Writing Tips for Ph. D. Students
John H. Cochrane
Graduate School of Business
University of Chicago
5807 S. Woodlawn
Chicago IL 60637.
773 702 3059.
June 8, 2005
Always put your contact info on the front page so that people can nd y our paper and send
you comments! It’s the 21st century get a web page. If your p aper is ready for a faculty member
to read it, it should be on your webpage. Put the date on the paper so people know if they are
reading a new version.
I thank Toby Mosk owitz for helpful comments.
1 Organization
Figure out the one central and novel contribution of your paper. Write this down in one
paragraph. As with all your writing, this must be concrete. Don’t write “I analyzed data
on executive compensation and found many interesting results.” Explain what the central
results are. For example, Fama and French 1992 start their abstract with: “Two easily
measured variables, size and book-to-market equit y, com bine to capture the cross-sectional
variation in average stock returns associated with market β, size, leverage, book-to-market
equity, and earnings-price ratios.”
Distilling your one central contribution will tak e some thought. It will cause some pain,
because you will start to realize how m u ch y ou’re going to have to throw out. Once you do
it, though, y ou’re in a much better position to focus the paper on that one contribution, and
help readers to get it quickly.
Your readers are busy and impatient. No reader will ever read the whole thing from start
to nish. Readers skim. You have to make it easy for them to skim. Most readers want to
know your basic result. Only a few care how it is dierent from others. Only a few care if
it holds up with dierent variable denitions, dierent instrument sets, etc.
Organize the paper in “triangular” or “newspaper” style, not in “jok e” or “novel” style.
Notice how newspapers start with the most important part, then ll in background later for
the readers who k ept going and want more details. A good joke or a m ystery novel has a
long windup to the nal punchline. Don’t write papers like that put the punchline right
up front and then slowly explain the joke. Readers don’t stick around to nd the punchline
in Table 12.
The vast majority of Ph.D. studen t papers and workshop presen tations (not all by stu-
dents!) get this exactly wrong, and we neve r really nd out what the contribution of the
paper is until the last page, the last table, and the last 5 minutes of the seminar.
A good paper is not a travelogue of your search process. We don’t care ho w you came to
gure out the right answer. We don’t care about the hundreds of things you tried that did
Most journals allow 100-150 words. Obey this limit now. The main function of the
abstract is to communicate the one central and novel con tribution, which y o u just gured
out. Youshouldnotmentionotherliteraturein the abstract. Like everything else, the
abstract must be concrete. Say what you nd, not what you look for. Here too, don’t write
“data are analyzed, theorems are proved, discussion is made..”
The introduction should start with what you do in this paper, the major contribution.
You must explain that contribution so that people can understand it. Don’t just state your
conclusion: “My results show that the pecking-order theory is rejected.” Give the fact behind
that result. “In a regression of x on y, controlling for z, the coecient is q.”
The rst sentence is the hardest. Do not start with philosophy, “Financial economists
ha ve long w o ndered if markets are ecient.” Do not start with “The nance literature has
long been interested in x.” Your paper must be interesting on its own, and not just because
lots of other people w asted space on the subject. Do not start with a long motivation of
ho w important the issue is to public policy. All of this is known to writers as “clearing your
throat.” It’s a waste of space. Start with your central con tribution.
Three pages is a good upper limit for the introduction.
I don’t write a “roadmap” paragraph: “Section 2 sets out the model, section 3 discusses
identication, section 4 give s the main results, section 5 checks for robustness, section 6
concludes.” It seems a waste of space; readers will gure it out when they get there and
I save a paragraph against the editor’s page count. Make your own mind up about this
question; but realize it’s not mandatory.
Literature review
Do not start your introduction with a page and a half of other literature. First, your
readers are most interested in just guring out what you do. They can’t start wondering if
it’s better than what others have done until they understand what you do. Sec ond, most
readers do not kno w the literature. It’s going to be hard enough to explain your paper in
simple terms; good luc k explaining everyone else’s too.
After you’ve explained y our contribution, then y ou can write a brief literature review.
Make it a separate section of otherwise set it o sopeoplecanskipitwhoarentinterested.
Remember, it will be very hard for people to understand how your paper is dierent from
others’ given that they don’t understand your paper yet, and most of them have not read
the other papers.
Be generous in your citations. You do not have to say that ev eryone else did it all wrong
for y our approach and improv ements to be interesting.
