Department of Teaching & Learning
Algebra 1 AAC
This document is designed provide parents/guardians/community an overview of the curriculum taught in the FBISD
classroom. This document supports families in understanding the learning goals for the course, and how students
will demonstrate what they know and are able to do. The overview offers suggestions or possibilities to reinforce
learning at home.
Included at the end of this document, you will find:
A glossary of curriculum components
The content area instructional model
Parent resources for this content area
To advance to a particular grading period, click on a link below.
Grading Period 1
Grading Period 2
Grading Period 3
Grading Period 4
At Home Connections
The following are suggestions for reinforcing number sense and mathematical reasoning at home. These ideas can be
used throughout the school year. You will find additional ideas to reinforce learning at home within each unit below.
Ask questions that require students to describe and elaborate on their thinking and reasoning. Topics can be
about everyday things as well as mathematics.
Engage students in situations that challenge them to inquire and persevere through questioning.
Play card games with students
Play games with students such as Mancala, Yahtzee, Blokus, Rack-O, Mastemind, etc.
Work number puzzles such as Sudoku, KenKen, Kakuro, or Numbrix.
Process Standards
The process standards describe ways in which students are expected to engage in the content. The process standards weave the
other knowledge and skills together so that students may be successful problem solvers and use knowledge learned efficiently and
effectively in daily life.
A.1A Apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace
A.1B Use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a
solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution
A.1C Select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including
mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems
A.1D Communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols,
diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate
A.1E Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas
A.1F Analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas
A.1G Display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral
Department of Teaching & Learning
Grading Period 1
Unit 1: Exploring Functions
Estimated Date Range: Aug. 10 Spt. 2
Estimated Time Frame: 18 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will begin their study of the functions that are the focus of Algebra 1: Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential
Functions. The major focus of this unit is that students build an understanding of the key features and the connection between
multiple representations. Students will build an understanding that certain key features transcend across all the functions and
some key features are specific to certain functions.
At home connections:
Research and discuss real world applications for linear, quadratic and exponential functions.
Discuss how attributes of real world objects help us identify and understand objects. Ask students to relate this discussion
to how the attributes of function assist us in understanding functions.
Concepts within Unit #1
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this concept
Establishing a Positive Mathematics
TEKS: A.1A, A.1B, A.1C, A.1D, A.1E, A.1G,
Demonstrate active listening skills while sharing in the community circle.
Make positive and supportive connections with my peers.
Engage in circle dialogues using the circle guidelines.
Share my math ideas and strategies when given a problem during the
number sense routine.
Explain what a Respect Agreement is and why it is created.
Work in a group to solve a mathematical problem.
Describe strategies that I can use to solve math problems.
Provide feedback to and by peers using guidelines and a protocol.
Concept #1: Determining and Evaluating
TEKS: A.12A, A.12B
Define a function in terms of the relationship between independent and
dependent variables
Determine if a relation is a function from tables, graphs, mappings, equations, and
verbal descriptions
Determine the value of a function from its graph for linear, quadratic and
exponential functions.
Determine the value of a function written in function notation for linear, quadratic
and exponential functions.
Explain the connection between finding the value of a function algebraically and
Determine the value of function in real world situations and interpret its meaning
in the context of the situation
Concept #2: Domain and Range
TEKS: A.2A, A.6A, A.9A, A.12A, A.12B
Distinguish between continuous and discrete data.
Identify domain and range given a function (linear, quadratic, exponential) from
multiple representations including a real world situation, a graph, a table or an
Write the domain and range of a function of continuous data using inequalities
Make connections between domain and range of functions given multiple
representations of the function.
Find the range of the function when given the function and its domain.
Concept #3: Key Attributes of Functions
Distinguish between the key features that apply to all functions versus key features
that apply to specific functions.
Department of Teaching & Learning
TEKS: A.2A, A.3C, A.6A, A.7A, A.9A,
A.9D, A.12A, A.12B
Identify key features of a linear, quadratic or exponential function from a given
Graph, with technology, and identify key features of a linear, quadratic or
exponential function from the graph.
