Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2000. 45:371–391
Copyright q 2000 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved.
Janet Hemingway and Hilary Ranson
School of Biosciences, University of Wales Cardiff, P.O. Box 915, Cardiff, Wales CF1
3TL; e-mail:
Key Words insecticide, mosquito, esterases, monooxygenases, glutathione S-
Abstract Insecticide resistance is an increasing problem in many insect vectors
of disease. Our knowledge of the basic mechanisms underlying resistance to com-
monly used insecticides is well established. Molecular techniques have recently
allowed us to start and dissect most of these mechanisms at the DNA level. The next
major challenge will be to use this molecular understanding of resistance to develop
novel strategies with which we can truly manage resistance. State-of-the-art infor-
mation on resistance in insect vectors of disease is reviewed in this context.
Insecticides play a central role in controlling major vectors of diseases such as
mosquitoes, sandflies, fleas, lice, tsetse flies, and triatomid bugs. In 1955 the
World Health Organization (WHO) assembly proposed the global eradication of
the most prevalent vector-borne human disease, malaria, by the use of residual
house-spraying of DDT. However, the insecticide euphoria soon ended and in
1976 WHO officially reverted from malaria eradication to malaria control. This
marked shift from malaria eradication to primary health care was an emotive
issue, eliciting a rapid and complete change of rhetoric from WHO (12). Several
issues had prompted this switch, but a major cause of the change in policy was
the appearance of DDT resistance in a broad range of the mosquito vectors. In
1975 WHO reported that 256 million people were living in areas where DDT
and/or BHC resistance was undermining malaria control efforts. (This did not
include the African region, where 90% of malaria occurs and where DDT resis-
tance had already been noted in Anopheles gambiae, the major malaria vector.)
The resistance problems continued with the switch to newer insecticides such
as the organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids. Operationally, many con-
trol programs have switched from blanket spraying of house interiors to focal use
of insecticides on bednets. Focal spraying limits the insecticides of choice largely
to pyrethroids due to the speed of kill required to protect the occupant of the
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bednet and the safety margin needed for insecticides used in such close contact
with people. Today the major emphasis in resistance research is on the molecular
mechanisms of resistance and rational resistance management, with a view to
controlling the development and spread of resistant vector populations. In Africa,
WHO and the World Bank have instigated major new initiatives with other major
donors and the scientific community internationally to ‘roll back’malaria. One
major problem these initiatives are tackling is the presence of two developing
foci of pyrethroid resistance in the most important African malaria vector, An.
The amount of resistance in insect vector populations is dependent both on the
volume and frequency of applications of insecticides used against them and the
inherent characteristics of the insect species involved. Tsetse flies, for example,
were controlled by wide-scale spraying of DDT for many years, but DDT resis-
tance has never developed in this species. Another example of an insect vector
exhibiting little or no resistance to insecticides is the triatomid bug. In both cases
the major factor influencing insecticide resistance development is the life cycle
of the insect pest, in particular the long life cycles for the bugs, and the production
of very small numbers of young by the tsetses. In contrast, mosquitoes have all
the characteristics suited to rapid resistance development, including short life
cycles with abundant progeny.
Mosquito Resistance
The major mosquito vectors span the Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles genera. Culex
are the major vectors of filariasis and Japanese encephalitis, Aedes of dengue and
dengue hemorrhagic fever, and Anopheles of malaria. The range of many of these
species is not static. For example, several Aedes species recently extended their
range in Asia and Latin America, leading to an increased risk of dengue in these
DDT was first introduced for mosquito control in 1946. In 1947 the first cases
of DDT resistance occurred in Aedes tritaeniorhynchus and Ae. solicitans (15).
