The educational material in this study guide is practical information to prepare you to meet the
written test requirements. It doesn’t include all the things you need to know about this
pest-control subject or your pest-control profession. It will, however, help you prepare for your
Contributors include the Utah Department of Agriculture and Utah State University Extension
Service. This study guide is based on a similar one published by the Nebraska Department of
Agriculture. The information in this manual was adapted from the following sources: Aerial
Application, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Wisconsin. 1993. Aerial Applicator
Training Manual, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida. 1992. Pattern Your Ag
Spray Plane, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arkansas. Agriculture Aircraft
Calibration and Setup for Spraying, Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas State University.
1992. Aerial Application of Pesticides, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia.
1992. Aerial Pest Control for commercial/noncommercial pesticide applicators (category 12):
Aerial Application is a adapted with permission from Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator
Manual, Category 11, Aerial Application, published by Iowa State University. Editors were:
Clyde L. Ogg, Extension Assistant, and Larry D. Schulze, Extension Pesticide Coordinator,
University of Nebraska. Special thanks to William W. Lyon, Director of Operations, Department
of Aeronautics for providing valuable comments after reviewing this manual.
The information and recommendations contained in this study guide are based on data believed to
be correct. However, no endorsement, guarantee or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is
made with respect to the information contained herein.
Other topics that may be covered in your examinations include First Aid, Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), Protecting the Environment, Pesticide Movement, Groundwater, Endangered
Species, Application Methods and Equipment, Equipment Calibration, Insecticide Use,
Application, Area Measurements, and Weights and Measures. Information on these topics can be
found in the following books:
1. National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual, Published by the National
Association of State
Departments of Agriculture Research Foundation.
2. The Workers Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides – How to Comply:
What Employers Need to Know. U.S. EPA, Revised September 2005, Publication
These books can be obtained from the Utah Department of Agriculture or Utah State University
Extension Service. Please contact your local Utah Department of Agriculture Compliance
Specialists or Utah State University extension agent.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1
PESTICIDE LAWS AND REGULATIONS ........................................ 1
APPLICATION EQUIPMENT .................................................. 2
CALIBRATION .............................................................. 7
FIELD OPERATIONS ........................................................ 14
PROPER HANDLING AND USE ............................................... 16
DRIFT .................................................................... 22
THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES .................................. 27
WORKER PROTECTION STANDARDS ........................................ 27
GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION STANDARDS ............................. 28
APPENDIX I ............................................................... 29
Aerial application of pesticides offers several
advantages over ground application:
You can cover large areas quickly. You can treat crops
or areas (such as mid-season corn or forest stands) for
which ground equipment isn’t suitable. The application
cost per acre is comparatively low.
To reap the full benefit of these advantages, you and
your client must cooperate to develop a pest-control plan
that will ensure a safe and effective operation. Your
plan must be based on full knowledge of the
pest-pesticide relationship, pesticide activity and
restrictions, and the capabilities and limitations of your
aircraft under prevailing conditions. You must also be
aware of hazards to people, livestock, other crops, and
the environment.
Several factors limit the use of aerial application. These
include weather conditions, fixed obstacles such as
power lines, field size, and the distance from the landing
strip to the target area. Your challenge is to know when
and how you can overcome these limitations and, just as
importantly, when these limitations make aerial
application impractical.
This part of the manual presents laws and regulations
pertaining specifically to the aerial application of
pesticides. However, when you prepare for and make
such applications, you must understand and comply with
all the pertinent pesticide laws and regulations.
Note that in explaining the following laws, we only
paraphrase the actual laws and rules. You should
consult the laws and rules themselves if you have
questions about them.
The application of agricultural chemicals, including
pesticides, from aircraft is regulated in part by the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The regulations
that govern aircraft operations are in the Code of
Federal Regulations, Title 14, Aeronautics and Space.
This code includes regulations that deal specifically with
agricultural aircraft operations.
Before applying pesticides by aircraft, you must have a
valid pilot’s certificate, and you or your employer must
have a valid agricultural aircraft operator’s certificate
issued by the FAA. Also, your aircraft must be certified
as airworthy.
You must be certified in the Aerial Pest-Control
Category prior to commercially applying pesticides in
Aerial pesticide-application operations conducted in
Utah must be certified by the Utah Department of
Certification in this category includes applicators
applying pesticides by aircraft to control agricultural,
forest, health- related, or any other pests. Applicators
are also required to be certified in categories of
intended application.
You must make sure that employees who mix or load
pesticides into your aircraft have had appropriate
pesticide-safety training. Such employees must be either
certified as applicators or have received pesticide-safety
training for pesticide handlers as required under the
Worker Protection Standard (WPS).
Anyone who is certified as a pesticide applicator in any
commercial category or as a private applicator or who
has been trained as a pesticide handler according to the
requirements of the WPS may mix or load pesticides.
Such a person would require certification in the Aerial
Pest-Control Category only if he or she intended to
apply pesticides aerially in addition to mixing or loading
Pesticide overspray is defined as applying pesticide
beyond the boundaries of the target area. Overspray is
considered an inherently negligent action that
can’t be excused under any circumstance; it’s flatly
Pesticide drift, like overspray, often implies a lack of
proper care on the part of the pesticide applicator. Drift
is defined as the movement of pesticide in air currents or
by diffusion onto property beyond the boundaries of the
target area. Applicators are responsible for confining
pesticide applications to the target area and for taking
precautions to prevent other persons or their property
from being exposed to the pesticide you are applying.
Equipment for aerial application of pesticides must be
able to lift, transport and disperse pesticides safely and
accurately to the target area. You need to understand
how your equipment affects the application so that you
can ensure effective treatment under any conditions you
You can apply pesticides aerially using either a fixed-
wing airplane or a helicopter, although most applicators
use airplanes. Airplanes are fast, maneuverable, and
have a large payload capacity per dollar invested.
Helicopters are even more maneuverable, can be
operated over a range of speeds, and may be operated
in almost any area because a regular landing strip isn’t
needed. However, helicopters are more expensive to
operate per unit of flying time, so the pilot must minimize
the time lost in turnarounds and refilling.
Metering of spray material is a key function of all
agricultural aircraft dispersal systems. Metering and
dispersal equipment must deliver the labeled rate of a
liquid or solid pesticide accurately, uniformly, and in a
short period of time.
Liquid dispersal systems are the most widely used in
agricultural aviation. They consist of a hydraulic circuit,
including a tank, pump, hose, pressure gauge, boom,
screens, flow regulators and nozzles. More and more
applicators are finding that flow meters are valuable in
monitoring system output and improving application
Dispersal systems may be wind-driven or powered
directly from the aircraft engine.
A typical system is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The components of a liquid dispersal
system on a Piper Brave airplane.
Tank or Hopper
The tank should be corrosion-resistant; most are made
of fiberglass. Most tanks can be filled through an
opening in the top. However, it’s preferable to fill
through a pipe, equipped with a quick-coupling valve,
which comes out the side of the fuselage. The tank
should also have a large emergency gate through which
the load can be dumped in a matter of seconds. The
aircraft must have a gauge that measures tank contents.
The tank should have an air vent that will prevent a
vacuum from developing that would alter or stop the
normal flow of the liquid. Tanks are also fitted with
baffles to limit the sloshing of liquid during flight.
Airplane spray tanks. On an airplane, the tank is
usually mounted in front of the cockpit and as close as
possible to the center of gravity of the plane so that the
trim won’t be affected as the tank empties.
Helicopter spray tanks. The spray tanks on
helicopters are usually mounted in pairs on each side of
the fuselage. A pipe connects the tanks so that the spray is usually low (in the 20 to 50 psi range), and a high flow
is drawn equally from both tanks to keep the helicopter rate is required even for relatively low application rates
balanced. The tanks on most helicopters used in aerial because the number of acres sprayed per unit of time is
application have relatively small capacities in comparison high.
to airplane tanks.
The pump is necessary to ensure uniform and proper
flow rate, produce the desired atomization from nozzles,
and maintain suspensions. The majority of pumps on
airplanes are powered by a fan mounted under the
aircraft in the slipstream of the propeller. Many fans are
equipped with variable-pitch blades so the pump speed
can be changed. Pumps must be able to produce the
desired nozzle pressure (plus five psi for friction loss in
the line) to handle nozzle output and agitation
requirements. Air shear across the nozzle pattern helps
break the liquid into spray, so high pressure isn’t
required for atomization.
Carefully consider the size of the pump. A pump with
too little capacity will require reducing the swath spacing
to assure adequate deposition on the crop. If you use a
centrifugal pump that has a capacity much greater than
required, the impeller may cavitate; this allows air into
the system and calibration becomes erratic.
Centrifugal pump. The pump most widely used for
spraying is the centrifugal pump (Figure 2). It’s available
in many sizes, handles all kinds of liquid formulations
with minimum wear, and can be operated without a
pressure-relief valve.
Figure 2. A centrifuge pump.
Centrifugal pumps that deliver a high flow rate when
using a low operating pressure are generally used. Such
pumps are preferred because the spray-system pressure
Rotary gear pump. If high pressures are needed, a
rotary gear pump is often used (Figure 3). Gear pumps
deliver a low flow rate, but can produce as high as 200
psi. Gear pumps that deliver the gallons per minute
needed for most aerial spraying jobs weigh much more
than a comparable centrifugal pump. A pressure-relief
valve or bypass must be incorporated into the spray
system to relieve the pressure or bypass the chemical
when the spray valve is turned off. Gear pumps are
subject to excessive wear with certain formulations such
as wettable powders. For these reasons -- extra weight,
rapid wear when pumping abrasive formulations, and the
need for a pressure relief valve -- gear pumps are used
only where high pressure is needed.
Figure 3. A rotary gear pump.
ULV applications. Ultralow volume (ULV)
applications (0.05 to 0.5 gallons per acre) need only a
minimum- capacity pump. If your aircraft will be used
only for ULV spraying, use a small centrifugal, gear, or
other rotary pump that can provide the required flow
rate at 40 psi to assure uniform flow and optimum nozzle
If your aircraft is equipped for high-volume spraying and
you want to do ULV spraying too, a minor modification
will be required. Many high-volume pumps are capable
of pumping 75 gallons per minute. ULV applications
may require only 2 gallons per minute. Bypassing 73
gallons back into the spray tank will aerate the spray
solution or cause excessive foaming of some materials.
In either case, accurate calibration of the spraying
system is impossible.
Installing a modification will make it possible to use the orifice size and materials being applied. The 20-mesh
same spraying system for high-volume and ULV screens have the largest openings and would be used
applications. with nozzles having a relatively large orifice. Nothing
Agitation System
Many pesticide formulations require some form of
agitation during application to maintain the spray
Recirculation of the spray mixture during ferrying to the
worksite and during turnarounds is usually enough.
When the aircraft is used to treat long fields where
turnarounds are limited, the pump must have sufficient
capacity to supply the boom and provide adequate
bypass agitation. The return flow should wash the
bottom of the tank to help prevent settling of pesticide
Aerial spray equipment must be designed with valves,
piping, fittings and screens that are big enough for rapid
dispersal of spray material.
Piping and fittings. Main piping and fittings should
have a large diameter (up to three inches) to apply high
volumes of liquids and a smaller diameter (about one
inch) for low-volume application; smaller piping can
often be used with helicopters because their slower
speed makes it possible to get by with lower flow rates.
The piping must be able to handle the pump pressure.
Hoses should be large enough to carry the desired flow
and should be corrosion-resistant. They are less likely to
blow off if the ends of the tubes are beaded or double-
clamped. Avoid sharp bends in hoses as much as
possible, and change hoses when they swell or develop
surface cracks.
Screens. Correctly sized line and nozzle screens must
protect components from damage and nozzles from
clogging. The screens should be cleaned daily during
spray operation or whenever flow or pressure indicates
Nozzle screen sizes of 20 to 100 mesh or an equivalent
slotted strainer should be used, depending on nozzle
finer than 50-mesh screens should be used with wettable
Line screens should be of coarser mesh than nozzle
screens and should be located between the tank and
pump and/or between the pump and boom. Locating the
line screen between the tank and pump will protect the
pump from damage; this screen, located in the suction
line, should have large mesh openings.
