Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected].
Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected].
Account Management FAQs Topics
Instructions: Scroll down to each section within this FAQ document or use the
links below to navigate directly to the corresponding section.
1. NSF Account Functions
2. Organizational Functions
3. Administrator Functions
4. Administrator Functions User Roles
5. Provide Reviewer Profile Information
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
NSF Account Functions
# Question Answer
1 I already have an NSF account,
but I can’t remember the NSF ID.
How can I find it?
If you remember the primary email addr
ess and password associated with
your NSF ID, you may use that to sign into and obtain your NSF
ID from your profile. Otherwise, click on the following link to look up your NSF
ID: NSF ID Lookup
. Enter your primary email address and then click Submit.
Your NSF ID will be sent to the email address(es) listed for your account.
2 I am a new user to NSF ex
systems. How do I register for an
NSF account?
New users can register for a new NSF account and obtain an NSF ID by
selecting the “Register link located on the top right of the
page. Please refer to the “Register for a New NSF Account” job aid for a walk-
through of the specific steps. A Register for a New NSF Account video tutorial
is also available.
3 I have forgotten my NSF account
password and no longer have
access to my primary email
address to receive a temporary
password. What do I do?
A temporary password for pass
word reset can be sent to any of the
associated emails with your NSF account. You must know the primary email
address or NSF ID to initiate password recovery. Otherwise contact the NSF
IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or
to update your primary
email address so you can receive the temporary password for your NSF
4 I have an existing N
SF account.
Why am I being asked to verify
my information?
NSF’s Account Management System requires veri
fication of the primary email
address and phone number for each existing NSF account. This is a short,
one-time process unless the system identifies a data issue with your account.
5 A message appeared saying m
email address already exists in
the system. What does that
To eliminate the creation of multiple accounts by the same user, the NSF
Account Management System
only allows a particular email address to be
associated with one NSF account.
Please sign into the NSF account with the identified em
ail address. If you have
forgotten your password for this email account, you may recover the password
by selecting the “Sign In link located on the top right of the
page and clicking “Forgot Password.” If you require additional assistance,
please contact the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected].
6 What does
NSF mean by a
“primary email address”?
You m
ust have ongoing acces
s to the email address (e.g., a Gmail address)
listed as your primary email address to make changes to your account or to
reset a password. The primary email address must be unique to you and
cannot be a group email alias.
NSF does not recommend using a work email address for this purpose since
you may move to another organization and have a new work email address.
This email address and your NSF ID are linked to your account record and are
searchable within NSF systems by the organization Administrators. Changes
to this email address can be made on your My Profile page following
successful registration.
Can I edit my primary email
You can change your primary email address by s
electing the My Profile” link
located on the top right of the
homepage after signing in. NSF
will send a verification email to your new email address and a response is
required for verification purposes within four hours from the time the change
was made. If the primary email address is not verified within four hours, the
last verified primary email address will be restored. You should choose a
primary email account that you can maintain access to regardless of where
you are working (e.g., Gmail address). Please refer to the
“View and Edit My
NSF Account Profile Informationjob aid for a walk-through of the specific
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
NSF Account Functions (continued)
# Question Answer
8 I am m oving to a new
organization? Do I
keep my same
NSF account?
Yes, the Account Management System supports you having
multiple organizational affiliations. DO NOT register for another NSF
account at the new organization. Instead, you can request that an
organization-approved role at your new organization be added to your
existing NSF account using the “Add a New Role” function.
Please refer to the Add a New Organizational Role”
job aid for a walk-
through of the specific steps. You will need the System for Award
Management (SAM) Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) for the new organization
to start that process. For more information on the SAM UEI, please refer to
“Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Organizational Functions, question
#2.” Alternatively, you can work with the new organization’s Administrator
to assign any needed organization-approved roles at the organization to
your existing NSF account.
If you ar
e changing organizations, please ensure that the primary email
address listed for your NSF account is not dependent on your place of
employment. You must have ongoing access to the email address account
(e.g., a Gmail address) listed as your primary email address to make
changes to your account or to reset a password. You can establish a new
work email address in connection with your organization-approved roles at
the new organization.
Your primary email addres
s can be updated at any time from the “My
Profile link located at the top right on the
homepage after
signing in. Please note that updating the primary email address will require
a verification step to confirm that you are the owner of that email account.
