy requirements within their environments must adhere to proper system
configuration standards and access controls such as password complexity. Cybersecurity
professionals must implement security policies to secure and protect enterprise systems
and guest networks from increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks and costly breaches.
Security policies are designed to protect assets from imminent threats that threaten a
firm’s reputation and user trust (Solms, 2023). This research aims to provide knowledge
and understanding on the need and the how to design strength-based security policies to
benefit both the company and the user. Most participants interviewed were motivated and
believed that they were contributing to knowledge that they felt made them change agents
in the global war against cybercrime. The need to implement secure security policies was
echoed by all interview participants and documents reviewed. Documents from the US
government’s NIST standards, the European Union and industry specific standards such
as SANS framework all addressed this theme in varying degrees. All documents
reviewed stressed how critical it is to implement a strength-based security policy that is
integral to effective and secure asset protection.
The next interview question was the following: How does the general shortage of
cloud security professionals or experts affect your business model in terms of
management position on training and grooming in-house staff to fill these vacancies, time
management and how would you prioritize if several challenges came up simultaneously
(upgrade/patch management deadlines, zero-day incidents, corporate meetings, teaching
commitments)? The respondents were all unanimous that there is significant IT talent
shortage in the US. Thus, their organizations have had to rethink their hiring and
retention strategies. A MIT Technology Review Insights (2024) survey reported that 64%
of IT executive respondents opined that most IT job candidates do not have the necessary
competencies, skills or experience. The report also stated that a further 56% of IT
executive respondents felt the overall shortage of candidates was a significant concern.
The year 2030 may witness an expected global talent shortage of about 85.2 million in
the ICT industry (MIT Technology Review Insights, 2024). Technological and digital
advancement resulted in the rise and use of robotic process automation (RPA) solutions
that effectively replaced low-to-mid-level skilled workers. Though this approach enabled
businesses to achieve cost effectiveness and improved efficiency, it triggered an
exponential demand for a new a set of skilled workers to manage these new technologies
while the education system has not been able keep pace and produce enough graduates
with the necessary capacity building competencies and skills. More so, the COVID
pandemic triggered an exponential switch to remote work which in turn created
additional demand for skilled IT professionals as businesses went digital, changed their
development approaches and strategies to data security. The consequences of talent
shortage are enormous and make significant barriers to the adoption of 64% of emerging
technologies. These barriers include slowed down growth and development, unrealized
revenues and increased costs and hiring efforts. According to MIT Technology Review
Insights (2024), it is expected that by 2030, the talent shortage may be about $8.5 trillion
in unrealized annual revenues. The report estimated IT talent shortage could cause the US
to lose $145 billion worth of revenue annually. A Manpower Group report on US skills
shortage statistics stated that 69% of businesses were not able to fill positions in 2020
(ManpowerGroup, 2023).
The next interview question was the following: Is funding a barrier to hiring and
retaining talented and experienced cyber engineers if so, how do you intend to solve this
problem and how do you convince management to fund your project instead of other
departmental priorities? What additional information about your experiences protecting
your system against unauthorized access would you like to share, what would you do
differently if you were starting your job again today, what do you see yourself doing in
ten years and what are your professional goals in the next five to ten years? Another
critical issue in cloud access control is the management of user sessions. One IT
professional opined that from his experience, session identifiers generate secure random
functions of adequate length and strength to be resilient against predator analysis and
prediction. Design and configuration must authenticate users accessing an application by
regenerating session tokens and when there are functionality changes such as encryption
status and user privilege level changes. Session management configuration must also
enforce idle and absolute session timeout, terminate a session if there is any indication of
tampering and cookie domain, path and attributes must be secure and set correctly,
session logout must be invalidated immediately, and each page should be designed with a
logout button. NIST SP-53 and SANS provide standards that recommend secure
baselines that if implemented void of human factors may effectively secure a network.