Figure 4. A positive cut-off spray valve.
Valves. Use a positive cut-off valve in the line to
eliminate dripping when shutting off the spray at the end
of the runs or when flying over pastures, lakes, streams,
and other sensitive areas. A positive cut-off valve that
incorporates the suck-back feature (Figure 4) reduces
the risk of dripping nozzles. (Nozzle check valves will be
discussed later.) Suck-back is lost if the tank is empty or
the pump is off.
Pressure gauges. Attach the pressure-gauge sensing
line near or at the boom to more accurately determine
pressure. The ideal location for the pressure gauge is in
a position where you can easily monitor pump
performance from the cockpit. Because the flow of the
liquid is related to the pressure, the pressure should be
maintained throughout a spraying operation. Pressure
gauges can malfunction or the sensing line can partially
plug. Check gauges periodically against a gauge you
know is accurate.
Pressure gauges are obviously valuable instruments for
monitoring pump and nozzle performance. However,
don’t rely solely on pressure gauges to calibrate an
aircraft. Nozzle manufacturers' tables give the gallons type. For ULV applications, flat-fan nozzles or rotary
per minute of water emitted by a particular nozzle at atomizers are often used.
various pressures, but the actual output will vary from
aircraft to aircraft. An applicator who calibrates an Position the nozzles (and booms) so the spray won’t
aircraft using nozzles and pressure settings from catalog strike any part of the aircraft or the boom attachments.
values will often be in for a surprise. Field checking your If the spray does strike any structural member of the
aircraft's spray output and pattern is always advisable. aircraft, it will:
The boom supports nozzles along the wingspan of an
airplane. It may be round, airfoil-shaped or streamlined.
Booms should be located behind and below the trailing
edge of the wing to reduce drag and to place the nozzles
in cleaner airflow. Drop booms are often used to help
keep nozzles in clean air. Research shows that the lower
position is likely to give a better deposit pattern. End
caps for booms should be removable for cleaning.
A boom about three-fourths as long as the wingspan is
preferable, because nozzles placed farther toward the tip
have a large amount of their output entrained in the
wing-tip vortex and contribute to drift problems.
Location of outboard nozzles on booms is critical,
because wing tip and main rotor vortices (discussed in
the next section) influence pattern width and drift.
Research has shown that nozzles placed outboard of the
three-fourths wingspan point contribute little toward
increasing swath width.
In ground application, the spray pattern from each
individual nozzle is a major factor in distributing spray
uniformly across the swath. In aerial application, spray
distribution across the swath is affected considerably by
aircraft wake; thus, it’s the overall pattern of all nozzles,
rather than the individual pattern of each nozzle, which
is important. Therefore, nozzle features affecting spray
droplet size, droplet distribution, flow rate, and tendency
to clog are more critical than they would be for a ground
Usually, the same nozzle tips, discs and cores, caps and
screens are used on both aerial- and ground-application
equipment. The most commonly used spray system for
higher application rates is a boom with hydraulic cone
nozzles. The cone nozzles used most often in aerial
application are the disc-core type and the whirl chamber
! Collect and fall off in large drops.
! Distort the spray pattern.
! Waste material.
! Cause corrosion of aircraft parts.
Ideally, the boom should have an end nozzle. However,
if the outermost nozzle isn’t at the end of the boom,
make provisions to purge the air trapped in the outer
ends of the boom. Trapped air will cause the spray to
continue flowing after the spray valve is closed. To
eliminate trapped air, use a tee to attach each outboard
nozzle to the boom and connect a small bleed line from
the tee to the end of the boom. This will ensure rapid
filling of the boom, immediate flow from each nozzle,
and quick and positive cutoff when the spray valve is
Rotary atomizers. Rotary nozzles allow you more
control over the size of the droplets released. Spray
droplets are formed by toothed, grooved, spinning discs
or cups. Centrifugal force generated by the spinning
action causes the release of spray droplets. The speed
at which the nozzle turns and the liquid flow rate control
the size of the droplets. Rotary nozzles reduce the range
of droplet sizes being applied, so very small and very
large droplets are eliminated. However, they can
generate a range of droplet sizes, enabling you to use the
same nozzles for coarse or fine sprays. Control of
droplet size with rotary spray nozzles is especially
significant when oil carriers are used.
Rotary nozzles can apply a wide range of application
rates. Because they have a relatively large metering
orifice, these nozzles don't clog as easily as conventional
nozzles when applying low-volume sprays with a high
concentration of chemicals in suspension.
You may need to fly up to 25 feet above the target to
obtain a uniform deposit pattern. Uniformity also
depends on how fine the spray is and the spacing of the
nozzles. For low-level work, six or more nozzles are Dry materials are dispensed from an airplane hopper
required to provide a uniform swath. through a spreader mounted below the fuselage. The
Microfoil boom A microfoil boom can be used on
helicopters to control droplet size. It’s most often used
for treating rights-of-way. This boom consists of a series
of six-inch-long, airfoil-shaped nozzles. Sixty needlelike
tubes project from the trailing edge of each nozzle.
Spray pressure and orifice diameter control droplet size.
Droplets are formed on the needlelike tubes and pulled
off by the airstream, then they enter the non-turbulent
air behind the nozzle. The microfoil boom is specifically
designed for helicopters, because droplet size can’t be
maintained at high speeds. It can’t be used for
high-viscosity sprays or wettable powders, because the
orifices tend to clog.
Figure 5. An anti-drip nozzle system.
Nozzle anti-drip device. Equip each nozzle with a
check valve to prevent dripping when the spray is shut
off. The diaphragm check valve is the most widely used
type (Figure 5). When the pressure drops to about seven
psi, the spring force is greater than the hydraulic force
on the opposite side of the diaphragm, and the
diaphragm closes off the hole in the barrel leading to the
orifice. These check valves must be used in combination
with in-line valves that have the suck-back feature to
prevent dripping. In systems where suck-back is
unavailable such as on helicopters, a 15-pound spring is
commonly used.
Clean check valves often. If you use diaphragm check
valves, change the diaphragms at regular intervals.
hopper walls should slope enough to ensure uniform flow
of material to the spreader. The hopper should be vented
properly to ensure a more uniform flow, especially when
the hopper and loading door have airtight seals.
The gate that controls the flow of material from hopper
to spreader should move freely, provide a tight seal to
prevent leakage when closed, and provide a uniform
flow to all portions of the spreader. Inspect the gate
often to make sure it doesn’t allow leaks.
The hopper should be equipped with an agitator when
sticky, lumpy or fine (less than 60-mesh) materials are
to be dispersed. A properly designed and functioning
agitator promotes uniform flow of the hopper contents.
Dispersal systems for applying pesticide granules are
primarily ram-air spreaders for airplanes and centrifugal
or fan-powered air-flow spreaders for helicopters.
Ram-air spreaders. The same hopper that is used to
hold the liquid spray is used to hold dry materials when
they are spread with an airplane. Ram-air spreaders
(Figure 6) are mounted under the belly of an aircraft in
such a manner that they can be quickly removed when
the aircraft must revert to spraying.
The amount of dry material fed into the ram-air spreader
is determined by the opening in the metering gate
between the hopper and spreader. Ram-air spreaders
have internal vanes that impart a sidewards velocity to
the air that enters the throat of the spreader. This
feature increases the effective swath of the spreader.
Ram-air spreaders can uniformly spread material over
a limited range of application rates. When too large an
amount of dry material is metered into the spreader, the
spreader becomes choked off and less air is able to
enter the unit. A large amount of dry material entering
the spreader requires more air, not less, to convey the
material through the spreader and achieve a wide,
uniform swath.
Figure 6. A ram-air spreader for applying
materials by airplane.
Ram-air spreaders have a number of drawbacks, such
as the limited range of application rates. They adversely
affect aircraft performance because of the high drag
load resulting from their unavoidably being placed in the
high-speed airstream, though some new spreaders have
less drag than the pump and booms produce. However,
ram-air spreaders have survived a long list of “new,
improved designs” because they are simple, versatile,
and reasonably priced and do a fairly good job of
spreading dry materials.
Centrifugal spreaders commonly used by helicopters
are self-contained units having their own hoppers. The
unit is suspended from the helicopter by a cable and
hook (Figure 7). The spinners that the dry material is
metered onto are usually driven by a hydraulic motor
and, in some cases, by an integral gasoline engine.
Figure 7. A centrifugal spreader for applying dry
materials by helicopter.
The units are controlled with hydraulic control cables or
radio frequency. Usually, two self-contained units are
used so that the pilot can spread with one while the
other is being refilled.
Dispersal equipment you use must be accurately
calibrated in order to perform any operation. The best
pilot flying the best aircraft can’t properly treat an area
if the equipment dispenses the incorrect amount of
material in a variable pattern. Proper calibration not only
helps ensure effective treatment, but it also helps
prevent pesticide drift. Improper calibration, on the other
hand, will result in dissatisfied customers and perhaps
even an angry public.
(Note: Some formulas used in this unit contain numbers
that are constants, numbers that remain unchanged
whenever you use the formula. To make calibration
easier for you, we provide you with the constants rather
than going through the complex calculations from which
the constants are derived.)
Calibration is used to determine how much liquid solution
nozzles must deliver to deposit the required amount of
product active ingredient (AI) per acre. Only changes in
ground speed or flow rate can change the amount of
material an aircraft applies. Never use swath width to
change the application rate without physically changing
the nozzle configuration. The basic steps of aircraft
calibration are:
A. Determine the acres your aircraft system treats per
minute at the speed and estimated swath width you plan
to fly. The effective swath width should match that
determined by pattern testing.
Equation 1: Acres per minute
.00202 X swath width X speed = acres per minute
Example using 60-ft. swath width and 120 mph:
.00202 X 60 ft. X 120 mph = 14.54 acres/minute Based on this calculation, select a nozzle that has a flow
B. Determine the gallons you must spray per minute to to 30 psi.
apply the recommended gallonage rate.
Equation 2: Gallons per minute
Acres per minute X application rate = gpm
Example using 10 gallons per acre:
14.54 a/min. X 10 gpa = 145.4 gpm
C. Once you have determined the flow rate, select the
nozzle orifice size and number of nozzles needed to
deliver the correct number of gallons per minute within
the allowable operating-pressure range of your system.
It’s generally recommended that spray pressures
remain greater than 18 psi and less than 40 psi
(preferably 18 to 30 psi to minimize drift).
Determine the number of nozzles to use. Assume you
are using a nozzle with a flow rate of 3 gpm at 25 psi.
Equation 3: Nozzles needed
Total flow ÷ gpm per nozzle = number of nozzles needed
145.4 gpm ÷ 3 gpm per nozzle = 48.46 nozzles needed
To obtain the desired application rate at a three-gpm
flow rate, you would need 48 operating nozzles. Position
each nozzle and test the system pattern to verify
distribution pattern uniformity and required nozzle-
pattern changes.
Determine what nozzle tip size to use. For this
calculation, you must select the total number of nozzle-
outlet positions on the boom or the total number of
positions before calculations begin. Assume that 66
nozzles are needed.
Equation 4: gpm per nozzle
Total flow ÷ number of nozzles = gpm per nozzle
145.4 gpm ÷ 66 nozzles = 2.2 gpm per nozzle
rate close to 2.2 gpm in the desired pressure range of 18
Once individual nozzles are mounted on a boom system,
calculating flow rates is hard, especially if you’re
equipping an aircraft for high application rates. Individual
nozzle flow rates vary depending on location, turbulence
in the boom, and the number of boom restrictions. After
you place the nozzles on the boom, make a trial run to
be sure you are applying the correct rate and depositing
the spray uniformly.