Evaluate reasonableness of key features in mathematical and real world situations.
Explain the meaning of key features in context of the situation for real world
Unit 2: Solving Linear Functions, Equations, and Inequalities
Estimated Date Range: Sept.6 Sept. 22
Estimated Time Frame: 13 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will be introduced to arithmetic sequences. Students will write arithmetic sequences from multiple
representations. Students will also apply their prior knowledge of solving linear equations to solve linear equations, inequalities
and literal equations. Students will solve linear equations and inequalities that include variables on both sides of the equation or
inequality and include the distributive property.
At home connections:
Discuss sequences that occur in nature.
Have students explain real like situations in which using an equation would be helpful.
Have students explain their reasoning and method to solve a non-mathematical problem.
Concepts within Unit # 2
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this concept
Concept #1: Concept #1: Functions as
Arithmetic Sequences
TEKS: A.12B, A.12C, A.12D
Identify terms of an arithmetic sequence when given:
At least four terms of the sequence
One term and the common difference
A recursive equation in function form
A visual pattern that represents an arithmetic sequence
A real world situation that represents an arithmetic sequence
Find the common difference of an arithmetic sequence given:
At least four terms of the sequence
A visual pattern that represents an arithmetic sequence
A real world situation that represents an arithmetic sequence
Write a formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence when given:
The common difference and the first term
At least four terms of the sequence
A visual pattern that represents an arithmetic sequence
A real world situation that represents an arithmetic sequence
Concept #2: Solving Equations and
TEKS: A.2C, A.2H, A.5A, A.5B, A.12E
Write linear equations from
o Table of values
o Graph
o Verbal descriptions
Write linear equations from both mathematical and real-world situations
Write linear inequalities from verbal descriptions that describe both
mathematical and real-world situations.
Solve linear equations with variables on both sides using graphs, models and
Solve linear equations written in function notation.
Department of Teaching & Learning
Determine the reasonableness of solutions to equations.
Solve linear inequalities with variables on both sides using graphs, models and
Solve linear inequalities written in function notation.
Solve compound inequalities.
Determine the reasonableness of solutions to inequalities.
Solve literal equations including mathematical, geometrical and scientific
Unit 3: Graphing and Writing Linear Functions, Equations and Inequalities
Estimated Date Range: Sept. 26 Oct. 7 and Oct. 11 Nov. 4
Estimated Time Frame: 28 days (continued in Grading Period 2)
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will expand their knowledge of linear functions from prior grade levels. Students will begin with determining
rate of change and slope from multiple representations and from multiple forms of linear equations. Students will graph and write
linear equations in multiple forms, including transformations. Students will analyze key features of linear functions from multiple
representations in real word and mathematical situations. Students have prior experience with slope-intercept form. Students will
also determine the linear regression model from data. The last part of the unit will have students writing and graphing linear
At home connections:
Have students explain their reasoning and method to solve a non-mathematical problem.
Discuss rate and slope and have students describe real world examples. (speed, pitch of a roof, etc.)
Have students determine a linear situation and then collect data, create a table, create a graph and make predictions. Ex:
Students measure the number of stairs and the vertical height for each certain number of stairs. (i.e. what is the height of
2 stairs, 3 stairs, etc.)
Concepts within Unit # 2
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this concept
Concept #1: Rate of Change and Slope
TEKS: A.3A, A.3B, A.3C
Determine the slope of a line given two points
Determine the slope of a line given a table
Determine the slope of a line from a graph
Determine the slope of a line from an equation in slope-intercept form
Determine the slope of a line from an equation in standard form
Determine the slope of a line from an equation in point-slope form
Describe the meaning of the rate of change or slope in real world context.
Concept #2:
TEKS: A.2A, A.2B, A.2C, A.2D, A.2E, A.2F,
A.2G, A.3A, A.3B, A.3C
Write direct variation problems from multiple representations.
Solve and determine the reasonableness of direct variation problems.
Graph a line from a verbal description, a table or a list of points, and equation in
slope-intercept form, an equation in point-slope form, an equation in standard
Identify the slope, y-intercept, x-intercept, zero, domain and range of the graph of
a linear function.
