CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development
e-Governance in healthcare sector in India
ICT India Working Paper #28
Manisha Wadhwa
March 2020
CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development
e-Governance in healthcare sector in India Page 2
Table of Contents
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Pillars of e-Governance ............................................................................................................................. 7
Objectives of e-Governance ...................................................................................................................... 7
Types of interaction in e-Governance ....................................................................................................... 8
Guiding Principles for e-Governance ........................................................................................................ 9
Benefits of e-Governance ......................................................................................................................... 9
Evolution of e-Governance in India .............................................................................................................. 9
e-Governance Initiatives in healthcare ....................................................................................................... 12
National level Initiatives.......................................................................................................................... 12
State Level Initiatives .............................................................................................................................. 17
Challenges to e-Governance ....................................................................................................................... 19
Conclusion and recommendations ............................................................................................................. 20
References .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Annexures ................................................................................................................................................... 23
Annexure 1: Mission Mode Projects under National e-Governance Plan .............................................. 23
Annexure 2: Nine Pillars of Digital India ................................................................................................. 23
Annexure 3: Policies for e-Governance in India ...................................................................................... 24
List of Figures
Figure 1: Pillars of e-Governance .................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2: Types of Interaction in e-Governance............................................................................................ 8
List of Tables
Table 1: e-Governance Initiatives under Digital India ................................................................................. 11
Table 2: National level e-Governance Initiatives in Healthcare .................................................................. 12
Table 3 : State level e-Governance Initiatives in Healthcare ...................................................................... 17
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Technology-Led Growth and Development
e-Governance in healthcare sector in India Page 3
Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System
Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
ANM on Line
Accredited Social Health Activist
Birth and Death Entry Application
Blood Bank Management System
Central Government Health Services
Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation
Computerized Human Resource Information System
Comprehensive Primary Healthcare
Central Registration
Common Services Centre
Dashboard for Analytical Review of Projects Across Nation
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances
Digital Government Research Centre
Digitize India Platform
Digital Saksharta Abhiyan
Drug Logistics Information & Management System
Drug Procurement and Distribution Management Information System
Drug Procurement & Inventory Control System
Drugs and Vaccines Distribution Management System
electronic Governance
electronic -Health Management Information System
Electronic Health Record
electronic Primary Health Centre
Electronic Tender Box
Government to Business
Government to Citizen
Government to Employees
Government to Government
Gujarat Hospital Management Information System
Government of India
Health Information System for Government
Health Infrastructure Management Information System
Hospital Information System
Hospital Management Information System
Hospital Management System
Human Resource Management System
Health and Wellness Centre
Information and Communications Technology
Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme
Information Education Communication
Information Technology
International Telecommunication Union
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Mother and Child Tracking System
Metadata & Data Standards
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Mobile Health Unit
Mukhya Mantri Amrutam
Mission Mode Project
Mobile Medical Unit
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme
Non-Communicable Disease
National Digital Literacy Mission
National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy
National electronic Governance Plan
Non-Government Organisation
National Health Portal
National Health Stack
National Informatics Centre Network
National Identification Number
National Institution for Transforming India
National Medical College Network
National Rurban Mission
National Service Delivery Gateway
National Telemedicine Network
Open Government Data
Out Patient Department
Pregnancy, Child Tracking and Health Services Management System
Public Finance Management System
Personal Health Record Management System
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Swasthya Suraksha Mission
Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan
Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques
Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation
Person with Disability
Rapid Assessment System
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram
Reproductive Child Health
Reproductive Maternal Newborn and Child Health
Satellite Communication
Swachh Bharat Mission
State Health Data Resource Centre
School Health Program
Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive and Transparent
Training Management Information System
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e-Governance in healthcare sector in India Page 5
Unique Identity Authority of India
Unified Mobile Application for New-Age Governance
World Health Organization
Warehouse Information System
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Technology-Led Growth and Development
e-Governance in healthcare sector in India Page 6
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has a huge potential of changing the
landscape of service delivery across the globe. It acts as a catalyst for the speedy delivery of
services. The Government of India is in the transition phase, moving from traditional paper
mode to using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the governance process.
The use of ICT in the governance process is called e-Governance. The Government of India has
been increasingly focusing on the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to
overcome issues like red-tapism, lack of accountability and transparency in public services, lack
of access to information, slow movement of files and other documents, ineffective delivery of
public services etc.
