Table of Contents
1. Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Statement
2. Degree Requirements and Procedures
1.1 Masters of Engineering (M.Engr.)
1.1.1 Degree Requirements
1.1.2 Creative Component or Coursework Only Options
1.1.3 M.Engr. Program of Study Committee (POSC) and POSC Form
1.2 Masters of Science (M.S.)
1.2.1 Degree Requirements
1.2.2 Research Project and Major Professor Selection
1.2.3 M.S. Program of Study Committee (POSC) and POSC Form
1.3 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
1.3.1 Degree Requirements
1.3.2 Research Project and Major Professor Selection
1.3.3 Research Progress Exam (Qualifier)
1.3.4 Ph.D. Program of Study Committee (POSC) and POSC Form
1.3.5 Preliminary Oral Examination
1.4 Degree Completion and Final Oral Examinations
1.4.1 Application for Graduation
1.4.2 Coursework Only Final Check
1.4.3 Final Oral Examination
1.4.4 Thesis, Dissertation, and Special Reports
1.4.5 Graduate Student Approval Form
1.5 Graduate Minor in Chemical Engineering
3. Departmental Policies and Procedures
2.1 Additional Coursework for Students without a Chemical Engineering B.S.
2.2 Transfer Credits
2.3 Orientation and New Graduate Student Checklist
2.4 Appointments and Stipends
2.5 Safety Training and Requirements
2.6 Registration Policies and Procedures
2.6.1 Semester Registration
2.6.2 Teaching Practicum and Curricula Teaching Requirement
2.7 Satisfactory Progress and Performance in Coursework and Research
2.7.1 Satisfactory Degree Progress
2.7.2 Satisfactory Coursework Progress and Performance
2.7.3 Satisfactory Research Progress and Performance
2.8 Absences from Campus and Travel Procedures
2.8.1 Absences from Campus
2.8.2 Travel Procedures
2.8.3 Professional Advancement Grants (PAGs)
2.8.4 CBE Travel Grant
2.9 Facilities
2.9.1 Office /Building Hours
2.9.2 Office Assignments
2.9.3 Office Supplies
2.9.4 Printing
2.9.5 Mail
2.9.6 Sweeney Graduate Student Lounge
2.9.7 Room Reservation Requests
2.9.8 Checkout Procedures
4. Professional Development Opportunities on Campus
3.1 Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Organization
3.2 Ch E 601: Seminar
3.3 CBE Perfect Pitch Competition
3.4 Outstanding Research and Teaching Awards
3.4.1 Outstanding Research Excellence Award
3.4.2 Outstanding Teaching Excellence Award
3.5 Graduate Student Professional Development Resources
3.6 External Employment (Internship) Guidelines
5. Purchasing Policies and Procedures
4.1 CyBuy
4.2 Purchasing Credit Card (P-card)
4.3 Purchase Order Requisitions
6. Departmental Directory
Appendix A: Procedures for Earning a Master’s Degree (M. Engr. or M.S.)
Appendix B: Procedures for Earning a Ph.D. Degree
Appendix C: Research Rubric
Appendix D: New Graduate Student Checklist
Appendix E: CBE Graduate Student Checkout Form
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Statement
Land Acknowledgement
Iowa State University is located on the ancestral lands and territory of the Baxoje (bah-kho-
dzhe), or Ioway Nation. The United States obtained the land from the Meskwaki and Sauk
nations in the Treaty of 1842. We wish to recognize our obligations to this land and to the
people who took care of it, as well as to the 17,000 Native people who live in Iowa today.
CBE Statement on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
In thought and action, in policy and practice, and in all aspects of our academic enterprise, we
strongly value individuality and uniqueness. We are committed to continuous improvement of
diversity, inclusion, access and academic success. We aim to foster a community where
everyone is empowered to be and is accepted as their full, authentic selves, regardless of race,
color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity,
genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran.
Learn more
about diversity and inclusion in the Iowa State University College of Engineering.
Iowa State Principles of Community can be found here
Graduate Students are supported under the Violence-Free University Policy
1. Degree Requirements and Procedures
The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) offers three graduate degrees in
Chemical Engineering (Ch E): Master of Engineering (M.Engr.), Masters of Science (M.S.) and
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The department also offers a graduate minor in Chemical
After completing a graduate level degree in chemical engineering in CBE, students will be able
Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of scholarly literature in the area of study.
Form testable hypotheses and articulate research objectives that, when met, will lead to
significant contributions to the field of study.
Conduct quantitative research via appropriate acquisition, analysis, and reporting of
Interpret research results appropriately, integrating them into the existing knowledge in
the discipline.
Clearly and accurately communicate research findings orally and in writing.
Conduct independent scholarship in ways that consistently demonstrate ethical practice
and professionalism.
Below is an outline of the requirements and processes to obtain a graduate level degree from
CBE. Flowcharts for completing these degrees can be found in Appendix A and B.
1.1 Master of Engineering Degree (M.Engr.)
1.1.1. Degree Requirements
Coursework requirements for the M.Engr. degree are 30 credits of graduate or non-major
graduate credit coursework. A minimum of 18 credits must be Ch E graduate level coursework
and must include at least two courses chosen from Ch E 545, 554, 583, and 587. All students
register for Ch E 601 Seminar each spring and fall semester. Up to six credits can be a creative
component (Ch E 599). Application of any Ch E 599 credits toward the degree requirements
necessitates forming a Program of Study Committee (POSC).
1.1.2. Creative Component or Coursework Only Options
Students pursuing the M.Engr. degree have the option to complete the degree as a coursework
only degree or to complete a creative component as a part of the degree. A creative component
is an independent component of work supervised by a faculty member. Students completing a
creative component as a part of their M.Engr. degree should discuss their options for a creative
component with the Director of Graduate Education (DOGE).
1.1.3. M.Engr. Program of Study Committee (POSC) and POSC Form
Each M.Engr. student, in collaboration with their major professor, shall identify the faculty
members to serve on an advisory committee, also called the Program of Study Committee
(POSC). This committee guides and evaluates the student during the period of graduate study.
Normally the student will ask individual faculty members to serve on the committee after
consultation with the major professor.
For M.Engr. students completing a creative component, the faculty member supervising the
Ch E 599 credits serves as the major professor. If a student is completing the coursework only
option for the M.Engr. degree, the DOGE for the department will serve as the student’s adviser
and approves the POSC form.
For M.Engr. students completing a creative component, the POSC will consist of the major
professor and two additional faculty members. At least one of the additional faculty members
must be from the CBE department. If completing a graduate minor, one of the faculty members
must be from the minor’s department. Once the student has confirmed their committee, the
student can go on AccessPlus to complete and route the POSC form. No POSC meeting is
required for M. Engr. students.
M.Engr. students are required to submit the POSC form within four months of beginning the
program and must be approved by the final day of the semester prior to taking the Final Oral
Examination or the semester prior to graduation (for coursework only students).
1.2 Master of Science Degree (M.S.)
1.2.1 Degree Requirements
Coursework requirements for the M.S. degree are 30 credits of graduate or non-major graduate
credit coursework. A minimum of 15 credits of this must be non-research coursework, including
12 credits of graduate level Ch E courses. This Ch E coursework must include at least two
courses chosen from Ch E 545, 554, 583, and 587. All students register for Ch E 601 Seminar
each spring and fall semester. In addition to the Ch E courses, a minimum of three credits of
coursework must be taken outside of the department, not including GR ST 565.
1.2.2 Research Project and Major Professor Selection
Students pursuing the M.S. degree are assigned a major professor through the admissions
process based on their expressed research interests outlined in their admissions application.
The major professor will oversee their research work during their time in the program.