Literature reviews have gotten way out of hand. It is not necessary to cite every single
paper in the literature or to write a Journal of Economic Literature style review. The main
point of the literature review should be to set your paper o against the 2 or 3 closest
current papers, and to give proper credit to people who deserve priority for things that
might otherwise seem new in your paper. Some people worry a lot about strategic citations;
choosing citations to hint to editors who they should assign as referees and adding loads of
citations to make sure referees see themselves. Whatever one thinks of these practices, we
canagreeyoushouldgetridofalltheu in the nal version.
Body of the paper
Your task now is to get to the central result as fast as possible. Most papers do precisely
the opposite: They have a long motivation, a long literature review, a big complex model
that then gets ignored, descriptive statistics, preliminary results, a side discussion or t wo
and then nally Table 12 of “main estimates.” By then we’re all asleep.
Here’s the rule: There should be nothing before the main result that a reader does not
need to know in or der to understand the main result.
In most papers, the “main result” is empirical. There may be some theory or a model,
but if you (or the editor!) ask “does this paper expand our knowledge of economic theory?,”
the answer is “no.” The theory is there to help understand the empirical work. Following
the rule, then, the theory must be the minimum required for the reader to understand the
empirical results.
Do not write a “general” model and then “for the empirical work, we now specialize the
general shock process to an AR(1), we use only 2 rms rather than a continuum, we assume
agents have quadratic utility,” etc. Work out only the specialized model that you actually
take to data.
Empirical work
Start with the main result. Do not do warmup exercises, extensive data description
(especially of w ell-known datasets), preliminary estimates, replication of others’ work. Do
not motivate the specication that worked with all your failures. If any of this is really
important, it can come afterwards or in an appendix.
You will mightily resist this advice. If you can’t follow it, at least do not put anything
before the main result that a reader does not need to know in order to understand the main
Follow the main result with graphs and tables that give intuition, showing how the main
result is a robust feature of compelling stylized facts in the data. Follow that with limited
responses to potential criticisms and robustness checks. Most of those should end up in your
web appendix.
Really, a conclusions section should not be necessary. If you did a good job of explaining
your contribution in understandable prose in the introduction, and then documen ting those
claims in the body of the paper, (writing in good triangular style), then saying it all over
again is pointless. I tried omitting the conclusions section a few times, though, and this was
too radical for editors and referees. It is truethatsomepeopleskiptotheconclusionto
look for the main result, but that’s because they are used to authors who don’t explain it
well enough in the introduction.
Thus, conclusions should be short and sweet. Do not restate all of your ndings. One
statement in the abstract, one in the introduction and once more in the body of the text
should be enough! You can include a short paragraph or two ac knowledging limitations,
suggesting implications beyond those in the paper. Keep it short though don’t write your
grant application here outlining all of your plans for future research. And don’t speculate;
the reader wants to know your facts not y our opinions.
Appendices are a great tool. Take that delicious section that has so many insightful
comments on the literature, the general version of the model, the 57 robustness exercises
that you did, and dump them in to an appendix. This is a good way to get them out of the
paper. Eventually you’ll dump them out of the appendix too.
Seriously, careful authors, referees and critics often want to document that the main result
is robust to various other ways of doing things. You have to do that, but once you’ve veried
that it does not make that much dierence and you’ve found the one best way of doing
things in y our main result, it isn’t worth space in the paper to present all the checks and
variations. Appendices are a great way to solve this problem, and you can just summarize
all the things you did in the paper. You can put the appendix on your and the journal’s
website. (“Bond risk premia” with Monika Piazzesi is an example of a web-appendix gone
Keep it short
Keep the paper as short as possible. Every word must count. As you edit the paper ask
yourself constantly, “can I make the same point in less space?” and “Do I really have to say
this?” Final papers should be no more than 40 pages. Drafts should be shorter. (Do as I
say, not as I do!) Shorter is better.
Don’t repeat things. In other words, if you’ve said it once, you don’t have to say it again.
Most of all, it uses up extra space and reader’s patience to have to see the same poin t made
over and over again. So, once again, repetition is really a bad idea. (Get the picture?!) “In
other words” is a sign of trouble. Go back and say it once, right.
General points
Follow the rule rst describe what y ou do, then explain it, compare it to alternatives,
and compare it to others’ procedures” at the micro level as well as the macro level. For
example, in describing a data transformation, just start with, say, “I adjust income by the
square root of household size”. Then tell us wh y adjusting is important, and then talk about
dierent adjustment functions. Most writers do all this in the reverse order.