A high number of larger nozzles (larger orifices) results
in high fluid velocities inside the boom and a large
pressure drop from the center of the boom to the end of
the boom where the last nozzle is located. This pressure
differential may result in narrower effective swath
widths. Full three-inch liquid systems (no restrictions
smaller than three inches from the pump outlet on) are
recommended for field applications greater than nine
gpa. The exact flow rate (gpm) or pressure (psi) needed
for a particular nozzle may not be listed in the available
tables. If you know the flow rate at one pressure, you
can calculate the pressure or flow rate for other
pressures or flow rates by using the following equation:
Equation 5: Flow rates and pressures
gpm ÷ gpm = square root of psi ÷ square root of psi
1 2 1 2
If you know the desired pressure, you can calculate the
unknown nozzle flow rate by rearranging the above
equation as follows:
Equation 6: gpm at desired pressure
(square root of gpm known) X (square root of psi
desired) ÷ square root of psi known = gpm unknown
Or, if you know what flow rate you want, you can find
the pressure you need by rearranging Equation 6 as
Equation 7: Pressure at desired gpm
[(gpm desired X (square root of psi known) ÷ (gpm
known)] = psi unknown
This relationship between pressure and flow rate is
accurate for most hydraulic nozzles.
For example, if you use 6530 flat fan tips in step 3 When you evaluate the pattern and determine the
above, and the nozzle catalog lists the flow rate of this effective swath of an aircraft, then spray height, speed,
nozzle at 40 psi as 3.0 gpm, you can calculate the spray pressure, and nozzle location should duplicate field
needed pressure as follows: conditions. The best time for testing is early in the
[(2.2 gpm X square root of 40 psi) ÷ 3.0 gpm] = 21.51 thermal turbulence. Fly the plane directly into the wind
psi and limit testing to days when the wind speed is less
Using equation 7, you would find that the pressure
needed to provide a flow rate of 2.2 gpm with this nozzle Pattern-testing is such an important part of achieving
is 21.51 psi. This is within the acceptable range for this good aerial application that computerized pattern-testing
nozzle. equipment has been developed for this purpose. One
The above calculation assumes that all nozzles receive of fluorescent dye that an aircraft sprays onto a 100-foot
the same pressure. This is usually not the case, long paper tape or cotton string in the field. The dye
especially on higher volume applications. Pressures intensity is recorded by a computer that gives a relative
often have to be increased about ten percent to reading of intensities and also determines the swath
compensate for flow restrictions and pressure loss along spacing that would yield the best pattern uniformity for
the boom. the pattern on the tape being analyzed.
Install inboard and outboard pressure gauges to check Computerized pattern-testing equipment may be too
for significant (one to two psi or more) pressure drops expensive for you to buy for personal use. However,
along the boom at high flow rates. Switch gauge you can get an idea of the pattern applied by your
positions to check for gauge error. Make a trial run to be aircraft by using the general layout shown in Figure 8 to
sure the aircraft is dispersing the desired application pattern-test. This figure shows a layout used for pattern-
rate. testing dry materials. For liquids, use a continuous piece
Perhaps the greatest difference between calibrating air
and ground application equipment is how you ensure that
the pesticide is applied uniformly over the target area.
Ground-equipment nozzles are spaced uniformly along a
boom in an attempt to get the same output and spray
pattern from each nozzle. The pattern doesn’t vary
drastically among different pieces of application
In aerial application, the very movement of the aircraft
causes differential airflow across the length of the
boom. Thus, the pattern of an individual nozzle, tested at
no movement, is of minor importance to the overall
distribution of the applied pesticide. Droplet size, droplet
distribution, flow rate, and tendency to clog are very
important factors. For these reasons, no standard
configuration of nozzles along a boom provides uniform
distribution. The ideal configuration varies with each
aircraft (even the same model aircraft), delivery system,
and application rate.
morning before the sun heats the ground and causes
than ten mph.
system consists of a fluorometer that reads the intensity
of adding machine paper or water-sensitive cards rather
than evenly spaced collection pans. (We will discuss
pattern-testing for dry materials later in this section.)
The pattern line should be at least 80 feet long.
Determine the wind direction, and place flags about 100
yards on each side of the pattern line along the flight
path (center line).
Figure 8. General layout for testing deposition
pattern when calibrating aircraft.
Regardless of which testing system you use, make sure
that the boom and all nozzles, screens, and other parts of
the spraying system are clean and rinsed before you test
the aircraft. Fill the spray tank with about 30 gallons of
water, and add enough water-soluble dye to make a
dark solution. Fly a short pass to purge the boom of any
clear water and check for leaks.
You could also do this on the ground by attaching a
garden hose to the end of the boom. The hose, using
external pressure, will force water containing dye
through the boom and out of the nozzles. Turn off the
hose and see if any nozzles continue to drip after the
pressure is off. The dye will make any leaks or plugged
drop-pipes easy to spot. Figure 9. Effective swath width of a typical
After takeoff, purge the boom and make sure that dye
leaves the end nozzles. Align the aircraft with the flags
on a spray run that duplicates the actual field practices.
Spray at least 100 yards on both sides of the pattern line
while maintaining straight and level flight to ensure a
representative spray pattern. Repeat the test to make
sure the run was representative of typical spray
Visual evaluation requires some experience, but you
should be able to identify common problems with spray
uniformity and swath width. Watch for light drop-density
areas around the centerline and uneven densities toward
the wing tips.
The effective swath width will be considerably narrower
than the distance between the outside samples where
dye is evident (Figure 9). The amount of dye is
reasonably constant for some distance on each side of
the flight path and then begins to reduce until there is no
dye evident. The effective swath width is the distance
between the two points on the sloping ends of the
pattern where the dye level is one-half the amount at the
beginning of the slope.
deposition pattern.
A number of factors influence swath width and
application uniformity. Some, such as wing tip or rotor
vortex, result from equipment design and must always
be taken into consideration. Others, such as nozzle
problems, are maintenance problems that can be
corrected. You can detect each of these problems with
pattern testing. Next we will discuss how to diagnose,
compensate for, or correct these and other common
causes of non-uniform spray deposition.
Leaks. The dye makes it relatively easy for you to
detect system leaks. If there are indications of system
leaks, such as very large drops of dye on the paper used
for pattern evaluation, check the spray system
Nozzle problems. It’s normal for small and large
droplets to appear on the sampling paper when pattern
testing, because all atomizers generate a range of
droplet sizes. If the range of droplets varies
tremendously between locations in the pattern, different-
sized or badly worn nozzles may be the problem. (You
will generally find finer droplets in the center of the
pattern that are caused by the increased shear action of
the high-speed prop blast.)
Sometimes, you may put different-sized nozzles on the
boom on purpose. For example, you may use a few
nozzles with larger openings to counter prop wash
displacement. Nozzle wear usually doesn’t affect spray speed, and special cowlings such as speed rings, spray
pattern significantly. You are likely to notice that you are droplet size, and spraying height.
spraying too great a volume before the wear gets bad
enough to have a significant impact on the pattern. Helicopters exhibit similar rotor-wash characteristics.
Incorrect droplet spectrum. It’s impossible to
determine the size of droplets that are generated by an
atomizer by measuring the droplet stain on the sampling
paper. However, an experienced operator can determine
whether droplet size is appropriate for the job to be
done. Generally, coarse droplets are used for applying
herbicides, small to medium for insecticides, and small
for fungicides.
Airplanes and helicopters must move air to fly. The
resulting air movement isn’t uniform, but it’s somewhat
predictable. Your challenges are to understand how air
moves around and under the aircraft and to compensate
for this movement in order to apply pesticides uniformly
across the swath.
Again, although we mention some general guidelines for
producing a uniform spray pattern, remember that the
actual placement of nozzles varies with each individual
aircraft. There’s no standard configuration of nozzles
that will provide a uniform pattern.
Prop and rotor wash. Prop-wash turbulence, which is
the result of the clockwise propeller air helix spiraling
into the fuselage, carries droplets from nozzles to the
right of the fuselage and deposits them on the target
located beneath or to the left of the fuselage.
Counterclockwise-rotation propellers (used with
counterclockwise-rotating engines such as the PZL)
have similar but reversed prop-wash problems, with the
excess deposit on the opposite right side of the aircraft.
Prop wash results in a lack of spray deposit reaching
targets from the center to about six feet right (or left in
the case of the PZL engines) of the fuselage.
Historically, a high percentage of the aircraft tested
during aerial- application workshops have required
compensation for this problem. The seriousness of prop-
wash spray shift depends on factors that include aircraft
fuselage and aerodynamics, propeller length and rotation
The rotation of the rotor creates a swirling, cone-shaped
helix that descends, trailing the direction of flight. This
rotating air mass traps small spray droplets and
transports them, resulting in a distortion of the spray
deposit away from the leading rotor and in the direction
of the trailing rotor. This shift may be influenced by
many factors, including aircraft aerodynamics, location
of boom mounting, spray droplet size, forward flight
speed, and weight of the aircraft.
Prop wash is anticipated in propeller aircraft, especially
those with larger radial engines. Some compensation is
possible if nozzles are located correctly. Install extra
nozzles to the right of the fuselage, in line with or just
inboard of a point directly behind the center of the
To determine this point, align the propeller horizontally,
and visualize a line parallel to the line of flight rearward
to the spray boom. Radial-powered Ag Cats typically
require more nozzles on the right than other types of
aircraft. Engine speed rings alter the airflow around the
engine and result in different distortions to the deposition
patterns than the same aircraft without a speed ring.
The deposition pattern of the large Melex Dromader
aircraft is especially sensitive to the addition of third-
party-manufactured speed rings. After adding or
relocating any nozzle position, pattern-test the aircraft to
verify the change in deposition uniformity (Figure 10).
Wing-tip vortex. Wing-tip vortex originates in the
turbulence behind the wing as the airstream moves
quickly from the high-pressure area under the wing and
meets the low-pressure air from the top of the wing
surface. The air mass travels the shortest route, which
causes part of the air to slip outward from under the
wing and introduces a large amount of turbulence and
rotation. Visualize this rotation as a spinning cone of air
with the highest velocities toward the center of the cone.
The highest-velocity (strongest) vortex action is
produced by heavy, slow-moving aircraft. Bi-wing
aircraft produce vortices at each of the wing tips that
quickly combine into a single vortex behind the aircraft.
The combined vortex is about equal in strength to that
produced by a monowing aircraft of the same weight
and air speed.
Figure 10. Effect on spray pattern caused by Placing nozzles inboard and/or below the trailing edge of
propwash and wing-tip vortices. the wing reduces the amount of spray trapped in the
Larger droplets released inboard and well below the wing aircraft indicates that removing nozzles inboard
wing are least influenced by the wing-tip vortex. Wing- from the wing tips until a ten-percent reduction in
down wash airflow causes the pattern spray to spread. effective swath width is noted reduces potential driftable
Wing-tip vortices are also partially responsible for a
swath wider than the aircraft wingspan. However, spray Fly-in pattern-testing has verified that drift-hazard
must enter only the outer, gently swirling air during its reduction is maximized by not placing a nozzle within six
second or third rotation rather than the eye of the to ten feet of the wing tip. Normally, the swath width of
vortex. The outer portion of the vortex has a downward conventional aircraft isn’t reduced by reducing the boom
and outward motion that carries primarily the smaller length to 70 or 75 percent of the wingspan. The effect
droplets down to the crop outside the wingspan. The eye of reducing boom length more than 70 percent depends
of the vortex traps all but the largest droplets and rotates on the aircraft, nozzle pressure, and spray-droplet size.
them above the aircraft wing level. These droplets may
be suspended long enough that the pesticide carrier Applicator tests using rotary nozzles (that is, Micronair)
(water) evaporates or moves off target (Figure 11). indicate that the outermost nozzle position may be
Helicopters produce rotor vortices in much the same wingspan to ensure that material isn’t entrained in the
way as fixed-wing aircraft, except that the rotor blade wing-tip-vortex circulation.
changes the angle of attack as it travels around in a
circular path. The rotor vortices form just below and Nozzle stoppage, improper swath width, and other
behind the blade tip. The maximum strength exists factors can cause poor distribution. Strips of poor weed
where the rotor blade is at the highest angle of attack. control, called streaking, indicate poor distribution.