This is a concept paper based on secondary data collected from government websites and
documents, various national and international Journals and private websites. The present paper
discusses the concept of e-Governance, pillars of e-Governance, objectives of e-Governance,
types of interaction in e-Governance, guiding principles for e-Governance and benefits of e-
Governance. The paper presents a review of evolution of e-Governance in India. It gives a
detailed account of e-Governance initiatives in India. The document lays specific emphasis on e-
Governance initiatives in healthcare in India, both at the National and State level. Further, the
key challenges related e-Governance in India are discussed. The paper also put forward some
recommendations which may help in the implementation of e-Governance in the Indian context.
Keywords: e-Governance, Information and Communication Technology, ICT, India
The last decade has seen a massive explosion of Information and Communications Technology
(ICT) all over the world. India is also gearing up towards to an era of digitalization. It intends to
nurture digital ecosystems across all the sectors including health, education, agriculture,
resources, financial services etc. The concept of e-governance is to involve IT in all the
government processes. e-Governance or electronic Governance is understood as the use of
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) at all the level of Government in order to
provide services to the citizens, interaction with business enterprises and communication and
exchange of information between different agencies of the Government in a speedy,
convenient, efficient and transparent manner”(Ministry of Electronics & Information
Technology, Government of India 2015a). e-Governance, in essence, is the application of
Information and Communications Technology to government functioning in order to create
‘Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive and Transparent (SMART)’ governance”(Ministry of
Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India 2015b).
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e-Governance in healthcare sector in India Page 7
Pillars of e-Governance
e-Governance is a holistic initiative with four key pillars: people, technology, process and
resources (see figure 1)(Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India
Figure 1: Pillars of e-Governance
Shivakumar in his paper explained basic structure of e-Governance as having four pillars
(Kolachalam Shivakumar 2002):
Leadership/Vision: A clear vision and commitment among the leadership at the top of the
government is needed.
Governance/Administration: Clearly defined policies around e-Governance and its
implementation plan should be in place.
Integration/Collaboration: An efficient and effective collaboration among the key players is
needed. These include government entities, private sector, academic institutions, businesses,
Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) etc.
Technology/Infrastructure: Right infrastructure and technological developments should be
made available and accessible to all the citizens.
Objectives of e-Governance
The objectives of the e-Governance are:
To exchange information with citizens, businesses, or other government departments
To provide efficient delivery of public services
To enhance internal efficiency of the government system
To reduce cost/increase the revenue
To re-structure the administrative processes and improve quality of services
Pillars of e-Governance
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Technology-Led Growth and Development
e-Governance in healthcare sector in India Page 8
Types of interaction in e-Governance
There are four types of interaction in the e-Governance (see Figure 2)(Ministry of Electronics &
Information Technology, Government of India 2015b).
Figure 2: Types of Interaction in e-Governance
G2G i.e. Government to Government: This type of interaction includes exchange of
information electronically between the government bodies i.e. between national (central),
state and local government and within the government entities at various levels. This type of
interface helps in smooth and transparent functioning of the government processes along with
saving time and being cost-effective as well. Examples of G2G services include inter-office
teleconferencing, Online Budget System, Electronic stamping of bills etc.
G2C i.e. Government to Citizen: This type of interaction includes exchange of information
electronically between the government bodies and the citizens. This type of interface helps
general public to access government services, information and provide feedback electronically.
The aim is to make government services citizen-friendly. Examples of G2C services include
passport/visa, property registration, birth and death certificate, marriage certificate,
municipality services, death certificate etc.
G2B i.e. Government to Business: This type of interaction includes exchange of information
electronically between the government bodies and business entities, Non-governmental
Organisations (NGOs) and civil societies. This type of interface helps cut down red-tapism and
establishing business environment which is transparent, cost-effective and saves time.
Examples of G2B services include e-Tender Box (ETB) system, e-Procurement Programme etc.
G2E i.e. Government to Employees: This type of interaction includes exchange of information
electronically between the government bodies and employees. This type of interface aims to
Civil Societies
Central Government
State/Local Government
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e-Governance in healthcare sector in India Page 9
make interaction between employees and government fast, efficient and employee-
satisfactory. Examples of G2E services include E-payroll, E-training etc.
Guiding Principles for e-Governance
There are four guiding principles for reforming Government through technology(Ministry of
Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India 2017).
