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This policy applies to all human research studies that involve the audio, video,
photographic, or any other recording (hereafter referred to as recording) of research
Recording the voice and/or image of an individual creates a type of record that requires
unique handling and storage, particularly if the content may be considered sensitive. As
with all research procedures, the dignity of human subjects should be respected.
Therefore, only what is necessary for the purpose of the study should be recorded.
Research subjects must be informed prospectively that such recording will occur, and be
provided with information about the storage, confidentiality, and future use of the
resulting tape.
If a research protocol involves the recording of research subjects, the Principal
Investigator must include the following elements for consideration, in his/her protocol
and informed consent form for submission to and review by the IRB:
Elements for consideration:
Type of recording that will be utilized;
Specific identifiers that will be recorded, e.g., partial facial features, full facial
features, subject’s name;
People who will have access to the recording(s);
Mechanisms in place to protect the confidentiality of the person(s) being
Clear indication of when the recording(s) will be destroyed or that recording(s)
will be kept indefinitely;
Use(s) of the recording(s), including educational or commercial purposes,
analysis by the research team; or future unspecified use;
Compensation, if any, to subjects for allowing themselves to be taped.
If the taping is an integral part of the research and not an optional procedure, a
separate informed consent document is not required. However, documentation of the
considerations listed above must be included within the body of the informed consent
document for the overall study. It is important that this information be clearly stated,
preferably preceded by a heading, so that it is clear to the subject that a recording will
be made.
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If the recording is not required as part of the research procedures, then the consent
document must include a specific statement indicating that participation in the research
study is not contingent upon agreeing to be recorded. A separate consent signature for
permission to record will be necessary. This permission can be in the form of a consent
addendum (see attached sample), which includes the considerations listed above, or a
separate signature line on the informed consent document labeled specifically for
permission to tape. If a separate signature line is used, the considerations listed above
must be included within the body of the informed consent document.
The consent addendum must be reviewed and approved by the IRB prior to
implementation. This approval will be documented in accordance with Columbia
University/Columbia University Medical Center approval stamp guidelines.
Attached is a sample audio/videotape addendum for consent forms.
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(This form is provided to the investigator as a guide. Instructions and sample language
are denoted in boldfaced italics within the brackets [ ] ).
You have already agreed to participate in a research study entitled: [Insert Study Title]
conducted by [Insert Principal Investigator]. We are asking for your permission to
allow us to [include optional procedure such as audiotape (sound), videotape (picture),
or both audio and videotape] as part of that research study. You do not have to agree to
be recorded in order to participate in the main part of the study.
The recording(s) will be used for [include purpose of recording; e.g., sample language
may include: analysis by the research team; possible use as a teaching tool to those
who are
not members of the research staff (i.e. for educational purposes); commercial purposes.
If the tapes will be used for commercial purposes, the consent must specifically state
whether or not the subject would be compensated for this use.]
The recording(s) will include [indicate whether the subjects name or any other
identifier will be recorded. If videotaping will be utilized, indicate the extent to which
subject’s identity would be masked (e.g., Facial features partially blocked out;
recording will not include facial pictures; recording will include full facial pictures.)]
The recording(s) will be stored [include measures taken to protect subjects privacy. For
example: in a locked file cabinet with no link to subjects’ identity; in a locked file
cabinet and linked with a code to subjects’ identity; in a locked file cabinet and labeled
with subjects’ name or other identifiable information] and will be [indicate the length
of time the recording(s) will be retained, e.g. destroyed upon completion of the study
procedures; destroyed upon publication of study results; retained indefinitely.]
Your signature on this form grants the investigator named above permission to record
you as described above during participation in the above-referenced study. The
investigator will not use the recording(s) for any other reason than that/those stated in the
consent form without your written permission.
[Signature block, which should reflect the signature block on the main consent form
for the study.]