Since then more than 100 mosquito species are reported as resistant to one or
more insecticide, and more than 50 of these are anophelines (113). Insecticides
used for malaria control have included -BHC, organophosphorus, carbamate, and
pyrethroid insecticides, with the latter now taking increasing market share for
both indoor residual spraying and large-scale insecticide-impregnated bednet pro-
grams. Other insecticide groups, such as the benzylphenyl ureas and Bti, have
had limited use against mosquitoes. Resistance has tended to follow the switches
of insecticides. Resistance to -BHC/dieldrin is widespread despite the lack of use
of these insecticides for many years. Organophosphate (OP) resistance, either in
the form of broad-spectrum OP resistance or malathion-specific resistance, occurs
in the major vectors An. culicifacies (59), An. stephensi (30, 44), An. albimanus
(3, 51), An. arabiensis (45) and An. sacharovi (54). An. culicifacies is recognized
as a species complex (101): In Sri Lanka malathion resistance occurs in An.
culicifacies species B, while in India resistance is in species B and C (59, 88).
Species B in Sri Lanka is resistant to fenitrothion, which is independent of the
malathion-specific resistance (58, 60), and is developing pyrethroid resistance
(SHPP Karunaratne, personal communication). Organophosphorus insecticide
resistance is widespread in all the major Culex vectors (53), and pyrethroid resis-
tance occurs in C. quinquefasciatus (1, 7, 19). Pyrethroid resistance has been
noted in An. albimanus (13), An. stephensi (107) and An. gambiae (18, 20, 112)
among others, while carbamate resistance is present in An. sacharovi and An.
albimanus (57). Pyrethroid resistance is widespread in Ae. aegypti (6, 48, 70) and
cases of OP and carbamate resistance have also been recorded in this species (72,
The development of pyrethroid resistance in An. gambiae is particularly impor-
tant given the recent emphasis by the WHO and other organizations on the use
of pyrethroid-impregnated bednets for malaria control. Two cases of pyrethroid
resistance in An. gambiae, from the Ivory Coast and Kenya, are well documented
(18, 112). The west African focus appears to be larger and has higher levels of
resistance than that in east Africa.
Sandfly Resistance
The peridomestic vectors of Leishmania, Plebotomus papatasi, Lutzomyia lon-
gipalpis, and L. intermedia are controlled primarily by insecticides throughout
their range. The control of these sandflies is often a by-product of anti-malarial
house-spraying. The only insecticide resistance reported to date in sandflies is to
DDT in Indian P. papatasi (29).
Head and Body Louse Resistance
The body louse Pediculus humanus has developed widespread resistance to organ-
ochlorines (16), is malathion resistant in parts of Africa (113), and has low-level
resistance to pyrethroids in several regions (35). Resistance to organochlorine
insecticides, such as DDT and lindane, has been recorded in the human head
louse Pediculus capitis in Israel, Canada, Denmark, and Malaysia (16, 73, 113).
Permethrin has been extensively used for head louse control since the early 1980s
(77, 103). The first reports of control failure with this insecticide were in the early
1990s in Israel (77), the Czech Republic (97), and France (21).
Simulium Resistance
Some cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex are vectors of onchocer-
ciasis. In 1974 the Onchocerciasis Control Programme in west Africa established
a long-term insecticide-based control program for this vector. Temephos resis-
tance occurred initially, prompting a switch to chlorphoxim, but resistance to this
insecticide occurred within a year (49). Resistance in this species is currently
being managed by a rotation of temephos, Bti, and permethrin, the insecticide
usage being determined by the rate at which water is flowing in rivers forming
the major breeding sites of these vectors.
Insecticide Metabolism
Three major enzyme groups are responsible for metabolically based resistance to
organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates, and pyrethroids. DDT-dehydro-
chlorinase was first recognized as a glutathione S-transferase in the house fly,
Musca domestica (23). It has been shown to have this role commonly in anophe-
line and Aedes mosquitoes (40, 85). Esterases are often involved in organophos-
phate, carbamate, and to a lesser extent, pyrethroid resistance. Monooxygenases
are involved in the metabolism of pyrethroids, the activation and/or detoxication
of organophosphorus insecticides and, to a lesser extent, carbamate resistance.
