Brandon High School
The Eagles’ Nest
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Dear Brandon High School Eagles and Family,
I hope this letter finds you healthy and well. As a friendly reminder, semester two begins on Tuesday,
January 19, 2021. Please note, there is no school on Friday, January 15
and Monday, January 18
. Your
Brandon High School faculty and staff are committed to continuing the construction of a student-centered safe-
haven that cultivates caring, confident, respectful citizens and life-long learners.
The following will be broken down in sections to help provide information pertinent to the start of semester two
next week.
eLearners Transitioning to On Campus Learning
On Wednesday, January 13
, a message was sent to all families who have declared a transition from eLearning
to on campus. Students in this transition were identified by the district survey sent in December of 2020, emails
to the Guidance and Administrative Staff, as well as phone calls to the school. As an eLearner family, if you
did not declare through one of these modes of communication, you will be unable to attend on campus
learning this Tuesday, January 19
. You will need to send an email to Dr. Klein, Principal, at
[email protected] to request the change from eLearning to on campus.
We have worked hard to ensure there were limited schedule changes for semester two. That said, we have
roughly 150 students moving from eLearning to on campus. These students, for the most part, will continue
with their same schedule as many of our eLearning teachers will be returning to campus as well. In some cases,
there will be a teacher change to accommodate balancing needs for classroom class size. To help with your
transition to on campus learning, you will be meeting with school administration on Tuesday to discuss school
expectations and your transition to on campus learning.
The Student Parking Lot will be the entrance point for student drivers, bike riders, car riders, and walkers. The
Auditorium doors will open at 8:00am. Students riding a bus will enter the building from the Q Hallway.
When entering campus, students will notice directional signs and arrows directing the walk flow around school.
It is imperative that these directional signs and arrows are followed. Thank you in advance for adhering to the
walk flow direction to help with social distancing. You must have your mask on, completely covering your
mouth and nose . This is a non-negotiable expectation. Thank you in advance for adhering to this policy.
Bus Riders
Please visit Brandon High School’s website via for information about bus
routes. Once on the website, scroll down and click on the Bus Routes icon. You will be able to catch the bus in
the morning without a bus pass. During the Homeroom meeting with Administration on Tuesday, information
will be provided on how to obtain a bus pass as well as a parking permit if you are a student driver.
All Students = Semester Two Schedules
Please make sure to check CANVAS throughout the weekend or on next Monday to see courses for semester
two. For the eLearners transitioning to on campus learning, please make sure you also check for your
Homeroom teacher on CANVAS and to click on to locate room number
for Tuesday’s homeroom. On campus students will be given a semester two schedule during this homeroom
time. eLearner students who are remaining eLearning, please check CANVAS for your schedule (there should
be limited changes). The bell schedule for Tuesday, January 19
is as follows:
Homeroom 8:30am - 9:30am
Period 1 9:35am - 10:16am
Period 2 10:21am - 11:02am
Period 3 11:07am - 11:48am
Period 4 11:52am - 12:33pm
Period 5 12:37pm - 1:18pm
Period 6 1:23pm - 2:04pm
Period 7 2:09pm - 2:49pm
Period 8 2:54pm - 3:35pm
As a reminder, the student learning system is called CANVAS. This is the new Edsby. You will use CANVAS
for the following:
Students will use CANVAS to:
Access class materials (calendar, assignments, quizzes, etc.) online using any device or any browser.
Access student schedules.
Track their progress through ongoing teacher feedback tools.
Receive course announcements, grade notifications, etc. instantaneously on their preferred device(s).
Easily collaborate with peers and teachers.
Parents/Guardians can use CANVAS to:
Review upcoming or past assignments.
Check on grades.
Receive alerts for student activity.
Communicate with teachers.
The CANVAS Family Guide helps parents/guardians be able to increase their knowledge of CANVAS by
navigating through the following modules:
Creating an Account & Logging In
Exploring Your Dashboard
Communicating with Teachers
Monitoring Student Progress
Using iOS CANVAS Parent App
Using the Android Canvas Parent App
To access the CANVAS Family Guide, please click one of the following links:
To access the CANVAS Student Guide, please click one of the following links:
Quick Start for Students
You can access CANVAS via your CLEVER account by going to and searching
“CLEVER” in the search bar or by clicking
Additionally, mySPOT is now available for parent/guardian account registration for CANVAS. If a
parent/guardian has previously used mySPOT for their Edsby account, they do not need to register a new
parent/guardian account for CANVAS. If you need support with your account, please call the Technical
Support Helpline at 813-272-4786.
Student Schedules
Student schedules (courses) may be populating in CANVAS, but adjustments are continuing to be made. All
schedules are currently being adjusted to meet the declaration of intent for schooling. That said, please be
patient as the scheduling team is working diligently to make sure there is a clear distinction between eLearning
and on campus students. At this time, the only schedule change requests that will be reviewed are errors
(missing a class period, wrong level of course, already took and passed the course, and/or needing to have taken
a pre-requisite for a particular course). Due to having both eLearning and on campus students, some courses
may not be available to take. Student schedules will be completed with available electives/courses. Although
this might not be ideal, with the current state of two separate master schedules (eLearning and on campus), it’s
the best we can do.
Laptop Device Returns
If you are an eLearner transitioning to on campus learning, you must bring your laptop device to school with
you on Tuesday. You will need to hold onto the laptop until the meeting with school administration during
As a reminder, if you believe your family and/or child qualifies for free or reduced lunch, apply for free/reduced
lunch by visiting and type Go SNS in search bar on school the district website for form
application. Any student who qualifies for free/reduced lunch, also qualifies for waivers to pay for the ACT,
SAT, and other academic commitments.
Please click on for addition information.
COVID-19 Health Procedures/Protocols
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following everyday steps to help avoid the
spread of all respiratory viruses including COVID-19:
Wear a mask at all times.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, throw the tissue away, and then wash your hands.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects or surfaces such as remote controls and doorknobs.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay home if you are sick. Call your doctor if you develop fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.
Daily Self-monitoring = If you reply YES to any of the following questions, stay home (notify the school of
absence) and continue to monitor yourself or contact your healthcare provider:
Do you have a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher?
Do you have muscle aches?
Do you have chills
Have you experienced any gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite)?
Have you experienced loss of taste or smell?
Have you been placed on quarantine for possible contact with someone with COVID-19?
Have you been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by a medical professional or local public health
In our schools, to lower risk:
Temperature checks for all staff/visitors before entering school (<100.4).
Wear face coverings (cloth or disposable).
Maintain social distance of at least 6 feet (where possible).
Avoid prolonged contact with those outside of your cohort (class/group). When possible limit contact to
no more than 15 minutes.
You must have your mask on, completely covering your mouth and nose everyday. This is a non-
negotiable expectation. Thank you in advance for adhering to this policy.
Connecting to Brandon
Brandon High School Website:
Brandon High School Twitter: @BrandonHSEagles
Dr. Klein’s Twitter: @BHSKleinTime
Brandon High School is also on Facebook and Instagram.
Brandon High School Administration
Dr. Jeremy D. Klein, Principal
Mrs. Camilla Burton, Assistant Principal for Curriculum
Mr. Ronald Buffano, Assistant Principal for Administration
Mrs. Shannon Jackson, Assistant Principal for Student Affairs
Mr. Ronald Thompson, Assistant Principal for Student Affairs
In Anticipation of an Awesome Second Semester,
Jeremy D. Klein, Ed.D.