Approved for use beginning: 2015-2016
Approved for use beginning: 20202021 Page 1
Kinesiology I
IMS Code: N1302104
Abbreviation: KINES1
Grade Level(s): 9–10
Award of Credit: 1.0
Approved Innovative Course
Districts must have local board approval to implement innovative courses.
In accordance with Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §74.27, school districts must
provide instruction in all essential knowledge and skills identified in this innovative
Innovative courses may only satisfy elective credit toward graduation requirements.
Please refer to TAC §74.13
for guidance on endorsements.
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of kinesiology. Students will
gain an understanding of body mechanics, physiological functions of muscles and movements,
the history of kinesiology, and the psychological impact of sports and athletic performance.
Students will also explore careers within the kinesiology field and be able to explain the societal
demand for kinesiology-related jobs. Students will develop a foundation in Kinesiology I that will
prepare them for upper-level courses that will dive deeper into the anatomical and physiological
functions of the body and provide opportunities for an industry-certified exam such as a certified
personal trainer.
Essential Knowledge and Skills:
(a) General Requirements. This course is recommended for students in grades 9 or 10.
Students shall be awarded one credit for successful completion of this course.
(b) Introduction.
(1) Career and technical education instruction provides content aligned with
challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills for
students to further their education and succeed in current or emerging professions.
(2) The Health Science Career Cluster focuses on planning, managing, and providing
therapeutic services, diagnostics services, health informatics, support services,
and biotechnology research and development.
(3) This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of Kinesiology.
Students will gain an understanding of body mechanics, physiological functions of
muscles and movements, the history of kinesiology, and the psychological impact
of sports and athletic performance.
(4) To pursue a career in the health science industry, students should learn to reason,
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think critically, make decisions, solve problems, and communicate effectively.
Students should recognize that quality health care depends on the ability to work
well with others.
(5) The health science industry is comprised of diagnostic, therapeutic, health
informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and developm
ystems that function individually and collaboratively to provide comprehensive
health care. Students should identify the employment opportunities, technology
and s
afety requirements of each system. Students are expected to learn t
knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a health science career through further
education and employment.
(6) Professional integrity in the health science industry is dependent on acceptanc
e of
ethical and legal responsibilities. Students are expected to employ their ethical and
egal responsibilities, recognize limitations, and understand the implications of their
(7) Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as
career and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular
(8) Statements that contain the word "including" reference content that must be
astered, while those containing the phrase "such as" are intended as possibl
llustrative examples.
(c) Knowledge and Skills.
(1) The student demonstrates professional standards/employability skills as required
by business and industry. The student is expected to:
(A) express ideas in a clear, concise, and effective manner;
(B) exhibit the ability to cooperate, contribute, and collaborate as a member of
a team
; and
(C) identify employer expectations such as punctuality, attendance, tim
management, communication, organizational skills, and productive work
(2) The student demonstrates communication skills using the terminology applicable
to the health science industry. The student is expected to:
(A) demonstrate appropriate verbal and written strategies such as correct
pronunciation of medical terms and spelling in a variety of health science
(B) employ increasingly precise language to communicate; and
(C) translate technical material related to the health science industry.
(3) The student uses verbal and nonverbal communication skills. The student is
expected to:
(A) identify components of effective and non-effective communication;
(B) demonstrate effective communication skills for responding to the needs of
individuals in a diverse society;
(C) evaluate the effectiveness of conflict-resolution techniques in various
situations; and
(D) accurately interpret, transcribe, and communicate medical vocabulary
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using appropriate technology.
(4) The student implements the leadership skills necessary to function in a democratic
society. The student is expected to:
(A) identify traits of a leader;
(B) demonstrate leadership skills, characteristics, and responsibilities of
leaders such as goal setting and team building; and
(C) demonstrate the ability to effectively conduct and participate in meetings.
(5) The student discusses various careers in kinesiology-related fields, the diversity of
knowledge that characterizes the field of kinesiology, and how societal changes
have increased the demand for kinesiology graduates. The student is expected to:
(A) compare the educational requirements for associate’s, bachelor’s, and
master’s degrees’;
(B) differentiate between a certification, registration, and licensure;
(C) describe kinesiology-related careers by including a definition of the
career, three duties, educational requirements, and employment
opportunities; and
(D) explain what changes in society have increased Kinesiology employment.