Tanantong & Wongras (2024) used the UTAUT model survey to explore 364 HR experts
on factors that influence users’ intention to adopt AI in recruitment and concluded that
perceived value, perceived autonomy, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions,
significantly impact the intention to adopt AI for recruitment but though social influence
and trust were determined to not have a direct influence on intention, social influence was
found to directly affect perceived value. Ayaz & Yanartaş (2020) used the UTAUT
model to survey higher education employees to determine factors affecting the adoption
and use of EDMS in the University and concluded that 61% of the intention to use EDMS
was positively influenced by performance expectancy and social influence factors but not
effort expectancy factor.
Zamberlan &Watanabe (2020) used the UTAUT model to determine the use and
acceptance of information technology as a decision support tool in a public educational
institution and concluded that in the adoption of IT as a decision support system, the
moderating variables of gender, age, and experience were statistically not significant but
the managers accepted the tool as essential for developing activities with ease of use and
high performance expectancy as key variables in the adoption of new technology. Popova
& Zagulova (2022) used a questionnaire based on the UTAUT model constructs of
personal information (age, gender, education) to survey the efficiency of using
technologies, the efforts needed to use the technologies, general attitude to using
technology, social impact on the person regarding the use of technologies, factors
facilitating the usage of technologies, self-efficiency and anxiety about using
technologies and concluded that facilitating conditions remain a major determination
because it is very essential to enable appropriate conditions for users such as user
awareness education.
The Sarbanes-Oxley law of 2002is defined by 15 US Code Chapter 98, which
requires public companies to prove their cybersecurity credentials by managing risk
through internal controls processes that make complete, accurate, financial, and
operational information for informed decision-making and reporting. This legislation and
regulation mandates companies to use due diligence to meet their fiduciary duty by
providing financial statements that are accurate or face penalties. Penalties bind a CEO or
CFO found liable with fines that may not exceed $5 million and imprisonment with a
maximum sentence of 20 years.
The SEC Regulation S-P, the Privacy of Consumer Financial Information and
Safeguarding Personal Information under 17 CFR Part 248, Subpart A SEC rule 30 is a
federal law that regulates information security and mandates institutions to implement
defined baseline cybersecurity measures such as zero trust. This rule mandates US and
foreign securities and commodity firms to adopt and implement baseline security policies
that meaningfully secure and protect client information and data at rest and in transit
against unauthorized access. Noncompliance can result in civil fines for up to $1,098,190
or triple the monetary gain. This law is critical to cloud cybersecurity because it holds
securities and commodities firms accountable in their fiduciary duty to use due diligence
to secure and to protect the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive customer data and
information against potential internal and external threats, hazards and unlawful use.
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) under 15 US Code Subchapter 1is a federal
security and privacy law that regulates information security and mandates financial
institutions and related organizations to implement baseline controls designed with
adequate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards that meet defined requirement
and standards to secure and protect sensitive customer information. Penalties include the
possibility of FDIC insurance termination and fines for violations up to and above $1
Federal Trade Commission Act §5 (FTC) 15 US Code § 45 or FTC Act Section 5
of 1914 is a federal law that regulates information security and mandates adequate
cybersecurity strategies and policies from US organizations that are connected to the
cloud except banks and common carriers. Penalties for this FTC Act §5 violation involve
civil liabilities that have, in a recent Facebook case, reached $5 billion. This legislation is
shrouded in ambiguity because it mandates organizations to engage in all reasonable and
necessary security practices but fails to define these reasonable and necessary security
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 45 CFR Part
160, 45 CFR Part 164 was enacted to enforce information security privacy and breach
reporting rules. HIPAA is mandatory to all entities that provide health care, manage
health plans, clearinghouses and covered entities defined as business associates. HIPAA
violators face fines that take into consideration the defaulting institutions concerted
efforts in adhering to mandated responsibilities, the nature and extent of the violation and
the degree to which an entity has endeavored to protect information. HIPAA violation
fines have reached an all-time high of over $16 million.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation (DFAR) 48 CFR 252.204-7012 is a
federal security and privacy law that regulates information security applicable to the US
Department of Defense (DoD) contractors. This regulation is mandates DoD contractors
who process, store, or transmit defense information to implement and comply with
adequate DoD security baselines and safeguards. Noncompliance may result in
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is under title 15 of US Code
Chapter 91, 16 CFR Part 312. COPPA is a federal privacy and cybersecurity law that
regulates websites and online services content providers targeting children under 13. This
law extends its provisions to include online content providers who are aware that their
content or site is used by children under 13. The law regulates how under 13 online
content providers collect, use, and disclose personal information from and about children.