Place nozzles inboard of the rotor-blade tips to help problem from field results occurs strictly by chance.
prevent entrainment of the spray in the vortex. Toe-
mount booms produce less rotor distortion than do skid- If you wait for problems to show up in a field situation,
or heel- mounted booms. the damage has already been done and is hard to
Figure 11. Wing tip vortex zones where smaller
droplets can become trapped (droplet diameters
shown in micronsF).
vortex circulation. Recent NASA research on fixed-
lines by up to 90 percent.
positioned inboard as much as 55 percent of the
However, identifying the cause and remedying this
remedy. Complete pattern-testing and make calibration
adjustments to the aircraft to obtain uniform deposition [(acres per mile) X 60] ÷ seconds to fly 1 mile = acres
before you make annual applications. per minute
Give equal attention to calibrating equipment that
dispenses solids and liquids. The type of spreader, type
of granular material, rate per acre, and amount of swath
overlap all affect calibration accuracy. If one condition
changes, you must repeat the calibration procedure. For
example, the size, shape, density and flowability of a
granular material affects the swath width, application
rate and pattern. Also, except at low rates, swath width
is inversely proportional to application rate; that is, if you
increase the rate, you decrease the swath width.
If the spreader manufacturer provided an owner's
manual that specifies gate settings for different delivery
rates and for different formulations, use this data as a
starting point. Determine the actual pounds per minute
by conducting a hopper-refill test during the application
of the first few swaths of material. (Hopper-refill tests
are discussed later in this section.)
Assume a swath width based on previous experience
with similar equipment. Once you know the flying speed,
you can calculate the desired rate per minute.
3600 ÷ mph = seconds to fly 1 mile
If you assume a speed of 90 mph and a swath width of
50 feet:
3600 ÷ 90 mph = 40 seconds
Swath width (feet) ÷ 8.25 = acres covered per mile
50 ÷ 8.25 = 6.06 acres per mile
You can then calculate acres per minute as follows:
(6.06 X 60) ÷ 40 = 9.09 acres per minute
If the label calls for 10 pounds per acre, the desired flow
rate is:
(pounds per acre) X (acres per minute) = pounds per
(10) X (9.09) = 90.9 pounds per minute
If you don't have information regarding proper gate
settings, do some preliminary work on the ground. Time
the flow of 100 pounds of granules through the gate
opening. The flow rate will be about twice as fast during
flight; use this to make an estimate, and adjust the gate
for the desired rate per acre.
For example, suppose in your ground test, it took two
minutes for 100 pounds to flow through the gate
opening. That would correspond to 100 pounds per
minute while in flight. This output is too high; readjust
the gate opening and try again. When the value obtained
in the ground test is acceptable, check the distribution by
doing a test run.
You can determine the distribution pattern only by
setting out pans across a line of flight. The setup is
similar to that shown for liquid sprays in Figure 8 on
page 14. The pans should be at least four inches deep
and padded inside with a thin layer of foam. The inside
area should be sufficient to catch a measurable amount
of material. (For example, a 16-square-foot pan will
catch up to half an ounce if you apply granules at 100
pounds per acre.) Place them at two-foot intervals for
20 feet on each side of the swath centerline and at
five-foot intervals for an additional 30 feet on each side.
Do this on flat ground, and be sure the total width is
greater than the expected swath width.
Perform the test during minimum wind conditions. Orient
the pans at right angles to the wind and fly into the wind.
Fly at 30 to 50 feet above the ground surface, which is 6 units. Likewise, the two swaths applied a total of 6
normal for granular applications. units (3 + 3) at point C. Thus, a distributor with a
After the run is completed, move from one end of the
test strip to the other, collecting the granules from each
pan, and transfer them into a small-diameter glass tube
(test tubes do nicely). Use a separate tube for each pan
and keep the tubes in order.
When you’re finished, place the tubes in sequence on a
wooden base to display distribution visually. Use the
display to determine the shape of the distribution curve
and estimate the overlap you need in order to provide
even coverage.
Your estimate will be more accurate if you plot the
height of the granules in each tube, in sequence, on a
piece of graph paper. If necessary, cut out the graph,
duplicate it, and align the two to give the most uniform
distribution; 50 percent overlap is common. The
effective swath width is the total width minus the
distance of overlap.
Figure 12. Triangular deposition pattern of dry These examples show that you can’t just fly two swaths
material across a swath. over the collection pans and take half the distribution
The distribution shown in Figure 12 is an idealized point on a single pass and determine the pattern and
plotting of the amounts caught in the pans laid out across swath from the plottings of multiple passes. After you
60 feet. This triangle is a perfect pattern for a 30-foot achieve an even pattern, you can determine the swath
swath spacing. Another pattern centered around a point width and calculate the rate per acre.
30 feet from the first flight path would result in an even
distribution between the two patterns. The examples of the triangle and trapezoid patterns cited
Figure 12 shows that at point A, 6 units (pounds or other some irregularities in the distribution pattern always
unit of weight) were applied with the first swath, and occur.
none with the second. At point B, 5 units were applied
with the first swath and 1 with the second for a total of
triangular pattern can make an even application if you
use half of the width of the pattern as the swath
Figure 13. Trapezoidal deposition pattern of dry
material across a swath.
The trapezoid shown in Figure 13 is a common pattern
generated by granular spreaders. The swath spacing for
a pattern of this shape is determined by the following
(AD + BC) ÷ 2 = swath spacing
Zero granules were caught at points A and D. The
amount caught was the same for each pan between
points B and C. If the distance between A and D is 60
feet, and the distance between B and C is 30 feet, then:
(60 + 30) ÷ 2 = 45 feet
pattern as the swath width. Instead, you must plot each
earlier represent ideal situations. In practice, though,
After you plot the sample and determine the swath, formulation. They also won’t change appreciably from
check to see if the distribution of the granules remains ten to 20 pounds per acre. Thus, the same swath width
within acceptable tolerances (that is, where the amount can be used for this range of application rates, and an
within each collection pan is within five percent of the annual check will be sufficient, provided that the
average). equipment isn’t changed or damaged.
Non-symmetrical distribution pattern. A common
type of irregularity in the swath is non-symmetrical
distribution; that is, for any given swath, the pattern on
the right side of the aircraft is different from that on the
If you fly all passes in the same direction in a race track
pattern, and there is 50 percent overlap, the left wing
pattern comes over the right wing pattern (or vice versa)
and results in a perfect total pattern. If you fly a
back-and-forth pattern, the left wing overlaps the left
wing and the resulting pattern isn’t acceptable.
The goal of calibration is to make distribution patterns as
even as possible and the same on both sides of the
aircraft. If you must adjust the pattern halfway out on
the left side, adjust the flow at the gate halfway left to
center. Or you may have to adjust the spreader vanes
halfway left from center.
Determine the actual application rate. After
checking the swath width, pattern and calibration of the
spreader, measure the application rate per acre. To do
this, load a known weight of pesticide product into the
hopper. Fly a known number of passes of known length
(minimum four passes, two in each direction), then
weigh the remaining material. The initial weight minus
that of the remaining material is the amount you applied.
You can determine the acres covered in the test run as
Number of swaths X field length (ft.) X swath width
(ft.) ÷ 43,560 sq. ft. per acre = acres covered
The application rate is:
Pounds of material applied in the test run ÷ acres
covered in the test run = pounds per acre
Once you determine the swath width and pattern, they
usually won’t change for the same plane, spreader and
Still, you should check the application rate whenever you
get a chance. Such checking shows exactly how many
pounds were applied for each job. Calculate the rate per
acre to check on the gate setting several times a day,
and keep records of your checks. Many things can
happen to affect the rate, including these:
! Foreign material may enter the hopper and plug a
gate or spreader opening.
! Moisture may condense in the hopper overnight.
The resulting sticky material would affect
application rate.
! Water may splash onto the spreader during taxi or
take-off and cause wet areas around the openings,
thus reducing the flow of granules.
By continually checking your delivery rate and
correcting any problems, you will consistently make
effective and accurate applications.
Scout the field from the air before actually starting spray
operations. Circle the field at a very low altitude, but
high enough to clear all obstructions by at least 50 feet.
Look for wires and other obstructions (trees, buildings,
windmills, radio antennas, road signs, pipeline markers
and fences) in and near the fields to be treated. Be
aware that trees may conceal power lines. Regard any
break in the cultivation pattern in the field with suspicion.
After you circle the field and note the obvious hazards,
fly just above and to one side along each power or
phone wire and check each pole. Look for branch wires,
guy wires, and transformers. Many times a wire is hard
to spot from above, but if you look at the pole tops you
can see the insulators that attach these wires to the pole.
Transformers usually have a branch wire that goes to a
house, well or other structure. If a house is near the
treatment area, look for a line coming in from
somewhere to determine by what route it gets its power.
A guy wire will normally be placed on the opposite side
of a pole from a branch wire or at the pole where a
main line makes a turn.
Always remember that conditions change. The wire you
flew under last year (or last week, for that matter) may
have a new one under it today. You may be able to get
under a wire in the spring when a crop is first planted,
but not later in the year when the crop is taller. And a
field that had no lines last week may have power or
phone lines today. Heat expands wires, making them
lower to the ground during hot summer days.
Practice safe flying procedures during application to
protect you, your ground crew, and the environment and
to ensure that the pesticide you are applying will be
In field. Pilots normally fly back and forth across the
area being treated in straight, parallel lines (Figure 14).
However, a race-track pattern may be more energy-
efficient for some fields or more appropriate in situations
where it allows the aircraft to avoid sensitive areas.
Remember that an airplane can’t deliver a uniform spray
pattern if the flight line isn’t straight.
In mountainous terrain, where areas are too hemmed in
to permit back-and-forth flying, make all treatments
downslope. Upslope treatments are extremely
Mark each swath to ensure uniform coverage and to
avoid excessive overlap or stripping of the area.
Whenever possible, make the flight lines or swaths
crosswind to assist in overlap and coverage uniformity.
Begin treatments on the downwind side of the areas so
that you can make each successive swath without flying
through chemicals suspended in the air from previous
swaths (Figure 14). Also try to make the flight lines
lengthwise to the treated area to reduce the number of
Figure 14. Routine turnaround flight patterns for
aerial application.
Speed. Maintain constant airspeed during aerial
application. Remember that calibration of dispersal
systems depends on flow rate (gallons or pounds per
minute) and flight speed. No device is available that
changes flow rate automatically and proportionately as
the flight speed changes. Therefore, once the dispersal
apparatus has been properly calibrated, you must keep
the speed constant during each swath to ensure uniform
coverage of the area This is another reason to apply
pesticides crosswind. By doing so, you avoid the adverse
effects of head- and tailwinds on application rate.
Altitude. Altitude is usually determined by the
formulation of material being applied. For example, liquid
pesticides must be applied from a low height (up to one-
half the wingspan) to reduce drift. Granular pesticides
are usually applied from wingspan height.
You must keep the selected height constant during each
swath run to obtain uniform coverage of the treated
area. Maintain the same height you used when you
checked the pattern of deposition and determined
effective swath width.
Power and telephone lines. If a wire is close to trees,
it’s safer to fly under the wire and then pull up and go
over the trees than it is to enter the field over trees and
then go under the wires. In the latter situation, you must
judge the pull out at the ground and determine then if
there is room to get under the wire. This is very
dangerous. Don’t fly under wires that have fences or swath spacing or distance the aircraft must move over,
other objects under them. maneuverability of the aircraft, power, load remaining,
Obstructions beside and at end of field. If
obstructions (trees, power and telephone lines, or
buildings) are located at the beginning or end of the
swath, turn the spray on late or shut it off early, perhaps
one or two swath-widths from the end of the field. Then
when the field is completed, fly one or two swaths
crosswise (parallel to the obstruction) to finish out the
field. Even though you may be over the target area, you
mustn’t disburse materials when dropping in or pulling
out of the field. The deposition pattern will be distorted
and the pesticide will be likely to drift.
If there are obstructions along the sides of a field, fly
parallel and as close to the obstruction as you safely
can. Leave an untreated border strip adjacent to
buildings, residences, and livestock areas to help avoid
pesticide drift. You may treat obstructed borders when
the wind is blowing toward the target area.