Previews and recalls are a good sign of poor organization. “As w e will see in Table 6”
“Recall from section 2” “this result previews the extra analysis of section 4” all often mean
you didn’t put things in the right order.
Strive for precision. Read each sentence carefully. Does each sentence say something,
Document y our work. A fellow graduate student must be able to sit down with your
paper and all alone reproduce every number in it from instructions given in the paper, and
any print or web appendices. The usual student paper falls short here. There is a sea of
verbiage, but I can’t gure out how the central table of results was computed, how standard
errors were computed, how a simulation was conducted, etc.
Simple is better. Most students think they have to dress up a paper to look impressive.
The exact opposite is true: The less math used, the better. The simpler the estimation
technique, the better.
Don’t use footnotes for parenthetical comments. If it’s importan t, put it in the text. If
it’s not important, delete it. Parenthetical comments in footnotes usually mean you haven’t
organized your ideas; you haven’t gured out where to put this thought in a proper linear
sequence. Do you really want the reader to stop and read this? Then it should be in the
text. Do you think the average reader should not stop? Then delete the footnote. Obviously,
lots of parenthe ses are just as bad as lots of footnotes.
Use footnotes only for things that the typical reader genuinely can skip, but a few readers
might want to have attached to the current point. Long lists of references, simple bits of
algebra, or other documentation are good candidates for footnotes.
Each table should have a self-contained caption so that a skimming reader can understand
the fact presented without hav ing to go searching through the text for things lik e the deni-
tions of Greek letters. Don’t go nuts here; some captions are longer than the paper. In my
opinion, y ou can lea ve out details of variable construction and similar items. “Book/market
ratio” is ne; you don’t have to tell me that you got book values in June from Compustat.
The goal is to allow a skimming reader to understand the table, not to substitute for the
detailed docum entation that must be in the paper somewhere.
The caption of a regression table should have the regression equation and the name of
the variables, especially the left hand variable.
No number should appear in a table that is not discussed in the text. You don’t have to
mention each number separately; “Row 1 of Table 3 shows a u-shaped pattern” is ok. “Table
5 shows summary statistics” (period) is not ok. If it’s not worth writing about in the text,
it’s not worth putting in the table.
Use the correct number of signicant digits, not whatever the program spits out. 4.56783
with a standard error of 0.6789 should be 4.6 with a standard error of 0.7. Two to three
signicant digits are plenty for almost all economics and nance applications.
Use sensible units. Percentages are good. If you can report a number as 2.3 rather than
0.0000023, that’s usually easier to understand.
Good gures really make a paper come alive, and they communicate patterns in the data
much better than big tables of numbers. Bad or poorly chosen gures w aste a lot of space.
Again, giv e a self-contained caption, including a verbal denition of each symbol on the
graphs. Labeltheaxes. Usesensibleunits. Dontusedottedlinetypesthatareinvisible
when reproduced. Don’t use dashes for very volatile series.
Writing tips
The most important thing in writing is to keep track of what your reader kno ws and
doesn’t kno w. Most Ph.D. students assume far too m uch. No, w e do not have the details
of ev ery paper ev er written in our heads. Keep in mind what yo u have explained and what
you have not.
The reader usually wants most of all to understand your basic point, and won’t start
criticizing it before he or she understands it. That’s behind my advice to rst state and
explain what y ou do, and save defending it and comparing it to other approaches until much
Use active tense. Not: “it is assumed that τ = 3”, “data were constructed as follows..”
Gee, I wonder who did that ass uming and constructing? Search for “is” and “are” in the
document to root out every single passive sentence.
“I” is ne. Don’t use the royal “we” on a sole-authored paper. “I assume that τ =3.”“I
construct the data as follo ws.” If it seems like too much “I,” you can often avoid the article
altogether. For example, I think it’s ok to write “Table 5 presents estimates” rather than “I
present estimates in Table 5”, though a purist might object to making a Table the subject of
a sentence. I use “we” to mean “you (the reader) and I,” and “you” for the reader. “We can
see the u-shaped coecients in Table 5” or “You can see the u-shaped coecients” is much
better than “The u-shaped coecients can be seen” (passive) or “one can see the u-shaped
coecients” (who, exactly?)
