IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.22 No.9, September 2022
Manuscript received September 5, 2022
Manuscript revised September 20, 2022
Mushir: An Arabic Edutainment Application For Deaf and Hard of
Hearing Children Using Real-time Image Processing
Haya Alnasif
, Lujain Alyahya
, Haifa Alromaih
, Ghada Alhelal
, Nada Barnawi
, Arwa Altamim
Sarah Albassam
King Saud University, Information Systems Department, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Education is an essential stage of children lives. Children with special nee
ds (deaf and hard hearing) may encounter challenges and need more assist
ant in their education journey. Recent technology could be utilized to impr
ove the deaf and hard hearing children learning experience. For these reaso
ns, this paper proposed “Mushir” an Arabic application that targets deaf an
d hard of hearing children from four to seven years old. "Mushir" aims to i
ncrease child knowledge and enthusiasm for learning letters, numbers, sha
pes, and colors in Arabic sign language. In addition, the child can examine
the knowledge he achieves by playing two different games. The first gam
e is a multiple-choices questions. The second game utilized image processi
ng technology by applying real-time processing for the camera senses. In t
his game the child will be asked to open the camera and indicate a movem
ent of his/her hand in sign language.
Real-time image processing, deaf and hard of hearing, children, Arabic
1. Introduction
As we all know, "Education in childhood is like
engraving on stone," so one of the most important things that
must be considered for a child's life is education. With
education, our nation will rise and evolve. Preschool
education is a remarkable stage full of energy and
excitement that should be considered by deaf children's
parents; learning the basics at this stage might positively
affect the children in advanced stages [1].
The dilemma is that education opportunities differ from
child to child, especially for people with special needs (deaf
and hard of hearing) because they have much fewer learning
opportunities than healthy kids do, so they need more care
in their education and future. Technology changed
everything; since the internet started spreading, learning has
become different, so we have to take advantage of it for
people with special needs. Not being attentive to this part of
society (children with special needs deaf and hard of hearing)
caused a lack of educational applications for children with
special needs in Arabic sign language. Most of the
applications available focused on communication purposes
or apps that educate people in sign language [2]. Therefore,
to support their educational journey and encourage them to
learn an educational and entertaining application is proposed.
Mushir aims to support deaf and hard of hearing children
in learning basics such as letters, numbers, shapes, and
colors in Arabic sign language (ARSL) using image-
processing techniques to make the application more
interactive. Arabic sign language (ARSL) is a full natural
language that used by the deaf in Arab countries to
communicate in their community. Unfamiliarity with this
language increases the isolation of deaf people from society.
This language has a different structure, word order, and
lexicon than Arabic. The translation between ARSL and
Arabic is a complete machine translation challenge because
the two languages have different structures and grammars
2. Literature Review
2.1 Related Studies
Technology plays an important role in our society,
especially in the field of education. It is quite regrettable that
children, particularly the deaf, still face many challenges in
acquiring an education. Their learning methods are different
as compared to hearing people. They use Sign Language (SL)
rather than natural language to communicate and learn [4].
In this literature review, we are going to discuss the
difficulties that deaf and hard of hearing children face and
how technology can make a huge difference in educating
them. In the work presented in [5], Al-Megren and Almutairi
elicited the user requirements for the development of an
augmented reality (AR) application that supports the literacy
development of Arab children who are hearing impaired.
The findings indicated that the parents and teachers
preferred Arabic SL (ARSL), pictures, and videos, whereas
the children struggled with ARSL and preferred
fingerspelling. These preferences highlighted the
importance of integrating various resources to strengthen the
written Arabic and ARSL literacy of Arab children. It also
showed the importance of establishing requirements elicited
directly from intended users to support their learning process.