Obstructions within a field. Approach a tree, pole, or
other obstruction that is within a field the same way you
would if it were at the end of the field -- stop spraying
one or two swath widths from the obstruction. After
pulling up, make a 180-degree turn before dropping in on
the other side. This will allow you to control the speed
sufficiently to avoid overshooting the other side. Work
past the obstruction, then run one or two swath widths
on each side of it to complete the treatment around it.
The turnaround is performed more often than any other
maneuver during aerial applications. When executed
poorly, it’s a major cause of accidents. The pullup and
downwind turn puts the aircraft in a low-speed,
high-drag situation, so it must be executed carefully.
You should never look back; accomplish orientation for
the next swath before the pullup.
If possible, start the turnaround at the end of each swath
after pulling up over obstructions. When applying
pesticides in the back-and-forth pattern, start the
turnaround by turning 45 degrees downwind, leveling off
for several seconds, then making a smooth coordinated
reversal of 225 degrees (Figure 14). The number of
seconds you spend in level flight is determined by the
wind, temperature and elevation.
As you complete the turn, orient yourself to line up for
the next swath. Pilots often encounter difficulty during
this part of the turn, so pace yourself. Avoid fast or
intricate maneuvering to get into position. Complete the
turnaround before dropping in over any obstructions on
the next swath. Any turning while dispensing will distort
the distribution pattern and make even application
Avoid snapping reversal, lowball or wingover turns.
When you must make a turn by going upwind first, you
need more space and time to complete the turn.
Avoid turnarounds over residences, farm buildings,
penned poultry or livestock, watering places, ponds and
reservoirs. Flying in a racetrack pattern may help you
avoid these sensitive areas. Always stop the discharge
before pulling up or making turnarounds.
Airspeeds of 100 to 120 mph (faster for some airplanes,
slower for helicopters) are recommended when applying
granules. These speeds maintain good airflow through
the spreader and obtain proper distribution and maximum
swath width. The flying height, airspeed, and correct
ground track must be held as constant as possible to
obtain uniform results. Crosswinds have considerable
effect on offsetting the dispersal pattern from the ground
track centerline because of the flying height required.
Head or tail winds affect ground speed, and adjustments
in flow rate and/or airspeed may be required to give
uniform distribution on alternating upwind-downwind
passes. Monitor operating conditions and weather
changes carefully when you apply these materials,
because a no-wind condition is seldom encountered for
any length of time.
You can obtain maximum swath width at a certain
wheel height above the crop. This height varies with the
density, size and grading of the particles of material
being applied. For most materials, this is in the range of
40 to 60 feet wheel height. Effective wheel height is
determined by the lateral distance the spreader throws
the heavier particles. Flying below this height allows
particles to hit the ground while still traveling in the ! Be acquainted with each chemical used, knowing
spanwise direction. Flying above this height achieves no how to handle it safely, what clothing and devices
increase in swath width because particles fall vertically should be worn for protection, antidotes that are
after the lateral energy is dissipated. Don’t fly higher required in the event of accidental overexposure,
than necessary, or you may experience problems with special precautions that must be observed when
increased swath displacement and difficulty in applying chemicals, where chemicals can be used
maintaining desired ground-track height. safely, and the hazards if chemicals are applied
Fly at an altitude of at least 500 feet during ferry flights
between the airstrip and worksite, whether the tanks are
loaded or empty. Avoid flying over farm buildings,
scattered residential areas, and penned poultry or
livestock. Too often, because of the noise they make or
their mere presence, agricultural aircraft are accused of
damaging or contaminating property. If you must make
many trips back to the same area, avoid taking the same
route each time. Deviate one-eighth to one-fourth mile
off direct course to avoid flying close to the same areas
each time.
Every pesticide comes with its own set of risks to
humans and the environment. Everyone in your
operation has a responsibility to understand and avoid
these risks. If the risks are realized, you must know how
to respond to them.
The pilot is responsible for efficient and successful aerial
application. Training, ability, skill, judgment and
competence can’t be overemphasized. A pilot must:
! Determine the best direction in which to spray a
block and adeptly maneuver an aircraft that is
loaded to its maximum legal weight.
! Be trained in crop recognition, not only to ensure
that the correct field is treated but, more
importantly, to ensure that any drift damage to
adjacent crops is minimal.
! Read the label, and comply with application rate and
safety precautions.
incorrectly or in the wrong places.
! Know how weather affects the application of
sprays and granules to crops.
! Master his or her aircraft, using only the maneuvers
that can be performed safely and avoiding others,
and know the maximum load limit from short, rough,
temporary airstrips.
Above all, the pilot must be aware of his or her
own limitations in the aircraft.
Pilots should use extreme caution when loading aircraft
with pesticides. It’s hard, even with normal protective
clothing and equipment, to load without some exposure.
Accumulated exposures may bring on mild pesticide
symptoms, including dizziness and fixed contraction of
the pupils (miosis) of the eye. The latter has been
reported to cause diminished visual acuity, especially at
These mild symptoms may not be as serious to ground
applicators or the ground crew, but they are potentially
fatal to a pilot, especially during night applications. If
pilots are exposed when dispensing pesticides and during
loading operations, they may accumulate enough dosage
to trigger symptoms. When crosswinds occur, the pilot
should begin application on the downwind side of the
field to avoid flying through the previous swath.
There is evidence that accidental, direct eye
contamination by organophosphates may cause
contraction of the pupils for from seven to ten days
without any other symptoms. There have been several
reports of fatal injury to agricultural pilots who were
directly exposed to organophosphates. Miosis was
definitely identified following the crash.
It’s very hard to prove that “pilot error” crashes were
caused by pesticide exposure, but present evidence
suggests pesticide exposures should be kept to a gloves in an enclosed container to prevent contamination
minimum. Pilots who exhibit symptoms characteristic of of the cockpit's interior.
pesticide poisoning shouldn’t fly until the symptoms
disappear. Under the WPS, pilots may substitute certain protective
Remember, your body will tolerate small amounts of equipment. The substitutions that are allowed depend on
most pesticides. But if you accumulate doses of whether the cockpit is enclosed or open.
pesticide from various operations -- flying, loading,
mixing or cleaning, symptoms will begin when you reach
a certain level.
There have been a number of air crashes after the pilot
was drenched with pesticide from a ruptured spray tank.
Many pesticides are rapidly absorbed through the skin as
well as entering through the respiratory route. Always
remove contaminated clothing as soon as possible, then
run for the nearest water for washing -- whether that is
a ditch, creek, pond or hose. This isn’t the time for
modesty. The California Department of Health reported
one pilot who, though not critically injured in the crash,
was splashed with TEPP and phosdrin. He died of
organophosphate poisoning 20 minutes later.
Use a filter- or canister-type respirator appropriate for
the chemical being applied. If you need one for extended
periods during hot weather, use a respirator and
crash-helmet combination that is ventilated with fresh
The unit in Applying Pesticides Correctly provides an
excellent discussion of the types of, and need for,
protective clothing and equipment. The Worker
Protection Standard (WPS) requires pesticide
manufacturers to list minimum personal protective
equipment and clothing requirements on the label. The
label must specify the type of gloves to wear (such as
nitrile) and, if applicable, the type of respirator to use
and the respirator's MSHA/NIOSH approval-number
prefix. (For example, the label might say to use an
organic-vapor-removing cartridge and pre-filter with
MSHA/NIOSH approval number prefix TC-23C.)
The WPS requires you to wear the protective gloves
required by the labeling when entering or exiting an
aircraft whose exterior is contaminated by pesticide
residue. Once inside the cockpit, you must keep the
gear for label-specified personal protective clothing and
Enclosed cockpits. Persons in enclosed cockpits are
not required to wear personal protective clothing or
equipment, but they must wear long-sleeved shirts, long
pants, shoes and socks.
Open cockpits. Persons in open cockpits must wear
the personal protective clothing and equipment required
for a ground applicator using that product, except that
chemical-resistant footwear isn’t required. You may
substitute a helmet for chemical-resistant headgear and
a visor for protective eyewear.
Most pesticides are toxic in varying degrees. The
loading or ground crew has the most direct contact with
pesticides and must wear protective clothing and
equipment. The label on the pesticide specifies the
protection needed.
When you work around chemicals:
! Don’t breathe fumes from the mixer when you pour
concentrated chemicals into mixing equipment.
Wear your respirator and face shield as required.
! Don’t eat your lunch or smoke around mixing
equipment. Move out of the loading area, then wash
your hands thoroughly.
! Don’t carry cigarettes or anything you eat in your
pocket while you load dust or liquid; they absorb
chemical fumes.
! Chemicals can poison you by absorption through the
skin, eyes or mouth or by breathing fumes. Protect
yourself at all times.
! Triple-rinse or pressure-rinse chemical containers
immediately after emptying them.
! Never leave emptied chemical containers on an Point the airplane toward the runway while it’s being
unattended runway. Bring all containers back to loaded to avoid making sharp turns with a fully loaded
where you normally dispose of them. Keep them airplane. Locate mixing tanks so that prop blast doesn’t
under lock and key, full or empty. blow sand or debris toward them. A wide, circular
! Stand upwind of mixing equipment when you pour area in the middle is often used. The fuel may also be in
chemicals or while you wait for the airplane to the middle of the circle so you can refuel while loading;
return for another load. however, remember to keep fuel and pesticides well
Wear protective clothing when you handle
! Never handle insecticides without good, clean,
unlined rubber gloves.
! Wear enough protective clothing to keep as much of
the body unexposed to the chemical as possible.
Liquid Category I and II chemicals require that you
also wear a waterproof apron when you mix and
! Don’t wipe your hands on your clothes; this will
contaminate them. Take a clean change of overalls
to the job with you.
! Don’t wear dirty or contaminated clothes on the job
or home. Wash your clothing regularly.
! Wear good rubber footwear to avoid contamination
with chemicals that are on the ground in the loading
! Dispose of emptied pesticide containers properly.
! Wash thoroughly with soap and water immediately
if you accidentally spill chemicals on yourself.
Believe what you read on all labels. If you don’t
comply with them, you place yourself and others at
grave risk.
A well-organized airstrip ensures that the aircraft spends
the minimum amount of time on the ground and the
maximum time spraying. Airstrip layouts vary, but fuels
and pesticides must be kept well apart and protected
from sunlight and environmental extremes.
turnaround area with the chemical storage and mixing
Load the aircraft via a closed-transfer system. Do all
ground work on an impervious surface that allows any
accidental spills to be contained, properly recovered, and
used or disposed of.
You may need to reduce the aircraft payload from the
manufacturer's maximum specification to compensate
for airstrip conditions or for the effect of atmospheric
We suggest that pilots and crew, including flaggers,
review a checklist at least weekly to help them avoid
becoming complacent and careless.
Pilot checklist. The pilot should do the following
before, during and after any application:
1. Don’t load or handle highly toxic pesticides,
especially hazardous formulations, during any
2. Turn off the engines during loading operations.
3. Wear an approved safety helmet, long-sleeved shirt,
long pants, shoes, socks, and other protective
equipment specified on the pesticide label.
4. Check the field and surrounding area before you
apply chemicals to be sure there are no animals,
humans, crops, waterways, streams or ponds that
might be injured or contaminated either by direct
application or drift.
5. Don’t fly through the suspended spray of an
6. Stop treatment if winds rise and create a drift
7. Don’t turn on dispersal equipment or check the flow
rate except in the area to be treated.
8. Refuse to fly if the customer is the flagger. Also,
refuse if the customer insists on having pesticide
applied in a manner and at a time that may create a
hazard to crops, humans, animals, and the
surrounding environment.
9. Read the label, and know the hazardous
characteristics of the pesticides.
10. Know how far and in what direction the chemical
will drift (that is, use smoker).
11. Don’t spray over the flagger or anyone else.
12. After you complete a job, don’t dump remnants on
the field. Carry it to the loading area so the crew
can store it in a safe manner for reuse as make-up
Ground crew checklist. The ground crew should do
the following before, during and after any application.
Also, the ground crew should be familiar with the pilot's
1. Clean aircraft often, especially the cockpit.
2. Tightly seal tanks and hoppers so the chemicals
won’t blow back over the pilot.
