Resistance to insecticides in heliothine
Lepidoptera: a global view
Alan R. McCa ¡ery
Zoology Division, School of Animal and Microbial Sciences, and Crop Protection Unit,The University of Reading,Whiteknights,
PO Box 228, Rea ding RG6 6AJ, UK (
The status of resistance to organophosphate, carbamate, cyclodiene and pyrethroid insecticides in the
heliothine Lepidoptera is reviewed. In particular, res istance in the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens,
and the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea, from the NewWorld, and the cotton b ollworm, Helicoverpa armige ra,
from the Old World, are considered in detail. Particular emphasis has been placed on resistance to the
most widely used of these insecticide groups, the py rethroids. In each case, the incidence and current
status of resistance are considered before a detailed view of the mechanisms of resistance is given. Contro-
versial issues regarding the nature of mechanisms of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides are discussed.
The implications for resistance management are considered.
Keywords: insecticide resistance; Heliothinae; Heliothis virescens; Helicoverpa armigera; mechanism s of
Lepidopteran species in the genera Heliothis and Helicov-
erpa are grouped together in the Tri¢ne subfamily
Heliothinae of the family Noctuidae (Hardwick 1965;
Mitter et al. 1993). The biology and ecology of t he species
within this complex have recently been reviewed by Fitt
(1989), Zalucki (1991) and King (1994). It is signi¢cant
that within the group there exists a large number of
highly destructive crop pests against which an unparal-
leled variety and quantity of insecticides have been used.
The polyphagous nature of a number of these species,
their wide geographic range and their ability to adapt to
diverse cropping systems have contributed to this pest
status. Moreover, the ability of certain species within the
complex to develop resistance to insecticides has placed
the heliothine Lepidoptera among a handful of the
world's most signi¢cant crop pests.
The genus Helicoverpa (designated Heliothis for a period)
includes the Old World species Helicoverpa armigera, gener-
ally considered to b e the most important species within
this group. Commonly known as the cotton bollworm,
gram p odborer or American bollworm, H. ar migera occurs
in Africa, Asia, southern Europe and Australia and is a
major pest of cotton, maize, sorghum, pigeonpea,
chickpea, soyab ean, groundnut, sun£ower and a range of
vegetables. It, above all others in this genus, has
developed resistance to virtually all of the insecticides
that have been deployed against it in any quantity.
Helicoverpa punctigera is a pest of cotton, sun£ower, lucerne,
soyabean, chickpea and sa¥ower in Australia and is
commonly found alongside H. armigera. Interestingly, until
recently H. punctigera had not developed resistance to
insecticides (Gunning & Easton 1994; Gunning et al.
1994), and this may have been because the pool of
unsprayed insects is so vast that the treated proportion of
the total populat ion is only trivial (Forrester et al. 1993).
Any resistance genes would be swamped by susceptible
genes in the unsprayed refugia. Nevertheless, a ¢eld
population of H. punctigera from New South Wales was
recently shown to have developed resistance to a
pyrethroid (Gunning et al. 1997). The oligophagous
species Helicoverpa assulta feeds on tobacco and other
solanaceous plants and is found in Africa, Asia, parts of
Australasia and the South Paci¢c. It is normally
considered to be a minor pest and there is no evidence of
it having developed resistance anywhere with in its range
since it is not subject to any signi¢cant insecticide treat-
ment (Armes et al. 1996). In the New World this genus is
represented by the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea, a key
pest of maize, sorghum, cotton, tomato, sun£ower and
soyabean. It too has developed res istance to a number of
the insecticide g roups used against it (Sparks 1981;
Wolfenbarger et al. 1981; Stadelbacher et al. 1990),
alt hough not al l the crops it attacks are sprayed and the
species remains reasonably amenable to control with
Within the genus Heliothis there are two species of note.
The New World representative, Heliothis virescens, is
distributed throughout the Americas, is commonly known
as the tobacco budworm and is a major pest of cotton,
tobacco, tomato, sun£ower and soyabean. Like H. armi-
gera above, it has developed resistance to all t he insecti-
cides that have been used against it in signi¢cant
quantities (Sparks 1981; Wolfenbarger et al. 1981; Sparks et
al. 1993). The polyphagous species, Heliothis peltigera, has a
broad distribution across central and southern Europe,
the Canary Islands, Asia Minor and India and it is a pest
of sa¥ower, tobacco, cotton, chickpea, fodder crops,
grapevines and various fruit trees. Resistance to
insecticides has not been reported in this species and this
is presumed to be due to lack of intense selection.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998) 353, 1735^1750 1735 & 1998 The Royal Society
It is clear that within the Heliothinae there are two
very signi¢cant pest species that have been subjected to
intense selection with a range of insecticides and which
have developed signi¢cant levels of resistance to
insecticides: H. armigera and H. virescens. This review will
therefore concentrate on resistance in these species and
will attempt to compare and contrast the phenomenon,
particularly with respect to the mechanisms of
resistance. There are a large number of reviews that
document the historical development of resistance in
these species and it is not the intention of the present
author to rehearse all of this literature here. The reader
is directed to earlier works by Sparks (1981),
Wolfenbarger et al. (1981) and Sparks et al. (1993). Most
studies on resistance in heliothine insects in the past 15
years have concerned the pyrethroid insecticides and it
is for this reason that this review will place special
emphasis on this group, although other insecticide
groups will also be considered.
An understanding of the mechanisms underlying
resistance is central to an ability to continue to e¡ectively
use existing insecticide chemistry to which resistance has
already developed. A knowledge of the mechani sms of
resistance enables one to understand not only the cross-
resistance patterns within insecticide groups but also
those between them. Thus, the mechanisms of resistance
determine the use of `resistance-breaking' compounds
and areas of new insecticide chemistry. Such considera-
tions are crucial in res istance management. A detailed
knowledge of resistance mechanisms could also be consid-
ered as essential in the formulation of diagnostics for use
in resistance management although, as will be empha-
sized later, the ver y diversit y of response to selection in
these insects could make the practical use of such diag-
nosis e specially di¤cult. The design of expression systems
for use in insecticide discovery might also be usefully
in£uenced by such information. This review therefore
places considerable emphasis on the mechanisms of resis-
tance and compares them in heliothine populations
around the world.
(a) Heliothis virescens
After the development of resistance to DDT and toxa-
phene, organophosphates (OPs), particularly methyl
parathion, were introduced into the USA to control
H. virescens and H. zea. Resistance developed in H. virescens
within a few years of OP introduction (Wolfenbarger &
Mc Garr 1970; Harris 1972), and had become widespread
throughout the southern states of the USA by 1980
(Sparks et al. 1993). Numerous reports have detailed the
progress of resistance to OPs including methyl parathion,
sulprofos and profenofos both within and between seasons
(e.g. Wolfenbarger 1981; Elzen et al. 1992; Kanga & Plapp
1992, 1995; Sparks et al. 1993; Graves et al. 1994; Kanga et
al. 1995; Martin et al. 1995, 1997). Outside the USA, a low
level of resistance to monocrotophos was noted in
Colombia (Ernst & Dittrich 1992).
(b) Helicoverpa zea
Resistance to methyl parathion was reported in some
states of the USA and Central America (Wolfenbarger et
al. 1981), although there is little supporting information
in the literature that resistance to OPs is a signi¢cant
problem in the control of t his species (Sparks et al.
(c) Heliothis armige ra
H. armigera in Australia have generally been considered
to be relatively susceptible to OP insecticides. Gunning &
Easton (1993) found no evidence of resistance to methyl
parathion and today only low levels of resistance are
found to profenofos, chlorpyrifos and methyl parathion
(N. W. Forrester, personal communication). In c ontrast,
high levels of resistance to monocrotophos and low levels
of resistance to chlorpyrifos and profenofos have been
recorded in populations of H. armigera in Pakistan
(Ahmad et al. 1995), alt hough resistance to profenofos is
continuing to rise as growers opt to use OPs rather than
the pyrethroids, to which there is resistance. Low-to-
moderate resistance was found to quinalphos in Indian
and Pakistan i p opulations of H. armigera (Armes et al.
1996), but t here was no evidence of signi¢cant resistance
to monocrotophos. Since 1980, phoxim has been the most
widely used OP for the c ontrol of H. armigera in China. It
was highly e¡ective until 1990, when it failed to control
populations in North China. Bioassays with insects
collected from di¡erent geographical areas of China
during 1994 and 1995 showed resistance to phoxim to be
widespread (Wu et al. 1997). No resistance to monocroto -
phos was observed in 1992 and 1993 (Wu et al. 1995), but
higher levels were recorded in 1995 (Wu et al. 1996). No
resistance to OPs was detected in H. armigera in Thailand
(Ahmad & McCa¡ery 1988).
