Using VoiceThread in Canvas
A How-To Guide for Faculty
Created by the Academic Commons
Canvas, Jefferson's learning management system, has numerous features to help you facilitate student
engagement within your course. Utilize this guide to use VoiceThread.
VoiceThread is an application designed for people to have discussions about shared digital media. The tool can
be used both individually and collaboratively. VoiceThread allows users to combine images, video, text, and
audio to enable multimedia conversations.
Please feel free to “click and go” to the applicable sections of this guide:
1. Sharing a VoiceThread unrelated to an assignment
2. Creating a VoiceThread assignment
a. Assignment Type 1: Creating a VoiceThread
b. Assignment Type 2: Comment on a VoiceThread provided by faculty
c. Assignment Type 3: Watch a VoiceThread provided by faculty
3. Grading VoiceThread Assignments
Sharing a VoiceThread unrelated to an assignment
Add a link to a VoiceThread presentation within a module. Adding a VoiceThread this way is not an
assignment, and will not be synced to the Canvas gradebook. It will create a “group” for the course
within the VoiceThread environment. Once students click on the VoiceThread course page link,
they will populate as “member” of the course “group” in VoiceThread.
Step 1: Set up your share link
1. Navigate to the Modules page of the course.
2. Click “+” on the right side of the
module title row.
3. Select External Tool from the
drop-down menu.
4. Find and select VoiceThread
from the list.
5. Change the page name to the
desired title.
6. Click “Add Item.”
7. Click on the title to complete set
8. Select 1 of the 3 options: Course
View, Individual VT, or VT Home.
Things to consider when
a. Course View will take
learners to the library of
Voice Threads for the
b. Individual VoiceThread
will the take learners to a
specific VoiceThread.
c. VT Home Page will open
a new tab to the
VoiceThread platform,
separate from the Canvas
Step 2: Choose or Create the VoiceThread
1. Choose - If you have already
created the VoiceThread
you would like learners to
watch, search and select it
from your VoiceThread
a. Use the search box
to find existing
b. Select the
VoiceThread you would
like to use.
c. Click “Share with
1. Create - If you are creating the
VoiceThread you would like
learners to comment on, select
“Create new VoiceThread”.
a. Click Add Media” and follow
the prompts.
b. Enter the title and description
for the presentation. Click
c. Click “2. Comment” to add
narration and commenting.
d. Click “+” to add multiple files/
file types for the VoiceThread.
e. Click “Share with class when
Creating a VoiceThread Assignment
Step 1: Create the assignment in Canvas
1. Go to the Assignments tab in the course navigation menu.
2. Use the “+ Assignmentbutton to
create a new assignment.
3. Insert title & instructions.
4. Under Submission Type:
a. Submission Type = External
b. Click Find”.
c. Scroll down and select
VoiceThread from the list.
d. Click Select”.
e. Click Save after defining
all assignment settings.
5. Select “Assignment Builder” in the
VoiceThread menu window.
Step 2: Define the Type of VoiceThread Assignment. Options:
1. Ask learners to create their own VoiceThread
2. Ask learners to comment on a VoiceThread you have created
3. Require learners to watch a VoiceThread you have created
Assignment Type 1: Creating a VoiceThread
Choose this assignment type if you want learners to upload a VoiceThread presentation. Their
submission is viewable only to you when using this method.
1. Click “Create a VoiceThread” and then
click “Continue”.
2. Select the number of comments required
and the comment types that will be
allowed. Then click “Continue”.
3. Edit the Assignment Name if necessary
and add any additional Assignment
Instructions desired. Note: Assignment
Instructions entered here are in addition
to any instructions entered into Canvas.
Click “Publish” when finished.
Select the assignment again to view the submission window. This is where you will review and grade
the submissions from learners.
Assignment Type 2: Comment on a VoiceThread provided by faculty
After creating the assignment and selecting VoiceThread from the external tools list…
1. Click “Comment” and then click “Continue”.
a. If you have already created the
VoiceThread you would like learners to
comment on, search and select it from your
VoiceThread library. Then click “Continue”.
b. If you are creating the VoiceThread you
would like learners to comment on, select
“+ Create new VoiceThread”.
i. Choose the type of media you
would like to create or upload and
click “Continue”.
ii. Click “+ Add Mediato add multiple
files/file types to the VoiceThread
and click “Continue” when finished.
iii. Click “Comment” to add narration
and commenting and then click
“Continue” when finished.
3. Choose your commenting options:
Select the number of comments required.
a. Select which comment types will be
b. Select whether students can add
slides when commenting.
c. Select whether comments will be
moderated. If selected, comments
will not be visible to other students
until you choose to.
d. Select whether comments may be
deleted by students.
e. Click “Continue” when finished.
4. Edit the Assignment Name if necessary and
add any additional Assignment Instructions
desired. Note: Assignment Instructions
entered here are in addition to any
instructions entered into Canvas. You can
also customize the message show to
students when they submit their
assignment. Click “Publish” when finished.
Assignment Type 3: Watch a VoiceThread provided by faculty
A score must be designated for the assignment. The assignment builder for VoiceThread will not
function for complete/incomplete assignments. After creating the assignment and selecting
VoiceThread from the external tools list:
1. Click “Watch and then click “Continue”.
a. If you have already created the
VoiceThread you would like learners to
comment on, search and select it from
your VoiceThread library. Then click
b. If you are creating the VoiceThread
you would like learners to comment
on, select “+ Create new
i. Choose the type of media you
would like to create or upload and
click “Continue”.
ii. Click “+ Add Mediato add
multiple files/file types to the
VoiceThread and click “Continue”
when finished.
iii. Click “Comment” to add narration
and commenting and then click
“Continue” when finished.
3. Choose your Playback options and then click
4. Edit the Assignment Name if necessary and
add any additional Assignment Instructions
desired. Note: Assignment Instructions
entered here are in addition to any
instructions entered into Canvas. You can
also customize the message shown to
students when they submit their assignment.
Click “Publish” when finished.
See this VoiceThread Guide for more details and video based guides.
Share this VoiceThread guide with students for details on submitting VoiceThread assignments.
Grading VoiceThread Assignments
When you create the VoiceThread assignment, a column will populate in your Canvas
To review and grade VoiceThreads, click on the link or assignment versus searching for
submission in the gradebook. VoiceThread content is not accessible via the Canvas gradebook
or Speedgrader. You will view and enter a grade for the assignment from the assignment page,
not the Canvas gradebook/Speedgrader.
When grading in the VoiceThread window, you will enter the grade based upon 0-100%, no
matter the grade display settings in Canvas.
The grade entry (entered in the assignment’s VoiceThread window) will populate into the
corresponding column of the gradebook. Canvas will calculate the transition from a percentage
score to a point value score if needed.
o For example: You designate 50 points in the Canvas settings for the assignment and
graded the submission at 50% in the VoiceThread window. The score that will
automatically populate in the Canvas gradebook column will be 25 points.