Form simplification and field reduction: The forms used should be simplified and should be
structured in a way to capture minimum essential information.
Online applications and tracking: Online applications with proper tracking mechanism should
be developed.
Online repositories: Online repositories e.g. for educational certificates, employment
documents etc. should be used for improving convenience to the citizens.
Integration of services and platform: Integrated and interoperable services should be provided
to the citizens and businesses by mandating sharing of data between the online services and
platforms like Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI), Mobile Seva platform etc.
Benefits of e-Governance
The benefits of e-Governance are manifold. Some of them are enlisted below:
Increase in transparency and accountability of the government administration
Cost reduction and growth in the revenue
Improved convenience to the citizens and businesses
Expansion in government outreach
Reduce red-tapism
Improved coordination between the government bodies at various levels
Enhanced efficiency of the government system
Improvement in satisfaction level of the general public with the government services
Empowerment of citizens through information access
Improved interaction with the business entities
Improved quality of citizen services
Better enforcement of law
Reducing digital divide and providing equal access to information
Creation and linkage of local and global online communities
Encourage innovative leadership styles
Promotes economic development by creating an enabling environment
Evolution of e-Governance in India
The origin of e-Governance in India dates back in 1970’s with the initiation of in-house e-
applications in the government areas like elections, census, defence and monitoring of
economic situation of the country(Drishti The Vision Foundation 2019). One of the early steps
towards e-Governance in India was the establishment of the Department of Electronics in the
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year 1970(Drishti The Vision Foundation 2019). Following this, the National Informatics Centre
was established in the year 1977(Drishti The Vision Foundation 2019). By 1980 most of the
Indian government offices were equipped with computers(Kumar, Kumar, and Kumar 2014). In
the year 1987, Government of India took the first remarkable step towards e-Governance by
launching the National Satellite-based computer network NICNET(Drishti The Vision Foundation
2019). Following this, District Information System program was launched by the National
Informatics Centre. Railways office automation also began prior to 1990(International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) 2018). By 1990, the extent of NICNET expanded from state
headquarters to district headquarters(Kumar, Kumar, and Kumar 2014). Between 1990-2006,
various state and individual department level e-initiatives were taken(International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) 2018). In 1998, National task Force on IT was constituted(Suri
and Sushil 2017). In the year 2000, Ministry of Information Technology was established under
the GoI(Kumar, Kumar, and Kumar 2014). In Feb 2002, subsequent to the consitution of High
Power committee related to promotion of IT, the Department of Administrative Reforms and
Public Grievances (DARPG) put forward 12 point ‘Minimum Agenda for e-Governance’ to be
implemented by all government departments(Suri and Sushil 2017).
Finally in the year 2006, Government of India (GoI) approved National e-Governance Plan
(NeGP)(Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India 2018). The
vision of NeGP is to “make all Government services accessible to the common man in his
locality, through Common Service Delivery Outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency &
reliability of such services at affordable costs to realise the basic needs of the common
man”(Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India 2018). National e-
Governance Plan comprises of 31 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs), each of which focus on
specific area like agriculture, health, education etc. Annexure 1 outlines the Mission Mode
Projects (MMPs) under NeGP. The National Portal of India, one of the MMPs under NeGP,
provides single window access to information and services provided by the government
organisations(Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India 2020b).
Under National e-Governance Plan, National e-Governance Services Delivery Gateway (NSDG)
was made operational in April, 2008(Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology,
Government of India 2015c).
In July 2011, Government of India started using mobile platform for the delivery of public
services(Ministry of Communications, Government of India 2015). National Policy on
Information Technology (IT) was approved by the GoI in the year 2012(Ministry of
Communications, Government of India 2012). In the year 2015, Prime Minister Shri Narendra
Modi launched Digital India Programme(Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology,
Government of India 2020a). Digital India is a flagship programme of the Government of India
with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge
economy”(Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India 2020a)“e-
Governance: Reforming Government through Technology” is one of the nine pillars of Digital
India Programme(Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India
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2020a). e-Kranti is another pillar under Digital India initiative with a vision of “Transforming e-
Governance for Transforming Governance”(Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology,
Government of India 2020a). Annexure 2 outlines the 9 pillars of the Digital India Porgramme.
Table 1 outlines some of the e-Governance initiatives taken under Digital India programme.
Annexure 3 outlines some of the policies related to e-Governance in India.