1.2.3 M.S. Program of Study Committee (POSC) and POSC Form
Each M.S. student, in collaboration with their major professor, shall identify the faculty members
to serve on an advisory committee, also called the Program of Study Committee (POSC). This
committee guides and evaluates the student during the period of graduate study. Normally the
student will ask individual faculty members to serve on the committee after consultation with the
major professor.
For M.S. students, the POSC will consist of the major professor and at least two additional
faculty members. At least one of the additional faculty members must be from the CBE
department. If completing a graduate minor, one of the faculty members must be from the
minor’s department. The committee must include at least one member from a different field of
emphasis to ensure diversity of perspectives. Once the student has confirmed their committee,
the student can go on AccessPlus to complete and route the POSC form. No POSC meeting is
required for M.S. students.
M.S. students are required to submit the POSC form within four months of beginning the
program and the form must be approved by the final day of the semester prior to taking the
Final Oral Examination.
1.3 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
1.3.1 Degree Requirements
Coursework requirements for the Ph.D. degree are 72 graduate credits of graduate or non-
major graduate credit coursework. A minimum of 26 credits of this coursework must be non-
research coursework, including 16 credits of Ch E coursework. This Ch E coursework must
include Ch E 545, 554, 583, and 587, Ch E 698A, and two terms of Ch E 698B. All students
register for Ch E 601 Seminar each spring and fall semester. Additional credits of graduate or
non-major coursework must include GR ST 565 and elective courses. At least three credits of
non-research coursework need to be 600-level course(s) graded on an A-F scale. These
elective courses will be determined together by the student and the Program of Study
Committee (POSC), depending upon the research area of the student, and can be within Ch E
or outside. The Graduate College requires that the topics of independent study credits (Ch E
590/692) applied to the degree be identified on the POSC form and approved by the POSC.
Generally, independent study credits in the doctoral studies are indicated only for work done
clearly outside the scope of the thesis project, under the direction of a member of the faculty
that is not the student’s major professor.
Many students will take more coursework than the minimum listed above to improve identified
deficiencies or to achieve special needs that relate to their research. The student’s POSC will
determine these courses.
1.3.2 Research Project and Major Professor Selection
Students needing to be assigned a research project will listen to oral presentations by faculty
with openings that are available to choose from during the department’s orientation. The student
should discuss projects of interest with the appropriate professors. Before the deadline, usually
a month into the semester, the student will submit a list of preferred projects and major
professors to the Director of Graduate Education (DOGE).
Within the limitations of faculty time and funding, students will be assigned a project and
research professor on their preferred list. The major professor assigned will be the chair of the
student’s POSC.
1.3.3 PhD Qualifying Exam
During a student’s first year in the program, they are conditionally on track to complete the
Ph.D. program. Full admission of students to the Ph.D. program by the department faculty is
based on achievement in graduate core courses (B+ or greater in all four of the core classes,
Ch E 545, 554, 583, and 587) and development of skills needed to complete a doctorate
degree. The potential to succeed as a PhD student is evaluated in the PhD Qualifying Exam
(Qualifier). The Qualifier is completed a year after entering the program and consists of a written
and oral portion (detailed below). If extenuating circumstances require change of timeline for
this exam, students must consult with their major professor and present a plan to the DOGE in
advance of the exam. The exam evaluates a student’s ability to 1) explain context of their
proposed work and ability to contribute to their field of study, 2) integrate fundamental concepts
from chemical engineering and their discipline, 3) design experiments, generate data, and
critically analyze their results, and 4) create a plan for their future research efforts.
The report and presentation should:
• Reflect importance of the research problem in context with existing work reported in
• Connect fundamental principles (from chemical engineering and other relevant science
and engineering fields) to the proposed research objectives
• Be understandable by a general CBE audience
• Make it clear what the student has accomplished versus what was collaborative
• Propose a plan of work for the next three years based on their completed research so
far, supported by prior art and fundamental knowledge.
Written Report
Students will submit a written report (maximum length 2500 words) detailing a clear motivation
for their research and the work completed to date. The report should include the following
sections: abstract, introduction (background and statement of purpose of the research project),
methods, results (no more than six figures and tables), discussion (a future plan should be
included), and references (references do not count toward the word limit). Students will submit
their report to a committee of at least three faculty members from the department, including the
student’s major professor(s) and two other faculty members chosen by the DOGE. The report
MUST be prepared without any input from the major professor and should be formatted as
• Single-spaced, single column per page, and 1-inch margins on all sides
• Times New Roman 11 pt. font.
• Figures and tables placed inline with the main text, numbered in the same order in
which they are referenced, and accompanied with a descriptive caption (figure captions
and tables do not count toward the word limit).
The written report must be submitted to the committee at least seven business days in
advance of the oral presentation.
Oral Presentation
When the date is agreed upon by the Qualifier committee, students should schedule a room for
the duration of 90 minutes for the examination (Graduate Coordinator or front office staff can
assist). Students should prepare for a 30-minute uninterrupted research presentation followed
by a question-answer session. During the seminar, students should demonstrate a good
understanding of their research problem and the overall impact of their research and report
specific accomplishments in their research to date. A research rubric describing the
expectations for the oral and written components is located in Appendix C.
Coursework Performance
Students who do not earn a B+ or better in a core course must complete work to address each
unsatisfactory course performance. This will be customized for each student based on their
needs. Example educational activities are developing new course content, retaking a graduate
or undergraduate course, or serving as a teaching assistant for an undergraduate course. The
education plan will be proposed by the graduate program committee, after consultation with the
respective core course instructor(s) to determine what route(s) would best address the
respective gap(s) in knowledge, and voted on at a faculty meeting.
Evaluation and Feedback
Once a student has completed the oral presentation, the members of the committee will share
the results of the exam with the faculty, usually at the next faculty meeting. The faculty will vote
on the student’s continued status in the program based on the results of the Qualifier,
recommendations from the student’s major professor and the Qualifier committee about the
student’s research progress and potential to succeed, and the student’s coursework
performance. The major professor(s) will summarize the committee’s feedback and send to the
DOGE which will be incorporated into a department letter which will deliver the outcome of the
examination to the student
Based on faculty vote, a student’s Qualifier may have one of the following outcomes:
• The student is admitted directly to the Ph.D. program.
• The student is conditionally approved to continue in the Ph.D. program, with the
requirement of demonstrating satisfactory PhD-level performance and completing an
M.S. thesis and defense.
• The student is directed to pursue a terminal M.S. degree (no option of reapplying).
1.3.4 Ph.D. Program of Study Committee (POSC) and POSC Form
Each Ph.D. student, in collaboration with their major professor, shall identify the faculty
members to serve on an advisory committee, also called the Program of Study Committee
(POSC). This committee guides and evaluates the student during the period of graduate study.
Normally the student will ask individual faculty members to serve on the committee after
consultation with the major professor.
For Ph.D. students, the POSC will consist of at least five members of the graduate faculty. At
least two members of the POSC, not including the major professor(s), must be from the CBE
department. If completing a graduate minor, one of the faculty members must be from the
minor’s department. The committee must include at least one member from a different field of
emphasis to ensure diversity of perspectives. After the selected faculty members have agreed
to serve on the committee, the student can set up a meeting with their committee members to
develop a program of study (coursework that the student will need to complete as part of their
graduate program). Once the student has met with their committee and the committee has
agreed on the coursework, the student can go on AccessPlus to complete and route the POSC
form. The POSC form serves the dual purpose of: (1) identifying faculty members who will serve
on the student’s committee, and (2) selecting all the coursework that will count toward the
Ph.D. students are required to submit their POSC form within six months of completing their
Qualifier, and the form must be approved by the final day of the semester prior to taking the
Preliminary Oral Examination. If a M.S. degree is completed en route to the Ph.D., the student
must submit their Ph.D. POSC by the end of the semester following completion of their M.S.
