GUIDE: Indeed Interview Options
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PURPOSE: The Indeed Interview Options Guide instructs those with Indeed “Candidate” manager access on
how to schedule and conduct Virtual/Video interviews (which can be done through a computer with a camera
or a smartphone), Phone or In-Person interviews through the Indeed platform. This guide is an additional
resource for the
GUIDE: Indeed Manager Access
LEAD: Recruitment, Interview & Selection
1. Functionality Note & Navigating to the Candidate Profile ………………………………………..………….. Page 1
2. Video Interviews ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 2-8
3. Phone Interviews ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 9
4. In-Person Interviews …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 10
5. Rescheduling and Cancelling Interviews ………………………………………..………………………………… Page 11
6. Related Resources …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 11
Section 1: Functionality Note & Navigating to the Candidate Profile
1. Functionality Note: For success in using this functionality the candidate should be aware you are
reaching out to schedule the interview (either by phone, email or Indeed messaging). The candidate will
need to respond to your interview scheduling request to confirm the interview.
2. Navigating to the Candidate Profile: Use the
GUIDE: Indeed Manager Access
resource for support in
navigating the Indeed platform.
For all Indeed platform scheduling the direct hiring manager will have to navigate to the
individual candidate profile page (either by searching the candidate or navigating through the
job post dashboard) to schedule interviews. In the middle column of Candidate Information click
on the Interviews tab. The Interview tab will populate and automatically default to the video
option for interviews.
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Section 2: Video Interviews
The Interview tab will automatically default to the video option for interview and allow you to schedule an
Indeed video conferencing interview or use a different third-party video conferencing service (such as Zoom or
1. To schedule the video interview:
a. Review the candidate availability if candidate provided when they applied to position.
b. Enter the proposed Date, Start time and End Time for the interview.
i. Multiple times can be suggested to the candidate by clicking on +Suggest multiple times
and entering the alternative interview time date and time information.
c. Select what type of Video conference link:
i. Use Indeed video conferencing.
1. This option is the only option that does not allow you to Add additional employers.
Multiple people can be in the same room for the Indeed video conferencing
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ii. Use third-party video conferencing service (Zoom or Teams)
1. Create the meeting in the other conferencing service, then copy and paste the
meeting link into the video conferencing link box.
iii. Details for the interview can be included in the Message to (candidate name) box.
iv. Add additional employers gives you the ability to include other interviewers in the
interview request. This option is available with all interview options except the Indeed
Video conferencing option.
1. This will send the additional interview notice for the invitation with the same
information as the candidate receives as well as the candidates resume.
v. Once you have all the information in the invite click on Send video invitation. The
candidate will receive an email notifying them of the request for the interview with all the
information you provided in the interview request.
1. ***IMPORTANT REMINDER: The candidate will then need to select “Schedule
interview” in their email to confirm their interview. Once this is done email
confirmation will be sent to all involved with the interview and will include a
calendar invite from Indeed.
a. The candidate will automatically be sent text message reminders through
Indeed as well as the ability to reschedule should conflicts arise if they
selected those settings in their Indeed account.
b. ***Manager Tip: When you receive the confirmation email, save the
calendar invite to your Outlook calendar. The Indeed calendar invite will
not save the resume automatically into the calendar invite, but the
resume can easily be dragged and dropped from the confirmation email
into the open calendar invite to be saved. This will make the resume
available to all managers associated with the interview.
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2. Completing the video interview: It is recommended to log on to Indeed 5-10 minutes prior to the
scheduled interview to make sure your video and sound are working.
a. Joining the video interview: Managers can join the video interview from two different options
i. Clicking on the Join video interview link from the interview confirmation email
ii. Logging into Indeed and the Job Posting Dashboard and clicking on Join interview.
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iii. Next you will enter your name, role in the company and your phone number that will
receive text messages when the candidate is ready. When all the information has been
entered click on
iv. Next you will have the ability to test audio and video connection by clicking on
Next: Test Now
Indeed will confirm both Microphone and Video are connected. When it has verified both
it will provide the option to click on Next: Go to interview lobby
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v. You will be redirected to the Interview Lobby which shows the Interview room and Waiting
room. When you are ready to start the interview or wait for your candidate click on
ready to interview.