(6) The student explains the importance of early exposure to physical activity for
optimal growth, motor development, and physical literacy. The student is expected
(A) define kinesiology and explain its importance of human motion;
(B) define growth, motor development, and physical literacy and outline the
various stages of development;
(C) describe the various factors affecting optimal growth, motor development,
and physical literacy across the life cycle; and
(D) demonstrate an understanding of individual differences in growth and
motor development and how they affect the design of movement-based
(7) The student examines the skeletal framework and its movements as the foundation
for all movement. The student is expected to:
(A) classify joints according to structure and explain the relationship between
a joint structure and its capacity for movement;
(B) identify the factors, including joint structure, age and gender, and muscle
size that contribute to joint range of motion (ROM) and stability;
(C) explain a joint’s range of motion, evaluate the range, and describe
desirable procedures for changing when indicated;
(D) define the orientation positions and planes of the body and the axes of
motion, including sagittal, transverse, frontal; and
(E) demonstrate and name fundamental movement patterns using correct
movement terminology.
(8) The student investigates the
structure and function of the muscular system. The
student is expected to:
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(A) describe the structure and properties of the whole muscle, fast and slow
twitch muscle fibers, and the myofibril;
(B) define the roles a muscle may play such as agonist, antagonis
t, and
synergist and explain the interdependence between them and their roles
in a specified movement;
(C) define the types of muscular contraction, including concentric, eccentric,
and static, and name and demonstrate each type of action; and
(D) analyze the force-velocity and length-tension relationships of muscular
contraction and explain the significance of these relationships in static
and dynamic movements.
(9) The student investigates the structure and function of the muscular system and
describe the neuromuscular basis of human motion. The student is expected to:
(A) define and describe the functions of the basic structures of the nervous
(B) explain how graduations in strength of muscle contraction and precision o
ovement occur;
(C) define the receptors that are important in musculoskeletal movement;
(D) explain how the various receptors function and describe the effect eac
on musculoskeletal movement;
(E) describe reflex action and enumerate and differentiate among the reflexes
that affect musculoskeletal action; and
(F) demonstrate a basic understanding of volitional movement by describi
the natur
e of the participation of the anatomical structures a
echanisms involved.
(10) The student investigates the structure and function of the shoulder region.
tudent is expected to:
(A) define, locate, and describe the structure and ligamentous reinforcements
of the articulations of the shoulder region;
(B) define and demonstrate the movements possible in the joints of
shoulder region;
(C) define and locate the muscles and muscle groups of the shoulder regio
and nam
e their primary actions as agonists, stabilizers, neutralizers, or
(D) anal
yze the fundamental movements of the arm and trunk with respect to
oint and muscle actions; and
(E) describe the common injuries of the shoulder region.
(11) The student investigates the structure and function of the elbow, forearm, wrist, and
arm. The student is expected to:
(A) define, locate, and describe the structure and ligamentous reinforcements
of the articulations of the elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand;
(B) define and demonstrate the movements possible in the joints of the elbow,
forearm, wrist, and hand regardless of starting position;
(C) define and locate the muscles and muscle groups of the elbow, forearm,
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wrist, and hand, and name their primary actions as agonists, stabilizers,
neutralizers, or antagonists;
(D) analyze the fundamental movements of the forearm, hand, and fingers
with respect to joint and muscle actions; and
(E) describe the common athletic injuries of the forearm, elbow, wrist, and
(12) The student investigates the structure and function of the hip region. The student is
expected to:
(A) define, locate, and describe the structure and ligamentous reinforcements
of the articulations of the pelvic girdle and hip joint;
(B) define and demonstrate the movements possible in the pelvic girdle and
p joint, regardless of starting position;
(C) define and locate the muscles and muscle groups of the pelvis and hi
and name their primary actions as agonists, stabilizers, neutralizers, or
(D) analyze the fundamental movements of the pelvis and thigh with respec
to joint and muscle actions; and
(E) describe the common athletic injuries of the pelvis, hip, and thigh.
(13) The student investigates the structure and function of the knee, ankle, and foot.
The student is expected to:
(A) define, locate, and describe the structure and ligamentous reinforcements
of the articulations of the knee, ankle, and foot;
(B) define and demonstrate the movements possible in the knee, ankl
e, and
foot, regardless of starting position;
(C) define and locate the muscles and muscle groups of the knee, ankle, a
foot, and na
me their primary actions as agonists, stabilizers, neutralizers
or antagonists;
D) analyze the fundamental movements of the knee, ankle, and foot wi
espect to joint and muscle actions; and
(E) describe the common athletic injuries of the knee, ankle, and foot.
(14) The student investigates the structure and function of the spinal column and thorax.
The student is expected to:
(A) l
ocate, and describe the structure and ligamentous reinforcements of the
ticulations of the spinal column and thorax;
(B) define and demonstrate the movements possible in the joints of the spinal
column and thorax including the muscles and muscle groups regardless of
tarting position;
(C) analyze the fundamental movements of the spinal column and thorax wit
respect to joint and muscle actions; and
(D) describe the common injuries of the spinal column and thorax.