The study results were used in the preliminary development
of Word & Sign, an AR mobile application intended to aid
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.22 No.9, September 2022
Arab children who are hearing impaired in their linguistic
Komal Parvez et al [4] developed a mobile application
for learning basic mathematical concepts using Pakistan
Sign Language (PSL), and the objective was to determine
the effectiveness of the application. The study bridged the
gap between the technology-based method and conventional
teaching methods. The sample was 192 deaf participants
aged 5–10 years. They were divided into two groups; one
group learned through conventional methods (flashcards and
board) and the other group through the developed mobile
application. The difference in the performance of both
groups was evaluated by conducting quizzes. The findings
revealed that the Experimental Group (EG) participants,
who were instructed by the mobile application showed
higher proficiency in the quizzes as compared to the Control
Group (CG). CG participants took 20 min longer than EG
participants to complete the quizzes. The results showed that
the quiz scores were directly affected by the mode of
teaching used for participants in both groups.
Bouzid et al [6] aimed to examine the deaf learners' interest
in using an educational game for learning the sign language
notation system Signwriting. The results found indicated
that, overall, the application is useful, enjoyable, and easy to
use. The game can stimulate the students' interest in learning
such as notations. Alnafjan et al [7] describe the design and
the development of an iOS application. The application
provides the chance for children with difficult hearing, ages
7-12, to learn about basic Islamic tenets like ablution (Al-
Wudu), daily prayer (Salah), and supplication (Al-Adhkar)
using the Arabic Sign Language (ARSL).
2.2 Related Applications
SignLang : is an iOS application (iPhone and iPad)
designed for all ages who want to learn about the
American Manual Alphabet (AMA). It uses real-time
image processing hand shape and motion trackers to
recognize sign language. The application has a simple
interface with two sections, and there is an option to
choose the left or right hand. the training section shows all
letters in the sign language at the bottom of the screen. The
user can select any letter to see it as an alphabet and try to
shape it with his/her hand using the camera and it shows
the user the percent of matching to the letter. In the
challenge section, the user will start the challenge when
entering the section with a timer of one minute and they
have to answer questions as possible as they can [8].
ASL Kids : Is an application that works on IOS and
Android systems provide a set of American Sign
Language (ASL) dictionary to help deaf and hard of
hearing children to learn and examine their knowledge. It
includes fingerspelling letters where the child can see the
letters and its corresponding hand sign. In addition, when
a child tests his/her knowledge, a gif picture is provided
for sign language movements. In addition, a multiple
choice quizzes are provided. The application teaches
children signs about various subjects like family, colors,
animals, etc. An audio button option is available if needed
to hear how a word is pronounced to stimulate speech and
hearing. [9].
Hands on ASL : Is an application available for both iOS
and Android. It aims to teach children the communication-
basics using the American Sign Language alphabet
interactively uses 3D hand models that can be rotated from
all angles. The application targets children from the age of
4 and up. It provides quizzes of varying difficulties and
allows learners to choose the level to test their knowledge.
Baby sign dictionary : Is an application works on IOS and
Android systems. Edutainment is provided in a set of
different options, chosen based on the child's interests
such as work words, animals, daily routines, feelings and
emotions, food, morals, behavior, and nature - all arranged
alphabetically for quick and easy searches. Moreover, the
child can see an image, replay a video tutorial for each
sign, and learn sign language movement with a voice
where it describes instructions on sign language
movement and how to do it in detail. Furthermore, the
application also comes with a fun interactive video quiz
and voice button if needed. [11].
Educational letters for deaf : Is an educational application
for Android targets deaf aged 6-8 and enables them to
learn the Signal alphabet in several entertainments’ ways
using multimedia, such as attractive colors, graphics, and
shapes. It also includes simple games that enable children
to understand the letters with an example. The app
supports Arabic and English [12].
2.3 Discussion
Early childhood learning of sign language for deaf and
hard of hearing children results in increasing their knowledge
and improving their confidence. Mushir application will help
Deaf and hard of hearing children to be able to communicate
freely with everyone, learn easily in school and to be
involved more in the society.