For more information, please refer to the the
“Working at Multiple
Organizations or Moving to Another Organization” job aid.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
NSF Account Functions (continued)
# Question Answer
9 I was a Postdoctoral Fellow and now I
am going to work at another
ation? Do I keep my same
NSF account?
Yes, the Account Management System supports you
multiple organizational affiliations, in addition to a role of
Proposed Postdoctoral Fellow in your NSF account.
DO NOT register f
or another NSF account at the organization. Instead,
you can request that an organization-approved role at the organization
be added to your existing NSF account using the “Add a New Role
Please refer to the
“Add a New Organi
zation-Approved Role - Principal
Investigator PI/Co-PI” job aid for a walk-through of the specific steps.
You will need the SAM UEI for the organization to start that process.
Alternatively, you can work with the organization’s Administrator to
assign any needed roles at the organization to your existing NSF
If you are changi
ng organizations, please ensure that the primary email
address listed for your NSF account is not dependent on your place of
employment. You must have ongoing access to the email address
account (e.g., a Gmail address) listed as your primary email address to
make changes to your account or to reset a password. You can
establish a new work email address in connection with your
organization-approved roles at the organization.
Your primary email address c
an be updated at any time from the “My
Profile link located at the top right on the
after signing in. Please note that updating the primary email address will
require a verification step to confirm that you are the owner of that email
account. For more information, please refer to the
“Working at Multiple
Organizations or Moving to Another Organization” section of the job aid.
10 How do I view and update the
zone that I previously entered when I
added the Proposed Postdoctoral
Fellow role?
After you requested a Proposed Postdoctoral Fellow role in
, the role is displayed in the “Active Role(s)” table on the
“View My Roles” page. You can view your time zone by accessing
“View My Roles” and selecting “Edit Your Contact Info.” Time zone
is determined by the time zone you selected during your initial role
request. If you are a Proposed Postdoctoral Fellow, and need to update
your time zone, you must contact the NSF IT Service Desk at 1 (800)
381-1532 or r[email protected]
for assistance. Changing the Proposed
Postdoctoral Fellow work address in will not change the
time zone. For general guidance on proposal preparation and
submission, see the
NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures
Please refer to the View My
Organizational Roles
Role(s)” job aid for a walk-through of
the specific
11 What
does NSF
mean by
a “work
email address”?
work email address
where NSF will
send official
to you regarding proposals and awards
in connection
with a particular organization.
You can edit your
work email address
accessing “View My
Roles” and selecting “Edit Your Contact Info.”
Please refer to the
“View My
Organizational Roles
Role(s)” job aid for a walk-through of
the specific
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
NSF Account Functions (continued)
# Question Answer
12 What does NSF mean by a
“secondary email address”?
The s
econdary email address is optional and can be used as a backup
email address for password recovery. Your secondary email address
can be your work email address.
What does N
SF mean by my "primary
organization” and can I change my
primary organization?
The “primary organization” indicates the organization a Principal
Investigator (PI) is associated with for proposal submission. The
primary organization defaults to the organization associated with the
most recent PI role added to a user’s profile.
To change your primary organization, sign into
clicking “Sign
In” located at
the top of
the screen.
Click “View My
Roles” located on the left
navigation bar. In the “Active Roles
locate the organization you wish to designate as your
Click on the “plus sign (+)”
located to the left of
organization name to expand the row.
Locate the PI
role for the
selected organization and click the “Primary Organization” checkbox
to the right
the Date Added field.
Please refer to the
“Working at Multiple Organizations
or Moving to
Another Organization” job aid for
a walk-through of the specific steps.
If you are a reviewer,
please refer
to “Frequently
Asked Questions
(FAQs) Provide Reviewer Profile Information,
question #17” regarding
your primary organizational
I signed
in with my InCommon
credentials. Why can’t I edit anything
on the “My Profile” page?
To mi
grate your
existing NSF
and establish access
to features
such as “My
you must first sign into
with your
and complete a short,
one-time account
verification process.