(15) The student examines the fundamental principles of biomechanics, take
measurements, and perform calculations. The student is expected to:
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Approved for use beginning: 2015-2016
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(A) compare the terms mechanics and biomechanics and explain the
(B) define the terms kinematics, kinetics, statics, and dynamics, and state how
each relates to the structure of biomechanics of study; and
(C) solve problems that identify different units of measurement related to
(16) The student demonstrates knowledge of the skeletomuscular and neuromuscular
mechanisms involved in the standing position. The student is expected to:
(A) identify the physiological functions of the skeletomuscular
omuscular systems in regard to standing posture;
(B) discuss the role of genetics and lifestyle choices on the effects of our
skeletomuscular and neuromuscular systems in relation to standing
(C) distinguish the factors that affect stability and energy cost of the erect
position; and
(D) analyze the posture of individuals of different ages and body builds usi
static and dynamic movements such as overhead squat assessment.
(17) The student describes the fundamentals of human motion. The student is expected
(A) identify the kinds of motion experienced by the human body and describ
the fac
tors that cause and modify motions;
(B) create a scenario that uses the terms that describe linear and rotary
motion: position, displacement, distance, speed, velocity, and
acceleration; and
(C) describe the relationship between linear and rotary movement and explain
the significance of this relationship to human motion.
(18) The student demonstrates knowledge of a selected motor skill, breaking down into
component phases and identifying starting and ending points. The student is
expected to:
(A) identify the muscle groups active in a variety of motor skills;
(B) analyze the joint actions and planes of motion for a selected motor skill by
observing and recording via video dynamic movement patterns;
(C) ex
plain the skill acquisition process and describe the stages of learning a
(D) describe the types of feedback and their roles in skill learning; and
(E) design a learning environment using effective practice methods.
Recommended Resources and Materials:
Hamilton, N., Luttgens, K. (2002). Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion. (Tenth
Edition). New York, NY. McGraw-Hill.
avora, P. (2016). Scientific Foundations of Kinesiology: Studying Human Movement and
Kinesiology I
Approved for use beginning: 2015-2016
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Health 2nd Edition. Toronto, ON: Kinesiology Books Publisher
lavora, P. (2019). Foundations of Kinesiology: Studying Human Movement and Health 3rd
Edition. Toronto, ON: Kinesiology Books Publisher.
Klavora, P. (2019). Introduction to Kinesiology: A Biophysical Perspective 2nd Edition. Toronto,
ON: Kinesiology Books Publisher
eter Kloavora has online resources available from his three textbooks. Once the instructor or
student logs in they have access to worksheets, power points, and study guides.
amilton, N., Luttgens, K. (2002). Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion. (Tenth
Edition). New York, NY. McGraw-Hill.
Recommended Course Activities:
Skeletal Muscle Model
o Have the students create a model of the skeletal muscle and label each structure
o Students will write a paragraph describing how a skeletal muscle works
Muscle placement
o Teacher will provide the students with a copy of the human skeleton and a copy
of major muscles, that can be cut out.
o The students will cut out the muscles and place them properly on the skeleton.
o They will label the muscles and provide the origin and insertion for each muscl
Muscle movement
o Students will create a 3D muscle model of the arm with supplies provided by the
o Students will label the humerus, ulna, radius, biceps, and triceps. They will als
abel which muscle is agonist and which one is antagonist.
o They will write a paragraph explaining how the muscles work together to move
Muscle Fatigue
o Students will pair up and each group will have a stopwatch.
o One student will perform up to 3 exercises such as wall sits, calf raises, and
push ups. Each exercise will be done continuously for 5 minutes. After eac
ercise, the student will record how their muscles felt at each minute.
o They will also answer questions about what muscles were being used for eac
ercise and questions about lactic acid build up.
reate a Plan
o Each student will be given some type of sports injury
o The student will need to identify the muscle/tendons/ligaments injured. They will
then create a rehabilitation exercise plan for the injury.
o Students will need to show different exercises that need to be done as the
athlete gradually gets stronger.
The ac
tivities mentioned above relate to the course because they cover the basic anatomy and
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Approved for use beginning: 2015-2016
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physiology of the skeletal muscle and body mechanics. They will be able to observe the
movement of muscles, fatigue muscles, and injured muscles.
Suggested methods for evaluating student outcomes:
Daily Assessments
An exit question about the lesson that was taught
Weekly Assessments
Chapter Tests
Teacher qualifications:
An assignment for Kinesiology I is allowed with one of the following certificates:
Health Science: Grades 6-12.
Health Science Technology Education Certification 8-12 with a background in
Vocational Health Occupations.
Vocational Health Science Technology.
Additional information: