City of Detroit Data Security Policy Revision 1.0
Policy Statement
SUBJECT: City of Detroit Data Security Policy
City of Detroit
City of Detroit Data Security Policy 1
Table of Contents
SUBJECT: City of Detroit Data Security Policy ................................................................................. 1
I. Overview ................................................................................................................................. 2
A. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 2
B. Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 3
II. Policy .................................................................................................................................. 3
A. General Policy Statement .............................................................................................................. 3
B. Responsibility of Data Security Coordinator .............................................................................. 4
C. Compliance and Enforcement ........................................................................................ 4
III. Data and Information Categories to be protected............................................................. 4
IV. Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................. 5
A. Data and Information Owners/Stewards ............................................................... 5
B. Data and Information Custodians ............................................................................... 5
C. Data and Information Users ........................................................................................... 6
V. Exceptions: ............................................................................................................................. 6
VI. Approval Block ................................................................................................................... 6
City of Detroit
City of Detroit Data Security Policy 2
I. Overview
A. Purpose
The purpose of this Data Security Policy (“Policy”) is to provide an environment within the
municipal government of the City of Detroit (“City”) that addresses the data and information
security goals of:
Confidentiality: Protecting sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure or intelligible
Integrity: Safeguarding the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of information, IT
systems and computer software (including the ability to audit).
Availability: Ensuring that information and vital services are accessible to City of Detroit
employees and affiliates when required.
This Policy is the governing policy in a series of City policies whose purpose is to protect City
data and informational assets. All references to data and information herein refer to City data and
information. The Policy provides high-level direction to all City officials, appointees, employees,
agents, authorities, board, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and any other person or entity
that has access to City data and information. Questions regarding this Policy may be directed to
the City’s Director of the Information Technology Services Department.
The Policy will also assist in assuring that the City complies with applicable laws and regulations,
as amended from time to time, related to data and information covered by this Policy. Such laws
include, but are not limited to:
Subject Matter Covered
Data and Information
Freedom of Information Act*
Privacy Act
Payment Card Industry
Red Flag
Income Tax
445 Trade and Commerce Social Security
Number Privacy Act
Income Tax
445 Trade and Commerce Identity Theft
Protection Act
Income Tax
Privacy Act
Income Tax
Publication 1075 Tax Information Security
Guidelines for Federal, State and Local
Human Resources
Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Human Resources
Health information Technology for Economic
and Clinical Health Act (HITECH)
Human Resources
Fair Credit and Reporting Act
Human Resources
The Civil rights Act of 1964
Human Resources
The Pregnancy Discrimination Law
Human Resources
The American with Disability Act
Human Resources
The Age Discrimination Act
Human Resources
The Equal Pay Act pf 1963
Human Resources
The Employment Retirement Income Security
Human Resources
The Family Medical Leave Act
City of Detroit
City of Detroit Data Security Policy 3
Subject Matter Covered
Human Resources
The Fair Credit Reporting Act
Human Resources
The Fair Labor Standards Act
Human Resources
The Occupational Safety and Health Act
Human Resources
The Whistleblowers Protection Act
Human Resources
The National Labor Relations Act
Human Resources
The Immigration and Reform Control Act
Law Enforcement
Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS)
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN)
State of Michigan directives or statutes
Michigan Open Meetings Act
* The Michigan Freedom of Information Act may be found on the State of Michigan’s official
website. One of the many electronic links to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act is:
Questions regarding any laws related to this Policy, especially the Michigan Freedom of
Information Act and the Open Meetings Act, must be directed to the Corporation Counsel of the
City’s Law Department.
B. Scope
For the purposes of this Policy, security is defined as the ability to protect the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of all data and information, in any form, including but not limited to,
electronic, digital, internet, soft copy or hard copy, which is either at rest, in motion or in use. It is
important to emphasize in this information age that hardcopy, as well as other forms of data and
information, must continue to be protected.
Data and information must also be protected from unauthorized use or modification and from
accidental or intentional damage or destruction. Protection includes the security of facilities and
off-site storage, computing devices, storage devices, telecommunications, and applications.
Protection also includes the security of related services purchased from commercial, private or
government entities, and Internet-related applications and connectivity.
Outsourced processing and storage facilities, such as service bureaus, vendors, partnerships,
and alliances, must be monitored and reviewed to ensure compliance with this Policy or that a
level of control is provided which is equivalent to this Policy. This should be accomplished
through contractual, licensing, or other binding commitments with provisions to permit auditing
and monitoring to ensure compliance.
This Policy applies City-wide.
II. Policy
A. General Policy Statement
The City is entrusted with data and information which it creates, collects or stores, and is
responsible for their protection. Data and information must be protected from unauthorized
modification, destruction, or disclosure, whether accidental or intentional, as well as to ensure
their authenticity, integrity, and availability. No matter what tool is used (i.e. application, email,
City of Detroit
City of Detroit Data Security Policy 4
pen & pencil) by the City to create, collect, or store data and information, care must be taken to
appropriately protect this data and information at all times.
Data and information concerning the City’s processes, procedures, and practices must also be
protected. These processes, procedures, and practices may contain data or information, which
may be confidential or private about the City’s business processes, communications, tax payers,
organizations operating within the City boundaries or assisting the City with conducting City
business, computing operations and employees, among others. The processes, procedures and
practices concerning distribution of any data and information must consider both the sensitivity of
the data or information and any related legal exemptions for disclosing such information, before
allowing their public disclosure.