Once you complete the verification process, you can then subsequently
sign into your
NSF account
in using your
You will
also have access to update your
profile and can
utilize the other Account Management System
To access
the “View
/ Edit My
Profile” page,
clickMy Profile” located
at the top right on the
homepage after
signing in. Then
click on
View / Edit
My Profile
located on the left
navigation bar.
e refer to
and Edit My
NSF Account
Information” job aid for a walk-through of
the specific
15 Will I
be able to sign in with
ORCID credentials?
No, there are not currently plans to use ORCID for signing into However, you can store your ORCID iD in an optional
field in your NSF account profile data within the Professional
Information tab.
16 Can I use a group email alias as my
primary, secondary, or work email
address? Can group email alias
accounts be used at all?
No, email addresses cannot be shared across different NSF accounts.
Each NSF account must be associated with a unique email address.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected].
Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
NSF Account Functions (continued)
# Question Answer
17 How do I view and edit m
demographic information?
If you are a PI, co-PI, Proposed Postdoctoral Fellow, or reviewer and
would like to view or edit your demographic information, sign into
by clicking “Sign In located at the top of the screen.
ClickMy Profile” located on the top of the screen.
Your demographic information is located on
your View/Edit Profile page.
Select the “Demographic Information” tab within your profile to view
demographic information on your Account Management View/Edit
Profile page in Click “Edit’ to enter or update your
demographic information and click “Save” to capture your changes.
Note: Demographi
c Information is displayed only for individuals with a
PI, co-PI or Proposed Postdoctoral Fellow role and for reviewers.
Please refer to the "View and Edi
t My NSF Account Profile Information”
job aid for a walk-through of the specific steps.
18 Do I have t
o provide my demographic
ssion of the requested demographic information is only required
for PIs, co-PIs, Proposed Postdoctoral Fellows and reviewers.
, co
-PIs and Proposed Postdoctoral Fellows, this information is
captured as part of the role request process and is not a precondition of
For reviewers, this information is captured as part of the one-time
process to provide your reviewer profile information.
19 If I do not provide any demographic
information or do
not provide
demographic information for a
particular question, what will appear
on my profile?
All demographic questions must be answered when requesting a PI, co-
PI or Proposed Postdoctoral Fellow role. If demographic information is
not provided for all demographic questions, the “Next” button will be
disabled in the Role Request wizard until all demographic questions are
All demographic questions must al
so be answered by reviewers as part
of the one-time process to provide reviewer profile information. If
demographic information is not provided for all demographic questions,
the “Next” button will be disabled in the Provide Reviewer Information
wizard until all demographic questions are answered.
20 Why is my demographic information
being collected?
Demographic Information is only being collected for PIs, co-PIs,
Proposed Postdoctoral Fellows and reviewers.
NSF asks for demographic data relating to gender, ethnicity/race and
disability to gauge whether our programs and other opportunities in
science and technology are fairly reaching and benefiting everyone
regardless of demographic category; and to ensure that those in under-
represented groups have the same knowledge of and access to
programs, meetings, vacancies, and other research and educational
opportunities as everyone else.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
Organizational Functions
# Question Answer
1 How do I register a new prime
awardee organization?
f a prime awardee organization is new to NSF, you must first set yourself
up as the Administrator for the new organization. You must have an NSF
account to start this process.
After signing into
and clicking on the My Profile” link
located at the top right, select the “Add A New Role” menu option in the
left navigation bar. Then select the “Add Organizational Role” button.
After entering the System for Award Management (SAM) Unique Entity
Identifier (UEI), the system will automatically detect that the organization is
new and will walk you through setting up the organization and
Administrator role.
If your organization is already registered and has a new UEI, please do
not register the organization again. Instead, please contact the NSF IT
Service Desk at 1(800) 381-1532 or [email protected]
to update the
organization’s UEI.
Please refer to the "Register a New Organization"
job aid and Register a
New Organization with NSFvideo tutorial for a walk-through of the
specific steps.
2 What is a
SAM UEI? To submit proposals t
o NSF and conduct other award-related activities in and via, organizations must be registered in
SAM and have an active and valid SAM UEI.
To register in SAM, go to
. Please be advised that it may take up
to one month to complete the SAM registration process. Please check for information about any delays of registrations,
validations and UEI issuance.
3 How do I f
ind my organization’s SAM
You should be able to obtain SAM UEI information from your
ation’s Administrator(s). If you’ve been invited to register for an
NSF account by your organizational Administrator, the SAM UEI is
included in the invitation email.