The applications reviewed above raised our knowledge
and awareness of the most important features and
characteristics that should considered in edutainment
applications, such as attractive design and variety of displays.
The reviewed applications have many features, but they also
come with limitations. Some of the most common limitations
are: many of these applications do not support Arabic
language, lack of a reward system and they do not support
image processing. In contrast, Mushir application provides
all these features.
3. Problem Definition
Many people in the Arab world suffer from various
disabilities and difficulties. In Saudi Arabia, the General
Authority for Statistics stated in 2017 that people with
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.22 No.9, September 2022
hearing difficulties reached 1.4% of its population [13], and
this category constitutes a large proportion of sign language
users. In particular, the number of Saudis aged five and over
who use sign language is (27748) person. There is no doubt
that children make up a large part of this group.[14]
Children with disabilities in our Arab world, specially the
deaf and hard of hearing, may face some challenges in their
educational journey. Like other children aged 4-7 years, they
need to be prepared to enter school. They are in the stage of
having some basic knowledge of letters, numbers, shapes,
colors, etc.
The educational process is witnessing a lot of progress and
development. Technology and entertainment in our time are
an essential part of education [15]. Children with speech and
hearing disabilities lack Arabic entertainment educational
programs that meet and emulate their needs [2].
Our application Mushir aims to provide suitable means
of education that contribute effectively to deaf and hard of
hearing children’s’ education. Also, to develop children's
capabilities and experiences and prepare them to join their
school community.
The application consists of four categories the child can
learn from which are: letters, numbers, shapes, and colors.
Each of these categories has two sections, learn lesson and
play game sections. Thus, the child learns and then tests
what has been learned through an entertaining game. The
child interacts with the game using image processing or by
choosing the correct answer. In each of the four categories,
there are stages to motivate the child to overpass these stages
and complete the game. In addition, the application allows
the parent to add their emails to receive periodical feedback
about their child progress.
Our project's primary goal is to develop an Arabic
educational entertainment application for deaf and hard of
hearing preschoolers to teach them learning basics such as:
letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. In a comfortable,
interactive, and age-appropriate way by taking into
consideration, their needs. [16].
Main Objectives:
Help deaf and hard of hearing children to learn the basics
at an early age.
Enhance children's Sign language in a playful way,
applying learning with fun strategies to raise their
Help parents in supporting the learning of their deaf or
hard of hearing children and follow their progress.
Integrate the entertainment factor with education to
improve the child's skills and ability to obtain more
Build a usable, user-friendly application that expanding
children's perception, improving their language,
enhancing their imagination.
4. Application Development
This section shows how we developed the application,
starting with information gathering strategies, design of the
application, user interfaces, implementation and finally
testing the application
4.1 Information Gathering
To get a better understanding of our targeted audience,
we conducted two interviews one with a special-needs
education supervisor, Raed Algofily, and the other with a
certified trainer in Arabic sing language Khaloofa Alshehri,
who is also a deaf person. The goal was to understand deaf
children’ needs and utilize modern technology to satisfy
these needs. Thus, improve the outcome of our project.
The interview revealed that often deaf children lack the prior
knowledge about letters and numbers, if they were not enroll
in kindergarten unless there are interest and initiative from
their parents, and this is rare among deaf children. In
addition, we wanted to know how technology can contribute
to the education of deaf and hard of hearing children, and we
got an interesting answer. Technology reduces burden and
time due to children's need for casual learning, the
technology makes it easier for parents who are not skilled in
sign language to teach their children sign language as well
as learning it themselves.
Besides the interviews, we have conducted a
questionnaire using Google Forms, targeting the parents of
deaf and hard-of-hearing children who speak Arabic in
Saudi Arabia and 195 responded to our survey. The responds
we received inspired us to be creative in designing Mushir
to meet the children needs.
In particular, the survey results highlighted the importance
of educational application in raising children cognitive level.