The FTC polices this Act with penalties that may result in fines that rise above $5.7
million and rising.
Regulations for the Use of Electronic Records in Clinical Investigations (FDA) is
a Title 21 CFR Part 11 cybersecurity law under the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA). This federal statute regulates how electronic records are accessed and used in
clinical investigations by clinical investigators of medical products. Most of these entities
are healthcare providers and are also compliant under HIPAA rules. The difference is that
this law explicitly concerns IT systems and IT professionals. The federal government
authorizes the FDA to enforce compliance and is empowered to conduct investigations
and audits. This law ensures IT systems' accuracy, reliability, and consistent performance
and to implement role-based access controls for individuals with the least privilege rights,
audit trails, develop and enforce written policies that ensure that individuals are
accountable, and implement training awareness programs.
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Derivatives Clearing Organizations
Regulation (CFTC) is a Title 17 CFR Part 39, Subpart B, 17 CFR 39.18 law that applies
to global financial system derivative clearing entities. This law can attract civil fines for
violations for up to one million dollars or three times the monetary gain. The law
mandates derivative clearing entities to design and implement a robust program to
manage their information security systems by providing annual compliance reports, use
independent contractors to test for vulnerabilities twice quarterly, conduct annual internal
and external penetration testing and tri-annual control testing, conduct annual security
incident response plan testing and annual enterprise technology risk assessment (ETRA).
Electronic Communications Privacy Act and Stored Communications Act (ECPA
& SCA) under title 18 of US Code Chapter 119 and 18 US Code Chapter 121 was
initially designed to limit warrantless surveillance called the Wiretap Act. This federal
privacy statute prohibits organizations from recording or disclosing any oral or electronic
communications without prior consent. It requires that employers must have a valid
business reason to electronically surveillance employees including video and email
EU-US Privacy Shield is a joint US-EU law that seeks to protect the data of EU
residents stored and processed by organizations in the US. The Privacy Shield was
invalidated by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) soon as after its creation in 2020.
Considering that large amounts of data are interchanged between the US and the EU,
commissioners of both governments created an alternative that met the EU's General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legal framework.
The Privacy Act of 1974 (FPA) applies only to US Federal Government agencies
and is intended to govern the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of
individuals’ electronically stored PII by federal agencies. The FPA, which is empowered
to fine defaulters up to $1,000.00 plus court charges and attorney fees protects the
unlawful disclosure of information by a federal government agency without the subject's
written consent. The law, however, has 12 statutory exceptions.
The Consumer Privacy Protection Act of 2017 was proposed in 2017 and is still
being debated in Congress. If enacted into law, this Act shall target organizations that
process sensitive information or PII of 10,000 or more US citizens in a calendar year.
Penalties are expected to include civil fines of not more than $5 million with an
additional 5 million dollars if the violation is proven to be willful or intentional.
A 2023 cloud security statistics report (Foundry, 2023) reported that 91% of US
business institutions have some IT environment hosted in the cloud. The report concludes
that despite the numerous benefits of cloud computing, companies need help scaling up to
improve their cloud security posture to conform to data security and privacy challenges.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has over the years and
continuous to develop and made available to public and private entities alike
cybersecurity best practices through frameworks and standards to help design, build,
configure and manage cloud security.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a US Department
of Commerce agency with historically advanced innovative technology initiatives using
its physical labs, guidelines, and standards. These standards include NIST cloud security
best practices, requirements and frameworks that are designed to set a uniform code that
cloud security professionals can tap from to build and maintain secure cloud
In particular, NIST SP 800 53 and NIST SP 800 174 are special publications
that content frameworks that address cloud computing and security controls and defines
cloud security standards, policies, and best practices for cloud security professionals to
manage cloud cyber security risks more efficiently (NIST, 2020).