Table 1: e-Governance Initiatives under Digital India
e-Governance Initiative
MyGov: A platform for citizen Engagement towards Good Governance
Aadhaar Authentication Services for E-governance Applications
Common Services Centres (CSCs)
e-Gov App Store
Unified Mobile Application for New-Age Governance (UMANG)
National Scholarships Portal
Open Government Data (OGD) platform for National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy
PRAGATI (Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation)
Digitize India Platform (DIP)
Collaborative Digital Diagnosis System
DARPAN (Dashboard for Analytical Review of Projects Across Nation)
eProcurement Project
Digital Locker System
India Portal
National Data Centre
Public Finance Management System (PFMS)
DigiDhan - Digital Payments
e-Way Bill
Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS)
Rapid Assessment System (RAS)
Digital Government Research Centre (DGRC)
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban)- PMAY(U) portal
NREGASoft: Portal for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
National Rurban Mission (NRuM) portal
Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)-SBM(U) portal
Ref: (Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India 2019)
Union Budget 2020-2021 aims “to achieve seamless delivery of services through Digital
governance(Ministry of Finance, Government of India 2020). Union Budget 2020-2021
proposed various new e-Governance initiatives. These include Government e-Marketplace
(GeM) for procurement of goods, services and works, single window e-logistics market, policy
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for data centre parks throughout the country etc. The vision of Union Budget 2020-2021 is that
“all “public institutions" at Gram Panchayat level such as Anganwadis, health and wellness
centres, government schools, PDS outlets, post offices and police stations will be provided with
digital connectivity”(Ministry of Finance, Government of India 2020).
e-Governance Initiatives in healthcare
National level Initiatives
The idea of introduction of electronic communciation in the health sector was first supported
by the National Health Policy, which was approved by the Parliament of India in the year 1983
and later updated in the year 2002. The National Health Policy 2017 further emphasized the
role of digital technology in the delivery of healthcare services(MInistry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2017). The policy recommended the use of “Aadhaar” as a
unique identification number for the beneficiaries, use of smartphones and National Optical
fibre network for building the National health Information Architecture.
In the year 2015, the MoHFW, GoI proposed setting up of the National E-Health Authority
(NeHA) with the vision to make use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the
delivery of high quality health care services to the citizens of India(Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare, Government of India 2017a). MoHFW has started numerous e-Governance initiatives
in health care sector in India under the division called eHealth division. Table 2 outlines some of
the National-level e-Governance Initiatives in healthcare in India.
Table 2: National level e-Governance Initiatives in Healthcare
Office Automation
MoHFW,GoI has started implementation of e-Office which includes
creation of e-files, e-sign etc. to improve the efficiency of the
government processes(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 2018)
Video Conference facility
MoHFW,GoI has started video conferencing facility in the offices(Ministry
of Health & Family Welfare 2018)
Digital Payments
Under Digital India Programme, digitization of payments has been
initiated in the health sector(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 2018)
Online Services
Government Services
Portal of India
Single window access to 40 Health services provided by GoI(Ministry of
Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India 2005)
National Health Portal
Web based portal that acts as a single point of access to authentic health
related information for citizens of India(Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2016d)
Hospital Management System for delivery of services like patient care,
diagnostics etc. in Government Hospitals in India(Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, Government of India 2019b)
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Online registration
Aadhaar based online registeration system for booking an OPD
appointment, availing services like online diagnostic reports, enquire
availability of blood in any government hospital in India(Ministry of
Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India 2015d)
Central Government
Health Services (CGHS)
Web application implemented in all the wellness centres across the
nation since 2007 for the delivery of Central Government Health Services
(CGHS)(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
Food Safety and
Standards Authority of
GoI website for providing services like issuance of licence, product
approval etc. to food business operators(Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2020a)
National Organ & Tissue
Transplant Organisation
GoI web portal for registration and retrieval for organ/ tissue
transplantation (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of
India 2019b)
Central Drugs Standards
Control Organisation,
Single window access to various stakeholders like Pharmaceutical
Industry, Citizens, Regulators etc. for applications and approvals of drugs,
vaccines, cosmetic products, medical devices, clinical trials and ethics
committee(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
Mera Aspataal
GoI initiative to capture patient feedback for the services received at the