Alternatively, you can look up your organization’s SAM UEI. Please refer to
the "Register a New Organization
" job aid for a walk-through of the specific
4 How can updates
be made to my
organizational information?
If any updates are required after your organization is registered with NSF,
your organization’s Administrator can make the updates in SAM.
If you are a Proposed Postdoctoral Fellow and need to update the time
zone entered as part of registration in
, please contact the
NSF IT Service Desk at 1 (800) 381-1532 or [email protected] for assistance.
5 Where is the new organization
form and where do I send
New registrations are submitted electronically as described in the “Register
a New Organization job aid. Once all steps are successfully completed,
your organization will be registered with NSF.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
Organizational Functions (continued)
Question Answer
6 Do subrecipient organizations have to
register with NSF?
Any subrecipient named in a proposal is also required to obtain a UEI and register the organization with NSF.
Subrecipient(s) named in the proposal, however, do not need to go through
the full UEI registration in Refer to the
Proposal & Award
Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter I.G.2.
Once the subrecipient obtains the UEI through, the subrecipient
must contact the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 (7:00 AM - 9:00
PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal holidays) to register the
organization with NSF. Please do not attempt to register the subrecipient
organization with NSF in because the system will generate
an error and will not permit the subrecipient registration.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
Administrator Functions
# Question Answer
1 I am an organization Administrator.
How do I assign roles to users in
my organization?
Organization Administrators can assign roles to individual users by going to
their “View My Users” dashboard and selecting the “Manage Roles” link to
the right of the specific user’s name.
Administrators can assign the following roles within their organizations:
Principal Investigator (PI/co-PI)
Award Cash Management Service (ACM$)
Awardee Preparer
Awardee Certifier
Awardee Financial Representative
Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
Coordinating Official
Alternate Coordinating Official
Financial Official
Authorized Organizational Representative
Sponsored Projects Officer
View Only
Other Authorized User (OAU)
Please refer to the
“View My Us
ers Administrator Dashboard” job aid for a
walk-through of the specific steps.
2 If multipl
e users have an
Administrator role at an
ation, will each
Administrator be emailed when a
user requests a new role?
Yes, when a user requests a new rol
e at an organization, all Administrators
listed for the organization will receive a notification email at their
organization’s work email address. In addition, alerts will be posted on each
Administrator’s “View My Users” dashboard in
3 I am an organizat
ion Administrator.
How do I add users to my
You can add users to your organization by going to your “View My Users
dashboard and selecting the “Add User” button. You will be prompted to
search for a particular user by NSF ID or by primary, secondary, or work
email address.
You can also invite individuals at your organization to register for an NSF
account (i.e., NSF ID) if they do not already have one by using the “Add
User” button. However, please note that individuals do not need a new NSF
account if they are changing organizations. Instead, users should provide
you with their current NSF ID, so that organization-approved roles at your
organization can be added to the user’s existing NSF account.
Please refer to the
“View My Us
ers Administrator Dashboard” job aid for a
walk-through of the specific steps.
Administrators search for
users to add to their organization?
ors can search for users to add by entering their NSF ID or by
primary, secondary, or work email address.
Individuals do not need a new NSF account if they are changing
organizations. Instead, they should provide the Administrator with their NSF
ID, so that organization-approved roles at your organization can be added to
the user’s existing NSF account.
Please refer to the
“View My Us
ers Administrator Dashboard” job aid for a
walk-through of the specific steps.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
Administrator Functions (continued)
# Question Answer
5 Why can’t I search by name to add
a new user?
NSF’s policy is to minimize the use of personally identifiable information (PII)
for data retrieval.
6 Sinc
e users
can now self-register,
who is responsible for updating
their accounts when they move to
another organization?
nistrators at the
user’s previous organization are responsible for
removing the user from their organization via the “View My Users”
dashboard. The user is responsible for updating any contact information for
organization-approved roles at the new organization using the “View My
Roles” dashboard. In most cases, the user’s profile data, including primary
email address, will remain the same. If changes are needed, the user can
make updates using the “My Profile” link.
7 How do I remove a user that is no
longer affil
iated with my
To remove a user from your organization, access the "View My Users page.
In the “Manage User Roles” table, locate the user you want to remove and
then click Remove” located in the Action column for the user record.