Much bad writing comes down to trying to avoid responsibility for what you’re saying.
That’s why people resort to passive sentences, “it should be noted that”, poor organization
with literature rst and your idea last, and so on. Take a deep breath, and take responsibility
Present tense is usually best. You can say “Fama and French 1993 nd that” even though
1993 was a while ago. The same goes for your own paper; describe what you nd in Table
5 not what you will nd in Table 5. Most important ly, though, keep the tense consistent.
Don’t start a paragraph in past tense and nish it in the future.
Use the normal sen tence structure: subject, verb, object. Not: “The insurance mech-
anisms that agents utilize to smooth consumption in the face of transitory earnings uc-
tuations are diverse” Instead: “People use a variety of insurance mechanisms to smooth
consumption..” (I also changed the starc hy “agents” to the concrete “people,” and the sim-
ple “variety” rather than the fan cy “diverse.” Actually, this whole sentence probably should
be dumped; it w as introducing a paragraph that described the mechanisms. It’s a throat-
clearing sentence that violates the rule that every sentence should mean something. The fact
that people use a variety of mechanisms is not big news, the news is what the mechanisms
Avoid technical jargon wherever possible.
Writing should be concrete, not abstract. (Insert concrete examples.)
Little writing tips
Don’t use adjectives to describe your work: “striking results” “very signicant” coe-
cients, etc. If the work merits adjectives, the world will give them to you.
If you must use adjectives, don’t use double adjectives. Results are certainly not “very
no vel.”
Use simple short words not big fancy words. “Use” not “utilize.” “several” not “diverse”.
It is usually the case that most good writers nd that everything before the “that” should
be deleted from a sentence. Read that sentence again starting at “Everything”: it’s true,
isn’t it? “It should be noted that” is particularly obnoxious. Just say what you want to say.
“It is easy to show that” means that it isn’t. Search for “that” in the document to get rid
of these. Similarly, strik e “A comment is in order at this point.” Just make the comment.
These phrases also violate the rule that each sentence should mean what it says. Is the point
of the sentence really that “it should be noted?” Or is this just a wimpy way to bring up
the topic?
Clothe the nak ed “this.” “This sho w s that mark ets really are irrational...” This what?
“This” should always have something following it. “This regression shows that....” is ne.
More generally, this helps (no, that should be “this rule helps,” right?) you to a void an
unclear an tecedent to the “this.” Often there are three or more things in recen t memory
that “this” could point to.
Hyphens are widely misused. Here’s the rule from the JFE style sheet: “Hyphens are
used for true compound modiers before the noun (e.g., after-tax income, risk-free rate,
two-da y return, three-digit SIC code, value-weighted index) unless part of the compound
modier is an adverb ending in ‘ly’ (e.g., previously acquired subsidiary, equally weighted
index, publicly traded stock). When there is no risk of misinterpretation, the hyphen can be
omitted, but the treatment must be consistent throughout the paper.” Note the hyphen is
optional, so you don’t have to construct monstrosities like “continually-rebalanced-equally-
weighted portfolio.” Don’t use hyphens in other circumstances, e.g. “The paper focuses on
People forget Greek letter denitions. If you dene them once in an obscure part of the
text and then use naked references (“θ =3givesthebestt”) no one will know what you’re
talking about. De ne them clearly in an easy-to-nd place. It’s best to give them a name
too,andthenremindpeopleofthenameandthenumber(Ind the best t when the
elasticity of substitution θ equals 3.”) This is the one place where a little repetition isn’t
bad. If you’ve reminded them of the name in the last paragraph or two, however, y ou can
use the naked letter.
Strike “I leave x for future research.” We’re less interested in your plans and excuses than
we are in your memoirs.
Never use the words “illustrative test” or illustrative empirical work.” Never do illus-
trative work. Do real empirical work or don’t do any at all. Illustrating technique with
empirical work you don’t believe in is a w aste of space. Even if you do it, there is no faster
way to get readers to fall asleep than to tell them that what you’re doing doesn’t really
You don’t need to “assume” things about a model. Don’t write “I assume that consumers
ha ve power utilit y” (And, of course, don’t write “it is assumed that utility is power,” right?)
You are describing a model, not realit y, so you can just state the model structure. “Con-
sumers have power utility.” (“In this model” is understood.) Save “assumptions” for things
that really do modify the real world, “I assume there are no shifts in the demand curv e so
that the regression of price on quantity iden ties the supply curve.”