1.3.5 Preliminary Oral Examination
A student becomes a candidate for the Doctor of Philosophy degree after successfully
completing a preliminary examination. The Preliminary Exam is intended to assess whether or
not the student has:
met doctoral-level standards for general knowledge in chemical and biological
engineering, in supporting subject areas, and in the student’s area of expertise.
developed the capabilities or facilities needed to complete their research project.
can demonstrate the ability to use such knowledge and to orally communicate it to
Students admitted prior to the fall 2020 term are required to take the Preliminary Exam two
years after their Research Progress Exam. Considerable research progress is expected at this
important milestone. Many students will have published at this point or will have manuscripts
nearly ready for peer review.
Students admitted during the fall 2020 term and later are required to take the Preliminary Exam
no later than six academic terms after successfully completing their Research Progress Exam or
their Master’s degree (an academic year consists of Spring, Summer, and Fall terms). Failure to
meet this expectation constitutes grounds for probationary status. Considerable research
progress is expected at this important milestone. Many students will have published at this point
or will have manuscripts nearly ready for peer review.
At least three weeks before the date of the preliminary examination, the student must submit a
Request for Preliminary Examination to the Graduate Office through the online form at
A written research report, prepared by the student, should be given to the POSC two weeks in
advance of the examination. Consultation with the major professor is permissible and
encouraged. The report should be organized into chapters that present the significance of the
problem and the objectives of the research, a review of the present state of knowledge in the
area, a description of the research plan, results to date, and plans for completing the project.
Research results to date will typically span multiple chapters, with each chapter comprising a
peer-reviewed journal article or a manuscript to be submitted as such. The document should
provide citations in a manner appropriate for the field. Figures, tables and other data must be
properly attributed to collaborators or external sources. The format should follow that used for
the final dissertation unless otherwise directed by the POSC. Formatting guidelines for ISU
theses are summarized at
. It is
particularly important that chapters in manuscripts that may be published or that are in any
stage of publication follow the "Journal Paper Format" guidelines for attribution of co-authors.
Immediately prior to the preliminary examination, the student will present to the department and
the POSC a public seminar describing the research results to date and future work.
After a Preliminary Examination is complete, the student and POSC will need to electronically
sign the Report of Preliminary Oral Examination to verify the outcome of the Preliminary Exam.
The form is provided to the major professor when the exam is scheduled.
1.4 Degree Completion and Final Oral Examinations
1.4.1 Application for Graduation
By the deadline posted for the semester of graduation, students should submit an application for
graduation through AccessPlus. Students can access this graduation application by logging in to
their AccessPlus account and selecting Graduation from the left side menu under the Student
1.4.2 Coursework Only Final Check
M.Engr. students completing a coursework only program must submit a Coursework Only Final
Check by the deadline indicated for their graduation term. The form is available online at
1.4.3 Final Oral Examination
As a part of the final examination procedure, candidates for the M.S. or Ph.D. degree are
required to give a public seminar to present and defend their research dissertation. The final
examination for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees consists of a one-hour general presentation in a
public seminar, followed by an examination by the candidate’s POSC. Ph.D. students must have
a minimum of six months between their preliminary oral and final oral examinations.
M.Engr. students completing a creative component must also complete a final oral exam. The
final examination for M.Engr. students should comprise a seminar of at least 20 minutes.
Students must submit an online Request for Final Oral Examination form to the Graduate
College Office at least three weeks before the examination at
https://secure.grad- The Graduate College must approve any changes in the
membership of the POSC or coursework on the POSC form before the final examination occurs.
Students must submit their thesis, dissertation, or special report to their POSC at least two
weeks before the examination. A committee member who does not receive the dissertation or
thesis at least two weeks before the final oral examination may cancel the examination, in
accordance with Graduate College policy.
After a Final Oral Examination is complete, the student and POSC will need to electronically
sign the Report of Final Oral Examination to verify the outcome of the Final Exam. The form is
provided to the major professor when the exam is scheduled.
1.4.4 Thesis, Dissertation, and Special Reports
Before graduation, students must prepare a thesis or dissertation (or a special report in the
case of M.Engr. students completing a creative component). Formatting guidelines for ISU
theses are summarized at
. The
student and major professor must determine whether or not the results are to be published and
what the student’s responsibilities are in the publication process. It is normally expected that the
student will at least complete the draft of a research paper prior to departure.
A student’s thesis, dissertation, or special report must be uploaded to a repository by the
required Graduate College deadline. Students completing the Ph.D. and M.S. degree must
submit their thesis or dissertation to ProQuest ( M.Engr.
students completing a creative component must submit their special report to the ISU Library
1.4.5 Graduate Student Approval Form
After completing the Final Oral Exam and the exit survey, students must complete a Graduate
Student Approval Form. Individuals from various offices electronically sign this form to indicate
that the student has completed the degree requirements and has met all other obligations to be
eligible for the degree. The form is online.
1.5 Graduate Minor in Chemical Engineering
Graduate students in other departments who do not have Ch E backgrounds can obtain a minor
in Ch E by completing 12 credits of 300-, 400- or 500-level Ch E courses. At least 9 of these
credits must be in core Chemical Engineering courses, and not elective courses. A CBE faculty
member must serve on the student's POS committee to help guide the selection of courses for
the minor.
2. Departmental Policies and Procedures
2.1 Additional Coursework for Students without a Chemical Engineering B.S.
Even though the majority of graduate students in the program are chemical engineers, the
department does admit highly qualified students from non-Ch E backgrounds. To prepare these
students for graduate coursework in chemical engineering, the Department has developed Ch E
412X Core Concepts for Chemical Engineers. This course is typically completed the
summer prior to a student’s first fall term and must be successfully completed by students
without an undergraduate chemical engineering degree before attempting any graduate Ch E
coursework. Ch E 412X cannot be applied to the POSC Form.
Students who do not successfully complete Ch E 412X will need to take up to 5 undergraduate
level courses in Ch E and Math to enhance their preparation for taking graduate level Ch E
coursework. Credit earned in these courses is not applied to the POSC Form. For any courses
not equivalently covered during their undergraduate preparation, students will need to earn a
"B" or better in undergraduate courses as per the table below:
ISU Course
Ch E 545
Analytical and
Numerical Methods
1 semester undergraduate differential
equations course
Math 267
Ch E 554
Integrated Transport
2 semesters undergraduate transport
phenomena (fluids, heat, mass transfer)
Ch E
356, 357, 381
Ch E 583
1 semester thermodynamics course Ch E 381
Ch E 587
Advanced Chemical
Reactor Design
1 semester reactor design course Ch E 382
At the beginning of their program, students will need to identify the courses they will be required
to take on the Non-Ch E Student Graduate Preparatory Coursework Worksheet. Students
will need to submit this worksheet to the Director of Graduate Education (DOGE). This
worksheet should include transcripts documenting courses that fulfill the prerequisite
requirements, if taken from an institution other than Iowa State University.
2.2 Transfer Credits
If students wish to transfer graduate-level course credits from previous institutions, they must
complete the CBE Graduate Transfer Credit Worksheet
and submit to the DOGE for approval.
In general, the following policies apply:
Eligible courses include lecture or lab courses that are eligible for graduate credit at the
other institution.
Research credits, seminar credits, or research ethics credits are not eligible for transfer.
The 600-level course requirement may not be satisfied with transfer credits.
The course must have been taught by a member of that institution’s graduate faculty.
The course must not have been applied to an undergraduate degree that you earned
while at that institution. This must be clear on the transcript or attested to by a letter from
the other institution.
A grade of “B+” or better is required.
The POS committee must approve the inclusion of all transferred electives on the POS
form. This means that although your elective credits may transfer, it is up to your POS
committee to determine if they can be used to satisfy your degree requirements.