(a) Insensitive acetylcholinesterase: target-site
resistance to organophosphates
The enzyme acetylcholinesterase resides on the post-
synaptic membrane of cholinergic synapses and is respon-
sible for the breakdown of acetylcholine after stimulation
of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on the postsynaptic
neuron. Both organophosphate and carbamate insecti-
cides prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine by inh ibiting
the activity of this enzyme. The increased residence time
of acetylcholine in the synapse causes repeated stimula-
tion of the postsynaptic neuron and hence neuronal
hyperactivity. Commonly, resistance to OPs involves the
selection of mutants that pos sess a form of the enzyme
insensitive to inhibition.
A large number of reports have shown that resistance
to OPs in H. virescens may be due, at least in part, to a
target-s ite resistance involving decreased sensitivity of
acetylcholinesterase to inhibition (Brown & Bryson 1992;
Kanga & Plapp 1995; Brown et al. 1996a; Harold & Ottea
1997). In resistant strains of H. virescens, Brown & Bryson
(1992) and Gilbert et al. (1996) demonstrated the presence
of acetylcholinesterase insensitive to inhibition by methyl
paraoxon and G. Zhao et al. (1996) demonstrated
acetylcholinesterase insensitive to paraoxon. Although
this mechanism may be c ommon in OP-resistant insects it
may not be universal within ¢eld populations of
H. virescens, as shown by Harold & Ottea (1997).
1736 A. R. McCa¡ery Resistance to insecticides in heliothine Lepidoptera
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(b) Metabolic m echanisms of resistance to
organo phos phates
Metabolic resistance to organophosphate insecticides in
heliothine insects has been thought to be due to elevation
in the activity of number of detoxi¢cation systems. Mo st
frequently, resistance to these insecticides has b een corre-
lated with elevated esterase activity, especially when the
model substrate 1-naphthyl acetate (1-NA) is used; this
result suggests a strong a ssociation between these enzy mes
and OP resistance. Esterase synergists such as TBPT and
EPN were shown to be e¡ective against methyl parath ion
resistance in H. virescens (Payne & Brown 1984). Impor-
tantly, in this New World species, elevated esterase activ-
ities were shown to be responsible for resistance to OPs
such as methyl parathion, profenofos and azinphosmethyl
and for cross-resistance between carbamate, OP and pyre-
throid insecticides (Goh et al. 1995; G. Zhao et al. 1996).
Higher phosphotriester hydrolase activity was reported to
be involved in resistance to methyl parathion in H. virescens
from North Carolina (Konno et al. 1989). In a recent study,
high frequencies of profenofos resistance were recorded in
larvae of all of a number of ¢eld strains of H. virescens
collected from Loui siana in 1995 and were strongly corre-
lated with esterase activity (Harold & Ottea 1997).
Glutathione S-transferases have also been frequently
associated w ith resistance to OPs and thought to be
responsible for metabolism of these compounds (Whitten
& Bull 1978). Resistance to profenofos was show n to be
only moderately correlated with glutathione S-transferase
activity towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB)
and had no correlation with glutathione S-transferase
activity to 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene (DCNB)
(Ibrahim & Ottea 1995; Harold & Ottea 1997). This
correlation of profenofos resistance wit h activity of GST
towards CDNB but not DCNB suggests that these GST
enzymes have di¡erent identities and therefore likely
contributions to profenofos resistance. No di¡erences in
GSTactivity were observed by Konno et al. (1989).
Metabolism of OP insecticide s by P450 monooxy-
genases was reported in a number of early studies
(W hitten & Bull 1974; Reed 1974; Brown 1981; Bull 1981).
Mart in et al. (1995) identi¢ed low to moderate levels of
resistance to profenofos and sulprofos in Louisiana,
Mississippi and Texas and later showed that profenofos
was synergized by PBO in populations of H. virescens from
Texas, Mississippi and Oklahoma (Martin et al. 1997).
Other research suggested that monooxygenases might not
be involved in the elimination of OPs (Gould & Hodgson
1980; Payne & Brown 1984; Konno et al. 1989). Most
recently, Harold & Ottea (1997) found no correlation
between profenofos resistance and P450 monooxygenase
activity towards the model substrate p-nitroanisole.
(a) Heliothis virescens
Resistance to the oxime carbamates thiodicarb and
methomyl has been recorded a number of times in popu-
lations of H. virescens from Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas
and Arkansas (Spark s 1981; Elzen et al. 1992; Martin et al.
1992, 1995; Sparks et al. 1993; Kanga & Plapp 1995), and
also in populations from Mexico (Roush & Wolfenbarger
(b) Helicoverpa zea
There are no reports of signi¢cant resistance to carba-
mates in H. zea.
(c) Helicoverpa armigera
Thiodicarb and methomyl are the carbamates most
widely used against H. armige ra in Australia. Methomyl
resistance was noted in 1986 but the insect remained
susceptible to thio dicarb for a number of years more
(Gunning et al. 1992). Resistance to thiodicarb was
detected in New South Wales in 1993 and this gave cross-
resistance to methomyl (Gunning et al. 1996b). Since then
resistance to thiodicarb has increased and moderate
resistance to carbamates is now common (N. W. Forrester,
per sonal communication). In China, signi¢cant resistance
to methomyl was recorded in strains of H. armigera from
Shandong province (Wu et al. 1995, 1996). Low-level
resistance to thiodicarb was seen in H. armigera from
Pakistan (Ahmad et al. 1995). Substantial resistance to
methomyl was recorded in populations from cotton-
growing areas of Andhra Pradesh, India (Armes et al.
1992, 1996), with lower levels being more typical of other
locations including Nepal, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
(a) Insensitive acetylcholinesterase: target-site
resistance to carbamates
Target-site resistance to carbamates is similar to that
found with organophosphates (see ab ove). Acetylcholines-
terase insensitive to inhibition by propoxur and methomyl
was observed in a selected strain of H. v irescens (Brown &
Bryson 1992). More recently, insensitive acetylcholines-
terase was shown to be a major mechanism of resistance
to methomyl and carbaryl in strains of H. virescens and to
thiodicarb in a thiodicarb- and pyrethroid-resistant strain
(G. Zhao et al. 1996). In Australia the recently developed
resistance to thiodicarb in H. armigera has been shown to
be due to a form of acetylcholinesterase that is insensit ive
to bot h thiodicarb and methomyl.
(b) Metabolic resistance to carbamates
Both enhanced esterase and enhanced monooxygenase
activity have been found to be signi¢cant mechanisms of
resistance to carbamates. In one recent study, substan-
tially increased esterase activity was observed and
thought to be responsible for res istance in a thiodicarb -
resistant (and pyrethroid-resistant) strain of H. virescens
(Goh et al. 1995). Rose et al. (1995), using a similar strain,
found high levels of P450 monooxygenase activity as well
as increased esterase activity. The involvement of P450
monooxygenases was c onsidered likely by G. Zhao et al.
(1996), who showed signi¢cant synergism of thiodicarb
with PBO. They also inferred the involvement of
enhanced esterase activity in this resistance. Very recently,
PBO was shown to synergize the action of methomyl and
thiodicarb in a number of ¢eld strains although it
antagonized the action of thiodicarb in some strains
(Martin et al. 1997).
(a) Heliothis virescens
Resistance to endosulfan has been demonstrated in
strains of H. virescens f rom Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas
Resistance to insecticides in heliothine Lepidoptera A. R. Mc Ca¡ery 1737
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and Arkansas (Elzen et al. 1992; Kanga et al. 1995; Martin
et al. 1995).
(b) Helicoverpa zea
Increased tolerance to endosulfan was found in ¢eld
populations of H. zea from Texas in 1994 (Kanga et al.
1996). There appear to be no other records of signi¢cant
resistance to endosulfan in this species.
(c) Helicoverpa armigera
Resistance to endosul fan in H. armigera has recorded in
Australia since the early 1970s and a number of reports
have demonstrated the substantial and continuing nature
of this problem (Kay 1977; Forrester et al. 1993; Gunning
& Easton 1994). Current levels of resistance to endosulfan
in Australia are moderate. Relatively low levels of resis-
tance were characteristic of H. armigera in various regions
of India from 1988 to 1992 (McCa¡ery et al. 1989; Armes
et al. 1992). Rather higher levels of resistance to this
compound were found in later years by Armes et al.