The NIST Cybersecurity Framework provides solutions that enable IT
professionals to mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities and reduce risks for all public and
private sectors. It provides customizable specific security controls through its special
publications which an entity can tailor to its unique environment. NIST 800 53 is
essential because it provides security controls for implementing NIST CSF. These
security controls, particularly NIST SP 800 53 and NIST SP 800 145, aim to ensure
that optimal security measures are applied to protect all cloud assets, including but not
limited to risk assessments, data encryption, and installation of firewalls.
NIST cloud security standards Special Publications (SP) content technical
requirements to help improve specifically cloud security. These Special Publications
1. SP 800 144: These are guidelines on security and privacy in public cloud
computing that address challenges facing public cloud security and privacy
and provide recommendations as best practices. SP 800 144 provides
executives, IT and system managers who are policy makers in the information
management realm with decision-making guidelines on how to carefully plan
cloud computing solutions' security and privacy components before
implementation. It also contents knowledge and understanding guidelines to
enable providers to comply with organizational security and privacy
accountability and compliance requirements to protect applications and data in
the public cloud.
2. SP 800145: Definition of Cloud Computing defines cloud computing, its
characteristics and service models. Service models are composed of Software
as a service (SaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a
service (IaaS). Deployment models include private, community, public, and
hybrid models. SP 800 145offers a comparative view of cloud services
within the cloud.
3. SP 800 146: Cloud Computing Synopsis and Recommendations explains
cloud systems and makes suggestions that can enable IT professionals to more
coherently design different deployment and technical characteristics to
manage such security concerns as cloud performance and reliability.
4. SP 800 53: Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems
and Organizations are specific security controls for federal agencies. SP 800
53standards define federal agencies' requirements and compliance standards
with impact levels ranging from low, moderate, and high impact.
According to NIST, these are the relevant cloud security controls for
access control
audit and accountability
configuration management
identification and authentication
risk assessment
incident response
1. NIST SP 800 210: General Access Control Guidance for Cloud Systems
addresses appropriate cloud access control measures for Infrastructure-as-a-
Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service
(SaaS) service models.
2. NIST SP 800 500: provides security controls for implementing cloud
security requirements based on NIST cybersecurity standards and controls that
include risk assessments, access control, and configuration management.
NIST Cyber Security Framework
The NIST Cyber Security Framework was designed to help organizations of
varied sectors and sizes reduce cybersecurity risks. NIST provides specific security
controls through its special publications to facilitate easy customization of cybersecurity
practices based on the unique mission of the individual company and its requirements.
NIST Cloud Security Best Practices
1. Continuous and consistent vulnerability assessments and penetration tests
which are critically recommended by NIST because they aid in real-time
detection, identification, exploitation, and mitigation of cloud vulnerabilities.
2. Install firewall and anti-malware software. NIST posits that robust firewalls
are critical for scanning internal and external networks and proactively
detecting viruses and worms in real time and filtering out signature based and
zero-day suspicious traffic.
3. Encrypt data at rest and in transit to protect sensitive information from
4. Implement identity and access management controls. Identity and access
management provide and maintain access controls to secure cloud resources
using multi-factor authentication (MFA), and role-based measures.
5. Incident response planning. NIST recommends institutions have incident
response plans in place that define steps to mitigate, contain, and recover from
security incidents (NIST, 2020).
Atkins & Lawson (2020) in a survey found that industry professionals and
stakeholders contribute to and participate immensely in government exercises on the
NIST cybersecurity framework.