hospital(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
‘Hum Do’ Website
GoI website providing information related to family planning and
guidance on family planning methods(Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2017)
PMSMA portal
Web and android based system with help desk to facilitate Pradhan
Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) programme by (MoHFW),
Government of India under which free of cost ANC care is given to
preganant women on 9
of each month (Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2018)
Online Medical
Counseling & Admission
Online Counselling service by GoI for admission into Under Graduate and
Post Graduate Medical colleges(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India 2015c)
Ayushman Bharat-
Pradhan Mantri Jan
Arogya Yojna Portal
GoI portal providing information and services related to Pradhan Mantri
Jan Arogya Yojna(National Health Authority, Government of India 2018)
Mobile Applications and Services
Swasth Bharat (Disease,
Lifestyle, First Aid)
Android based mobile application that provide reliable information
related to disease conditions, symtptoms, available treatment options,
public health alerts, healthy lifestyle, first aid etc. (Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, Government of India 2016h)
NHP Indradhanush :
Vaccine Tracker
GoI android based mobile application to help parents register and track
immunisations of their children under 16 years of age(Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare, Government of India 2016g)
National Health Portal
Directory Services
Mobile application providing information related to hospitals and blood
banks across India(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of
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India 2016f)
TB Missed Call Initiative
Mobile health service by GoI for providing counselling and treatment to
Tuberculosis (TB) patients(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India 2016b)
GoI mobile initiative that delivers free weekly 72 messages related to
preganancy care, delivery and child care to pregnant women from 2
trimester uptil when child is 1 year of age(Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2016b)
M-Cessation mobile app
GoI android based mobile application to help people quit tobacco for life
(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 2016b)
No More Tension Mobile
“Stress Reliever Application” launched by MoHFW, GoI for providing
information related to stress and its management techniques(Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 2016i)
Mera Aspataal Mobile
GoI mobile app to capture patient feedback for the services received at
the hospital(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan mobile app provides
opoportunity to medical practioners who are in voluntary sector or in
private sector or are retired to provide free ANC care to the pregnant
women at Government healthcare facilities on 9
of every month
(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 2016j)
National Health Helpline
(Doctor on Call)
MoHFW initiative to provide free on call healthcare consultation to
patients across India by a qualified doctor(Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare 2018)
Mobile initiative by MoHFW in collaboration with the WHO and other
partners for the prevention and care of diabetes(Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, Government of India 2015a)
Health Information Dissemination
NHP Health Information
Health information Kiosks are being established in hospitals (so far done
in 17 hospitals) for the purpose of disseminating authentic and reliable
health related information to the citizens(Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare 2018)
NHP Voice Web
National Health Portal developed a 24x7 Toll free Voice Web service for
sharing authentic health information with the citizens(Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare, Government of India 2016c)
Campaigns organized on
Social Media (Twitter,
You Tube)
For instance: Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight, National Breast-
feeding Week, National Nutrition Week etc. (Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, Government of India 2015c)
Process Automation
Hospital Information
System (HIS)
HIS helps in automation of hospital processes like patient registration,
dignostics, drugs, treatment, discharge, follow-up etc. It is functional in
public health facilities upto CHC level(Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2019b)
Drugs and Vaccines
Distribution Management
System (DVDMS)
DVDMS helps in automation of purchase, inventory management and
supply of drugs, surgical items and sutures to warehouses of DH,CHC,
PHC(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 2019b)
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eRakt Kosh
Online system for connecting and streamlining the workflow of all the
licensed blood banks across the nation(Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2019b)
Personal Health Record
Management System
PHRMS provides a platform for patients to upload their health data for
the purpose of storage, easy access and sharing with doctors for seeking
medical advise(Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)
ANM on Line (ANMOL)
ANMOL is a tablet based application used by ANMs to enter data related
to the RCH programme (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India 2019b)
Service Delivery and Tracking
electronic-Health Management Information System (e-HMIS) is a web
based portal functioning across the nation to monitor programmes under
National Health Mission(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India 2019b)
Web based portal by GoI for tracking TB patients and monitoring National