Esterase-Based Resistance
The esterase-based resistance mechanisms have been studied most extensively at
the biochemical and molecular level in Culex mosquitoes and the aphid Myzus
persicae. Work is in progress on related and distinct esterase resistance mecha-
nisms in a range of Anopheles and Aedes species. Broad-spectrum organophos-
phate resistance is conferred by the elevated esterases of Culex. All these esterases
act by rapidly binding and slowly turning over the insecticide: They sequester
rather than rapidly metabolize the pesticide (62).
Two common esterase loci, est
and estb, are involved alone or in combination
in this type of resistance in Culex (109). In C. quinquefasciatus the most common
elevated esterase phenotype involves two enzymes, esta2
and estb2
and B
on an earlier classification) (110). The classification of these esterases is based
on their preferences for a-or b-naphthyl acetate, their mobility on native poly-
acrylamide gels, and their nucleotide sequence (53). Smaller numbers of C. quin-
quefasciatus populations have elevated estb1 alone, elevated esta1 alone or
co-elevated estb1 and esta3 (27, 53). When purified esta and estb from the insec-
ticide-susceptible PelSS strain were compared to various enzymes purified from
resistant strains, up to 1000-fold differences among the inhibition-kinetic con-
stants occurred for the oxon analogues of various OPs (63).
The superiority of insecticide binding in enzymes from the resistant strains
suggests that there has been positive insecticide selection pressure to maintain
elevation of favorable alleles of the esterases in insecticide-resistant insects.
Although there are minor variations between the inhibition kinetics of the differ-
ent elevated alleles, the reason why the esta2
phenotype is so common
(in more than 90% of resistant populations) compared to the other elevated ester-
ase phenotypes is not obvious. This advantage may be linked to a third gene,
which is co-elevated with esterases esta2/estb2 but not with the other esterase
phenotypes (50).
Metabolic studies on Culex homogenates suggests that increased rates of ester-
ase-mediated metabolism plays little or no role in resistance. One exception to
this is C. tarsalis, where two resistance mechanisms co-exist: one involving ele-
vated sequestering esterases, the other involving non-elevated metabolically
active esterases (120). In contrast to the situation in Culex, a number of Anopheles
species have a non-elevated esterase mechanism that confers resistance specifi-
cally to malathion through increased rates of metabolism (44–46) (11, 68). In An.
stephensi three esterases with malathion carboxylesterase activity have been iso-
lated and characterized (47, 52).
Glutathione S-Transferase-Based Resistance
Many studies have shown that insecticide-resistant insects have elevated levels
of glutathione S-transferase activity in crude homogenates, which suggests a role
for GSTs in resistance (37, 38). GSTs are dimeric multifunctional enzymes that
play a role in detoxification of a large range of xenobiotics (86). The enzymes
catalyze the nucleophilic attack of reduced glutathione (GSH) on the electrophilic
centers of lipophilic compounds. Multiple forms of these enzymes have been
reported for mosquitoes, house fly, Drosophila, sheep blow fly, and grass grub
(22, 24, 105).
Two families of insect GST are recognized, and both appear to have a role in
insecticide resistance in insects. In Ae. aegypti at least two GSTs are elevated in
DDT-resistant insects (39, 41), while in An. gambiae a large number of different
GSTs are elevated, some of which are class I GSTs (84, 85). The Ae. aegypti and
An. gambiae GSTs in resistant insects are constitutively over-expressed. The GST-
2of Ae. aegypti is over-expressed in all tissues except the ovaries of resistant
insects (39).
Monooxygenase-Based Resistance
The monooxygenases are a complex family of enzymes found in most organisms,
including insects. These enzymes are involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics
and have a role in endogenous metabolism. The P450 monooxygenase are gen-
erally the rate-limiting enzyme step in the chain. These enzymes are important in
adaptation of insects to toxic chemicals in their host plants. P450 monooxygen-
ases are involved in the metabolism of virtually all insecticides, leading to acti-
vation of the molecule in the case of organophosphorus insecticides, or more
generally to detoxification. P450 enzymes bind molecular oxygen and receive
electrons from NADPH to introduce an oxygen molecule into the substrate.