2.3 Orientation and New Graduate Student Checklist
All new graduate students in CBE must attend the department’s orientation session and
complete the steps and training listed on the New Graduate Student Checklist (see Appendix
D). All new graduate students will be assigned a temporary office in Sweeney Hall. Upon arrival,
students will need to schedule a check-in time with the Graduate Student Coordinator. At this
time, students will complete the appropriate forms to request keys for their assigned office,
entrance to Sweeney Hall, and the graduate student lounge. International students must also
attend the International Graduate Student Check-in and Orientation.
2.4 Appointments and Stipends
For students on graduate assistantship, the terms of appointment are described in the student’s
initial offer letter of admissions. Each graduate student will be prompted to sign an Electronic
Appointment Form in Workday for each academic semester of appointment unless otherwise
specified. The graduate student's major professor(s) will advise them of the duties of the
appointment and the accountability procedures. All appointments are reviewed annually and the
student will be advised of the nature of the next year's appointment prior to the end of the
academic year.
2.5 Safety Training and Requirements
Laboratory safety training for new graduate students is held each fall and presented by the
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Department. This is mandatory training required under
state and federal law for all new employees and for any employees who have not received prior
Iowa State University training. This training is required for compliance with the OSHA
Laboratory Standard (29 CFR 1910.1450 "Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in
Laboratories"). If you receive a salary, wages, or a stipend for working in laboratories in CBE,
you must attend this training. This includes faculty, staff, hourly wage employees, research
assistants, teaching assistants, and postdoctoral students.
Topics include: OSHA Laboratory Standard, Laboratory Safety Manual, Material Safety Data
Sheets, Prior Approval Procedures, Laboratory Hazards, Chemical Hygiene, Personal
Protection, Housekeeping, Containers and Labeling, Hazardous Waste Disposal and Electrical
Safety. Depending on what your research is, additional training may be required later. Willful
failure to comply with safety requirements is grounds for dismissal.
Additional safety training may be communicated and assigned to you as deemed appropriate by
the CBE Safety Committee.
2.6 Registration Requirements
2.6.1 Semester Registration
For full-time enrollment, students are required to register for 9-12 credits of coursework during
the fall and spring terms. This registration must include Ch E 601: Seminar, a R credit course.
During the summer term, students should register for 1 credit of Ch E 699 or 599, unless
otherwise instructed by their major professor.
2.6.2 Teaching Practicum and Curricula Teaching Requirement
All Ph.D. seeking graduate students are required to participate in the teaching mission of the
University by registering for a two-part teaching experience. The first component, Ch E 698A:
Teaching Practicum is a weekly discussion group covering the topics of class and laboratory
instruction, grading, and teaching philosophy.
The second component is Ch E 698BCurricular Teaching Experience (CTE), in which the
student participates in the instruction of Ch E course(s) under the mentorship of a CBE faculty
member. Typical activities that the students will participate in as part of the CTE include:
Actively participating in classroom lectures and/or laboratory instruction (including delivering
a few faculty-supervised lectures)
Helping instructor design homework and/or exam problems
Participating in the formulation of projects (if any)
Holding problem-solving recitation sessions with students
Grading homework, quizzes, and/or lab reports
At the end of the CTE, the students will submit a short report to the graduate committee that
summarizes their CTE activities, with input from the faculty instructor. All CBE doctoral students
must complete at least two semesters of CTE. An additional term of CTE may be prescribed as
an outcome of unsatisfactory core course performance as described in section 1.3.3. The
scheduling of CTE terms will be determined in collaboration with the major professor and the
associate department chair.
2.7 Satisfactory Progress and Performance in Coursework and Research
Students receiving financial support in the form of teaching or research assistantships or industrial
fellowships are expected to make satisfactory progress towards their degree. In addition to
completing coursework on a satisfactory timetable, students must also have satisfactory
performance in their coursework and research.
2.7.1 Satisfactory Degree Progress
Although special considerations may apply in individual cases, students are expected to make
acceptable progress following the timetables outlined below:
Timetable for students with a B.S. in Ch E (or successfully complete Ch E 412X) and are
admitted directly to the Ph.D. program:
Event Time since entry
PhD Qualifying Exam 1 year
Program of Study Meeting no later than 1.5 years
Preliminary Exam 3 years
Final Oral Exam 4 - 5 years
Timetable for students with a non-Ch E B.S. (and do not successfully complete Ch E 412X) and
are admitted directly to the Ph.D. program:
Event Time since entry
Completion of undergraduate 1 year
Ch E coursework
PhD Qualifying Exam 2 years
Program of Study Meeting no later than 2.5 years
Preliminary Exam 4 years
Final Oral Exam 5 - 6 years
Students who first obtain a M.S. degree at Iowa State prior to beginning the Ph.D. program:
Event Time since entry
PhD Qualifying Exam Within one semester following M.S. degree
Ph.D. Program of Study Meeting Within one semester following M.S. degree
Preliminary Exam Within 2 years of M.S. degree
Final Exam 2 - 2.5 years of M.S. degree
2.7.2 Satisfactory Coursework Progress and Performance
Graduate students are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 to be in good academic
standing. Students whose GPAs fall below 3.0 will be on probation the following semester. New
students whose GPAs fall below a 3.0 will be given a warning the following semester and placed
on probation the semester after if their GPA is still below a 3.0. Furthermore, if a student
flagrantly neglects coursework or assistantship duties, thereby violating terms of the
assistantship contract, the department can suspend a student’s assistantship for the following
Students not showing satisfactory progress and failing to bring their GPA above 3.0 at the end of
the semester that they are on probation will be terminated and they may be dropped from the
departmental graduate program. The student’s major professor may petition the departmental
committee to allow the student to continue working towards a degree. In this case, the student will
no longer receive an assistantship unless the major professor decides to provide full or partial
2.7.3 Satisfactory Research Progress and Performance
CBE department practice is oriented to ensure graduate student success. We invite feedback as
to how we can continue to improve in this regard (email cbegradc[email protected]
However, the path to success can have periods of unsatisfactory progress; this section outlines
the process for identifying and resolving such periods. The following policy is applied to both
CBE students and the students from other programs with CBE listed as the home department.
The purpose of having a clearly written policy is motivated by the lack of consistent signal paths
in the past in the situation that a student continuously makes unsatisfactory progress. It also
describes an official procedure for a student on a probationary period to return to the
satisfactory status so students can make sufficient efforts to achieve this goal.
1. At the end of the Fall semester, the major professor must perform an official annual review
with each student and the “Graduate Student Annual Performance Review” form will be
documented in the student’s academic folder. Faculty can initiate additional review during an
academic year to document unsatisfactory progress. Students have the right to request
mediation with the chair and the DOGE at any time.
2. At the end of each semester (Spring, Summer, and Fall), each professor needs to submit
students’ grades for 599/699. In majority of the cases, a student who has made satisfactory
progress will get a grade of “A”, “B”, or “satisfactory”. The major professor can assign “C” or
“unsatisfactory” to the student who did not make satisfactory progress in research. If an
unsatisfactory grade is to be assigned, the major professor must document a face-to-face
meeting with the student using the “Graduate Student Annual Performance review” form. The
form must summarize the deficiencies leading to unsatisfactory status.
3. When ‘unsatisfactory progress’ is documented, the following term becomes a probationary
term. The student needs to perform a written self-assessment within one week of the signature
date on the “Graduate Student Annual Performance Review.” The major professor needs to
inform the department chair and the DOGE about the student’s probationary term immediately
after assigning a non-satisfactory grade to 599/699. A meeting involving the major professor,
the student, and the chair/DOGE will be arranged to clarify the expectation for the student to
return to satisfactory status, which will be included in the documentation.
4. Returning to satisfactory status is required for taking further steps in pursuit of the degree.
The Graduate Student Coordinator will verify the status and inform both the professor and the
student before allowing the student to take POS meeting, prelim, and the final defense.