TB programme(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of
India 2019b)
Mother and Child
Tracking System (MCTS)
Web based portal by for tracking pregnant women and children under 5
years of age(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
Ayushman Bharat
Health and Wellness
Centre (HWC) portal
Web portal launched by MoHFW to monitor the delivery of
comprehensive primary healthcare (CPHC) services through the health
and wellness centres across the nation(Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2019a)
CPHC NCD Solution
MoHFW, GoI under the Ayushman Bharat Comprehensive Primary
Healthcare (CPHC) program is undertaking a population-based Non-
communicable diseases (NCDs) program which aims to screen all
individuals above 30 at population level for five noncommunicable
diseases: hypertension, diabetes, oral, breast and cervical cancers. CPHC
NCD Solution helps digitize all the paper records related to the screening
conducted for women and men above 30 years of age(Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare, Government of India 2018a)
Surveillance and Monitoring
Integrated Disease
Surveillance Programme
(IDSP) Portal
Web based portal by GoI for disease surveiilance in the country under
National Health Mission(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India 2009)
Central Dashaboard
Central dashboard is being developed to help monitor key indicators
related to various existing and upcoming National health
programmes(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
Regulations and Standards
National Identification
Number (NIN) to Health
Web portal for registration of health facilities in India and assigning them
a unique permanent National Identification Number (NIN)(Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 2016e)
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Metadata & Data
Standards (MDDS)
Health domain MDDS (Metadata & Data Standards) have been developed
for bringing interoperability between various health IT
applications(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
EHR Standards
EHR (Electronic Health Record) Standards notified in the year 2016 by GoI
include 35 set of standards for clinical terminology, E-prescription, data
encryption, coding etc. (Vikaspedia 2019)
Online Registry of Clinical
Web portal for registration of all types of clinical establishments except
for armed forces(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of
India 2015b)
Capacity Building
Mobile Academy
GoI Mobile initiative to provide free audio courses to train ASHAs on
healthcare service delivery particulary intended to improve their
knowledge base and communication skills (Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2019)
Training Management
Information System
This system helps in the building capacities of healthcare
professionals(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of
India 2019)
NDLM (National digital
Literacy Mission) DISHA
Under this initiative IT training will be provided to 52.5 lakh persons,
which includes ASHA, Anganwadi workers and authorized ration dealers
across the nation(National Institute of Electronics & Information
Technology 2015)
Online Consultation-Telemedicine
National Medical College
Network (NMCN)
NMCN is being established to link all the medical colleges of the nation
for the purpose of establishing e-classrooms, providing teleducation,
Continuous Medical Education (CME) and building capacities(Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 2019)
National Telemedicine
Network (NTN)
NTN is being established across the nation connecting health facilities in
rural areas (SC, PHC, CHC) with the district hospitals and medical college
for providing telemedicine services(Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2019)
SATCOM based
Telemedicine Nodes
Telemedicine nodes are being established at the pilgrimage places for the
pupose of providing speciality consultation, screening of diseases and
providing preventive care to the devotees(Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India 2019)
In July 2018, NITI Aayog, GoI proposed the development of “National Health Stack (NHS)” in the
context of Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Swasthya Suraksha Mission (PMRSSM) under Ayushman
Bharat Yojna(NITI Aayog 2018). NHS would integrate all the health verticals at national and
state levels and intend to create digital health records for Indian citizens by the year 2022.
Union budget 2020-2021 proposed the use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in the
Ayushman Bharat scheme for targeting disease by designing an appropriate preventive
regime(Ministry of Finance, Government of India 2020).
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State Level Initiatives
Some of the state level e-Governance Initiatives in Healthcare are given in Table 3.
Table 3 : State level e-Governance Initiatives in Healthcare
Mother and child tracking system
Web based application for purchase, inventory management and
supply of drugs, sutures and surgical items
Civil Registration system
Ability Gujarat
Web based portal for identification and registration of all the PwDs
(Person with Disability). PwDs are issued “Disability Certificate” with
a unique identification code
School Health Program (SHP)
Web based portal which maintains child and adolescent health
Drug Logistics Information &
Management System (DLIMS)
Database of drug and medical equipment stock
Gujarat Hospital Management
Information System (GHMIS)
Web based portal for monitoring the delivery of health care services
in the government hospitals across the state (District hospitals, Sub-
district hospitals, medical college hospitals)
Blood Bank Management
System (BBMS)
The system provide details of blood banks across the state including
details related to stock, donor etc.