Please refer
to the
“View My Users Administrator Dashboard” job aid for a
walk-through of the specific steps.
8 What does “Invite to Register”
The Invite to Register option allows Administr
ators to send an email to
individuals to ask them to register for an NSF account. Individuals must have
an NSF account before the Administrator can add them to their
9 What does “Invit
e to Update Profile”
The Invite to Update Profile option allows Administr
ators to send an email to
individuals to ask them to sign into to verify their account
information. Individuals must complete the verification process and have
their existing account created in FastLane migrated to the Account
Management System in before the Administrator can modify a
user’s roles.
10 As an A
dministrator, how do I
remove a user that has not
igrated an account created in
FastLane to the
Account Management System?
nistrators can remove users from their organizat
ions who have not
migrated to the Account Management System in, including
those users who have left the organization. Unmigrated users are indicated
by the “Invite to Update Profile” link in the View My Users Administrator
Dashboard Action column. Note that removing a user from the organization
does not in any way impact the user’s NSF account or that user’s ability to
become affiliated with any other organization.
To remove a user, sign into
. Click “My Profile” at the top right
of the screen, then click View My Users from the left navigation bar. In the
Action column, click the “Remove User” link located below Invite to
Update Profile”.
Please refer to the
“View My Users Administrator Dashboard” job aid for a
walk-through of the specific steps.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Administrator Functions User Roles
# Question Answer
1 Can users have multiple roles at an
Yes. Administrators can assign additional organization-approved roles to
users through the “View My Users” dashboard page, and users can request
organization-approved roles at an organization on the "Add a New Role"
Please refer to the Add a
New Organizational Role”
job aid for a walk-
through of the specific steps.
2 I am an Admini
strator. Will I need to
request a Sponsored Projects Officer
(SPO) and View Only Role?
No. When you add the Administrator role, the SPO and View Only roles will
be automatically added to your profile as well.
3 How do I register as an Other
ed User (OAU)?
To register as an Other Authorized User (OAU), sign in to
clicking “Sign In located at the top of the screen. Access the “Add a New
Role” page and click on “Add Investigator or Authorized User R ole.”
Then selec
t “Other Authorized User (OAU)” and click Submit.The system
will walk you through a four-step role request wizard.
4 How do I register as a Proposed
Postdoctoral Fellow user?
To register as a Proposed Postdoctoral Fellow, sign in to by clicking “Sign
In located at the top of the screen. Access the “Add a New
Role” page and click on “Add Investigator or Authorized User R ole.
Then select “Proposed Postdoctoral Fellow” and click Submit.The
system will walk you through a two-step process to set up the Proposed
Postdoctoral Fellowship role.
Please refer to the
Add a New Organizational Role Proposed Postdoctoral
Fellow” job aid for a walk-through of the specific steps.
5 Where is the Financial Administrator
There is no longer a Financial Administrator role. However, the related
permissions are part of the Administrator role.
6 I am an Administrator, but I can’t sign
and submit proposals. Why not?
Proposals must be submitted to NSF by the organization’s Authorized
Organizational Representative (AOR). The AOR role is not given to
Administrators by default. The AOR role must either be assigned or
requested as an additional organization-approved role.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
Provide Reviewer Profile Information
# Question Answer
1 Why did I receive an email from NSF
with the subject
“Review for NSF -
Action Needed”
The Account Management system now includes all meeting participants.
NSF requires all participants to have an NSF account in and
complete a simple one-time process to provide their reviewer profile
To complete
the one-time process to provide reviewer profile information,
you must do the following:
If you do not have an NSF account in
, you must register for
one. Please refer to the Register for a New NSF Accountjob aid for
step-by-step instructions with associated screenshots. A Register for a
New NSF Account video tutorial is also available.
After signing into, you will see a “Reviews & Meetings” tile
on the homepage.
Click the “Provide Reviewer Profile Information” link in the "Reviews &
Meetings" tile to begin the one-time process to provide your reviewer
profile information. Information you previously provided to NSF will be
pre-populated. After you complete this one-time process and sign
the next time, the Provide Reviewer Profile Information
link will no longer display in the "Reviews & Meetings" tile on the homepage.