It also indicated the parents’ preference to have the
educational materials presented in an entertaining way. The
results also confirm the shortage of an interactive Arabic
application targeting deaf children.
Finally, the questionnaire participants mentioned some
features and suggestions for the application to be more
attractive and motivational for the children. Some of these
features are: the ease of use, interaction by adding voice
feature to the application and providing the content in Arabic
language. We considered those suggestions in our
construction and development of the application.
4.2 System Design
Mushir is designed as an educational and entertaining
application that helps deaf and hard of hearing children aged
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.22 No.9, September 2022
from four to seven years learning basics sign language. The
application applies image-processing techniques to make the
application more interactive and it is in Arabic language. As
the application targets children, the design and the
application interfaces are very important. The theme we have
applied is “sky & clouds”, which will add flamboyance to the
application and a bird character designed to guide the child
throughout the application. The application consist of four
categories the child can learn from which are: letters,
numbers, shapes, and colors. Each of these categories has two
sections, learn lesson and play game sections. Thus, the child
learns and then tests what has been learned through an
entertaining game. The child interacts with the game using
image processing or by choosing the correct answer. In each
of the four categories, there are stages to motivate the child
to overpass these stages and complete the game. In addition,
the application allows the parent to add their emails to receive
a periodical feedback about their child progress.
Mushir is an application based on real-time image
processing technology, so the proposed architecture is client
and server architecture. In three-tier client-server
architectures, there are three main layers located on three
different machines: user interface, application server, and
database server. Each of these layers has specific roles and
responsibilities. The first layer is the user interface, which is
the layer where the users would have direct interaction with
the application. The second layer is the application server
which is the processing level acting as a bridge to connect the
application logic with the database servers' data. The third
layer is the database server the data level, has the primary
responsibility of storing all the data in a database server.
Since the layers separate the logical elements from the
physical servers, it would be much easier to be maintained.
Mushir application is based on client and server architecture
to deal with storage. It requires information from an external
source that works as a server, which is the image recognition
API, which helps obtain sufficient information for the
functionality that the application performs.
4.3 User Interfaces
This part presents a sample of screen shots in Mushir
application to illustrate the user interface design (Fig. 1 to 10).
Fig.8. Play Game with
"Image Processing”.
Fig.3. Home Page, a Nice
Home Page that Contains
the Cate
Fig.4. Select section
Page, Appears after the
user Choose Cate
Fig.2. Registration Page,
the user has to Enter his
Fig.5. Learn lesson Page,
A List according to the
selected category Appears
for the user to Choose
Fig.6. Lesson Page,
Where the Child Learns
and Understand the
Fig.7. Stages Page, a
Bunch of Different Stages
in the Play Game Section.
Fig.9. Play Game by
Choosing the Answer.
Fig.10. Child
progress, Shows the
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.22 No.9, September 2022
4.4 System implementation
Implementation of Mushir developed in an Android
Studio environment with Java programming language. Java
was chosen since the team was familiar with the language and
because it includes multiple resources to help in
implementing functions. The application interfaces
implemented using Figma, which is a cloud-based UI and UX
design application that can be used to create websites and
To run the application and ensure the functions work
properly, Mushir team used an Android virtual device
provided by Android Studio and Samsung mobile. Moreover,
Mushir is connected to a real-time Firebase database that
store users’ information and category content. The Firebase
Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that
lets you store and sync between users in real-time. Therefore,
the exchange of data to and from the database is easy and fast.
In the beginning, the application starts to run the login
page, so the user can log in or register if he/she does not have
an account. Then the user will reach the home page, which
contains four categories, and they are divided into (letters -
numbers - shapes - colors), through which the child can
choose. The child can choose the play section or the learning
section. The child can learn from the content of the category
he/she has chosen. In addition, the child can play in two
different ways the question can be answered by either
opening the camera then indicating the pose of his/her hand
in sign language using real-time image processing
technology, or through the multiple-choice answers.