Elevated monooxygenase activity is associated with pyrethroid resistance in
An. stephensi, An. subpictus, An. gambiae (14, 55, 112), and C. quinquefasciatus
(65). Currently this enzyme system is poorly studied in insect vectors of disease.
The nomenclature of the P450 superfamily is based on amino acid sequence
homologies, with all families having the CYP prefix followed by a numeral for
the family, a letter for the subfamily, and a numeral for the individual gene. To
date insect P450s have been assigned to six families: five are insect-specific and
one, CYP4, has sequence homologies with families in other organisms (8).
Target-Site Resistance
The organophosphorus, carbamates, organochlorine, and pyrethroid insecticides
all target the nervous system. Newer classes of insecticides are available for vector
control, but the high cost of developing and registering new insecticides inevitably
means that insecticides are developed initially for the agricultural market and then
utilized for public health vector control, where their activities and safety profile
are appropriate and where the market is sufficiently large to warrant the registra-
tion costs for public health use. Compounds targeting the nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor have recently made this transition from agriculture into public health.
The organophosphates and carbamates target acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE
hydrolyzes the excitatory neurotransmitter acetylcholine on the post-synaptic
nerve membrane. Insect AChE has a substrate specificity intermediate between
vertebrate AChE and butyrylcholinesterase. The predominant molecular form in
insects is a globular amphiphilic dimer which is membrane-bound via a glycolipid
anchor. Alterations in AChE in organophosphate-and carbamate-resistant insects
result in a decreased sensitivity to inhibition of the enzyme by these insecticides
(5, 51). The organophosphorus insecticides are converted to their oxon analogues
via the action of monooxygenases before acting as AChE inhibitors. In C. pipiens,
AChE1 and AChE2 differ in their substrate specificity, inhibitor sensitivity, and
electrophoretic migration pattern (69). Only AChE1 appears to be involved in
conferring insecticide resistance.
GABA Receptors
Resistance to dieldrin was recorded in the 1950s, but the involvement of the
GABA receptors in this resistance was not elucidated until the 1990s. The GABA
receptor in insects is a heteromultimeric gated chloride-ion channel, a widespread
inhibitory neurotransmission channel in the insect’s central nervous system and
in neuromuscular junctions (9). The insect GABA receptor is implicated as a site
of action for pyrethroids and avermectins as well as cyclodienes. Studies showing
that cyclodiene-resistant insects are resistant to picrotoxin and phenylpyrazole
insecticides, and that the effect of ivermectin on cultured neurons can be reversed
by picrotoxin pretreatment, suggest that these insecticides exert their effect by
interacting with the chloride ionophore associated with the insect GABA receptor
(10, 62).
Sodium Channels
The pharmacological effect of DDT and pyrethroids is to cause persistent acti-
vation of the sodium channels by delaying the normal voltage-dependent mech-
anism of inactivation (100). Insensitivity of the sodium channels to insecticide
inhibition was first recorded in Musca domestica (32). In mosquitoes there have
been many reports of suspected ‘kdr’-like resistance inferred from cross resis-
tance between DDT and pyrethroids, which act on the same site within the sodium
channel. These reports have been validated by electrophysiological measurements
in Ae. aegypti and An. stephensi (48, 107).
Metabolic Mechanisms
Over-expression of enzymes capable of detoxifying insecticides or amino acid
substitutions within these enzymes, which alter the affinity of the enzyme for the
insecticide, can result in high levels of insecticide resistance. Increased expression
of the genes encoding the major xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes are the most
common cause of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes. These large enzyme fam-
ilies may contain multiple enzymes with broad overlapping substrate specificities,
and there is a high probability that at least one member of the family will be
capable of metabolizing one or more insecticides. Increased production of these
enzymes may have a lower associated fitness cost than those associated with
alterations in the structural genes because the primary function of the enzyme is
not disrupted.