Keep down the number of clauses in your sentences, and the number of things kept
“Where” refers to a place. “In which” refers to a model. Don’t write “models where con-
sumers have uninsured shocks,” write “models in which consumers have uninsured shocks.”
Don’t abbreviate authors’ names, “FF show that size really does matter.” There is always
enough space to spell out people’s names. You’d want them to write out yours, no?
It is appropriate to thank people who have helped you in the author footnote. I don’t
add the qualier about not blaming people I thank for comments for mistakes. It goes
without saying. I don’t list every single place I’ve given the workshop in the thanks. I’m
not ungrateful, but the long list can get out of hand.
Don’t start your paper with a cute quotation.
Don’t overuse italics. (I use them far too much.) It’s best to use them only when the
emphasis in a sentence would otherwise not be clear but ma ybe then you should rewrite
the sentence so that the emphasis really is clear. (Who is that shouting in here?)
When describing the sign of a casual link, one direction is enough. “When Jane goes
up (down) on the teeter-totter, Billy goes down (up) on the other side,” the stu in the
parentheses is distracting. Add “and vice v ersa” if you must.
Every sentence should have a subject, verb and object. No sentences like “No sentences
like this.”
These tips v erge on “how to do empirical work” rather than just “how to write empirical
work,” but in the larger picture “doing” and “writing” are not that dierent.
What are the three most importan t things for empirical w o rk? Identication, Identica-
tion, Identication. Describe your identication strategy clearly. (Understand what it is,
rst!) Much empirical work boils do wn to a claim that “A causes B,” usually documented
by some sort of regression. Explain how the causal eect you think you see in the data is
1. Describe what economic mechanism caused the dispersion in your right hand variables.
No, God does not hand us true natural experiments v ery often.
2. Describe what economic mechanism constitutes the e rror term . What things other
than your right hand variable cause variation in the left hand variable?
3. Hence, explain why yo u think the error term is uncorrelated with the right hand
variables in economic terms. There is no way to talk about this crucial assumption
4. Explain the economics of why your instruments are correlated with the right hand
variable and not with the error term.
5. Do you understand the dierence between an instrumen t and a control? In regressing
y on x, when should z be used as an additional variable on the righ t hand side and
when should it be an instrumen t for x?
6. Describe the source of variation in the data that drives your estimates, for every single
number you present. For example, the underlying facts will be quite dierent as you
add xed eects. With rm xed eects, the regression coecient is driven by how
the variation over time within each rm. Without rm xed eects, the coecient is
(mostly) driven by variation across rms at a moment in time.
7. Are y ou sure you’re looking at a demand curve, not a supply curve? As one way to
clarify this question, ask whose behavior are you modeling?”
Example: Suppose you are interested in how interest rates aect housing demand, so
you run the number of new loans on interest rates. But maybe when housing demand is
large for other reasons, demand for mortgages (and other borrowing demand correlated
with demand for mortgages) drives interest rates up. You implicitly assumed stable
demand, so that an increase in price would lower quantity. But maybe the data are
generated by a stable supply, so that increased demand raises the price, or some of
both. Are you modeling the behavior of house purchasers or the behavior of savers
(how savings responds to int erest rates)?
8. Are you sure causality doesn’t run from y to x,orfromz to y and x simultaneously?
Think of the obvious reverse-causality stories.
Example: You can also think about the last example as causality: Do interest rates
cause changes in housing demand or vice v ersa (or does the overall state of the economy
cause both to change)?
9. Consider carefully what controls should and should not be in the regression. Most
papers have far too many right hand variables. You do not want to include all the
“determinants” of y on the right hand side.
(a) High R
is usually bad it means you ran left shoes = α + β right shoes +γprice
+ error. Right shoes should not be a control!
(b) Don’t run a regression like wage = a + b education + c industry + error. Of
course, adding industry helps raise the R
, and industry is an important other
determinant of wage (it was in the error term if you did #2). But the whole point
of getting an education is to help people move to better industries, not to move
from assistant burger-ipper to chief burger-ipper.
Give the stylized facts in the data that driv e your result, not just estimates and p values.
For a good example, look at Fama and French’s 1996 “Multifactor explanations.” In the old
stylewewouldneedonenumber:theGRStest. FamaandFrenchshowustheexpected
returns of each portfolio, they show us the beta of each portfolio, and they conv ince us that
the pattern of expected returns matches the pattern of betas. This is the most successful
factor model of the last 15 years ...even though the GRS test is a disaster! They were
successful because they showed us the stylized facts in the data.