(1996), who suggested that incipient resistance to endo-
sulfan was present in this species in India, Nepal and
Pakistan. Low resistance to endosulfan characterized
populations of H. armigera from Pakistan between 1991
and 1993, but thereafter resistance rose to peak frequen-
cies in 1995, falling back somewhat in later years (Ahmad
et al. 1995, 1998). Populations collected from Indonesia in
1987 and 1988 were reported to be resistant to pyrethoids
(McCa¡ery et al. 1991a).
(a) Altered GABA receptor: target-site resistance to
The GABA-gated chloride-ion channel receptor
complex is generally considered to be the target for cyclo-
diene insecticides such as endosulfan. These compounds
act as GABA antagonists and hence, because they
suppress the inhibitory transmitter action of GABA, their
action results in increase d postsynaptic neuronal activity.
Although no direct evidence has been obtained with
heliothines, target-site insensitivity to cyclodiene action
has been inferred in adult H. virescens on the basis of
highly correlated toxicities of dieldrin and endosulfan
(Kanga & Plapp 1995).
(a) Introduction
The pyrethroid insecticides were introduced to replace
the resistance-prone and environmentally unsuitable
organochlorines (OCs), cyclodienes and organo-
phosphates (OPs) (Morton & Collins 1989). They clearly
had a number of distinct advantages over insecticides
used previously. They possessed an inherently high
activity and could be applied at extremely low doses for
the control of a huge range of public health and agricul-
tural pests. Their high activity meant that e¡ective foliar
pro¢les were maintained for considerable periods. They
were safe to mammals, had low environmental impact
and were immobile in the soil (Elliott 1989). The
pyrethroids were especially useful in cotton, where their
contact activity and good e¤cacy enabled the grower to
regain control of pest species that had become resistant to
previously used insecticides. The global demise of the
e¡ectiveness of pyrethroids has provoked a huge research
e¡ort directed at understanding the nature of this
resistance and hence alternative control strategies.
(b) Resistance to pyrethroid insecticides around the
(i) Heliothis virescens in the USA
Following the development of resistance to DDT,
methyl parathion and a growing number of other OPs
(Sparks et al. 1993), the pyrethroid insecticides were intro-
duced into the USA and became available for use on
cotton in 1978, quickly becoming the insecticides of
choice. A small number of studies had inferred a deg ree
of cross-resistance to pyrethroids in methyl parathion-
resistant strains of the tobacco budworm, although
analysis of these data revealed no signi¢cant trends.
Nevertheless, susceptibility to pyrethroids was correlated
with that to methyl parathion (Sparks et al. 1993), and
suggested that di¡erences in susceptibility were already
present in populations of the tobacco budworm in cotton.
Numerous studies have documented resistance to
pyrethroids in H. virescens in the USA and the reader is
directed to the comprehen sive review by Sparks et al.
(1993) for more details. Although signi¢cant changes in
susceptibility had been noted in the Imperial Valley of
California in the early 1980s (Twine & Reynolds 1980;
Mart inez-Carrillo & Reynolds 1983), these were not
considered to have led to any ¢eld failure. The ¢rst reports
of signi¢cant resistance appeared in 1985 in west Texas
(Plapp & Campanhola 1986) and these were quickly
followed by a range of similar ¢ndings throughout the
cotton-belt state s of the southern USA, including Alabama
(Mullins et al. 1991), Arkansas (Plapp et al. 1987, 1990),
Louisiana (Leonard et al. 1988; Plapp et al. 1990; Elzen et
al. 1992), Mississippi (Luttrell et al. 1987; Plapp et al. 1990;
Elzen et al. 1992; Ernst & Dittrich 1992), Oklahoma (Plapp
et al. 1990) and Texas (Plapp et al. 1987, 1990). In many
cases this resulted in considerable cross-resistance between
pyrethroids and this was thought to imply the presence of
a target-site mechanism of resistance (Martin et al. 1992;
Graves et al. 1993; Sparks et al. 1993). Because a complete
loss of pyrethroids was feared, resistance monitoring
programmes were instituted (Plapp et al. 1987), and
management plans organized in Texas and the mid-south
in an e¡ort to provide pyrethroid-free windows during the
cotton-growing season (Sparks et al. 1993). Interestingly,
the continued used of pyrethroids in the USA has led to
what appears to be a shift in the mechanisms of resistance
to pyrethroids, as detailed below.
(ii) Heliothis virescens in Mexico
H. virescens is a common pest of cotton in Mexico and
pyrethroids have been extensively used for its control since
the early 1980s. Monitoring for resistance to pyrethroids
has been conducted in agricultural regions of northwestern
Mexico since 1984, when resistance was ¢rst noted. High
levels of resistance were recorded in 1987 from populations
from theYaqui and Mexicali valleys and in t he 1988 season
from the Costa de Hermosillo and Region de Caborca
(Martinez-Carrillo 1991, 1995). These high levels of resis-
tance prompted the introduction, in 1989, of a strategy to
1738 A. R. McCa¡ery Resista nce to insecticides in heliothine Lepidopte ra
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reduce pyrethroid selection pressure in theYaqui Valley. As
a result, pyrethroid resistance decreased in this area in
1988 and 198 9 and has remained stable since 1990
(Martinez-Carrillo 1995). In contrast, levels of resistance
in the northeast of the country are high and would be
expected to cause control problems.
(iii) Heliothis virescens in Colombia
Pyrethroids became available for use in cotton in the
late 1970s and early 1980s and were very extensively used,
to the exclusion of other products. Very substantial
resistance to cypermethrin in the tobacco budworm was
noted from 1985 and has been documented by Ernst &
Dittrich (1992) and con¢rmed by McCa¡ery (1994).
(iv) Helicoverpa zea in the Americas
Very extensive resistance to DDT was a feature of early
control of H. zea in the USA (see, for example, Graves et
al. 1963; Wolfenbarger et al. 1981; Sparks et al. 1993). The
¢rst substantial report of resistance to pyrethroids in
H. zea was that of Stadelbacher et al. (1990). Following
this, a number of other authors noted a loss of
susceptibility to pyrethroids in this species (Graves et al.
1993; Abd-Elghafar et al. 1993; Kanga et al. 1996; Bagwell
et al. 1997). Despite this loss of susceptibility, pyrethroid
insecticides presently remain e¡ective for the control of
H. zea in US cotton, even at low ¢eld application rates. In
one of the few studies on this species conducted outside
the USA, strains of H. zea from the Tiquisate area of
Guatemala and the Leon area of Nicaragua were found
to be very substantially resistant to cypermethrin (Ernst
& Dittrich 1992).
(v) Helicoverpa armigera in Australia
Before the introduction of pyrethroids in 1977 in
Australia, H. armigera had developed severe resistance to
DDT in the Ord River Valley (Wilson 1974), New South
Wales (Goodyer et al. 1975; Goodyer & Greenup 1980)
and Queensland (Kay 1977). Resistance to endosulfan
(Kay 1977; Kay et al. 1983; Gunning & Easton 1994), OPs
(Goodyer & Greenup 1980; Kay et al. 1983) and
carbamates ( Gunning et al. 1992) was also known to be
present. Resistance to pyrethroids ¢rst appeared in 1983
(Gunning et al. 1984), and immediately a resistance
management strategy was implemented, which restricted
the use of pyrethroids to a 42-day window during
February (from 1990 they were restricted to a
35-day window) (Forrester 1990; Forrester et al. 1993).
Endosulfan use was also limited. An e¡ective weekly
monitoring scheme based on survival of fourth-instar
larvae of H. armigera after treatment with a diagnostic
dose of fenvalerate was initiated and much data accumu-
lated on the e¡ects of selection and survival of resistant
individuals. Later monitoring also determined the l ikely
presence of a metabolic resistance based on enhanced
monooxygenase activity by treating larvae with both
fenvalerate and the metabolic inhibitor piperonyl butoxide
(PBO) (see below). Based on these results, PBO could be
added to the last of the three (maximum) sprays in the
pyrethroid window. This strategy undoubtedly held pyre-
throid resistance in check for a number of years although
there appeared to be a steady rise in the proportion of the
population that was resistant to pyrethroids (Forrester et
al. 1993). H. armigera in unsprayed refugia readily became
contaminated with resi stant individuals (Gunning &
Easton 1989; Forrester et al. 1993), and similar levels of
resistance were found in other crops, such as maize
(Glenn et al. 1994). Thi s gradual los s of pyrethroid e¤-
cacy together with the development of an immunodiag-
nostic to distinguish the eggs of H. armigera from those of
H. punctigera, the use of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and other
insecticides and the advent of Bt-transgenic cotton led to
a complete reorganization of the strategy and a relaxation
on the use of the now less useful pyrethroids. The situa-
tion is continuing to deteriorate, with resistance to pyre-
throids increasing steadily (N. W. Forrester, personal
(vi) Helicoverpa armigera in New Zealand
A programme to monitor resistance to fenvalerate in
H. armigera was initiated in 1991 in tomato, maize and
lucerne crops in New Zealand. A sign i¢cant trend of
declining mortality from 1992 to 1994 was seen and this
suggests an increase in the frequency of resistance to the
pyrethroids (Cameron et al. 1995; Suckling 1996).