Mutations in Structural Genes
In many cases of resistance caused by increased metabolism of the insecticide the
exact genetic mechanism is not known. As yet no validated reports exist of muta-
tions within detoxifying enzymes leading to resistance to insecticides in disease
vectors. Two examples have been reported in non-vector species: because both
of these mechanisms may be present in disease vectors, we describe them here.
Resistance to the organophosphate insecticide malathion is caused by a single
amino acid substitution (Trp
-Leu) within the E3 esterase of the sheep blow fly,
Lucilia cuprina (17). Malathion-resistant strains of L. cuprina have very low
levels of activity with aliphatic esters that are conventionally used as stains for
esterase activity (80). A similar phenotype has been observed in malathion-
resistant strains of An. stephensi, An. arabiensis, and An. culicifacies. At least
three enzymes are able to metabolize malathion in An. stephensi but it is not yet
known whether a point mutation similar to that described in Lucilia is responsible
for malathion resistance in Anopheles (51).
A second distinct amino acid substitution (Gly
-Asp) within the active site
of the Lucilia E3 isozyme confers broad cross resistance to many organophos-
phorus insecticides but not to malathion (79). This same mutation is present in
OP-resistant strains of house fly.
Gene Amplification
The metabolic resistance mechanism studied in most detail in insect disease vec-
tors is the elevated esterase-based system in Culex (110, 111). In the three Culex
species studied to date at the molecular level the homologous estb gene is ampli-
fied in resistant insects (64, 111, 114, 115). Insecticide resistance via amplification
of genes involved in their detoxification is common in several insects. The most
common amplified esterase-based mechanism in Culex involves the co-amplifi-
cation of two esterases, est
and estb2
in C. quinquefasciatus and other mem-
bers of the C. pipiens complex worldwide (109). Other strains of C.
quinquefasciatus have est
3 and estb1 co-amplified (27), while the TEM-R strain
has amplified estb1 alone (75). Similarly, C. tritaeniorhynchus has a single ampli-
fied estb, Ctrestb1 (64).
The est
and estb genes have arisen as the result of a gene duplication event,
which must have occurred prior to speciation within the Culex genus. The genes
occur in a head-to-head arrangement approximately 1.7 Kb apart in susceptible
insects (109). In resistant insects with esta2
the amplified genes are 2.7
Kb apart, the difference being accounted for by expansion with three indels in
the intergenic spacer (109). The indels may have introduced further regulatory
elements to the amplicon intergenic spacer (52).
The identical RFLP patterns of the est
and estb2
loci in resistant C. pipiens
complex populations worldwide suggest that the amplification of these alleles
occurred once and has since spread by migration (92). Other alleles of the esterase
A and B loci are amplified in some Culex strains. For example, a strain of C.
pipiens from Cyprus has an estimated 40 to 60 copies of the est
and estb5
genes (42) whereas in the TEM-R strain from California amplification is found
only at the B locus. The chromosomal region containing these esterase genes
presumably represents an amplification hot spot, a theory supported by the ampli-
fication of the homologous esterase B gene in a distinct Culex species, C. tritae-
niorhynchus (64).
An extensive study examining the spread and fitness of insects containing
different esterase amplicons has been undertaken in southern France (93).
Transcriptional Regulation Esterases
Elevated levels of esterases may not always be the result of gene amplification.
The expression of esta1 in the Barriol strain of C. pipiens from southern France
is thought to be increased due to changes in an unidentified regulatory element
rather than underlying amplification of the esta gene (42). Amplified esterases
can also be expressed at different levels. For example, there is fourfold more estb
than esta in resistant C. quinquefasciatus, although the genes are present in a 1:1
ratio. This difference in expression is reflected at the protein and mRNA level
(63, 81a).