Explain the economic signicance of your results. Explain the economic magnitude of
the central numbers, not just their statistical signicance. Especially in large panel data sets
even the tiniest of eects is “statistically signicant.” (And when people show up with the
usual 2.10 t statistic in large panel data sets, the eect is truly tiny!)
Of course, every important number should include a standard error.
4 Seminar presen tations
You will not believe how fast the time will go b y.
Since time is limited, it’s especially important to get to the point. We can’t skim to the
important stu in a seminar!
You don’t need any literature review or motivation in a seminar. Just get to the point.
Gene Fama usually starts his seminars with “Look at table 1.” That’s a good model to
Don’t “preview” results. It wastes time; wh y say it twice rather than say it once, right?
Don’t make slides with a bullet point for every word you intend to say. This forces you
into a preplanned order, and then you can’t c hange on the ywhenyougure out how fast
time is going by. Slides are ne that only contain equations, tables and graphs things
we really need to see. At most use words for the one or two really important things you
want people to know, e.g. “Identication: interest rates do not respond to scal shocks in the
Ricardian model.” Also, y ou want people to remember the structure of the model, denitions
of variables, etc. If you have too much junk on the slides, people can’t see the utility function
while you’re talking about the production function, so they get lost. People don’t remember
equations from one slide to the next.
You have to leave slides up for a decent amount of time in order for people to digest
them. That means you will not be able to put up 1 slide per minute!
As in writing the paper, your main objective is to get to the #1 important contribution
as fast as possible.
Most seminars are a disaster. They start with poin tless motivation and policy implica-
tions, whic h the audience can’t follow since we don’t know the result. Then we get a long
literature review, which is even more boring since we don’t know the poin t of this paper
much less what everyone else did. Then we get a results preview. Usually, the presen ter says
“I’ll preview the results now because I may not have time to get to them all,” a strangely
self-fullling prophecy. Since sho w ing the main results is the only reason you came, why not
just start right now! Worse,thereasonwerunoutoftimeisbecausewewastedhalfan
hour on the stupid preview! The seminar then bogs down as people start asking questions
about the previewed results; most of the questions are dumb (“I measure the demand elas-
ticity at 0.3.” “But how did you identify supply shifts?”) since they will be explained in a
proper presentation of the results. But the questions are totally reasonable since the claim
with no documentation is meaningless. Next, w e get (in empirical papers) some “theory”
that is really beside the point and only serves to provoke more needless argument (no, there
really is no way to distinguish the “beha vioral and “rational” explanation. Clever audience
members will come up with stories that reverse all the signs.) Then we get some distracting
preliminary results and tables and graphs of unrelated observations. More poin tless discus-
sion erupts; people don’t kno w what point the speaker is trying to make and the discussion
goes o in to tangents. Finally the speaker sees there is only 10 minutes to go, tells people
to be quiet, and the main results go by in a big rush. Everyone is tired and confused and
doesn’t follow anything. I timed the nance workshop last winter quarter and not one paper
got to the main results in under an hour!
Listen to the questions, all the way to the end, then count to three before answering.
Yes, you’re in a rush, and yes, you think you can guess what the question will be and you
know the answer. This isn’t a game show, and much of the time you actually don’t know
what the question will be.
Keep a sheet of paper handy. You may not have a quick answer to ev ery question, and
some questions may point to good things to change in the paper.
Youcannotmakeittoosimple. Mostpresenters, especially Ph. D. students overestimate
dramatically how much theory people can digest in one sitting, and how quickly they can
memorize and digest models and results.
Speak loudly, slowly and clearly.
There’s nothing wrong with ending early!
May economists falsely think of themselv es as scientists who just “write up” research. We
are not; we are primarily writers. Economics and nance papers are essays. Most good
economists spend at least 50% of the time they put into any project on writing. For me, it’s
more like 80%.
Pay attention to the writing in papers you read, and notice the st yle adopted by authors
you admire.
I got a lot out of reading William Zinsser’s On Writing Well, and D. McCloskey’s Rhetoric
of Economics. I also found Glenn Ellison’s “The slowdown of the economics publishing
process” in the JPE useful for thinking about how papers should be structured (and refereed
and edited, but that’s another story).