1. Other Interview room options: While in the interview room you have a couple of
options in the top right corner:
a. Status change from Interview-ready to Taking a break
b. Other actions:
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vi. When the candidate has logged in and is ready to start the interview the candidate will
show up in the Interview room. To start the interview click on
Start interview.
vii. Once in the interview room you will be able to
1. Have a direct link to call the candidate’s phone if there are connection issues
2. Mute/unmute
3. Stop/restart video
4. End the call
5. View the resume (if the candidate allowed their resume to be submitted for the
6. Chat (in the event you or the candidate are having sound issues)
7. More (Report-Where you can report inappropriate or misuse of the platform)
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viii. If the candidate or interviewer need to pause the interview the interviewer can assign the
candidate back into the Waiting room. This can be done by clicking
End, then No,
candidate will return to the front of the interview line and be able to join the interview
again, then End call. The candidate will be placed back into the waiting room/interview
room until you are ready to interview the candidate.
ix. If you have completed the interview you can click on End, then select Yes, candidate will
be marked as interviewed, then click on End call.
x. You will be able to mark if the candidate is a good fit for the position (Yes, Maybe, or No)
then click on
xi. The Interview Room will automatically be updated with completed interviews in the
appropriate column and any candidate fit selections.
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Section 3: Phone Interviews
The Interview tab will automatically default to the video option for interview. You will need to change the
Interview type to
1. To schedule the phone interview:
a. Review the candidate availability if candidate provided when they applied to position.
b. Enter the proposed Date, Start time and End Time for the interview.
i. Multiple times can be suggested to the candidate by clicking on +Suggest multiple times
and entering the alternative interview time date and time information.
c. Enter the phone number for the candidate to call at the time of the interview.
d. Details for the interview can be included in the Message to (candidate name) box. This can be
additional people who will be joining the call.
e. Add additional employers gives you the ability to include other interviewers in the call.
i. This will send the additional interview notice for the invitation with the same information
as the candidate receives as well as the candidates resume.
ii. When the candidate confirms the interview, an email notice will be sent to all
interviewers associated.
f. Once you have all the information in the invite click on Send phone invitation. The candidate will
receive an email notifying them of the request for the interview with all the information you
provided in the interview request.
i. ***IMPORTANT REMINDER: The candidate will then need to select “Schedule interview”
in their email to confirm their interview. Once this is done email confirmation will be sent
to all involved with the interview and will include a calendar invite from Indeed.
1. The candidate will automatically be sent text message reminders through Indeed
as well as the ability to reschedule should conflicts arise if they selected those
settings in their Indeed account.
2. ***Manager Tip: When you receive the confirmation email, save the calendar
invite to your Outlook calendar. The Indeed calendar invite will not save the
resume automatically into the calendar invite, but the resume can easily be
dragged and dropped from the confirmation email into the open calendar invite to
be saved. This will make the resume available to all managers associated with
the interview.
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Section 4: In-Person Interviews
The Interview tab will automatically default to the video option for interview. You will need to change the
Interview type to
In-person .
1. To schedule the In-Person interview:
a. Review the candidate availability if candidate provided when they applied to position.
b. Enter the proposed Date, Start time and End Time for the interview.
i. Multiple times can be suggested to the candidate by clicking on +Suggest multiple times
and entering the alternative interview time date and time information.
c. Enter the Interview address the candidate to meet you at the time of the interview.
d. Details for the interview can be included in the Message to (candidate name) box. This can be
additional people who will be joining the call, directions, or any additional information.
e. Add additional employers gives you the ability to include other interviewers in the call.
i. This will send the additional interview notice for the invitation with the same information
as the candidate receives as well as the candidates resume.
ii. When the candidate confirms the interview, an email notice will be sent to all
interviewers associated.
f. Once you have all the information in the invite click on Send in-person invitation. The candidate
will receive an email notifying them of the request for the interview with all the information you
provided in the interview request.
i. ***IMPORTANT REMINDER: The candidate will then need to select “Schedule interview”
in their email to confirm their interview. Once this is done email confirmation will be sent
to all involved with the interview and will include a calendar invite from Indeed.
1. The candidate will automatically be sent text message reminders through Indeed
as well as the ability to reschedule should conflicts arise if they selected those
settings in their Indeed account.
2. ***Manager Tip: When you receive the confirmation email, save the calendar
invite to your Outlook calendar. The Indeed calendar invite will not save the
resume automatically into the calendar invite, but the resume can easily be
dragged and dropped from the confirmation email into the open calendar invite to
be saved. This will make the resume available to all managers associated with
the interview.
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Section 5: Rescheduling and Cancelling Interviews
Interviews can be rescheduled or cancelled from the Interview tab of the individual candidate profile in Indeed.
1. To reschedule you will click on Actions, then Edit details. Edit the necessary details and an updated
email will be sent to the candidate where they will need to
Schedule interview to confirm the
changes. You will receive confirmation similar to when you initially schedule interviews.
2. To cancel you will click on Actions, then Cancel interview. Another screen will populate to confirm
you want to cancel the interview by selecting
Yes, cancel interview. Once the selection has been
made the interview will be removed from the listing and notification will be sent via email and text to
the candidate.
GUIDE: Indeed Manager Access; June 2021 LEAD: Recruitment, Interview &
Selection; RESOURCE: LEAD Recruitment, Interview and Selection Manager Overview and Resources