Describe the meaning of the key features (slope, intercepts, zero, domain and
range) in context of a real world situation.
Write an equation in point-slope, standard, or slope-intercept form given a point
and slope or two points.
Write a linear equation from a table, graph or verbal description.
Graph and write equations in both mathematical and real-world situations
Department of Teaching & Learning
Given a point and a line (from a graph, equation, table or other representation),
write an equation parallel or perpendicular to the given line that goes though the
given point.
Write equation of vertical and horizontal lines
Analyze the reasonableness of solution to problems that involve writing
and graphing equations of lines.
Concept #3: Linear Transformations
TEKS: A.2A, A.3C, A.3E
Graph the parent linear function.
Graph a function in which the parent function has been reflected vertically or
compressed or stretched vertically. i.e. graph g(x) = af(x) where f(x) = x.
Graph a function in which the parent function has been translated vertically. i.e
graph g(x) = f(x) + d where f(x) = x.
Graph a function in which the parent function has been reflected horizontally or
compressed or stretched horizontally. i.e. graph g(x) = f(bx) where f(x) = x.
Graph a function in which the parent function has been translated horizontally. i.e.
graph g(x) = f(x- c) where f(x) = x.
Graph a function in which any linear function has been reflected vertically or
compressed or stretched vertically. i.e. graph g(x) = af(x) where f(x) is any linear
Graph a function in which any linear function has been translated vertically. i.e.
graph g(x) = f(x) + d where f(x) is any linear function.
Graph a function in which any linear function has been reflected horizontally or
compressed or stretched horizontally. i.e graph g(x) = f(bx) where f(x) is any linear
Graph a function in which any linear function has been translated horizontally. i.e.
graph g(x) = f(x- c) where f(x) is any linear function.
Identify and analyze the changes in the key features of the graphs of functions
after the transformations for mathematical and real world contexts.
Concept #4: Linear Regression
TEKS: A.4A, A.4B, A.4C
Create a scatter plot with and without technology.
Use technology to calculate the correlation coefficient, r.
Interpret the strength of the linear association based on the correlation
Compare and contrast association and causation.
Determine a linear model by writing an equation for the line of best fit by hand.
Use technology to determine the linear regression model for a set of data.
Use a linear regression model to make predictions about both the independent
and dependent variables.
Interpret the reasonableness of my predictions in the context of the data.
Concept #5: Linear Inequalities in 2
TEKS: A.2A, A.2H, A.3D
Verify a coordinate pair is in the solution set to a linear inequality.
Graph a linear inequality on a coordinate plane.
Write a linear inequality in two variables from a table.
Write a linear inequality in two variables from a graph.
Write a linear inequality in two variables from a verbal description.
Department of Teaching & Learning
Grading Period 2
Unit 3: Graphing and Writing Linear Functions, Equations and Inequalities
Estimated Date Range: Sept. 26 Oct.7 and Oct. 11 Nov. 4
Estimated Time Frame: 28 days (continued from Grading Period 1)
Note: See Grading Period 1 for details for this unit.
Unit 4: Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
Estimated Date Range: Nov. 7 Nov. 18 and Nov. 28 Dec. 16
Estimated Time Frame: 25 days
Note: Includes 7 days for Semester Exams and review
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will write and solve systems of two linear equations in two variables. Students will write and solve systems
from tables, graphs and verbal descriptions for both mathematical and real-world situations. Students will solve systems using
tables, graphs, and algebraically. Students will also graph systems of linear inequalities.
At home connections:
Discuss situations that you could use a system of equations to solve. Ex: Which cell phone company is the best cost based on
a certain attributes, such as speed, number of minutes, amount of data, etc.
Have students explain their reasoning and method to solve a non-mathematical problem
Concepts within Unit # 3
Link to TEKS
Success Criteria for this concept
Concept #1: Representing Systems of
TEKS: A.2I, A.3F, A.3G
Verify a coordinate pair is a solution to system of equations by checking to make
sure is satisfies both equations.