3. Cover the hopper as soon as loading is completed.
4. Remove any chemical spilled near the fill opening.
5. When handling pesticides or cleaning aircraft or
other equipment, use extreme care, and wear
protective clothing.
6. Don’t stand in runoff water or allow it to splash on
7. Change clothing after handling pesticides or washing
the aircraft and contaminated equipment.
Clean application equipment adequately, so that it
operates properly. This helps prevent cross-
contamination, which may result in plant damage or
illegal residues. Generally speaking, it’s easier to remove
fungicides and insecticides than herbicides. Therefore,
when possible, schedule daily operations so fungicides
are applied first, followed by insecticides. Apply
herbicides last, so they can be thoroughly washed out at
the end of the day.
Pesticides vary considerably, so adapt rinse procedures.
You can usually remove water-soluble powders and
emulsifiable concentrates with water. However, you
may have to rinse certain oil formulations of 2,4-D with
kerosene or another solvent before you wash them with
water and detergent or other additives, such as charcoal.
Follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the
product label to develop acceptable washing procedures
for specific pesticides. Wash tanks and hoppers
adequately inside and out to prevent carryover of
pesticides and damage to sensitive crops.
Provide a specific area in which to flush and clean
equipment. Locate it away from the office and tiedown
area so the equipment maintenance area will be
protected from contamination. A pad of concrete or
other impervious material three feet to five feet wider
than the wingspan of the aircraft is ideal. Slope it to a
central collection sump that’s equipped with a pump to
transfer waste to a suitable storage tank. Cover the pad
to prevent the collection of rain.
Follow these procedures for equipment on the collection
Emulsifiable concentrates and wettable or soluble
1. Drain excess spray solution from the tank or
2. Add a small amount of water and detergent to tank,
then circulate and discharge it completely.
3. Add clean water to the tank, circulate it, and
discharge it completely again.
4. Check nozzles and screens and, if necessary, 4. Agitate it thoroughly for at least five minutes, pump
disassemble them, clean them thoroughly, and the solution through the hoses, and dispose of liquids
reassemble them. in an appropriate manner.
5. Clean the outside of equipment, and collect and 5. Rinse the system thoroughly with clean water, and
properly dispose of the wash water. dispose of liquids in an appropriate manner.
Phenoxy herbicide. Herbicides, especially ester Important: These procedures don’t take
formulations of 2,4-D and related products, are hard to
remove. Even in tiny amounts, they pose serious
problems of phytotoxicity to sensitive crops.
Amine formulations (water-soluble)
1. Drain excess spray from the tank.
2. Flush the system with a small amount of
water-detergent mixture, and collect the waste.
3. Fill the tank with a solution containing one quart of
household ammonia per 25 gallons of water. Agitate
it and pump enough out to fill the hoses and boom.
Let this stand for 12 to 24 hours.
4. Check the nozzles and screens, disassemble them if
it’s necessary, clean them, and rinse them
5. Drain the ammonia solution and rinse it thoroughly
with clean water. Dispose of contaminated liquids in
an appropriate manner.
6. Clean the outside of equipment. Dispose of
contaminated liquid in an appropriate manner.
Ester formulations (oil-soluble)
1. Drain any excess spray from the tank.
2. Rinse the tank with kerosene instead of water, flush
it, and dispose of liquids in an appropriate manner.
3. Fill the system with water containing two ounces of
laundry detergent and four ounces of activated
charcoal for each ten gallons of water.
precedence over any specific instructions that may
appear on a pesticide product label. Label
instructions must always be followed explicitly.
Even these cleaning procedures don’t guarantee that all
traces of pesticide have been removed. Therefore,
before treating a sensitive crop with equipment
previously used to apply herbicides, you may want to fill
the equipment with water and apply it to a small crop
area to determine the phytotoxic potential.
It’s against the law to open-dump pesticide containers,
whether they are rinsed or not. Pouring rinse water,
unused mixtures, or unused concentrates onto the
ground or water is illegal. These generate hazardous
Container disposal. In order for pesticide containers
to be classified as solid waste rather than hazardous
waste, the pesticide containers must be properly rinsed.
Once the container is classified as a solid-waste product,
it can be legally disposed at a sanitary landfill.
Liquid pesticide containers must be rinsed immediately
after they have been emptied. After the container is
cleaned, puncture and/or crush it. Applicators have two
options available to clean containers, pressure-rinse or
Pressure-rinse. A pressure-rinse nozzle screws onto
a hose as does a garden nozzle, but it’s much heavier,
has a sharp point for puncturing the container, and
sprays water in several directions to ensure good rinsing.
To pressure-rinse, allow the container to drain into the
spray tank for 30 seconds. While holding the container
over the tank opening, insert the probe of a pressure-
rinse nozzle into the bottom of the container.
For plastic containers, insert the probe near the corner labeled site or crop. Otherwise, collect the spray
or edge of the bottom. For metal containers, especially mixture, and hold it in rinsate tanks.
larger than five gallon sizes, make the initial hole through
the bottom with a punch or chisel, then insert the probe
through the hole.
Turn the rinse unit on to rinse the container. Rotate the
nozzle slowly, allowing water to reach all sides of the
container. Continue to flush for a sufficient time (20 to
30 seconds) to adequately rinse the container.
Turn the water off. Drain all rinsed contents from the
container into the spray tank. Remove the nozzle from
the container. The container has been sufficiently
Triple-rinse method. Drain the container into the
spray tank for 30 to 60 seconds. Fill the container one-
fourth to one-fifth full of water. Replace the cap and
vigorously shake it for 30 seconds. Remove the cap, and
drain the contents into a spray tank for 30 seconds.
Repeat this rinsing two more times. Puncture and/or
crush the container to ensure it won’t be used again.
Bag disposal. Empty the content of the pesticide bag
into the applicator tank or hopper until all the pesticide
has been removed.
Tear open the container to make sure it’s completely
empty. Wrap the container in paper, and place it in a
solid-waste collection system, or carry it to a sanitary
Disposing of unused mixtures. Try not to mix more
than is needed. If some spray mixture is left, spray it on
a labeled crop or site. You can spray rinsate over a
labeled crop or site, or transfer it into a rinsate holding
tank. If you store rinsate, you must have proper
hazardous-waste storage permits. Label the tank by
chemical type. Use it as make-up water for later tank
mixtures of the same product formulation. Only 20
percent of rinsate can be used for make-up water; the
rest must be clean water.
Cleaning out sprayer tanks, lines and nozzles. If it
isn’t desirable to spray unused mixtures over a labeled
crop or site, dilute four to 12 gallons of mixture with 40
to 70 gallons of clean water, and spray it over the
Warning: It’s possible that local landfills may have
further restrictions on pesticide-container disposal.
Locally owned or run landfills have the right of refusal.
Use permanent or electronic markers to eliminate the
possibility of harm to flaggers. However, if flaggers
must be used, no person other than flaggers should be in
the field to be treated. Your flaggers should:
! Know which chemical is being applied so they can
wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment
and so they react properly in case of emergency.
Flaggers must wear chemical-resistant headgear if
the application may result in overhead exposure.
! Always start flagging on the downwind side and flag
into the wind, never with the drift. Once the aircraft
has achieved a satisfactory heading on its swath
run, the flagger should move to the next swath in
order to maintain a safe separation from the
aircraft. The pilot can maintain additional separation
by working a swath behind the flagger.
! Avoid flagging near power lines or fences. If you
cut the wires or snag the fence, the trailing wires
could hurt a flagger. Flaggers should never direct
you toward a guy wire.
! Watch the aircraft at all times, and never turn their
backs on an approaching aircraft.
! Move over to the next position after the aircraft is
lined up for a pass.
! Stay at the job site until the application is completed
so they can help in case of an emergency.
! Advise you of any hazard or problem he or she
Flaggers are considered pesticide handlers under the
Worker Protection Standard. Thus, you or their
employer must provide them with the personal protective
clothing and equipment, safety training, decontamination being used and what, if any, medical treatment to
site, and other provisions as required by the WPS. provide.
Train the ground crew and flaggers in the proper
procedures to use in the event of a crash. Share the
following information with them, and develop a crash
response plan. The ground crew and flaggers must
remember the following:
! Don’t panic. Stay calm, and try to help the pilot as
much as possible.
! If a radio is available, call for additional help.
! Have a fire extinguisher available at all times. Take
it to the aircraft immediately.
! If the aircraft is on fire, stay out of the smoke. Get
the pilot out, and moved him or her to a safe
distance. If it isn’t too dangerous, try to extinguish
the fire.
! See if the pilot is injured. If so, serious injuries
demand immediate attention. Don’t move a pilot
who is seriously injured or unconscious unless the
aircraft is burning. Check for strangling, choking or
bleeding. If an artery is cut in an arm or leg, use
direct pressure on a pressure point. Use a tourniquet
only as a last resort. Call an ambulance and rescue
squad. Give your precise location. Then call your
company to apprise them of the situation.
Accompany the pilot to the hospital.
! If the pilot isn’t seriously injured but has been
exposed to the pesticide, help him or her to the
decontamination site or the nearest water source.
Wash several times -- with soap, if possible. In a
number of air crashes, the pilot has been drenched
with pesticide from a ruptured spray tank. This
exposure may cause more harm than the physical
injuries suffered in the crash, so you must act
quickly. Take the pilot to a doctor or hospital,
whether or not there was any exposure to
pesticides. If it’s more appropriate, call a rescue
squad. Accompany the pilot to the doctor, taking a
copy of the label or material safety-data sheet with
you. This will tell the doctor what pesticide was
Drift is the air-borne movement of pesticide to areas
outside the target area. Reducing drift is a significant
aspect of pesticide application. Pilots who ignore the
reality of drift do so at their own risk and to the
detriment of the entire aerial application industry.
We discuss drift in detail in a unit in your Applying
Pesticides Correctly manual.
Because this is such an important topic for aerial
applicators, we’ll review some basic facts about drift
and present additional information specific to the
problem of drift in aerial applications.
We can separate the factors that cause drift into two
main categories: weather-related (wind velocity,
temperature inversions, air stability, and relative
humidity) and application-related (nozzle spray,
placement of nozzles on boom, nozzle orientation,
airspeed, spray heights, operating pressures, and choice
of formulation).
Weather conditions at the time of application greatly
affect whether, and to what extent, drift will occur.
While you have no control over these conditions, you
can choose not to spray when conditions favor drift. To
make the proper decision, you must understand what
conditions affect drift and how they do so.
Wind velocity. Obviously, the distance that spray
droplets travel, and the chances that they will leave the
target area, increase with wind velocity. A simple
anemometer (an instrument that measures wind speed)
should be part of your ground equipment. Use the
anemometer as a safety measure, and keep a record of
wind speed as a legal reference.
Normally, the aircraft flies with a side wind of two to ten
mph and works upwind across the field. Under such
conditions, some larger spray droplets (>100F in
diameter) may settle on the target area more than 150 Don’t make an aerial application when a temperature
feet downwind of the flight path. You can plan for this inversion exists. To detect an inversion, measure the air
swath displacement and apply the pesticide accordingly. temperature near the ground and at some higher altitude
However, droplets smaller than 100F may settle much present if the temperature near the ground is less than
further away, perhaps well beyond the target area. This the temperature at the higher altitude. Because
drift is unacceptable. Thus, even though swath inversions tend to be localized, be sure to check
displacement occurs whenever there is even the conditions at the job site.
slightest wind, the actual drift is greater than that which
you see. Smoke is more practical to detect inversions. Inject oil
Apply pesticides when wind speed is low to minimize altitude to release a cloud of smoke. An inversion is
this risk. (However, as we’ll discuss later, you should present if the smoke levels off and travels laterally
also avoid applying pesticides when the air is almost instead of rising. It’s your responsibility to be aware of
calm.) Even when the wind is low, don’t apply pesticides an inversion by using a suitable detection technique.
if it’s blowing toward residences, livestock areas, or
other sensitive places.
