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Make your own Pong Pom Pom
Required resources
Card from a recycled cereal box
Wool (why not unravel an old woollen jumper or
cardigan ask an adult first!)
Compass or something circular to draw around (a
cup and eggcup are good)
1) Draw around a cup and then, making sure it is at
the centre, draw around an eggcup (as shown). Do
this twice to make two templates for your pompom
2) Using scissors cut around both of the large ‘cup’
3) Cut out both of the ‘eggcup’ circles to create a hole
in the middle of your templates as shown.
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4) Put the circles together and wind wool around
them, making sure you keep it neat and even. You
can change colours as often as you wish- just start a
new piece of wool and continue winding.
5) Keep going until you are finding it difficult to push
wool through the middle of the hole.
6) Use your scissors to cut around the outside of the
circle (as shown) cutting through the layers of wool
in between the cardboard beneath until you have
cut all the way around.
7) Take a length of wool and squeeze it between the
two pieces of card, wrap it all the way around and
tie a knot. This will hold the wool together so do
several knots to hold it firmly.
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8) Using your scissors snip through the card and pull it
away from the wool ball.
9) Fluff up the ball and snip away any loose wool
threads. Your Pong is ready keep him in your
rucksack with Busta!