Recognize the solution to a system of linear equations is the point of intersection
of the two lines.
Write a system of equations from a graph, table or verbal description.
Graph a system of linear equation and if the lines intersect identify the point of
intersection as the solutions.
Graph a system of linear equations and if the lines are parallel identify that there
is no solution.
Graph a system of linear equations and if the lines coincide determine that there
are infinitely many solutions.
Make the connection between the solution from the graph and the solution from
a table.
Estimate the solution to a graphed systems of equations.
Estimate using technology the solution to a graphed system of equations.
Describe the meaning of a solution to a graphed system of equation that
describes a real world situation.
Concept #2: Solving Systems of Equations
TEKS: A.2I, A.3F, A.3G, A.5C
Make connections between solving systems with models and solving systems
Solve systems of equations using substitution and by elimination.
Solve systems algebraically that have no solutions or infinitely many solutions.
Solve systems written in function notation.
Choose the best method (table, graph, elimination, substitution) to solve a
system of equations.
Analyze the reasonableness of the solution to a system of equations.
Concept #3: Systems of Linear Inequalities
Verify a solution to a system of linear inequalities.
Graph a system of two linear inequalities in mathematical situations.
Graph a system of two linear inequalities in real-world situations.
Department of Teaching & Learning
Grading Period 3
Unit 5: Operations of Polynomial Functions
Estimated Date Range: Jan. 5 Feb. 21
Estimated Time Frame: 19 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will apply their prior knowledge of operations of numbers to operations of polynomials including monomials.
In middle school students applied properties, including the distributive property, associative and commutative properties, and
used these properties to generate equivalent expressions. Students will add and subtract polynomials, multiply monomials and
polynomials, divide polynomials and monomials and factor trinomials. The focus will be on operations of polynomials of degree
one and two. Instruction will closely follow the CRA model. Students will first perform operations of polynomials using algebra
tiles, then transition to operations using area models and pictorial representations and lastly perform operations using algebraic
At home connections:
Discuss area of rectangles and how it relates to multiplying, dividing and factoring polynomials.
Concepts within Unit # 5
Link to TEKS
Concept #1: Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Concept #2: Multiplying Monomials and Polynomials
TEKS: A.10B, A.11B
Department of Teaching & Learning
Concept #3: Dividing Monomials and Polynomials
TEKS: A.10C, A.11B
Concept #4: Factoring Polynomials
TEKS: A.10E, A.10D, A.10F
Unit 6: Graphs of Quadratic Functions
Estimated Date Range: Feb.2 - March 3
Estimated Time Frame: 20 days
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will analyze graphs of quadratic functions. Students will graph quadratic functions in several ways - by
making tables, with technology, and by graphing with transformations. Students will identify and analyze the key features of the
graphs they create. Context will be mathematical and real world. Students will also utilize the graph of a quadratic function to
write its related equation. Students will solve quadratic equations by factoring and by graphing. The focus on solving in this unit is
to make a connection between the solutions of the equation and the zeros of the graph of its related function.
At home connections:
Have students research applications of quadratic functions.
Concepts within Unit # 6
Link to TEKS
Department of Teaching & Learning
Concept #1: Graphing and Writing Quadratic Functions
TEKS: A.6A, A.6B, A.7A, A.7C
Concept #2: Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing and
TEKS: A.7A, A.7B
Concept #3: Connections and Applications of Quadratic
TEKS: A.6C, A.7A, A.7B, A.8A
Unit 7: Solving Quadratic Equations
Estimated Date Range: Mar. 6 - Mar. 10 and Mar. 20 April 18
Estimated Time Frame: 25 days (continued in Grading Period 4)
Note: For details see Grading Period 4
Department of Teaching & Learning
Grading Period 4
Unit 7: Solving Quadratic Equations (continued)
Estimated Date Range: Mar. 6 - Mar. 10 and Mar. 20 April 18
Estimated Time Frame: 25 days (continued from Grading Period 3)
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will further extend on their knowledge on quadratic functions. In the previous unit, students solved
quadratic equations by graphing and by factoring. In this unit, students will solve quadratic equations by taking square roots,
completing the square and applying the quadratic formula. Students will also make connections between the solutions of a
quadratic equation and the zeros of the graphs of its related function. Students will begin the unit by simplifying numerical square
roots and by simplifying numeric and algebraic radical expressions. In 8th grade, students were exposed to estimating square
At home connections:
Have students use quadratic equations to solve a problem that they design, such as what could be the widths of a frame
for different size photographs.