Temperature inversions. Under normal conditions, importance of lateral air movement, but often overlook
temperature decreases with increasing altitude. A vertical air movement.
temperature inversion exists when temperature
increases with altitude to some point before it becomes As the ground warms up throughout the day, the
cooler. temperature at the ground surface is significantly higher
Temperature inversions are usually caused by rapid set up convection and thermal air currents that lift small
cooling of the soil surface, coupled with evaporative particles. As the air becomes more severely unstable,
cooling of crops. The lost heat radiates upward, causing vertical air currents become stronger and the size of
the air above the ground surface to be warmer than air particles that are drift-prone increases.
at or near the surface. The cooler air, since it’s heavier
than the warmer air, remains as a layer near the ground. Because these particles can be carried long distances
Maximum inversions occur when cool night under these conditions. This, along with generally higher
temperatures follow high day temperatures. The wind velocities, is part of the reason that pesticides are
inversion reaches its peak in the early morning. It then not
disappears as the sun warms the land. This causes usually applied in the middle of the day.
the air to warm at the soil
surface and re-establishes the normal temperature Generally speaking, conditions are best for spray
gradient. deposition when the air is mildly unstable and there is a
Temperature inversions provide the greatest opportunity because it prevents the buildup of harmful
for drift. During a temperature inversion, the air is highly concentrations of drift-prone particles.
stable. Small spray droplets can become trapped in the
cool air beneath the inversion ceiling. They can move It’s undesirable to spray in perfectly calm conditions,
laterally far enough and in sufficient amounts to cause because there’s no positive displacement of the
damage outside the target area. It’s unfortunate that drift-prone particle cloud. Without positive movement, an
inversions are most likely to occur in the early morning, aircraft can’t avoid flying through the cloud. It’s also not
a time when wind speeds are usually low and thus more possible to know where the drift cloud will go when air
conducive to spraying. movement begins.
(at three and 32 feet above the ground). An inversion is
onto the hot exhaust manifold while flying at a low
Air stability. Air movement largely determines the
distribution of spray droplets. We recognize the
than that above the ground. The warm air rises and may
before they settle out, you should also avoid spraying
mild but steady wind. Mildly unstable air is desirable
Relative humidity. Relative humidity (RH) affects the
rate of evaporation of water from liquid drops. The
lower the RH, the faster the loss of water and the
smaller the drop becomes. The smaller the drop, the
slower it falls and the farther it drifts. In addition, rate of
evaporation increases with decreasing droplet size; thus,
the effect of low RH is most significant when there is a
large proportion of small droplets in the spray.
While RH isn’t one of the most important factors
contributing to drift problems, its importance becomes
greater as the size of the droplet spectrum decreases.
RH doesn’t affect the rate of loss of petroleum- or
oil-based liquids. (The evaporation of these liquids varies
with temperature and each liquid's vapor pressure.)
You can’t control the RH, but you can avoid spraying
when it’s very low. Also, you can select and operate
spray equipment so as to produce few small droplets,
and you can use low-volatile solvents and carriers. We
will discuss these topics in more detail later.
Application-related factors. In many cases, smaller
droplets provide better coverage and are more effective
than larger spray droplets. However, the smaller the
droplet, the more likely it is to drift.
This is because smaller droplets take longer to settle out
and are subject to the effects of wind for a longer period
of time.
Droplets that are of most concern are those that are less
than 100F (1/254 of an inch) in diameter. These
droplets are hardly visible and remain airborne for a
significant amount of time. Thus, your goal should be to
produce the coarsest spray that will provide an effective
treatment and to minimize the total volume of these
smaller droplets in particular. Essentially, each
application-related factor we’ll discuss involves reducing
the proportion of small droplets in the spray spectrum
(Figure 15).
One way to describe the coarseness of a spectrum of
spray droplets is to use the volume median diameter
(VMD). This is the diameter for which half of the total
spray volume is of droplets larger than the VMD and
half is of droplets smaller than the VMD. Generally
speaking, the larger the VMD, the smaller the proportion
of the small, drift-prone droplets in the droplet spectrum
(Table 2).
Table 2. Basic Droplet Guide
Droplet Size
Application Based on Volume
Median Diameter, VMD (FF)
Fungicide 150-250
Insecticide 150-300
Contact herbicide 250-400
Phenoxy and incorporated herbicide 400+
Nozzle spray. Droplet size generally increases and the
percentage of small droplets decreases as the size of the
nozzle opening increases. For example, with an
operating pressure of 50 psi, changing from a D4-45 to
a D6-46 nozzle will increase the VMD from about 150
to about 280.
Placement of nozzles on boom. Nozzles must be
properly distributed along a boom to account for prop-
wash displacement and wing-tip vortices. Correct
distribution is important to ensure a uniform dispersal
pattern and to prevent drift that may result if too much
spray is caught up in the vortices. This topic, including
the implications on drift, was covered in the unit
Nozzle orientation. Orientation of nozzles relative to
the direction of flight affects the droplet sizes produced
by the nozzles (Figure 15). This is attributed to the
difference in the relative velocity between the air
and spray liquid
resulting from various nozzle orientations.
When the nozzle is pointed back (in the same direction
as the airflow), the air shear forces that break up the
spray are less than at any other orientation. The droplet
spectrum produced will be relatively large. A nozzle
pointed down will produce a smaller droplet spectrum
because of the higher shear forces.
Figure 15. Droplet size is greatly affected by nozzle Because the small droplets add up to 50 percent of the
orientation. More or less shear and liquid break-up total volume, the VMD is somewhere between the size
may be obtained by varying orientation of nozzles of the large and the small droplets.
with direction of flight.
The maximum shear forces and smallest droplets would degrees down, and now the spray consists of seven
be generated if the nozzle was oriented forward into the droplets: one large droplet, the same size as before and
airstream. This is normally not done except in situations still containing 50 percent of the spray volume; one
where extremely fine droplets are desired (for example, smaller droplet, containing 25 percent of the spray
applications in forested areas). Also, doing so tends to volume and the same size as before; and five even
bathe the aircraft in chemical spray. To give you an idea smaller droplets, each containing five percent of the
of how important nozzle orientation is in reducing drift, spray volume (the five adding up to 25 percent of the
let's look at some data. spray volume). The VMD has not changed, but in the
Spray droplets less than 100F in diameter are the more prone to drift.
droplets that are most likely to drift and thus cause
damage outside the target area. When a D6-46 nozzle is This is an oversimplified example, but it illustrates the
oriented straight back under specific conditions to obtain point that the size distribution of droplets can change
the data, the VMD of the droplet spectrum is 450F, and markedly, even if the VMD changes only slightly or not
droplets less than 100F account for 0.2 percent of the at all.
total spray volume. If the nozzle is oriented straight
down under the same conditions, the VMD becomes
290F, and droplets less than 100F now account for 2
percent of the total spray volume. This is a ten-fold
increase in the volume of spray that has the potential to
cause damage outside of the treatment area. Obviously,
orienting the nozzles straight back is a simple and
effective way to greatly reduce drift.
While it helps to know the VMD, it’s important to know
the total spectrum produced by an atomizer. For
example, a D8-46 nozzle, used under specific conditions
to obtain the data, produces the same VMD (355F),
whether directed straight back or back and down 45
degrees. While that means that at each position, one-half
of the total spray volume is in droplets less than 355F, it
doesn’t mean that the size distribution of those droplets
is the same. In fact, a greater proportion of the droplets
are less than 100F when the nozzle is oriented back and
down 45 degrees. In this case, the result is a four-fold
increase (from 0.3 percent to 1.2 percent) in the volume
of droplets that are less than 100F.
To further explain the last example, suppose only three
droplets were produced when the nozzle was directed
straight back: one large droplet, containing 50 percent of
the total spray volume, and two equal-sized smaller ones,
each containing 25 percent of the total spray volume.
Now suppose you change the nozzles to back and 45
latter case there are even smaller droplets, which will be
Airspeed. Droplet size decreases as airspeed increases
because of the greater wind shear forces acting on the
droplets emitted by the atomizer.
Spray height. It’s a common misconception that
increasing the aircraft spray height will result in a wider
swath. Actually, swath width will increase only up to a
height of about 15 feet. However, the crosswind effect
increases the displacement of the swath as height is
increased. Not only must droplets fall farther and thus
be exposed to the crosswind longer, but wind velocity
tends to increase with height above the crop.
In general, you should use the lowest spraying height
consistent with aircraft safety and effective coverage.
Operating pressure. Increasing operating pressure
usually reduces droplet size and increases the potential
for drift. Thus, you should use the lowest pressure
necessary to get the job done properly. However, by
using a solid cone nozzle pointed straight back,
increasing pressure increases droplet size because it
decreases the wind shear on the droplet.
If you need to increase your spray volume significantly,
you should use nozzles with larger openings or use more
nozzles on the boom, because an increase in pressure
doesn’t result in a proportional increase in output; you
must increase pressure fourfold to increase output
Formulation. While granules drift less than liquid
sprays, they aren’t available for many of the applications
you make. However, even when you must use a liquid,
you can reduce the likelihood of drift by selecting an
appropriate formulation or product. Use low-volatile
sprays to prevent vaporization; oil-based sprays also
reduce the rate of vaporization. (Remember,
vaporization increases with increasing temperature
and/or decreasing RH.) Vaporized spray will move with
air currents and may cause damage outside the target
You can also use adjuvants, which act as thickening
agents and increase the proportion of large droplets in
the spray spectrum. The benefits of using an adjuvant
will be largely negated if you don’t orient the nozzles
back (at worst, back and 45 degrees down) or if you use
inappropriate nozzles or excessive operating pressure.
Always check the product label before adding any
adjuvants to the spray tank.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was passed by
Congress to protect certain plants and wildlife that are
in danger of becoming extinct. This act requires EPA to
ensure that these species are protected from pesticides.
Formulation of the Utah Threatened and Endangered
Species/Pesticides Plan is a cooperative effort between
federal, state, and private agencies and producers/user
groups, and is a basis for continuing future efforts to
protect threatened and endangered species from
pesticides whenever possible. Furthermore, this plan
provides agencies direction for management policies,
regulations, enforcement and implementation of
threatened and endangered species/pesticide strategies.
EPA has therefore launched a major new initiative
known as the Endangered Species Labeling Project. The
aim is to remove or reduce the threat to threatened and
endangered species from pesticide poisoning. EPA has
the responsibility to protect wildlife and the environment
against hazards posed by pesticides. The ESA is
administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(FWS) in the U.S. Department of Interior. The Fish and
Wildlife Service will determine jeopardy to threatened
and endangered species and report to EPA. EPA and
FWS will work cooperatively to ensure that there is
consistency in their responses to pesticide users and to
provide necessary information. The Utah Department of
Agriculture is acting under the direction and authority of
EPA to carry out the ESA as it relates to the use of
pesticides in Utah.
Maps will show the boundaries of all threatened and
endangered species habitats in affected counties. The
maps identify exactly where, in listed counties, use of
active ingredients in certain pesticides is limited or
prohibited. Product labels will be updated as necessary.
The updated labels will reflect any additions or deletions
to the project. Because EPA's approach to the
protection of threatened and endangered species was in
the proposal phase at the time this guide was published,
any and all of the above information on threatened and
endangered species is subject to change and may not be
This final rule, which was proposed in 1988 and that
substantially revised standards first established in 1974,
affects 3.9 million people whose jobs involve exposure
to agricultural pesticides used on plants; people
employed on the nation’s farms; and in forests, nurseries
and greenhouses. The standard reduces pesticide risks
to agricultural workers and pesticide handlers. The
standard is enforceable on all pesticides with the Worker
Protection Standard labeling. The provisions became
fully enforceable in January 1995.
Agricultural workers in Utah now have a far greater
opportunity to protect themselves, their families and
others. These workers will know, often for the first time,
when they are working in the presence of toxic
pesticides, understand the nature of the risks these
chemicals present, and get basic safety instructions.