Management strategies have been devised to counter this
problem (Suckling 1996).
(vii) Helicoverpa armigera inThailand
Wangboonkong (1981) ¢rst reported inadequate control
of H. armigera in Thailand soon after the introduction of
pyrethroids, but it was not known whether resistance was
the cause. Signi¢cant resistance to pyrethroid s was found
in populations of H. armigera from the Tak Fa area of
Nakonsawan in Thailand in 1985 (Ahmad & McCa¡ery
1988). These insects were also resistant to DDT and
carbaryl. Pyrethroid resistance was again noted in Thai
populations of the insect by Ernst & Dittrich (1992).
(viii) Helicover pa armigera in Indon esia
After the introduction of pyrethroids in the 1980s, resis-
tance to was found in populations of H. armigera collected
from the cotton-growing areas of South Sulawesi, Indonesia,
in 1987 and early 1988 (McCa¡ery et al. 1991a). These
populations were also resistant to endosulfan and DDT.
(ix) Helicoverpa armigera in China
Almost all groups of conventional in secticides have been
used to control H. armigera in China. DDT resistance was
¢rst detected in H. armigera in Henan province (Anon 1974),
and subsequently in Jiangsu and Hebie provinces (Zhu et
al. 1982), together wit h resistance to carbaryl. Pyrethroids
such as fenvalerate and deltamethrin have been widely
used since 1983 with others such as cyhalothrin, cyperme-
thrin, esfenvalerate, fenpropathrin and cy£uthrin being
used from the mid- to late-1980s.There were no substantial
changes in susceptibility until around 1989, but in the
following years resistance to pyrethroids was widely
detected in a number of areas including Jiangsu, Henan
and Shandong provinces (Tan et al. 1987; Shen et al. 1991,
1992, 1993; Wu et al. 1996, 1997b). The development of this
resistance led to calls for a resistance management strategy
to restrict pyrethroid use, to promote greater emphas is on
the use of alternations with other insecticides and to
promote the use of biological control (Shen et al. 1992).
Although level s of resistance to pyrethroids are still high,
Resistance to insecticides in heliothine Lepidoptera A. R. Mc Ca¡ery 1739
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998)
recent lower populations have alleviated the problem to
some degree (Y.Wu, personal communication).
(x) Helicoverpa armigera in Central Asia
High levels of resistance to pyrethroids (as well as to
OCs and OPs) have been found in H. armigera from Tajik-
stan and Azerbaijan (Sukhoruchenko 1996). In a similar
study, resistance to pyrethroids was found to be present in
populations of H. armigera from Russia (Leonova &
Slynko 1996).
(xi) Helicoverpa armigera in India
Pyrethroid insecticides were ¢rst used in India in 19 80
for the control of a number of p ests, including H. armi-
gera. In 1987 resistance to pyrethroids was ¢rst noted in
India in Andhra Pradesh (Dhingra et al. 1988;
Mc Ca¡ery et al. 1988, 1989; Phokela et al. 1989) in popu-
lations that were also resistant to DDT and slightly resis-
tant to endosulfan (McCa¡ery et al. 1989). Numerous
other studies con¢rmed the high incidence of pyrethroid
resistance, especially in the cotton- and pulse-growing
regions of central and southern India, and also
con¢rmed its gradual spread to other regions of the
country (see, for example, Phokela et al. 1990; Mehrohtra
& Phokela 1992; Armes et al. 1992, 1996; Sekhar et al.
1996; Jadhav & A rmes 1996). Pyrethroid resistance has
recently been found in the Punjab close to populations
over the border in Pakistan, leading Armes et al. (19 96)
to the conclusion that pyrethroid resistance is ubiquitous
in H. armigera in the Indian subcontinent. Resistance to
pyrethroids is frequently accompanied by resistance to
endosulfan, to OPs such as qu inalphos and monocroto-
phos, and to the oxime carbamate methomyl (Armes et
al. 1992, 1996).
(xii) Helicoverpa armigera in Pakistan
As a result of pyrethroid use since the early 1980s,
moderate to high levels of resistance to pyrethroids were
found in p opulations of H. armigera collected from
various regions of Pakistan from 1991 onwards (Ahmad
et al. 1995). Thes e insects were also resistant to the OP
monocrotophos, showed moderate resistance to endo-
sulfan and had low-level resistance to the OPs chlorpyr-
ifos and profenofos and the carbamate thiodicarb.
Interestingly, in a subsequent study these authors showed
variations in resistance to pyrethroids depending on
their structure. Although resistance varied from location
to location, the general t rend was for moderate to high
resistance to chemicals like cypermethrin, a low-to-
moderate resistance to compounds like deltamethrin and
comparatively low resistance to others like lambda-cyha-
lot hrin (Ahmad et al. 1997). With t he loss of e¤cacy of
the pyrethroids farmers have begun to use other non-
pyrethroid compounds, with the result that levels of
pyrethroid resistance were lower in 1997 than in
previous years (Ahmad 1998).
(xiii) Helicoverpa armigera in Africa
In the Ivory Coast pyrethroids have been applied for
15 years to control H. armigera and other bollworms. These
pyrethroids were always mixed or rotated with organopho-
sphate insecticides in an e¡ort to prevent or delay resis-
tance in bollworms (A laux et al. 1997). Ernst & Dittrich
(1992), in a comparative survey of resistance in heliothines
around the world, could ¢nd no evidence for resistance to
pyrethroids in the Ivory Coast. Vassal et al. (1997)
con¢rmed that before 1992 there was no change in resis-
tance to pyrethroids but in subsequent years susceptibility
decreased and by 1995 and 1996 signi¢cant resistance was
recorded. This is the ¢ rst documented evidence for resis-
tance to pyrethroids in bollworms inWest Africa. No resis-
tance to pyrethroids was found in populations of H.
armigera from Chad, although some changes in tolerance
were believed to be occurring (Martin & Renou1995).
(xiv) Helicoverpa armigera inTurkey
Resistance to synthetic pyrethroids was found in popu-
lations of H. armigera in 1984, after their initial use around
1980 (Anon 1986). Similar ¢ndings were reported by
Ernst & Dittrich (1992).
(xv) Helicoverpa armigera in Israel
Since 1987 a strictly observed insecticide resistance
management strategy has been in place in cotton ¢elds in
Israel. This is designed to maintain susceptibility to a
range of insecticides, including pyrethroids, in H. armigera
and other cotton pests. Monitor ing studies show that,
de spite slight £uctuations during the season, susceptibility
to cypermethrin did not alter during the period 1987^
1991 (Horowitz et al. 1993); control continued to be
ach ieved despite a very marked decline in the number of
sprays applied (Horowitz et al. 1995).
(xvi) Helicoverpa punctigera in Australia
A population of H. punctigera collected from New South
Wales in 1994 was shown to be resistant to fenvalerate
(Gunning et al. 1997). This is the ¢rst report of signi¢cant
resistance in this species.
(a) Nerve insensitivity: target-site resistance to
The principal site of action of DDT and pyrethroid s is
the voltage-gated sodium channel of nerve cells (Soder-
lund & Bloomquist 1989; Narahashi 1992; Bloomquist
1996). These insecticides alter the gating kinetics of the
sodium channel so that the open time of the channels is
increased after the passage of t he dep olar izing pulse of an
action potential. This inhibition of sodium-channel inacti-
vation leads to the development of prolonged sodium
currents and accounts for the prolonged depolarizing
after-potential. This action causes the repetitive ¢ring of
neurons that is typically found in pyrethroid-poisoned
insects. Pyrethroids also cause membrane depolarization
due to the prolonged opening of sodium channels. Type II
pyrethroids, which c ontain a cyano group at the
position, are generally more potent in this respect than
type I pyrethroids, which lack this -cyano group. Thus
sensor y neurons are stimulated as a result of membrane
depolarization. Membrane depolarization at nerve term-
inals causes massive release of neurotransmitter, resulting
in severe disruption of synaptic transmiss ion.