5. Students will continue to be paid during the probationary semester. No later than two weeks
prior to the end of the probationary term, the major professor must submit a memo to the DOGE
and Chair requesting to return the student to satisfactory status, extend the probationary period,
terminate funding (tuition and/or stipend support), or initiate degree termination for the next
semester. If the memo does not request a return to satisfactory status, a meeting will be
scheduled involving the major professor, the student, and the Chair/DOGE.
Cases of academic or research misconduct would likely be addressed through the judicial
system. These and other types of misconduct are detailed in Chapter 9 of the Graduate College
Handbook,, and are in a different category than
Unsatisfactory Progress; but cases of unsatisfactory grades are addressed there also.
Termination of graduate study is addressed in this same section under “Dismissal” where the
procedure and student safeguards are addressed.
2.8 Absences from Campus and Travel Procedures
2.8.1 Absences from Campus
A student's major professor must approve absences (other than university holidays) in advance.
Graduate students completing a CTE must inform the professor they are working with any
absence. In order to approve an absence, students must complete the
Personal Travel
Notification form. This form will need to be signed by the graduate student traveling, their major
professor, and their supervising instructor (if completing CTE). The form should be emailed to
the Graduate Student Coordinator at least two weeks prior to travel.
2.8.2 Travel Procedures
For students planning to attend a conference, some (if not all) of the following information will
apply to you, so please read carefully.
Procedures for attending a conference are:
1. Check with your major professor regarding the conference you wish to attend. Obtain their
approval before proceeding with the next step.
2. Complete a CBE Out-of-State Travel Authorization form
, providing the account number to be
used to order your airline ticket. After you sign the form, have your major professor sign and
turn in the completed Out-of-State Travel Authorization form to the Event and Business
Coordinator in 2114 Sweeney Hall.
3. There are two options for obtaining flights:
a. Designated department travel coordinators (Elaine Smuck and Michelle Stotts) have P-
cards with designated travel indicator status that must be used to reserve flights through
ISU designated vendors. Individuals may search flight options by going to
and establishing a personal profile. All airline options
are available for comparison. Once selected, the preferred flight may be sent to the
department travel coordinators.
b. Travelers still have the option to search, book, and pay for their own travel and then be
reimbursed after the travel. Travelers should also be aware that when purchasing tickets
with a personal credit card the traveler assumes all risk. If the trip is canceled, ISU will
not reimburse the traveler for the ticket of a trip that was not taken, as the credit for the
unused ticket goes back to the traveler's credit card. By contrast, trips arranged through
our contracted travel agency and subsequently canceled can have credits applied to the
future trips of any ISU traveler, which ensures the value of the ticket will not be lost.
4. Remember to book your other travel needs such as hotel, rental car, shuttle, etc.
5. After travel has occurred, submit a Travel Reimbursement Form
and associated receipts to
the Event & Business Coordinator in 2114 Sweeney Hall. For a list of allowable travel
expenses see
2.8.3 Professional Advancement Grants (PAGs)
Professional Advancement Grant (PAG) policies and procedures can be found at
. PAGs are provided to current graduate students by lowering
barriers to attending professional meetings and conferences by helping to defray costs.
Interested graduate students must complete the online form to request funding from the
Graduate and Professional Student Senate to help support trip expenses. Any graduate student,
who is currently enrolled as a full-time student and is not classified under “continuous
registration” may apply for a Travel PAG. Each student is eligible to receive one Travel PAG per
fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). All graduate students are eligible for up to $200 per fiscal
year from the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS).
Requests for Travel PAGS can sometimes exceed available funds, so students should apply as
early as possible, preferably 8-10 weeks prior to departure. The application must be received in
the Graduate College no later than two weeks prior to departure. If you have any questions,
please ask or view the PAG website at
PAG funds must be expended by one month after the last day of the conference. Not taking
action within one month constitutes forfeiture of funds and the funds will revert back to use for
new travel grant awardees. If a student is funded to attend a conference and does not attend,
the student must notify the GPSS PAG Chair in writing to cancel their PAG by emailing
. This must be done no later than 2 weeks after the conference.
2.8.4 CBE Travel Grant
The Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering offers travel grants to help defray
expenses for professional meetings and conferences for Chemical & Biological Engineering
students. Amount of support is limited to one award per fiscal year (July 1 June 30). To apply for
the grant, complete the form at
Grants_02032020.pdf and forward the form to the Event & Business Coordinator in 2114
Sweeney Hall.
2.9 Facilities
2.9.1 Office and Building Hours
The CBE main office, 2114 Sweeney Hall, is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The telephone number is
515-294-7642. The fax number is 515-294-2689. Administrative offices on campus are also open
during these hours. Summer and break business hours change to 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sweeney Hall Building hours are:
Monday Friday: 6:00 am 8:00 pm
Saturday Sunday: Closed
The northwest door of Sweeney Hall is equipped with a card reader to allow access to Sweeney
Hall outside of the above listed hours.
Biorenewables Research Laboratory hours during the fall and spring semesters are:
Monday Friday: 7:00 am 5:00 pm
Saturday Sunday: Closed
Biorenewables Research Laboratory hours during the summer and semester breaks are:
Monday Friday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday Sunday: Closed
Advanced Teaching and Research Building hours are:
Monday Friday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday Sunday: Closed
All buildings are closed during University Holidays.
2.9.2 Office Assignments
Office and laboratory spaces are available for each graduate student. Students are assigned an
office space by the department chair and the operations manager. Key request forms can be
obtained from the main office, in 2114 Sweeney Hall. The supervisor will need to complete and
sign the form. The form will need to be returned to the main office for the key to be ordered. The
following day a key issue form can be taken to the General Services Building where keys are
issued with an I.D. Graduate students needing to switch keys with another graduate student must
stop in 2114 Sweeney Hall and request that a Transfer of Keys be entered online. Lost or stolen
keys will be replaced for a $30 fee each, in addition to any fees associated with rekeying.
Each graduate student is responsible for maintaining a neat and safe environment in the assigned
office and laboratory. Safety inspections occur frequently.
2.9.3 Office Supplies
Graduate students are responsible for their own office supplies. There are often old file folders
available for student use from the main office if needed (see the Event & Business Coordinator
in 2114 Sweeney).
2.9.4 Printing
Printers have been replaced with color copiers and are available in 0108, 1123, and 1150
Sweeney. Copiers can be used for printing, copying and for scanning to email using your NetID or
University ID card. Simply scan your ID card at the location indicated on the copier, or enter your
NetID and password, to access copier features. Please make sure to LOGOUT when done. There
are more detailed instructions HERE. Standard Papercut charges per page printed or copied
apply. Printers are also available in the Library and this link provides information on how to print
from different types of devices. A printer in 2123 Sweeney Hall is also available for student use.
The copy machine in 2112 Sweeney Hall may be used for research-related material and material
approved by your major professor.
2.9.5 Mail
Graduate students have mailboxes in 2112 Sweeney. Students should check their mailbox
regularly for department announcements. Campus mail can be mailed from that room also.
Personal mail or packages should not be delivered to or sent from the department office.
2.9.6 Sweeney Graduate Student Lounge
The graduate student lounge is in 1021 Sweeney. It is equipped with a microwave, refrigerator,
coffeemaker, table, and chairs. This room is available to graduate students for eating meals and
for interaction among students. CEGSO announcements and other related information will be
posted in this lounge. Each graduate student will be provided with a key to the graduate student
lounge. Graduate students are responsible for disposing of their own expired items in the
refrigerator and for cleaning up messes in the lounge.
There are also undergraduate/graduate student collaboration rooms available in Sweeney 2123
and 3149 Sweeney.
