The Visit
Sample Schedule for Visit
The following sample schedule is provided for full self-study visits. This sample schedule should
be adjusted by the school and the Visiting Committee (VC) Chair to fit the local situation. In this
process, it is very important to allow enough time for extensive dialogue with the Schoolwide
Focus Groups and the Leadership Team; this discussion will include the examination of evidence
used to determine growth needs by the stakeholders. The focus of the subject area and support
staff meetings will be to understand their information and evidence that led support to the
schoolwide findings. The VC chairperson should be in regular communication with the chief
administrator and self-study coordinator to discuss the progress of the visit.
Day before Visit (Usually Sunday)
(12:00 NOON) (Visiting Committee may meet for Sunday brunch)
1:00 PM Meeting of VC members to begin group discussion on
perceptions of self-study planning of questions and
group processes for forthcoming Sunday meetings
3:00 PM Meeting with the chief administrator, self-study
coordinator, and Leadership Team to clarify issues in the
self-study and explain the visit; the VC and school leaders
participate in a reflective discussion of the self-study
4:305:00 PM School leaders conduct a brief school tour for VC
5:006:00 PM Brief meeting with the governing authority, school and/or
community representatives
6:007:00 PM Meeting with parent/community committee
7:30 PM Dinner and meeting of VC to debrief, receive instructions
from the chair, organize the work of the committee, and
examine supplementary materials
First Day
7:158:00 AM Meeting with Leadership Team (Total VC Team)
8:008:30 AM Meeting with principal and VC chair (possibly other VC
8:0011:45 AM Gathering of Evidence: class/program observations,
interviews, examination of student work
11:0011:45 AM Meeting with student committee (VC reps.)
11:45 AM12:00 PM Brief meeting of VC
Focus on Learning: The Accreditation Manual
12:001:00 PM Lunch in school cafeteria; informally talk with students and
1:002:30 PM Gathering of Evidence: class visits, etc.
2:304:30 PM Meeting with Focus Groups for 1-½ to 2 hours (at least two
VC per Focus Group meeting) [Suggestion: possibly meet
with Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Focus Group
and another area]
4:307:00 PM VC debrief/discussion and writing individually or in pairs
7:008:00 PM Dinner/Discussion of Findings (VC alone may order
food and keep working at school)
8:00 PM Discussion of findings continued and individual/paired
work on written summaries
Second Day
7:158:00 AM Meeting with Leadership Team (VC reps)
8:008:30 AM Meeting with principal and VC chair (possibly other VC)
8:0011:45 AM Meetings with subject area staff, counselors, support staff,
classified staff, and administration (Suggestions: 45 minute
meetings with VC reps; subject areas may be clustered)
Gathering of Evidence: class/program observations,
interviews examination of student work
11:45 AM12:00 PM Brief Meeting of VC
12:001:00 PM Lunch in the school cafeteria
Informal contact with student and staff
1:002:30 PM Meeting with the Ad Hoc student group (VC reps for
45 minutes)
Gathering of Evidence: class/program observations,
interviews, examination of student work
2:304:30 PM Meeting with Focus Groups for 1½ to 2 hours (at least two
VC reps per focus group meeting)
4:307:00 PM VC debrief/discussion and writing individually or in pairs;
identification of schoolwide strengths and critical areas for
7:00 Dinner (VC alone) and work on draft report
The Visit
Third Day (Check out of hotel)
7:158:00 AM Meeting with Leadership Team (Total VC)
8:008:30 AM Meeting with principal and VC chair
8:0011:00 AM Completion of draft report, contacting school staff as
11:00 AM1:00 PM Meeting with the Leadership Team and other invited by the
school to discuss/clarify findings of visit and the VC
Report All Leadership Team members have copy of
draft VC
1:003:00 PM Closure on issues raised in the earlier session discussing the
draft VC Report; The VC may revise the report as a result
of this meeting; VC members complete the final draft of the
VC Report
Completion of the Recommendation for a Term of
Accreditation and the “Documentation/Justification
Finalization of expense forms, evaluations, PowerPoint exit
presentation for closing session
3:003:30 PM Oral Report to staff/stakeholders using PowerPoint
presentation; the chief administrator is encouraged to invite
representatives of students, classified staff, and community
to attend
3:304:00 PM Final draft of report left with principal; departure of VC