If you would like to take courses at another institution and receive WVU credit, please visit
the Transfer Credits database to find a suitable course.
If you are studying abroad, please complete the study abroad request application.
WHO completes this form?
This form must be completed by student and then given to the
advisor for processing and approval.
WHO submits this form?
This form must be submitted by the advisor via Team Dynamix.
HOW is it approved?
This form will be reviewed by the Dean or their designee after it has
been submitted online.
Student Requirements:
I, the student, have read and understood the
requirements listed on the website.
Advisor Requirements:
By submitting this form, I (the advisor) confirm
that the student meets all the requirements for
transient study, that the form is complete and
accurate, and that the course in question has a
determination of transferability.
1. Go online to the Transfer Credit database.
a. If the institution you want to attend is listed, determine which course(s) you want to
take and the equivalent course(s) at WVU.
b. If the institution you wish to attend, or the course(s) you want to take, is not in the
database, you must submit a Transfer Equivalency Review Request. Then, when
your course has been evaluated, move on to step 2.
2. Fill out the form below and email it to your advisor.
3. If you plan to attend more than one institution, you will need to fill out a separate form for
each one.
4. You must make arrangements to be admitted and enrolled at the institution you selected.
5. You must have an official transcript emailed to [email protected] or mailed
to the Office of Admissions after you have completed the course(s). Remember to take
ONLY the course(s) that are approved on your form.
6. Always consult your advisor before you take a course at another academic institution.
Name: WVUID:
Email: Undergraduate: Graduate:
Current Major: Advisor:
Total Transient Hours Taken to Date: Total Transient Hours Taken in Major to Date:
When do you plan to take this course? Please provide the term and year.
Term: Summer Fall Spring Year:
Full name of institution offering the course including branch campus if applicable:
Course(s) to be taken:
Please enter the course subject c
ode, number, title, and credit hours from the
transferring institution (e.g., HIST 101 Western Civilization).
e you currently registered for the WVU pre-requisites needed to take the course(s)?
Yes No Not applicable
If the student requires approval to enroll in the transient course, sign below and provide them with a copy. This
endorsement is preliminary and does not constitute final approval to post the course to your transcript.
I certify that this student is currently in good academic standing at West Virginia University (GPA 2.0 or higher).
Advisor Signature Date
Host Credits WVU Credits