(i) Indirect evidence for nerve insensitivity
Evidence for the involvement of a kdr-like mechanism of
resistance in helioth ine insects has not been easy to
obtain. There is much indirect evidence that implies the
1740 A. R. McCa¡ery Resista nce to insecticides in heliothine Lepidopte ra
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998)
involvement of a target-site mechanism of resistance to
DDT and pyrethroids, although such evidence is never
wholly reliable. The most frequently used criterion has
been the lack of synergizable resistance. Weekly estimates
of the survival of third-instar H. armigera treated with a
discriminating dose of fenvalerate both with and without
PBO have been used in Australia to provide an estimate of
the percentage of non-synergizable resistance (Forrester et
al. 1993). It is inferred that this residual resistance is due to
other mechanisms, including a target-site resistance.
Similar ¢ndings were presented by Armes et al. (1996)
working with Indian populations of H. armigera. In a study
in Maharashtra State in India, it was suggested that the
residual non-metabolic resistance remaining after syner-
gism with both the monooxygenase synergist piperonyl
butoxide (PBO) and the esterase synergist S,S,S,-tributyl
phosphorotrithioate (DEF) was likely to be due to target-
site insensitivity (Kranthi et al. 19 97), and this is being
veri¢ed now. Given that the principal mechanisms of
resistance in these insects are considered to be enhanced
monooxygenase activity and/ or esterase activity and a
target-s ite resistance of the kdr type, this approach might
appear reasonable. Nevertheless, a s indicated below, PBO
may not be a reliable synergist for monooxygenases and it
may indeed synergize other forms of metabolic resistance
as suggested by Gunning et al. (1996a). Moreover, non-
synergizable penetration resistance also contributes to this
residual resistance. Given such considerations the premise
that non-synergizable resistance represents target-site
resistance is at best equivocal.
The presence of cross-resistance between DDT and
pyrethroids is frequently used as evidence for the involve-
ment of resistance at the target site. H. armigera from
Thailand were shown to possess high levels of resistance
to DDT and cypermethrin; this observation implies a
common mechanism. Lack of synergism by the DDT-
dehydrochlorinase synergist FDMC reinforced this view
(Ahmad & McCa¡ery 1991); as discussed below, the
insects were indeed shown to pos sess a nerve insensitivity
(Ahmad et al. 1989). Recent studies with strains of
H. armigera selected from ¢eld c ollections from Jiangsu
province in China have shown highly signi¢cant, non-
synergizable cross-resistance between DDT and fenvale-
rate (J. Tan & A. R. McCa¡ery, unpublished results).
This res istance has subsequently been shown to be due to
nerve insensitivity and its molecular basis is being studied
presently (see below). The inabilit y to identify metabolites
of pyrethroids in biochemical studies of pyrethroid
metabolism has also been use d to imply that resistance
may be due to target-site resistance, although it is clear
that the common involvement of both metabolic and non-
metabolic mechanisms in the same individuals in resistant
strains makes such an approach di¤cult.
Finally, because individuals with target-site resistance
might the oretically be able to withstand higher internal
concentrations of insecticide than their susceptible
counterpart s, it has been thought t hat the presence of
high titres in insects that survive such treatments indicates
the presence of this mechanism. The nervous system of
resistant third-instar larvae of the PEG 87 strain of
H. virescens was shown to contain up to tenfold greater
concentrations of cis-cypermethrin than those of
susceptible larvae of the BRC strain (Wilkinson &
Mc Ca¡ery 1991). In addition, the behavioural responses
of these intoxicated insects suggested that comparable
symptoms of intoxication occurred at higher concentra-
tions in larvae of the resistant strain than in lar vae of the
susceptible strain. This was again taken to imply a
decreased interaction of the pyrethroid wit h its target site.
At best, such evidence is tenuous. Such considerations
form the basi s of behavioural assays for ner ve
insensitivity, typi¢ed by the hot-needle assay developed
by Bloomquist & Miller (1985) and a locomotory assay
developed by Gunning (1996).
(ii) Direct evide nce for nerve insensitivity
There now exists a large body of direct ev idence that a
form of nerve insensitivity contributes substantially to
many cases of resistance to DDT and pyrethroids in
heliothine insects. Nicholson & Miller (1985) ¢rst demon-
strated this neurophysiological ly in a resistant strain of H.
virescens collected from cotton-growing areas of southern
California. A similar technique was used to demonstrate
nerve insensitivity in a pyrethroid- and DDT-resistant
Thai strain of H. armigera (Ahmad et al. 1989). At the
onset of pyrethroid resistance in Australia in 1983 a
strong super-kdr-like mechanism was demonstrated by
using a simple single-dose neurophysiological technique
(Gunning et al. 1991), but in a survey during the period
from 1997 to 1990 no evidence was found for the presence
of this super-kdr-like mechanism. Instead, another distinct
kdr-type mechanism with l ittle or no tox icological signi¢-
cance was found. By means of a cumulative dose
response neurophysiological assay for spontaneous
neuronal activity, nerve insensitivity to cypermethin was
demonstrated in resistant laboratory strains of H. virescens
(Gladwell et al. 1990) and in ¢eld strains collected from
various parts of the US cotton belt (McCa¡ery et al. 1995;
Ottea et al. 1995). Since monitoring of pyrethroid
resistance in the USA has been based upon the adult vial
test (Plapp et al. 1987), it is signi¢cant that nerve insensi-
tivity in adult stages of resi stant strains of H. virescens was
correlated with that in larval stages (Holloway &
Mc Ca¡ery 1996). Modi¢cations of this technique have
also been used to demonstrate high levels of nerve insensi-
tivity to pyrethroids and DDT in H. armigera from
Andhra Pradesh state in India (West & McCa¡ery 1992)
and from various parts of China (Y. Zhao et al. 1996;
Mc Ca¡ery et al. 1997; Ru et al. 1997; Zhang et al. 1997),
and H. zea from the USA (Holloway et al. 1997).
(iii) Molecular basis of nerve insensitivity resistance to pyrethroids
Although pyrethroids may interact with a number of
sites within the nervous system and although a range of
e¡ects may be produced by these interactions, the principal
site of action is considered to be the voltage-gated sodium
channel. For thi s reason e¡orts to determ ine the mol-
ecular basis of resistance to pyrethroids in heliothine
insects have centred on changes in sodium channels and
have followed similar pioneering studies on house £ies
and cockroaches. Experiments conducted by Church &
Knowles (1992) on binding to neural membranes of
saxitoxin, a high-a¤nity neurotoxin binding to site 1 on
the sodium channel, suggest that there is no di¡erence in
the number of sodium channels between pyrethroid-resis-
tant and -susceptible strains of H. virescens. Further work
Resistance to insecticides in heliothine Lepidoptera A. R. McCa¡ery 1741
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998)
has shown that binding of batrachotoxin, a sodium-
channel neurotoxin, is enhanced by pyrethroid binding;
by means of this assay these authors have provided
evidence t hat t he a¤nity for pyrethroids on the sodium
channels is considerably reduced in resi stant H. virescens
compared with susceptible counterparts (Church &
Knowles 1993). Taken together these studies imply that
reduced a¤nity of binding is resp onsible for resistance to
pyrethroids at the sodium channel in this species.
The evidence reviewe d above suggested that resistance
to pyrethroids and DDT might be expected to result from
the selection of genetic mutants with altered sodium
channels. Molecular genetic studies on sodium channels
would clearly be essential to understand the basis of t his
resistance. By using degenerate oligonucleotide pr imers
based on conserved amino-acid sequences in so dium
channels of Drosophila melanogaster, para-homologous
sodium-channel genes were isolated from a range of
insects including H. virescens (Doyle & Knipple 1991). The
polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify sequences
from genomic DNA from the PEG87 strain of H. virescens
by using degenerate pr imers homologous to the fourth
transmembrane domain of the -subunit locus para of
D. melanogaster (Taylor et al. 1993). One genomic clone
encoding a putative sodium channel in H. virescens was
obtained and designated hscp (Heliothis sodium channel para
homologue). In a subsequent experimental analysis,
markers for hscp were found to be linked to resi stance
phenotypes and this provided the ¢rst molecular genetic
evidence for such a link in any heliothine.