Among the provisions of the rule are requirements that
employers provide handlers and workers with ample
water, soap and towels for washing and decontamination
and that emergency transportation be made available in
the event of a pesticide poisoning or injury. The rule also
establishes restricted-entry intervals -- specific time
periods when worker entry is restricted following
pesticide application -- and requires personal protection
equipment (PPE) for all pesticides used on farms or in
forests, greenhouses and nurseries. Some pesticide
products already carry restricted re-entry intervals and
personal protection equipment requirements; this rule
raised the level of protection and requirements for all
Other major provisions require that employers inform
workers and handlers about pesticide hazards through
safety training, which handlers have easy access to
pesticide-label safety information, and that a listing of
pesticide treatments is centrally located at the
agricultural facility. Finally, handlers are prohibited from
applying a pesticide in a way that could expose workers
or other people.
Utah has implemented a comprehensive and coordinated
approach to protect groundwater from pesticide
Formulation of the Groundwater/Pesticide State
Management Plan is a cooperative effort between
federal, state, and private agencies and producers/user
groups; it provides a basis for continuing future efforts
to protect groundwater from contamination whenever
possible. Furthermore, this plan provides agencies with
direction for management policies, regulations,
enforcement and implementation of groundwater
While it’s recognized that the responsible and wise use
of pesticides can have a positive economic impact, yield
a higher quality of crops, enhance outdoor activities, and
give relief from annoying pests, the Utah Department of
Agriculture is authorized by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) to enforce the protection of
groundwater from pesticides. Product labels will be
updated as necessary.
The Utah Department of Agriculture, in concert with
cooperating agencies and entities, admonishes strict
compliance with all pesticide labels, handling procedures
and usage to protect groundwater in the state.
Groundwater can be affected by what we do to our
land. Prevention of groundwater contamination is
important, because once the water is polluted, it’s very
hard and costly to clean up. In some instances, it’s
impossible, especially if it’s deep underground. City and
urban areas especially contribute to pollution because
water runoff that contains pesticides runs into drainage
tunnels, then into a river or an underground stream that
drains into the river. For more complete information
about what groundwater is and where it comes from,
read the study manual "Applying Pesticides Correctly."
Shallow aquifers or water tables are more susceptible to
contamination than deeper aquifers. Sandy soils allow
more pollution than clay or organic soils, because clays
and organic matter absorb many of the contaminants.
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act
(FIFRA), as amended, establishes a policy for
determining the acceptability of a pesticide use or the
continuation of that use, according to a risk/benefit
assessment. As long as benefits outweigh adverse
effects, a pesticide can be registered by the EPA.
Although the intent of a pesticide application is to apply
the pesticide to the target or pest, part of the pesticide
will fall on the area around the target or pest. Rain or
irrigation water then can pick up the part that isn’t
degraded or broken down and carry it to the
groundwater via leaching.
The major factors that influence the amount of
contamination that can get into water are the chemicals'
persistence in soil, retention time or time it remains in the
soil, the soil type, the time and frequency of the
application(s), soil moisture, placement of the pesticide,
and the ability of the chemical to persist once in the
aquatic environment. Each of these factors will
influence the amount of pesticide that can leave the root
zone or soil surface and percolate to groundwater.
Although some pesticides may have a high absorption
quality, when they are applied to sandy soil, they will still
migrate to the water table because there are no fine clay
particles or organic matter to hold them. The
management and use of pesticides is up to the individual
applicator and/or land owner as to whether safe
practices are used. Water is one of our most valuable
resources; we must keep it as pure as possible.
This appendix contains material that supplements the
information found in the manual. This information isn’t
covered on your certification exam.
1. acres/swath run = [field length (ft.) X swath width
(ft.)] ÷ 43,560
acres/swath run = [mph X swath width (ft.) X
seconds traveled X 1.467] ÷ 43,560
2. acres/minute = mph X swath width (ft.) X 0.00202
3. gallons/acre = [gpm X 495] ÷ [mph X swath width
4. gallons/minute = [gpa X mph X swath width (ft.)] ÷
5. gpm/nozzle = [gpa X mph X swath width (ft.)] ÷ [#
of nozzles X 495]
6. length of swath run = mph X seconds traveled X
7. minutes/acre = 495 ÷ [mph X swath width (ft.)]
8. mph = [gpm X 495] ÷ [gpa X swath width (ft.)]
mph = [0.682 X distance traveled (ft.)] ÷ seconds
9. swath runs/load = acre load in hopper ÷ acres/swath
swath runs/load = number of gallons in hopper ÷
[gpa X acres/swath run]
10. time (minutes)/load = [495 X number of gallons per
load] ÷ [gpa X swath width (ft.) X mph]
11. time (minutes)/swath = [60 X length of run (ft.)] ÷
[mph X 5280]
time (minutes)/swath = [length of run (ft.) X
0.01136] ÷ mph
12. time (seconds)/swath = [60 X 60 X length of run
(ft.)] ÷ [mph X 5280]
time (seconds)/swath = [length of run (ft.) X
0.68182] ÷ mph
One acre = 43,560 square feet Example: ½ acre = 21,780 square feet
One mile = 5,280 feet Example: ¼ mile = 1320 feet
One gallon = 128 fluid ounces Example: ½ gallon = 64 fluid ounces
One quart = 2 pints = 4 cups = 32 fluid ounces Example: 2 quarts = 64 fluid ounces
One pint = 2 cups = 16 fluid ounces Example: ½ pint = 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces
One tablespoon = 3 teaspoons = 0.5 fluid ounces Example: 2 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce
One pound = 16 ounces Example: ¼ pound = 4 ounces
One gallon = 231 cubic inches Example: 2 gallons = 462 cubic inches
1 ounce = 28.35 grams
16 ounces = 1 pound = 453.59 grams
1 gallon water = 8.34 pounds = 3.785 liters = 3.78 kilograms
Liquid Measure
1 fluid ounce = 2 tablespoons = 29.573 milliliters
16 fluid ounces = 1 pint = 0.473 liters
2 pints = 1 quart = 0.946 liters
8 pints = 4 quarts = 1 gallon = 3.785 liters
1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
3 feet = 1 yard = 0.9144 meters
16 1/2 feet = 1 rod = 5.029 meters
5280 feet = 320 rods = 1 mile = 1.6 kilometers
1 square foot = 929.03 square centimeters
9 square feet = 1 square yard = 0.836 square meters
43560 square feet = 160 square rods = 1 acre = 0.405 hectares
1.466 feet per second = 88 feet per minute = 1 mph = 1.6 kilometers per hour (kph)
27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard = 0.765 cubic meters
1 cubic foot = 7.5 gallons = 28.317 cubic decimeters
Area and Volume Calculations:
Area of Rectangular or Square Shapes
The area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length (L) times the width (W).
(Length) x (Width) = Area
Example: (100 feet) x (40 feet) = 4000 square feet
Area of Circles
The area of a circle is the radius (radius = one-half the diameter), times the radius, times 3.14.
(radius) x (radius) x (3.14) = Area
Example: (25 feet) x (25 feet) x (3.14) = 1962.5 square feet
Area of Triangular Shapes
To find the area of a triangle, multiply ½ times the width of the triangle’s base, times the height
of the triangle.
(½) x (base width) x (height) = Area
Example: (½) x (15 feet) x (10 feet) = 75 square feet
Area of Irregular Shapes
Irregularly shaped sites can often be reduced to a combination of rectangles, circles, and
triangles. Calculate the area of each shape and add the values together to obtain the total area.
Example: Calculate the area of the rectangle, triangle,
square, and one-half of a circle.
Another method is to convert the site into a circle. From a center point, measure the distance to
the edge of the area in 10 or more increments. Average these measurements to find the radius,
then calculate the area using the formula for a circle.
Example: Approximate the area by calculating
the area of a similarly sized circle.
Volume of Cube and Box Shapes
The volume of a cube or box is found by multiplying the length, times the width, times the
(Length) x (Width) x (Height) = Volume
Example: (100 feet) x (50 feet) x (30 feet) = 150,000 cubic feet
Volume of Cylindrical Shapes
The volume of a cylinder is found by calculating the area of the round end (see formula for
circle) and multiplying this area times the length or height.
Example: (radius) x (radius) x (3.14) = Area of Circle
(Area of Circle) x (Length) = Volume of Cylinder
(2 feet) x (2 feet) x (3.14) x (6 feet) = 75.36 cubic feet
Sprayer Calibration Formulas:
To Calculate Travel Speed in Miles Per Hour
The travel speed of a sprayer is determined by measuring the time (seconds) required to travel a
know distance (such as 200 feet). Insert the values in the following formula to determine the
miles per hour.
Distance in Feet x 60 = Miles Per Hour
Time in Seconds x 88
Example: (200 feet) x (60) = 12,000 = 4.55 mph
(30 seconds) x (88) 2640
To Calculate the Gallons Per Minute Applied During Broadcast Spraying
The application rate in gallons per minute (GPM) for each nozzle is calculated by multiplying
the gallons per acre (GPA), times the miles per hour (MPH), times the nozzle spacing in inches
(W); then dividing the answer by 5940. For small adjustments in GPM sprayed, operating
pressure is changed. For large adjustments in GPM sprayed, travel speed (miles per hour) is
changed or nozzle size is changed.
Example: (12 GPA) x (4.5 MPH) x (24”)
= 1296 = 0.22 GPM
5940 5940
To Calculate the Gallons Per Minute Applied During Band Spraying
Broadcast spraying applies chemicals to the entire area. Band spraying reduces the amount of
area and chemicals sprayed per acre. To use the above formulas for band sprayer applications,
use the band width (measured in inches) rather than nozzle spacing for the “W” value.
Pesticide Mixing:
The active ingredients of a pesticide are the chemicals in a formulation that control the target
pests. The formulation is the pesticide product as sold, usually a mixture of concentrated active
ingredients and an inert material. Restricted use pesticides are purchased in formulations
requiring dilution prior to application. Formulations are diluted with inert substances such as
water. The percentage of active ingredients in a pesticide formulation directly affects dilution
and application rates. Given two pesticides, A = 50% active ingredients, B = 100% active
ingredients; twice as much pesticide A formulation is required to equal pesticide B formulation.
To Determine the Total Amount of Pesticide Formulation Required Per Tank
To calculate the total amount of pesticide formulation needed per spray tank, multiply the
recommended dilution, ounces/pints/cups/teaspoons/tablespoons/etc. of pesticide per gallon of
liquid, times the total number of gallons to be mixed in the sprayer. A full or partial tank of
pesticide spray may be mixed.
(Dilution Per Gallon) x (Number of Gallons Mixed) = Required Amount of Pesticide
Formulation Example: (3 ounces per gallon) x (75 gallons) = 225 ounces
Note: 1 gallon = 128 ounces; through unit conversion 225 ounces = 1.76 gallons
To Calculate the Amount of Pesticide Formulation Sprayed Per Acre
The calculate the total amount of pesticide formulation sprayed per acre is determined by
multiplying the quantity of formulation (ounces/pounds/pints/cups/teaspoons/tablespoons/etc.)
mixed per gallon of water, times the number of gallons sprayed per acre.
(Quantity of Formulation Per Gallon) x (Gallons Sprayed Per Acre) = Formulation Sprayed Per Acre
Example: (1/2 pound per gallon) x (12 gallons per acre) = 6 pounds per acre
To Calculate the Amount of Active Ingredients Sprayed Per Acre
To calculate the total amount of active ingredients (AI) applied per acre, multiply the amount
(pounds, gallons, ounces, etc) of pesticide formulation required per acre, times the percentage of
active ingredients in the formulation (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, etc.), and divide the value by 100.
(Amount of Formulation Required Per Acre) x (Percentage of AI)
= Active Ingredients Per Acre
Example: (4 pounds formulation sprayed per acre) x (75% AI) = 3 pounds of AI sprayed per acre
100 Note: 75 % = 0.75
To Calculate the Gallons of Pesticide Mixture Sprayed Per Acre
The calculate the total amount of pesticide mixture sprayed per acre is determined by dividing
the number of gallons sprayed by the number of acres sprayed.
Gallons Sprayed = Gallons Sprayed Per Acre
Acres Sprayed
Example: 200 Gallons Sprayed
= 20 gallons of pesticide mixture sprayed per acre
10 Acres Sprayed