NIST Benefits
resilient and robust cloud security solutions
tools and best practices that enable organizations to identify and mitigate risks
in cloud environments.
help organizations to comply with various cloud regulatory requirements such
as SOC2, ISO 27001, and PCI-DSS
recommends continuous monitoring to facilitate real-time threat detection and
provides tools and frameworks that are very adaptable for public, private,
community, or hybrid cloud deployment.
improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness of resource usage
NIST cloud security standards, frameworks, and resources are invaluable in a
world where cyber threats are rising exponentially. Implementing and maintaining NIST
best practices and standards are critical to safeguard, secure and protect an organization's
cloud security posture and save its reputation. Dudek et al (2020) in a survey of 125
certified German companies to analyze the adoption of ISO/IEC 27001, found
implementation to be surprisingly low and concluded that its relevance may rise as
stakeholders increasingly emphasis that companies take more active measures to
safeguard information security.
Applications to Professional Practice
This study’s recommendations are intended to improve and change cloud
cybersecurity practices. Fugue (2022) after analyzing survey data concluded that 36% of
300 cloud engineers and cybersecurity experts surveyed admitted having had a severe
cloud security leak the previous year. There is exponential growth in data breaches of
cloud stored information at individual and organizational levels. The crucial essence of
big data to the society has motivated hackers to attack information systems to install
ransomware through which they infiltrate, compromise, and steal data thereby exacting
enormous emotional, material, and reputational losses to individuals and the society. To
prevent, mitigate and forestall trust, entities must invest in cybersecurity systems to
preempt and protect critical national infrastructure. Jeyaraj & Zadeh (2022) studied
internal cybersecurity strategies of some major US companies and found that
organizations respond to cybersecurity threats by utilizing a mixture of exploration and
exploitation measures to transition between quadrants since every organization uniquely
encounters different cyber-threat types and also develops different strategies to respond
and contend cyber-threats. The authors stated that General Dynamics encountered varied
cybersecurity attempts to access its proprietary and classified information including
threats to physical security of its facilities and employees using denial-of-service attacks.
General Motors on the other hand developed its own access control measures to secure
access to its IT infrastructure while Visa Corporation invested substantially to secure,
protect, detect and respond to data security incidents. PepsiCo invested in security
measures to secure its network by implementing backup and disaster recovery measures
and capacity building competencies training programs for its employees.
The relevance and impact of the findings of this study on cloud information
management may benefit professional cloud security practices because it informs the
practice and adds new knowledge to the profession that is needed to improve and secure
information. Chiara (2022) conducted a legal analysis of European Union cybersecurity
related legislation to investigate the extent to which existing and proposed legislation
address the multitude of challenges posed by IoT and related services and concluded that
the complexity of IoT technologies hinders the building of safeguards to ensure adequate
levels of security and safety considering that each sector is unique with its own risk
profile which also differ across sectors. The participants and publicly available
information reviewed for this research provided experiential practices, strategies, and best
practices that cloud security providers can implement to secure cloud infrastructure that is
critical to national security. The need to secure cloud platforms is hampered by the lack
of or limited knowledge of IT professionals, customers and the limitations of public
awareness and attention. Nord et al (2022) reviewed literature on internet service
providers in the US to investigate predictors of compliance and found that employees
from new hires to CEOs from different sectors viewed supportive organizational culture
and role values as significant predictor variables whereas leadership and engagement
were less significant.
Findings from this study may enable and nudge cloud providers to perform
regular risk assessments of their cloud infrastructure, employ IT professionals’ expert
knowledge to understand the implications of the actions implemented and to invest based
on informed decision making so as to be proactive, preempt and stop an eminent attack
rather than be reactive and respond to damage control. Though all IT professionals
interviewed expressed the need and essence of protecting the cloud platforms, there was
great variation in the strategies employed, number of annual investments and choice of
technology purchased. It was however clear from their responses that each professional’s
choice of initial security method has evolved over time due to the changing nature of
threat actor’s attack tactics and the rapid and unpredictable nature of technological
advancement. The participants interviewed pointed at the fact that the choice of best
practice and type of technology deployed was not always based on knowledge and skills
but was often shaped by costs and what was available. This is not a good practice for
corporations that understand the critical need to protect data. It is my fervent expectation
that IT professionals and cloud provider decision makers will use these results as a
foundation to re-access and improve their current practices and security methods and
update their current processes and policies. These changes can be directed and tailored
towards processes that address automation that minimizes human error by implementing
rule-based processes to create user accounts and manage identity and access processes
(Walton et al., 2021).