Sequence comparisons between resistant and suscep-
tible genotypes of house £y have revealed the presence of
a single leucine- to-phenylalanine mutation (L1014F) in
transmembrane segment 6 of domain II associated with
kdr resistance, and an additional methionine-to-threonine
mutation (M918T) associated with super-kdr resistance
(Williamson et al. 1996). Park & Taylor (1997) examined
H. virescens in a similar manner and revealed the existence
of a leucine-to-histidine change (L1029H) associated
with resistance to pyrethroids and located at a position
homologous to that in kdr strains of the house £y. No
mutation homologous to that found in super-kdr £ies was
found in H. virescens (Park & Taylor 1997). Interestingly,
the resistant PEG87 strain of this insect was not found to
carry this mutation; this observation leads to the sugges-
tion that more than one sodium-channel mutation may
be contributing to pyrethroid resistance in ¢eld popula-
tions of H. virescens. This contrasts with the situation in
Musca domestica, Blattella germanica, the diamondback
mot h, Plutella xylostella, and the peach
potato aphid,
Myzus persicae, in which the leucine-to-phenylalanine
substitution is always consistently present in resistant
genotypes (Martinez-Torres et al. 1997). More recently,
Park et al. (1997) reported a valine-to-methionine
(V421M) substitution in transmembrane segment 6 of
domain I (IS6) of the hscp locus of ind ividuals of the homo-
zygous resistant strain used by Taylor et al. (1993) for
linkage analysis. More recently still, Head et al. (1998)
made sequence comparisons between resistant and suscep-
tible strains of both H. virescens and H. armigera and showed
consistent aspartic acid-to-valine (D1561V) and glutamic
acid-to-glycine (E1565G) substitutions in the cytoplasmic
linker region between domains III and IV (III^IV) of the
para-homologous sodium-channel sequence of neurophy-
siologically resistant insects of both species; this region is
involved in channel inactivation. A further mutation in t he
IIS5^IIS 6 linker region was again consistently found in
both resistant H. armigera and resistant H. virescens (Head
1998). All these ¢ndings emphasize the likelihood that a
number of possible mutations can confer resistance at the
sodium channel, although the function of these mutations
clearly remains to be ascertained. The development of
diagnostic technologies based on mutations that unequivo-
cally indicate the kdr-like nerve insensitivity resistance to
pyrethroids and DDT is a clear aim of such studies. The
successful deployment of technology of this type would
provide a degree of precision and re¢nement that has so far
been lacking in the monitoring of resistance-gene
frequency in heliothine pests.
(b) Metabolic mechanisms of resistance to pyrethroids
Studies on the metabolism of pyrethroids in heliothine
insects have been characterized by a degree of contra-
diction, which has centred on the relative roles of the
principal systems of enzymic detoxication: ox idation by
the m icrosomal P 450-dependent monooxygenases (or
mixed-function oxidases) and hydrolysis by esterases.
Glutat hione S-t ransferases do not appear to be involved in
resistance to pyrethroids. The traditional use of synergists
to give preliminary indications of the type of metabolism
involved in resistance has been critically questioned in
relation to resistance to pyrethroids in v iew of ¢ndings,
discus sed below, which suggest t hat speci¢c synergists are
no longer (or possibly never were) e¡ective at suppressing
the enzyme systems with which they have traditionally
been associated. Other studies suggest that some synergists
inhibit enzy me systems alternat ive to those with which
they are normally as sociated. The use of model substrates
is also an area of some uncertainty: the isozymes respon-
sible for detoxication of speci¢c insecticides may not
necessarily be those involved in model substrate metabo-
lism. The latest and most comprehensive view of this ¢eld
would suggest that both oxidative and hydrolytic activity
is involved in resistance to pyrethroids in heliothines and
that, indeed, t he se species seem likely to be able to use
both types of metabolism in response to appropriate
selection. Such a view has considerable implications for
resistance management.
(i) Metabolic resistance in Heliothis virescens
Initial studies on metabolism of pyrethroids in
H. virescens suggested that monooxygenases were involved
in tolerance to trans-permethrin (Bigley & Plapp 1978). In
¢eld strains of this insect collected from the Imperial
Valley in California, enhanced metabolism of trans-perme-
thrin was a shown to be a mechanism of res istance
(Nicholson & Miller 1985) and it was thought that this was
likely to be due to oxidative hydroxylation. Dowd et al.
(1987) brought insect s from this location into the labora-
tory and selected them with £ucythrinate. In contrast to
the ¢ndings above, they demonstrated both a qualitative
and a quantitative enhancement in the ability of larvae to
hydrolyse pyrethroids compared with a susceptible strain.
The PEG87 strain of H. virescens has been used exten-
sively in research on resistance to pyrethroids in this
species and was derived from the US83 strain, itself
1742 A. R. McCa¡ery Resistance to insecticides in heliothine Lepidoptera
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998)
assembled from a ser ies of 19 collections across the US
cotton belt where control with pyrethroids had become
increasingly di¤cult. Despite e¡ectively being a labora-
tory strain, it was considered to possess the mechanisms
of resistance most likely to be representative of those in
the ¢eld. By using this strain it was shown that resistance
to trans-cypermethrin and cis-cypermethrin was largely
due to a PBO-synergizable monooxygenase, which
resulted in hydroxylation of the pyrethroid in the 4'; and
2'; positions on the phenoxybenzyl moiety (Lee et al.
1989: L ittle et al. 1989; Clarke et al. 1990; McCa¡ery et al.
1991c) and later elimination of conjugated metabolites.
Further studies on th is mechani sm showed that the resis-
tant strain possessed a s ixfold greater quantity of total
cytochrome P450 and a fourfold greater quantity of
cytochrome P450 reductase than did the comparable
susceptible strain (Clarke et al. 1990). Activity was shown
to be NADPH-dependent and PBO-suppress ible. Signi¢-
cantly, it was shown in these studies that the major
hydroxy-metabolites were likely to be better substrates for
hydrolysis than the parent compound. This ¢nding was
considered to explain the PBO-suppressible, NADPH-
dependent appearance of acid metabolites, although
carboxylesterase action was considered to play a minor
role in the direct hydroxylation of the pyrethroid (Clarke
et al. 1990). Using the PEG87 strain of H. virescens Abd-
Elghafar et al. (1994) presented si milar evidence for oxida-
tive metabolism of fenvalerate.
Despite the early demonstration of enhanced metabo-
lism in the ¢eld strain from Cal ifornia noted above
(Nicholson & Miller 1985; Dowd et al. 1987), metabolic
resistance was considered to be rare or absent in ¢eld popu-
lations of H. virescens for many years. Accordingly, a
number of studies showed that pyrethroid resistance was
not synergized by PBO or DEF (McCa¡ery et al. 1991b;
Clower et al. 1992), and it was cons idered that the majority
of the resistance was likely to be due to target-site
resistance of the kdr type. With continued use of
pyrethroids, evidence for PBO-synergi zable resistance
began to appear in the early 1990s in various US cotton-
belt states including Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and
Oklahoma (Graves et al. 1991; McCa¡ery & Holloway
1992; Elzen et al. 1993; Kirby et al. 1994; Martin et al. 1994,
1997; G. Zhao et al. 1996), suggesting a widespread and
growing resistance problem based on enhanced monooxy-
genase activity as had been found with H. armigera. The
existence of enhanced resistance to cypermethrin through
selection with the oxime carbamate thiodicarb, and the
existence of PBO synergism of these insecticides, was
strongly indicative of the involvement of oxidative metabo-
lism (G. Zhao et al. 1996).
A number of other ¢ndings suggest that this might not
be wholly representative of the status of this mechanism.
Mart in et al. (1997) showed that application of PBO
delayed penetration of pyrethroids and suggested that
PBO could in£uence toxicity in other ways. Some strains
of H. virescens believed to possess enhanced mono-
oxygenase activity were shown to be entirely unresponsive
to the action of PBO and instead were synergized by
propynyl ethers such as TCPB (Brown et al. 1996b) (see
below). Nevertheless, many later biochemical studies
demonstrated the importance of oxidative attack in
resistance to pyrethroids in H. virescens (Ottea et al. 1995;
Ibrahim & Ottea 1995; G. Zhao et al. 1996). In a recent
study with the metab olically blocke d pyrethroid
fen£uthrin, a number of other structurally modi¢ed
pyrethroids and several synergists Shan et al. (1997)
con¢rmed that P450 monooxygenases were associated
with pyrethroid resistance in this species. Using a
pyrethroid- (and thiodicarb-) resistant strain of
H. virescens strain originally collected from ¢elds in
Louisiana where ¢eld failures with cypermethrin and
thiodicarb had been recorded, Rose et al. (1995)
examined monooxygenase, esterase and glutathione
S-transferase activity. Up to 4.4-fold higher quant ities of
cytochrome P450 were found in the gut, fat body and
carcass of the resistant strain than in those of the suscep-
tible strain and it was thought likely that these increased
P450 levels represented the sum of several P45 0 isozymes,
each of which may possess speci¢c yet overlapping
substrate speci¢cities. Esterases and transferases were
thought to be less important in conferring resistance in
this strain, although transferases may be important in the
production of conjugates, which form the bulk of excreted
metabolites in monooxygenase-resistant H. virescens (Little
et al. 1989). Interestingly, Rose et al. (1995) obtained
incomplete synergism with PBO in this strain and o¡ered
the suggestion that isozymes involved in pyrethroid
resistance might be made unresponsive to synergists by
selection pressure with PBO or other insecticides, as
appears to be the case in other insects. Incomplete
synergism with PBO was also obtained in another
H. virescen s strain derived from ¢eld collections in
Louisiana (Shan et al. 1997) although it could be
completely synergized by the propynyl ether TCPB. The
e¡ectiveness of TCPB as a monooxygenase synergist for
pyrethroid resistance in H. virescens was ¢rst shown by
Brown et al. (1996b), who concluded that di¡erent classes
of P450 monooxygenases were involved in resistance-
associated metabolism of pyrethroids. Such a ¢nding casts
considerable doubt on the validity of previous synergism
studies using PBO; the absence of PBO synergism should
perhaps not be taken as an indication of the absence of
enhanced oxidative metabolism.
