Voice Control
A new way to control your Mac, iPhone "
and iPad entirely with your voice
September 2019
Voice Control | September 2019
Overview 3 ...............................................................................................................
Speech-to-text transcription 3 ................................................................................
Text editing 4 ...........................................................................................................
Comprehensive navigation 5 ...................................................................................
Voice gestures 7 ......................................................................................................
Attention awareness 8 .............................................................................................
On-device processing for privacy 8 ........................................................................
Voice Control on macOS, iOS, and iPadOS 8...........................................................
Voice Control is a new feature built into macOS Catalina, iOS 13,
and iPadOS that empowers those who can’t use traditional input
devices to control their Mac, iPhone, and iPad entirely with their
voices. For users with motor limitations, having full voice control
of their devices is truly transformative.
Voice Control offers an enhanced command and dictation experience. Users
can traverse and control the entire screen with just their voices, giving them
fullaccess to every major function of the operating system. Additionally, users
can gesture with their voices to click, swipe, and tap anywhere—so they can "
do everything someone could do with a mouse or with touch. Voice Control
availability on macOS, iOS, and iPadOS ensures a consistent experience for
users on all of their Apple devices.
Speech-to-text transcription
At the core of Voice Control is its ability to understand voices. By integrating
thelatest advances in machine learning for speech-to-text transcription,
VoiceControl is Apples best built-in dictation technology yet. For users
whocan’t type with their hands, accurate dictation is essential for fast and
efficient communication. The speech recognition engine in Voice Control
accurately understands natural speech so that users don’t have to focus on
saying a phrase perfectly.
By incorporating machine learning techniques focused on endpoint detection—
or understanding when a user starts and finishes speaking—Voice Control
differentiates between dictation and commands so that users can easily move
between these two modes. For example, in Messages, if you say, “Happy
birthday. Tap send., only “Happy birthday” is sent, just as you intended. If
yousay, “Happy birthday. Delete that., “Happy birthday” is transcribed and
then deleted.
Voice Control settings include customization options in the Commands and
Vocabulary tabs that make dictation even more powerful. Users can create
custom words to communicate specialized terms for school or work. This is
helpful when engaging in activities like writing a biology report, filling out a
taxform, or explaining a technical concept. Users can also create custom
commands to save time, such as “insert home address,” to expedite the input "
of their addresses or “insert mobile” to add their phone numbers.
Voice Control | September 2019
Key Features
Speech-to-text transcription
The Voice Control speech recognition
engine accurately understands and
transcribes natural speech, and users
can add custom words and commands.
Tex t ed iti ng
With just their voices, users can select
text with precision, make fine-grain
corrections, and see alternative word
andemoji suggestions.
Comprehensive navigation
Users can now access all parts of the
screen by saying item names and
numbers, using the grid overlay, and
recording multistep commands.
Voice gestures
Hand gestures like tap, double tap, and
scroll are now voice activated, and users
can create customized voice gestures.
Attention awareness
On iPad and iPhone, users can wake up
Voice Control and put it to sleep by just
looking at and away from their devices.
On-device processing for privacy
Voice Control audio processing happens
on-device, so it works online oroffline
and keeps personal informationprivate.
Voice Control | September 2019
Voice Control in U.S. English is available
on iOS 13, iPadOS, and macOS Catalina
and leverages the Siri speech recognition
engine for accurate speech-to-text
transcription. On macOS Catalina, "
Voice Control is also available in all 40
languages where Enhanced Dictation
was previously available.
Voice command in Messages on iOS 13: “Correct love.
Voice Control | September 2019
Voice command in Photos on iOS: “Show numbers.
Item Names. On iOS and iPadOS, Voice Control has the additional benefit of
showing Item Names, which place a name next to each tappable item. Users
can say “Show names” to view the accessibility labels for apps, files, buttons,
and links, then say the name of the item they want to interact with. Developers
can tag UI elements with Item Names and Item Numbers using the standard
UIKit framework for views and buttons, which means users can have the
sameexperience in both native and third-party apps.