Follow the registration instructions in the email to you from NSF
) with the subject “Review for NSF - Action Needed.” If
you cannot locate the email, please contact the NSF IT Service Desk at
1-800-381-1532 (7:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal
holidays) or [email protected]
to have the email re-sent.
Additional guidance is available in the ”Provide Reviewer Profile
Information” job aid with step-by-step instructions and associated
This new process is limited to participants for the specified meeting types
and assigned meeting participants as of March,2023. Participants in NSF
meetings and events not part of merit review and/or under Federal
Advisory Committee Act (FACA) procedures are not required to complete
this process.
2 What should I do if I can't locate
or accidentally deleted the email from
NSF asking me to provide
my reviewer profile information?
The NSF email requesti
ng you to provide your reviewer profile information is
sent from the "[email protected]
" email address with the subject “Review for
NSF - Action Needed.”
If you cannot locate this email or think you may have accidentally deleted
it, please contact the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 (7:00 AM -
9:00 PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal holidays) or r[email protected]
. to
have the email re-sent.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
Provide Reviewer Profile Information
# Question Answer
3 Will I receive a reminder email after
the initial email is sent from NSF with
my invitation code?
Meeting participants will receive a reminder email to complete the one-time
process two weeks prior to the start date of the meeting. NSF staff managing
the specific meeting can also see if a reviewer has completed the one-time
If you have any questions about the one
-time process or need assistance,
please contact the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 (7:00 AM - 9:00
PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal holidays) or r[email protected]
4 Where
do I find my invitation code to
enter on the Provide Reviewer Profile
Information screen?
The i
nvitation code is included in an email from NSF ( with
the subject “Review for NSF - Action Needed.”
You will only
receive an email containing an invitation code and instructions
to register as a reviewer in if you are invited by an NSF staff
member to participate in a meeting. If you believe you should have received
an email with instructions or if you have received an email with instructions
to register in error, please contact the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-
1532 (7:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal
holidays) or [email protected]
5 What do I do
if my invitation code
needed to register as a reviewer has
Invitation codes are valid for 30 days after NSF sends the email to you.
If your invitation code has expired, please request to have another invitation
emailed to you by contacting the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532
(7:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal holidays)
6 Why am I being prompted to also
enter a one-time passcode to verify
my email address after I already
entered my invitation code or email
You m
ay be prompted
to verify your email address after submitting your
invitation code or email address by entering a one-time passcode that will be
sent to the email address where you received the invitation code.
Enter the one-time passcode prov
ided in an email to you from
NSF (noreplyadm[email protected]
) with the subject “NSF Email Verification -
Your One-Time Passcode.” If you cannot locate this email, click the
“generate a new one” link on the screen or contact the NSF IT Service Desk
at 1-800-381-1532 (7:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal
holidays) or [email protected]
for assistance.
7 What
do I do if my one-time
passcode has expired?
-time Passcodes ar
e valid for 10 minutes after NSF sends the email to
If your one-time Passcode has
expired, click the “generate a new one” link
on the screen to re-send it or contact the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-
1532 (7:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal holidays)
for assistance.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
Provide Reviewer Profile Information
# Question Answer
8 Why don't I see the "Provide
Reviewer Profile Information" link in
the "Reviews & Meetings" tile
If the "Provide Reviewer Profile I
nformation” link no longer displays in the
“Reviews & Meetings” tile on the homepage, this means that
you have already completed the one-time process to provide your reviewer
profile information in
You can view or update the information
you provided at any time via My Profile in
Please refer to the "View and Edit My NSF Account Profile Information” job
aid for more details.
9 I completed the
one-time process to
provide my revi
ewer profile
information. How do I update this
After completing the one-time process
to provide your reviewer profile
information, you can view or update this information at any time via My
Profile in
Please refer to the"View and Edit My NSF Account Profile Information” job
aid for more details.
10 If I do not complete the one-time
process to provide my rev
profile information, does this prevent
me from participating in a meeting?
Meeting participants must complete meeting regis
tration before the meeting
begins to participate. You will be blocked from m eeting registration in
FastLane until you complete the one-time process to provide your reviewer
profile information.
11 Do I need to provide my reviewer
profile informati
on each time NSF
staff adds me as a reviewer or
participant in a panel, site visit,
advisory committee, subcommittee,
or committees of visitors?