Corporate information management policies should ensure consistency and
persistent application that conform and comply with frameworks and legal strictures
throughout the corporation. Da Veiga (2016) conducted a comparative study of an
experimental group who read corporate policy before implementing a task and a control
group that did not and found that the experimental group participants had a positive
perception of security policy and where readily in compliance with guidelines while the
control group did not. For a cloud provider to affect change there must be a change
management process in place that ensures effective communication within and without
and the roles and responsibilities must be well defined and enforced. Successful change
can only occur if implementation has executive blessing and is properly planned and
coordinated for any corporation to benefit from the findings of this study.
With technological advancement, the convenience of cloud-based computing
availability with always-on connectivity has drastically changed the manner in which
traditional IT security has been implemented and practiced. However, this functionality
creates new loopholes and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by threat actors and thus
demands new measures to secure the cloud platform. Jardine (2020) stated that new
technology releases sometimes have ill effects on security outcomes in the short run and
little-to-no effect over the long run and concluded from research results that the negative
short-run effects on cybersecurity outcomes increasingly diminish at a predicted annual
use rate of 7.03% after five years. Technological advancement has also enabled the
creation and growth of digital tools where new releases of software and hardware, and the
emergence of internet of things that has digitized homes and social services has
effectively forced social change in the manner in which the society manages sedentary
lifestyles. This has led to an increased need for cybersecurity solutions in which the
detection of known or existing vulnerabilities and zero-day attacks becomes a challenge
for cybersecurity professionals (Peppes et al., 2023). A major parentage of global
businesses is small and medium-sized entities who are ill equipped to conduct research
on their own but need research-based knowledge and solutions to understand the costs
and reputational impact of possible cyber-attacks on their businesses and assets (Alharbi
et al., 2021). Cyber-attacks and security events have enormous consequences for
businesses and related stakeholders, which cause increases in investments in information
security. IT security investments decision making is usually based on a careful evaluation
of risk factors, the effectiveness of existing solutions and evidence-based practices (Li et
al., 2021). The literature points to the need for a balance between security and ease of use
using best practices to design and provide solutions that feature both security and
usability, but existing solutions tend to focus on either security or usability and not both
(Faily & Flechais, 2011).
Some technology advancements have changed and benefited the society including
the healthcare sector where the emergence and use of the Electronic Health Records
(EHR) has proven to reduce healthcare costs, improve the quality care and the real-time
delivery of healthcare services (Bhuyan et al., 2020). The EHR enables the use of sensor
data and push notifications to detect fall incidents and provide real-time virtual care
(Chen, 2022). The introduction of the EHR has led to increased interconnectivity and
interoperability of medical devices information using the cloud platform but has also
introduced security risks that pose a threat to the healthcare industry (Jones et al., 2022).
1. Data storage: Traditional IT models are designed based on costly and
inflexible onsite data storage in contrast to cloud-based solutions that are more
cost-effective in system development, reduced user control and maintenance.
2. Scaling speed: Cloud-based solutions are modular and can easily be
commissioned, adapted to the unique organizational mission but pose security
3. End-user interfacing: Cloud platforms are interconnected with networks and
services that must be secured because of risks that range from unsecured end-
user devices, software and network level vulnerabilities to setup
misconfigurations and user behaviors.