Mukhya Mantri Amrutam(MA)
Online government health care plan for poor and low middle class
Beti Vadhaao
Web based system to monitor child sex ratio and the related issues
in the state
GPS based MHU / MMU
Tracking System
Track and monitor vehicles (MHU/MMU) which provide healthcare
services in hard to reach areas
Birth & Death Entry
Application System (BADEA)
This system helps maintain database of births and deaths in the
Health Information system for Government
Web based application for purchase, inventory management and
supply of drugs, sutures and surgical items
Asha Soft
Online system to monitor ASHA programme and make payment to
Pregnancy, Child Tracking and Health Services Management System
e-Governance initiative to deliver services to the people via CSC
(Common Service Center)
Computerized Human Resource Information System manages
employee data in the organisation
Saghan Nirikshan Abhiyaan
Intensive technology based inspection of all Government hospitals in
the state (DH/SDH/CHC/PHC)
Andhra Pradesh
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State telemedicine pilot project in two urban heath centres, a tele,
ePHC concept
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya
Karyakram (RBSK)
e-healthcare project for monitoring of 4Ds (Defects at birth,
Diseases, Deficiencies and Development Delays including
Disabilities) in children
This initiative entails Tablet PC based MCTS & RCH programme
Mahila Master Health
Checkup (MMHC)/
Mee Arogyam
Under this initiative women above the age of 35 years will be
screnned for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). The software
solution for this programme comprises of a tablet application for the
health workers, the web application for the doctors at secondary
and tertiary levels, and dashboards for the health officials. MMHC is
the next version of Mee Arogyam Primary Health Solution from
This is world bank funded project. As a pre-cursor to eHealth project,
eHospital Management System with Supply Chain Management
(eHMS with SCM) has been conceived. This project cover healthcare
services for end to end Hospital Management System and generates
a unique patient identifier called “CR – Central Registration”
Tamil Nadu
Hospital Management System
Web based portal for monitoring the delivery of health care services
in the hospitals across the state
State Health Data Resource
Centre (SHDRC)
Central repository of healthcare data in the state
Cash Assistance to Pregnant
and delivered mothers
e-health programme for online implementation of Dr. Muthulakshmi
Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme (MRMBS) in the state
Pregnancy and Infant Cohort
Monitoring and Evaluation
This system helps monitoring of pregnant women from the time of
their registration until the child is 1 year of age
Human Resource Management Information System maintains
information related to health department’s employee
Tablet based application given to ANMs for monitoring their work
plan, activities and service delivery related to RCH
Tablet based application with IEC content available for training of
ANMs and ASHAs
To promote cleanliness and improve hygiene status and quality of
healthcare facilities
Nearest Health Facility
e-health initiative to locate and navigate to nearest health facility
e-Drug Indenting System
Online system for upholding requirements related to drugs by
healthcare facilities, mointors monthly drug stock, and equipment
Drug Procurement and Distribution Management Information
System for monitoring and control of procurement & distribution of
drugs, medicines, vaccines
CGMSC-Drug Info
Mobile app that gives information on drug stock, expiry, etc.
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Warehouse Information
System (WIS)
Information system to monitor the receipts, returns, transfer, expiry,
and ensure quality of batches etc.
Health Infrastructure
Management Information
System (HIMIS)
Web based application giving information on onging work related to
health infrastructure eg. sanctioned amount, administrative
approval, physical work progress of building etc.