2.9.7 Room Reservation Requests
Room requests for the conference rooms in Sweeney Hall (rooms 2041, 2126, 3041, and 3149)
can be made by contacting the Event & Business Coordinator in the main office (2114 Sweeney).
Requests to reserve any classroom space in Sweeney Hall or in the Biorenewables Research
Complex must be made through Iowa State’s Room Scheduling
2.9.8 Checkout Procedures
Each graduate student must arrange a checkout procedure with their research group when
leaving the department. Students employed by other centers, institutes, or laboratories within the
university must also comply with their outlined checkout procedures.
The departmental checkout procedure is outlined on the CBE Graduate Student Checkout Form
(see Appendix E). The exit survey for all graduating CBE students must be completed prior to the
Director of Graduate Education (DOGE) signing the Graduate Student Approval form. All items on
the checkout form must be completed prior to students receiving their thesis/dissertation copies.
3. Professional Development Opportunities on Campus
The Department and University provide a variety of opportunities for graduate students to
develop their academic, research, and professional skills. In addition to considering the
opportunities and resources listed below, students are also encouraged to discuss with their
major professor(s) opportunities for professional development on and off campus.
3.1 Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Organization
The Ch E Graduate Student Organization (CEGSO) was founded to promote interaction among
the graduate students of the department. The organization not only works to achieve a pleasant
work environment, but also strives to promote awareness of more global concerns. CEGSO
sponsors social events and lectures that address topics outside the field of Ch E and encourage
open discussion.
Past CEGSO events have included activities such as picnics, potluck dinners, canoeing, and
sports teams. CEGSO members show prospective graduate students around the campus and
city during visits. Members also help incoming graduate students with problems such as getting
to Ames from the airport and where to live. CEGSO membership is currently limited to Ch E
graduate students, although members are encouraged to bring guests to the functions. CEGSO
officer elections occur at the beginning of fall semesters.
The CEGSO web page includes student and group profiles, honors/awards, and updates
current happenings in the department concerning graduate students
2023-2024 CEGSO Cabinet
President ....................................................................................... Abigail Koep
Vice President .............................................................................. Yee Jher Chan
Treasurer ............................................................................ Sepehr Hejazi
Secretary ...................................................................................... Jeniffer Perea-Lopez
Professional Development Chair………………………………Mahmudul Hasan Khan
Social Chair………………………………………………………Carly Dolgos
Faculty Adviser ................................................................... Dr. Thomas Mansell
3.2 Ch E 601: Seminar
Ch E 601: Seminar, offered every fall and spring semester, is a required course for all graduate
students in the department. Seminar is a once a week, 50 minute course during which guest
presenters from academia and industry lecture about their expertise and research in the Ch E
field. Ch E 601 provides an opportunity for students to hear about current research and
practices in the Ch E field and to network with colleagues and experts in Ch E. CEGSO also
hosts a meet and greet with the guest presenters that enables students to ask questions on a
broader range of topics (e.g., career planning advice, journal editorial duties/suggestions)..
Participation and attendance at Ch E 601 is required, unless an exception is approved by the
3.3 CBE Perfect Pitch Competition
Each spring semester, as a part of the Seminar course, graduate students participate in the
Department’s Perfect Pitch Competition. This competition involves having students answering
the following questions about their research in a timed format:
What is the need of your research?
How does your approach uniquely solve the problem?
What is the potential impact if your research is successful?
The competition provides the opportunity for students to hear about their peersresearch and to
practice articulating their own research problem and approach to an audience of both Ch E and
non-Ch E professionals. The format of the competition alternates every other year, with either
students who have completed their qualifier presenting in a 90-second time frame or students
who have completed their preliminary exam presenting in a 3-minute time frame. Cash prizes
are awarded to first, second, and third prize winners, as determined by a group of judges.
3.4 Outstanding Research and Teaching Awards
The Graduate College and the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering sponsor two
awards to graduate students for outstanding achievement in research and teaching.
Nominations for these awards are accepted each semester.
3.4.1 Research Excellence Award
The Research Excellence Award is awarded to graduate students to recognize outstanding
research accomplishments, as documented in resulting theses and dissertations. Recipients are
also expected to be academically superior and able to not only do research, but also develop a
well-written product. The award is administered by the Graduate College.
Each Research Excellence Award recipient will receive a letter of commendation from the Iowa
State University president, a certificate of achievement from the dean of the Graduate College,
and an honor cord for commencement. Recipients will be recognized in the Iowa State
University Commencement Program and a notation of the award will be made on their
3.4.2 Teaching Excellence Award
The Teaching Excellence Award is awarded to graduate students to recognize outstanding
achievement in teaching. The program is administered by the Graduate College.
Each Teaching Excellence Award recipient will receive a letter of commendation from the Iowa
State president, a certificate of achievement from the dean of the Graduate College, and an
honor cord for commencement. Recipients will be recognized in the Iowa State University
Commencement Program and a notation of the award will be made on their transcript.
3.5 Graduate Student Professional Development Resources
Although not an exhaustive list, the Graduate College provides the following opportunities and
resources for all graduate students on campus. All graduate students are encouraged to utilize
these resources, as needed.
Career Services
Provides individual consultations, workshops, and presentations for graduate students and
postdoctoral scholars to support career exploration and searches. Graduate students are also
able to work with the College of Engineering’s Career Services office
Center for Communication Excellence
Provides feedback on written and oral communications to graduate students and postdoctoral
scholars through programs in mentoring, peer review, thesis/dissertation consultations, and more.
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)
Provides resources for graduate students with current teaching responsibilities at the University.
CELT also provides opportunities for professional development for students interested in a future
career in teaching including the Graduate Student Teaching Certificate and the
Preparing Future
Faculty program.
Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS)
An elected group of graduate and professional students that serve as a liaison between students
and the University to promote ideas and programs that support graduate and professional student
welfare. The department has a GPSS representative. If you are interested in representing the
department on the GPSS, please reach out to the Graduate Student Coordinator.
3.6 External Employment Guidelines
There are many benefits to internships and other external employment opportunities during your
graduate studies, however they must be carefully planned such that they do not overly delay
your graduation or jeopardize the contract or grant from which your funding is derived. Involve
your major professor early and often prior to seeking out and committing to an external
opportunity such that its timing can be optimized. Last-minute requests are typically not
accommodated. Typically, it is best to arrange these experiences closer to graduation such that
your research is well underway, you have some writing to work on while away, and your
relationship to the external party has greater chances of evolving into employment upon
graduation. These experiences come in three different manners:
1. Full-time, off campus position where payment comes directly from external party to
student (most common). An example of this is a full-time internship at a company for the
summer. In this case ChE 697 (Research Internship) can be used to maintain student
status OR there can be a deferral of enrollment. Note: full deferral can have implications
on health insurance status; contact ISU Graduate College or Human Resources for
latest guidance and determine if employer coverage is sufficient. In both cases, the
student is not put on research assistantship. If ChE 697 is pursued, it is up to the
student to negotiate with the external company coverage of any tuition or fees incurred.
In most cases, the student is well compensated in this position and paying for a credit of
ChE 697 is nominal.
2. Full-time, off-campus position where payment is routed through ISU. An example of this
is the NSF INTERN program where you are working at a company on some defined
portion of your thesis. In this case register for full load of 699 credit and maintain 1/2 LOI
appointment. This allows tuition and stipend to be routed through the university.
Typically, the funding agency will automatically cover the tuition or it is offset from a
research grant. This category is considered off-campus sponsored research.