Glutathione S-Transferases
The primary role of GSTs in mosquito insecticide resistance is in the metabolism
of DDT to nontoxic products, although they also have a secondary role in organ-
ophosphate resistance (54). GST-based DDT resistance is common in a number
of anopheline species, reflecting the heavy use of this insecticide for malaria
control over several decades. Molecular characterization of GSTs is most devel-
oped in An. gambiae, although work on An. dirus from Thailand suggests that a
similar arrangement of GSTs occurs. However, there is evidence for more limited
allelic diversity in this species (52, 86, 87).
Two classes of insect GSTs have been recognized and members of both classes
are important in the metabolism of insecticides in mosquitoes and other insects.
The sequence of a single class II An. gambiae GST has been published (94), and
we have cloned and sequenced the major class II GST from Ae. aegypti (D Grant,
M Wajidi, H Ranson, and J Hemingway, unpublished data). This Aedes GST,
GST-2, is over-expressed in the DDT resistant GG strain of Ae. aegypti. In this
species the resistance mutation is thought to lead to disruption of a transacting
repressor. The mutation prevents the normal function of the repressor leading to
elevated levels of GST-2 enzyme in resistant mosquitoes (39).
The insect class I GSTs are encoded by a large gene family in An. gambiae,
M. domestica, and D. melanogaster. The genomic organization of this GST class
in these three insect species is strikingly different (89). In D. melanogaster eight
divergent intronless genes are found within a 14 Kb DNA segment (106). In An.
gambiae multiple class I GST genes are also clustered in a single location. At
least one member of this family is intronless (91) but other class I GSTs in An.
gambiae contain one or more introns (Figure 1). One of these genes, aggst1a,is
alternatively spliced to produce four distinct mRNA transcripts, each of which
shares a common 58 exon with a different 38 exon (89). The products of these
spliced genes differ in their ability to metabolize DDT (91) and some of these
metabolically active GSTs are upregulated in resistant mosquitoes (90).
The organization of this class I GST gene family in insecticide-resistant and
insecticide-susceptible An. gambiae is very similar. Hence the actual GST-based
resistance mechanism is probably caused by a trans-acting regulator. The devel-
opment of a fine-scale microsatellite map (119) and bacterial artificial chromo-
some (BAC) library for An. gambiae have now made this species amenable to a
positional cloning approach. Such an approach is being used to define the regu-
lator responsible for this GST resistance.
Figure 1 The class I glutathione S-transferase family of Anopheles gambiae, which includes an intronless gene aggst1-2, an alternatively
spliced gene aggst1a with four distinct viable transcripts, and the aggst1b gene with two introns.
Insect microsomal P450 monooxygenases belong to six families. Increased tran-
scription of genes belonging to the CYP4, CYP6, and CYP9 families has been
observed in insecticide-resistant strains in different insect species. As yet, it is
not known which enzymes are responsible for insecticide metabolism in mos-
quitoes. Seventeen partial cDNAs encoding CYP4 P450s have been identified in
An. albimanus (98) and a similar level of diversity is present in An. gambiae (H
Ranson & F Collins, unpublished) but the role, if any, that this family plays in
resistance in the mosquito is not known. Studies on the Australian cotton boll-
worm, Helicoverpa armigera, show that the resistance-associated P450s can vary
between different strains; CYP6B2 is over-expressed in one pyrethroid-resistant
strain (118) whereas in another, CYP4G8 is over-expressed (83). Increased
expression of CYP9A1, a member of a third family, is found in the related species
Heliothis virescens (95).
