Set up chat processing
Version 8.0
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Table of Contents
Set up chat processing
Add a chat queue
Set up the chat actions
Restrict the number of active chats in the communication panel
Change the chat notification alert
Table of Contents | 3
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Set up chat processing
Set up chats to let your company's contact center agents process messages from popular chat applications in
Creatio. The general chat setup procedure is as follows:
Use the [ Chat settings ] section of the System Designer to set up Creatio chat and messenger integration. Chat
setup is performed by the system administrator or by a user with theAccess to "Chat settings" section”
(“CanManageChats” code) operation permission.
Fig. 1 Set up chat
Add and set up a chat queue. Create a list of agents who will process chat messages, set up the message
routing rules, and modify the chat completion timeout time on this step.
Set up the chat actions. Set up a list of actions an agent can take after talking to the customer on this
step. For example, create a case, issue an order, or send an email with more information.
Limit the number of active chats. Specify the maximum number of active chats agents can see on the
communication panel on this step.
Change the notification alert for new chat messages (optional). Set up a new chat message alert agents
can easily recognize on this step.
Add the chat channels. A chat channel displays a message feed from specific sources, e. g., a Facebook
Page. The following chat integrations are available as channel sources in Creatio:
The channels with at least one chat in Creatio cannot be deleted. If the channel is no longer relevant,
deactivate the channel.
Facebook messenger
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Add a chat queue
To process chat messages, you need to set up chat queues. A chat queue determines the team of agents that
will be processing the chat. The number of queues does not depend on the number of channels. For example,
set up a “Support service” chat queue to process messages coming from the brand page. Set up a “Sales
assistants” chat queue to process online store requests. Use the [ Chat settings ] section of the System Designer
to create queues for chat agents. To add a chat queue:
Click the button to open the System Designer.1.
Click [ Chat settings ].2.
Click the button in the [ Chat queues ] area.3.
Fill out the parameters of the new queue in the window that opens.4.
Enter a name that implies the queue purpose and the target role in the [ Name ] parameter. For example,
“1st-line support.”
Set how to determine the agent to process the chat in the [ Routing rule ] parameter.b.
Select “To all agents” to make the new chat available to all agents of the current queue.
Select “To an available agent” to automatically assign the chat to an available agent. The available
agent is the one with the least number of chats in progress. If several agents have the same number of
chats in progress, the new chat will be assigned to the agent who has not taken any chats longer than
others. If an agent does not take the chat within 5 minutes, the chat will be assigned to the next agent.
The current agent will becomeInactive.” You can change this time using theOmni chat operator
accept chat timeout” (“OmniChatOperatorAcceptChatTimeout” code) system setting. The agent
must change their status to “Active” in the communication panel to continue processing chats.
Set the maximum waiting time from the moment of the last outgoing chat message to automatic chat
closure in the [ Chat completion timeout, minutes ] parameter. When the specified time expires, the chat
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Fig. 2 Set up a chat queue
Set up the chat actions
Chat actions streamline and automate message processing. A preconfigured “Create case” action (available for
the Service Creatio products) triggers the “Create case from chat” (CreateCaseFromChat) business process. You
can set up a list of actions that will be available to the agent when processing the chat, e. g., “Issue an order,”
“Notify a manager about invoice payment,” or “Notify the system administrator.” To implement this, create a
corresponding process to run when working in the chat. Learn more about creating and setting up processes in
the Business process setup (BPMN) block of articles. When the process is ready, add a corresponding chat
closes automatically. When the chat closes due to timeout, the subsequent messages are processed as
new chats and redistributed to the active agents. If you do not specify any value in the field, the chat does
not close.
Click the button in the [ Queue agents ] detail. Specify the users and roles that will be processing chat
messages. For example, you can use the “CC agents” organizational role. You can add several users or
roles to the list of agents. Similarly, the same user can be added as an agent to several chat queues.
Click the button to open the System Designer.1.
Click [ Chat settings ].2.
Click the button in the [ Chat actions ] area.3.
Specify the following on the “Chat action” mini page:4.
Enter the action title the agent sees when working with the chat in the [ Caption ] parameter.a.
Select the queue whose agents can use the action in the [ Queue ] parameter.b.
Select the process the chat action triggers in the [ Process ] parameter.c.
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Restrict the number of active chats in the communication
You can set up restrictions for the number of active chats that agents can process at a time. By default, the
number of chats is restricted by 2. To change the active chat settings:
Change the chat notification alert
You can change the standard notification alert about new chat messages to help the agents easily recognize
them. To do so:
Click [ Apply ].
Fig. 3 Set up a chat action
Note. The business process is connected to the current chat via the incoming “ChatId” and/or
“ContactId” parameters that are passed to the process when running the chat action. Learn more in
a separate article: Process parameters.
Click the button to open the System Designer.1.
Click [ System settings ].2.
Open theSimultaneous Chats” (“SimultaneousChats” code) system setting.3.
Specify the number of chats that the agent can process at a time in the [ Default value ] field. The number is 5
by default. If an agent has a maximum number of chats in progress, they will not see any new chats until they
terminate at least one of their chats. This restriction is valid for all chat channels available to the agent.
Click [ Save ].5.
Click the button to open the System Designer.1.
Click [ System settings ].2.
Open theOmni chat notification sound (“OmniChatNotificationSound” code) system setting.3.
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Click [ Clear value ] to delete the standard alert.4.
Click [ Select file ] and upload a file from your computer.5.
Click [ Save ].6.
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