Floor room 605, 320 Newbury Street, 617-585-0174, writingcenter@the-bac.edu
Using and Citing Illustrations in Essays
What images should I use?
All images, photos, graphs, etc. that you use in your essays should be directly relevant to your
argument. Don’t just insert pretty pictures for the sake of it; select images that will:
Help your readers understand your point.
Illustrate your ideas.
Provide examples and evidence of your thesis.
Example: If you are writing about Louis XIV furniture, we may need to see a picture of a Louis XIV-style
chair; we do not need a picture of King Louis XIV. What he looked like has no bearing on your
argument about the furniture.
How do I put them in my essay?
Make direct references to your images in your essay. A few ways to do this:
An example of this style can be seen in Figure 1.
This style was very ornate. (See example Figure 1)
Many chairs of this era, particularly the chairs at Versailles (Figure 1), were very
There are two ways to organize your images: either place them in your text next to the
paragraph where you discuss them (Figure 1), or put them all together at the end of the essay (Figure 2).
Images always need captions. Captions should do two things; label the image and tell us the
image’s source.
To label the image you can simply say, “Figure 1,” or you can give a little more information, for
example, “Figure 1: Chair at Versailles.” (This information should really also be covered in the text of
your essay, but it doesn’t hurt to remind your readers of it.)
Also tell the reader where you found the image, for example:
Figure 1: Figure in text.
Diagram by Author.
Figure 2: Figures at end of
essay. Diagram by Author.
Taken from History of French Furniture
Taken from www.WorldofFurniture.com
Even if you created the image, give yourself credit:
Photo by Author (if you took the picture yourself)
So the whole caption for your image might look like this:
Figure 3: Louis XIV chair.
Taken from www.theatre.ubc.ca.
How do I put captions in my essay using Microsoft Word?
Microsoft Word can automatically format captions for you. To add a caption using Word, first
insert an image into your Word document. Then:
1. Select the image.
2. On the Insert menu, go to Reference, then click Caption.
3. Select any other options you want, and then click OK.
Images that you use in your essay have to be cited; make sure the source, if it isn’t already, is
listed in your Bibliography. See our Tip Sheet “Citation Guide” for guidelines on how to create a
For additional research assistance, please consult the writing tip sheets “Annotated
Bibliographies,” “Quoting,” and “Paraphrasing.”