There is strong evidence to suggest that P450 monooxygenase-based resistance
in M. domestica and D. melanogaster is mediated by mutations in trans-acting
regulatory genes. CYP6A8 is highly expressed in the DDT-resistant 91-R strain
of D. melanogaster but not detectable in the uninduced 91-C susceptible strain
(28, 67). Hybrids between the two strains show low levels of expression, sug-
gesting that the 91-C strain carries a repressor that suppresses transcription of
CYP6A8. A mutation in this repressor is thought to be responsible for the high
level of expression of CYP6A8 in 91-R. In the house fly, CYP6D1-mediated
metabolic resistance to pyrethroids is controlled by a nearly completely dominant
cis-factor on autosome 1 and an incompletely recessive trans-factor on autosome
2 (66).
Target-Site Resistance
Non-silent point mutations within structural genes are the most common cause
of target-site resistance. For selection of the mutations to occur, the resultant
amino acid change must reduce the binding of the insecticide without causing a
loss of primary function of the target site. Therefore the number of possible amino
acid substitutions is very limited. Hence, identical resistance-associatedmutations
are commonly found across highly diverged taxa. The degree to which function
is impaired by the resistance mutation is reflected in the fitness of resistant indi-
viduals in the absence of insecticide selection. This fitness cost has important
implications for the persistence of resistance in the field.
The main sodium and GABA channel genes in insects have been cloned and
their sequences compared in resistant and susceptible insects. Acetylcholinester-
ase-based resistance has been well characterized in Drosophila (36), but the elu-
cidation of this mechanism at the molecular level in mosquitoes has proved more
GABA Receptor Changes
The GABA receptors belong to a superfamily of neurotransmitter receptors that
also includes the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. These receptors are formed by
the oligomerization of five subunits around a central transmitter-gated ion chan-
nel. Five different subunits have been cloned from vertebrates. To date only three
subunits have been cloned from Drosophila melanogaster, but these do not fit
readily into the vertebrate GABA subunit classification (61).
An alanine-to-serine substitution in the putative channel-lining domain of the
GABA receptor confers resistance to cyclodienes such as dieldrin (c- HCH) (34).
The mutation was first identified in Drosophila but has since been shown to occur
in a broad range of dieldrin-resistant insects, including Ae. aegypti (104). The
only variation in resistant insects is that glycine rather than serine can sometimes
be the substituted amino acid residue. Despite the widespread switch away from
the use of cyclodiene insecticides for agricultural and public health use the resis-
tance allele is still found at relatively high frequencies in insect field populations
Sodium Channels
A reduction in the sensitivity of the insect’s voltage-gated sodium channels to the
binding of insecticides causes the resistance phenotype known as ‘kdr.’Changes
associated with pyrethroid/DDT resistance in the sodium channels of insects are
more variable than those seen in the GABA receptors but still appear to be limited
to a small number of regions on this large channel protein.
The para sodium channel of houseflies contains 2108 amino acids, which fold
into 4 hydrophobic repeat domains (I-IV) separated by hydrophilic linkers. The
first mutation to be characterized in kdr insects was a leucine to phenylalanine
point mutation in the S6 transmembrane segment of domain II in the sodium
channel sequence of M. domestica (116, 117) which produces 10- to 20-fold
resistance to DDT and pyrethroids. In super-kdr’ houseflies, this mutation also
occurs with a second methionine to threonine substitution further upstream in the
same domain, resulting in more than 500-fold resistance (117). Analysis of the
domain region of the para-sodium channel gene in pyrethroid-resistant An. gam-
biae from the Ivory Coast showed an identical Leu to Phe mutation in this species
A PCR-based diagnostic test discriminates between homozygous-susceptible,
homozygous-resistant, and heterozygous individuals with the Leu to Phe mutation
(71). Because kdr is semi-recessive or fully recessive (81), the ability to detect
heterozygotes is of paramount importance in the early detection and management
of resistance in the field.