4.5 Image processing implementation
The implementation of Mushir application began by
building an Arabic sign language detector using Python
libraries and TensorFlow object detection API that is a
foundation library that can be used to create Deep Learning
models [16]. First, we start by cloning a real-time object
detection repository from GitHub to leverage transfer
learning and the training code inside of the repository. Then,
we collect images using OpenCV (Open-Source Computer
Vision Library) which is an open-source computer vision and
machine learning software library [17]. Editing Python code
was by using Jupyter Notebook, which allows us to create
and share documents that contain live code [18].
Then we label the images by using the LabelImg package,
which is a free open-source tool for graphically labeling
images written in Python to draw detection boxes against the
different sign language poses. After labeling the images, we
split them into training and testing partitions using the
Holdout method, which is randomly partitioning the data into
two independent sets for training, and testing [19].
Then we generate two TensorFlow records for training
and testing, then we train the deep learning model in
command promote. After the model trained, we test the
trained model with the webcam called Jupyter Notebook.
After the model worked properly, we change the file format
from TensorFlow to TensorFlow lite which is a set of tools
to help developers run TensorFlow models on mobile to
allow us to link the model into Android studio and integrate
it with the rest of the code [20].
4.6 System evaluation and testing
We perform system testing to uncover the errors in our
system and ensure that our application performs accordingly
to our specification. First, we begin with the unit testing
where each component in the system is tested individually.
After that, we conduct the user acceptance testing in the real-
world scenarios with our targeted users.
User Acceptance Testing is a phase of testing where the
system is being tested by targeted end-users to determine
whether the software can be accepted or not. We conducted
our test on 4 Arabic deaf and hard of hearing preschool
children and one parent for a child, their age ranges from 4 to
7 years old. The table below shows the User Acceptance
Testing results and the given feedback.
Table 1: User Acceptance Testing
Aljwharah bint Abdullaziz
Signup 0 00:58:90 Pass
Login 0 00:24:13 - Pass
0 00:19:44 - Pass
0 00:14:58 - Pass
0 00:25:54 - Pass
0 00:13:08 - Pass
0 00:55:19 - Pass
0 00:20:03 - Pass
0 00:09:08 - Pass
0 00:23:37 - Pass
0 00:24:48 - Pass
0 00:12:44
ﺢﺻ "
“wow it
Play voice 0 00:09:05 - Pass
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.22 No.9, September 2022
View hint 0 00:01:50
and the
voice is
0 00:22:58 - Pass
by email
0 00:40:03
ﻩﻭﻭﺃ "
ﺔﻧﺍﺎﻨ ﻲﻠﻜﺷ
“Oh it
that I am
a genius
of this
0 00:02:04 - Pass
The test results indicates that the application functions
worked as expected. The users found Mushir application
very educative, enjoyable, and useful. Also, they liked play
simulation game the most.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed Mushir an Arabic application
that targets deaf and hard of hearing children from the age of
four to seven years old. The application consists of four
categories that enables the child to learn from: letters,
numbers, shapes, and colors. Each of these categories has two
sections, learn lesson and play game sections. Thus, the child
learns and then tests what has been learned through an
entertaining game. The child interacts with the game using
image processing or by choosing the correct answer. In each
of the four categories, there are stages to motivate the child
to overpass these stages and complete the game. In addition,
the application allows the parent to add their emails to receive
periodical feedback about their child progress. We seek to be
the best choice for all parents of the deaf and hard of hearing
children, and that we enrich the Arabic content for pre-school
applications for deaf and hard of hearing children.
6. Future Work
One of the challenges Mushir faced was finding people to
make interview with due to COVID-19 restrictions. So it took
time to find the right people. Mushir application have only
four categories to learn and play games and support only a
single game player. Also, its currently available only to
Android users, and due to these limitations, Mushir team
looking forward expanding the application to cover more
categories like family, food, nature, animals etc. Also, the
application will support two or more game players and will
be compatible with the iOS environment.
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