B. Responsibility of Data Security Coordinator
The City’s Data Security Coordinator is responsible for developing and maintaining City-wide
security processes, procedures and practices in conformance with this Policy to help ensure the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data and information and to help prevent the
unauthorized disclosure of confidential or privileged data and information. These processes,
procedures and practices must first be in writing and made public on the City’s intranet and
internet websites for at least seven calendar days before they become effective. In addition, they
may be changed, supplemented, or cancelled by the Data Security Coordinator at any time after
they become effective, but for such actions to become effective, any changes, supplements or
cancellations must also be in writing and made public on the City’s intranet and internet websites
for at least seven days. All of these processes, procedures and practices may supplement, but
may not override or be inconsistent with, professional or legally mandated obligations related to
security, confidentiality or privilege required of persons in such professions including, but not
limited to, law, accounting, health, and law enforcement.
C. Compliance and Enforcement
City officials, appointees, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and any
other person or entity that has access to data and information are responsible for understanding
and complying with this Policy and any processes, procedures, or practices made in accordance
with this Policy . Non-compliant situations will be brought to the attention of the Data Security
Coordinator. Depending on the severity of non-compliance, employees or other persons or
entities that violate this Policy, or any processes, procedures, and practices made in accordance
with this Policy, may be subject to discipline or adverse action in accordance with the Detroit City
Code, City Human Resource Rules, applicable contracts, and collective bargaining agreements.
Additionally, individuals who violate this policy are subject to loss of City technology and other
access privileges, as well as civil and criminal prosecution.
III. Data and Information Categories to be protected
The City has established three categories into which all City data and information will be
classified. The three categories are 1.) Public, 2.) Internal, and 3.) Confidential. The level of
protection for data and information is specified in each category. Details concerning the purpose
and scope of the classifications into categories, as well as additional details concerning the
information categories, responsibilities, access, storage, labeling, disposal and distribution for
each category, can be found in the City’s Information Classification Policy.
City of Detroit
City of Detroit Data Security Policy 5
Note that Privacy is an important issue with respect to data and information classified into any of
the above three categories. For example, private, personally identifiable information (PII) refers
to information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, or a particular
aspect of a person’s identity, either alone or when combined with other personal or identifying
information that is linked or linkable to a specific individual. The definition of PII is not limited to
any single category of data or information. Rather, it requires a case-by-case assessment of the
specific risk that an individual or aspect of an individual can be identified as a result of disclosure
or release of information. In performing this assessment, it is important to recognize that non-PII
can become PII whenever additional information is made publicly available in any medium and
from any source that, when combined with other available information, could be used to
identify an individual, or a particular aspect of an individual. In this event, data or information that
is determined to be Private must be considered to be in the Confidential category, no matter what
category in which it had originated.
A similar Privacy issue and analysis arises with respect to Protected Health Information (PHI)
which is individually identifiable health information that relates to a person’s past/present/future
physical/mental health, health care received, or payment for health care, among others.
The City will also issue a Privacy Policy that provides details about Privacy issues related to data
and information. Any questions technical about Privacy should be directed to the Data Security
Coordinator and any legal questions to the City’s Corporation Counsel.
IV. Roles and Responsibilities
Security of data and information requires the active support and ongoing participation of all City
officials, appointees, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and any other
person or entity that has access to data and information. Security requires direction and support
from the executive levels and also requires universal compliance. Responsibility for satisfying
policy requirements is shared and extends to all personnel involved with data and information at
rest, in motion or in use. Each person involved with data and information shall satisfy the
requirements as they relate to the portion of data and information under their control.
The following are specific individual roles and responsibilities for all persons involved with data
and information.
A. Data and Information Owners/Stewards
Departmental leadership (or equivalent) is the data and information owners and stewards. They
are responsible and accountable for the ultimate security of data and information, at all stages,
under the control of their department. Departmental leadership is also responsible for the
implementation of the enterprise security policy in their departments. Departmental leadership
will appoint data and information custodians in their own departments who will have access to
data and information on a “need to know” basis and the responsibility of data and information
protection. Departmental leadership will sponsor awareness and training programs along with
furnishing necessary staffing and material resources to ensure compliance with both City-wide
and departmental-wide security.
B. Data and Information Custodians
Data and Information Custodians are designated by the Owner/Stewarts of certain data or
information, to maintain the designated security safeguards for the data and information owned
by that department. These Custodians approve or authorize access to data and information under
City of Detroit
City of Detroit Data Security Policy 6
their control and responsibility, determine the value or importance of the data and information,
and ensure compliance with applicable controls through regular review of data and information
classification and authorized access. These Custodians also assist data and information owners
in assessing the risks to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of applicable data and
C. Data and Information Users
Each data and information User shall, within their capabilities, protect data and information under
their control against occurrences of compromise, including, but not limited to, sabotage,
tampering, denial of service, fraud, misuse, and, in addition, to disclosure or release of
information to unauthorized persons. Security provided by Users includes, but is not limited to,
protecting passwords and other account information, following appropriate policies, processes,
and procedures; and, notifying appropriate authorities when incidents occur.
V. Exceptions:
The City Information Technology Services Director and City Corporation Counsel must approve
any exceptions to this policy.
VI. Approval Block
Data Security Policy
Approval Date: 7/1/2013
Review: Bi-Annual
Effective Date: 7/1/2013
Last Review = 10/2/2015