The limited number of changes associated with kdr-type resistance may be
constrained by the number of modifications that can influence pyrethroid/DDT
binding to the sodium channels. However, a note of caution should be added:
There is already a tendency to investigate pyrethroid-resistant insects with a PCR
approach confined to regions where a kdr mutation has already been seen. Hence
consistent resistance-associated changes in other parts of the sodium-channel gene
could be missed. A different approach to isolating kdr-type mutants has been used
in Drosophila, utilizing the relative ease with which large numbers of mutants in
the para sodium channel gene can be isolated based on their temperature sensi-
tivity. Two classes of these mutations are in positions equivalent to the kdr and
super-kdr mutations in different domains. The third class is in a novel position
(Figure 2) (34).
Vertebrates have two cholinesterases: acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholines-
terase. In D. melanogaster only a single cholinesterase gene, Ace, coding for
acetycholinesterase has been cloned, based on a knowledge of its location via
Figure 2 The location of amino acid substitutions occurring in the para-sodium channel
gene of resistant strains of various insects. Mutations that have been documented in field
strains of medical vectors are shown in A. B shows replacements in Drosophila isolated
on the basis of temperature sensitivity paralytic phenotypes which confer DDT/pyrethroid
resistance (adapted from 34).
isolation of a range of different mutants (43). A range of different amino acid
substitutions in the Ace genes of Drosophila and the house fly M. domestica
putatively cause resistance (reviewed in 33). Many of these resistance-associated
residues are predicted to lie close to or within the acetylcholinesterase active site
gorge (78). In C. pipiens at least two cholinesterase genes occur, both with ace-
tylcholinesterase-like activity (69). A similar organization occurs in Amphioxus.
To date the only acetylcholinesterase to have been cloned in C. pipiens is AChE2,
which is not involved in insecticide resistance (69). The AChE2 gene is sex
linked, unlike the resistance-conferring AChE1, which is autosomal. AChE genes
have been cloned from the mosquitoes Ae. aegypti and An. stephensi, but both of
these genes are also sex linked (2, 99).
As yet, there is no recorded AChE-based resistance mechanism in An. ste-
phensi, but to date none of the acetylcholinesterase resistances recorded in insects
have been sex linked, suggesting that these genes do not represent the insecticidal
target site. However, detailed analysis of inhibition profiles for acetylcholinester-
ase from Ae. aegypti suggests that there is only one AChE locus in this species.
If such is the case, altered acetylcholinesterase-based resistance in this species
should be sex linked. At least one case of altered AChE has been reported in Ae.
aegypti from Trinidad (108).
Five point mutations associated with resistance to organophosphorus and car-
bamate insecticides have been identified within the D. melanogaster acetylcho-
linesterase gene (78) and site-directed mutagenesis of the sex-linked AChE from
Ae. aegypti has demonstrated that these same mutations also confer resistance in
the mosquito enzyme (74). However, none of these mutations have been identified
in field-collected or laboratory-selected strains of mosquitoes.
Insensitive AChE has a severe fitness cost in C. pipiens populations in southern
France (31), which is probably caused by a reduction in the AChE activity of the
mutated enzyme compared to the wild type.
The practice of using an insecticide until resistance becomes a limiting factor is
rapidly eroding the number of suitable insecticides for vector control. Rotations,
mosaics, and mixtures have all been proposed as resistance management tools
(25, 26, 96). Numerous mathematical models have been produced to estimate
how these tools should be optimally used (102). However, these models have
rarely been tested under field conditions for insect vectors, due to the practical
difficulties in estimating changes in resistance gene frequencies in large samples
of insects (56). With the advent of different biochemical and molecular techniques
for resistance-gene frequency estimation, field trials of resistance management
strategies have become more feasible.
A large-scale trial of the use of rotations or mosaics of insecticides compared
to single use of DDT or a pyrethroid is currently underway in Mexico (56, 82).
Changes in resistance gene frequencies in An. albimanus are being monitored
over a four-year period (82). Information resulting from such large-scale trials
may allow us to establish rational strategies for long-term insecticide use in dis-
ease control programs.
As our ability to manipulate the insect genome improves and our understanding
of the regulation of insecticide resistance mechanisms increase, new strategies
should be devised for incorporating this new knowledge into these control
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