Have students use quadratics to solve problems such the maximum height of a ball thrown from one person to another.
Concepts within Unit # 7
Link to TEKS
Concept #1: Simplifying Radical Expressions
TEKS: A.11A, A.11B
Concept #2: Solve Quadratic Equations by Square Root
TEKS: A.7A, A.8A, A.11A
Concept #3: Solve Quadratic Equations by Completing the
TEKS: A.7A, A.8A, A.11A
Department of Teaching & Learning
Concept #4: Solve Quadratic Equations by Quadratic
TEKS: A.7A, A.8A, A.11A
Concept #5: Quadratic Regression
Concept #6: Solving Quadratic Equations by Best Method
TEKS: A.7A, A.8A, A.8B, A.11A
Department of Teaching & Learning
Unit 8: Exponential Functions
Estimated Date Range: April 19 May 25
Estimated Time Frame: 27 days
Note: Includes 7 days for Semester Exams and review
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will extend their knowledge of functions and key features of functions to exponential functions. In Unit 2,
students were introduced to Arithmetic sequences. In this unit, students will be introduced to Geometric sequences. This will lead
to writing and graphing exponential functions. Students will graph exponential functions from tables and features of the
equation. All exponential functions will be in the form y = ab
. Students will write equations for mathematical and real
world situations, including growth and decay problems. Students will also extend their understanding of regression models to
include exponential regression.
At home connections:
Research applications of exponential functions.
Concepts within Unit # 7
Link to TEKS
Concept #1: Geometric Sequences
TEKS: A.12B, A.12C, A.12D 
Concept #2: Graphing and Writing Exponential Functions
TEKS: A.9A, A.9B, A.9C, A.9D
Department of Teaching & Learning
Concept #3: Exponential Regression
TEKS: A.9A, A.9D, A.9E
Department of Teaching & Learning
Glossary of Curriculum Components
Overview The content in this document provides an overview of the pacing and concepts covered in a subject for the
TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are the state standards for what students should know and be able
to do.
Unit Overview The unit overview provides a brief description of the concepts covered in each unit.
Concept A subtopic of the main topic of the unit.
Success Criteriaa description of what it looks like to be successful in this concept.
Parent Resources
The following resources provide parents with ideas to support students’ understanding. For sites that are password
protected, your child will receive log-in information through their campus.
How it supports parent and students
Pearson-Texas Algebra 1
This is the state adopted textbook for Algebra 1. Click on the link for
directions on accessing the textbook.
Didax Virtual Manipulatives
Math Learning Center Math Apps
Polypad: Mathigon Virtual
These online resources provide access to virtual manipulatives.
Parent Resources from
This resource from includes articles for parents on ways to
support their students in learning and understanding mathematics.
Student Resources from
This resource from includes videos concerning growth
mindset in mathematics.
Math: Why Doesn’t Yours Look Like
This resource provides an explanation of why math looks different now as
opposed to how parents learned mathematics and how to support students
in learning mathematics.
Supplemental Resource and Tool Designation:
The TI Nspire CX calculator is a standardized technology integration tool used for Mathematics and Science
Department of Teaching & Learning
Instructional Model
The structures, guidelines or model in which students engage in a particular content that ensures understanding of
that content.
The instructional model for mathematics is the Concrete-Representational-Abstract Model (CRA).
The CRA model allows students to access mathematics content first through a concrete approach (“doing” stage) then
representational (“seeing” stage) and then finally abstract (“symbolic” stage). The CRA model allows students to
conceptually develop concepts so they have a deeper understanding of the mathematics and are able to apply and
transfer their understanding across concepts and contents. The CRA model is implemented in grades K-12 in FBISD.