3. Part-time, off-campus position (payment directly to student) where the student still
wishes to pursue on-campus research concurrently. These types of split positions are
highly discouraged as it ultimately ends up short-changing either the employer or the
research efforts on campus. If pursued, plan carefully with your major professor to
define what level of part-time work will be possible. In most cases, this will result in a
smaller appointment (e.g., ¼ time status with partial tuition coverage). The work plan
and support level should be agreed upon between the student and major professor prior
to start of the external assignment. These part time opportunities should be finite
(typically one semester) and have some clear benefit to the education plan of the
Non-educational, external employment opportunities (paid consulting, coaching, etc.) should be
minimized as they detract from focus necessary to excel in your graduate studies. There are no
ISU imposed limits on hours worked externally for graduate students, however such positions
should be discussed with your major professor prior to committing and are required to be
immediately disclosed in your employment COI form. Also, there may be restrictions based on
your funding source (e.g., Fellowships with limitations on external work hours). Students are
reminded that satisfactory academic and research progress must be maintained according to
the relevant timelines and procedures discussed elsewhere in this handbook.
4. Purchasing Policies and Procedures
Graduate students are able to purchase supplies needed for their research laboratories in
CyBuy, or by using an issued purchasing credit card (P-card) or purchase order requisition.
4.1 CyBuy
When purchasing supplies, students should first check the CyBuy website for item availability.
CyBuy was designed to allow for purchasing supplies from University contracted vendors as
well as Chemistry Stores and Central Stores. CyBuy can be accessed in Workday. Instructions
on how to purchase supplies through CyBuy can be found in the ISU Service Portal. The
appropriate Job Aid is titled “Workday Procurement Creating an Order from a CyBuy Supplier.”
4.2 Purchasing Credit Card (P-card)
A P-card is a VISA credit card available to faculty and staff for purchasing low-dollar (purchases
under $4,900) and tax free supplies. Students who are interested in obtaining a P-card for
purchasing should speak with their major professor. Cardholders are required to complete the
Iowa State University p-card application in Workday and attend an orientation session to obtain
a p-card. Cardholders may enroll in Procurement Card Orientation sessions through Workday
Learning (Purchasing Card (P-Card) Orientation). P-card applications may be submitted by the
applicant through the Create Request task in Workday (see
Navigate to the task by searching Create Request from the Workday Landing Page.
Search ‘card’ in the Request Type box, press enter, and select Card Application
Procurement Card (p-card).
Students assigned a P-card are responsible for their card until they leave the department. Only
the person who was issued the P-card should use the P-card to purchase supplies.
Purchases should be tax exempt. When purchasing an item, tell the vendor that you are from
Iowa State University, and you will be making a Visa purchase. EMPHASIZE THAT THE
UNIVERSITY IS SALES TAX EXEMPT! If the supplier requests the University's sales tax-
exempt number, please provide the appropriate number: Sales Tax: 1-85000775M. If the
supplier requests a University sales tax exempt certificate, request a form at
After obtaining a P-card and making a purchase, the cardholder is required to verify the
purchase in Workday. Once a purchase has been made, the purchaser will receive an email
from a Procurement and Expense Specialist. To verify the purchase, students should reply to
this email and include the following information in the email:
Business purpose for the purchase (identify who, what, where, when, and why)
Receipts (attached to the email)
Appropriate Worktag for the purchase
Appropriate Spend Category for the purchase
The Procurement and Expense Specialist will then work to verify the purchase based on the
information included above. All purchases should be verified by the 30 day deadline. If
purchases are not verified, the cost of the item purchased will be charged to the purchaser’s
UBill. Questions regarding the appropriate Worktag and Spend Category for purchases should
be directed to the major professor.
Cardholders are required to keep the original receipt for one year after the purchase date.
For more information on the Purchasing Card guidelines, please see
4.3 Purchase Order Requisitions
A purchase requisition is used to request equipment, supplies or services for purchases over
$4,900 or when a company will not accept a credit card as a form of payment. Graduate
students will need to obtain a quote from the company to upload into Workday. Students will
also need to provide a short justification as to why the purchase is being made and the worktag
that will be charged for the purchase. This request will then be routed for approval.
These are standard questions any department should ask when buying new equipment:
1. Will it fit through a standard door?
2. Does it require building service connection that is not readily available? (heat, air,
water, etc.)
3. Does it require special equipment to be moved?
4. Is the right power available?
5. Is it replacing in-kind equipment?
5. Departmental Directory
Rizia Bardhan
5005 ATRB
Ratul Chowdhury
5009 ATRB
Eric Cochran
3133 Sweeney
Rodney Fox
3035 Sweeney
Kurt Hebert
3155 Sweeney
Andrew Hillier
2114 Sweeney
Laura Jarboe
1140N BRL
Molly Kozminsky
5003 ATRB
Monica Lamm
2157 Sweeney
Wenzhen Li
2140 BRL
5023 ATRB
2810 Beardshear
Thomas Mansell
4136 BRL
5001 ATRB
2037 Sweeney
Tanya Prozorov
Adjunct Assistant
332 Wilhelm
Nigel Reuel
3162B Sweeney
Luke Roling
3053 Sweeney
Ian Schneider
2035 Sweeney
Brent Shanks
1140L BRL
3031 Sweeney
Zengyi Shao
4140 BRL
2138 BRL
Dennis Vigil
Professor &
Department Chair
2114 Sweeney
Jing Wang
4138 BRL
Qun Wang
Research Asst.
1014 Sweeney
Yue Wu
2033 Sweeney
Teaching Professors/Professors of Practice
Jennifer Heinen
3033 Sweeney
John Kaiser
Professor of
2117 Sweeney
3055 Sweeney
Samuel Rothstein
Courtesy Appointments
Robbyn Anand
2101C Hach Hall
Xianglan Bai
2070 Black Engr
Robert Brown
1140E BRL
Chris Cornelius
2240 Hoover
Ted Heindel
2018 Black Engr
Duane Johnson
311 TASF
Michael Olson
3025 Black Engr
302 Lab of
Ryan Arndorfer
2052 Sweeney
Sarah Beckman
2054 Sweeney
Matthew Brown
Student Services
2162 Sweeney
Dee Hehr
Academic Advisor
2162B Sweeney
Gabe Jensen
Data Analytics
2119 Sweeney
Allison Wortman
Academic Advisor
2162C Sweeney
Colin Richey
Systems Analyst
1144 Sweeney
Elaine Smuck
Event and
2114 Sweeney
Michelle Stotts
2114 Sweeney
Jessie Vosseller
BME Academic
2162D Sweeney
David Welshhons
Graduate Student
2114 Sweeney
Appendix A
Procedures for Earning a Master’s Degree (M.Engr. or M.S.)
Non-native English
speakers meet the
Graduate English
Choose or be
assigned a major
Complete Program
of Study and
Committee (POSC)
Form on
Complete all
Meet with POS
committee as
needed on
Complete research
and write thesis
(M.S.) or finish
(MEngr optional)
File Application for
Graduation with
Graduate College
for intended
graduation term
Establish date,
time, and location
for final oral
examination with
POS committee
Submit Request for
Final Oral
Examination form
at least 3 weeks
before exam
Give thesis or
creative component
to committee
members at least 2
weeks prior to exam
Successfully pass
final oral
examination and
submit report form
to Graduate College
Complete Graduate
Student Approval
Form for
Review thesis
checklist and
submit final thesis
on Proquest
Complete CBE
including Graduate
Appendix B
Procedures for Earning a Ph.D. Degree
Non-native English
speakers meet the
Graduate English
Complete research
project selection
and be assigned a
major professor/
advisor first fall
Complete research
and write
Meet with POS
coursework and
research plan
coursework and
establish date,
time, and location
for preliminary
Submit Request for
Final Oral
Examination form
at least 3 weeks
before exam
Give dissertation to
members at least 2
weeks prior to exam
Successfully pass
final oral
examination and
submit report form
to Graduate College
Review thesis
checklist and
submit final
dissertation on
File Application for
Graduation with
Graduate College
for intended
graduation term
Complete Graduate
Student Approval
Form for
Establish date,
time, and location
for final oral
examination with
POS committee
Successfully pass
preliminary oral
examination and
submit report form
to Graduate College
Give prelim report
to committee
members at least 2
weeks prior to
Submit Request for
Preliminary Oral
Examination form
at least 3 weeks
before exam
Complete Program
of Study and
Committee (POSC)
Form on
Schedule and
complete Research
(Qualifier) third
Complete CBE
including Graduate
Appendix C
Qualifying Exam Rubric
[Reminders to be announced by the major professor at the beginning of the qualifier]:
The CBE Qualifying Exam consists of a 30-minute presentation followed by examination
by the committee. The student should be permitted to complete their presentation
uninterrupted except for clarifications.