Numbered Grid. For unlabeled elements that are unreachable through Item
Names andItem Numbers, users can use the grid overlay. Saying “Show grid”
superimposes a grid with numbers on the screen, enabling users to iteratively
drill into a box on the grid and interact with the item it contains. Numbered
Grid provides fine-grain control to accomplish tasks like dragging an item "
to an unlabeled destination or dropping a pin in an undefined Maps location.
With a grid overlay, users can also interact more deeply with apps that haven’t
fully incorporated accessibility labels.
Voice Control | September 2019
Voice command in Safari on iOS: “Show names.
Recorded commands. On iOS and iPadOS, users can record a multistep
process and give it a command name. For example, a user who frequently
watches soccer on the Apple TV app could create a recorded command to
quickly view what games are on. The user would begin by saying, “Start
recording commands,” then speak each step: “Open TV. Tap Sports. Scroll to
bottom. Tap Soccer.” Then the user would say, “Stop recording commands."
A promptwould appear asking the user to name the new command—for
example, “Browse soccer games.” From then on, if the user says, “Browse
soccer games,” the Apple TV app will automatically launch a view that shows
live and upcoming soccer games.
Voice gestures
On iPhone and iPad, Voice Control enables users to perform Multi-Touch
gestures like tap, double tap, and scroll up or down with their voices to fully
navigate the operating system without touching their devices. Users can also
record Custom Gestures. For example, an avid gamer could create commands
to jump, swipe, or tap specific areas onscreen. After saying, “Create new
command” in Voice Control settings, the user would say “Action,” then "
“Run Custom Gesture” to open a recording screen. The user could keep the
Numbered Grid on while saying “Drag <number> to <number>” to create a
jumping gesture, then say “Tap stop.” After naming the gesture—for example,
Jump up”—the user can say this name to enact the gesture while playing "
the game.
Voice Control | September 2019
You can find a comprehensive list of
Voice Control voice gestures for iOS 13
and iPadOS in Voice Control settings.
Here are some examples:
• Swipe up
• Swipe to bottom
• Two finger swipe left at 5*
• Go home
• Double tap
• Tap and hold at 7*
• Two finger double tap at 7*
• Long press at 14*
• Scroll to bottom
• Scroll to left edge
• Pan left
• Two finger pan right
• Rotate clockwise
• Rotate to portrait
• Zoom in
• Decrease zoom
• Zoom right
• Start drag at 10*
• Drop at 20*
• Drag from 6 to 13*
• Cancel gesture
*The user has the Numbered Grid or Item Numbers
turned on and is referring to specific numbers to move
items across the screen.
Voice command in Maps on macOS: “Show grid.
Voice Control | September 2019
Can you use Voice Control and Siri at the same time?
Absolutely. For example, after setting up “Hey Siri” on iOS, a user can say, "
“Hey Siri, navigate me home,” and Siri will launch directions in Maps. Then the
user can use Voice Control commands like “zoom in” to interact with the map.
Can anyone use Voice Control?
Anyone can learn to use Voice Control. Some users might want to use just the
dictation and editing elements of Voice Control, formerly known as Enhanced
Dictation on macOS, while others will want to use all Voice Control features.
What if I just want to control my device and not use dictation?
Users can say “Command Mode” to instruct Voice Control to ignore dictation
and respond only to commands, and they can say “Dictation Mode” to instruct
Voice Control to listen for both dictation and commands.
Voice Control | September 2019
Developers can visit developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/accessibility/uiaccessibility to learn how to make their
apps even more accessible, beyond using standard UIKit controls and views.
The TrueDepth camera is available on
iPhone X and later models, as well as the 11-inch iPad Pro and 12.9-inch iPad Pro (3rd generation).
© 2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Apple Pay, Apple TV, iPad, iPad Pro, iPhone, Mac, macOS,
Safari, Siri, Spotlight, and TrueDepth are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPadOS
and Multi-Touch are trademarks of Apple Inc. IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other
countries and is used under license.