The doubts about the cacy of PBO and the involve-
ment of monooxygenases are compounded by renewed
interest in the role of esterases in pyrethroid resistance in
¢eld strains of H. virescens. Graves et al. (1991) had initially
found evidence for synergism of pyrethroids with DEF,
inferring the involvement of esterases and con¢rming
earlier observations (Dowd et al. 1987). Martin et al. (1997),
however, showed antagonism of the esterase synergist TPP
to cypermethrin action. The larval stages of a strain of H.
virescens originally obtained from the ¢eld in Louisiana,
where control with cypermethrin and thiodicarb had failed,
were examined for esterases associated with resistance to
these two compounds (Goh et al. 1995). Esterase activity
against the model substrate 1-naphthyl acetate (1-NA) was
elevated in whole-body homogenates of resistant insects
compared with those of susceptible insects. Increased
esterase activity was attributed to three esterases, A1, B1and
C1, which were puri¢ed and compared by means of immu-
noblotting techniques.The most signi¢cant of these, esterase
A1, was considered to share common epitopes with the resis-
tance-associated esterase of other insects, although its role in
insecticide resistance in the tobacco budworm was not
Resistance to insecticides in heliothine Lepidoptera A. R. McCa¡ery 1743
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998)
entirely clear. In a very recent study, G. Shan and J. A.
Ottea (personal communication) have shown that metabo-
lism of cypermethrin in H. virescens larvae occurs by both
ox idative and hydrolytic pathways but that the hydrolytic
route appears to be the major resistance mechanism. The
production of metabolites of hydrolysis in laboratory and
¢eld strains, as well as observations that suggest that both
cypermethrin and1-NA inhibit esterases in a concentration-
dependent manner, provide further evidence that esterases
are the major metabolic mechanisms of resistance to pyre-
throids. Moreover, inhibition experiments with PBO and
paraoxon and studies with 1-NA all suggest that the mono-
oxygenase inhibitor also inhibits esterases. Such studies
clearly concur with the ¢ndings of Gunning et al. (1996a)
working with H. armigera (see below) and cast yet further
doubt on the validity of using PBO as a synergist. Urgent re-
evaluation of the action and usefulness of these synergists is
(ii) Metabolic resistance in H. armigera
Australia too has been a focus of cons iderable debate
regarding the relative roles played by estera se- and
cytochrome P450-mediated pyrethroid metabolism. In
1983, with t he onset of resistance to synthetic pyrethroids
in H. armigera in Australia (Gunning et al. 1984), three
mechanisms of resistance were thought to be involved.
Both a strong nerve insensitivity (super-kdr) and a pene-
tration resistance (Pen) were believed to be present,
together with a th ird factor overcome by PBO (Pbo)
(Gunning et al. 1991). Between 1987 and 1990 these insects
were again examined to determine which mechanisms
were present. Both t he Pen and Pbo mechanisms had
increased in importance, although they conferred only a
low-order resistance of around 20-fold (Gunning et al.
1991). The ability of PBO to c ompletely suppress resis-
tance to pyrethroids in strains of the insects homozygous
for a metabolic detoxication mechanism was presumed to
be evidence of the involvement of P450-mediated meta-
bolic resistance (Forrester et al. 1993). Moreover, the rela-
tive metabolic resistance-suppressing activity of a range of
65 synergists including TCPB provided further strong
evidence of the involvement of P450-mediated metabo-
lism. Field populations of the insects were regularly tested
with a discriminating dose of fenvalerate both with and
without PBO.The evidence from this monitoring suggested
that the PBO-suppressible resistance component was
always predominant. As discussed earlier, the non-syner-
gizable component was assumed to represent other
mechanisms, in particular nerve insensitivity. Further
convincing evidence that the great majority of the resis-
tance to pyrethroids seen Australian H. armigera was due to
enhanced oxidation came from an important exami nation
of the structure
activity relations of a large range of pyre-
throid analogues with varying acid and alcohol structures
and a range of substitutions. Alterations in the alcohol
moiety of the pyrethroid structure could overcome most, if
not all, resistance. The nature of these changes in coun-
tering resistance provided strong evidence that the resis-
tance was due to oxidative metabolism. All of the se
¢ndings would seem to provide overwhelming, if somewhat
indirect, ev idence that resistance to pyrethroids in H. armi-
gera in Australia was based on enhanced P450-mediated
metabolism. Similar evidence has been put forward for
enhanced monooxygena se activity being a mechanism of
resistance to pyrethroids in H. armigera from India
(Phokela & Mehrohtra 1989; Kranthi et al. 1997) and
China (Wu et al.1997a).
This conventional view was challenged by Kennaugh et
al. (1993) using a strain of H. armigera derived from ¢eld
collections and subsequently backcrossed and selected.
Although the resistant strain was 19- to 33-fold resistant
to fenvalerate and this resistance could be eliminated
with PBO, these authors could ¢nd no increased levels of
P450 in the midguts of the resistant strain compared with
those of the susceptible strain. Further, there was no
evidence for increased permethrin detoxication in the
resistant strain. Signi¢cantly, PBO increased the rates of
metabolism in both susceptible and resistant strains.
Evidence was obtained which suggested the involvement
of a cytochrome P450 in the process of penetration of the
insecticide through the insect cuticle. The action of PBO
would thus be to inhibit a P450-dependent penetration
resistance (Kennaugh et al. 1993). These ¢ndings were
corrob orated by Gunning et al. (1995), who examined
esfenvalerate metabolism in a resistant strain of H. armi-
gera, in which the res istance was suppressed by PBO and
which lacked any nerve insensitivity. It was show n that
esfenvalerate metaboli sm was only slightly enhanced in
this resistant strain and that PBO did not in hibit this
metabolism. The authors concluded t hat reduced penetra-
tion appeared to be an important mechanism of esfenva-
lerate resistance in this strain.
An important study was then published, which
suggested that pyrethroid-resistant H. armigera in
Australia have enhanced esterase activity that is due to
increased production of enzymes (Gunning et al. 1996a).
The most resistant individuals were shown to have an
approximately 50-fold increase in esterase activity
compared with susceptible populations. Moreover,
resistant strains were shown to have additional esterases
not detectable in susceptible populations and increased
esterase hydrolysis of 1-NA was correlated with the
esfenvalerate resistance factor. Furthermore, evidence
was obtained which suggested that the esterase had a
poor catalytic activity towards the pyrethroids and that
esterases were also acting a s insecticide-sequestering
agents. It was concluded that detoxi¢cation by hydrolysis
together with sequestration would give H. armigera the
ability to detoxify signi¢cant quantities of fenvalerate,
consistent with the large resistance factors involved.
Together these ¢ndings imply that detoxication via
monooxygenases is no longer, or was never, a signi¢cant
mechanism of resistance to pyrethroids in H. armigera, a
situation that is paralleled in H. virescens in t he USA. To
further emphasize this revised view of metabolic resis-
tance to pyrethroids, Gunning et al. (1996b) have shown
that PBO can suppress esterase-mediated metabolism.
This crucial observation de¢es the conventional assump-
tion that PBO un iquely suppresses metab olic resistance
mediated by cytochrome P450 and is again mirrored in
recent studies in the USA on H. virescens (J. A. Ottea,
per sonal communication). More recently Gunning et al.
(1997) showed that fenvalerate toxicity in H. punctigera
was synergized by the esterase inhibitors DEF and
profenofos and that the resistant insects had increased
esterase activity to 1-NA.
1744 A. R. McCa¡ery Resistance to insecticides in heliothine Lepidoptera
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998)
(iii) Molecular studies on metabolic resistance in heliothines
The con£icting nature of these ¢ndings both in
Australia and in the USA emphasizes that a de¢nitive
role in metabolic resistance for speci¢c P450s or esterases
is likely to come only from expression studies using genes
cloned from pyrethroid-resistant strains.