Putting research into context _______/5
Are the state of the art, approach, and innovation well described? Is the foundation of the proposed research plan
clear (as shown through literature review, prior work by others in your research group, and existing theory or
knowledge within your field)? Are the risks of the research plan clear, and are there appropriate plans for mitigating
this risk? Is there a statement of purpose or clear description of impact?
Gathering and analyzing data _______/5
Is there demonstrated progress toward independence in the area of experimental, theoretical, or computational
research (e.g., mastery of a new technique; collection, appropriate analysis of experimental/computational data;
understanding of hazards and controls associated with project, etc.)? Are the data presented in a logical manner in
figures/tables that are appropriately scaled, labeled, and normalized? Are the next steps logical? Is the
scope/timeframe of the proposed research reasonable?
Connecting fundamentals to research _______/5
Are chemical engineering approaches to the problem well explained? Is it clear how thermodynamics, transport
phenomena, chemical kinetics, etc. are relevant to the problem? Is the work presented understandable to a general
chemical engineering audience?
Oral Communication _______/5
Is the presentation well organized and well structured? Is the timing for each of the sections appropriate? Is the
presenter confident, clear, and concise? Does the presenter answer questions well? Are responses well considered,
even when the answer is not totally clear?
Written Communication _______/5
Does the student’s written report contain all required sections? Is the report clear, and do the written conclusions
drawn follow logically from presented literature review/data? Is the report free from spelling and grammatical errors?
Overall comments (more room on back of page):
Initial Overall Evaluation (circle)
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Appendix D
Welcome CBE Graduate Students!
Please use the following checklist to help prepare for your transition to Iowa State University as a
graduate student in the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering. If you have any questions,
please contact
Before Arriving in Ames:
Register your Net ID and sign in to your ISU Outlook email account
To create your Net ID, go to the university’s ASW
webpage and click on the “Need to register for a Net-
ID?” link to register. Once you create a Net ID, you will be able to log in to your Outlook email account. If
you have previously been a student or BioMaP participant at ISU, you do not need to create a new Net
ID. Once you have created your Net ID, please email this to
Send any final undergraduate or graduate transcripts to the ISU Office of Admissions
Register for Fall 2023 courses
Guidelines on how to register for classes in AccessPlus can be found in this video
. As a graduate student,
you do not need to use a Registration Access Number (RAN) to use the registration system. You should
register for the following courses: Ch E 545, Ch E 554, Ch E 583, Ch E 587, Ch E 601, and Ch E 698A. If you
have taken graduate level Ch E courses previously, we will look to adjust your registration per the
outcome of the next checkbox item.
For any graduate level coursework you would like to have evaluated to transfer to ISU, complete
a ”Graduate Student Transfer Credit Worksheet”
The form can be found in the Graduate Student Forms column on CBE’s Forms
webpage. Send all
Graduate Student Transfer Credit Worksheets to Please note the instructions
and eligibility requirements at the top of the worksheet.
(International students only) Sign up for your ISSO Immigration Processing session and other
Orientation activities
To register for the ISSO Immigration Processing session and other orientation activities, please follow
the step by step instructions on ISSO’s website.
(International students only) Register for the English Placement Test (EPT) and Oral English
Certification Test (OECT)
Please see the EPT information page and the OECT information page
for information regarding test
content, registration, and potential exemptions. Note that registration for these tests may not open
until 2 weeks prior to the test date.
After Arriving in Ames:
(International students only) Attend required ISSO Immigration Processing session and take the
Check-in with David at 2114 Sweeney to complete a key request, record cell phone number, and
get your photo taken for the CBE Directory
Email when you arrive in Ames to schedule a time to check-in.
Sign your Letter of Intent (LOI)
Prior to the beginning of the fall term, you will be prompted to electronically sign a LOI for your
graduate research assistantship position.
Complete online onboarding through Workday
Follow the steps indicated on your onboarding page in Workday including signing up for University
payroll, I-9 form, student and scholar health insurance, direct deposit, and other employee actions,
including fire safety and fire extinguisher training as well as the emergency response video..
Attend EH&S Laboratory Safety Orientation and complete online safety trainings
The instructor-le
d Laboratory Safety Orientation will be completed in-person in August the week prior to
courses. Registration for this training is on Workday Learning. Register as soon as possible, as seats may
fill quickly.
Register for required Laboratory Safety courses
Register for the required courses through Workday L
earning. Please complete the following trainings:
Laboratory Safety Orientation, Laboratory Safety: Chemical Storage, Laboratory Safety: Core Concepts,
Laboratory Safety: Compressed Gas Cylinders, Laboratory Safety: Fume Hoods, Laboratory Safety: Spill
Procedures, Personal Protective Equipment, Fire Safety and Fire Extinguisher Training, and Worker
Right-to-Know OSHA Hazard Communication Standard Training. Please see CBE Required Safety
Training for Lab Workers” to access these courses.
Get your IS
U ID card in 0530 Beardshear Hall
Attend required and optional orientation events
Enroll in health insurance
You will be prompted in Workday to choose your health insurance coverages as part of your onboarding
process. International Students are automatically enrolled in health insurance and have the option to
add dental coverage. Domestic Students are not automatically enrolled, but have the ability to sign up
during open enrollment each year (July 1 September 30). After open enrollment, students will need to
experience a “qualifying event” and submit an enrollment form.
You have the ability to add dependents using the enrollment form. International Students also need to
provide their dependent’s I-94 travel documents.
Your insurance cards will be automatically sent to the address you have in AccessPlus/Workday after
you enroll. Your coverage begins with the date you choose in Workday.
Appendix E
CBE Graduate Student Checkout Form
Return any University Library materials you have checked out
If you are supported by Ames Lab (or have been in the past), checkout with their Human
Resources Office in 105 TASF
Arrange a checkout procedure with your major professor and research group. All personal
items must be removed from your office space and your desk key should be placed in the
lock. If anything is left behind, it will be disposed.
Ensure that your lab space is clean and all waste chemicals are appropriately disposed.
Return your university keys (office and lab) to the Event and Business Coordinator in 2114
Sweeney or Facilities Planning and Management (108 General Services Building).
If you have a departmental computer, contact the CBE Systems Support Specialist
) to return the computer.
If you have a P-card, return your P-card to the Graduate Coordinator in 2114 Sweeney. Be
sure that all outstanding CyBuy or P-card paperwork is submitted.
Review CyBox folders and Google Sheets to make others “owners” of files
Send the department your thesis/dissertation for binding after it has been approved by the
Graduate College. Send a PDF copy of your thesis/dissertation to [email protected]
The department will cover the cost for binding two copies. Any additional copies you would
like can be printed through ISU printing at your cost.
Complete the short, 6 question CBE Graduation Exit Questionnaire through Qualtrics to
share with the department your plans (a QR code is located on the following page):
Inform Engineering Career Services ( of your employment.
By signing this form, I verify that all of the above items have been completed by the graduating
Major Professor: _____________________________________ Date: _________________
Graduating Student: __________________________________ Date: _________________
CBE Graduation Exit Questionnaire - QR Code