4. Proximity to other networked data and systems: Cloud platforms are
connectivity based between cloud providers and users; thus, any defective
device or wrong setup can be exploited, and privilege escalated to the entire
Implications for Social Change
Cybersecurity risks lead to consumer trust concerns. A Consumer Reports (2022)
survey of 2,103 US adults reported that the last three years has seen significant positive
changes to user cybersecurity and practices and that within one-year consumer online
spending rose by 44%. A breach will severely expose user’s information, punish brands,
and cause social mistrust. When people cannot afford fuel to automate their vehicles or
learn that their bank accounts had been breached and their personal data found on the
dark web, they experience firsthand the impact cyber-attacks can have on their personal
lives (Vijayan, 2023).
Data breaches come with psychological effects such as the WannaCry
ransomware attack that led to disruption of critical infrastructure worldwide and severely
impacted the U.K.'s National Health Service particularly scheduled procedures.
WannaCry’s impact included disruption of critical systems, affected individuals, and
created real-time awareness risks for many (Akbanov & Vassilakis, 2019). It
demonstrated how basic vulnerabilities in basic infrastructure could bring social change.
Cyber breaches cause service disruptions and depending on the nature of the
breach, may be spread across a network or limited to a local infrastructure and are
frustrating to individuals directly affected. A 2019 ransomware attack on a software
vendor affected 22 Texas towns. The cybercriminals demanded $2.5 million to restore
administrative services, and effectively prevented residents from accessing their records
or pay utility bills (Bleiberg & Tucker, 2021). This study is intended to identify best
practices that may help mitigate these increasing numbers of breaches.
Recommendations for Action
This study set out to investigate strategies that cloud security professionals
implement to secure access and to protect data on their cloud infrastructure. To answer
this question data was obtained from a telephone interview of cloud IT professionals and
a thorough review of publicly available information including national and international
standards and frameworks and laws government cybersecurity in general and cloud
security in particular. The data collected using these two methods was thematically
analyzed to answer the research question of how information stored in the cloud is
secured and protected. From these information sources and a review of recent
professional peer-reviewed literature on strategies to secure cloud infrastructure, I
proffered some recommendations which security providers can implement to improve,
update or reconfigure their cloud platforms.
1. Corporations should develop, implement, and enforce credible and effective
security policies that meet the requirements of established frameworks and
also compliant with existing laws and regulations.
2. Employees at all levels should be educated and trained to understand and
comply with corporate policies and cybersecurity risk awareness. These
training programs should be regular, employees tested, and the programs
evaluated annually to measure and confirm effectiveness and adjustments
made as necessary.
3. Corporations should ensure and implement continuous monitoring, risk
assessments, incident response plans, proper events documentation, and
mitigation plans.
4. Implement identity and access management methods that meet authorization
and authentication industry specific standards which are tested regularly for
effectiveness and updated to be resilient against both signature and zero-day
attacks. There should be continuous and regularly scheduled impact
assessments particularly when there is an instance of data transiting through
the cloud (Cayirci et al, 2016). Though these measures require considerable
investments in technology and personnel, it is a sine qua non for any
corporation. Corporate buy
5. in is the necessary first step to any such investment either through third party
company audits or internal IT departmental assessments, evaluation and
resolving weak authentication methods.
6. Considering that there is reasonable user expectation for a fast and ease of use
access to relevant information, there is a need for strategies that provide
availability, confidentiality, and integrity and at the same time provide a
secure and robust system that guarantee operational efficiency (Shiferaw
&Cerna, 2016). There is an urgent need for improved access and
authentication strategies to include such trusted methods as multifactor
authentication in identity and access management for remote access and
Recommendations for Further Study
The findings from this study are not conclusive and cannot be generalized to
cover all aspects of cloud security since the focus of this study was identity and access
control. Considering that cloud security is an emerging field and that new technology
including software is released daily, there is literary warrant for further research in the
field of cloud security infrastructure. Since the focus of this qualitative multiple-case
study was on the experiences of cloud IT professionals and publicly available
information, there is the need to examine corporate culture and organizational climate as
possible major influences to the outcome of cloud security initiatives. The role that
executives play in investment and policy making is of critical significance in protecting
the cloud infrastructure and can determine the quality and quantity of IT professionals to
hire and also determine what technology to purchase. Corporate buy in is essential in
securing the cloud platform and demands further research. There is research needed to
understand cloud user behaviors. According to research, human error contributes
immensely to security breaches and needs further investigation. It is recommended that
further research may be expanded to global audiences since many threat actors are hidden
in rogue nations around the globe. Additional research is warranted to use the quantitative
methodology to test the role of investments as a ratio of security breaches when not
addressed vis-a-vis the cost of implementing a secure system, the effect of user behaviors
on the frequency and distribution of security vulnerabilities caused by users who received
cybersecurity awareness training compared who did not receive the training.