Web and android based system for reporting of infectious diseases
Uttar Pradesh
Drugs & Vaccine Distribution
Management system (DVDMS)
Drug Procurement & Inventory Control System (DPICS) which is
currently running across Uttar Pradesh district hospitals will migrate
to DVDMS for end to end supply chain management
Uttar Pradesh HMIS
Web based portal for monitoring the delivery of health care services
in the government hospitals across the state (District hospitals, Sub-
district hospitals, medical college hospitals)
Human Resource
Management System HRMS
Human Resource Management System maintains information
related to health departments employee
ASHA Mobile Application
Mobile application that help ASHAs do case management, counsel
and referrals
Sangini Supportive Supervision
This application helps ASHA sangini in supporting and improving
their interaction with ASHA workers
Mobile application that helps record maternal and infant data in real
time and thus facilitate client based tracking, reinforcing learning,
and strengthening counselling efforts during home visits by ASHA
Hospital Information System -
Web based portal for monitoring the delivery of health care services
in the hospitals
Mobile Kunji academy
Audio-visual aid to deliver key health messages to the masses for
better understanding and to improve communication between the
government and public
RMNCH Dashboard
This contains data from various Indicators related to RMNCH
Progamme for decision making purposes
Pyaribitiya PC & PNDT
Website managed by the Department of Medical, Health and Family
Welfare, Uttar Pradesh in support of Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal
Diagnostic Techniques (Sex Selection Prohibited) Act
RBSK - Resource Planning
System for Ghaziabad District
This system maintains Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)
health checkup records
Hosla Sajheedari
An initiative to engage private healthcare providers in government
family planning services
Source: (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 2016a; Sidhu Jasvinder
Challenges to e-Governance
Implementation of e-Governance is quite challenging in India because of the various social,
political, operational and technological issues. Some of the key challenges are outlined below:
Huge population of India with majority residing in rural areas
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e-Governance in healthcare sector in India Page 20
Use of local language: India is a multi-lingual nation with 22 official languages
Lack of Infrastructure facilities like electricity, internet etc. especially in the rural areas
High cost of e-Governance initiatives
Digital Divide: between urban-rural, rich-poor, male-female, users and non-users of e-
govt. services
Multi-party and Multi-tiered Government
Issues related to privacy and security of data
Issues related to awareness of e-Governance
Issues related to accessibility and affordability of e-Governance
e-Governance has to be citizen-friendly. Delivery of services to citizens is considered a primary
function of the government. In a democratic nation of over one billion people like India, e-
Governance should enable seamless access to information and seamless flow of information
across the state and central government in the federal set up. No country has so far
implemented an e-Governance system for one billion people. It is a big challenge before us”
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of India
Conclusion and recommendations
The government of India has taken remarkable steps towards implementation of e-Governance
in India. However, the deployment of e-Governance on scale and especially at the grass root
level needs careful strategic approach. It is recommended: 1) to identify and analyse grass root
realities before implementation of e-Governance initiatives in rural areas; 2) to develop citizen-
centric approach in implementation of e-Governance; 3) to build effective mechanisms to train
and build capacities of the involved stakeholders; 4) build strategic alliances across
organizations to tackle the challenges related to digital divide; 5) to follow centralized initiative
and decentralized implementation approach; 6) use cloud computing for e-Governance
applications; 7) to conduct sensitization workshops to promote e-Governance initiatives; 8) to
implement e-Governance initiatives through regional languages; 9) to promote partnerships
between public sector, private sector, donors and civil society; and 10) to make public aware of
the benefits of the e-Governance initiatives.
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Annexure 1: Mission Mode Projects under National e-Governance Plan
Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) under National e-Governance Plan
Central MMPs
State MMPs
Integrated MMPs
Central Excise & Customs
Income Tax (IT)
Immigration, Visa and
Foreigners Registration&
Commercial Taxes
Employment Exchange
Land Records(NLRMP)
Road Transport
Treasuries Computerization
EDI For eTrade
National e-governance Service
Delivery Gateway
India Portal
Source: Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. 2018. “National
E-Governance Plan.” 2018. https://meity.gov.in/divisions/national-e-governance-plan.
Annexure 2: Nine Pillars of Digital India
Nine Pillars of Digital India
Broadband Highways
Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity
Public Internet Access Programme
e-Governance- Reforming Governance through technology
e-Kranti- electronic delivery of services
Information for all
Electronics manufacturing
IT for jobs
Early Harvest Programmes
Source: Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. 2020a. “About
Digital India.” 2020. https://www.digitalindia.gov.in/.
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Annexure 3: Policies for e-Governance in India
Policies for e-Governance in India
Legal Framework
IT Act, 2000
Program Level
National e-Governance Plan (2006)
Policy on Open Standards (2010)
National Policy on IT (2012)
Digital India (2014)
e-Kranti Framework (2015)
Policy on adoption of Open Source Software for GoI (2015)
Framework for Adoption of Open Source Software in e-
Governance Systems (2015)
Policy on Open Application Interface (API) for GoI (2015)
Policy on use of IT Resources of GoI
Domain Level Policies
Standards for e-Governance
Framework for Mobile Governance (2012)
Framework for Social Media (2012)
Citizen Engagement Framework (2012)
e-Pramaan: Framework for e-Authentication (2012)
Open Data (2012)
GI Cloud (2013)
e-Kranti Principles
Policy on Collaborative Application Development by opening the
source code of Govt. Applications
Application Development & Re-Engineering Guidelines for cloud
Ready Applications
International Telecommunication Union (ITU). 2018. “Smart Governance: E-Governance and
Citizen Services.” https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Regional-