No. Completing your reviewer profil
e information in is a one-
time process. After completing the one-time process, you can view and
update the information at any time via My Profile in
Please refer to the "View and Edit My NSF Account Profile Information” job
aid for more details.
12 If I already have an or
approved role (e.g., PI role) in the
Account Management System in, will the one-time
process to provide my reviewer
profile information be different?
No, the one-time process will be the same
except that profile information you
previously provided to NSF will be pre-populated in your reviewer profile, but
it should be reviewed and updated as necessary.
13 Are reviewer organizational
ations the same as organization-
approved roles (e.g., PI role)?
A reviewer's organizational affi
liations are provided to NSF after the reviewer
has been registered in and provided their reviewer profile
information. The reviewer can view and update this information at any time
via My Profile in
. Organization-approved roles (e.g., PI) are
required for an individual to work on proposal and award activities in and If an individual has one or more organization-
approved roles, the approving organization would also be listed
automatically as an organizational affiliation for the reviewer during the one-
time process to provide reviewer profile information.
Please refer to the "View and Edit My NSF Account Profile Information”
aid and the “Add a New Organizational Role” job aid for more details.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
Provide Reviewer Profile Information
# Question Answer
14 Why do I need to provide
a preferred email address
and phone number
for review/meeting activities?
ince your NSF
account in
includes more than one email
address and phone number (i.e., primary email/phone number and work
email/phone number), providing reviewer/meeting participant contact
preferences will ensure that NSF staff know how you would like to be
contacted specifically for reviewer or meeting participant activities.
The "P
referred Email Address for R
eview/Meeting Activities" field email will
be the address NSF will use for review activities related to panels, site visits,
advisory committees, subcommittees, and committees of visitors only.
Adding this preferred email address will not affect your primary, secondary,
or organizational email address information in the Account Management
The "Preferred Phone
Number for Review/Meeting Activities" field phone
number may be used by NSF staff to contact you during an active proposal
review, panel, site visit, advisory committee, subcommittee, or committee of
visitors meeting if you are unreachable via email. This is not for texting
purposes and will not affect your other contact information in the
Account Management System.
15 If I update my Primary Em
ail Address
or Phone Number in my NSF account
in, does this impact my
Preferred Email Address and Phone
Number for Review/Meeting
o. Updates to your Pr
imary Email Address or Phone Number do not impact
your Preferred Email Address and Phone Number for Review/Meeting
activities and vice versa. You can view and update your contact information
at any time via My Profile in
Please refer to the "View and Edit My NSF Account Profile Information” job
aid for more details.
16 Am I r
equired to have an
organizational affiliation to be a
participant in a panel, site visit,
advisory committee, subcommittee,
or committee of visitors meeting?
No. You are not required to have any organizational affiliations to be a
participant in a panel, site visit, advisory committee, subcommittee,
or committee of visitors meeting. If you do not have any organizational
affiliations, you would select "No. I have not been affiliated with any
organizations in the past 12 months" in Step One when completing the one-
time process to provide your reviewer profile information.
17 When I provide my reviewer
organization affiliations, why am I
asked to select a Primary
If you are currently affiliated or have been affiliated with more than one
organization in the past 12 months, you must select a Primary Organization
from the list to help NSF staff manage reviewer selection for a particular
panel, site visit, advisory committee, subcommittee, or committee of visitors
meeting. If you have an organization-approved PI role, designating a primary
organizational affiliation in your reviewer profile will not change your PI
primary organization and will not affect any proposal preparation or
submission activities in
Please refer to the "View and Edit My NSF Account Profile Information” job
aid for more details.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -
Provide Reviewer Profile Information
# Question Answer
18 How do I update my reviewer
organizational affiliations if I change
After completing the one-tim
e process to provide your reviewer profile
information, you can view or update this information at any time via My
Profile in
Select the "Academic/Professional Information" tab and click "Edit" to add
your new organizational affiliation. You cannot remove organizational
affiliations in your reviewer profile, but you can indicate if you have not been
affiliated with a particular organization in the previous 12 months by selecting
the checkbox next to the organization.
Please refer to the "View and Edit My NSF Account Profile Information”
aid for more details.
Additional guidance including Job Aids and instructional videos can be found on the About Account Management
page. Account Management questions may be directed to the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 or [email protected]. Version 2.1, Updated January 29, 2024