Summary and Study Conclusions
Cloud computing has proven to be more advantageous over on-premises data
centers due to its ability for data backup and ease of service restoration, redundancy,
greater collaboration, accessibility, and affordability. However, cloud security challenges
remain a major impediment to its adaptation and use. Issues that have led to known data
breaches, unauthorized access, service disruptions, and potential loss of sensitive
information undermine the trust and reliability that organizations and individuals place in
cloud technologies. A good number of businesses are not knowledgeable and fail to
understand their roles and responsibilities vis-a-vis that of cloud service providers
(CSPs). This apparent ambiguity in role definition and the resultant failure by businesses
to implement cloud security best practices is detrimental and endangers both national
security interests, incurs corporate cost in material and reputational damages and
torpedoes the lives of citizens especially when their private and sensitive information is
sold on the dark web. According to the Cybersecurity Insiders (2023) 2023 Cloud
Security Challenges Report, security is still a top concern for cloud users despite cloud
computing’s fast uptake. 76% of the cybersecurity experts surveyed in this research said
they are very concerned about public cloud security. This study has attempted to provide
solutions that may help further knowledge and understanding of the complicated area of
cloud security challenges. With the ever-evolving techniques of threat actors as well as
the critical business investments in policy and technology, this study concludes that there
is urgent need for action to ensure that cloud systems are secure and reliable and also
need further research to broaden the knowledge base and inculcate an understanding of
cloud cybersecurity as an emerging discipline. An entity’s ability to secure a cloud
network and protect data has proven to be very challenging. New untested technologies
are released daily with unknown vulnerabilities and as cybercriminals keep inventing
new tactics and always a step ahead of mitigation measures, IT professionals struggle to
catch up. I have in this study endeavored to provide strategies and possible solutions to
the aforementioned challenges to data being secured in the cloud. My aim has been to
narrow the knowledge gap relating to cloud security. Society’s fears and mistrust about
the reliability of online systems and cloud computing are well founded considering the
exponential and escalating number of data breaches that have in many cases found their
personal and private information sold being sold on the dark web.
Though challenging and at times very complex, it takes a combination of risk
assessments, experience, knowledge, resources, and enforced policies to secure and
protect a network as there is no one-size fits all approach. The federal government’s zero
trust policy may be the panacea to information security management. Each entity is
unique, and decisions are predicated on the critical business mission but the core lesson
from this study is that they must implement strategies that are effective, compliment the
business need with the overall goal being to secure and protect both human and material
internal and external resources to guarantee user and stakeholder trust.
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Appendix A: Interview Protocol
Appendix B: Letter of Invitation
There is a new study about cloud cybersecurity strategies and controls that may help IT
professionals and the general public better understand the benefits and challenges of
securing a cloud infrastructure platform. For this study, you are invited to describe your
experiences in securing these environments and how users have been made aware of the
threats they face when using public and private platforms.
About the study:
One 20 30 minutes phone interview that will be audio recorded (no video
To protect your privacy, the published study will not share any names or details
that identify you.
Volunteers must meet these requirements:
Cloud cybersecurity professional with at least 3 years of practical experience
Is resident in the United States.
This interview is part of the doctoral study for Oliver Fontem, a doctoral student at
Walden University. Interviews will take place during January 2024.
Please reach out [email protected] to let the researcher know of your
interest. You are welcome to forward it to others who might be interested.