The complete coding sequence and parts of the 3' and 5'
non-coding regions of a mRNA coding for a cytochrome
P450 from H. armigera was obtained (Wang & Hobbs 1995).
The sequence is most similar to member of the CYP6
family and has been designated CYP6B2. The cDNA
hybridizes to two major mRNAs, the larger of which i s
inducible by permethrin, although t he levels of induction
are generally low. These same authors have demonstrated
much higher quantities of the larger mRNA in individual,
pyrethroid-resistant lar vae collected directly from the
¢eld; this result implies the involvement of this P450 in
resistance. In a separate study, RT
PCR was used to clone
P450 gene fragments from the RNA of a pyrethroid-resis-
tant strain of H. armigera (Pittendrigh et al. 1997). By this
method eight new P450 genes were isolated, seven from
the CYP4 family and one CYP9. One of these genes,
CYP4G8, was twofold overexpressed in the resistant strain.
Although no di¡erence in express ion was noted in resistant
strains, CYP9A3 appeared to be a homologue of the puta-
tively resistance-associated CYP9A1 of H. v irescens (Rose et
al. 1997) (see below). Further, the authors found non-
detectable levels of expression of the CYP6B2 isolated by
Wang & Hobbs (1995) and reportedly overexpressed in
resistant strains. In H. virescens Rose et al. (1997) isolated a
P450 gene designated CYP9A1, the ¢rst member of family
9, from a pyrethroid-resistant strain.These studies indicate
that bot h qualitative and quantitative strain-to-strain
variations in P450 expression levels are important and
that recombinant expression will be necessary in order to
precisely de¢ne t he substrate speci¢cities and pyrethroid-
metabolizing abilities of individual P450s. The ability to
de¢ne the character istics of the detoxi¢cation systems of
resistant strains of insects would lead to a signi¢cant re¢ne-
ment in cross-resistance studies. On the basis of substrate
speci¢city it should prove possible not only to objectively
select insecticides between chemical groups but also to
select more e¤cacious analogues from within groups.
As summarized in this review, H. ar migera, H. virescens,
and to some extent H. zea, have developed substantial and
often uncontrollable levels of resi stance to virtually all the
neurotoxic in secticides that have been directed against
them. Ecological and physiological aspects of the biology
of these insects have made possible the emergence of pest
species, which have often proved di¤cult to control.
Continued selection with insecticides has allowed the
survival of resistant populations, which have generally
proved exceedingly di¤cult or impossible to control.
Despite th is there are examples of cropping systems in
which resistance is absent or in which resistance is a
minor problem. The resistance-management strategy
initiated in cotton in Israel to control a range of p ests has
left H. armigera there very largely susceptible to all insecti-
cides, despite, or more probably because of, the use of a
very small number of applications (Horowitz et al. 1995).
In other areas such as the Ivory Coast, low or restricted
use of insecticides has allowed a great many years of
resistance-free pest control and only now are levels of
resistance beginning to rise.
Species such as H. punctigera, which have, by virtue of
their biology and ecology, been considered capable of
escaping the development of res istance, have now been
shown to do so (see, for example, Gunning et al. 1994,
1997). It is essential that resistance-management strategies
are formulated in ways that do not enhance the resistance
status of such species. In the USA , where pyret hroids
have been very widely used, it is generally accepted that
the key feature that ha s prevented development of
resistance in the maize earworm, H. zea, i s its wider range
of unsprayed hosts: H. zea attacks maize and soyabeans
whereas H. virescens does not attack maize and prefers
cotton to soyab eans. Nevertheless, H. zea has recent ly
developed signi¢cant resistance to these compounds and
consideration must be given to the implications of this.
The most highly imitated resistance management
strategy for heliothines is that which was set up for the
control of pyrethroid- and endosulfan-resistant H. armige ra
in cotton (and other crops) in Australia (Forrester et al.
1993).The obvious success of this highly acclaimed scheme
was that control was maintained for well over ten years
with insecticides to which resistance had already devel-
oped. This was achieved largely through strict observance
of restrictions in use.The gradual loss of the pyrethroids to
resistance and the advent of new insecticides, Bt and Bt-
transgenic cotton has allowed a relaxation of the pyre-
throid use strategy and control is now based on a broad
range of chemical, biological and cultural methodologies.
Similar types of strategy have been initiated el sewhere
with varying degrees of success, as noted above.
The development of pyrethroid resistance in heliothine
species in various countries around the world cont inues
unceasingly, even in countries with management
strategies, although the rate of loss of e¤cacy is generally
slower in control led situations. That pyrethroid-resistant
insects can be found in unsprayed refugia in Australia
(Forrester et al. 1993), and pyrethroid-susceptible insects
are absent or exceedingly hard to ¢nd anywhere in
countries such as Pakistan and India, does not bode well
for much further use of these compounds unless new
chemistry is deployed or severe restrictions on use are
instigated. Such actions have complex economic and
political implications. Moreover, questions regarding the
¢tness costs of these resistances need to be addressed
urgently since there are important considerations for
insecticide-resistance management. Although new tech-
nology and new chemistry will enable the select ion
pressure from older insecticides to b e relaxed, it is likely
that the use of conventional insect icide chemistry will
continue for many years.
This review has placed considerable emphasis on the
mechanisms of resistance to the insecticide groups
considered. This is because patterns of cross -resistance
within and between insecticide groups are entirely
dependent on the biochemical and molecular nature of
the resistance mechanism. Even within the c onventional
insecticide groups there are many areas of susceptibility
to existing chemistry, which can be exploited for control.
In a previous brief review this author considered that
Resistance to insecticides in heliothine Lepidoptera A. R. McCa¡ery 1745
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998)
target-s ite resi stance to pyrethroids had developed in
many heliothines before the later emergence of metab olic
resistance (McCa¡ery 1994). Although this may still
hold true to some degree, the ability of these species to
diversify their mechanisms of resistance under selection
pressure is noteworthy. The current debate over the
nature of metabolic resistance in heliothines is confused
by technical controversy over the use of some of the
basic tools, such as synergists and model substrates, and
these arguments have been considered in detail in this
review. Likewise, the inconsistencies found in pyrethroid
target-s ite mutations are at variance with those found in
other insects. It is the view of this author that the
heliothines are especially £exible in the use of a variety
of modi¢cations in all of their resistance mechanisms.
Thus, even when a similar system of enhanced enzyme
activity is involved in resistance to the same group of
compounds, such as monooxygenases, di¡erent P450
forms seem likely to be found in individual populations
of the same species.
It could be argued that an ability to diagnose the precise
nature of the mechanisms of resistance would be a key
component of the management of resistance in the
heliothines. However, as emphasized in t his review, the
very diverse nature of the modi¢cations found so far makes
this enormously less easy than might otherwise be so and
possibly renders such an approach not practicable. It might
be considered that this diversity would allow the use of
resistance-breaking molecules within existing conven-
tional insecticide groups.The existence of such compounds
has been illustrated for both H. armigera (Forrester et al.
1993; J. Tan and A. R. McCa¡ery, unpublished obser-
vations) and H. virescens (Shan et al. 1997), but the usefulness
of such an approach again depends entirely on an ability to
correctly diagnose subtle changes in resistance mechanisms
in ¢eld populations. As highlighted above, this might
prove di¤cult in reality and it is disappointing that such
approaches have not yet resulted in commercially viable
products. A knowledge of the mechanisms of resistance
exist ing in these insects is clearly of value in devising new
insecticides to control them. The advent of new areas of
insecticide chemistry such as Bacillus thuringiensis, pyrroles,
phenyl pyrazoles, spinosad, nicotinyls and insect growth
regulators (IGRs) should make control of heliothines
(Tabashnik et al., this issue) considerably more e¡ective
and release selection on existing resistance mechanisms.
Nevertheless, incipient resistance to some of these materials
in a number of arti¢cial laboratory strains of Heliothinae is
surely a stimulus to e¡ective use of new materials and an
ever-watchful study of the development and nature of
possible resistances to them.
In conclusion, it is perhaps signi¢cant that, to date, the
most success ful resistance-management programme that
has been developed for t he se insects has been instituted in
cotton in Israel. Key features of this programme have been
a dramatic reduction in the number of sprays directed at a
number of pests, including H. armigera , together with the
considered use of a range of integrated pest management
(IPM) techniques, It would appear that, despite our
rapidly increasing knowledge of the biochemical and mole-
cular nature of this problem, the most e¡ective means of
managing resistance to insecticides in t he Heliothinae
remains a strict control of insecticide use.
I am very grateful to Dr Neil Forrester, Dr James Ottea and Dr
Yidong Wu for information on the current resistance situation in
their countries and for permission to quote unpublished infor-
mation and from papers currently in press.
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